ibs ffelimfc fniptaj'whigot.vone "-cek. stw'i a l-sf'ti nf.*'.i * n1p. 1...

JRpr V- -v.. I i IBS s i »&* ^slichki* stwi v;airs.> by i rugs & ALUatK?TRR>f« ytfT i'AM*. - F<1 *!Wi « .t. fiftec. : O V,f -< v Sanilis, eight"' .* -.r^J/nr ;. « ;v*.i His mualb* n«Jtl WlKTLT.- JCCC. tea u«. Urj . fftr 01 nwntbe. Aw * !'*. wi*«nrfj'A,i« invlv.-nl ft. 13H than «is awtf*. ffaui-r,IM, fl»« <5;iw», (m .<* (J^ctis. Uuiki "iuiit.-. 8.% 4Db*Of!;i;l:.r> ,-c.«! < <' fi>f Ijrt Sian a B3'T.**l. Jj-aaba rtUT# 1':.^^{IW, rv^. vf' p-uW 'l'1, *s' tft*; K'<ft OEV U; .^i Vhm* In fhii ! '.lif t ? rft tfc# ~ \ l-- IS/jifi *«« - -.» i\ ^.',.,1 sou.''' r1" ,M- " " tt -nir*" " .-j- <c i.*»; ccwfnn?* n v;^<-. Sii a.i' 1-; m . vat.>.:.. . . , aM*rriae tbsy wftl V^l. =. * ! coaisltil' * ir.ii -rf .* w . »s . t *ritew tb"^-cf. QE^^L~b"BI)ES~S." JIV. ..i?i_' 'Srii-H wv.uowiv April 1. 1S63. ( V i >} . S... 3-S 1. The attectt.n of commanding and oilier offl->ra li o';eJ o :h? aot of Congees f prli Stat. 1862, ts pubdsbfd In OtH-vtjt Order* Ho. 25 f that y-kr. x noie rij'c eaforcemoat of the nqnl^MnV cf thai a r, on tie part of. roin«iacd:ng officer* .Strain referred to N 'Tvaoi iinptrUnt »o the Interest o> iho K-r.t'* ii. lh? geographical ilnvti of ;h& .orcm i.a.1 of Ifeut n n Geti-rd Lo»;g3iiaot, emopcHg mo defeTtnot I ' iSvi Mil extending «: u h to Include &r S'.no of North Caroltoo, iha whole ntdoc the «<> p-: vision >-ni re^erei direction of Cener.nl H. K I,w. »C1 olviJed intoih<ie military depa:tin-nfs. . s f<-ilo*s Ali north of tha Jamas river, tor the dr? ace of Richmond, wl 1 constitute the Department of Hi hjaaud. under Major General bisv7, head quarters Richmond; all that portion of Virgl.Jn wrath ottlin Jsaos river and cast of 1 ha county of i3ot»b»«un, will coastltnte the Xh,partineju of .St-uthirn YirgiaU, under Uajor-Genetal FVnch, headquarters at' nvroo oer.tial point uear tbu Blach Water. Tbc S'ata of North lioUna "ill c't.-a i nte t>-; T>:-p:utrrcnt of North Csroica, cn 'or ii ju G r.»10t W. Uiii, headqu*r tea G-ildaboio*. 111 The prl."o of beef id let trsnefeir*! it: anc'cdua e vitlt Paiogr.-jh II, Gi ne-al Urdws No 61, of 1863, wilt be at effig r»>s, iowiir For g«e»n Sites, flva '4t> ftHte'j ten cen'i p;r p,und, la the lV ne-Mitvlsaipjil Depirttreni ; for all f*s( hides fast of the>Ut>di«ipjii river, thlr y c-u.'-i psr pucd. T- c-e priofe.'vui b* p id by the qu-r ericas t-r»*od Rsslaiant qiirte.'Ci-'u'ere t > its comuii<.o»tiee us'rL-fticg th;m, -nd 'ho litter will acooont f. r the ;n'd thus :<y«lve ' f.". their n'X: acc.an a ounent. i\' by G n M vrd.-is No. 61, F.tragi^pu II, Hat ipiirs fr in 'his office, qu- rt -tiu jsto a are fOnxved to t«a: on -.h* h rtiuroa, wnbnl. ncc* and wacous f,»r 'ho , trs' so tt»'loa 0* icgiment h I ospit, 1 Rtpollea, tie leau^ »u ' viivcia. It ie -*!«o their day 10 Jtet-p them ii k. r.i con i ica «*i reedy f r unlive Vervi e. Com it., ,»* will rtqnhe iho j e-forcanri' of this datv. By crie (Signs'") r». CO"I'£ft, April 3--1* A. A I, General, whig ot.v one "-cek. stw'i A l-sf'ti nf.*'.i * < ; ,r StCMy-vn. vt-.'vh 06'h. >N1P. 1 OhSil&AL UHDKRS | No. 33 \ 1 Thii (xr,ia of offlc'tit f iroidsut, e duty will eftar bo cc.rrpn-e-l ixrlua:v. ly foil sa *, vis * l»:. : tS'erd of the ny nhir ome ti-rate r-ray i'_ta;; : bv 'h- *>Var f>ep -rnnent f -r Oidi-anco 1 n y. > >,!; r< of 'hs P.\ visional Artillery uppointrd BiCe til i' I of C ng-W. A;ril 21. 16C23 . <>£ *<* thr. PrT.viibiiH Artillery fjr t irduwr.-e ivy *' piinte i UEvvr -,ct cf Ifi h i-|< tmbar. 1863.' la. lid ng »' t res n: those ? dc*v noilor General Oil r N .. 13, 1863.. 4 h. Ecere of artllt-ry la *.t i'rovUl nrl trmy and volii itw .on*, tipp-luted n.act of Ccs^rcst, ippr ved J. nu try 231, i86SJ, ;s ' «?t'Ji=-d 011 cr.lnoc a cs'ty ry tV A ar ii^pirticr.it. 5 h Off'i'"'"* of the Ni'r. ?.pd M.il3g ba-'v-ta appointed n Oct act of vtocgrer*. li.''fficp'i h-nt ,fors : > orduanoe dutv ait rr provlslop- of Ge.'.crn! t"d re "fo 21 ?,9d No 46 of s'thurgh not fora,!n>i » ;> r' - f ins Ordranoe Corct will < Mu:ne * 'ec--gtiiz-jd la he r portions Iairil -i rf C. r.y Uv iJ'Cguiren: '-f otficnr'i of the U;:nAti.-v :i» cc it.triv -.11110lnt>G or drta-lel. g Hi j-* ' *Svirvs of »c A. M K W.OA .of >ne f ^B (tu. v" 'V Vr,.c|»e40 bete ti'd ;n » 0 HeRefr if **'t" t'ot! II Vy Wei", y BB . g. A T M »t IIIcl b or#, Vr: MM N0.!''1 "goo* hr:.!»lo<( clilinl »gilc»t the ** SB * inc;*. k. BOTMN, aer.M , wLe~.be/ bj j jjfl «» j. \ '*'- »' » ) leqireud Is praeat iLia m<u«/»' - H it," , ' rD# ell pcmoDi Ln#e*>ttit to kb'd s<-| « H.,.\ t> anke peyxe't ef t%** M " 11 * i£«e to U>e uad't-'eae'd. H 8 «- KOTKl"/, » |B " p M n .YKIV r M . . ' 9 pn- J B- FAULKNER, ' " ! 0 N M £ R 0 H ANT, ii SB M j^B on. w:i iiM.-.Ji!), « »., m > , P!toi>t?c£ ^B S3Y T.'-«K»TT. who h-« > J ' H ofcte. ^B i-t.. 7 '?» S.... Che ettc c «.-». j ^ QH " "fv.ho.i*-., !'«o*ly croA^ lci ty j li f-.'-nCKV A'AILUOAD, » ,11 W ..CEao«o Kurt) '>. I fS 1 9 (I* .,i vnK,N{J - HEDULE il* S t.7 " S'"Y tr» >. l, >a,. ib. ' M *' *«a :a l ,1 WC A. e. ».iai«?r*.':5r «»/» r ts j 9 ht.'l <:,T r*°! -iTlON T'J t IH. rSfl > ' *10 » *" *,r * «a< Titstaiiip JevtePete/p | H txoeitid.) P. H.OI .L I L H ?T;r.:idaJfnt u S s- *V,.»L W*A«V A CO.. £ 1 -\«?V.^^A' *^* Bl-^ . .. *r1~, {fibers :i uJj clan wil: oe leplnocd by ifci rovjrrLiflv >p cis lid oSH ;ars (: << !rd«*' t-r prdiiAi.ee du*y. at tbe : * ! n t rcy OeS' r*l C'-ifmAS-'iSv an >1121<y cr w'neu ;b-i Int-itest tit tiw tis rvi.o rtqalrefi It. aL "a ch.osr « «ii! > «cojirr.ajoJ ;aUd to rh» Ohwf ofOna->ae»t ichanond. III. *lt tla hrrge of ar;en.»R .-.miotic *oik»baps d- p !* or otter w!*r» cotklspsr[jisud bv d u i^uJ aan. who ::f> p. d IL» Drptrtmrtt 'ii .h.:> -re rtrp; .y^d, .u.5 «.i jelin.-jnisb cilia tcr ; iy -oldieis* iiu.il in be :r.esti.lv ft^nrrt to the chl- UA .hsir rc-rt . vp burmnx.C'Kitaiaing tell Iliac;d J t.- ip'lur.e of tie cu::i vcf'b » t*-> rwt si8t;Bfnt.! it.- p .7 tb-'j m- e.vn. . Tines ipj.-.r'd «lu tso fonv-rclrij to the Q urlarra « UrOtO'T.. t'ur ibe in uruia Jos aoJ tj ii hti e 01 tie Ply Dep r m.'in:. :o pwttii th.' pa; nisi: i.i frapijnfcni IV. j»l] G-rarcle nr ott"- otKctn C 'CJttAcctne tuiilwry -lerjirtuieata or fUtrirts vrili require fr»tn Pivtrvai Su'^hiM 8'j-i o^sim:DJno:« of pri* ns mont'ly report* f alt c izoo# a A o'-ht" ptisans. nor oiiicwed with Un» irtsy tu-vi in cvcfinwrieut, *!'.h ipcfl.a l >ui rf iia'» ..n-1 o of arrert, and by wtoaj wrstd >». 1 ouijia: kd w.tfe »a h remarfee ?a tbey a n. £**< .{/<. per. aua ! 1W: r 1 ila Sim*. without CiUy. -o :i '3 < flj e. Py ni'sr. (S vcod. * - ivtipJik /; - ' 'ruii. Gpc'1 Tba: !* yj t'T v»-rh ulsreh £7- I « C = 'IF A'lERKA. .'AVi' DtPAltTMENT.f Hicaai-Kli, Ii 513 1563. i lOti'U'iAl DEU ] AL Av.Jnj nii(Lhvn.;u In tc- n*vy.8 rvliiT nOoet »aa un fill be ext>nl:-e '»u tbn en-: the text cab r»t ibe a.TAihl t ?.\n v!z- Pichnioao, W'dabj-a.."., Cbarie«toc, K*»a-.-n-U an J Mobll«, by a tocri ..£c'-.3 lo-" :iu pn:p !s« and i; *Ci . i/.e risesiiJog officer of tvn i-ysrd tchrt it M/'iTciKi a. th. lr ati'.tlOLii; :ff p?: t.r \y. |7n « .:'i n tnei e'.-wi i r-.v 'uv: o, fri>rt skkiAvt >r.a report At the f.ti im 1 jn-a'ra: th-lr :*lv. o. wi.v'J ::.e Urir: ojho t -i > rllOie »L-vtw- ! ' * .'J'T.'-a'. C.vh-«< will tv ex nil" 1! -e fol.orr* 1?--.. :oa Saria^iico. .'i-ao-.m hWii. Navol n Tictiv*. N vfi! uociterf, K'dMin M*.hi f-y, M-jdura 2 Lsjn.iy" g tw^iuo <' i. -ij(i .n tc? siae '-7 ncbt-rs bat cul «o J CfirtCaj; Tiki Ct.w.PrHcti-vl Ssajt'oBRbto, Navil Tnr Gr.n&ery. Ma'lieamtlca. ritEif* and toe9 Uh 3iQj:p« i r«t h, Orally acd Dri^iir^. B »'oni»»»t I'm. ;iatlv»m*»!< *, R\er,-i e vT gcacvt ({Qua B *sj vtl*It , i tl.K* & ; } Pitl'l R RSsl 1>M41d.; S Is-w* ii;.g r&i rhip'ueu. - ).. h~ v* bv; r^c nviy *Wi«aVii. siaijsct ;o exaa»in»»s| »:i, «nl. .ufHi j'»H8(r.g I iltf ax!w..!. v»ia>t<M{i'.<n, ext:Sr» ! - < !' fis ia'!->a v of eoo.1 in r-»t cLat «.npr. ;'t>i R»n<«; 9 tr.lswatj; i>"i n frmn Uirtat'cn H toineii 'i ' ,-o* i rtr-yu, fcivl p r.'jtra '.h- )-xcn9 fj ojs'8'i.n. f;> ari haip-ic vii: »uuisrwJkta*rwl >fl aav;. M| :i tt <.,..a ioulttp'io-Uon a'-c division of *fc» t.z i.^ers JOHN K. MlTOdrLL, tan«!'i ia h.:.o ot oT- p i>: «).-'- < '.n : I'jta'l. jj By orO r <.f > rittdry of li^vy ] pvotjcE. X rifl s>< iKi>i>\KViLiA e. a i N hrrcHxsTuruT a fSrr cK. f ' B (V r rS-'iVKW 18:8, the rat a f Fauetgtr '9 «'<( . r '.h1- to id ! I e a - f .l.ow*: 9 'iCinF.ifo ! ns.-i-'B t, - #* 80 « (2 4n . t 83 JX ?* J <ic Jo ... H 80 ' a. uj Put<-T::» 8 25 M 11 ! « d> a *> H ,? U.nvi 'o ... 8 b) n n -> 1. rtn 6 feC ME « W'T'i, euful Agent. 'f v(.hrso (1 Med l>»n»'.!n- R R. [ »ioa<iv."iu a:»u rANVUIA i. & i > m SicnioxD. ), : ». ) fl ::oticjk. ! 9 CHANGE OF feCHfePDLE. cr ao:-. 8 ih:t.-.'n n<M«<08-lvri I V '5« f I] xi 9 WiV PASEiWO.-H TiiAIS I g^S '«*» »Icbmrcd y (e»o r< 5un 'ar-) »t7^:8>^ a I |B ,/ * %r»vc In anvji « p u Kll] Da'* I % 5 u a,?.l iirriT91" BUinond *t 4 40 p M. t 9 THi'S-jFOK LYJtCHfcC. 0 AM) B - tHl 3VKST B t^'1 Rl«hm- n 1 AiS'y «l 4;W a. * , *rrlr!csr al H c< « ' 11 " e' r a w :j -'»v® Hotkevi le kt 10 p. k , jn 1 -l.'f.n oi < at 4 o'c'.Oi kA. « Z , , JAMfB B. LSVTRlt |H Tiakit Agent. J P",^ H'UK.-A P»M!1.T I.r KIGRE^t:-1..Cocf 9 *Cj JJ ' H ''Ti^AS,! fovd fans htid, asejro I ^9 W>. *''*) mi 8 rh ctje. To au; our wlihing Jj 'J*®1 *. 11-*« i. w AppllpjVoo made to nit N fl^l ." '* .< f ty i. tt«r dL-e.'tr i « 'hat rf3 * »'Ji ree JO..N *. Ki< X Jx. i gw; ° ® * °® ratllsa'ir attention It aehad to U-o enlo cl » »»l5»blj i BE1CC COMS Ah D 1 Cl. TUH PIT, n< lSo'o'ook, Mtosled on f ranklls ttffe, bsi aWccu SJifl .vT.-t iUih, by order of lie oo >oi*«ljher. ALSO, To the ,5Jj oi the ROC3E"'OLi> ATD JUT08M 70UUT0LK. Bee eoo'lon h'arf. Apr iS-H TH'S. W. gtrBEE. Aut'f. Sl'UCMI. NO'ltCE. IliTleg taken the oannndloti and extensive Iron F-ons Waro^oaiH, recently occupied bp Rein, balawla A Wlll*-:n N i. 1.6 hoi IS Mala *: reet. and p: oporto/ wlth'n a low d«j» to »ian»fer ur bnilim U> that p^Lui, w«ih*U hold no fnttber jiaolo.a'n at iu* p-e»?it ipecl'on. Meantime wetare/j-i hand a la-y,e tUe if. MANUFACTURED AND SMOKING TOBACCOS. I'ce no'lce w 1! be ? ve-> of the Cr3i public «Vo at onr r.t" plrr.e Ct bu^'nee.. , r «#! .artia. -3, N; C3 Si.ss eirm, oow oo upied by ue. wl'l i. f r reel WU. li. tO.eLB 4 tOSH prtiv. oiJjw C'.t.-'yrUiK i lieutieof AairJUoji, r Mcbicai rrnvur-iR's brncs, I Sicbtno d, Vit.. april Hi, lbcS . J £ LAD:»d ojp tIBGIMA trill ieDder 'he 3®- -aa Coifroe e e'Et'al io vice If they win I. tereet th- rselce, 11 ion cu tore 01 tr a 'tard'n Poppy | a i- o-r, of .npjdytn* o<-e cf ihe n.est rMsible ,e3ierilo) nfje.-lf u::d 1 s the tienutn* v, tfu r'oi aid wouaded «f the ar- j. J Tr.e J e ;iudl. « 'r->re >he pio turd c ptu*s eocu'd Thai j.u21:l»ttV hifi'-Sftf, o^'tric: ; x>.«s up end for fet-Jo'to lb* csJ.;i»lrni"l. Xft'tf a i *w.n»' lee.'e of fh* *cp;-r »l.'. Ix pa'd ilbb'tti rrijr f?r ih: ro i> n.r y r-tr:v bo».a<3e »i 'hi* dvpft. K. W J0KN3, "urgt r rjl SJcrtl fujTeyor 0. B. Atnj. Ap ! 9-I* » I -j>: VQi o *' ? sHrLls BkiJanWivK laOST" i>i5J * 113 B if.--The term f ir whloh 1 »«» in rriwtM i y«u In t'm ' e.tnte f Vis jloia »U> o*pr i>« »b" C Mi :&te c;\«. Pur cq »b<i ptHod of leprerr.ta'nr »-tvIr*.f.TP the adept* s i f the prr»eut(UQ !:n v..u fcua oeec u.y f.rneot d-a'-o to r-flj<tyour wll*. liow f«- tfcef *«-v!"S b f C'O. p.iled »lth y ur wishen *tij luter-et*. It lj Sor eiutoj.dgs aidtocner. O ..'I ll» O . lEiA'P3. * i'be tyi*Mm'*y srkb whl-h yoi have honored nui wlih j.m: oi filto'o pUtf oi.d r obligation wblcn I »m ».nVlilui! lj c:s-f*»rd. I,-hoT-fore. tenner you my tortl i.-sjam. ki^a^c ajteif » oaccUate for re o'ecnon AjfrPS-Btt Wtf. F THOv»PdO.V. ................., fy~-7.,A Th* lad n *a) pe-'.Uiren ot 3v33» RI-) in nd amretiftf iiy 1. f.u m-d -.battho dels: of hi COSCkETj in b £ \r by SSr &n.J tie Mticte *'o v.ao il oeea'iouetl by lite cut.-* ilvalds a poitlon cf Ibn iQiiimnentii «#e t <i« tru 'c no.wu (*o . rgan and harp.) Das notice vtU re fclret of in- Art p:rfcr«pinc«. eoril it-flit iri - '; rB °* JcOS-. " 'C KM Ml PUD W « Y In «' rrio-tr*v»! -,pot poceri to 1 Cf *0-T AP2.iL 7 b. Tiin rrcp 7 * (.»- - toV<i»»..'»-.t -r ctp'tallsts r. rMm' IP.~ii On ib inil Pni'ora. »|;1 c»:i m '-"-.<3 S.t <ta '.b mo-rai) H m- at. toe her rruthtt. 1. formation 11 tfct wtic ebon's t! : feiiioru "til h. t I.f :l!y ror. (T"! at I'tiliT.b ;r^a> i.oaii.WI, \7 3i intiisUS fDLFvXD. i- a -rb Zy.d .t ".r ; !. i j 1 ftC« .- »T 2., 1 rfa U. !-t* :iil.ilvg. fyc.'s.lB !i, v » m. oj. d-.tinary SO. IhSL. ( t v *; < i \ « no fire. I'tst 1 ." ! 9. .3!i-.'l «; '.bb. i) l.K.t.i*.!'. 1 » -IK » - ti'; i- a -. i jiOer o' iofumhtid 'tr the V 7:, ywi!J*u,fi).'"fM"r ftlal, r.-..rrr to'isd. Wii "- urj; D«riy':, Oi'«(*i:'« *..1? irrt n <i>n6a, .»n., ai' b. 0307 not!5»d to it ti lt ..31. va*ltl'"T'. , it -r-' Ie at . o.t'a""!. 4s itiri t o-il'05t ! - »;.r, war ^ ij. p'.i o»*-tft-.' ...rtfifAjo . .if , do bernfiy -pp-jlut ... o! 1 j >i ^ <5 <i-.ro. isibt. to *:tr:. roct'-T-f for, tt i*orl*« i* ~ 1.! w s"« aao t-. rr.» by tho Sct*c«-«. b>cpartj ...- r. 01 sdiratciStc.iai ' imtrtft, For Irtsnt'Ct j .> ri, rtit'layt^atlabOrM 01 tb« d«ftOi!«> or »-»t j eup-n-uia.l j . I .jtw 0! »--2 pe:«. o «>t ntk.iJ) r.-o*t _iv j o-»o ^ ly -.wo, .- (1?colored.' by '.r.-et vitbtttee. Wbssao » -I'oue'vyyBteat}» t-!Oi tjfor.' i V-ajlo Ju-t'.CO of tbt j "- ire. *..'"3 ulerS .; ihi Joors roet octlfy, ondsr hie ofi { ol'- s-'3^ 't.SJ * iti po.-acn ie a Justice of tbe Pcaco 11 tbe c..ea-j cr oorpor&fiou Ir. aajce cf o*ecol"re,s<1nluictriicrj ^1-t.rcl.ltni, ia < s'tti.nr aertlucato <-S trr Oirrb of tr.e O ifi Ic e-Mnh. tee f r- qct!!5 * M eneh i':o r«(je.-rr'i. tr " »- :u«i 7 ' r- - -V tau .,-bey sc'iii. c' -dr-l -.3 { cr ni- -a.- 3-*- fid-- t- - -o .. ii.r'.si by proper rjqoUI! mV.« B. dTAhaEl'. f ' ^ -T mC 1 !l!k -ors'og OlP.cr. i r - . .:n.. Pa v ;t ..f tUj'M; eoa be bad at I ; J 3. B. V tisr'Ne or ViettKttA. i Klonuorn, Pbnaary 10,1S6S | ! ^ S *' « . tHO-CirAHS .Tii LITIA.-OOcert *?: ihn ; -r.ci-'-km ~iU0» i j r>bs& *rrs !:>?-r> «nr ota-pacien t»* iaU bitWRKMrt. «r< it»>.p t -iu !>:? io ut »» t i Tlnrti:^ / .-'-r - r'" * - - fro®** i.t I ?< AN. j :' v '.i.' Oui-j-itoa Der'tit Va. I *: «*>»<«.' ' '.ni"jHir?P tiosjfs np X- .% D.T. v,-ii,LUV?> ; C -i .Vf A 1 » , * :T£ < <! r5i?3iF Yd., *'.CEK0? *0, > /-, j \t» ) >'"wrr-.ii.,.'.ifiVo Gsro'iia, r.'l ; ;«>*», -draiiLiMb'rS' .a, [ , ItoaO* *;!* * *t to a»i. W «*' : *- . -*S3 j ^r-_ .eTd PHI -JLIP8 roSi.scUa'IrtTD; Sp» ~f?r d.-tj (.:* pro'fMliotl a.vlo-i to th» < It : :os I ! S'.i-b i-i- >. u-» c*.i t>s found to tho day, afcis a.-.t prcteo| ttsMii'ir *: f'.st', at hio offo^Ns SS *'a!o »*.rt»et, I>oV« A » -.'« fliun how, Bvtil t «.'doo> r m . at b!rM. *od on M-r.-j»-o at Mx 6*rTo:»'», «aath (ids ftfaio itrtui, t iti dr* ro h*i * thP corner 8U »i: i »bla. | 3 --» *t * (UUHfttlKltK *'S . * ' i- . <»» TMK t c1Wvi, J i.lt.i-Oi"' .- «** 1 / .jj.r. .<0/£t> j Fkioa* K'-i* ><>, 3. l^Gv rtj.T nI.«ht the t:» "i it ci | TTT'urr rrt :? I Tit I "TV vn^ Tnilt" y YjC.aK J TUI&TV Y\t ini VHU'Y YEA.G TiilslY TcahS '! I1T1T i T'.iR ' raiWY Y'X?, or t or a I IS A <} » a r V A OP A Or A OF A G T.ir£ OtoRLEVh 01 Pi Ci'fllLiS'h Llffi 1IJ1 t.tvihLK»'.i l-tfi Ci k it'A Lir . "HvRuUk't L'F! G WbcvR'i IlPh t-lt'l UAilHhrti'n L'r! I IIP! ()*.vsi,rny 1^.1 _ T'. j iKra ig w th TICKLISH TIMER i SINGING AND DANCING, £ -. i ! 2" poitiju art be* intull M -i. ; Bo* Cfflia "vw aeo'.t <><: 1 v.-f >»t* oar, 4 j :/« :».- .. cfAiVs J- irv.-o Pcriojirxase irtB **>m '|a.V.trr ta rj;0. p. ioijriJ. j k ' e. - | _ ~~WANTS._ \STA VIED.t rXi-LL F4.iM.-J "»l«h lo pcrciine I . .tn it c»-ro- one on 'fine-wato* V.r<lu:», at Jt .ilea m «<!. or «o:TenirDt i> iul ro<g c .-ami. Adjro«»,wnl > * 1 r Ica'K s ita d prl.e ;m» of box No-) 1* S.rba'Od. Va. A prll 8 - o3-t «V' AN FEl'.-Wu ~:»n to *i»p]oy, prr-nane >-lj, » ' '* seas vnj oaa taVe charge if* w*rcl F*.-trrr.. Soao need »{>p-y cnlr-.s h'- -;-ti me veil ratommended and 1/ m t ie t r7f«, trn t-r de'eUca. High wage* given or Ka >.n'.nT<0\ in l':e ePOTT? » HAJiVIT. jssjcH .1!- fi t Ho. '»# tow' t-lAel. SjsTAfi looravl'a'r'y. w Teat or pare iMM okojA ccrAvttble HCU'C, la the noith-ororter.i p»'t 0; «h* el«y, tunable far * roeetnm ateed family: A>td If »*> mrae *! ' -n'l, ih> prior i«1!i fc. no o JnaC. AQdreM V-ro»iv,h ih« :>o»!-oiiic-c, etiilcg ibo io-.ailoau *o ti»t 2 e*i *e» the «antn. maroh 2f-«3 t V£TA7*'T'I>. liY B»T"»U0r4.Gre»* lodaoemenU r* off-jivo !.^kl t»d. raani.ipi* an 1 rnsa of nil agn fro - curijin." to .e nU»n>ed t-« f.i.J.r KUlat<>* Ol»j BiUa'I'i. f..r dntjr within the o-.-rp»»rHtloa of blohinO."<i oc'y j $50 ritaii^y an ' «u<'.l ooOvng tlvra. y-iartertand rri.'."j 1 -o-niet-c.t xt oce- Appiyntfore being eiroiled, ei»e jin lot*'. » p.-l«i;sye nfjtloli^t tb» bnttalion. -Apply tn VV H. Ci.AT.tt -A3!-o owoliDein A (}<l?oa. la WO'g Fa'-At!.;. . *. B. OOleCS, rrtreli 17. it «l--f t. rb1 Teciuitlo* OBecr. I * r ;b-t o-- IVs yrw c'Jl.v' £ .-;d h.toj o uro.t vo jr«p*im nf Vrnclt be| >»*r. CUa\a»0w>i a l a tnjiy ruv. (t r'1 .rit* goou t-.- oot *»oo.'. o? '!=« of iar.-* A;.; it t-t l?-.z 3100 of !fcr C A t; ti. a,.(l<}<r, -I3".. Hoed. OAS "t- ' J. B. B , K clt&t. ..d, F-b "a -U » CWX OF I/A RG EST PRINTING HOCSB S is tbi! cnirxDxKtcr ro* ml* ! LOC^.r-. JD AT lilCIiilt.'D, VIliGISa. 'JIHs ttrflcv'go, f-alroBto :eXr!a^ bat'u»»«#r »hlcl» j L* u*> p»u»i Tor ;we?tji yt».e.ocd booacse It tut rtoiii imtive, bu: b'. ic;o kt wia^an to change jur u* »ht h *711 rrqj.ro n»s «sdi?kltd uticnCoL. " k X E N S I V K PRINTERY! "}: i won "fi«»l«»b'o «p|d.ir<lr fo( lovf»tstM 1'/ x.y '-til known tv< l.h «r r Mwnitfe." »uth ba 4.I-.M1 hvi.iit.' It* fl.'pscty iq«l to 150 Tuirsss a Uat ! I|= « ir-iln* 0.0 » «r*!i« of it)- laiee*'. cfwnfbtion In Vrftx 4 t h»'J » fi » one Bofe* withJfciKlott- -thr»« floira it J ( « i ri7, ««»« *! br r<eun-OM pctor'v oomplcts 'Ut fUMp : F TYpg ::}n rtry lz'tra, mbrtctim «T»rf dws-. oCo- tor f.JOK VC3LHJHIJ*} «n4 JOBtfUtttTlKS. » <! ro.'s j.Mid -fr.cH'tii, w ifi k Urfo »apply of LKvtDa *M) BUAS.) Kl/lP. tn* 11 .e Putnrn utdij; m o». ouo'. i uo:(U ol y and t'»w » s *iio »n o 'wow, ?b-> tCbbJtkaent iso'jRp e'f In «!