id nn- i- · aeit adshespcntwas so fat tbtsh could hardl most of hetime in adent hat-lf-f she bad...

L 4 f IF YOU SEE IT IN f IF YOU SEE IT i- NIT1O utbt un ID nn- I bt IT BO- TOblVfflKO251 un NEW YORK SATURDAY MAY t U 1891 PRICE TWO CENTS n t DEATH OF IME BLAVATSKY AH or nw rovmsns ratova OY ntsosotmcAi socnsi- TI or n Ao In London tat tk I 1fltWSeU Tail W Not Md Kaoa l 0 the rab M < tJattl Y lf rdrThe 31013 Cremated DelrcdHlory of Her ttrr- iae aRd M She Socltty Hhe Helped to round RMme I3lftvMRkT the noted Snot the Thoosophleal Bocltr died ItUAtian nnadrecent Part three week The fact hw only now become I lD Tbe caiio of death was Influonw bow br kidney trouble The body was wriyatd J muttel desire lat Wklng ocoorJInz to Mme Blav- atikr I Vrryllttl I definitely known of Mm ni- fltRky ¬ Parentage anti early life She was a 1lHthn and was born In Kkaterlnlow- Bula In 1111 TheosoflJifets accept bar that her father was Col Peter Hahn- 3hMndiit of a titled family of Mcoklen Jan mil lhat her mother wa Helene 4 N fry I- P Jlllf BfiVATSKT I i of Prlry Councillor- AndrtwPadefl dcef the dunchter end the Princess Helene Del I goroiiky Kbe ald that when 17 years old she married Klwrhore UlsvatKkv Councillor of Stats nnd > rflnternor of Erlvan an old man oDd that File ran awnv from him a few wenki afterward and travelled in Greece Egypt and mUtt upon money supplied by her father Many wonderful stories are told of her ad Venturis all over the world and particularly In Indln but It Is believed that she Invented tbM In later Ufa to Increase the atmosphere of romance and mystery with which It was her tailnesa to turround herielf It la certain that she did travel eitenslvely and Ue belle i U widespread that she was a- ID la the employ of the Russian Govern OMnt Dr Elliott Cones of the Smith loalin Institution who carefully In Ttstlcatod her theoiopblcal humbug in 187 and who e Interesting dlicloaures lire printed in Tar SUN last summer be hives that she Invented the scheme In India to lover poll Intrigues and when dropped by the Government need It as a moans of livelihood Authentic history begins with her expulsion from Egypt In 1870 while trying to form a snlr jtaalletio society and her appearance In Hits- ountrylnltt73 together wtih formation of ikMremarkabl Imposture known 81 the Ma aatmlo MUivtrs movement which to this day has Its lalKH she met Col H S Olcott a Nw ToTlnawyar who had ben news rlowrttsaserles upon a spir Itaallitlo demonstration in Vermont She pra to call into axlsterue a mysteriou Ed spirit whom she named Ma Root HoomL the Induced Olcott to have a dream In which Mahntma appeared and left Inetructonor the organi- zation l ¬ of a society showed a tnrban which the spirit bad left htm as a son flair and a letter In vhUh Mahatma out tne plan organization and rube mile < New York Theoopblcal Hcclety wuloh was dUly rounded on Nov 17 1873 le objects of this ocl tywreto Invest the unexplained laws ot nature and the Pjrcblal powtrs of man nod to promote the study of Aryan and other Eastern langnagtH n members were clcdccd to ohey iilavatsky WIthout aueatloitolirestrTe Inviolable nocraay tad above ail t tn help tile atIotv wIth their moral anti financial Mipport hopes were hound all over the country and burners UI r sUrtM BUvatiky heated the faith fat lo privet vimr of the Bttrnl body 001 tbe great Mabatiaa ant whenever the wtsrests if I the business demanded fresh In ipiratlon Col Olcott who was high pnebt had a dram In which Mahatmas astral per baRge appear and leave a letter TbRe letters eocoutaged the faithful to Dna uIcr In1 Ukotl and to do wb b aver red nunounced Iro n besiquarters that charter for branbes nel could be flct f dolomas of membership would CUB tl each The I Char erBTtere written on heavy rico paLer and endosed In long envelopes of Eastern menu llll J here were hi roglyphii on the en whIch were 1nted with Handal wood The writing taa done with red atD I bluo vnclii JIluyatik the heed t4 tno atelety Oloott 10d was I PreIJat A Judgr Rod ia ROlerAI Orator buinlll mllllr ty I brIer Reflection by marrying a iuerebtit from J ills elI1net Hetanlly who t tar a dttott Iror her two or three mouths In 1878 Bhivtaky took dvimtnRe of the intb of i JOlerb Lrnla Baron ToVh doJij w one of Jr foliowei Lhnrll toitet notice lad Bocl Ho was reputed it rich man liinvtty gave n wonderful funeral to the Kuoafo him on lay i8 It was and wits DB tho SSnsSS boly lay In a rosewood fiHHS In addllol to the Darns doorltnns and boje ur the Im Hbt t OutlllNlaltestuUun of IPrtunl- tl At head nf the coffin In IM R Wel arouiO l It Was gre r i epotteti PIbfriuJsonJawsaud rleQt fearful eyei lhIlallo worl1Ih of the Creative principle In a tlaok robe a ted 111gb i re1 aslsled Lty Other pIOllln ni black Usb ri17 and chantod Invocation5 to tht Rrdrit of tee high Wladomanl Bout of the Wrldlnd vu both ftlnhsuled In and tfeUiOfllet the tyeild hl81 Alter Ibo and other talblt were remoycti from tho coma which tty ttmnoraiily placed In the Juthera Como liYtuoths by hyin later DJIYllk created anew Ilrol cremated it t crematIon In the Uniteil titatse b JIIaky 1 J antI to br 1BItaDtllrosporp1 and aft le ho Mr 0 In Judl clare lit tbhecountry and rod OIflt hele i In Zdndras huh ytaLIbod a shrIne and a cbInet II d duilued pj art oattbly Poet IPI ent to London aiahtitme and 10ltort Theo she a branch leer > etabllhO iarefn2fhrmond008oolelr for Psychic Re- HLMLrllnAd Jl 1 ° investigate her anti sent i mSSTnh to rJWrlu for that PUWoae After Iwt Ha shnlA drawlnnlnd elaborate plans report of thi cab doors hr th ltrot airings and trap means or letlera had bern I to appear This exposure was I ° olllon of a violent Quarrel be L and Blavataky iiiavatsky Jbllamln Olcolt fotperznittina t exposure tied tt larll and Wurabur until he storm blew over and thin the two company g dlTldad the buelnesa OIOOt rltOI Poslesaton of the Madras Irm hti society the Exorio taIpQphiel oty Jilavataky rlalned the anhltib itat ot th sad Esoteric AmrIcij business under the This Do rough dIleloo WI Iloceaful managed Iii Blessed ahtmlo Mast Hot Lii hinglt o 100ml oblalnllr left a hi over wth VIk t aloaturo ordering ebllie 61leo j1V ellr hor baa lod srLlrJ tI the ua OnM dOlorb Dluallk u Qbue ma hands feet ana long 11fl4i cipi Bhi bail a nose ar hU taut bones and alartarf4 sjuDbeq a dewllp vote er neo SdtlOu t WI barb strident anti her le ranu rllne aid witty Bhebid a bad It tel Crctke Roted lareUel lube alwav tild I a Sal ifn I ycar oltier tn lurrounding odd tend hideous ciuthea and tth btb hili with Olclt lu little nat at 787 I city avipu store while she was n aei t She was so fat tbt sh could hardl ad spcnt most of he tIme In a dent hat- l f- f she bad fixed tip writing gibberish about theoaopbr answer R the letters of ber diibei arid smoking cigarettes In the tUnIng room she had a big figure of an elephant while scattered throughout the rooms were ugly Indian Idol stuffed lizard and serpents and many emblems of hidden and forbidden arts A very peculiar and elect arrangement In a corner room which as her study wa made by a dexterous combination of tobacco leaves to represent a umaiisiae4 Indian jungle Once or twice every week there used to ne gatherings In her rooms anti Indian were 8 common as pie in New splrll good many wealthy people term to have been duped by her for carriages nred to roll np there every day and fashionably drossed men and women used to go into her apartments spend hours the III did not rare much about Initiating the common bard Into tho mysteries of the new religion for site made no nttemit to onllghtcn the people of the neighborhood anti seemed to retain her occult Information for I those who could nfford to nay for It HUe mot4 away very abruptly und nobody In that neighborhood heard from her afterward deem necessary for hlB Welfare the whole or nag part of tno raid principal eum held In trust as aforesaid 1Uon the death of my said son to con- vey ¬ and pay over so much of the said principal sum na may than remain to such of bis lineal descendants him surviving In equal shares per stripes and not per capita as may be tbeloue of a marriage between him a rlor to such marrlatto had 10t nnl at any time acted aunv or danoed pro fessionally or otherwise performed hire on A dramatic stage or other plll of public amusement or entertainment i hereby empower my said son br hIs last will and testament to divide the said sum of 300000 or so much thereof as may be held by my Rid trustees for his benefit nt the time of lila dot ease among such llnoal descendants as Are herein described and no others in such proportions as he may designate Instead of in equal shares in case of Howella death without leaving any lineal descendants Issuing from suob I marriage the remainder 01 the trust fund is bo conveyed to a Memorial Home association to be Incorporated under the will If nt thIs unto the asoclntlol Is not Incorporated the I n onto Is niece Henrietta Olive Trowbtldso the daughter of a decoae brother until the Home Is case this niece I In dead onehalf or the Income ot the tauiiwu Is to po to the Now York Hoiun for Kcspectable Indigent and Aend Women t the other hall to go to the President and Fel lows of Yule College Mary A Walker a sister of Mm Osborn ro celirs 50000 which Is to co to the 1Iemorla Home in case Mrs Walker dies lbout tt thcvHoroe Is nut UuOrpQrtet money In to RO tollowell then It Is to be equally divided between charity and Yale College- A mini 01 1200000 goes In trust to Henrietta Trowbrldga absolutely and SSOOOO In trust to Irfila A Hnnriques Mrs Osborns sister do Ecendlni when she dies to her daughter Leila Incase the latter has no issue the lemalnder goes to the Memorial Homo Fly thousand dollars Is also loft absolutely to daughter Leila SuUOU Is left abso utely to Minnie Oari on daughter of William K howell SUOOOO for the bulldlncand fur nlshlDR of a recitation hall at Yale College as a memorial to the testators husoand In cane tho trustees think A more lilting memorial would be tho endowment of a professornhlp In the acadmle department of the college titer have be rower of ubtllutnl this lor the building Then the The foregoing beuuosts beIng first fully pal anti sntlslluii thou in case and upon the condition that my son Howell Usborn shall wlihln thirty days after their demand ux eciile and deliver to my said executors a con- sent ¬ to tho probate ot this will anti a waiver of- I be I Issuance and service of a citation upon him In the matter of buob probate and also a duly executed declaration or ncreement In such form AS shall be approved bv my said I executors to the effect that ho assonte to al he provisions conditions and limitations ootlnahlnnelrnnd his lineal descendants an well as otherwise contained In this wlllen out itt t the rest residua and estate I Rive and bo iueath the sum or 100 000 to my said trustees In runt however for tbe general uses nnd purposes following I TottpplythecetInoonnIiheroortothauBa of my said son during his I life and also In heinihsoluto and uncontrolled discretion to apply to hlcuse at such time or times as may- o them seem advisable atid to such extent as- her may deem necessary for his welfare tha- vbole or anypart of the said principal sum In cai of Ho wells dell without lineal de- scendants ¬ the of the S100000 goes to the Memorial Home Association The will ordors that as anon as possible after the leeeasa ot tbo testator and during the lives ot her son and her niece Henrietta Olive Trow rldee the trusteesshall Incorporate the illrlam A Osborn Memorial Mom Assoola If this name does not Jarto bntnl ton trustee may change It live managers and shall nave the same chartered owe alho Home for at Aied- llesPfotablcsnd Street aud Teuth avenue It Howell does not waive objections to tbo probate of the will- lamand wIthin thirty days after the executors Burb a to tho Memo nfIr42tr nt th Home are the sale of all the testators land In Westrhesler county except twelve anti ono lxlh acres nt lire Neck where stands the summer reclduuce of the family The roslduay clause says that IIowoll If he be executed the Consent and waiver required shall receive onehalf the In- come ¬ of tile remainder ot the estate If he riles without IFBUU this hlcomt Is to go to tha- JUeraoiliil Home of tbo residue- go s to Vale Colline for general purposes ant the remainder to the Memorial Home If Howell has no Issue and the Memorial Home I Is not Incorporated the residuary legatee IH Ileniliiin Trowbrldge and S100000 of the legacy which under certain contingencies the Home fr Aired Respectable and Indigent Women will receive Is to be used In the erec- tion ¬ of a for the Home In ease of huldlnl any expenses scorning there from shall he deducted from the share be queuthed to the person Instituting the t ° be trustees am John N Sterling and the Central Trust Company The witnesse to the will were J O Bloss O H Church and John A A waver of objections signed br Howell Os ¬ born was tiled yesterday morulnc The Income placed at Hpwells disposal by his fathers will was derived from 500000 and so If hA gets nothing more than the income from the 70o0Mi placed in trust for him by his mothers will his Income will be Increased tl elY tilDOOO u year Hnwol Osborn is about 35 of HUB grown bulky of late He Is about the medium height and has a brown moustache which Is generous enough to permit him to curl the ends lie Wears ealuses Ills clothes have been tile wonder such an adept In dressing u lierry Wall He has never beon noted for anything so much as his ureat good nature ltd I said that be has never Veen known to refuse a hearty laugh at the poorest joko or na expzesslon of sympathy at- anytskol l woo Ilowells spasmed flights In win Uurlnl becuine known to all the high 01 nioiu ihoro At failierM request he en tond Into partnership with William L B tow at 64 Broadway and purchased a seat In the Block txehanice The firm wa shortly die solved and Mr Stow brought suit against flowril to recover 500Jo of borrowed Howell wa then in Europe moDJ the suit was directed af the trustee of tho trust fund Mr Blow gotiudgment which wai returned from tbo Sheriff s ofllcp un > atli fled Eugene II Iomoro was appnlntrj ref- er hy Indirn Andrews nnd testimony fntt- itkin nt Inlorm1 for