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ICCMS International Conference on Communication and Media Studies PROCEEDINGS BOOK “Media Industry; Trends, Dynamics and Challenges” DEPARTAMENTI I GAZETARISË DHE KOMUNIKIMIT 26-27 March 2015

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  • ICCMSInternational Conference onCommunication and Media Studies


    Media Industry;

    Trends, Dynamics and Challenges


    26-27 March 2015


    COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIES: Media Industry; Trends, Dynamics and Challenges

    ICCMS 2015


    March 26 27, 2015

    Tirana Albania

    Komuniteti Mysliman i Shqipris


    Shkolla e Lart Hna e Plot Bedr

    ISBN: 978 9928 194 17 6

  • Prof.Dr. Briseida Mema Hna e Plot Bedr University, Tirana, AlbaniaProf.Dr.Ayhan Tekine Hna e Plot Bedr University, Tirana, AlbaniaAssoc.Prof.Dr. Rahim Ombashi Hna e Plot Bedr University, AlbaniaDoc.Dr. Agron Tufa Hna e Plot Bedr University, Tirana, AlbaniaDr. Isa Erba Hna e Plot Bedr University, Tirana, AlbaniaAssoc.Prof.Dr. Mark Marku University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania Assoc.Prof.Dr. Gentiana Skura University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bashkim Gjergji University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania Dr. Ferdinand Gjana Hna e Plot Bedr University, Tirana, AlbaniaDr. Tolga Erkan Ipek University, Ankara, Turkey Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bajram Kosumi University of Pristina, Pristina, KosovoDr. Milazim Krasniqi University of Pristina, Pristina, KosovoDr. Hasan Saliu AAB University, Pristina, Kosovo

    Executive Committee Agron HoxhaAleksandr ipaEmirjon SenjaErlis elaIlda ShytajKlodian ShehiRamadan ipuriRomelda QosjaRovena DupiRudi Dunga

    Secretariat and Contact InformationMrs. Jola Llozhi

    [email protected]

    Scientific BoardCOMMITTESS

    ABOUT ICCMS 2015The first International Conference on Communication and Media Studies: Media Industry; Trends,

    Dynamics and Challenges (ICCMS 2015) aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars from different countries, universities and research centers to exchange and share

    their experiences and research results about Communication and Media Studies.The so-called digital revolution is transforming the media and communications industries worldwide. The

    themes in the conference involve sharing information on research, development, applications of Media industry, Communication Technologies, Social Media, Marketing Communication, Communication

    Barriers, Media Management and Economics, Political Communication etc.The new media organization way has created many discussions into the international academic circuits.

    Economic models where media is based have brought no little concern to all the mediums.An important concern in this reality is related to the quality of journalism. The economic difficulties within

    these models have created some imbalances referring to the media coverage for various fields of news reporting. Many important areas that need to be covered by the daily reports are almost completely lost.

    The new management model has paved the way to monopoly and oligopoly situations not only within the Albanian media, but also beyond a wider spectrum.

    In such a model, where the maximal financial profit is intended at a short period of time, and where media faces many financial difficulties, the methods actually followed present no solution to the problem.

    Intending to overcome the crisis by reducing the quality of the journalism, we can reduce the costs, but we cannot beat the crisis. It becomes deeper. By increasing the advertising, we can solve a part of the

    economic crisis. However, it increases even more because it pushes away the audience and consequently we lose also the advertising. Crisis management could be tempted through staff reduction, but on the other hand the crisis will be increased again, for having less overworked journalists, the price will be paid with

    the fall of quality and audience.The new reports of media ownership with the financial benefit have also brought new relationships of the

    owners with the media product, its quality, with the advertisers, politicians and other stakeholders.ICCMS 2015 is organized by Hna e Plot Bedr University in Tirana, Albania, in collaboration with the Department of Journalism and Communication in University of Tirana in Tirana, Albania, Ipek University

    in Ankara, Turkey, University of Pristina in Pristina, Kosovo and the Union of Albanian Journalist in Tirana, Albania.

  • PhD Cand. Alban Zeneli Social networks as sources of news and their implication in the reporting of online media in Kosovo.........................................................3

    Prof. Asoc. Dr. Bajram KosumiDigital Media between reporting and doing business...........................................................17

    Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Fadl ElhadidiVoting in the Light of Attention to Counter-Attitudinal Content in Journalism Coverage of Egyptian Presidential Election Campaign................................39

    Dr. Sami NezajThe analysis through Economics of the daily newspaper Industry......................................71

    Prof. Asoc. Dr. Rahim Ombashi Albanian media power in the case of cultural communication with arabic alphabet.....................................................................102

    PhD Cand. Belfjore QoseHow media describes and creates thereality of contemporaneous literature in Albania................................................................117

    Phd Cand. Jolanda Lila Anglicism as international trend in Albanian journalistic discourse..................................134

    Prof. Dr. Aleksandr Dhima & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Artur JaupajCommunication of the political message by the Albanian Media......................................140

    Dr. Arben MukaThe impact of technological changes on radio programs...................................................156

    Ph.D Cand. Faton Ismajli Three categories of building texts in online journalism.....................................................177

    PhD Cand. Rrapo Zguri Challenges og Hypertextuality in Albanian Online Journalism.........................................192

    PhD Cand. Suela MustaThe politics and the political communication at the new technological development................................................................................208


    PhD Cand. Jenny HauserDigital takeover of news: Journalism as a public service in the social media age...............31

    Doc.Dr. Mirdaim Axhami & Ma. Loreta ZelaGrowth strategies in the media industry and specifics of Albanian Model ..........................94

  • Prof.Asoc.Dr Rrahman PaariziWays of financing public emdia andthe impact of funding in program content and media statement..........................................216

    PhD. Cand Raimonda NelkuThe challenges of Albanian Public Television in perspective of the economic model...............................................................232

    Dr. Tolga ErkanAugmented Reality in Advertising Sector..........................................................................262

    Assoc.Prof.Dr Milazim KrasniqiJournalism under the pressure of its allies, technology and public......................................271

    PhD Cand. Erlis ela

    Social media as a source of information for traditional media; The interactive relationship between them..........................................................................283PhD Cand. Fidan Ibrahimi Development towards multimedia in Kosovo radios..........................................................305

    MA . Holta ShupoAcces of film product in the Network and its impact on the transformation of communication structure.............................................315

    Dr. Hasan Saliu The role of media in intercultural communication at the age of globalizaton............................................................................325Ma Burim Etemaj The role of media in intercultural communication at the age of globalization.......................................................................335

    PhD Cand. Muhamet JahiriThe construction of Kosovar identity in media.................................................................349

    Prof. Dr. Fadil Maloku Credibility of Kosovar Medias in the Function of the Democracy......................................367

    Prof. Dr. Briseida MemaDilemmas of information in the digital era- Albanian case..................................................416

    MA Emira Bajinca Self-censorship of journalists in Kosovo Media...............................................................428

    PhD Cand. Gzim QerimiMedia portrayals and reflections of illegal exodus phenomenon of Kosovars to the West................................................................................399

  • PhD Cand. Besim AbaziTraditional and new media editorial judgment.....................................................................446

    PhD Cand. Alban Tartari International public Turkish Medias as a part of Turkeys soft powers in the Ballkans..................................................................472

    Prof.as.dr. Gentiana Skura & Dr. Elisabeta OsmanajReport between national and local news Albanian visual media..........................................486

    PhD Cand. Ramadan ipuriThe pressure of state agencies over media and their impact on the production of information ...............................................................499

    Jeton MehmetiMedia sustainability in Albania and Kosovo from the perspective of international reports..........................................................517

    Ibrahim BerishaCommunication technology and the private sphere ( Kosovo).............................................530

    Dr. Zylyftar BreguDigitalization, task or exceeded process..............................................................................542

    Dr. Iris LuarasiThe importance of measuring the audience in programming................................................558

    Asoc.Prof.Dr. Mark MarkuConcentration of the Albanian media ownership as an obstacle to their freedom ...........................................................................565

    PhD Candidate Urtak HamitiAdvancing of the social networks and news portals compared to traditional news broadcasters in Kosovo..............................................575

    Jeta Abazi GashiGender Representation in Kosovos media..........................................................................584

    Milazim KrasniqiJournalism under the pressure of its allies,technology and public.....................................460

    Hatem El ZeinThe Notions of Ethos and Pathos in Hezbollah's Secretary-General Speeches Delivered through Videoconference Technique...................600

  • 3

    PhD Cand. Alban Zeneli

    Social networks as sources of news and their implication in the reporting of online media in Kosovo.


    Ky punim synon q t jap nj prgjigje rreth ndikimit q kan rrjetet sociale

    n transformimin e mnyrs s raportimit t medieve online n Kosov. Nga kjo

    piknisje do t trajtohet se si rrjetet sociale, shpejtsia e publikimit tw njoftimeve

    n to kan ndikuar n lajmet e publikuara n portalet kryesore online n Kosov.

    Po ashtu, ky punim synon ti jap nj prgjigje mundsis s deformimit t

    komunikimit medial nga tendenca pr t publikuar lajmet sa m shpejt. Punimi po

    ashtu synon q t jap nj prgjigje nse rrjetet sociale po rrezikojn vrtet

    mnyrat tradicionale t raportimit t balancuar me burime t ndryshme brenda nj

    lajmi. Metoda q do t prdoret pr t nxjerr t dhna n lidhje me punimin do t

    jet metoda e analizs s prmbajtjes dhe si mostr punimi do t jen lajmet me

    burime t informacionit n rrjete sociale t publikuara nw portale kosovare pr nj

    periudh t caktuar. T dhnat e nxjerra nga analiza do t trajtohen n qasjet

    kryesore teorike t kohs.

