iapm report

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  • 8/3/2019 IAPM Report


    In this report we have tried to cover investment opportunities in two products one from

    the Equity market and other from the commodity market to diversify the portfolio. We

    have conducted Research on both the Fundamental aspect and the Technical aspect

    and have come up with a Comprehensive report on Tata Motors and Gold as products

    for investment.

    TATA MotorsFundamental Review

    Income Statement:

    The Balance Sheet of companies for year 2009-10 was prepared based on Vertical

    Method. The Balance Sheet has indicated the share capital and reserves and surplus of

    the company along with the loans availed by the company. After the sources of funds

    were indicated, the application of funds for Fixed Assets, Investments and Details of

    Current Assets of the companies were indicated. The same was followed by Liabilities

    including Current Liabilities and Provisions made by the company with a note to

    accounts. Incidentally the summarized balance sheet of Tata Motors has indicated

    goodwill assets (which they have acquired at the time of acquiring Landover and Jaguar


    The Income Statement of the company indicates gross sales of the company and other

    income such as dividend & Interest. The Expenditure of the companies towards

    manufacturing, purchase of raw material, components, processing charges, payments

    and provisions to employees, expenses to manufacturing, administration, selling. It also

    has taken care of change in stock in trade and work-in-progress with respect to last

    reporting year.

    The expenditure was followed by interest, depreciation/amortization, and product

    development expenditure and tax details. The profit after tax was shown in the

    companies by profit and loss statement.(All the details expenditure was given in the

    respective schedule the number of which was mentioned in the respective heads).The

    total amount available for appropriation arrived at by adding the previous years profit to

    the current year profit. The proposed dividend, general reserve, and balance amount

    carried forward to balance sheet were indicated in P&L statement. Earnings per share

    were also indicated.

  • 8/3/2019 IAPM Report


    Cash Flow statement:

    Tata Motors have prepared their cash flow statement based on indirect methods. It has

    generated positives cash flow from operating activities. The industry activity being highlycapital investment based and has invested in the investing activities such as purchase

    of fixed assets and other investments. Hence the cash flow from investment activities is

    negative which indicates that both the companies are growing companies. It has

    reported positive cash flow from financing activities. The net cash flow for Tata Motors is

    positive. Tata Motors also has invested heavily in fixed assets and investments in

    subsidiary companies. It has positive cash flow due to issue of Global Depository

    Shares and from Long term borrowings.



    No. Ratios Formula








    1. Current ratio Current Assets/Current Liabilities

    0.44 0.44

    Higher the current ratio better

    is the situation and the ideal

    value is 2:1. Tata Motorscurrent ratio is less than 1which indicates more

    liabilities than assets.

    2. Liquid ratioLiquid assets/liquid

    liabilities0.44 0.58

    A higher liquid ratio indicates

    that there are sufficient assets

    available with theorganisation which can be

    converted in the form of cash

    almost immediately to pay

    off those liabilities which are

    to be paid off almostimmediately.


    Fixed Assets



    Net sales/ fixedassets

    1.93 1.88

    It indicates the capability of

    organisation to achieve

    maximum sales with theminimum investment in fixed

    assets. Higher the ratio, the


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    No. Ratios Formula












    Net sales/ currentassets

    5.02 5.8

    It indicates the capability of

    organisation to achieve

    maximum sales with theminimum investment in

    current assets. Higher theratio, the better.






    Net sales/ working

    capital3.93 3.68

    It indicates the capability oforganisation to achieve

    maximum sales with the

    minimum investment in

    working capital. Higher theratio, the better.




    Profits before

    interest and taxes/Interest charges

    2.7 2.4

    A high ratio as indicted by

    the 2 figures is favorable as itindicates the protection

    available to the lenders oflong term capital in the form

    of funds available to pay the

    interest charges.

    7.Gross profit


    Gross profit *

    100/net sales8.84 3.3

    A low value shown by the 2

    figures indicates that thisorganisation is not able to

    produce or purchase at a low

    cost. It can be increased by

    either adjusting the salesprice or production cost or by

    increasing volume of

    products having high grossprofit margin.


