i.d.e.a. newspapers

Welcome to Yerevan Presidential interview Dear (foreign) delegates Committee Articles Who is who? We are all magicians EYP alumni IDEA 1. - 3. 11. 2013 2nd NSC of the EYP Armenia

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The newspapers of the 2nd National Selection Conference of the EYP Armenia made by IDEA Media Team


Page 1: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

Welcome to Yerevan

Presidential interview

Dear (foreign) delegates

Committee Articles

Who is who?

We are all magicians

EYP alumni


1. - 3. 11. 2013

2nd NSC of the EYP Armenia

Page 2: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

www.facebook.com/IDEA - 2nd NSC of the EYP Armenia

When I was walking through Yerevan I accidentally found a wish tree.

So I made a wish...

THANK YOU, Samson, Avnik, Lilit and Kristi to make it true. Thank you for the huge load of work you have done and for your always smiling faces.

And also thank to you, organi-ser, chairs, delegates, all the participants of the 2nd Natio-

nal Selection Confe-rence—thank you for being there, in Yerevan, with us, and making the magic happen.

No, no worries. We are not about to congest your In-ternet browsers. If you are reading this, you have already clicked on the right link and got to this online issue of the

IDEA newspapers!

The sad news are: the 2nd NSC of the EYP Armenia is definitely over. If you are still feeling you would like to return back in time(like Hermione with her magic time tur-

ner) and to see all your EYP friends again, you are most probably showing the signs of the still continuing PED (see the explanation on the pages 20,21). As none of the mem-bers of the Media Team is a psychoterapist, we cannot cure you from this specific form of depression.

But the happy news are: we can add something to your memories. We have prepared for you a short hindsight to remember some of the session moments, participants and venues of the session.



Yours Lenka


You are the 1000th visitor!“


If you are scared

of continuous

PED stop reading


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WHO IS WHO? 18,19




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Yerevan (former name Erivan, ancient name Erebuni) with its population of 1,200 000 is

the largest city of Armenia. It is situated along the Hrazdan River.

The modern city of Yerevan was built on tragedy and dreams. It was only a little more than

a fortified town of mud-brick houses before it became capital of the independent Armenia in 1918.

The flood of refugees from the 1915 genocide and its aftermath fueled an uneasy but produc-

tive alliance of Armenia and the Soviet Union, which hoped to spread communism. The city

experienced prosperity under the Soviet rule.

Modern Yerevan was built to be the center of the country with an educational and cultural

infrastructure far expanding the Soviet standards.


YEREVAN by Lilit Gevorgyan


Being surroun-ded by 7 mojor buildings and located at the

intersection of various streets, the Republic square tis he centre of Yerevan. Singing fountain in its centre is one of the main tourist goals. The Republic Square frequently hosts concerts and perfor-mances.



Originally planned by Alexander Ta-manyan and realized by Yerevan chief architect Jim Torosyan. Not only it serves as a connection between centre and the Hanghtanak Park, but it is also the centre of art and a place of daily mee-



Designed by Alexander Ta-

manian, located in Tumanyan

Street, it was opened on the 20. January, 1933.

It took around 20 years of construction works to bring the building to its

current shape.



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The Genocide Memo-

rial was officially

opened during the

47th anniversary of the Soviet Armenia (November 29,

1967). The memorial consists of three main buildings –

the Memorial Wall, the Sanctuary of Eternity

(Memorial Hall & Eternal Flame) and the Memorial

Column “The Reborn Armenia.”



Made of copper, the Mother Armenia Statue, which came to replace

Stalin’s statue, was placed into the Victory Park in 1967. With a sword in

her hands and a shield at her feet the Statue protects Armenia against

any foreign invasion or danger.




Page 6: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

by Avnik Melikian


PATVAKANYAN! president of the 2nd NSC of the EYP Armenia


Page 7: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

Age: 22

Inspired by: Italy

Afraid of: nothing

Views on smoking: Non-smoker

Views on alcohol: Drinking prolongs


Talking about EYP and the session

itself: How come you have decided to

initiate EYP Armenia, what was your

motivation and aim?

