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IBMS Course Outline Year 1 (of the four year Bachelor Programme) 2016-2017 International Business School Hanze University Groningen University of Applied Sciences

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IBMS Course Outline

Year 1

(of the four year Bachelor Programme)


International Business School Hanze University Groningen University of Applied Sciences

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General information

The IBMS Course Outlines, together with the IBMS Prospectus, Handbooks and the Student Charter form the Teaching and Exam Regulations, in Dutch: ‘de onderwijs- en examenregeling, de OER’. All of these documents are digitally available via the Hanze website (access > Education > International Business School), used by the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen. The IBMS Course Outlines (in German: Vorlesungsverzeichnis Internationale Betriebswirtschaft) serve several purposes:

to enable students to prepare for classes and to acquire the correct texts;

to enable students to plan their work;

to assist teaching staff to meet the educational aims;

to give partner schools and persons outside the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen an overview of the contents and structure of the modules offered within the IBMS/BW study programme;

to enable the Planning Office to schedule classes;

to enable the Examination Office to create correct assessment schemes. To meet these purposes each module description defines: the module name and examination code used by the Exam Office and the Planning Office, the set-up of classes, the size of the module, the aims of the module, what textbooks students must acquire, and how the module will be assessed. At the date of printing, the information contained in this book was accurate, and as far as possible complete. If any changes or revisions to modules have taken place since then, students will be notified by their teacher at the beginning of the module in question. These changes will only be valid after publication on the Hanze website (access > Education > International Business School) under the heading: ' Formal Changes to Course Outline and Prospectus’. The academic year is divided into 4 study periods: Period 1: September – November Period 2: November – January Period 3: February – April Period 4: April – July The periods mentioned in this Course Outline are those in which the module is offered during the academic year 2016-2017. Finally we refer to the IBMS Prospectus/BW Studienführer for all other information necessary to complete your studies at the International Business School and other official IBS channels of communication:

- - Blackboard

Note: students are strongly advised to check the Hanze website (access and Blackboard for the various module sites in order to obtain the latest information.

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Framework competencies IBMS1 Profession-related competencies (P) I International Business Competencies 1. International Business Awareness 2. Intercultural competence II General Management Competencies

3. International strategic vision development 4. Business processes & change management 5. Entrepreneurial management

III Functional Key-Areas Competencies 6. International marketing and sales management

7. International supply chain management 8. International finance & accounting 9. International human resource management (HRM)

Generic competencies (G) I Interpersonal competencies 1. Leadership

2. Co-operation 3. Business Communication

II Task-oriented competencies 4. Business research methods

5. Planning and organizing III Intra-personal competencies 6. Learning and self-development

7. Ethical and corporate responsibility NOTE: References in the Course Outline are made like this: Gx.x; Py.y. Example: P1.3 means professional competence 1 (international business awareness), level 3 (Bachelor-level). Competencies: level of execution Competencies are supposed to be acquired step by step. This requires the description of the level of mastering the competency. In general these levels will be: Level 1 The ability to execute a simple task. The student has the basic

knowledge and skills to apply the competency with guidance in a limited context

In most educational situations this will be learned in the first year

Level 2 The student can apply the competency independently in a relatively clearly arranged situation

This will normally be at the end of year 2 or the work placement period.

Level 3 The student can apply the competency independently in a complex situation with complete control of the required skills


Level 4 Flexible application of the competency in complex situations. The student can evaluate his competency and can support others when applying their competencies.


1 A complete description of the competencies is available via intranet, Hanze (access >

organisatie > International Business School)

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Table of contents General information ........................................................................................................................................... 3

Framework competencies IBMS ....................................................................................................................... 5 Block 1.1 .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 IBP1 Introduction Business Processes....................................................................................................... 13 BSK1 Basic Skills ............................................................................................................................................ 14 FAC1 Financial Accounting 1 ...................................................................................................................... 16 STA1 Applied Statistics A ................................................................................................................................ 17 ECN1 Economics ............................................................................................................................................. 18 CPP1 Consultancy Project 1......................................................................................................................... 19 ERS1 English Business Report Writing Skills 1 ...................................................................................... 20 PRD1 Professional Development 1 .............................................................................................................. 21 Block 1.2 .............................................................................................................................................................. 23 ICB1 Intercultural Competences in Business 1 ...................................................................................... 25 MAT1 Elementary Mathematics ................................................................................................................... 26 RSK2 Secondary Research Skills 2 .............................................................................................................. 27

STB1 Applied Statistics B ............................................................................................................................. 28 CPP2 Consultancy Project 2......................................................................................................................... 29

ENG1 English/Business Communication 1 ............................................................................................... 30 PRD2 Professional Development 2 .............................................................................................................. 32 Block 1.3 .............................................................................................................................................................. 33 MKT1 Marketing ............................................................................................................................................. 35

MAC1 Management Accounting 1 ............................................................................................................... 36 BMO1 Behaviour, Management and Organisation ................................................................................... 37 BPP1 Business Plan Project 1 ...................................................................................................................... 38 EPS1 English Presentation Skills ................................................................................................................ 39 PRD3 Professional Development 3 .............................................................................................................. 40 Block 1.4 .............................................................................................................................................................. 41 LAW1 Introduction to International Business Law 1 .............................................................................. 43

RSK1 Primary Research Skills ...................................................................................................................... 44 BPP2 Business Plan Project 2 ...................................................................................................................... 45

ENG2 English/Business Communication 2 ............................................................................................... 46 PRD4 Professional Development 4 .............................................................................................................. 48 Languages ............................................................................................................................................................ 49 DUA1 Dutch Language & Culture 1 level A............................................................................................... 51 DUA2 Dutch Language & Culture 2 level A............................................................................................... 52 DUB1 Dutch Language & Culture 1 level B ............................................................................................... 53 DUB2 Dutch Language & Culture 2 level B ............................................................................................... 54 FRA1 French Language & Culture 1 level A ............................................................................................... 55 FRA2 French Language & Culture 2 level A ............................................................................................... 56 GEA1 German Language & Culture 1 level A ............................................................................................ 57 GEA2 German Language & Culture 2 level A .......................................................................................... 58 SPA1 Spanish Language & Culture 1 level A .......................................................................................... 60 SPA2 Spanish Language & Culture 2 level A .............................................................................................. 61

SPB2 Spanish Language & Culture 2 level B .............................................................................................. 62

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Sequence of Subjects in Year 1 of the 4 year programme

Sequence for students who begin their studies taking the Consultancy Project: CPP

Block 1.1 Theme: The Consultant

Block 1.2 Theme: The Practical Consultant

Block 1.3 Theme: The Entrepreneur

Block 1.4 Theme: The Practical Entrepreneur

Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

IBP1 Introduction Business processes*

2 ICB1 Intercultural Competence in Business 1*

2 Language 1* 3 Language 2* 3

BSK1 Basic Skills* 1 MAT1 Mathematics 2 MKT1 Marketing 3 LAW1 Introduction to Internat. Business Law


FAC1 Financial Accounting 1

3 RSK2 Secondary Research Skills

1 MAC1 Management Accounting 1

2 RSK1 Primary Research Skills


STA1 Applied Statistics A 2 STB1 Applied Statistics B 2 BMO1 Behaviour, Management & Organisation 1


ECN1 Economics 2

CPP1 Consultancy Project 1

1 CPP2 Consultancy Project 2

4 BPP1 Business Plan 1 1 BPP2 Business Plan 2 4

ERS1 English Business Report Writing Skills 1*

2 ENG1 English/Business Communication 1*

3 EPS1 English Presentation Skills*

2 ENG2 English/Business Communication 2*


PRD1 Professional Development 1*

2 PRD2 Professional Development 2*

1 PRD3 Professional Development 3*

1 PRD4 Professional Development 4*


Sequence for students who begin their studies taking the Business Plan: BPP

Block 1.1 Theme: The Entrepreneur

Block 1.2 Theme: The Practical Entrepreneur

Block 1.3 Theme: The Consultant

Block 1.4 Theme: The Practical Consultant

Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC Code Educational Unit EC

IBP1 Introduction Business processes*

2 ICB1 Intercultural Competence in Business 1*

2 Language 1* 3 Language 2* 3

BSK Basic Skills* 1 LAW1 Introduction to International Business Law

3 FAC1 Financial Accounting 1

3 MAT1 Mathematics 2

MKT1 Marketing 3 RSK1 Primary Research Skills

1 STA1 Applied Statistics A 2 RSK2 Secondary Research Skills


MAC1 Management Accounting

2 ECN1 Economics 2 STB1 Applied Statistics B 2

BMO1 Behaviour, Management & Organisation 1


BPP1 Business Plan 1 1 BPP2 Business Plan 2 4 CPP1 Consultancy Project 1

1 CPP2 Consultancy Project 2


ERS1 English Business Report Writing Skills 1*

2 ENG1 English/Business Communication 1*

3 EPS1 English Presentation Skills*

2 ENG2 English/Business Communication 2*


PRD1 Professional Development 1*

2 PRD2 Professional Development 2*

1 PRD3 Professional Development 3*

1 PRD4 Professional Development 4*


NB: for the official Table of Credits and exam schemes, please refer to the IBMS Prospectus 2016-2017.

