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IBM FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines Version 4.0 GC31-5484-01

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IBM FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services


Version 4.0



IBM FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services


Version 4.0




Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 164.

This edition applies to version 4.0.0 of IBM FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services (product

number 5724-R80), version 4.0.0 of IBM FileNet P8 Content Manager (product number 5724-R81), version 4.0.0 of

IBM FileNet Image Services (product number 5724-R95) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until

otherwise indicated in new editions.

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005, 2007. All rights reserved.

US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract

with IBM Corp.

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 5


1 Overview 13

Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation 14

What is Content Federation? 15

Document Management Fundamentals 15

Introduction to CFS-IS 18

Benefits of CFS-IS 18

Capabilities of CFS-IS 19

Converting from IS to CE 19

Transition Period 20

What’s new in this release 21

IS Annotations 21

FileNet P8 Catalog Updates 21

Updating Catalog Database Directly 21

High Availability Systems 22

Multi-System Synchronization 22

2 Planning your CFS-IS environment 23

Configuration planning 23

Strategy 24

CFS-IS User Account 24

Document Classes 25

Conversion from IS to CE 25

Exporting IS Properties for an Application 26

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 6


Update and Export 28

Software requirements 29

Compatibility between versions of IS and CE 30

Image Services 30

Content Engine 30

Installing the Software 31

Installing AE 4.0 31

Installing CE 4.0 31

Installing IS 4.0 SP5 32

Installing ISTK 4.0 (IS 4.0 SP5 Edition) 32

Installing RAC 4.0 (IS 4.0 SP5 Edition) 32

National Language Support 33

3 Configuring CFS-IS 34

CFS-IS Configuration Road Map 35

All Windows Servers (Both CE and IS) 36

Verify TCP/IP Parameter Settings on Windows Servers 36

Image Services System 39

Create a CFS-IS Administrative User 40

Create a Group for CFS Record Management 41

Configure Record Management Security 42

Define Document Classes for CFS-IS 45

Determine Document Property Mapping between IS and CE 46

Numeric Ranges 49

Oracle 49

DB2 49

SQL Server 50

Mapping Numeric Data Types 50

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 7


Multi-valued CE Properties 50

Content Engine Server 51

Communication Between CE and IS 51

IS Domain Names versus Server Names 52

Creating a Four-Part NCH Service Name 53

Modifying the Hosts File 54

Using a Name Resolution Service Server 56

Communicating Through a Firewall 56

Verify the Connection Between CE and IS 57

Launch Enterprise Manager 57

Create an Object Store 57

Create a Fixed Content Device in EM 59

Vendor and Configuration Parameters 59

Default IS Document Class 60

CFS Server for Image Services 61

Complete the Create a Fixed Content Device Wizard 61

Editing a Fixed Content Device 62

Domain Root Properties 62

Properties: General 62

Properties: Site Settings 63

Creating a Fixed Storage Area 64

Specify a Site 65

Name and Describe the Storage Area 65

Specify the Storage Area Type 65

Fixed Storage Area 65

Select the Size Parameters of the Storage Area 66

Specify Storage Policy 67

Complete the Create a Storage Area Wizard 68

Property Mapping 69

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 8


Image Services 70

Add/Edit IS Class Mapping 71

Add/Edit IS Property Mapping 73

Marking Set 74

Create a Marking Set 76

Create a Property Template 80

Add the Property to a Document Class 82

Annotations 84

Configure the Annotation Export 84

Exporting Annotations 85

Annotation Security Mapping 86

Mapping User and Group Security for Annotations 87

Activating CFS-IS Annotation Security Mapping 88

IS Users with Special Privileges 90

Supported Actions on Annotations 91

CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export 92

Maximum DIR Size 92

Catalog Export for Newly Captured IS Documents 92

Configure a Document Class for Export 92

Catalog Export for Existing Documents and Annotations 94

Configure a Document Class for Export 94

Export Log 98

Exporting Report Manager Document Properties 98

Test the CFS-IS Configuration 99

4 Administering the CFS-IS System 100

Activity Logging 100

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 9


Image Services 100

IS Activity Logging 100

IS Syslog and Subsystem Logging 101

IS Performance Monitoring (perf_mon) 101

Quick Logging 101

Content Engine 101

CFS-IS Logging 101

Windows Event Logs 102

CE Trace Logging 102

FileNet System Monitor 102

Windows Performance Monitor 103

CE Auditing 103

Multiple-Page Documents 103

Backup and Restore 104

Retrieving Documents 104

Content-based Retrieval 104

Export/Import 105

Versioning 105

Deleting Documents 105

Secure Deletes 106

When the Class of a Document or Annotation Has Changed 106

Changing the Class for a federated document on CE 107

Changing the Class for an IS Annotation on CE 107

Deleting an Object Store 107

5 Best Practices 110

System Installation 110

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 10


Planning 110

Domain Validation 111

Remote Admin Console 112

Relational Database Configuration 112

RDBMS Considerations 112

Upgrade Strategy 113

Compatibility 114

System Property Mapping 115

System Property Updating 115

Mapping Properties from CE to IS 116

Mapping Document Classes from CE to IS 116

Document Class Names 116

Launching Workflows 118

Setting Document Accessibility 119

User Permissions 119

Image Services as a Fixed Content Device 119

Image Services as a High Volume Capture Device 120

Image Services Existing Document Catalog Export 121

Annotations 122

COLD Document Support 123

Date/Time Handling 123

IS Import Agents 124

Enabling or Changing the Number of IS Import Agents 125

Starting and Restarting IS Import Agents 127

System Availability 128

High Availability 128

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 11


Disaster Recovery 129

Backup/Restore 129

Synchronizing the CE and IS Catalogs 130

Content Engine Service Shutdown Sequence 133

Appendix A – Tools 134

nslookup 135

ping 136

Appendix B – Troubleshooting 137

IS Goes Down 138

CE Goes Down 139

Network Goes Down 139

Detecting Duplicate DocVers 139

CE Server Hangs When Creating a Fixed Content Device 141

IS Media Out of Library 142

IS Library Not Available 143

IS Document Not Found 144

IS Library is Powered Off 145

DIR Too Large for Export 146

For Properties of Newly Captured Documents Not Cataloged on Image Services 147

For Existing Document Properties Cataloged on Image Services 147

IS System Not Available 148

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 12


IS Cache Is Full 149

Out of Memory 150

Appendix C – Installing This Document onto the FileNet P8 Documentation Server 152

Refreshing the Documentation on the Application Server 152

Updating the FileNet P8 Help Search Index 153

Verifying that the Guidelines are Accessible from the Documentation Web Site 155

Glossary 156

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 13


This document provides guidelines for installing, configuring, and using IBM® FileNet® P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services (CFS-IS). CFS-IS combines the capabilities of Image Services (IS) systems and Content Engine (CE) servers. CFS-IS acts as a bridge that enables you to use FileNet P8 applications on CE and Panagon applications on IS to store content on IS systems and subsequently retrieve and view that content on CE servers using FileNet P8 applica-tions such as Workplace.

This document also provides a comprehensive view of the CFS-IS release as well as some specific procedures where appropriate. You’ll find a brief survey of how IS and CE behavior has changed in this release, a look into some CFS-IS concepts and strategies, as well as:

• System requirements

• Basic configuration information

• FileNet-suggested best practices

• Appendixes

• Glossary of terms

1 Overview

Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 14

Accessing IBM FileNet DocumentationTo access documentation for IBM FileNet products:

1 Navigate to the Information Management support page (

2 Select the appropriate IBM FileNet product from the “Select a cate-gory” list.

3 From the Product Support page, click Product Documentation under Learn.

4 From the Product Documentation page

a If necessary, click the Doc Link for the appropriate component product to display the document list.

b Click the icon in the appropriate release column to access the doc-ument you need.

1 Overview

What is Content Federation?

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 15

What is Content Federation?Content federation is a method of providing access to business content stored on multiple computer systems. The content on each system can be generated by different applications and can be stored in different databases. The content stored on one system can be retrieved from another system using a different application than the one used to origi-nally store the content. Content that is accessible in this way is referred to as federated content. CFS-IS provides a mechanism by which dif-ferent computer systems can be connected to provide access to feder-ated content; the connected computer systems that can support federated content are referred to as federated systems.

Federating the business content across multiple systems simplifies and speeds content management because it removes the need to migrate data from legacy systems while taking advantage of new tools and storage devices, and it helps identify and eliminate duplicate data by providing uniform access to the content on each system.

Document Management FundamentalsA document management system is a computer system used to track, store, and retrieve electronic documents. It provides storage, ver-sioning, metadata, security, indexing, and retrieval capabilities.

The storage of documents consists of:

• Cataloging properties that describe the document, such as its title or date of creation. These properties can be used to retrieve the document.

• Storing the actual content of the document. A document’s con-tent and properties are stored separately.

1 Overview

Document Management Fundamentals

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 16

Document properties are stored in a relational database known as the document catalog. When you want to retrieve a specific document or group of documents, you can query the database for one or more of these properties to locate the exact document you want. Document properties are sometimes referred to as document metadata.

The actual document content is stored in an area called the content storage area. The content storage area is often referred to as a fixed storage area because that version of a document’s content cannot be changed once stored here. For versioned documents, each version is a permanent document; every version of the document can be accu-rately reproduced.

To retrieve the content stored in the content storage area:

• Provide document property values to be used as criteria for searching the document catalog. The search returns a set of docu-ments that match the criteria you provided; from the returned docu-ments, select the documents you want to view.

• Supply the ids of the selected documents to be retrieved from the content storage area and displayed.

1 Overview

Document Management Fundamentals

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 17

The CFS-IS functionality that unites CE and IS is an integral part of both systems. In this diagram, the solid arrow indicates that the CE cat-alog can directly connect to an IS content storage area using CFS-IS. The location of document content is transparent to all applications.

The dashed arrow indicates that catalog entries created with IS Panagon applications are propagated to the CE catalog.

Important EMC Centera, IBM DR550, NetApp SnapLock, and other NLS-based storage solutions attached to IS systems are currently supported with CFS-IS only in the case where documents are input with an IS client application such as Capture, HPII (High Performance Image Import), or IDM Desktop where documents are cataloged in both CE and IS.

1 Overview

Introduction to CFS-IS

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 18

Using FileNet P8 applications on CE you can commit documents directly to Centera, DR550, Snaplock, and other devices, but you cannot commit documents to these devices through CFS-IS.

Introduction to CFS-ISUsing FileNet Content Federation Services for Image Services (CFS-IS) you can access content from numerous heterogeneous reposito-ries anywhere in the enterprise and federate this information to provide a single enterprise source for critical business content. Using CFS-IS you can search, catalog, classify, secure, retain, comply, activate, update and delete content residing in repositories across the enter-prise.

Benefits of CFS-IS

CFS-IS provides the following benefits:

• Direct access to existing IS documents from Workplace and any application built on the FileNet P8 Platform. This provides many benefits, including use of the cataloging capabilities provided by FileNet P8 Content Manager (CM), access to IS documents within FileNet P8 Business Process Management (BPM) applications, and the use of FileNet P8 Records Manager (RM) to manage the lifecycle of IS documents.

• Existing documents remain in IS; there is no need to export, con-vert, or modify them. This is a cost benefit and ensures that docu-ment integrity is maintained.

1 Overview

Introduction to CFS-IS

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 19

• Continued use of all existing applications that enter documents into IS systems – HPII, MRII, COLD II, DW SAP, Capture, and third-party applications. There is no need to incur the cost of rewriting these applications to take advantage of the FileNet P8 capabilities.

• Use of IS to store new CE documents. This provides the added benefit of leveraging investments in IS storage capacity and sup-ports storing CE content on optical media (WORM or rewritable), MSAR, and tape silos (through a FileNet Professional Services offering).

• A mechanism for cataloging IS documents in CE. The connections between CE and IS systems tolerate network outages and system restarts on either side of the connection.

Capabilities of CFS-IS

CFS-IS enables FileNet P8 applications and servers to communicate and work together with Image Manager applications and servers. You can initiate work through the applications of either system. For example, you can capture documents through FileNet P8 Platform applications, store them in IS, and view them with other FileNet P8 applications. Or you can capture documents in IS, send the cataloging information to CE, and view the documents through an Image Man-ager viewer such as IDM Desktop or FileNet P8 Platform applications such as Workplace.

Converting from IS to CE

During the transition from the IS catalog to the CE catalog, you can maintain dual catalog entries for existing documents stored in IS – one catalog entry in the IS catalog, and one catalog entry in the CE cat-alog. The dual catalog entries are both masters and are kept synchro-

1 Overview

Introduction to CFS-IS

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 20

nized. This means that, during the transition, you can run FileNet P8 Platform applications and Panagon applications on documents stored in IS.

For more information, see Chapter 2, “Planning your CFS-IS envi-ronment,” on page 23.

Transition Period

After you have verified the conversion is complete and the applications have been successfully switched from Panagon applications to FileNet P8 Platform applications, the IS catalog entries are no longer neces-sary. When the FileNet P8 Platform applications have been running successfully for a period of time, IS cataloging can be disabled for the relevant IS document classes, and the existing catalog entries for those document classes can be deleted. At that point, the catalog export is permanent.

Before you settle on a specific transition plan, read Chapter 5, “Best Practices,” on page 110 for FileNet recommendations.

Important After documents have been federated, it is not possible to unfederate them. You cannot delete CE catalog data without also causing the cor-responding IS catalog data and content to be deleted. In the same manner, you cannot initiate a deletion from the IS server without also causing the corresponding CE catalog data to be deleted.

1 Overview

What’s new in this release

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 21

What’s new in this release

IS Annotations

In this release of IS, annotations can be automatically propagated from IS to CE. Annotations made by Panagon applications are then stored in both IS and CE. However, annotations made by FileNet P8 Platform applications are stored only in CE.

FileNet P8 Catalog Updates

Updates of the properties of CE catalog entries do not propagate back to the dual catalog entry in the IS catalog. If such property updates are done by FileNet P8 Platform applications, the dual catalog entries get out of synchronization.

FileNet P8 marking sets can be used to prevent such updates until the catalog export is complete.

You can easily and quickly delete a marking set after the conversion is complete.

Updating Catalog Database Directly

Do not bypass the FileNet software and update the catalog database directly using SQL commands; such action invalidates the basic assumptions of CFS-IS.

Important You must not bypass the FileNet software for database updates when using CFS-IS.

1 Overview

What’s new in this release

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 22

High Availability Systems

CFS-IS supports IS servers and CE servers in any combination of their currently supported high availability (HA) configurations. However, IS systems with remote clustered databases are not supported.

The IS software must be restarted in the event of a failover.

Multi-System Synchronization

To operate properly, the Multi-System Synchronization tool (MSS) offered by FileNet Professional Services requires the catalog entries in the IS index database for it to operate. Therefore, if the catalog entries exist only on CE, you cannot use this tool.

Important Note that CFS-IS and MSS are incompatible in various configurations. If you plan to use the MSS tool, contact FileNet Professional Services for their advice and consent.

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 23

22Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planningUse the following list of prerequisites and software requirements to help you plan the configuration of your CFS-IS environment.

The following list summarizes the tasks the system administrator is responsible for completing before configuring CFS-IS.

• Determine document data flow for capture and retrieval of docu-ments stored in IS. Include capturing documents on the IS system and capturing documents on the CE server. Include retrievals on both systems. Determine throughput requirements and the max-imum volume and number of documents you expect to maintain online.

• Determine the hardware architecture needed to support pro-cessing requirements.

• Use IS Security Administration to define a CFS-IS user account in IS for each CE to IS connection, and make that account a member of all relevant groups in the IS security database. (The CFS-IS user name is stored in the CE Global Configuration Database (GCD) when you use Enterprise Manager (EM) to define the Fixed Con-text Device.)

• Use EM to define the corresponding Fixed Content Device for each CE to IS connection.

2 Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planning

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 24

• Determine the document classes you will need on both CE and IS. For CE document classes, have one document class for all IS sys-tems. Under that name, have a name for each related IS system. Under the name of each related IS system, have a document class corresponding to the document class in the associated IS system. Determine the property mapping between CE document properties and IS document properties.

• Use IS administration tools to define the necessary document class in IS to set the security and the destination IS family for each new FileNet P8 Platform application storing documents in IS.

• Determine the schedule of exporting the existing IS catalog entries, and then determine the schedule of exporting from the Panagon application to the corresponding FileNet P8 Platform application.

