idaho semi-weekly world (idaho city, idaho territory) 1877 ...€¦ · boots and shoes, &c.,...

«JB? Ü ' ï fe 1 î ■ “ ï! t, ’ BATHS AND BOARDING V e berettie b«t Imitation Gold Vatch In thr Market forTndh« Purposes. Tba meuü is s composition of other cloaelyrS senibiing gold that the best Judges find it difficult to detect the difiter- ence. except by a chemical W ARM SPRINGS. FR AN K COOPER, PROPRIETOR H AVING TAKEN CHARGE OF THIS POPULA I. place of.public resort, I have thoroughly re» . ovated the establishment and am prepared to j c. ceive PERMANENT BOARDERS OB TRANSIENT GUEST?. HOT AND COLO BATHS re "Ty at all times, and everything about the house kept clean and neat. The LADIES’ DEPARTMENT will be control ed I ID WATCH SPECULATOES and it is the bestsubstitute for cold known. AMERICAN MOVEMENT. EXPANSION IS ALAN CE. BEAU- TIFULLY ENGRAVED OR EN- GINE TURNED HUNTING CASES, and equal in appearance to a COLD WATCH THAT COSTS from 8150 to 8200« It sells and trades readi- ly, for from |co to | 100, and if you 1wish a watch for your own use or to j make money on, try this. Owing to our large sales, wo are enabled to reduce the price of them to $12 each with an elegant Chain attach- ed a They are used on Railroads, Steam- ers, and in Manufactories, and other to any part of the Country, or it will bo sent C.O.D. when the customer desires and remits |3 on account. These Elegant CHAINS weigh about Fifty Pennyweights, and the same pattern in pure gold would _ ,,.. _ cost $loo. We sell these Chains at IS each. But we eell the Watch and Chain for Its. sent bv Mail in a Regia, tered Package, post-paid, to anr Post Office 'n the United States. We Bell the Watch without the Chain fer *10. J. BRIDE & COv Clinton Place, & No. H Eighth. Street. N.I5 2V X B .S . C O O P E R ., And everything will oe done to contribute to t! t comfort of guests. . idecHtf T a k e S fo tic e ! L. FULD has just received from San Francisco t MOST COMPLETE STOCK .of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, consisting of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, QUEENS AND HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes, &c., &c-, which I offer to sell cheap MES. H. A. MOORE’S JSc i o n t i f ic HAIR PRODUCER. MRS. II. A. MOORE would announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen who desire the personal adornment of a fine suit of Ilair, that she has patented her celebrated Hair Restorer, which has now been be- fore the public for a space of two years, and has in every instance given entire sat- isfaction as to what it promises. No min- eral or damaging substance is used in this preparation, and it is guaranteed t<» pre- vent hair falling out after four applied tions. Well-known cases of long-stand- ing baldness have been successfully treat- ed(as per testimonials in my possession). It will produce a full flowing crop of hair on all stages of baldness, even to its most pronounced state. It will prevent hair from turning gray. ^^Preparations forwarded to all parts of the country. ONE BOTTLE, *5; Or, THREE BOT- TLES, §10. Address, M R S . H . A. M O O RE, 1008^ Market Street , San Francisco, California. A gen ts w an ted . July 20-tf-s.] 0+ B+ K î M M E t + At his OLD STAND, ID A C I T in particular,,that he is again do all kinds of work in the Hereby announces to the public and his old FRIENDS AND PATRO NS prepared to tiie JEWELRY LINE with Neatness and Dispatch; and repairing JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, PIS- TOLS, &C. All work guaranteed to give perfect sat- isfaction. Julv20-tf. $ s ? L. FULD. P lacerville, Sep. 14-ly.] S. M. P ettengill &Co., 1? State Street, Bos- ton, 37 Park Row, New York, and 701 Cki.3tnut Street Philadelphia, are our Agents for procuring advertise ments for the I daho W ” ld in the above cities, and authorized to contract advertising at our lowed rates. N o tic e to T a x P a ye rs. T HE TAX PAYERS OF BOISE COUNTY WILL take notice that the Territorial and County taxes are now due and payable, and that the law in relation to their collection will be strictly enforced; and that the time fir collecting expires on Thurs- day, the 1st ejay of November. Suits will be imme- diately commenced on all delinquent« alter that iiate. JOHN GORMAN, Assessor and ex-Officio Tax Collector of Bois» Cou ty I. T. I daho City, Oct. 12, 1877. (I I tl 6 A I I ^ M S S H To th e W o rk in g Class.