i8,~~ti~:hl~~~~~~~~~~~:~3vol+18... · 2017-07-12 · .bl~l re8\ie1'll spi~it will lie misled...

dnt;: In roch II ease limds Of'plllaonlllJ iI1hom ibeipapl!!! thl11lfnbbi!bOf,t.hBt heldoea DO'WlSIlllt. , house of God into a den of thieves

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Page 1: i8,~~ti~:hl~~~~~~~~~~~:~3Vol+18... · 2017-07-12 · .bl~l re8\ie1'll Spi~it will lie misled as to what the the end of whICh war no man living can mothers, sisters, brothers, and

dnt;: In roch II ease i8,~~ti~:hl~~~~~~~~~~~:~3 limds Of'plllaonlllJ iI1hom ibeipapl!!! ,tif~ thl11lfnbbi!bOf,t.hBt heldoea DO'WlSIlllt.


house of God into a den of thieves

Page 2: i8,~~ti~:hl~~~~~~~~~~~:~3Vol+18... · 2017-07-12 · .bl~l re8\ie1'll Spi~it will lie misled as to what the the end of whICh war no man living can mothers, sisters, brothers, and





experiences ; yet without, foes seen r and unseen, necessarily b~ . the destruction, not o~ tlfe 'Americans 1 wlle@taUlB

"~7...i.i ;f [i' \ ;.,.AUI~ulltt; lire the deep a .l"'v~'. bu. ~ a jlovernmetit. , . '- ':' 'f love,. solemn CompetItIon of'a free people' develops a :::~:G~=~~:~~~E~~='±=' communings, into self·renuncia· D01iVer of which kings and potentates stand ~o>ueI'atclr, tioD, solemn consecration, high resolve, no- great fear. It brings the goveruor and ' ble. eJ,ldeavor.· ' * -governed nearer the Bllme level; it

annihilates t~e bigoted idea of castes j it Pr,esb.vwlrian LETTER FROM THE MILLY AnD CHURCH. calls out the energy of a peopl~ to better of America!'

The {O!I~~ le~~ .IV\!'! re)d·.¥,ore the l •• ~ oo .. 10n their oonditidn, and raise the standard of ll~'vI~pa'8il,ed'J of the GeneraWOnfe~nce, and ordered pnbhBhed In man wisdom· it confines no f . 1!:{i~~:'ln·!~~!!'·i~biE~~~!:~~~~.l~~i~~J ~~hr~~~B~r~i;~~~':';~~ ihe RECORDER j but, m consequence of the suspensiOn .'. man o. on

rIl'Vill'~hiI· of the paper, ilB publication hOB beendel.yed unli! this to the meDIal servIce of a slave, because hIS Education, Bnd day: father was such, but raises the million to was located in Columbia,

~-regBU';ni[ N. J.,1861, the same height that an aristocracy does the second in New Orleans, La.; the ~I!i Mill Yard, "I b " te.ns. t e. olishe~ tyranny, paralyzes the ijemphis, Teno. ; the fourth in. It,4}bulon,dj hllnalted

'0=1" Ohri$tian Friends,-We cannot pass deSIgns of the crqfty, and rectifies all those Via. It was expected that Dr. ,-rr:,~Y"':1 by this occasion of addressing you'in your abuses which inherited power so often brings Wilson would be the Secretary

.·~~m-~·t~~f~u~·I~H;"tlWiu~I~,~lile~E aS80ciated capacity, without condoling with upon the helpless. - 14issions, and Rev. Dr. Leyburn, l:Ie'cretar;y!

you, and with all sincere lovers of peace, Men love it, nations love it, because it ex' of the Committee on Publication. est:ililld ,Or.li'~~:~II~) tb~t th~ gr~at Commonwealth to wh.ich you ~Its the p.u:e~ and expunges the foul. Mil~ ~eJI reported an address to thc qllDlfcb

critic!IUy with it. belong IS dIsturbed and broken by mtemal hons and D)llhous wbo now bow before the Christ thronghout the world, on revised· as follows;' commotiond, brought about by the most sceptre of 'kings, look far into the future fdr their separate organization.

bitious and unprincipled men, who have when self government shall throw . off tb~ Jrnes reported anb

. address bto .. . . k f b d cl'urches on the su aect of t e IjUlupUlt.lOn. ed to all theIr crimes the WIckedness of on- yo e 0 on age, and man, as God made ants A petition was aaOlpte\1.