• Determine the grace period during which the entries in the IS cat-alog are kept.

• Use EM to put the CE to IS property and document class mappings into effect.


To protect the integrity of your data, you should carefully plan the con-figuration of the IS catalog and Panagon applications and the CE cat-alog and FileNet P8 Platform applications.

CFS-IS User Account

For CFS-IS to operate, the IS system administrator needs to create a CFS-IS user account on the IS system. The CFS-IS user must be made a member of all the appropriate IS security groups. After this user is created, the CFS-IS user name will be entered into the CE

2 Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planning

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 25

Global Configuration Database (GCD) automatically when you define the Fixed Content Device using EM.

Document Classes

The document class is the basis of connecting CE to the IS content storage area. Documents created by FileNet P8 Platform applications will be assigned the security and the family (which determines the type of physical media) of the IS document class when mapped to the appropriate class on the IS system. Thus, the physical media on which the document content is stored is transparent to CE.

If you store content in IS using a FileNet P8 application that hasn’t been used to store content in IS before, then the IS administrator needs to create a specific document class in IS for that application to use. Creating a separate document class for each application simpli-fies the task of organizing your data.

The best practice is to take advantage of the CE document class hier-archy. Using Enterprise Manager (EM), you can create a document class that will act as the parent for all document classes mapped to IS content storage areas. Under this document class, create one docu-ment class per IS system that is associated with the CE catalog. Under these document sub-classes, create one document class for each existing IS document class that is mapped to the CE catalog. For each mapped document class, you must map the properties that are to be exported from IS to CE.

Conversion from IS to CE

You should plan to export the IS properties for documents created by one application at a time.

2 Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planning

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 26

Exporting IS Properties for an Application

To export IS properties for an application, you must export the proper-ties for all document class(es) associated with that application. First, you need to identify all the document classes needed by the applica-tion. Then, for each document class, you need to identify the IS proper-ties that need to be sent to the CE catalog. Using Enterprise Manager, you can create and map the CE versions of the properties and docu-ment classes to their IS counterparts.

After CFS-IS is fully configured, CFS-IS automatically propagates the catalog entries of new documents added to IS document classes that are mapped to CE document classes to the CE catalog.

You can copy the catalog entries of existing IS documents to the CE catalog by running the IS Catalog Export Tool on the IS Remote Admin Console.

If you do not have Panagon applications that need to access the docu-ments, and once the IS document properties have been copied to the CE catalog, you can disable IS cataloging for the document classes involved. To delete the IS document properties for those document classes, you can re-export the IS document properties and specify “delete after export.”

Prior to the conversion from Panagon applications to P8 Platform appli-cations, you must still use the Panagon applications. Therefore, you must not disable cataloging for the document classes involved until all the relevant catalog entries have been copied to the CE catalog.

During the export of existing IS document properties, you can use a FileNet P8 Platform applications. However, the FileNet P8 Platform applications should be used in read-only mode prior to the conversion

2 Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planning

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 27

because property updates made via FileNet P8 Platform applications will not propagate back to the catalog entry in the IS catalog.

During the transition from Panagon applications to FileNet P8 Platform applications, CFS-IS operates as follows:

• New documents entered via CE that have content stored in IS will have a catalog entry only in CE.

• New documents entered via IS have a catalog entry in both IS and CE. (You must not disable cataloging in the IS catalog for the affected document classes until the conversion has been complete for a reasonable length of time.)

• If the properties in a catalog entry in the CE catalog are updated through FileNet P8 platform applications, the update is NOT propa-gated to the dual catalog entry in the IS catalog. The property values on CE and IS will be out of synchronization and this mis-match must be resolved by the system administrator.

• If the properties in a catalog entry in the IS catalog are updated through an application such as IDM Desktop or Image Services Toolkit, the update is automatically propagated to the dual catalog entry in the CE catalog.

However, if any of the mapped properties in the dual catalog entry in the CE catalog have been modified on the CE system by any means other than by the IS Import Agent, the update propagated from IS will fail and an error will be logged. The property values on CE and IS will be out of synchronization and this mismatch must be resolved by the system administrator.

• Document properties can be re-exported from IS to CE at any time by running the IS Catalog Export Tool on a RAC workstation. (This is especially important if the property mapping has been changed.)

2 Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planning

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 28

However, if any of the mapped properties in the dual catalog entry in the CE catalog have been modified on CE by any means other than by the IS Import Agent, those modifications will be lost because the CE properties are overwritten by the IS properties.

• If the deletion of a document is initiated on IS, the delete propa-gates to the CE catalog. Thus, the document is automatically deleted on both systems.

• If the deletion of a document is initiated on CE, the delete propa-gates to the IS catalog. Thus, the document is automatically deleted on both systems.

Update and Export

The distinction between “update” and “export” is subtle, but important. In both cases, document properties are copied from IS to CE. Updating involves a comparison of IS and CE properties, while exporting does not involve a comparison.

When mapped document properties are updated on IS through an application such as IDM Desktop or Image Services Toolkit, the IS and CE properties are compared with each other to make sure they’re iden-tical before the update is performed. If they are not identical, a mis-match error is reported on both CE and IS. The system administrator must resolve the difference.

When mapped document properties are first exported from IS to CE by means of the Catalog Export Tool on a RAC workstation, they are synchronized on both IS and CE. However, any subsequent changes made to CE properties by FileNet P8 Platform applications are not sent back to IS. If it becomes necessary at some later date to re-export the properties from IS to CE, no comparisons are made, the IS properties

2 Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planning

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 29

always overwrite the CE properties, and any updates to those CE properties are lost.

To prevent the mapped CE properties from inadvertently being modi-fied and becoming mismatched with the corresponding IS properties, the best practice is to create a Marking Set to protect the CE document class.

Software requirements

The following table identifies the minimum level of software needed on each server.

For information about FileNet P8 Platform requirements, see IBM FileNet P8 Platform Hardware and Software Requirements.



IS 4.0 SP5or later

ISTK 4.0(IS 4.0 SP5

Edition)or later

RAC 4.0(IS 4.0 SP5

Edition)or later

P8 AE 3.5.2

or later

P8 CE 3.5.2

or later

Image Services System (AIX®, HP-UX [HP 9000 or HP Integ-rity], Solaris, or Windows® Server)


Image Services Toolkit(Any server that currently has an earlier version of ISTK installed)


Remote Admin Console Workstation (Windows Server) RAC is not needed if CFS-IS is used only to store the content of new CE documents in IS.


2 Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planning

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 30

Compatibility between versions of IS and CE

Image Services

IS 4.0 SP5 is compatible with both CE 3.5.2 and CE 4.0.

IS 4.1 is also compatible with both CE 3.5.2 and CE 4.0.

Important Separate CE 3.x and CE 4.0 systems connected to the same IS system are NOT supported.

Content Engine

CE 4.0 is compatible with these versions of IS:

• IS 4.0 SP5

• IS 4.1

Note The transfer of annotations from IS to CE is available only when all IS and CE servers have been updated to IS 4.0 SP5 and CE 4.0 respec-

FileNet P8 Application Engine Server(AIX, HP-UX, Red Hat Linux®, Solaris, or Windows Server)


FileNet P8 Content Engine Server(AIX, HP-UX, Red Hat Linux, Solaris, or Windows Server)




IS 4.0 SP5or later

ISTK 4.0(IS 4.0 SP5

Edition)or later

RAC 4.0(IS 4.0 SP5

Edition)or later

P8 AE 3.5.2

or later

P8 CE 3.5.2

or later

2 Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planning

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 31


The transfer of only the annotations for IS documents whose catalog data has already been exported to CE is available only when the RAC workstations have been updated to RAC 4.0 (IS 4.0 SP5 Edition).

After all IS and CE servers have been updated, you can activate the transfer of annotations from IS to CE using the FileNet IS System Con-figuration Editor (fn_edit) as described in Chapter 3, “Configuring CFS-IS,” on page 34.

Installing the Software

You can install the P8 4.0 and IS 4.0 SP5 software on the appropriate servers in any order. Note that the latest features will not be available until all servers in the federated system are running the latest software.

Installing AE 4.0

Follow the procedures in the FileNet P8 Platform Installation and Upgrade Guide to install the software.

Make sure the AE server is running successfully before configuring CFS-IS.

Installing CE 4.0

Follow the procedures in the FileNet P8 Platform Installation and Upgrade Guide to install the software.

Make sure the CE server is running successfully before configuring CFS-IS.

2 Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planning

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 32

Installing IS 4.0 SP5

Follow the update procedures in the Readme instructions that accom-pany the IS 4.0 SP5 software. Install IS 4.0 SP5 on each IS server.

Make sure the IS system is running successfully before configuring CFS-IS for the first time.

Note To include this CFS-IS Guidelines document with the rest of the Enter-prise Content Management help, copy the PDF file to the following directory on your CE server: \ecm_help\cfs_help\cfs_guide.pdf

Installing ISTK 4.0 (IS 4.0 SP5 Edition)

Follow the procedures in the Readme instructions that accompany the ISTK software for installing and configuring ISTK 4.0.50.

Installing RAC 4.0 (IS 4.0 SP5 Edition)

Follow the procedures in the Readme instructions that accompany the RAC software. Install RAC 4.0 (IS 4.0 SP5 Edition) on any PC worksta-tion linked to the IS system.

Note ISTK 4.0 (IS 4.0 SP5 Edition) is a prerequisite for installing RAC 4.0 (IS 4.0 SP5 Edition) on the RAC workstations.

Important The Remote Admin Console can be configured on the same Windows server as Content Engine 4.0 and higher. However, installing RAC on a CE 3.5.x server is not supported.

2 Planning your CFS-IS environment

Configuration planning

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 33

Installing RAC on the same server as IS software, such as an IS server or an Application Engine server, is not permitted.

National Language Support

CFS-IS supports the following international character sets:

Support for extended characters is limited, depending on the use case and the specifics of the configuration.

Standard Name Character Set Dexcription

ISO 8859-1 Latin-1

ISO 8859-2 Latin-2

ISO 8859-3 Latin-3

ISO 8859-4 Latin-4

ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic

ISO 8859-6 Arabic

ISO 8859-7 Greek

ISO 8859-8 Hebrew

ISO 8859-9 Turkish

SHIFT-JIS Shift Japanese Industrial Standard

EUC-JP Japanese Extended UNIX® Capa-bility

EUC-KR Korean, KS C 5601

GB18030 Chinese Simplified EUC (China)

x-EUC-TW Chinese Traditional EUC (Taiwan)

TIS-620 Thai TIS 620-2533

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 34

33Configuring CFS-IS

As soon as the Content Engine (CE), Image Services (IS), and Remote Admin Console (RAC) software has been successfully installed on the appropriate servers, you can begin configuring the IS-CE connection.

You’ll need to:

• Create a document class on IS for each type of document you wish to catalog on CE.

• Define dedicated users on each IS and CE server.

• Configure a Fixed Content Device on CE for each IS server you wish to communicate with.

• Create a document class on CE for each type of document you wish to store on each IS system.

Note Before setting up CFS-IS in non-English FileNet P8 environments, see the Installing FileNet P8 Platform in a Non-English Environment Tech-nical Notice. To download this document from the IBM support page, see “Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 14.

Important Currently CFS-IS does not support committing documents from CE to Centera, SnapLock, or other NLS-based storage solutions on IS because the NLS software requires cataloging on the IS server and CE does not transfer catalog information to the IS server.

3 Configuring CFS-IS

CFS-IS Configuration Road Map

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However, documents entering via IS can be stored on NLS-based devices on the IS system and then cataloged on CE as long as they are also cataloged on IS as well.

CFS-IS Configuration Road MapThe following table lists the general steps you need to follow to con-figure Content Federation Services for Image Services:

Steps Refer to ...

On the IS system:

Create a CFS-IS Administrative User “Create a CFS-IS Administrative User” on page 40

Create a Group for CFS Record Management “Create a Group for CFS Record Man-agement” on page 41

Define Document Classes for CFS-IS “Define Document Classes for CFS-IS” on page 45

Determine the IS document properties that needto be mapped to CE properties.

“Determine Document Property Map-ping between IS and CE” on page 46

Map Annotations Security “Annotation Security Mapping” on page 86

On the CE server:

Verify Communication between CE and IS “Communication Between CE and IS” on page 51

Create an Object Store FileNet P8 Documentation ➔ FileNet P8 Administration ➔ Content Engine Administra-tion ➔ Object Stores ➔ How to... ➔ Create Object Store

3 Configuring CFS-IS

All Windows Servers (Both CE and IS)

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 36

All Windows Servers (Both CE and IS)

Verify TCP/IP Parameter Settings on Windows Servers

Note These settings are not required on UNIX servers.

In this section you’ll verify the maximum number of available temporary ports and the length of time the server waits before reusing a closed socket ID. If either of these parameters do not yet exist, this section provides steps to define them.

Create a Fixed Storage Area FileNet P8 Documentation ➔ FileNet P8 Administration ➔ Content Engine Administra-tion ➔ Content Storage ➔ Fixed Storage Areas ➔ How to... ➔ Create Fixed Content Device

Map IS and CE document properties “Property Mapping” on page 69

Create a Marking Set “Marking Set” on page 74

On the RAC workstation:

Configure Annotations Export “Configure the Annotation Export” on page 84

Map Annotations Security “Annotation Security Mapping” on page 86

Configure Catalog Export from IS “CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export” on page 92

On the entire CFS-IS system

Test the CFS-IS Configuration “Test the CFS-IS Configuration” on page 99

Steps Refer to ...

3 Configuring CFS-IS

All Windows Servers (Both CE and IS)

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Note These modifications have been found to be favorable for optimal FileNet performance. Unless you have set these parameters differently for other system reasons, we recommend you use these parameter settings.

• The MaxUserPort parameter determines the number of temporary ports that can be assigned on the server. These temporary ports are assigned by a server’s IP stack from a designated range of ports for this purpose. When network traffic is extremely heavy, it’s possible to run out of temporary ports unless you increase the MaxUserPort setting.

• The TcpTimedWaitDelay parameter determines the length of time the server waits before reusing a closed ID socket. Although the default value is typically around 240 seconds (four minutes), this parameter can safely be reduced to as little as 30 seconds on high-speed networks.

• The TcpNumConnections parameter limits the maximum number of connections that TCP can have open simultaneously. If this parameter is not defined, the default value of 6,777,214 (0xFFFFFE) TCP connections is used. FileNet recommends that you use the default value.

1 From a Command Prompt window, enter the following command to open the Registry editor:


Note You can also enter the above command in the task bar Run dialog box.

2 In the HKEY_Local_Machine on the Local Machine window, open the System folder and navigate to the Tcpip Parameters folder using this path:

3 Configuring CFS-IS

All Windows Servers (Both CE and IS)

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 38

SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Tcpip > Parameters

3 Locate the MaxUserPort parameter.

• If this parameter is already set to 65534 (decimal) or FFFE (hex), skip to Step 4 on page 38.

• If this parameter is less than 65534 (decimal) or FFFE (hex), you need to increase it.

a Double-click on the entry to open the DWORD Editor dialog box.

b In the DWORD Editor dialog box, set the Radix to decimal or hex, and change the value to 65534 (decimal) or FFFE (hex).

c Click OK, and skip to Step 4 on page 38.

• If this parameter does not exist, you need to define it.

a From the Registry Editor Edit menu, select Add Value.

b Enter MaxUserPort in the Value Name box, and select REG_DWORD from the Data Type box drop-down list; then click OK.

c Set the Radix to decimal or hex, enter 65534 (decimal) or FFFE (hex) in the Data box, and click OK.

The Registry Editor now shows the new MaxUserPort entry in hex.

4 Locate the TcpTimedWaitDelay parameter.

• If this parameter is already set to 30 seconds (decimal) or 1E (hex), skip to Step 5 on page 39.

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• If this parameter is more than 30 seconds (decimal) or 1E (hex), you need to reduce it.

a Double-click on the entry to open the DWORD Editor dialog box.

b In the DWORD Editor dialog box, set the Radix to decimal or hex, and change the value to 30 (decimal) or 1E (hex).

c Click OK, and skip to Step 5 on page 39.

• If this parameter does not exist, you need to define it.

a From the Registry Editor Edit menu, select Add Value.

b Enter TcpTimedWaitDelay in the Value Name box, and select REG_DWORD from the Data Type box drop-down list; then click OK.

c Set the Radix to decimal or hex, enter 30 (decimal) or 1E (hex) in the Data box, and click OK.