(it* tpyfcli.tm-r|», rochlng bring »»ntbd tj l iSc*«bt. Th* h"«uc i *>.:«»? rt h: rornri if V^lJi bifl li'A »'» . In ibo rrni.-c if vn»fc-w bi d m?« poyaiotu p:r» of llk» city i'» on4»r'» midenva i irl cj »!<-):.* -b pureStvio wlu »d *»?*«, for p utioulbrv OHAM. H WYftNE, piboo'i 31.ccfli fij-haond Vb C7*Th9 O'uPiaM) Gubrdluk, <J!iyLsii'*iObcrlex, P*v*nnb i ms^Aa.iftjTjrgtiasery Adveriitar, 3d»oUoMtm nr. jjUtefeWfriwwi». fT» » »*&*> **4**f-"«*dY »wr <»«Tt a-: > 4 mqpft.* r»«». ui ffeliMfc fniptaj' FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 3 18G3. For the Enquirer. TO i£Y FRIENDSIV TEE FIRST CON- t GSESSIONAL DISTRICT. After mature consideration, Ism uonstrJ 1- ; wl to decline your invitation. conveyed by letters and ntDerwifio, io be a candidate for * Congress. j Many retsc-n^. some private, othsra of a j public nature, have ioil<ien4,ei rr.v decision. It (teemed uuwi%o at thia tune (for my own J port-onal advantage,) to t&ku a stop that might ^ lena 10 envision, ani pernsps uucora, among ^ our puopl*. He nidc: this. I expect at no difl- ( taut day to lotnrn to the army, under cir- ^ cutnntar.es? &ud iu a position to enable mo to . reader acceptable sorvi to lo our cruatry.. j *A.s to pr;vu« vs»v»i , T may emit tbern, as ^ the foregs)lrj will. I o.'tr.o. j istify say decition with yi.u, tthctnef-.Yorib ojuu^fir.taad ( efctPt-us 1 vdu? yx-a; th*n . flite. Your nl.l'grd feliow-citizth, * P«. B Ion ox.m. Lite iVovjDfKcn.T.-.e N. Y.'HsraWV' ^ cone&pcr.dci.t feunouiccs lbs prosp ct rf £ OTuU.jeritijr the country iu this Icc'.liry aid fi drowning wo-.or.t and c-:i!d.-e:i with a savage glee HVtvb < - «oiVr ,i Vsi'kt e 3 capable o': Lvt i tho r.aler was Ufc iuto Like Prov'.dires Laborers were Jigging a'l diy J long, and j.-st at pundo wa'lhe S.\3t RhoV-.'lul of earth Wrt-4 removed, and tbo .Mm issiprn began m ftri* It iho Lead wrt'ern of B«y. u Ma* , ccn. Tain morning tto Jtitle srtam bm I swollen into e mighty iivor. The bri sk is now a hundred feet wid*. Slid the water tumble? and f aui-< lifco Nm;jr*. It is im- _ porsibie to j.icirst. the end. How this W3ter roiling ovt,« tt e;r well cultivated plantations, ' and lifting from t n ir f un iaiioos th-ir Hpler.did ma!i*i K.R. ;nu-t ».for tub the Kip Van j WmkC who >:tv > i tbo inl-fior! J'1" i RHVE-Y InCaKASI.NU t.V Ka.T Ti.K^RSStE.. Messrs. 11-w.vd end Lak^m p.?'d in McMirn 1 ctuirty a Uw (Lars f ton s.tgrces f;r rbe ' Ktiic n> ^ 19,245 Ti.o Atioivx ' !>-»<." r.tys: < It :r botinwttd uut not b*Ss thtti f tt* thou- 1 ssiid ni&raei* hvvo Jeers ' rrutbr ii to E?st Ten- tUfV s<«.d Hold, iu»*Htiy to fanoeii', t-ince the war cxno.tnced, ar.t t-orna ot th*m 1o m ts who oever xp.c'e 1 to own a s'&va in tit ir livohi. «.I it w ill he eten '.bat LW-oln's ws- i.pm tho iiiH iiui-rn i < wcrkir.g like a csa is-. ibis stgion. Y> 1 rim> of our f.-uiid- i v b '.'d.^r do im hv it-or to> clip 1 thi.- ptrj'grt pb H' A pf-id it t '.!. f'ocir.ca'.i ' Enqviivr,' that the woolh bta 1 there ' may >oa»n Koo o-u*b danger thn- i- f f'»?t Tenr.«?s-:e rrinnrng tborcoghiy on iced?'' ! Tauuf.t* i>n Ok Of a ?r»;..Sjixio iivivc! t*:- en »xpe« irit«r.8 were trio.i at Shiebutyne;s, Kajj atid, o.s tbo 29.h u!t., in > li ch a jda'cd tna-m oT iron wus foun'1 rc?:.>; ifl* ctueiiy v<3 y h»avy oiunio rc. Tfte4* tsree: ws8 a s-.n*s of plate?, ve y htr rgly fas en-.-d to- gitr.er, Mid f.ro j-.g t body r.t lajht lb H-chee thick in cv- ry :»-i. It wa3 intends-; f.s a test <»( i'.,*i »ve f.» i Tin fortifications. Itsp- ' piTf;. th»f. *.r.a Wms-vo-'.h 120 and the Ann- . 6trc:g J1%) pounder hid little tlf-ct flu this er.orr.uiys jsms; and what w singular, the old sei via; p®»!- ;!.-ber* 08 pounder did mo:© damsga than fit her. Ej'.bu-ijj.*»h-i Au itrta "C.-r.r,ii ulior.al- i-t" : "Tho authorities o' our asighbor- irg town, Hamburg, 5. C , tro carrying oat ih'> orders of Governor ]' mh&m, and no per J soar, allowed to bring produce over the Piiigfn tj ilugui-ta, uniuMs an calh is taken by too partv bringing tus pro me© nvor, ih&t it i9 for pet83iisii u>c Rod n A f r ^peruiaii >n Ov Rtlo " Oiu i.f ire jc-rent aUrartiens -t tho Kietoii TLVr-tre, at liarctlonr, is a corpn «.f j&UDg 1 English duty's, wbo*a f*ir b#!r a:A Miovry f complexions form a RMikirjg coutitrt with the f aviini'ar Uj-e of female beauty to t?Lioh ( the J orin hi»vv been accustomed to pay homage. T^tir success L&o been uflfquiv- ' o:al. They am allowed e.ory c»ra and pre- ( ttction.mclubjng au ercort of gondsnnes on thtir way home from the <heatr?. * The project cf educating t. clans Oi yw' iig m<n M»r ths diplomatic service baa b«.e« re- v.vc-ii at Washington. < ' 'i/ichmond Theatre-' j- jf.u.d r* dUbgf quousI; rtserrls* onr ts&iiKs for ih* pleaaoie received hst irasinrRt the repreamtR* ti"<nof Guy .'Janreilrg, were we to withhold oor com- mrv.lation cf ho itcoiieai a p»ifonaui- e. The *aog ofemoggiiiaa-id ttlbaofgip-jcs.tee mail eg*nUot Lb plot.the oiu tsLoe'tzustar, tho Pir:h >mn end the r'o-.tch firmc, were brought vivldiy b fe.t u-. with ail 'he arpoiuUDeniB of ecvUiiy, bccur.icy oi ccetarae.proprieiy of Lcolliy, and physical cixoni- pu-itneoip, uallibig the vertt.Ma embodiment of cLwderB the mug: forev;r hoc in rbb inemory. Put the pivot of lL-o wLtlo s-ory ;*h-r m tho bAllal-aing- l gtw ereie, ei-.-.i:»v j.iu jiwcjaKuog power of battle wes eitmcgo y, aunoct p-latally, *x;ro'atd m the toyalcrihuii &cd t-up» ut itai ,'ippvarauoa b: fo.e o*. Sever was tha .1 fl«if nee of her i- ogio sway mors potently felt, norths vctac'Sli'y » hor til. ni* co t signally exemplified tlmi this chuntcier. t>o olmotrlvaL'y opptf;«u to rd.'i lunoiMily irreoocclUrWe it! h those In which we J: va an if en watched the walkings of her features tlch !a tie etidowm;ii>s of nVo!a ine.llg a re and Iwan .y. Serein" dan bmI uyitcrious ecttancc nwoliel fee chaiacter r.t one ti the utmost importation. iJer e}"r8 flifehicg witu itn'.ie and roi.ing wh jTC-pheUo higniflc»,no-; ler le-rg ard tin gird Wr, biasing stiasgers to'be comb, In elf-lock- from tho fold of her hi-gut-ir i.rad geui. iho b'.bvilne f-puz/of ttt'Uiide, r wfh tLo aa: licg t-ongn ahs'.che I oot and her aim i testing npan Its fork, la-med u pictnro for th-pmcll of i an ..rU.-t which cuiinma'ad biiti .np-rhmuuu uiagfc 8 upon tha apio;*tors In the utter *000 or her hee J eyed J iTialedicii inaandhargrsturis'-f prvnihruntempt. This ® etle.t was h .igVoned try her etio g and wwithar-braun toauteaecrs, which st^tne-J, m <1-r a ptcarUtir 5 vei', to hive fotever th cowed fr-tn oar vl-.w tula c luaaculino MYstby of oxpreiiaon, those oat-l'ies of « fetnleiua grace an t t osutj, which not Jotg aloce wo ! hid gczsa upon wi ll £iri>t ilultf.vers i<i tha childlike nwtatnrss auJ tn i.'ooiah rpitl; of an AJico. (Jon)d «h» b? tat.lla' ir. tills I la-ir-dhguiso which Hindered U itDjiossiVe to discern that the was Oci'ote ua until ii?r voice asvurd ui of the reality, It was a satisf ictlon to relieve wl h Boiraw, th.t tha vagawnd race of gypsies bio 1 fteu emlnenily handsoice, newerrr rppaiontly changed by batderips, privations end n-g t ct, and that even en Herat raid-» is ro ex gger.v t'on. And this was confirmed as htr f..miliar ilnetmrcte grew slowly up.11 us, and the harmonions cnceuccs of the rastlo mnslc revatlod ftl-o ih -8# of Missro Patting on end Wr.n. iJefora tha eye of the etar'lod Dominie, another aocno exhibited thi contrast of two most opposite cm racism; hero the indhiona and the trrlbio were mlx-d togerht* with c inentumste art; lane-d, Ml ths otissr j- rsooadona of tha play ware deiln-ated with en-rgy aid fldelky. Not in a apttit of priaamptnoat fiitrcry, b".t r.a a «kn ofonr present idntirail «, we will 8*y th it. wo ai» a-f u e y iadib e.1 t> th ie axh.>ropilshrd a t is for a 1-rgor atr.oant tii-d wi ler exten 1 of int 1 o.lutl p'e; anre than wo op, rebeai'-ed could ct present bs roill* d aoy where. Ap 113.1 f PIKAMs.IAL AND COviMERoJAL. The niartt.-fs "outlntie qriite antmft ed. tv« qn.iie Corn i-i 2o, r'tK RE. t3 40 a 3 65 f car hr.ji-rfiw {27 S2o33 £xt-a 535; Family $*7 6f)«4 Uold $40 00a 4 <Ki; silver $3 76h3 75. Thrra haa bean some j slight olauien itie (r market. We rjooTe as , follows: Confedcrr.'e N' :te tuwds, (6S(."\0WI.«00 tmns,1 ««' », 1 long date iufia205 and tut. Confedeia'e it million bond* IS5 snd Int. TenrtCTtw t cd iiiiK wt tnwpeu-letU r-M utfi-i 117. North Caulm*. estate o ;«r cr.i ifto. Virginia State Sioct, sal*y 11U. Richmond Cup Sonus, Kile* lS<j. ISxchange liimK Stock. naies 115 Farmers' 8r.§k Stock, «cJe,s US Bank f-r Virginna frees. cn.en 80. Virginia fta.Hjtr.ded Bonds, (;ooi>or», no recent t-i'** Traaem' Bank'stock, lael sakt>,' 117. Bank of Richmond, last stock, lest sales ICO. Bank of the Commonwealth flock. Is&talt* lis Old Doaiiuion Ins can co Stock Last soles R6. Virginia I.l/e Iwmrwco C*2rot-»nr Stock. laal wtUs 1E5. Virginia ai'.-: hiaiiitc tZWK.uca, lilt iMc* <5. Bicl.toned Vire Atwclitllan last sales 35. Inyr.ranco Ovin;:aay ol Om Bo-.ic* of Virgin'*. Inst ' a'.'* t!8 S-4. Merchante' Ixltoranee Pt-ck, las! eric* 85V. Albemarle Jnscrunco Block, lost Bales rJ2V4 Virginia Central BiL'road, 1b- mortgage bond*.113 and int.. Ylrglata (Vii'-.J tV-urcoil 3d mortgage bomtj, list mlie» I'.Trf and lat ' Orsn-0 alio Aitxatdrlt H.-i,ni«Ml S par cent, bond j last «>mcb 103 and int. Orange jui.1 Ahiiimd.-.a ilnllrtiad (I p> r cent. bona, last sale* 104 and lilt Booth-Side Uatiraad boniW- guaranteed by city of Petersborg. 135 and int. South Sire Balhoad bon.'a not guaranteed. 93. ' alchmonc and York Eivcr lit.:Lro»d tviociH,bsIks U'6 and lai, " Richmond Fwderiocatmrg md IVirimao Bailnnnd no reoeut sales. Virglnia aad Tenun»** B* 11 a>;nl, 'At mortgage b ma, lift «.i» 110 and int j ! Virginia Centra; Rahr&ad cluck. esu* loU iUC&nicnu and Pe'Cisbtirg. Balir^nd Steer,'lait sates 11". Richmond end York Airer Ralli.iai S^stk, 50. BiohrjonO aCO ttadioail Last soian 1. 13tal21. | , Jonas Blvei ana Kanawha SJoofc.no rsaem s-Jsa. MONEY MATTERS. Virginia fiatoa-BO a 65. ' V ^ , Wo continue this morning our extracts rem lata Northern papers: WHAT I* DLXlUOiU CF Pnf.B:OVK? .MXC-'-f. ] [From the Kenr York IIeml.3.] 1 President Lined a hr.s doubtless f»r 8 .-ma ime beeif f-rly censibloof the p'availirg pub- io sentiment of the loyal S a cs in reference ,0 his Cabinet; but, as i. ny.povit ibat ho ex jrcls, with the O-binct *u it is, t > bring cut ' .f this spring &nd summer'd canipa-yn "the Jnion as it was," tb« country h»;t epparenty reeigii-ii f :< . tt-« expeiimei.U There nuat bitwevvr, wo i.j .notorious fiii.ire thia ' iouo. We hay'o iiowfrrettter advantages cfjr he rebellion than we hr.vb before had sine-* ' ,hs war commenced far a succe3ifii! cnmpa'gn, ted greater thin we may'recover for years 1 ;o como if they should be fti-.teicd away in ^aptefal defeats or icdooUiv* t-nterpriSM,. 3sforo ihf next Ootobo-and Novombir elec ' ions in the Notttt the gcer»t robe! arinirS in ' ho field must bo cenionlisutru or di8pe:8?d 1 >r nothing cm save the <-rIiu!uir.r&lioa from ' be wrath ofa dif)appoli'ii:~i f d justly cffend- k d pe plr. Mr. Lincoln Lad II tee uirtho itr, 1 otn r.tid means at his diaponi r*qni:id to 1 c -omplhii the c::d L< vhw \ efbro the i.lebo 1 >f the Slimmer; but vp-.-Uii "r» c I th? : lountry and his re-poniiKmui-: a*« cf t< o iaci3 pro'pcrtioi e Mr. 8-wa-d, our cf tin most vt*: ju: y and s lru. liable of ;ueii as t *.y po'idciftn, ' 'ft', in in: cbaiACte.' of a icsp vustbio tUtes- ' u'»n, ptuVtd hi'iixi'li h: truster f nifl fii.uu- ( on, «n<l ranster, too, of the moat serious in- srr.atijtial c.-iuplicoli -r.n. it iu*y le ih*r, ' ft?r the repeated blundeis, cisn>;&rd and ' "ulinsof bin throe princip.il 0*binot c.d * cagues, they will prove th»ci3 fives sufficient- ' y tutored by orpofiorice Ij do tho rvotk re ' {tired o? them. In any event, President Lia:oln mint ere to it that thin rebellion ?3 'lib- 1 r.amieHy crushed before enr r t x£fail ions, or the verdict tf tho pecp'c will I . so >Terwfcolp>ing .rutins1 him, the r-tpiinRhfi* j lend cf the gororr'nen';, en to coops'; lhr two j' 1(vi««h of Ootigre.18 to bri.-g lira to ja guie.-.t.! Li j bfMj the power, the mm, the meti w, and |' tho "ppoTtunily, the h<yiti Siaite ctmd ready j' » -nppori him in th«> x.ircise ofh'S gr«at j1 pouois; and iho people imporiiivrly dcu'crd if hi i. isto suppression of\h-> rcbe'iion now, J a-hi e tho const i-« clear. THE rtO"lD\ A 7 Bi>BuD'j£,5. [Frjm tin New To k Herald.) BtseaDois, Feb. 25..G:e*t is tho excitement jn ihifi fast-anchored nd? of B«rhadne8. rbe rebel Btfamer Flcrids., Captain J. N. Maf4', arrived hero n difitresn," crking f.ir cor 1. [t appeals that tho pirate craft has either had a b&"-d wiaul'pg nr-n rcugii handling by the 'actac iQ.jrB»ch." Tho town s f'.i!i cf rum re ot t'ia ui'd at ion in rrga'd lohe.-'merstiors. O.-eiotat she hi'i h?d two fignis with clipper i hips a-mel f r cruising, an i s.ir.k b*»th Oautun M'-tii. vvsi badly wounled in the first fight, t>u: m now quite we'l enough t> dinu with Lbe Gurernor ymto.dsy, e.nd wac the ob?ern<! cf all ohseiverp. F.ven tbrj negiors sb«»ire I Mm au ho went up tb« wharf. The F1 riila sccoiS to ha well disciphned, the oicrt vroll bo'uavrd and orderly, tho t ffic?vs p^l te and a'.un;.ivo. Tho officers of the First aro Florida iosan®. rtey tcast the Os nr9-1er oy, end pay com f.to the i fficm of this pirato craft. T am snrrv say, Barbftdoes is as bad r. Na;sau ; and thai is surely no complirnont. Secfsh ia all the ra^y. Tii? South is full of glory, the Nor'h bad nu I a I ci*: be. The FloriU sails iu two bcuis. Shs hag 0®en detai.otd by tho Govfircmenf, to permit j-.ms Ytnk'.e vcsstli lo liaro twcT»ty-f.ur aour'a ad/anUgr. The lour Li:uteran;s ot tha Fio iJar.W. rerv ysr'.iu.-, from 22 to 19 yetrs old; crn*, I ihink (Mr. Floyd,) is IP. Wrhsarlhit 11 r. Gordon has bo.*n r.opcio c.'l Rebel Commissioner or Ageut. The Floii*!-! t.:iakffl a mail for France ini E.i£l»u.:, She went out in f-plendii itylo. Barbadois, Fab. 29, 18G) .On the morning uf the 231 a icsid ncise alarmed thn inhat ilaats. Mr. Trowbridge,, our Consul, tc men Impressed wich the idea that the United S ates steamship Vacdsrtilt had met with the pi-ate A'abima; but at three o'clock, P. 51, » jieimar descried showirg the Rebel colors. 0.i anchoring several leading men r.f the car, (British, much to the die^ace of the nation.) went on board ar.d offered her coaL Our representative bore, Vfr. Trowbridge, immediately repaired to ibo Oommercral Ho.o', where bo loamed that it (the staoimr r.rirfcnrnd) was the Rebel FJorHs, comp'etely ri iiletl and in a sinking condition.. Without d.isjny he repaired to the G'vemor I r.nd loudly ex-riairord cgoinat his allowing it! tn repair i.i th' pur J understand hcus-dj i.ha lollcwmg w-ids: "My Lvd, I h'..rcby J the n'a* of cr.e Ji:l.nr »«f ib- United S<*U.s i or A».e;.ca, » " f'C.u coppljuig <>: p?r- { milting M*y y p-.ipi« tij.inr cr s»Vt :.«£ j the R:b»l- My v.-fc: 13 rabou wi.h.mi powet t> bn-p.; 1?nr. 'h c- r.s* qafneos will, j one dryer caor, ebcrr themselves i" ths I B;i::sh Govern mi!*: Cam*?,.- U[>nn a:l loysl oit'zens to uke notice 1/ my dociertt'oD, rny Lord, I Uke iay depart are." NotwrbtUnding this urgent nppoal, ccrls were supplied, rt-pai'S completed, Hud Ospt. Maffit feted by the G^vorr.or, '*Tid black &a«i while went oa hoard to see tha veateL P. 8. It 18 just ll'.sertj.ir.fj Hebe's Kft/O Lidn&ppei up ".ar ts of twenty rr»»a, wh'ch h»3 occasioned ft (:e<?p«.-h' '.h; ish Government from hi-i EirMser..y Uacbad ;cs,Feb. 25,1863.. Fro^i ;La n lookout t?ie Florid; ws- at five P. 'J. to rt -c tbr-e vessels, som-i ten railua ion: thr. B irbi.iocs shore. a. inrfct) 6100 vneei «ite;»u«f, p<cMi<>>ea to oft the V.Mi.ter oIt, wont r.fio the H bel, who s emui h;.ve t<», rtady f>r r mu3-- «w-. al. excitement and snxi'tv bete. -o r.viumuiiiog h-.s been repartee, < u!y r t M;b.» of! ooo cr two hoary runs Everybody who can get tn ek/atr-d ju &ition is Nuking out for the "sj.a flgnt." Ojo of t' m voxels humid w.a a splendid g^aao ship, with « » tccid The r.row »tc landing. Tfu Florida is now u-sn, r;li right, ntcrrieg nonh by Eist. Sn<i bouci for the English Channel. This :a sure. Tub New Zcalind Goid Fihlt>9..i carefully digest som* i wo columns id inf,<rnv* bn, partly rffl :i»J. minns' reprrt*, r. i-taincd in the New Z*sdsnd newspopera. S.=vyal new gold 9*jds hive brct' discovered On? is at Cbe Oirdroai nvc.-, a tributary of ;hc Molyrwtu, didaot /roui the Dan-ian nrsr camp SO.-oe Gtivrnty mile., A'^outcno th'iUfiand iodu aro Ihiro aiflembled. Thu valley at the Cirdrona is twenty GiS mil^s Vor.j*, the vi hoio :.f which ia auriferous. F.