idas bid opportunities and contracts user guide

Iowa Department of Administrative Services Bid Opportunities and Contracts User GuidJe 1| Page

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Page 1: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Iowa Department of

Administrative Services

Bid Opportunities and


User GuidJe

1 | P a g e

Page 2: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

te Qf Iowa Bid Opport un it ies

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Search Active Bid Opportun ity Li sting

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Introduction This training guide supports the Iowa Department of Administrative Services Bid Opportunities application.

User Pages Bid Opportunity List The page contains the list of active Bid Opportunities.

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Page 3: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Search Active Bid Opportunity Listing

All Agenc ies

Keyword Search

Search Active Bid Op po rtu n i ty Listing

Bid Number

Bid Number

MED -17-002





Admi nist rat ion

Showing 1 to 1 of 1 ent ries

Human Services Administrat ion









Med ical

Transport at ion

Broker for Iowa

Med icaid fe.e-for­


Po pu lation


EffectiveDate • ExpirationDate

EffectiveDate Expiration Date

5/9/2016 1/ 2/ 2017 6

Search Users can search the Bid Opportunities by agency as well as by finding keywords contained in the solicitation, description and keywords fields.

The list automatically updates when an agency is selected and/or when the user types in the Keyword Search field.

Grid Sorting Users can sort on each individual column using the up/down arrows. The default for the Bid Opportunity list is to display the records added most recently at the top.

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Page 4: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

BidNumber Agency Contact Title EffectiveDate ,. Expiration Dat,e

I BidNumber Agency I contact Title Effective Date Expiration Date

IFA001 Finance Kar l Physical Site 9/ 24/2016 10/21/2016 ~ 0 Aut hority \<Jendt Inspect ion

Se rvices

IA01722R FP AEA Karen Onl i ne 9/ 21/2016 10/21/2016 ~ 0 Purchasing Appleton Inst ruct ion a I


Bid Number Agency Contact Title EffectiveDate • Expiration Date

IMHDI Agency I Contact Title 11 Effective Date Expiration Date

MHDS 17·005 Human Suzanne Childrena€n1 s 8/3/2016 10/31/2016 ~ 0 Services Fross Mental Hea lth

Admi nist rat ion Crisis Serv ices

Planni ng Grants

Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entr ies (Iii ered fro m 12 tota l entr ies)






Agency Contact Tit le EffectiveDate • Expirat ion Date

Agency Contact Title EffectiveDate ExpirationDate

Ad minist rat ive Randy Individua l 10/26/ 2015 11/6/2016 ~ 6 Se rvices , Dept Bennett Serving Drink



The state of I owa wil l be con duct ing a bid fo r I nd iv idual Serv ing Dr ink Mix - Sugar Free - Fort i fi ed fo r th e CDC Warehouse in Woodwar d Iowa . The bid may be view ed at the Iowa Vend or Self Service websi te link below. Vendor s w ho would like to submit a bid wi ll nee d to reg ister on th e I owa Ven d or Se lf Serv ice w ebsi t e. https : / / vss . iowa .gov/webapp/ VSS _ON / Al t SelfS erv ice Administratiai,-----"l'll!cmr:n--------------------.---------------



Ka r l


Physica l Sit e


Se rvice s

9/ 24/ 2016 10/ 21/2016

Filtering Users can filter on each individual column to refine the search by typing in the text box in the column heading.

Hovering Bid Opportunities contain a longer description that cannot be displayed in the grid but once the user hovers over a line in the grid a popup displays to show the description.

Information Users can either click on the Bid Opportunity number or the Info icon to take them to the Information page.

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Page 5: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

IFA001 Finance

Autho rity



Phy sica l Site

Inspection Se rvices


Bid Opportunity

Bid Information Bid Number IFA001

Sol icitation Phys ical Site Inspection Services

Solicitation Type


Agency 270

Finance Authority


Hoover Building 3rd Floor

Des Moines, IA50319

Contact Information Contact Name Karl Wendt

Contact Title

Contact Phone Number (515) 281-7073

Contact Ema.ii: [email protected]

Valid Dates


From 9/24/2016 8:00:00 AM

Until 10/21/2016 4:00:00 PM


The purpose of thi s Request for Proposals is to solicit competitive proposals from eligible respondents capable of providing physical site inspection services.

1414ttAMU€-Physical lnspectionsRFP.pdf


Printing Users can open/download a PDF of the Bid Opportunity information to print by clicking on the Printer icon.

The PDF displays all of the same information that the user will see in the Information page.

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Page 6: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

of Iowa Bid Opportunities




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Bid Opportunity Information Users can review the Bid Opportunity information, documents and links. They can also sign up to be notified when changes are made to the Bid Opportunity.