The Registry Editor now shows the new TcpTimedWaitDelay entry in hex.

5 Close the Registry Editor window. The new registry values will take effect the next time you restart the server.

Image Services SystemThe following subsections describe the tasks needed to prepare the IS system for its role in CFS-IS.

These tasks should be performed by the IS system administrator.

3 Configuring CFS-IS

Image Services System

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When the tasks on the IS system are finished, the IS system adminis-trator will need to provide the CE system administrator with the fol-lowing information:

• IP address of the IS server.

• Three-part Domain Name of the IS system.

• Server Name of the IS Root/Index server.

• CFS Administrative user name.

• CFS document class(es).

- CFS document class index properties, if configured.

Create a CFS-IS Administrative User

Create a new user to administer CFS-IS. You can select any user name, such as CFSuser01, ISadmin, or whatever you choose.

This is the user name that CE will use to log into IS.

Note Make the user name unique, memorable, and simple. Do not use the underscore character in the user name. Although underscore charac-ters are normally permitted in IS user names, CE does not allow them. Conversely, CE allows the following characters: # [ ] ! < > ? * but IS does not.

Tip If several CE servers will be accessing separate document classes on the same IS system, create a separate user ID for each CE server.

Add this user to any other IS security groups that have access to the IS document classes to be accessed by the CE user, such as mgmt.

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Image Services System

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For example, you could choose to create a document class named SPECS with these group permissions:

Read: mgmtWrite: engrApp/Ex: sales

To have full access to the documents in this document class, the new user must be a member of all three groups–mgmt, engr, and sales.

An alternative would be to make this new CFS administrative user a member of the SysAdmin group. This would allow the CFS administra-tive user wider access, but might be considered a higher security risk.

Create a Group for CFS Record Management

Create a new group to provide Record Management (RM) security for CFS-IS. You can select any group name, such as CFSgrp, RMsecurity, or whatever you choose.

Add only the CFS-IS administrative user to this group.

Note No other IS users should be made members of the RM group.

RM provides an additional level of security for IS index data that are going to be mapped to CE document properties.

Important When using a CFS-IS system with Records Manager, we recommend that customers don’t set an expiration date on documents that are stored in Image Services. There is currently no automated way for the CFS-IS administrative user on the IS system to differentiate between Records Manager documents that are placed on hold and cannot be deleted and those that can be deleted.

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Configure Record Management Security

To configure RM security, make sure you’re logged onto the IS root/index server as any member of the fnadmin group, such as root (UNIX) or SysAdmin (Windows).

Note For a complete description of the SEC_rm_config tool, see the Image Services System Tools Reference Manual. To download this document from the IBM support page, see “Accessing IBM FileNet Documen-tation” on page 14

1 Launch the RM configuration utility by entering:


Important After RM security has been established, it cannot be removed.

The command line options display:

Image Services Record Management Configuration Utility

Command line options:d Display current configuration settingse Edit configuration settingss Save configuration settingsp Print menu

q Quit

Enter Command => _

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2 Enter d at the prompt to display the current settings. The first time you run the SEC_rm_config tool, the default settings display:

3 Enter e to edit the current settings.

The default setting for Record Level Security is READ_ONLY, this highest level of security. The three levels of security are:

• READ_ONLY - Any user who is not a member of the SysAdminG group and who already has at least Read privileges to the docu-ments can only view the documents

• APPEND_ONLY (includes Read permission) - Any user who is not a member of the SysAdminG group and who already has at least Read and Append/Execute privileges to the documents can only view the documents and add new annotations.

Current Image Services ConfigurationRecord Security Level : READ_ONLYRM Group : UNDEFINEDRM Log Level : MINIMAL

Current User Selected ConfigurationRecord Security Level : READ_ONLYRM Group : UNDEFINEDRM Log Level : MINIMAL

Edit Record Level Securitys READ_ONLYw APPEND_ONLYn NO_CHANGEEnter Record Level Security [READ_ONLY] =>

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• NO_CHANGE - No additional security is applied. The same secu-rity settings as currently exist in the IS index database will be in effect.

Enter the letter of one of the lower levels of security, or press Return to accept READ_ONLY security.

4 The first time you run the SEC_rm_config tool, the Group name is undefined. Enter the name of the special purpose group you created for the CFS-IS administrative user, such as RMsec.

5 Next you can choose either minimal or verbose activity logging. The default setting is MINIMAL. You can change this setting to VERBOSE or just press Return to accept the default.

6 When you have finished editing the RM configuration parameters, enter s at the prompt to save your changes.

Edit Record Manager GroupEnter Record Manager Group name [UNDEFINED] => RMsec

Edit Activity Log Levelm MINIMALv VERBOSEEnter Activity Log Level [MINIMAL] =>

Enter Command => s

Saving Record Management control table information...SEC_rm_config: Record Management settings have been successfully updated

Enter Command =>

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7 Enter d at the prompt to display the new settings. The display looks similar to this:

8 To exit the RM Configuration Utility, enter q at the prompt:

Define Document Classes for CFS-IS

Use Database Maintenance to create one or more new document classes for CE documents.

Tip We strongly recommend that you define a new media family for new CFS documents. This is optional, but you could find it helpful for orga-nizing your data and keeping track of the CE document classes.

Important If you ever decide to assign a mapped IS document class to a different media family in the future, you must restart all the CE Services on CE so it will recognize the new assignment. CE gathers information about the IS system only when it’s restarted.

Current Image Services ConfigurationRecord Security Level : APPEND_ONLYRM Group : RMsecRM Log Level : VERBOSE

Current User Selected ConfigurationRecord Security Level : APPEND_ONLYRM Group : RMsecRM Log Level : VERBOSE

Enter Command => q


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• If the documents that will be stored in this document class are going to be captured by the CE server, be sure to set the enable cataloging option to No. No index properties need to be config-ured for this document class; the documents will not be retrievable from IS.

• If the documents that will be stored in this document class are going to be captured on the IS system, you have two choices:

1 If you want to be able to retrieve the documents from only the CE server, be sure to set the enable cataloging option to No. Index properties still need to be configured for this document class so they can be exported to CE; but the documents will not be retrievable from IS.

If you decide to change the enable cataloging option to yes in the future, so documents that have already been committed to the document class can be recataloged, contact FileNet CSS for assistance.

2 If you want to be able to retrieve the documents from both CE and IS, set the enable cataloging option to Yes. Index properties for this document class are then cataloged on both CE and IS.

Note Documents that are not cataloged on the IS system cannot be retrieved by IS applications.

Determine Document Property Mapping between IS and CE

If the documents in the document classes you define on CE are also going to be cataloged on IS system, the index properties you define for

3 Configuring CFS-IS

Image Services System

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the CE document classes must equate to index properties defined for the corresponding document classes on IS.

Use the following tables for each supported relational database type to help you define the index properties for your CFS system.

Table 1: Oracle Data Types

Image Service Data Type Display Mask

Content EngineData Type

Numeric ######### Long Integer

Numeric ########## Float

Numeric #.## Float

String <any> String

Date <any> Date

Menu* <any> String (as choice list)

Table 2: DB2 Data Types

Image Service Data Type Display Mask

Content EngineData Type

Numeric ######### Float or Integer

Numeric ########## Float

Numeric #.## Float

String <any> String (its length must be greater than the IS string)

Date <any> Date

Menu* <any> String (as choice list)

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* An IS menu cannot have more entries than the corresponding CE choice list.

In addition to the user-defined index properties that are defined on the IS system specifically for each document class, the following IS system properties, which are generated for all IS documents, can also be mapped to CE properties:

• F_ARCHIVEDATE, integer(4)

• F_DELETEDATE, integer(4)

• F_DOCCLASSNUMBER, integer(4)

• F_DOCFORMAT, varchar(239)

• F_DOCLOCATION, varchar(239)

• F_DOCNUMBER, decimal(10,0)

• F_DOCTYPE, char(1)

• F_ENTRYDATE, integer(4)

• F_PAGES, integer(4)

• F_RETENTOFFSET, integer(4)

Table 3: MS SQL Data Types

Image Service Data Type DIsplay Mask

Content EngineData Type

Numeric ######### Float or Integer

Numeric ########## Float

Numeric #.## Float

String <any> String

Date <any> Date

Menu* <any> String (as choice list)

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Image Services System

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Important If you export index properties from an IS document class to a CE docu-ment class that has one or more required properties that have not been mapped, and that the CFS-IS Import Agents are not aware of, the agents stop and no index properties are imported to the CE document class. Such documents will not be federated and will not be available to the P8 user.

There are two solutions. Either:

- Make sure all the CE properties that are defined as required havebeen mapped to IS index properties in the appropriate DocumentClass.

- or -

- Delete the unmapped CE property from the CE document class.

Then restart the CFS Service. Note that the document that failed might not be processed immediately after the CFS Service restarts – there could be a short delay.

Numeric Ranges

When mapping numeric values, be sure to consider the following limits:

OracleNumber: The numeric range for a number variable is:

1.0E-130 to 9.99E+125

DB2DOUBLE: The largest positive value is +1.79769E+308 and the largest negative value that a double can hold is "-1.79769E+308".

3 Configuring CFS-IS

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The smallest positive value a DOUBLE can have is +2.225E-307 and the smallest negative value is -2.225E-307.

SQL ServerFloat: The numeric range for a float variable is:

-1.79E+308 to 1.79E+308

Mapping Numeric Data Types

IS numeric fields can hold numbers with more digits than CE fields of data type integer or data type float, so mappings between IS numeric fields and CE fields of type integer and type float require special con-sideration.

For example, if an IS numeric field is mapped to a CE field of type integer, and an IS user enters a number on a specific document that is larger than the CE integer field can hold, then that specific document will not be federated and will not be available to the P8 user.

However, if an IS numeric field is mapped to a CE field of type float, and an IS user enters a number on a specific document that is larger than the CE type float field can hold, then that specific document will be federated, but with a loss of precision in this property.

Therefore, to prevent either of these situations, we recommend that you store your numeric data in a string index on IS when dealing with very large numbers or numbers with high precision. The data can then be mapped to a string property on CE, thus ensuring the numeric data is federated correctly.

Multi-valued CE Properties

CFS-IS does not currently support multi-valued CE properties.

3 Configuring CFS-IS

Content Engine Server

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 51

Content Engine ServerThe CE system administrator needs to know the following information about the IS system:

• IP address of the IS server.

• Three-part Domain Name of the IS system.

• Server Name of the IS Root/Index server.

• ISCE user name.

• ISCE document class(es).

- ISCE document class index properties, if configured.

Communication Between CE and IS

Because CE and IS are on separate servers, the first responsibility of CFS-IS is to discover the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the IS system's Root/Index server. One component of the IS Root/Index server is the Network Clearinghouse (NCH) service. NCH is a FileNet proprietary component that keeps track of the network resources and their IP addresses. As IS can be consolidated onto a single platform, or distributed across many platforms, the NCH service knows where everything is, including the IP address of the Root/Index server.

All IS components, including CFS-IS, try to discover the NCH service in the following four ways and in this order:

1 See if the NCH service is on the current system.

2 Look in the current system local hosts file for an NCH service entry.

3 Configuring CFS-IS

Content Engine Server

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3 Use a Name Resolution Service server, which has an NCH service entry.

4 Perform a broadcast to discover the NCH service.

In CFS-IS configurations, Step 1 will never succeed because CE is always on a separate platform from IS. Step 2 and Step 3 requires proper configuration. Also, if the Name Resolution Service resolution in Step 3 is not successful, and if broadcasts are enabled, the system will go to Step 4 and try broadcasts to resolve the NCH service name to an IP address. But broadcasts are frequently disabled at sites due to system bandwidth concerns. Additionally, broadcasts only work if the systems are on the same IP segment. As a result, Step 4 is frequently not an option.

This leaves two ways the CE server can locate the address of the IS system:

• Name resolution through the local hosts file as in Step 2.

This method is straightforward because it doesn't require privileges on a domain name system, but the system administrator needs to make sure the hosts files on ALL CE servers are updated.

• Name resolution through a Name Resolution Service as in Step 3.

This method is easier because the domain name and the IP address of the IS system need to be updated in only one place, but it requires privileges on a centralized Name Resolution Service system.

IS Domain Names versus Server Names

Whether the CE server uses a Name Resolution Service or the hosts file, it’s important to refer to the IS system appropriately.

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Content Engine Server

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The system administrator of the IS system has already defined the three-part IS name when the IS software was installed and configured. The three-part name is constructed like this:


In most cases <IS_name> is DefaultIMS, and <IS_organization> is your company name. The <IS_domain_name> is the name of the entire IS domain.

For example:


Important Often the <IS_domain_name> is the same as the server name of the IS Root/Index server. But this is not always true. In the example above, the IS domain name could be senna while the IS Root/Index server name might be ayrton. The system administrator of the IS system knows if these two names are different.

The server name is defined when the operating system is initially con-figured, while the IS domain name is configured during the IS system configuration.

Creating a Four-Part NCH Service Name

Construct a four-part NCH service name by making the following changes to the IS domain:organization name:

• Convert all characters to lower case.

• Eliminate all characters except for ASCII alphanumeric characters and hyphens.

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• Insert a hyphen between the domain and organization names.

• Append "-nch-server" to the end of the string.

For example:

IS Domain name: AccountsPayable:YourCo

NCH Service name: accountspayable-yourco-nch-server

Modifying the Hosts File

The hosts file must contain the four-part NCH service name for each IS domain that will participate in CFS-IS. Each CE server's hosts file must include this entry.

Note The location of the hosts file depends on where the Windows software is installed.

The general format of a hosts file entry is:

<IP_address_of_IS_Domain> <IS_server> <NCH_four_part_service_name>

For example:

IS Root/Index server IP address:

IS Root/Index server name: senna

IS Domain name: AccountsPayable:Yourco

The hosts file entry looks like this: senna accountspayable-yourco-nch-server

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Important If you have separate CE servers for Object Store Services (OSS) and File Storage Services (FSS), be sure to make the same entry in the hosts file on each CE server.

Your hosts file could look like this:

Note In the last entry, the server name is different than the IS system/domain name. The server name is senna, but the four-part NCH ser-vice name is accountspayable-yourco-nch-server.

## This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.## This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one# space.## Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.## For example:## # source server# # x client host# localhost mansell mansell-yourco-nch-server10.14.100.22 piquet piquet-yourco-nch-server10.14.100.23 prost prost-yourco-nch-server10.14.80.97 senna accountspayable-yourco-nch-server

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Also note that the letters are all lower case and that the four parts of the NCH service name are separated by hyphens (-).

Using a Name Resolution Service Server

If a Name Resolution Service (such as Domain Name Service [DNS], Network Information Service [NIS], and so on) is configured, an alias entry for the IS Root/Index server must include the four-part NCH ser-vice name.

For example,

IS Domain name: AccountsPayable:YourCo

IS Root/Index server name: senna

Add an alias to the entry for server senna:

Alias name= accountspayable-yourco-nch-server

Communicating Through a Firewall

IS uses the following port assignments to enable network communica-tion through firewalls. On UNIX platforms, these port assignments are made in the /etc/services file.

tms 32768/tcpcor 32769/tcpnch 32770/udp

• The tms port is used by TM_daemon, which runs on IS servers, to get the status of other IS servers in the same IS domain. It is not used on CE.

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• The cor port is essential on both IS and CE for remote procedure calls (RPCs) to work.

• The nch port is only necessary if the client is locating the Image Services NCH host by broadcasting. Many system administrators prefer not to use the UDP protocol and block it.

Verify the Connection Between CE and IS

When a CFS application wants to communicate with an IS system, it must first locate the correct server. You can test the connection between the CE server and the IS server with the following tools, which are described in “Appendix A – Tools” on page 134:

• “nslookup” on page 135

• “ping” on page 136

Launch Enterprise Manager

To begin the configuration of CFS-IS on the CE server, you need to launch the Enterprise Manager (EM).

1 Launch EM on a Windows workstation. Select Start > Programs > FileNet P8 Platform> Enterprise Manager SnapIn.

2 At the logon screen, enter the appropriate user name and password. When you click OK, the EM screen displays.

Create an Object Store

Be sure to create an object store before you configure a fixed file storage area for CFS-IS. If the object store already exists, you can skip to the next section, “Create a Fixed Content Device in EM” on

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page 59. For information on creating an object store, see Help on FileNet P8 Documentation ➔ FileNet P8 Administration ➔ Content Engine Administration ➔ Object Stores ➔ How to... ➔ Create Object Store.

