iajs galapagosizing japan conference abstracts

1 The Third Bi-Annual Conference of The Israeli Association for Japanese Studies (IAJS) Galapagosizing Japan? The Challenges of Participation and the Costs of Isolation May 12-13, 2015, Tel Aviv University Gilman-Humanities Building, Room 496 Language of the Conference: Japanese, English, Hebrew Abstracts (by order of appearance in the conference) Keynote (Japanese and English) 日本サブカルチャーにおける、サーガへの逃走 [Escape to Saga Stories in Japan's Subcultures] Eiji Otsuka, Nichibunken, Kyoto, Japan 日本において70年代初頭の左翼運動の挫折をへて、80年代にはいると、元左翼 活動家たちや全共闘世代がサブカルチャー領域で「仮想のサーガ」を構築していく 過程を概観し、現在の日本における歴史修正主義の出発点を指摘する。具体的には 村上春樹初期3部作、中上健次、「ガンダム」シリーズ、ジブリアニメなどを扱い、 「現実の歴史」でなく「架空の歴史」をサブカルチャーやサブカルチャー文学が試 み、90年代にそれが「オウム真理教事件」におけるイマジネーションの起源とな る。オウムはサブカルチャー的な「仮想の歴史」を「現実の歴史」に反転するクー デターであり、現在の日本の歴史修正主義の出発点である。 In this lecture, I propose outlining a process that began with the failure of the left wing activities in early 1970s Japan, extending into the 1980s, in which the generation of former left wing activists and zenkyōtō protestors began constructing "imagined saga narratives" within the worlds of Japanese subcultures. This was the starting point of the contemporaneous historical revisionism in Japan. More concretely, by referring to the first trilogy by Murakami Haruki, Nakagami Kenji, Gundam anime series, anime by Ghibli Studio etc., I will show how subcultures and subcultural literature experimented with the "virtual story" and not with "the real history". It provided the origin of the that underlined the Aum Shinrikyō Incident in the 1990s. Aum committed a coup d'état based on a narrative that replaced "actual history" with a

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This booklet contains all abstracts to all papers that will be presented at the IAJS Conference "Galapagosizing Japan?: The Challenges of Participation and the Costs of Isolation"


  • 1

    The Third Bi-Annual Conference of

    The Israeli Association for Japanese Studies (IAJS)

    Galapagosizing Japan?

    The Challenges of Participation and the Costs of Isolation

    May 12-13, 2015, Tel Aviv University

    Gilman-Humanities Building, Room 496

    Language of the Conference: Japanese, English, Hebrew


    (by order of appearance in the conference)

    Keynote (Japanese and English)

    [Escape to Saga Stories in Japan's Subcultures]

    Eiji Otsuka, Nichibunken, Kyoto, Japan

    In this lecture, I propose outlining a process that began with the failure of the left

    wing activities in early 1970s Japan, extending into the 1980s, in which the generation

    of former left wing activists and zenkyt protestors began constructing "imagined saga narratives" within the worlds of Japanese subcultures. This was the starting point

    of the contemporaneous historical revisionism in Japan. More concretely, by referring

    to the first trilogy by Murakami Haruki, Nakagami Kenji, Gundam anime series,

    anime by Ghibli Studio etc., I will show how subcultures and subcultural literature

    experimented with the "virtual story" and not with "the real history". It provided the

    origin of the that underlined the Aum Shinriky Incident in the 1990s. Aum committed a coup d'tat based on a narrative that replaced "actual history" with a

  • 2

    subcultural "virtual history". This was the starting point of the contemporaneous

    historical revisionism in Japan.

    The Galapagos Syndrome in the Economic Sphere (English)

    The Digital Galapagos: Japan's Digital Media and Digital Content Economy

    Carin Holroyd, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada and Ken Coates,

    University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada

    Japan was, for almost twenty years, a leading nation in the development of the digital

    economy. The country's business development on mobile computing, video gaming

    and video games, and animation led the world. While this prominent role continues,

    the country has struggled with a "digital island" reality in three areas: the wireless

    industry, which tried but failed to expand globally, an active by Japan-focuses digital

    content sector, and digital services, which have not expanded as expected to non-

    Japanese markets. This paper examines the evolution of Japan's digital media and

    digital content sector, focusing on national government economic strategies, business

    development and international business expansion strategies, and the intersection of

    digital media and Japanese culture, which has created significant global interest but

    less business development than expected. The Japanese experience is presented in the

    context of the globalization of Taiwan's digital media business, the rise of Korean

    digital content internationally, and the continued growth of China in the increasingly

    valuable sector.