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Page 7: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Bid Info rma t ion

Bid Number

Sol ici t ation

Sol ici t ation Type


Descript ion

Descr iption

Agency Information



Add ress 1

Add ress 2


ACFS 17·058

Child ren a€ TMs Ment al Hea lth and Well -Be ing Lea rn ing Labs

The Iowa Depa rt ment of Human Services Agency seeks to study exist ing co llabora tive

effo r ts in t h,e state that have demonstrated an ab il it y to add ress cross-systems

bar rier s fo r yout h with complex needs. Th rough t his procurement t he Depart ment

intends to enter i nto a cont ract agreement with up to th ree 3 lo r the pur poses of

conducting a yea r-long, mu lt i -sit e lea rn ing process to better underst and what is

beneficial and how bes t to imp'lement and ope rate across systems fo r Ch ild well­

bei ng.


Human Serv ices Administr at ion

Hoover State Office Bldg

130 5 E Walnut St

Des Moin,es, IA 50319

Bid Information


Agency Information

7 | P a g e

Page 8: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Co ntact Info rmation

Conta,ct Na,me Michelle Mui r

Co nta,ct Tit I e

Contact Emai l mm ui r@

Contact Phone Number (515) 281-6871

Conta,ct Phone Extension

Contact Other Number

Contact Fax Nlumber

Va lid Da t es

From 9/ 2/ 201 6 .3 :0 0:00 PM

Unti l 11/7/2016 3 0 0:00 PM

Documen ts/ Attach men ts

AC FS 17-0 58 RFP Final pdf

ACFS_17-058_RFP _Fina l.r t f

ACFS _17-0 58_Amen d me nt_l _Fi n a L pdf

ACFS _17·0 58_RFP _Am ndl _l n co rpo rated.pd f

ACFS _17-0 58 _RFP _Am ndl _l ncorpo rated.rtf

ACFS _17-0 58_Bidd er _ QA.pd f

ACFS _17-0 58_Bidd er _ QA_Amen d ed_9.20.pdf

© © © © © © ©

Contact Information

Valid Dates


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Page 9: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Documents/ Attach men ts

AC FS 17-058 RFP f inal pdf

ACFS 17-058 RFP Fina l.r t f - - -ACFS _17·0 58_Amen d me nt_l _Fi n a I. pdf

ACFS _17-0 58_R FP _Am ndl _l n co rpo rated.pd!

ACFS _17-0 58_R FP _Am ndl _l n co rpo rated.rtf

ACFS_17-058_Bidd er _ QA.pd f

ACFS _17-0 58_Bidd er _ QA_Amen d ed_9.20.pdf

Documents/ Attach men ts

AC FS 17-058 RFP Final pdf

ACFS_17-058_RFP _Fina l.rt !

ACFS _17·0 58_Amen d me nt_l _Fi n a L pdf

ACFS _17-0 58_RFP _Am ndl _l n co rpo rated.pd!

ACFS _17-0 58_RFP _Amndl_l n co rpo ra ted .rtf

ACFS _17-0 58_Bidder _ QA.pd f

ACFS _17-0 58 _Bidd er_ QA_Amen d ed_9.20.pdf

© © © © © © ©

© © © © © © ©

Clicking on the document’s name will attempt to open the document, if the User has the appropriate application installed they will be able to review the document immediately.

Clicking the Download icon will allow the User to save the document and open it at a later time.

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Page 10: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Li nks

a€.c Ch i Id rena€ ™'s

Menta l Healith and Well­

Bei ng Workgroup

web page

a€( Ch ildrena€ lM s

Menta l Heallt h and Well­

Bei ng Workgroup Final


House File 2460,

Div ision XIII, Section 65

Li nks

a€.( Ch i Id rena€ fM 5

Menta l Heallt h and Well·

Bei ng Workgro up

web page

a€c Ch ildrena€ ™s

Menta l Healt h and Well­

Bei ng Workgroup Final


House File 2460,

Division XIII, Sectio n 65

http:/ / / m hds-advi so ry·g ro u ps/ ch i ldrens-mental · hea It h-we I l·being­

work grou p

https://d h / sit es / defa u lt/ fi les/M HD S·C hi Id re ns-Men t a 1-Hea Ith-a nd·Well·

Be ing· Fin a 1-Report.pd f

http:/ / sites/ de fau lt /fi les /MH D5-H F-2460-Division-XI II .pd f

http:// dhs.iowa .gov/ m h d s·ad vi so ry·g ro u ps/ ch i ldrens· men ! al• hea It h-we I I-being·

wor kgr oup

https://d h / sit es / defa u lt/ fi les/M HD S-C hi Id re ns-Men t a 1-Hea It h-and-Well·

Be ing· Fin a l·Report.pd f sites/ de fau lt /files /MH DS· HF· 2460· Di vi sion · XI I I.pd f

Want to receive email notifications about his bid? Sign up here!