'MtinlS' a civil war. Time was when him, shall be free .. While, then, it is the hope serv to 'the Confederate uuug'I1'III~; asiierl;ion of your liberties, against of every np,tion, the deliverance from the of chaplains in their ar[~,JIM,lQ

and.'lI~ia:nt~rJ~fPI~t"l{)~ of power over you by the then abuses of arbitrary power, shall we now next meeting is to be h~ld .a;t'l!leltIipj~i~,' lea,\r~iflS'.1iVilI n(lC;lirs of this land, led to your happy ,and it? It is a fact or a myth. Swe May next. 1.JIe p~ u, " rve not mean to tndnlge In pnJlpllJl\C~l8 ous'independence. The ancient our noble purpose, and It IS a fable. events so uncertain as

spondenee of this "congregation with you Stalld by the truth, and.it never again will on the varying fortnnes nl' ... ui frien~s of

was then, and for a long tract of time, in· be questioned. Y.pu kno~ the response, and a confident ~ope that?f ~hi8 il:illDeI~all,I·.IlIIIf'·''i' -of Dea. poso. I am :~~u~l~ uo,ou1

,' t.,rrrmt"d ; but we hope that nothing may the sacrifice. Fatlters must mourn is held ~n . MemphIS In Y., on the eve- that tr009' happen to pr~vent the most friendly ex- sons, mothers mU\lt. give the last parting PUer.~~8IS0ntate0f ftthe ollicer presented him LO\ld, an will 1\ni~~.~"ijt h f · . d . h th bI' h' .i nl""" B orees, .• ." . ., .... ~ of thllll' It is now c ange 0 correspon ence WIt you, 'Or e essmg to t elr unapring, sisters must give, th t S. I b " frank expression of mutual sentiments. the farewell kiss to a departing brother. relil~inless the Gas. 1o'es:at i~nd a:,

Pe~mit us to say, then, in reference to your Wives must give their husbands and chil- ITEAcmNG TIll: CONTllABANDs.-A. col:~espoIld';i counts, he was ':tt~~~ t' h' " I

presen C1rcumB~ances, t at we smcereJ.y dren their parents. Youth must be spent in eut of the New York Indt:pendent, iwr.iti1ll£! duties. of his polliti(.1i ~nd ardently deSIred that a. peaceful separa- loneliness, manhood cheerless, and decrepid from Pat~rson, N. J., makes the IQlJIOWln~n address of Eld. C. M. Lewis is New War·Dc-partment receiv'ed!'uo tion of th.8 slave States mIght have taken old age go down'to the grave unsnpported, very senSibly seggestion, as a LOI~<lOn, Oneida Co., N. Y., not Verona. tion of. hIS resignation.

word i~ Sabbath. 1 WeekI is not a transla· place, whICh would have been, we are per- and desolate. Silver headed parents must in; which ~r soldiers might pass will oblige him taking note on tn j~~::a~ ~:~~~s ~'Oli dt it. NolViolenee is done to the suaded, a mutual benefit, especially as it suffer grief which knows no consolation, th~ir leisure time, if they are to have roving bands of rebels, n'a~, iot the record itself, in tra~slating the ~.ould ~a:ve reIn?ved you from participation wives and sisters plant the willow and the else to do ; i Johnson's. contmand

prd, both times, srbbath. ,An lnconsisten- 1D the SID and Buame of slavery; but ala.s I rose over the graves of fallon loved ones, .i~h!lre are fugitive slaves in I Semite, Monday, of Government'stock an\l .,0tbel;'fll't:oJlClrI, ~y.~ illf;phed in tr~slating it both Sabbath yonr Government hath decreed otherwise, children go unclothed, hungry, and neg. dlrsl~n ofth~ army, and I would prclpo;se who contests the with General confiscated by the.rebela., . . ~Iid. ";""k. J!y tiIis nnusual translation, and. war, horrid war r now rages between lected. a,\ a~ mterestlDg and P~4~::~:1.:i~?r~ allowed to .spllakl in )lis own' be- . A dilipatch datA;d L;avenwortb,: x:~!