We realized a year ago that there are many

active young Armenians, who do not have an

opportunity to share their thoughts with

others. There was no common platform for

the hundreds of young people to come

together and speak up on a regular basis. Of

course, some conferences, projects or sessions

take place in Armenia but they are either

non-innovative, or not on a regular basis.

The EYP format is a perfect one because it

perfectly combines fun and debating, and

that is the exact reason why it became so

popular in Armenia with the total outreach

of 20.000 members in less than 9 months of

its existence.

What are the basic steps to take in

order to create successful session?

One should live through the session and not

feel as a random but rather inherent part of

it. EYP Devotion is a category yet to be

examined. Meanwhile, I should thank to the

team I was working with for the great job

they did. I am sure each participant found

something close to his/her heart and a cer-

tain vision in the session - this made it so


According to what presumptions

were the delegates selected?

Motivation letters and interest in the EU

relevant issues. For instance, we have had

great applicants from countries like Ghana,

Indonesia, Egypt, who have not even slightly

referred to the topic of the conference.

Talking about yourself: what are the

3 worst things about you?

I become friends easily with anyone, I trust

Armenian taxi drivers, and I love taking

risks. Taking risks gave me already a lot of

experiences - like visiting a small Swedish

city, getting to know a random Japanese guy

in Amsterdam or a drunk Polish villager who

had a collection of different knives. I like

taking risks, and that bad habit brings me to

the extreme, awkward and unforgettable sit-

uations and places.

What is the most important thing in

others for you?

Sincerity, sense of humor,

“maximalism” (that is striving for the best).

What is your personal priority?

Family and friends, personal development,

sharing what I know with others.

What was your childhood dream?

Are you on the way of realizing it? My dream was to be a head of a university.

But I am doing totally different thing right

now so I do not know whether I will ever be

able to realize the dream.

What kind of girls do you like? Smart, with beautiful smile and eyes. The

rest can be fixed over time. She should also

be a good dancer and passionate about

travelling. Most of my girlfriends have been


Describe your ideal place to live.

There are no buses here, intertwined narrow

streets, a little old church on a hill... One of

my neighbours is a fisherman and the other

one owns a grocery and makes wine. There is

a small pub at the corner of the street where

I am living and from there you can enjoy a

great sea view.

by Avnik Melikian 7

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DEAR (foreign)


please, take a post-it and share with us your


I got to taste lavas, sucuk and sa-

vas. I drank Ararat, Kilikia and Kotayk.

I saw Ararat from the distance of 30 km.

I got lost. I hired taxi with a function-

less gas pedal to get to the Museum

of Armenia Genocide. I admired deep

eyes of Armenian girls. I experienced Ye-

revan streets full of scary colourfuly-

painted Halloween faces. I played (game)

Narde with owner of a roller coaster. I

fed swans at the Swan lake. I danced.

My view of Armenia and Yerevan changed and was somehow completed many times

during my stay in the „POMEGRANATE“ country.

I decided to take courses of Ar-

menian. I saw artworks at the Cacasdes

and the singing fountains. I traveled in Ar-

menian metro, marshutkas and also al-

most hitchhiked. I was invited to see 2

weddings and I was offered marriage 3 ti-

mes (never from the potential husband).

I visited many interesting places and I

got to know many inspiring people,

which I now dare to call my great friends.

I shared lot of IDEAS.

Honestly, I really enjoyed getting to know Armenia.

But that is all just „me“.