Clicking the url will open the link in a new browser tab.

Notifications Users that wish to be notified when changes are made to a Bid Opportunity can sign up by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.

The User will then be taken to a popup to enter their name and e-mail information. An e-mail is sent to the User to confirm the request to receive notifications. Failure to confirm the request will result in the

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Page 11: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Notification sign up

First INa1me

last INa1me


[~-~- ~ -~-~~~~~~__] Cance I

User not receiving notifications.

11 | P a g e

Page 12: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide


Bid Information Bid Number IFA001

Solicitation Physical Site Inspection Services

Solicitation Type


Agency 270

Finance Authority


Hoover Building 3rd Floor

Des Moines, IA 50319

Contact Information Contact Name Karl Wendt

Contact Title

Contact Phone Number (515) 281-7073

Contact Email [email protected]

Valid Dates From 9/24/2016 8:00:00 AM

Until 10/21/2016 4:00:00 PM

The purpose of thi s Request for Proposals is to solicit competitive proposals from eligible respondents capable of providing physical site inspection services.

Physical Inspections RFP pdf


12 | P a g e

Page 13: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Enterprise A&A .. Create A11 Account Forgot Password Forgot Id

Account Id


DAS Bid Opportun·ty

Account ID:


Account Id Examples Public User Account Format:

nrstname. /astname@iowaid

State Employee Account Format:

nrstname. [email protected]

'If you do not have [email protected] account use your State of Iowa employee email address.

Admin Pages Login Security for the Admin section of the application uses the State of Iowa Authentication and Authorization (A&A) system.

Link to Bid Opportunities Content Manager.

13 | P a g e

Page 14: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Home B cl CippJ1u111t1es ~ogout

List Bid Opportunity Show ffi3 entries -.. Agency Effective Expiration

Bid Number So licitation Description Name Date Date Status Edit Remove Active

Bid Number Solicrtat,on Description Agency Name Effective Date ExpiratlOn Date status

#040706 Iowa Educators This bid is fo r a statewide offer for preK- Education. 3/ 1/2006 4/7/2006 Closed 0 X

Consortium 12 faculty and staff to purchase cellular Dept Of Cellular Phone phone plans. Participation is vo luntary

Plan Bid by the schools. Complete information is

available in the RFP.

#309080420 14 Bring Your A This is not a request fo r competitive bid. Vl/o rkforce 8/4/20 14 8/11 /20 14 Closed 0 X

Game to This is a notice of intent to award a sole Development

WOrkfTraining source contract under Iowa Department

materials of Administrative Ru les 11 8.78A Iowa

V\tl rkfo rce is looking fo r training

materials as fo llowed: 10--Adult

Curriculum Guide 1--Multimedia

Resources 250 Adult text books 500--

Veterans \M::l rk books The parties agree

to comply with the te rms and cond it ions

on the following attachments wh ich are

by th is reference made a part of the

Agreement. Gereral Terms and

Conditions fo r goods contracts are

posted at: FOB Destination Payment Terms: Net


#7 1006 Project In accordance with the informal Cultural 7/12/2006 7/25/2006 Closed 0 X ., Facilitator/Curator competition procedures provided fo r in Affa irs. Dept

fo r American 11 Iowa Administrative Code rule 106_9, Of Masterpiece in IA the Iowa Department of Cultural

Project Affa irs/Iowa Arts Council (the Agency) is

seeking a project facilitator (Service

Provider) to develop and implement its

American Masterpieces in Iowa project.

The Agency antic ipates that the te rm of

any resulting contract will be th rough

June 30, 2007 beginning on or about

August 15, 2006. Plus Attachment A

Menu After the User logs into A&A and are authenticated within the application they are directed to the Admin menu. The menu options shown are dependent on the role of the user.

Users assigned to the User Role will have access to only the Bid Opportunities functionality. Additionally, the User Role will only have access to the records they have created or been assigned to.

Bid Opportunities When a user clicks the Bid Opportunity Menu option the list of Bid Opportunities is displayed. The user has the ability to search and sort on the Bid Number, Solicitation, Description, Agency Name, Effective Date, Expiration Date and Status columns. The user can also Add, Edit or Remove records as needed. Removing a record will only set it to be Inactive and not remove it from the list.

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Page 15: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Bid Opportunity

Bid Number

Effective Date 10126/2016 10:12 AM ii

Expiration Date 10/26/2016 10:12 AM ii


Agency ID Administrative services. Dept

Description A description of your bid

Keywords separate your keywords wrth spaces

Solicitation Type ID

County ID

Is Active O


Back to List

Add Bid Opportunity When a user chooses to Add a new Bid Opportunity record they are taken to a page where they will fill out the information.

