i’d like to touch on the theme of communication moving...

I’d like to touch on the theme of COMMUNICATION moving beyond our comfort zones within our worlds as PRACTITIONERS and RESEARCHERS (in ivory towers or ivory cubicles), and reaching out to policy (and the media) during a critical time where I think this is needed in our society. - Many of us have put our toe in the water already, but I’d like to encourage some thought and discussion on this - So thank you to the organizers and to you the audience for allowing me to share with you some PRACTICAL ideas that have been on my mind for the last couple of years, and have been influenced heavily by my involvement with the Leopold Leadership Program at Stanford, and the science communication organization known as COMPASS. "

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Post on 08-Sep-2020




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Page 1: I’d like to touch on the theme of COMMUNICATION moving ...dusk.geo.orst.edu/Pickup/Esri/CoastGIS_GeoTools.pdfScience backs up the long-held belief that story is the most powerful

I’d like to touch on the theme of COMMUNICATION moving beyond our comfort zones within our worlds as PRACTITIONERS and RESEARCHERS (in ivory towers or ivory cubicles), and reaching out to policy (and the media) during a critical time where I think this is needed in our society. !- Many of us have put our toe in the water already, but I’d like to encourage some thought and discussion on this - So thank you to the organizers and to you the audience for allowing me to share with you some PRACTICAL ideas that have been on my mind for the last couple of years, and have been influenced heavily by my involvement with the Leopold Leadership Program at Stanford, and the science communication organization known as COMPASS.


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Many friends and colleagues have teased me over the years about this now classic New York cartoon, given my own research specialty, but it has also become a powerful metaphor for why we need to communicate better about our science. Cartoon licensed personally to Dawn Wright by The New Yorker Cartoon Bank, TCB-86966, Invoice Number: L12480


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#$%#$$!&'('&)!*+!,+*-!,.)/0!123!.445/'6!7+&!8)'9/:)4/&'6;!)0/':0'!<-/)!/)!'=4.:6'6!84+:!>&'.*5?!,[email protected]:!BC+D!EFB!.:6!E+(+8:6'&!+(!@0/':0'3',.*'G+&>!.:6!.8*-+&!+(!!""#$%&$'()*&+$!),-./,$0-&$12234#0$"/$5*)&/*&$)/$16&7)*3H!IWe are poised over the next 40 years to create as much new knowledge as we have in the past 400 years. At the same time, our major unresolved policy problems, from climate change to science education to biodiversity loss, increasingly revolve around science, while less than 2 percent of Congress has any professional background in it. As a result, we are becoming increasingly paralyzed at the science gap—the gap between science and democracy. Can democracy survive as a means of self-governance in an age of science?”!!


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Page 5: I’d like to touch on the theme of COMMUNICATION moving ...dusk.geo.orst.edu/Pickup/Esri/CoastGIS_GeoTools.pdfScience backs up the long-held belief that story is the most powerful

<-'!0+KK8:/0.L+:!+(!)0/':0'!/)!M8/*'!0&/L0.5!:+A!/(!A'!.&'!*+!)+5N'!*-'!K./:!0-.55':>')!4+)'6!*+!8)!,?!*-'!21<PQ1R!':N/&+:K':*D!+S':!/:!*-'!A.T'!+(!-8K.:9/:680'6!05/K.*'!0-.:>'G!We know very well that as the atmosphere warms from the buildup of greenhouse gases, so does the ocean. Here is some solid evidence that is being communicated beyond the scientific community to other audiences, readers of Scientific American. Data compiled by the great new startup Marinexplore confirm not only previous studies that urface waters are heating, but also that the heating extends down to as deep as 700 meters, below euphotic zones, below mixing zones, etc. http://marinexplore.org/news/303-scientific-american-collaborates-with-marinexplore-to-analyze-how-our-oceans-are-warming And you may have heard the important news that on May 9th the daily mean concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels passed 400 ppm for the 1st time at Mauna Loa observatory according to independent measurements taken by both NOAA and Scripps. (The Keeling curve marches on.) As Audubon Prez David Yarnold said recently, this is not unlike discovering that your blood presssure is now too high to continue lying to yourself about it.


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ow the Earth works… (process) How the Earth should look… (design) How we should look AT the Earth… (data) !!!


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And this is also at a critical juncture with regard to how our national (and to some extent state or regional) governments are changing.


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Scientists need to invert their mode and progression of communication (left triangle shows what we would communicate in a scientific paper, which is not what a policy maker (or journalist for that matter) will receive well or understand. Scientists want to explain how the world works but policy-makers needs us to inform their decision, and we can inform their decision by telling them a good story. Journalists want us to tell them a good story too.


