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The transparency that refuses to reveal it self Today’s issue specially dedicated to the construction world. The global widespread of developing fields. Driven by passionate and soulful developers in attaining a unique merge between vision and reality. Two very different perspectives on achieving the impossible in the developing industry Issue 0.7 Glass Times Close ups with: Dato Patrick & Mr. Ravinder Singh

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The transparency that refuses to reveal it self Today’s issue specially dedicated to the construction world. The global widespread of developing fields. Driven

by passionate and soulful developers in attaining a unique merge between vision and reality.

Two very different perspectives on achieving the impossible in the developing industry

Issue 0.7

Glass Times

Close ups with:

Dato Patrick & Mr. Ravinder Singh





“ Being a developer means being a business man, profit is key when it comes to expanding ones business…”

Land Selection

“ The process of land selection is delicate in terms of location and soil selection…”


“ I am a property developer, property is a field that will never die out, it is always changing, and that gives me the chance to pick out good projects.”

Dato Patrick Leow Sierra Cube Sdn. Bhd.

- What makes a developer who he is?

“…The ability to create and see through projects on

himself makes a developer a very strong and mindful

person. The ability to delegate and direct team

throughout all given circumstances is what differs

developers from each other; the fields of

development is ever growing and so are the number

of developers, the range which development covers

are now spreading with technology with the use of

the internet as a base to advertise and inspire many

of us.

A person whose job involves buying and selling buildings and land, and arranging for new buildings to be built…

- What process selection does one have to go through when it comes to selecting land?

“…First, defined a place, a suitable location for

development are split into industry or commercial,

for instance in the city of Kuala Lumpur construction

of industries aren’t allowed in residential areas and

vice versa. There are specified regions in which are

permitted to be built on by the authorities. A

developer buy a piece of land, survey land area

Buy land, call land surveyor to survey the land. Before the building is constructed while the design is going on, soil investigation is done by the soil engineers we employ or consult, this will enable us to choose the type of foundations to use…


- In your opinion what is the greatest weakness as a property developer?

“…Turning your strong point into weak point. For example: I am a perfectionist and therefore, I rarely believe in anyone who can work as well as me. As a result, I am afraid to delegate important tasks to others. This approach has a weak side as that if you are not clever, you will cause the employer to believe that you are cheating him. I tended to be a perfectionist, therefore I didn’t like to delegate to others. But I have found out that in order to develop the organization, everyone in the organization must be experienced with many tasks and this is very good for an efficient teamwork. Everyone should learn from his/her mistake. I always try to consult my mistakes with my kith and kin especially with elderly and experienced person. I enrolled myself into a course useful for the next version of our current project. I attended seminars on personal development and managerial skills improvement.

The steps taken by a developer after land has been selected?

“…First step, to get master plan from government

then only will the architect be able to design the

structure based on surveyor plan, follow ups and

regular meetings need to be made with the

consulting parties. And if money becomes an issue,

then a loan could possibly be taken to solve the






“ My passion and the reason I have the continuous change of jobs, form being a lawyer to a pilot and even a police man is purely due to the challenge that I have trusted upon my self with”


“ The thing that drives me and the people that work for me is the fact that Malaysia has not reached its pinnacle or service it can offer its people much more than it already has…”


“Sometimes when I’m free I wonder about the opportunities that I’m squandering by not developing and giving back my ideas to the world.”

Mr. Ravinder Singh CEO of CMC Sdn. Bhd.

- Steps, we all need a first step, what was yours when becoming a developer?

“Look around, do we really know the demographics

of our city? That in its self is a first step on its own;

the lack of knowledge I possess drives me to

research thoroughly about the particular market in

correlation to my objective. In my case I asked my

self, am I doing for the people or the infrastructure,

then I realize I will not compromise either to achieve my goal.

- What inspired you to be a developer out of the many jobs you partook in?

“Being the biggest developer around was never my

intention, however giving back to the public to my

best potential is always my goal, as well to

accomplish the challenge I have taken up.

Development is a good venture, look at all the top

developers, and they all actually took up business in

order to supplement their projects. It is just

something we must be able to accept.

- How did you come to be, was it a gritty road?

“Definitely, oh yes, I remember I’ve wanted to be a

pilot since I was little, and so I set out to do so, not

being able to afford it, I became a policeman at that

time, as it was the best paying job. Eventually I got a

scholarship and went on to be a pilot for 21 years in

Singapore airlines, where I achieve the tittle of being

a captain. This is where I got inspired to become a

developer, form the various architectural concepts I

observed while travelling. It had embedded in my

head, the beauty of it I mean. The best part I have

to say, is the feeling of being entrusted a 300 million

dollar machine form the time it takes off to the time it lands, I have full control…”

- Your current project, which is your first project, could you tell us more about it?

“Sure, so basically this is my first project and I’m

constructing a hotel in the Brickfields area, it isn’t

any ordinary hotel, it’s a boutique hotel…why a

boutique? Because it’s specialized, its different, it

can stand alone. Location was key in the selection

process, after ample of research and brainstorming

with my first time I realized I wasn’t heading the

right direction. So eventually I dismissed that team,

as we didn’t really see eye-to-eye, problems like this

could pop out of the rabbit hole at anytime. Anyway,

after apprehending my second team, we

collaborated and engaged them to assist me in

terms on consultation, site evaluation and designing

as well.

- In relation to your current project what problems have you encountered and how did you overcome it?

“For instance lately due to the water shortages that

Malaysia has encountered, the supply needed for the

project to continue has been a problem, and to solve

this issue I have ordered water from other states to

be supplied to my site. Having this plan, as back was

just black up plan A, it goes all the way to D. Always

be ready for problems, because there will be various

issues that will hit you in the face from start to finish

and a good developer should be able to tackle these

with a swift.

- Steps, we all need a first step, what was yours when becoming a developer?

“Look around, do we really know the demographics

of our city? That in its self is a first step on its own;

the lack of knowledge I possess drives me to

research thoroughly about the particular market in

correlation to my objective. In my case I asked my

self, am I doing for the people or the infrastructure,

then I realize I will not compromise either to achieve

my goal.

Editors Response

From the point of view of an architect student, the best knowledge and motivation I could’ve

have ever obtained appeared out of places I would’ve never expected them too. The process,

from start to end is no easy task, time, effort, energy, commitment, passion, drive and ideology are the few qualities that the developers I’ve had the opportunity to meet possess.

I’ve learned that organization is key, as well as having alternative means to counter unexpected problems and issues.

The advice given by them was on the lines of creating a better future for our generation without compromising the needs for the present. Eventually in time it is all possible, never think

something is possible as it is the first step in the wrong direction. I feel that the road to becoming an architect has gotten more challenging, however the fact that people who have made

it up there are still advising and telling us to not give up, means it is possible. If they can do it then so can I.