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Post on 17-Nov-2015




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My first Poetry Collection, a new view to love in the 21st century


  • To whoever inspired me to write

  • Preface I have written all the poems in this book in three years. Each year, my style

    changes and my knowledge widen. Mostly romantic poems, they try to

    define love in a new perspective, the modern love of the 21st century. With

    an archaic style that first was not rhymed according to meter standards, but

    then followed suit, although it still kept some of the modern influence.

    Many techniques of the 17th and 18th century were reinvented and

    celebrated, refusing to conform to the new forms and modern language

    used in poetry today.

    I also used many structures I invented myself to reinvigorate old poetry

    especially the Shakespearean era. And since I have been largely influenced

    by the Bard himself, most, if not all of poems mainly serve as a reminder of

    his greatness. My poetry is not a replication of Shakespeares great works, it

    is an attempt to tackles issue I consider vital to humankind with the same

    fashion he himself used once in his time.

    My poetry is a revolution to bring back what has been long left and

    deconstructed by modern poets.

    Love, as I see It, is not something attainable or recognizable. It is an

    impossible passion since many things have changed in the modern era.

    Love has become an unnecessary feeling, only requested when certain

    qualities are fulfilled by the expected mate.

    Men are not loved for their personalities, and women for their beauty, only

    physical traits, and supposedly superior ones.

    you cannot possibly exist anywhere other than yourself, me, nowhere I


  • Poetry is the physical form of feeling, shaped and organized In an elegant

    way, and then transformed into words.

    Poetry is the best way to describe the world, nature, and how man feels.

    This is what this book is all about


  • S o n n e t s *****************************************


    It was a day that held a charming sense

    With all the pain I left upon the stage

    He all as handsome and as bold intense

    Did hold a toy that all my mind and age;

    Hath never touched, nor seen a toy so bold

    But she, the lass, as holy and astound

    As is the flowers dew when burned and cold

    Did rise a torch, and lo, I felt my wound

    As did she speak, but only with her eyes

    And he, swift-moved, a hand to make a tone

    As she did beg, as knew he that a smile

    Shall sing a beauty string and burn a bone

    Aloof my heart, a language most unfair

    Betwixt a lovers toy, a blonde as rare

  • II

    We walk this life aware of pains and laws

    That living thus, beckoning most unfair

    That golden she; a beauty and an awe

    To all mankind that were defying bare

    How dost the moon behind the fairest sun

    Arise? Tis but a lie; for heat is bold

    The stars were not thus made and neatly done;

    For men to touch, stare men a blonde so cold!

    Wast born to scorn, and lightly break a heart

    A blonde! Hast naught to give, nor wast she made;

    To love! Tis only meant to break apart

    A lovers heart, and brightly wear the shades

    O tears might thus be hot if meant to burn

    But cold are they, if met with love adjoind


    O lo, let seas be draught, all mountains fall

    O let the windy days be turned a flame

    O if the heat of sun is near to haul

    O if the stars all come across to blame

  • O heart how canst thou be in passion locked?

    Tis not to love, tis but to be beloved

    To be as mountains are but not as caught

    Be it a storming night, be it in love

    That never chanced and never shall a heart

    Astride the sky and boast a passion red

    Be jolly loved, be blessed of loves depart

    How canst I love and be alive but dead?

    Provoke me not more verses I keep think

    My heart is dead and so my passion sinks


    Beware my love that men are like the sea

    That ships cannot sustain a gentle way

    Beware that lust is most apparent seen

    When love is felt, the heart is left away

    Beware that faces curved or marble-shaped

    Like angels fair, or charming knights divine

    Art noble fake, if so as knights behave

    And hiss thine ears with tales and loving lies

    Thus varlets think my love, thus lovers joined

    In case of lust, or else a common wealth

  • Loves not a force; loves not the finest loin

    That moves the man to lose his mind and health

    O that the truth be seen before thine eyes

    O that thy heart is saved from loving lies


    I have no treasures gold; no silver plates

    I own no castles high; no chalets wide

    I wear no crown; nor hath a princely trait

    And hath no aspects fair; no marble glides

    And yet; I am a man; a broken heart

    That beats but passion tones and holy strings

    I am a dying soul; a passing art

    That by his mortal love outlives the kings

    I have but love for thee; no treasures hold

    For love : my love, is more than treasures count

    Love is as rare as diamond is as old

    A wishing star, a wealth with no amount

    O that thou knowst how much my love to thee

    So that my heart thine own forever be

  • VI

    I wish that cupids eye be not as weak

    So that an arrow long could hit us both

    I wish a lovers dear the arrow seek

    So that by cupids name be you my troth

    O that as love is born in loving hearts

    Thereby a place is saved on loves behalf

    Alas! That cupids most foolish of parts

    Sees not that loves, nor hears a broken sigh

    And that his arrows point be missing aim

    And travels far, as rightful ways be seen

    Thus lovers hearts be not to cupids game

    And stay a virgin shame; a conquered shield

    But that how love is led; we must not think

    And know that hearts unloved the arrow sink


    O that my self can be another born

    So that my bashful heart turnth to a stone

    Misleading thoughts could save our hearts be torn

    A nobler love, the gentle fickle home

    O that I may a simple short-lived touch

  • Bestow thy hand, in name of honest love

    And call thy name and kiss thy parts as much

    One cheek as red, and lips as that fair dove

    But that could never chance, thus life unfit

    A blinded fool in search of ways but dark

    A culprit judge, that never sin commit

    And thus my hearted pain is but a bark

    O that thou knowst what is to be a knave

    To loving sights; to crimson lips a slave


    So that thy heart be loved; ye must be changed

    Another self thou must adopt a new

    Be high in rank and never act untamed

    The rules of love; being of seven few

    Act like thou wast a master bold

    Thus follow suit; the first to play deceit

    The second; having wit to speak as told

    And third account; never admit defeat

    Tis better be unloved than taste of love

    That most distasteful venom spite

    Such hearts unloved forbid themselves to love

  • And better live; without a loathsome fight

    O rules most just but still for me as wrong

    To kill the means and rob a lovers song


    Thou asked me words that neatly rhyme to use

    In telling thine fair face and heavens jewel

    Tis but my sweet; that words escaped my muse

    To even tell the self-absorbing fuel

    How fair thou speakst and laugh when in despair

    How dancing nimble thou; when halting forth

    How sparkling stars; is that thine eyes as rare!

    How such immortal life thou givest thy worth

    O let the words at rest ; be not a gem

    For thou outlived that early riches gone

    Attired with care; the start of beautys stem

    The finest soul; in heaven all at lost

    O thou my muse as wood to fire flames

    Ignited is, and so thy self to blame


  • Alas! I have forgotten how to love!

    And how to touch a gentle maid alas!

    Tis canst be true; whereof my issues made?

    What is my name? a man? A female shame?

    But now I had this thought: no rhymes in this!

    O life I feel inside my heart, just madness feel!

    O how to smile and fold my hands on thee?

    O trembling do my lips of your red rose!

    Still nothing rhymes in this! Still waiting fate

    Still shouting love! Still hands are hung still love

    Unable thus to touch this love, nor die nor love!

    Still kept aside! Still not in love!!

    O maid! Is that absurd to teach me ways of love

    By ovids sake do teach me how to love


    To find my self deprived of loving fate

    As thus the the mind commands and heart resist

    And bleed as wanton thoughts my soul abate

    And ache as do the pain my heart assist

    If dost the soul confess a passion locked;

    My self to my unruly mind shall sink

    An empty shell , as minds that never think

  • Thus virgins are to loving spells be mocked

    Like beggars rich , who at their feet do lay;

    The mighty gold and emerald of past kings

    So is my self uncertain of the way

    To be as rich , or die a broken wing

    If love be true; then I my self did wrong

    To save my heart from what it doth belong


    I would love thee; if love be measured thus

    Sweet thou! Thy smile the tuneful nightingale

    And heavenly made; beautys reason just

    If it be slumber, then art thee a dale:

    That by his graceful tears can weep the lines

    That drew thy face, and by a misled fault;

    Is this my self : in temples of thine eyes

    Dost call thee fair and cry at loves assault

    By that which boasts thine figures grace my dear

    In heavens name, or chances rare so oft

    Thy shape a slender gift to that fair deer

    Be it hillocks, incisions sharp and soft

    If such bright eyes as yours and day-dreamt thoughts;

  • Be reasoned just, then this is love, and death I sought!


    You see, now that our souls have met and sunk

    With loves first encounter we are as lost

    With eyes as yours, my self is nimble drunk

    Thou feelst the like; for thou art new to love

    But this short-lived of pleasant moments pass

    And passes all; shall come to be as true

    As fast as you and me shall part alas!

