ibl newsletter jan feb 2015

Indonesia Business Links Resource Centre for Corporate Citizenship Newsletter January - Februari 2015 YES PROGRAM - Life Skill training was conducted for two days on 8 – 9 January 2015 at MTH Square, Cawang, attended by 20 Participants. As the trainer was Ariyo Faridh Zidni, PTS certified trainer, with the lesson how to have a good attitude as young entrepreneurs. On this training, the participants were learning about positive attitudes, personal-value, goals setting, and dealing effectively with criticsm. On February 2015, YES Program was conducted Entrepreneurship Training on 5 – 6 February at LP3I Depok and 12 – 13 February 2015 at MTH Square, Cawang. The events were attended by 64 Participants. The trainer were Mr. Yanto Sidik and Mr. Suyanto, both have Permanent License Entrepreneur Training CEFE (Competency based Economies through Formation of Entrepreneurs) from GTZ (Deutsche Gesselschaft Fuer Technische Zusamenarbeit), Germany. The participants learned about business development included management, marketing, and business plan. Those lesson are useful for them to develop their business. More information about the program visit at Facebook Young Entrepreneurs Start-Up YES Program IBL https://www.facebook.com/YESProgram2014 YOUTH EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM UPDATE IBL Newsletter January - February edition 2015 MUDA TERAMPIL - On 24 January 2015, Muda terampil conducted job counseling workshop at SMK Pamor, Karawang. The workshop was attended by 114 beneficiaries. They are from SMK Pamor, SMK 1 Cikampek, SMK Dewantara Cikarang, and SMK Tri Asysifa Cikampek. Muda Terampil Program is focused on gaining life skill training to accomodate students for competitiveness in the future. The materials of training are work motivation, how to make a good CV and application letter, how to win interviews, psycho test, and understanding labor rights. During the training, eight staffs from Accenture volunteered to be mentor on how to make a curriculum vitae, writing application letter and interviewing techniques. Head of Marketing Communications of Accenture, Nia Sarinastiti, stated that Accenture's volunteering program shows the commitment of Accenture's staff to Global Skill to Succeed for increasing the capacity of youth. Entrepreneurship Training was conducted for 3 days on 26 – 28January 2015 at SMK 1 Cikampek, attended by 25 beneficiaries who are willing to be young entrepreneurs. The training aimed to prepare the beneficiaries to be entrepreneurs. Training topics are developing business ideas, marketing, and business plan. In the last day beneficiaries presented their business plan in groups. Most of beneficiaries continuing their family business and several of them will start their own business, such as jengkol and soybean crackers, green banana ice, kebab, veil (hijab), jersey shirts, kroto (bird weft), and grocery hawkers. On Sunday morning, 8February 2015, Muda Terampil held Business Consultation Day (BCD) at Lapangan Karang Pawitan, Karawang. The purpose of the event was to attract and invite people to discuss about their own business. The Mentors were from YES Club Karawang, and volunteering staffs from Accenture that would be ready giving the input to participants who consultated. In March 2015, Muda Terampil will be held Muda Terampil HRD Forum. Entrepreneurship Training Entrepreneurship Awareness Workshop 5 March 2015 Place: MT Haryono Square 12 - 13 March 2015 Place: MT Haryono Square Life Skill Training 19 - 20 March 2015 Place: MT Haryono Square Furthermore information please contact [email protected] Entrepreneurship Training UPCOMING YES PROGRAM ON MARCH 2015 Muda Terampil: Entrepreneurship Training and Business Consultation Day

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Indonesia Business Links Resource Centre for Corporate Citizenship