    Overcoming the Tension between International and Domestic Pressures: Responses

    of Audit Firms in Japan

    Israel Drori, College of management Academic Studies Rishon LeZion, Israel, and

    Masaru Karube, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan

    Reality is always two-sided. Japanese firms had been highly praised for their

    competitive edge based on technological capabilities characterized by technocentrism.

    Now the direction in which its scientific and technological development is taking

    society is a focus of criticism. To explore the issues of how and why some Japanese

    firms in some industries show Galapagos Syndrome, we examine the conditions and

    the mechanism by which such uniqueness could hinder the further growth of Japanese

    firms as they compete with the rest of the world.

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    By shedding light on the globalization process of the Japanese audit industry as

    an example of an underexplored field (even in management studies), we examine the

    historical process of how Japanese audit firms have overcome the tensions between

    international and domestic pressuresin response to the globalization of client firms

    and competition with global audit firms from the 1960s to now. In this paper, we find

    that 1) audit firms had to tackle globalization even at the early stage of the industry,

    which had been highly regulated and protected from foreign competitors, because

    they had to respond to the growing needs of the globalized activities of client firms; 2)

    the recent trendepitomized by the growing size and complexity of client businesses,

    deregulation, and the convergence of accounting practices, which drove them to be

    fully integrated as partner firms under the global audit firm network.

    Our findings suggest that 1) the degree of "Galapagosization" depends not only

    on historical and structural contexts (domestic regulations, market structure, size of

    local markets), but also depends on the characteristics of products, services, practices,

    and clients' needs.

    We Cannot Use Japanese ATMs! Japans Developmentalist Legacy and Galapagos

    Retail Banking

    Hiroaki Richard Watanabe, University of Sheffield, UK

    This paper explains why Japanese ATM services are poor and insulated in a

    Galapagos way by examining Japans financial regulatory system and economic

    ideologies. The Japanese government maintained the convoy system in financial

    regulation based on the protection of inefficient banks through informal non-market

    coordination until it introduced the financial Big Bang (Toya 2006), which liberalized

    Japanese financial services, and market-oriented financial supervision (Amyx 2004)

    amid the financial crisis in the late 1990s. However, financial liberalization through

    the Big Bang was limited to wholesale banking and did not really affect retail banking.

    At the same time, despite greater market mechanisms in financial supervision,

    competition and market mechanisms have not been introduced in retail banking. ATM

    services by Japanese banks are more or less the same and their quality is low. Most

    Japanese ATMs do not operate 24 hours/365 days unlike ATMs in many other

    countries, customers have to pay fees to use ATMs in the evenings and weekends

    even if they have bank accounts, and with only a couple of exceptions, Japanese

    ATMs do not accept non-Japanese bank cards even in this era of globalization. This

    situation did not change when Japan co-hosted the World Cup with South Korea in

    2002 and only recently did Japans three mega banks announce to introduce ATMs

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    that would accept non-Japanese bank cards by the time of Tokyo Olympics 2020. The

    paper argues that this insulated Galapagos phenomenon is a result of the remaining

    convoy system in Japanese retail banking and a legacy of developmentalism (Jonson

    1982) aimed at realizing producers economic interests at the cost of consumers.

    Theoretically, this phenomenon can be explained with the theory of regulation

    (Rosenbluth 1989) based on an analysis of collective action.

    Cross-Cultural Encounters in Film Arts (English)

    Voluntary Death in the Japanese Film after World War II: Transformations of the

    Suicide Aesthetics

    Anastasiya Skavysh, Freie Universitt Berlin, Germany

    Western and Japanese writings on ritual suicide tend to focus on the cultural roots of

    this cultural phenomenon in the ethics of pre-modern Japan. This point of view which

    puts in direct comparison a phenomenon of Japanese aesthetics of pre-modern times

    with that of modern times seems to me simplified and ahistorical.

    In this research the representation of suicide in the Japanese film is brought in

    connection with the body discourse nikutai () of the postwar period and the

    radical cinema of the 60s. It can be assumed that the elements of the erotic and the

    physical as they are found in the radical postwar aesthetics modified the

    representation of suicide as a phenomenon which has its cultural roots in pre-modern

    Japan. The act of suicide as it is shown in the films of the second half of the 20th

    century combined elements of Japanese tradition and Western ideas to create new

    aesthetics. The focus has shifted from the dramatic conflict of giri and j to the

    depiction of physical decay and destruction which is deployed for political ideas.