—We can furnish you employment at which you cau make very large pay. in your own localities, without being away from home over night. Agents wanted in every town and county to take Ruhscribers for The Centennial Record, the largest publication in the United Stal.*s !—Iß pages, 64 columns; Elegantly illustrate!; Terms $1 per y ar. Mbe Record is devoted to whatever is of interest connected with the Centenui- j al year. The Great Exhibition at Philadelphia is fully illustrated in detail. Everybody wants it. The whole people feel great interest in their Country’s Centennial Birthday*, and want to know all about it. An elegant patrioiie crayon drawing premium pi -t- ure is presented free to each subscriber. It is emi- tled, “In Remembrance of the One Hundredth Anui versary of the Independence of »he United States." Size, 23 by 30 inches. Any oue cau becoui« a ri .c - [cessful agent, for but show the paper and picture [and hundreds of subscribers arc easily obtained ev- erywhere. There s no business that will pay like tb;s at present. We have many agents who are making as hi"h as $20 per day and upwards. * New is the time: ‘don’t delay. Remember it co-t* noth- ing to giv# the business a trial. Send for our circu- lars, terms, and s 3 in; le copy of paper, which at» sent free to all who apply, do it to day. Comple t outfit free to those who decide to engage. Farmer' and mechanics, and their sons and daughters ma>.r the very best of agents. Address. TflE CENTENNIAL RECOUD, Portland, Maine. Notice. T he following warrants will be paid on presentation at the County Treasurer’s of- fice. out of tht County General fund: Warrant No. 1,251, drawn in, favor of G. B. Walker amount $12; warrant No. 448. drawn in favor of J. C. Henley, amount $25; warrant No. 402, drawn in favor of J. M. Sheppard, amount $25; warrant So. 734. drawn in favor of J. Tyson, amount $25; warrant No. 607, drawn in favor of ffni. B. Dan- iel*, amount $25. R. W. TOMPKINS. County Treasurer. I daho City, August 14, 1877. Job Work M o Sswinir AT The new family *|*GER MACHINE is ft favor m me hci \ Id slid in every Da« lliztd world, us is shown bv iis rap«iiv V sales, leaving an fttners behind.; w® ciL ** show*, tout k is lue uiuei nicely adjusted1* e aifcd, and txn»othly rnnuiLg ot all the chines It knu .vs no such word as fag out 1 1 ordei, and is always ready with tc,,; fe; ments for any »variety or kind of prepared to sell the ** ” e j*, SINGER ON NEW YORK PRICES AT THE EASY TEEMS OF FAY!®» Every machine sold strictly on its own and warranted. We have also in stock ti* Grover & Baker Improved the WILSON, DOMESTIC, FLORENCE AND W H c c le r db W ilan« ALSO. tt’ The Singer has the best Standard SilkTwi* Linen Thread and Clark’s O. N. T. Spool < n ** also Ruffllers, Tuckers, Hemers, Cetera and * ; thing pertaining to the sewing machine trade fS" cularu sent on application. Office and Soles opposite Northwestern Stage Company’s OiSc T00Ä Main Street, ’ Boisb C m . j_ £ The Singer Manfg. Co., BY JAMES DYMOKE, Agent for Idaho. IDAHOWORLR Subscribe tor the WEEKLY WORLD. CD » s* Summons. T erritory of I daho , ) County of Bois*, t * Tonnty of Bois*. 1 In the Probete Court for Boise county, I. T. John McCarthy, plaintiff, Vj.Cornalius Hairy and Timothy Paeev. defendants: T O CORNELIUS HALEY AND TIMOTHY DA cey. détendants above named: In the name of the people of the United States in the T< rritory o: Idaho, yon are hereby notified that there is now or. file in the office of the Judge and ex-Officio Clerk of the Probate Court of Boise county, Idaho Terri- tory, the complaint of John McCarthy against yon for the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty ($450) I)ob liars, with interest at the rate of 1 per cent. pci month from the 12th day of June, 1876, and that unless you appear and answer to said complaiut within ten days after the servie» hereof if served wiihjn Boise comity, and within twenty days it ! Iserved out of said county, but within Idaho Territo- ww. jry. and within thirty days from the publication fit O 5 ». m Ä l-f O ^T i ï « hereof (exclusive of tha day of service) judgment ^ *■ • I will be taken against yon bv default for the sum of Four Hundred andkifty Dollars, with interest at ... , J P«r c*nt. from June 12, 1876, with costa of action