idea partnership1 self-determination and youth investment pathway to success for all students...

IDEA Partnership 1 Self-determination and Youth Investment Pathway to Success for all Students including Those with Disabilities November 2011

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Page 1: IDEA Partnership1 Self-determination and Youth Investment Pathway to Success for all Students including Those with Disabilities November 2011

IDEA Partnership 1

Self-determination and Youth Investment

Pathway to Success for all Students including Those with Disabilities

November 2011

Page 2: IDEA Partnership1 Self-determination and Youth Investment Pathway to Success for all Students including Those with Disabilities November 2011

IDEA Partnership 2

The IDEA Partnership acknowledges the contributions of cross-stakeholders, including persons representing,

Teachers, General Education Administrators, Special Education Administrators, Related Service Personnel, Families and youth,, Higher education , and Technical Assistance Providers

-and-is deeply grateful to Project Unify of the Kennedy Foundation /Special Olympics for its leadership and facilitation of this collaborative effort.

November 2011

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IDEA Partnership 3


Definition Rationale Key elements Implementation issues Additional Resources

November 2011

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Cradle to College and/or Career…

Aligns services Public and private School and community

Supports success Academic Social Occupational

Benefits child/young adult and community

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Why to / ?

Remain in school Good attendance Active learning

Go on to college or advanced training Get and keep a job Live independently Give back to the community

High School Graduation

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Why to / ?

Remain in school Good attendance Active learning

Go on to college or advanced training Get and keep a job Live independently Give back to the community

High School Graduation

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Students must demonstrate…

Academics Choice-making Decision-making Problem-solving Goal-setting Self-awareness Self-advocacy and leadership

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Dropping out…

7,000 leave school each day

At this rate: 13 million will leave school in the next decade

Economic impact (2009 dropouts) Each costs the nation

over $260,000 over his/her lifetime

If all had graduated, benefit of $335 billion to nation’s economy over their lifetimes

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Most likely to drop out…

Academic performance Low grades Low test scores F’s in English

and Math Few credits Retention

Educational engagement Low engagement High absenteeism Poor school behavior Low extracurricular

participation Poor relationships with

teachers and peers

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Expected outcomes…

Remain in school Good attendance Active learning

Go on to college or advanced training

Obtain and keep a job

Live independently

Give back to the community

High School Graduation

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Key elements…

Collaboration School Family Agencies

Clear communication Culture and language Use of technology

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Support providers…

Schools Title I, IDEA, Gifted, etc. Breakfast and lunch programs

Families Agency after-school programs School-based mental health Medical health Etc.

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High School

Last stepping stone into post-secondary education, employment, and adulthood

Preparation for systems of the future

Focus on transferable skills

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Key elements… high school

Academic rigor

Curricular integration / transition services Self-advocacy Career shadowing and work opportunities Post-secondary education options Mentoring and coaching

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Support providers…

Schools Families Mentor programs / job-shadowing programs Higher Education Vocational Rehabilitation Juvenile Justice / Probation Etc.

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Key elements… post-secondary & employment Self-determination



Mentoring and coaching

Social networks

Mental health services

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Support providers…

Colleges and universities

Technical schools



Community agencies and work places

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Critical Skills Frequently Overlooked

Self-determination Empowerment

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Self-determination is…

a concept reflecting the belief that all individuals have the right to direct their own lives.

Students who have self-determination skills have a stronger chance of being successful in making the transition to adulthood, including employment and independence

November 2011 IDEA Partnership 19

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Self-Determination Is Learned…

through real-world experience, which inherently involves taking risks, making mistakes, reflecting on outcomes testing his or her strengths and limitations identifying appropriate short- and long-term

goals. and open, supportive acknowledgement and

discussion of their disability.

November 2011 IDEA Partnership 20

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Tips for Promoting Self-Determination in Youth with Disabilities

Promote Choice Making Encourage Exploration of Possibilities Promote Reasonable Risk Taking Encourage Problem Solving Promote Self Advocacy Facilitate Development of Self-Esteem Develop Goal Setting and Planning Help Youth Understand Their Disabilities

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Empowerment is…

a process which helps people gain power. People who are empowered have the knowledge and ability to lead.

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What does it mean to be empowered?

Taking responsibility for your choices and decisions

Working toward your goals Having confidence and pride in your

abilities Living with enthusiasm and passion Knowing how your actions affect others

November 2011 IDEA Partnership 23

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Empowerment includes having…

access to information decision-making power a range of options from which to make

choices a positive outlook on being able to make

change the ability to increase one’s self image and

overcome stereotypes of discrimination.

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When are you NOT empowered?

When you do whatever you want whenever you want and ignore expectations and rules

When you bypass everyone who will say “no” so you can get your own way

When you only do the easy

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November 2011 IDEA Partnership 26

Being successful in making the transition to adulthood, including employment and independence requires systems change.

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All levels in the process must include…




November 2011 IDEA Partnership 27

…to create seamless systems of service

Clearly articulated from level to level

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Systems that… Value, honor and support all youth Coordinate agency resources Support smooth transitions from year to year,

developmental level to developmental level Emphasize child/youth growth in

Academics Social/emotional well being Health and fitness Civic responsibility

November 2011 IDEA Partnership 28

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Systems that focus on…

Balance Academic & social/emotional skills Physical & mental health Family life and building independence

Intentional transition plans from the beginning Collaboration

Families, schools, agencies, community services Shared resources & responsibility

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Your involvement is key to the success of all our children and

young adults!

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Additional resources

November 2011 IDEA Partnership 31

The IDEA Partnership

Project Unify of the Kennedy Foundation /Special Olympics

Breaking Ranks

Breaking Ranks in the Middle School

Ready by 21, Forum for Youth Investment

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Discussion.? !.



