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// SOFTWARE MADE BY ZEISS i.Com mobile – Quick Guide Software for efficient acquisition and management of customer and measured data in the sales process.

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i.Com mobile – Quick Guide Software for efficient acquisition and management of customer and measured data in the sales process.

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Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 2 2 Installing i.Com mobile on the iPad ............................................ 3 3 Starting i.Com mobile ................................................................. 3 4 i.Com mobile main menu ............................................................ 4 5 Menu Configuration .................................................................... 5 6 Customer menu ........................................................................... 6 6.1 Control elements in Customer menu .................................................................. 6 6.2 Start page Customer menu ................................................................................ 6 6.3 Customer module (Data) .................................................................................. 10 6.4 Summary module ............................................................................................ 12 6.5 Exam (Refraction) module ................................................................................ 13 6.6 Centration module ........................................................................................... 18 6.7 Ordering lenses ................................................................................................ 18

7 Settings menu ........................................................................... 19 7.1 Accounts ......................................................................................................... 19 7.2 Centration ....................................................................................................... 20 7.3 Updates ........................................................................................................... 20 7.4 LOGON ........................................................................................................... 21 7.5 Languages ....................................................................................................... 21 7.6 Server .............................................................................................................. 22 7.7 Backup & Restore ............................................................................................ 22 7.8 Devices ............................................................................................................ 23 7.9 MainApp (basic settings) .................................................................................. 23 7.10 Printing ........................................................................................................... 24 7.11 Import i.Com ................................................................................................... 24 7.12 Shop ............................................................................................................... 25 7.13 Features .......................................................................................................... 25 7.14 Transfer of entry or modification of settings ..................................................... 25

8 General Licensing Agreement for i.Com mobile software ........ 26

1 Introduction The software application i.Com mobile provided by Carl Zeiss Vision has been designed for operation with an iPad via WLAN.

i.Com mobile permits acquisition, processing and archiving of the complete customer data (master data and data from consultations performed). The data is saved on the i.Com mobile Box which has been designed as server.

It permits import, manual acquisition, viewing, further processing and archiving of measurement results from other devices such as i.Profiler, i.Profiler plus, i.Terminal, i.Terminal 2, VISUSCREEN and VISUPHOR.

Via the WLAN connection, devices within reach of type i.Profiler plus, i.Terminal 2, VISUSCREEN and VISUPHOR can be called up and controlled directly via the iPad.

i.Com mobile can be connected to the LOGON ordering system or to a conventional software common in that industry.

Hint: Initial installation, integration into the available WLAN network, configuration of the i.Com mobile Box and installation of the software application on an iPad are performed via the Carl Zeiss Vision Service.

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2 Installing i.Com mobile on the iPad

Hint: To install the software application i.Com mobile, e. g. on another iPad, proceed as follows. To this effect, the i.Com mobile Box must be switched OFF, see section Starting i.Com mobile.

• Switch the iPad ON and enter the URL

www.zeiss.com/dti-mobile-solutions in the Safari Browser.

• Make sure that the iPad is connected to the WLAN.

• Complete the registration form and download the app.

The software application i.Com mobile is installed on your iPad. This takes a few minutes.

Afterwards, the three icons i.Com mobile, i.Profiler mobile and i.Terminal 2 appear on the touchscreen of the iPad. For starting, please use on principle the i.Com mobile icon.

Icons i.Com mobile, i.Profiler mobile and i.Terminal 2 on the iPad After installation is complete, you can exit the Safari Browser again.

3 Starting i.Com mobile • Switch the i.Com mobile Box ON by briefly pressing the ON button once.

Hint: For switching OFF, press it briefly twice. The i.Com mobile Box will shut down a few seconds later.

The i.Com mobile Box has been designed for continuous operation. It normally never needs to be switched OFF.

ON button of i.Com mobile Box

i.Com mobile icon

As soon as the i.Com mobile Box is ready to operate, the ON button will light up in blue. • Touch the i.Com mobile icon on the iPad to start i.Com mobile.

The WLAN connection to the i.Com mobile Box (server) is checked and established.

Checking server Selecting server The currently installed i.Com mobile server is displayed and must be selected on initial start-up.

Hint: The server connection will normally be set once for each iPad.

The i.Com mobile main menu appears on the iPad.

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4 i.Com mobile main menu

i.Com mobile main menu The main menu features the following tiles:

Getting Started:

• Contains a link (URL) which can be linked to a required contact according to the specific country in question.