    How is the suicide related to its cultural roots in pre-modern Japan by the

    visual construction and throughout the film story? How is the death theme related to

    the discourses of history and power? What stance do the films take to the death

    ideology in the period of the Japanese nationalism? How are the concepts sexuality

    and death related to the idea of an individual happiness?

    The Toei-Tezuka Trilogy: Three Films that Paved the Way to the Global Appeal of


    Raz Greenberg, The Orthodox College, Jerusalem, Israel

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    Japanese animation (anime) is considered today as one of the country's leading

    cultural exports, but this hasn't always been the case. In fact, in the post-war period,

    Japanese animation studios had struggled to find an audience outside Japan and Toei

    animation, the biggest animation studio founded in the country by some of its most

    prominent animators, consistently failed in exporting its productions to both

    neighboring Asian countries and the American film market. It was manga artist

    Osamu Tezuka (1928-1989) who was the first to successfully export Japanese

    animation to foreign markets with the 1964 television adaptation of his iconic series

    "TetsuwanAtomu" ("Astro Boy").

    Before the global success of "Atomu", however, Tezuka collaborated with

    Toei in the production of three animated features "Sayuki" (1960), "Sinbad no

    Boken" (1962) and "Wan WanChushingura" (1963). While largely overlooked, and

    relatively obscure to the audience outside Japan ("Sayuki" and "Sinbad no Boken"

    were distributed in America, but as with other such distribution attempts by Toei,

    failed to make significant impression), these three films demonstrate the later

    direction that Tezuka has set for himself and the rest of the anime industry, which set

    this industry on the path to global success: they show gradual movement away from

    both narrative and design elements that can be considered exclusively Japanese to

    elements that are modeled after foreign (especially American) animation, while

    keeping most of their Japanese themes as subtext, rather than on the surface. The

    presentation offers an examination of all three films, and their long-term influence on

    subsequent anime productions.

    De-Glapagosization: Adachi Masao and Eric Bodelaire, Boundary-Crossing


    Ayelet Zohar, Tel Aviv University, Israel

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    Unwrapping Japan's International Politics in a Changing World (English)

    Japanese Defense Policy in a "Brown Bag"

    Alon Levkowitz, Bar Ilan University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

    Japan's defense policy has changed throughout the years from (inactive) "pacifism" to

    "normal state", to what Prime Minister Shinzo Abe calls "active pacifism". These

    changes were made by expanding the boundaries of Article 9, which on the one hand

    serves as a constraint to Japan's defense policy and on the other hand as a pacifier for

    the regional states that were concerned that Japan might revive its militant ambitions.

    The change in Japan's role in the international arena and the pressure the United

    States has exerted on Japan to become a more active player were two main factors

    that led to an incremental change in its defense policy. Another factor in the last two

    decades was the increasing security threat from North Korea that forced Japan to

    expand the boundaries of its self-defense policy and even consider a preemptive strike

    against the DPRK in case an imminent threat arises.

    Japan's defense policy, until the current administration, was functioning like the

    United States "brown bag" beer system. As long as Japan doesn't use militant rhetoric

    and it does not pose a potential threat to the regional players, it was allowed to

    incrementally change its defense policy. The current Japanese administration began to

    unveil the "brown bag" defense policy.

    The paper will discuss the changes within Japan's defense policy and analyze

    how Japan's self-defense policy handled the potential Chinese threat and the rising

  • 7

    North Korean security threat, which allowed it to unwrap the "brown bag" and

    become a "normal state".

    Beyond East Asia:Sino-Japanese Rivalry in the Middle East

    Kai Schulze, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

    The mounting rivalry between Japan and China has been a dominant aspect of Japans

    foreign relations since the early 1990s. A vast body of literature has analyzed this

    issue predominantly within the East Asian region. However; if, why and how this

    Sino-Japanese power struggle also affects Japans foreign policy approach beyond

    East Asias regional boundaries defies theoretical and empirical analysis. To improve

    explanations of the effects of Chinas emergence to great power on Japans cross-

    regional foreign policy approach, this paper explores the changes in Japans cross-

    regional relations to the Middle East in the light of Chinas rising power. In three

    interrelated case studies, the proposed project will elucidate the effects of Japans

    rivalry with China on the construction and formulation of interests and strategy

    development, as well as the generation and implementation of foreign policy

    measures towards the Middle Eastern region against the background of Chinas rise.