*o<c 5 drooa Mr. fle-ctar (m «>fflnc.r of the Govern j uient) pioceedtd to ib-< Ar:o -- iiver on the! other side of a mountain, dividing ouo guiiy (rom another "llera were diggsr^otch unkicg t: r^o ounces of gold a day;" ' but this," aode M<\ Hector, ''must fall far abort cf what some of tho first arrives obtained." Ooe party of four look out 2*i3oz intha first fortnight ; nuegcta of an ounce and of 15 and 17 d vi. h ing common Pitvpo'-ters f»ur*d payable gold for ni> wards of 20 mills. Front! Ann.air put, c.licd Conroy's Gully, muc.lx uxiru abundant yields eeexn to havo bees obtained. "To give returns" (writer the special reporter of the Daily "Timori") "of nil lbs rich finds is impossible. Pounds weight per day are freoly spoken about, and csugo no surprise ; and people bore will believe almost r.ij'.bing that is reported. The mention of I ounce* is treated quim ovjftiierly. hiich is 'h* i excitemen? prevailing." " * '-Very fe«r aru conunt to settle down up\;n anything tbst is not extraordinary. Williams and put ty cleaned up-some 400 ounces; ikoy Trashed high as i pound woight per dish. It was m ih*i in«h that the 50 b. weight was got by two m -n It is tnelffiii lo mention other instances of *tt:Knrs. as the list woaid extend to large rt:m-eES'ims. Ihs gold jfl course, heavy, snd waiv. -A'oinr; and maoy pieces "Kwighing over &; ounce had been obtained. Corcoran and paty informed the sergeant sta'iontel here that they were making six pounds weight a day." And so the New Zealand scribes proceed al-out other gullies, "as ex enpive as convoys," about " the Fn-zar river turning out splendidly," most of which places by tliis time are being worked by man from our own mines..ifelhounic eorreig-ondcnt of i\i Times. __ The Washington *,3tai" says .that Gov. Androw, of Massachusetts, ilt behalt of p»rLies in that State, has caused, cditiors of Lincoln's proclamation, to bar issued in book k sod has bad packagei of them franked «f - * f* i«Ui ftSTMScfto:?. J *L= ibJlovrifs: i.i from & New York paper: Mc* <VpL. C^s-i, of iris schooner Elinr.vor, of f".' P.u. .it- o»i;,. apiurc i offib* I-*eo<l of II*) li by lii- eii n<rcr R nhu white ou the ror»ge »r.:tu B.st-o'o Aux 0-.;« n, fcas ar- 'J rived el Now Y.'ilc- OApt. Case ,lhtt9 sU'og *' h' rircuuiHUrics «>f his capture : ^ 0orli«30ih ol January was off the H.'u.h ~ bt'o r.f Sn i Djtaiag . closa by the por*. « ' ft'n* L'Anae a'U -in».i'lr, when I saw* a sc&oono- , winning slowa a-i-Is the A marie in tfig U/in>; tiir ci.arse w «i difcCliy tor aid un; a< she . :ro3ced iiij- Iij«r I fi<si Six h:r i-allery with ttioguuHiun out; t, her cvvni« hailed me j' j he Amaii-iao llag w&9 'iroppou mid thai o«' j'( baUi.n'i'i 's'a States hoistrd in its plate; Vn , ho di'pJ.ay r f force on the part of the pirate !'*(t cf ;e oyervrbeimirg, and T was jbjiged obey orders: he sent his lieutenant >n i lira cf his crew aboard in a boa!; the iiuteuai.t wfi a maro bey, a Southerner, of j ;se J:euia if 0 «j, wh : appeared to hi il! t-t :aae »il the bu.imes in which wis.ii- 'j. J ^ ;sgcd ; ho Tras tjui'.o OCUTteciVl. Aluariliog J. ;:iat the iI&i!0V6i- ..oh . jrcoJ p izi f.»r ihetn, ^ md itivi) re<|u.-!j('-'i ruu io go ab; a:d the Ka- r .rihnijoii, to has^ an inlr,,Tiew witu >mi com- ' , Mer 3U*71 ho i WS'a Cipt. Can; stepped upon the deck cf . h.7 R.tjibunoo. h?r command', r. Csp.. I, »ck, ^ ^ itsnttdfv.rwft -j and .*i j. " Ah, C Dtaia Case io y».u know .>ehave you ctor aean me t vfTt?" Oap'aiu Cose replied the brut 'j ' f liii lecolecuon h? ucvtr bid. ' But I know c plain, vary Wi ll by reputation," said ^ J>ptain Lock ; ' how is your brother R»ube i !)aie your"hams, 1 believe, is Washington 3.i?c ' I have sailed out of Provideucetown fc|-t t-veritl times ; ore? ir» a wbalsi belonging to M\ Jh'-at" " ,1* . «/ *L ftj^; Captain Oise tic i :.:m*rkrd that ha waR ^ lot '.'Ver th'f e mi es from 'ho shoro of Ii*yti | [ "ti rrhen capuired. Captain Lick replied that j >r KT3 f "~r iai'eo, and tba» be wes a piizo t0 j J-fi !hft t-ch., .cer R itribuiion and the OiMifjdi'rate j aag. . j JL:: it '-its io:pc39ib!c to rrsist, I requeued J11.( Iho ftvor that he would at oi.ee put ntn j *A't »sb(»'c; ho aiaonteJ, telling ino to tuKr nn j ^. id.'thing end that of toe crew, tod tho boat of { the Hanover.- He took my charts and fr.ose cjj m" the i.'jfie. nrd tho chronoiinter, which be- ^ <1 :-i Mr. Wheelwright, the chatterer of *" ®" n>': I landed an ilia shore at abont dork. In \^-, tbo meantime a portion of the crew of ti e , *c Retribution bad been sent on board th*? Han 07cr,and b-nth 76iRclssaded oflftogether. I pre- ma uuaie tho was taken tn ore vf I1 c- c*\? ml >e sold r.» tho wreck?.-.0. - .C-pt»!n Lack wp.j ure^sta in a navai uni- a form, and it, wlinr.ut doubt, the svros poteen ;:.j. whom ltd fr.cn tLic port lit the nark YcrnOc if~. and o h jt vessels ecverai years rinoe. C-p- .p' Uii. Case it an aggravation cf l is .. .; m'sferiuaes th*.t ho should have, h en c?p gi|f.. lured ! a Nova Scotian. Captain Lick wbs born.iu Yarmouth, N; S. ;j,. The Retribution was formerly a propuUr, Qro and cotil 1 slid be rc-convertcd to one. us *h- ,tje has the same firm of afo* bo ly. ThiS|.i-i- ,;n. be.ween the stem post and rndiur p st i> .pe fi iod, wh ch give^ l.ar a very long run, and tv hy which s-liv u i;bt t'O casiy dtUctcd if treii iiroadsi le on. She is almost flit upon the aac H ior, baa sharp end, and off the wivid gads jHC very fa--; hut <:lo.;e-h*uled, having little depth j,0I of feed, .od ii>«. being coppered, she is not |^ri weathelj. t-r She i i A»jo-auJ aft r'gjtf-i, cir/ies gift-topsni's -v. 1 -t~ysaiLs, and is pretty well found slo t. II*r a.iiitmen- connifitH of one tiflod 30 pour.ccr nmiJ»h:p3 and two 42-pi>iic5er°. c< j one :-r> each tide, end she LisaccTif iv.t \w-.kT* beach (.otubors, prmc jaly B.-uiso p.( oiibjsci? or e««c.'ped convicts, ggj CBilV FOBTlfJttD. t?c The Philadelphia 'Tcqnirer" eays : ^ A i-umber of forte, red ub'.e er.d minor dtfences hwe just been cimplated at Aquis OP crc-:k, rendering that plu..o alcuca: i;nr.r.?gitab;o. Tne wnikk wore cxicut3d bf the troops a;a of Oenr Geary's divisi.-n, who are Bta ijncd p i1 a; thit point. A portion of G«u. Geary's corarrann at JDumrriea nere similarly urn- < fj-'l that position, 60 that tho enemy would ( Bat' it a difficult undertaking to force thcso jja. kej-paints of the Lower Potomac. jDC Tho "Appeal" pcbl-'shes the following f0ll letie? which wm ricked up aftor the utreai o*| of tho Yankee? on lha Tallahatchie. Ic is from a German capta:n to hip wife, and was *** trnuslalcd by a German t Hirer of W'.s.'s j.( Trzae Legirn : U.f Il.UHD Sm.MKii i Eii In front of Fort Pemhorton, ley Ta'labaic'oie r rer, March 18,1363. 1 c?' "tares:, Wife- It is now twenty-three wi days sinco w3 a e on board of Sh;3 fco^t, tr.d pe: E-.veo days that we are bulging this lort; »rl m d - r" r.c far'hcr than wo were at thedr-y J : ! cut a:iivJ We are net as hopeful as we « w't the: wore. ^ !r«v tr.o or-emj his had time to strength?: his cti works -.'id :einforce his lan i force conmdcra- of :v;,d Gen. Ris-i will And out. to Lis c p\ wis ihii h-< bos been too Blow, a? usuaL We will "* :,»w Lave to tr.it till 6m. Grant renda us thine }.rou.ist"i two iron-cw-ed guisboa a i.;ui "ti iweoty thousand mvn for reinforcements. an 1 estnt'lay e intended to make a general c?s»u) ; the guiiboars and the land baltory va weto toMitme the guns of the fort, while we, tit packed i.a the musquito urate, wors to bo bli landed right at tie fort and storm i!_ be <>b. glorious ides r.T a Union so-called gene- !!! es gcE*-yt«Jy ice tr.<vuy haB a woati to ag s».y in rach mv.ierc, 80 w»e it in thli rvt; ih ef«r fi-icg about twenty shots the large co- L) i-.uibi..u of Uie J'.Kf eo disabled cur gar.boat th Gh>i(ico:hd »h«kt iho boinbardtiont had to Lo 66^ g.Tfcs: up, tad the fore icmaincd untaken.. m M p-company is always used aa hkirmishcrp, an ' :ii 1 i)->ve gained a good de»l of oredit for yc :h-> j.temptress and accuracy with which my cs r,.wp my excels all others ia skirmishing; and <11 « o haycalso had the bcuor to bs the only es c.-xnutD/(bat h?s killed a tebel; we killed w. or.o of oiixspwy "B," and took his coin do -ti: » # T ii n i rn 01 oirapauy "i sa xeziS; prisoner I bjv» * good d-a), and h*i d duly to per- «' fcr.... Sutn iiu.t.-i in skirmishing wa bare to bo waist d-ifp in water. It is getting bo wa:io th hsrn already that we ha?o to Isavo elf our o: rests and uoderEhirtt: hit still I end ray ur bo;a keep well. sc <Jtxr men now get half rations r.f cofFeo ?< »nd half ryt; cf the other rations they get at only ha:f. Urc'.o Sam is flaking fast. ha I know no uiuro to wri.o of now, but wUl es krep y;ts postod'ahoat w*a»t iu going on hors, t-.i Of this expedition I bavo no hope whatever, a bloJ ooubi very much wheib-r it will end any hotter than Blair's g'oj'ions Ukicg of th Vicksharg Y'tur sff.-cl tniUi husband, gs H. iloaa. 0: fi.ssicoj.a tn At-uss .Ii the repoit we »eCiive is cn.iect says the Greenville (Ale.) 'Obdorver," fcnd we fear it i.i but too true, Peiwacoia is no more. From a young man who left that city a fsw days ago, it is ascer- q tamed that the Yankees bare'abandoned Penssools, sn 1 retired to the navy-yard and Bur&RCSR, wuns niao miles d stunt, having p-er>ou?ly set lire to the city. When the T 01 sarroi V'' informant left, one cf the ,r irrgret rquaren, situated in lb9 centre of the " city, am which stood ibe St. Miry'a IIaU. 111 ar.si other largo building?, was already envelopcd in dimes, aod the probability is that " ail tho city shaied the same fito. What hisi "i become of tiibt ponion cf her citizens who» 111 |ver^therewe are hot yet informed. In a d*yortw/)we expect to be enabled to tell d' th» whole sto.y, and record for the historian . [of tbi3 sivsga war cno ncr of thj many die- Y bi'ical doeds of Y"c.nkeo Vu'.idaliatn in itt» . nineteenth century. a! hi The Legislature of Missouri tas adjourned d xinidti. Toe session has been more remark- s< ahl.i for what it has net done than for any- ir thing it hao accomplished. It fiiled to fill Lho Iao vacant gobib in ihe Senato of the> o United States; and,in the e^snt an extra ses- xr 8 cn cl Congress, ths State would be uarepre- g sauted. Nu conclusion was armed at and no * law was passed in refcrenco to emancipation, h The bsnks and railroad* of the State claimed a the attention of the Legislature, but only a temporary relief was granted them. The h whole session was frittered away with lorg buncombe speeches and stale jokes. h < Commodore Freeman had visited tho King of Dahomey, and urged him to uo away with Ij a the horrible rite of "human sacrifices." The ? 1 King replied that if he should give up fhoy® | cuaiotn he would be poiscned by his subjects, fl ! Uo sa>d he would agree with the requisitions jl11 of the British Government, if it was possible, j! y J -in the ciuec of six months. j ^ . y * V.. / k -i <fh &a l. #f ?£t fli'' tcuong lbs neb1.!; 3pirits who hn?c fdier. iins 10 Ibeir lore of ciiunu* 1,1 our war nilepviifith?»c -i-o i*y> who f> >.t re r/.f? u r.f.mitir »" >" 'tr ^ < ii' 'ban IvifjTr Jvt"i> P- m, ' hi t f ilitry o.'i Gtit S ') isV -'di I 'pei*'\ t. bU iarhaulo v> jj» i.fncor, i; k- <1 fHs»«s v: i 1 t:.e ipuvkrif°.c.> : '< <\*'-«.'£0!"atiw~. ii;ac'vr .re,-1: o mti iciitly n-di c and ft-rtc . i:'.r< a.ui hr-ar--,*... i. -. f.0 free t" ofii ta rt of w!ic. uui foe;.. <*r e.tuat th:> »ctiul tcayrioa to! Uai f.ioun flattery which f hndship so-j dtsad. ii..'. i i > notd? Ik&sta b>e u.sk , » ..'.ii > « t iri tius . r .. u:s=ga. ..." . .. i i-ov.-ti.-n" : > ! * bnliett of CfeltRns i.ir.-YrJ a »:aft ts's hcu., *re paruaily fccorJ. It ia r.o: tim laogu.go of ur-Tnean- pai».^i'ij; t. de:.a .< that his lo-.c is wr«1 "dr. Aiifionjit»u i j., iho bloomr.f ciuiy to.c .1 (%».i .t roe»A youth in p.rsonol *p-j r«-n>' h- iid al-.esiiy di tcl'S*-'' t < 5- rare n-i.i'.iis vfi.i-p. «T. .;e tbs-i oupcriflatp r: i::C. »f Ago e-r,.J, .spuie::Ca. u1. h;j» b !.* ourS ill nit care-!". Le r.s. labfttn genius f jf ihe tirifo'Mon itaui wbi.'h alro»«i7 fci.tUUd h in iho >* of a gieit St»bl«-.a:j I ill-: tVcu'tiea cci growing »ud icquisir.g nt enjitb, »t Lcn *»a suddenly cali"'i away. . native «'f 'J*3 great Stats : f Alabama, graduating V/est Point, ; >?<. as she cunranord, -o !o.->t n > tun > in iff.ring i^rvictj to :hcS&uih; in-it 'ho uibtum.t cf 1 <t L «iiit iii 'ho C-nl d faie Army. Proroa-Jwg to iLrp>''a P-< ry, ras cw./.eutiy useful in t'r o dsih r. o orzition of artillery, and wm '...ml ins Leiv. which fco fought throng':-, z: -* ba-tle he 2ls: July, 1861, (M tnassus,) with at! r.h-tir. v.-ry BOtl flw:i g Which afterwards i«. )r-T> "o f-umnu i. IIj spnodily attrjcted a'.t nti'-.n of his gtncr&'B, and rs? »n i.t.j by fr rsrs' Smart wub. lb a orga-..:2 < of .t< htltaliono'f Horss Artiiio:y, which cfierwRid; omtavtdeu on cu :i»ioy fc#id !;h: I ;h he justified tLr j ..j-c.-nt nM-.i ( hit capacity and ceurer, kv Ire ecr I:-!* Ttf.t. career ni'.l remain'-.ire <f ra ,-t a-'duses', sgior.a d ar.d gkriaus i«v» the faiuru bls'orian of i,.is iu.' w;!l be ...} uv;n to record. At. Alar.assaB, vv»iosbnrg, Oaii II*rt»cr, >h* Rappahannock, .veto:;, German town, Sbarpsburg. i'no if the Potomic f»oro Pennstjha^u, i.e. Union, Upper* i!V, Mafrth-.m's, BiSV, U:z:I rive", and li'G'.'y, Fiedeiii hsburg >t these ,;nd m tiiy ttiher battles, hap.diij fcir b&ttsii'^ and fought ibcia.how o:ute!y ! .wj;h matchless nh:.11 and ins ! At "Wil-ha-sbuig. tt a crilkel myM in tha day, ii. ; rinsformed the" raw n5i of F'iojd couu'.y, attached to )»ia laty. :nto VitjiaLP, ted ''nrir.g the Ci.:!:»<£.:gn the Peninsula bis B akely vra« as R beutirr, prift, its brave cauimandbr, by his :f-lcsr, v giianCe end t!-c rapidity of b a Ycjutn'j, iaspiiing the enemy wilb «he i o' ub'quity. In the seven days' biitiea and Bi'Lmond lie win frosh lau:elsby niasier.'y hrndhr.g cf bis guns, lriih N'pciena cng kged three batt.ri.-s < f ene'ny, a d fought 'htm with apeniuaciunieiteru g ve, which secured the er«t a-iini'Hli of 'jtnersls Jaokson I Slsart; and »t tho V7hi'e Iloose, atke 1 and drove to ignominious flight a gun :t of the enemy.'bus proving himself the t to rob thoW' fsnp-kd monsters of their rors At Sharpsr-urg hn roramand'd fi.1stsll the artillery r.i d upoc cir left, and get it with List nd r;.t>ftb!o skill and daring ieh vrero habitual wi:h h:n?. Tho g cithat the young bfo's Rchisromiats, however, s probably t-.o htndknguf his guns at iderickshurg. With the easts Napoleon i which he bad v;ed at (Jjid Ilaibor, he k bis post up.n the^rnetny'h left end iutd at snort range upon tires or four of K heaviest batleiitrS ireolly in his ftoot. uy concentrated on hici, instantly, iho s" trtm?> d JU3 ?ro a heavy battery across riTer oyeuing aa eniiUdiug firs upon hi;u but never shrunk, or erased ;j ir h's tbot end fiOell into the^i.. c commanding General wi;h evts.kindg with pride, und the whoio army with lisguissd applause, witueeeed this brilat contest agtintt olds ho overpowot;-and Gen.*L".o excUiu.ed, uTt it glorious stta such couratre in one so yeuog !" lie ight tho Ntpolecn unlil his last round was ^nded, when ha slowly retired, oiniinuhowever, to command the entire forte of tilery on the right throughout the day.. is noi too much tc ray that to h\~ skill i daring tho (kiniiuiiiiicn cf lbs enemy ,3 in no slight measure to bo attributed . 9 last battle <**3 tho Jefpivr tee v«s tt K.«.lsvjlo, Mach 1.7c; . Directed by his Ger.1 Jo j;:-, i;. ri jr.o of the cavalry charges, ,ich ho I. ng.d to dn, he was in the f i.iLsuc: of his duties as chief of artiiUiy tin be f.l". He vras gv>ir<2, to rep it J > a. Stuart u?.; diaposi.inn of his baiionts, on r, iCgiarfcrit r.aa'ge.1 by Lisa &-*i for the tat-.'. ' »rn* 1 h a wsy. He i j±e i.i hit! trup", waved Li : is', . A wist::-; '.he act cheeking lbwa <>r., -* ».; struck vy a "f-g t"it t;f ub":! fpon tbo bead, ;.r>d ziv t telly Ho "lingered until caiiiuighi, Alio n his p »rs arid ur.bltr tpifi; j-r. acd way in irr vru-li? vher a v,o r»r."o r.u.l iotMcd IIo =5" iujflrr.i. tiufi.fu, ir-i elevated tlia pri ro charsninr of t'.e y. ucg U»«ut wt»P, l«l ise who koc^ Li.n cedars. u io mipig-i j to itusgTn i more genu'us ia: dastj ol irtar.ii t.emir.g. Ha never enmed to tkirfc dcR.-rvcd eppUuse for Ms *ploDdid ccur or to compare 1 iuiself wi*.h pay on* tc rir prtjedsoe. At Frederick*burg. Goners] iifl.u*.-ria.ij2cd him hy bdstowicg upon bin e rauce rf ' be g*]!itr.t P-iihiir*'-' but he ;m-d nu'Winickai of thv.t biigbt vriejib o f»ding lsuici, Khali his grut.i ctaon-nde! d.cis .iomradwo had s»ntvrin-.J abound lbs lUtiiful b'. ;r LVs'.o.ga Vc* t: iW Ui C..I1 lied frg.u t.oi a Suii *:!. r. « « -j turor ita GcuenJ, n-vsf i-xlii* >U«1 *.!.» si gh; 11' 40a of Self i 7rJ ran.a.tijrg. >9 h*.; hr al a; a Lai bitn. *s m s;ro<j-r. d u-iRi unrrg t.i «. ckiid I. vr slit that tucu a spirit cfcr.li id iai v»-. }r.' vr .rk befc-e ibn h&rd i<ft> of thi a j 1 '. k Jiiigat away f'om tho brilliacre o 5 goad knight's -tpntieeq ohioM. Voting it immortal.boy in jo*:*, but hoir i< idling '.- ' o.fca pasaeJ away. Ilia girt; r»iccs bid blr«udy been renege:*-d by th rctidtnt with bigacr promo'tow, Tvrjc'u cnb raited t e ernth rcatjen of the Sonet* ; bu iving WC3 ail that tras d3feir*bl« upoi ith, b»a g?ntle rplmtoik iit fiighi, prousc d by the hand gf Death to " her hc-iflfS :i orjghter WOrjd. It w greatly tho credit : f. Goy. Lctche it he i amaig the first,J .ecogn:z i thi dlant sea of AUbstn*, by jpr.intirg lu'r iptain of the Stuart Uor> Arlin*ry." irgijjia bs.U ,y. I: k . i. HVS vr> 1.9 fAVj I.uy D, V imo.V, j A-rpycf NoitboMi t;irpinii, V l ino-1 marcn fcij. iouo. i CStlUI '> iD7.!!S, ) No. 9. £ The Major General Ocmn ,i img approachc ilh ieincta»j'je the paiufu duty of announc g ti> the <iv:.-ion hh irreparable loss i e doath of Major John P ham, command ,g the horeo i.i lills-ry. lie fell mortally mounded in the battle c fllysviilf, March 17tb, with the hattle cr pon hia Hps and the light of 'iotnry beair ig from his eye. To you, hit comrades, it is, needless t well upon what you have so often witnet9e -his prowess ia action, already proverbs da well kaow how, thou-h young in yi-ar -i mere stripling in appearand.remarh >le for his gennir .