• Contains a link to demo applications of Carl Zeiss Vision for consultation.


• Opens the Configuration menu to adjust the language, to select the i.Com mobile Box (server) and to edit the device ID of the iPad.


• Opens the password-protected Settings menu for modification of specific parameters and for definition of specific presettings.


• Opens the Customer menu for management of the complete customer data (master data and data from consultations performed) and for performing new consultations after selection of the appropriate customer.

• After having selected the customer, access to the specific modules Customer (data and consultations of a selected, active customer), Summary (of the current consultation), Refraction (objective, subjective refraction) and Centration (determination of the centering data for lenses) is established.

Info box:

• Opens the info box which shows messages on errors occurred. The details regarding the status information items can be looked up as required. The number of status information items appears in brackets. If the error in question has been deleted, the message is deleted automatically.

• By pressing Done, the info box can be closed and the main menu reappears.

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5 Menu Configuration • In the main menu, touch the Configuration tile to call up the Configuration menu.

Configuration tile

Configuration menu

The following setting options are available:

− Language (language of software application)

− Server used (i.Com mobile Box)

− Device-ID (device no. of your iPad) • Touch Language to select the language required.

• Touch the required language and subsequently Done in order to accept the setting and to return into the Configuration menu.

• Touch Cancel to cancel the configuration procedure without changes.

Hint: It may be necessary to adjust the language setting of the iPad.

Selecting language

• In the Configuration menu, touch Server to select the correct i.Com mobile Box from those available.

Selecting server

• Select your i.Com mobile Box (server) and acknowledge via Done to return to the Configuration menu.

Hint: If your i.Com mobile Box is not displayed, the WLAN connection may be interrupted or the box is not switched ON. Check the WLAN setting on the iPad or the switched-ON condition of the box.

• In the Configuration menu, touch Device-ID iPad, if you want to assign another name.

• Touch Cancel to cancel the configuration procedure without changes.

Changing Device ID

• If necessary, enter a unique name for your iPad to be able to identify it more easily.

• Acknowledge by pressing Done to return to the Configuration menu.

• Touch Cancel to cancel the configuration procedure without changes.

• Once configuration has been completed, touch Done in the Configuration menu to return to the main menu.

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6 Customer menu • Touch the Customer tile in the main menu to open the start page of the Customer menu.

Customer tile

Start page of the Customer menu

6.1 Control elements in Customer menu

Buttons in the menu bar

Calling up the i.Com mobile main menu

Calling up the start page of the Customer menu (Overview)

Calling up the Customer module (customer data and consultations of the active customer)

Calling up the Summary module (summing up the current consultation of the active customer)

Calling up the Exam (Refraction) module (objective or subjective refraction of the active customer)

Calling up the Centration module (image capture and determination of the centration data of the active customer)

Calling up demo applications for consultation

Hint: If a button is highlighted in blue or letters appear on a button in the menu bar, this indicates that the appropriate menu or module has been called up and is active.

Hint: The buttons for the modules Customer, Summary, Exam (Refraction) and Centration are only available if a customer has been selected and a container Consultation of the appropriate customer is open.

Standard buttons in the start menu and in the modules

Done or OK button to perform the action in question and to close the dialog.

Cancel button to cancel the action in question and to close the dialog.

Edit button to edit the entry in question.

Recycle bin button to initiate a delete process. Button changes over to

to enable highlighting the entry to be deleted and to delete that entry.

Delete button to delete the highlighted entry. Once touched, returns to , unless an entry has been highlighted for deleting; thus, deleting is canceled.

Confirm button to acknowledge definitely and to perform the action in question definitely (e. g. deleting an entry).

Close button to close the dialog.

Load data button to open the dialog to import the relevant data.

6.2 Start page Customer menu

The start page contains the Overview and permits the following actions:

− Creating new customer

− Mapping customer from external overview

− Deleting Customer

− Sorting Overview

− Searching customer within the list

− Highlighting customer within the list

− Identifying active customers within the list

− Selecting customer for consultation

Hint: Touch the name of the customer to call up the Customer module to start or continue consultation of the customer in question.


Drag the Overview beyond the uppermost position to update the list.

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6.2.1 Creating new customer

• Touch the Add New Customer tile.

Add New Customer tile

New Customer dialog

• Key-in the customer data via the New Customer dialog.

• Touch the required input field or Return directly to access the next input field.

Hint: Entering the date of birth:

• Position the cursor in the input field Date of Birth.

• Adjust the appropriate date of birth using the thumb wheels.