Important If you create the object store after you have created the IS-based file storage area, a problem could occur when you create the object store and override the IS document class to be something other than the default for the IS Fixed Device.

Note that this will not cause a problem if the IS based file storage area is created for an existing object store; it only occurs during creation of a new object store, and only if the IS document class is overridden.

The result is that non-federated content created in the file storage area is sent to the document class of the Fixed Device, and not to the docu-ment class selected to override that value during object store creation.

To work around the problem, use EM to alter the file storage area.

- On the Fixed tab of the file storage area, change the IS documentclass listed at the bottom of the dialog to some other class and pressApply.

- Then change the IS document class back to the desired value and press Apply again.

At this point the data is fixed, but is still cached. Restart all File Storage Services to fully apply the fix.

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Create a Fixed Content Device in EM

For information on creating a Fixed Content Device, see Help on FileNet P8 Documentation ➔ FileNet P8 Administration ➔ Content Engine Administration ➔ Content Storage ➔ Fixed Storage Areas ➔ How to... ➔ Create Fixed Content Device.

Vendor and Configuration ParametersWhen this screen displays, make sure Image Services is selected from the pulldown Type list. The Vendor is FileNet.

In the Configuration Parameters area, enter the following information:

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• IS Domain: The domain name was assigned when the IS system was first installed. (For example, if the three-part domain name were DefaultIMS:senna:yourco, you would enter senna.)

• IS Organization: This should be your company name, such as yourco, bigcorp, and so on.

• User Name: The name of the ISCE user that was created earlier on the IS system. This user must already exist on the IS server.

• Password: Enter the password for this ISCE User.

• Confirm Password: Retype the same password.

• Cancel Open Seconds: The default is 60 seconds.

Click the Test Connection... button to make sure the CE server can locate and log on successfully to the IS server. A popup window dis-plays the message:

Connection successful

If you do not see this message, use the connection tools described in “Appendix A – Tools” on page 134 to troubleshoot the connection.

Default IS Document Class

Note The document class you’re going to select must already exist on the IS system; otherwise, it won’t appear on the list of available document classes.

On the Default IS Document Class screen, select a default document class from the pulldown list. Notice that every document class on the

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IS system is listed, so be sure to select the one that was specifically created for CFS-IS.

CFS Server for Image Services

On the CFS Server for Image Services screen, parameters can be left at their default settings, or you can adjust them to suit your business processing needs.

Complete the Create a Fixed Content Device Wizard

On the Complete the Create a Fixed Content Device screen, verify that all the information you entered is correct.

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Editing a Fixed Content Device

Domain Root Properties

Right-click the fixed content device you want to modify, and select Properties from the context list.

Properties: General

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You can edit any of the fields that are not grayed out. Click Help for more information about modifying these attributes.

Properties: Site Settings

The Site Settings tab allows you to view and edit site-specific settings. Use this tab to configure the CSM cache name for Image Services.

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• Site: The site name.

• CSM cache name: The three part name of the Image Services CSM cache that is nearer to the site than the default cache.

• Add: Click this button to open the Site Setting dialog box to con-figure a new site setting for this fixed content device.

• Edit: Click this button to open the Site Setting dialog box to change a site setting that has already been configured. This button is dis-abled if no site setting is selected.

• Delete: Click this button to delete the currently selected site set-ting. A confirmation dialog box displays to ensure you want to delete the selected item.

Creating a Fixed Storage Area

The CE system administrator is responsible for creating the Fixed File Storage area.

Note For more information on creating a fixed storage area, see Help on Enterprise Manager Administration tool > Content Storage > File Storage Areas > How to... > Create Storage Area.

1 In the left pane of EM, expand Object Stores, open the object store you created earlier, and right-click Storage Areas.

2 On the popup menu, choose New Storage Area. The Create a Storage Area Wizard begins.

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Specify a Site

Select the appropriate site from those displayed.

Name and Describe the Storage Area

Follow the instructions on the screen to enter a unique file storage area name, such as senna_docs.

The name you enter also displays in the Description field. You can type additional description comments, if you choose.

Specify the Storage Area Type

Click the Fixed File Storage radio button.

Fixed Storage Area

In the Fixed Content Device field, select the appropriate device, such as sun04_FCD, from the drop down list.

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Make sure the folder in the Staging Area Path field has already been created.

The default IS document class for this Fixed Content Device displays In the Fixed Content Device default field. To change this, click the Selected below radio button and choose a different IS document class from the drop down list.

Select the Size Parameters of the Storage Area

In the Storage Area Size panel, type the Maximum Size and Maximum Number of Elements.

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In the Delete Method field, the default is Standard. You can select a different delete method from the drop down list, if you choose.

Specify Storage Policy

Click the appropriate radio button to:

• Create Storage Policy - Select this option to create a new storage policy specifically for this storage area. You can name the new storage policy anything you choose.

• Map storage area to existing Storage Polices - Select this option to use any of several existing storage policies.

• Do not create a new storage policy - Select this option if you do not want to create a new storage policy at this time.

Note As stated on this screen, the storage area will NOT be used until it is mapped to a storage policy.

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Complete the Create a Storage Area Wizard

On the Completing the Create a Storage Area Wizard screen, verify that all the information you entered is correct.

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Property Mapping

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Property Mapping

Note You only need to map document classes if the documents originate on the IS system. There is no need to map document classes in which the documents originate on the CE server.

1 In the left pane of the EM window, expand the Document Class folder and locate the document class you’re going to map to the IS document class.

2 Right-click the document class name and right-click Properties.

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Property Mapping

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3 On the Properties window, select the Image Services tab.

Image Services

On the Image Services tab, you can map additional IS document classes and edit existing document class mappings.

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Click the Add/Edit... button. The Add/Edit IS Class Mapping screen displays.

Add/Edit IS Class Mapping

Each IS document class can be mapped to one or more CE document classes. You can map a single IS document class to one or more CE document classes as long as each CE document class is in a different object store. However, only one CE document class can be the default for high volume capture and post-committal indexing.

On the Add/Edit IS Class Mapping screen, select the IS fixed content device you want to map to from the pulldown menu in the IS pane.

Note Every document class defined on the IS system displays in the pane below. Be sure you pick the correct one to map to.

In the Content Engine pane, select the appropriate CE document class. When you click the Add button, the new mapping displays in the Current Class Mappings pane at the bottom of the window.

To remove a class mapping, select the mapping in the Current Class Mappings pane and click Remove.

To map the index properties between the two document classes, click the Map Properties... button.

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Property Mapping

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3 Configuring CFS-IS

Property Mapping

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Add/Edit IS Property Mapping

On the Add/Edit IS Property Mapping screen, you can see the cur-rently defined index property mappings for the IS-CE document class, if any.

To create a new mapping, select one property in the Image Services pane and one property in the Content Engine pane and click Add. The new mapping is displayed in the Current Property Mappings pane at the bottom of the window.

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Property Mapping

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Note Refer to the tables in the section, “Determine Document Property Mapping between IS and CE” on page 46 for mapping recommenda-tions.

To remove a property mapping, select the mapping in the Current Property Mappings pane and click Remove.

Click OK to continue.

After you’ve finished mapping properties, restart CFS-IS by going to the Services Console, locating the “FileNet CFS Service,” and restarting this service.

Repeat the steps in this section for each Image Services system you want to include in the Content Federation Services for IS environment.

Marking Set

To prevent FileNet P8 Platform applications from updating catalog properties of documents in document classes whose properties are

3 Configuring CFS-IS

Property Mapping

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being exported from IS to CE, we recommend that you create a tempo-rary FileNet P8 marking set for the CE document class.

Tip For more information on creating a marking set, see Help for FileNet P8 Documentation ➔ FileNet P8 Administration ➔ Content Engine Administration ➔ Content Engine Wizard Help ➔ Create Marking Set.

Markings and marking sets are CE objects, each with a class descrip-tion:

• Markings are objects that combine metadata behavior with access control behavior in a way that allows an object's access control to change by changing a property value.

• Marking sets are containers for markings and are associated with a Property Template that can then be used to add a property to one or more classes.

Markings enable you to control access to objects based on specific property values. When a marking is applied to an object, the resulting access permissions for the object are a combination of the settings of its original access permissions and the settings of the marking's Con-straint Mask for each marking that is applied to it. The result of this combination is the effective security mask.

For CFS-IS, you can define a character string property with a specific value and add this property to each CE document class whose other properties are being imported from IS.

This character string property does not need to be mapped to any IS property. This property acts as an anchor for a marking set that will prevent any updates to the CE document class that might conflict with the IS document class.

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After all the IS properties have been imported to CE and the mapping to the IS document class is no longer needed, you can remove this string property from the CE document class. When this property has been removed from all CE document classes, you can delete the marking set.

Important While this temporary marking set is in place, Records Manager (RM) cannot declare any documents in the document class as records. (To declare a document as a record, RM needs to update certain owner-ship and security properties.) When the marking set has been removed, RM can then successfully declare the documents as records.

For more information on markings and marking sets in general, see the FileNet P8 Enterprise-wide Administration help for Security.

Create a Marking Set

1 In the Enterprise Manager tree, right-click Marking Sets and select New Marking Set to launch the Create a Marking Set Wizard.

On the Welcome screen, click Next to continue.

2 On the Select the Markings Set Type screen, keep the default setting and click Next to continue.

3 On the Add Markings screen, enter a name for this marking set. You can choose any name you wish. We’ve chosen CFS_NoUpdate in this example.

4 On the Create New Marking screen, enter a Marking Value name, such as NoUp, in the Marking Value field. Again, you can choose any value you wish. This value needs to match the value of the property

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Property Mapping

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that will be added to the document class, so be sure to make it as con-cise as possible.

5 Click the Constraint Mask tab. On the Constraint Mask tab, click the Deselect All button to remove the check marks from all the boxes. The only two boxes you need to check are Modify all properties and Create instance. All the other boxes should be empty.

6 Next click the Security tab.

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On the Security tab, click the Add button. From the list of users and groups, select the #AUTHENTICATED-USERS group.

• In the Type area, click the Allow radio button.

• In the Level area, click Custom.

• In the Rights area, remove the check marks from all three boxes.

Click the Add button again.

7 This time, from the list of users and groups, select the Administrator user.

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Property Mapping

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• In the Type area, click the Allow radio button.

• In the Level area, click Custom.

• In the Rights area, remove the check mark from only the Use Marked Objects box.

Now click the OK button.

8 You return to the Add Markings screen where the marking value dis-plays. There are no other markings to add to this marking set, so finish the Wizard.

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Property Mapping

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Now you need to create the property that will anchor the marking set in the document class.

Create a Property Template

1 In the Enterprise Manager tree, expand the Object Stores node.

2 Expand the appropriate object store in the left pane.

3 Right-click Create Property Templates and select New Property Template.

Enter a name for the new property template in the Name field.

4 On the Select the Data Type screen, select String.

Marking sets can only be linked to string data types, so select String and click Next to continue.

5 On the Select a Choice List screen, click Assign marking set, and from the drop down list, select the marking set you created in the pre-vious section.

Click Next to continue.

6 On the Single or Multi-Value screen, click Single, and then click More to set the property’s default value.

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Property Mapping

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7 Since this property is not going to be mapped to an Image Services document class, this property needs to have a Default Value.

Enter the Marking Value you previously created in Default Value. Note that the default value is case sensitive.

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Property Mapping

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8 Set the Maximum String Length to the number of characters in the marking value you created. If the marking value is NoUp, as in the example, set the Maximum String Length to 4.

Note The value is always required, so make sure the Value Required box is also checked. (Leave all the other selections at their default values.) Then click OK to continue.

9 Finish the Wizard.

So far you’ve created the marking set and the property template. All that remains is to add the property to the document class.

Add the Property to a Document Class

1 Locate the Document Class that is mapped to IS.

2 Right-click on a class and select Add Properties to a Class.

3 On the Select Properties screen, locate the CFSNoUpdate property you just defined. Click Add to add it to the document class.

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Property Mapping

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4 Finish the Wizard.

Now that the property is included in the document class, the marking set will prevent any updates that would not be propagated to the Image Services document class.

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AnnotationsBeginning with the IS 4.0 SP5 / P8 4.0 releases, IS annotations can be copied to CE automatically when the IS catalog data is exported. If the IS catalog data has already been exported to CE, the IS annotations can be copied separately.

Configure the Annotation Export

The automatic transfer of annotations from IS to CE is supported in IS 4.0 SP5 and higher, and CE 4.0 and higher. When both IS and CE sys-tems have been updated to this level, the IS System Administrator can activate annotation export using the IS System Configuration Edition, fn_edit.

1 As a user with root privileges, launch fn_edit on the IS Root/Index server.

2 Select the System Appl. Services tab.

3 Select the Others sub-tab.

4 Scroll to the extreme right and click the Export Annotations box so it’s check-marked Yes.

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5 Exit from fn_edit and save the change.

6 Restart IS to rebuild the system configuration files and put the change into effect.

Annotations can now be copied directly from IS to CE.

Note The original IS annotation always remains in the IS system.

Exporting Annotations

After the Export Annotations option has been set in fn_edit, annota-tions are automatically copied to the CE system whenever the associ-ated document properties are exported from IS or when annotations to an already mapped IS document class are added or modified. IS anno-tations can also copied separately if the catalog data has already been exported to CE, as described in the previous chapter.

The annotations being exported are copied to the annot_log table in the MKF permanent database on the IS document locator server. (In an IS system, the document locator server is a storage library server that includes the complete MKF permanent database.)

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Annotation Import Agents on the CE server monitor the annot_log file on the IS system and retrieve any annotations they find.

Note IS annotation content is stored on IS in binary format; on CE the anno-tation content is stored in XML format.

On CE, annotations are usually stored in a class named Annotation. The Import Agents store the annotations from IS in a sub-class of the Annotation class called ISAnnotation.

Annotation Security Mapping

Security mapping for IS annotations is managed on the IS system.

• Without security mapping, the access permissions (read,write,append/execute) for annotations exported to CE are ANYONE/ANYONE/ANYONE regardless of the actual annotation security.

Note The IS group ANYONE corresponds to the CE group #AUTHENTI-CATED-USERS.

• With security mapping, the same access permissions in effect on an IS annotation will carry over to the CE server.

Activating annotation security mapping is a two step process:

1 Use the SEC_map tool on the Image Services server to map the IS users and groups to CE distinguished names. The mapping is stored in the MKF Security database on the IS server.

2 Use the Application Executive (Xapex) Security Administration (Xsec_admin) to turn off the CFS-IS No Annotation Security Mapping option.

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These two processes are described in the following sections.

Note Security mapping takes place when the annotations are federated; that is, when they’re copied from IS to CE. Turning on Annotation Security does not affect any annotations that have already been federated. Those annotations must be re-copied from IS for Annotation Security to take effect.

Mapping User and Group Security for Annotations

After you have created the document class mapping in EM on CE, you can use the SEC_map tool on the IS system to map the user and group security for annotations.

1 Launch the SEC_map tool from a command prompt:


2 Export the users and groups:

SEC_map> export_all

3 Answer the prompts to logon, select the LDAP type, and select a suffix for the distinguished name.

SEC_map reads the MKF security database and creates the user.txt and group.txt files in the current directory. The IS user and group names are converted to CE distinguished names based on your answers to the previous prompts.

4 When the export is finished, exit from SEC_map.

5 Now use your preferred text editor, such as vi, to view these two files and make sure all the IS users and groups are mapped correctly to the

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appropriate CE distinguished names. Make any changes as needed, and save the files.

Tip If necessary, you can delete the two files, and run export_all again.

6 When you’re sure the user.txt and the group.txt are correct, launch SEC_map again and import them into the MKF security database:

SEC_map> import

7 Follow the prompts to import the user.txt file, then the group.txt file. SEC_map validates each distinguished name before storing it in the MKF Security database on the IS Root server.

After an entry is stored in the MKF security database, the corre-sponding entry is deleted from the user.txt or group.txt file. If an entry cannot be validated, it is not removed from the file.

If all the distinguished names are valid and the user.txt and group.txt files are empty, SEC_map deletes them. If any invalid entries remain, you can exit from SEC_map, re-edit the files, and re-run the import.