. -,... h swdIers to pass some 0: January 16, say. IntellIgence hall 1- ,. bete1iwe-YeFY prob,ability that the mipds of t e two secti~ns of your Commonwealth, But amid all this suffering, let fatllllrs, teach these unfortunate negroes that body. A followed, Ceiv~ here tha.H 0&0 Union Iild~8.iJl:the-re8\ie1'll will lie misled as to what the the end of whICh war no man living can mothers, sisters, brothers, and wives reo write and the first rules of ari~!mIe~ii~ result was reached. Gen. Lane in- Chefokee country' were attacked on ~ ltb .bl~l Spi~it meant, in directing, Mattbe~ in foresee. member, that for every sigh, every imin, can be.taught both. to read and a joint resolution promote the by. superior forne at ,TenD. rebel .. '1\e

. : thi, verse. Let us . Constantly and earnestly watching the every pang, suffered in this holy cause, God S3DIe tIme, by, ~avI~g them 1:D of the troops in Kansas j Indians were compelled' to 're~l1i. ~7. tien:rig

ht, 'and ~et the word of progress of affairs among nations that as- has in store a blessing. Be not discourag. :?~y ~~ad, :~b ~hlS whY_eas.~. ~1:;e,~r~iYi'Ii that forces 'there are now in Kansas. , ' I" • ,

_11. "'-Ji'·I'nterp ." sert their liberties we publl'cly pray "or d th fi b t .1. .1. t'II I~e an ac eae s' authorl·--· ... to enllS' t ""l'IIons whu The Tribu*81'~[2:!.1s.:r~~~2 UII "" ... re""r. , , , 1. e, ere ore, u wor"" wor"" pray, pray, I ing this key to civilization ""'" '7. dent says it iii hinted Ilt in I :TIiliJw6rd Mia ~r Mian is the feminine Hungarians, Poles, and Italians, every Sab_ the time of our deliverance. will be started in a way to when the IS marchlDg qnarterstbere that We neednot;'lOCl~ ~'rJn' '~(.~ adje~tive hm:. This" ~ord j;IC.- bath, and for yon especially ever since these themselves and work out their own sa\'vat:iqn; tbrtluQtb the Indian or ligence of this expedition .• blln.IGf ~1IJ·.ifll:tlbe'fe ..... ~ t I' t" troubles began as also for many long years MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE-WESTERN w~atever the close of the war .. House of from the period of its lIailingfrolll ~' mmm"torm we ve Imes' ABSOCIATION their destiny to be Comfort. The world'S~~:~~:t~~ .:or Matthew. Dr. Conant bas the slaves in the Southern States. We C £' t t to' d' " of Massachusetts, tne,'~o~llel. I .' pray with much anxiety for their libe· on erence me , pursuan a Journment, I . some of the the general iml't'e88ion ia mlnl.U. ~~~·~I.~~i,4. It one, ~le"l'en tlmos, and first, .' b' h h ' d in Alfred N Y Oct 1st 18tH trHE CHURCH AlITl-8LAVERY Socmv.-An- bee' n robbed of has gone to Norfolk. ' . h' 1'" ratIOn.; ut muc more t at ye, our ear , .., . ,., f ' d .

exception to IS 1J!!ul!. rendermg Ch' .. f' d b II d . In the absence of the U oderator and Sec- ne;x:ed to an acknowledgment 0 five poun II " h u A dispatch from ~~~~£;!i=~~ d ';r t' W rlstian rlen s, may e persona y, an In JIL u r . dd't' to' de leW mont 8. lilt;. th B It' 'lI,mlIW~.'lrerlse un er COnSl"era Ion. e LC IS" k b D" P rbtary N. Wardner was chosen Moderator s""r mg, ID a 1 Ion SIX poun the fiuancI'al says e II Imore 1~;J:ftMDnsl':g~ven ~ ,th· d' your severa oCletlea, ept, y Ivme ro- , , I b H J W afternoon, has a report via

0\ IS ~~n ermg. vrdene,e from invasion sword fire famine and J. T. Green, Secretary pro tem. y yon. . the of" tax bill, brollght'by a vessel jun &niVElIi itJ~e; D;.· ... ~:_J the word day ;\' "" Eld J K h '. ted t ' MaBS., Treasurer. from '-' th I' f G~.~~R~~J~:~~!1~~~~~~~;'~. ' and bloodshed and that ye may be kept from .. enyon, w 0 was appolD 0 . . one, to realize e wo e' 0 en.

