ibm placement paper pattern

IBM Placement Paper Pattern October 19, 2010 Category : Studies Abroad Hi Friends! International Business Machines (IBM) is an American multinational computer, technology and IT consulting corporation headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States. IBM is the world's fourth largest technology company and the second most valuable global brand(after Coca-Cola). IBM is one of the few information technology companies with a continuous history. IBM manufactures and sells computer hardware and software and offers infrastructure services, hosting services, and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nano technologies. This is the blog about how the IBM interview pattern and paper would be. 1. WRITTEN TEST: This is the new pattern of IBM. It contains 3 sections. SECTION-1 [Matrix Test] 15 ques - 13 min. [No negative marks for this section] SECTION-2 [Number series test] 20 ques - 4 min. 15 mins mathematical [Negative marking(1/4) is there for this section.] SECTION-3 [Analytical type (Aptitude)] 12 ques - 15 min. [Negative marking(1/4) is there for this section.] SECTION 1: Some information is given in the form of matrices, with headings for rows as row1, row2 ... Etc. For columns with headings as column1, column 2... Etc. Those matrices are as follows.

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Page 1: IBM Placement Paper Pattern

IBM Placement Paper Pattern October 19, 2010             Category : Studies Abroad 

Hi Friends!

International Business Machines (IBM) is an American multinational

computer, technology and IT consulting corporation headquartered in

Armonk, New York, United States. IBM is the world's fourth largest

technology company and the second most valuable global brand(after

Coca-Cola). IBM is one of the few information technology companies

with a continuous history. IBM manufactures and sells computer

hardware and software and offers infrastructure services, hosting

services, and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe

computers to nano technologies.

This is the blog about how the IBM interview pattern and paper would



This is the new pattern of IBM. It contains 3 sections.

SECTION-1 [Matrix Test] 15 ques - 13 min. [No negative marks for this


SECTION-2  [Number series test]  20 ques - 4 min. 15 mins mathematical

[Negative marking(1/4) is there for this section.]

SECTION-3 [Analytical type (Aptitude)] 12 ques - 15 min. [Negative marking(1/4)

is there for this section.]

SECTION 1: Some information is given in the form of matrices, with headings for

rows as row1, row2 ... Etc. For columns with headings as column1, column 2...

Etc. Those matrices are as follows.

C1        C2       C3         C4

@          *           2          Z

S           K           ?          $

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I            P           Z         +

#           8           F          Q

Questions are as follows (Not same questions but same type)  

1. If Column1, Column4 are  interchanged and row3, row4 are interchanged and

diagonal elements from top left to bottom right are written in reverse order then

what is the element in row1 and column 1?              

2. If Z's in odd numbered rows are replaced with 7's and S's in odd numbered

columns are replaced with 5's then which column elements sum equals to 9? 

3.After giving similar type of conditions , what is the element left to H? 

In this section they gave around 4 matrices of this type and gave some questions

for each matrix. 

Total  No. of  Questions are 15. These are multiple choice questions.5 answers

were given for each question. No negative marks are there for this section. Time

Limit is 13 minutes.


All questions in this section are from number series. Total number of

questions  are 20 and the time limit is 4 minutes.These are also

multiple choice questions( 5 options). Negative marking(1/4) is there

for this section. 

2. NUMBER SERIES (20 qs -4 mins-20 marks- negative 1/4)

Its very simple  and we can easily score the points but we should be very

quick....Time management  is very important for this section.

And one more thing is the invigilator signals time for every 30 secs don't feel

tense with that just go wth your work..

The questions will be like this:

EX:     17,18,19,34,35,19,20,___


EX: 22,21,34,33,45,____


EX: 40,41,41,42,42,42,44,44,____


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Negative marking(1/4) is there for this section.This consists of

Analytical type Questions. This secton is little bit tough.You must have

practice to do this section. (Questions: 12, time: 15 minutes).Be careful

while answering the questions and mark the answer if you know that

perfectly otherwise leave it and go for next.


1. If a company produces 15 different models of tv sets, 2 inches

screen and 4 different model of 4 inch screen size then how many

models should vendor has for all the model ?

2. If a team consists 20 members in which 20% are mathematician then how

many member should they hire so that the ratio would become 10/11. 

3. The rate of color toner increases $33 to $35 and rate of black&white toner

increases $28 to $29 if company spend $1540 in which 3/5 is color toner how

much is total expenditure.