    Fjalt kye: Rrjetet sociale, mediet e reja, portalet, Kosova, online


    This paper aims to provide an answer to the impact of social networks in

    Kosovo and to show how online media in Kosovo have transform the news

    coverage and reporting. We will look on how social networks have influence the

    main online media in Kosovo in terms of news reporting in a faster way. In

    addition, this paper aims to address the possibility of news deformation driven by

    the tendency to publish the news as soon as possible, often without fact

    verification. The paper will also look on the dilemma whether social networks are

    PhD Cand. Universiteti i Prishtins, Prishtin, Kosov. Email: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]
  • 4

    seriously jeopardizing the traditional method of balanced reporting with multiple

    news sources within it. The method to be used for data gathering will be content

    analysis method, while the sample will be reports that have social networks as

    news sources which are published in three main portals in Kosovo for a specified

    period of time. The findings of this study will be analyzed and interpreted with

    relevant theories and modern approaches.

    Key works: social networks, new media, portals, Kosovo, online


    Zhvillimi i internetit n masn q ne e njohim sot ka sjell nj

    zhvillim t madh t komunikimit si n sfern private po ashtu edhe n at

    publike. Me zhvillimin e rrjeteve sociale n internet ka psuar nj ndryshim

    edhe mnyra e puns s gazetarve, prgatitjes s lajmit dhe natyrisht

    shpejtsis s shkrimit t tij. Por, sa t vrteta mund t jen lajmet q burim

    informacioni kan rrjetet sociale?. Ky punim synon q t jap edhe prgjigje

    tjera relevante rreth implikimit q rrjetet sociale kan n mnyrn e

    raportimit t medieve online n Kosov. N kt punim synohet prmes

    gjetjeve nga analiza e teksteve t portaleve kosovare q burim informacioni

    kan rrjetet sociale t nxjerrin prgjigjeje se sa jan t balancuara lajmet e

    tilla. Po ashtu, punimi synon t jap nj prgjigje edhe pr nivelin e

    respektimit t parimeve baz t shkrimit t lajmit si jan : verifikimi,

    procesi i redaktimit, vlera e lajmit etj.


    Pr t nxjerr rezultate n kt punim, do t prdoren dy metoda t

    kombinuara, e para do t jet analizimi i teksteve t dy portaleve t

    Kosovs dhe nj analiz kuantitative prmes anketave q jan br me

    gazetar t medieve online n Kosov. Portali zeri.info dhe telegrafi.com,

    jan dy portalet t cilat jan przgjedhur pr t analizuar tekstet q kan pr

    baz shkrimet/postimet n rrjetet sociale si facebook, twiter, etj. Analiza e

    ktyre teksteve sht br n muajin dhjetor 2014 dhe janar 2015 dhe si

    mostr studimi jan zgjedhur tri dit brenda nj muaji, data 1, 15 dhe 30 e

    muajve prkats. Jan analizuar t gjitha tekstet e rubriks

    aktualitet/politik q jan publikuar n kto data t muajve t caktuar. Si

    mostr sht mjaft reprezentative dhe prfaqson dy muaj t viteve t

  • 5

    ndryshme, n mnyr q t shihet edhe trendi i prdorimit t rrjeteve

    sociale si burim informacioni nga ana e medieve online n Kosov. Pr t

    nxjerr t gjetura tjera q lidhen me perceptimin e gazetarve t ktyre

    medieve n lidhje me prdorimin e rrjeteve sociale si burim informacioni

    sht przgjedhur forma e anketimit t tyre prmes nj pyetsori.

    Respondent t ktij anketimi kan qen tetmbdhjet gazetar, t cilt

    kan dhn mendimet e tyre n lidhje me shtje t ndryshme n procesin e

    ndrtimit dhe publikimit n mediet ku ata punojn t lajmeve q pr burim

    informacioni kan rrjetet sociale. Ata jan prgjigjur n pyetje si : A i

    prdorni rrjetet sociale si burim pr ndrtimin e lajmeve n portalin tuaj?,

    sa her n dit postoni lajme q burimin e informacionit e kan n rrjete

    sociale ( facebook, twiter, instagram, etj.), A kontaktoni me subjektin q e

    ka br postimin para se ta publikoni lajmin?, A ka ndodhur q lajmi q

    burimin e informacionit e ka pasur n rrjete sociale t dal i rrem apo t

    demantohet?, dhe pyetje t tjera q ndrlidhen me procesin e tyre t puns.

    Mostra prej tetmbdhjet respodentsh sht shprndar n gjasht

    portalet kryesore t Kosovs nga t cilt jan marr t dhna interesante.

    Kuadri teorik prve trajtimit t internetit si form komunikimi do t trajtoj

    edhe qasjet kryesore teorike pr lajmin dhe kriteret e tij t botimit, vlern

    q ka, verifikimin q duhet ti bhet para botimit etj, duke analizuar m

    pastaj sa kto teori zbatohen n lajmet q kan pr burim rrjetet sociale.

    Qasjet teorike

    Sa i prket prdorimit t internet n prgjithsi ka teori t ndryshme

    q flasin pr prparsit e mangsit q shkakton prdorimi i ksaj

    teknologjie. Derisa disa e trajtojn si nj mundsi t re t komunikimit, t

    tjert e shohin madje t rrezikshme. Ka teoricien q thon q me

    ndryshimin e formave t komunikimit q ka shkaktuar interneti sidomos

    videoja brenda tij, njeriu mund t ndryshoj edhe gjenetikisht duke u

    shndrruar n nj qenie tjetr. Shembull, italiani Giovanni Sartori, sa i

    prket prmbajtjes s internetit thot q sht e shumllojshme, por si

    medium thot q prdoret m shum pr argtim. Ai n veprn e tij Homo

    videos, qysh n fillimet e prdorimit masiv t internetit shpreh dyshimet e

    tij pr prmbajtjen q ka interneti dhe qasjen e prdoruesve t tij ndaj atyre


    Po e them srish: mundsit q gjenden n internet jan t pafundme,

    si pr t mir, ashtu dhe pr keq. Jan dhe do t jen pozitive kur

  • 6

    prdoruesi do t prdor mjetin pr t vjel informacionin ose dijen, pra kur

    t frymzohet prej interesave mirfilli intelektuale, nga dshira pr t ditur

    dhe pr t kuptuar. Por, pjesa m e madhe e prdoruesve nuk sht, madje

    parashikoj q as ka pr t qen e ktij tipi(Sartori, 2013, fq.41).

    Kjo qasje mjaft radikale e Sartorit n fillim t ktij shekulli, pa dyshim

    q nuk sht qasja e vetme teorike pr trajtimin e internetit si mjet t

    komunikimit. Studiues t tjer e trajtojn n forma m liberale fenomenin e

    komunikimi online. Francis Balle e trajton internetin e sidomos zhvillimin

    e tij n ueb 2.0 si nj prparim teknologjik q nuk sht mundur t

    imagjinohet m hert. Qasja e tij pr internetit e shpjegon at si nj

    mundsi t madhe t pr tu qasur n informacione m leht dhe n mnyr


    Mjete t tjera do ta bjn web-in nj media t vrtet: shrbimin e

    informacioneve n linj m t bollshm, m konkurrues dhe t arritshm

    m leht se sht mundur t imagjinohet ndonjher, qoft kur sht fjala

    pr motort e krkimit, domethn programe indeksimi dhe klasifikimi t

    dokumenteve q u lejojn prdoruesve t Internetit t lshojn krkesat e

    tyre duke prdorur fjalt kye, qoft kur bhet fjal pr portalet, t

    pagzuara kshtu m 1998, pr t emrtuar sitet e paraqitura si porta q

    hapin aksesin n paketa shrbimesh, t prgjithshme, apo n shpesh, t

    specializuara n fush t veant (Balle, 2011, fq. 203) Por, prve ktyre

    qasjeve, studiues t ndryshm me baz n studimet sociologjike kan

    shpjegime t tjera pr internetit dhe efektet q ka shkaktuar ai tek

    prdoruesit e tij. Me nj qasje q trajton komunikimin virtual q lidhet pr

    kauza t ndryshme shoqrore, Nick Kouldy, trajton shpejtsin e

    komunikimit dhe tejkalimet lokale q ia ka br ky zhvillim teknologjik.

    Sot ne jemi n gjendje t takohemi dhe t organizohemi politikisht

    me njerz q nuk i njohim dhe nuk i shohim, duke vepruar ksisoj me

    shpejtsi marramendse, prtej kufijve lokal, rajonal, madje edhe

    kombtar(KOULDY, 2012 fq.154) Duke u nisur nga trajtimet e

    mhershme teorike pr internetin q nga qasja radikale e Sartorit e deri tek

    trajtimi sociologjik i br nga Kouldy, burimi i informacioneve si nj

    element jashtzakonisht i rndsishm n formulimin e lajmit n rastet e

    versioneve online/rrjeteve sociale merr nj rndsi t madhe. Studiues t

    ndryshm kur flasin pr ndikimet q kan grupet e ndryshme n media,

    flasin pr nj qasje q trajton burimin e informacionit si ndikuesin kryesor

    n mediume. Studiuesi Jams Karan n trajtimin q i bn sociologjis s

  • 7

    shtypit n mesin e qasjeve q flasin pr ndikimin n media, flet edhe pr

    qasjen liberale q trajton burimin e informacionit si potencialin kryesor t

    ndikimit.Nse historia liberale e lavdron konsumatorin, ndrsa etnografia

    liberale sht pak m e kujdesshme n dhnien e meritave profesionalizmit

    medial, ekziston edhe tradita e tret liberale, e cila bazohet n burimin e

    informacionit( Karan, Jams, 2009, Sociologjia e shtypit, Revista

    krkimore Medianr.1)

    Ndrsa, pr burimet e informacionit dhe rndsin e tyre n gazetarin

    informative, flasin studiues t ndryshm q si emrues t prbashkt kan

    rndsin q i dhn shumsis s burimeve dhe prfshirjes s sa m

    shum palve t interesit n lajm. Grupi i autorve nga shkolla e Missurit,

    kur flasin pr kt shtje lajmet me vetm nj burim i quajn si lajmet m

    t kqija t mundshme. N qasjen e tyre shumsin e informacionit e

    trajtojn si elementin ky t nj raportimi t mir. Reportert e mir e

    din se lloji m i keq i nj lajmi sht ai q ka nj burim t vetm. Jan t

    rralla rastet kur kjo ngjarje ia vlen t botohet. Madje dhe profili i nj

    personaliteti duhet t bazohet n m shum informacione sesa vetm n nj

    intervist me burimin. Pr t pasur nj panoram m t plot, sht e

    rndsishme t flitet me individ t cilt e njohin subjektin. Mbledhja e

    informacioneve nga burime t shumta sht nj nga elsat ky t shkrimit

    dhe komunikimit t mir. Verifikimi i informacionit sht gjithashtu

    mnyra m e mir pr tu siguruar q ai t jet i sakt(Missuri group,

    2005, fq.89).