I am wondering, now: what are YOUR impressions and IDEAS about



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by Lenka Vysoká (CZ)


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chairs: Hovsep Patvakanyan Lika Mkrtchyan

Abert Markaryan, Anatoli Chenyaev, Anna Danielyan , Anna Churshina, Danara Kurmanova, Elene Maisuradze, Levon Avetisyan, Mariam Gongladze, Mikayel Charchyan , Nane Sargsyan , Ni-kolay Harutyunyan, Ripa Hovsepyan, Shushanik Hako-byan , Sophie May-tesyan, Victoria Gri-goryan

They are expressing

thoughtout opinions

with well-grounded ar-


Both individually and as a

team-member they support

every single argument

raised up by the sub-


As the other chair of the

group Hovsep Patvakanyan

told us. ”The topic is very

tough and burning issue

and it is on the Agenda of

both - Armenian and Euro-

pean leaders. How can Ar-

menia cooperate with EU,

and in which format, in

case Armenia joins the cus-

toms Union?

Read the answer in IN-

TRA resolution!

Chairs of the INTRA com-

mittee, Hovsep Pat-

vakanyan and Lika

Mkrtchyan, lead the pas-

sionate delegates´ discus-

sion on Armenia joining ei-

ther the Customs Union or

the Association Agreement

with the EU. The partici-

pants were divided into

4 groups, each of these dis-

cussing one different aspect

of the whole topic (1.politics,

2. economy, 3. security,

4. human rights)

Delegates were very inter-

ested in discussing the

given issues. As the chair of

INTRA Lika Mkrtchyan


“All the delegates of the

INTRA committee are

active and as a team very


Armenia has recently announ-

ced about its intention to join

the Customs Union, which in

the first place excludes signing

of the DCFTA agreement with

the EU. Nevertheless, Belarus,

being a part of Customs Uni-

on, has not changed its tariff

scheme with the EU countries.

How can the DCFTA frame-

work be reconsidered to make

it plausible for Armenia to sign


by Lilit Gevorgyan



Page 11: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

The protection of the intellectual property

rights has been an issue in the countries of

the Eastern Partnership for 2 decades with

no credible solution suggested yet. What

model of the intellectual property rights

protection will assist EaP countries to boost

growth and better integrate in the European


chair: Davit Dilanyan

Anna Gabrielyan, An-na Vardanvan, Anush Nalghranyan, Armine Patatanyan, Astghik Matevosyan, Aza Kha-chatryan, Elene Ga-elaia, Hakob Sha-rabkhanyan, Ishuki Baghdasaryan, Khrystyna Kushnir, Melanie Le Dain, Ro-bert Tsaturyan, Tigran Ghazaryan,, Varduhi Avanesyan, Zura Gam-tenadze

DROI by Lenka Vysoká

And although the majority of DROI members were maybe surprised first hearing the committee topic is not about trafficking people, but about the intellectual property, they have created well-considered creative resolution and advoca-ted it easily at the GA.

Davit, chair of the DROI, sha-red a secret insight gossip: one of the human rights specialists from his „awesome, friendly, right“ committee came to Ar-menia to find a future husband.

„And did she manage?“ you might ask.

I cannot tell you.

Privacy is also considered as the the fundamental human right...

„AWESOME, FRIENDLY, RIGHT“ - these are the adjecti-ves, which descibe DROI committee the best according to its members´ opinions.

Myself, I would definitely add: „CREATIVE“, too.

When I asked DROI to pose for a topical group photo, I expected one, two fast „click-clicks“ with camera. Instead, I was the wit-ness of a truly creative process of the picturing of right,

businesses and the stealing of ideas.

(See below, how the DROI depicted their topic of the intell-ectual property)


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An interesting fact about

EMPL was that all the mem-

bers said Vacheh & Gevorg,

who are close friends, looked

like brothers. Guys were not

happy about it, but their pic-

tures from teambuilding show

a different thing.

Well, at the end relative ties

are not that important in

EYP, what matters most is

the connection that makes us

all friends and sometimes

even more than friends...