    As spring to winters hold and seasons new

    For both are we; as dwellers in this life

    Thou payst the debt, but me is still indebted

    My tears to love as oceans in their rife

    And love to thee is but a fearless bet

    Loves meant to be to those alike in strife

    Thus pain is born as poets fade to life


  • Be it together joined in further chance

    Or timely met for us to be as close

    Love tis a grave for hearts, a moments glance

    If locked inside, can lend more than it owest

    Forsooth! Is this my heart as deserts bare

    And tangled is their passion hot but cold

    Who art thou sweet, as summers finest share

    Thou art as young and me as winters old

    That boyish smile if wenches be as rare

    And crimson lips as rebels in their rage

    That which thou holdst that chides my self to dare

    As is my life hence gone in passing age

    The darker hue is duly by the light

    Enlightened is and so is loves delight


    Alas! Whereof to start! Wherefore to like?

    If likeness be to all the fairer hues

    For thee I kept my heart aloof, my sight

    For thee hath lost his sight and gone by due

    I can see still that both my heart and thee

    Can be as one and kiss at loves command

    I can perceive that though my heart is deemed;

  • A slave to hate; is yet as hearts withstand

    Still art thee bold, if shyness thou deceivest

    And tryst my heart with unresisting looks

    But we as that red dawn in winters siege

    As flowers bloom but canst not find their brook

    Such as this time as treasures get their worth

    So is the man if love be summoned forth


    Thus be, as cold to heat and wind to fire

    Each part in need of other parts to be

    But if henceforth thy will be it desire

    I shall lend all my loving parts to thee

    If knowst thou that by natures word I keep

    As virgins born to never taste of love

    She by her hand hath made thee fairest queen

    And I by god am made a slave to love

    Thus grant thy will and let both souls imbue

    In name of mortal shame, in letters four

    The first: to touch thy cheeks eternal hue

    And seconds deed to lift thy rosy doors

    To speak thine eyes is hence the third of deeds

  • But fourth is kisses on thy lips to feed


    That single life which by my self is due

    To keep the pain inside a burning hue

    That want of love, and that abating fire

    To die anew after my births desire

    Swift-moved and fair all is thy name can take

    If not to be my love, thou mayst thy self oblate

    And make a double self to scape thy worth

    Defacing thus my love, and doting forth

    That lip, which is a sister born to be

    Adjoined by thee, when met by other sweets

    I never touched, neither by hand nor by;

    A brother lip, to prosper or to die

    And this my bud, hath never dwelt a place

    Where pleasures name is natures proper taste

    And this my hand is pure and withered still

    To fondle with hillocks or rounded hills

    So, for my sake, or for my other sakes

    They treasures yield, and fold with loving hate


    One chance, is all my withered heart admit

    One chance, ere this defining moment be

    If not to force thyself my self acquit

    Acquit my heart before it diest in me

    I have all knowledge born to know my state

    So spare thy mind and save thyself be torn

    Tis useless art hath never conquered hate

    Comparing me to all the lies forsworn

    I have no seeming wealth to entertain

    My self my fortunes worth is all I own

    And if thou seekst what dost in me remain

    All left is love, if love cannot be shown

    So hold my hand tis not for love we meet

    But for the heart, a healing most discreet


    Forbid to speak of love for it tormenth

    To hear his pleasant lies and doting kisses

    I wish no tidings know of thy contents

  • Nor seek to see thy joy and loving kisses

    For this the reason just; and this my case

    To tell of hands adjoined in sinful loving

    And this is fairest true as heavens face

    To vouch my pain as love inside be growing

    By cupids name: cease that which thou callst love

    And knowst thou that, by loving loves defaced

    As with his name desire climbs above

    And is then beggars truth and self-decayed

    Thus loves defined and all his measures bound

    To keep true worth from all beguiling hounds


    O no ! again thy smiles do wrong me still

    As with thy eyes the sweetest looks command

    Is this how liking starts? If not to kill

    With loving lies and emeralds gentle hand

    O angel white! Have I misread the signs?

    When rosy cheeks hot spurred and pearly teeth;

    Leaned forth their windows edge and bid my eyes

    As lashes long, swift-moved the heaven breathed!

    Alas! I have misread thine eyes and hell

    Disguised as love, did ope his gate to hate

  • And thou! Proud queen, hast by thy spell;

    Sentenced my soul to die without her mate

    Never contempt a lovers love my lass

    For thou regrets, ere long thy fate surpass


    How canst my hand touch that which once held faith

    To be a sinful shame if so my hand adjoined

    Tis temple cold, is gods most sacred place

    To me; another strife to add my loins

    O no! what will become of my suffering

    If love is bound to all the fearless souls

    My self a virgin born to loves mocking

    And destined bare without a strong-made home

    Aloof my tears are left, to dry as cold

    Each drop is burned with ages ruthless end

    And youth is wasted young to die as old

    And nothing lasts, but to times word to bend

    So is mans end, if not to dare his heart

    And break that iron shield, and loving start

  • XXII

    Beings in life are left to fates own hand

    When born; alike in birth, their aspects just

    And natures bless doth on their hearts command

    To be fair true, and to abate their lust

    But now youths age is ruthless born

    And differences name hath on each man differed

    Loves dead ere long, if wast be torn

    By mans own hand, and his fair faces dithered

    And passions lot is own Gods fairest word

    To save her worth for all the beings fit

    As loves high cost, so is the merchant bold

    To trade his pleasures lies with sinful bliss

    Thus life is lived, and so loves nature seem

    If bashful art, loves not thy name to be


    For all that breathst and movest and flyst above;

    Tis mind of mine, me swearst to never use;

    To think of cupid darts and trifle love

    And by gods name my heart shant be abused

  • No sweet words prove and charming eyes

    Shall bid my soul and trick my self no more

    No eyelids fair and loves best true of lies

    Can henceforth last, nor dwell my knowledges lore

    For I grown old, and loves winters passed

    And in my youth, my leafs art autums own

    Springs greens passed, and is by age surpassed

    And summers eye, quenched is by hate forlorn

    Thus as my muse commands my heart to write

    So loves decay is writ in endless strife


    So art thou proud! After my hearts defeat

    Thy beautys light is most intensified

    And lit is it, by mine coals dead heat

    For thou addressst not me, and me defyst

    But Lo! This not the end, and lifes long course

    Shall not cut short with such unfair refusal

    And maidenhead; is not yet pricked and forced

    But yet in time; is lurd and pricked it shall

    And conquered be, by mans unruly parts

    It bleeds then red as roses in their thorns

    Thine eyes; as heavy weep enlighten dark

  • And burn themselves, within themselves forlorn

    Thus thou art left, and lifes withered to be

    And sorrows widow art thine issues born

    And past loves fault art they, resemble me

    None woost and all thy beautys past be scorned

    And only then, thy pride will be defeated

    And your fair light is then in time receded


    O hearts fierce tormentor comest back again

    O sweet mans pain and all the nonesuch truth

    Anew this sickness bring after the heart disdained

    And thy injustice torn myself in sooth

    O love! Disguised in fairest creature born!

    She not as fair but fairing her with such;

    To call me love, and grant me as could much

    And winters snow, is servant by her made

    And moons bright light in endless sleepless fall

    She sweets best taste and sister to her shades

    She golden worth, to feed herself withal

    O sweet loves queen, my subject self to thee

    To doom mine heart and thine forever be

  • XXVI

    O loves lost cause and all unloving hearts

    Thy nature false and are as deserts bare

    O colours white untrue and dim and dark

    So art thou lit, by self-demise and care

    So look their eyes, as virtue they conceive

    Be mans fair case if so his heart betray

    His heart is canny held, if passion is receive

    To show true worth and save his loves decay

    But I, refusest to be such they admit

    And true love hold with all my passing art

    To keep it live for hearts to be yet fit

    That may loves name be saved a false-born start

    So loves bereaved, if bare and not proved left

    And battered not, with words most lasting deft


    Loves waste in me, is true love granted

    In giving more, so is my love be wasted

    If take it thus, thou winst my self indebted

    And if to scorn, is then to death-bed hasted

  • And thou art fair, both we in birth differed

    Thou angel white, me black as that night dark

    And naught we share, but that which lust deterred

    Thus thou art not to me, and me you not

    Tis you be wise, to see how colors mix

    The white is to his like seekst be adjoined

    And dark is to fair white, aspire fix

    To be called fair and save it self be foiled

    If you willst love and all my passion take

    Be you with me, and all thy pride forsake


    Lo! what is love? Without an action made!

    And what to be of hearts if it be locked?

    Then empty led, to be eaten by hate

    As diest inside, so is the passion lost

    No wooers then to woo them all as sweet

    No lasses fair to be so kissed their lips

    And no cold nights to be so loved by heat

    And no hands burned, and no tears shed to sip

    So woos replaced by woe and lips with fire

    And heat with cold, and nights to days are burned

    And hearts despair, and love becomest desire

  • So virgins die, to be so raped and spurred

    Love diest if not be taken by his worth

    It witherst fast and goest by all his mirth


    O mother mine! Thou knowst not me, nor art thee ware

    That wenches fair, since me first born and young

    Have turned my heart to fire ashes bare

    And me, still knowst not life, my heart was fired

    As with my eyes, I cupid arrows torn

    And sworn to love, and die enslaved desire

    O lovely lass! Where art thou bonny wench?

    Thou cupid killed, and me in endless pain

    Thus kept, to fight sweet love and hatred quench

    O strumpet whore! Thou art a devil saint!