uv ml 1n its I lie triiti bay roulil not statue any pI Iths trust funds becauSe they bad none In I hlnl referee advised the dlamtiial of the I suit rbi 1 hii report bl said that CbiaUi J > lKl DBtTU A MKltB ZXC1DBXT- TV Q Judge the New Turk Thtoonphtet- Sny UlnTiitiky May Appear Aajuln W 0 Judge President of the The osopluical Society was entrtalnlnl n friend of the faith last Ilbt a reporter called at his hou WlllouRbbr Itreet Brooklyn On his library table was a late theosoph- Ical magazine with several books about lila vatsky Mr Judge had evidently been con- sulting ¬ these books for ho was primed with historical and theosophical facts about the doa leader of eaoterlo Duddhlsr He gave opinion of Blavatiky words She 8 a great woman of enormous abil ¬ ity great energy large charity high purpose nobility character kindness to everybody- and wide Information on alt subjects and in no sense a humbug and never ha boon Al her conclusions as to the proper position ¬ enc should assume in relation to man will be vindicated Mr Judge saul that it was Blavatskye ex- pressed ¬ duslru l that her mortal body should ho cremated It would be impossible for the toclotys broaches In this country to do more than to pats the usual resolution Th society had lung been p for ibis e Mme Blavattky hers elaro warned ont iiblstn that the death of her mortal body might be expected at any time The society realize the force nf tho blow It receive In her removal but It would continue to go on with Its work nnd to spread Its belief Her teachings survive her and the nae of her works Is constantly on tho n Iso Old of tbe death of Mme lila all before the receipt of the Associated cablegram V queried the reporter Lllnlal do in this world I know of only one worldly Information about worldly affairs such as the death of tbe body- of q friend and my information of the death of If V Blavatakyabody was by means of a cable message received today before 2 oclock Air Judge explained that it was his custom to aay that he knew a tblnl only when be had the evidence to show so that he would not tell any one not aTheoiophlsttbat knew of Blavatfkys oat until after he had received lila cabio Wi you RO to the funeral Mr Judge The ceremony of cremation will ably take place this coming week rob Mr Judge did not know bad been dead and aPlnrellJlhatI- bo weekWill yon send Jour astral body 7 the re- porter ¬ caked him n In my opinion it is no fit use lo which to put on astral body to take It away from the mortal bOY It I Is In connection with in order to nt the funeral ceremonies of omt other mortal body at a distance lda Paid that he believed In tbe ex- istence ¬ astral body but that the pres ¬ ence of the astral hotly was necessary to tbo life of tbe mo tel holy What do yon believe will become of Mme Blavattky e astral body It will either dissipate aa some nsttal bodies do or It will take no another human tenement as some astral bodies do It It takes UP another human tenement it will con- tinue ¬ to l he ot assistance to the spread of theosopby At thla pint Mr Judges tbeosophlcal friend asked the astraL body would not of necessity dlsMpate but ilr Ju Jge walked out Into the hallway and hIs answer wns lost lie salil however that I H wo hIs personal opinion that If Blavatikys astral body should take up another human tenement i would be In her power or was In her power while In this life to control to some extent at least the personality nf that mortal tenement per- sonal ¬ recollections of Blavatsky he thought- were a private matter anti he had not made up his mind what he would do with his own astral body KDIONIION I NEJOULVD The Aisembly P ie > Recolntlon Denonne late tie Knatiford UUU ST Joints r F May BTho Assembly met last night Knutsford- Coerclcn bill at length and amid much excite- ment ¬ finally adopting resolutions denun- ciatory ¬ of the proposed action of the British Parliament The people are considerably exercised over the affair and are entirely In sympathy with the action of the Assembly UAMPAX May Emerald has re BH l 8 celt ed orders to Newfoundland- until further orders A cradle for torpedo boats will be placed nn board the next regular mall steamer wlilih leaves England The Emerald will take charge of tao torpedo boat at bt Johns and tow her to Port Maun- ders ¬ the headquarters ot the fleet where It will receive a thorough oyerhaulnl before entering tbe flattery LONDON upon BLrd Knntsford after to ¬ days Cabinet resumed communica- tions ¬ with ibe Newfoundland delegates The later In their memorial offered to submit a the imperial Government which once agree I to could te expeditiously passed by the Colonial Legislature aR a temporary aoL The delegates draft of the bill now known as the bnuts old bill U reported to have been approved t ty the Cabinet Lord Enutsforda reply to the delegates memorll I Is now pro paring sad ought to be in tbe hade of the delegates tomorrow- It Is expected that this reply will enable the Colonial Legislature to pas the proposed act before the YVhltsun recess and thus lead to the Gnvrnmolt dropping the present obnoxious FATUKR StALOXEB JORTUDAT- He JEerer to What Ra Hey Was the Only MIstake lie Ha Made as Print Father Sylvester Malone the venerable Catholic priest of Willlamabnrgh wits 70 rears old yesterday lie celebrated mae at 8 oclock In the morning and delivered an address to his congregation in whtoh ha re- viewed ¬ his pastorate from the time he cele ¬ brated mass fortyseven years ago In the little Bt Mary Church In upper Wllllamsbnrub- Iu the course of his address he said that when he began his oaieer In the priesthood he had resolved to do his wh le duty not only n a priest hut as a citizen He lel La latlon true to that resolution lie at n I under all circumstances striven to do his ant antI win happy to cy he hud never had trouble of any serious chniiioier with any one Protestant Catholic or Israelite Father Malone added that he recalled onlJ one instance In his life as a nriest when thing like trouble occurred The trouble grow out ot his friendship for a dear good man 1 devoted to that fIend said the wa and I believed ideas be represented and that ho fought for rather Maloni had reference to the MrOlrnn- onlrovoisy When the 8Cvlcrlln he church were over the priest WI by thousands of pnrlabooern anil cltlrens lire prctlvo of night the nrlous organizatIons attached to the church cave him- a banquet CLOSED rU C1IINKBV rCtTIIE Tb llanncer Hue Chung Chtvr Attaches Ibe Coetume for Money Loaned Deputy Sheriff Carrnher levied yesterday on costumes of the company playing at tho Chinese Theatre 1J flowery upon judgment obtained by tue Chung Chow the manager against Ngah WDIOr money advanced amounUol to the deputy sheriff theatre ns found a Jabbering lot ol actors and other attaebs who refuted to rccoenlz him He bad to get the assistance of a policeman and threaten tbo whole crowd with arrest before he was able to remove the property rrnt itt In Wr Tlram I John HaLbsrtnn new Mory In lo morrows tkinitau JUncwy deaU Iu a njott interestIng I way with tho prank hardships and amuse- ment ¬ I of private in camp All veterans of the I warihouldrfadU4dt i Tae Car ofYour Ileitllb j I SanItary oarinlee4 pure wool at flM I afc Mwtffcaaau gaet UCta fVr Jt J PLENTY FOR OWEUJ OSBORN nor NO rIO ron nia cnizDitEN 1 JIE JltAltlHES Ale ACTRESS Thnt Menu Fur Templeto Term of nil Mother Wilt which Iarrae Ilia in- come < o May ROOOOO Ho In Contcat GIrt to Tlo College und to Charitte Howell Osborns brief career In Wall street convinced Ms father the millionaire banker Charles Oaborn that the financial Iblltl of the son lay more In the direction fltloR others than hlmlel This discovery diminished the r some of tho young mans acquaintances hut they solaced them- selves with the thought that the time would ultimately name when howell would have no father and when they would got a fair chance nt the young man Jut when Charles J Osborn dlod In November 1835 ha lor lomollni II Le 12000000 to his gave his son only the Income ot- tSOO00 This gave Jowol 135000 a to Far spend nod he tried worry alon on It but fnllod miserably He lived 10 extrava- gantly ¬ that no other ounl man In town could keep pace with him was fond ot the the ntro and fonder still ot thonymphswhodaneed about In front ot the footlights His extrava- gant ¬ mode of living was encouraged rather than chocked by the tradesmen who trusted him for they felt certain of getting their money some day by way of his mothers will perhaps The mother Mrs Miriam A Oaborn died on March 14 last In this city and yester- day her will which was made on June 2 1888 was probated The will Is a formidable document so far aa bulk Is concerned It begins bJ Riving all my works ol art articles of vertn jewelry wearing apparel and personal orlament to- m exoutorsll trust to dispose ns In absolute and uncontrolled discretion may think best The wilt then gives 00 In trust for divis- ion ¬ among servants 300000 In trust lor Ilowell as follows ITo aoply the not Income thereof to the use ot my only son and child Howell Osborn during his life and also In their absolute and uncontrolled discretion to apply to his use at such time or times as may to thorn seem advisable and to such extent as they may Osborn maintained two handsome reldnee his Fifth avenue house valued at tSOOOO Ho hit a Meant yacht which cost him 10000 n nod his tam ¬ ily expanses wore 125tKn annually howell was an only boy and during his fathers llfntlmo constantly overran his Income of 30000 After tba older Ooborns death the xecntors warned the plaintiff not to trust Howoll with any money and he actually en ¬ tered Into nn agreement In writing with them not to do so In violation of this agreement pod vylth the knowledge that every want of Howolls would bo rutiplled hy the trusties ot his fathers will plaintiff continued to lend howell money which ns ho himself lestllled was used forjnrpoiOB of ex- travagance ¬ and debauchery The Plalnlll has demanded and obtained upon de- tailed ¬ statement nt nil mgnoys applied to the net of Osborn nnd has examined ono of the trustees ax a witness Not an item of Improper or extravagant expenditure ap- pears ¬ on the record and no Mmeestlon has boon made that soy Itol has been open to ob- jection ¬ on the moral rounds Tho presumption I K therefore ml In Invor of tho trustees who did not personally know of llowoUs habits and against the plaintiff who did and who lout Howoll money knowing that I was likely to be used forlmmoral purpose Mr stow however sold howells seat In the Block Exchange and by this means decreased- the debt due him by 20000 Home time previous to the beginning of this putt gossips had frequently linked tho name of Ilowell Osborn with that ot Fay Temple- ton tho burlc Quo actress They said amoag other things that he had estnb shed ber comfortably In an apartment house at Flltrseoond street and Hlxth avenue Strength was given to the gossip by frequent publlo appearance of Mr Osborn and Templeton Then the rumor came that they wore married W H Lykens stated shortly after the flat In Fiftysecond street lund been surrendered that Howell Os ¬ born had signed a four years contract for Miss Tompleton to appear In comic opera to begin the coming season From this tine up to within n few months ago Miss Templeton lifts tnnnaeod to keep herself prominently be loge the public by a series of proceedings Among her escapades was her midden flight Irom Chicago where sho was playing with lllco pad Dlxeya Corsair company at the Colum ¬ Pie Theatre straight totiuisctty anti Hulled In the French steamer Ia Normandla for Paris Just before she sailed away she raid that Howollolborn WAS to meet her at Havre out that had cabled for nor to come to him in Uowol The cosMiiB got to work again said that lay had been anxious ant years to Cultivate her volco in 1arll and that howell bait finally see that site was provided for during her work It was stated with some poslttveneRs at the time that Fay and howell wore married Thoy dropped- out of sight after this and nothing more was har of them for nearly two years and then Templeton came buick here alone anti got an engagement at tno i ur- teenth Htreet Theatre where Hendrllc Hudson was playing Bbortly after this came tho news that 20000 worth of diamonds- that were being brought over hero to Bias Temploton by Henry Herlschy OsDorns valet had been seized by the Custom House authorl ties Tbere was some weeping and then MIss Templolon went to a big United States official and told him an Interesting story It was to tho affect that while shn and Howell worAln Paris their money save entirely out and they were Comntlodln order ber to Iuppltelrlamedlate ranged to come to this city and BO she came away from Purls without her diamonds but with the understanding that Howell was tore deem them ns soon as ho cOllrand send them- to her Howell did BO pretty well known Ihnt the jewels were her personal propertand not newly bought and they were delivered to Miss Templeton During his slay In Paris Howell lived In grand style tnd succeeded In running far enough Into debt to feel per feet I r at home He bad a big house on the lloiilevard Hnus mann earl he plunged like mad at horse races and at baccarat He finally male a bil hit at 1 loth and with a remit inn annt him by the trustees ot his find hero succeeded In squaring up mind getting away His arrival here produced 1 cloud or creditors who dunned him relentlessly I but unsuccessfully 11 was credited with having matte 00000 out an Investment In Bt Paul through the assistance of his fathers old her AddIson Cammack- At part present ho Is In Paris having let a short time aeo but his old friends In street knowthat ha 1 Is certain to return Wal old stand In New street opposite the Btock Exchange and give them another chance at him FeY Tompleton Is in Paris too BOYCOTT MET VHTU XOTCOTT Lumber Denier Arr yrd AffAlnnt the Ilulldlng Trade The New York Lumber Trade Association representing all tho big lumber dealers in this city decided yesterday not to deliver lumber to any building In this city alter today until tbo boycott which the lumber handlers have put on Charles L liuokl Co Is lalsad I this decision Is carried out it will menn that least 20000 