4. A computer shop consists 3 brand's laptop .Laptop of brand A is sold 3/16, B is

sold 1/16 and C is sold ¾ then what fraction is sold by the shop in all. 

Ans. 1/16 

5. Printer A prints 8192 character per minute and printer B prints 13862 character

per minute. 4 characters are equal to one word.  Printer A starts at 7:15 am while

Printer B starts at 7:29 am then at what time both will have same number of

words printed? 

6. In a library there are 5 cluster and each is having 44 books(module). In first

week 75 books are used, in second 95, in third 95 and in fourth 160 books are

used. then how much fraction of books are used? 

7. We have 171 kg rice custing 7 rs/kg.we have rice at 11 rs/kg and 2 rs/kg .then

after mixing 11 rs/kg and 2 rs/kg rice. What is quantity of 11 rs/kg rice ?

Ans. 76.00 

8. Rectangular room has width half of its length. When 6 is decreased from both

length and width then its area is differed by 108, so find the width?

Ans.  L=8, W=4 

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9. Rectangular room has width twice of its length. When 6 is decreased from both

length and width then its area is differed by 108 so find the width.

Ans L=4, W=8

10. Company A taken a truck on rent of $1280 per month another company B

bought the truck in $40000 and send $120 per month. After 4 years what will be

the difference in the amount spent by the both companies on the TRUCK?

11. In a company printing work is done by two machine 5% of the work done by

machine A are wasted, and 40% of work done by machine B are wasted. if the

80% of the total work is done by machine A. then what is the total percentage of


Then Group Discussion

Gd topics are : 

1.Money is irresponsible. 

2.Exercise is good for health. brain and drain. 

3.Primary education. Is better than Higher education.

4.Nuclear deal

Here they can check only communication skills.

Then communication test

Details about IBM Voice/Communication test you will be given cell

phone and you have to dial the server number. The details regarding

this will be communicated to you at the time of test.Once you

connected to the server there will be five rounds to check your


1st round - "Read the sentences"

You'll be given a paper which contain 10-12 sentences in english. 

You will be asked to read the sentences like "Read the sentence no


There will be 8-9 sentences to read. 

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2nd round - "Repeat the sentences"

The server will say some sentences and you have to repeat them. 

The senetences will be in different voices, speed, accent.

Make sure your voice will be audible and clear.

3rd round - "Make sentence from Jumble words"

The server will pronounce some jumbled words and you have to

make sentence.In that you should not add your own

words/articles/adjectives  to make the sentence. You have to use only

the sentences pronounced by the server. (It would be normally used

sentences like - "eat i daily mango" ) 

4th round - "One word answer"

The server will ask question which you have to reply in one word. 

Like... what is the color of milk? 

What is frozen water called?       (ICE)

Which is faster:cat or worm?       (CAT)

Which is thinner:finger or leg?    (FINGER)

How many weeks are there in a year?   (52)

How many minutes r there in 1 and a half hr?   (90)

What do u wear when you go out in cold: sweater or shirt?   (SWEATER)

How many eggs are there in a dozen?    (12)

If you are going out for lunch with your mother, who are you: daughter or

sister? (DAUGHTER)

Which is smaller castle or cottage?   (COTTAGE)

Afternoon comes before or after lunch?   (BEFORE)

Trees have more number of branches or trunks?   (BRANCHES)

How many months are there in two years?   (24)

You can see with your eyes or ears?   (EYES)

5th Round - "Answer in detail" 


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The server will ask descriptive questions like "What will you do if you

become the Prime Minister"

The whole process will take 10-12 min. The accent will be of US, UK,

Australia. The questions are very easy to answer but you have to catch

what the server is saying. 

Technical  and HR round 


Normalisation, Difference between DBMS &RDBMS, Primary,

Secondary, Foreign, Unique key and Difference between primary &

unique key

Data structures: 

Bubble sort,Differences between stack & queue


What is OOPS ?

Encapsulation, Dynamic binding with examples and Inheritence

Difference between multiple & multilevel inheritence

Virtual function(Frequently asked question)

Inline function

Abstract & friend class


Final class




Advantages of Java


Why Java is platform independent?

Write a program in Java to print the odd numbers  between 1 to 100?

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Operating system:

Memory management,Thrashing

Differences between  Process and thread

Different types of Scheduling

Explanation of Round Robin Scheduling

Deadlock, Starvation, Avoidance, Prevention etc.