The lack of the institutional framework and

underdeveloped labour unions in the EaP

countries don’t let the labour markets to per-

form efficiently. What

should the EU’s stance

be to assist EaP countries

on this matter?

chairs: Anna Hovha-kimyan, Suzanna Shamakhyan

Marina Supac, Anano Basilaia, Anna Hako-byan, Arpine Babakha-nyan, Davit Alaver-dyan,, Gevorg Khoda-bakhshian, Hasmik Kababyan , Hayk Mkrtchyan, Isabel Sha-toyan, Khosrovadukht Mamyan, Nuki Gog-berashvili, Seda Bagi-ryan, Vacheh Sahaki-an, Victoria Movse-syan

by Samson Martirosyan


Committee of EMPL had a

very interesting topic con-

nected to the procedures of

business establishment for

citizens of the EaP countries

in the EU.

They managed to include

educational segments in the

resolution and as a result

they had a very decent and

well-developed resolution,

which, undoubtedly passed

with majority of votes for its



Page 13: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

By the way, this

committee had 2

amazing men – Karo

and Areg, former


Just for you to know

Karo was awarded

"The Best Squad

Commander of the Anti-

Aircraft Defense (AAD) Forces

of the RA", is laureate of

"Qajari Martik" (Brave Soldier)

medal, named “The Best Squad

Commander” in joint Armenian

-NKR AAD competition, is

laureate of the diplomas for

excellent service and has

military rank of "Senior


And Areg is awarded “Medal of

Bravery”, “Medal For First-

Class Military Skills”, “Medal

For The Best


Condition” and

has the rank of

“First Sergeant”.

Impressive, isn’t


Taking into double stan-

dards based approa-

ches of global stake-

holders regarding re-

conciliation of the

frozen conflicts of


South Ossetia and

Abkhazia, What steps

should the EU under-

take to guarantee

peaceful resolution of

the conflicts and prevent

the possibility of military

actions on the ground?

chairs: Catherina Duca + RIma Sargayan

Alexandrina Vasilichi, Ani Davtyan Ani Hako-byan, Anna Sargsyan, Aramayis Madatyan, Areg Kochinyan, George Melashvili, Greta Aveti-syan, Gvantsa Gverdsteli, Karapet Gyumjibashyan, Kushane Chobanyan, Nare Chobanyan, Narek Grigoryan, Narine Daneghyan, Narine Hambardzumyan , Nune Gevorgyan , Saba Sekulo-vic

When I entered SEDE’s room

during their committee work

the discussion was so intense

and so hectic in a positive

sense that I was sure their

resolution will have a great

success, and eventually it

turned out to be true.

They had very controversial

topics of frozen conflicts of

South Ossetia, Abkhazia and

Nagorno-Karabakh. The con-

troversy didn’t scared them off


by Samson Martirosyan



Page 14: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

Civil Society institutions

in the EaP countries

nowadays have limited

capacities and are ill

represented in the

decision making


What should the EU’s

engagement policy be

towards those

institutions in order to

foster a better checks &

balances system in the

Eastern Partnership


They later proved this skill well during the committee work, while discussing the to-pic of ill representation of civil society institutions in the EaP countries. They showed that they not only understand each other, but also that they are able to find common solutions and to compromise.

Being the 1st committee to be presenting their resolution at the GA, they advocated for their resolution vigorously and with huge enthusiasm.

chairs: Margarita Gevorgyan, Sos Avetisyan

Agnieszka Lyszcz, Andranik Shirinyan, Anna Daghlaryan, Arman Gasparyan, Erik Vardanyan, Flora Babajanyan Hovsep Babayan, Liana Hovhannisyan , Lilit Janibekyan, Magda Grigolia, Marine Me-liksetyan, Mate Te-vzadze, Mushegh Ghahrinyan, Nino Kharebava, Rima Sha-hverdyan, Vardan Ha-kobyan

Lead by their chairs Marga-

rita and Sos, delegates of the LIBE Committee took the advantage of their multi-lingualism and tried jawcrackers in various lan-guages during teambuil-ding.