men w1 be compelled to quit work within two oek It Is very unlikely how- ever Unit the matter will be allowed to co so- ar as that The lumber handlers made a demand for ten hours nnd better wages at the beginning of tills week and the dealers refusol It Then he men decided to strike yard nfter another and the other building trades prom- Ised to help them in ease their places snould- to tilled Charles L uncUt A Co were chosen first bccnuBo tIter paid the lowest wages Tho strike did not spread nnd the firm was only beginning to feel Its oflect Tho dealers hall announced that they would stand hy all firms that suffered through strikes and the decision yesterday was tho fulfilment of their promise J hero are enough lumber dealers In the city and near It outside of the association to pre- vent ¬ building from comlogtoaoompletestand Btlll but nevertheless the boycott would have considerable effect It la expected however that tho lumber handlers will withdraw tbelr- domonds similar step to this that the brick manufacturera took last fall when tho build- Ing trades put a boycott on the brick of certain frl was announced yesterday that T R fc 3 M Cornell would open their shop on Monday A member of the firm said yesterday We have all the applications for work that we need and on Monday wo will have nnough men to RO ahaud with We do not anticipate- any tuble WAS AOVEn MUDED Trans or Clotted lllond Fonnd Yesterday on III Throat Traces of clotted blood were found yesterday under the blue ridges on the throat of a dead man found In the East Illver off Sixth street Long Island City Wednesday afternoon- Dr WW Melners a Coroner of Long Islandl Cit and Drs Strong and MoKeon who per the autopsy on the body believe the man was murdered and their now discovery strengthens their belief The veins In the neck were congested and tho tongue was swollen The Coroner and two doctor believe that the man was choked and beaten to death and then thrown in the water Daniel Levy of 46 West Third street Now York city who the duty before Identified the body as that of Edward Wagner a former companIon who lived at 50 West Fourth street New York city with a woman named Dole IlersoD visited Cnnwavs Morgue In LOPI woman Island City yesterday In comnany with Ihl bits became demonstrative In tier arts when the body wits shown lo her Coroner Mcinern says her grief was very violent and sudden It- ItboughtLevy and the woman lom- ethlnconcornlol Wagmra movements which nuMle The couple said they bad cmlio the Morgue for the nf finding Olt whlt disposition WI flrpOI bo made body Thin said she haul buon to fee Wal nerf parents who lIve on a Manhasxet but tboy refused to have snythlnR to do with her and declined to take charge of the body Thoy finally I arranged with undertaker Conway to have the bOy burled In Bt Michaels Cemetery It is Wagner was married and that ha deserted his wife to live with the Person woman The body will probably be burled daJ Moved to nUmlia nnrkeHu Appeal Assistant District Attorney Sample moved before the General Term of the Supreme Court yesterday to dismiss for want of Prl ecutloa the appeal of exAlderman James A Barker from his conviction- and sentence of four months lor as- sault Barker was admitted to ball In 15000 on June iBOO mid nothing has been don In his case since In opposition It was urged that owing to delay In the District At ¬ torneys office tho stenographer s minutes were not prlntei it WHS too late to Us- a note of Issue lor Inl present General Term TniilnH served un hue Uittrlnt Alt moron Ttifltduy TfO I jul ii luau nrUin 1111R I nut ro- turnid tbtm as boInK to luir re- sorted WILL BALM ACED A FLEEr Ott nKJJSCTB JSKDIATIOV AND MAX SEEK A SEFUOS nt LONDON That Would Leave the laaarceata em TOp end Ml lit Jar the Dlfflcnltlci or- an Attempt br a 1altd ftee Cruller to Capture the LONDON May APntl Chill cables say that President I arranging to lee from Santiago and to come to London by way of Buenos Ayres The proposals of mediation I IT France Drl and the United States are rejected by Blamacadlsts who consider the success of such mediation impossible llalmaceda has Invested a large sum on his personal account In London bank WASHINGTON May Despatches received here from Chill this morning ear that Presi- dent ¬ Balmaccda has directed the suspension of all paper payments to the Government In tho future he proclaims during the present emergency payments of revenue and other dues to the Government must be made In silver A naval officer today rotated out the tat that this might Indicate a certain amount shrewd precaution on the pat of Balms ¬ cede who may be preparing for an abdication Such things have happened often enough before In South American revolutions to make the tboof entirely probable such an act Insurgents of course end the a in favor ot th TO CATCH 21 JtUTfAWAT ITATA A Story that the Charleston IB to Tarsus tho Chilian Insurgent SIp SLit FBANCISOO May eThe Ma California professed yesterday to have positive Informa- tion ¬ that the United States steamer Charleston would sail for Ban Diego today in pursuit of tho Chilian ship Itats Secretary Tracy tele- graphed ¬ special orders yesterday and the Charleston left Mare Island and anchored off Ban Francisco Instead of taking her U8Un aichorace she went behind Gout Island sight Her ostensible purposlln coming down was to go outside and try her guns The off- icers ¬ and men wore ordered to be on board at 8 oclock this morning One of thin orcor of the cruiser who was ashore Iid the Charleston had left Mare Island for gun practice but In the mean- time I had been placed by order of the Navy Department at the disposal of the commlto- havloiin charge the funeral of of orders being Issued front Washington to pursue the Itata they would ba received in cipher and nothing bo oull known es to the vessels destination sho was well on the way- A despatch to the Merchants Exchange from Pan Diego 811 the Unlttd States manofwar Omana I there lose evening from the Asiatic station SAN DIEGO May Marshal Gardes parly has received ordors from Washington to re- main ¬ here They would give no information as to what the special order eOltalned but It was Intimated that they the arrival of a United tales cruiser which might be ordered In pursuit ot the Hats WASHINGTON May tTbe policy of the Government with relPet to the escaped Chilian vessel Itafa an official secret Secretary Tracy this morning refuted to dls- cusi the mater at all The officers whose busi- ness ¬ It Is orders to our naval ves- sels ¬ are almost as uncommunicative There can bo no doubt that the Government In extremely anXIOUS to exhibit all possible- Kool to recapture the vessel In order- to avoid any unpleasant conseqnoucea that mluht arise through the presentation of a claim for damages In behalf of the Chilian Government lint naval omoer are very skeptical of the ability of our recapture the Itata It is not possible lo get n dolnUo authoritative answer to the Question Will the Charleston be sent after the Itata All of Inlormatlou vouchsafed- Is I that the Charleston two weeks ago waa or ¬ tIered to coal and got ready for sea at the oar heat moment This formalities attending the residents recenton at Ban iranctsonveese- arthy delayed those preparation but It Is understood that they are now actively under- way Blnglehandoil men the fleet Charleston would have great difficulty in catching the Itata The Itata may be COO miles ahead of the stolwbln the latter starts on the chase und of a point or two of tho compass iu steering the Course would soon roparato tbo two vessels b leagues PO that the Charleston might pass the Itata with ¬ out knowing It On this account I Ir prob- able ¬ that I the nv Department really satIsfied its to seize the Chilian vessel on the high seas and is determined to do RO It must rely largely on the United States vessels in tho South Bo fat it Is said no move has been made in that direction but the department may at nny moment cable to Admiral McCann who Is ou tho Chilian const with the lon leoln antI the Baltimore and to Admiral I Is on the han Frnnciro Browniwbo to endeavor to head ulT the runaway ol But tho question of the right of Ibe United States to take the Itata ou the him seas I Is not altogether HO tiled The State Department people have searched tbolr authorities anti have scrutinized the facts In the case and are Inclined to doubt the right Tho whole ques- tion ¬ arises from a dispute M to the character- of the vessel Were she a pirate n ship In the service of an enemy to this country or a vessel 1 of American register engaged In nets In violation of treaty stipulations the case would be a simple ono Hut she Is merely n Chilian teasel 1 engaged In tbo transportation of a eusnected cargo a cargo that may possibly be contraband In the lictit of the treaty and there Is a risk Involved ho ono doubts nrlrave rlrht the United States to arrest the our own waters for the purpose of examination anti her detention on Tuesday afternoon was In accordance with this belief But now that she has landed the deputy marshal and sailed along on her business the case presents a different aspect In the matter of the questions of Inter- national ¬ law Involved It seems the state De- partment ¬ Is not In entire with the rest IB fff I f ncoor u n u eral Miller and Secretary Tiocy lean to tit belief that the Itata is legItimate prey The Ban Francisco story printed this morn Ing that the Balmaeeda armed transport Im- Periuleis hovering off tIle const or California iocapttite the Itata Is said nt the Navy De- partment to be without foundation for Ad- miral ¬ McOanns last report showed that a month ago tint vvhsel wns hut up In Valpn raise harbor bv the Insurgent Hoot and It would bo Impossible for her to have reached California in u mouth A report lias como from San Francisco to the effect that nichard Trurnhull a member ibn- Chilian revolutionary Congress has been ar ¬ rested there No knowledge of such on nut has ron oh cd the Department of Justice It I is said there that It would he an eaev matter for anyone to cause tho arrest of Trumbull on the ehiargts of lnming the neutrality lawn The Iarlhalls bound to reoognlKo an order to this lainId In un Information or complaint sworn by any citizen In ease there I la n mistake and false arrest there Is re dress only in the form of a suit At law against the informant The Marshal is not responsi ¬ ble Wm F Peck tho South American exporter of this city who i pnt some earl in Chill was naked yesterday whether he T anything of the antecedents of lllohaid L Truuibull tbo representative of the Chilian Insurgents In this country who Is said to bays secured the ship input of arms iiud ammunition front San Fran CIKOO nn board the schooner Itobert and Bin nit Mr Peck said Trumbull IH a nephew of Prof Brush of nle University and I n nephew of the late DrDuvId Tiumbull of Valparaiso liewa born In Talcahunnu on tne to this country shout 1mt74 run wa graduated from Wllllston Rem mary at Eahthnmpton Mass in UTH and from the Sheffield Hclentlllo Hchool at Yale In the class of 1HH1 Ho then studied law anti was for a time an attache of the Chilian Legation at Washington afterward be spent two years or rooro studying In Berlin aud went back to- to his native country I believe in 1889 He held on Important post In Santiago for some time under the Cuultablo Life Insurance Com- pany ¬ ot Now York and also had full charge for a time of nil the telephone exchanges In Chill lie in roognizeul ity those win have had buO flees relations with him isis a man of marked ability What Col North Really Think LONDON May 8Col North the Nitrate Ring complains that in the Interview pub- lished ¬ yesterday be wee misrepresented Cot North city be did not mate the statement at- tributed ¬ to him that bo believed tIle Chilian InMirucntH would bo crushed ioonornr later As thn mlstikp has been published he adds I I Hi flti it voil ui say now that froth iny- Mhut uiItit H ii sit riom Chili I mil In lui ul lint the I tat t 11 I o I In I tl let country la to bu Inund among the member of the Paula mrntnrj pnrly whom the bulk of the twople- l lavor against resident Baluureda There ¬ fore I am rather Inclined to believe that the luunctAU will ulumatoLr ittccied i2 I7ALT ATPEATS TO TOIS TOlTEItS Talk of Valte Action to Itrlna the Unite State to Terms Bouz May 8The Itallt save The Italian Government Is about to address a circular to the European powers submitting the eon duct ot tba Unltod States Government in the New Orleans affair to their Judgment Italy will thus bo the Initiator of an interna- tional ¬ agreement to compel the United States to find means to guarantee the protection of foreign subjects The Italian press Is indignant at the repotto the New Orleans Grand Jury The Popolo Ro- tnano says It will impossible kerefter foranr civilized country to make a treaty with the United States bated upon reciprocal protec lion of the liven ot citizens of either country Ono thousand two hundred emigrants let Naples for New York today on board the steamer Victoria and 200 others by Italian vessels xntt ynir OIILKASS rrvcnnro It May Form the Kutf ct of use Yavetiga tlon by ConcreaiW- iBntKOTOX Slay 8It is not Improvable that the New Orleans lynching and the failure ot the Grand Jury to Indict the leaders of the mob will form the subject ot Investigation br Congress next winter There b > a strong be her that in view ot the utter failure of our Government to ghe the necessary assurance to the nations of the world that our treaty obligations will be met In good faith and In view of the fact that tho Government of Louisi ¬ ana has confessed Its unwillingness to bring the offenders to justice something should be done by Congress No one seems to know just what Congress can do but probably the first thing will be on investigation by n special corn ¬ mittee and a long debate on the report Sena- tor ¬ Cullom Is among those publlo men who bo hove the report of the Now Orleans Grand Jury a disgrace to our civilization I dont remember having rend a docu- ment ¬ ho said today so full of humiliation to the good citizens of this country The Grand Jury says It cannot bring indictments against the men who marched to the jail and shot down