    Po ashtu, David Randall duke folur pr rndsin q ka trajtimi me

    korrektsi i burimeve t informacionit, potencon domosdoshmrin e

    prfshirjes s sa m shum palve n tekstin e lajmit n mnyr q t ruhet

    balanci i ngjarjes.

    Kjo nnkupton jo vetm ruajtjen e balancs s ngjarjes dhe krkimin

    e pandrprer, por edhe lojn e ndershme me t tjert. N qoft se ata

    kritikohen ose akuzohen pr nj veprim, mos i ngarko me prgjegjsi pa u

    dhn koh t prgjigjen. Pr kt nuk mjafton vetm dhjetminutshi i

    fundit(Randall, 2007, fq.97)

    Duke trajtuar t vrtetat q publikohen prmes medieve, studiuesi

    gjerman, Stephan Russ-Mohl, e v n pah nevojn q t prfshihen

    versione t ndryshme rreth ngjarjes n mnyr q teksti t jet i paanshm.

    ....nuk ke i thua postulatit t vrtetsis, si norm e par e ndoshta

    m e rndsishmja: faktet duhet t jen t sakta. N qoft se nuk e kemi

  • 8

    vetm nj t vrtet por t vrteta t ndryshme ather hyn n veprim

    postulati i asnjansis ( Stephan Russ-Mohl, 2010, fq. 59)

    Pra, teoricient q trajtojn problemet profesionale q lidhen me

    burimet e informacionit n raportimin e lajmeve e shohim si t

    patejkalueshme prfshirjen e m shum s nj pale n tekstin e lajmit n

    mnyr q raportimi t jet i paanshm. Por, kjo gj sht vn n

    pikpyetje t madhe n kohn kur saktsia dhe shpejtsia e publikimit t

    nj lajmi n mediet online jan n luft t vazhdueshme. N kt punim do

    t analizohen tekstet t cilat pr burim t informacionit kan rrjetet sociale

    online, nse i jan prmbajtur postuarve teorike pr balancin e lajmit apo



    Pr analiz t teksteve jan zgjedhur portali telegrafi.com dhe

    zeri.info. Prmes nj mostre q sht sqaruar m lart jan analizuar m

    shum se tridhjet tekste t publikuara n rubrikat aktuale dhe politik

    gjat ditve t caktuara t dy muajve t hulumtimit. Analiza sht fokusuar

    n balancin q kto lajme kan pasur pas transformimit prej postimit n

    rrjete sociale n lajm t medieve online. Gjat periudhs s analizs ka

    pasur gjithsej 31 tekste t cilat asnjher nuk kan prdorur burim t dyt

    t informacionit n mnyr q ta balancojn lajmin e tyre.

    Trendi i publikimeve t teksteve n mediet online q burimin e

    informacionit e kan pasur n rrjetet sociale ka qen n rritje e sipr, derisa

    n fillim t muajit dhjetor jan publikuar mesatarisht dy tekste t tilla n

    dit, n fund t muajit janar mesatarja ka arritur n gjasht tekste n dit.

    N tabeln e mposhtme, mund t shihet numri i sakt i publikimeve n

    ditt e matura si dhe trendi n rritje i prdorimit t rrjeteve sociale si

    burime t informacionit.

  • 9

    Fig.1. N tabel shihet numri i publikimeve n rubrikn e lajmeve nga politika n

    ditt e prcaktuara pr analiz si dhe trendi i prdorimit t rrjeteve sociale si burim i

    informacionit nga portali telegrafi.com

    Fig.2 N tabel jan paraqitur t dhnat pr numrin e publikimeve n rubrikn

    aktuale, si dhe trendi i prdorimit t rrjeteve sociale nga portali zeri.info

  • 10

    Po ashtu, n pyetsor i prpunuar enkas pr kt punim e, i shprndar

    n gjasht redaksi t ndryshme t medieve online(telegrafi.com, zeri.info,

    kosovapress.com, gazetaexpress.com, kallo.com, lajmi.net dhe

    indeksonline.net), ka nxjerr n pah prdorimin gjithnj e m t shpesht t

    ktij lloji t burimit pr t ndrtuar lajme n kto media. Nga 18 pyetsort

    e shprndar nga tre pr nj redaksi, shumica e respodentve jan

    prgjigjur q brenda dits postojn nga dy deri n pes lajme n dit.

    Gjashtdhjet e shtat pr qind e t t anketuarve kan dhn nj

    prgjigjeje t till, q flet pr nj dinamik n zhvillim e sipr t prdorimit

    t rrjeteve sociale si burime t informacionit, ndrkoh q vetm 5 pr qind

    e respodentve kan deklaruar q nuk prdorin kto rrjete si burime pr

    lajmet e tyre.

    Fig.3. Prgjigjet e respodentve n pyetjen : sa her n dit postoni lajme q

    burimin e informacionit e kan n rrjete sociale ( facebook, twiter, instagram, etj.)

    Sa i prket shpejtsis s prpunimit t lajmit q burimin e kan n

    rrejte sociale, gazetart e anketuar kan dhn nj shifr mjaft

  • 11

    shqetsuese pr llojet e tjera t mediumeve. Pesdhjet e nnt pr qind e

    t anketuarve kan thn q ju duhen vetm pes deri n dhjet minuta

    koh q nga postimi i nj teksti n facebook deri t publikimi i lajmit n

    mediet e tyre. Ndrsa sipas t dhnave t nxjerra nga t anketuarit askush

    nga gazetart q shkruan lajme t till nuk harxhon m shum koh se 30

    minuta pr ta publikuar tekstin. Por, fakti shqetsues q lidhet me

    shpejtsin e botimit ka t bj me verifikimin e informacioneve si nj

    rregull etik e profesional. N pyetjen tjetr t ankets A kontaktoni me

    subjektin q e ka br postimin para se ta publikoni lajmin?, vetm

    trembdhjet pr qind e respodentve jan prgjigjur me po. Po ashtu me t

    dhna t marra nga anketimi i gazetarve t medieve online, vetm

    tridhjetepes pr qind e t anketuarve kan thn q rregullisht marrin edhe

    nj pal tjetr relevante pr ta balancuar lajmin.

    Fig.4 Prgjigjet e respodentve n pyetjen : a merrni ndonj pal tjetr pr

    shtjen q diskutohet n lajmin q burimin e ka n rrjetet sociale?

    Shpejtsia e publikimit t informacionit n mediet online ka filluar t

    ndikoj edhe n procesin e redaktimit t tekstit para publikimit. N gjetjet e

    bra nga ky hulumtim del se rreth dymbdhjet pr qind e ktyre teksteve

    nuk redaktohen para botimit n platformat online. Edhe kur redaktohen ato

    bhen me nj shpejtsi t madhe, sipas prgjigjeve t t anketuarve n

    lidhje me minutat q i duhen nj redaktori pr ta korrigjuar eventualisht

    lajmin q pr burim ka rrjetin social, tetdhjet e dy pr qind t

  • 12

    respodentve kan deklaruar q iu duhen vetm pes deri n dhjet minuta

    pr t kryer kt proces. Nga kto t dhna mund t themi q prfituesit m

    t mdhenj t ktij procesi t deformuar t publikimit t lajmit me burim

    nga rrjetet sociale jan postuesit e ndryshm t cilt shum leht i kalojn

    filtrat e redaktimit pr t pruar mesazhin e tyre.

    Por nga shpejtsia e madhe e publikimit t lajmeve n platformat

    online edhe nj fenomen ka nj shifr t lart. Shtatdhjet e nj pr qind e

    t anketuarve kan deklaruar q lajmet q pr burim t informacionit i kan

    rrjetet sociale ju ka ndodhur q t dal i rrem apo t demantohet. Shpejtsia

    shum e madhe e publikimit n kto platforma ka ngritur m shum se do

    her dilemn nse lajmi m par duhet t jet i sakt apo i shpejt.

    Normalisht nj ambient ku konkurrenca pr t postuar sa m shum lajme

    dhe sa m shpejt e favorizon m shum kt t fundit. Po ashtu, numri i

    rasteve q gazetart kujtojn q t ket ndodhur nj demant pr lajmet q

    kan burimin e informacionit n rrjete sociale sht shqetsues. Tet pr

    qind e numrit t prgjithshm t respodentve mbajn mend m shum se

    dhjet raste t cilat kan dal t rreme apo jan demantuar, njzet e pes

    pr qind mbajn mend katr deri n nnt raste, ndrsa gjashtdhjet e

    shtat pr qind e t anketuarve kan deklaruar se mbajn mend nj deri n

    tre raste t tilla.