The current setting and any further changes are transferred automatically to the field Date of Birth.

• Finally, touch Done to transfer the complete customer data and to return to the start page

of the Customer menu.

6.2.2 Mapping customers

• Touch the Map Customer tile to import customer data from an external overview.

Map Customer tile

Map Customer dialog

• Finally, touch Done to transfer the customer data and to return to the start page of the

Customer menu.

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6.2.3 Deleting Customer

• On the start page of the Customer menu, touch the button.

The button changes over to and all customer names are provided on the left side with a circle as checkbox for the delete process.

• Touch the name of the customer to be deleted. The checkbox at the left of the name turns red.

Hint: By touching the customer's name once more, you can cancel the selection for

deleting. Touching remains without effect unless a name is highlighted in the list. You can even select several customers to be deleted.

• Touch and acknowledge deleting in the following dialog by actuating Confirm.

The customer and all the data pertaining to him/her are deleted from the Overview.

Hint: Touch to cancel the delete process.

6.2.4 Sorting Overview

• In the start page of the Customer menu, touch the checkbox for sorting the Overview.

• Touch the entry by which you want to sort the list.

Checkbox for sorting the Overview.

Start page of Customer menu

The Overview is sorted anew.

6.2.5 Searching customer within the list

Searching customer via input field

• Touch the input field Search.

Hint: The search feature only searches for the customers' last names.

• Key-in the first letter or, if applicable, one or several additional letters of the customer's

name to be searched for via the keyboard which appears.

Input field Search

Now, the Overview only displays the names which feature the letter or which contain the letter combination in question.

• Touch to delete the contents of the input field or to cancel the search.

Now, the complete Overview reappears.

Customer search via the first letter of the name

• In the vertical letter bar on the right of the Overview, touch the first letter of the customer's name.

The Overview scrolls automatically to the customer's name beginning with that letter.

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6.2.6 Highlighting customer within the list

This function enables you to highlight in the Overview those customers who are in your shop at present.

• Touch the check indicator symbol .

The color of the symbol changes to blue . The customer has been highlighted in the list.

Hint: • Touch again the check indicator symbol to cancel highlighting.

Highlighting customer within the list

Hint: You can sort the Overview so that the highlighted customers appear at the beginning of the list, see section Sorting Overview.

6.2.7 Identifying active customers within the list

As soon as consultation of a customer has been started on the current day, his/her name is

identified in the Overview as "active" by two green dots flashing alternately , see also section Customer consultations.

This identification shall disappear automatically after expiry of the consultation period preset in the Settings menu which can be changed as required, see section Settings menu.

6.2.8 Selecting customer for consultation

• In the Overview, touch the name of the customer to call it up for consultation.

The Customer module is displayed.

Customer module

• Start consultation for the customer concerned by creating a new container for consultation

or by opening an existing one. To this effect, proceed as described subsequently in section Customer consultations.

All data acquired or entered subsequently are assigned to the customer in question, until the next customer is called up via the Overview.

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6.3 Customer module (Data)

• In the Overview, touch the name of the customer to access the Customer (Data) module.

Overview on Start page of Customer menu

Customer (Data) module with the data of the selected customer

The Customer (Data) module shows the master data of the selected customer and an overview of his/her consultations in terms of containers. It permits the following actions:

− Editing customer data

− Creating new consultations

− Renaming or copying consultations

− Deleting consultations

6.3.1 Editing customer data

• Touch the button (on the right, next to Customer Data).

Customer Data dialog

• To edit the data of a customer, proceed analogously for entry of new data, see section Creating new customer.

6.3.2 Customer consultations

Whenever a customer is to be consulted, a container must be opened previously. All data of the consultations of the customer in question are saved in these containers (one container per consultation).

The container may be provided with individual names (e. g. sunglasses, multifocals etc.; max. length 20 characters); they are saved automatically with the current date.

This is to ensure that no data is lost and that the data can always be assigned to the correct customer and time.

For consultation, a new container can be created, an existing one can be copied or even renamed.

Creating a new consultation

• Touch the New consultation tile.

New consultation tile

New Consultation dialog

• Enter a name for the consultation and key-in Done.

The new container is created and thus, consultation for the customer in question is started. The system changes automatically to the Summary module from which access to the Refraction and Centration modules is possible.

Hint: As soon as consultation of a customer has been started on the current day, his/her name is identified in the Overview as "active" by two green dots flashing alternately.