    By merging the strings of Japans readjustment of its Middle East policy and its

    increasing rivalry with China, the proposed project offers a new perspective on the

    increasingly important discussion on Japans reactions to Chinas rise but also more

    broadly on discussions about the new global distribution of power and changing

    hierarchies of the international system. To develop and improve explanations of the

    mutual influences of Japan's and China's foreign policy in the Middle East, the project

    addresses two important but understudied questions: First, how do interstate rivalries

    influence foreign policy approaches beyond regional boundaries? Second, through

    which factors does the Sino Japanese rivalry change or sustain Japan's Middle East

    policy? In order to give answers to these questions, the theoretical framework of this

    paper combines definitions of interstate rivalry, the construction of state interests and

    the concept of interregionalism without regions.

    Cross Cultural Readings of Philosophy and Critical Theory (English)

    The Conundrums of Tetsugaku, or: Why Japanese Philosophers are Always


    Raji C. Steineck, University of Zurich, Switzerland

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    On any but an openly racist list of criteria, Japan could aspire to be one of the major

    loci of philosophy. In spite of this, its relevant premodern traditions have usually been

    subsumed under categories other than philosophy, such as thought, religion, ethics, or shis. In the modern era, the term Japanese philosophy was virtually ursurped by the distinctly parochialist Kyoto School, which has received most

    attention by Western commentators and translators. In contrast, non-parochial

    tetsugaku or professional academic philosophy in Japan is widely regarded as a

    largely sterile scholastic discourse that only regurgitates Western models, and some

    Japanese universities have moved to replace this unpopular discipline by other, less

    narrowly defined subjects.

    All this is not due to the lack of originality or philosophical substance in the

    pertinent Japanese literature. It is, or so I shall argue, more a question of the historical

    timing of contacts between Japanese and Western philosophers, and the discursive

    formations in place at crucial instances on the trajectory of the globalization of

    Western and Japanese philosophies. This leaves Japanologists with the task of

    understanding the mechanisms at work that seem to always place tetsugaku in

    awkward spots, and to correct philosophical historiographies and amend canons that

    exclude it.

    Marx and the Fate of Critical Theory in Japan

    Elena Louisa Lange, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    This paper seeks to draw attention to the curious, yet significant gap between the

    abundant and fruitful adaptation of the Marxian Critique of Political Economy and the

    hesitant and sporadic reception of classical Critical Theory in 20th century Japan by

    looking at the various responses of Japanese critical sociology to economical crisis

    and its theoretization. This attempt will be conducted by giving an overview of the

    history of critical social theory in Japan after the War (1950s-1960s) and today (ca.

    1980s-2011), its shortcomings and selective reproduction of theses known as the

    'canon' of Critical Theory in the West, as well as arguing that the theoretical

    negligence especially of the theorem of reification and fetishism a central issue of Adorno's and Horkheimer's theoretical endeavor led to a truncated understanding of the capitalist present in modern Japan.

    Research in the Critique of Political Economy has been performed

    enthusiastically ever since Capital had been first translated into Japanese in 1920.

    Notwithstanding military oppression and the tenk (turnaround) policy of the Japanese ultranationalist government during the early Shwa period (1930-1945), its defeat and Japan's subsequent occupation by US administrative forces in the post-War

    period, the Marxian analysis has remained a vital part of critical intellectual life

    before and after the war. Oddly enough, the theories of what we could now call

    classical, first generation Critical Theory, an eminent part of Marxian tradition, and

    embodied in the work of Max Horkheimer, T.W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Alfred

  • 9

    Sohn-Rethel, and others, have however not been given much attention in Japanese

    academic theoretical formation after the War. To give a striking example: the first

    translation of The Dialectic of Enlightenment in Japan appeared as late as 1990.