    Fig.5 Prgjigjet e respodentve n pyetjen: A ka ndodhur q lajmi q burimin e

    informacionit e ka pasur n rrjete sociale t dal i rrem apo t demantohet?

  • 13

    Duke u nisur nga prgjigjet e respodentve/gazetarve t medieve

    online n Kosov, shihet qart nj tendenc e ndryshimit nga nj tradit e

    mhershme e gazetaris q pr baz ka pasur verifikimin dhe saktsin e

    informacionit. Derisa format e mhershme t komunikimit n gazetari si

    gazetat dhe televizionit kishin mjaftueshm koh deri n botimin e radhs

    n rastin e gazetave apo n edicionin e lajmeve n rastin e televizionit pr

    t vrtetuar informacionin, nj gj e till duket e pamundur tek mediet e



    Implikimet q kan rrjetet sociale n transformimin e mnyrs s

    raportimit t medieve online n Kosov tashm duken qart. Duke u nisur

    nga teorit kryesore t trajtimit t internetit q kishin qasje t ndryshme pr

    t si qasja radikale q prfaqsohet nga Sartori, liberale q prfaqsohet

    nga Bale, apo at sociologjike t trajtuar nga Kouldy, vn n pah

    ndryshimin q ka sjell kjo form e komunikimit. Gjetjet e ktij rasti

    studimor m shum i prgjigjen teoris s par radikale q thot q

    ndryshimi sht i pashmangshm por dyshimi sht q kjo gj mund t

    shkaktoj nj degradim. N rastin e hulumtimit t medieve online n

    Kosov, nga t gjitha tekstet e analizuara q burimin e kan n rrjete

    sociale, asnjra nga to nuk kishte burim t dyt t informacionit. Me kt

    rast mund t konkludojm q raportimi i lajmeve n kt form sht i

    njanshm dhe joprofesional. Balancimi i lajmit dhe verifikimi i tij si

    koncepte baz t gazetaris me prgjegjsi shoqrore n kto raste studimi

    jan prfillur. Informimi nga lajmet me nj burim rrezikon q mediumet t

    bhen thjesht barts t mesazheve t subjekteve tjera q i krijojn ato. N

    rastin e studimit t gjitha tekstet e analizuara nuk kishin asnj burim tjetr

    pr t balancuar lajmin e marr nga rrjeti social. Po ashtu, n t gjitha

    tekstet e analizuara me kt rast sht vrejtur q sht prdorur si burim

    vetm rrjeti social facebook.

    Shpejtsia e publikimit t lajmeve q pr burim t informacionit kan

    rrjete sociale duket q ka kaluar do parashikim. Nga t dhnat e marra nga

    anketimi i gazetarve t portaleve kosovare del se shumica e gazetarve nj

  • 14

    postim n rrjet social e shndrrojn n lajm brenda pes deri dhjet


    Por publikimi shum i shpejt i lajmeve t tillat duket se e ka mundur

    saktsin. Nga gjetjet e bra nga ky punim mund t konstatojm q

    shumica e gazetarve kan pasur prvoja kur lajmi i marr nga rrjetet

    sociale t ju dal i rremw. Duke u nisur nga ky fakt, mund t konstatojm po

    ashtu q gazetart q punojn lajme q pr burim informacioni kan rrjetet

    sociale, e kan sakrifikuar saktsin dhe verifikimin pr shpejtsin e

    publikimit t lajmit.

    Po ashtu, mund t konkludojm q prdorimi i rrjeteve sociale si

    burime t informacionit pr gazetart q punojn n mediet online, sht n

    rritje e sipr, nj gj e till vrehet edhe tek analiza e teksteve t dy

    portaleve kosovare, por edhe n prgjigjet e respodentve, nntdhjet e

    katr pr qind e t cilve deklarojn q prdorin kto rrjete si burim t


    Interneti si nj form relativisht e re n komunikimin me publikun dhe

    rrjetet sociale si platforma n t, mund t konkluojm q kan rritur

    shpejtsin e publikimit t lajmeve dhe rrjedhimit informimit t qytetarve,

    por kan rrezikuar n maksimum disa nga vlerat etike e profesionale t

    gazetaris si profesion si jan verifikimi i informacionit dhe saktsia e tij.


    David Randall, Gazetari universal, (2003) Botim i Institutit Shqiptar

    t Medias, Tiran

    Nick Kouldry, Media, shoqria, bota-tori sociale dhe praktika e

    medias digjitale,(2012) Insituti Shqiptar i Medias, Tiranw

    Francis Balle, Mediat& shoqrit), (2011), Botimet Papirus, Tiran

    Giovanni Sartori, Homo videns, televizioni dhe postmendimi, 2013,

    Shtpia Botuese Ditura, Tiran

    Missuri grup, Raportimi dhe shkrimi i lajmeve, 2005, Instituti i

    dialogut dhe komunikimit (ish-Shtpia e librit dhe komunikimit), Tiran

    Stephan Russ-Mohl, Gazetaria, 2010, K&B, Tiran

    Revista krkimore Medianr.1, 2009, Universiteti i Prishtins,


  • 15

    Burime online t prdorura pr analiz

    Qasja e fundit 26 shkurt 2015

    Portali Telegrafi.com:


































    Portali zeri.info

  • 16


















  • 17

    Prof. Asoc. Dr. Bajram Kosumi

    Digital Media between reporting and doing


    Mediet digjitale midis informimit dhe biznesit


    Q nga lindja e gazetaris amerikane, lufta m e ashpr midis elementeve t

    gazetaris ka qen ajo midis lajmit dhe reklams. Rezultati ka qen gjithnj n

    favor t reklams: 51% me 49%. Kjo sht periudha ideale e gazetaris klasike.

    Duke u zhvendosur nga letra n formatin digjital on line, gazetaria moderne po e

    zhvendos edhe kt prqindje, me nj rritje progresive n favor t reklams, deri

    n at pik sa kjo gazetari tashm ka nj status tjetr social dhe ekonomik: m

    shum sht biznes se informim. Pra, kto gazeta jan larg idealit t gazetaris

    klasike pr t informuar.

    Ngjashm sht duke ndodhur edhe me gazetat digjitale n Kosov: ato

    luftojn pr t trhequr sa m shum klikime, n mnyr q me numrin e

    klikimeve t konkurrojn n tregun e reklamave. N kt treg kan interesa si

    bizneset ashtu edhe qeverit. N kt mnyr, gazetaria digjitale n Kosov

    (portalet informative, disa televizione dhe radio) sht duke e ndrruar statusin

    social: nga kompani informative po shndrrohen n kompani t pastra biznesore,

    ose bhen pjes e kompanive t mdha biznesore. Pr her t par n historin e

    vet gazetaria sht partner me biznesin dhe qeverit, ndrsa audiencn e trajton si


    N kt artikull synohet t hidhet drit mbi kt kahe t gazetaris digjitale

    n Kosov. Qasja e aplikuar sht e dyanshme: kritike (pr t kuptuar interesin e

    ksaj gazetarie kah biznesi) edhe funksionale (pr t kuptuar statusin e ri t


    Fjalt kye: medie digjitale, status social, biznes, qeveri, audienc

  • 18


    Since the birth of American journalism, the fiercest battle among components

    of journalism has been mainly between news reporting and advertising. The result

    was always in favor of advertising: 51% to 49%. This is the considered as the ideal

    period of classical journalism. While moving from paper to digital format, modern

    journalism is further changing this percentage, with a progressive increase towards

    advertising, up to a point that has eventually earned today's journalism a new

    social and economic status: a business driven journalism instead of a reporting

    journalism. Hence, today's newspapers are far from the essence of classical

    journalism - news reporting.

    The same is happening with digital newspapers in Kosova: they strive to get

    as much visitors as possible, in order to increase the number of clicks and create an

    advantage in the advertising market. Both business companies and the media have

    their own interest in this market. This way, the digital journalism in Kosovo (news

    portals, some televisions and radios) is changing its social status: from news

    companies they are changing into pure business companies, or they are becoming

    part of larger business companies. For the first time in its history, journalism has

    become a partner of business companies and government at the same time, while

    the audience is now considered only as an asset.

    The aim of this paper is to shed light on this new orientation of digital

    journalism in Kosova. This will be done through a dual approach: a critical

    approach (to understand the interest of this journalism from business) and a

    functional approach (to understand the new status of audiences).

    Key words: digital media, social status, business, government, audience.


    Q nga shpikja e telegrafit, i cili ishte njri prej faktorve kryesor pr

    krijimin e Peny Press, fillon bashkjetesa e lajmit me biznesin. Peny press

    mundsoi q pronart e gazetave, kryeredaktort e deri edhe te

    bashkpuntort t cilt shkruanin romane popullore, si Aleksandr Dyma

    Plaku, t fitonin shum para nga gazetat. Kjo sht periudha kur pr her t

    par gazetat europiane mbrrijn tirazhin nj milion, ndrsa fitimet ishin po

    ashtu milionshe. Deri ather gazetaria ishte konsideruar vetm si nj

    partnere apo zdhnse e grupeve sociale, e pas ktij revolucioni t par

  • 19

    medial, gazetaria trajtohet edhe si nj faktor i rndsishm ekonomik. Peny

    press sht faza e par e lindjes s nj bote dihotomike: lajm-biznes. Ktu

    fillon periudha e gazetaris s tregut, e cila lulzoi n SHBA, e pastaj, nga

    fillimi i shekullit XX, edhe n Europ.