    Give back my youth that is by you in siege

    Desire diest, and love becomest my liege


    How sweet art thee! O beautys gentle soft

  • O lovely queen, and rosy flower red

    Thy spring to honey bees, and they are oft;

    To suck thee young, and so be you fair wed

    But me! To keep my share of love as much

    No sucking willst, no sweetness of thy youth

    Seekst I be with, to caress thee and touch

    Since love is false, and love lies all be truth

    And not to me, not me to thee wast born

    To teach me love, in temples of thine eyes

    To take thee mine, and you my self adorn

    Both we make two, from one love-dying sigh

    So keep thy worth to those who are as bold

    And pray they love thee as my true love hold


    Stay thus sweet queen! Most injurious of all

    Do stay, and let darks face encompass thee

    Thou shall not live, thy fate to rise and fall

    And falling deep, canst not recovered be

    Heaven to scorn, and hell to bid thee come

    In Lethe of time thy image shall not hold

    And whiteness stained and stabbed your eyes become

  • Thy limbs as weak , and joints as stiff be sold

    And empty minded as thou wert to die

    To sleep in endless pain and pay thy debt

    As age demands his share, wherefrom to hide

    Thus Gods revenge who once his beauty left

    So art thou gone, no man shall hail thee forth

    And kiss thy lips, that crimson killed to red

    Now that are cold, and barren their past worth

    And me! As that knight proud, no tears to shed

    Stay thus alone ! consume thyself withal

    Thy fairness fades, ere long is past his fall


    It is young born and true in nature made

    That limits not, nor holds but well-meant hearts

    Tis not to boast and strive and passion fake

    But make intent most just and best-named start

    Two mates in love, alike their hearts rebel

    And two in true love join and swear in faith

    Both claim to love, but love is not dispelled

    By false intent and summers hot cold days

    Nor is it painted gold and made a crown

    For those unworthy rich to wear afford

  • Neither a charming prince is it love born

    To mock the subject poor and be their lord

    True love rich left, not to be bought and sold

    Not gold, nor charm, can ever claim to hold

  • Early Sonnets



    She said: I deeply construe

    That mine heart lovest thee

    I said: could thine heart be true?

    I said: could thou love me?

    She said: thou art my life

    Thou art the knight of love

    I said: could love be a knife?

    Could thou be a peaceful dove?

    She said I swear that mine heart;

    Is to thee forever bound

    I shall not leave thee or depart

    Thine eternal love, nor make a wound

    I said: I shall not love thee nor;

  • Die for loves fickle shore


    A barren land that lacks the wind to quench

    Nor sand to wear a gown, nor fallen rain

    Is never let for noble hearts to wrench

    And thusly made for those who passion feign

    And I to deem that lass of higher rank

    Is never joined by lesser ranks of men

    Devine is found to be in heavens bank

    And not to scatter thus and swoon again

    A fawn can leap, a painted artful face

    Is she, in mind and soul compels compare

    How is she fair; that shadows darkest lace

    Is noticed not, nor farther moves to dare

    A man doth never taste a nobler dream

    Nor doth the natures law attempt to deem


    Trow thee, tis but a strange life that we live

    Within a minute short thou mayst become

  • A dying act that lacks an end to give

    Or else a leg that soared of walking numb

    And if abundant love thou willful grant;

    Doth get but rueful days upon thy head

    And thus: respect a word is none to chant

    Deaf eyes, blind ears, white eyes, pale dead

    Trow I that man do hath a choice to make

    To spell a wordtis but a chain on thee

    That ever lived a bird and slept a fake

    All thus a freedom want, above to be

    Death do us good to rid the woeful life

    But never yield, for age is but a wife


    Tis perfection is divine and thou art;

    Even fairer and fair is the moonshine;

    My mistress from thine eyes doth lure and lark

    It moveth me that when charms are bound to lies

    And when dark hearts leave us astray and nay

    Say I , I lost it heart and soul and thou

    By heavens doom my complexion today;

    Is fed with woe, and drunk with loves hands blow

    Forsooth I say; it shapeth thy face the light

  • And bring it red a cheek and blood it sweet

    From veins my veins do run the glow of sight

    And love is dark that wants a night to heat

    Tis true, I then by muse and mind construe

    That fair is never fairer than be true


    O night! When I saw rose I thought I might

    Pray for my heart and climb to heavens door

    In search of ligh, one could his soul and might

    Beg to redeem, for love is fickle shore

    Sweet she, and dark is lit and light is dark

    When hair shone gold beyond the fairest sound

    In sooth! Who is the man that hath the heart

    To look past bold and spell her name in rounds

    As high as sound my fit the sky to climb

    And brave is soul that conquered dens and beasts

    Shall not conquer what beauty claimed to chime

    Sweet Rose is thus as fair, as far the east

    Rose thou art fair and I as men have chanced

    Shall not love thee and glance as men have glanced

  • VI

    I found me apt and trimmed and lost and dead

    Yet I breathe air and live and see wanders

    And love I felt and tears I timely shed

    And lies I heard for I hath wrongly erred

    And so they trod unwavered and they love

    And so I held my heart lest I loose sight

    And chaste a shield to hide malicious sores

    And fame a mean to be in utter might

    And worthy ones be bound to less of worth

    And those unworthy are to gain respect

    And those who love are put in meanest mirth

    And those who love disdained are not abject

    O lord I hate that life is still to go

    With lies unjust to me and sluttish blow


    O fie it life , I spit on it the blood

    That made me man and called a man of shame

  • I live as bare as leaves of yonder mud

    And breathe bemuffed the day and none to blame

    O fie it soul that brought me in this dark

    I live as though a blooded bird in cage

    And golden rusted not a flame to start

    Alas! In sooth, I feel me want of age

    Around me larks beguiled the eyes they own

    Afeared am I, enchanted know I not!

    And never wished to be forever born

    Love is a joy, and joy in me is naught

    O life a flame that hath a name of pain

    It hunts us all and leave us dead and slain


    But soft O lord, , when soul mates meet in chance

    Their hearts burn love, and hug and turn in one

    They told; to love means to that a seconds glance;

    Is bound to thee to get what love has done

    O love doth burn when stiffed thou at her sight

    O why alive if eyes do not enchant?

    And why pretend that you are not a knight

    That kiss her sweet the lips and love her grant

    O when she golden as the purest fawn;

  • Her feet she lift as though the earth a field

    And gently look and touch the hand upon

    Alas! If only break that iron shield

    O lord! Tis hard to start when wish to love

    And once the passion sense and climb above


    A varlet dream that out this living world

    Hath turned me mad of knaves I see and note

    I loathed them all, o winds let mind be hurled

    And never more shall taste their dullish dote

    A country born not from this mortal life;

    Embossed my logic mind and lit my heart

    And thrust me straight as though a knife

    Hath turn my meanest self to sluttish parts

    It shone in darkest nights of darkened dark

    And stood as fair a maid and pure a light

    Vouchsafed me fate: a sign of lasting mark

    And dwelt in me a star that ever bright

    Lie their untouched a maid forever be

    A loving lad to come and dwell in thee

  • X

    Mother! It is my mind that travels far

    Then all at once; alights herein again

    It is the life; that you did fade and mar

    It is you that; I never longed to yen

    It is me that reposed to love thee back

    It is the lasting shout that bid me stay

    Stubborn I left thee pale and held the pack

    And bleeding was my heart that shouted nay!

    Ye loved me true! To thee; I was no fit

    Mother: I was to pout the rags I wore

    Mother: I cry of ache and love acquit

    Mother: if only take the hate I bore

    Mother: stop telling me that I no man

    To climb a hill, or touch the sky I can


    Ever odd, change not, nor show a sign of wit

    I walk as though to flee my troubled mind

    And talk as though to stammer words a spit

    And think me wise but strange the thoughts I find

  • I walk afeared of looks I shyly meet

    And blinded act belike a child I limp

    Beggar to be a sundry few to eat

    If noble why was born to be a wimp

    I give a sight or two to those who climb

    A farther height, to reach what is to reach

    Unable still to move and use the time

    Before the horn is heard for us to teach

    The lack of wit to man: a living knife

    That crippled he shall limp in endless strife


    Im dead, inside me ghosts and thoughts of death

    O sweet thou shant compel me good of will

    I lost it faith in thee and lost my breath

    Divided if, or falsely made of ill

    And if live I to see me put a shame

    To those abject to scanty want of life

    O looks and piercing thorns of lasting pain

    O life, I shall forsake and stop the strife

    O let me stain my soul with earthy dirt

    My bleeding eye became of white to see

    Entangling hands in silent want convert

  • And lips that boast the smell they darkly reek

    O those who love are chosen in advance

    And others put in lowest hap of chance


    The airy balm of todays noble heat

    Hath brought me twice an old friend of the past

    She was still young and cloying roses sweet

    And still she fair though beauty never lasts

    Her eyes did look, but still she wondered more

    And being shy diverted she her eyes

    Again she looked and then she made of sure

    Her hair she placed and then she made a sigh

    But coward I, my veins run cold and numb

    And blinded I, did look as though a strange

    To her that sat, and begged my heart to come

    Bitter I left, and leaving I arranged

    O no, if were a man of beating heart;

    Never to let a nymph and her depart

  • XIV

    Saith he: trow I thine life the least of worse

    Probe I thy face a tranquil paint of joy;

    Bothers me none, no man can thee a verse

    Outlive, nor see I mundane signs of coy

    I see betwixt the moon and sun a light

    A word, that love itself shall never be

    A word, that hath a sound of hissing rites

    A word that lit thy face and colored thee

    Say I, of wrongs that ye hath yet committed

    Of judging ill, and probing me the rife

    Thine wit is short, and thus ye canst predict

    Thou canst perceive the most oppressive life

    My friend a blinded eye to which I feel

    My friend a poisoned hand that seekst to heal


    What love! That man canst not forbid to see

    Is it a force most strange and full of awe?