* Marked modules are always in this order, independent of the semester the student starts in.

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*Language 1: DUA1 Dutch Language & Culture 1 level A or DUB1 Dutch Language & Culture 1 level B FRA1 French Language & Culture 1 level A GEA1 German Language & Culture 1 level A SPA1 Spanish Language & Culture 1 level A Language 2: DUA2 Dutch Language & Culture 2 level A or DUB2 Dutch Language & Culture 2 level B FRA2 French Language & Culture 2 level A GEA2 German Language & Culture 2 level A SPA2 Spanish Language & Culture 2 level A or SPB2 Spanish Language & Culture 2 level B

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Block 1.1

The Consultant

Introduction Business Processes

Basic Skills

Financial Accounting 1



Consultancy Project 1

English Business Report Writing Skills 1

Professional Development 1

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IBP1 Introduction Business Processes

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Introduction Business Processes Module code IBVP15IBP1 Year of study 1

Period 1 & 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 2 EC = 56 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

identify the major characteristics of a business;

identify primary and supporting business processes;

identify the relationship of a business versus its environment;

set goals and manage business processes, in a (stipulated) simulation environment;

recognize roles and responsibilities in a simulation environment.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P4.1, P7.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents This module offers a practical approach to all key aspects of business

administration and how business processes are managed. Didactical form Top Sim game combined with feedback sessions. Assessment Assessment method(s)


Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Eric Voerman, karin Vegter, Conny Dröge-Pott, Arnd Mehrtens, Thierry bonsing,

Shu-Fen Lee. Estimated costs Literature RecommendedBusiness Administration Thuis, P., Stuive, R.; Noordhoff, 2012;

ISBN 978 900 180 9768 + information on Blackboard

Language of instruction English

Details/peculiarities Laptop (1 per group) 80% mandatory attendance

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BSK1 Basic Skills

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Basic Skills Module code IBVP13BSK Year of study 1 Period 1 Year 2016-2017 Study load 1 EC = 28 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

This module helps students to improve their calculation and English skills, bringing students with weaker skills in these areas to at least bachelor entry level. This should enable them to be more successful in other year 1 modules. IBS students who did not pass the Basic Calculation test and/or the English pre-test, take the related BSK1 practical. The tests take place during the first period of the first semester: the Basic Calculation test in the introduction week and the English Test in week 3 or 4. English practical (in period 2) This practical is aimed at students who have failed the English diagnostic entry test (pretest). The course starts at elementary level and deals with the very basics of grammar, writing skills, reading skills, speaking skills, and vocabulary. Seven 2-hour sessions are scheduled to

provide explanations of the basic English structures and tenses,

practise writing, reading, and speaking skills with instant feedback,

answer questions on individual problems with the basics of the English language with the following aims:

o the student knows the basics of English grammar and sentence structure and can implement these.

o the student increases his/her basic English vocabulary. o the student can answer basic questions about texts from current

publications. Calculation practical (in period 1) After successful completion of the course the students:

know the basic language, skills, procedures and concepts of algebra;

can apply the introduced skills, procedures and concepts in simple exercises. Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: Preparing for P8.1 (calculation) and G3.1 (English)

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students


Level Pre-Bachelor Course contents English

Class #1 Introduction to course Discussing pre-test

Class #2 Possibly: finish discussion of pre-test Discuss/practise test exercises on vocabulary, prepositions, questions, negative sentences, determiners

Class #3 Discussing/practising tenses: past, pres., future Class #4 Discussing/practising tenses: past, pres., future Class #5 Discussing/practising reading comprehension exercises Class #6 Practice test Class #7 Discussion practice test

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Calculation Topics involved are: Algebra, Brackets and Order, Simple Equations and Graphs, Percentages, Fractions and Ratios

Didactical form / type of course


Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam 1 (Mathematics)

Written exam 2 (English)

Osiris code(s)



Number of EC



Minimum grade(s)



Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) English: Emily Lewis, drs. Jeltje van der Sluis Calculation: Betsy Mather, Xiaoyan Xu

Costs TBA Literature English

Syllabus Basic Skills no. tba Business Grammar and Usage Market Leader, new edition, Strutt, P. Pearson Educated Limited, 2010. ISBN 978 140 822 0085. Calculation Mathematics for Finance, Business and Economics Dondjio, I., Krasser, W.; Noordhoff, 2013; ISBN 978 900 181 8623. Help yourself to algebra (HYA); Neill, H.; Longman, 2008; ISBN 978 058 229 0686.

Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Students who pass the Basic Calculation test and/or English test, do not need to

take the related practical. If students only fail the Basic Calculation test, they only need to take the calculation practical; if students only fail the English test (score below 5.5/fail), they only need to take the English practical. Students who fail both tests, need to take both practicals. Students, who cannot take one or both tests (for whatever reason), need to take the related practical(s). There is one final resit in the resit week. Please note: due to the fact that students make the entry test before the lessons start, students are entitled to two resit opportunities in their first year of enrolment: once in the exam week following the lessons and once in the following resit round.

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FAC1 Financial Accounting 1

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Financial Accounting 1 Module code IBVP16FAC1 Year of study 1 Period 1 or 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

Learning outcomes: From a straight-forward, limited context related to service companies and trading companies the student is independently able to:

construct financial statements (income statement, statement of retained earnings and balance sheet);

calculate (change in) the cash position;

record transactions and adjustments in t-accounts;

account for the issuance of a bond:

- calculating the selling price

- recording the issuance using journals

- using the effective-interest method of amortization

define and calculate rations Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile (P8.1):

The ability to translate simple financial activities into journal entries and to prepare a balance sheet and profit & loss account for an SME (small and medium-sized enterprise).

The ability to determine and to work with the information needs of an SME, among which the chart of accounts.

The ability to translate more complex financial activities into journal entries and to prepare a balance sheet and profit & loss account.

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites none Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Accounting cycle, bonds and ratio analysis Didactical form Lectures, online tutorials Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Henk Jager, Cambell Parsons, Uno Sissingh Costs € 90.- Literature ‘Horngren’s financial & managerial accounting, The Financial Chapters’ Nobles,

Mattison ea; Pearson; 5th edition, 2016; ISBN 9781292117102 Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities

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STA1 Applied Statistics A

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Applied Statistics A Module code IBVP16STA1 Year of study 1 Period 1 or 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 2 EC = 56 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

On the completion of this module the student will be able to:

explain statistical concepts such as population and sample, four levels of measurement, different types of variables and data, independent and dependent variables;

order the data and choose the appropriate methods to visualize and/or tabulate the data;

construct a frequency distribution and cumulative frequency distribution;

interpret visualizations of statistical data;

use Excel functions such as formulas, cell referencing, create tables, filtering, sorting;

use Excel to calculate and present business related statistical data;

interpret the results of the data analysis. Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G4.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS Year 1students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Analyze and interpret data using quantitative methods and Excel. Didactical form Seminars

Practical Self-regulated online learning

Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam 1

Written exam 2

Osiris code(s)



Number of EC



Minimum grade(s)


pass Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Betsy Mather, Ning Ding, Xiaoyan Xu Costs Literature Statistical techniques in Business and Economics. ISBN 978 1 1216 7865 1

