idc product brochure 2014


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IDC is the premier global provider of technology market intelligence and advisory services.


Page 1: IDC Product Brochure 2014

IDC ProDuCt BroChure

Page 2: IDC Product Brochure 2014

idc products


IDC suBsCrIPtIon servICes




IDC fast faCts


It exeCutIve Program


IDC worlDwIDe





Custom researCh




It Buyer resourCes

suBsCrIPtIon servICes

Custom servICes other


Page 3: IDC Product Brochure 2014

the It Industry’s 3rd platform for InnovatIon

and growth

about idc

whether you are a vendor or a technology professional and influencer, IDC’s offerings help you make fact-based

technology decisions. more than 1,100 IDC analysts provide global, regional, and local expertise on technology and

industry opportunities and trends in over 110 countries worldwide.

IDC Is the PremIer gloBal ProvIDer of teChnology market IntellIgenCe anD aDvIsory servICes

strategIc advIce

market & customer analysIs

data trackIng

go to market

technology selectIon & purchase

channel & partnerIng

© IDC Visit us at and follow us on Twitter: @IDC

take advantage of the full spectrum of value that IDC can deliver across your organization:


Page 4: IDC Product Brochure 2014

subscription servicesIDC has 1,100 analysts ProvIDIng gloBal, regIonal, anD loCal exPertIse on teChnology anD InDustry oPPortunItIes anD trenDs In over 110 CountrIes worlDwIDe.

2014 worlDwIDe suBsCrIPtIon servICes

these servICes may Be segmenteD By:

IDC delivers dependable, high-impact

intelligence and advice on the future of

technology, and industry adoption of

technology, to help our clients make better

business decisions.

technologyvertIcal Industry

geography(Including emerging markets)

job functIon

Big Data




trillions of things

social Business

Energy Insights

Manufacturing Insights

Financial Insights

Government Insights

Health Insights

Retail Insights

Energy Insights

Manufacturing Insights

Financial Insights

Government Insights

Health Insights

Retail Insights

Energy Insights

Manufacturing Insights

Financial Insights

Government Insights

Health Insights

Retail Insights

Energy Insights

Manufacturing Insights

Financial Insights

Government Insights

Health Insights

Retail Insights

Energy Insights

Manufacturing Insights

Financial Insights

Government Insights

Health Insights

Retail Insights

Energy Insights

Manufacturing Insights

Financial Insights

Government Insights

Health Insights

Retail Insights


Page 5: IDC Product Brochure 2014

idc it executive programs

technical expertise

matched to line of

business challenges


analyst access

a dedicated

CIo advisor

Peer access

through the CIo

executive Council

open access to all It

professional events &

web conferences


dedicated analyst

account manager

IDC’s It exeCutIve Programs offer you:

the program offers actionable and timely fact-based research that will assist

technology professionals and influencers in mitigating technology risks,

maximizing the effectiveness of It investments, identifying, and capitalizing

on new opportunities and creating solutions that are aligned with your

organization’s business objectives.

our comprehensive portfolio is skillfully curated and prompty delivered to

meet each individual client’s customized needs. we provide the data and due

diligence to ensure that it is always relevant.

ConsIsts of a famIly of researCh Programs IntenDeD to helP toDay’s tIme-ConstraIneD teChnology ProfessIonals anD InfluenCers make more effeCtIve teChnology DeCIsIons.


Page 6: IDC Product Brochure 2014

it buyer resourcesIDC helPs teChnology ProfessIonals anD InfluenCersmake InformeD BusIness DeCIsIons

Strategic IT PlanningcIo agenda

cIo executive council

It executive program

It executive advisor

IT in the context of Industry energy Insights

financial Insights

government Insights

health Insights

manufacturing Insights

retail Insights

Vendor Assessment & SelectionIdc marketscape

buyerpulse analysis

buyerpulse deals database

Price Benchmarkingsmartanalysis



smart fair market value

It service smartanalysis

product evaluation service (pes)

Qualified performance Indicator (QpI)

Financial Strategiesleasing evaluation service

technology financial strategies

technology valuation services

It cloud decision framework tool

It cloud decision economics

$2BIt purchases benchmarked

3.5% Fortune 1000


$20BIt purchases benchmarked

18% Fortune 1000


$100BIt purchases benchmarked

36% Fortune 1000

Over 50% Fortune 500


with 50% of Fortune 500

companies using IDC’s research,

IDC assists It Professionals and

Influencers make more effective

technology decisions!