the Italians because there were so many ot them and sets un tile clamor of the nubile justification for that which everyone knows was a crime against law and good order How puerile this is every one must know who knows that the names of tbo ring ¬ leaders of that mob are common property It would bo as easy to Indict them as any other offenders They are known and can be reached by the officers of the law at a mo- ments ¬ notice I have no sympathy with the Mafia nor with any other secret organization having murder as one of its methods of obtain- ing ¬ power or profit But there can be no justi- fication ¬ for such a mIscarriage of justice as this In New Orleans and for the protection ot the Rood narao of the liepubllo something should be done I am not In favor ot gIving to foreigners resident here anymore protection than Is accorded our own citizens and I would he no mire eager to punish the ringleaders of that mob because they shot down men who came under tIle provisions ot n treaty with a foreign power In the first place we ought to show that we are willing and able to protect citizens as well as foreigners and punish all offenders against the law Throughout the nations of the world this Grand Jury report will excite contempt and amazement and something should be done if It is possible to do anything to counteract It A BIO SIKIEOK FALLS JV TEXAS Exploded with Suck Force as to Chrett the Speed ofu Train the Trainmen Say VICTORIA Tex May 8 A large meteor passed over this locality last evening causing considerable consternation It camo from the northeist and was seen or heard all along the line of the railway from llosonberc to Collad about 120 miles About the time It reached this vicinity It exploded with a tremendous re¬ port As the sky was cloudless people Im- agined ¬ that It was a boiler explosion It was also attributed to an earthquake A brakeman on a freight train near Ira a small station twelve miles west of here saw the meteor plainly and saw It burst He says one of the fragments which appeared to be about as largo as his head struck the earth not more than 100 yards from the railway tracks The concussion of the explosion was so great that it momentarily checked the progress of the train this fact being noted by all on the train Tho conductor thought the engineer had suddenly applied the air brakes and ran to the door to see what the matter wits HIS TICT11I COM3IITTED BUICIDB- IVIItlam Price flanged at Uaratmll Mo for Aiinultlne 3II Nines MABSIZALI Mo May William Price was hanged In the jail yard here at 11 A M today for an assault upon Mist Alice Ninas commit- ted ¬ on Nov 18 1890 The girl and her aunt wore walking along a deserted road near Sweet Springs when the negro overtook them put the aunt to flight and assaulted the girl Three hours later he was captured About the middle ot the following February Miss NInes was married to George Miller a farmer residing near Swet Springs Whoa Prices trial approached the prospective ordeal of going upon the witness stand and telling of the assault so worked upon her that on March idlastshe committed suicide by taking arsenlo Prices trial resulted in conviction thonc- hh protested his Innocence to the last He died laughing As the cap was pulled over his head he remarked Sheriff I ought to have had a shave SOB SWALLOWED TOO MANY TACKS Pearl Arnold the Museum Freak flyIng In the Syracuse Penitentiary SYRACUSE May 8Pearl Arnold known on the stage as Pearl Arundel Is at the Onon- daga county penitentiary suffering from the effects of her career as a museum freak She was recently brought from Now York where she was engaged in a Bowery museum to an ¬ swer to a charge of robbing nn admirer of 1100 while playing an engagement InRyraouse The girl Is Buffering great agony Before lofulnc New York she was troubled with vomiting and terrible pnlns In the abdomon The vomiting has Increased and the pains also and the woman can retain no solid food ou her stom nrh Injections ot morphine are given from three to five times dally She has vomited many nails and tucks that she awallowi in her career in the museum The doctor thinks that If the patients constitution holds on t long enough to allow the nails and tacks to become encysted or pass off site may recover hut she hat become so cmnclaiaj that this issue Is hardly thought probable KTAltDED IN THE IARK TJIEATJIO The Btoue Carpenter Cut with a Clasp Knife by u Scene Shifter John Ilarofl 02777 Third avenue the stage carpenter ot the Park Theatre staggered down the stops of the siege door just an the performance ended last night with blood flowIng fro ni a stab wound In his left side iluyes had been talking with Gus Puter a seen shifter lust before and It wns leportud that they hail quarrelled Policeman Wood ruing for an ambulance Hayes said that ho bad boon stabbed with a clasp knife The ambiitnnco surgeon dressed the wound Hayes rufusid to RU to he hoe pllal None of tho UIIKU hnnds would tell Ivtoifls address Hayes was taken home from the theatre In a carriage lie saul that ho didnt think lila wound amounted to much Iuters had not been arrested up to mIdnight ait HULKS aiouEsr vnoposiTioir- Ho Wonld Have the New England Htuttm Invited la Join the Dominion OTTAWA MuyP f Sir Mills Conservative member for Annapolis Intends to give notice nf a resolution declaring the N w England HlHlrg should lui Invltud to ut lu the maritime ttOyIticcs unit boontu pant of thi Uomlnlou Latest Shine Inlrlllictiice- oul ArrIved ft tmbrla from iw York ftr Liver sell liai lund itof lisle I 1 ills DAUGHTERS PRISONER XUESR XAOBtPg QUEER BTOItT AHOTT1 OLD JOhN LADEN Miss May Zdee Stays that Its Not True end that She Will Disprove ItAllec Violence to the Method UervkuKt- If Thomas It Mocee profaulonal nurse It to be believed then John Laden a wolltodo retired man of business 71 years old Is a prisoner in his own Louse at 38 West TwentrBacond street confined at the Instance of his young daughter BUss May Laden Magee has taken the matter to court and through Noel D Banborn lawyei ot 20 Wall street obtained yesterday from Judge Lawrence a writ of habeas eonras to have Br Laden produced in court next Mon day forenoon Magee lives at 1U East Thirtysecond street He said last evening I wont to Mr Ladens house as hit nurse on Tuesday last on the reoom- mendation ot Sister Lanrenttn of St Vincents Hospital I wan to receive 141 a week hut I remained only one night Miss Laden told me that It was necessary to show firmness In dealing with dear father its that was the only successful way The nurse whose place I took had bon so firm with the old gentleman that on ono occasion us I was Informed he had knocked a few of bis front teeth down his throat There was another nurse there a maui from Jersey I think who was not a professional nurse butt a sort of general utility man Ho was on duty in the day time and I was to stay with the old gentleman nt night- Karlylntho evening Mr Tnden wanted to dye his moustache Ho hail got the impres- sion ¬ that he was lo b allowed to go- Ut doors and buy a pair of shoos anti he thought he would look better with his moustache dyed Ho asked me It he might dye It and I toll him ot course that I hind no objections As he wan en paged In dyeing It the other nurse came In and told him to stop He icfusod and the nure went to Miss Laden about It and she said It must bo stopped Then the nurse came hack scattered the dyeing materials about on the llnor and taking hold ot the old man threw Itlm Into hl1 When he and Mr Laden were alone Macee says the old man told him that ha hail been knocked about that way for four or five months anti be bosoutht Muuee to go to a lawyer and secure protection for him Mr Laden It teems lost his wife about eighteen months ago and that was a very severe blow to him About lnHtChrlst loan time according to Magre Mr Laden went on a spree and had delirium tremtins from which he did not recover fur a week or ten days Since then he has not been let out of the house Magee says that BIr Laden Is not Insane or oven sick anti ID an wall able to co out upon the street as anybody He hue a physician Dr Purple who lives next door at No 36 antI comes to see him every two or three days but does uot proscribe anything no medicine being nsetled Tho old man does not oven require opiates Magee says although they persist In Riving them to him The night he wns there old Mr Laden asked him not to give the usual opiate as It made hint ill 80 Mcgee talked to him when bedtime came and the old man foil asleep quite readily Magee says he threw un the job because he did not care to be firm with the old man At first he thought he would drop the matter but finally be acted on the old mans request and called upon Lawyer Hanborn Mr Banborn says that ho has had dealings with Magee before and has found him to be honest and reputable In the Peck will onus Hugce came forward with testimony which proved to be true and valuable A ring nt ilr Lodens door was answered by Miss May Laden herself She Is a handsome young woman of perhaps 21 years Miss Laden said that Magee story was ab- solutely ¬ falseaa would appear at the hearing on Monday Until then she preferred to ro plain quiet Will Mr Laden appear in court on Mon ¬ day7tqaus asked- Decidedly not was Miss Ladens reply Dr Purple declares Msjrees statements to be false and malicious Ha was one of three phv- slclana who examined Mr Laden as to his sanity His associates were Drs Btnrr antI Guernsey They found that Mr Laden was sane but Dr Purple says that ha is a sick man and physically Incapable of taking care of hlm Magee alleges in his petition that In his be ¬ lief the motive of the daughter in holding her father a prisoner is to prevent him from having communication with his friends anti making a will that would ba adverse to her Interests IXISAGIltI Another Chili sore to Mr cad Mrs 4T Hooker II mtr ley According to the Will of Louis 0 Hamersley the income from his estate of oeveral millions of dollars Is at the disposal of his widow the Duchess of Harlbcroueh and at her death the principal estate Is to pass to the male issue ot- J Hooker Hamersley the testators cousin lint if J Hooker Hamersley should have no male Issue then the widow Is authorized to divide the property among charities J Hooker Uameraloys first child was a girl It was born twenty months ago and died on the 101 h of April last At the time of this childs birth there was a good deal of talk of the disappointment of the family because it wasnt a boy Yesterday morning another baby was bonito Mr anti Mre Hamersley It too is a girl The Weather Ibe weather wu jinarally clear la alt parts f tk country ytt rdiy txeeDt for eloadlaeu in this ntloan- A northward through New Enilind a ttary sbewy in Florida sad heavy rain to Montmn The storm 1 thus t Northwest WM atntral over the Dakota uiomticd- eflnlu form Inoreulni la power ul mortajr slowly to thI lake region The warm wave area ha Increasing 31 rtaobtd northtrn Stow York yesterday la the Dakotas sat MlonuoU the temperatt ran ahoy BO Fair wath r pnvalltd In this city The blfnwt- oSlelal temperature was 04n lowtit 4S average humidity OJ per cnti wind southwest average velocity 13 mllea The thsrmomtr In arryi pharmacy In Tn Bn- bitliUK > cord < dtbatiniprala rMt rdayMtaUowBi- SA issxx irii- ex JaO 11151 V 45 sumPLas sy t iL 43 45 6 7 ea 3- BA8 7 47 We Ecu 12 H iij eo- jkr lisil8 47 Average r ie oniur V1H- uaiui 51 orrioi miscasT nu 8 r K iivtnair Far Malna Haw Ilampehtro Vermont MaataehaaetM and <anew fn > fort li > M nUKctn lUtkUt leanur ee- upt > natUnan en lt meal touOt vimii For Rhode Island Conneetloot New Jaraey aaaUm- renuylvanla Delaware Maryland weitero raaaayt vanla Ohio sail West VirginIa generally falri wanaar south winds yet wutera Ne r York fat except llnht ahewanea the haket illfbtlr warmer l south wInd Joy this Dlitrlet of Columbia Tlrttnla North Oeie lire Tenneiiee and Kentucky fair Saturday aid lea day slightly Warmer south winds JOTTIHGS ABOUT TOmt John Wtaltn aged 10 ytara ot 84 Corttanflt strea- lldown stair at hits horn THiarday and taetorM itt SkulL II dIsc two hour ln r GoIng to a Ira In East Fourteenth stress last Ruth bUlp tarroll of M aDirlna was thrown off sad fill on- ila biad lilt Injutli were nut Mrlou The Spanish MloUt Oooiul Otnaral Baldaaano ant the oBcri oC tba Spanish aohool atilp Maatlloa oecn- ilaa boiM at tin CMIDO hail nlfht- Undtrlakir KIpp says that tha body of Ida Breyoort he iiDElDirclrl Wile wu klilaJ br Uharlti n WIlbur la- M PinliW Conrail Falcon on Tn < idar night wUl be bunId today by tb rroprlfior of ba aalooo Ko ou- lemitukDuw the cool Clerk William tamb Jr upon an anthnrizattoa from la Hupria Court Jeoaral Trm enrolled yItsrday- atamuuiLitr of iha hew York l bar jao Frederick A ttarjtT5 who eomm < nil1 the fiartntcintb Corps of lie Arur ot the Taiimxii One of ilia two men wlio rotted Thomas Oliyrna at Fntirih avenue sad KleTenili etreet on Melixilar- venlnf waaldentidat yaeterdar aa Thnraai Cleary a rltuier in llll > UoUluryaialuon la halt rouneoutti inner Al iPX Markat oleary was held for trial Lucy Hall and Hell Herbert arreeiect for tior HfHn- n stub avaune dry iooila < ior > were htd joy IrIsh itt efftrion Market Court yaitrtlay iiella Pier arts iuiban4 who U known ai Klirpatrlck aurr udrad lawn UcieUrepreieiiUuj JOJ woriti at stolen prop emIT Ierrlall Famner the great North American Idantt- er C waearraigned reiterdar In Ilia deiicrM Bekeinne upon the Initlrtment onariinr elm wIth eut rn > tlnn ot- lerlurr In nRerluf Coibberi 8 Hafferr Sit uuu lo Idem yr Wtlllaui Wright the Ailwr house eulcUe ue ouu of the rtftiri fomjur pleaded mil rulllr- Frask II Elder boreS A hole Ibroovh Uezlean hank stuck lullpbloikoun In them cod aola theta a- lutro Sa a ireMut rurloiltr Cliinn lllr Imllm Hnunili titan Hlcliardt of itialenlral irtlce arremad Mm Tre herder at IUtzst sib auu lotiriiii llrecl au4 al JcOir son Market Klder was held In Satsfor trial The tiljr ot an unknown man VAIL found flnatlnfln he tail hive ai pier 4 > eeturday atlerooou The mdr wu thaI nf a nan a ont Ml yeeri oil medium lelibL lIght oiDi4eJUon dark balr ant mooaueba- arkolothea obeok eturu andblarK hum lotelut kntfs An cents sod alas Irldje tickets a sri round so the body 1 1- A