A course so unu-' . pr a h th . d' t be' AntI-8lavcry SoCIety of aased . t temptation to have any personal concern ID e c e o>pemng Iscourse, no IDg pre- . '. p In 0 1''l·I,i~!.IIIi1.80lJ!.e,.ve.~ cogent reaso;ts. That . f sent, the order Was dispensed with and af- to aid In the moral war WIth Inlet. th text . Th 1 the promotIOn 0 war. . '. United is the A

e . e usua Our small Society here still keepeth alive tel' prayer by Prof. J. Allen, Miss Elvira would suit the' oon- , K t: E . 2 D te Janet

anq, we trust, bea~eth not merely & silent enyon pr,esen e "an xegesls on fe r ~~IIl1'l!t.€if;'l.:'D;lliiaili;SOc~t;ii fitl1~~it·(Jf" tlJllf~m~'nce bet1;aI;;r bUh.loud testimony to 'God's truth, and is 3: 10, W~~C? 'W. fOllo~ bt tllfj u~f .... . . r . der of critICisms without some fruIt 0 patIent and con. .'

thiued labors. We haVE! nothing to boast A: O. ~plCer next presented an Essay. of i bnt the dear friends who have occasion- Subject- What was the penalty pronouno-

l!'iv'l\il'l ~U; vl~i~d us, and some of whom stand re- ed upon ~.a~ for his transgression 1" follow. !lOrded.:.as members with us, tell ed by critiCIsms.

what an<Cnow ~e- are;ana.- for the next of the Mini~terial Con-they" make a faIr report" of our sta~, from " f th W t A • ti'

...... e,C!!SS3I·Hy' . I • I' lerence 0 e es eru ssoCla on; . • I ~~~ld~m,;%~~~', ' . ,~ ,time to time, to our and theIr transa! antIc 1 to' r; d' TbA d t f THollAs L. RANNEY, formerly ~'S810n-. , .\. ame Idea.,., . .' s . pen 10" 18course- " u y 0

C!lllVey. f'1·e

II, b .' 1: d' d fr,~nds. . .. Christians to be leaders in Society from pri:J.ter to the Baptist Burmi~~ 'ssion, I,:~~:; therefore, lSI Hlble to El mls~e ,an The agitation of publIc OplIllOn (In theolo- M tt 5 16 "Let \' ht h! for some seven year. engaged in Quai. klel!eii~~ .11 11iilderStllh~ fDat was· taught by the gical and ecclesiastical matters in this coun- fa. ; h - h your Ig so s Ine in Burmah on his own account;.Is now I jitBJlI~eI1 pill~mlail, and uuderstand what was try tendeth to wholesome inq~iry into the or de mlen.ft at t eYFmthay seeh!ohu~ ~oohd works, with his family to this conntry,

' an g on y your a er w IC IS In eaven," retl~rIlit;Ig I "truth of existing opinions, and to a more b J Ke 0 taken passage on tbe 1st of Decem. ,.th'6¢!tA\lbit.i~~ m~.ki~lg . . ThY' ny n. I U 'v~~'f~e 10~th page of the Appendl~ to critic!\l study of the SCrIptures. 0 s~c 2d. The propriety or impropriety of Sev. With him will returu an adopUjd son '.ur_~lW~