Although it is probably still not easy to pronounce Po-lish or Georgian sentences, DROI delegates found their way through the language barrier and learned how to understand each other.

by Lenka Vysoká



Page 15: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

ECON On a way to a deeper coo-

peration between the EU

and EaP, there is still no

well developed institutio-

nal framework to attract

entrepreneurs from the

Eastern Partnership coun-

tries. What approaches

should the EU undertake

to simplify business esta-

blishment procedure for

the recipients from

Eastern Partnership coun-


chair: Davit Shin-dyan

Albert Hayrapetyan, Anna Mamyan, Anzhela Movsisyan, Davit Abgaryan, Ha-rutyun Avagyan, Hovhannes Zha-mharyan, Lusine Nal-bandyan, Nana Miquchadze, Nelli Minasyan, Pawel Wilkos, Raffi Elliott, Revazi Maghla-kelidze, Svetlana Co-cul, Taline Sagh-dasaryan

by Kristi Arakelova

Lusine Nalbandyan:

“This committee’s full

name is Economic and

Monetary Affairs (Econ). I should say that commit-

tee work is really very interesting and productive as

we get to know a lot about economy. We spend and

use our time efficiently and we work in a friendly

atmosphere. We make new relationships.

It is a great opportunity to share ideas with others

and to discuss, make decisions.

I feel free with EYP, with my committee.

I am really excited.“


Page 16: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

AFET by Kristi Arakelova chairs: Veronika

Aghajanyan, Juliet-ta Beglaryan

Ani Hayrapetyan, Anna Aghabekyan, Elena Bugaets, Ewa Polak, Hagop Khat-chadourian, Haykuhi Ghazaryan, Ninel Gasparyan, Nver Kirakosyan, Petros Arabyan, Roza Sar-gsyan, Saba Karanad-ze, Siranush Seyra-nyan, Svetlana Hovhannisyan, Ta-guhi Minasyan

What should the EU’s policy be towards regimes in the grey zone between de-

mocracy and autocracy? Particularly, taking into account no aspirations towards

European Integration from the side of Belarus and Azerbaijan, what stance should

the EU take to ensure balanced engagement?

If you walked around the American University of Armenia

you would definitely feel working atmosphere. Each commit-

tee has its own room where they work.

Go inside and see how delegates debate, argue and make

compromises about the problems. You will learn, how the

current issues are one by one solved.

Elena Bugaets:

“The committee work today

appeared very interesting.

The main thing is that it

turned to be very produc-

tive. We shared our ideas

and took into consideration all of


Siranush Sey-


“Our committee in-

volved people with

different personali-

ties and backgrounds

and this made com-

mittee work really

diverse and all-


My feeling – Demo-


Taguhi Minasyan

“I liked today’s job as

it was quite interesting,

intensive, comprehen-

sive and challenging.

I liked being criticized!

The thing that I dis-

liked was too much

work within the same

working group (but I

can understand the

reason behind).

So, all in all, I feel sat-

isfied and in a good


Ninel Gasparyan

“The committee work

was great as it opened

new doors to new ide-

as, white working with

other people!

Feeling - Amazing”

Svetlana Hovhan-


“I really liked how en-

thusiastically the

members were getting

involved into the com-

mittee work. There

was a mice atmos-

phere to share ideas

and exchange

knowledge. The

councern I can point

and is that the deci-

sion in divided groups

have work tine to deci-

sion and revise the

problems resolution

all together.”

“Feeling – excited”

I asked two questions in the AFET committee:

1. How do you like the committee work?

2. Describe what are your feelings in one word

Read the answers below:


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by Lenka Vysoká & Samson Martirosyan


Page 20: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

“Guys, I am so in PED right now. I

wish we all were together & never had

to say good bye. PED replaced you, I

want it over as soon as possible but it

seems PED is going to last till the next

session. I am so deeply PEDed :’(”.

Imagine a young girl sitting in the

class of Chemistry in school. The week has

just started. It’s Monday. She is desperate-

ly trying to concentrate and listen to a

teacher, but all in vain. All the information

about dynamic equilibrium seems solely

meaningless complex of words, boosting in

her no enthusiasm. The shape of professor

that hectically draws ionic equations on the

board is looming in the distance as if she

would look at him through the prism of a

distorted piece of glass. All her attempts to

regain control over the distracted mind fail

completely. Then she takes her phone,

turns on the WiFi, enters Facebook and

writes a post in a group with hundreds of


Now imagine a car driving slowly on

an empty avenue early in the morn-

ing. Everything is still. The driver rides

the car slowly; he is not thinking of any-

thing, there is only unexplainable feeling of

loneliness and emptiness inside him, as if

something is missing somewhere out there,

deep in both his mind and heart.