    Net profit


    (Net profit after

    taxes) * 100/net



    It indicates that portion ofsales available to the owner

    after considering all types of

    expenses and costs. Thelower figures alongside

    indicate lower profitability of

    the business.

    9.Return on


    Net profit * 100

    /assets259.03 240.06

    It measures profitability of

    investments in the firm.

    Higher value is preferredwhich is not the case as per

    figures shown.

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    No. Ratios Formula









    Return on



    (Net profit +Interest on long




    11.74 6.41

    It measures profitability ofcapital employed in the firm.

    Higher value is preferred and

    the situation of Mar08 was

    much better than Mar09.


    Return on



    Net profit after

    taxes * 100/ Total

    shareholders funds

    0.14 0.08

    It measures if the firm hasearned sufficient returns for

    its shareholders or not.

    Higher the ratio, the better

    the situation which is not thecase for Tata Motors in both

    the years.

    12.Earnings per


    (Net profit)/

    Number of equity


    39.26 19.48

    It measures the profits

    available to the equityshareholders on a per share


    13. Book Value(Networth) / No of

    equity shares262.3 240.64






    Profit/Total Sales11.74 6.71

    15.Net Profit

    Margin(%)Net Profit / Total

    Sales6.26 3.77

    16.Debt Equity

    RatioDebt / Equity 1.11 1.06




    Net Sales /

    Inventory13.07 13.47




    Net Sales / Current

    Assets 1.95 1.88

  • 8/3/2019 IAPM Report


    Conclusion Based on Fundamental Aspect:

    It is a growing company and positive operating cash flow. The outlook spelt out by

    management indicates that the automobile industry is on growth track and more and

    more new models can be introduced in India and other markets. The success of Tata

    Nano in the small car segment indicates the potential of the growth of small carsegment in India and justifies the amount being spent in the R&D activities in

    automobile industry. The acquisition of Iconic International brands - Jaguar and

    Landrover, by an Indian Company that is Tata Motor clearly indicates the strength and

    to spread the brand across the globe to increase the sales and turnover.

    Technical Analysis:

    The Monthly chart of Tata Motor shown in the figure indicates that the MACD is above

    the zero line indicating bullishness. RSI is in the neutral condition indicating prices are

    neither overbought nor oversold. Dips towards 126/120 levels can be bought followed

    by further adding to the position at 108 with Stop loss at 93 for the move higher towards

    280 followed by 371.

  • 8/3/2019 IAPM Report



    Gold has remained a synonym of wealth, a safe haven asset, an inflation and US dollar

    hedge for decades. In recent times it has cemented all of its above strengths by

    performing better in absolute terms and in relative terms against other asset classes.

    As the world tries to battle with year another upcoming recession, gold prices should

    remain firm in year 2011 and the coming year 2012 reflecting safe heaven risk premium

    and hence supporting strong investment demand.

    It could subsequently rise higher as major economies recover, triggering high

    inflationary pressures as a result of the monetary expansion amid depreciating

    currencies. The current monetary expansion and the escalating fiscal burden shouldtrigger a surge in global inflation with a weaker USD, hence boosting commodity prices.

    How much of Gold is there?

    Even with the modern technology gold is still difficult to find. A total of about 160,000tons of gold has been taken out of the earth, formed in a single gold cube it wouldntquite cover a tennis court, yeah sounds strange but that all the gold in the world.Gold is mined around 2,600 tons a year, so that above supply in the ground isexpanding at 1.6% per annum. This newly mined supply means the world's cube of gold- currently 20.2 meters across - is growing by just 11 cm per year.

    How is Gold Used?

    Gold is not consumed in any meaningful sense. A tiny amount finds some use as false

    teeth because of its inertness, and some is used in electronics because of its non-corrosive nature and excellent conductivity. But currently well over 95% of the world's

    gold is held as a wealth store - either in bullion vaults or as jewelry, which is generally

    considered a private monetary reserve (particularly in India, the world's biggest gold


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    1) The graph below shows the data for Relative price performance of selected

    assets in US$. It clearly shows that gold has been an outperformer against all

    asset classes

    2) The image below shows the data for the Performance on Various commodities

    and commodity indices during the Q2 2011.The table denotes that among the

    commodities and indices gold has been perhaps the only commodity that have

    shows a positive change in terms of return compared to others from 31 march to

    6 may with least amount of volatility.