-di-tty of dcporlinenta yet disclosed battle fiel-.l the cor act of & retr- .nd displayed in his banc >ine perp r , most impsrtnrbabla cooinea i danger. His eye ~ad glanced over every battle fiel f this at my from too first Msr.sssse to th lomont cf hio death, and he was, with a sin ie exception, a brii.'iaot actor in all. The memory of "The Gallant re-hem, is many manly virtues. Lit noble nalat ad purity of character, ii eaehhined aa acred legacy ia the hserji tf ail "Who kne1 im. His record has been bright and spotlea is carter brilliant and suocesafaL He fell.the noblest of sacrifices.cn tl liar of b:s ceuntry; to whose glorious *e: ice he had dedicated hia life :rcm the begii ing of the war. In token df respect for his cherished m lory, the Cma* Artillery and Division S.i rill woar the military badge of mournisg n birfcy days.and the senior officer of sta laisc 3Ton Boioko, vrill plac* l&sninaiaak jMgg ^ » :'ilZ t&df&w'i C-r heirlfoii sjanalby I'? i& deep itibuhiion. L. fii> Mi» n^ ii'K ' p.c.aro'rc-sn h-s to a pw>t s : b >. r > ifa.. lU'ri, itt U! fiVUD l'j idi-.a'C ]'i i urln -j .S:t«: .iut>! lUi * U'. s : i.r ;t iv fo ' i u-1 _u ti h-m. i'.y- rammn i f M»j. Gcu. J. K B. Stuirt I R. Chawmno P*IC=, Mij. an-i A. A. (Jen. Alabama paperii please c*py. THE NrMV'S DEMONS aOAINS'x / >>.* i! f EM2ti T.fX.F1OBTIN C THE CUE FEDS h.iTES aT A Dl:l TANCE. Veahae ji^cuuU 6Uia A.vl'. -»otytlu.;g wa; quiet at Gen. Rua/ headquarter*, in front o Fort PembfcilJU, ou the l'Jth innl. The prca , ^ J * ptciu wr.re mat n timing mtiaer wcuia c <!c; f ar jfeser.t in lhai directum The bc count ttttthev tv.at*?.: Oui otciv occupies go-id ssmpirggrocne ut nht.ll Hound Place, oa me plantation of Dr Oorus, two an J a Lali kmIib above the rebe funifloaUons, end would nrotably re.'Bii the.*: until rsiuforicuian'..-. andfisppliea ehouli reach then. to on ,b!e tkeui to nsaae ihi uffmfiivr. '/here is mo din^-r of uicir bowg ut'.trk-'J, ar, th.i raT»»» obstacle* that exist prcTont thoir tpsritionn a*a n*t tia enemy wi] prevtnt iho e »u:y fro-r. nporaf.ng agaius1 thotu Lieut. Got Wilson, the Engineer of tho ex pediitor, bin Ih'.-'.a^rl r. PCQOine wfcich mi] itsult in the capture of the Rebel positioi without another . The cchetue wa submitted to Gin. 11 and tppiored fc] hitn. a;:'l f.rwaiil d to Gena-a: Prentias, com manning at this posi, who ha 3 at once est ; in progrfec*. Tdo scheme u simply 10 drowi the Rebels cut by letting a vast body of ws t-r into the Y**oo Pass, and thus Hvrcii th Gold water ami Tii: skate h ie river? so 6fi t< ovftf f: a'] tho l*odB iu the bottoms, Tb frit ' f wa.cr through the p*«3 is row aboil ti ;h; feet; Tl.at is, the MLsiissipi i ri»sr i higur. fret lusher it tho herd if the P.?* iliii thb Gol jvr.*'cr river at the font <>! the Pa*» . Ti a water new flows through tho Pas::i will Snob violence sb*r. it is rJinost iinpoesibiu fo an «>tdinery steamboat to stem the c-i-:'i«l At first the great Uiisirsippi 'eve© We8 onlj cut (jt b width of ibout eighty fie;.jus sifScieoi to ie; a steamboat through Into th Pass. This gru has been widened by th wearing of tho water, and I j i.ow about tiv hundred he: in extent; r.ud ye: tho pressur of water seeking an Cutlet through ctusaa torrent in tb s particular spot that r.earl; r?s-;aille-r lbs violent flood a lriio or tw above tho Falls cf Niagara. Toepropositici now is to t-sr th'3 bvea away for a d stane tif several varus, uv perhaps a mde, and lo the water haro a ::vo course throu.h. Gei: PruiMas has already sent a dctarhaont c troops n to perform this work, an it will ba Jolly accomplished in h very lt-i day.-,. iiy refonirg to the charts of Fort Grsen wood tint have been H3nt you, you will oc durVJ that Q po.tim cf tho rebsl works ar a.ready .-ubaiergod. Tfcey ccoupy a ver; narrow iidgj if dry la.id, which is at p;s«tn not over thiee ar.d a half feet at any ruin above the water. A rice of four fee; iu th water at that point muat inevitably dr>r: them all r-iiu long before this can rsaci y.Si all that we can do to accomplkh this de ^irahlo obi ct will havo been done W h»vo then only to await tho results. Tf th AILi«i:.s&ippi riv^r retains it4 pre?ent aliunde c-id it is not yet go high within t fuel r. it »* < Isst rpiiag.there is no doubt <;f th success cf the scbome. But it v. i'i <cqui: time .perhaps two or tVea w«t»tfor the flood to reach Fort Grteuwoct^owin to the width of tbu bottom hr.es throughot all this extent of t»r* hundred and flf ymil< of liver, that n:u<it up according t natural la-i. The whole valley of Cole vritU r ar.d th:. TaJIohntchie mo«U he fil'cl b the 07difl )w hefuie .t can yorii its recall at r "t Gf< eii~oo(l. Bui .he r«-u » urec sure to ccev,'. Ilia writer complains 'that tho guerrilli annoy tho transports very much on tho Ta. khatcbie, concealing themselves in the cam breaks ».nd firing on tne Tankstu without moment's warning. They expee; to drow them cut by tho overflow of tba valley .G9n. Boss was ba ng reinforced by Ga; Qainby's division, embarked on seven of tl largest transports that hivo jet passe through the Yazoo Pass: Other focps, it stated, are in £cadin<ss and awaiting Iran portaiion to the scene of operations in »1 Yazio Valley. i he Battle of TallahatchieThis ta tue mine given by Gon. ho big the engagement 'bit tookpLsca at Fort Pet berton, commencing en toe 13 h instant, enrvospoodent cf *be M«>/»puis ''Appoftl g-.vo# the f"Uovring account of the bomb*? iiiOT.f, ..nJ ll'j im:cd,»;e resets at'encm it: List Wednesday morning the Yankee fl = of guobjaia 2nd transports, to the number thirty jevciL, lei by a broad-hotned ir* cl*<J, which our boys call the Oailly Ooff started bom a point on the Tallahitcb three miles abo70 cs, (where they had tied tbe night before,) and canw ;«ar;'Dg rolii f iho bsad of the river in full gallop, is thoc : they were going right on down to Snydo mills without Hopping. We knew they > coming,^tnd just as the Chiliootbo pok I her no*<s round the comer she r3n egaioai i pjreussien shell frcm a thirty-two pound > riflo that had been playiuliy aiia courteous f firwarded lor bor reception sn 1 welcome, r Tois wan followed by a plug from our whistli Dick, (alongni Jo the thirty-two pounder,) i - the electrified Yank backed up the riv around ihn bend, whore, exposing r thing but he: bvw gu-jg.eleven ioches - she replied to if?. Afior firing four times 1 cur battery, a sheil from the thirty-t plunder exploded in our cotton brcastwor J making tiio balls fly, and she drew cff. V a struck Ct r, in the snort time of the engif f meat, aoveu times, 'that afternoon anotb gunboat oimo in her pl»-e, and, oa a cor j qaencc, It took them from dark till dayliji t next morning to repair damages "We 1 e that day c na killed and four wounded by fri T mints < i shell, and fjur slightly burnod o the ignition of & small quantity of powder, a On Thursday the engagement ww uii - portaut. No injury sustained by us. a On Friday morning, wo discovered tl they had succeeded in masking a battery r heavy pisres in the dense fortst in our fro a and from this, two gunboats and a 13 it a mortar, they opened upon us at 10 o'clock * y Tho fi^ht 'Vao kept up furiously throe; out tho day, closing at 6unset. One the guns on a gunboit - I think the St. Lo .waj p 200-pounder, the others on^i boats 11-inches, the morter 13-inch, and I land battery 24 pounder rlflas. It is fair say that a projec'i'.e was io the air all 1 time. They appeared to ha of every c< ^ ceivable shape, from the ppherical to lamp-post style of architecture, tnd some n them, I rerily believe, had long tails, wh were defiantly switched in our faces as tl wont whizz ng and howling spitefully 1 harmlessly by. Our phot, shell, grape i ' canister fell so thick and fast in the timl ' that we succeeded in spoiling one of th l" gun9 in their land battery ; but they are industrious set of skunks, and in two hoi ® they had substituted fjr it another of smil J* ClllOre. At about oni o'clock r. ai. ono of the gi 8 beats withdrew, baily d»m*g5d The otl stood it oat, however, though btruck save timer, unti! just cs tho sua was setliog, wl l" your correspondent Doted the direction of last three shots from Whistling Dick. Tl 3 wore to the point; and ths broad hora w rcund tho corner, c la crawfish, and dif " paared. It is proper to say that tl 6 stand'bow on and only two can come t l" time. They dar^cot tarn rouod when t] tt' want to withdraw, as that would expose tl tenderwt parts. You may know that b* e ing a clumsy gunboat up stream is ho oi a businsia. bines then, the engagements hi v been of little or no importance, so far as can see. This is, in my opinion, but an advance pa of a most formidable expedition, and we I forward to, ouO are preparing for a long, < r- perate and bloody struggl®. Major-Gem i- Luring is in oommand here, and he intend fight whda there is a foot of ground e- a man of his command to contest for it. tS , it Yankee papers asnouneo the capture of if, British steamer ^Nicholas I,^hr the Uo £ 'V * * '" "' 5 ? ['"Tt Ore Lradis I..is?,"J POLAND. The inaarrsciion in Poland ksa nc * becnc ® r rational sisinr. Thi isolated resistsr.ee of " a few brjsds of desperate conscripts h s de; veiOj-cu into a revolution wMc tasks all tb« of Ruasis lu nr. l.rcti against if. 'ihe osl, trustworthy i unr.lion v/Nic*" r> aches th's cuurtryif *h ogtena of the movement. in ' ho -bap) < f u og a.'G f Lin tho Aufriii *»d Prss».«:'.n f n_ tierr, i.; r trrsiari!v ve:; /* '*»-,t d p wba-. ( (. lOring. W.. «<«i t J Iff » gr< jV. j btff'. *:ari pa'tliS of I'l-iiiaTj^rn u : " - gentu, wh:ch sty very ltliln, ex sj»t -.l. ti/o insur-eotion txt-nds ov.r a v.r; v.i«'o *rc.v Thra xnucb, however, in*y bo ssti v: i: ic - e certainty, ih&t the insurgents hive, on th« ^ whole, had lor a f-w .Java the advaru.r-', a-: J - are row beginning to ice*» i ; tiai ts.«.v r.rc 0 far better provided with armithau a. u'..i s ^ been expected, erad that t.iy cio mnttsnded by offices of sorco expcr'c cce. A rough not cn cf the s»at if the cm d c. i }' 1 bo gwea by f-esciib'ng a cierc:. ».\.c - r.j, : on tha cno band from the ptbt c! j <r.c>ien 1 of the Austrian tad Prusiiin fiunGcm a i littlo to the Xorth-cest of Cr-.cc>., pti 1 thsoco by the °rcntl:r if (juiiica, ami tb'ii 0 by the fjoii'itr between Kus ,u '.roper et» i ; Poland, t.» c'ro P/.s.-iwi frontier > ren.lv to tho rioith of Wsra-vw. Wtrhsn .?.»» 1 whole of tfc** district embraced ly t lini'O. that :o cay. by far tho largo: -.vt of the kingdom of Poland, tho insur;* c t ] general. It tx->nrs, hawover, >-ty i>u tfn r frontier Lto Ruests it-.e f;. and it c t i i probabla that St will very sous, <o i'.H Cr. ..in 3 destruction, exter.« over'tie p.ustiin suit j Austrian f.orticid. la fact, tho insturicxti.s: - | ecorar. to have a stronger hold at the ju :ct" tion or tho Prussian atd Au-tiisn f outiors i than aujtshtio else; altho. gh-i: k*s »'s~ r sprt-ai over tin* whole of the proviccta cf a Sind-jroier end Lublin. a The Piussian Government, which r.t li>Tt 0 wsiJ not ranch disturbed* >8 now, it fcccr-.n, 1 eertous'y a'a-nud, aud i*oop« a*^ pourinz s into htlrs:a, at tho south-west tc cr . f i wb'cfc proTiiico ;h.* danj-sr flevrcs t threat » - moo*. Laior accounts Fpeak cf part tf u Western Pitifsia as ia » very excited outc . r Talegr*:ac frno; Kug<t*n sources ap..ik < : dct. ciairo victories tod by the RusM n t Ot y 07er c jr-K:>j*rable lodtra cf in orgt. b, .! o i i on? ne*r Wouseak, in the pre*iacc tf L :ho Jin, in which 6,000 insoigcr.ls r.ere altacit L n by (je" Midland wots com*Mtly daiccto t;i.rv/.i iitmiicos of peasants lfcrctrir.fi e down their muskets at the fl'Bt fire .rnd the a other roar Wiin», in which tbc ijsu'rertt y lost one thousand nan, and tho Pus.-, a s o but twelv". rf whom, bowtv.-r, tix u we:o <fiicer>:. Of ccutFe th-so r.te-.eo mentp »nus* received with tear, ilr.-M t, it but it m»y be rssuoied thr.* victori .6 O* i. some sort m:« gaiue.*, aud, indeed, it it t> if bo expected tfcit wherever a la-go d forco vroil 14 lippnd, c jnies into c.-Q c. wnh v the msujRcuto the latter viil te si.tnsi'y beaten. Their fltrerg'h lies in lb? gaeruia 1- warfare. The P.-.tSsan Goverrment is t i dently aisr.i.e.i st the progrosa which tr.c e rebellion =a raa'.i g, snil the Enp.ror to*, i" seems di-i.nu.*l. ».fur havi. & C bora'.?' it provolf'-i Via. the tlfcl al j .urml of h.. t Petoroourg r.iii-ita teat tho rec uinr.fi>. 0 was ciitdudod in an uspsuil nicn.-or, but . ,0 excuses it 03 the ground »h»t too G vcrrii meat had beeu aware for xnor hi tral it 1- would be the signal f-.r inijurrectsoa.t > t*y e to conciliate the Poles. Tba iccruitrnent h*s 0 btien 6to{pe'l. Many of ih» can crip'.s . cv.i .i bcon J'bsicted. Tne repoitG of the Com c 1 9 of uie heuc :A>; i u to bo tin" p ur « in tho Po ish iao<<n'.';'1o; and tfco Co noil e of the Empire h»'j hc?n oidorvd tj prep.v« sever?! m;i«iurt'S.cf bu: slight import it g must bo /mowod./or lk»> to'oroi of iLj udit m^aiatrsti-n of tr.o kingdor. cf PAi: d. « Theee cfT-os came loo lcte; i( Polsrd is to L'u o conciliated, :t must bo by mora subetsfcal coul- cession a. Thoro is no midway now botwceo r. v hrjy measure ri j s si'round rigorous ripfesa sion. "Vf Lea a Russian genera! does no'g TO a satisfaction, be always filliuir* si!. Gen R»psy, the ccmnunder in Poland, a r'eictn an", iS we suppose, of coma Scotcheoldier cf fortune, . has had an attack cf »j»op'o*y, aou 8amukin takos his placo. "We wiii us) :!io * falsehoods to d b/ the Ruisian tebgtaas s about the m*835cre of the soldiers by the n insurgents, tojuatify a hope that tie story _ of tbo attempwd poisoning ct tvc >:a>qu'. j VT-nlcp jl ki and hit f. m.ly is a foul inv. n i:"> a' to dspiivo ^the Pules of the ?yn;p:'.!i/ C" 10 Eurorv. ;d . . r aw uilflinj. a_ A co.ri'Hpontli ni of tho New York''He's !" m pre-er.-tt the following oi'*'.ure of theriiiiti of the footstep.? of the in this ouoe proud city : The chonga of cShir.i ir. New 0 ca w be be't:r aodetjMrd by Ticking » e I J acd fct, Charles !i->tel_ iho l\'.'~r in t in . [ of peace at this CLMcn of the yen? "i, u. :ya a crowds d t} excess vriiii the bciucy, \<-ahu I" and of "he S>uth ami S U'.l: we/ ; 'he .3, rotunda vr.*"» .siwayb filled tri'.b caerc ar.it, nlar.terH or Nonharre-s, who wn/.« rpes .r., the winter in rha Bruin either on busir c i. pletuirt. Now the fpaciocs d/jtwis/, took j :ef are deserted; :hs lr.d;cs' dining r- 'Lc. Usod to p'eseDt, vbca '.he g'KB*..-. Of nn ware all an3eHabled, cno of the m at br.ll *ct ^ 6cer.cs to bo witncrs&d oa thfs c v.'.l ::?, lc' no w phscd, tni lbs rulufl ft tabu; ; \rt!y u? ttlltd ri'.h men of nn ct'.irb'y dU r.T »p_v poarfui-j from those who C007"-r«. d id; 0 only u year.". ciccc, tn-s ctiii.y B'jyr w<i»r'r!g th-i uniform rf tVj «:my add na7y of the United s at.a Th Jtvcti tft presents » etr*rg*coniiastv.i hiVim .; Tacn the masts of bandteca upon r r. rd. j of thips C'.>uLi bo S'-rn ts fa* n it <-v : f- u:C reach, crowds of Lug a b'tesznho&tn -* < r/i cccBtJiit'.y anirng and deperttrg, tr.e , ..as filled with cntjyii, tjoacco, faurir r.r.mo' hEses, ready fir ejpnrt, sod ia.Tgj c r,.';:a < f ' the mar. uf«ct urea of the N:itlj vcr > Lti g . lnndid fir distribution throughout thi3 hct1 lion cf tbo country. Now a fuw so r.. cm * be seen in either d strict; a dcz -n steam bovts c.jinpr.3 i a;i at ihe icTte, srd they ate p cipclly in iho employ cf the qutHmn -;.r, 7Q_ and the long lino of heavy nh'pi f wcr 'er moored elf tfc/? city presents a 6'ght u v iffo.o nacii in Now Orleans. On the iuvc- a ^ £.7? boles rf cot-cn h;-re and there, z fo«r thousand hogsheads of eagir ard berrc. t u; molasasa, cronpnus cli that can be witni s*<d in the way of. undo ; and tbo lusg lino cf » closed store i aid warehouses, with the , proprietor >' names painud oat, niva ivi- dence how nuch the hutine a of New Orleans has fallen rfl". The picture altog. tker 3S- is a very, very sad one, and the elrtr.ger, . looking upon it naiura.'Iy asks himself, *li' r. a.' will ther* ho a charge f;rtho better? To ie eay that in my opinion there i i an intrt-r.: in ' the Union seniioooDt tmong Lko poop'o t f-N- w » . Oilcans end the tunoundirg country vcu.I ® be crcelei&g a wrong impretrion riccng the ^ -Herald's'' ltado,a. I Uu nottl.'ink co; fori atn confidant, from ali I ecu h»ar from ih .te 0 who are nit cn'.y f'sioniats in he:.ttv, but ,0 who are in the employment cf the govcntuwni, e nothing has been done to lead the pe p.'o to 5?" suppofce that it vas the i'lteuti ;a of tto eminent to: ule them save with a red of i v.°} I m»y bs premature in this asso ti:n ; but'if tiihe is tr.ij- of what has been told ice by g. i: ley tlotacn of die hicbcst :«j/ijy.-ctabiii.y, and men, i: is r.c woi.Jer there w iiu kya.iy ln among iba peoplo oi the South; cntlie con)e.r' trary.ibe only wor.der :s tint a sr-.rk cf eir Union fefJing c*:; be found remaining. 1 hero nQ wiil r.'. ?i:oe future piriod bo nude tubnc a |!rs hisro y of our first occupstiin of N w 0.*er | lean?, which w-.J. if there :3 any h .n.s v cf lr...mnca trTionir <vi* r»POr-lo tt ifcc Noftb^ Uj. f*- - , , jj r cause them to cpin thu'r eyes and worker xaj that any fuccuss cou;d auecd our rawro 10n presented as ithts neon Li ih.s s'<vi n f the lh8C0Un''-v- 3«7 MISCELLANEOUS. ent p4C] JJorphy has r.ri ;»« «.] in Paris., aP' Tiglicni, ih«i ceiebrti-.d tx-?ar«nrf, j;, much rrdurfdrrccniariiy.and hairnet:-ccd lt a /or «a:e in Pars, the ccttiy pmrnts £!Tl;i to lt^r her by kirg-, I'rin Oo f. a^sUtlffi :f t>0 pircuettt. ^gy a portly person coolonipl&tio^ f-r ::.-eo fcTo minutes the ponderous dimensions cf-a bywe slander's feet, said in'e tore of niter wonder, as hi surveyed Lixn. '-You'd have fcetn c. Jty mighty tall man, if they b»d-.'t bout you cfT Qok so far up," leg- horse thief, recency ccr.vc'.o I a', tfco eraj Ezetor Acsizes, before Mr. Jusiice- Byles, hi.d been eentenced in the island of J.mscy. it> three months' imprisonment, and t7e years,' * banishment to England. M. Iagree ia to draw a head ot Caspar to 'the embellish Louis Napoleon's Life of this warited rior. Tho. drawing is to bo a composition,

