identity theft: real or virtual? by: alex metzler

Identity theft: Real or Virtual? By: Alex Metzler

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Identity theft: Real or Virtual?

By: Alex Metzler




The decision is yours…

Real Table of Contents

• What are the three pieces of information thieves look for?

• Where do they get personal information?• How is it used?• How can you protect yourself?

What are three pieces of

information thieves look for?• Account number

• Driver’s license• Social Security number

Where do they get personal

information?• Wallet or Purse• Mailbox• Glove Compartment• Trash • You

How is it used?• Credit Cards

– Go on a buying spree– Open new accounts– Change the credit card mailing address– Buy cars– Counterfeit debit cards

How is it used? (Cont.)

• Other personal documents– Establish telephone lines in your name– Counterfeit checks– Open bank account in your name– File bankruptcy under your name– Use your name when arrested

How can you protect yourself?

• Wallet or Purse– Don’t carry personal information unless needed

• Credit/Debit Cards– Cancel unused cards

• Cut up into tiny pieces• Throw away

How can you protect yourself? (Cont.)

– Don’t carry excess cards unless needed– Don’t write (PIN) on the card

• Have them use your photo ID• Make copy of cards; Keep them safe

– You can cancel cards if stolen– Keep credit reporting agencies from sending


How can you protect yourself? (Cont.)

–,, are three credit reporting agencies

• Mailbox– Take outgoing mail to Post Office

• Also Postal Box• Glove Compartment

– Remove any/all personal information

How can you protect yourself? (Cont.)

• Trash– Shred all personal papers

• You– Don’t give out personal information

• i.e. in person, telephone, mail, or internet– Secure personal papers

How can you protect yourself? (Cont.)

– i.e. safe, locked drawer, locked box• If personal information needed, ask questions:

– How is it going to be used?– How is it going to be protected?– What happens if not provided?

Virtual Table of Contents

• What does a thief want?• Where do they get it?• How do you protect yourself?

What does a thief want?

• Capture your personal information• Create a new identity

– Based on you– Use that identity for own purposes

Where do they get it?

• Anywhere from your personal computer• They can get your:

– Bank account information or e-tax returns– PDA data or spreadsheets– Anything with personal information they want

How do you protect yourself?

• Use unique passwords– Use one when you can– Change them regularly– Don’t set to “Remember My Password”– Don’t write them down

How do you protect yourself? (Cont.)

• Get Anti-Virus software– Always keep up to date

• Keep OS system up-to-date• Install firewall

– “Software barrier”• Take caution with Wi-Fi

How do you protect yourself? (Cont.)

• P2P– You get files, so can they

• From others or yourself• DON’T GIVE OUT PERSONAL INFORMATION• Beware of “Phishing”

– Use fake emails, trick you for information

How do you protect yourself? (Cont.)

• Pay attention to “caching”– Computer remembers where you have been

• Secure site will have an “s”– Always after http; i.e. https://

Keeping Your Computer Safe Since 1976!

DETER• Shred all personal papers• Protect Social Security Number• Keep important information locked up• Never give out personal information unless

secure• Use hard Passwords

Detect• Signs of ID theft:

– Bills don’t arrive – New credit card accounts

• Check your credit score often• Review Financial statement

Defend• Place Fraud Alert on credit report• Close tampered with accounts

– Call company’s fraud department• File a police report• Report theft to FTC

Additional Information:

• ID Theft: What It’s All About• Deter, Detect, Defend Brochure

Thanks For The Help• BBBOnline. 2003

• BBBOnline. 2003

• Federal Trade Commission.• Federal Trade Commission.

Keeping Your Computer Safe Since 1976!