(Please note this is a custom edition for the Hanzehogeschool Groningen, which is only available via Studystore which has a branche in Hanze campus)

Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities

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ECN1 Economics

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Economics Module code IBVP16ECN1 Year of study 1 Period 1 or 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 2 EC = 56 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

Learning outcomes: From a limited economic context the student is independently able to:

define or describe relevant economic terminology;

distinguish between economic terms;

predict the effects of a single event on a relevant market by:

- drawing an appropriate diagram of the market;

- showing how the event affects the market’s diagram, and:

- explaining how market equilibrium is established. From given information on the foreign exchange market the student is independently able to:

define or describe relevant terms;

distinguish between appreciation and depreciation;

predict the effects of a single event affecting the foreign exchange market by:

- drawing an appropriate diagram of the market;

- showing how the event affects the market’s diagram, and:

- explaining how market equilibrium is established. Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: The student can analyse economic variables (P1.1)

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites none Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Introduction to micro economics and macro economics Didactical form Lectures, online tutorials Assessment Assessment method(s)

written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)


Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Erik Schutte, Tim Horst, Henk Jager Costs € 80,- Literature ‘Economics’; compiled from Parkin and Gerber; custom made publication;

ISBN: 978-1-78434-207-4, a special Hanze publication which can also be used for the second year module New Economic Realities.

Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities

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CPP1 Consultancy Project 1

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Consultancy Project 1 Module code IBVP12CPP1 Year of study 1 Period 1 or 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 1 EC = 28 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student will be able to:

Recognise the practical applicability of the courses involved in a business setting;

Justify, present and defend his/her group research in a professional manner, in writing;

Evaluate his/her teamwork and individual contributions. Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: This module has been formulated in order that specific competencies can be formally addressed within the course. P1.1, P5.1, P8.1, G2.1, G3.1, G4.1, G5.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents The project acts as an engine of learning; students will have to cooperate

and find independent solutions to complex practice oriented problems and present the various solutions in an integrated way. Students can relate the various subjects (FAC1, STA1, ECN1, ERS1) to a real life case. Students will receive a brief introduction to the various subjects to inform them about the specific contents and required level of knowledge. Students have to learn to cooperate in groups to discover the added value of working in multicultural teams.

Didactical form Project

Assessment Assessment method(s)


Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

Pass Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Betsy Mather (Project Coordinator) Costs

Literature Student Handbook, Project book Consultancy Case, case study Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance in week 1 is highly recommended since the project contents,

procedures, rules and planning are explained in detail. Group cooperation and successful passing of the project are seriously endangered when missing the foundation session. If you miss out on more than 2 (coach) meetings you will be considered to be no longer part of the project group. Having passed the progress report (CPP1) at the midpoint of the project is a requirement for starting with CPP2 (finalizing the project). It is recommended that you have taken and passed the related subject exams.

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ERS1 English Business Report Writing Skills 1

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit English Business Report Writing Skills 1 Module code IBVP12ERS1 Year of study 1 Period 1 Year 2016-2017 Study load 2 EC = 56 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

On completion of this module students will be able to:

narrow the scope of a business report by clearly and succinctly writing an appropriate purpose statement ;

identify different types of business reports, namely: informational reports, analytical reports, and proposals;

formulate a basic structure for a business report in the form of an outline;

include appropriate information when drafting the following business report sections: Executive Summary, Introduction, Methodology, Conclusion, Recommendations and Appendices;

determine which information needs to be referenced in business reports in order to avoid plagiarism;

use the Harvard Referencing system correctly by creating in-text citations and reference list entries for a business report;

analyze quotes, paraphrases and summaries in order to determine whether sources have correctly been incorporated in academic and business report writing.

critique sections of business reports written by fellow students using the IBS report writing criteria

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G3.1, G4.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Regular module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents The module introduces the major issues involved in writing (business

research) reports, from planning and process and the elements necessary to make up a report, to sourcing/plagiarism. During the course students are expected to complete a series of writing assignments and critically review work written by fellow-students.

Solid preparation and active participation are expected. The assessment will be based on a written exam.

Didactical form Practical/Skills Training, seminars Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Emily Lewis, Jeltje van der Sluis, Cees Krottje, Timothy English, Lucas

Zandberg Costs TBD Literature Syllabus, available via Blackboard.

ERS1: English Report Writing Skills; Emily Lewis (editor) 2nd edition (Pearson Custom Publishing) ISBN: 978-1-78365-700-1

Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities The resit for the exam will be held in the regular resit exam period.

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PRD1 Professional Development 1

Field Name Description Title of educational unit Professional Development 1 Module code IBVP12PRD1 Year of study 1

Period 1 Year 2016-2017 Study load 2 EC = 56 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student:

is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses and knows how to improve his weaknesses;

knows which role he plays within his project-team and the effect his behaviour has on his team;

knows how to conduct a meeting effectively;

develops awareness about cultural differences;

develops strategies in dealing with conflicts;

knows how to plan a project;

is aware of the rules and regulations at IBMS Hanze University;

is aware of current choice of his studies and makes a conscious choice. Connection with competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G2.1 G5.1, G6.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Students will get to know their class mates in the introduction week.

Students will be introduced in this week to the Hanze University systems and rules. Students will have workshops on various topics in their first period. Students meet regularly with their Academic Advisor and student mentor in their first period.

Type of course Practical/Skills training Assessment Assessment method(s)


Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

Pass Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Henk van Essen (coördinator) a.o. Costs Self print Literature Syllabus on Blackboard Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance during all sessions is compulsory. Also, if you are invited for an

individual meeting by your AA, you need to attend. If students miss out an introduction session or workshop session, they will get a compensation assignment. Assessment criteria:

active participation during all sessions;

assignment(s) meeting minimum quality criteria (described in assignment). Deadline to hand in assignment(s), including possible compensation assignment(s) on Friday, noon, week 7. If a student fails this course, he will be offered a resit within the first year of studies.

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Block 1.2

The Practical Consultant

Intercultural Competences in Business 1


Secondary Research Skills

Applied Statistics B

Consultancy Project 2

English / Business Communication 1

Professional Development 2

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ICB1 Intercultural Competences in Business 1

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Intercultural Competences in Business 1 Module code IBVP15ICB1C Year of study 1 Period 2

Year 2016-2017 Study load 2EC = 56 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student is able to recognize and describe norms, values and cultural foundations of self and others within the context of their classroom to be reported in their intercultural competences in business portfolio. The student is able to deconstruct and describe different behaviors in order to create a strategy focused on effective collaboration in multicultural teams to be reported in their intercultural competences in business portfolio. Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G9.1, G3.1, G6.1, G7.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Required module for IBMS students

Prerequisites none Level First year Bachelor Course contents The objective of this course is to take students on a learning journey towards

intercultural competence (in business, with an emphasis on exploration of the cultural self and other in the first year). In the first weeks, attention is given to cultural understanding (recognition) of self and other. From there the course deals with intercultural understanding leading to respect. The course finally focuses on how to deal effectively and appropriately with differences and thereby aims to come to the core of intercultural competence (reconciliation and realization), all to be assessed in the graded ICB1 portfolio.

Didactical form / type of course

The course begins with an introductory lecture in which students are introduced to the ICB trajectory. From there weekly 2-hour workshops focus on recognition of the cultural self and cultural differences, developing respect for identified cultural differences by experiencing cultural dilemma’s (reconciliation) in in-class activities, and, finally, how cultural differences can be employed to build global teams (realization). In weeks 1-7, generally, one hour is dedicated to discussing theoretical foundations of cultural competence and one hour to in-class activities leading to input for the four in-class assessed portfolio assignments.

Assessment Assessment method(s)



Osiris code(s)



Number of EC



Minimum grade(s)



Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Peter Postma (coordinator) e.a. Costs Literature Selected chapters (a total of 80-100 pages) from:

‘Intercultural sensitivity, From denial to intercultural competence’; Nunez, C., Nunez Mahdi, R., & Popma, L.; Van Gorcum, 4th edition; 2013; ISBN 978 902 325 1330 ‘International dimensions of organizational behavior’; Adler, N., & Gundersen, A. . Mason, OH: South-Western; 5th edition, 2008,. ISBN 978 032 436 0752

Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance is compulsory. Attending less than 80% of the classes leads to

failing this module. Resits are possible next time it is offered. If attended at least 80% and the student failed the assignment, resit of this module is possible in the resit week after period 2.