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Page 1: IBS ffeliMfc fniptaj'whigot.vone "-cek. stw'i A l-sf'ti nf.*'.i * N1P. 1 OhSil&AL UHDKRS | No. 33 \ 1 Thii (xr,ia of offlc'tit firoidsut, e duty

JRpr V- -v..



IBS s i»&*^slichki* stwi v;airs.> >«

by i rugs & ALUatK?TRR>f«

ytfT i'AM*. - F<1 *!Wi « .t. fiftec. : O V,f -< v

Sanilis, eight"' .* -.r^J/nr ;. «;v*.i His mualb*

n«Jtl WlKTLT.- JCCC. tea u«. Urj . fftr01 nwntbe. Aw * !'*. S« wi*«nrfj'A,i« invlv.-nl ft.13H than «is awtf*.ffaui-r,IM, fl»« <5;iw», (m .<*

(J^ctis. Uuiki "iuiit.-. 8.% 4Db*Of!;i;l:.r> ,-c.«! < <' fi>fIjrt Sian a B3'T.**l.Jj-aaba rtUT# 1':.^^{IW, rv^. vf'

p-uW 'l'1, *s' tft*; K'<ft OEV U; l» .^iVhm* In fhii ! '.lif t ? rft tfc# ~

\ l-- IS/jifi*«« - -.» i\ ^.',.,1

sou.''' r1" ,M- "

" tt -nir*" " .-j- <ci.*»; ccwfnn?* n v;^<-.

Sii a.i' 1-; m . vat.>.:.. .. ,

aM*rriae tbsy wftl V^l. -« =. * !coaisltil' * ir.ii -rf .* w . »s . t

*ritew tb"^-cf.

QE^^L~b"BI)ES~S."JIV. ..i?i_' 'Srii-H

wv.uowiv April 1. 1S63. (V i >} .

S... 3-S1. The attectt.n of commanding and oilier offl->ra li

o';eJ o :h? aot of Congees f prli Stat. 1862, tspubdsbfd In OtH-vtjt Order* Ho. 25 f that y-kr. xnoie rij'c eaforcemoat of the nqnl^MnV cf thaia r, on tie part of. roin«iacd:ng officer* .Strain referredto N 'Tvaoi iinptrUnt »o the Interest o> ihoK-r.t'*

ii. lh? geographical ilnvti of ;h& .orcm i.a.1 ofIfeut n n Geti-rd Lo»;g3iiaot, emopcHg mo defeTtnotI ' iSvi Mil extending «: u h to Include&r S'.no of North Caroltoo, iha whole ntdoc the «<>

p-: vision >-ni re^erei direction of Cener.nl H. K I,w.»C1 olviJed intoih<ie military depa:tin-nfs. . s f<-ilo*sAli north of tha Jamas river, tor the dr? ace ofRichmond, wl 1 constitute the Department of Hi hjaaud.under Major General bisv7, headquarters Richmond;all that portion of Virgl.Jn wrath ottlin Jsaosriver and cast of 1 ha county of i3ot»b»«un, will coastltntethe Xh,partineju of .St-uthirn YirgiaU, underUajor-Genetal FVnch, headquarters at' nvroo oer.tialpoint uear tbu Blach Water. Tbc S'ata of NorthlioUna "ill c't.-a i nte t>-; T>:-p:utrrcnt of NorthCsroica, cn 'or ii ju G r.»10t W. Uiii, headqu*rtea G-ildaboio*.

111 The prl."o of beef id let trsnefeir*! it: anc'cdua evitlt Paiogr.-jh II, Gi ne-al Urdws No 61, of 1863,wilt be at effig r»>s, iowiir For g«e»n Sites,

flva '4t> ftHte'j ten cen'i p;rp,und, la the lV ne-Mitvlsaipjil Depirttreni ; for allf*s( hides fast of the>Ut>di«ipjii river, thlr y c-u.'-i psrpucd. T- c-e priofe.'vui b* p id by the qu-r ericast-r»*od Rsslaiant qiirte.'Ci-'u'ere t > its comuii<.o»tieeus'rL-fticg th;m, -nd 'ho litter will acooont f. r the;n'd thus :<y«lve ' f.". their n'X: acc.an a ounent.

i\' by G n M vrd.-is No. 61, F.tragi^pu II, Hatipiirs fr in 'his office, qu- rt -tiu jsto a are fOnxved tot«a: on -.h* h rtiuroa, wnbnl. ncc* and wacous f,»r 'ho

, trs' so tt»'loa 0* icgiment h I ospit, 1 Rtpollea, tieleau^ »u ' viivcia. It ie -*!«o their day 10 Jtet-p themii k. r.i con i ica «*i reedy f r unlive Vervi e. Comit., ,»* will rtqnhe iho j e-forcanri' of this datv.

By crie(Signs'") r». CO"I'£ft,

April 3--1* A. A I, General,whig ot.v one "-cek.

stw'i A l-sf'ti nf.*'.i * < ; ,rStCMy-vn. vt-.'vh 06'h. >N1P. 1

OhSil&AL UHDKRS |No. 33 \

1 Thii (xr,ia of offlc'tit f iroidsut, e duty willeftar bo cc.rrpn-e-l ixrlua:v. ly a« foil sa *, vis *

l»:. : tS'erd of the ny nhir ome ti-rate r-ray i'_ta;;: bv 'h- *>Var f>ep -rnnent f -r Oidi-anco 1 n y.> >,!; r< of 'hs P.\ visional Artillery uppointrd

BiCe til i' I of C ng-W. A;ril 21. 16C23. <>£ *<* thr. PrT.viibiiH Artillery fjr t irduwr.-eivy *' piinte i UEvvr -,ct cf Ifi h i-|< tmbar. 1863.'la. lid ng »' t res n: those ? dc*v noilor GeneralOil r N .. 13, 1863..

4 h. Ecere of artllt-ry la *.t i'rovUl nrl trmyand volii itw .on*, tipp-luted n.act of Ccs^rcst,ippr ved J. nu try 231, i86SJ, ;s ' «?t'Ji=-d 011 cr.lnoc a

cs'ty ry tV A ar ii^pirticr.it.5 h Off'i'"'"* of the Ni'r. ?.pd M.il3g ba-'v-ta appointedn Oct act of vtocgrer*.li.''fficp'i h-nt ,fors : > orduanoe dutv

ait rr provlslop- of Ge.'.crn! t"d re "fo 21 ?,9d No 46of s'thurgh not fora,!n>i » ;> r' - f ins OrdranoeCorct will < Mu:ne * 'ec--gtiiz-jd la he r portions

Iairil -i rf C. r.y Uv iJ'Cguiren: '-f otficnr'i of theU;:nAti.-v :i» cc it.triv -.11110lnt>G or drta-lel.

g Hi j-* '*Svirvs of »c A. M K W.OA .of >nef ^B (tu. v" 'V Vr,.c|»e40 bete ti'd ;n » 0 HeRefrif **'t" t'ot! II Vy Wei",y BB . g. A TM »t IIIcl b or#, Vr:

MM N0.!''1 "goo* hr:.!»lo<( clilinl »gilc»t the **SB * inc;*. k. BOTMN, aer.M , wLe~.be/ bj jjjfl «» j. \ '*'- »' » ) leqireud Is praeat iLia m<u«/»'- H it," ,

' rD# ell pcmoDi Ln#e*>ttit to kb'd s<-|« H.,.\ t> anke peyxe't ef t%**M " 11 * i£«e to U>e uad't-'eae'd.H 8 «- KOTKl"/,» |B " p M n .YKIVr M . .

' 9 pn- J B- FAULKNER,' " ! 0 N M £ R 0 H ANT,ii SBMj^Bon. w:i iiM.-.Ji!), « ».,

m > , P!toi>t?c£^B S3Y T.'-«K»TT. who h-« > J' H ofcte.^B i-t.. 7 '?» S.... Che ettc c «.-». j^ QH " "fv.ho.i*-., !'«o*ly croA^ lci ty j

li f-.'-nCKV A'AILUOAD, »,11 W ..CEao«o Kurt) '>. I fS 19 (I* .,i vnK,N{J - HEDULEil* S t.7 " S'"Y tr» >. l, >a,. ib. '

M *' *«a :a l

,1 *® WC A. e. ».iai«?r*.':5r «»/» r ts j9 ht.'l <:,T r*°! -iTlON T'J t IH.rSfl >' *10 » *" *,r * «a< Titstaiiip JevtePete/p |H txoeitid.) P. H.OI .L IL H ?T;r.:idaJfnt

u S s- *V,.»L W*A«V A CO..£ 1-\«?V.^^A' *^*

Bl-^ . .. *r1~,

{fibers :i uJj clan wil: oe leplnocd by ifci rovjrrLiflv>p cislid oSH ;ars (: << !rd«*' t-r prdiiAi.ee du*y. attbe : !» * ! n t rcy OeS' r*l C'-ifmAS-'iSv an >1121<y

cr w'neu ;b-i Int-itest tit tiw tis rvi.o rtqalrefiIt.aL "a ch.osr « «ii! > «cojirr.ajoJ ;aUd to rh» Ohwf

ofOna->ae»t ichanond.III. *lt tla hrrge of ar;en.»R .-.miotic

*oik»baps d- p !* or otter w!*r» cotklspsr[jisudbv d u i^uJ aan. who ::f> p. d IL» Drptrtmrtt'ii .h.:> -re rtrp; .y^d, .u.5 «.i jelin.-jnisbcilia tcr ; iy e« -oldieis* iiu.il in be :r.esti.lv ft^nrrtto the chl- U A .hsir rc-rt . vp burmnx.C'Kitaiaing tellIliac;d J t.- ip'lur.e of tie cu::i vcf'b » t*-> rwt si8t;Bfnt.!it.- p .7 tb-'j m- e.vn. .

Tines ipj.-.r'd «lu tso fonv-rclrij to the Q urlarra «

UrOtO'T.. t'ur ibe in uruiaJos aoJ tj ii hti e 01 tiePly Dep r m.'in:. :o pwttii th.' pa; nisi: i.i frapijnfcni

IV. j»l] G-rarcle nr ott"- otKctn C 'CJttAcctne tuiilwry-lerjirtuieata or fUtrirts vrili require fr»tn PivtrvaiSu'^hiM 8'j-i o^sim:DJno:« of pri* ns mont'ly report*f alt c izoo# a A o'-ht" ptisans. nor oiiicwedwithUn» irtsy tu-vi in cvcfinwrieut, *!'.hipcfl.a l >ui rf iia'» ..n-1 o o» of arrert, and bywtoaj wrstd >». 1 ouijia: kd w.tfe »a h remarfee ?atbey a n. £**< .{/<. per. aua ! 1W: r 1 ila Sim*. withoutCiUy. -o :i '3 < flj e.

Py ni'sr.(S vcod. * - ivtipJik

/; -' 'ruii. Gpc'1

Tba: !* yj t'T v»-rh ulsreh £7- I «

C = 'IF A'lERKA. .'AVi' DtPAltTMENT.fHicaai-Kli, Ii 513 1563. i

lOti'U'iAl DEU ]AL Av.Jnj nii(Lhvn.;u In tc- n*vy.8 rvliiT nOoet

»aa un fill be ext>nl:-e '»u tbn en-: thetext cab r»t ibe a.TAihl t ?.\n v!z- Pichnioao,W'dabj-a.."., Cbarie«toc, K*»a-.-n-U an J Mobll«, by atocri ..£c'-.3 lo-" :iu pn:p !s« and i;*Ci . i/.e risesiiJog officer of tvn i-ysrd tchrtit M/'iTciKi a. th. lr ati'.tlOLii; :ffp?: t.r \y.|7n« .:'i n tnei e'.-wi i r-.v 'uv: o, fri>rt

skkiAvt >r.a report At the f.ti im 1 jn-a'ra: th-lr:*lv. o. wi.v'J ::.e Urir: ojho t -i > rllOie »L-vtw-

! '

* .'J'T.'-a'. C.vh-«< will tv ex nil" 1! -e fol.orr*1?--.. :oa Saria^iico. .'i-ao-.m hWii. Navol

n Tictiv*. N vfi! uociterf, K'dMin M*.hi f-y, M-jdura2 Lsjn.iy"g tw^iuo <' i. -ij(i .n tc? siae '-7 ncbt-rs bat cul «o

J CfirtCaj; ,»Tiki Ct.w.PrHcti-vl Ssajt'oBRbto, Navil Tnr

Gr.n&ery. Ma'lieamtlca. ritEif* and toe9Uh 3iQj:p« i r«t h, Orally acd Dri^iir^.B »'oni»»»t I'm. ;iatlv»m*»!< *, R\er,-i e vT gcacvt ({QuaB *sj vtl*It , i tl.K* & ; } Pitl'l R RSsl

1>M41d.;S Is-w* ii;.g r&i rhip'ueu. - ).. h~ v* bv; r^c nviy

*Wi«aVii. siaijsct ;o exaa»in»»s| »:i, «nl. .ufHi j'»H8(r.gI iltf ax!w..!. v»ia>t<M{i'.<n, ext:Sr» ! - < !' fisia'!->a v of eoo.1 in r-»t cLat «.npr. ;'t>i R»n<«;

9 tr.lswatj; i>"i n frmn Uirtat'cnH toineii 'i ' ,-o* i rtr-yu, fcivl p r.'jtra '.h- )-xcn9fj ojs'8'i.n. f;> ari haip-ic vii: »uuisrwJkta*rwl>fl aav;. M| :i tt <.,..a ioulttp'io-Uon a'-c division of

*fc» t.z i.^ers JOHN K. MlTOdrLL,tan«!'i ia h.:.o ot oT- p i>: «).-'- < '.n : I'jta'l.

jj By orO r <.f > rittdry of li^vy

] pvotjcE.X rifl s>< iKi>i>\KViLiA e. a i

N hrrcHxsTuruT a fSrr cK. f' B (V r rS-'iVKW 18:8, the rat a f Fauetgtr'9 «'<( . r '.h1- to id ! I e a - f .l.ow*:9 'iCinF.ifo ! ns.-i-'B t, -#* 80« (2 4n . t 83

JX ?* J <ic Jo ... H 80' a. uj Put<-T::» 8 25

M 11 ! « d> a *>H ,? U.nvi 'o ... 8 b)n n -> 1. rtn 6 feC

ME« W'T'i, euful Agent.'f v(.hrso (1 Med l>»n»'.!n- R R.

[ »ioa<iv."iu a:»u rANVUIA i. & i> m SicnioxD. ), : ». )

fl ::oticjk.! 9 CHANGE OF feCHfePDLE.

cr ao:-. 8 ih:t.-.'n n<M«<08-lvriI V '5« f I] xi

9 WiV PASEiWO.-H TiiAISI g^S '«*» »Icbmrcd y (e»o r< 5un 'ar-) »t7^:8>^ aI |B ,/ * %r»vc In anvji « p u Kll] Da'*

I % 5 u a,?.l iirriT91" BUinond *t 4 40 p M.

t 9 THi'S-jFOK LYJtCHfcC. 0 AM)B - tHl 3VKST

B t^'1 Rl«hm- n 1 AiS'y «l 4;W a. * , *rrlr!csr alH c< «

' 11 " e' r a w :j -'»v® Hotkevi le kt 10 p. k ,jn 1 -l.'f.n oi < at 4 o'c'.Oi kA. «ZH§ , , JAMfB B. LSVTRlt

|H Tiakit Agent.J P",^ H'UK.-A P»M!1.T I.r KIGRE^t:-1..Cocf9 *Cj JJ ' H ''Ti^AS,! fovd fans htid, asejroI ^9 W>. *''*) mi 8 rh ctje. To au; our wlihingJj 'J*®1 *. 11-*« i. w AppllpjVoo made to nit

N fl^l ." '* .< f ty i. tt«r dL-e.'tr i « 'hat rf3 * »'Ji reeJO..N *. Ki< X Jx.

i gw;°® * °®ratllsa'ir attention It aehad to U-o enlo cl » »»l5»blj i


TUH PIT, n< lSo'o'ook, Mtosled on franklls ttffe, bsiaWccu SJifl .vT.-t iUih, by order of lie oo >oi*«ljher.ALSO,

To the ,5Jj oi theROC3E"'OLi> ATD

JUT08M 70UUT0LK.Bee eoo'lon h'arf.Apr iS-H TH'S. W. gtrBEE. Aut'f.


IliTleg taken the oannndloti and extensive Iron F-onsWaro^oaiH, recently occupied bp Rein, balawla A Wlll*-:nN i. 1.6 hoi IS Mala *: reet. and p: oporto/ wlth'na low d«j» to »ian»fer ur bnilim U> that p^Lui, w«ih*Uhold no fnttber jiaolo.a'n at iu* p-e»?it ipecl'on.Meantime wetare/j-i hand a la-y,e tUe if.


I'ce no'lce w 1! be ? ve-> of the Cr3i public «Vo at onrr.t" plrr.e Ct bu^'nee..

, r «#! .artia. -3, N; C3 Si.ss eirm, oow oo upiedby ue. wl'l i. f r reel WU. li. tO.eLB 4 tOSH

prtiv. oiJjwC'.t.-'yrUiK i lieutieof AairJUoji, r

Mcbicai rrnvur-iR's brncs, ISicbtno d, Vit.. april Hi, lbcS . J

£ LAD:»d ojp tIBGIMA trill ieDder 'he3®- -aa Coifroe e e'Et'al io vice If they winI. tereet th- rselce, 11 ion cu tore 01 tr a 'tard'n Poppy a«

| a i- o-r, of .npjdytn* o<-e cf ihe n.est rMsible ,e3ierilo)nfje.-lf u::d 1 s the tienutn* v, tfu r'oi aid wouaded «fthe ar- j.

J Tr.e J e ;iudl. « 'r->re >he pio turd c ptu*s eocu'dThai j.u21:l»ttV hifi'-Sftf, b» o^'tric: ; x>.«s up end for

fet-Jo'tolb* csJ.;i»lrni"l.Xft'tf a i *w.n»' lee.'e of fh* *cp;-r »l.'. Ix pa'd ilbb'tti

rrijr f?r ih: ro i> n.r y r-tr:v bo».a<3e »i 'hi* dvpft.K. W J0KN3,

"urgt r rjl SJcrtl fujTeyor 0. B. Atnj.Ap ! 9-I* »

I -j>: VQi o *' ? sHrLls BkiJanWivKlaOST" i>i5J * 113 B if.--The term f ir whloh 1 »«»

in rriwtM i y«u In t'm ' e.tnte f Vis jloia »U> o*pri>« »b" C Mi :&te c;\«. Pur cq »b<i ptHod of m» leprerr.ta'nr»-tvIr*.f.TP the adept* s i f the prr»eut(UQ!:n v..u fcua oeec u.y f.rneot d-a'-o to r-flj<tyour

wll*. liow f«- tfcef *«-v!"S b f C'O. p.iled »lth y urwishen *tij luter-et*. It lj Sor eiutoj.dgs aidtocner.O ..'I ll» O . lEiA'P3. *

i'be tyi*Mm'*y srkb whl-h yoi have honored nui wlihj.m: oi filto'o pUtf oi.d r obligation wblcn I »m».nVlilui! lj c:s-f*»rd. I,-hoT-fore. tenner you my tortli.-sjam. ki^a^c ajteif » oaccUate for re o'ecnonAjfrPS-Btt Wtf. F THOv»PdO.V..................,

fy~-7.,A Th* lad n *a) pe-'.Uiren ot3v33» RI-) in nd amretiftf iiy 1. f.u m-d -.battho dels:of hi COSCkETj in b £ \r by SSr &n.J tie Mticte *'o

v.aoil oeea'iouetl by lite cut.-* ilvalds a poitlon cf IbniQiiimnentii «#e t <i« tru 'c no.wu (*o . rgan and harp.)Das notice vtU re fclret of in- Art p:rfcr«pinc«.

eoril it-flitiri - '; rB °*

JcOS-. " 'C KM Ml PUD W « YIn «' rrio-tr*v»! -,pot poceri to 1 Cf *0-T AP2.iL 7 b.Tiin rrcp 7 * (.»- - toV<i»»..'»-.t -r ctp'tallsts

r. rMm' IP.~ii On ib inil Pni'ora. »|;1 c»:i m'-"-.<3 S.t <ta '.b mo-rai) H

m- at. toe her rruthtt. 1. formation 11 tfct wtic ebon'st! V£ : feiiioru "til h. t I.f :l!y ror. (T"! at I'tiliT.b ;r^a>i.oaii.WI, \7 3i intiisUS fDLFvXD.

i- a -rb Zy.d .t".r ; !. i j 1 ftC« .- »T 2., 1rfa U. !-t* :iil.ilvg. fyc.'s.lB !i, v

» m. oj. d-.tinary SO. IhSL. (t v *; < i \ « no fire.

I'tst 1 ." ! 9. .3!i-.'l «; '.bb. i) l.K.t.i*.!'. 1 » -IK

» - ti'; i- :« a -. i jiOer o' iofumhtid 'tr theV 7:, ywi!J*u,fi).'"fM"r ftlal,

r.-..rrr to'isd. Wii "- urj; D«riy':, Oi'«(*i:'« *..1?irrt n <i>n6a, .»n., ai' b. 0307 not!5»d to it ti lt

..31. va*ltl'"T'., it -r-' Ie at . o.t'a""!. 4s itiri t o-il'05t

! - »;.r, war ^ ij. p'.i o»*-tft-.'...rtfifAjo. .if , do bernfiy -pp-jlut ... o! 1

j >i ^ <5 <i-.ro. isibt. to *:tr:. roct'-T-f for, tt i*orl*«i* ~ 1.! w s"« aao t-. rr.» by tho Sct*c«-«. b>cpartj

...- r. 01 sdiratciStc.iai ' imtrtft, For Irtsnt'Ctj .> ri, rtit'layt^atlabOrM 01 tb« d«ftOi!«> or »-»t

j eup-n-uia.l

j .

I .jtw 0! »--2 pe:«. o «>t ntk.iJ) r.-o*t _ivj o-»o ^ ly -.wo, .- (1?colored.' by '.r.-et vitbtttee. Wbssao» -I'oue'vyyBteat}» t-!Oi tjfor.' i V-ajlo Ju-t'.CO of tbt

j "- ire. *..'"3 ulerS .; ihi Joors roet octlfy, ondsr hie ofi{ ol'- s-'3^ 't.SJ * iti po.-acn ie a Justice of tbe Pcaco 11 tbec..ea-j cr oorpor&fiou Ir. aajce cf o*ecol"re,s<1nluictriicrj^1-t.rcl.ltni, ia < s'tti.nr aertlucato <-S trr Oirrb oftr.e O ifi Ic e-Mnh. tee f r- qct!!5 * M eneh 5» i':or«(je.-rr'i.tr " »- :u«i 7 ' r- - -V tau .,-bey sc'iii. c' -dr-l -.3

{ cr ni- -a.- 3-*- fid-- t- - -o .. ii.r'.si by proper rjqoUI!mV.« B. dTAhaEl'.f ' ^ -T mC 1 !l!k -ors'og OlP.cr.

i r - . .:n.. Pa v ;t ..f tUj'M; eoa be bad atI ; J 3. B.

Vtisr'Ne or ViettKttA. i

Klonuorn, Pbnaary 10,1S6S |! ^ S *'« .tHO-CirAHS .Tii LITIA.-OOcert

*?: ihn ; -r.ci-'-km ~iU0» i j r>bs& *rrs!:>?-r> «nr ota-pacien t»* iaU bitWRKMrt. «r<

it»>.p t -iu !>:? io ut »» t i Tlnrti:^/ .-'-r - r'" * - - fro®** i.t

I ?< AN.j:' v '.i.' Oui-j-itoa Der'tit Va.

I *: «*>»<«.' ' '.ni"jHir?P tiosjfs npX- .% D.T. v,-ii,LUV?>

; C -i .Vf A 1 »

, * :T£ < <! r5i?3iF S« Yd., *'.CEK0? *0, > /-,

j \t» ) >'"wrr-.ii.,.'.ifiVo Gsro'iia, r.'l

; ;«>*»,-draiiLiMb'rS' .a,[ , ItoaO* *;!* * *t to a»i.