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Post on 10-Oct-2020




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Page 1: ID nn- i- · aeit adShespcntwas so fat tbtsh could hardl most of hetIme In adent hat-lf-f she bad fixed tip writing gibberish about theoaopbr answer R the letters of ber diibei arid

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NIT1Outbt un ID nn-


btIT BO-






AH or nw rovmsnsratova OYntsosotmcAi socnsi-


or n Ao In London tat tkI1fltWSeUTail W Not Md Kaoa l0 the rabM < tJattl Y lf rdrThe 31013 Cremated

DelrcdHlory of Her ttrr-


M SheSocltty Hhe Helped to round

RMme I3lftvMRkT the noted

Snot the Thoosophleal Bocltr diedItUAtian nnadrecent Part three week

The fact hw only now become I

lD Tbe caiio of death was Influonwbow br kidney trouble The body waswriyatdJmuttel

desirelat Wklng ocoorJInz to Mme Blav-



Vrryllttl I definitely known of Mm ni-



Parentage anti early life She was a1lHthn and was born In Kkaterlnlow-

Bula In 1111 TheosoflJifets accept barthat her father was Col Peter Hahn-

3hMndiit of a titled family of McoklenJan mil lhat her mother wa Helene



fry I-


i of Prlry Councillor-

AndrtwPadefldcef the dunchter

end the Princess Helene Del I

goroiiky Kbe ald that when 17 years old shemarried Klwrhore UlsvatKkv Councillor of

Stats nnd > rflnternor of Erlvan an old

man oDd that File ran awnv from him a fewwenki afterward and travelled in GreeceEgypt and mUtt upon money supplied by herfather

Many wonderful stories are told of her adVenturis all over the world and particularlyIn Indlnbut It Is believed that she InventedtbM In later Ufa to Increase the atmosphereof romance and mystery with which It was hertailnesa to turround herielf

It la certain that she did travel eitenslvelyand Ue belle iU widespread that she was a-

ID la the employ of the Russian GovernOMnt Dr Elliott Cones of the Smithloalin Institution who carefully InTtstlcatod her theoiopblcal humbug in187 and who e Interesting dlicloaureslire printed in Tar SUN last summer behives that she Invented the scheme In India tolover poll Intrigues and when droppedby the Government need It as a moansof livelihood

Authentic history begins with her expulsionfrom Egypt In 1870 while trying to form a snlrjtaalletio society and her appearance In Hits-ountrylnltt73 together wtih formation of

ikMremarkabl Imposture known 81 the MaaatmloMUivtrs movement which to this day has Its

lalKH she met Col H SOlcott a NwToTlnawyar who had ben news

rlowrttsaserles upon a spirItaallitlo demonstration in Vermont She pra

to call into axlsterue a mysteriouEd spirit whom she named MaRoot HoomL the Induced Olcott

to have a dream In which Mahntmaappeared and left Inetructonor the organi-zation

l ¬

of a society showed atnrban which the spirit bad left htm as a sonflair and a letter In vhUh Mahatmaout tne plan organization and rubemile <New York Theoopblcal Hcclety wuloh wasdUly rounded on Nov 17 1873

le objects of this ocl tywreto Investthe unexplained laws ot nature and the

Pjrcblal powtrs of man nod to promote thestudy of Aryan and other Eastern langnagtHn members were clcdccd to ohey iilavatskyWIthout aueatloitolirestrTe Inviolable nocraaytad above ail ttn help tile atIotv wIth theirmoral anti financial Mipport hopes werehound all over the country and burnersUIr sUrtM BUvatiky heated the faithfat lo privet vimr of the Bttrnl body 001tbe great Mabatiaa ant whenever thewtsrests if Ithe business demanded fresh Inipiratlon Col Olcott who was high pnebthad a dram In which Mahatmas astral perbaRge appear and leave a letter

TbRe letters eocoutaged the faithful toDna uIcr In1 Ukotl and to do wbbaver red nunounced Iro nbesiquarters that charter for branbesnelcould be flct f dolomasof membership would CUB tl each The

I Char erBTtere written on heavy rico paLer andendosed In long envelopes of Eastern menullll J here were hi roglyphii on the enwhIch were 1nted with Handalwood The writing taa done with redatD

Ibluo vnclii JIluyatik theheed t4 tno atelety Oloott





Oratorbuinlll mllllrty I brIer Reflection by marrying aiuerebtit from J ills elI1net Hetanlly whot tar

a dttott Irorher two or three mouthsIn 1878 Bhivtaky took dvimtnRe of theintb of iJOlerb Lrnla Baron

ToVhdoJij w one ofJr foliowei Lhnrlltoitet noticelad

Bocl Ho was reputed it rich manliinvtty gave n wonderful funeralto the Kuoafo him on lay i8 It wasand wits DB thoSSnsSS boly lay In a rosewoodfiHHS In addllol to the Darnsdoorltnnsandboje ur the Im

Hbtt OutlllNlaltestuUun of IPrtunl-tlAt head nf the coffin In IM R

Wel arouiO lIt Was gre ri epottetiPIbfriuJsonJawsaud rleQtfearful eyeilhIlallo worl1Ih of the Creative principleIn a tlaok robe a ted 111gbi re1 aslsled Lty Other pIOlllnni black


andchantod Invocation5 to tht Rrdrit of

tee high Wladomanl Bout of the Wrldlndvu both ftlnhsuled InandtfeUiOfllet the tyeild hl81 Alter Iboand othertalbltwere remoycti from tho coma which

tty ttmnoraiily placed In the Juthera ComoliYtuoths

by hyinlater DJIYllk created anewIlrol cremated itt crematIon In the Uniteil titatse bJIIaky

1 JantI

tobr 1BItaDtllrosporp1 andaft le hoMr 0 InJudl clare lit tbhecountry androd OIflt hele iIn ZdndrashuhytaLIbod a shrIne and a cbInetII d duilued pj art oattbly Poet IPI

ent to Londonaiahtitme

and 10ltort Theo shea branchleer > etabllhO

iarefn2fhrmond008oolelr for Psychic Re-HLMLrllnAdJl 1° investigate her anti sent

i mSSTnhto rJWrlu for that PUWoae AfterIwt

HashnlA drawlnnlnd


reportof thi cab

doors hrth ltrot airings and trapmeans or letlera had bernI to appear This exposure was

I ° olllon of a violent Quarrel beL and Blavataky iiiavatskyJbllamln Olcolt fotperznittina t exposure

tied tt larll and Wurabur untilhe storm blew over and thin the twocompany g dlTldad the buelnesaOIOOt rltOI Poslesaton of the MadrasIrm hti society the ExoriotaIpQphiel oty Jilavataky rlalned theanhltib

itat ot thsad

EsotericAmrIcij business under the

This DoroughdIleloo WI Iloceaful managed

Iii Blessedahtmlo Mast Hot Lii hinglto 100mloblalnllr left ahi overwth VIkt aloaturo ordering ebllie 61leoj1Vellrhor

baa lod srLlrJ tI the

ua OnM dOlorb Dluallk u Qbuema hands feet ana long11fl4i cipi Bhi bail a nose ar hUtaut bones and alartarf4 sjuDbeq

a dewllpvote er neoSdtlOut WIbarb strident anti her le

ranu rllne aidwitty Bhebid a badIt telCrctke Roted lareUel lube alwav tildIa Sal ifn I ycar oltier tnlurrounding odd tend hideous ciuthea and


hili with Olclt lu little nat at 787I city avipu store while she was naei t She was so fat tbt sh could hardlad spcnt most of hetIme In a dent hat-


she bad fixed tip writing gibberish abouttheoaopbr answer R the letters of ber diibeiarid smoking cigarettes

In the tUnIng room she had a big figure of anelephant while scattered throughout therooms were ugly Indian Idol stuffed lizardand serpents and many emblems of hiddenand forbidden arts

A very peculiar and elect arrangement Ina corner room which as her study wamade by a dexterous combination of tobaccoleaves to represent a umaiisiae4 Indian jungle

Once or twice every week there used to negatherings In her rooms anti Indianwere 8common as pie in New splrllgood many wealthy people term to have beenduped by her for carriages nred to roll npthere every day and fashionably drossed menand women used to go into her apartmentsspend hours the III

did not rare much aboutInitiating the common bard Into tho mysteriesof the new religion for site made no nttemitto onllghtcn the people of the neighborhoodanti seemed to retain her occult Informationfor Ithose who could nfford to nay for It HUemot4 away very abruptly und nobody In thatneighborhood heard from her afterward

deem necessary for hlB Welfare the whole ornag part of tno raid principal eum held Intrust as aforesaid1Uon the death of my said son to con-


and pay over so much of the saidprincipal sum na may than remain to such ofbis lineal descendants him surviving In equalshares per stripes and not per capita as maybe tbeloue of a marriage between him a

rlor to such marrlatto had 10tnnlatany time acted aunv or danoed professionally or otherwise performedhire on A dramatic stage or otherplll of public amusement or entertainment

i hereby empower my said son br hIs lastwill and testament to divide the said sum of300000 or so much thereof as may be held bymy Rid trustees for his benefit nt the time oflila dot ease among such llnoal descendants asAre herein described and no others in suchproportions as he may designate Instead of inequal shares

in case of Howella death without leavingany lineal descendants Issuing from suob Imarriage the remainder 01 the trust fund isbo conveyed to a Memorial Home associationto be Incorporated under the will If nt thIsunto the asoclntlol Is not Incorporated theI n onto Is niece Henrietta OliveTrowbtldso the daughter of a decoaebrother until the Home Iscase this niece IIn dead onehalf or the Incomeot the tauiiwu Is to po to the Now York Hoiunfor Kcspectable Indigent and Aend Womentthe other hall to go to the President and Fellows of Yule College

Mary A Walker a sister of Mm Osborn rocelirs 50000 which Is to co to the 1IemorlaHome in case Mrs Walker dies lbouttt thcvHoroe Is nut UuOrpQrtet moneyIn to RO tollowell then It Isto be equally divided between charity andYale College-

A mini 01 1200000 goes In trust to HenriettaTrowbrldga absolutely and SSOOOO In trust toIrfila A Hnnriques Mrs Osborns sister doEcendlni when she dies to her daughter LeilaIncase the latter has no issue the lemalndergoes to the Memorial HomoFly thousand dollars Is also loft absolutely

to daughter Leila SuUOU Is left absoutely to Minnie Oari on daughter of WilliamK howell SUOOOO for the bulldlncand furnlshlDR of a recitation hall at Yale College asa memorial to the testators husoand In canetho trustees think A more lilting memorialwould be tho endowment of a professornhlp Inthe acadmle department of the college titerhave be rower of ubtllutnl this lor thebuilding Then the

The foregoing beuuosts beIng first fullypalanti sntlslluii thou in case and upon the

condition that my son Howell Usbornshall wlihln thirty days after their demand uxeciile and deliver to my said executors a con-sent


to tho probate ot this will anti a waiver of-I be IIssuance and service of a citation upon himIn the matter of buob probate and also aduly executed declaration or ncreementIn such form AS shall be approved bv my said I

executors to the effect that ho assonte to alhe provisions conditions and limitationsootlnahlnnelrnnd his lineal descendants anwell as otherwise contained In this wlllenout ittt the rest residua andestate I Rive and bo iueath the sum or 100000 to my said trustees In runt however fortbe general uses nnd purposes following

I TottpplythecetInoonnIiheroortothauBaof my said son during his Ilife and also Inheinihsoluto and uncontrolled discretion toapply to hlcuse at such time or times as may-o them seem advisable atid to such extent as-her may deem necessary for his welfare tha-vbole or anypart of the said principal sumIn cai of Ho wells dell without lineal de-


the of the S100000goes to the Memorial Home Association Thewill ordors that as anon as possible after theleeeasa ot tbo testator and during the lives other son and her niece Henrietta Olive Trow

rldee the trusteesshall Incorporate theillrlam A Osborn Memorial Mom Assoola

If this name does not Jarto bntnltontrusteemay change Itlive managers and shall nave the

same chartered owe alho Home forat Aied-llesPfotablcsnd

Street aud Teuth avenue It Howell does notwaive objections to tbo probate of the will-

lamandwIthin thirty days after the executorsBurb a to tho Memo

nfIr42tr nt thHome are the sale of all thetestators land In Westrhesler county excepttwelve anti ono lxlh acres nt lire Neck wherestands the summer reclduuce of the family

The roslduay clause says that IIowoll If hebe executed the Consent andwaiver required shall receive onehalf the In-


of tile remainder ot the estate If heriles without IFBUU this hlcomt Is to go to tha-JUeraoiliil Home of tbo residue-go s to Vale Colline for general purposes antthe remainder to the Memorial Home

If Howell has no Issue and the MemorialHome IIs not Incorporated the residuary legateeIH Ileniliiin Trowbrldge and S100000 of thelegacy which under certain contingencies theHome fr Aired Respectable and IndigentWomen will receive Is to be used In the erec-tion


of a for the Home In ease ofhuldlnlany expenses scorning therefrom shall he deducted from the share bequeuthed to the person Instituting thet °

be trustees am John N Sterling and theCentral Trust Company The witnesse to thewill were J O Bloss O H Church and JohnA

A waver of objections signed br Howell Os ¬

born was tiled yesterday morulncThe Income placed at Hpwells disposal by

his fathers will was derived from 500000 andso If hA gets nothing more than the incomefrom the 70o0Mi placed in trust for him byhis mothers will his Income will be IncreasedtlelY tilDOOO u year Hnwol Osborn is about35 of HUB grown bulkyof late He Is about the medium heightand has a brown moustache which Isgenerous enough to permit him tocurl the ends lie Wears ealuses Illsclothes have been tile wonder suchan adept In dressing u lierry Wall He hasnever beon noted for anything so much as hisureat good nature ltdI said that be has neverVeen known to refuse a hearty laugh at thepoorest joko or na expzesslon of sympathy at-anytskoll woo