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MAT1 Elementary Mathematics

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Elementary Mathematics Module code IBVP13MAT1 Year of study 1 Period 2 or 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 2 EC = 56 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

After successful completion of the course the students:

know the fundamental language, skills, procedures and concepts of algebra and can apply them to solve well defined business applications.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P8.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Required module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Topics involved are:

Equations and Graphs, Working with powers, Compound interest, Inequalities and Simultaneous equations and Applications

Didactical form Lectures Assessment

Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer Betsy Mather, Xiaoyan Xu, Jan Roelf Scholtens, Shu Fen Lee Costs TBA Literature ‘Mathematics for Finance, Business and Economics. Dondjio, I., Krasser, W.;

Noordhoff, 2013; ISBN 987 900 181 8623

Exercises on Blackboard Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities

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RSK2 Secondary Research Skills 2

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Secondary Research Skills 2 Module code IBVP12RSK2 Year of study 1 Period 2 or 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 1 EC = 28 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student will be able to:

use several information resources;

assess the relevance of said resources (critical thinking);

critically assess their own research process and report on it;

translate them into useful information;

reference correctly;

find relevant information for the Consultancy Case Project. Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G4.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites None Level First Year Bachelor Course contents The students will be made aware of the different ways to conduct secondary

research and apply it. Didactical form Practical

Assessment Assessment method(s)

Assignment (see BB)

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

Pass Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Cees Krottje Costs Literature

Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities The assignment is closely related to the project Consultancy Case.

80% attendance is required. If a student fails to meet this requirement, he or she will need to take the module again, the next time it is offered.

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STB1 Applied Statistics B

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Applied Statistics B Module code IBVP15STB1 Year of study 1

Period 2 or 4

Year 2016-2017 Study load 2 EC = 56 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

On completion of this module the student will be able to:

calculate the measures of central tendency and dispersion of a given dataset and interpret the results;

calculate and apply linear regression to explore the relationship between two variables and interpret it in a well-defined business context;

identify the four components of time series in a business context, calculate the seasonal indices and use these for future predictions;

use Excel to conduct above mentioned statistical analyses;

interpret the results of the statistical analysis in order to support management decisions.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G4.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS year 1 students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Analyze and interpret data using quantitative methods and Excel. Didactical form Seminars/ Practical / self-regulated online learning Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Betsy Mather, Ning Ding, Xiaoyan Xu Costs €48.16 Literature ‘Statistical techniques in Business and Economics’; Custom Edition for Hanze

Hogeschool (McGraw-Hill) ISBN: 978 1 1216 7865 1 Reader nr 1002; ‘Statistics Year 1’ Additional course material will be provided on Blackboard.

Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities

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CPP2 Consultancy Project 2

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Consultancy Project 2 Module code IBVP12CPP2 Year of study 1

Period 2 or 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 4 EC = 112 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student will be able to:

recognise the practical applicability of the courses involved in a business setting;

justify, present and defend his/her group research in a professional manner, in writing and in a report and presenation;

evaluate his/her teamwork and individual contributions.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: This module has been formulated in order that specific competencies can be formally addressed within the course. P1.1, P5.1, P8.1, G2.1, G3.1, G4.1, G5.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Having passed the progress report at the midpoint of the project is a requirement to finalizing the project. It is recommended that you have taken and passed the related subject exams. Passing CPP1 is a prerequisite for starting with CPP2.

Level First Year Bachelor Course contents The project acts as an engine of learning; students will have to cooperate

and find independent solutions to complex practice oriented problems and present the various solutions in an integrated way. Students can relate the various subjects (FAC1, STA1, ECN1, EIP1, IIC1, ERS1, RSK2)to a real life case. Students will receive a brief introduction to the various subjects to inform them about the specific contents and required level of knowledge. Students have to learn to cooperate in groups to discover the added value of working in multicultural teams.

Didactical form Project Assessment Assessment method(s)


Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Betsy Mather (Project Coordinator) Costs Literature Student Handbook, Project book Consultancy Case, case study Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance in week 1 is highly recommended since the project contents,

procedures, rules and planning are explained in detail. Group cooperation and successful passing of the project are seriously endangered when missing the foundation session. Attending at least 80% of the weekly coach meetings is compulsory. If you miss out on more than 2 (coach) meetings you will be considered to be no longer part of the project group.

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ENG1 English/Business Communication 1

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit English/Business Communication 1 Module code IBVP12ENG1 Year of study 1 Period 2 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

At the end of the course students will have reached a B2.1 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Languages. The student can:

brainstorm in small groups on a number of business cases, with a view to writing either minutes to a meeting, an email or a memo;

structure and write a business memo;

identify grammatical, style, and punctuation errors in a text and correct them to proper English;

use linking words in texts as transitions between sentences and ideas;

write grammatically correct sentences using all active tenses;

identify and use the vocabulary from the course book texts and exercises;

build new nouns using correct prefixes;

combine prepositions with verbs to reflect correct business meaning.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G3.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor

Course contents This course primarily focuses on the linguistic skills involved in writing. The aim is to increase the written proficiency of students in formal business contexts. The course makes extensive use of Market Leader, Upper Intermediate, a Business English course developed in association with the Financial Times. During the course, students are expected to make use of a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary items in order to achieve their goals in practical business situations. For this reason special attention is paid to the vocabulary used in the business-related texts provided in Market Leader. Grammar/writing workshops are offered during the block, using the book Business Grammar and Usage from the Market Leader series as well as the course textbook. Finally, the course uses cases from a variety of business environments as the basis for practicing different forms of inter- and intra-company correspondence, specifically memo’s/emails and minutes.

Didactical form Seminars Grammar and Writing Workshops Independent case studies in small groups

Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Assignments (writing file)

Osiris code(s)



Number of EC



Minimum grade(s)



Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Anne Kennedy, Ingrid Fischer, Tim Engish, Emily Lewis, Lucas Zandberg. Costs € 63,00

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Literature ‘Market leader: Upper Intermediate Business English’ (course book + DVD-Rom); Cotton, D., Falvey, D., Kent, S.; Pearson, 3rd edition, 2012; ISBN: 978 1 4082 3709 0 ‘Market Leader: Business Grammar and Usage’ Strutt, P.; Pearson, 2010; ISBN 978 14082 20085 Workbook/syllabus no. TBA good English-English Dictionary recommended

Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance in weeks 1 and 5 is essential due to group formation and feedback

on writing.

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PRD2 Professional Development 2

Field Name Description Title of educational unit Professional Development 2 Module code IBVP11PRD2 Year of study 1 Period 2 Year 2016-2017 Study load 1 EC = 28 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student:

is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses and knows how to improve his weaknesses;

knows which role he plays within his project-team;

develops competencies in the field of:

- communication

- study skills

- group dynamics Connection with competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G1.1, G2.1, G5.1 and G6.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students


Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Students will attend 1 class meeting and 3 workshops on the topics of

feedback, team role management and learning styles. Students meet regularly with their Academic Advisor and student mentor.

Type of course Practical/Skills training Assessment Assessment method(s)


Osiris code(s) IBVP11PRD2C

Number of EC 1

Minimum grade(s) Pass

Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Henk van Essen (coördinator) a.o. Costs Self print

Literature Syllabus on Blackboard Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance during all sessions is compulsory. Also, if you are invited for an

individual meeting by your AA, you need to attend. If students miss out on a workshop session, they will get a compensation assignment. Assessment criteria:

Active participation during sessions;

Assignment(s) meeting minimum quality criteria (described in assignment). Deadline to hand in assignment(s), including possible compensation assignment(s) on Friday, noon, week 7. If a student fails this course, he will be offered a resit within the first year of studies.

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Block 1.3

The Entrepreneur


Management Accounting 1

Behaviour, Management & Organisation

Business Plan Project 1

English Presentation Skills 1

Professional Development 3

Language 1 (in separate section, see page 49)

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MKT1 Marketing

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Marketing Module code IBVP13MKT1 Year of study 1 Period 1 or 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student will be able to:

list and recognize the primary concepts of customer value and customer relationships in an domestic and international company context;

list and recognize the major elements of a company’s market environment in national and international context;

list and recognize the basic elements and techniques of segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning in a (national and international) company context;

list and recognize the major components of the marketing basic elements Price, Product, Place and Promotion in a (national and international) company context;

understand primary concepts of marketing and can apply this to a company case study by summarising basic elements and responding to case and class questions (presentation part).