Page 7: IDC Product Brochure 2014

idc tracker productsProvIDIng aCCurate anD tImely market sIze, venDor share anD foreCasts

for hundreds of technology markets (including emerging markets and

even by city, state, and province) around the globe. using proprietary

tools and research processes, IDC’s trackers are updated on a

semiannual, quarterly and monthly basis. with the largest global

analyst team in the industry, IDC delivers tracker data on over 110

countries across the globe.

explore our coverage areas• Imaging• Insights• mobile & wireless• monitors• personal computers• security appliances• server virtualization• servers• services• software• storage• telecom & networking• workstations• other 7

Page 8: IDC Product Brochure 2014

idc custom researchwoulD you lIke to harness the Power of gloBal researCh anD reaCh, thought leaDershIP, anD InnovatIve Best PraCtICes to DrIve your BusIness forwarD?

Strategic decisions based on insights,

data, and expert advice. aligning your

assets for success in target markets.

• strategy Development

• Budgeting and resourcing

• organizing and Planning

Improve demand generation, achieve

faster conversion rates, increase revenue,

and develop long-term customer and

partner relationship with effective

go-to-market initiatives.

3rd party competitive analysis, market

benchmarking, strategy validation,

opportunity identification.

• assessment

• Control

• Compensation

PlannIng anD BuDgetIng

DrIvIng revenue

managIng anD measurIng


Page 9: IDC Product Brochure 2014

busIness value partnerIngbuyer behavIor

custom analytIcs

Integrated marketIng

thought leadershIp

idc custom research

• Build successful business strategies

• make informed decisions for planning and budgeting

• Develop relevant, impactful marketing messages

• Create campaigns to engage your audience

• support sales throughout the customer buying cycle

• measure all aspects of your business

wIth Proven aPProaChes anD researCh-BaCkeD methoDologIes, IDC helPs you


Page 10: IDC Product Brochure 2014

idc go-to-market servicesDeveloP ComPellIng Content, messagIng, anD CamPaIgns

that engage your target audience and compel actions that move

your prospects and customers along the buying cycle.

explore our go-to-market servIces

• Idc market spotlight• Idc vendor spotlight• Idc technology spotlight• Idc workbook• Infographics• translation and localization• Idc video• Idc iview• custom multimedia


Page 11: IDC Product Brochure 2014

idc eventsIDC ProDuCes more events arounD the worlD than any other market IntellIgenCe ProvIDer!

For more InFormATIonIDC events bring together technology sellers with

technology professionals and influencers that are

looking for the latest best practices. our events focus

on opportunities for new solutions and how decision

makers can use technology to gain competitive

advantage and improve business value.


Page 12: IDC Product Brochure 2014

idc worldwideIDC’s 1,100 analysts are loCateD In more than 50 CountrIes

IDC analysts loCateD

In emergIng markets

united states • argentina • Brazil • Canada • Chile • Columbia • mexico • Peru • venezuela • austria • Bulgaria • Croatia • Czech republic • Denmark • france • germany • greece • hungry

• Ireland • Italy • netherlands • Poland • Portugal • romania • russia • serbia • slovenia • spain • sweden • ukraine • united kingdom • Israel • kenya • morocco • nigeria • south africa •

turkey • uae • australia • China • hong kong • India • Indonesia • Japan • korea • malaysia • new zealand • Philippines • singapore • taiwan • thailand • vietnam12

Page 13: IDC Product Brochure 2014

idc fast facts

1,100 analysts coverIng trends In more than 110 countrIes

5,000 publIshed reports annually

over 36,000 clIent InteractIons In 2012

CorPorate faCts

apprOx. 150,000 times per yearour financial & end-user

customers access our documents

(or 700,000 for all clients)

4,600 iDC analystsCalls with wall street annually

8,600wall street mentions

wall street InfluenCe

mOre than 47,000 Buyers annuallyIDC events Influence It Buyer delegates annually

inFluenCing mOre than 10,000 CiOsIDC events

mOre than 2,000,000 enD user impressiOnsPer year (us) through gms and white Papers

137 marKetsCapesPublished to aid It buyers in vendor

selection decisions

insights newsletters>50,000 It buyer recipients

$100 BilliOnIt Investment

benchmarked by IDC Procurement

tools per year

Buyer InfluenCe

>117,000 FOllOwers190+ IDC analysts

5,200 memBers IDC InsIght on-lIne CommunIty

soCIal meDIa


24,734ww meDIa mentIons

uP 47% From lAST yeAr

Page 14: IDC Product Brochure 2014

worlDwIDe heaDquarters

ConneCt wIth us

IDC Corporate usa

5 speen street

framingham, ma 01701


get In touCh DIreCtly wIth the Person that Can answer your questIons!

TAlk To uS

iDC suBsCriptiOn serviCes - [email protected] (508) 988-7988

traCKer - kathy [email protected](650) 350-6423

iDC insights - shannon [email protected](508) 935-4277

gO-tO-marKet serviCes - laura [email protected](508) 935-2387

CustOm researCh - scott [email protected](508) 935-4392

it Buyer resOurCes - shannon [email protected](508) 935-4277

all Other inquiries - main [email protected](508) 872-8200