Newsletter January - Februari 2015

YES PROGRAM - Life Skill training was conducted for two days on 8 – 9 January 2015 at MTH Square, Cawang, attended by 20 Participants. As the trainer was Ariyo Faridh Zidni, PTS certified trainer, with the lesson how to have a good attitude as young entrepreneurs. On this training, the participants were learning about positive attitudes, personal-value, goals setting, and dealing effectively with criticsm. On February 2015, YES Program was conducted Entrepreneurship Training on 5 – 6 February at LP3I Depok and 12 – 13 February 2015 at MTH Square, Cawang. The events were attended by 64 Participants. The trainer were Mr. Yanto Sidik and Mr. Suyanto, both have Permanent License Entrepreneur Training CEFE (Competency based Economies through Formation of Entrepreneurs) from GTZ (Deutsche Gesselschaft Fuer Technische Zusamenarbeit), Germany. The participants learned about business development included management, marketing, and business plan. Those lesson are useful for them to develop their business.More information about the program visit at Facebook Young Entrepreneurs Start-Up YES Program IBL https://www.facebook.com/YESProgram2014


IBL Newsletter January - February edition 2015

MUDA TERAMPIL - On 24 January 2015, Muda terampil conducted job counseling workshop at SMK Pamor, Karawang. The workshop was attended by 114 beneficiaries. They are from SMK Pamor, SMK 1 Cikampek, SMK Dewantara Cikarang, and SMK Tri Asysifa Cikampek. Muda Terampil Program is focused on gaining life skill training to accomodate students for competitiveness in the future. The materials of training are work motivation, how to make a good CV and application letter, how to win interviews, psycho test, and understanding labor rights. During the training, eight staffs from Accenture volunteered to be mentor on how to make a curriculum vitae, writing application letter and interviewing techniques. Head of Marketing Communications of Accenture, Nia Sarinastiti, stated that Accenture's volunteering program shows the commitment of Accenture's staff to Global Skill to Succeed for increasing the capacity of youth.

Entrepreneurship Training was conducted for 3 days on 26 – 28January 2015 at SMK 1 Cikampek, attended by 25 beneficiaries who are willing to be young entrepreneurs. The training aimed to prepare the beneficiaries to be entrepreneurs. Training topics are developing business ideas, marketing, and business plan. In the last day beneficiaries presented their business plan in groups. Most of beneficiaries continuing their family business and several of them will start their own business, such as jengkol and soybean crackers, green banana ice, kebab, veil (hijab), jersey shirts, kroto

(bird weft), and grocery hawkers. On Sunday morning, 8February 2015, Muda Terampil held Business Consultation Day (BCD) at Lapangan Karang Pawitan, Karawang. The purpose of the event was to attract and invite people to discuss about their own business. The Mentors were from YES Club Karawang, and volunteering staffs from Accenture that would be ready giving the input to participants who consultated. In March 2015, Muda Terampil will be held Muda Terampil HRD Forum.

Entrepreneurship Training

Entrepreneurship Awareness Workshop

5 March 2015Place: MT Haryono Square

12 - 13 March 2015Place: MT Haryono Square

Life Skill Training

19 - 20 March 2015Place: MT Haryono Square

Furthermore information please contact [email protected]

Entrepreneurship Training


Muda Terampil: Entrepreneurship Training and Business Consultation Day

Page 2: Ibl newsletter jan feb 2015

In conjunction with ASEAN Next-Gen CSR Forum in Bali, on 6 February 2015 the Regional Working Group for Business Integrity in ASEAN (the Regional Working Group) held a meeting to develop its strategy and plan of action. The Regional Working Group was established in September 2014, and IBL is one of its founder network-organizations, with the objective of providing a platform for enabling private sector collective action against corruption in ASEAN.

The Bali Meeting attracted approximately 60 participants, consisting of members of the Working Group, representatives from partners such as UN Office on Drugs and Crime, UN Development Program, UN Industrial Development Organization, Transparency International, Global Compact Local Networks, as well as representatives from government, private sector, trade union, and other civil society organizations. As meeting result, all participants decided on three priority actions for businesses to effectively combat corruption in ASEAN:

· Increase the awareness and understanding of corruption among different stakeholders through advocacy/communication campaign;

· Support one another in building skills and capacity to combat corruption through information sharing, knowledge transfer and skill training; and

· Work with local, regional and international partners to harmonize existing strategies and programs, presenting opportunities for benchmarking and best practices adaptation.