Connection with competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P4.1, P5.1, P6.1/2

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents The course is a general introduction to marketing and will teach the

principles: marketing environment, consumer behaviour and the marketing mix.

Didactical form Seminars Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam (MC questions)


Osiris code(s)



Number of EC



Minimum grade(s)


5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Hanna van der Stok, Daniëla Naydenova, Paulo Fitas Literature Marketing: an introduction. Armstrong, G. & Kotler, P.; 11th or 12th or 13th edition,

2012, 2014 or 2017; ISBN 978 0 273 76718 3 or 978 0 273 76728 2 or 978 129 21465 08 for the version with access to MyLab)

Electronic media Blackboard, websites; video’s Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities This course can only be successfully completed when students work on a very

regular basis and right from the start of the course. In the two hour classes, theory will be discussed based on the material to be studied for each week. In the single hour/third hour of classes groups of students will give a presentation where concepts/theories are linked to a specific company case study.

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MAC1 Management Accounting 1

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Management Accounting 1 Module code IBVP16MAC1 Year of study 1 Period 1 or 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 2 EC = 56 hours

Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student will be able to:

understand fundamental management accounting concepts and definitions;

carry out a cost assignment calculation;

prepare a cost-volume-profit analysis;

recommend decisions using relevance concept

make operating budgets. Competencies from professional profile: P8.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for students IBMS

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor

Course contents Accounting is the language of business. Using accounting information to assist in the decision making process is one of the primary roles of management accountants. This course is intended to teach students to recognise, analyse and solve business problems using costing and other business economy techniques. In the B-block of the Project (BPP1) students will be required to write a Business Plan together with a group of fellow students. Specific concerns of the course include:

Basic concepts and definitions;

Break-even analysis;

Planning & Control, budgeting;

Cost information for decisions, cost behaviour and relevance. Didactical form Seminars Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)


Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Shu-Fen Lee, Peter Michel Costs € 90 Literature ‘Horngren’s Financial & /Managerial Accounting, The managerial Chapters’; Nobles,

Mattison, Matsumura; Pearson; 5th edition, 2016; ISBN 9781292117096. Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance in week 1 is highly recommended since learning methods will be

elaborated which will enhance your chances to pass the subject.

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BMO1 Behaviour, Management and Organisation

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Behaviour, Management and Organisation 1 Module code IBVP16BMO1 Year of study 1 Period 1 or 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

Upon successful completion of the module, the student will be able to:

Name and explain the specific key terms and variables of the discipline of organizational behaviour;

Distinguish and actively memorize basic and intermediate concepts of organizational behaviour in terms of individual processes in organizations;

Distinguish and actively memorize basic and intermediate concepts of organizational behaviour in terms of group processes in organizations;

Understand how the organization system and structure affect human behaviour in organizations;

Apply theories of the discipline, as taught in class, to simple imaginary situations that could take place in a (multicultural) business context.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P4.1, P9.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents The knowledge of Organizational Behaviour is a crucial element in the success

of graduates at the workplace. Both the study of the text and the application of the theoretical knowledge in the Business Plan Project will initiate a process of awareness, discovery and self-learning that will be on going throughout the learner’s career.

Didactical form Theory oriented module: Lectures / Seminars Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Conny Dröge-Pott, Ros Gibson, Gemma Nijdam, Paul Wabike, Monica Blaga Costs € 74 Literature ‘Organizational behaviour’; Robbins, S., Judge, T. and Campbell, T.; Pearson

Educational Limited,2010; ISBN 978 027 373 9630. Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities

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BPP1 Business Plan Project 1

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Business Plan Project 1 (Preparation) Module code IBVP12BPP1 Year of study 1

Period 1 or 3

Year 2016-2017 Study load 1 EC = 28 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student will:

Learn creative and entrepreneurial thinking;

Experience to work in a multicultural framework and strive for multicultural synergy;

Apply and reflect upon his/her teamwork and individual skills;

Learn how to plan and control. Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P1.1, P5.1, P6.1, P8.1, P9.1, G2.1, G3.1, G4.1, G5.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students.

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents The project acts as an engine of learning; students will have to cooperate and

find independent solutions to complex practice oriented problems. Present the various solutions in an integrated way. Students can relate the various subjects to a real life case. Students will receive a brief introduction to the various subjects to inform them about the specific contents and required level of knowledge. Students have to learn to cooperate in groups to discover the value added of working in teams. Students should use the Business Plan to learn about the various subjects (BMO1, LAW1, MAC1, MKT1).

Didactical form Project Assessment Assessment method(s)


Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

Pass Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Sanne Bosma (Project Coordinator) Costs Literature Student Handbook, Business Plan handbook Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance in week 1 is compulsory since the project contents, procedures, rules

and planning are explained in detail. Group cooperation and successful passing of the project are seriously endangered when missing the foundation session. Compulsory attendance applies for coach meetings during the A-Block and B-Block. During the A-Block and B-Block students may miss 2 coach meetings in total. If a student misses more than 2 coach meetings in total, the student will be excluded from the BPP project and subsequently fail this module. Having passed the progress report (BPP1) at the midpoint of the project is a requirement for starting with BPP2 (finalizing the project). It is recommended that you have taken and passed the related subject exams.

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EPS1 English Presentation Skills

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit English Presentation Skills Module code IBVP16EPS1 Year of study 1 Period 3 (1 for articulation students) Year 2016-2017 Study load 2 EC = 56 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student will be able to:

identify and use the appropriate vocabulary;

use linking words / phrases between sentences and ideas;

show an awareness of and eventually master the fundamental skills involved in delivering an effective presentation;

give an effective and confident presentation demonstrating competence in organizing ideas and material;

reflect on their own presentation;

provide feedback on classmates’ presentations.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G3.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students and articulation students. Optional for students from other schools at the HG (as part of the minor European Business)

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents This course introduces the major skills involved in delivering an effective oral

presentation, ranging from structuring information to handling nerves, from using visual aids to dealing with questions. Students will complete a series of practical assignments in class, and assessment will be based on both an individual portfolio and an individual presentation at the end of the course. Both components must be sufficient in order for a student to pass the course.

Didactical form Practical/Skills training Seminars

Assessment Assessment method(s)

Assignment (portfolio)

Practical (presentation)

Osiris code(s)



Number of EC



Minimum grade(s)



Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Anne Kennedy, Cees Krottje, Ingrid Fischer, Tim English, Maria Kaldenhoven Costs TBD Literature Syllabus available on Blackboard course Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities The portfolio is a prerequisite for completing the ESP1 course. If students do

not pass the portfolio, they do not get the credits. Students can resit the module in the resit week. Students who wish to do a resit should contact their instructor at least 10 working days before the resit period begins. For details on how to resit the module, see the assessment folder in the Blackboard course.

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PRD3 Professional Development 3

Field Name Description Title of educational unit Professional Development 3 Module code IBVP11PRD3 Year of study 1 Period 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 1 EC = 28 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student:

is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses related to management skills and knows how to improve his weaknesses;

knows which role he plays within his project-team;

is aware of basic interview techniques;

knows how to conduct an interview;

is aware of own listening skills;

is able to listen actively. Connection with competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G1.1, G2.1, G5.1, G6.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for students IBMS

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Students will attend 1 class meeting and 1 workshop on the topic of Listening

skills. Students meet regularly with their Academic Advisor.

The student writes a 360 analysis related to five management skills. The student reads a book about this topic and describes whether he already possesses the chosen skills or not. The student interviews different persons about his own behaviour. The student will finally compare his own opinion with the opinion of the interviewed people and draws up a conclusion.