    Say nay, and never love and never plea

    Love is a curse that never breaks a law

    Love is a beast that kiss us most gentle

  • Love is a song that beggars sing its words

    Love is a wind, a cold to heat temples

    Love is a lie that strikes us hence and forth

    And love, o love! most unfair boon of love

    Men that never a tear shed are to rain

    What hearts do grant in name of sinful love

    For they do cry and grief they never feign

    Say love I hate, and never heart torment

    To love again I shall never contend


    Unjust is love and more unjust to love

    My mistress fair that bids my heart to come

    She seems a queen, yet wears no crown above

    Her looks are cold but yet they turned me numb

    She said: my love! You are a knight a see

    But soft! I mount no steed and wear no arms

    She said: o dear! So oft I dreamt of thee

    Alas! I say, but dear! Sleep hath no charms

    O no, now she begins to kiss me quick

    I say! My love, you never let me speak

    And now, she stops and gins to use her tricks

  • How lovely is my love when blush her cheeks

    Never was there a sweeter pain than love

    A flower red, but white belike a dove


    And gone, and I will never see her face

    My friend but I wish that she was of more

    All days are now empty without embrace

    And gone, her scent I will always adore

    Forgive me love, that I hath loved thee once

    And dared my love to think of thee so oft

    When I walk near, and I note thy fragrance

    Methinks that wind hath never been so soft

    My dreams are rough, my heart is chiding me

    Thy ghost is here with me all nights and days

    It laughs at me then it resembles thee

    Forgive me love that I hath dared to play

    I sleep I wake, I dream and then I die

    Farewell me love, I shall bid thee goodbye


    I am no man, nor I a knight that owns

    A sword, and conquers lands and boasts alike

    I am no bold, nor hath a thousand throne

    Nor fair am I , nor far from heavens spite

    I have for thee but love and grant thee much

    As much as hills can bear and mountain tops

    Can jostle reaching farther heights and such

    A lovers sign, hath not an end to stop.

    I do no tricks, deceitful not as thee

    Though love is blind, I see but scorn and hate

    Still love you thus, as high as you can be

    Though know thee well, still know not I my fate

    Do laugh at me, still laugh at me and more

    I shall hunt thee, and wait on heavens door


    Forgive the mind, my lass for letting thee

    Thus bare to time, thus bidding me alone

    For I tormented mine and I shall be

    Lamenting fate that kept us thus unknown

    I reckoned that, I shall never be thine

  • And said that we can never taste of love

    For thou art fair, and stars do bid thee shine

    And men do ask they hand and call thee love

    But I did err, and never shall I err

    To thee, and never shall I deem thee false

    For now, I see thee true, sweetly altered

    And now, I feel that heart for thee do pulse

    Forgive me love, my words are scant to tell

    If man canst err, whyfore an open hell?


    A poet I , his role divine, his soul;

    Is lost, in deepest dark and meanest dearth

    His words belike a flame to heated coal

    For none do hear, and none doth deem the worth

    I know that love is dead, no longer lives

    And that to love, and haply to be loved

    Is not a plain a word, this bound to give

    Thine heart a task, thine soul a taste of love

    This love of modern man is false and dead

    The reasons that, this can be loved and others nay

    Is that repelling is a maid too fed

    And thus, be born a man or else to say

  • Stay thus a virgin shame for winds to scorn

    Or else be bold and pray to kiss the morn


    A mistress tempted me to sin amiss

    In love forlorn was I a man of fate

    Begging I did, my lips did beg a kiss

    But neither met, nor fed the whetted bait

    I said: in morrows early sight of day

    We shall anon meet far of peoples looks

    I shall hold tight of you and start the play

    O kiss me quick my love beneath the brook

    And thus we met and marched toward the bush

    Put she her arm upon my collars parts

    Beating my heart, I tried to gin a push

    Seeking her neck, kissing her lips apart

    Sighing did she reddened I saw her face

    That shouted lust, my mistress did she shout:

    O nay stop thou said she scudding apace

    Tread on my field and pluck the flower out

    Hillocks are round for thee to step upon

    If willst thou may conquer the roughest side

    Then why do crimson wax to red and hot

  • My lord if thou did pull my lips aside?

    My love: red-cheeked art thou; of kissing thee

    I conquered thine, and thine did hung on me

  • Random




    One day' when clouded skies did hide

    Behind the shield of unwilling colors

    And fainting dark as when the wind chides

    It hung and loose belike an anchor..

    The rain fell on my face and poured

    From all the sides,and kissed me soft

    I kissed it back, and kissing more

    I sought to sink' in kissing oft.

    Crossing the bridge i held a scarf

  • And tight it was, around my neck

    I felt my life was but a laugh

    I heard when saw i all the wreck.

    A bleeding heart inside my chest

    Was beating faint' and crying dim

    "A silent heart, a dying quest"

    Thou be,.

    I shouted thus, spelling a hymn.'

    Thou shan't love' nor ever be a man

    Whose heart' a flame to warm a night

    For love doth burn when join'd a fan

    Alone , a heart canst make a light

    Still but a youth when felt an ache i called

    'Amour' or love' for love doth speak

    A thousand tongue

    Big or small...

    Yet alas' it compelled me to shriek..

    Tis' done' my thoughts converted far

    Recalling, what the present owes...

    "Surrounded by unwanted dirt"

    That wear a mask and falsely mar

    And wrongly err' and scantly show.

    Those that were born as men were born

    Ahose that gold hath defaced their souls

  • And those unlike me that are worn

    With lust belike a burning coal

    Amid my way to cross the bridge

    Methinks a ghost was walking near

    When pass'd and came beside my ridge

    And looked my eyes and out of fear

    Her eyes i looked and then i sighed

    Tthat was my past i looked into

    As dark as is the coldest night

    As greenish as a morning's dew.


    I shall not forget the yellow monster

    Whose eyes are but a laughter of my state

    Whose sweet smile is a dripping venom

    That shakes my leaves of autumn

    They stabs of this dagger

    Do taboo, my generous matter

    And darken my shades

    I shall not forget

    That hair and silky milk

    That makes me sink

    In seas of golden fate

    And laughs upon my state

  • III

    O say not more

    That I adore

    To die afore

    See her no more

    O tell me how

    She doth allow

    My heart to vow

    An oath to flow

    O stop the wind

    O lord it shinned

    Her skirt it skinned

    Those legs it sinned

    O may I miss

    Thy lips a kiss

    And ear a hiss

    An utter bliss

    O lord she laughs

    And tease me chaff

    And tears my half

    On my behalf

  • IV

    Tis again I feel inside my veins and heart

    That I must needs a further treatment fast

    Ere winds do take the lasting pain apart

    Convulsive thoughts of sooner love to last

    I beg the fate a fairer love to grant

    And never let my heart to all beloving chant

    This soon to come, the coldest fooling night

    The tendrils sweetest dew upon my eyes

    The gestures of the sun before her sight

    And all the moving of her hairs belied

    Attaining life on every breath I make

    And looking false to keep me of her ache

    This love of yours is hotness I not feel

    The winter of your smile when passing winds

    And fainted ghosts do greet thee and do cheer

    I beg thee not to put aside my chin

    A harsher pride, a blunted sense of hate

    For both are death and are a lovers fate

    Twas but a day I lived the blinded morn

    Did haunt the shadows oft behind the hills

    Before the light could rise and thus be born

    The sun did hunt the moon and thusly killed

  • Twas she that I did meet and joined my heart

    Twas life that did embark on my behalf

    For then I took an oath that never love

    Nor ever passions mingled hand

    Shall burn the stone that angles doves

    Did curve above, a flinted hardened sand

    The fairer maid shall not my heart seduce

    And take the sense my mind and soul abused

    But soft; a man is nothing but a door

    To ope a hell and close all doors apace

    A charming face hath all the might and more

    To newly start what did the time erase

    Thy name a curse , forsake that name of thine

    And be my love or else a star do shine


    Woman, a word of two syllables contain

    A farther aim, thus to rather sustain

    Power and sacredness

    Desire do not partly touch it still

    Though fathers may be tempted beyond reach

    And those who dont relate to fathers leash

    Are alike in temptation

    A woman has a harsher tone than a bears roaring, or a seas foaming

  • Though delicate that tone may be, and sweeter than a look may seem

    A woman is never reigned, because neither a land nor a subject she

    Her feelings are like a soft winters leaf

    A wind it blows unassailed but yet it sends relief

    You may assume that a womans weakest part is conquered, so oft, so easily


    But mind your thoughts, for weakness a weapon to arm the frailest cause

    And turn it recovered

    Hail for a day of joy, we shout, may our voice and shouting reach the sky

    Prick the wandering clouds of windy weather and passing stars

    Let the mountain tops, be lifted high, let the horses small and big, fret and


    Today a day of love we cheer not for

    But beholding a greater cause, the womans voice, a pitch a harshly sweet


    That shall aim to chant ears of humanity, that malice has eaten up their

    rotten hearts and replace it savage

    One billion rising, their hands above their heads, to scream one word :