Note For more information about SEC_map, see the Image Services System Tools Reference Manual. To download this document from the IBM support page, see “Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 14

Activating CFS-IS Annotation Security Mapping

After the IS user and group names have been mapped to CE distin-guished names with the SEC_map tool, the IS System Administrator can activate annotation security mapping using the IS Application Executive, Xapex.

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1 Start Xapex by double-clicking the icon in the FileNet Image Services Server Application program group or by entering Xapex at the com-mand prompt.

2 Choose Security Administration from the Application Executive’s Appli-cations menu.

3 Select Default Security Settings from the System menu to display the Update Default Security Settings dialog box.

4 To activate annotation security mapping, remove the check mark from the box next to CFS-IS No Annotation Security Mapping.

5 Click OK to accept your changes and close the dialog box.

6 The change will go into effect the next time you restart IS.

The following table illustrates how IS access permissions correspond to CE access permissions:

ISRead Access

ISWrite Access




Access Rights

– –• View • View all properties

• View content

• Read permissions

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IS Users with Special Privileges

The following IS users have special privileges to view the annotation content, and to view and update annotation permissions. When secu-rity mapping is turned on, these privileges are also propagated to the CE server along with the annotation security.

• The IS user whose ID is SEC_SYSADMIN_USR_ID(This is typically the SysAdmin user.)

• Any IS user whose primary group ID is SEC_SYSADMIN_GRP_ID(This is typically the SysAdminG group.)

• Any IS users whose extended membership list includes SEC_SYSADMIN_GRP_ID

• View

• Modify

• View all properties

• View content

• Read permissions

• Modify all properties

• Modify permissions

• View

• Modify

• Delete

• View all properties

• View content

• Read permissions

• Modify all properties

• Modify permissions

• Delete

ISRead Access

ISWrite Access




Access Rights

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Supported Actions on Annotations

Depending on which system an action occurs, the results are slightly different. The following tables summarize the effects of actions initiated from either system:

Initiated from IS

Insert • Federate new IS annotations to CE

• Content stored on both IS and CE

Export • Federate legacy IS annotation to CE

• Content stored on both IS and CE

Update • Update CFS-IS annotation content and permissions on CE

• Content updated on both IS and CE

Delete • Delete CFS-IS annotation content.

• Content deleted from both IS and CE.

Initiated from CE

Create • Create new P8 annotations (not CFS-IS annotations)

• Content stored on CE only

Update • Update P8 annotations

• Content updated on CE only

• Not allowed to update CFS-IS annotations

Delete • Delete P8 annotations

• Content deleted on CE only.

• Not allowed to delete CFS-IS annotations.

3 Configuring CFS-IS

CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export

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CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export

Maximum DIR Size

The index properties exported from IS to CE are sent in the form of a Document Index Record (DIR). Each DIR contains the index properties for a single document. The maximum supported DIR data size is 1988 bytes, which represents the sum of all index data plus four bytes over-head for each index column. The DIR limit does not apply to the actual table size, but rather to the data stored in the columns. For instance, a string index can be defined as 239 bytes in size (varchar 239, for example), but it might never actually hold more than 10 bytes. This index would be counted as 14, including the four byte overhead.

The Database Administrator can examine the layout of DOCTABA and determine the sizes based on the data stored in the index columns.

If you export document properties for a document class and find that the DIRs of some records are too large, see “DIR Too Large for Export” on page 146 in Appendix B - Troubleshooting for information on recovering from this situation.

Catalog Export for Newly Captured IS Documents

The index properties for newly captured IS documents can automati-cally be exported to the CE system.

Configure a Document Class for Export

1 At a Remote Admin Console (RAC) workstation, select Start > Pro-grams > FileNet > IS Remote Admin Console.

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CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export

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2 Enter the appropriate IS User ID and Password.

3 On the main Remote Admin Console screen, select IS Catalog Export Tool from the Applications pulldown menu.

4 From the CE Configured IS Doc Classes pulldown menu, select the IS document class whose index properties you want to export to CE.

5 From the Available CE Object Store Mappings pane, select the CE domain and object store you want to export to.

The Default Mappings between IS document classes and CE domains and object stores appear in the lower pane.

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CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export

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6 Click OK to continue.

Catalog Export for Existing Documents and Annotations

Existing documents, images, annotations, and other content that are already cataloged on the IS system can also be cataloged on a CE server.

Using the RAC, you can export catalog information and annotations for existing IS documents to CE.

Configure a Document Class for Export

1 At a RAC workstation, select Start > Programs > FileNet > IS Remote Admin Console.

2 Enter the appropriate Image Services User ID and Password.

3 Select IS Catalog Export Tool from the Applications pulldown menu.

4 Click the Catalog Export tab.

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CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export

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5 Select the document class whose index data and annotations you want to export.

6 Then select the CE domain and CE object store you want to export the index data to.

7 Specify the range of documents you want to export.

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CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export

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• Delete After Export: Check this box to remove index data from the index database on the IS server after it has been exported to the CE server.

CAUTION DO NOT check this box for documents stored on EMC Centera, NetApp Snaplock, IBM DR550, and so on. These NLS-based devices require entries in the Image Services index database.

The documents associated with the deleted index data will no longer be retrievable by Image Services. Although a locator record still exists in the permanent database, the index information is permanently deleted from the index database.

• Re-export: Check this box to export index data that has already been exported, for instance, to a development system.

• Annotations Only: Check this box if you want to export only the annotations associated with documents in this class. This option is useful if you’ve already exported the document properties to CE in an earlier release.

8 Click the Add button. The parameters you’ve just selected display in the Export List pane.

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CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export

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To remove a row from the Export List, select the row and click Delete.

9 Click Export Now to export the index information and annotations immediately. Clicking this button launches the catalog export process on the IS server and a status box displays to indicate that the process was either successfully started or encountered an error.

Note When you export index data, the content always remains in the IS system. All associated annotations are automatically copied to the CE server in their entirety, so the annotations always reside on both sys-tems.

10 Click Save to write the configuration list to the export file on the IS Index server without exporting.

11 Click OK.

3 Configuring CFS-IS

Exporting Report Manager Document Properties

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Export Log

The parameters you specify in the Export List are stored in the Export Log on the IS server.

Meanwhile, the IS import agents on the CE server are constantly mon-itoring the Export Log to see if there’s catalog information they need to import.

Exporting Report Manager Document PropertiesIf your IS system contains FileNet Report Manager documents, the index properties for these documents are not exported to CE unless you specifically want them to be.

To export the index properties for Report Manager documents, you need to create a system environment variable on the IS Root/Index server:


Only the presence or absence of this variable is checked—Its value is not checked.

• If this variable is present, Report Manager document properties are exported along with other Image Services document properties.

• If this variable is not present, Report Manager document properties are not exported to CE.

In the future, if you decide you do not want to continue exporting Report Manager document properties to CE, simply delete this envi-ronment variable.

3 Configuring CFS-IS

Test the CFS-IS Configuration

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Test the CFS-IS ConfigurationBefore you put your CFS-IS system into production, you can test the system by capturing a small number of documents, and retrieving them from either the CE or IS system or both, depending on your configura-tion.

Important Do not federate production documents for test purposes. After docu-ments have been federated, it is not possible to unfederate them.

If you plan to export existing catalog information from IS to CE, be sure to keep the catalog information on the IS system (DO NOT click the check box Delete after export) until you’re sure it’s no longer needed.

Note When FileNet P8 applications query the CE catalog, matches for docu-ments that reside on the IS system could display a size of 0 KB and owner information that indicates the source of the data, such as CFS-IS Import Service.

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44Administering the CFS-IS System

After FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for IS has been installed and configured, it operates transparently with other ongoing system activity. You can keep track of all system activity by monitoring the var-ious log files on each system.

Activity LoggingBoth Image Services and Content Engine have several ways to keep track of system activity.

Image Services

IS Activity Logging

Successful operations are logged in the following five categories. Failure cases are not logged.

• Annotation Logging

• Security Logging (User and Group Maintenance)

• Index Services Logging (Indexing and Foldering)

• WorkFlo Queue Logging

• Document Table Logging (Deletion and Insertion)

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Activity Logging

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IS Syslog and Subsystem Logging

Errors, warnings, and informational messages are recorded in the standard system log. Use the vl command to view the log file.

IS Performance Monitoring (perf_mon)

The perf_mon tool gathers statistical data from the following areas: cpu usage for kernel and non-kernel activities; overall file system activ-ities; kernel file system activities; network I/O statistics; database server counts; document services counts, RPC statistics, and security statistics.

See the Image Services System Tools Guide for more information on using the perf_mon tool.

Quick Logging

Use the FileNet System Configuration Editor (fn_edit) to enable this feature (“Collect Statistics”) on the System Application Services tab.

Quick logging collects statistics for committals, retrievals, and deletions during system image processing. These statistics are kept in the /fnsw/local/tmp/qlogs/1 directory.

Content Engine

CFS-IS Logging

When any of the CFS-IS libraries encounters an error, it generates an entry in the system log (sys_log). The sys_log messages generated from the CFS-IS libraries are sent to the standard error output device,

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Activity Logging

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stderr, which is usually the monitor screen, and also to a file. By default, this file is named:

<CFS-IS directory>\client\logs\walYYYYMMDD

The location, but not the name, of this file can be changed by setting the environment variable WAL_LOG_DIR to specify a different direc-tory.

Output to stderr can be turned off by creating the file <CFS-IS direc-tory>\client\tmp\nocons. If this file exists, sys_log entries will ONLY be written to the walYYYYMMDD file.

Windows Event Logs

Event logs provide historical information that can help you track down system and security problems. The event-logging service controls whether events are tracked on Windows systems. When this service is started, you can track user actions and system resource usage events with the event logs.

CE Trace Logging

Trace logging is a diagnostic tool that generates detailed information for tracing server and client activities. However, it provides no security or audit trail information. Because trace logging creates a drain on system performance, it should be enabled only for troubleshooting.

FileNet System Monitor

The FileNet System Monitor (FSM) is a functional expansion that pro-vides system monitoring capabilities for the entire FileNet product family. In a CFS-IS environment, FSM can help you keep track of

4 Administering the CFS-IS System

Multiple-Page Documents

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import agent status, document commital and retrieval flow, and IS index transfer.

FSM has a Web-based operator console that you can customize by setting performance thresholds and alerts. And you can tailor the stan-dard suite of FSM reports to your specific CFS-IS configuration.

Windows Performance Monitor

On Windows servers, the Content Engine provides counters that enable you to monitor system performance using any Windows-com-patible third-party performance monitoring utility.

Packaged with the Windows server, the Performance Monitoring utility lets you choose counters for the Content Engine components that you want to monitor. This enables you to view activity on your Content Engine server in real time. It also generates log files which you can later view and analyze using printable graphs, histograms, or reports.

CE Auditing

The system administrator can monitor the activity of the CE system by configuring auditing at the class level. Auditing can be enabled or dis-abled at the object store level.

Multiple-Page DocumentsThe CE and IS systems handle multiple-page documents differently.

• IS documents with multiple pages are stored as a single document in IS. These documents federate to CE with multiple content ele-ments, one content element for each page.

4 Administering the CFS-IS System

Backup and Restore

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• CE documents with multiple pages are stored on IS as individual documents, one document for each page.

Backup and RestoreBecause the index properties on both the IS and CE are synchronized, the two systems must be backed up at the same time. Choose a time to make your backups when:

• No property or class mapping is taking place

• No document committals are occurring

When either system needs to be restored, the other system must also be restored to the same level. For more Best Practice information on Backup and Restore, see “Backup/Restore” on page 129 in Chapter 5.

Retrieving DocumentsDocument content that originally entered CFS-IS by way of the IS system is cataloged on the CE server and optionally on the Image Ser-vices system. You can only retrieve documents by way of the IS system if the catalog data is stored on the IS system.

Document content that originally entered CFS-IS by way of CE is cata-loged only on the CE server. You can always retrieve documents by way of the CE server because the catalog data is always stored there.

Content-based Retrieval

Document content-based search and retrieval only works on docu-ments that entered the CFS-IS system on the CE system, but not on

4 Administering the CFS-IS System

Deleting Documents

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documents whose index properties were exported from the IS system to the CE system.


If document content that originally entered CFS-IS by way of the Image Services system and is cataloged on both the Content Engine and Image Services systems is exported and later imported into another object store, it will lose its Image Services catalog information and will be treated as though it had originally entered CFS-IS by way of CE.


If you create a new version of a federated document, the new version will be treated as though it were originally a CE document. And like native CE documents, annotations associated with the earlier version are not carried forward to the new version.

Deleting DocumentsWhen you delete a mapped document (or range of mapped docu-ments) from the Image Services system, the document properties and annotations are deleted automatically from both IS and CE.

Likewise, when you delete a mapped document (or range of mapped documents) from CE, the document properties and annotations are deleted automatically from IS as well as CE.

Important After documents have been federated, it is not possible to unfederate them. You cannot delete CE catalog data without also causing the cor-responding IS catalog data and content to be deleted. In the same

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Deleting Documents

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manner, you cannot initiate a deletion from the IS server without also causing the corresponding CE catalog data to be deleted.

If a Record Management application on the CE system has locked any CFS-IS documents (declared them as records) on the IS system, those documents cannot be deleted using the IS Database Maintenance tools, regardless of their assigned date. Only the Record Management application on CE can delete locked documents from IS.

Secure Deletes

IS does not currently support secure deletion of document content.

A single IS disk cache might have multiple copies of a document because of its transient nature. For example, when a document is moved out of cache, the cache space is returned to a free space pool, but the space is not scrubbed. When the same document is retrieved, it could use the same free space. As a result, there might be several copies of the document in a cache. The copies in free space are not managed by IS as document objects but are still on magnetic disk.

The primary cache object is not removed immediately when removed when Image Services delete capability is used (DOC_delete_docu-ments). It is assumed that cache object will be aged out if it is in cache. The cache object is removed immediately if the system is a cache-only system.

When the Class of a Document or Annotation Has Changed

When a federated document's class has been changed to a native CE document class, the deletion of this document on CE is propagated to IS.

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Deleting an Object Store

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However, when an IS annotation's class has been changed to a native CE annotation class, the deletion of this annotation on CE is not prop-agated to IS. The following examples illustrate this behavior:

Changing the Class for a federated document on CE

• Fetch the federated document

• Create generic CE subclass of the document class

• Change the class of the federated document to the subclass you just created and save the document

• Attempt to delete the document

Result: The document is deleted on CE and deletion propagates to IS.

Changing the Class for an IS Annotation on CE

• Fetch the federated document

• Create generic CE annotation class of the annotation class

• Change the class of the imported IS annotation to the subclass you just created and save the annotation

• Attempt to delete the annotation

Result: The annotation is deleted on CE but the deletion does not propagate to IS.

Tip Do not change the CE class of IS annotations.

Deleting an Object StoreWhen you delete an object store that has been configured for Content Federation Services on the CE server, the IS system could still have

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Deleting an Object Store

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document class information mapped to it. The IS system administrator needs to remove the mapping data on the IS system before the object store is deleted.

Delete IS mapping on the Image Services system

Use the IS Catalog Export tool on a Remote Admin Console (RAC) to remove the default document class mapping:

1 On the Default Document Class Mappings tab, select the IS Doc Class in the Default Mappings pane that is mapped to the object store you want to delete.

2 Click the Remove Map button.

Delete the IS mapping on the Content Engine system

1 As the Object Store Administrator of the object store you want to delete, log on to the Enterprise Manager and then to the object store.

2 Right-click the object store, select Properties, and go to the Image Ser-vices tab.

3 Select the current class mappings associated with the fixed content device you are removing and click Remove.

4 If prompted to restart CFS-IS Services, restart the service.

Delete the object store on the Content Engine system

Make sure all users have logged off the object store and that there is no other on-going activity in the object store.

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Deleting an Object Store

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As the GCD administrator, log on to Enterprise Manager and delete the object store as described in the FileNet P8 documentation ➔ FileNet P8 Administration ➔ Content Engine Administration ➔ Object Stores ➔ How to... ➔ Delete object store.

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55Best Practices

This chapter contains recommendations for configuring your CFS-IS system for maximum efficiency and ease of use.

System Installation


Before you install and configure a CFS-IS system, it’s important that you plan the system architecture and data flow.