Type of course Practical/Skills training Assessment Assessment method(s)


Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

Pass Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Henk van Essen (coördinator) a.o. Costs Self print

Literature Syllabus on Blackboard Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance during all sessions is compulsory. Also, if you are invited for an

individual meeting by your AA, you need to attend. If students miss out on a session, they will get a compensation assignment. Assessment criteria:

Active participation during sessions;

Assignment(s) meeting minimum quality criteria (described in assignment). Deadline to hand in assignment(s), including possible compensation assignment(s) on Friday, noon, week 7. If a student fails this course, he will be offered a resit within the first year of studies.

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Block 1.4

The Practical Entrepreneur

Introduction to International Business Law

Primary Research Skills

Business Plan P2

English/Business Communication 2

Professional Development 4

Language 2 (in separate section, see page 49)

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LAW1 Introduction to International Business Law 1

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Introduction to International Business Law 1 Module code IBVP13LAW1 Year of study 1 Period 2 or 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

place international business law within the larger legal context;

describe the important elements of various national legal systems;

understand the elements of a valid offer and contract;

demonstrate an ability to apply basic legal concepts, relevant sources of law and legal reasoning to analyse a court or arbitration case;

determine which facts are relevant in a legal dispute;

distinguish between different dispute resolution options ;

describe appropriate legal remedies.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P1.1, G7.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents This module offers an introduction to international business law by focusing on

the law involved in the sale of goods. Treaties, national law and arbitration decisions will be used as sources of law for this course. Students will apply the theory gained from short lectures by completing a number of practical assignments which will be discussed in a workshop setting. Assessment will consist of written assignments handed in as a portfolio at the end of the course (minimum 5.5 required to pass) and participation in a group dispute resolution activity (sufficient required to pass).

Didactical form Practical/Skills training Lectures/Workshops

Assessment Assessment method(s)

Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Osiris code(s)



Number of EC



Minimum grade(s)


Pass Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Emily Lewis, Tim English, Sanne Bosma Literature Reader

Blackboard material Costs tbd Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Assignment 1 = portfolio

Assignment 2 = oral assessment (group dispute resolution activity)

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RSK1 Primary Research Skills

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Primary Research Skills Module code IBVP12RSK1 Year of study 1 Period 2 or 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 1 EC = 28 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student will be able to:

Set up a market research in scope of the Business Plan Project;

Evaluate the data gathered in this market research;

Translate the data into useful information for the Business Plan Project. Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G4.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites None Level First Year Bachelor Course contents The students will learn different ways to conduct primary market research and

ways to apply it. Didactical form Workshops Assessment Assessment method(s)

Assignment (see BB)

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

Pass Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Wim Speulman, Hanna van der Stok, Karin Vegter Costs - Literature - Language of instruction English

Details/peculiarities The assignment is closely related to the Business Plan project.

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BPP2 Business Plan Project 2

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Business Plan Project 2 Module code IBVP12BPP2 Year of study 1 Period 2 or 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 4 EC = 112 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student will:

see the practical relevance of the different knowledge subjects involved;

have an insight into the functioning of a company;

integrate different subjects into a Business Plan;

apply and reflect upon his/her teamwork and individual skills;

experience to work in a multicultural framework and strive for multicultural synergy

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P1.1, P5.1, P6.1, P8.1, P9.1, G2.1, G3.1, G4.1, G5.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Having passed the progress report at the midpoint of the project is a requirement to finalizing the project. It is recommended that you have taken and passed the related subject exams. Passing BPP1 is a prerequisite for starting with BPP2.

Level First Year Bachelor Course contents The project acts as an engine of learning; students will have to cooperate

and find independent solutions to complex practice oriented problems. Present the various solutions in an integrated way. Students can relate the various subjects to a real life case. Students will receive a brief introduction to the various subjects to inform them about the specific contents and required level of knowledge. Students have to learn to cooperate in groups to discover the value added of working in teams. Students should use the Business Plan to learn about the various subjects (BMO1, LAW1, MAC1, MKT1).

Didactical form Project Assessment Assessment method(s)

Project (see BB)

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Sanne Bosma (Project Coordinator) Costs Literature Student Handbook, Business Plan handbook Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Compulsory attendance applies for coach meetings during the A-Block and B-

Block. During the A-Block and B-Block students may miss 2 coach meetings in total. If a student misses more than 2 coach meetings in total, the student will be excluded from the BPP project and subsequently fail this module. Having passed the progress report (BPP1) at the midpoint of the project is a requirement for starting with BPP2 (finalizing the project). It is recommended that you have taken and passed the related subject exams.

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ENG2 English/Business Communication 2

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit English/Business Communication 2 Module code IBVP12ENG2 Year of study 1 Period 4 (and 1 group in p2 for students coming from prep) Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

At the end of the course students will have reached B2.2 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Languages. They will be able to:

brainstorm in small groups on a number of business cases, with a view to writing either a summary, letter or short report;

structure and write a short report;

identify and make wordy sentences concise (in business writing);

identify and formalise informal language in sentences and texts;

punctuate texts, specifically using commas;

link words, sentences and paragraphs, using a wide range of linking devices;

use all tenses and conditionals, both in active and passive forms, in sentences and writing assignments;

explain the vocabulary from the course book texts and exercises.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G3.2

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor

Course contents This course is designed as a follow-up to ENG1 and aims to continue increasing the written proficiency of students in formal business contexts. The course makes extensive use of Market Leader, Upper Intermediate, a Business English course developed in association with the Financial Times. During the course, students are expected to make use of a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary items in order to achieve their goals in practical business situations. For this reason special attention is paid to the vocabulary used in the business-related texts provided in Market Leader. Grammar/writing workshops are offered during the block, using the book Business Grammar and Usage from the Market Leader series. A grammar review will be held in the last workshop before the exam. Finally, the course uses cases from a variety of business environments as the basis for practicing different forms of inter- and intra- company correspondence, and other business texts.

Didactical form Seminars / writing workshops Case studies in small groups

Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Assignments (writing file)

Osiris code(s)



Number of EC



Minimum grade(s)



Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Anne Kennedy

Costs None (same material as ENG1)

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Literature Essential: ‘Market Leader: Upper Intermediate Coursebook & DVD-Rom’. Cotton, D., Falvey, D., Kent, S.; Pearson; 3rd Edition, 2012; ISBN: 9781408237090 ‘Market Leader: Business Grammar and Usage’; Strutt, P.; Pearson, 2010; ISBN 978 140 822 0085 workbook/syllabus (no. to be announced)

Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance in weeks 1, and 5 is essential due to resp. group formation and

feedback on writing. Attendance in week 2, 3 and 4 are highly recommended for generating the mandatory writing file as well as preparing for the exam.

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PRD4 Professional Development 4

Field Name Description Title of educational unit Professional Development 4 Module code IBVP11PRD4 Year of study 1 Period 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 1 EC = 28 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

The student:

is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses related to management skills and knows how to improve his weaknesses;

explores the job market;

develops and expands own network;

knows how to prepare an interview;

knows how to conduct an interview;

knows how to conduct a well-structured presentation. Connection with competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: G1.1, G2.1, G5.1 and G6.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Compulsory module for IBMS students

Prerequisites Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Students will attend 2 sessions on the topic of interviewing techniques and job

orientation and 1 session about the Main Phase at IBS. Students meet regularly with their Academic Advisor. Students will conduct an interview with a manager of the Human Resource Management department of an international company about the relevant skills of IBS graduates. The interview is conducted in person and documented in a written report. Students hold a presentation about their findings.

Type of course Practical/Skills training Assessment Assessment method(s)


Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

Pass Name of lecturer(s)/ coach(es) Henk van Essen (coördinator) a.o. Costs Self print Literature Syllabus on Blackboard Language of instruction English Details/peculiarities Attendance during all sessions is compulsory. Also, if you are invited for an

individual meeting by your AA, you need to attend. If students miss out a session, they will get a compensation assignment. Assessment criteria:

active participation during sessions;

assignment(s) meeting minimum quality criteria (described in assignment). Deadline to hand in assignment(s), including possible compensation assignment(s) on Friday, noon, week 7. If a student fails this course, he will be offered a resit within the first year of studies.

