ida 2015: efficient model selection for regularized classification by exploiting unlabeled data

Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion Efficient Model Selection for Regularized Classification by Exploiting Unlabeled Data Georgios Balikas 1 Ioannis Partalas 2 Eric Gaussier 1 Rohit Babbar 3 Massih-Reza Amini 1 1 University Grenoble, Alpes 2 Viseo R&D 3 Max-Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems Intelligent Data Analysis 2015, Saint- ´ Etienne 1/17 Balikas et al. Efficient Model Selection by Exploiting Unlabeled Data

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion

Efficient Model Selection for RegularizedClassification by Exploiting Unlabeled Data

Georgios Balikas1 Ioannis Partalas2 Eric Gaussier1 RohitBabbar3 Massih-Reza Amini1

1University Grenoble, Alpes

2Viseo R&D

3Max-Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems

Intelligent Data Analysis 2015, Saint-Etienne

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion


1 Introduction

2 Quantification

3 The proposed approach

4 Experiment Framework

5 Conclusion

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion

Model selection for text classification



d1 ∈ Rd

dN ∈ Rd



Select hθ ∈ H.

θ: hyper-parametersR(θ) ∈ R


θ ?

The task

Efficiently select the hyper-parameter value which minimizes thegeneralization error (using the empirical error as a proxy).

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion

Traditional Model Selection Methods

Valid. Train Train Train Train

Train Valid. Train Train Train

Train Train Train Train Valid.

Figure : 5-fold Cross Validation

Train Valid.

Figure : Hold-out

Extensions of the above such as Leave-one-out, etc.

M. Mohri et al.Foundations of Machine Learning, MIT press 2012

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The issues

In large scale problems:

Resource intensive: ∼ 106 − 108 free parameters. Optimizedk-CV can take up to several days.

Power law distribution ofexamples. Only a fewinstances for smallclasses, splitting themresults in loss ofinformation.

Labeled Documents/class

R. Babbar, I. Partalas, E. Gaussier, M-R. AminiRe-ranking approach to classification in large-scale power-law distributedcategory systems, SIGIR 2014

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Our contribution

We propose a bound that motivates efficient model selection.

Leverages unlabeled data for model selection

Performs on par (if not better) with traditional methods

Is k times faster than k-cross validation.

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion



In many classification scenarios, the real goal is determining theprevalence of each class in the test, a task called quantification.

Given a dataset:

? How many people liked the new iPhone?

? How many instances belong to yi class?

A. Esuli and F. SebastianiOptimizing text quantifiers for multivariate loss functions, arXiv preprintarXiv:1502.05491

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion

Quantification using general purpose learners

Classify and Count

Aggregative method

Classify each instancefirst

Count instances/class

Probabilistic Classify and Count

Non-aggregative method

Get scores/probabilities for eachinstance

Sum over probabilities/class

G. FormanCounting positives accurately despite inaccurate classification, ECML 2005

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Our setting

Mono-label, multi-class classification

Observations x ∈ X ⊆ Rd , labels y ∈ Y, |Y | > 2

(x, y) i.i.d. according to a fixed, unknown D over X × YStrain = {(x(i), y (i))}N

i=1, S = {(x(i))}Mi=N+1

Regularized classification: w = arg min Remp(w) + λReg(w)

hθ ∈ H, e.g., for SVMs the θ = λ from a set λvalues

py , pC(S)y : prior on Strain, estimated using quantification on S

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion

Accuracy bound


Let S = {(x(j))}Mj=1 be a set generated i.i.d. with respect to DX , py the true prior

probability for category y ∈ Y andNy

N, py its empirical estimate obtained on Strain.

We consider here a classifier C trained on Strain and we assume that the quantificationmethod used is accurate in the sense that:

∃ε, ε� min{py , py , pC(S)y }, ∀y ∈ Y : |pC(S)

y −M


|S || ≤ ε

Let BC(S)A , be defined as:


min{py × |S|, pC(S)y × |S|}

|S| , BC(S)A

Then for any δ ∈]0, 1], with probability at least (1− δ):

AC(S) ≤ BC(S)A + |Y|(

√log |Y|+ log 1


2N+ ε)

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion


Estimated prob. of y on |S |prior prob. of y

BC(S)A ,


min{ py × |S |, pC(S)y × |S |}

|S |

In a power-law distributed category systems this is an upperbound:

– py will be used for large classes due to false positives, and

– pC(S)y will be used for small classes due to false negatives.

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion

Model selection using the bound

Training Data

Estimate class priorsQuantification on unseen data

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion

Model selection using the bound

Training Data

Estimate class priorsQuantification on unseen data

for λ in λvalues doTrain on Strain

Estimate pC(S)y on S

end for

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion

Model selection using the bound

Training Data

Estimate class priorsQuantification on unseen data

Calculate the Bound

Select hyper-parameter value

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion


Dataset #Training #Quantification #Test #Features # Parameters

dmoz250 1,542 2,401 1,023 55,610 13,9Mdmoz500 2,137 3,042 1,356 77,274 38,6Mdmoz1000 6,806 10,785 4,510 138,879 138,8Mdmoz1500 9,039 14,002 5,958 170,828 256,2Mdmoz2500 12,832 19,188 8,342 212,073 530,1M

– Similar experimental settings on wikipedia data

– SVMs and Log. Regression, λ ∈ {10−4, . . . , 104}– 5-CV, Held out (70%-30%), BoundUN, BoundTest

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Results (1/2)

10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 10 102 103

λ values













H out




Figure : MaF measure optimization for wiki1500 for SVM.

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Results (2/2)

BoundUn BoundTest Hold-out 5-CV

Dataset Acc MaF Acc MaF Acc MaF Acc MaF

dmoz250 .8260 .6242 .8270 .6243 .8260 (±.0000) .6242 (±.0000) .8260 .6242dmoz500 .7227 .5584 .7227 .5584 .7221 (±.0005) .5558 (±.0022) .7220 .5562dmoz1000 .7302 .4883 .7302 .4892 .7301 (±.0001) .4835 (±.0155) .7299 .4883dmoz1500 .7132 .4715 .7132 .4715 .6958 (±.0457) .4065 (±.0998) .7132 .4715dmoz2500 .6352 .4301 .6350 .4306 .6350 (±.0001) .3949 (±.0686) .6352 .4301

wiki1500 for SVM on 4 cores: BoundUn (302 sec), 5-CV (1310 sec).

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? Performs equally well or better than traditional modelselection methods for model selection.

? Is k times faster than k-CV.

? It requires unlabeled data from the same distribution as thetraining data.

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Introduction Quantification The proposed approach Experiment Framework Conclusion

Thank you

Georgios [email protected]

Ioannis [email protected]

Eric [email protected]

Rohit [email protected]

Massih-Reza [email protected]

This work is partially supported by the CIFRE N 28/2015 and bythe LabEx PERSYVAL Lab ANR-11-LABX-0025.

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