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Renaming or copying consultation

• Touch the button (on the right, next to Consultations). All the existing containers are selected and provided with a select list to enable renaming or copying of the container.

Renaming or copying consultation

• Touch the action required.

Copy consultation dialog

Rename consultation dialog

• Touch the action required.

• When copying, enter a name and set a checkmark in the appropriate position to select whether the container is to be created for consultations, centrations or both.

• On renaming, enter a new name.

• Touch to acknowledge the process and to close the dialog.

Deleting consultation

• Touch the button (recycle bin).

The button changes over to .

Delete consultation

• Touch the container to be deleted which subsequently appears in red.

• Touch and acknowledge this action in the following dialog by actuating Confirm.

The container is deleted.

Hint: Touch to cancel the delete process.

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6.4 Summary module

The Summary module appears automatically if a new consultation has been created or an existing consultation has been opened. It displays the current consultation of the active customer in terms of a summary.

Summary module with centration data

Summary module with refraction data

Hint: Once a new consultation has been created, there are no contents, for the time being.

When copying a consultation, the data is transferred.

The Summary module permits the following actions:

− Viewing, inspection and printing of the data of the current consultation

− Creating a new consultation (if there is already data)

− Calling up the modules Exam (Refraction) and Centration • Touch Exam or Centration in the menu bar to perform refraction or centration.

Hint: If you want to change over quickly from the modules Exam or Centration into the Summary, touch Summary in the menu bar.

Hint: Once consultation is complete, the Send to LOGON tile appears in the Summary. Touch the tile to log on and to order the lenses.

6.4.1 Printing data

Print tile

Print Consultation dialog

• Touch the Print tile.

• In the following dialog, you can select whether the data is to be printed as Fax Report or Shop Report, then touch Done.

6.4.2 Creating new consultation from the Summary

If data has already been saved for the customer in question, this can be transferred into a new consultation for reference.

• Touch . A container is created for the new consultation.

• Enter a name for the new consultation and select which data is to be transferred; see also section Customer consultations.

6.4.3 Calling up the modules Refraction and Centration from the Summary

If data has already been saved for the customer in question, this can be transferred for a new centration or refraction.

• Touch or .

• Proceed as described in section Centration module or Exam (Refraction) module.

Hint: You can also call up the modules Exam and Centration directly via the menu bar.

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6.5 Exam (Refraction) module

• Touch the Exam button in the menu bar.

Exam module with results and subjective refraction

Exam module with results and objective refraction

The Exam module permits the following actions:

− Direct control of the devices within the reach of the WLAN for objective refraction (i.Profiler plus) or subjective refraction (VISUSCREEN) via Remote Desktop control

− Import or manual input of measured data

− Input of data of previous lenses as a reference (VISULENS 500, VISUREF 100)

− Insertion of the reading chart and

− editing data

6.5.1 Objective refraction via the i.Profiler plus

• Touch the i.Profiler plus tile in the menu bar.

i.Profiler plus tile

Select i.Profiler Plus dialog

• Select the required device in the dialog which appears subsequently Select i.Profiler plus

and touch Confirm.

Window Log On to Windows

User interface for i.Profiler plus on the iPad

• Subsequently, activate transfer of the device control on the iPad in the window Log On to

Windows by pressing OK.

The user interface (Remote Desktop) of the i.Profiler plus appears on the iPad.

Hint: Now, direct operation of the i.Profiler plus on the device is disabled. Then, the window Log On to Windows appears on the screen of the i.Profiler plus.

• Perform measurement via the i.Profiler plus, see separate software description regarding the


• Touch X to return to the device control on the iPad and return to the Exam module.

Hint: To reactive operation directly on the device, touch OK in the window Log On to Windows on the i.Profiler plus.

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6.5.2 Subjective refraction via VISUSCREEN

• Touch the VISUSCREEN tile in the menu bar.

• Select the required device from the dialog Select VISUSCREEN which appears and touch Confirm.

The VISUSCREEN user interface appears on the iPad.

Hint: Should the device be controlled by another iPad at present, this control is terminated automatically.


User interface for VISUSCREEN on the iPad

• Perform refraction using VISUSCREEN as described in the separate software description.

• Touch X to terminate refraction and return to the Exam module.

6.5.3 Viewing the reading chart

• Touch the Reading chart tile.

The near reading chart appears on the iPad.

Near Reading Chart tile

Reading chart for the near range

• Touch X to terminate the reading chart and return to the Exam module.