• Are documents going to be entered only to the CE via the FileNet P8 Platform applications?

• Are documents also going to be entered to Image Services via Panagon applications?

• How many new document classes will you need to define on each system?

(In a CFS-IS environment, one Content Engine document class should correspond to one Image Services document class.)

• How many new document properties will you need to define on each system?

(Mapped document properties should correspond on the CE and IS systems.)

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System Installation

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• Will document properties be kept on both CE and IS systems, or just on the CE system?

• Are existing IS document properties going to be exported to CE?

How many catalog entries do you plan to export at a time? How frequently?

How will you test the export?

• Who will be accessing the documents?

Will they be searching for specific documents or will they be browsing through folders?

Domain Validation

The Content Engine host and the Application Engine host should reside in the same Windows domain. The Content Engine’s Enter-prise Manager must also be in the same Windows domain as the FileNet P8 domain servers.

If the FileNet P8 domain’s relational database is Microsoft® SQL Server, the database server should also be in the same Windows domain.

The Global Configuration Database (GCD) is located on the master GCD server where the FileNet P8 domain is first created. When you configure other Content Engine systems in a CE farm configuration, you must enter the name of the master GCD server.

When a satellite Content Engine system links to a main Content Feder-ation Services system over a wide area network (WAN) and is also configured with an Image Services Application server with cache ser-

5 Best Practices

Relational Database Configuration

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vices linked to the Root server of the main Image Services system, the Content Engine system must be in the same IS domain as the Image Services system.

Remote Admin Console

The Remote Admin Console is a Windows PC workstation that is linked to the Image Services system and is used to administer certain functions of Image Services.

• The Remote Admin Console requires Image Services Toolkit.

• The Remote Admin Console workstation should be located in a place that’s easily accessible by the CFS-IS administrator.

• The Remote Admin Console can be configured on the same Win-dows server as Content Engine 4.0 and higher.

• The Remote Admin Console cannot be installed on a server with Image Services, such as an IS server or an Application Engine server.

Relational Database Configuration

RDBMS Considerations

Although it’s possible to install the Content Engine and Image Services relational databases on the same remote server, we recommend that they be installed as separate instances. If performance is an issue, you should consider placing the databases on separate servers.

• Oracle instances must be the same base release, although the fourth digit of the release number can be different.

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Relational Database Configuration

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• A Microsoft SQL Server instance used by Image Services cannot be shared by the Content Engine server.

• A Microsoft SQL Server instance with Windows Authentication that is used by Content Engine servers must have a Content Engine Servers group with privileges for: System Administrators, Security Administrators, and Database Creators roles.

A Microsoft SQL Server instance with SQL Server authentication that is used by Content Engine servers must have a user (such as the SQL Login db user) with privileges for: System Administrators, Security Administrators, and Database Creators roles.

These privileges are needed to create an object store successfully.

Upgrade Strategy

Although Image Services and Content Engine should reside on sepa-rate servers, it’s possible for them to share relational database soft-ware residing on a separate remote database server.

For example, instead of having the Content Engine catalog database and the Image Services catalog database on separate servers, you can have two separate instances of the RDBMS software on one remote database server.

Note Two separate instances (installations) of the relational database soft-ware would be required in the event that a future release of Image Ser-vices supported a different version of the RDBMS software than the Content Engine.

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Relational Database Configuration

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The CE and IS systems can use different relational database manage-ment systems with one consideration: If document properties are going to be exported from an IS system using one RDBMS to a CE system using a different RDBMS, the Database Administrator needs to make absolutely sure the IS document properties are compatible with the RDBMS on the CE system.

• String Properties: Make sure the CE string property template is large enough to contain the maximum IS string size.

• Numeric Properties: Make sure the CE data type that is mapped to the IS Numeric data type is large enough to hold the value from the IS Index. CE integers are signed integers which have a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. If the IS Numeric Index has values outside of this range, then you must use the CE Float data type; otherwise, the Import Agent will log the overflow error and ter-minate.

Be aware that floating point numbers that are not integers do not necessarily have an exact binary representation; hence you could experience some loss of precision during the conversion process.

In addition, due to the floating point representation in the CE data-base, and implementation limitations, the maximum number of digits for an integer that can be represented is approximately 15. Integers with more than 15 digits will experience loss of precision.

• Date Properties: Invalid data in date fields can cause the CFS-IS service to terminate. For example, the earliest date Content Engine supports is 1/1/1753 00:00:00 UTC. You can either:

- Use the defaults on the CE document class to populate the cor-responding CE date field, rather than mapping the IS date field to the CE date field.

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Relational Database Configuration

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- or -

- Repair the date field on Image Services before exporting it by changing it manually, or by running SQL scripts or stored pro-cedures.

Dates prior to 01/01/1601 cause the Import Agents to terminate due to an error from the MS date conversion routine. Dates between 01/01/1601 and 12/31/1752 are stored as 01/01/1753 by the CE database. Dates after 01/01/1753 are fully supported.

• Menu Properties: The CFS-IS transfers only the values in the IS catalog database to the Content Engine catalog database. We rec-ommend that you create choices and choice lists on the Content Engine that have corresponding menu property values and descriptions to ensure that applications continue to display similar choices to the user.

System Property Mapping

Map the Image Services document ID number to a floating point number on the Content Engine system. The IS document ID field can hold a value of up to 4,000,000,000. Since this is a much larger value than the 32-bit signed integer Content Engine property can hold, the Enterprise Manager allows the IS document ID to be mapped only to the Float data type.

System Property Updating

IS document properties that are mapped to CE properties can be updated on the Content Engine system, but the updates are not sent to the Image Services system.

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Mapping Properties from CE to IS

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Mapping Properties from CE to ISIn both CE and IS systems, there is a global pool of properties defined. The first step in establishing the mapping between a CE object store and an IS system is to establish the global pool of properties on both systems.

Using Enterprise Manager running on CE, you must define a corre-spondence between CE properties and IS properties. In making this correspondence, the type of the properties being associated with each other must be equivalent. For example, there is no type conversion provided between numeric and string properties. In a pair of mapped properties, both must be numeric, or both must be string properties.

Mapping Document Classes from CE to ISIn both CE and IS systems, the properties of a document class are drawn from the global pool of properties.

There are system defined properties, and user defined properties. System defined properties include document number or document ID, and entry date. User defined properties include account number, address, and so on.

Document Class Names

Document class names in a CE object store are hierarchical names. Document class names in an IS catalog database are in a flat name space.

You can take advantage of the hierarchical nature of CE document class names as follows.

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Mapping Document Classes from CE to IS

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• Assuming some appropriate initial part of the name, make the second part of the document class name be a constant, such as “IS”.

• Make the third part of the name the same as the domain name of the associated IS system.

• The last part of the name should be the associated document class name on the IS system.

In that way, the document class name correspondence is very clear and extensible.

For example, suppose you determine that an appropriate prefix for CE document class names in a particular object store is “/A/B”. Then sup-pose that there are two associated IS systems whose domain names are “sunlamp” and “roadrunner.” Suppose you want to map document classes “loan_applications” and “termite_reports” on sunlamp, and “ins_policy” and “clients” on roadrunner. Then you would define the fol-lowing four document classes in the CE object store:





Now, the mapping between CE and IS document classes that you must accomplish with the FileNet P8 Platform application Enterprise Man-ager is very clear. You must map the CE document class “/a/b/IS/sun-lamp/loan_applications” with the IS document class “loan_applications” on the IS system whose domain is “sunlamp”.

5 Best Practices

Launching Workflows

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In many cases there will be existing IS document classes that must be mapped to newly created CE document classes.

In addition, if there are new FileNet P8 Platform applications that have never run on IS and are going to use IS as a fixed storage area, then new document classes must be created on the IS system and mapped to the corresponding CE document classes. The new IS document classes must be created by the IS administrator to provide a place to store the access restrictions and the IS primary family of the docu-ments that will be stored on the IS system by the FileNet P8 Platform applications.

Launching WorkflowsYou should follow the steps below when moving an IS document class to the CE catalog when workflows are used.

• When you define the associated CE document class, define it so that no FileNet P8 workflows are launched when new documents are inserted.

• Start exporting catalog entries from the IS catalog to the CE cat-alog. Keep using the Panagon applications and the Panagon work-flows until you have exported a critical mass of catalog entries from the IS catalog to the CE catalog.

• After you have exported a critical mass of catalog entries to the CE, switch from the IS catalog and Panagon applications to the CE cat-alog and FileNet P8 Platform applications. As part of the conver-sion, define the conditions on the CE document classes that result in launching workflows on the CE system, and stop workflows from being launched on the IS system.

5 Best Practices

Setting Document Accessibility

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Setting Document Accessibility

User Permissions

There are two ways to give a CE user access to documents stored in Image Services:

• On the Image Services system, the CFS-IS user needs to be a member of the System Admin Group to be able to insert, retrieve, and delete document entries in the Image Services permanent and catalog databases.

• On the Image Services system, the CFS-IS user needs to be a member of any groups that have read, write, and append/execute permissions for the document classes that the Content Engine needs to work with.

Image Services as a Fixed Content Device

When documents are entered on the Content Engine system via FileNet P8 Platform applications, you should create the corresponding document class on the Image Services system without user defined properties. When IS is used as a fixed storage area by FileNetP8, there are no catalog entries created in the IS catalog. All catalog entries are created in the CE catalog.

The IS document class provides the security of the documents stored on IS and determines the IS primary family where the documents will be stored. When you create the IS document class, set the enable cat-aloging parameter to No or FALSE.

To minimize complexity, keep the IS document class names for docu-ments entered via FileNet P8 Platform applications separate from the

5 Best Practices

Setting Document Accessibility

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document class names for documents entered via Panagon applica-tions or other applications that run on the IS system. That is, do not send documents entered on the Image Services system to a document class that is used for documents entered via FileNet P8 Platform appli-cations.

Image Services as a High Volume Capture Device

When documents are entered on the Image Services system, you can create the document class on the Image Services so cataloging is not enabled, or you can create the document class to enable cataloging. (Mapped document properties are always cataloged on the Content Engine system.) If you enable cataloging on the IS system, document properties are stored on both the IS and CE systems, and documents in this document class would be retrievable by both the IS and CE sys-tems.

Important When a document is cataloged on both IS and CE, updating the prop-erties on the Content Engine does not update the corresponding Image Services properties. The IS and CE properties are now out of synchronization.

- If the properties on the IS system are then re-exported to the CEsystem using the IS Catalog Export tool on the IS Remote AdminConsole, the older IS properties will overwrite the updated CE pro-perties.

- If the properties on the IS system are updated through an applicationsuch as IDM Desktop or Image Services Toolkit, the update on theCE system will fail because the CE properties do not match theexpected value.

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Setting Document Accessibility

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Image Services Existing Document Catalog Export

Use the IS Catalog Export Tool (“Catalog Export for Existing Docu-ments and Annotations” on page 94), run from the Remote Admin Console (RAC), to export existing document properties from Image Services to the Content Engine.

When you use the export document properties from an existing docu-ment class to a demonstration system for testing purposes, do not check the box to delete properties from the Image Services catalog database. If you do, there will be no document properties to export when you want to re-export them to your production system later.

If you export the same document properties a second or third time, be sure to select the Re-export option. Otherwise, the catalog entry will be ignored.

If you re-export the same catalog entries to more than one Content Engine object store, only the mapped CE properties in the most recent object store are updated when an IS catalog entry is updated.

Important DO NOT check the Delete After Export box unless you’re absolutely sure you want to remove the catalog entries from the IS catalog data-base.

The documents associated with the deleted catalog data will no longer be retrievable by Image Services applications. Although a locator record still exists in the permanent database, the document property information is permanently deleted from the catalog database.

When you’re first configuring your Content Federation Services envi-ronment to export document properties from Image Services, it’s highly recommended that you test the export with a small number of catalog

5 Best Practices


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entries before you export an entire document class. After you’ve deter-mined the document properties you want to export, try exporting sev-eral small groups of catalog entries to measure the timing. Then you can fine tune the options in the Enterprise Manager on the Content Engine to adjust the No Work Delay, Batch Delay, and Documents per Batch.

AnnotationsAnnotations created on the CE system remain on the CE system. They cannot be copied to the Image Services system and are not viewable by the Image Services system.

Annotations created on the IS system are automatically copied to the CE system.

• Whenever the document properties are exported from IS to CE, any associated annotations are automatically copied to the CE system.

• Any annotations that are added on the IS system later are automat-ically copied to the CE system as well.

• Annotations to documents whose properties were exported to CE prior to P8 4.0 can be copied to the CE system separately.

Tip When viewing annotations in P8 Workplace, the entire annotation might not be visible. Right-click the annotation and expand the border.

If Workplace won’t let you right-click or if right-clicking doesn’t work, another solution is to change the ‘filenetAlwaysRubberband’ option in <WorkplaceInstallDirectory>\UI-INF\jsp\ui\WcmJavaViewer.jsp to

5 Best Practices

COLD Document Support

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FALSE. The next time you log onto Workplace, the full annotation should be visible.

COLD Document SupportWhen exporting catalog entries of COLD documents, you should also export the catalog entries of their associated templates to the Content Engine system so the viewer can display the documents correctly.

Important When you export the catalog entries for COLD templates, DO NOT delete them from the IS index database. Future COLD documents, even though they’re cataloged on CE, need to reference the template information in the IS index database.

Date/Time HandlingThe Date/Time property handling has changed slightly between CE 3.5.x and CE 4.0.

The difference is in the interpretation of the date value stored in IS, which is a date only type and is not converted to GMT or UTC. In essence, it’s the local date, but it doesn’t contain enough information to determine what time zone it’s local to—it can be local to the client or local to IS.

• For CE 3.5.x, the date is interpreted as local to CE. If CE and IS are in the same time zone, there is no issue. However, if they are not in the same time zone, the date displayed in EM or Workplace might not be the same as in IDM Desktop. The CFS-IS Import Agent converts the IS date based on local CE time zone to UTC before storing it in the CE database.

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IS Import Agents

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• For CE 4.0, the date is interpreted as local to the IS Index Server. IS provides an API to return the IS time zone information. The CFS-IS Import Agent obtains this IS time zone information and converts the IS date based on this information to UTC before storing it in the CE database.

Here’s an example of CE and IS both in the Pacific Time zone:

IS Import AgentsThe IS import agents must be activated to allow federation. (They are disabled by default.) Normally, three import agents are created for each object store, but you can specify as few as one or as many as five. Increasing or decreasing the number of IS Import Agents enables you to optimize system performance.

• More IS import agents can improve throughput, but use more system and network resources. However, too many IS import agents could potentially flood the Content Engine with too much database activity, thus reducing actual throughput.

• Fewer IS import agents require fewer system resources, but might not be able to keep up with the flow of catalog data.

IS Date ValueUTC Value

stored in CE Database

Value displayed in


Value displayed in Workplace


12/2/2005 12/2/2005 8:00:00 AM

12/2/2005 12:00:00 AM

12/2/2005 Winter date, UTC is +8 hours ahead of Pacific Time

7/2/2006 7/2/2006 7:00:00 AM

7/2/2006 12:00:00 AM

7/2/2006 Summer date, UTC is +7 hours ahead of Pacific Time

5 Best Practices

IS Import Agents

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Enabling or Changing the Number of IS Import Agents

To activate or to change the number of IS import agents per object store on the Content Engine server, follow these steps.

1 Launch the Enterprise Manager.

2 At the logon screen, enter the appropriate user name and password. When you click OK, the Enterprise Manager screen displays.

3 To change the number of IS Import Agents, either right-click the Enter-prise Manager (Domain) icon or open the Sites folder and right-click a Site icon.

4 Click Properties on the popup menu.

5 When the Properties menu displays, select the IS Import Agent tab.

6 Ensure that the Enable Dispatcher box is checked. This box must be checked to start the import agents and allow federation.

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IS Import Agents

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7 The Dispatcher Wait Interval is the number of seconds that the dis-patcher will wait before looking for work. Valid settings range from 5 to 600 seconds.

In the Number of Import Agents field, enter the new number of agents, from 1 to 5. The default is 3.

You can also adjust any of the other values on the Import Agent tab to tune the performance of the CFS-IS system:

• No Work Delay (ms): The default of 2000 milliseconds is the equivalent of 2 seconds. The No Work Delay is the amount of time

5 Best Practices

IS Import Agents

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the IS Import Agent process will wait before checking for data from the IS system if there was no data the last time it checked. If docu-ment committal is relatively slow, you might increase this setting to 3000 (3 seconds) or more.