Different types of topologies

Differences between Tcp/Ip and OSI



IBM Interview process 

Its  a 2days process on first day they have taken written test and english test2nd day followed by GD,technical and project developemnt round 

1.WRITTEN TEST  Its an online test called as IPAT test  each question has 2.15sec timelimit first 15 questions completely on number series only .we can clear easily if we have practise    on number series after 15 question session gets close and next same pattern continues with change of questions on percentages,ratios,probability ,areas.....lot practise requires to clear this session as each question will be tricky and time taking to solve

2.ENGLISH TESTIts jus a 15 min test they will give one paragraph from that we need to write an email to the client in jus 6lines .salutation is most important in the email writing ..if we give clear saluation we can clear the round easily  . but many participants gone in this round only by doing silly mistakes like writing as thanking you as we write in letter

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writing ....remember its an email writing

3.GROUP DISCUSSIONIn our room we are 15 participants and has given the topic ROLE OF WOMEN IN DEVELOPEMNT and has given 2min time to think the points and 15 minutes time to speak among us and given each participant one minute for summary ..NOTE:speak confidently and fluently thast enough to clear this round .

4.TECHNICAL ROUND This was my fav round ..HR was so friendly SP:gud afternoon sir HR:gud afternoon,take ur seatSP:thank uHR:tell  abt urself SP:tld..jus tell ur name ,father name ,location,schoolng ,graduation,family background,hobbies,strenghtsHR:write a program on multiplication of 3 numbers using C or java SP:i have written and shown output tooHr:goodHR:write syntax on bubble sort or insertion sertSP:can i write  on bubble sort sir .HR:okay as ur wish..SP: explained each and every line and how it  get u have an idea on  javascript?SP:yes sir ..(as i mentioned in resume he asked )HR :y we use javascript?SP:its for validationHR: okay then take an example  and show the validationSP:i have written on ALERT msg boxHR:  asked one puzzle  like cut the cake into nine pieces using 3 cuts SP: i tried max to cut into 9 but got 6 only HR:smiled  and said to leave .

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5:PROJECT DEVELOPEMNT ROUND :Covered topics on java in deep ,and asked my fav subject i said OS ..asked questions on it .what is assembly language.machine laguage,difference between them?,what is JVM?about my final project?usefulness of it?C,C++ etc.

All the best guys!

Hii guys....myself Nakul S Varge I am from PICT,pune, IT specification.IBM GBS visited our campus on 6th jan 2012.Total of 66 students are appeared for the company and the have selected 25 including me. I am going to share my complete experience with you..hope it will help you..

First off all there is a company presentation for 10-15 minutes.Then there is a english test in which they have given three paragraphs and we have to write an abstract in 7 lines only..not more than seven line. If anyone goes above seven,then marks will be strictly follow the was so way to pickup few lines from each para and write it down.

Then there is a online aptitude test which contains only two types of questions i) Number series : find out the missing number..we have to identify the was so easy...just practice for 15-20 questions and you will find it very simple.

ii)Quantitative: Just read all the formulaes from R S Agrawal and just go through the solve is more than enough to crack this section. Many examples are based upon formulaes only. Very easy.

There is no sectional cutoff.

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Based on this two rounds they shortlisted 39 students.

Then there is a group discussion in a group of 10 students. The topic given to my group is Print media Vs Broadcast media. They gave us 2 minuets to think and half an hour to speak. At the end of the session they gave all an opportunity to speak 2 min. i,e conclusion. 

Cracking GD:

keep in mind guys in GD,first five persons are noticeable. try to speak in first five peoples and be specific. After your first sentence try to spoke within next 2 minutes,the gap between two sentences should not more than 2 minutes coz in this way u r not noticeable.  

The main thing here is if all candidates are nicely spoken,they will select complete group.My group was completely selected.

Next round was technical interview.This round is different for EnTC and Comp/IT students.

For comp/IT:

In technical section they have given three programs and we have to write code for that in any choice of programs were

i) Factorial ii)Count total number of nodes in tree ii) Insertion sort

my friends also got queries from DBMS.

Here they ask to explain the programs. Just explain the programs deeply...thats it.

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And the final round was an HR. It was very easy and just for formality. In this round they will give a situation and ask u how to deal with it. They will go through your resume and ask some basic technical questions my question was JOIN in DBMS.Just keep smiling in this round. They are very friendly and dont worry if you stuck somewhere just tell them that I don't no.they will give you another question.It is a kind of general discussion.