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Introduce concept of the Message box as taught by COMPASS and in Nancy Baron’s book, Escape from the Ivory Tower, http://www.escapefromtheivorytower.com/about/author --------- “The message box is a tool to help you organize your thoughts and identify key points. It is designed to be flexible – you can use it to help structure a presentation, organize a lecture, outline a proposal or prepare for an interview. Your audience – a journalist, colleagues at a professional meeting or a group of second graders – can only absorb a limited amount of information. Your goal as an effective communicator is to identify the information that is critical to your audience. What really matters to them? What do they need to know? Distill your information into concise messages by answering the following questions: Problem? What is the main problem, conflict, or decision to be made? So What? Why does this matter to my listener? Solutions? What actions do I want my listener to take or support? Benefits? How would my listener benefit by resolving this problem? Consider these questions as your starting point. If the questions don’t exactly apply, rework them to get at the heart of your story. Keep asking yourself: So What? Why? Always keep your audience’s needs in mind. Pare down your ideas so that each of these four questions can be answered in one or two concise sentences. If you still have a paragraph, keep working. Once you have honed in on your key points, list anecdotes, sound bites, and facts that reinforce your messages. The principle is easy but it takes time to develop messages that work for you and your audience. Keep working to refine your messages, and keep practicing your delivery - both will evolve and get better over time.”


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A 7-page journal article in Nature, obviously for a scientific audience but on a topic clearly important to both science, and beyond, the Ivory Tower to society…. Patz JA, Campbell-Lendrum D, Holloway T, Foley, JA. Impact of regional climate change on human health. Nature 2005; 438:310-317.


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… simplified to a message box that a policy-maker can quickly understand, and hopefully act upon

-! Patz JA, Campbell-Lendrum D, Holloway T, Foley, JA. Impact of regional climate change on human health. Nature 2005; 438:310-317.


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9! "#$%!\1D!E.K4,'559R':6&8K!3D!]+55+A.?!<D!^+5'?D!\1G!&'(#)$!*+!,-./*0#1!)1/'#$-!)2#0.-!*0!23'#0!2-#1$2G!2.*8&'!_$$`a!#JbHJ"$9J"cG!!


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9! "#$%!\1D!E.K4,'559R':6&8K!3D!]+55+A.?!<D!^+5'?D!\1G!&'(#)$!*+!,-./*0#1!)1/'#$-!)2#0.-!*0!23'#0!2-#1$2G!2.*8&'!_$$`a!#JbHJ"$9J"cG!!


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9! "#$%!\1D!E.K4,'559R':6&8K!3D!]+55+A.?!<D!^+5'?D!\1G!&'(#)$!*+!,-./*0#1!)1/'#$-!)2#0.-!*0!23'#0!2-#1$2G!2.*8&'!_$$`a!#JbHJ"$9J"cG!!


Page 16: I’d like to touch on the theme of COMMUNICATION moving ...dusk.geo.orst.edu/Pickup/Esri/CoastGIS_GeoTools.pdfScience backs up the long-held belief that story is the most powerful

This message box a little more involved for a journalist…. I CAN PROVIDE 1-PAGE HANDOUT AND TEMPLATE for message boxes in general VIA EMAIL. Going deeper… -! Whale excrement removes carbon from atmosphere helping greenhouse

gas problem that contributes to global warming. Excrement fertilizes ocean plants that use carbon in the water, but also provide critical base for entire ocean food web

-! Excrement also releases iron back into ocean, helping to reduce ocean acidification, acting as fertilizer for marine plant life,

-! Whales carry nitrogen from depths where they feed back to the surface, functioning as upward biological pump. In some regions where nitrogen is really needed, this major nitrogen input is more than many rivers combined. Increase in nutrients helps fisheries and health of related ecosystems.

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Page 17: I’d like to touch on the theme of COMMUNICATION moving ...dusk.geo.orst.edu/Pickup/Esri/CoastGIS_GeoTools.pdfScience backs up the long-held belief that story is the most powerful

Our geotools should not be siloed into just work tools. They should be communication tools What are the implications for scientific researchers in the geospatial realm? Scientists are normally concerned with how the Earth works. But the dominating force of humanity on the Earth begs the question of how the Earth should look, especially with regard to landscape architecture, urban planning, land use planning and zoning, and ocean/coastal management. These involve decisions that must be made by policy makers and require the use geospatial data and geographical analysis. And along these lines GEODESIGN, will continue to make an impact in the sustainability world, leveraging geographic information and scientific modeling so that future designs for urban areas, watersheds, protected areas, and the like will more closely follow natural systems and result in less harmful impacts.