tlil~lfIWliib.n . of the [Gospel by Mattnew, .we agitation and to the spread of educatIOn, enth-day Baptists ~ntering into copartner- Binney, and the missiona.ries, Mr. lind ,ns~o[ojty. ~~. ~;~~'~~I~wing fery' jUfI..t ,remarks:: I" .~~ we principally look, under God, for a more ships with First-d ... l" observers, in such a Harris. They will probably anlive in on W1:4Pesdlay, i~;~Ip.:!pff the, rJ1t~1 :when qne prqfesses to prosperous future. May our hopes, foun.ded way as will allow 1 business being . some time in April. Mr. Ranney ~!l~i,*PCJl1d1IVin: M. Stanton, Pel~nlivlva-CIQIn~unicate the rords of another, tl! tell 6p,Divinll truth, and confirmed by anCIent acted on the Sabbath, by T. B. Brown. in India Cpr more than seventeen of War, in "'~.lIitolwh~~he ha~ said. Any _au- proph~cy, support us through all our labors 3d. Has a church member a right, when He WBII on shipboard w~tIi &iv. Dr. was ~onfirmed . • /j~, 'pIDipollelY mlltranslated ot' obscured, and trlllis. present to refuse tolpar'-ke of the Lord's at the time of hill death, add has ofo Representatives adopted a ;~;fi~~ui • wrl I'" I' J " h 6 h fifth'''' '. he . emanatmg from the Committee of ;i~\f ... ~~~~!I~!~~:r:if., O'[.:d~f'~:lIf.I faI, ne4 ~y his tr ns ator. nst so lar as It,!will be 200 years, on t e 2 t 0 twe Supper when admnistered in his own an Important part m t actIve ser- pledging CongreBS to levy B ,.~ ,~,_, . ..,.,.... J, liS;i! ~~ :~,e ,t~PBI~tio'~ is.a li~ra,Y f9r: ~onth next, since our former minister, John church 'y' by L. AndrIjJ. and sufferings of the missioharies InteItiJal

JilifQr lit .. coDlleals. w,hlle, It.pr,ofes~es to ?ames, was barbarously murdered. We 4th. The 01 churches to consider all this period. I Senate, on ThUrsday, the Kansas 'W whllt the has saId, or It hope to make some impr~vement of the oc- themselves boaies to do mission. ' seat was settled by confirming • ,

pf~8eri~:~fDl. as that which he did cllsion. ary work ontSide own'limits through THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY for !"elbruary A long executive session; was A dispatch d.ted~II~~~~~£$~i ;'b.~.'!~, a~.:. $, ,he,ll the Word of God, ' By order and in behalf~f the said congre- thel'r pastors, Burdick. received. The character of this DOlO;""1 held. ~·ponsider theRn9mination of Mr. Cam- 118.J

1 s ~rihng \.~own

r. iJ~. , " " • Ii II t' d b ussia. Tbe matter was 'ast mg t uqtween rule IS one of , lorce. gation, WIU,IAll HENRY BLACK, Elder. 5th. The of establishing a IS u y sus ame y for three hours, and there WBII a has since been ¥c:erl;aijlil!j.

:Agreed to, Sabbath, 24th Eighth, 1861. system of the ministers from, Lowell, Whittier, ~rs. l of all the elements of the op. batteries had !~~~~I~~=li~i~} the Seventh-day ,denomination, by Bayard Taylor, Agassiz, , to the late Secretary. His nomiua. COmmand, on the;

LETTER FROM THE ARMY. On!lge, Mrs. Stowe, and the lamented not confuined. out d&mage. , , I A. Lewis. Winthrop. ." Mason 'and.' H f R

6th. 1 Peter 4 ouse 0 epresentatives, Mr~ ·-:-""'~~-r-r:=rl!:'T':":~ YaI~ee Idyll," by Lowell, is tlie Wst the Military Committee, report-

things is at hand kind we have seen. It is anthorizing and directing the SeC: A dillpat'cli dated ~FOlrtl'ElIiIl<M'I,IIlI~.I~~.",;.~t watch at the same time, to furnish the prisoners of the ary ll~~,.~ g!i-i:~:~~5[1:~~~E[} 1th in the revolted States wIth ports. 'l'fte Divin~ , snch an article as , necessaries of life and frorn tbill

UI!'wol:tny of Christopher 'North, or that he employ such aients are. Galve'ton~ Dec. Prof. Agassiz continues his II necessary. " Mobile Bar, Dec. Btl j ,

of Natural HistOry," and Key West, Jail. 8 .... ,,1.. 'J"'U'".

12. AS ihe RhOde ' ... u .... q:"ibI,'" magazine is one which our London wu woulld do well to'read. Publishe4f by in tow.