So guys....this was my journey and finally I got selected in IBM. I hope this will helpful for you. 

Best of luck........!

Hi Friends....

Today IBM - Global Services came for the recruitment at NIT Calicut.

They started with announcing that cut off is 65% or 6.5 CGPA. It is a strict rule. Even my friends who has 6.49 also not eligible. So be careful regarding this.

Then they started with an online test consists of Aptitude questions and Number series questions. They gave enough time for the test. 

Next there is a written communication test. They may ask to write a letter to your customer regarding any issue. Just see the pattern how to write a letter. They won't check it. But write in a polite manner.

They selected 58 out 68 appeared. 

Day1 is over.They started GD on 2nd day at 9AM.

Then there is a Group discussion. It is not actually a GD. They ask to speak on a topic for 2 mins. Don't worry. Speak fluently. They check

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communication skills.

Next round in Technical HR.They asked what algorithm is used in Google search. Actually they too don't know but they check your knowledge regarding searching algorithms. If they want they may take HR also.

Finally they took 35 students. 

Communication is the key point and they prefer girls because it is a service based company. Be confident on whatever you say. You can definitely crack it.

IBM GBS came to our campus for recruitment process.There were 100 students participating in this process.

At about 9.00 am they started the PrePlacement TalkThe following rounds were the part of the days process

1. Online Aptitude test

18 Questions NUMBER SERIES(Not so Difficult)18 Quantitative QuestionsThe timer set was for individual questions i.e 2 min 15 secs per question

2. Written Communication test

Writing an official dummy note considering you are an IBM employee based on the information provided.not more than 6 statements.

After these 2 rounds 40 were selected for the next process out of 100.

3. Group Discussion

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They made 5 batches of 8 students each.different topics were given like, CORRUPTION-a way of life, Social networking-A threat or boon, Solar energy of atomic energy etc etc. It lasted for about 20 minutes.

After Gd 31 Students were shortlisted.

4. Technical round

Few questions on Database were asked,Study ur resume well,now your projects well.Since i did my project using ASP.NET i was asked few questions on it.Apart from these technical questions Few personal interpretition questions were asked like How many stairs did u climb to come to this room?? and you have 1 bucket of water,one needle and 4 bottles with bottle will u fill water in bottles without opening caps?

5. HR round

General questions like what are your interests,any interesting moment in your life,a puzzle was given of making 4 same shapes from a big single shape.

Finally we were all done with the rounds and were waiting for results. Out of 31, 25 students were selected and i was one of them. Really was a wonderful experience.

All the best!

It was a referral off campus. The drive started with checking all d documents which we were intimated to carry along with the hall ticket.

the eligibility criteria was 65%in 10th n 12th n 70% in B tech.Although i was already placed in another company ...getting into IBM was a dream come true. and very much like u ll ..weeks b4 ..i was

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scanning previous years papers.Believe me friends ...don't get impatient if u do not get selected in some company..its just bcoz dt was nt ur day ..u ll surely be wen it will b ur day...:))

well coming to the written...we had a 15 mint eng langg test..we were given a paragraph..reading that we  had to summarize the scenario to a client in just six sentences.

then there was aptitude test...the test comprised of 3 sets..1)data matrices..13 mints 15 questions.2)number series..4 mints 10 questions..3) mathematical reasoning .. 12 mints 10 questions..

we were made to wait for 3 hrs...

then there was gd.. groups of 8 were  made n the gd started immediately..'in my group the topic was  'solar energy or atomic energy is going to be the future energy..dont gd..just try to get n opportunity to speak ..we all first introduced ourselves...then every1 was given a chance to pseak on the topic..den d forum was open all discussed..n finally every1 gave the by one...

except 1 student rest all cleared....dont hesitate..dont panic..just speak without fumbling and making grammatical mistakes..expressing logical n relevant we waited for name was called..

hr n tech questions were like..introduce urself..some situation based

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questions... queries..basic c prog...project description...ur role in projec..and finally ready to relocate..dts it..

we were made to sit..n finally hr came n announced our names..n gave us d eaf form..dt was d happiest moment for me...n we were told that very shortly we will have to join...BY gods grace i can call myself an IBMer.. :))

hope u ll find my experience useful..

dont loose hope..have faith in GOD..See u at IBM..All d besT!!!