Page 18: I’d like to touch on the theme of COMMUNICATION moving ...dusk.geo.orst.edu/Pickup/Esri/CoastGIS_GeoTools.pdfScience backs up the long-held belief that story is the most powerful

“People are moved by emotion. The best way to emotionally connect other people to our agenda begins with “Once upon a time…” Science backs up the long-held belief that story is the most powerful means of communicating a message. Over the last several decades psychology has begun a serious study of how story affects the human mind. Results repeatedly show that our attitudes, fears, hopes, and values are strongly influenced by story. In fact, fiction seems to be more effective at changing beliefs than writing that is specifically designed to persuade through argument and evidence.”

http://www.fastcocreate.com/1680581/why-storytelling-is-the-ultimate-weapon How should GIScientists communicate with policy makers? @0/':L)*)!.&'!+S':!':0+8&.>'6!:+*!*+!48,5/)-!*-'/&!A+&T!8:L5!/*!0+:)L*8*')!.!0+K45'*'!)*+&?G!U-?!:+*!0+K,/:'!dB<]D!')4'0/.55?!*+!*.T'!.6N.:*.>'!+(!the power of maps and geography to educate, inform, and inspire people to action as well? Story maps is about using maps in new and innovative ways to get people excited and involved in the world. Thanks to continuing changes in the Internet, cloud computing, mobile and tablet platforms, and to constant improvements in the software itself, we can now put the power of GIS into the hands of managers, CEOs, reporters, school kids—even policy makers.!!


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Received more than 100,000 views within 1st 24 hours online Heat wave risk. More complex story map developed in collaboration with the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Eye on Earth Network that allows examination of the climate model predictions suggesting that Europe's urban areas will experience more hot days and tropical nights in the period 2021-2050. Clearly this was of interest to European policy makers. Data sources

GMES Urban Atlas, reference year 2006 Urban Morphological Zones (2000) Urban Audit database (EUROSTAT) Fischer, E. M., and C. Schär, 2010, © Nature Geoscience European FP6 project ENSEMBLES

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Story map coupling climate model predictions of hot days and warms nights with population density throughout Europe. Given that elderly people are particularly vulnerable to climate change, clicking on a map symbol shows what percentage of the population was 65 or older in 2004. Original EEA source map at http://bit.ly/Z7973Q

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Preview of Esri UC Paper: Using Story Maps to Illustrate Resilience in the Great Lakes David Betenbaugh, CSC/NOS/NOAA Jodie Sprayberry, NOAA NOAA Coastal Services Center worked with ESRI to develop three story maps tailored to Great Lakes communities and designed to help coastal planners communicate the benefits of coastal habitats. The community resilience values of wetlands, floodplains, and riparian restoration are depicted in maps, graphics, and concise messages. These story maps are a part of an online Great Lakes Resilience Planning Guide (http://greatlakesresilience.org), developed by the Association of State Floodplain Managers and the Digital Coast partnership, and funded by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The guide provides a means to share regionally relevant online tools and case studies for addressing costal hazards and the potential impacts of climate change. The tailored story maps are included as a communication tool and available as templates that can be downloaded and customized with other communities’ data and messages. ---http://www.csc.noaa.gov/greatlakes/LandUse/ Explore how protecting open spaces can improve community resilience. People already live in the flood zone of the East River in Brown County,

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Work of Janet Silbernagel, David Hart and colleagues at Uwisconsin, in concert with our Esri Applications Prototype Lab Coastal communities create their story through Spatial Narrative Geotools Janet Silbernagel, University of Wisconsin developed geotools to foster citizen engagement and spatial literacy about Great Lakes coastal communities. A suite of three Spatial Narrative 'geotool' apps that leverage ArcGIS Online, have been piloted: 1) an authoring tool to construct places and topics; 2) a surfer tool to support community leader input and moderation in a Story Map like format online; and 3) an explorer tool that allows citizens to engage the narrative in place and submit photos, audio, video and journal entries based on their experiences. We share findings from community workshops on the effectiveness of spatial narrative geotools in allowing citizens to craft their own map story.

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"A deep map allows one to dig DEEP into a place by uncovering its history, arts, ecology, issues, and people, as if it were a container of wisdom with no bottom.”