~ l~ellds. BORton, at '3 per annum. I' captured oft'

She was bouilld; from

tt~~~~.~~~t~~~;±;:;~~~~~~~i(~ ·~tiiqnl .DOllse., with a

Page 3: i8,~~ti~:hl~~~~~~~~~~~:~3Vol+18... · 2017-07-12 · .bl~l re8\ie1'll Spi~it will lie misled as to what the the end of whICh war no man living can mothers, sisters, brothers, and

news by


?E~~~~be!" at

Il~~:;?!:m~~ IIlvation of the ooun. OPERATIONS ,AT 'I:'OA~. r" conq l1est. These reports rived frolll

~~~~:~e\t tranquilhty lIIust of CQurse be esting "~ Bome allowance j but the re- ments at Aprivate letter from a prominent be well grounded that Gen. Savannah, lishman, dated London, Dec. 28, co~~}a~:l;J~~~~ pasaes from Vera Cruz well is supposed to be at last in foll~wing sentence: U The tone of bas at his command in the connoitering plI.rties, and corps out feehntr has 80 much improved that ~ella~)r 1~ll\m~on

of that city 110t le88 than 20" for the purpose of clearing the way the difficulty cannot be got over wi1;bol~t.Jca~Dp. ~~::1~~~~~ hoats, have, since the 4th or 5th of the pre- and your Government propose arlbitl:ation.tolaut.horit~ .'1] c:~r~gent, which had sailed sent month, been sent from Hilton Hood OUIl!, we have little doubt bllt that uUI·tr\JV-1

fi'OmL]itin,ail ... b,l'in'; to the 7th inst., consisted and have proceeded southward beyond Ty~ ernment would be obliged to accede to 'l,'uu~r j,r,a This force had taken the bee Island_ It was understood at Port Roy- 1\letbod Qf1lettJe~ent. 'f!!e BritiB~ ne.wapa,

Cruz j while six English al that these corps were provided with saws PIlr ~utery ~as m:~bken In WashlDgton.for willdelst transports took their de- and apparatus for dragging logs of wood public sentIment. ..,

time for some Mexican out of those of the rivers or navigable creeks A Missouri correspondent of the Uhjca~ro latter four were to go south of the Savannah river-probably the Tribune exposes some of the tricks reslOrted'l Tlv'"n.:~T.Ii'n'"ln,.],.

'~i~~;~:I~r~1 to me~t transports with Wilmington-il\to which the rebels had sunk to by rebels iu that State to obtain informa-] from Jamaica. the obstructions, evidently supposing that tion of the strength of the Union forces and

~ they had destroyed the navigability of the fortificationlJ. Sometimes they will come ;;'OlJ.EIGlI lIJiW8. st:eama. .I~ was further understood that into the Union camp like repentant prodigals

.:~ ii H" I n ~ 1\1 M th 1'1 tea h' thIS expedition was to be carried on both by to take the oath of allegiauce, aud after \:l!c.bil l~ WeA de ro~ mal s ms Ip water and land, land that the land force tarryi.l1g long enough to make a pretty ~nv€l ':lc::veek I~:a ay last week, we would consist of about hllif the troops u'n. tborliugh examination, disappear to report I :,o;~'~U:'ill9"~~;

I. "' ,-I ' r news. . der the commaDIi of G~n. Sherman, or ten to·Prics's army what information they have I (mlenIS!anl , l1ii .u ll.n<; Iud t 1 e ~ate news from thIS country thousaud men. This ,nudlber, it was tho~t, been able to gather. coD~pami{ls f!i'~:Hhe~(>lIY .rengthened coqfidence in could be safely spared,. as there is little dan- Gen. McKiU8try will be brought to trial

III ger that the. rebels will nndertake t6 cross at St. Loui$ so soon as his accounls have .~.<l1,,,,.r,..~~ k,- says: "FrolI\ the ~t1y of the rivers for the purpose of attack· been fnlly examined by the Committee