  • 8/3/2019 IAPM Report


    3) Jewelry Demand for Gold has been on an average of 500 tons every year and in

    the recent past the demand for gold in Jewelry market has started to pick up thus

    increasing the demand for gold in the future in this sector which would indirectly

    support appreciation in prices of Gold. The image below shows the demand for

    Gold in Jewelry and its value in USD$bn.

    4) The demand for Gold in Industrial sector has been majorly in Electronics,

    Dentistry and other small industrial demands. The trend in these sectors has

    been increasing over the years thus increasing the demand for gold in the future

    in this sector which would indirectly support appreciation in prices of Gold. The

    image below shows the demand for Gold in Industrial sector and its value in


  • 8/3/2019 IAPM Report


    5) The Image below shows the top 40 official holdings in gold as in IFS July

    2011...This image shows the figures of the tons of gold being held by various

    countries and the percentage of reserves it resembles in their portfolio.

    The figure clearly shows that gold has been perceived as a save heaven

    investment over the years by not only retailers but also central banks in their


    6) The Second Quarter global demand in gold was 919.8 tons worth US$ 44.5bn

    the second highest quarterly value on record. Year on year growth was broad

    based across sectors and Geographies. In volume terms demand was 17percent lower compared to the demand seen in Q2 2010 while in value terms

    demand grew up by 5%,the major contributors to the overall growth were India

    and china. The image below shows the Demand and Supply figure cumulative

    Q2 2010 Q1 2011.

  • 8/3/2019 IAPM Report


    Fundamental Events:The performance of the gold price over the past month has been erratic following

    failed attempts to break through USD1,900 on a sustained basis. Gold faced

    some downward pressure this week following the decision by the Swiss NationalBank to intervene to prevent EURCHF falling below 1.20 as it raised the question

    as to whether the flight to safe havens was in danger of reversing.

    The fact that gold prices are at all time highs in both nominal and real terms

    continues to inject concerns towards whether or not the gold market has moved

    into bubble. However, we would argue that the SNBs decision has simply

    enhanced golds status as a safe haven. However, the rapid rise in the gold price

    may slow central bank gold buying going forward as well as increase the

    likelihood of further margin requirement increases.

    The image below shows the speculators position in the market in gold with thischange in price movements. There has been a transitional change of the

    speculators from being a net seller in gold in the period of 1999 till 2001 to being

    an increasing amount of buyers from 2001 till date with the increase in prices.

    The recent trend in the Central Bank holding pattern for gold is that there has

    been substantial buying been seen in the recent years thus increasing the

    demand for gold which would indirectly support appreciation in prices of Gold.

    The Image below shows the Central Bank Holding pattern over the years.

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    Although gold prices suffered from profit-taking in the recent past, the macroenvironment has become increasingly gold favorable with central banks keeping interest

    rates unchanged, the SNBs decision to limit the strength of the CHF and continueduncertainty surrounding the state of the global economy. Good physical interest fromAsia emerged upon the dip in prices this week while other central banks Kazakhstanand Bolivia have announced they will add to their gold reserves from domesticproduction are some positive factors for investing in Gold for a good ROI in the future.We would expect prices to extend their gains as fundamentals remain constructive.

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    Technical Overview:

    Prices have been moving strongly upwards along the moving averages, the 8 period MAis steadily rising indicating a strong uptrend. As of now we expect prices to cool towardsUSD 1550/1500 levels from the current USD 1600 levels for where the next movetowards USD 2400 followed by USD 2900 is expected if the rally doesnt stop here atUSD 2900 and crosses above it a move higher towards USD 3600 will be the nexttarget. The above view will hold good till USD 1294 levels are not broken on thedownside.