W«*' : *- . -*S3

j ^r-_ .eTd PHI -JLIP8 roSi.scUa'IrtTD;Sp» ~f?r d.-tj (.:* pro'fMliotl a.vlo-i to th» < It : :os I! S'.i-b i-i- >. u-» c*.i t>s found to tho day, afcis a.-.t prcteo|ttsMii'ir *: f'.st', at hio offo^Ns SS *'a!o »*.rt»et,I>oV« A » -.'« fliun how, Bvtil t «.'doo> r m . at b!rM.*od on M-r.-j»-o at Mx 6*rTo:»'», «aath (ids ftfaio itrtui,t iti dr* ro h*i * thP corner 8U »i: i »bla.

|3 --» *t

* (UUHfttlKltK*'S . * ' i- . <»» TMK t c1Wvi,

J i.lt.i-Oi"' .- «** 1 / .jj.r. .<0/£t>j

Fkioa* K'-i* ><>, 3. l^Gv

rtj.T nI.«htthe t:» "i it ci

| TTT'urr rrt :?I Tit I "TV vn^Tnilt" y YjC.aK

J TUI&TV Y\t iniVHU'Y YEA.GTiilslY TcahS'! I1T1T i T'.iR '

raiWY Y'X?,or tor a

I IS A<} » ar V AOP AOr AOF A

G T.ir£OtoRLEVh 01 PiCi'fllLiS'h Llffi

1IJ1t.tvihLK»'.i l-tfiCi k it'A Lir

. "HvRuUk't L'F!G WbcvR'i IlPh

t-lt'lUAilHhrti'n L'r!

I IIP!()*.vsi,rny 1^.1


T'. j iKra ig w th




! 2" poitiju art be* intull M -i.

; Bo* Cfflia "vw aeo'.t <><: 1 v.-f >»t*oar, 4

j :/« :».- ,« .. cfAiVs J- irv.-o Pcriojirxase irtB **>m

'|a.V.trr ta rj;0. p. ioijriJ.j k ' e. -

| _ ~~WANTS._\STAVIED.t rXi-LL F4.iM.-J "»l«h lo pcrciine I

. v» .tn it c»-ro- one on 'fine-wato* V.r<lu:», at Jt .ileam «<!. or «o:TenirDt i> iul ro<g c .-ami. Adjro«»,wnl> * 1 r Ica'K s ita d prl.e ;m» of box No-) 1*S.rba'Od. Va. A prll 8 - o3-t

«V' AN FEl'.-Wu ~:»n to *i»p]oy, prr-nane >-lj, »' '* seas vnj oaa taVe charge if* w*rcl F*.-trrr..

Soao need »{>p-y cnlr-.s h'- -;-ti me veil ratommendedand 1/ m t ie t r7f«, trn t-r de'eUca. High wage* givenor Ka >.n'.nT<0\ in l':e

ePOTT? » HAJiVIT.jssjcH .1!- fi t Ho. '»# tow' t-lAel.

SjsTAfi looravl'a'r'y. w Teat or pare iMM okojAccrAvttble HCU'C, la the noith-ororter.i p»'t 0;

«h* el«y, tunable far * roeetnm ateed family: A>td If »*>mrae *! ' -n'l, ih> prior i«1!i fc. no o JnaC. AQdreMV-ro»iv,h ih« :>o»!-oiiic-c, etiilcg ibo io-.ailoau *o ti»t 2 e*i*e» the«antn. maroh 2f-«3 t

V£TA7*'T'I>. liY B»T"»U0r4.Gre»* lodaoemenUr* off-jivo !.^kl t»d. raani.ipi* an 1 rnsa of nil agnfro - curijin." to .e nU»n>ed t-« f.i.J.r KUlat<>* Ol»jBiUa'I'i. f..r dntjr within the o-.-rp»»rHtloa of blohinO."<ioc'y j $50 ritaii^y an ' «u<'.l ooOvng tlvra. y-iartertandrri.'."j 1 -o-niet-c.t xt oce- Appiyntfore being eiroiled,ei»e jin lot*'. » p.-l«i;sye nfjtloli^t tb» bnttalion. -Applytn VV H. Ci.AT.tt -A3!-o owoliDein A (}<l?oa. laWO'g Fa'-At!.;. . *. B. OOleCS,

rrtreli 17. it «l--f t. rb1 Teciuitlo* OBecr.

I* r ;b-t o-- IVs yrw

c'Jl.v' £ .-;d h.toj o uro.t vo jr«p*im nf Vrnclt be|>»*r. CUa\a»0w>i a l a tnjiy ruv. (t r'1 .rit* goout-.- oot *»oo.'. o? '!=« of iar.-*

A;.; it t-t l?-.z 3100 of !fcr CA t; ti. a,.(l<}<r, -I3".. Hoed.

OAS "t- ' J. B. B C« ,

K clt&t. ..d, F-b "a -U »


I/A RG EST PRINTING HOCSB Sis tbi! cnirxDxKtcr ro* ml* !

LOC^.r-. JD AT lilCIiilt.'D, VIliGISa.'JIHs ttrflcv'go, f-alroBto :eXr!a^ bat'u»»«#r »hlcl»j L* u*> p»u»i Tor ;we?tji yt».e.ocd booacse It !»tut rtoiii imtive, bu: b'. ic;o kt wia^an to change M«jur u* »ht h *711 rrqj.ro n»s «sdi?kltd uticnCoL."

k X E N S I V K PRINTERY!"}: i i» won "fi«»l«»b'o «p|d.ir<lr fo( lovf»tstM1'/ x.y '-til known tv< l.h «r r Mwnitfe." 0£ »uth ba

4.I-.M1 hvi.iit.' It* fl.'pscty t» iq«l to150 Tuirsss a Uat !

I|= « ir-iln* 0.0 » «r*!i« of it)- laiee*'. cfwnfbtion InVrftx 4 t h»'J » fi » one Bofe* withJfciKlott- -thr»« floirait J ( « i ri7, ««»« *! br r<eun-OM pctor'v oomplcts'Ut fUMp : F TYpg ::}n rtry lz'tra, mbrtctim «T»rf

dws-. oCo- tor f.JOK VC3LHJHIJ*} «n4 JOBtfUtttTlKS.» <! ro.'s j.Mid -fr.cH'tii, w ifi k Urfo »apply of

LKvtDa *M) BUAS.) Kl/lP.tn* 11 .e Putnrn utdij; m o». ouo'. i uo:(U ol y and

t'»w » s *iio »n o 'wow, ?b-> tCbbJtkaentiso'jRp e'f In «!(it* tpyfcli.tm-r|», rochlng bring »»ntbdtj l iSc*«bt.Th* h"«uc i *>.:«»? rt h: rornri if V^lJi bifl li'A »'» .

In ibo rrni.-c if vn»fc-w bi d m?« poyaiotu p:r» of llk»city i'» on4»r'» midenva i

irl cj »!<-):.* -b pureStvio wlu »d *»?*«, for p utioulbrvOHAM. H WYftNE,

piboo'i 31.ccfli fij-haond VbC7*Th9 O'uPiaM) Gubrdluk, <J!iyLsii'*iObcrlex, P*v*nnbi ms^Aa.iftjTjrgtiasery Adveriitar, 3d»oUoMtm nr.

jjUtefeWfriwwi». fT» »»*&*>**4**f-"«*dY»wr<»«Tt

a-: >


mqpft.* r»«». ui

ffeliMfc fniptaj'FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 3 18G3.


After mature consideration, Ism uonstrJ 1- ;wl to decline your invitation. conveyed byletters and ntDerwifio, io be a candidate for *

Congress. jMany retsc-n^. some private, othsra of a jpublic nature, have ioil<ien4,ei rr.v decision.It (teemed uuwi%o at thia tune (for my own Jport-onal advantage,) to t&ku a stop that might ^

lena 10 envision, ani pernsps uucora, among ^our puopl*. He nidc: this. I expect at no difl-

(taut day to lotnrn to the army, under cir- ^cutnntar.es? &ud iu a position to enable mo to .

reader acceptable sorvi to lo our cruatry.. j*A.s to pr;vu« vs»v»i , T may emit tbern, as ^the foregs)lrj will. I o.'tr.o. j istify say decitionwith yi.u, tthctnef-.Yorib ojuu^fir.taad (efctPt-us 1 vdu? yx-a; th*n . flite.Your nl.l'grd feliow-citizth, *

P«. B Ion ox.m.

Lite iVovjDfKcn.T.-.e N. Y.'HsraWV' ^cone&pcr.dci.t feunouiccs lbs prosp ct rf £OTuU.jeritijr the country iu this Icc'.liry aid fi

drowning wo-.or.t and c-:i!d.-e:i with a savageglee HVtvb < - «oiVr ,i Vsi'kt e 3 capable o':Lvt i tho r.aler was Ufc iuto Like

Prov'.dires Laborers were Jigging a'l diy Jlong, and j.-st at pundo wa'lhe S.\3t RhoV-.'lulof earth Wrt-4 removed, and tbo .Mm issiprnbegan m ftri* It iho Lead wrt'ern of B«y. u Ma* ,ccn. Tain morning tto Jtitle srtam bm Iswollen into e mighty iivor. The bri sk isnow a hundred feet wid*. Slid the watertumble? and f aui-< lifco Nm;jr*. It is im-


porsibie to j.icirst. the end. How this W3terroiling ovt,« tt e;r well cultivated plantations, '

and lifting from t n ir f un iaiioos th-ir Hpler.didma!i*i K.R. ;nu-t ».for tub the Kip Van jWmkC who >:tv > i tbo inl-fior!J'1"


Messrs. 11-w.vd end Lak^m p.?'d in McMirn 1

ctuirty a Uw (Lars f ton s.tgrces f;r rbe '

Ktiic n> ^ 19,245 Ti.o Atioivx ' !>-»<." r.tys: <

It :r botinwttd uut not b*Ss thtti f tt* thou- 1

ssiid ni&raei* hvvo Jeers ' rrutbr ii to E?stTen- tUfV s<«.d Hold, iu»*Htiy to fanoeii', t-incethe war cxno.tnced, ar.t t-orna ot th*m 1om ts who oever xp.c'e 1 to own a s'&va intit ir livohi. «.I it w ill he eten '.bat LW-oln'sws- i.pm tho iiiH iiui-rn i < wcrkir.g like acsa is-. ibis stgion. Y> 1 rim> of ourf.-uiid- i v b '.'d.^r do im hv it-or to> clip 1thi.- ptrj'grt pb H' A pf-id it t '.!. f'ocir.ca'.i' Enqviivr,' that the woolh bta 1 there '

may >oa»n Koo o-u*b danger thn- i- f f'»?tTenr.«?s-:e rrinnrng tborcoghiy oniced?'' !

Tauuf.t* i>n OkOfa ?r»;..Sjixio iivivc! t*:-en »xpe« irit«r.8 were trio.i at Shiebutyne;s,Kajj atid, o.s tbo 29.h u!t., in > li ch a jda'cdtna-m oT iron wus foun'1 t» rc?:.>; ifl* ctueiiyv<3 y h»avy oiunio rc. Tfte4* tsree: ws8 as-.n*s of plate?, ve y htr rgly fas en-.-d to-gitr.er, Mid f.ro j-.g t body r.t lajht lb H-cheethick in cv- ry :»-i. It wa3 intends-; f.s atest <»( i'.,*i »ve f.» i Tin fortifications. Itsp- '

piTf;. th»f. *.r.a Wms-vo-'.h 120 and the Ann- .

6trc:g J1%) pounder hid little tlf-ct flu thiser.orr.uiys jsms; and what w singular, theold sei via; p®»!- ;!.-ber* 08 pounder did mo:©damsga than fit her.

Ej'.bu-ijj.*»h-i Au itrta "C.-r.r,ii ulior.al-i-t" : "Tho authorities o' our asighbor-irg town, Hamburg, 5. C , tro carrying oatih'> orders of Governor ]' mh&m, and no per Jsoar, allowed to bring produce over thePiiigfn tj ilugui-ta, uniuMs an calh is takenby too partv bringing tus prome© nvor, ih&tit i9 for pet83iisii u>c Rod n A f r ^peruiaii >nOv Rtlo "

Oiu i.f ire jc-rent aUrartiens -t tho KietoiiTLVr-tre, at liarctlonr, is a corpn «.f j&UDg 1English duty's, wbo*a f*ir b#!r a:A Miovry f

complexions form a RMikirjg coutitrt withthe f aviini'ar Uj-e of female beauty to t?Lioh (

the J orin hi»vv been accustomed to payhomage. T^tir success L&o been uflfquiv- '

o:al. They am allowed e.ory c»ra and pre- (

ttction.mclubjng au ercort of gondsnnes onthtir way home from the <heatr?. *

The project cf educating t. clans Oi yw' iigm<n M»r ths diplomatic service baa b«.e« re-v.vc-ii at Washington. <

' 'i/ichmond Theatre-'j- jf.u.d r* dUbgf quousI; rtserrls* onr ts&iiKs for

ih* pleaaoie received hst irasinrRt the repreamtR*ti"<nof Guy .'Janreilrg, were we to withhold oor com-

mrv.lation cf ho itcoiieai a p»ifonaui- e. The *aogofemoggiiiaa-id ttlbaofgip-jcs.tee mail eg*nUotLb plot.the oiu tsLoe'tzustar, tho Pir:h >mn

end the r'o-.tch firmc, were brought vivldiy b fe.t u-.with ail 'he arpoiuUDeniB of ecvUiiy, bccur.icy oiccetarae.proprieiy of Lcolliy, and physical cixoni-pu-itneoip, uallibig the vertt.Ma embodiment ofcLwderB the mug: forev;r hoc in rbb inemory. Putthe pivot of lL-o wLtlo s-ory ;*h-r m tho bAllal-aing-l gtw ereie, ei-.-.i:»v j.iu jiwcjaKuog powerof battle wes eitmcgo y, aunoct p-latally, *x;ro'atdm the toyalcrihuii &cd t-up» i» ut itai ,'ippvarauoa b: fo.eo*. Sever was tha .1 fl«if nee of her i- ogio sway morspotently felt, norths vctac'Sli'y » hor til. ni* co tsignally exemplified tlmi this chuntcier. t>o olmotrlvaL'yopptf;«u to rd.'i lunoiMily irreoocclUrWe it! hthose In which we J: va an if en watched the walkingsof her features tlch !a tie etidowm;ii>s of nVo!a ine.llga re and Iwan .y.Serein"dan bmI uyitcrious ecttancc nwoliel fee

chaiacter r.t one ti the utmost importation. iJere}"r8 flifehicg witu itn'.ie and roi.ing wh jTC-pheUohigniflc»,no-; ler le-rg ard tin gird Wr, biasingstiasgers to'be comb, In elf-lock- from tho fold ofher hi-gut-ir i.rad geui. iho b'.bvilne f-puz/of ttt'Uiide,

r wfh tLo aa: licg t-ongn ahs'.che I oot and her aim

i testing npan Its fork, la-med u pictnro for th-pmcll ofi an ..rU.-t which cuiinma'ad biiti .np-rhmuuu uiagfc8 upon tha apio;*tors In the utter *000 or her hee J eyedJ iTialedicii inaandhargrsturis'-f prvnihruntempt. This® etle.t was h .igVoned try her etio g and wwithar-braun

toauteaecrs, which st^tne-J, m <1-r a ptcarUtir5 vei', to hive fotever th cowed fr-tn oar vl-.w tulac luaaculino MYstby of oxpreiiaon, those oat-l'ies of« fetnleiua grace an t t osutj, which not Jotg aloce wo! hid gczsa upon wi ll £iri>t ilultf.vers i<i tha childlikenwtatnrss auJ tn i.'ooiah rpitl; of an AJico. (Jon)d

«h» b? tat.lla' ir. tills I la-ir-dhguiso which HinderedU itDjiossiVe to discern that the was Oci'ote uauntil ii?r voice asvurd ui of the reality, It was a satisfictlon to relieve wl h Boiraw, th.t tha vagawndrace of gypsies bio 1 fteu emlnenily handsoice, newerrrrppaiontly changed by batderips, privations endn-g t ct, and that even en Herat raid-» is ro ex gger.vt'on. And this was confirmed as htr f..miliar ilnetmrctegrew slowly up.11 us, and the harmonionscnceuccs of the rastlo mnslc revatlod ftl-o ih -8# ofMissro Patting on end Wr.n. iJefora tha eye of theetar'lod Dominie, another aocno exhibited thi contrastof two most opposite cm racism; hero the indhionaand the trrlbio were mlx-d togerht* with c inentumsteart; lane-d, Ml ths otissr j- rsooadona of tha playware deiln-ated with en-rgy aid fldelky. Not in a

apttit of priaamptnoat fiitrcry, b".t r.a a «kn ofonrpresent idntirail «, we will 8*y th it. wo ai» a-fu e yiadib e.1 t> th ie axh.>ropilshrd a t is for a 1-rgoratr.oant tii-d wi ler exten 1 of int 1 o.lutl p'e; anrethan wo op, rebeai'-ed could ct present bs roill* d aoy

where. Ap 113.1 f

PIKAMs.IAL AND COviMERoJAL.The niartt.-fs "outlntie qriite antmft ed. tv« qn.iie

Corn i-i 2o, r'tK RE. t3 40 a 3 65 f car hr.ji-rfiw{27 S2o33 £xt-a 535; Family $*7 6f)«4 Uold $40 00a4 <Ki; silver $3 76h3 75. Thrra haa bean some

j slight olauien 1« itie (r market. We rjooTe as

, follows:Confedcrr.'e N' :te tuwds, (6S(."\0WI.«00 tmns,1 ««' »,

1 long date iufia205 and tut.Confedeia'e it million bond* IS5 snd Int.TenrtCTtw t cd iiiiK wt tnwpeu-letU r-M

utfi-i 117.North Caulm*. estate o ;«r cr.i ifto.Virginia State Sioct, sal*y 11U.Richmond Cup Sonus, Kile* lS<j.ISxchange liimK Stock. naies 115Farmers' 8r.§k Stock, «cJe,s USBank f-r Virginna frees. cn.en 80.Virginia fta.Hjtr.ded Bonds, (;ooi>or», no recent t-i'**Traaem' Bank'stock, lael sakt>,' 117.Bank of Richmond, last stock, lest sales ICO.Bank of the Commonwealth flock. Is&talt* lisOld Doaiiuion Inscanco Stock Last soles R6.Virginia I.l/e Iwmrwco C*2rot-»nr Stock. laal wtUs

1E5.Virginia ai'.-: hiaiiitc tZWK.uca, lilt iMc* <5.Bicl.toned Vire Atwclitllan last sales 35.Inyr.ranco Ovin;:aay ol Om Bo-.ic* of Virgin'*. Inst

' a'.'* t!8 S-4.Merchante' Ixltoranee Pt-ck, las! eric* 85V.Albemarle Jnscrunco Block, lost Bales rJ2V4Virginia Central BiL'road, 1b- mortgage bond*.113

and int..Ylrglata (Vii'-.J tV-urcoil 3d mortgage bomtj, list

mlie» I'.Trf and lat' Orsn-0 alio Aitxatdrlt H.-i,ni«Ml S par cent, bondj last «>mcb 103 and int.

Orange jui.1 Ahiiimd.-.a ilnllrtiad (I p> r cent. bona,last sale* 104 and lilt

Booth-Side Uatiraad boniW- guaranteed by city ofPetersborg. 135 and int.South Sire Balhoad bon.'a not guaranteed. 93. '

alchmonc and York Eivcr lit.:Lro»d tviociH,bsIks U'6and lai, "

Richmond Fwderiocatmrg md IVirimao Bailnnndno reoeut sales.

Virglnia aad Tenun»** B* 11 a>;nl, 'At mortgage b ma,lift «.i» 110 and int j

! Virginia Centra; Rahr&ad cluck. esu* loUiUC&nicnu and Pe'Cisbtirg. Balir^nd Steer,'lait sates

11".Richmond end York Airer Ralli.iai S^stk, 50.BiohrjonO aCO ttadioail Last soian 1.

13tal21. | ,Jonas Blvei ana Kanawha SJoofc.no rsaem s-Jsa.

MONEY MATTERS.Virginia fiatoa-BO a 65. ' V


Wo continue this morning our extractsrem lata Northern papers:WHAT I* DLXlUOiU CF Pnf.B:OVK? .MXC-'-f. ]

[From the Kenr York IIeml.3.] 1

President Lineda hr.s doubtless f»r 8 .-ma

ime beeif f-rly censibloof the p'availirg pub-io sentiment of the loyal S a cs in reference,0 his Cabinet; but, as i. ny.povit ibat ho ex

jrcls, with the O-binct *u it is, t > bring cut '

.f this spring &nd summer'd canipa-yn "theJnion as it was," tb« country h»;t epparentyreeigii-ii ;« f :< . tt-« expeiimei.U Therenuat bitwevvr, wo i.j .notorious fiii.ire thia '

iouo. We hay'o iiowfrrettter advantages cfjr

he rebellion than we hr.vb before had sine-* '

,hs war commenced far a succe3ifii! cnmpa'gn,ted greater thin we may'recover for years 1

;o como if they should be fti-.teicd away in^aptefal defeats or icdooUiv* t-nterpriSM,.3sforo ihf next Ootobo-and Novombir elec '

ions in the Notttt the gcer»t robe! arinirS in '

ho field must bo cenionlisutru or di8pe:8?d 1

>r nothing cm save the <-rIiu!uir.r&lioa from '

be wrath ofa dif)appoli'ii:~i f d justly cffend- kd pe plr. Mr. Lincoln Lad II tee uirtho itr, 1

otn r.tid means at his diaponi r*qni:id to 1

c -omplhii the c::d L< vhw \ efbro the i.lebo 1

>f the Slimmer; but vp-.-Uii "r» c I th? :

lountry and his re-poniiKmui-: a*« cf t< oiaci3 pro'pcrtioi eMr. 8-wa-d, our cf tin most vt*: ju: y and s

lru. liable of ;ueii as t *.y po'idciftn, '

'ft', in in: cbaiACte.' of a icsp vustbio tUtes- '

u'»n, ptuVtd hi'iixi'li h: truster f nifl fii.uu- (

on, «n<l ranster, too, of the moat serious in-srr.atijtial c.-iuplicoli -r.n. it iu*y le ih*r, 'ft?r the repeated blundeis, cisn>;&rd and '

"ulinsof bin throe princip.il 0*binot c.d *

cagues, they will prove th»ci3 fives sufficient- '

y tutored by orpofiorice Ij do tho rvotk re '

{tired o? them. In any event, President Lia:olnmint ere to it that thin rebellion ?3 'lib- 1

r.amieHy crushed before enr r t x£failions, or the verdict tf tho pecp'c will I . so>Terwfcolp>ing .rutins1 him, the r-tpiinRhfi* jlend cf the gororr'nen';, en to coops'; lhr two j'1(vi««h of Ootigre.18 to bri.-g lira to ja guie.-.t.!Li j bfMj the power, the mm, the metiw, and |'tho "ppoTtunily, the h<yiti Siaite ctmd ready j'» -nppori him in th«> x.ircise ofh'S gr«at j1pouois; and iho people imporiiivrly dcu'crdif hi i. isto suppression of\h-> rcbe'iion now, Ja-hi e tho const i-« clear.

THE rtO"lD\ A 7 Bi>BuD'j£,5.[Frjm tin New To k Herald.)