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6.5.4 Loading data

Hint: You can import the data of the objective refraction, the subjective refraction and the customer's former glasses from devices available in your shop and use them for the current consultation.

• In the Exam module, in the area Objective refraction (i.Profiler plus, VISUREF 100), Recent

lenses (VISULENS 500) or Subjective refraction, touch to import the appropriate data from other devices.

The dialog for import of this data appears, e. g.: Importing objective refraction data.

Import Objective Refraction Data dialog

Options for importing data

• If applicable, select the option required for the period of time and source of the data in the


• Select the customer's required data record and touch , to transfer the data.

Hint: In the column Data source, you can trace back the type of data acquisition (measurement or manual input).

6.5.5 Editing data or manual data input

Hint: You can edit existing refraction or lens data of the customer for the current consultation or enter new data manually.

• In the Exam module, in the area Objective refraction, Recent lenses or Subjective

refraction, touch to edit the data.

The dialog for editing/input of this data appears, e. g.: Subjective refraction.

Dialog for editing/input of data for Subjective Refraction

• Change the data or enter the data and touch to transfer the change/input.

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6.5.6 i.Scription Analysis

Hint: The i.Scription Analysis requires data from the objective (measured by means of the i.Profiler plus) and the subjective refraction.

i.Scription Analysis tile

i.Scription Analysis animation

• Touch the i.Scription Analysis tile to start the latter.

The analysis commences with an animation (Intro) which illustrates for the customer the measurement using the i.Profiler plus.

• Touch the Night vision button to display an example of vision (night vision) for the possible improvement of the vision by i.Scription.

Night vision

Hint: The two symbolized lenses can be shifted at random within the night vision image displayed.

• Touch the Ocular wavefront button to display the measured data of the wavefront


Ocular wavefront

The measured data is displayed for both eyes for a pupil diameter of 3 mm and 5 mm each.

• Touch to display all the aberrations, or to display only the higher-order aberrations.

• Touch or to display the conditions at day or night.

• Touch the Zernike analysis button to display the results of the Zernike analysis for the

conditions at day or night.

Zernike analysis

This view represents the most important Zernike values.

Moreover, the 50th percentile and the 90th percentile for an average eye are shown for orientation. This means that the aberration in question features for 50 % or 90 % of the population a value which is within the displayed surface area.

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• Touch the PSF button to display the point spread function of a light spot.

PSF (point spread function)

This image (e. g. a star on the night sky) compares the conventional subjective refraction and the calculated i.Scription optimization.

• Touch Approximation to calculate the refraction values via i.Scription.


Copy to FinalRX dialog

As a result, the values from the objective, the subjective and the i.Scription refraction are compared.

• Touch under Subjective Refraction or i.Scription Demo, to transfer the required values for lenses.

• Touch Confirm.

6.5.7 Prescription of lenses

Hint: After performing refraction and, if applicable, an i.Scription analysis, you can proceed to prescription of the lenses for the customer.

• Touch to copy the data determined into the prescription.

• Touch Confirm to copy the data into the prescription.

Exam module

Copy to FinalRX dialog

• Check the data and, if applicable, adapt them again by touching in the line Final RX.

• If necessary, enter a comment to the final RX.

Write comment dialog

Hint: Touch to delete the comment, if necessary.

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6.6 Centration module

• Touch the Centration button in the menu bar.

Centration module

The Centration module permits the following actions:

− Direct control of the devices within WLAN reach for image capture and lens centration via i.Terminal 2

− Image capture and lens centration using i.Terminal mobile

6.6.1 Image capture/measurement and centration using i.Terminal 2

• Touch the Start i.Terminal 2 tile.

The i.Terminal 2 user interface appears on the iPad.

Start i.Terminal 2 tile

Image capture mode, i.Terminal 2, on the iPad

• Perform capture of front and side image and lens centration using i.Terminal 2, see separate

description in the Quick Guide i.Terminal 2.

• Touch X to terminate image capture or centration and return to the Centration module.

6.6.2 Image capture/measurement and centration using i.Terminal mobile

• Touch the Start i.Terminal mobile tile.

The i.Terminal mobile user interface appears on the iPad.

Start i.Terminal mobile tile

Image capture mode, i.Terminal mobile, on the iPad

• Perform capture of front image and lens centration using i.Terminal mobile, see separate

description in the Quick Guide i.Terminal mobile.

• Touch X to terminate image capture or centration and return to the Centration module.

Hint: In analogy to refraction, existing data can also be loaded or edited for centration.