    N aspektin e funksionit social, gazetaria e ksaj faze sht nj

    partnere e publikut n kontrollimin e qeveris (Kosumi, 2014) dhe t

    ardhurat m t mdha i siguron nga vet audienca, prmes blerjes s


    Ky rol i madh i medias, si n aspektin social ashtu edhe n at

    ekonomik, ndikoi q teoricient e par t saj, q nga Marksi, dhe vijuesit e

    tij n Shkolln e Frankfurtit (Adorno, Benjamin, Horkmajer), te studimet

    kulturore angleze (Hogart, Williams) dhe deri te Habermasi e Chomski, e

    shohin gazetarin si nj medium n duart e klass s pasur, qoft pr

    shtypur klasat e varfra, qoft pr t ruajtur status kuon (McManus, 2008).

    Pas periudhs s Peny Press nj rol vendimtar n marrdhnien lajmi-

    ekonomia patn korporatat e mdha mediale, t krijuara n dy dekadat e

    fundit t shekullit XX, si Valt Disney Company, Viacom, New

    Corporation, Bertelsman Group etj. Kto korporata koncentruan n pak

    duar fatin e informimit t audiencave botrore e lokale (Balle, 2011).

    Tashm sht e njohur publikisht se si Fox News e Murdockut ka prcjell

    do dit nj qarkore pr televizionet e veta, n t ciln kan treguar se cilat

    tema dhe cilt persona duhet t mbulojn ekranet e tyre gjat dits

    (Salmon, 2010). Ndrsa Eduard Herman dhe Naom Chomski kan

    ekzaminuar pes filtra npr t cilt duhet t kaloj nj ngjarje lajmore nga

    fakti objektiv e deri te audienca (McManus, 2008). Kjo sht periudha kur

    kompanit e mdha mediale zbuluan mundsi t mdha pr fitimin e paras

    duke krijuar monopole n kontrollimin e informacionit botror. Ky sht

    hapi i par i largimit t medias nga partneriteti me publikun.

    Faza e tret e marrdhnieve t reja lajm-ekonomi fillon me

    gazetarin digjitale, sidomos me ueb-portalet t prshtatur pr telefonat

    mobil. Kt faz t fundit do ta shqyrtojm n artikullin ton. Por, para se

    ta bjm kt duhet ta trajtojm edhe nj fakt shkurtimisht.

  • 20

    N dy fazat e bashkjetess lajm-ekonomi q t dy polet kan synuar

    ta maksimalizojn vetveten. Ka ekzistuar nj luft e ashpr midis lajmit

    dhe reklams. Rezultati ka qen gjithnj n favor t reklams: 51% me

    49%. Kjo sht periudha ideale klasike e gazetaris. Lajmi sht mall pr

    treg, mirpo ende ka nj korrektor t ktyre marrdhnieve, pra lajmi si

    mall tregu mund t shrbej pr t mirn publike. N periudhn e

    korporatave mediatike lajmi gjithnj e m shum i nnshtrohet interesit

    ekonomik, dhe nga kjo edhe interesit politik. Mediet shrbejn pr ta

    ruajtur status kuon e fundshekullit XX, thot Chomsky (McManus, 2008).

    Si do t shohim m posht, kjo luft e humbur e lajmit n raport me

    interesin ekonomik merr fund n gazetarin digjitale.

    Statusi i ri social dhe ekonomik i gazetaris sht historia e


    Animi i peshores n ann e gazetaris digjitale e n dm t gazetaris

    n letr dhe t gazetaris televizive n fillim t shekullit XXI ka thyer

    monopolet dhe censurat q kan zhvilluar korporatat e mdha mediale t

    fund-shekullit XX, bizneset dhe politikat qeveritare prapa ktyre

    korporatave. Gazetaria digjitale e ka decentralizuar procesin e informimit.

    Ky sht revolucioni i fundit n gazetari dhe ky revolucion sht

    zhvilluar n dy drejtime:

    - s pari, nga informimi from one to many komunikimi masiv ka

    kaluar n fazn from one to one, si e thot Artan Fuga (Fuga, pa

    vit botimi), pra komunikimi masiv kryesor n disa vjett e fundit

    bhet prmes rrjeteve sociale m shum se prmes medieve klasike

    masive (gazet, radio dhe TV);

    - s dyti, mediet digjitale e kan inkuadruar n procesin e gazetaris

    edhe audiencn, qoft prmes asaj q quhet gazetari qytetare apo

    edhe prmes shkrimit t komenteve n cilindo tekst gazetar. T dy

    kto prirje t gazetaris s re jan hetuar dhe studiuar nga dijetart


  • 21

    Gazetaria digjitale u kthehet prsri audiencave, por tash n nj

    funksion tjetr nga ai i gazetaris klasike. Midis gazetaris digjitale dhe

    audiencave tashm sht nj ur tjetr: klikimi. Klikimi duket n shikim t

    par nj shtje shum e thjesht, por n t vrtet ai ka nj rol shum t

    madh. Mediumet t cilat transmetojn informacion digjital on line

    regjistrojn do klikim t audiencave dhe ato rangohen n hierarkin e

    medieve n baz t ktyre klikimeve. Ngjashm sht edhe rasti me tekstet

    brenda ktyre medieve: secili tekst mund t plqehet dhe teksti q

    plqehet m s shumti rangohet m s larti n hierarkin e teksteve.

    Secilit i ka rastis t marr krkesa pr nj klikim like n rrjetet sociale.

    Mbi voglsin e ktyre klikimeve portalet lajmore dhe gazetat digjitale

    vendosin dy rregulla t reja n fush t gazetaris dhe t marrdhnies


    - e para, rregulli q ndryshon mnyrn e vlersimit t nj mediumi

    apo t nj teksti, nga nj vlersim cilsor n nj vlersim sasior. E

    vetmja mas matjeje pr cilsin e mediumit dhe t tekstit sht

    sasia e klikimeve nga audienca. Po t ishte vetm kaq, kjo nuk do

    t ishte n kundrshtim me ligjet e tregut, mirpo kjo sasi

    klikimesh mund t blihet n tregun digjital me para (psh.

    sponsorizimi i artikujve pr t qndruar gjat n portal, apo blerja e

    klikimeve etj.) dhe rezultati i ksaj blerje sht hierarkizimi i

    cilsis s medieve apo i nj teksti n baz t parave q jan

    paguar pr klikimet;

    - e dyta, prmes ktyre klikimeve media rangohet jo vetm pr

    cilsin e saj, por edhe n tregun e reklams: media q sht e

    klikuar m shum, ka audienc m shum, rrjedhimisht e

    shprndan reklamn m shum. Kjo e hap mundsin q media t

    krijoj kapitale t mdha financiare. Kt shtje do ta trajtojm

    m tej.

    N fazn e kalimit nga mediet e vjetra kah mediet e reja, kjo e fundit

    po e zhvendos prqindjen midis lajmit e reklams, me nj rritje progresive

    n favor t reklams, deri n at pik sa kjo gazetari tashm ka nj status

  • 22

    tjetr: sht biznes dhe, vetm pr aq sa sht n interes t biznesit, sht

    edhe informim. Kjo sht teza e ktij punimi.


    N dekadn e fundit, gazetat n letr t tipit 24 Or, 20 Minuta dhe

    Metro, t cilat shprndahen pa para n mnyr masive1, qllim t par kan

    prfitimin e numrit t madh t lexuesve, n mnyr q me kt numr t

    konkurrojn n tregun e reklams dhe atje t nxjerrin fitimet e tyre.

    Menjher bie n sy fakti q roli i audiencs ktu ndryshon rrnjsisht nga

    roli i mhershm i tyre: audienca sht interesante vetm pr t qen

    lexues, por jo edhe financues si n t kaluarn, prmes blerjes s gazets.

    N shikim t par, kjo duket mir: audiencat lexojn pa paguar asgj. Por,

    pr kt mirsi, audiencat e paguajn nj mim tjetr: nga audienca t

    vetdijshme pr rolin e tyre shndrrohen n faktor biznesor pr kompanit

    mediale. Pra, kto gazeta jan larg idealit t gazetaris klasike pr t

    informuar, dhe pikrisht kto gazeta jan duke e fituar tregun

    ndrkombtar medial.2

    Ngjashm sht edhe n tregun e internetit: n shum hapsira

    interneti mund t prdoret pa pages, sepse kompani t ndryshme paguajn

    pr kt, me kusht q n ekranin e audiencave t shfaqin ueb-faqe e

    reklama t cilat krkojn t klikohen nga prdoruesit. Kjo dtth. duke ta

    paguar internetin, nj kompani mendon se e ka bler t drejtn ta thyej

    privatsin e audiencs, duke ua shfaqur n ekranet e tyre reklamn t ciln

    e dshiron kompania. Tia bsh like nj reklame apo nj ueb-faqeje

    vrtet duket e arsyeshm pr shrbimet q merr, mirpo pikrisht ky

    klikim e ndrron statusin e audiencs n marrdhnie m median dhe e

    1 Gazeta urbane zvicerane 20 Minuta, pr shembull, shprndahet falas n 150 stacione t trenit dhe n do stacion autobusi, apo n cilindo vend ku ka grumbull njerzish. Cituar nga: http://mediakit.20min.ch/. 2 Ndrsa gazeta Metro, e cila sht lancuar m 13 shkurt 1995 n Stokholm, ndrsa shum shpejt sht publikuar n mbi 15 gjuh t Europs dhe n vende t ndryshme si dhe n t dy Amerikat e n Azi, dhe ka nj audienc rreth 20 milion lexues ditor dhe 37 milion lexues javor. Cituar nga: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aEUbO.k9jfl4

  • 23

    ndrron edhe statusin e medies n marrdhnie me biznesin. Nj shembull i

    thjesht krahasues mund t merret nga YouTube: do klikim i cilsdo

    kng automatikisht shndrrohet n para pr median q e transmeton dhe

    pr t drejtn e autorit. Disa nga kto investime jan legale (nse dshiron

    t kesh shum frends n Facebook mund t bsh pagesa t tarifave t

    ndryshme, nga 5 deri n 100 euro, n mnyr q Facebook-u tua

    imponoj prdoruesve t vet t t bjn frends) e disa t tjera ilegale

    (pagesa t fshehta pr krijime t opinion publik). N fillim t prdorimit t

    My Space secilit prdorues i sht imponuar miku i par, njri prej

    themeluesve t My Space, Tom Anderson. N vitin 2008 Tom kishte

    221.036.100 miq (frends). Nga kjo ngjarje u krijua mbishkrimi n fanella:

    Tomi sht shoku im i vetm. Kur New Corporation e R. Murdokut bleu

    My Space, Tom i harroi t gjith miqt dhe u b prezantuesi i kompanis

    (Gir, 2008).