    By examining the conditions of social sciences after the war, this paper aims to

    point out the reasons for this hesitant appropriation by critically addressing the cleft of

    capitalism-centered theories as performed by pre-War and post-War Marxists as well

    as psychological theories of fascism as a collective pathological phenomenon,

    performed by modernity theorists such as Maruyama Masao or Otsuka Hisao

    (Maruyama 1946, Otsuka 1946). By suggesting that the cleft could not be closed with

    the rising popularity of social psychology (1950s-1960s), Habermasian Theory of

    Communitative Action (1970s-1980s) or the post modern thought of Associationism

    (Karatani) (1990s-today), this paper will also ask if the present political crisis,

    expressed in the nationalist backlash of the Abe government, could be explained by

    Japanese critical theory's shortfall in providing an attempt to integrate the problem of

    capitalist thought-forms, such as the commodity form, into its theories of fascism and

    vice versa.

    The paper will argue that the negligence of this problem setting continues to

    haunt the critical political climate in Japan today.

    Japanese Architecture: Beyond and Within Japan (Hebrew)

    Japanese Architecture as an International Ambassador of Cool Japan policy:

    The case-study of Kisho Kurokawa in planning The New Wing of Van Gogh

    Museum in Amsterdam

    Sigal Galil, Independent multidisciplinary researcher, Israel

    Does Kisho Kurokawas Abstract Symbolism succeeds in implementing Cool Japan Values, aimed to conquering the Western heart? Does the pleasing architectural

    experience of the New Wing of Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Planned by

    Kurokawa realize his Philosophy of Symbiosis as a sort of resolution to the charged

    relations between East and West ? Through the lines and forms, the full and empty spaces of the building Ill try

    to read how Kurokawa uses Japanese aesthetics as a power field, and activist strategic

    philosophy for leverage of wide rainbow of interests. Starting with Japanese national

    interests, and going on with personal interests of worldwide prestigious reputation. In

    my lecture I will demonstrate how Kurokawa turns his building into a political text, a

    Japanese Manifest, aimed subversively to please millions of visitors at the van Gogh

    Museum, experiencing the secrets of Japanese Aesthetics. Philosophic reading of the building will show the Invisible thread that Kisho

    Kurokawa weaves, that connects between architecture, philosophy, and culture in one

    of the most touristic monuments in the heart of Amsterdam .

  • 11

    eht revo lla morf elpoep fo snoillim rof etis egamirglip A ,muesuM hgoG naV

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    Discourses Around Modernist Built Legacy Before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

    Erez Golani Solomon, Waseda University, Japan and Bezalel Academy of Arts and

    Design, Jerusalem, and Christian Dimmer, Tokyo University, Japan

    On September 7, 2013 the International Olympic Committee announced that Tokyo

    would host the 7171 Summer Olympics. Although less than two years have passed

    since then, the announcement appears to have catalyzed a significant re-evaluation of

    heritage conservation in Japan, and in particular of its modernist iconic buildings and

    infrastructure built in the 1950s and 60s. Structures that have been completed in the

    context of another key moment in Japans modern historynamely the 1964 Tokyo

    Olympicshad so far only been appreciated by a handful of academics, professionals

    and architecture tourists but werent broadly recognized as valuable historical assets

    worthy of material preservation. Significant modernist buildings have been steadily

    and quietly disappearing for years, without much ado, or public protest. It seems that

    the decision to host the summer Olympic Games once again after 56 years has created

    a sincere sensitivity to the post-war built legacy. Ironically, this novel preservation

    effort is only paralleled by a similar sense of urgency that had these structures built in

    anticipation of the mega events of 1964.

    The lecture explores the new wave of heritage conservation from two

    perspectives. On the one side it examines the inclusion of heritage as a central

    category in Tokyos failed bid of 2009 and the following successful bid of 2013. Here,

    along with the declared intension to re-use 1964 Olympic facilities such as Kenzo

    Tanges Yoyogi National Gymnasium or Mamoru Yamadas Nippon Budokan Hall

    [Arena for traditional Japanese martial arts] heritage functions also as part of a

    dubious language that appeals to a global common sense for preservation, without

    feeling a genuine commitment to this cause. On the other side the chapter examines

    those heritage discourses that have been spurred around controversial events such as

    the imminent destruction of Yoshiro Taniguchis Hotel Okura [1962] or Mitsuo

    Katayamas National Stadium [1958], and the adoption of Zaha Hadids plans for the

    new Olympic Stadium. It looks at a new and rich preservation rhetoric of post-war

    architecture as well as important infrastructures like the inner city expressway system

    or the Tsukiji fish market and sets them against the background of a new national

  • 12

    image being currently constructed around ideals such as environmentality and


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    Galapagos Homes: Recent Japanese Houses "Post International Style"

    Architect Arie Kutz, Tel Aviv University, Israel

    A wide range of Japanese architects, all born after WW 2, are producing in recent

    years extra ordinary architectural solutions in the field of private houses. They are

    enthusiastically accepted by the professional media and well exposed internationally.