    Cry one cause: justice

    Let us be one, join our souls , so the unfortunate may deem life a fortune is

    Though a beggar he may thusly live


    I see asses white and red

  • Pussies jumping on my bed

    Eat em full and cut the bread

    Tasty, juicy and nothing said

    Fleshy, naughty, full and fed

    Spanking hard can make it shed

    Hot and red a pussy bled

    Cuz my dick all hard ahead

    Dwelt a pussy and turned it dead


    Keep me thus wailing for thee

    Waiting for a moments sight

    Of thee

    Though fault may be shared

    You tend to tie me with

    Thou knowst me not, nor figures thou my highest aim

    To thee

    Art thou still mad? For thou did err

    To me

    And erring hath, parted us each apart

    To thee;

    I took my share of angers want

    With thee

  • I never thought that love enchants

    A simple fault, be not forgiven

    My dear?

    If we both were driven

    Nor given

    A scant of want, a willful strength


    And reckonst thou I never loved afore?

    O speak but truth, whyfore a chance of love

    Thou lackst to give my heart a chance whyfore?

    I said my self shall never touch again

    That feather pen, that ink is floating shore

    And said, compel me not, o love do not

    Be thus a word that joints do tremble hot

    And failed attempting most disgraceful fight

    And drank and forced my heart a maidens light

    Why thus my heart is weakened of thy sight?

    Why dost the sun ascends the mighty sky?

    And breathes and heavy flames do reach my eye

    Is that but love? That red is thus and white?

    Is that but thee a bird most tuneful and most bright?

    Tis but a chance I ask, I beg if wast I told

    Is hard to love, tis but a lad I stand

  • And manly say that chances do not die

    If put my dear in most ambiguous ways


    From the rock-like collapsed

    And the qualms of the derived and dispirited

    Lo magical, lo tuneful

    The smiley melodious nightingale

    I lament passion and my broken heart

    And the strains of the tyrannous mighty

    The encroaching pain of love, the oppressive

    The bothers of sultan and the arrogant

    Hear my words and all my howling

    And sip tears from my hollow eyes

    And with tone quill pain my smile

    I then, I free bird reach the firmament

    The lass my heart adored, hath tormented

    My delicate soul and prided

    The heaven-like beauty

    And changed from and angel to be

    A tyrannical usurper and tyrannized

    Though I love the eyes: Their bashfulness

    And adore the single curl of golden hairs

    The wench snubbed my begging and the eyelashes

  • My life altered with her heart

    The lover of his she thus became

    As if my heart never shed a tear

    As if I never loved its subjugation

    As if, my love your heart loved

    Ere your feet the cradle touch


    Emma: my sweet loving maid

    Your eyes hath my soul made

    A barren field of broken promises

    How is it your hairs are golden strokes?

    Is that the dying sun my tears provokest?

    Or is it only your deceiving smiles?

    That my heart stabs and sliest?

    How could the light shape your face?

    Art thee an angel or a miragy lake?

    Doth thine figure yonder fawn resemble?

    When jump and leap and scramble?

    She doth the moon resemble

    Her emerald-like eyes tremble

  • A kin to the burnished sun

    A decay to the dying dun

    Still I adore thee and die

    Twenty times for thine eyes

    Thy curls I bear for heat

    When my heart ceases to beat

    Thine eyes a torch I hold

    When darkness coverst and foldst

    Perishing lightness

    Thine lips I shyly kiss

    In a winter night

    The rains start to hiss

    Yond steed nighst

    So long my love for now

    For my soul shall hunt thee

    Till thine heart mine veins renewst

    And the stars thine ghost be


  • When walkst or speakst or smilest

    I could swear my heart would faintst

    For she is the sun, and the source of life

    She holds with celestial uncompromised light

    I loved thee, I dreamt of thee

    I rendered thee the unwanted right

    A burnished sun in a moons field

    Thou art, and shall be a crowned queen


    Let my soul be free thou beast thou wench

    And ditched away be, sayst thou thy lips the crimson?

    Thinkst thou twice, for crimson hath never proved soft

    The smile the fangs the claws of thine

    Thou witherst life of lasting pain

    And slayst thou the bloody moon

    When walkst thou, the earth crackst and faintst and diest

    How killst thou the bliss of love?

    And eternal pain let thou bear

    Until the ocean prove dark

    And thy breath betaken to mere bark

    Stained thou my bosom of blood

    Of true passion and thorns of sober looks

    Pricked my course of longing and yearning youth

  • Let the breath be mine bebreathed

    Ere the sun grudge the moon and mars the wandering souls of passing air

    The eternal beauteous fair of yonder east, bends the gossamer of yielding

    love and loving lad

    Thou shalt taste dark venoms, thou made my youth drink upon the life of


    So long as my life is yours, my soul shall set in darkest dawns

    To thee, smilest and cursest


    The inconstant stars

    As high as they may be

    Hath slant power to mar

    The days of mine as to be

    as auspicious as my night

    grant me hope and endless rights

    to seek my fate

    my eternal fate


    I the lad of yonder air

    Killst the desire of mine with a dagger belike a nail

    Mislike not my temper

    For the moon doth pity my state of the kind

  • And the meteor hath mine heart infected a troubled mind

    Could nature be a cruel beast?

    I doubt my disbelief of love and east

    I am indifferent of the thought and shape

    I the lad am a man of doom and fate

    Lo the winds do mine state carry the load

    I if the eyes encounter

    I if doth eyes admire

    Be not a man of soul and heart

    If rhyme not an ode

    And cry the stars my state the dire


    Come and ask my hand

    If my parents desireth thee not

    Let us both sacrifice our souls

    To nature

    Let us be bare like a babe

    Incorporate with one soul

    And drink our tears in pain

    To the firmament let us fly

    Until our feet the sun disgrace

    And be as one to none be debased

  • But if my parents desireth thee

    Here art my lips to kiss

    As when my heart an utter bliss

    Be to the pitch of a lethe

    Let us be bare and seethed


    It has been a constant dream

    Ever since my eyes fortold

    A heaven-like place and seen

    My fate in it and sold

    My present and all the past

    Walking under the rain

    I try to touch that holy rain

    And feel my eternal joy of hope

    And utterly forget my lasting pain

    O if I only kiss that ground

    And besmear my self in that bound

    Of longing love and burning sounds

    Id never let go these streets

    These people and smiling subways

    When sit in national parks and sleep

    Beside lady America and paved ways

    Can my voice ever reach you

  • Look at my eyes if you can see

    My sufferings and faith in you

    I want to find myself in you

    I want to die in your arms

    And be

    A human again, because my humanitys lost

    Within the ignorant eyes and mouths

    Ive seen you in my dreams

    And I shall one day touch you real

    I wont give up whatever they say

    Shall live in you as you in me

    Gave hope and softened my days


    Ive started to deem my self unhuman

    For when my heart craveth to love

    I reprimand its desire and to none

    Hand my passion and be as a glove

    In one hand and the other sealed

    How can bashfulness become a leash

    To my veins and all my parts?

    How comest that mine eyes beseech

    Not to love when love askst to depart?

    If love were a force, man would love

  • Man would the passion wear as a dove

    If I were human I would deem

    Love as a right to man and scream

    With the smothered hiss of cold

    The name of love as holy as gold

    As bitter as one-sided affection

    To Juliet, the sacred complexion

    But Im still as young as a leaf

    In an autumns coldest eve

    And my heart hath not yet learnt

    How to love and to love be burnt


    I see it as I wander

    The spirit of love

    Enshrines each soul with the other

    And make celestial of the doves

    That spell the name of misery

    The time I look into my memory

    I see it as I wander

    The spirit of love

    Makest my soul tormented the more

    My heart I vow to adore

    And tear the sense of life

  • Each time their hands enclose

    In eternal lock of life

    I see it as I wander

    The spirit of love

    Beauteous as it is and noble the name

    That humanity shouts in martyr flame

    I say it heart broken

    And hearts are honest

    When feel the pain life endorses

    I long to kiss the lips of life

    I long to burn in it and strife

    To endless waters and dark oceans

    I see it as I wander

    The spirit of love

    Lonely as I am and lonesomeness

    Burns the heart of the true lover

    Why dost the sun grudge the moon and scudder?