6.7 Ordering lenses

• Once consultation is terminated, change over into the Summary module. To this effect,

touch the button on the menu bar.

• Touch the Send to LOGON tile to send the parameters determined to LOGON (see separate LOGON operating manual).

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7 Settings menu • In the main menu, touch the Settings tile (see section i.Com mobile main menu) to open

the Settings menu.

The Settings menu is password-protected.

Login for the Settings menu

Settings menu

• Enter the factory-set password !Admin?12 or the password defined by yourself and touch Login.

Hint: Change your password for access to the Settings menu to prevent unauthorized access to your settings, see section Server.

The following dialogs for setting options are available:

− Accounts − Centration − Updates − LOGON − Languages − Server − Backup & Restore

− Devices − MainApp (basic settings) − Printing − Import i.Com − Shop − Features

• In the left-hand column, touch the appropriate settings option to call up the dialog on the right-hand side.

• Touch in order to transfer the settings and to close the Settings menu.

Hint: Once changed, some settings (e. g. passwords) must be transferred definitely via

, for the time being, before the Settings menu can be closed.

7.1 Accounts

Accounts dialog, Manage Accounts tab

Accounts dialog, Create Account tab

In the Manage Accounts tab, all accounts are listed with:

− Account name and

− Displayname

− Entries can be edited via or deleted via .

In Edit mode (Information/Approval dialog), the following settings can be modified: − Name of consultant (display name) − Password (with confirmation) − Approval (activation/deactivation) of consultant's rights:

• UseModulExam (use of the Exam module) • UseModulCentration (use of the Centration module)

In the Create Account tab, new consultants can be entered by keying-in:

− Username (account name): Mandatory field, no blanks, max. 50 characters − Displayname: mandatory field, max. 128 characters − Password: 4 figures − Confirm password

Hint: The passwords in the Create Account dialog do not apply for access to the Settings menu.

Hint: Accounts created anew are displayed immediately in the list. Initially, no rights are assigned.

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7.2 Centration

Centration dialog (1st part)

Centration dialog (2nd part)

Settings for centration process (i.Terminal 2)

− Default Back Vertex Distance: 10

− Default WrapAngle: 5

− Enable Auto Y Dialog (pantoscopic angle, manual) ON/OFF (default = ON); default for pantoscopic angle = 10 degrees

− Enable Measurement Line ON/OFF (default = OFF)

− Eye center: pupil center or point of reference (default = center of pupil)

− Side picture direction: left-hand / right-hand

− Single Vision Standard Centration Rule (default = centration rule)

− Default material (default = metal)

− Enable Diameter view (for raw lens) ON/OFF (default = ON) Specific settings for i.Terminal mobile:

− Trigger Deferral (sec.) (range of values from 0 to 10; default = 0)

− Max. iPad tilt angle (default = 10)

− Camera Shot Series (range of values 1 to 5; default = 1)

− Require face detection (use this function on image capture) ON/OFF (default = ON)

7.3 Updates

Installation bundles dialog

Update server settings dialog

Features of the Installationbundles tab:

− Start search for updates manually (Search for updates now)

− List of the installation bundles already installed (Id, State)

− Display of installation log of a bundle (view log)

− Installation of a downloaded installation bundle

Hint: The Start Update button is only visible in conjunction with the update bundle to be installed.

The Update server settings tab can be used to define:

− Hostname (server address) (mandatory field)

− Search interval for Updates (inquiry and signal data) Selection of 5 min / 10 min / 15 min / 30 min / 60 min

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LOGON dialog

Settings for LOGON:

− LOGON URL (http://logon.zeiss.com/webservices/ws) of the web service (if the URL is missing, the LOGON button is not displayed.)

− Membership Id (optional)

− Use proxy ON/OFF

− Commission format

− Current commission number: (default = 1)

The following formats are available for the commission in the order:

− Firstname Lastname

− Lastname, Firstname

− Lastname_xxxxxx (Lastname_xxxxxx) (= default)

− xxxxxx

Hint: xxxxxx is a consecutive number.

In this field, the current counter status is displayed, but can be varied at random.

Attention: Formats without consecutive number permit only ordering within 24 hours, as the order is recognized as double order by the web service.