    What is striking about most of them is that the extreme architectural solutions, usually

    common to most of them, do not seem to be possible anywhere outside Japan... "this

    can be accepted only in Japan" is a reaction usually heard.

    The materials used are surprising (10 mm steel plate), the climatic performance

    are sometimes questionable (walk out doors for the bath), the approach to privacy

    (visual and acoustical) is non-conventional, etc.

    This paper will introduce some of the architects and these "extreme"

    architectural solutions and will try to understand the profile of the Japanese client

    ready to accept these extreme solutions and prefer them over the common market's

    available prefabricated homes

    The History of Science from a Japanese Perspective (English)

    Chase after Tools and Sources for Studying Japanese History of Science

    Yona Siderer, Independent Researcher, Israel

    In an attempt to understand Japanese culture and the evolution of its scientific

    terminology, an exciting chase that can be compared to a detective story of collecting

    evidences from various sources is underway. My research on adapting science from

    the West in Japan in the 19th

    century has carried me to many places in Japan and other

    countries. In order to form new scientific disciplines new terminology had to be

    coined. My lecture will show (i) routes to obtain research documents and (ii) the

    importance of comparing these sources that were written in several European

    languages. In the following examples, the lecture will present 18th



  • 13

    explanation of what is light and on routes to reach the original documents which

    were used in this study.

    1. A Speech on the Japanese Nation 1784 delivered by the botanist Thunberg.

    Original Swedish hand written faccimillia and its English translation are

    presented in a book of 2007, published by The Swedish Royal Academy of

    Sciences in Stockholm. The beautiful red bound book was donated to the

    Japanese Emperor on his visit in Sweden.

    2. Translations of Lavoisier French Chemistry book of 1789 into English, Dutch,

    and Japanese. Documents describing light were gathered from the British

    Library, London; Kyo-U Library of Takeda Science Foundation in Osaka;

    National French Library Website. Changes of terms and descriptions in the

    various versions shed light on Japanese and others understanding of science

    at that time.

    3. Roscoes Chemistry book of 1871 and its Japanese translation of 1873. Griffis

    teaching chemistry in Fukui, asked his sister Maggie in a letter to Philadelphia

    to send him that book in July 1871. Recently I received a Japanese translation

    from a Kyoto University scholar and a digitized English copy from Oxford

    University Press Website.

    The Transformation of Organic Chemistry in Japan: From Locality to Universality

    Masanori Kaji, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute

    of Technology, Japan

    Majima Riko (18741962) graduated from the Department of Chemistry at the

    College of Science at Tokyo Imperial University in 1899. After a four-year stay (1907

    to early 1911) in Europe, he became a professor of organic chemistry at the newly

    established Tohoku Imperial University in March 1911. He was one of leading

    research organic chemists of the first generation in Japan, and became famous,

    especially for his study of urushiol, the main component of the sap of the Japanese

    lacquer tree. His research strategy involved studying the structure of the components

    of Japans local natural products using newly developed methods from Europe to

    catch up and compete with chemists in more advanced-countries in the West.

    Majimas approach became the primary research method employed by research

    chemists in Japan until the 1950s.

    After Fukui Ken-ichi received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in Japan in 1981,

    six other Japanese chemists also went on to receive the same award. These chemists

    all discovered and developed new methods or theories from the 1950s to the 1970s.

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    During the period between 1906, when Majima thought out his research strategy and

    attempted to apply it to urushiol, and 1950, when Tsuda Kyosuke (19071999) started

    to study tetrodotoxin, the poison from puffer fish, the Japanese became well prepared

    to compete on an equal footing with their Western counterparts without taking

    advantage of locality; Majimas approach gave some lead time to those chemists with

    good accessibility to natural products for their research. Organic chemistry in Japan

    completed its transformation at the end of the 1950s, and since then, Japanese

    chemists reached the stage of universality and began to study equally in terms of

    facilities and theoretical settings with overseas top researchers.