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Dutch Language & Culture A1

Dutch Language & Culture A2

Dutch Language & Culture B1

Dutch Language & Culture B2

French Language & Culture A1

French Language & Culture A2

German Language & Culture A1

German Language & Culture A2

Spanish Language & Culture A1

Spanish Language & Culture A2

Spanish Language & Culture B2

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DUA1 Dutch Language & Culture 1 level A

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Dutch Language & Culture 1 level A Module code IBVP16DUA1 Year of study 1 Period 1 or 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

Students will have reached a mid A1 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Languages after this module; basic language skills are being developed. (source: In the course book (p. 233-237) the learning outcomes are stated, as defined according to the European Framework of Languages. At the end of every chapter there is a section ‘Reflection’ where students can check if they possess the required skills. More specifically the student can:

introduce him/herself and others, use basic greeting and leave-taking expressions;

handle everyday expressions dealing with simple and concrete everyday needs, in clear, slow and repeated speech;

ask and answer simple questions; can give and follow simple instructions;

understand and give simple directions in traffic;

handle numbers, prices and time;

handle short social exchanges but s/he can’t keep the conversation him/herself;

talk about him/herself;

make clear s/he doesn’t understand, ask people to repeat / to speak more slowly.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G3.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional module for all IBMS students, incl. BW students. Students with a German passport are excluded from taking the A-level of Dutch. Optional for exchange students and articulation students


Level First Year Bachelor Course contents See Blackboard Didactical form Practical/Skills training

Theory oriented module: Lectures / Seminars Assessment

Assessment method(s)

written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)


Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Koos Fidder, Ilse Dollekamp, Hilde Stuurwold

Costs € 39,50 Literature Nederlands in gang. de Boer, B., Lijmbach, B.; Coutinho; 1st edition, 2010;

ISBN 978 904 690 2257. Language of instruction Dutch, English Details/peculiarities Class attendance is strongly recommended.

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DUA2 Dutch Language & Culture 2 level A

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Dutch Language & Culture 2 level A Module code IBVP16DUA2 Year of study 1 Period 2 or 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

Students will have reached the end A1 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Languages after this module; basic language skills are being developed. (source: In the course book (p. 233-237) the learning outcomes are stated, as defined according to the European Framework of Languages. At the end of every chapter there is a section ‘Reflection’ where students can check if they possess the required skills. More specifically the student can:

order food and drinks in a restaurant;

say if s/he likes it or not;

indicate if s/he wants to give a tip;

describe, compare and return clothing;

ask information about rooms and houses;

write an advert for living space;

explain common problems when seeing a doctor;

express him/herself in basic terms in past tense. Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G3.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional module for all IBMS students, incl. BW students. Students with a German passport are excluded from taking the A-level of Dutch. Optional for exchange students and articulation students

Prerequisites DUA1 or equivalent is recommended Level First Year Bachelor Course contents See Blackboard Didactical form / type of course

Practical/Skills training Theory oriented module: lectures/seminars

Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Oral exam

Osiris code(s)



Number of EC



Minimum grade(s)



Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Koos Fidder, Ilse Dollekamp, Hilde Stuurwold Estimated costs €39,50 Literature Nederlands in gang. de Boer, B., Lijmbach, B.; Coutinho; 1st edition, 2010;

ISBN 978 904 690 2257 Language of instruction Dutch, English Details/peculiarities Class attendance is strongly recommended.

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DUB1 Dutch Language & Culture 1 level B

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Dutch Language & Culture 1 level B Module code IBVP16DUB1 Year of study 1 Period 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

Students will have reached the end A1 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Languages after this module; basic language skills are being developed. (source: More specifically the student can:

understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type;

introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where s/he lives, people s/he knows and things s/he has;

can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G3.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional module for all IBMS students, incl. BW students

Prerequisites Some knowledge of German is required, because of the method used. Level First Year Bachelor Course contents See Blackboard

Didactical form Practical/Skills training Theory oriented module: Lectures / Seminars


Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)


Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Koos Fidder, Ilse Dollekamp, Hilde Stuurwold Costs € 35 Literature In de startblokken, Nederlands voor Duitstaligen. de Boer, B.; Coutinho; 2009;

ISBN: 978 904 690 1465 Language of instruction Dutch Details/peculiarities Class attendance is strongly recommended.

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DUB2 Dutch Language & Culture 2 level B

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Dutch Language & Culture 2 level B Module code IBVP16DUB2 Year of study 1 Period 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

Students will have reached the end A2 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Languages after this module; basic language skills are being developed. (source: More specifically the student can:

understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment);

communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters;

describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G3.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional module for all IBMS students, incl. BW students Optional for exchange students

Prerequisites Some knowledge of German is required because of the method used. Level First Year Bachelor Course contents See Blackboard Didactical form / type of course

Practical/Skills training Theory oriented module: lectures/seminars

Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Oral exam

Osiris code(s)



Number of EC



Minimum grade(s)


pass Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Koos Fidder, Ilse Dollekamp, Hilde Stuurwold Estimated costs €35 Literature In de startblokken, Nederlands voor Duitstaligen. de Boer, B.; Coutinho; 2009;

ISBN 978 904 690 1465 Language of instruction Dutch Details/peculiarities Class attendance is strongly recommended

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FRA1 French Language & Culture 1 level A

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit French Language & Culture 1 level A Module code IBVP14FRA1 Year of study 1 Period 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

After this module students should have gone through the mid A1 level as identified in the Common European Framework of Languages with regard to listening skills, spoken interaction, reading skills and writing skills. More specifically the student:

can introduce her/himself and others, use basic greeting and leave-taking expressions;

can handle everyday expressions dealing with simple and concrete everyday needs, in clear, slow and repeated speech;

can ask and answer simple questions; can give and follow simple instructions;

can understand and give simple directions how to get from X to Y, by foot or public transport;

can handle numbers, prices and time;

can handle very short social exchanges, but s/he can’t keep the conversation going him/herself;

can talk about him/herself.;

can handle strategies like saying s/he doesn’t understand, asking somebody to repeat what they said / to speak more slowly.

Competencies from professional profile: G3.1 and P2.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional for students IBMS/BW

Prerequisites none Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Based on Colloquial French chapter 1-4 + Activities on BB: Making contact.

Talking about nationalities. Talking about identity and jobs. Finding your way around. Asking and giving directions. Enquiring about shops, restaurants and other services. Ordering food and drinks. Asking what a word means. Talking about likes and dislikes. Addressing family and close friends. Talking about time. Describing regular actions and events. Talking about leisure interests.

Didactical form Practical/Skills training Assessment Assessment method(s)

Oral exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Catherine Quaak Costs € 21,68 Literature Colloquial French, The Complete Language Course for Beginners. Demouy, V., Moys, A.;

Routledge, 2005; ISBN 978 041 534 0137 Blackboard : IBMS FRENCH 1 & 2 (FRA1 + FRA2) FRENCH 1

Language of instruction English + French Details/peculiarities Class attendance 80% in order to fulfill practice role plays in pairs during class

: Making contact / Asking and giving directions / Ordering food and drink in a restaurant / Talking about study and leisure interests. Oral exam = Spoken interaction is tested by an oral exam in pairs (about 5 minutes) See Bb for detailed information.

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FRA2 French Language & Culture 2 level A

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit French Language & Culture 2 level A Module code IBVP14FRA2 Year of study 1 Period 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

After this module students should have reached the end A1 level as identified in the Common European Framework of Languages with regards to listening skills, spoken interaction, reading skills and writing skills. More specifically the student:

can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type;

can introduce her/himself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where s/he lives, people s/he knows and things s/he has;

can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help;

can say what s/he is going to do;

can make a polite request, can get information;

can make very simple telephone calls;

can handle quantities and prices;

can make travel arrangements;

can read simple information;

can write sentences and simple phrases about her/himself. Competencies from professional profile: G3.1 and P2.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional for students IBMS/BW

Prerequisites FRA1 or equivalent is recommended Level First Year Bachelor Course contents Based on Colloquial French Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 + activities on BB:

Making holiday plans and saying what you’re going to do. Doing the shopping. Quantities and prices. How to make travel arrangements. Talking about things you have to do or can do. Talking about past events.

Didactical form Practical/Skills training Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)


Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Catherine Quaak Costs € 21,68

Literature Colloquial French, The Complete Language Course for Beginners. Demouy, V., Moys, A.; Routledge, 2005; ISBN 978 041 534 0137 Blackboard : IBMS FRENCH 1 & 2 (FRA1 + FRA2) FRENCH 2

Language of instruction English and/or French Details/peculiarities Class attendance is strongly recommended in order to fulfill the assignments

during class: Talking about holiday plans / Doing the shopping / Making travel arrangements / Talking about past events / Talking about Paris.