    Ngjashm sht duke ndodhur edhe me gazetat digjitale n Kosov:

    ato luftojn pr t trhequr sa m shum klikime, n mnyr q me numrin

    e klikimeve t konkurrojn n tregun e reklamave. Pavarsisht se far

    lajmesh transmetojn, kan apo nuk kan funksionet q duhet t ket nj

    tekst gazetar, e rndsis s par te kto portale sht numri klikimeve dhe

    asnj vler tjetr. Gazeta digjitale apo portali i cila ka, pr shembull, 2

    milion klikime n dit, ka shum m tepr shanse ti fitoj t gjitha

    reklamat se sa nj gazet q ka 1 milion klikime n dit. N kt mnyr,

    gazetaria digjitale n Kosov sht duke e ndrruar statusin social: nga

    kompani informative po shndrrohen n kompani t pastra biznesore, ose

    bhen pjes e kompanive t mdha biznesore. Pra, lajmi po e humbet luftn

    me reklamn. Tashm redaktort nuk hamenden fare n konfliktin midis

    lajmit dhe reklams: reklama nuk sht n shrbim t lajmit (edhe pse ajo

    ka pasur gjithnj 51% t rolit n gazet, megjithat reklama sht publikuar

    pr t fituar hapsir edhe pr lajmin), por e kundrta, lajmi sht trsisht

    n shrbim t reklams, pra gazeta boton vetm ato lajme q sjellin shum

    klikime, me qllimin e fundit pr t fituar reklama. Funksioni i gazetaris

    po ndryshon dhe po reduktohet n vetm nj: fitimi i klikimeve.

  • 24

    N kapitullin e dyt t Dinamika e komunikimit masiv, Joseph R.

    Dominick flet pr funksionet dhe keqfunksionet e medieve, duke

    prfunduar se secili funksion i medies e ka nj keqfunksion (Dominick,

    2010). Ky prfundim i Dominick sht rezultat i analizs s funksioneve t

    gazetaris n periudhn klasike dhe n periudhn e par t gazetaris

    digjitale. Mirpo, n periudhn e zhvilluar t gazetaris digjitale, t gjitha

    kto funksione ose reduktohen shum, ose reduktohen vetm n nj: t

    fitojn klikime.

    Reduktimi i funksioneve pr t fituar klikime, e kjo pr t hyr n treg

    si faktor m i madh biznesor, mund t tregohet edhe nse shikohet me

    vmendje statusi juridik i portaleve dhe gazetave digjitale n Kosov.

    Shumica syresh e fshehin nga opinioni statusin e tyre juridik.

    Portali www.gazetaexpress.com sht n pronsi t kompanis Works

    Grup (sipas t dhnave t vet portalit), mirpo t gjith besojn se sht

    pjes e kompanis biznesore IPKO. Portali www.telegraf.com, sipas t

    dhnave t tij sht kompani e pavarur, n partneritet me kompanin

    Dukagjini, ndrsa t gjith besojn se sht n pronsi t kompanis

    biznesore Dukagjini. Televizioni Klan TV vitin e kaluar ka br nj

    investim disa milionsh n ndrtimin e objektit masiv e modern, n mos

    qoft m i madhi n Ballkan, por askund n Impresumin e tij nuk e

    deklaron marrdhnien me kompanin tregtare Devolli, e besohet

    publikisht se kjo kompani e ka bler Klan TV. Nuk sht aspak i ri fakti q

    nj kompani apo nj parti politike investon apo e blen nj medium n

    koh fushatash zgjedhore. Rasti m ilustrues pr kt sht gazeta Lajm, t

    ciln e themeloi pronari i Mabateks Group, z. Behxhet Pacolli, n hap me

    formimin e partis s tij. Pas zgjedhjeve t para n t cilat ai nuk arriti

    ndonj sukses, hoqi dor nga gazeta. E rndsishme sht se t gjitha kto

    kompani, t cilat kan bler apo besohet se kan bler mediat n Kosov,

    jan kompani biznesore t profileve t ndryshme, duke filluar prej atyre

    tregtare e deri te ato ndrtimore dhe prodhuese.

    Marrdhnia e re gazet-kompani biznesore ka n baz nj interes

    afatgjat: dominimin e tregut. N shoqrit hipermediatike, individt nuk

  • 25

    mund ta paramendojn jetn pa informata t shumta. Formati pr telefonin

    mobile i gazetaris digjitale e ka shtuar tej mase varsin e individve nga

    sasia e informacionit q sjellin portalet dhe gazetat digjitale. Individi,

    prmes kyjes n valt Wi-Fi, prcjell do informat, pothuajse n do or.

    Asnjher deri m tash informata nuk sht shprndar kaq shum, kaq

    gjersisht, dhe kaq dominueshm n koh dhe n hapsir sa n gazetarin

    digjitale t formatit t telefonis mobile. Portalet digjitale n Kosov

    klikohen m shum se nj milion her gjat 24 orve, kryesisht nga banort

    e Kosovs, t cilt gjithsejt jan m pak se dy milion. Kto portale jan

    agjent t mir t kompanive biznesore pr dominimin e tregut. Kjo sht

    arsyeja pse kompanit investojn n to, i blejn apo i themelojn vet. Nn

    kamuflimin e lajmit ato shesin reklamn. Shihet qart, interesimi parsor i

    ktyre gazetave dhe portaleve nuk sht lajmi, poende, lajmi nuk sht fare

    qllim, por sht vegl apo modus pr t reklamuar. Apo m drejt:

    gazetaria sht strategji pr dominimin e tregut nga kompanit e mdha

    biznesore. Ktu prfundon ideali i gazetaris klasike.

    Po t prcillet nj periudh, sado e shkurtr, e informimit t ktyre

    gazetave apo portaleve, do t shihet nj rregullim themelor n politikat e

    informimit. Pr shembull, tre personazhet m t famshm t Express-it pr

    vitin 2014 padyshim kan qen tri femrat: Kim Krdashian, Zonja Meri dhe

    Kallashi. Kardashian ka dominuar do dit informatat e Expres-it, i

    dominon edhe sot, shpesh m shum se nj her brenda 24 orve, kryesisht

    me tema nga intimiteti i saj. Zonja Meri, nj astrologe horoskopi, ka

    dominuar disa muaj Express-in me interpretimet pr skenn politike n

    Kosov e n Shqipri dhe pr aktort politik n kto dy vende. Ndrsa

    Kallashi ka dominuar dhe vazhdon t dominoj Express-in me pozat e saja

    seksuale. T gjitha kto pseudolajme kan nj qllim: trheqjen e

    kilikuesve. Nuk paraqet asnj far rndsie pr portalin nse audienca ka

    klikuar kot apo ka klikuar dhe ka lexuar tekstin esencialisht. Atij i

    intereson vetm klikimi, sepse ky regjistrohet, dhe ky klikim i shrben

    portalit si aset tregu. Bizneset e mdha, poende edhe qeveria e partit

  • 26

    politike, kan interes t ken marrdhnie t mira me gazetat e portalet t

    cilat kan miliona klikime n nj vend me m pak se dy milion banor.

    Kjo marrdhnie e gazetaris digjitale me bizneset, e n mnyr t

    trthort edhe me qeverit, paraqet status t ri social e juridik t tyre: pr

    her t par n historin e vet gazetaria sht partner me biznesin dhe

    qeverit, ndrsa audiencn e trajton si aset. Gazetaria amerikane dhe, nn

    ndikimin e saj edhe gazetaria europiane, kan qen partnere me publikun

    dhe kan qen z i tyre. Gazetaria digjitale po e l kt status dhe po e

    provon krijimin e nj statusi t ri: partneritetin me bizneset dhe me

    qeverit. A do ti siguroj ky status cilsi t reja gazetaris, sht nj pyetje

    me shum e dyshimt.

    Nj shembull i shitjes s idealeve t gazetaris n Kosov

    Nj shembull i partneritetit t medias me biznesin mund t shihet te

    polemikat e shumta rreth miellit n Kosov, n shkurt t vitit 2015. Portali

    Express filloi nj fushat agresive kundr kompanis Devolli duke e

    akuzuar se po e furnizon tregun me miell jo cilsor, t regjistruar si krunde

    pr kafsh. Kompania Devolli ose e furnizonte tregun me miell jo cilsor,

    ose n rast se kjo nuk sht e vrtet, ajo falsifikon dokumentet e doganave

    e t tatimeve, duke e regjistruar miellin e buks si krunde pr kafsh, pr

    tu ikur taksave doganore. Pas disa dit t polemikave t ashpra Express-

    Kompania Devolli, m 14 shkurt 2015, Berat Buzhala, nj prej

    udhheqsve t Expressit dhe prijs i fushats kundr Kompanis Devolli e

    shkroi artikullin Nj letr e thjesht pr Blerimin dhe Shklqimin. E

    veanta e ksaj letre kundr Blerimit dhe Shklqimit (pronar t

    Kompanis Devolli) shihet n faktin se ktu z. Buzhala e fut edhe nj

    personazh tjetr, t cilin nuk e prmend me emr: drejtorin e Klan TV. N

    gjith polemikn e tij kundr Devollve Buzhala e ruan diskursin polemist,

    prjashtim bn vetm ndaj drejtorit t Klan TV: at e quan katr her

    torollak. N artikullin e dyt me titull Blerim dhe Shklqim, qenkemi

    keqkuptuar, postuar m 3 mars 2015, pas fushats s korporats Devolli e

    cila vendosi n disa bilborde fotografin e gomarit me tekstin Buzhalas/

  • 27

    ushqim pr kafsh, Buzhala e quan n dy vende gomar njeriun e


    ...ai q po ua mson gjith t zezat e ksaj bote qenka nj gomar.