• Batch Delay (ms): The default of 1000 milliseconds is the equiva-lent of 1 second. The Batch Delay is the amount of time the system will wait to check for data from the IS system if there was data the last time it checked. If documents are being committed in high numbers, you might lower this setting to 500 (half a second) or less.

• Documents Per Batch: The default is 10 documents per batch. If the documents are relatively large or are being committed in low numbers, you can lower this number. If the documents are small or are being committed in high numbers you can raise this number. You can adjust this number from 1 to 500.

• Retry Count: The default is 50 retries. If the IS Import agent is unable to import a batch, it will retry the import as many times as you specify here. Valid settings range from 1 to 10000.

8 When you’re finished, click OK to save your changes and close the Properties window.

9 The new values will automatically take effect. Any batch currently being processed will be completed with the old settings. The Import Agent will then process subsequent batches with the new values.

Starting and Restarting IS Import Agents

Each Image Services server that is configured as a Fixed Content Device must have at least one Content Engine object store mapped to it before the IS import agents are started. If no object store is mapped to any IS fixed content device, the CFS service will exit.

5 Best Practices

System Availability

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In CE 3.5.2: If the properties and document class mappings of the Image Services Fixed Content Device and its associated object stores have been modified, the IS import agents must be restarted. To do this, go to the Services Console, locate the “FileNet P8 CFS Server for Image Services,” and restart this service.

In CE 4.0: The IS import agents do not need to be restarted when modifications to properties of document class mappings have been made. However, if you do choose to stop or restart the import agents to manage the work load on the CE server, either uncheck or check the Enable Dispatcher box on the IS Import Agent tab of the Enterprise Manager Properties window as described in the previous section.

System Availability

High Availability

• On the FileNet P8 system, set up the Application Engine and Con-tent Engine servers in a farm configuration.

• On UNIX systems, use a RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) or mirrored disks to configure a high availability environ-ment.

• On Windows systems, use Microsoft Cluster Server for high avail-ability.

- The Image Services system and the Content Engine system should be in separate clusters.

- The Image Services software and relational database software should be installed on the same server.

- The relational database should not be in a separate MSCS cluster.

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System Availability

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Disaster Recovery

• For Image Services systems, consider using remote mirroring and consider configuring a Multi-Committal system or a Cross-Com-mittal system to safeguard your data. See the Multi-Committal and Cross-Committal Configuration Handbook in the IS 4.0 Documen-tation set or contact your service representative for more details.

• For Content Engine systems, consider using remote mirroring.


The first line of defense is mirroring or RAID. We recommend that you always use mirroring or RAID. The last line of defense is backup/restore.

To backup a large system, we recommend mirroring the database server. To perform a backup, break the connection to one mirrored server, leaving the remaining mirrors in production. Isolate the one server and back it up. When the backup is finished, re-establish the mirror connection, and the servers will automatically resynchronize. This method avoids bringing the system down for backup, and pre-vents a degradation of performance on the production system during the backup. What is in effect being backed up is the state of the system as it would be if the system had crashed at the time the mirror was broken.

Important The Image Services system and the Content Engine system must be backed up at the same time, so they’ll be synchronized if they ever have to be restored. If the system backups are not synchronized, resynchronization after a restore could become more complicated.

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System Availability

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For Image Services systems, you can use FileNet’s EBR (Enterprise Backup and Restore) to back up the system. The backup should be performed while both the Image Services system and the Content Engine system are shut down.

When both the Image Services system and the Content Engine system are backed up at the same time, either system can be restored first. Both systems should be restarted at about the same time.

Synchronizing the CE and IS Catalogs

In general, when a database is restored, the recovery log of the data-base can be used to roll the database forward in time so that no com-pleted database transactions are lost. The ideal situation after a restore is that the database is rolled forward to the last complete trans-action. Then, no work is lost, and production can simply be resumed.

The roll forward technique does not apply to databases such as the IS transient database, however, because the transient database maps data stored in files or partitions, and those files or partitions cannot be rolled forward. When such databases are restored, the files or parti-tions that they map must also be restored, and updates made since the backup are lost.

Fortunately, the CE catalog database and the IS catalog database are databases to which the roll forward technique applies. Best practice is to take advantage of database roll forward.

If mirroring/RAID and roll forward have both failed, you could restore the other catalog database as well. If you have followed best practices and backed them both up at the same time, the two catalog databases will be synchronized. However, the work since the backups were made will be missing from both systems.

5 Best Practices

System Availability

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 131

It is desirable that the restore of one catalog database does not force a restore of the other. In this regard, several cases must be considered:

• Documents that are entered on the CE system via FileNet P8 Plat-form applications

- The CE catalog database is restored

- The IS catalog database is restored

For documents entered on the CE system, there is no corre-sponding catalog entry in the associated IS catalog database. Therefore, there is no catalog synchronization issue. Just restore the CE catalog database.

• Documents that are entered on the IS system via Panagon applica-tions

- The CE catalog database is restored

- The IS catalog database is restored

For documents entered on the IS system, dual catalog entries must exist until such time as the Panagon applications are switched over completely to the FileNet P8 Platform applications, and cataloging to the IS catalog is no longer performed. Once IS cataloging is turned off, there is no catalog synchronization issue.

• If documents are entered via Panagon applications, there are dual catalog entries, one in the CE catalog database and one in the IS catalog database.

If the IS catalog database is restored but not rolled forward, you can import the optical or MSAR transaction log surfaces that have

5 Best Practices

System Availability

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 132

been updated after the time the backup of the IS catalog database was made.

A query against the IS catalog database using the document entry date of the backup and ordered on document number can be made to determine the smallest document number assigned after the offline backup. The permanent database can be queried to deter-mine the next available document number. Documents whose doc-ument numbers are in that range are the documents that must be imported. The catalog entries will be recreated from the document properties written to the surface.

The import utility will cause the catalog entries to be inserted into the IS catalog database and propagated to the CE catalog data-base, overwriting any catalog entries that exist in the CE database.

Important When there are dual catalog entries, it is important not to update the catalog entries on the CE system. As mentioned earlier, if you update the dual catalog entry on the CE system, you immediately cause it to be out of synchronization with the dual IS catalog entry, because the update does not propagate back to the IS catalog. You can prevent such updates using FileNet P8 marking sets with the property being the IS document class number.

Since you should not be updating dual catalog entries on the CE system, there should be no problems, except that updates to the IS catalog entries made after the document was committed will be lost. Note also that some deleted documents could reappear.

• If the CE catalog database is restored and not rolled forward, there are catalog entries missing that must be recreated. In this case, you must use RAC (Remote Admin Console) to re-export the cat-alog entries from IS to CE. Make a query against the IS catalog

5 Best Practices

Content Engine Service Shutdown Sequence

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 133

database to determine the IS document number range, and export all documents in that range. If you have followed best practices and have not updated the dual catalog entries on the CE system, no information will be lost after the re-export of catalog entries.

Content Engine Service Shutdown Sequence

The following shutdown sequence is necessary due to internal retry logic from the CFS-IS Import Agents.

1 Shutdown the Content Federation Services for Image Services.

2 Shutdown WebLogic or WebSphere®.

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 134

Appendix A – Tools

This appendix provides descriptions of the programs and utilities you can use with FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Ser-vices:

• “nslookup” on page 135

• “ping” on page 136

Because of the way CFS-IS stores documents and index properties, the behaviors of some standard IS tools could be slightly different than expected when used in a CFS-IS environment. Be sure to read the FileNet Image Services System Tools Reference Manual for the latest information on using the following IS tools:

To download this document from the IBM support page, see “Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 14.

Important It is critical that you understand the tool behavior to avoid undesirable consequences.

• dbverify

• ddexim

• deldocs

• INX_export

• INX_tool

• ixdbstat

• odrecover

• remove_docs_ref

• stdoccpy

• stdocimp

• WRT_clean

Appendix A – Tools


November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 135


DescriptionThe nslookup command is an operating system tool. It verifies that the domain controller is able to resolve IS server names and NCH_ser-vice names. You might find nslookup useful when configuring your network environment.

nslookup <IS_server_name>

nslookup <four-part_NCH_service_name>


<IS_server_name> is the name of the Image Services Root/Index server, such as ayrton.

<four-part_NCH_service_name> is the four-part NCH domain name of the Image services server, such as senna-filenet-nch-server.

Examplenslookup ayrton

nslookup senna-yourco-nch-server

The nslookup command returns the IP address of the Image Services server.

Appendix A – Tools


November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 136


DescriptionThe ping command is an operating system tool. It verifies that this Content Engine server is able to locate an Image Services server using either the local hosts file or the DNS server. You can use these variations of ping:

ping <IS_server_name>ping <IS_server_IP_address>ping <nch_service_name>


<IS_server_name> is the name of the Image Services Root/Index server, such as ayrton.

<IS_server_IP_address> is the IP address, such as

<NCH_service_name> is the four-part NCH service name, such as senna-yourco-nch-server.

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 137

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

This appendix describes how to troubleshoot problems you might encounter.

• “IS Goes Down” on page 138

• “CE Goes Down” on page 139

• “Network Goes Down” on page 139

• “Detecting Duplicate DocVers” on page 139

• “CE Server Hangs When Creating a Fixed Content Device” on page 141

• “IS Media Out of Library” on page 142

• “IS Library Not Available” on page 143

• “IS Document Not Found” on page 144

• “IS Library is Powered Off” on page 145

• “DIR Too Large for Export” on page 146

• “IS System Not Available” on page 148

• “IS Cache Is Full” on page 149

• “Out of Memory” on page 150

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

IS Goes Down

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 138

IS Goes DownWhen the Image Services server goes down, Content Federation Ser-vices for IS on the Content Engine system receives an error, termi-nates its session with the Image Services server, and issues an error of its own.

When the Image Services server restarts, and when the Content Engine tries to resume processing, CFS Services automatically logs back onto the Image Services server.

Neither the Content Engine software nor Content Federation Services needs to be restarted.

If the CFS-IS on the CE server cannot contact the IS server, either because the IS server is down or because of network problems, CFS-IS logs the event in the Content Engine Server Log and retries the con-nection every 60 seconds indefinitely until contact is restored.

On certain types of irrecoverable errors, CFS-IS logs the event in the Content Engine Server Log and quits.

Important The IS Catalog Export Tool does not start automatically on the Image Services server after the server has been restarted.

The IS Catalog Export Tool periodically logs the last document number it exported, so check the IS System Log (or the Windows Event Log on IS Windows servers) and then, if necessary, restart the export from the Remote Admin Console. You can restart the export using the last reported document number so the entire export won’t have to be repeated.

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

CE Goes Down

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 139

CE Goes DownUpdates made on the Image Services system during the time the Con-tent Engine is unavailable are accumulated in the Export Log on the Image Services server.

When the Content Engine server restarts and is back in normal opera-tion, Content Federation Services for IS on the CE server automatically starts and resumes the transfer of index/catalog information.

The Image Services software does not need to be restarted.

Network Goes DownIn this situation, the Image Services and Content Engine servers each behave as if the other had gone down. When the network connection is restored, the servers resume their processing as described in the previous sections.

Detecting Duplicate DocVersIf either the Image Services server or the Content Engine server crashes, it’s difficult to tell whether the last batch of DocVers was suc-cessfully exported to the Content Engine server.

However, CFS-IS on the Content Engine server can detect and recover any duplicate GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) they might receive from the Image Services server.

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

Detecting Duplicate DocVers

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 140

The Content Engine normally generates a new GUID for every record. But Content Federation Services for IS prevents this by supplying the Content Engine with a synthetic GUID composed of the IS document number and a unique identifier for the Image Services server where it originated. The synthetic GUID is always the same, regardless of how many times it’s regenerated.

So when a document ID is exported from an IS server a second time, it is given a duplicate GUID and is then detected and handled by the Content Engine.

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

CE Server Hangs When Creating a Fixed Content Device

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 141

CE Server Hangs When Creating a Fixed Content DeviceDuring the creation of a Fixed Content Device on CE, the server could hang and eventually return a message that says the connection to the Image Services server cannot be made.

Make sure the hosts file on each CE server with Object Store Services or File Storage Services contains the IP address of the IS system.

You can test the connection between the CE server and the IS system with the following tools, which are described in “Appendix A – Tools” on page 134:

• “nslookup” on page 135

• “ping” on page 136

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

IS Media Out of Library

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 142

IS Media Out of LibraryWhen a document requested by the CE server is not available in the IS storage library, you will see one or more of these messages:

• Content Engine display: You don’t have enough permissions to perform this action on the object.

• Content Engine Server Log:

• Image Services Log:

Solution: The IS system administrator must put the requested media in the library and notify the CE system administrator when it is avail-able. The CE system administrator must let the user know when the request can be retried.

PID=5388, TID=2320, Fnk_CatService.exe hr=0x80004005(Unspecified error) chIM.cpp[1002] ($Revision: 1.15 $): An error occurred in a Image Services SDK method call. (function SSI_open_read_object, SdkError <205,0,1052> - SSI: The required surface is out of the OSAR.

2004/12/03 11:30:30.765 76,0,262 <fnsw> DOCs (792.2116.193 0x318.844) ...Disk 3012 has requests, and should be inserted into the Storage Library

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

IS Library Not Available

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 143

IS Library Not AvailableWhen the IS storage library is busy servicing other requests, or is dis-abled, a message informs the CE user that the storage library is not currently available and to try again at a later time. You will see one or more of these messages:

• Content Engine Display: You don’t have enough permissions to perform this action on the object.

• Content Engine Server Log:

• Image Services Log:

Solution: The CE server administrator or the user must retry the request at a later time when the IS storage library becomes available.

PID=4096, TID=1384, Fnk_CatService.exe hr=0x80004005(Unspecified error) chIM.cpp[1002] ($Revision: 1.15 $): An error occurred in a Image Services SDK method call. (function SSI_open_read_object, SdkError <205,0,1053> - SSI: Operator intervention required.

< none >

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

IS Document Not Found

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 144

IS Document Not FoundWhen a CE user requests a document from an IS system, and the doc-ument does not have an entry in the IS permanent database, the docu-ment has been deleted from the IS system. You will see one or more of these messages:

• Content Engine Display: You don’t have enough permissions to perform this action on the object.

• Content Engine Server Log:

• Image Services Log:

Solution: The document is not retrievable from the Image Services system. The CE system administrator must delete the catalog entry for this document from the CE server.

PID=4844, TID=2284, Fnk_CatService.exe hr=0x80004005(Unspecified error) chIM.cpp[1002] ($Revision: 1.15 $): An error occurred in a Image Services SDK method call. (function SSI_open_read_object, SdkError <80,0,2> - Document not found by DOC.).

< none >

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

IS Library is Powered Off

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 145

IS Library is Powered OffWhen a CE user requests a document from an IS system, and the storage library where the document resides has been powered off, you will see one or more of these messages:

• Content Engine Display: You don’t have enough permissions to perform this action on the object.

• Content Engine Server Log:

• Image Services Log:

Solution: The IS system administrator must ensure that the storage library is up and running as soon as possible, and notify the CE system administrator when it’s available. The CE system administrator must let the user know when the request can be retried.

PID=4096, TID=1528, Fnk_CatService.exe hr=0x80004005(Unspecified error) chIM.cpp[1002] ($Revision: 1.15 $): An error occurred in a Image Services SDK method call. (function SSI_open_read_object, SdkError <205,0,1053> - SSI: Operator intervention required.

< none >

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

DIR Too Large for Export

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 146

DIR Too Large for ExportWhen exporting document properties from IS to CE, the Document Index Record (DIR) cannot be larger than 1988 bytes. If the DIR is larger than 1988 bytes, the document properties are not exported.

• Content Engine Display: < none >

• Content Engine Server Log:

• Image Services Log:

Solution: Follow the steps in the appropriate section below to reduce the size of the DIR and re-export the document properties to CE.

• “For Properties of Newly Captured Documents Not Cataloged on Image Services” on page 147

• “For Existing Document Properties Cataloged on Image Ser-vices” on page 147

< none >

2005/02/25 15:05:34:224 90,6,2 <skerbrat> .\IS_doc_create (3128.2760.3833 0xc38.ac8) ... [SERIOUS] INXl_ce_log_doc: The NEW Document Index Record size of 2110 bytes for document number 273654 (document class ID 50) exceeds the maximum allowed size of 1988 bytes for the IS-CE export_log table. The document will not be exported to CE.