All persons indebted to me will please and advertisement. I I ■''ram* w T« I aoHm POSTERS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, NOTES, DEEDS, CLOSING OUT! I am now closing out my business, and W ill so il C lioap PROGRAMMES, RECEIPTS, LICENSES, T!SITING CARD BALL TICKETS, LETTER HEADS Price, $5 to subscribers in the Territory and $3.25 when sent out of the Territory. Particular attention paid to Territorial News. o come forward and In testimony whereof I hereunto Ret my hand and affix the seal of said Court at Idaho City, Sep. 5, 1877. T. S. HART. Probat» Judge and ex-Officio Clerk of said Court Gf . o. A inhltk , attorney forplaiutiff. Sep. 7, '77-4W.J S E TTLE A TO f^C E -BY Cash ot * TVote. T H IS M U A N d B U S IN E S S ! C. S. KINGSLEY. iDAno City, Aug. 7. 1877. Bstray notice. T aken up by me . on my ranch on upper Squaw Creek, Boise county, I. T„ on the 15th day of August, A. D. 1S77, a bay mare wi'h three or p u r white hairs in the forehead. She is three years »dd, of medium d,ze, and has u<> brands, or marks other tlvm mentioned. F. D. HOFFMAN. J Aug. 24-3w J TO THE AFFLICTED! That dreadful disease, the P iL E S , with which verv many people are, and have been w .year» Hifiicted, and which lias bafirno me skiiï of all physicians, can be efterwam' ouitd uy Pile’s well-tried reme- rfv. h oiiuitu» inivc*found relief from it, aim ate willing to Testify as toil’s efficacy, p’or erne at ati the drug stores. H. Zipf, NOT FAIL to send for our New Catalogue. It con» tains valuable infor- mation for every person contem- plating the pur- chase of any article . . for personal, family or agricultural use. Free to any Address. MONTGOMERY W A R » A CO., Original Grange Supply House, m AV» Wabash Ass., CHICAGO, I1L 3 sn »ti ® sês £ * ^ 5! ® 585 *"» ." --- -—. s 8 m ALSO LEGAL & JUS d CE S BLANKS CD of nil kinds, aad every deseriptiou of o 'Great chance to make nioney jj you can’t get gold you ca,V got greenbacks. We need a person in every town to take subacnpfjou,, for the largest, cheapest ttIlf] Billustrated family publication in the world- Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. Th« price is so low that almost everybody sub- scribe.-«. One agent reports making over $150 in a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 sub- scribers in ten day*. All who engage make money fast. You O 'HUdevote all your time to the business or only 5 our spare time. You need not be away from homo over night. Yon cau do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address afonce. It costs nothing to try tbs business. No one who en- gages fails to make great pay. Address “The Peo- ple’s Journal,’’ Portland, Maine. [Sep 4-6m m T emperance B lanks 3 0 always on hand and prrnttd to ffrder, 09 PLAIN, OR IN COLORS, at latiiiu Oity. fScp.-i-ti. •Attention, Farmers,—The World oüice will accept in payment for subscrip, tiuu or other debts from the fanners butter, cm-can, < usk 3 . nam, bacon, lard, and all * urn* ot tft&ia. “Art Im itating Nature.” A coating of diamonds on a pure crystal —these are Parisian Diamonds. Their luster is perpetual. For sale only ii RICHARD HUMPHREY’S Jewelry ©tore, 779 Broadway, opposite Steward’*, New York. Goods sent C. 0. D., with privilege to examine before paying for them. Send for illustrated price lift, l a r i have no agent«. 1 And at prices our former rates. 10 per cent, below II you want a live and çhesp paper sub scribe immediately. BOISE COUNTY AaEN«Y F irst N ation ax. B ank W !**■•« I d L a l i o C it y ? Do a g«n»ral banking business. Sell exchange New York, San Francisco, Portland, And th« principal EUROPEAN CITIES The highest piice paid for G O LD D U S T , G O LD A N D SILVER BULLION In coin or currency. j (3T Buy and sell Greenbacks. F. W. KROEBER, MANAG®* C< END 25c. toG . P. ROWELL& CO ., kL f‘> rPamphlet of IM ) pages. co ,n*f.™^c0sts«• 3000 newspapers, ailvertising. and estimated showing John Good’s Hair Tonic. HAVE NOW ON HAND AT MY SH- ^ ? 0ïa loon in Idaho City, a Hair Tonic of™. , », make which I warrant to cure dandruff « er diseases to which the human 8ca*P.3® t prot. Also, a lot of the celebrated medic« gn,j Jackson used in removing corns, bunion . ^ which I know how to apply just as well as 1 jnime. Drop in and have your feet operated «P ^ diatel-, Joua Idaho City, June 23d, 1878. / ’ ,-ii mm -Mm