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GEA1 German Language & Culture 1 level A

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit German Language & Culture 1 level A Module code IBVP14GEA1 Year of study 1

Period 1 or 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

At the end of GEA3 students will have reached the end A1 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Languages. At the end of GEA3 students:

can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type;

can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has;

can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help;

At the end of GEA6 students will have reached the end A2 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Languages. At the end of GEA6 students:

can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment);

can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters;

can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

Source: Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G3.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional module for all IBMS students, incl. BW students Optional for exchange students and articulation students

Prerequisites None

Level First Year Bachelor Course contents See Blackboard Didactical form Seminar Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Alexandra Fresen/ Oktje Smit Costs +/- €35 Literature Menschen A1 - Arbeitsbuch (der dreibändigen Ausgabe). Hueber Verlag, 2012.

ISBN 978 319 111 901-0 Menschen A1 - Kursbuch (der dreibändigen Ausgabe) Hueber Verlag, 2012; ISBN 978 319 101 901-3

Language of instruction English/German Details/peculiarities Class attendance is compulsory in first week. Books are compulsory for

attendance. Class attendance is strongly recommended. Preparation and homework as published in the weekly schedule and the announcements on Blackboard is compulsory for attendance.

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GEA2 German Language & Culture 2 level A

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit German Language & Culture 2 level A Module code IBVP14GEA2 Year of study 1 Period 2 or 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

At the end of GEA3 students will have reached the end A1 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Languages. At the end of GEA3 students:

can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type;

can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has;

can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

At the end of GEA6 students will have reached the end A2 level as defined in the Common European Framework of Languages. At the end of GEA6 students:

can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).;

can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.;

can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

Source: Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G3.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional module for all IBMS students, incl. BW students Optional for exchange students and articulation students

Prerequisites GEA1 or equivalent is strongly recommended. Level First Year Bachelor Course contents See Blackboard Didactical form Seminar Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Alexandra Fresen/ Oktje Smit Costs €35

Literature Menschen A1 - Arbeitsbuch (der dreibändigen Ausgabe), Hueber Verlag, 2012. ISBN 978 319 111 901-0 Menschen A1 - Kursbuch (der dreibändigen Ausgabe), Hueber Verlag, 2012; ISBN 978 319 101 901-3

Language of instruction English/German

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Details/peculiarities Class attendance is compulsory in first week. Books are compulsory for attendance. Class attendance is strongly recommended. Preparation and homework as published in the weekly schedule and the announcements on Blackboard is compulsory for attendance.

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SPA1 Spanish Language & Culture 1 level A

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Spanish Language & Culture 1 level A Module code IBVP14SPA1 Year of study 1 Period 3 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

At the end of SPA 6A students will have reached midlevel B1 as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. At the end of SPB 6B students will have reached end level B1 as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages. After completing this module the student can:

Introduce himself and others;

Ask for the name and the nationality of others;

Ask about the meaning of something;

Ask for address, telephone number and e-mail;

Talk about the use of something;

Express location;

Ask and give basic information about companies;

Express coincidence and uncertainly;

Express agreement and disagreement; Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G3.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional module for all IBMS students, incl. BW students

Prerequisites None Level First Year Bachelor Course contents See Blackboard Didactical form Seminars & tutorials Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)


Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Mariángeles van Houten-González, Amrita Wiersma, Francisco Guzmán Muñoz, Sabrina Orgiu

Literature Socios-Nueva Edicion 1: Libro del alumno + cd-audio 29.45. González, M., Martín, F., Rodrigo, C., Verdía, E.; Difusión; ISBN 978 8484434153. Socios-Nueva edición 1: Cuaderno de ejercicios + cd-audio 21.40. Corpas, J., Martínez, L.; Difusión; ISBN 978 8484434160. (Intertaal or Studystore)

Electronic media Blackboard, multimedia (video, dvd, cd), Internet resources. Language of instruction English and Spanish Details/peculiarities Class attendance is compulsory in the first week.

Class attendance is strongly recommended. Preparation of homework is compulsory for attendance. Homework is published on Blackboard in the weekly schedule and in the announcements. The motivation of the student and the advice of the lecturer will be taken into account with regard to the end level (mid B1 or end B1) the student should aim for the remaining Spanish modules.

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SPA2 Spanish Language & Culture 2 level A

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Spanish Language & Culture 2 level A Module code IBVP14SPA2 Year of study 1 Period 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

At the end of SPA 6A students will have reached midlevel B1 as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. After completing this module the student can:

Ask and give information about someone’s character, qualities and function in a company;

Ask and give information about objects, places, houses;

Use basic greeting & leave-taking expressions in formal & informal settings;

Ask if someone is present;

Express obligation and necessity;

Locate things in space;

Talk about the time and time schedules;

Ask information about a service and request a service;

Express likes, dislike and make comparisons;

Give an opinion and substantiate it;

Talk about accommodation.

Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G3.1

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional module for all IBMS students, incl. BW students. Optional for exchange students.

Prerequisites SPA1 or equivalent is strongly recommended. Level First Year Bachelor

Course contents See Blackboard Didactical form Seminars & tutorials Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade(s)

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Mariángeles van Houten-González, Amrita Wiersma, Francisco Guzmán Muñoz,

Sabrina Orgiu Literature Socios-Nueva Edicion 1:

Libro del alumno + cd-audio 29.45. González, M., Martín, F., Rodrigo, C., Verdía, E.; Difusión; ISBN 978 8484434153. Socios-Nueva edición 1: Cuaderno de ejercicios + cd-audio 21.40. Corpas, J., Martínez, L.; Difusión; ISBN 978 8484434160. (Intertaal or Studystore)

Electronic media Blackboard, multimedia (video, dvd, cd), Internet resources.

Language of instruction English and Spanish Details/peculiarities Class attendance is compulsory in first week.

Class attendance is strongly recommended. Preparation of homework is compulsory for attendance. Homework is published on Blackboard in the weekly schedule and in the announcements.

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SPB2 Spanish Language & Culture 2 level B

Field Name Description Title of the educational unit Spanish Language & Culture 2 level B Module code IBVP14SPB2 Year of study 1 Period 4 Year 2016-2017 Study load 3 EC = 84 hours Learning Outcomes / Competencies

At the end of SPB 6B students will have reached end level B1 as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. After completing this module the student can:

Ask and give information about someone’s character, qualities and function in a company;

Ask and give information about objects, places, houses;

Use basic greeting & leave-taking expressions in formal & informal settings;

Ask if someone is present;

Express obligation and necessity;

Locate things in space;

Talk about the time and time schedules;

Ask information about a service and request a service;

Express likes, dislike and make comparisons;

Give an opinion and substantiate it;

Talk about accommodation;

Talk about frequency and sequence of actions;

Talk about plans and schedules;

Propose, make and refuse appointments and invitations. Competencies from the IBMS Professional Profile: P2.1, G3.1,

Target group / Position within the curriculum

Optional module for all IBMS students, incl. BW students. Optional module for exchange students.

Prerequisites SPA1 or equivalent is strongly recommended.

Level First Year Bachelor Course contents See Blackboard Didactical form Seminars & tutorials Assessment Assessment method(s)

Written exam

Osiris code(s)


Number of EC


Minimum grade

5.5 Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es) Mariángeles van Houten-González, Amrita Wiersma, Fransico Guzman Munoz,

Sabrina Orgiu

Literature Socios-Nueva Edicion 1: Libro del alumno + cd-audio 29.45. González, M., Martín, F., Rodrigo, C., Verdía, E.; Difusión; ISBN 978 8484434153. Socios-Nueva edición 1: Cuaderno de ejercicios + cd-audio 21.40. Corpas, J., Martínez, L.; Difusión; ISBN 978 8484434160. (Intertaal or Studystore)

Electronic media Blackboard, multimedia (video, dvd, cd), Internet resources. Language of instruction Englisch and Spanish Details/peculiarities Class attendance is compulsory in first week.

Class attendance is strongly recommended.