    The moons sober looks

    Why canst I be burnt to death in love

    And swear the oath of happiness

    And be as high as the sky can afford

    May my ashes the winds carry

    To my soulmate

    And join our hearts and be forever merry

  • XIX

    Falsely in love or lovingly false

    When doth she lie I knowingly kiss

    Those lips of crimson those utterly bliss

    And hug her tight and vouch my love

    And worship the honey of her breath

    And breathe again

    And Im alive again


    For heavens sakes

    Tell me how doth the souls meet in one?

    How doth the eye admire the other?

    How doth humans be in love?

    For Im lost in wonders

    And my eyes doth bleed

    Of the sight of lovers love embodied


    Women art but a prey to men

  • So men! Let go thy shyness

    And woo her

    For she doth the minutes

    Count impatient

    Let her feel thy noble intent

    And lock her eyes in eternal passion

    For she is a human still

    Neither a monster nor a beast she

    Then kiss het softly till she holds

    Thine hands and sigh in love

    And tell you that you are the man

    That she will be

    Forever with


    She says: son thou art changed!

    I reply: I wish I were

    For then: Id not the looks estranged be

    And for heavens sakes not err

    She says: son, why art thou late?

    I reply: I wish I were

    Sitting on shores, tossing my bate

    Kissing her, and seized, be not astir

  • She says: son, why art thou sad?

    I say: I wish I were

    For happiness turned me mad

    And winters wind my life altered

    She says: son thou art unhuman!

    I reply: I wish I may

    Forever be thus for whyfore unbroken

    Live I, and whyfore hither askst I my delay?


    Turn thine eyes away

    For they doth prepare to die astray

    The moment thou make them bide

    By the lasss eyes, and those are tides

    That move the man to fade

    And crave hell, be it his fate

    Cease to look, and hope to be

    A brother to love, for it loath thee

    And makes thine heart suffer the more

    Thou wish to die aside its shore

    Put your eyes a better place

    Ere thou regrets it too late

    Tmay be for thou cant stand

  • The looks of eyes when do command

    The heart to be a slave to love

    Tmay be you fear to seek

    Thine hearts wish as thou art weak

    To peek a glace to whats above

    To forbid thine hearts doom and decay

    I beseech thine eyes not behold

    A far-reach beauty and not to play

    With a nobler life, as thou wast told

    For this is a cause I cry

    To see eyes of men bleed as their hearts

    Doth bleed the pain of love

    And die a worser death, that was meant to start


    I try to vouch it, but Im tried

    For fair is the sun that rise and shine

    And too fair is unfair to all men

    Thusly we strife belike a hen

    To admire and be admired

    We worship the eye and breathe

    The air she breath and bequeath

    Be we it, and twenty times we die

  • Till she her head rises and fall


    She is everything I long for

    She possesses an angel heart

    She grants me sweet smiles

    Mine heart smiles and larks

    My face is abashed to belie

    My face is ashamed to adore

    She is everything I long for

    She asks me to wee her

    She wants my hands to err

    In the sin of love and noble shores

    My sweet mistress of yonder west

    Is the mountain asked by the winds

    To move?

    Hath the sun asked the moons decease

    To prove?

    She is everything I asked for

    She owes me life and life

    Is as precious so as to implore

    A lover be and cut the veins a knife

    She is everything I asked for

    She encounters my eyes

  • She speaks to my heart, and tells me lies

    Of crimson lips and sweets engendered

    She is everything I yearned for

    She moves me still

    When walks past my barren shore

    She seized my lips

    She forsworn to love my eyes

    And my eyes doth her eyes forsworn

    She is everything,

    I want no more

    Locks of loves spells delay

    Dont love me afore

    Be you my stay

    Neither can love, nor can I


    I am odd a youth

    Thusly made


    I am to thee forever bound

    I vouch it proud and gay

    That mine rhymes shall be found

    As consistent as the mere decay

    Of free rhymes, which I cant tell

  • Their prominent words can flow

    The brook of time, tmay be hell;

    To comprehend my rhymes blow


    I am to thee forever bound

    I am a strange verse to new eyes

    Whose yearning sights I doubt

    And whose deceiving smiles art but a lie

    The rhymes that mine mind spillst

    Shall be eternal in endless time

    And nay say I, for this is my fate

    Thence my verses shall rise and shine

    I am to thee forever bound

    For deep is the poet that conveys his sorrow

    In form of senseless tunes and sounds

    And fair is the time that be morrow

    To a new morn and to new forms

    Of old rhymes and blindful shades

    That will, and age of sphere shaken norms

    Transform and mine verses shant fade

    I am to thee forever bound


    She is as sweet as the rain drops

  • When fall of my barren heart

    She stands right next to my ghost

    She is by her hairs annoyed

    So her hands pass to her head

    My god bless that noble hand

    And bless my heart withal

    For I am enchanted by her beauty

    I am dying to kiss her sweetly


    This world is unfit for poets hearts

    For we tend to hide our passions parts

    And let them be into forms of words

    Transported, and we eat loves worms

    Instead of being in utter bliss

    And we watch the hogs every dying kiss

    And sit in silent pain and behold alike

    Unworthy people deeming themselves the like

    We are unfit as poets to breathe

    The air that is by life bequeathed

    We are left as poets to rot

    Beside the reeking coffins and naught

    Be we as poets, I truly cry

  • Our fate the auspicious

    That we shall not taste love

    That we shall wait in vain, belike doves

    Broken-winged and muffed the mouth

    That they speak withal, and drought

    Is the oasis that treads our feet

    When loves heart ceases to beat

    Ladylove is a daydream wish

    We are as far from that wish

    As the west is from the east

    And the sun from the dawns feast

    The language that we poets speak

    Is to deaf ears and blind eyes

    Unspoken signs

    They do laugh when our wisdom hear

    Lost are they at our sphere


    Afore man would say:

    I am a man still, why afeared?

    Of womens looks and why stay?

    Away from their sweetest shield

    Afore man would spit the blood

    On a womans filthiest dirt

  • A man would tear loves bud

    And curse the heavens that made flirt

    A mans sluttest deed

    A fore man would a woman ditch

    Her lowest figure

    To unknown sea, call her a bitch

    Make feast, our of his err

    Man would forcibly make

    Love a right to all mankind

    Not shake his head

    Nor his mind

    But todays wonders we have seen

    Of mans most irrational deeds

    A man would say

    I am not a man still,

    I am afeared

    Womens looks turned me shrill

    I shall not conquer that iron shield

    Today man would spit the blood

    On a womans lowest filth

    A man would die for loves bud

    Be as the land that lacks tilt

    Aside with the lowest dignity of heart

    To far lands and call her a witch

  • That enchanted his passions parts


    She is gone, now forever

    She will devote herself to god

    She will look her face in bitter

    On the windows glass and nod

    Beseeming my shadowed face

    She is gone now all together

    With the scent of her curly hair

    And the shade of her figures blur

    The pearly smiles with heavens despair

    Beseeming my shadowed face..

    She is gone now together

    We were alike in shyness

    We used to wait for time to alter

    What have our hearts imposed on us

    Beseeming my shadowed face

    She is gone now forever

    I will regret my blinded looks

    That forbade my hearts wish and never

    Vouch my passion to sealed books

    Nor wait my hearts bleeding

    Nor in vain burry my feelings

  • XXXI

    Those eyes of honey sweet

    Have moved my heart to tears

    Marry me sweetheart and be my love

    Forever I will call thee my love


    When thou doddered be

    And the forty stars

    The moon vampst thee

    And all the planets apart

    When thine cheeks blush

    The sun riseth the earth

    When doth the cheek flush

    We outlive the dismal dearth

    When wind flirt thine hairs

    And forehead dimly kiss

    Golden the curls and fair

    That we are all amiss

    When thine lips utter or move

  • Wines we then the fittest prove

    When thine eyes look

    Perished existence in beggary books

    Then comes the smile that sweep

    The dire souls and eyes that weep

    When they buds blander

    Roses of redolent odors and slandered

    You be, and flattered you become

    The more you turn the roses numb

    When your eyes my eyes chide

    Bleeding the wound by thine pride

    When love is to adonises shown

    I blame it love and blame my own

    When your waist dances my dream

    I dance your eyes, I love thee scream

    My thou the violin wreak

    When walk you near me

    Bashfulness composes thee

    When I breath thine beauty

    I turn a slave to thee

    Prithee I ask forsooth

    Dost thou love?

    Dost thou ask the shade?

    Hath beauty mingled love

  • Pebbles and clay a maid?

    Do you hide beauty?

    Do you my eyes plea?

    Trow you twice

    For cold is the ice

    That warms my heart

    And cut my veins apart

    My soul shall be thine

    In decay or in heavens shine

    Shall tarry with thee in endless line


    May I hiss thee a love ditty

    And call thee a bird

    Kiss thee, and hug your head in the breeze

    In graves of bones that lovers sobs yet whirred

    Albeit a gate that kept us far in yearn


    The wind hurled and morns dawn

    Struck the air with dews wet cold

    And suns heat turned hell

  • XXXV

    Man is a fault that walks by lust and those

    Are blind that see but lust and cry but lust

    If only I those blindful men

    Hang up, and up and up,, till I their hearts

    Fix up, and hold the sign that shines in gold

    That man is man and never shall man doubt


    Said she: I wonder how the time could turn

    My sir in this exact hour of day?