BtseaDois, Feb. 25..G:e*t is tho excitementjn ihifi fast-anchored nd? of B«rhadne8.rbe rebel Btfamer Flcrids., Captain J. N. Maf4',arrived hero n difitresn," crking f.ir cor 1.[t appeals that tho pirate craft has either hada b&"-d wiaul'pg nr-n rcugii handling by the'actac iQ.jrB»ch."Tho town s f'.i!i cf rum re ot t'ia ui'd at

ion in rrga'd lohe.-'merstiors. O.-eiotatshe hi'i h?d two fignis with clipper i hipsa-mel f r cruising, an i s.ir.k b*»th OautunM'-tii. vvsi badly wounled in the first fight,t>u: m now quite we'l enough t> dinu withLbe Gurernor ymto.dsy, e.nd wac the ob?ern<!cf all ohseiverp. F.ven tbrj negiorssb«»ire I Mm au ho went up tb« wharf.The F1 riila sccoiS to ha well disciphned,

the oicrt vroll bo'uavrd and orderly, tho t ffic?vsp^l te and a'.un;.ivo.Tho officers of the First aro Florida iosan®.

rtey tcast the Os nr9-1er oy, end pay com f.tothe i fficm of this pirato craft. T am snrrvi» say, Barbftdoes is as bad r. Na;sau ; andthai is surely no complirnont. Secfsh ia allthe ra^y. Tii? South is full of glory, theNor'h bad nu I a I ci*: be.The FloriU sails iu two bcuis. Shs hag

0®en detai.otd by tho Govfircmenf, to permitj-.ms Ytnk'.e vcsstli lo liaro twcT»ty-f.uraour'a ad/anUgr.The lour Li:uteran;s ot tha Fio iJar.W.

rerv ysr'.iu.-, from 22 to 19 yetrs old; crn*, Iihink (Mr. Floyd,) is IP.Wrhsarlhit 11 r. Gordon has bo.*n r.opcioc.'l Rebel Commissioner or Ageut.The Floii*!-! t.:iakffl a mail for

France ini E.i£l»u.:, She went out in f-plendiiitylo.Barbadois, Fab. 29, 18G) .On the morning

uf the 231 a icsid ncise alarmed thn inhat ilaats.Mr. Trowbridge,, our Consul, tc menImpressed wich the idea that the United S atessteamship Vacdsrtilt had met with the pi-ateA'abima; but at three o'clock, P. 51, »jieimar descried showirg the Rebelcolors. 0.i anchoring several leading menr.f the car, (British, much to the die^aceof the nation.) went on board ar.d offered hercoaLOur representative bore, Vfr. Trowbridge,

immediately repaired to ibo OommercralHo.o', where bo loamed that it (the staoimr

r.rirfcnrnd) was the Rebel FJorHs, comp'etelyri iiletl and in a sinking condition..Without d.isjny he repaired to the G'vemor Ir.nd loudly ex-riairord cgoinat his allowing it!tn repair i.i th' pur J understand hcus-dji.ha lollcwmg w-ids: "My Lvd, I h'..rcby Jthe n'a* of cr.e Ji:l.nr »«f ib- United S<*U.s i

or A».e;.ca, » " f'C.u coppljuig <>: p?r- {milting M*y y p-.ipi« tij.inr cr s»Vt :.«£ jthe R:b»l- My v.-fc: 13 rabou wi.h.mipowet t> bn-p.; 1?nr. 'h c- r.s* qafneos will, jone dryer caor, ebcrr themselves i" ths IB;i::sh Govern mi!*: Cam*?,.- U[>nn a:l loysloit'zens to uke notice 1/ my dociertt'oD, rnyLord, I Uke iay depart are." NotwrbtUndingthis urgent nppoal, ccrls were supplied,rt-pai'S completed, Hud Ospt. Maffit feted bythe G^vorr.or, '*Tid black &a«i while went oahoard to see tha veateL

P. 8. It 18 just ll'.sertj.ir.fj Hebe'sKft/O Lidn&ppei up ".ar ts of twenty rr»»a,wh'ch h»3 occasioned ft (:e<?p«.-h' '.h;ish Government from hi-i EirMser..yUacbad ;cs,Feb. 25,1863.. Fro^i ;La n

lookout t?ie Florid; ws- at five P. 'J. tort -c tbr-e vessels, som-i ten railua ion: thr.B irbi.iocs shore.

a. inrfct) 6100 vneei «ite;»u«f, p<cMi<>>ea to oftthe V.Mi.ter oIt, wont r.fio the H bel, whos emui h;.ve t<», rtady f>r r mu3-- «w-.

al. excitement and snxi'tv bete. -o r.viumuiiiogh-.s been repartee, < u!y r t M;b.» of!ooo cr two hoary runs

Everybody who can get tn ek/atr-d ju &itionis Nuking out for the "sj.a flgnt." Ojoof t' m voxels humid w.a a splendid g^aaoship, with « » tccid The r.row »tclanding.Tfu Florida is now u-sn, r;li right, ntcrrieg

nonh by Eist. Sn<i i» bouci for the EnglishChannel. This :a sure.Tub New Zcalind Goid Fihlt>9..i carefullydigest som* i wo columns id inf,<rnv* bn,

partly rffl :i»J. minns' reprrt*, r. i-taincdin the New Z*sdsnd newspopera. S.=vyalnew gold 9*jds hive brct' discovered On?is at Cbe Oirdroai nvc.-, a tributary of ;hcMolyrwtu, didaot /roui the Dan-ian nrsrcamp SO.-oe Gtivrnty mile., A'^outcno th'iUfiandiodu aro Ihiro aiflembled. Thu valleyat the Cirdrona is twenty GiS mil^s Vor.j*, thevi hoio :.f which ia auriferous. F.*o<c 5drooa Mr. fle-ctar (m «>fflnc.r of the Govern juient) pioceedtd to ib-< Ar:o -- iiver on the!other side of a mountain, dividing ouo guiiy(rom another "llera were diggsr^otch unkicgt: r^o ounces of gold a day;" ' but this,"aode M<\ Hector, ''must fall far abort cf whatsome of tho first arrives obtained." Ooeparty of four look out 2*i3oz intha first fortnight; nuegcta of an ounce and of 15 and 17d vi. h ing common Pitvpo'-ters f»ur*dpayable gold for ni> wards of 20 mills. Front!Ann.air put, c.licd Conroy's Gully, muc.lxuxiru abundant yields eeexn to havo bees obtained."To give returns" (writer the specialreporter of the Daily "Timori") "of nil lbs richfinds is impossible. Pounds weight per dayare freoly spoken about, and csugo no surprise; and people bore will believe almostr.ij'.bing that is reported. The mention of Iounce* is treated quim ovjftiierly. hiich is 'h* iexcitemen? prevailing." " * '-Very fe«r aruconunt to settle down up\;n anything tbst isnot extraordinary. Williams and put ty cleanedup-some 400 ounces; ikoy Trashed highas i pound woight per dish. It was m ih*iin«h that the 50 b. weight was got by twom -n It is tnelffiii lo mention other instancesof *tt:Knrs. as the list woaid extend to largert:m-eES'ims. Ihs gold jfl course, heavy, sndwaiv. -A'oinr; and maoy pieces "Kwighing over&; ounce had been obtained. Corcoran andpaty informed the sergeant sta'iontel herethat they were making six pounds weight a

day." And so the New Zealand scribes proceedal-out other gullies, "as ex enpive as

convoys," about " the Fn-zar river turningout splendidly," most of which places by tliistime are being worked by man from our

own mines..ifelhounic eorreig-ondcnt of i\iTimes.


The Washington *,3tai" says .that Gov.Androw, of Massachusetts, ilt behalt of p»rLiesin that State, has caused, cditiors of Lincoln'sproclamation, to bar issued in bookk sod has bad packagei of them franked

«f - * f* i«UiftSTMScfto:?. J

*L= ibJlovrifs: i.i from & New York paper: Mc*<VpL. C^s-i, of iris schooner Elinr.vor, of f".'

P.u. .it- o»i;,. apiurc i offib* I-*eo<l ofII*) liby lii- eii n<rcr R nhu white ou theror»ge »r.:tu B.st-o'o Aux 0-.;«n, fcas ar- 'Jrived el Now Y.'ilc- OApt. Case ,lhtt9 sU'og *'

h' rircuuiHUrics «>f his capture : ^0orli«30ih ol January was off the H.'u.h ~

bt'o r.f Sn i Djtaiag . closa by the por*. « ' ft'n*L'Anae a'U -in».i'lr, when I saw* a sc&oono- ,

winning slowa a-i-Is the Amarie in tfig U/in>;tiir ci.arse w «i difcCliy tor aid un; a< she .

:ro3ced iiij- Iij«r I fi<si Six h:r i-allery withttioguuHiun out; t, her cvvni« hailed me j' jhe Amaii-iao llag w&9 'iroppou mid thai o«' j'(baUi.n'i'i 's'a States hoistrd in its plate; Vn ,ho di'pJ.ay r f force on the part of the pirate !'*(t

cf ;e oyervrbeimirg, and T wasjbjiged obey orders: he sent his lieutenant>n i lira cf his crew aboard in a boa!; theiiuteuai.t wfi a maro bey, a Southerner, of j;se J:euia if 0 «j, wh : appeared to hi il! t-t:aae »il the bu.imes in which h» wis.ii- 'j. J ^

;sgcd ; ho Tras tjui'.o OCUTteciVl. Aluariliog J.;:iat the iI&i!0V6i- ..oh . jrcoJ p izi f.»r ihetn, ^md itivi) re<|u.-!j('-'i ruu io go ab; a:d the Ka-

r.rihnijoii, to has^ an inlr,,Tiew witu >mi com-'

, Mer3U*71 ho iWS'a Cipt. Can; stepped upon the deck cf .

h.7 R.tjibunoo. h?r command', r. Csp.. I, »ck, ^ ^itsnttdfv.rwft -j and .*i j. " Ah, C Dtaia Caseio y».u know .>ehave you ctor aean me tvfTt?" Oap'aiu Cose replied c» the brut 'j '

f liii lecolecuon h? ucvtr bid. ' But I knowc plain, vary Wi ll by reputation," said ^J>ptain Lock ; ' how is your brother R»ube i

!)aie your"hams, 1 believe, is Washington3.i?c ' I have sailed out of Provideucetown fc|-tt-veritl times ; ore? ir» a wbalsi belonging toM\ Jh'-at" ",1* . «/ *Lftj^;Captain Oise tic i :.:m*rkrd that ha waR ^

lot '.'Ver th'f e mi es from 'ho shoro of Ii*yti | [ "tirrhen capuired. Captain Lick replied that j >r

KT3 f "~r iai'eo, and tba» be wes a piizo t0 j J-fi!hft t-ch., .cer R itribuiion and the OiMifjdi'rate jaag.

. jJL:: it '-its io:pc39ib!c to rrsist, I requeued J11.(

Iho ftvor that he would at oi.ee put ntn j *A't»sb(»'c; ho aiaonteJ, telling ino to tuKr nn j ^.id.'thing end that of toe crew, tod tho boat of {the Hanover.- He took my charts and fr.ose cjjm" the i.'jfie. nrd tho chronoiinter, which be- ^

<1 :-i Mr. Wheelwright, the chatterer of*" ®" n>':

I landed an ilia shore at abont dork. In \^-,tbo meantime a portion of the crew of ti e , *cRetribution bad been sent on board th*? Han07cr,and b-nth 76iRclssaded oflftogether. I pre- mauuaie tho was taken tn ore vf I1 c- c*\? ml >esold r.» tho wreck?.-.0. -

.C-pt»!n Lack wp.j ure^sta in a navai uni- aform, and it, wlinr.ut doubt, the svros poteen ;:.j.whom ltd fr.cn tLic port lit the nark YcrnOc if~.and o h jt vessels ecverai years rinoe. C-p- .p'Uii. Case it an aggravation cf l is

.. .;m'sferiuaes th*.t ho should have, h en c?p gi|f..lured ! a Nova Scotian. Captain Lick wbs

born.iu Yarmouth, N; S. ;j,.The Retribution was formerly a propuUr, Qro

and cotil 1 slid be rc-convertcd to one. us *h- ,tjehas the same firm of afo* bo ly. ThiS|.i-i- ,;n.be.ween the stem post and rndiur p st i> .pefi iod, wh ch give^ l.ar a very long run, and tvhy which s-liv u i;bt t'O casiy dtUctcd if treii

iiroadsi le on. She is almost flit upon the aacH ior, baa sharp end, and off the wivid gads jHCvery fa--; hut <:lo.;e-h*uled, having little depth j,0Iof feed, .od ii>«. being coppered, she is not |^riweathelj. t-rShe i i A»jo-auJ aft r'gjtf-i, cir/ies gift-topsni's-v. 1 -t~ysaiLs, and is pretty well found

slo t. II*r a.iiitmen- connifitH of one tiflod30 pour.ccr nmiJ»h:p3 and two 42-pi>iic5er°. c< jone :-r> each tide, end she LisaccTif iv.t\w-.kT* beach (.otubors, prmc jaly B.-uiso p.(oiibjsci? or e««c.'ped convicts, ggj

CBilV FOBTlfJttD. t?c

The Philadelphia 'Tcqnirer" eays : ^A i-umber of forte, red ub'.e er.d minor

dtfences hwe just been cimplated at Aquis OPcrc-:k, rendering that plu..o alcuca: i;nr.r.?gitab;o.Tne wnikk wore cxicut3d bf the troops a;aof Oenr Geary's divisi.-n, who are Bta ijncd p i1a; thit point. A portion of G«u. Geary'scorarrann at JDumrriea nere similarly urn- <

fj-'l that position, 60 that tho enemy would(

Bat' it a difficult undertaking to force thcso jja.kej-paints of the Lower Potomac. jDC

Tho "Appeal" pcbl-'shes the following f0llletie? which wm ricked up aftor the utreai o*|of tho Yankee? on lha Tallahatchie. Ic isfrom a German capta:n to hip wife, and was ***

trnuslalcd by a German t Hirer of W'.s.'s j.(Trzae Legirn :

U.f Il.UHD Sm.MKii i EiiIn front of Fort Pemhorton, ley

Ta'labaic'oie r rer, March 18,1363. 1 c?'

"tares:, Wife- It is now twenty-three widays sinco w3 a e on board of Sh;3 fco^t, tr.d pe:E-.veo days that we are bulging this lort; »rlm d - r" r.c far'hcr than wo were at thedr-y J: ! cut a:iivJ We are net as hopeful as we « w'tthe: wore. ^

!r«vtr.o or-emj his had time to strength?: his cti

works -.'id :einforce his lan i force conmdcra- of:v;,d Gen. Ris-i will And out. to Lis c p\ wis

ihii h-< bos been too Blow, a? usuaL We will "*

:,»w Lave to tr.it till 6m. Grant renda us thine}.rou.ist"i two iron-cw-ed guisboa a i.;ui "tiiweoty thousand mvn for reinforcements. an

1 estnt'lay e intended to make a generalc?s»u) ; the guiiboars and the land baltory va

weto toMitme the guns of the fort, while we, titpacked i.a the musquito urate, wors to bo blilanded right at tie fort and storm i!_ be

<>b. glorious ides r.T a Union so-called gene- h«;» !!! es gcE*-yt«Jy ice tr.<vuy haB a woati to ags».y in rach mv.ierc, 80 w»e it in thli rvt; ihef«r fi-icg about twenty shots the large co- L)i-.uibi..u of Uie J'.Kf eo disabled cur gar.boat thGh>i(ico:hd »h«kt iho boinbardtiont had to Lo 66^

g.Tfcs: up, tad the fore icmaincd untaken.. m

M p-company is always used aa hkirmishcrp, an' :ii 1 i)->ve gained a good de»l of oredit for yc:h-> j.temptress and accuracy with which my cs

r,.wp my excels all others ia skirmishing; and <11« o haycalso had the bcuor to bs the only es

c.-xnutD/(bat h?s killed a tebel; we killed w.

or.o of oiixspwy "B," and took his coin r» do -ti:» # T ii n i rn

01 oirapauy "i sa xeziS; prisonerI bjv» * good d-a), and h*i d duly to per- «'

fcr.... Sutn iiu.t.-i in skirmishing wa bare tobo waist d-ifp in water. It is getting bo wa:io thhsrn already that we ha?o to Isavo elf our o:

rests and uoderEhirtt: hit still I end ray ur

bo;a keep well. sc

<Jtxr men now get half rations r.f cofFeo ?<»nd half ryt; cf the other rations they get at

only ha:f. Urc'.o Sam is flaking fast. ha

I know no uiuro to wri.o of now, but wUl es

krep y;ts postod'ahoat w*a»t iu going on hors, t-.iOf this expedition I bavo no hope whatever, a

bloJ ooubi very much wheib-r it will endany hotter than Blair's g'oj'ions Ukicg of thVicksharg Y'tur sff.-cl tniUi husband, gs

H. iloaa. 0:

fi.ssicoj.a tn At-uss .Ii the repoit we »eCiiveis cn.iect says the Greenville (Ale.)'Obdorver," fcnd we fear it i.i but too true,Peiwacoia is no more. From a young manwho left that city a fsw days ago, it is ascer- qtamed that the Yankees bare'abandonedPenssools, sn 1 retired to the navy-yard andBur&RCSR, wuns niao miles d stunt, havingp-er>ou?ly set lire to the city. When the T01 sarroi V'' informant left, one cf the ,r

irrgret rquaren, situated in lb9 centre of the "

city, am which stood ibe St. Miry'a IIaU. 111

ar.si other largo building?, was already envelopcdin dimes, aod the probability is that "

ail tho city shaied the same fito. What hisi "ibecome of tiibt ponion cf her citizens who» 111

|ver^therewe are hot yet informed. In a

d*yortw/)we expect to be enabled to tell d'th» whole sto.y, and record for the historian .

[of tbi3 sivsga war cno ncr of thj many die- Ybi'ical doeds of Y"c.nkeo Vu'.idaliatn in itt» .

nineteenth century. a!hi

The Legislature of Missouri tas adjourned dxinidti. Toe session has been more remark- s<

ahl.i for what it has net done than for any- irthing it hao accomplished. It fiiled to fillLho Iao vacant gobib in ihe Senato of the> o

United States; and,in the e^snt an extra ses- xr

8 cn cl Congress, ths State would be uarepre- gsauted. Nu conclusion was armed at and no *

law was passed in refcrenco to emancipation, hThe bsnks and railroad* of the State claimed a

the attention of the Legislature, but only a

temporary relief was granted them. The hwhole session was frittered away with lorgbuncombe speeches and stale jokes. h

< Commodore Freeman had visited tho Kingof Dahomey, and urged him to uo away with Ij athe horrible rite of "human sacrifices." The ?

1 King replied that if he should give up fhoy®| cuaiotn he would be poiscned by his subjects, fl

! Uo sa>d he would agree with the requisitions jl11of the British Government, if it was possible, j! yJ -in the ciuec of six months. j ^

. y

* V../


-i <fh &a l. #f ?£t fli''tcuong lbs neb1.!; 3pirits who hn?c fdier.iins 10 Ibeir lore of ciiunu* 1,1 our war

nilepviifith?»c -i-o i*y> who f> >.t re

r/.f? u r.f.mitir »" >" 'tr ^ <

ii' 'ban IvifjTr Jvt"i> P- m, ' hi t filitry o.'i Gtit S ') isV -'di I 'pei*'\ t.bU >« iarhaulo v> jj» i.fncor, i; k- <1 fHs»«s v:i 1 t:.e ipuvkrif°.c.> : '< <\*'-«.'£0!"atiw~.ii;ac'vr.re,-1: o mti iciitly n-di c and ft-rtc. i:'.r< a.ui hr-ar--,*... i. -. f.0 free t" ofiita rt of w!ic. uui foe;.. <*re.tuat th:> »ctiul tcayrioa to!Uai f.ioun flattery which f hndship so-jdtsad. ii..'. i i > notd? Ik&sta b>eu.sk , » ..'.ii > « t iri tius . r .. u:s=ga...." . .. i i-ov.-ti.-n" : > ! * bnliett of CfeltRnsi.ir.-YrJ a »:aft ts's hcu., *re paruaily

fccorJ. It ia r.o: tim laogu.go of ur-Tnean-

pai».^i'ij; t. de:.a .< that his lo-.c is wr«1"dr. Aiifionjit»u i j., iho bloomr.f ciuiyto.c .1 (%».i .t roe»A youth in p.rsonol *p-jr«-n>' h- iid al-.esiiy di tcl'S*-'' t < 5- raren-i.i'.iis vfi.i-p. «T. .;e tbs-i oupcriflatp

r: i::C. »f Ago e-r,.J, .spuie::Ca.u1. h;j» b !.* ourS ill nit care-!". Ler.s. labfttn genius f jf ihe tirifo'Mon

itaui wbi.'h alro»«i7 fci.tUUd h in iho>* of a gieit St»bl«-.a:j I ill-: tVcu'tieacci growing »ud icquisir.g nt enjitb, »t Lcn*»a suddenly cali"'i away.. native «'f 'J*3 great Stats : f Alabama,graduating V/est Point, ; >?<. as shecunranord, -o !o.->t n > tun > in iff.ring

i^rvictj to :hcS&uih; in-it 'houibtum.t cf 1 <t L «iiit iii 'ho C-nl d faie

Army. Proroa-Jwg to iLrp>''a P-< ry,ras cw./.eutiy useful in t'r o dsih r. o orzitionof artillery, and wm '...ml insLeiv. which fco fought throng':-, z: -* ba-tlehe 2ls: July, 1861, (M tnassus,) with at!r.h-tir. v.-ry BOtl flw:i g Which afterwardsi«. )r-T> "o f-umnu i. IIj spnodily attrjcteda'.t nti'-.n of his gtncr&'B, and rs? »n

i.t.jby fr rsrs' Smart wub. lb a orga-..:2< of .t< htltaliono'f Horss Artiiio:y, whichcfierwRid; omtavtdeu on cu :i»ioy fc#id!;h:I ;h he justified tLr j ..j-c.-ntnM-.i ( hit capacity and ceurer, kv Ireecr I:-!* Ttf.t. career ni'.l remain'-.ire <f

ra ,-t a-'duses', sgior.a d ar.d gkriausi«v» the faiuru bls'orian of i,.is iu.' w;!l be...} uv;n to record. At. Alar.assaB, vv»iosbnrg,Oaii II*rt»cr, >h* Rappahannock,.veto:;, German town, Sbarpsburg. i'no

if the Potomic f»oro Pennstjha^u,i.e. Union, Upper* i!V, Mafrth-.m's, BiSV,U:z:I rive", and li'G'.'y, Fiedeiii hsburg>t these ,;nd m tiiy ttiher battles, L» hap.diijfcir b&ttsii'^ and fought ibcia.howo:ute!y ! .wj;h matchless nh:.11 andins ! At "Wil-ha-sbuig. tt a crilkel myMin tha day, ii. ; rinsformed the" raw n5iof F'iojd couu'.y, attached to )»ia laty.:nto VitjiaLP, ted ''nrir.g the Ci.:!:»<£.:gnthe Peninsula bis B akely vra« as R beutirr,prift, its brave cauimandbr, by his:f-lcsr, v giianCe end t!-c rapidity of b a

Ycjutn'j, iaspiiing the enemy wilb «hei o' ub'quity. In the seven days' biitieaand Bi'Lmond lie win frosh lau:elsbyniasier.'y hrndhr.g cf bis guns, lriihN'pciena cng kged three batt.ri.-s < fene'ny, a d fought 'htm with apeniuaciunieiterug ve, which secured theer«t a-iini'Hli of 'jtnersls JaoksonI Slsart; and »t tho V7hi'e Iloose, atke1 and drove to ignominious flight a gun:t of the enemy.'bus proving himself thet to rob thoW' fsnp-kd monsters of theirrors At Sharpsr-urg hn roramand'd fi.1stsllthe artillery r.i d upoc cir left, andget it with List nd r;.t>ftb!o skill and daringieh vrero habitual wi:h h:n?. Tho g cithatthe young bfo's Rchisromiats, however,s probably t-.o htndknguf his guns at

iderickshurg. With the easts Napoleoni which he bad v;ed at (Jjid Ilaibor, hek bis post up.n the^rnetny'h left endiutd at snort range upon tires or four ofK heaviest batleiitrS ireolly in his ftoot.uy concentrated on hici, instantly, ihos" trtm?> d JU3 ?ro a heavy battery acrossriTer oyeuing aa eniiUdiug firs upon hi;ubut never shrunk, or erased ;j

ir h's tbot end fiOell into the^i..c commanding General wi;h evts.kindgwith pride, und the whoio army withlisguissd applause, witueeeed this brilatcontest agtintt olds ho overpowot;-andGen.*L".o excUiu.ed, uTt it gloriousstta such couratre in one so yeuog !" lieight tho Ntpolecn unlil his last round was

^nded, when ha slowly retired, oiniinuhowever,to command the entire forte oftilery on the right throughout the day..is noi too much tc ray that to h\~ skilli daring tho (kiniiuiiiiicn cf lbs enemy,3 in no slight measure to bo attributed .9 last battle <**3 tho Jefpivr tee v«s tt K.«.lsvjlo,Mach 1.7c; . Directed by his Ger.1Jo j;:-, i;. ri jr.o of the cavalry charges,,ich ho I. ng.d to dn, he was in thef i.iLsuc: of his duties as chief of artiiUiytin be f.l". He vras gv>ir<2, to rep it J >

a. Stuart u?.; diaposi.inn of his baiionts,on r, iCgiarfcrit r.aa'ge.1 by Lisa &-*i for thetat-.'. ' »rn* 1 h a wsy. He i j±e i.i hit!trup", waved Li : is', . A wist::-; '.he actcheeking lbwa <>r., -* ».; struck vy a "f-gt"it t;f ub":! fpon tbo bead, ;.r>d ziv t telly

Ho "lingered until caiiiuighi, Alion his p »rs arid ur.bltr tpifi; j-r. acd way inirr vru-li? vher a v,o r»r."o r.u.l iotMcd

IIo =5" iujflrr.i. tiufi.fu, ir-i elevated tlia priro charsninr of t'.e y. ucg U»«ut wt»P, l«lise who koc^ Li.n cedars. u io mipig-ij to itusgTn i more genu'us ia: dastj olirtar.ii t.emir.g. Ha never enmed to tkirfcdcR.-rvcd eppUuse for Ms *ploDdid ccuror to compare 1 iuiself wi*.h pay on* tc

rir prtjedsoe. At Frederick*burg. Goners]iifl.u*.-ria.ij2cd him hy bdstowicg upon bin

e rauce rf ' be g*]!itr.t P-iihiir*'-' but he;m-d nu'Winickai of thv.t biigbt vriejib o

f»ding lsuici, Khali his grut.i ctaon-nde!d.cis .iomradwo had s»ntvrin-.J abound lbslUtiiful b'. ;r LVs'.o.gaVc* t: iW Ui C..I1

lied frg.u t.oi a Suii *:!. r. « « -j turor

ita GcuenJ, U« n-vsf i-xlii* >U«1 *.!.» si gh;11' 40a of Self i 7rJ ran.a.tijrg. >9 h*.; hr ala; a Lai bitn. *s m s;ro<j-r.d u-iRi unrrg t.i «. ckiidI. vr slit that tucu a spirit cfcr.li id iaiv»-. }r.' vr .rk befc-e ibn h&rd i<ft> of thia j 1 '. k Jiiigat away f'om tho brilliacre o

5 goad knight's -tpntieeq ohioM. Votingit immortal.boy in jo*:*, but hoir i<

idling '.- ' o.fca pasaeJ away. Ilia girt;r»iccs bid blr«udy been renege:*-d by thrctidtnt with bigacr promo'tow, Tvrjc'u cnbraited t e ernth rcatjen of the Sonet* ; buiving WC3 ail that tras d3feir*bl« upoiith, b»a g?ntle rplmtoik iit fiighi, prouscd by the hand gf Death to " her hc-iflfS :i

orjghter WOrjd.It w greatly ?» tho credit : f. Goy. Lctcheit he i amaig the first,J .ecogn:z i thidlant sea of AUbstn*, by jpr.intirg lu'riptain of the Stuart Uor> Arlin*ry."irgijjia bs.U ,y.