Ilowells spasmed flights In winUurlnl becuine known to all the high01nioiu ihoro At failierM request he entond Into partnership with William L B tow at64 Broadway and purchased a seat In theBlock txehanice The firm wa shortly diesolved and Mr Stow brought suit againstflowril to recover 500Jo of borrowed

Howell wa then in EuropemoDJthe suit was directed af the trustee oftho trust fund Mr Blow gotiudgment whichwai returned from tbo Sheriff s ofllcp un > atlifled Eugene II Iomoro was appnlntrj ref-er hy Indirn Andrews nnd testimony fntt-itkin nt Inlorm1 for uv ml 1n its I lietriiti bay roulil not statue anypIIths trust funds becauSe they bad none In I

hlnl referee advised the dlamtiial of the I

suitrbi1hii report bl said that CbiaUi J >


TV Q Judge the New Turk Thtoonphtet-Sny UlnTiitiky May Appear Aajuln

W 0 Judge President of the The osopluicalSociety was entrtalnlnl n friend of the faithlast Ilbt a reporter called at hishou WlllouRbbr Itreet Brooklyn Onhis library table was a late theosoph-Ical magazine with several books about lilavatsky Mr Judge had evidently been con-sulting


these books for ho was primed withhistorical and theosophical facts about thedoa leader of eaoterlo Duddhlsr He gave

opinion of Blavatiky wordsShe 8a great woman of enormous abil ¬

ity great energy large charity high purposenobility character kindness to everybody-and wide Information on alt subjects and inno sense a humbug and never ha boon Alher conclusions as to the proper position ¬

enc should assume in relation to man will bevindicatedMr Judge saul that it was Blavatskye ex-


duslrul that her mortal body should hocremated It would be impossible for thetoclotys broaches In this country to do more

than to pats the usual resolution Th societyhad lung been p for ibis e MmeBlavattky hers elaro warned ontiiblstn that the death of her mortal body mightbe expected at any time The society realizethe force nf tho blow It receive In her removalbut It would continue to go on with Its worknnd to spread Its belief Her teachings surviveher and the nae of her works Is constantly ontho n IsoOld of tbe death of Mme lilaall before the receipt of the Associated

cablegram V queried the reporterLllnlal do in this world I know of only

one worldly Information aboutworldly affairs such as the death of tbe body-of q friend and my information of the death ofIf V Blavatakyabody was by means of a cablemessage received today before 2 oclock

Air Judge explained that it was his customto aay that he knew a tblnl only when be hadthe evidence to show so that he wouldnot tell any one not aTheoiophlsttbat knewof Blavatfkys oatuntil after he had receivedlila cabio

Wiyou RO to the funeral Mr JudgeThe ceremony of cremation will

ably take place this coming week robMr Judge did not know

bad been dead and aPlnrellJlhatI-boweekWill yon send Jour astral body 7 the re-porter


caked himn In my opinion it is no fit use lo which toput on astral body to take It away from themortal bOY It IIs In connection with inorder to nt the funeral ceremoniesof omt other mortal body at a distance

ldaPaid that he believed In tbe ex-istence


astral body but that the pres ¬

ence of the astral hotly was necessary to tbolife of tbe mo tel holy

What do yon believe will become of MmeBlavattky e astral body

It will either dissipate aa some nsttalbodies do or It will take no another humantenement as some astral bodies do It Ittakes UP another human tenement it will con-tinue


to lhe ot assistance to the spread oftheosopby

At thla pint Mr Judges tbeosophlcal friendasked the astraL body would not ofnecessity dlsMpate but ilr Ju Jge walked outInto the hallway and hIs answer wns lostlie salil however that IH wo hIs personalopinion that If Blavatikys astral body shouldtake up another human tenementi would beIn her power or was In her power while In thislife to control to some extent at least thepersonality nf that mortal tenement per-sonal


recollections of Blavatsky he thought-were a private matter anti he had not madeup his mind what he would do with his ownastral body

KDIONIION INEJOULVDThe Aisembly P ie> Recolntlon Denonne

late tie Knatiford UUU

ST Joints rF May BTho Assembly metlast night Knutsford-Coerclcn bill at length and amid much excite-ment


finally adopting resolutions denun-ciatory


of the proposed action of the BritishParliament

The people are considerably exercised overthe affair and are entirely In sympathy withthe action of the Assembly

UAMPAX May Emerald has reBH l8celt ed orders to Newfoundland-until further orders A cradle for torpedoboats will be placed nn board the next regularmall steamer wlilih leaves England

The Emerald will take charge of tao torpedoboat at bt Johns and tow her to Port Maun-ders


the headquarters ot the fleet where Itwill receive a thorough oyerhaulnl beforeentering tbe flattery

LONDONuponBLrd Knntsford after to ¬

days Cabinet resumed communica-tions


with ibe Newfoundland delegates Thelater In their memorial offered to submit a

the imperial Government which onceagree I to could te expeditiously passed bythe Colonial Legislature aR a temporary aoL

The delegates draft of the bill now knownas the bnuts old bill U reported to have beenapproved tty the Cabinet Lord Enutsfordareply to the delegates memorll IIs now proparing sad ought to be in tbe hade of thedelegates tomorrow-

It Is expected that this reply will enable theColonial Legislature to pas the proposed actbefore the YVhltsun recess and thus lead to theGnvrnmolt dropping the present obnoxious


He JEerer to What Ra Hey Was the OnlyMIstake lie Ha Made as Print

Father Sylvester Malone the venerableCatholic priest of Willlamabnrgh wits 70rears old yesterday lie celebrated mae at8 oclock In the morning and delivered anaddress to his congregation in whtoh ha re-


his pastorate from the time he cele ¬

brated mass fortyseven years ago In the littleBt Mary Church In upper Wllllamsbnrub-

Iu the course of his address he said thatwhen he began his oaieer In the priesthood hehad resolved to do his wh le duty not only na priest hut as a citizen He lelLa latlontrue to that resolution lie at n I

under all circumstances striven to do hisant antI win happy to cy he hud never hadtrouble of any serious chniiioier with any oneProtestant Catholic or Israelite

Father Malone added that he recalled onlJone instance In his life as a nriest whenthing like trouble occurred The trouble growout ot his friendship for a dear good man

1 devoted to that fIend said thewa and I believed ideas berepresented and that ho fought for

rather Maloni had reference to the MrOlrnn-onlrovoisy When the 8Cvlcrlln he church

were over the priest WI bythousands of pnrlabooern anil cltlrens lireprctlvo of night the nrlousorganizatIons attached to the church cave him-a banquet

CLOSED rUC1IINKBV rCtTIIETb llanncer Hue Chung Chtvr Attaches

Ibe Coetume for Money LoanedDeputy Sheriff Carrnher levied yesterday on

costumes of the company playing at thoChinese Theatre 1J flowery upon judgmentobtained by tue Chung Chow the manageragainst Ngah WDIOr money advancedamounUol to the deputy sheriff

theatre ns found a Jabbering lot olactors and other attaebs who refuted torccoenlz him He bad to get the assistanceof a policeman and threaten tbo whole crowdwith arrest before he was able to remove theproperty

rrnt itt In Wr Tlram I

John HaLbsrtnn new Mory In lo morrowstkinitau JUncwy deaU Iu a njott interestIng I

way with tho prank hardships and amuse-ment


of private in camp All veterans of the I

warihouldrfadU4dt iTae Car ofYour Ileitllb jI

SanItary oarinlee4 pure wool at flM I

afc Mwtffcaaau gaet UCta fVr Jt J


nor NOrIO ron nia cnizDitEN 1JIE JltAltlHES Ale ACTRESS

Thnt Menu Fur Templeto Term of nilMother Wilt which Iarrae Ilia in-come < o May ROOOOO Ho In ContcatGIrt to Tlo College und to Charitte

Howell Osborns brief career In Wall streetconvinced Ms father the millionaire bankerCharles Oaborn that the financial Iblltlof the son lay more In the directionfltloR others than hlmlel This discoverydiminished the r some of tho youngmans acquaintances hut they solaced them-selves with the thought that the time wouldultimately name when howell would have nofather and when they would got a fair chancent the young man Jut when Charles JOsborn dlod In November 1835 ha lorlomollni II Le 12000000 to his

gave his son only the Income ot-tSOO00 This gave Jowol 135000 a toFarspend nod he tried worry alon on Itbut fnllod miserably He lived 10 extrava-gantly


that no other ounl man In town couldkeep pace with him was fond ot the thentro and fonder still ot thonymphswhodaneedabout In front ot the footlights His extrava-gant


mode of living was encouraged ratherthan chocked by the tradesmen who trustedhim for they felt certain of getting theirmoney some day by way of his mothers willperhaps The mother Mrs Miriam A Oaborndied on March 14 last In this city and yester-day her will which was made on June 2 1888was probated

The will Is a formidable document so far aabulk Is concerned It begins bJ Riving allmy works ol art articles of vertn jewelrywearing apparel and personal orlament to-

m exoutorslltrust to dispose ns Inabsolute and uncontrolled discretion

may think bestThe wilt then gives 00In trust for divis-


among servants 300000 In trustlor Ilowell as follows

ITo aoply the not Income thereof to theuse ot my only son and child Howell Osbornduring his life and also In their absolute anduncontrolled discretion to apply to his useat such time or times as may to thorn seemadvisable and to such extent as they may

Osborn maintained two handsome reldneehis Fifth avenue housevalued at tSOOOO Ho hit a Meant yachtwhich cost him 10000 n nod his tam ¬

ily expanses wore 125tKn annually howellwas an only boy and during his fathersllfntlmo constantly overran his Income of

30000 After tba older Ooborns death thexecntors warned the plaintiff not to trust

Howoll with any money and he actually en ¬

tered Into nn agreement In writing with themnot to do so In violation of this agreementpod vylth the knowledge that every want ofHowolls would bo rutiplled hy the trustiesot his fathers will plaintiff continuedto lend howell money which ns hohimself lestllled was used forjnrpoiOB of ex-travagance


and debauchery The Plalnlll hasdemanded and obtained upon de-tailed


statement nt nil mgnoys applied to thenet of Osborn nnd has examined ono of thetrustees ax a witness Not an item ofImproper or extravagant expenditure ap-pears


on the record and no Mmeestlon hasboon made that soy Itol has been open to ob-jection


on the moral rounds Thopresumption IK therefore ml In Invor of thotrustees who did not personally know ofllowoUs habits and against the plaintiff whodid and who lout Howoll money knowing thatIwas likely to be used forlmmoral purpose

Mr stow however sold howells seat In theBlock Exchange and by this means decreased-the debt due him by 20000

Home time previous to the beginning of thisputt gossips had frequently linked tho name ofIlowell Osborn with that ot Fay Temple-ton tho burlc Quo actress They saidamoag other things that he had estnbshed ber comfortably In an apartment

house at Flltrseoond street and Hlxthavenue Strength was given to the gossip by

frequent publlo appearance of Mr Osbornand Templeton Then the rumor camethat they wore married W H Lykens statedshortly after the flat In Fiftysecond streetlund been surrendered that Howell Os ¬

born had signed a four years contract forMiss Tompleton to appear In comic opera tobegin the coming season From this tine upto within n few months ago Miss Templetonlifts tnnnaeod to keep herself prominently beloge the public by a series of proceedingsAmong her escapades was her midden flightIrom Chicago where sho was playing with lllcopad Dlxeya Corsair company at the Colum ¬

Pie Theatre straight totiuisctty antiHulled In the French steamer Ia Normandlafor Paris Just before she sailed away sheraid that Howollolborn WAS to meet her atHavre out that hadcabled for nor to come to him in Uowol ThecosMiiB got to work again said thatlay had been anxious ant years toCultivate her volco in 1arll and thathowell bait finally see that sitewas provided for during her work It wasstated with some poslttveneRs at the time thatFay and howell wore married Thoy dropped-out of sight after this and nothing more was

har of them for nearly two years and thenTempleton came buick here alone

anti got an engagement at tno i ur-teenth Htreet Theatre where HendrllcHudson was playing Bbortly after thiscame tho news that 20000 worth of diamonds-that were being brought over hero to BiasTemploton by Henry Herlschy OsDorns valethad been seized by the Custom House authorlties Tbere was some weeping and then MIssTemplolon went to a big United States officialand told him an Interesting story It was to thoaffect that while shn and Howell worAln Paristheir money save entirely out and they wereComntlodln order

berto Iuppltelrlamedlate

ranged to come to this city and BO she cameaway from Purls without her diamonds butwith the understanding that Howell was toredeem them ns soon as ho cOllrand send them-to her Howell did BO pretty wellknown Ihnt the jewels were her personalpropertand not newly bought and they weredelivered to Miss Templeton

During his slay In Paris Howell lived Ingrand style tnd succeeded In running farenough Into debt to feel per feet I r at homeHe bad a big house on the lloiilevard Hnusmann earl he plunged like mad at horseraces and at baccarat He finally malea bil hit at 1loth and with a remitinn annt him by the trustees ot hisfind hero succeeded In squaring up mind gettingaway His arrival here produced 1 cloud orcreditors who dunned him relentlesslyI butunsuccessfully 11 was credited with havingmatte 00000 out an Investment In Bt Paulthrough the assistance of his fathers oldher AddIson Cammack-


present ho Is In Paris having let ashort time aeo but his old friends Instreet knowthat ha 1Is certain to return Walold stand In New street opposite the BtockExchange and give them another chance athim FeY Tompleton Is in Paris too