    Dhe, pr m tepr, ka mundsi q ai gomar punon n televizionin tuaj.

    Sa do diskursi n dy letrat e Buzhals sht trsisht cinik, dy fjalt e

    prdorura prej tij, torollak dhe gomar, n disa vende, e kan tradhtuar

    censurn e vetdijes s tij: ai manifeston nj armiqsi t veant ndaj nj

    televizion dhe ndaj drejtorit t tij, e i cili sipas tij, sht pron e Kompanis

    Devolli. N margjina t konfliktit Express-Devolli na shfaqet tash edhe

    konflikti Express-Klan TV, me nj diskurs mosdurues. Klan TV n ditn

    n vazhdim e lanson nj kng t Golden AG, n t ciln, n tekst e n

    spot, ka urrejtje fetare dhe nacionale, e viktim e ksaj urrejtje fetare sht

    edhe Berat Buzhala e t tjer, emrat e t cilve prmenden n kng. Po,

    prse shfaqet kjo luft Express-Klan TV? Pr konkurrenc n fushn e

    informimit? Kjo pyetje e fundit ndoshta na shfaq sfondin e vrtet t

    konfliktit q ka nxitur t gjitha kto polemika e urrejtje t tjera: edhe

    Express edhe Klan TV jan pjes (e supozuar, apo e fshehur) e dy

    kompanive t mdha, IPKO dhe Devolli Compani, e kto dyja luftojn pr

    dominimin e tregut dhe i fusin n luft edhe agjentt e tyre, mediat. Se ky

    supozim mund t qndroj e dshmon edhe kyja e gazets Kosova sot n

    kt luft pr dominim, pronart e s cils kan shfaqur ambicie biznesore

    n fushat ku preken interesat e Devolli Compani. N formatin digjital t

    gazets Kosova sot nj koh t gjat zhvillohet anketa me audiencat, n t

    ciln sht vetm nj pyetje:

    A po shkatrrohet shteti nga kapja q i ka br 'Devolli




  • 28

    Ideologjia dhe propaganda e ksaj pyetje sht e tejdukshme dhe pa

    asnj nevoj komentimi.

    N prmbyllje t ktij shembulli, gjith kjo polemik na bn t ngritim

    nj tez t re (t ciln nuk do ta ndjekim pr ta argumentuar, sepse del

    jasht domenit t ktij artikulli): kompanit mediale, t cilat proklamojn

    se mbrojn interesat e publikut, n t vrtet mbrojn interesat e

    korporatave biznesore, pjes e t cilave jan, dhe me kt, mbrojn

    bizneset e ktyre korporatave si dhe bizneset e vet pronarve t

    kompanive mediale. N t gjitha kto situata, sulmohet dhe mbrohet

    interesi i biznesit, por jo interesi i publikut. Por a prfiton publiku ndonj

    thrrmij nga kjo zhurm: po, prfiton, sepse dalin n shesh t palarat e

    kompanive, qofshin mediale apo biznesore dhe t vet qeverive.


    N kt artikull synuam t vrtetojm hipotezn s kompanit mediale

    digjitale, sidomos ato t formatit pr telefonin mobile, kan ndryshuar

    statusin e tyre social, duke hequr dor nga partneriteti i tyre ma publikun

    dhe duke u br partner me biznesin. Duke botuar pseudolajme, tekste t

    cilat nuk prmbajn asnj funksion ta lajmit, por t cilat jan trheqse pr

    interesa jo informative t audiencs, si psh. intimitetet e personave t

    famshm, t brendshmet e aktoreve apo top modeleve, pjest e trupit t

    femrave, apo gjra tronditse se si nj gjarpr e ha veten etj., kto

    pseudolajme dhe t ngjashme trheqin klikimet m t mdha t audiencs.

    N faqen e dats 7 mars 2015, n rubrikn M t lexuarat n portalin

    informativ www.tribuna.com jan kta artikuj:

    1. Kto pozicione t Kallashit do tiu mendin (foto)

    2. Izetbegoviq kishte prejardhje serbe, Gjingjiq lindi n

    shtpin e tij?!

    3. Shikojeni videon e re t Kallashit (video)

    4. Big Mama tregon numrin e sakt t marrdhnieve

    seksuale (video)

    5. Ja sa zgjat seksi perfekt

  • 29

    6. Nj or pas varrosjes dgjuan zhurm dhe t baritura nga


    Pr portalet informative m t rndsishme se lajmet dhe cilsia e tyre

    jan vet klikimet, prandaj i mbushin faqet me pseudolajme t cilat

    trheqin klikime. Kto klikime paraqesin asetin e portaleve n tregun e

    biznesit. Me kto klikime portalet bhen magnet pr kompanit e bizneseve

    dhe pr qeverin, prandaj ato investojn n kto portale, sepse iu duhet

    sasia e klikimeve pr marketingun dhe reklamat ekonomike e politike.

    Kshtu, gazetaria, n radh t par ajo digjitale, e cila po e dominon

    sistemin e informimit, po shkputet nga interesi i publikut dhe po

    pozicionohet si partnere e kompanive t biznesit dhe e qeverive. Me kt

    ri-pozicionim t gazetaris po merr fund gazetaria e idealeve klasike t

    shekullit XX. sht krejtsisht tem tjetr se, prmes ktij modeli t

    dominimit t tregut portalet informative kan gjetur mnyrn pr t

    ekzistuar. Ndoshta po, por fatkeqsisht kjo po e rrezikon gazetarin dhe

    funksionet e saj n shoqri.

  • 30

    Bibliografia e cituar:

    Balle, Francis (2011). Mediat & Shoqrit, Papirus &UET Press,


    Dominick, Joseph R. (2010). Dinamika e komunikimit masiv/Media

    n periudhn digjitale, UET Press, Tiran.

    Fuga, Artan (pa vit botimi). Komunikimi n shoqrin masive,

    Papirus, Tiran.

    Gir, arli (2008). Digitalna kultura, (Sharlie Ger, Digital Culture,

    2008), preveo sa engleskog Aleksandar Luj Todorovi, Multimedia Clio,


    Kosumi, Bajram (2014). Nga gazetaria hulumtuese te gazetaria e

    kyur, UP, Dep. i Gazetaris, Revista krkimore Media, nr. 5-6, fq. 23-36.

    McManus, John H. (2008). The Commercialization of News, pp.

    218-233, in The Handbook of Journalism Studies, editet by Karin Wahl-

    Jorgensen and Tomas Hanitzsch, Routledge, NY and London, (online


    Salmon, Kristijan (2010). Storytelling Ili pricam ti pricu, Multimedia

    Clio, Beograd.

    Williams-Hawkins, Maria (2010). Making Money with Mobile, pp.

    219-234, in The Twenty-First-Century Media Industri / Economic and

    Managerial Implikations in the Age of New Media, editet by John Allen

    Hendricks, Lexington Books.

    http://mediakit.20min.ch/. (qasja e fundit 14 mars 2015)


    O.k9jfl4 (qasja e fundit 14 mars 2015)

    http://www.gazetaexpress.com/ (qasja e fundit 14 mars 2015)

    http://www.kosovasot (qasja e fundit 14 mars 2015)

    http://www.tribuna.com (qasja e fundit 7 mars 2015)

    http://www.klankosova.tv/ (qasja e fundit 14 mars 2015)

  • 31

    PhD Cand. Jenny Hauser

    Digital takeover of news: Journalism as a

    public service in the social media age


    Research into the use of social media by news organisations to source

    information and user-generated content has shown substantial changes in the news

    production process. It is argued that these changes are resulting in increased access

    to established mainstream media for ordinary citizens, mainly through citizen-

    journalism. To date, the news industry has been fixated on how free information

    and visual content shared on social media platforms can be sourced and verified in

    such a way that standards of accuracy are maintained. While news organisations

    focus on reaping the benefits of citizen-journalism on social networks, a growing

    trend of de-professionalization in the news production process emerges. Journalists

    are increasingly removed from creating news content as their role shifts towards

    managing news. This paper examines how companies behind social networks are

    stepping into direct competition with traditional news media in providing news to

    audiences, exceeding their role as a public forum. Current developments indicate

    that ownership of the news industry will in future be shared between professional

    news media and technology companies, with the potential implication that at least

    an element of news production will be entirely market driven. Journalistic standards

    to serve citizens in democratic societies are at risk of being seriously undermined as

    the emerging players are not committed to values at the heart of professional

    journalism. This development requires a rethinking of the responsibilities of

    emerging news providers in relation to their public service role to citizens.

    Keywords: news media, journalism, social media, Information Age, social


  • 32

    As anyone looking at the news will have noticed in recent year, news

    media are no longer the sole domain of professional journalism but have in

    part become colonized by content published on social networks.

    Contemporary news media, both new and old, are increasingly reliant on

    news content produced by social network users in the form of eye witness

    reports, videos, photos and citizen journalism. While news media are

    harvesting this cheap content to form parts of their own coverage, it

    logically follows that social networks would strive to become the port of

    call for news audiences in themselves. In many respects social networks are

    outgrowing their roles as forums for public discussion and cables through

    which either news organisations promote their news products, or

    information from citizen journalists, bloggers and others pass before it is

    picked up by established traditional media, that forge it into their own

    reports. Instead, social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and others are

    becoming the go-to source for news.

