ice class arctic tanker

 Arctic Tank er Desi gn fo r Extreme Co nditio ns Key Considerations Kirsi Tikka – ABS Vladimir Evenko - RS Pavel Shikhov – RS Mun-Keun Ha – SHI Jae-Woon !hoi -SHI Arctic Shipping Conference  27 September 2006 Hamburg, Germany

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 Arctic Tanker Design for Extreme ConditionsKey Considerations

Kirsi Tikka – ABS

Vladimir Evenko - RS

Pavel Shikhov – RS

Mun-Keun Ha – SHI

Jae-Woon !hoi -SHI

Arctic ShippingConference

 27 September 2006Hamburg, Germany

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Drivers in Ep!oitation of "i! an# Gas

• Political, social and economic changes

• Increased global energy demand driven byChina and India

• Political instability in the Middle East

• Environmental protection

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Cha!!enges for Energy $ransportation

• Suez Crisis: VCC and!CC

• E""on Valdez accident:Mandatory double hull

re#uirements• Sa$ety, Security and

Environmental Protection:ISM, ISPS, %MS&

• Mar'et $or (atural )as:arge () carriers

• *il $rom +ussia: arger icestrengthened tan'ers

Indus"r# Res$onse

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Arctic Cha!!enge

• ac' o$ e"perience ith largervessels

• +emoteness and lac' o$


• Impact on the cre

 –  Cold temperatures –  ac' o$ light and visibility

• Sa$ety e#uipment $it $or the


• ac' o$ operational e"perience

• oads on the hull andappendices

•  -irst year and multiyear ice

• .esign o$ e#uipment $or lo


 –  -reezing conditions

 –  Icing and ice bloc'age


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Arctic Cha!!enge

• %emperature

• Ice Conditions

• Visibility

• /ind• /aves

Environmen"al !ondi"ions

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%interi&ation of an Arctic $an'er 

• 0ull construction and e#uipment –  Material selection

 –  %an' arrangement and heating

 –  .e1icing

• Systems and machinery –  +eliability and redundancy

 –  .ec' machinery

 –  Piping

• Sa$ety systems –  i$e saving appliances

 –  (avigational systems

• Ergonomic considerations –  Enclosed or' spaces

 –  Protective gear 

 –  Insulation o$ accommodation spaces• %raining and manning

• Environmental protection

Gui#ance for ship o(ners

an# shipyar#s on specia!consi#erations for harsh


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%interi&ation of an Arctic $an'er 

Prevention of Ballast Tanks from Freezing

•  &rrangement $or preventing $reezing in ballast tan'sat higher service temperatures

• 0eating calculations re#uired $or loer designservice temperatures

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%interi&ation of An Arctic $an'er 

• )eneral procedures based on overall heat trans$ercoe$$icients –  *verly conservative

 –  ac's the in$ormation on sur$ace temperatures

• (e developed procedure based on the variable heattrans$er coe$$icient representing variable convectivecoe$$icient related to temperature and ind conditions –   &pplied to the determination o$ heating capacity in a ballast tan' $or

the arctic shuttle tan'er2

Pro&edure %or Es"ima"in Re'uired Hea"in !a$a&i"# in Tanks

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%interi&ation of An Arctic $an'er 

Pro&edure %or Es"ima"in Re'uired Hea"in !a$a&i"# in Tanks

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%interi&ation of An Arctic $an'er 

Pro&edure %or Es"ima"in Re'uired Hea"in !a$a&i"# in Tanks

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%interi&ation of An Arctic $an'er 

Pro&edure %or Es"ima"in Re'uired Hea"in !a$a&i"# in Tanks

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App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

• Classi$ication

• Ice Strengthening

• Main Engine *utput

• Propulsion System

RS Ice Rules - Content

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App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

• Ice Strength Characteristics• Ice thic'ness variable in &rctic 3 distribution la


• .esign ice loads hen operating under 4ase .angerous

Conditions• 5ualitative description 3 Permissible Service Conditions

• 5uantitative description 3 Ice Classes

RS Ice Rules – Design Principles

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App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

6i7 /hen a ship is under permissible iceconditions, the hull3ice interaction should notlead to damages o$ the structuresdeteriorating the structural sa$ety o$ a ship2

6ii7 %he re#uired ship sa$ety level in ice duringvarious maneuvers and operations isprovided by the re#uirements to the minimalengine output2


Service Conditions – eneral Description

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Permissi!le Service Conditions

App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

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App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

• ! 8• /inter1Spring (avigation

• Independent *peration

• 4arents Sea

 –  E"treme navigation 3 high ris' o$ hull damage –  0eavy, Medium, Easy (avigation 3 operation alloed

• 9ara Sea –  E"treme, 0eavy, Medium (avigation 3 operation prohibited

 –  Easy (avigation 3 operation alloed

Permissi!le Service Conditions - "#ample

App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

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App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

• ! 8• /inter1Spring (avigation

• Icebrea'er Pilotage

• 4arents Sea

 –  E"treme, 0eavy, Medium, Easy (avigation 3 operation alloed

• 9ara Sea –  E"treme, 0eavy (avigation 3 high ris' o$ hull damage

 –  Medium, Easy (avigation 3 operation alloed

Permissi!le Service Conditions - "#ample

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App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements


• Ice hull damage is to be considered as result o$ singleaction o$ ice load

• .esign ice load corresponds to the ultimate hull structuralstrength at restricted plastic de$ormation

•  & single ice damage ith probability ;< is to be consideredas normal operating practice

• %he ice load is to be assigned based on an e#ual damageprobability $or di$$erent ice strengthening zones2

• !ltimate strength criterion 1 .esign ice load not e"ceedingultimate load on structure

Structural Strengt$ Criteria

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App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

%ull form and ice !elt area

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App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

Side Structure )rillage

Plas"i& de%orma"ion o% side s"ru&"ure under i&e load (l"ima"e load &urve

&ltimate 'imit State

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"ngine (utput

evel ice capability $or modern ice going vessels according to (e +S +ules and

Model and -ull scale tests

App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

  )orilsk-II* +ou,le a&"in Shi$

I&e &a"eor# – .(/

+is$la&emen" –01111"

Enine Po2er 3435111 kW 

.are &a$a&i"# "anker 6Varande#7

I&e &a"eor# .(8+is$la&emen" 9:1111"

Enine Po2er 04;<111 kW 

Mode Traditional mode

improved icebreaking


 DAT mode

Traditional mode

 Astern mode

 Model and full

scaletest  93-<m a" VS=0 93-<m a" VS=5 93-8m a" VS=0  93-8m a" VS=0 

 RS Ice Rules 

3-<>m a" VS=0 

3-<<m a" VS=5 

3<<m a" VS=0  3-<m a" VS=0 

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App!ication of )ce C!ass *e+uirements

Propeller 4lade 

• .esign ice loads

• .esign stress

• Permissible stress

• Scantlings

Propulsion S)stem

bi!i f $ ' i )

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aneuverabi!ity of -arge $an'ers in )ce

• 0ull shape $or ice brea'ing in ahead and astern modes• Podded propulsion

• Stopping ability

• Path stability

• Initial turning and ya chec'ing abilities• %urning ability

• Importance o$ model test $or chec'ing maneuverability

$han' you for your attention

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$han' you for your attention