Lumber Denier Arr yrd AffAlnnt theIlulldlng Trade

The New York Lumber Trade Associationrepresenting all tho big lumber dealers in thiscity decided yesterday not to deliver lumberto any building In this city alter today untiltbo boycott which the lumber handlers haveput on Charles L liuokl CoIs lalsad Ithis decision Is carried out it will menn thatleast 20000 men w1be compelled to quit workwithin two oek It Is very unlikely how-ever Unit the matter will be allowed to co so-ar as thatThe lumber handlers made a demand for ten

hours nnd better wages at the beginning oftills week and the dealers refusol It Thenhe men decided to strike yard nfteranother and the other building trades prom-Ised to help them in ease their places snould-to tilled Charles L uncUt A Co were chosenfirst bccnuBo tIter paid the lowest wages Thostrike did not spread nnd the firm was onlybeginning to feel Its oflect Tho dealers hallannounced that they would stand hy all firmsthat suffered through strikes and the decisionyesterday was tho fulfilment of their promise

J hero are enough lumber dealers In the cityand near It outside of the association to pre-vent


building from comlogtoaoompletestandBtlll but nevertheless the boycott would haveconsiderable effect It la expected howeverthat tho lumber handlers will withdraw tbelr-domonds similar step to this that the brickmanufacturera took last fall when tho build-Ing trades put a boycott on the brick of certainfrlwas announced yesterday that T R fc 3M Cornell would open their shop on MondayA member of the firm said yesterday

We have all the applications for work thatwe need and on Monday wo will have nnoughmen to RO ahaud with We do not anticipate-any tuble

WAS AOVEn MUDEDTrans or Clotted lllond Fonnd Yesterday

on III ThroatTraces of clotted blood were found yesterday

under the blue ridges on the throat of a deadman found In the East Illver off Sixth streetLong Island City Wednesday afternoon-

Dr W W Melners a Coroner of Long Islandl

Cit and Drs Strong and MoKeon who perthe autopsy on the body believe the

man was murdered and their now discoverystrengthens their belief

The veins In the neck were congested andtho tongue was swollen The Coroner and twodoctor believe that the man was choked andbeaten to death and then thrown in the water

Daniel Levy of 46 West Third street NowYork city who the duty before Identified thebody as that of Edward Wagner a formercompanIon who lived at 50 West Fourth streetNew York city with a woman named DoleIlersoD visited Cnnwavs Morgue In LOPIwomanIsland City yesterday In comnany with Ihl

bits became demonstrative In tier arts whenthe body wits shown lo her Coroner Mcinernsays her grief was very violent and sudden It-ItboughtLevy and the woman lom-ethlnconcornlol Wagmra movements which

nuMleThe couple said they bad cmlio the Morgue

for the nf finding Olt whlt dispositionWI flrpOI bo made body Thin

said she haul buon to fee Walnerf parents who lIve on aManhasxet but tboy refused to havesnythlnR to do with her and declined to takecharge of the body Thoy finallyI arrangedwith undertaker Conway to have the bOyburled In Bt Michaels Cemetery It isWagner was married and that ha deserted hiswife to live with the Person woman Thebody will probably be burled daJ

Moved to nUmlia nnrkeHu AppealAssistant District Attorney Sample moved

before the General Term of the SupremeCourt yesterday to dismiss for want of Prlecutloa the appeal of exAldermanJames A Barker from his conviction-and sentence of four months lor as-sault Barker was admitted to ball In

15000 on June iBOO mid nothing has beendon In his case since In opposition It wasurged that owing to delay In the District At ¬

torneys office tho stenographer s minuteswere not prlntei it WHS too late to Us-

a note of Issue lorInlpresent General TermTniilnH served un hue Uittrlnt Alt moronTtifltduyTfOI jul ii luau nrUin 1111R

I nut ro-

turnid tbtm as boInK to luir re-




That Would Leave the laaarceata em TOpend Ml lit Jar the Dlfflcnltlci or-an Attempt br a 1altd ftee Crullerto Capture the

LONDON May APntl Chill cables saythat President I arranging to leefrom Santiago and to come to London by wayof Buenos Ayres The proposals of mediationIIT France Drl and the United States arerejected by Blamacadlsts who considerthe success of such mediation impossiblellalmaceda has Invested a large sum on hispersonal account In London bank

WASHINGTON May Despatches receivedhere from Chill this morning ear that Presi-dent


Balmaccda has directed the suspensionof all paper payments to the Government Intho future he proclaims during the presentemergency payments of revenue and otherdues to the Government must be made Insilver A naval officer today rotated out thetat that this might Indicate a certain amount

shrewd precaution on the pat of Balms ¬

cede who may be preparing for an abdicationSuch things have happened often enoughbefore In South American revolutions to makethe tboof entirely probable such an act

Insurgentsof course end the ain favor ot th


A Story that the Charleston IB to Tarsustho Chilian Insurgent SIp

SLit FBANCISOO May eThe Ma Californiaprofessed yesterday to have positive Informa-tion


that the United States steamer Charlestonwould sail for Ban Diego today in pursuit oftho Chilian ship Itats Secretary Tracy tele-graphed


special orders yesterday and theCharleston left Mare Island and anchored offBan Francisco Instead of taking her U8Unaichorace she went behind Gout Islandsight Her ostensible purposlln coming downwas to go outside and try her guns The off-icers


and men wore ordered to be on board at 8oclock this morning

One of thin orcor of the cruiser who wasashore Iid the Charleston had leftMare Island for gun practice but In the mean-time


had been placed by order of the NavyDepartment at the disposal of the commlto-havloiin charge the funeral of

of orders being Issued frontWashington to pursue the Itata they would bareceived in cipher and nothing booullknown es to the vessels destination showas well on the way-

A despatch to the Merchants Exchange fromPan Diego 811the Unlttd States manofwarOmana I there lose evening from theAsiatic station

SAN DIEGO May Marshal Gardes parlyhas received ordors from Washington to re-main


here They would give no informationas to what the special order eOltalned but Itwas Intimated that they thearrival of a United tales cruiser which mightbe ordered In pursuit ot the Hats

WASHINGTON May tTbe policy of theGovernment with relPet to the escapedChilian vessel Itafa an official secretSecretary Tracy this morning refuted to dls-cusi the mater at all The officers whose busi-ness


It Is orders to our naval ves-sels


are almost as uncommunicative Therecan bo no doubt that the Government Inextremely anXIOUS to exhibit all possible-Kool to recapture the vessel In order-to avoid any unpleasant conseqnouceathat mluht arise through the presentationof a claim for damages In behalfof the Chilian Government lint navalomoer are very skeptical of the ability of our

recapture the Itata It is not possiblelo get n dolnUo authoritative answer to theQuestion Will the Charleston be sent afterthe Itata All of Inlormatlou vouchsafed-IsI that the Charleston two weeks ago waa or¬

tIered to coal and got ready for sea at the oarheat moment This formalities attending the

residents recenton at Ban iranctsonveese-arthy delayed those preparation but It Isunderstood that they are now actively under-way

Blnglehandoil men the fleet Charlestonwould have great difficulty in catching theItata The Itata may be COO miles ahead ofthe stolwbln the latter starts on thechase und of a point or two of thocompass iu steering the Course would soonroparato tbo two vessels b leagues POthat the Charleston might pass the Itata with ¬

out knowing It On this account IIr prob-able


that I the nvDepartment reallysatIsfied its to seize the Chilianvessel on the high seas and is determinedto do RO It must rely largely on theUnited States vessels in tho South Bo fatit Is said no move has been made inthat direction but the department may atnny moment cable to Admiral McCann who Isou tho Chilian const with the lon leoln antIthe Baltimore and to Admiral IIson the han Frnnciro Browniwbo toendeavor to head ulT the runaway ol

But tho question of the right of Ibe UnitedStates to take the Itata ou the him seas IIs notaltogether HO tiled The State Departmentpeople have searched tbolr authorities antihave scrutinized the facts In the case and areInclined to doubt the right Tho whole ques-tion

¬arises from a dispute M to the character-

of the vessel Were she a pirate n ship In theservice of an enemy to this country or a vessel1of American register engaged In nets Inviolation of treaty stipulations the casewould be a simple ono Hut she Ismerely n Chilian teasel1 engaged In tbotransportation of a eusnected cargo a cargothat may possibly be contraband In the lictitof the treaty and there Is a riskInvolved ho ono doubts nrlraverlrht theUnited States to arrest the our ownwaters for the purpose of examination antiher detention on Tuesday afternoon was Inaccordance with this belief But now that shehas landed the deputy marshal and sailedalong on her business the case presents adifferent aspect

In the matter of the questions of Inter-national


law Involved It seems the state De-partment


Is not In entire with the restIB fff If ncooru n u

eral Miller and Secretary Tiocy lean to titbelief that the Itata is legItimate preyThe Ban Francisco story printed this morn

Ing that the Balmaeeda armed transport Im-Periuleis hovering off tIle const or Californiaiocapttite the Itata Is said nt the Navy De-partment to be without foundation for Ad-miral


McOanns last report showed that amonth ago tint vvhsel wns hut up In Valpnraise harbor bv the Insurgent Hoot and Itwould bo Impossible for her to have reachedCalifornia in u mouth

A report lias como from San Francisco to theeffect that nichard Trurnhull a member ibn-Chilian revolutionary Congress has been ar ¬

rested there No knowledge of such on nuthas ron oh cd the Department of Justice It Iissaid there that It would he an eaev matter foranyone to cause tho arrest of Trumbull onthe ehiargts of lnming the neutrality lawnThe Iarlhalls bound to reoognlKo an order tothis lainId In un Information orcomplaint sworn by any citizen In easethere Ila n mistake and false arrest there Is redress only in the form of a suit At law againstthe informant The Marshal is not responsi ¬


Wm F Peck tho South American exporterof this city who ipnt some earl in Chill wasnaked yesterday whether he T anything ofthe antecedents of lllohaid L Truuibull tborepresentative of the Chilian Insurgents In thiscountry who Is said to bays secured the shipinput of arms iiud ammunition front San FranCIKOO nn board the schooner Itobert and Binnit Mr Peck said

Trumbull IH a nephew of Prof Brush ofnle University and I n nephew of the late

DrDuvId Tiumbull of Valparaiso liewa bornIn Talcahunnu on tne to this country shout1mt74 run wa graduated from Wllllston Remmary at Eahthnmpton Mass in UTH and fromthe Sheffield Hclentlllo Hchool at Yale In theclass of 1HH1 Ho then studied law anti wasfor a time an attache of the Chilian Legationat Washington afterward be spent two yearsor rooro studying In Berlin aud went back to-to his native country I believe in 1889 Heheld on Important post In Santiago for sometime under the Cuultablo Life Insurance Com-pany


ot Now York and also had full charge fora time of nil the telephone exchanges In Chilllie in roognizeul ity those win have had buOflees relations with him isis a man of markedability

What Col North Really ThinkLONDON May 8Col North the Nitrate

Ring complains that in the Interview pub-lished


yesterday be wee misrepresented CotNorth city be did not mate the statement at-tributed


to him that bo believed tIle ChilianInMirucntH would bo crushed ioonornr later

As thn mlstikp has been published he addsI IHi flti it voil ui say now that froth iny-

Mhut uiItit H ii sit riom Chili I mil Inlui ul lint the I tat t11I o I In Itllet country lato bu Inund among the member of the Paulamrntnrj pnrly whom the bulk of the twople-lllavor against resident Baluureda There ¬

fore I am rather Inclined to believe that theluunctAU will ulumatoLr ittccied



Talk of Valte Action to Itrlna the UniteState to Terms

Bouz May 8The Itallt save The ItalianGovernment Is about to address a circular tothe European powers submitting the eon

duct ot tba Unltod States Governmentin the New Orleans affair to their JudgmentItaly will thus bo the Initiator of an interna-



agreement to compel the United Statesto find means to guarantee the protection of

foreign subjectsThe Italian press Is indignant at the repotto

the New Orleans Grand Jury The Popolo Ro-

tnano says It will impossible kerefter foranrcivilized country to make a treaty with theUnited States bated upon reciprocal proteclion of the liven ot citizens of either country

Ono thousand two hundred emigrants letNaples for New York today on board thesteamer Victoria and 200 others by Italianvessels

xntt ynir OIILKASS rrvcnnroIt May Form the Kutf ct of use Yavetiga

tlon by ConcreaiW-

iBntKOTOX Slay 8It is not Improvablethat the New Orleans lynching and the failureot the Grand Jury to Indict the leaders of themob will form the subject ot Investigation brCongress next winter There b> a strong beher that in view ot the utter failure of ourGovernment to ghe the necessary assuranceto the nations of the world that our treatyobligations will be met In good faith and Inview of the fact that tho Government of Louisi ¬

ana has confessed Its unwillingness to bringthe offenders to justice something should bedone by Congress No one seems to know justwhat Congress can do but probably the firstthing will be on investigation by n special corn ¬

mittee and a long debate on the report Sena-tor


Cullom Is among those publlo men who bohove the report of the Now Orleans Grand Jurya disgrace to our civilization