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Page 1: Idaho semi-weekly world (Idaho City, Idaho Territory) 1877 ...€¦ · Boots and Shoes, &c., &c-, which I offer to sell cheap MES. H. A. MOORE’S JS ciontif ic HAIR PRODUCER. MRS

«JB? Ü '

ï fe1

î ■ “

ï !

t, ’

B A T H S AND B O A R D IN GV e berettie b « t Imitation Gold Vatch In th r Market fo rT n d h «

Purposes. Tba meuü is s composition o f other cloaelyrS senibiing gold that the best Judges find it difficult to detect the difiter- ence. except by a chemical

W A R M S P R I N G S .

F R A N K C O O P E R , P R O P R I E T O R

HAVING TAKEN CHARGE OF THIS POPULA of.public resort, I have thoroughly re» .

ovated the establishment and am prepared to j c. ceive



re "Ty at all times, and everything about the house kept clean and neat.

The LADIES’ DEPARTMENT will be control ed




and it is the bestsubstitute for cold known. AMERICAN MOVEMENT. EXPANSION IS ALAN CE. BEAU­TIFULLY ENGRAVED OR EN­GINE TURNED HUNTING CASES, and equal in appearance to a C O L D W A T C H T H A T C O S T S from 8 1 5 0 t o8 2 0 0 « It sells and trades readi­ly, for from |co to | 100, and if you

1 wish a watch for your own use or to j make money on, try this. Owing to our large sales, wo are enabled to

reduce the price o f them to $12 e a c h w ith an e le g a n t C hain a t ta c h ­ed a They are used on Railroads, Steam­ers, and in Manufactories, and other

to any part of the Country, or it will bo sent C.O.D. when the customer desires and remits |3 on account. These Elegant CHAINS weigh about Fifty Pennyweights, and the same pattern in pure gold would

_ , , . . _ cost $loo. We sell these Chains at IS each.But we eell the Watch and Chain for Its. sent bv Mail in a Regia, tered Package, post-paid, to anr Post Office 'n the United States.