IBL will implement this commitment through its collective action on business integrity, called 'Indonesia Integrity Initiative', and use this momentum to strengthen its collaboration with like-minded local, regional and international organizations on eradicating corruption in business environment.


IBL Newsletter January - February edition 2015

Towards a Corruption-free ASEAN: Strengthening Business Integrity of ASEAN Private Sector

ASEAN NEXT-GEN CSR FORUM: “Breakthroughs for Inclusive & Sustainable Growth in ASEAN Post-2015"

rd th On 3 until 7 February 2015, ASEAN countries held a CSR forum in Nusa Dua, Bali, between ASEAN ambassadors, ministries, companies, and organizations. The objective of the forum was to promote and enable a responsible business conducts in ASEAN region supporting sustainable, equitable, and inclusive economic and socio-economic development. Those who attend the forum were Indonesia's Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, ASEAN Secretery General Le Luong Minh, Bali Vice Governor I Ketut Sudikerta, Chairman of ASEAN CSR Network Yanti Triwandiantini, Ambassador of Canada to Indonesia and ASEAN Donald Bobiash, Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia and ASEAN Johanna Brismar Skoog, Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN Koichi Aiboshi, and many other distinguished guests. The Chairman of ASEAN CSR Network and Executive Director of Indonesian Business Links, Yanti Triwidiantini, informed the about CSR cooperation between ASEAN countries and also business opportunities between countries. “Through this forum, we hope to contribute a better understanding of how business can meet these changing expectations and contribute to ASEAN's development goals. We believe that, more than just corporate philanthropy, CSR, if implemented strategically and holistically, can provide the answer by helping transform companies from merely profit-driven entities into agents of change for responsible and sustainable development”, she said during her speech. Moreover, she stated that businesses are the primary engine for economic growth and alleviate poverty. As ASEAN continues on the path of regional economic integrations, businesses are expected to solve some of the regions' pressing challenges, not only contributing to wealth generations.

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In early 2015, CSR Wisdom discuss about CSR trend that occurred in 2014. Indonesia's newly elected leader certainly gives dynamic both for the government and society. This will be an opportunity for companies turning point to implement CSR in their business philosophy. In the following weeks CSR Wisdom will be discussing about creating and maintaining partnership to establish a good and effective CSR programs between parties. CSR can be effectively done through a good partnership between parties in various sectors by transparency, trustworthy, and commitment. Since 2011, IBL and SmartFM have been collaboration to establish and develop CSR Wisdom radio talk show every Tuesday morning with the full support of SmartFM. To improve the quality and attractiveness of the show, IBL held a speakers gathering on 29 January 2015 at Dapoer Ciragil, Senopati. The gathering was attended by various companies, organizations, and foundations that contributed to CSR Wisdom, from guest speakers of the show to IBL and SmartFM partners. The attendees were also invited to give feedbacks to improve the show for its continuity and expected to support the program as sponsorship CSR Campaign Partner.

If you are interested to support CSR Wisdom to promote and campaign about social and CSR issues, please contact Insan Faqihantara, Coordinator CSR Wisdom Campaign, at or 021-520-2530. [email protected]

Last year, from September – December 2014, Yayasan Unilever Indonesia (YUI) in cooperation with Indonesia Business Links (IBL) and Sukses Bersama Action Coach (SBC) held capacity building for develop the waste bank communities to be reliable in social entrepreneurship. Five beneficiaries were selected as the best participants, they are: Mr. Eko Harry Waluyo, from Waste Bank Tomang Asri Sejahtera 2; Mrs. Esti Sumarwati, from Waste Bank Selaras Mandiri; Mrs. Euis Komala, from Waste Bank Malaka Sari; Mrs. Nuralimah, from Waste Bank Terpadu; and Mrs. Endatwati, from Waste Bank Rosela.

They will be supported by Yayasan Unilever Indonesia in providing marketing kit such as profile, banner, yers, and brochures to be more motivated for their activity.

Special Thanks to

in appreciation of your support for annual contribution in 2015. Its contribution and commitment to promoteCorporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia.

IBL Newsletter January - February edition 2015