7.5 Languages

Languages dialog

Feature for the languages:

− Manual loading of language files to the i.Com mobile Box

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7.6 Server

Server dialog

Server settings

− Max. measurement storage time: • 7 days • 14 days • 30 days (default) • 60 days • 90 days • 180 days • unlimited

− Calculate x by DIN (taking wrap angle into account) at disk level Yes/No (default = Yes)

− Webgui timezone (default = UTC)

− Customer master system (PMS)

− Web Gui password (access to Settings menu)

− Web Gui password Confirm

7.7 Backup & Restore

Backup & Restore dialog

Settings for Backup & Restore

− Automatic Backup: • Time for Automatic Backup • Days for Automatic Backup (multiple choice possible)

− Destination: • Path (entry of a drive or network shares, also as UNC name in an absolutely

straightforward edit field).)

Hint: Entry of this path is used both for Backup and Restore.

• Username (if network share requires authentication) with • Password

Features for Backup & Restore:

− Displays the time of last backup executed

− Start Manual Backup

− Start Restore manually

Hint: In case of Restore, a safety prompt is issued.

In case of Backup, the entire database is backed up.

Due to the host of image data to be expected, backup of images is performed incrementally, so that only the new images need be backed up. It should be noted that images deleted on the box are deleted on the backup as well.

If no automatic backup has been defined or if an error has occurred during a backup, this is displayed in the Inbox. The indication remains in the Inbox until the automatic backup has been set up and/or the backup has been performed correctly.

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7.8 Devices

Devices dialog

Device features

− Indication of the list of all devices registered: with Name and Alias name of the device, Device type, IP address, Installed Version and Registration time (time stamp of last registration).

− Indication of the Device details and the Megadata (registration data) via :

− entry and modification of the Alias name under Device details (max. 50 characters).

− Manual deleting of a device from the device list via and subsequent safety prompt.

Hint: Once registered, devices are kept in the list until they are deleted manually.

7.9 MainApp (basic settings)

MainApp dialog (basic settings)

Features of the basic settings (container for collecting other settings):

− i.Scription precision via a selection list: • 0.25 • 0.125 dpt (D) • 0.01 (additionally if a valid activation code has been entered)

− Require authentication To activate the user account management Each feature requiring enabling is listed here and provided with an input field for the enable code with a validation button which checks the code for validity. If a code becomes valid, both the input field and the validation button disappear and only the text "Feature enabled" appears.

− Customer 'active' time window (period of time for consultation upon expiry of which the status "active" of a customer is terminated automatically): • 30 min • 60 min (default) • 90 min • 120 min

− App Time out

− Get started URL (http://www.vision.zeiss.com/) Entry of the URL

− Objective refraction rounding precision with selection list: • 0.01 • 0.12 • 0.25

− Cornea refractive index (refractive index of SimK conversion from dpt into Radius) Default value = 1.3375

− Enable i.Terminal 2: The i.Terminal 2 ON/OFF tile is displayed (default = ON)

Hint: Changes to MainApp dialog must be accepted before exiting this dialog or before

exiting the Settings menu by touching .

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7.10 Printing

Printing dialog

Features regarding the saved print jobs on the box:

− List of the print jobs saved on the box which have not yet been printed, with print format, printer and date of creation

− Downloading document: Displaying an individual print job in the browsers

− : Deleting an individual print job

− Download Client : Installation of the network printer for the shop

7.11 Import i.Com

Import i.Com dialog

Prerequisites for Import i.Com:

− Both boxes must be within the same network.

− When selecting the feature, the name of the i.Com-Box can be entered and import started.

Features for Import i.Com

− i.Com Server: enter the name of the i.Com mobile Box from where the data is to be imported.

− Start import: start import

Hint: If no master system has been defined, a warning signals that the existing PMS IDs cannot be transferred without specifying a master system.

Import of i.Com data takes only data into account which have not yet been transferred. Thus, import can be performed as often as required without the data existing more than once.

While import is running, no new import can be started.

During import, the start time is displayed and the start button is deactivated!

Import runs in the background and the system can be used normally.

To check whether import is still running or complete, the start page must be accessed again.

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7.12 Shop

Shop dialog

The following shop data can be entered:

− Customer number

− (LOGON) Password

− Confirm password

− Shop Name

− Shop Branch Name

− Street

− Zip code

− City

7.13 Features

Features dialog

List of the activated features subject to license:

− i.Scription service: activate by entering the license number and by acknowledging via the Activate button.

− Enable i.Scription calculation: status Activated

− i.Terminal mobile: activate by entering the license number and by acknowledging via the Activate button.

7.14 Transfer of entry or modification of settings

Hint: Once changed, some settings (e. g. passwords) must be transferred definitely via

, for the time being, before the Settings menu can be closed.