W e Bell th e W a tch w ith o u t th e C hain fe r * 10 .J . BRIDE & COv Clinton Place, & No. H Eighth. Street. N.I5

2 V X B . S . C O O P E R . ,

And everything will oe done to contribute to t! t comfort of guests. . idecHtf

T a k e S f o t i c e !

L. FU LDhas just received from San Francisco t



G E N E R A L M E R C H A N D IS E ,

consisting of



G R O C E R I E S ,

B o o ts a n d S h o es , & c., &c-,

which I offer to sell cheap

M E S . H . A . M O O R E ’S

JS c io n t i f i c

H A IR P R O D U C E R .MRS. II. A. MOORE would announce

to the Ladies and Gentlemen who desire the personal adornment of a fine suit of Ilair, that she has patented her celebrated Hair Restorer, which has now been be­fore the public for a space of two years, and has in every instance given entire sat­isfaction as to what it promises. No min­eral or damaging substance is used in this preparation, and it is guaranteed t<» pre­vent hair falling out after four applied tions. Well-known cases of long-stand­ing baldness have been successfully treat- ed(as per testimonials in my possession). It will produce a full flowing crop of hair on all stages of baldness, even to its most pronounced state. It will prevent hair from turning gray.

^^Preparations forwarded to all parts of the country.ONE BOTTLE, *5; Or, THREE BOT­

TLES, §10.Address, M R S . H . A . M O O R E ,

1008^ Market Street,San Francisco, California.

A g e n t s w a n t e d .July 20-tf-s.]

0 + B+ K î M M E t +At his

O L D S T A N D ,


in particular,,that he is again do all kinds of work in the

Hereby announces to the public and his old


prepared to tiie


• with

N e a t n e s s a n d D i s p a t c h ;and repairing


TOLS, &C.All work guaranteed to give perfect sat­


$ s ?

L . F U LD .P lacerville, Sep. 14-ly.]

S. M. P etten g ill & Co., 1? State Street, Bos- ton, 37 Park Row, New York, and 701 Cki.3tnut Street Philadelphia, are our Agents for procuring advertise ments for the I daho W ” ld in the above cities, and authorized to contract advertising at our lowed rates.

N o t i c e t o T a x P a y e r s .

T HE TAX PAYERS OF BOISE COUNTY WILL take notice that the Territorial and County

taxes are now due and payable, and that the law in relation to their collection will be strictly enforced; and that the time fir collecting expires on T h u rs ­day, the 1st ejay of November. Suits will be imme­diately commenced on all delinquent« alter that iiate. JOHN GORMAN,Assessor and ex-Officio Tax Collector of Bois» Cou ty I. T.

I daho City, Oct. 12, 1877.

(I I tl 6 A I I^ M S S H

T o th e W o r k in g C lass.—We can furnish you employment at which you cau make very large pay. in your own localities, without being away from home over night. Agents wanted in every town and county to take Ruhscribers for The Centennial Record, the largest publication in the United Stal.*s

! —Iß pages, 64 columns; Elegantly illustrate!; Terms $1 per y ar. Mbe Record is devoted to whatever is of interest connected with the Centenui-

j al year. The Great Exhibition at Philadelphia is fully illustrated in detail. Everybody wants it. The whole people feel great interest in their Country’s Centennial Birthday*, and want to know all about it. An elegant patrioiie crayon drawing premium pi -t- ure is presented free to each subscriber. It is emi- tled, “In Remembrance of the One Hundredth Anui versary of the Independence of »he United States." Size, 23 by 30 inches. Any oue cau becoui« a ri.c-

[ cessful agent, for but show the paper and picture [ and hundreds of subscribers arc easily obtained ev­erywhere. There s no business that will pay like tb;s at present. We have many agents who are making as hi"h as $20 per day and upwards. * New is the time: ‘don’t delay. Remember it co-t* noth­ing to giv# the business a trial. Send for our circu­lars, terms, and s3 in; le copy of paper, which at» sent free to all who apply, do it to day. Comple t outfit free to those who decide to engage. Farmer' and mechanics, and their sons and daughters ma>.r the very b est of agents. Address.