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

DIR Too Large for Export

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 147

For Properties of Newly Captured Documents Not Cataloged on Image Services

1 Use Database Maintenance in Xapex on the IS Root/Index server to delete one or more indexes from the IS document class.

2 Use Enterprise Manager on the Content Engine server to unmap the corresponding property (or properties) from the CE document class.

3 On the IS Root/Index server, run the following command to import the document properties again:

stdocimp -nonexactclass -docidfile <docidfile> <surface_id>


<docidfile> is the name of a text file on magnetic disk that lists the document IDs to import. This file should contain all the doc-ument IDs that were identified in the IS log as having DIRs too large to export.

<surface_id> is the ID number of the surface on which the documents are stored.

For Existing Document Properties Cataloged on Image Services

1 Use Database Maintenance in Xapex on the IS Root/Index server to delete one or more indexes from the IS document class.

2 Use Enterprise Manager on the Content Engine server to unmap the corresponding property (or properties) from the CE document class.

3 Use the IS Catalog Export tool on the Remote Admin Console to export the newly recataloged properties to CE.

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

IS System Not Available

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 148

IS System Not AvailableWhen sending newly captured documents from CE to IS, you will see the following messages if Image Services is not up and running:

• Content Engine Display: < none >

• Content Engine Server Log:

• Image Services Log:

The Content Engine saves the content locally and retries at a later time.

Solution: Restart Image Services.

PID=3996, TID=1580, Fnk_ContentRM.exe hr=0x80004005(Unspecified error) chIM.cpp[1002] ($Revision: 1.15 $): An error occurred in a Image Services SDK method call. (function SSI_save_temp_object, SdkError <15,16,17> - SPP_ErrNoOpenRp: No open reply received for open connect request).

< none >

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

IS Cache Is Full

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 149

IS Cache Is FullWhen sending newly captured documents from CE to IS, you will see the following messages if the batch cache on the IS system is full:

• Content Engine Display: < none >

• Content Engine Server Log:

• Image Services Log:

Solution: Wait for space to become available in the IS batch cache. Space is made available as committed documents are migrated to optical disk or printed. The CE server automatically retries the trans-mission every 60 seconds until it’s successful.

You can also set the Free Space Threshold and Warning Frequency on the file storage Properties “Statistics” tab in Enterprise Manager on CE.

PID=1960, TID=2328, Fnk_ContentRM.exe hr=0x80004005(Unspecified error) chIM.cpp[1002] ($Revision: 1.15 $): An error occurred in a Image Services SDK method call. (function SSI_save_document, SdkError <77,0,8> - Magnetic disk cache is full.

< none >

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

Out of Memory

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 150

Out of MemoryYou might see this error on an HP-UX Content Engine server after making changes to the Import Agent parameters: No Work Delay, or Batch Delay, or Documents per Batch. Each mapped document class uses an average of six memory threads. On servers with several mapped document classes, this error can occur unless the maximum allowed number of threads is increased in the max_thread_proc kernel parameter to 1024 or higher. The following explanation is provided on the HP web site.

Threads The default values for HP-UX 11.0 and 11i are set too low for most Java applications. Two kernel parameters need to be set so that the limit of the maximum number of threads per process is not encountered. Usually you will see this problem as a Java Out of Memory error. You will want to set the value of the max_thread_proc higher than the expected maximum number of simultaneously active threads for your application. You can check the number of threads in your process by using the -eprof option available as of JDK 1.1.8. Analyze the Java.eprof file using HPjmeter by selecting the threads metric.

max_thread_proc The maximum number of threads allowed in each process. The minimum value (and default) is 64, often too low for most Java applications. The maximum value is the value of nkthread.

nkthread The total number of kernel threads available in the system. This parameter is similar to the nproc tunable except that it defines the limit for the total number of kernel threads able to run simul-taneously in the system. The value must be greater than nproc.

Appendix B – Troubleshooting

Out of Memory

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 151

The default is approximately twice that of nproc. The maximum is 30000. The suggested value of nkthread is 2*max_thread_proc. If you have many Java processes running and each run-ning process uses many threads, you will want to increase this value.

Solution: Increase the max_thread_proc kernel parameter to 1024 or higher.

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 152

Appendix C – Installing This Document onto theFileNet P8 Documentation Server

Hyperlinks to the FileNet P8 CFS-IS Guidelines document are built into the FileNet P8 Platform help, which is installed on an application server. To enable those hyperlinks, you must install the CFS-IS Guide-lines document into a designated directory on the application server.

Updates to the documentation are provided periodically. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see “Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 14

Refreshing the Documentation on the Application Server1 Ensure that you have version 4.0.0 of the FileNet P8 Platform docu-

mentation installed on your application server. See the FileNet P8 Plat-form Installation and Upgrade Guide for more information.

2 Refer to your server documentation. Complete any initial steps that may be necessary before updating the ecm_help files. For example, on a WebLogic server, you must uninstall the ecm_help application.

3 Copy the cfs_guide.pdf file to the cfs_help directory on the application server where the FileNet P8 documentation is installed.

For example, on a WebLogic server the path might be:


Appendix C – Installing This Document onto the FileNet P8 Documentation Server

Updating the FileNet P8 Help Search Index

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 153

Notes If you downloaded an updated FileNet P8 CFS-IS Guidelines docu-ment from the FileNet Worldwide Customer Support Web site, install the updated version instead of the version on the installation CD. Note, however, that the FileNet P8 CFS-IS Guidelines document must be installed after you install version 4.0.0 of the FileNet P8 Platform docu-mentation.

If you later install a version of the FileNet P8 Platform documentation that is newer than 4.0.0, you must refresh the documentation on the application server with the CFS-IS Guidelines document again.

4 Refer to your server documentation. Complete any additional steps that may be necessary after updating this help on the application server. For example, on a WebLogic server, you must reinstall the ecm_help (FileNet P8 Platform help) application.

Updating the FileNet P8 Help Search IndexAfter you've installed the FileNet P8 CFS-IS Guidelines document, you need to update the search index files. When you complete this step, the search function in the FileNet P8 Platform help will be able to locate CFS-IS Guidelines content.

Note To update the Help Search index, you must specify the path to the JRE installation on the application server where you intend to install the FileNet P8 Help.

The indexFiles.bat script launches the Java-based indexer ( for UNIX-based systems). The script is located in this direc-tory: <root_directory>/search. If you have already installed this FileNet P8 help as a Web application, use the procedure for your application server to uninstall that Web application before proceeding.

Appendix C – Installing This Document onto the FileNet P8 Documentation Server

Updating the FileNet P8 Help Search Index

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 154

Note For WebSphere, you do not uninstall the Web application. Instead, you merely stop WebSphere, copy the files to the installed location, update the search index, and then restart WebSphere.

1 Ensure that you have copied the FileNet P8 Platform help and all your functional expansion add-ons to a designated application server.

2 Open a command prompt on the application server.

3 From the command line, navigate to the search subdirectory under your <ecm_help> root directory.

4 Using a text editor, open the search-indexing script file that is appro-priate to your application server operating system:

indexFiles.bat (Windows) (UNIX)

5 Modify the JAVA_HOME variable in the script file with the path to your JRE installation (version 1.4 or higher). The defaults are:

SET JAVA_HOME=c:\j2sdk1.4.2 (Windows) JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_02" (UNIX)

6 Save your changes and close the text editor.

7 Run the updated search-indexing script file.

By default, the script backs up the existing index files indexOld, re-indexes all the help files starting from the root <ecm_help> directory, and writes the index to: <root_directory>/search/index/core.

Appendix C – Installing This Document onto the FileNet P8 Documentation Server

Verifying that the Guidelines are Accessible from the Documentation Web Site

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 155

Verifying that the Guidelines are Accessible from the Docu-mentation Web Site

1 Install the copied FileNet P8 documentation as a Web site application. Use the appropriate instructions provided with your application server.

2 Verify that the application server and the new <ecm_help> documen-tation Web site are running, as follows:

a From your Web browser, access the _start_here.htm page in the top-level ecm_help directory. The documentation Help Directory should open.

b Click the Search link on the Help Directory toolbar. The documen-tation Search page should open.

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 156


annotationsAnnotations are the electronic equivalent of margin notes on a printed document. IS annotations can be automatically propagated to CE 4.0 and higher systems,. but cannot be edited on the CE system. New IS annotations to existing CFS-IS documents can be copied to the CE system, but CE annotations to CFS-IS documents are not propagated to the IS system.

catalog databaseThe catalog database contains catalog entries (one per document) and document folders. It is implemented using a relational database management system (Oracle, DB2®, or Microsoft SQL Server).

catalog entryA catalog entry is a collection of property values (such as title, author, or account number) for an associated document. Querying the catalog is the first step in document retrieval. In CE and IS, the catalog entries are stored as rows in relational databases. CFS-IS allows catalog entries in CE databases to reference document con-tent stored in IS systems.

CSMCache Service Manager. CSM monitors and controls the flow of documents into and out of Image Services caches.

CSM page cache

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 157

CSM page cacheCSM Page cache, also known as retrieval cache, is a cache con-taining all documents being committed to or retrieved from storage media on an IS system. The page cache is an ageable cache, meaning that documents not locked can be deleted if necessary to make room for incoming documents. The page cache is one of sev-eral logical page cache types. Multiple logical page caches can coexist in one physical CSM cache. For example, there could be a page cache, a batch cache, and a print cache. The percentage of the physical cache that each logical cache is allowed to consume is controlled by running the FileNet Image Services System Configu-ration Editor, fn_edit

Doctaba tableThe relational database table where document properties are stored in an Image Services system. There is one row in doctaba per document. In a CE system, the corresponding table is the Doc-Version table. There is one row in the DocVersion table per docu-ment in a CE system.

documentA document is any electronic file (such as a word processing docu-ment), any image file, or any data that can be stored in a disk file. Commonly, “document” refers to the content of the document, not the properties of the document. CFS-IS allows documents stored in IS to be referenced by the CE catalog and/or the IS catalog. See Catalog Entry.

document classA Document class is a named group of similar document types. The documents in a document class can only have values for properties

document ID

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 158

included in the document class definition. Document class names in CE catalogs are in a hierarchical name space. Document class names in IS catalogs are in one flat name space. The IS document class name is the hook from the CE catalog to the IS content storage area. CFS-IS systems are configured so that IS document classes are mapped to a corresponding CE document class using Enterprise Manager. In both IS and CE systems, the properties included in all document class definitions are drawn from a single global pool of property definitions. When mapping an IS document class to a CE document class, you must decide which IS properties of the document class to map to CE properties of the corresponding document class.

document IDA number the FileNet software assigns to a document. In an IS system, it is a 32-bit unsigned integer. In a CE system, it is a128-bit GUID. The document id uniquely identifies a document within a doc-ument management system.

document locator serverThe document locator server in an Image Services system is a storage library server that includes the complete permanent data-base that maps each document number into two media locations. Other storage library servers contain small permanent databases that store this information until enough accumulates to transfer to the document locator server. The document locator server is the only server running document services.

document propertiesAn IS or CE document catalog database contains the document properties used for retrieving documents. There is one row in the


November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 159

catalog database per document. The name of the RDBMS table that stores document catalog entries in an IS system is doctaba. The corresponding table in the CE catalog database is DocVersion.

DocVerDocument Version. CE documents can be versioned. IS documents cannot be versioned. On the Content Engine, whenever a docu-ment is checked out, edited, and checked back in, a new version of the document is created. The new version can be designated either a major version or a minor version. When the new version of the document is stored in Image Services, a copy of the document con-tent is saved with a new document ID number.

domainA system consists of one or more host computers that belong to a named domain.

IS domain names are Xerox Network Systems (XNS) protocol three-part hierarchical names – object name, domain name, and organi-zation name. All objects and hosts with the same domain and orga-nization name belong to the same NCH (Network ClearingHouse) domain by definition. An Image Services domain can be composed of a single combined Root/Index/Storage Library server, or a Root/Index server, one or more Storage Library servers, and one or more Application servers.

P8 domains are a separate concept from IS domains. P8 domain names are in a flat name space. A P8 domain can be composed of Content Engine servers, Application Engine servers, and Process Engine servers. A CE host belongs to both a P8 domain and an IS domain if it has IS Application Server software installed.

external documents

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 160

external documentsExternal documents (aka hybrid documents, aka proxy documents) are those whose properties are accessed via the CE, but whose content and annotations are accessed by the end user viewer appli-cation via ISRA (Image Services Resource Adapter).

Fixed Content DeviceThe Content Engine system supports the concept of fixed content devices. Fixed content devices are CE objects that encapsulate the information about where document content is stored, whether in an optical storage library or MSAR library. When you configure CFS-IS, the CE recognizes the IS system as a fixed content storage device, and sends the document content from a document class on the CE server to the corresponding document class on the IS system. The documents entered by FileNet P8 Platform applica-tions will go to the default family of the IS document class, which is administered by the IS system administrator.

GUIDGUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifiers) are 16-byte integers used to uniquely identify objects within a software system. The FileNet P8 CFS-IS system calls the GUID generator routine. GUID formats and algorithms are specified by an IETF RFC.

Image ServicesImage Services is a set of services providing document manage-ment capability. An IS system includes a single index database, a single document locator database, and the collection of document images on storage media.


November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 161

ISTKImage Services Toolkit, formerly known as WAL (WorkFlo Applica-tion Library). This is a C/C++ client API to Image Services.

MIMEMIME is an Internet Standard for Multipurpose Internet Mail Exten-sions, RFC 2048.

MIME was developed to provide a way of embedding binary content in email and has expanded to other types of data transfer over com-puter networks. Traditional email is only guaranteed to support the 7-bit ASCII character set, so a way was needed to encode 8-bit binary content such as programs, images, sounds, and movies in a form that could be carried in a 7-bit email message.

MIME was designed so that different character encoding schemes could be developed, and also provided a simple sort of metadata in the form of MIME types, so that applications could work out what kind of content was contained in the email message, and therefore know what kind of processing was needed to use the content.

Typical MIME types are text/plain, image/jpeg, application/msword, video/quicktime, and so on. Some MIME types used with CFS-IS are text/xml, application/x-filenet-external-is, and application/octet-stream.

MSARMagnetic Storage and Retrieval library. This is a FileNet term for using available magnetic storage for Image Services documents and treating this space as a storage library.

Native Documents

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 162

Native DocumentsNative documents are standard FileNet P8 documents whose con-tent and annotations are accessed via the CE Content Provider regardless of where the document content is physically stored.

RACRemote Admin Console. A PC workstation that has been configured as a Remote Admin Console can administer Database Mainte-nance and Security Administration on an Image Services server, run DB2 Server Connect, and can configure and run the IS Catalog Export Configuration Tool.

RPCRemote Procedure Call. RPC is a technique for constructing distrib-uted, client-server based applications. It extends the idea of con-ventional, or local, procedure calling so the called procedure does not need to exist in the same address space as the calling proce-dure. The two processes can be on the same system, or they can be on different systems with a network connecting them. By using RPC, distributed applications avoid the details of the interface with the network. The transport independence of RPC isolates the appli-cation from the physical and logical elements of the data communi-cations mechanism and allows the application to use a variety of transports.

SSN (System Serial Number)The system serial number is a ten-digit unsigned integer that used to uniquely identify IS systems.

storage library - MSAR

November 2007 FileNet P8 Content Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines 163

storage library - MSARA storage library that usually uses magnetic disk media instead of using optical media or large magnetic disk caches (cache-only sys-tems) to store data. The MSAR (Magnetic Storage And Retrieval) storage library uses virtual slots and virtual drives that function sim-ilarly to FileNet optical storage libraries. A virtual surface is simply a disk file.

storage library - opticalA storage library that uses optical media to store data. It often uses a storage media jukebox, a unit that has a number of slots for con-taining storage media and a robotic arm that moves the media between slots, drives, and the input/output slot.

system - Content EngineA FileNet P8 Content Engine server and its associated Application Engine servers and Process Engine servers in their own domain are often referred to as a system.

system - Image ServicesA FileNet Image Services server and it associated Storage Library servers and Application servers in their own domain are often referred to as a system.

WALFileNet’s WorkFlo Application Library, now known as Image Ser-vices Toolkit.


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