I dont remember having rend a docu-ment


ho said today so full of humiliationto the good citizens of this country TheGrand Jury says It cannot bring indictmentsagainst the men who marched to the jail andshot down the Italians because there were somany ot them and sets un tile clamor of thenubile justification for that which everyoneknows was a crime against law and goodorder How puerile this is every one mustknow who knows that the names of tbo ring ¬

leaders of that mob are common property Itwould bo as easy to Indict them as any otheroffenders They are known and can bereached by the officers of the law at a mo-ments


notice I have no sympathy with theMafia nor with any other secret organizationhaving murder as one of its methods of obtain-ing


power or profit But there can be no justi-fication


for such a mIscarriage of justice asthis In New Orleans and for the protection otthe Rood narao of the liepubllo somethingshould be done I am not In favor ot gIving toforeigners resident here anymore protectionthan Is accorded our own citizens and I wouldhe no mire eager to punish the ringleaders ofthat mob because they shot down men whocame under tIle provisions ot n treaty with aforeign power In the first place we ought toshow that we are willing and able to protectcitizens as well as foreigners and punish alloffenders against the law Throughout thenations of the world this Grand Jury reportwill excite contempt and amazement andsomething should be done if It is possible todo anything to counteract It


Exploded with Suck Force as to Chrett theSpeed ofu Train the Trainmen Say

VICTORIA Tex May 8 A large meteorpassed over this locality last evening causingconsiderable consternation It camo from thenortheist and was seen or heard all along theline of the railway from llosonberc to Colladabout 120 miles About the time It reachedthis vicinity It exploded with a tremendous re¬

port As the sky was cloudless people Im-agined


that It was a boiler explosion It wasalso attributed to an earthquake

A brakeman on a freight train near Ira asmall station twelve miles west of here sawthe meteor plainly and saw It burst He saysone of the fragments which appeared to beabout as largo as his head struck the earth notmore than 100 yards from the railway tracksThe concussion of the explosion was so greatthat it momentarily checked the progress ofthe train this fact being noted by all on thetrain Tho conductor thought the engineer hadsuddenly applied the air brakes and ran to thedoor to see what the matter wits


IVIItlam Price flanged at Uaratmll Mofor Aiinultlne 3II Nines

MABSIZALI Mo May William Price washanged In the jail yard here at 11 A M todayfor an assault upon Mist Alice Ninas commit-ted


on Nov 18 1890 The girl and her auntwore walking along a deserted road nearSweet Springs when the negro overtook themput the aunt to flight and assaulted the girlThree hours later he was captured

About the middle ot the following FebruaryMiss NInes was married to George Miller afarmer residing near Swet Springs WhoaPrices trial approached the prospective ordealof going upon the witness stand and telling ofthe assault so worked upon her that on Marchidlastshe committed suicide by taking arsenlo

Prices trial resulted in conviction thonc-hh protested his Innocence to the last Hedied laughing As the cap was pulled over hishead he remarked Sheriff I ought to havehad a shave


Pearl Arnold the Museum Freak flyIng Inthe Syracuse Penitentiary

SYRACUSE May 8Pearl Arnold known onthe stage as Pearl Arundel Is at the Onon-daga county penitentiary suffering from theeffects of her career as a museum freak Shewas recently brought from Now York whereshe was engaged in a Bowery museum to an ¬

swer to a charge of robbing nn admirer of 1100while playing an engagement InRyraouse Thegirl Is Buffering great agony Before lofulncNew York she was troubled with vomiting andterrible pnlns In the abdomon The vomitinghas Increased and the pains also and thewoman can retain no solid food ou her stomnrh Injections ot morphine are given fromthree to five times dally She has vomitedmany nails and tucks that she awallowi inher career in the museum The doctor thinksthat If the patients constitution holds on t longenough to allow the nails and tacks to becomeencysted or pass off site may recover hut shehat become so cmnclaiaj that this issue Ishardly thought probable


The Btoue Carpenter Cut with a ClaspKnife by u Scene Shifter

John Ilarofl 02777 Third avenue the stagecarpenter ot the Park Theatre staggereddown the stops of the siege door just an theperformance ended last night with bloodflowIng fro ni a stab wound In his left side

iluyes had been talking with Gus Puter aseen shifter lust before and It wns leportudthat they hail quarrelled Policeman Woodruing for an ambulance

Hayes said that ho bad boon stabbed with aclasp knife The ambiitnnco surgeon dressedthe wound Hayes rufusid to RU to he hoepllal None of tho UIIKU hnnds would tellIvtoifls address

Hayes was taken home from the theatre In acarriage lie saul that ho didnt think lilawound amounted to much Iuters had notbeen arrested up to mIdnight

ait HULKS aiouEsr vnoposiTioir-Ho Wonld Have the New England Htuttm

Invited la Join the DominionOTTAWA MuyPf Sir Mills Conservative

member for Annapolis Intends to give noticenf a resolution declaring the N w EnglandHlHlrg should lui Invltud to ut lu the maritimettOyIticcs unit boontu pant of thi Uomlnlou

Latest Shine Inlrlllictiice-oulArrIved ft tmbrla from iw York ftr Liver

sell liai lund itof lisle I




Miss May Zdee Stays that Its Not Trueend that She Will Disprove ItAllecViolence to the Method UervkuKt-

If Thomas It Mocee profaulonal nurse Itto be believed then John Laden a wolltodoretired man of business 71 years old Is aprisoner in his own Louse at 38

West TwentrBacond street confined atthe Instance of his young daughter BUssMay Laden Magee has taken the matter tocourt and through Noel D Banborn lawyeiot 20 Wall street obtained yesterday fromJudge Lawrence a writ of habeas eonras tohave Br Laden produced in court next Monday forenoon

Magee lives at 1U East Thirtysecond streetHe said last evening

I wont to Mr Ladens house as hitnurse on Tuesday last on the reoom-mendation ot Sister Lanrenttn of StVincents Hospital I wan to receive141 a week hut I remained only one nightMiss Laden told me that It was necessary toshow firmness In dealing with dear father itsthat was the only successful way The nursewhose place I took had bon so firm withthe old gentleman that on ono occasionus I was Informed he had knocked a fewof bis front teeth down his throat There wasanother nurse there a maui from Jersey Ithink who was not a professional nurse butt asort of general utility man Ho was on dutyin the day time and I was to stay with the oldgentleman nt night-

Karlylntho evening Mr Tnden wanted todye his moustache Ho hail got the impres-sion


that he was lo b allowed to go-Ut doors and buy a pair of shoos anti

he thought he would look better withhis moustache dyed Ho asked me Ithe might dye It and I toll him otcourse that I hind no objections As he wan enpaged In dyeing It the other nurse came In andtold him to stop He icfusod and the nurewent to Miss Laden about It and she said Itmust bo stopped Then the nurse came hackscattered the dyeing materials about on thellnor and taking hold ot the old man threwItlm Into hl1

When he and Mr Laden were alone Maceesays the old man told him that ha hail beenknocked about that way for four or fivemonths anti be bosoutht Muuee to go to alawyer and secure protection for himMr Laden It teems lost his wifeabout eighteen months ago and thatwas a very severe blow to him About lnHtChrlstloan time according to Magre Mr Ladenwent on a spree and had delirium tremtinsfrom which he did not recover fur a week orten days Since then he has not been let outof the house

Magee says that BIr Laden Is not Insane oroven sick anti ID an wall able to co out uponthe street as anybody He hue a physicianDr Purple who lives next door at No 36 antIcomes to see him every two or three days butdoes uot proscribe anything no medicine beingnsetled

Tho old man does not oven require opiatesMagee says although they persist In Rivingthem to him The night he wns there old MrLaden asked him not to give the usual opiateas It made hint ill 80 Mcgee talked to himwhen bedtime came and the old man foilasleep quite readily

Magee says he threw un the job because hedid not care to be firm with the old manAt first he thought he would drop the matterbut finally be acted on the old mans requestand called upon Lawyer Hanborn

Mr Banborn says that ho has had dealingswith Magee before and has found him to behonest and reputable In the Peck will onusHugce came forward with testimony whichproved to be true and valuable

A ring nt ilr Lodens door was answered byMiss May Laden herself She Is a handsomeyoung woman of perhaps 21 years

Miss Laden said that Magee story was ab-solutely


falseaa would appear at the hearingon Monday Until then she preferred to roplain quiet

Will Mr Laden appear in court on Mon ¬

day7tqaus asked-Decidedly not was Miss Ladens reply

Dr Purple declares Msjrees statements to befalse and malicious Ha was one of three phv-slclana who examined Mr Laden as to hissanity His associates were Drs Btnrr antIGuernsey They found that Mr Laden wassane but Dr Purple says that ha is a sick manand physically Incapable of taking care of hlm

Magee alleges in his petition that In his be¬

lief the motive of the daughter in holding herfather a prisoner is to prevent him fromhaving communication with his friends antimaking a will that would ba adverse to herInterests

IXISAGIltIAnother Chili sore to Mr cad Mrs 4T

Hooker II mtr leyAccording to the Will of Louis 0 Hamersley

the income from his estate of oeveral millionsof dollars Is at the disposal of his widow theDuchess of Harlbcroueh and at her death theprincipal estate Is to pass to the male issue ot-J Hooker Hamersley the testators cousinlint if J Hooker Hamersley should have nomale Issue then the widow Is authorized todivide the property among charities

J Hooker Uameraloys first child was a girlIt was born twenty months ago and died onthe 101 h of April last At the time of thischilds birth there was a good deal of talk ofthe disappointment of the family because itwasnt a boy Yesterday morning another babywas bonito Mr anti Mre Hamersley It too isa girl

The WeatherIbe weather wu jinarally clear la alt parts f tk

country ytt rdiy txeeDt for eloadlaeu in this ntloan-A northward through New Enilind a ttary sbewy

in Florida sad heavy rain to Montmn The storm 1

thust Northwest WM atntral over the Dakota uiomticd-eflnlu form Inoreulni la power ul mortajr slowlyto thI lake region The warm wave area ha Increasing31 rtaobtd northtrn Stow York yesterday la theDakotas sat MlonuoU the temperatt ran ahoy BO

Fair wath r pnvalltd In this city The blfnwt-oSlelal temperature was 04n lowtit 4S averagehumidity OJ per cnti wind southwest averagevelocity 13 mllea

The thsrmomtr In arryi pharmacy In Tn Bn-bitliUK > cord < dtbatiniprala rMt rdayMtaUowBi-

SAissxx irii-

exJaO 11151

V 45 sumPLas sytiL 43 45 6 7 ea3-BA8 747 We Ecu

12 H iij eo-


lisil8 47Average

r ie oniur V1H-


orrioi miscasT nu 8 r K iivtnairFar Malna Haw Ilampehtro Vermont MaataehaaetM

and <anew fn> fort li >M nUKctn lUtkUt leanur ee-


natUnan en lt meal touOt vimiiFor Rhode Island Conneetloot New Jaraey aaaUm-

renuylvanla Delaware Maryland weitero raaaaytvanla Ohio sail West VirginIa generally falri wanaarsouth winds

yet wutera Ne r York fat except llnht ahewaneathe haket illfbtlr warmer l south wInd

Joy this Dlitrlet of Columbia Tlrttnla North Oeielire Tenneiiee and Kentucky fair Saturday aid leaday slightly Warmer south winds


John Wtaltn aged 10 ytara ot 84 Corttanflt strea-lldown stair at hits horn THiarday and taetorM

itt SkulL II dIsc two hour ln rGoIng to a Ira In East Fourteenth stress last RuthbUlp tarroll of M aDirlna was thrown off sad fill on-

ila biad lilt Injutli were nut MrlouThe Spanish MloUt Oooiul Otnaral Baldaaano ant

the oBcri oC tba Spanish aohool atilp Maatlloa oecn-ilaa boiM at tin CMIDO hail nlfht-Undtrlakir KIpp says that tha body of Ida Breyoort

he iiDElDirclrl Wile wu klilaJ br Uharlti n WIlbur la-M PinliW Conrail Falcon on Tn < idar night wUl be

bunId today by tb rroprlfior of ba aalooo Ko ou-lemitukDuw the coolClerk William tamb Jr upon an anthnrizattoa fromla Hupria Court Jeoaral Trm enrolled yItsrday-

atamuuiLitr of iha hew York lbar jao Frederick AttarjtT5 who eomm < nil1 the fiartntcintb Corps oflie Arur ot the TaiimxiiOne of ilia two men wlio rotted Thomas Oliyrna at

Fntirih avenue sad KleTenili etreet on Melixilar-venlnf waaldentidat yaeterdar aa Thnraai Cleary arltuier in llll > UoUluryaialuon la halt rouneoutti

inner Al iPX Markat oleary was held for trialLucy Hall and Hell Herbert arreeiect for tior HfHn-

n stub avaune dry iooila < ior > were htd joy IrIsh ittefftrion Market Court yaitrtlay iiella Pier artsiuiban4 who U known ai Klirpatrlck aurr udradlawn UcieUrepreieiiUuj JOJ woriti at stolen propemIT

Ierrlall Famner the great North American Idantt-erC waearraigned reiterdar In Ilia deiicrM Bekeinne

upon the Initlrtment onariinr elm wIth eut rn > tlnn ot-lerlurr In nRerluf Coibberi 8 Hafferr Sit uuu lo Idemyr Wtlllaui Wright the Ailwr house eulcUe ue ouu of

the rtftiri fomjur pleaded mil rulllr-Frask II Elder boreS A hole Ibroovh Uezlean hankstuck lullpbloikoun In them cod aola theta a-


a ireMut rurloiltr Cliinn lllr Imllm Hnunilititan Hlcliardt of itialenlral irtlce arremad Mm Treherder at IUtzst sib auu lotiriiii llrecl au4 al JcOirson Market Klder was held In Satsfor trial

The tiljr ot an unknown man VAIL found flnatlnflnhe tail hive ai pier 4 > eeturday atlerooou Themdr wu thaI nf a nan a ont Ml yeeri oil mediumlelibL lIght oiDi4eJUon dark balr ant mooaueba-arkolothea obeok eturu andblarK hum lotelutkntfs An cents sod alas Irldje tickets a sri round so

the body