TflE CENTENNIAL RECOUD, Portland, Maine.

N o tice .

T h e follow ing warrants w il l be pa idon presentation at the County Treasurer’s of­

fice. out of th t County General fund:Warrant No. 1,251, drawn in, favor of G. B. Walker

amount $12; warrant No. 448. drawn in favor of J. C. Henley, amount $25; warrant No. 402, drawn in favor of J. M. Sheppard, amount $25; warrant So. 734. drawn in favor of J. Tyson, amount $25; warrant No. 607, drawn in favor of ffni. B. Dan­iel*, amount $25. R. W. TOMPKINS.

County Treasurer.I daho City, August 14, 1877.

Job Work

M o Sswinir


T he new fam ily *|*GER MACHINE is f tfavor m m e h c i \ Id s l id in every Da« lliz td w orld , us is show n bv i i s rap«iiv V sa les, lea v in g an fttners b eh in d .; w® ciL ** show*, tout k is lu e uiuei n ice ly adjusted1* e aifcd, and txn»oth ly rn n u iL g ot all the ’ c h in e s It knu .vs n o su ch word as fag o u t 1 1 o rd e i, and is alw ays ready with tc,,; fe; m en ts for an y »variety or k ind of prepared to se ll th e ** ” e j*,




EASY TEEMS OF FAY!®»Every machine sold strictly on its own

and warranted. We have also in stock ti*

G ro v e r & B a k e r Improvedthe


W H c c l e r db W i l a n «A L S O . t t ’

The Singer has the best Standard SilkTwi* Linen Thread and Clark’s O. N. T. Spool < n ** also Ruffllers, Tuckers, Hemers, Cetera and * ; thing pertaining to the sewing machine trade fS" cularu sent on application. Office and Soles opposite Northwestern Stage Company’s OiSc T00Ä

Main Street, ’ Boisb C m . j_ £

T h e S in g e r M a n fg . Co.,B Y J A M E S DYMOKE,

Agent for Idaho.

IDAHOWORLRSubscribe tor the



» s*

Summons.T e r r it o r y o f I dah o , )

County of Bois*, t *Tonnty of Bois*. 1In the Probete Court for Boise county, I. T.John McCarthy, plaintiff, Vj.Cornalius Hairy and

Timothy Paeev. defendants:

T O CORNELIUS HALEY AND TIMOTHY DA cey. détendants above named: In the name of

the people of the United States in the T< rritory o: Idaho, yon are hereby notified that there is now or. file in the office of the Judge and ex-Officio Clerk of the Probate Court of Boise county, Idaho Terri­tory, the complaint of John McCarthy against yon for the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty ($450) I)ob

liars, with interest at the rate of 1 per cent. pci month from the 12th day of June, 1876, and that unless you appear and answer to said complaiut within ten days after the servie» hereof if served wiihjn Boise comity, and within twenty days it !

I served out of said county, but within Idaho Territo- ww. jry. and within thirty days from the publication

fit O 5 ». m Ä l - f O ^ T i ï « hereof (exclusive of tha day of service) judgment^ *■ • I will be taken against yon bv default for the sum of

Four Hundred andkifty Dollars, with interest at . . . , J P«r c*nt. from June 12, 1876, with costa of action

All persons indebted to me will please and advertisement.I I ■ ''ram* w T« IaoHm






CLOSING OUT!I am now closing out my business, and

W i l l s o i l C l io a p







Price, $5 to subscribers in the Territory and $3.25 when sent out of the Territory.

Particular attention paid to

T e r r i to r ia l N ew s.


come forward and

In testimony whereof I hereunto Ret my hand and affix the seal of said Court at Idaho City, Sep. 5, 1877. T. S. HART.

Probat» Judge and ex-Officio Clerk of said Court Gf.o. Ainhltk, attorney forplaiutiff.Sep. 7, '77-4W.J

S E T T L E A T O f ^ C E


C a s h o t* TVote.