    Japan as a Multilayered Democracy (English)

    What is Multilayer Analysis? The Case of Japan

    Sigal Ben Rafael-Galanti, Beit Berl College, Israel

    As one of the earliest non-Western countries to adopt democracy, Japan provides an

    excellent case-study for formulating theories about democracy. Hence, while some

    researchers, such as Reed, Curtis and Kohno, argue that "culture" and traditions play a

    very limited role in the way Japanese democracy functions, Inatsugu, Blechinger,

    Pempel and others point out Japans difficulties in developing liberal values.

    In this direction, in the volume Japans Multilayered Democracy, we ask -

    together with Nissim Otmazgin and Alon Levkowitz - two central questions: (1) what

    constitutes Japanese democracy and what are its historical, institutional, and

    behavioral expressions?; and (2) what can we extrapolate from the Japanese

    experience about democratization and the very nature of democracy?

    Furthermore, we suggest addressing those questions through an integrative

    model that refers in tandem to different angles, epochs, and disciplines to be called

    here a multilayered analysis. It enables learning about Japan through its historical

    roots, postwar institutions, and its civic and cultural expressions.

    Such an approach we contend is able to evaluate Japans democracy in

    depth, contribute to the ongoing discussion about non-Western societies capabilities

    to become genuine democracies, and is likely to ameliorate the analysis of

    democracies and their comparisons.

    Failures in Leadership: How and why Politicians Equivocate on Japanese

    Televised Political Interviews?

  • 15

    Ofer Feldman, Dshisha University, Japan

    This paper examines how Japanese leading politicians cope with the communicative

    problems posed to them during televised political interviews. Based on data gathered

    for 14 months during 2012-2013, the paper replicates and modifies the "Theory of

    Equivocation" to detail the responsiveness of both national and local level politicians

    (and for comparison purposes also of nonpoliticians) to interview questions they are

    asked on live broadcast shows. The paper's main focus is on the extent to which

    Japanese politicians equivocate during televised programs, and the reasons underlying

    this equivocation. It aims to identify the motives behind interviewees' equivocation,

    thereby to also assess the significance of these talk shows in the broader context of

    political communication in Japan.

    Building Democracy through "Pink Power": Dynamic Gender in Japan's Women's


    Ayala Klemperer, Tel Aviv University, Israel

    The paper examines the work of prominent female politicians who adopt while at the

    same time subvert femininity discourses in order to climb the Japanese political ranks

    that are so often over-populated with men. It suggests that commonly used terms such

    as "feminine" or "masculine" are not the only valid terms in which one can describe

    women's politics, but rather that finer terminology needs to be recognized and

    explored by politicians as well as scholars.

    " :"

    , - ,

    - - , " ." , , " " . " " " "" " .

    The Japanese Labor Tribunal System as a Litmus Test of Japan's Democratization

    Wered Ben-Sade, Bar Ilan University, Israel

  • 16

    The Labor Tribunal System (LTS) is a speedy non-contentious tri-partite procedure

    within Japan's district courts to mediate or otherwise suitably adjudicate individual

    labor disputes. The LTS was introduced to cope with the multitude of employment

    disputes that were lacking an adequate judicial resolution forum. By introducing such

    a forum, the LTS provides protection for the weak party in labor relations (often the

    worker) from abuse by the powerful party, and advances democratization of labor

    relations. The Labor Tribunal Act (LTA, 2004) enactment process involved all

    stakeholders in a consensus-building process, supporting Hararis (2002) argument:

    Participation by sharing knowledge creation and information facilitates reform.

    The LTS incorporates a civic expression of democracy via the tri-partite

    structure that engages lay judges (albeit labor-relations experts) on an equal footing

    with the professional judge. The unique resolution system, in which mediation and

    adjudication closely interact, reflects Japans tradition of dispute resolution,

    challenging Western concepts of democratic ideas, e.g., due process. Thus, these

    aspects of the LTS, namely, the enactment process, civic participation structure and

    consensus-based adjudication, provide a litmus test of Japan's ongoing

    democratization process. Moreover, the nine years that have passed since the LTAs

    implementation in 2006, enable an initial assessment of the role the LTS plays in

    setting democratic norms and in encouraging democratic practices in other dispute

    resolution systems.

    The deviation of the LTS from Western concepts of dispute resolution seems

    to constitute a step towards a new paradigm of the field. However, what does it tells

    us about the nature of Japan's "maturing democracy" (Harari 2012)? I consider the

    LTS not merely an effective tool to mediate labor-disputes without dealing too much

    with questions of justice, but an important step towards democratization.