idea's for movie


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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Idea's for movie

In other drug related movies such as Traffic and Trainspotting, when the actors take drugs the shot used is a point of view shot. This will be used when we do our flashbacks in our movie so the audience feels like they are seeing everything through the actor (druggies) eyes and they can feel how they would think the actor would feel.

Page 2: Idea's for movie

The shots used here for the drug related films‘Requiem for a dream’ and ‘Trainspotter’ were all different but gave the similar kind of feel and tone.The editing used for the first shot was the fish eye effect. This was done to show the audience what the effect of drugs was from the actors point of view it gave a feel of hallucinations and illusions. The second shot was a point of view shot but it was distorted and the camera was not still it moved around the room shaking etc. this made the audience feel what the actor was feeling confused, afraid, can’t see or think straight etc. and the quick shot change editing portrays this quick stressed feel. The third shot also does the same as the actress is running but looks alienated and small. The fourth shot is a close up shot of the actor and he looks tired, confused, distraught etc. These shots gave us idea’s of how the feel and tone of drug use are portrayed through camera shots and editing.

Page 3: Idea's for movie

In this scene the shots used were low angle shots, point of view shots followed by high angle shots. They were all edited together quickly to confuse the audience and give the feel of the effects of drugs, quick, not stable, afraid etc.

Page 4: Idea's for movie

These shots used in ‘Pure’ are all close ups or extreme close ups. They emphasise the actors facial expressions and show us how they are feeling etc. We will be using this at the beginning of our film to create the mood of fear and confusion when filming our victim, this will be to set the tone so the audience knows what kind of movie it will be.

Page 5: Idea's for movie

These two shots are ‘over the shoulder shots’ using the editing of shot reverse shot. However when looking at them, the shots are high angle and low angle. We will be using this technique in our film to show who is in power, control. The high angle shot will be used to look down on the victim so the victim looks isolated and the low angle shot will be used to look up at the gangster to show his dominance and portray the feeling of fear from the victims point of view.

Page 6: Idea's for movie

The mise-en-scene used for the movie Trainspotter, and Pure are old, dirty houses or alleyways that have not been cleaned, do not have luxuries items in them and look dark and dull. This gives that dirty scary feeling so we will be using this kind of idea in our movie to conform to the stereotype that druggies are dirty, homeless etc.