T H I S M U A N d B U S I N E S S !


iDAno City, Aug. 7. 1877.

Bstray notice.

T aken u p by m e . on my ranch on u ppe rSquaw Creek, Boise county, I. T„ on the 15th

day of A ugust, A. D. 1S77, a bay mare wi'h three or p u r white hairs in the forehead. She is three years »dd, of medium d,ze, and has u<> brands, or marks other tlvm m en tion ed . F. D. HOFFMAN.J Aug. 24-3w J

TO THE AFFLICTED!That dreadful disease, the P i L E S , with

which verv many people are, and have been w .year» Hifiicted, and which lias bafirno me skiiï of all physicians, can be efterwam' ouitd uy Pile’s well-tried reme- rfv. h oiiuitu» inivc*found relief from it, aim ate willing to Testify as to il’s efficacy,

p’or erne a t ati the drug stores. H. Zipf,

NOT FAIL tosend for our New Catalogue. It con» tains valuable infor­mation for every person contem­plating the pur­chase of any article

. . for personal, familyor agricultural use. Free to any Address.

MONTGOMERY W AR» A CO., Original Grange Supply House,

m A V » Wabash Ass., CHICAGO, I1L

3 s n » t i

® s ê s £

* ^ 5 !® 585*"»." --- -—.

s 8 m




of nil kinds,

aad every deseriptiou ofo

'Great chance to make nioney jj you can’t get gold you ca,V got greenbacks. We need a person in every town to take subacnpfjou,, for the largest, cheapest ttIlf]

Billustrated family publication in the world- Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. Th« price is so low that almost everybody sub­scribe.-«. One agent reports making over $150 in a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 sub­scribers in ten day*. All who engage make money fast. You O'HU devote all your time to the business or only 5our spare time. You need not be away from homo over night. Yon cau do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address afonce. It costs nothing to try tbs business. No one who en­gages fails to make great pay. Address “The Peo­ple’s Journal,’’ Portland, Maine. [Sep 4-6m

m T emperance B lanks

3 0alw ays on hand and prrnttd to ffrder,

0 9


at latiiiu Oity. fScp.-i-ti.

•Attention, F arm ers,—The Worldoüice will accept in payment for subscrip, tiuu or other debts from the fanners butter, cm-can, <usk3 . nam, bacon, lard, and all * urn* o t tft&ia.

“A rt I m i t a t in g N a tu r e .”

A coating o f diamonds on a pure crystal —these are Parisian Diamonds. Their luster is perpetual. For sale only i i R I C H A R D HUMPHREY’S Jewelry ©tore, 779 Broadway, opposite Steward’*, New York. Goods sent C. 0 . D., with privilege to examine before paying for them. Send for illustrated price lift, l a r i have no agent«. 1

And at prices our former rates.

1 0 per cent, below

II you want a live and çhesp paper sub scribe immediately.


AaEN«Y F ir st N ation ax. Bank W !**■•«

I d L a l i o C i t y ?

Do a g«n»ral banking business. Sell exchange

New York, San Francisco, Portland,And th« principal


The highest pi ice paid for

G O L D D U S T , G O L D A N D S I L V E R B U L L I O N

In coin or currency.

j(3T Buy and sell Greenbacks.

F. W. K R O E B E R ,


C< END 25c. to G. P. ROWELL & CO., kL f‘>r Pamphlet of IM) pages. co,n*f. ™̂c0sts «•3000 newspapers, ailvertising.

and estimated showing

John Good’s Hair Tonic.HAVE NOW ON HAND AT MY SH- ^ ? 0ïa loon in Idaho City, a Hair Tonic of ™. , »,

make which I warrant to cure dandruff « er diseases to which the human 8ca*P.3® t prot.

Also, a lot of the celebrated medic« gn,j Jackson used in removing corns, bunion . ^ which I know how to apply just as well as 1 jnime.

Drop in and have your feet operated «P ̂diatel-, Joua

Idaho City, June 23d, 1878.

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