I: k . i.HVS vr> 1.9 fAVj I.uy D, V imo.V, jA-rpycf NoitboMi t;irpinii, V

%» l ino-1marcn fcij. iouo. i

CStlUI '> iD7.!!S, )No. 9. £

The Major General Ocmn ,i img approachcilh ieincta»j'je the paiufu duty of announcg ti> the <iv:.-ion hh irreparable loss ie doath of Major John P ham, command,g the horeo i.i lills-ry.lie fell mortally mounded in the battle c

fllysviilf, March 17tb, with the hattle cr

pon hia Hps and the light of 'iotnry beairig from his eye.To you, hit comrades, it is, needless twell upon what you have so often witnet9e-his prowess ia action, already proverbsda well kaow how, thou-h young in yi-ar-i mere stripling in appearand.remarh>le for his gennir .-di-tty of dcporlinentayet disclosed battle fiel-.l the coract of & retr- .nd displayed in his banc>ine perp r , most impsrtnrbabla cooineai danger.His eye ~ad glanced over every battle fiel

f this atmy from too first Msr.sssse to thlomont cf hio death, and he was, with a sinie exception, a brii.'iaot actor in all.The memory of "The Gallant re-hem,

is many manly virtues. Lit noble nalatad purity of character, ii eaehhined aa

acred legacy ia the hserji tf ail "Who kne1im.His record has been bright and spotlea

is carter brilliant and suocesafaLHe fell.the noblest of sacrifices.cn tl

liar of b:s ceuntry; to whose glorious *e:

ice he had dedicated hia life :rcm the begiiing of the war.In token df respect for his cherished m

lory, the Cma* Artillery and Division S.irill woar the military badge of mournisg n

birfcy days.and the senior officer of stalaisc 3Ton Boioko, vrill plac* l&sninaiaak



:'ilZ t&df&w'i C-r heirlfoii sjanalby I'? i&deep itibuhiion.

L. fii> Mi» n^ ii'K ' p.c.aro'rc-sn h-s toa pw>t s : b >. r > ifa.. lU'ri, itt U!

fiVUD l'j idi-.a'C ]'i i urln -j .S:t«: .iut>! lUi* U'. s : i.r ;t iv fo '

i u-1 _u tih-m.

i'.y- rammn i f M»j. Gcu. J. K B. StuirtI R. Chawmno P*IC=,

Mij. an-i A. A. (Jen.Alabama paperii please c*py.

THE NrMV'S DEMONS aOAINS'x/ >>.* i! f EM2ti T.fX.F1OBTIN CTHE CUE FEDS h.iTES aT A Dl:lTANCE.Veahae ji^cuuU 6Uia A.vl'. -»otytlu.;g wa;

quiet at Gen. Rua/ headquarter*, in front o

Fort PembfcilJU, ou the l'Jth innl. The prca, ^ J *

ptciu wr.re mat n timing mtiaer wcuia c

<!c; f ar jfeser.t in lhai directum The bc

count ttttthev tv.at*?.:Oui otciv occupies go-id ssmpirggrocne

ut nht.ll Hound Place, oa me plantation of DrOorus, two an J a Lali kmIib above the rebefunifloaUons, end would nrotably re.'Biithe.*: until rsiuforicuian'..-. andfisppliea ehoulireach then. to on ,b!e tkeui to nsaae ihiuffmfiivr. '/here is mo din^-r of uicir bowgut'.trk-'J, ar, th.i raT»»» obstacle* that exist t«prcTont thoir tpsritionn a*a n*t tia enemy wi]prevtnt iho e »u:y fro-r. nporaf.ng agaius1thotu

Lieut. Got Wilson, the Engineer of tho ex

pediitor, bin Ih'.-'.a^rl r. PCQOine wfcich mi]itsult in the capture of the Rebel positioiwithout another . The cchetue wasubmitted to Gin. 11 and tppiored fc]hitn. a;:'l f.rwaiil d to Gena-a: Prentias, commanning at this posi, who ha3 at once est ;in progrfec*. Tdo scheme u simply 10 drowithe Rebels cut by letting a vast body of ws

t-r into the Y**oo Pass, and thus Hvrcii thGold water ami Tii: skate h ie river? so 6fi t<ovftf f: a'] tho l*odB iu the bottoms, Tbfrit ' f wa.cr through the p*«3 is row aboilti ;h; feet; Tl.at is, the MLsiissipi i ri»sr ihigur. fret lusher it tho herd if the P.?* iliiithb Gol jvr.*'cr river at the font <>! the Pa*» .Ti a water new flows through tho Pas::i willSnob violence sb*r. it is rJinost iinpoesibiu foan «>tdinery steamboat to stem the c-i-:'i«lAt first the great Uiisirsippi 'eve© We8 onljcut (jt b width of ibout eighty fie;.jussifScieoi to ie; a steamboat through Into thPass. This gru has been widened by thwearing of tho water, and I j i.ow about tivhundred he: in extent; r.ud ye: tho pressurof water seeking an Cutlet through ctusaatorrent in tb s particular spot that r.earl;r?s-;aille-r lbs violent flood a lriio or twabove tho Falls cf Niagara. Toepropositicinow is to t-sr th'3 bvea away for a d stanetif several varus, uv perhaps a mde, and lothe water haro a ::vo course throu.h. Gei:PruiMas has already sent a dctarhaont c

troops n to perform this work, an

it will ba Jolly accomplished in h very lt-i

day.-,.iiy refonirg to the charts of Fort Grsen

wood tint have been H3nt you, you will ocdurVJ that Q po.tim cf tho rebsl works ar

a.ready .-ubaiergod. Tfcey ccoupy a ver;narrow iidgj if dry la.id, which is at p;s«tnnot over thiee ar.d a half feet at any ruinabove the water. A rice of four fee; iu thwater at that point muat inevitably dr>r:them all r-iiu long before this can rsaciy.Si all that we can do to accomplkh this de^irahlo obi ct will havo been done Wh»vo then only to await tho results. Tf thAILi«i:.s&ippi riv^r retains it4 pre?ent aliunde c-idit is not yet go high within t *» fuel r.

it »* < Isst rpiiag.there is no doubt <;f thsuccess cf the scbome. But it v. i'i <cqui:

time .perhaps two or tVea w«t»tforthe flood to reach Fort Grteuwoct^owinto the width of tbu bottom hr.es throughotall this extent of t»r* hundred and flf ymil<of liver, that n:u<it up according tnatural la-i. The whole valley of ColevritU r ar.d th:. TaJIohntchie mo«U he fil'cl bthe 07difl )w hefuie .t can yorii its recallat r "t Gf< eii~oo(l. Bui .he r«-u » urecsure to ccev,'.

Ilia writer complains 'that tho guerrilliannoy tho transports very much on tho Ta.khatcbie, concealing themselves in the cambreaks ».nd firing on tne Tankstu withoutmoment's warning. They expee; to drowthem cut by tho overflow of tba valley.G9n.Boss was ba ng reinforced by Ga;

Qainby's division, embarked on seven of tllargest transports that hivo jet passethrough the Yazoo Pass: Other focps, itstated, are in £cadin<ss and awaiting Iran

portaiion to the scene of operations in »1Yazio Valley.

i he Battle of TallahatchieThista tue mine given by Gon. ho big

the engagement 'bit tookpLsca at Fort Petberton, commencing en toe 13 h instant,enrvospoodent cf *be M«>/»puis ''Appoftlg-.vo# the f"Uovring account of the bomb*?iiiOT.f, ..nJ ll'j im:cd,»;e resets at'encmit:

List Wednesday morning the Yankee fl =

of guobjaia 2nd transports, to the numberthirty jevciL, lei by a broad-hotned ir*cl*<J, which our boys call the Oailly Ooffstarted bom a point on the Tallahitcbthree miles abo70 cs, (where they had tiedtbe night before,) and canw ;«ar;'Dg rolii

f iho bsad of the river in full gallop, is thoc: they were going right on down to Snydo

mills without Hopping. We knew they w»

> coming,^tnd just as the Chiliootbo pokI her no*<s round the comer she r3n egaioaii pjreussien shell frcm a thirty-two pound> riflo that had been playiuliy aiia courteousf firwarded lor bor reception sn 1 welcome,r Tois wan followed by a plug from our whistli

Dick, (alongni Jo the thirty-two pounder,) i

- the electrified Yank backed up the rivaround ihn bend, whore, exposing r

thing but he: bvw gu-jg.eleven ioches- she replied to if?. Afior firing four times1 cur battery, a sheil from the thirty-t

plunder exploded in our cotton brcastworJ making tiio balls fly, and she drew cff. Va struck Ct r, in the snort time of the engiff meat, aoveu times, 'that afternoon anotb

gunboat oimo in her pl»-e, and, oa a corj qaencc, It took them from dark till daylijit next morning to repair damages "We 1e that day c na killed and four wounded by friT mints < i shell, and fjur slightly burnodo the ignition of & small quantity of powder,a On Thursday the engagement ww uii- portaut. No injury sustained by us.

a On Friday morning, wo discovered tlthey had succeeded in masking a battery

r heavy pisres in the dense fortst in our froa and from this, two gunboats and a 13 ita mortar, they opened upon us at 10 o'clock* y Tho fi^ht 'Vao kept up furiously throe;

out tho day, closing at 6unset. Onethe guns on a gunboit - I think the St. Lo.waj p 200-pounder, the others on^iboats 11-inches, the morter 13-inch, and I

land battery 24 pounder rlflas. It is fair

say that a projec'i'.e was io the air all 1

time. They appeared to ha of every c<

^ceivable shape, from the ppherical to

lamp-post style of architecture, tnd some

n them, I rerily believe, had long tails, whwere defiantly switched in our faces as tlwont whizz ng and howling spitefully 1harmlessly by. Our phot, shell, grape i

' canister fell so thick and fast in the timl' that we succeeded in spoiling one of thl"

gun9 in their land battery ; but they are

industrious set of skunks, and in two hoi® they had substituted fjr it another of smilJ* ClllOre.

At about oni o'clock r. ai. ono ofthe gi8 beats withdrew, baily d»m*g5d The otl

stood it oat, however, though btruck save

timer, unti! just cs tho sua was setliog, wll" your correspondent Doted the direction of

last three shots from Whistling Dick. Tl3 wore to the point; and ths broad hora w

rcund tho corner, c la crawfish, and dif" paared. It is proper to say that tl6 stand'bow on and only two can come tl" time. They dar^cot tarn rouod when t]

tt' want to withdraw, as that would expose tltenderwt parts. You may know that b*

e ing a clumsy gunboat up stream is ho oi

a businsia. bines then, the engagements hiv been of little or no importance, so far as

can see.i» This is, in my opinion, but an advance pa

of a most formidable expedition, and we I;« forward to, ouO are preparing for a long, <

r- perate and bloody struggl®. Major-Gemi- Luring is in oommand here, and he intend

fight whda there is a foot of grounde- a man of his command to contest for it.tS ,

it Yankee papers asnouneo the capture ofif, British steamer ^Nicholas I,^hr the Uo

£ 'V * *'" "'5

? ['"Tt Ore Lradis I..is?,"JPOLAND.

The inaarrsciion in Poland ksa nc * becnc® r rational sisinr. Thi isolated resistsr.ee of" a few brjsds of desperate conscripts h s de;veiOj-cu into a revolution wMc tasks

all tb« of Ruasis lu nr. l.rctiagainst if. 'ihe osl, trustworthy i unr.lionv/Nic*" r> aches th's cuurtryif *h ogtenaof the movement. in ' ho -bap) < f u oga.'G f Lin tho Aufriii '» *»d Prss».«:'.n f n_tierr, i.; r trrsiari!v ve:; /* '*»-,t dpwba-. ( (. lOring. W.. «<«i tJ Iff » gr< r» jV. j

btff'. *:ari pa'tliS of I'l-iiiaTj^rn u : "

- gentu, wh:ch sty very ltliln, ex sj»t -.l. ti/oinsur-eotion txt-nds ov.r a v.r; v.i«'o *rc.vThra xnucb, however, in*y bo ssti v: i: ic - e

certainty, ih&t the insurgents hive, on th«^ whole, had lor a f-w .Java the advaru.r-', a-: J- are row beginning to ice*» i ; tiai ts.«.v r.rc

0 far better provided with armithau a. u'..i s

^been expected, erad that t.iy cio mnttsndedby offices of sorco expcr'c cce. Arough not cn cf the s»at if the cm d c. i }'

1 bo gwea by f-esciib'ng a cierc:. ».\.c - r.j,: on tha cno band from the ptbt c! j <r.c>ien1 of the Austrian tad Prusiiin fiunGcm ai littlo to the Xorth-cest of Cr-.cc>., pti1 thsoco by the °rcntl:r if (juiiica, ami tb'ii0 by the fjoii'itr between Kus ,u '.roper et» i; Poland, t.» c'ro P/.s.-iwi frontier> ren.lv to tho rioith of Wsra-vw. Wtrhsn .?.»»1 whole of tfc** district embraced lyt lini'O. that :o cay. by far tho largo: -.vt of

the kingdom of Poland, tho insur;* c t <»

] general. It tx->nrs, hawover, >-ty i>u tfnr frontier Lto Ruests it-.e f;. and it c t ii probabla that St will very sous, <o i'.H Cr. ..in3 destruction, exter.« over'tie p.ustiin suitj Austrian f.orticid. la fact, tho insturicxti.s:- | ecorar. to have a stronger hold at the ju :ct"tion or tho Prussian atd Au-tiisn f outiorsi than aujtshtio else; altho. gh-i: k*s »'s~r sprt-ai over tin* whole of the proviccta cfa Sind-jroier end Lublin.a The Piussian Government, which r.t li>Tt0 wsiJ not ranch disturbed* >8 now, it fcccr-.n,1 eertous'y a'a-nud, aud i*oop« a*^ pourinzs into htlrs:a, at tho south-west tc cr . fi wb'cfc proTiiico ;h.* danj-sr flevrcs t threat »- moo*. Laior accounts Fpeak cf part tfu Western Pitifsia as ia » very excited outc .

r Talegr*:ac frno; Kug<t*n sources ap..ik < : dct.ciairo victories g» tod by the RusM n t Ot

y 07er c jr-K:>j*rable lodtra cf in orgt. b, .! oi i on? ne*r Wouseak, in the pre*iacc tf L :hoJin, in which 6,000 insoigcr.ls r.ere altacit Ln by (je" Midland wots com*Mtly daicctot;i.rv/.i iitmiicos of peasants lfcrctrir.fie down their muskets at the fl'Bt fire .rnd thea other roar Wiin», in which tbc ijsu'rertty lost one thousand nan, and tho Pus.-, a so but twelv". rf whom, bowtv.-r, tixu we:o <fiicer>:. Of ccutFe th-so r.te-.eomentp »nus* b« received with tear, ilr.-M t,it but it m»y be rssuoied thr.* victori .6 O*i. some sort m:« gaiue.*, aud, indeed, it it t>if bo expected tfcit wherever a la-god forco vroil 14 lippnd, c jnies into c.-Q c. wnhv the msujRcuto the latter viil te si.tnsi'y

beaten. Their fltrerg'h lies in lb? gaeruia1- warfare. The P.-.tSsan Goverrment is t i

dently aisr.i.e.i st the progrosa which tr.ce rebellion =a raa'.i g, snil the Enp.ror to*,

i" seems di-i.nu.*l. ».fur havi. & C bora'.?'it provolf'-i Via.the tlfcl al j .urml of h..t Petoroourg r.iii-ita teat tho rec uinr.fi>.0 was ciitdudod in an uspsuil nicn.-or, but .

,0 excuses it 03 the ground »h»t too G vcrriimeat had beeu aware for xnor hi tral it1- would be the signal f-.r inijurrectsoa.t > t*ye to conciliate the Poles. Tba iccruitrnent h*s0 btien 6to{pe'l. Many of ih» can crip'.s . cv.i

.i bcon J'bsicted. Tne repoitG of the Com c 19 of uie heuc :A>; i u to bo tin" p ur

« in tho Po ish iao<<n'.';'1o; and tfco Co noile of the Empire h»'j hc?n oidorvd tj prep.v«

sever?! m;i«iurt'S.cf bu: slight import itg must bo /mowod./or lk»> to'oroi of iLj uditm^aiatrsti-n of tr.o kingdor. cf PAi: d.« Theee cfT-os came loo lcte; i( Polsrd is to L'uo conciliated, :t must bo by mora subetsfcal coul-cession a. Thoro is no midway now botwceo r.

v hrjy measure ri j s si'round rigorous ripfesasion. "VfLea a Russian genera! does no'g TO

a satisfaction, be always filliuir* si!. Gen R»psy,the ccmnunder in Poland, a r'eictn an",iS we suppose, of coma Scotcheoldier cf fortune,. has had an attack cf »j»op'o*y, aou

8amukin takos his placo. "We wiii us) :!io* falsehoods to d b/ the Ruisian tebgtaass about the m*835cre of the soldiers by then insurgents, tojuatify a hope that tie story_

of tbo attempwd poisoning ct tvc >:a>qu'. j

VT-nlcp jl ki and hit f. m.ly is a foul inv. n i:">a' to dspiivo ^the Pules of the ?yn;p:'.!i/ C"10 Eurorv.;d .

. r aw uilflinj.

a_ A co.ri'Hpontli ni of tho New York''He's !"m pre-er.-tt the following oi'*'.ure of theriiiiti

of the footstep.? of the inthis ouoe proud city :

The chonga of cShir.i ir. New 0 ca

w be be't:r aodetjMrd by Ticking » e I

J acd fct, Charles !i->tel_ iho l\'.'~r in t in .

[ of peace at this CLMcn of the yen? "i, u. :yaa crowds d t} excess vriiii the bciucy, \<-ahuI" and of "he S>uth ami S U'.l: we/ ; 'he.3, rotunda vr.*"» .siwayb filled tri'.b caerc ar.it,

nlar.terH or Nonharre-s, who wn/.« rpes .r.,the winter in rha Bruin either on busir c i.

pletuirt. Now the fpaciocs d/jtwis/, took j

:ef are deserted; :hs lr.d;cs' dining r- 'Lc.

Usod to p'eseDt, vbca '.he g'KB*..-. Ofnn ware all an3eHabled, cno of the m at br.ll *ct^ 6cer.cs to bo witncrs&d oa thfs c v.'.l ::?,lc' no w phscd, tni lbs rulufl ft tabu; ; \rt!yu? ttlltd ri'.h men of nn ct'.irb'y dU r.T »p_vpoarfui-j from those who C007"-r«. d id; 0

only u year.". ciccc, tn-s ctiii.yB'jyr w<i»r'r!g th-i uniform rf tVj «:myadd na7y of the United s at.a Th Jtvcti

tft presents » etr*rg*coniiastv.i hiVim .;Tacn the masts of bandteca upon r r. rd.

j of thips C'.>uLi bo S'-rn ts fa* n it <-v : f- u:C

_£ reach, crowds of Luga b'tesznho&tn -* < r/i cccBtJiit'.yanirng and deperttrg, tr.e >« , ..as

filled with cntjyii, tjoacco, faurir r.r.mo'hEses, ready fir ejpnrt, sod ia.Tgj c r,.';:a < f' the mar. uf«cturea of the N:itlj vcr > Lti g .

lnndid fir distribution throughout thi3 hct1lion cf tbo country. Now a fuw so r.. cm* be seen in either d strict; a dcz -n steam bovts

c.jinpr.3 i a;i at ihe icTte, srd they ate pcipclly in iho employ cf the qutHmn -;.r,

7Q_and the long lino of heavy nh'pi f wcr

'er moored elf tfc/? city presents a 6'ght u v iffo.onacii in Now Orleans. On the iuvc- a

^ £.7? boles rf cot-cn h;-re and there, z fo«rthousand hogsheads of eagir ard berrc. t u;

molasasa, cronpnus cli that can be witni s*<din the way of. undo ; and tbo lusg lino cf

» closed store i aid warehouses, with the, proprietor >' names painud oat, niva ivi-dence how nuch the hutine a of New Orleanshas fallen rfl". The picture altog. tker

3S- is a very, very sad one, and the elrtr.ger,. looking upon it naiura.'Iy asks himself, *li' r.

a.' will ther* ho a charge f;rtho better? Toie eay that in my opinion there i i an intrt-r.: in' the Union seniioooDt tmong Lko poop'o t f-N- w»

. Oilcans end the tunoundirg country vcu.I® be crcelei&g a wrong impretrion riccng the

^ -Herald's'' ltado,a. I Uu nottl.'ink co; foriatn confidant, from ali I ecu h»ar from ih .te

0 who are nit cn'.y f'sioniats in he:.ttv, but,0 who are in the employment cf the govcntuwni,e nothing has been done to lead the pe p.'o to

5?" suppofce that it vas the i'lteuti ;a of tto

eminent to: ule them save with a red of i v.°}I m»y bs premature in this asso ti:n ; but'iftiihe is tr.ij- of what has been told ice by g. i:

ley tlotacn of die hicbcst :«j/ijy.-ctabiii.y, andmen, i: is r.c woi.Jer there w iiu kya.iy

ln among iba peoplo oi the South; cntlie con)e.r'trary.ibe only wor.der :s tint a sr-.rk cfeir Union fefJing c*:; be found remaining. 1 heronQ wiil r.'. ?i:oe future piriod bo nude tubnc a

|!rs hisro y of our first occupstiin of N w 0.*er| lean?, which w-.J. if there :3 any h .n.s v cflr...mnca trTionir <vi* r»POr-lo tt ifcc Noftb^

Uj. f*- - , ,

jj rcause them to cpin thu'r eyes and worker

xaj that any fuccuss cou;d auecd our rawro

10n presented as ithts neon Li ih.s s'<vi n f

the lh8C0Un''-v-3«7 MISCELLANEOUS.ent p4C] JJorphy has r.ri ;»« «.] in Paris.,aP' Tiglicni, ih«i ceiebrti-.d tx-?ar«nrf, j;,

much rrdurfdrrccniariiy.and hairnet:-ccdlt a /or «a:e in Pars, the ccttiy pmrnts £!Tl;i to

lt^r her by kirg-, I'rin Oo f. a^sUtlffi :f t>0

pircuettt.^gy a portly person coolonipl&tio^ f-r ::.-eo

fcTo minutes the ponderous dimensions cf-a byweslander's feet, said in'e tore of niter wonder,as hi surveyed Lixn. '-You'd have fcetn c.

Jty mighty tall man, if they b»d-.'t bout you cfT

Qok so far up,"leg- horse thief, recency ccr.vc'.o I a', tfco

eraj Ezetor Acsizes, before Mr. Jusiice- Byles, hi.d

been eentenced in the island of J.mscy. it>

three months' imprisonment, and t7e years,' *

banishment to England.M. Iagree ia to draw a head ot Caspar to

'the embellish Louis Napoleon's Life of this waritedrior. Tho. drawing is to bo a composition,