The user must select an Agency and enter the Bid Number, Solicitation and Description before they can save the record.

Keywords can be used to enhance the Search functionality on the public facing Bid Opportunity page. Keywords must be separated by spaces in order for them to be found properly.

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Page 16: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Add Bid Opportunity

Bid Number

The Bid Number fie ld is required.

Effective Date 10/2612016 10:12 AM ii

Exp iration Date 1012612016 10:12 AM ii


The Solicitation field is required.

Agency ID Administrative Services, Dept

Description A description of your bid


This field is required.

Keywords Separate your keywords wrth spaces


Solicitation Type ID . ,

County ID

Is Active □


Back to List

[ 10/26/2016 9:44 AMI

( October 2016 > t Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

25 26 27 28 29 30 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 110 11 12 13 14 15

16 117 118 19 20 211 22

23 24 25 • 27 28 29

30 31 1 2 3 4 5


The user can use the calendar control to select the Effective and Expiration date/times or they can just enter them manually. This is how they would choose a date.

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Page 17: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

[ 10/26/2016 9:44 AMI

09 44 II y ..,

Edit Bid Opportunity

Bid Number

Effective Date

Exp irat ion Date

So licitation

Agency ID



Sol icitation Type ID

County ID

Is Active D


0310112006 12:00 AM ii

0410712006 1:00 PM ii

Iowa Educators Consortium Cellular Phone Plan BId

Education, Dept Of - Jamie Moran - (3 19) 268-7645

This bid is fo r a statewide offer for preK-12 facu lty and staff to purchase ce llular phone plans. Participation is vo luntary by the schools. Complete

information Is available in the RFP.

Separate your keywords with spaces


This is how they would choose a time.

48 Hours Targeted Small Business (TSB) This posting will be sent to the TSB website after the record is saved. The Effective Date and Time selected above determines when this record posts to the public facing website and must be set at least 48 hours after the creation of this posting in Bid Opportunities.

Edit Bid Opportunity When a user chooses to edit a Bid Opportunity record they are taken to a page where the current information is already filled out and they can update it.

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Page 18: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Bid Opportunity Statistics

Created Date 3/23/2006 8:03: 10 AM Created By System

Updated Date Updated By

Last Accessed on 4/6/2006 7:45:26 PM Number of Users Accessed 15

Bid Opportunity Notifications

l!I Email LastName FirstName Remove

Email LastName FirstName

Loading ...

Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries

I Add Notification ~J -First Name I last Name



Bid Opportunity Statistics The Bid Opportunity Statistics section shows the when the record was created and who created it. It also shows when the record was last updated and who updated it. Finally, it shows the last time the Bid Opportunity was viewed on the website and the total number of times it has been viewed.

Bid Opportunity Notifications The Bid Opportunity Notifications section displays a list of people that have requested notifications when the Bid Opportunity record is updated. The user has the ability to search and sort on the Email, Last Name and First Name columns. The user can also Add or Remove records as needed. Removing a record will remove the record from the database.

A Bid Opportunity Notification is sent when the Solicitation or Expiration Date fields are updated as well as when Documents and Links and added/removed.

When a user chooses to Add a new Notification record they are taken to a popup where they will fill out the information. The user is then sent an e-mail to confirm the notification request.

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Bid Opportunity Links



Iowa Educators Consortium Active RFP's

Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

Add Link



template text

Bid Opportunity Documents

Descri ption

l oescription

Showing o to o of o entries

Ill • URL Remove




Ill Mime Type


Loading ...

Bid Opportunity Links The Bid Opportunity Links section displays a list of links that are displayed in the public site. The user has the ability to search and sort on the Title and URL columns. The user can also Add or Remove records as needed. Removing a record will remove the record from the database.

When a user chooses to Add a new Link record they are taken to a popup where they will fill out the information.

Bid Opportunity Documents The Bid Opportunity Documents section displays a list of documents that are displayed in the public site. The user has the ability to search and sort on the Name, Description and Mime Type columns. The user can also Add or Remove records as needed. Removing a record will remove the record from the database.

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Page 20: IDAS Bid Opportunities and Contracts User Guide

Add Document



Upload File J Choose File I No file chosen

Bid Opportunity Users



Showing O to O of O entries

Add User

User Select a user



-Loading ...



Bid Opportunity Users The Bid Opportunity Users section displays a list of users that have access to the Bid Opportunity record in the Admin page. This allows Admin users to add another user that did not create the record so they can see the Bid Opportunity and make any changes necessary. The user has the ability to search and sort on the Name column. The user can also Add or Remove records as needed. Removing a record will remove the record from the database.

Logout When a user clicks the Logout Menu option they are logged out of the Admin section and are taken back to the public facing section.

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