    I said: it is before the noon could burn

    And saying this her eyes did ask me stay

    We looked and time is gone for us to look

    She laughed and laughing thus we fell in love

    But lacking wit I ceased my looks to hook

    Away she went after we fell in love


    Thou art the glowing moon

  • In a summer's night

    And a blushing angel smiling, sweet bright.

    I beseech thine eyes through the wandering cloud.

    When a celestial light drew thee shy

    And gave thee the beauty of the moon.

    Thou art but a remedy to the dying cure.

    And a prophet with a prophecy to the poor.

    Thine eyes when look are a pearl so pure.

    In faith! My fate is in their light so sure.


    Thou art the honey that looms

    And drops over the mountain

    Thy dreams do persist the falling

    And nigntly prick the bosoms lightly

    Thine beauty is torn and cut in twain

    Doth the eye and lip be stain'd

    For not the wolf nor beast you fear'st

    Nor the dark thy shadow can bear

    Thou art the bleeding sun

    That stings us all and shun

    And doth the air and earth

    forbear to be or see and mirth


    Sweet dreams methinks I see of you

    A life of heaven's fields I blink

    A life of merry lust I drink

    O' dusks, dawns, and whirling waves

    Heil ye that spits the flame and sways

    {the golden fate}

    I shall send my soul to live forever free

    I shall retrieve my breath and lights of thee.

    {Of golden fate}


    Though my heart is slain

    Thou my heart is slain.

    And my soul is cut in twain.

    I shall not give my heart to the grieves.

    Nor let the stars torment my dreams.

    I shall astride and chase my fate.

    And keep my heart to god's sake.

  • XLI

    Thou mother knowst none

    Keep the lad in grief and shun;

    The shades of his.

    Know ye how to cure his sober heart?

    And drag the dark grieves apart?


    The winds of tis' season'd day doth torment

    A lad's eye,

    Doth with blasting looks mar the sacrosanct.

    And with burn'd sighs:

    I the lad with poignant heart and bloody soul,

    With qualms, spells, and charms,

    Hear, the sun, O' the sun,

    Dost forbid the sores and shun,

    Me' I the stone of wandering stars

    Of this seance, of cursing charms.

    Albeit the slain moon, was to laugh

    And strew my grave a rose and half.

    The winds the sun asked my state.

    And the sun, O' the sun ,dost the stabs of life forsee,

  • And the lad's heart with thorns and stones to be,


    Thou my East, my sweet gossamer, of tis' Nightingale

    The meteor's maid, and the entreating shale,

    The moon's light, and the sun's might.

    The bliss taboo and I to thy shadowy odour;

    Not to yield..

    Yielding sun, be to eyes of Mars, and behold, the light that darkens thy


    To lasting doom, thou be doom'd.


    Be not upset

    Be not upset my love be not upset

    The dark shall sink thy face again

    And 'gin to kiss thee light and lift thy head

    A maidenhead is not a shield to men

    Be not upset, I did thine eyes evade

    Reproach' me not; be not a woeful wench

    My heart is weak and tis but short decayed

    Do not a tear thine eyes torment to quench.

    I am a man, blame not a man to love

    A man is thusly made, to love and live

    A man is ought to dream and seek to love

  • A man is but a man , thus passion give

    Thine shape is lighted by the sun and eyes

    Outlive the sun and mix to royal hairs

    Eyelash'd and color'd blue belike a sky.

    Abashe'd and timid face'd belike the air.


    I bleed, my heart doth bleed with pain

    And cold i feel within my veins

    I never had a lover's face

    I never had a lover's fate

    And so, I live as though my life

    A blooded soul, a wheted knife

    I never had a soul, a lass

    To light my dark and heart surpass

    Maybe i will be loved when dark

    Composeth earth and sends a mark

    Forgive me O, O chide me not

    I planned not this nor wast i taught

    Tis but that heart do bid me love

    Though failed afore to be beloved

    Say not that madness wast my name

  • Say not that love is but a shame

    I bleed, o' see me bleeding red

    For thee that asked my eye to shed

    I might escape or show no want

    But mark ye that, the mind thee haunt'st

    The mind doth think that me and you

    Shall never be as one and true

    Shall never meet in bed of lust

    Shall never taste of love and rust

    The reason is that nature's curse

    Did wrongly let my mind converse

    Rivals I see they hunt thee oft

    In silent thoughts and words so soft

    I am a dot in seas of blue

    And thus i canst be loved by you

    Thou art the sun that shone at night

    Thou art a star and fair and bright

    I sense thee cold of wrongs that i

    Didst none but those who art a lie

    How canst burn thy heart a flame?

    And panting fast it starts to blame

    How canst I tell thee that my heart

    Is not alike and cut apart?

    How canst I beg thee hear a word?

  • A word is but a word to err

    That since the eyes did meet a day

    Of yonder past they choose the way

    I speak of mine and not of yours

    For mine did oft your eyes adore

    Is with a kiss the life returns?

    Is with a look the eyes could burn?


    Likewise Thou art; unlike the like

    If stars do shine' my love be thus a light

    Be shy a maid' be up and high alike

    My love if love canst see aright

    Cry not' love's not a priceless sold

    Love's bold' love's but a dream to sleep

    Hither come' art thee a joyful bold

    Stay thus 'lie not' be not a snake to creep.

    A blonded wench' a color'd sun

    Thou art! true white belike the moon

    Full red' and slightly pink and dun

    Abash'd and fair as if to swoon.

    Love Me; though hurt by love afore

    I ask a wish' For long my way

    To be a Man whose heart a shore

  • And full with joy , my love a day,.

    Methinks that life is farther more

    to us that love' a fairer sky

    a path that darkness kept a door

    and I hath not a key ' to dare the eye


    Methinks I' seen as much of hands

    As doth the sea of golden sands

    Entangled are, in passion lock'd

    Under a spell that chanted love

    But hands of mine hath not adjoined;

    A softer hand and never foil'd

    Alone I was, a lonesome lad

    His heart is numb, his soul is sad

    His lips a flame that needed rain

    To quench and to abate the pain

    His hands a field without a drop

    Of passion for his grief to stop

    To stop what time hath wrongly err'd

    A complexion most odd and spurr'd

    Without a soul likewise his own

    To lessen pain and chant a tone.

  • A tone that should his heart a flame.

    Give birth and thus erase the shame

    Alas for none doth seem aware

    To look upon his heart and care

    None doth know what it means to love

    And never reach to kiss the dove

    And true are those that deem the bless

    That is in heart with nothing less

    For oft they know that joy a mask;

    For man to wear and hide the task.

    A maid or less of rank may laugh

    Alike, and mock on my behalf

    And think that I possess no heart

    Nor hath a sense to know a tart.

    And thus a man I ask to be

    A lover once; a barren sea

    I ask to know what is that love;

    Doth grant a man when does he love

    I quite well know that love doth hurt

    And know how falsely hearts convert

    If had to break me up, do break

    Break up and let me sense the ache

    I fear no pain' I see no beast

    Break up if had to turn the east

  • Break up, prithee if wast thou forc'd

    But love me first and soul endorse


    Art thee a jubilant my dear?

    For god hath made thee fair

    God hath ordered hills to hear

    That earthy good hath made thee rare

    Art thee arrogant my dear?

    For both we trow' that glare

    Hath made thy eyes a sneer

    And made thy looks a flare

    Art thee proud my dear?

    For thou wert made to dare

    The bloody moon' a tear

    The sun that shaped thy hair...

    Art thee wane my dear?

    For I hath quick declared

    That heart is thus sincere,

    In loving thee to swear...

    Art thee shy my dear?

    Say not such lies to spare..

    My love to thee, and jeer

  • Say not that we shallt err

    If we be ever joined my dear

    Say not my heart is bare

    And hath no sense to thee

    Say not I am no heir

    To treasures gold and pearls my dear

    Say not thy father's air

    Is not to bring us near

    Say not It is despair

    That part us thus away my dear

    For I well know that stares

    Bear not a lie' to tell an ear

    That white to blend or wear

    A less of rank, shall not my dear...