    So far, traditional news media have seen the worth in social media

    mainly as an advertising platform to reach online news audiences and a

    source for mostly free and half-finished news content that they can absorb

    into their own reporting. The potential audience active on Twitter are in

    many ways highly desirable, as they are usually smart, media savvy,

    technology-rich and extremely interested in current affairs. By advertising

    their news products on Twitter or Facebook, news media aim to redirect

    news audiences to their own websites to read or view reports.

    However, several large news events in recent years have illustrated the

    change in how news is consumed on social networks, with news

    organisations often struggling to compete with a deluge of information that

    is published by those directly witnessing or involved in news events.

    Populated with a potentially huge number of eye witnesses, activists,

    bloggers and citizen journalists, social networks are morphing into a type of

    newswire in themselves.

    Although the response by professional journalism has been quite slow,

    new news ventures such as reported.ly are recognising this trend and

    developed a business model based on delivering news directly to audiences

  • 33

    on social networks without a website of their own. On Twitter, for example,

    they report on news event by publishing fact-checked tweets and photos or

    videos that originate on social media. Similarly, they post videos and photos

    along with short reports on Facebook, or publish blogs on Storify. In doing

    so they attempt to bridge the space between citizen journalism and blogging

    on social media and professional journalism.

    New media technology is the system around which journalists have

    begun to operate, accepting it as its master in the same way that the 19th

    century factory labourer did the machine (Marx & McLellan 1995).

    Contrary to the claim that it is a tool for the journalist it is in fact becoming

    the new form of journalism itself, that merely requires tweaking and

    refining by the professional journalist.

    Facebook, in particular, has become active in developing a service, that

    they say is a tool for journalists, to showcase newsworthy content uploaded

    by their users covering current and breaking news. The FB Newswire page

    is accessible to everyone, providing bite-size updates on news events with

    photos, videos or posts that were originally uploaded to Facebook. It

    markets Facebook as a news service, promising to provide closer, more

    authentic news coverage, through the eyes of its many users.

    The services editorial guideline is notable by its absence. It describes

    itself as a source of newsworthy content for journalists, which suggests that

    it broadly follows the news agenda of traditional news media in selecting its

    content. The selection procress for what constitutes news appears as natural

    and self-evident as Facebook portrays itself simply as a business providing

    public news content from across its far-reaching platform.

    While it targets journalists, Facebook enters the news arena as a

    primary distribution platform (Ingram 2014) for its content, leaving no

    doubt about who owns this news. News organisations are instructed to either

    embed the content on their own website or contact the owner through

    Facebook for permission to use it in another form, such as broadcast. In this

    way, the social network has clearly placed itself in competition with

    tradtional news media, as they select and market their own content not just

    to journalists but anyone who is interested.

  • 34

    Similarly, Google runs a politics and elections blog that updates on its

    activities in covering elections. The blog promise to make participatory

    democracy easier by providing information about upcoming elections,

    deliver live news on polling day, encourage discussion and connect voters

    with politicians. On Google+ many of the updates posted appear to market

    Googles own services. It offers analysis of the amount of page views each

    candidate received in Google searches; what topics in relation to the

    elections were most searched on its browser; and connects to Google

    searches for the location of polling stations. Google presents a self-enclosed

    environment and whatever you click on, youre likely to be directed towards

    another Google service. This is symptomatic of the technological elites

    belief that the widespread use of technology will eventually deliver a true

    representation of wider society and direct democracy. To be crass, citizens

    are alleviated of the need to collectively decide how politics should be

    discussed and communicated, assured that a simple mouseclick will register

    their position. Kevin Kelly (1998), founding executive of Wired magazine,

    described this as the hive. The premise is that through the contribution of

    each individual in a networked world, democracy and collective intelligence

    is reduced to a mathematical equation. Techology traces each individuals

    actions and pools this data to create more complex and useful information.

    The seductive quality of this argument lies in the fact that it promises a

    perfect system of democracy without the hard graft of conscious and

    deliberate decision-making by citizens as a collective.

    The video-sharing platform YouTube, each day, provides playlists of

    videos for viewers covering breaking news events, entertainment, sports and

    various other topics. They usually consists of videos uploaded to the

    channels of news organisations or well known public sources. In short, it

    selects a variety of news videos on any particular topic for YouTubes own

    news audiences to view, so that they may consume the news they want

    without having to leave the confines of YouTube to access it.

    And so, it becomes apparent that the line between news media and the

    digitial industry is rapidly blurring, as both exist in a parasitic relationship

    with one another. At the core of this development is the crucial question,

  • 35

    how this might affect the public service role of news media, both new and

    old. Is the virtual free market of information able to deliver a socially

    responsible media model?

    Technophile ideologues argue that the virtual free market of ideas in its

    present form is the best protection against state repression and censorship.

    In the Californian Ideology, Barbrook and Cameron, examined the

    ideological roots of Silicon Valley, that are steeped in the libertarianism that

    sees individual private property rights as the only effective frontier against

    authoritarian governments. On the Net both leftist and neoliberal agendas

    are mysteriously reconciled through their shared anti-statism. Ironically, as

    the left struggles to crush corporate capitalism through community activism

    in an electronic agora, neoliberals are pulling the rug under their feet by

    crushing any limitations to the virtual market through state regulation. What

    has emerged is a virtual free market that promises to deliver media freedom.

    (Barbrook & Cameron 1995)

    New media, many critics have pointed out, has successfully managed

    to absorb technological determinism in the cultural hegemony of media

    communications. The will to virtuality (Kroker & Weinstein 1994) is

    taken for granted and made to look like a natural progression. In her

    analysis of the ideology of Wired magazine, feminist Melanie Stewart

    Millar, wrote at the end of the 90s that in western societies technological

    change is seen as an issue of efficiency and progress - not political

    democracy (1998: 138) and by removing it from political debate, citizens

    are effectively denied a voice in one of the most pertinent issues of our time.

    Rather than accepting technological advances as a neutral process, she

    examined the cultural hegemony that it emerged from, forcefully driving

    home the point that it does not empower across social and gender divides,

    but clearly privileges some over others.

    The popular American myth of the self-made man is thriving in the

    virtual public sphere. Individuals are told they have the equal ability to

    broadcast, to organise and to debate, forging their own agendas and

    influencing the elitist traditional news media. However, the free market

    ideology strictly limits and repels public input in any form other than as

  • 36

    consumers and producers of news. Citizens may operate within social

    networks, but are refused any means to influence the overarching structure

    of these new media. Whatsmore, any claim to egalitarianism is dependent

    on each individuals ability to effectively participate in the information

    market, discounting any social or economic inequalities. Yet, despite these

    obvious disparities, it is nearly impossible to ask, how virtuality in the realm

    of news media should be shaped and what function it should have.

    Freedom of speech is the only tennet of the Internet, and while this is

    undoubtedly an important cornerstone of democracy, it is diminshed when

    participation does not reflect the diversity of society. The illusory flattening

    of social inequalities in the virtual space, has fuelled the belief that everyone

    has an equal voice on social media. Yet, social realities become hidden, not

    only because people can adopt an online persona that distorts their lived

    realities, but because the single parent working two jobs, is believed to be as

    equally represented in the electronic agora as the media and tech savvy

    communications professional, who can devote time to trawling Twitter,

    sharing content and expressing themself online (Goode 2010).

    From the perspective of a professional journalist, there are very few

    checks and balances on what is amplified through social media. This is the

    result of the strongly market-oriented characteristics of social networks and

    opaque algorithms that favour one piece of content over another. Issues

    surrounding verification, contextualisation and meaning arise as reporting

    through social media harks back to a time preceding the professionalization

    of journalism, at the start of the 20th century. Mainly, whatever content

    manages to gain the most momentum through hits and sharing dominates on

    social networks. Advertising also plays a key role in what is amplified, as

    some content is considered too sensitive or graphic to be used as a means to

    market products.

    While everyone can, in theory, publish and broadcast today, the

    platforms for expression are in the hands of a small virtual elite. Social

    networks are multi-faceted in that they collect data on users, market

    products and services through advertising and also try to get their share of

    the news media market. When social networks portray themselves as a

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    public sphere, they are so closely intertwined with the virtual free market,

    that any distinction between the two becomes impossible.

    The trend towards deregulation towards the end of the last century has

    been blamed for setting in motion an increasingly corporate media model,

    that justifies itself by arguing that demand in the market should dictate

    supply. This model has been derided by many critics and the defence for

    Public Service Media (PSM) as a means to represent the interests of citizens

    across the spectrum, including the marginalised, survives. Contrary to the

    hoped-for decommodification of information (Keane 1991), social networks

    have been able to create vast monopolies in the information age.

    Although the PSM model is not unproblematic, it does make a crucial

    distinction in how audiences are perceived and addressed. While for-profit

    media operate in the economic realm, PSM operates in the social and

    political realm. Here, the audience is seen as a citizen, defined by communal

    interests, rather than as an individual driven by private interests as a

    consumer. (Garnham 1995) As such it at least opens up the possibility of a

    public debate on how media can achieve this social goal, independent of

    economic factors, even if it may never have succeed in realising this fully.

    As I have argued here, social networks are entirely market-driven

    entities that covet not only news but all types of information and data

    exchange, turning them into commodities. While their popularity obviously

    originates in the dissatisfaction with traditional media and its one-way flow

    of information, the emerging trend also does much to fail the interests of

    citizens. The hi-tech free-market of information threatens to further

    diminish any normative approach to the public service role in media. At best

    struggling traditional news media are forced into competition with a system

    that is founded on different objectives in order to preserve audiences. At

    worst they are able to use social networks as a figleaf to dispose of the

    shackles of their social roles in pursuit of a wholy corporate and market-led


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