He continues his chill drive up till the mo-

ment when a song starts playing on the ra-

dio. An enormous bomb goes off inside him

as he recalls the lyrics of the song. The vol-

ume is on maximum. The driver is singing

vociferously nearly tearing his lungs apart.

The images of the best moments and feel-

ings he had been having the previous three

days are like powerful lightening flashing

inside him during three minutes of the


Once it is over he quickly stops the car,

grabs his phone, turns on the Internet con-

nection, enters Facebook and writes a com-

ment on a post of one of his dearest friend

that just posted something similar to what

he himself wanted to write:


by Samson Martirosyan

“I feel what you are saying, I just managed to

drive 160 km/h for three minutes while lis-

tening to our session song.

I LOVE you all, PED is something that can

be forgotten easily if we try, but memories of

these three days will stay with me forever.

What connects these two imaginary persons, as well as any other EYPer who had just

finished her/his session?


Page 21: I.D.E.A. Newspapers

PED - Post EYP Depression No matter in what part of Europe you are, no matter what you do and no matter how old you are,

PED will come. Right after a session.

And if the session is a huge success, just like our 2nd NSC of EYP Armenia, ghe PED will be stronger

and more powerful.

Despite the fact that PED stands

for Post EYP Depression, it would be too

biased and unfair to see only the negative

side of the medal. What matters here is

the individual perception of PED.

One might get into a deep depression and

end up not being able to concentrate on

literally anything else than the memories

of the session. And one might THINK

POSITIVELY, realize the PED is not

forever but the friendships with people

he/she met might be. Depending on the

individual perception of PED by every

participant, it can boost a new wave of

enthusiasm to engage in the EYP.

We live in world, where it is very easy to

catch up with everything we want.

If you already overcame the PED and feel like

EYP is where you belong, it is very easy to

manage. You will see the EYP is open for every-

body and if there is the will to make magic

happen then there is always means to do it.

Being a part of EYP is in no circumstanc-

es an easy job because it requires a lot of ef-

forts, hard work and time but it might be also

is extremely satisfying and delightful.




THE STAGES of the PED If you are a new, freshly baked EYPer, you are more vulnerable for the. There is only one stage

which is a deep frustration that starts immediately after a session.


Things are different for those who have experienced

EYP and PED before. As a rule you have the first

feeling of the future PED during the teambuilding.

Something very small, barely palpable rises in you

and says that the PED is going to be hard. But you

try to quickly get rid of it and instead savor happy

moments and make friends.


The second stage of PED starts the moment

when you have already made friends with people

who have to leave or, vice versa, when you have to

leave and they stay. That fact makes you forget

about the natural need of sleeping and sometimes

even eating and instead you try to spend as much

time with your friends as possible. That is one of

the reasons why EYPers don’t sleep most of the

time during the sessions and organize crazy late

night parties.


The third stage, which is the most powerful one,

starts when you have already seen all your friends

off or when you are already in a plane. At this stage

the PED blends with tiredness and emotional as-

cent, making everything even worse. Because of this

you can have frequent and very sharp shifts in mood

- you are depressed that it is all over then 10

minutes later you are smiling with joy remembering

everything and being happy it all happened to you.


Hours spent in social web sites, hundreds and even

thousands of photos, dozens of tags and countless

numbers of status updates, endless repeats of the

session songs and videos happen exactly at this

stage. The fourth and the last stage is when the

PED is almost over but still it is not gone complete-

ly. This stage doesn’t last for a long time and is very

easy to overcome.

And remember: you can be a part of magic, the EYP magic,

too. You also can become a magician, an EYP magician. 21

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