    We both trow my dear that thou art a sun

    And when the cloud reaches the mighty sun

    Golden as the strikes of yonder east

    Plentiful as a nightly joyful feast

    Thou mayst dream of days art but a rose

    And that the rivers art belike the wine

    Smiling my lovd and thithdr goes

  • To boast a fairer spring of thine

    We both trow my love that thou art the sun

    That clouded skies did send a kiss

    Drunken as though thy lips a field

    To lustful rains my dear a bliss

    A willful lad to prick thy shield

    A start thou art my dear, a golden sun

    A cloud, could lift thy soul a farther height

    A cloud could oft a wrongful letter write

    But lovers true, shall not a tear

    Compell thy cheeks to sinful shame appear

    Thou art a sun celestial shines

    As doth the moon forsakes his gown

    Thou art a sun and not a sign

    Thy head a graceful golden crown

    I bid thee shine my sun

    That pallid mountain slept

    As when a tone thou spelt

    Then moved astir, and broken fell

    Regretful is to wail the sun

    And ope an endless hell

    Tis wast the sun

    A cloud did kiss

    The sun

  • A mountain wailed

    The sun

    Tis done


    O love, my fear of thee prevents living

    Lest wrong my heart or wrong thee giving

    For then, all of my actions change and bind

    As when my soul another mate it finds

    O love thy name provokest my bones shaking

    For it dost grow as minutes keep moving

    As cold desire hence to lose its siege

    And burning fire, a new born heart to give

    Inexperienced in love am I growing

    As virgins fear, to blood-drop loosing

    So is my hand if met with hands of thine

    It witherst fast as flowers ere their time


    No sweet words can thy beauty prove

    Nor is there tongues to praise thy sooth

    In love forlorn, I do thee wrong

    To love thee much and tie my tongue

  • O honey sweet, and hot-red cheeked

    O lips on lips in mortal sleep

    O rounded hills and tender hands

    In temples sin we and command

    O that we meet, no more delays

    To torment love and kill my days

    Then we as one incorporate

    Thus we shall kiss and seal our fate


    O look in times how beauty wast defined

    And still defined, is it by faces fair

    See how the white, well painted and divine

    Seekst not the color white, but only dare

    To be in marriage bound to fairest white

    And colored are, by due of likeness seek

    To be well-saved by colored faces night

    And only choose the best accordant sweet

    Thus all the colors in their faces live

    And so they love, and so they shall be loved

    But all discordant faces bare and dimmd

  • Are left bereaved and destined not to love

    Or else be joined are they by likeness fit

    To add themselves what was by time bereft

    Tmay that which is not matched to lightness lit

    And spire be, as well in ranks be held

    O hailed they shall, the fairest faces made

    And cherished are, for all the beauty shown

    Praised be their hearts if darkness they inhale

    And those who true love hold, their hearts disowned

    This life ere now, unfair to all unfair

    Cannot defy, for is thus writ and born

    Proud faces sought by less of beauty snare

    And only join those like their share and more

    But we alone, no beauty bounty taste

    Not meant to live, nor die as time do haste


    Aside the yellow leaves of sycamore

    I shivered cold and turned as pale

    O soft the breeze that played my single hairs

  • LIII

    And thinks herself an angel be

    That of some blood, be rushing bold

    From vein to vein and face of red

    Boasts of divine and yellow stripes

    And shuns she all prospects alone

    That she as milk doth pour and white

    As cold as is the melting ice

    From mountains full and hills atop

    Is she a blonde, and fairly knows

    That when her face is lit and hot

    And when her hair bescorns the sun

    All meaning left that is of life

    And all that can define of love

    All dead and still like wanton air

    And all again the holy blonde

    That shines of light as doth a sun

    But fierce, that white and blinded lights

    Unable be to match the like;

  • Epic Poems



    The sun that hides behind the cloud

    And shines above the fairest sound

    Alike do hide, do hide and shine

    Thus winter comes and veins do die

    The hell whose coal is burning short

    As gluttons are to plenty poor

    His mouth, to these unworthy sort

    As endless rains to restless shores

    But boasts his shadows countless fights

    And feeds his flame with mens desire

    As shackles cling forseeming plight

    And all the culprits fall to fire

  • But when comest that which renders life

    As lifeless pain to golden times

    She all as dark to conquered light

    Feedst that which once was in his prime

    Save hell save cold , save all the mighty gods

    This meant to be that she a maid

    Such royal birth to fortune lots

    To hide her beauty from her shades

    See all that hides within itself

    All noble fair to end unfair

    And live as hermits in their shell

    Though beautys spring be it their share

    It was above that thou wert made

    Where angels white did gather oft

    Behind the clouds that passing fades

    And on a throne that shone aloft

    As lightning stroke the wanton shades

    And all the humming back and forth

    So did the thunder as the blades

    And sharp as is the burning torch

  • "The holy Blonde, the holy blonde

    O, blessed thy name, and fair thy face

    Thou art a tone on mortal Songs

    On morning's dew a bashful lace"

    The heavens that bless'd thee a blonde

    And poured the silk onto thy head

    Thus being Gold and oceans long

    Thus seeming light ,though heavy lead

    What substance of an earthy land

    Can match a heavenly making

    That air my love belike the sand

    A lantern dark when shining fading

    The burnished sun, that burning fuel

    Such halting rage and golden hue

    Untamed and fair but still as cruel

    Craving for more the heavens due

    And heaven breathed and angels winged

    Water to freeze and ice to fire

    By due that light the blonded witch

  • Two lines assay and fate aspire

    The forehead lined of cupid hands

    Each man to sway his days be writ

    No minutes pass no times to sand

    Hences all defined each man his wit

    O plenty light o past of yore

    In lanterns dim accure their shine

    Thy best trait live and lines galore

    Accord the windows ere their time

    But soft o pretty bird aloof

    In that fair bough thy lines divine

    Tis that which fate swearst hold and prove

    To be yet fit in times defined


    Unruly morn steps to announce the day

    When did she lay upon her bed to rest

    And twisting thus her golden curls," the rays

    Art nearing close to feed the beauty's nest

    The morn"

    Is not to leave the face of heaven's gem

  • The morn"

    Is hence a warning sign to all a maid

    The dawn"

    Is darwing soon to rise above the stem

    The dawn"

    Auspicious as the death of hearts afraid

    She wakes' and O she wakes belike a bird

    That makes a sound; the fairer rising sound

    And picking she, a robe' and hissing third

    And smiling fourth, a fainted tone she found":

    I die"

    And I part not of love; Tis but of hate

    I die"

    That I of parting thus, beg thee await

    I die"

    Be merciful, be charming on my fate

    I die"

    I shall thy name a plenty debt abate

    O' morn what hath I done of wrongs to see.?

    A joyful face, yet not as much to bear

    A dying lad' as I to seek the air

    A window small; I ope beside a tree?

  • Part not of love "Tis but of hate"

    Repeats the lad 'and she beguiled of thought

    Waste no more time to further ask of late

    Her eyes did shine " and blinded was he caught

    Above the lad" the maid did rise and said"

    Poor man;! why art thou pale with grief' do tell

    What dost thou feet, and vouch thy pains of hell

    "Love me" say not' I love but foolish heads!!

    Saith he:

    "The dawn' is near and death is close to take"

    " I love thee not" be not afraid of love "

    Tis feeling is of more than love could name"

    For love is dead disgraceful is to love

    Thy name:

    The sweeetest rose that ever meant to rise'

    And i part not of love thus part my eyes

    I part of thee' I part a dying sigh

    I bid thee go, and be a star to shine"

    Thy voice'

    Speak thou angel" Tis sound I hear when dark

    Coverth the Earth' the wanton and the wise

  • The clime' whose thunder larks, the dismal 'bark

    Are limping hard" and seek thy lips advice

    O' faith" she rises even high' and nighst

    Yon steed beside the dying lad and falls

    She now 'gins to redden' of pain' that all

    The words have made the trees a rusted shy

    Partst thou of hate? "what love is that my lad?

    That words the neat and fair arranging sweet

    Depicting that" by dying thus beneath the heat

    Of coming dawn" that MAN do shake and tremble fast

    The thought of which is queerly wan and sad"

    She then' as fair her figure is and white

    As doth the morning dew' within the light

    That falls upon the rose and makes it right

    From side to side' moveth she' and lips she bites

    And wails and bitter cries and shines so bright

    He, looking faint' his wound is hot, his joints

    Do shake and stumper hard', his face is dark

    Save that of morn 'that wast to come ,and lark

    He sends a kiss' Tis but a wastful art

  • He cries aloud 'o SWEET' TIS but a bark

    O' tree" that high thou stands 'beside the wench

    My heart do shake' and cites the name of which

    I must needs say that much' ""be helpful once""

    And bend thy bough and lift my heart withal

    My pain is cold' thy leaves gives not credence

    Saith he':

    And found he that the morn is near to come

    The sun with willful look upon the world

    Doth sigh', his flames do quench his burning eye

    Of looking oft' to tougher sun' that shone

    Above the lad' within the home she dwelt

    "ARISE, rough winds' and shake the silk of soft

    That is unruly waves over a fence

    That sends unwanted' charms and tricking oft

    And chiding most' and bidding me to thence"

    She ceased to cry, athirst her eyes for tears

    And famish are to most distasteful hate

    She snubbing much' did lift her head afeared

    Array she jests' and pointing she her bait

    She vexing red' ajar her mouth do ope

  • And spelling thoughts that hath a sounding fear

    O' lad' fee hence' bleed not upon the grass

    The nature's due is bound for us to save

    Stain not''my heart with pain' for tis a glass

    And solid is the sand that makest the bravest cave

    The lad' beside his pain that lurks the soul

    And want of love that he does seem to lack

    Utters a word, that rain of red' did pour

    I love' if tis I feel could make a sense

    I am no fit' I tell no lies nor tricks

    For thee I am no match, for those admixed

    I see and those' can turn thine cheeks a rose

    But I a weak' and hold no strength no