• After having performed all the required settings, touch to transfer this and to close the Settings menu.

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8 General Licensing Agreement for i.Com mobile software

General Licensing Agreement for software products of Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH, Turnstrasse 27, D-73430 Aalen

i.Com mobile minimum system requirements:

− iPad with IOS 7 and Retina Display.

− Internal WiFi with Internet connection for updates and connection to ZEISS systems.

− i.Com mobile Server incl. software.

1. Area of application

This licensing agreement shall be valid for the use of the i.Com mobile software. We explicitly reserve the right to make changes and additions. Conflicting license agreements shall not be part of this agreement. Furthermore, our General Terms & Conditions in their respective currently valid versions shall apply.

2. Licensed item

2.1. The licensed item is the i.Com mobile standard software together with its updates (hereinafter referred to as "software"), which our customers may download from our website.

2.2. The licensee shall ensure that his/her iPad meets the minimum technical requirements for installation of the i.Com mobile software, as well as associated updates.

2.3. We emphasize that it is not possible to write software that always works flawlessly in all applications and combinations. Therefore, this license applies to software which can generally be used error-free as defined by the software description.

3. Copyright

3.1. This software is subject to copyright law. The customer acknowledges that he/she has no rights in relation to the software over and above those set out in this licensing agreement, rather, that these rights remain assigned to the licensor and/or the respective owner. There is no entitlement to the source code.

3.2. As necessary, certain services and representations of the software may be carried out with the assistance of third-party services. We shall not be responsible for the contents and performance of third parties. If third party services are used, their General Terms and Conditions shall apply respectively.

4. Rights of use

4.1. Within the scope of these conditions, the customer shall be granted non-exclusive, personal usage rights (license) to the respectively purchased software in the as-ordered version. The customer shall be obligated to use the software for his/her own purposes only.

4.2. The customer shall be allowed to copy the software only insofar as is required for the contractual application of the software. The customer shall therefore be allowed to install the software for use.

4.3. The customer shall not be permitted to copy the software fully or in part. The customer may not commercially redistribute or sub-license the software fully or in part.

4.4. The customer shall not amend, delete or make otherwise unrecognizable copyright annotations, trademarks and other legal reservations, serial numbers and other features.

4.5. The customer shall not change the software. Decompilation of the software is only permitted in accordance with the legal restrictions of § 69e of the German Copyright Act. Further decompilation shall not be permitted.

4.6. The customer shall not be permitted to transfer or give the software to a third party. Moreover, the customer shall not disclose to any other party passwords or login information for the software or databases associated with this software. If third parties are interested in the software, they may contact the licensor directly.

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5. Right to terminate the license

Both parties shall be entitled to terminate this license for cause. An important cause exists for the licensor if the customer violates the terms of use as per section 4 of this licensing agreement and continues this behavior even after receiving written warning about termination from the licensor. In the event of termination, the customer shall delete or destroy all data carriers, including all copies of the software. Upon the licensor's request, the customer shall send the licensor written confirmation of the full deletion or obliteration.

6. Liability for material defects

The following shall apply in addition to section 9 of our General Terms & Conditions of Sale:

6.1. Because the customer acquires the software via the Internet, the licensor does not guarantee that the software is free from defects or computer viruses.

6.2. Provided that the software is used as intended, the licensor guarantees that the software shall work as described in the product description. This warranty does not cover defects resulting from changing, damaging, improperly or inappropriately using the software or using it in any way other than the intended use as defined in this licensing agreement. Improper use exists, in particular, if the customer deviates from the described installation process.

6.3. In the event of a warranty or liability claim against the licensor, contributory negligence of the licensee must be taken into consideration if the customer has failed to take precautions through appropriate security measures against external influences, particularly computer viruses or other phenomena, which might jeopardize data or an entire database.

7. General Terms and Conditions of Sale

Furthermore, our General Terms & Conditions of Sale are applicable in their respective currently valid versions. In the event of a contradiction, the terms & conditions of this licensing agreement shall take precedence.

8. Final Provisions

8.1. The contract shall be subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany exclusively.

8.2. Place of jurisdiction shall be the registered offices of the licensor.

8.3. If the customer is a merchant, a legal person under public law or a special fund under public law, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all claims arising from this contractual relationship shall be the regional court at the licensor's legal domicile.

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Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH Turnstrasse 27 73430 Aalen Germany

Phone: +49 7361 598 5000 Fax: +49 7361 591 480

Email: [email protected] www.zeiss.com/vision