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^&+K!]'55K.:D!\G\G!.:6!U/55/.K)D!\GUGD!_$"JG!Strategies for engaging outside the Ivory Tower and how to find the time to do it. Proceedings of the 111@!1::8.5!h''L:>D!d+)*+:D!h1, http://aaas.confex.com/aaas/2013/webprogram/Paper9629.html References: - Andrews et al. 2005. Scientists and public outreach participation, motivations, and impediments. Journal of Geoscience Education - Ecklund et al. 2012. How academic biologists and physicist view science outreach. PLoS One 7(5): e36240 - Kim & Fortner 2008 Great Lakes scientists’ perspectives on K-12 education collaboration. Journal of Great Lakes Research 34: 98 - Morrow 2000 The diversity of roles for scientists in K-14 education nd public outreach. White paper cited by Kim & Fortner - Poliakoff & Webb 2007 What factors predict scientists’ intentions to participate in public engagement of science activities? Science Communication 29: 242 - Ray 1999 Outreach, engagement will keep academia relevant to twenty-first century socieities. Journal of Public Service and Outreach 4: 21


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“Storify is a cool visual way to tell social media stories using your (or other folks’) Tweets, Facebook updates, pics, and other social media bread crumbs. Storify is overwhelmingly a neat way to show how a story develops over social media — without you having to take screenshots and insert your own links.”


Page 28: I’d like to touch on the theme of COMMUNICATION moving ...dusk.geo.orst.edu/Pickup/Esri/CoastGIS_GeoTools.pdfScience backs up the long-held belief that story is the most powerful

^&+K!]'55K.:D!\G\G!.:6!U/55/.K)D!\GUGD!_$"JG!Strategies for engaging outside the Ivory Tower and how to find the time to do it. Proceedings of the 111@!1::8.5!h''L:>D!d+)*+:D!h1, http://aaas.confex.com/aaas/2013/webprogram/Paper9629.html References: - Andrews et al. 2005. Scientists and public outreach participation, motivations, and impediments. Journal of Geoscience Education - Ecklund et al. 2012. How academic biologists and physicist view science outreach. PLoS One 7(5): e36240 - Kim & Fortner 2008 Great Lakes scientists’ perspectives on K-12 education collaboration. Journal of Great Lakes Research 34: 98 - Morrow 2000 The diversity of roles for scientists in K-14 education nd public outreach. White paper cited by Kim & Fortner - Poliakoff & Webb 2007 What factors predict scientists’ intentions to participate in public engagement of science activities? Science Communication 29: 242 - Ray 1999 Outreach, engagement will keep academia relevant to twenty-first century socieities. Journal of Public Service and Outreach 4: 21


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COMPASS is a bridge organization founded in 1999 by former NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco et al. and dedicated to helping scientists connect themselves and their science to the wider world. By giving scientists the communication tools they need, and by bridging the worlds of science, journalism and policy, COMPASS works to ensure that science is better understood and used by society. For the last decade, COMPASS has focused on ocean science and scientists (and the acronym originally stood for Communication Partnership for Science and the Sea). Recognizing the connection between oceans, land, air, and water-- and in response to requests from scientists outside the marine world-- COMPASS is beginning to expand its scope (and the name is no longer an acronym).


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^&+K!]'55K.:D!\G\G!.:6!U/55/.K)D!\GUGD!_$"JG!Strategies for engaging outside the Ivory Tower and how to find the time to do it. Proceedings of the 111@!1::8.5!h''L:>D!d+)*+:D!h1, http://aaas.confex.com/aaas/2013/webprogram/Paper9629.html


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Given the challenges that our planet faces, I hope the geospatial community will also ponder and discuss whether communicating with policy makers is now an ethical issue, and if science communication should be made a formal part of geospatial curricula and professional GIS certification. h.:?!+(!8)!.&'!K+N/:>!,'?+:6!*-'!/N+&?!*+A'&!.:6!-.N'!)*86':*)!A-+!)''T!*+!6+!*-'!).K'D!+&!.*!5'.)*!:+*!A.:L:>!*+!,'!05+:')!+(!*-'/&!.6N/)'&)!/:!.0.6'K/0!&+5')G!W:!.!A+&56!A-'&'!)800'))!/)!)L55!K'.)8&'6!,?!48,5/0.L+:)!.:6!>&.:*)D!*-'&'!.&'!/:)L*8L+:.5!.:6!085*8&.5!,.&&/'&)!*+!+N'&0+K'G!Q'>.&6/:>!)*'(#44*01/0-5*,.!0-'0T!+8*!*-'!dRBi!eB@<@!!


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From Gerber, L. and Bennett, E., 2013. Overcoming institutional barriers to science communication, Proceedings of the 111@!1::8.5!h''L:>D!d+)*+:D!h1, http://aaas.confex.com/aaas/2013/webprogram/Paper9630.html


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Focus on examples – news stories, case studies – that can be developed further into story maps. Greatly relevant to policy, e.g., can maps/charts be “dangerous”? Inform users of quality of data, risk of misuse, help them interpret properly

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