in consuls, on the 3d IDg our troops ,The Wabash and the gun- in session there. He was arrested b that 'the Hansa may boats were a~ Hllto'!- Head, and conld be at of Gen. McClellan. It is understoo~ here to the Government once placed In ~eadm~ to. undertake . that the debts already audited b the Com. information having part of the servIce ",hUlb mIght be reql11l'ed. mittee exceed $9000 000 G J F t

>r~.l.",,·~biriet at Washington Warsaw IJilet. '!fas to be.the first destination had fuil lawful authority t~ co:t;actr~he~~ '" Slidell would be of the.expedition when It should start nd' h' . d h· . .. '

the trme when this would occur thers'was a In IS JD gm~nt t ~ millt~tY. e:;t,e;encles

bauks continue the uUlJatlrio­embarrassing the Sec:retllrvl

T~e:8ftj"I'Y by refusing to recei'l'e TNlolsl~' deIlosiit or in payment of that Mr. A. T. Stewart ot"flB1lV

h.asJlpn~sellted Mrs President LhlcPl,n shawl worth $9,500. lan~lifrie'D~,

~:~;t=~~ro~~: of course no means of info""ltio ' of the State of Mlssonrl reqDl\'ed 111m to do , 1.'" n. 80 • 1 .,.... ___ ..;,._..:.;,.:.:....-,,;..' , -t.'

mpI6rnl"h '.cil;clel!.'J The same :mil CALIFORNIA FLOoD.-Of the extent of Letters from ~is'iniQrsh&r' ~nglisbmen chilrches oflEteRl11te:r, "I beh tho d· h • andFrenchmen,frwndly~theUDltedStates

(;~~~~~~'~~!~:J.;'~~.~:~~:~: t ~ves IS great lsaster, t e San FranCISCO Her· received by late .teallle~, unite ,in .. ying Del~uv1ler, rJ 11 W lit arriv!i for:':=~ aid sa,s:- that. the way which thil' tountry • .u_~"-rilc~iI

OOI1tw::ru"" federacy" g" It would soom tliat not ODe gan be is tb •. ~pel)!blro"tIJIon;

1 '~. on ew ·11~~~J ~~~~:'~~~r~'~~~'=i:a~l:~~~im~ "," ,"N" to tIie cUplOiliMio n "n~".; .. "il M usual the 'VatiQM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ei~ !:t~~1;;?I;~!dlll;" to an. ,address . E""n. salvation.

countedion the the was thl'eatened with & The case in P!'rfectiDg the Con- Sacramento and MillYii' Y (Irk, the

and at s .. me time maintaining ville but the heaviest vacate, he(:8U:8e 'of

llit,llCt .. tbe fundamental ball\.. on which it 1::~BS~~~i~it~;'telifallen to the lot of the ceptance of '''''IO'lR~ trading intel'etlt of the decided on the

On New Year's Day the Pope We fear that hundreds to wholn the case Gea, Guyon and French officers. Gen, and mjl1>ivrigbts have been ru- Judge treats Lewis as on epoke of devotion toward the and it is a peremptory order W. Mr. DplrijbEljmer)~ thwla'ter thahked Guyon for the deliver up the books allll papers mreued. The present French soldiers that forthwith; <

lit Riilne would not permit the fulfillment of and Edward 1.l~~.; ;!~;bi!~r!:t:~:i~~, any irreligious or impolitic act. The Pope the VI ar, is al {o)D~erly eon.cfilded by bestowing the Apostolic bene- sided i~~~I~~:~rf~ diCtioo on the Imperial Famlly, the Emperor n.. W!II; ;tiap.n, and the whole French compa:ny. fesslOu. I 'i'henGng of Prussia, in addt~ssing the been office of Atto~lf:nDjl~i~~li~~, Jli.is~ on New 'Year' I Day,Did :/,,, The Bnchanan'a a( nu.' .....

commenced with a seriouB a8pect THE GOVERNIIENT FINANCIAL SCHEuE.-The confidence of :'~!!~~\tIlA'.nlrlil.reDdering it the duty Bank Committee and the Secretary of the a man of first rate QusineslB, ci~p,,)ml:ies. r 1Je,;~~~ fo~ny eventuali· Treasury have come to an agreement upon Among the subjects e~~~~:~~t~:~~ al~teIl'

Ii II this should be the fin{)ncial questions which they have been tion of the Van Wyck J ilD"reDlv congratnlations of discussing for Bome days. The chief results mittee are the conspiraci611 of dfJ':~~:~;:~!

attnY.·II8'·IIlII!l: Pr'IlRRi .. could calmly be· are these ~ The general views of the Sec- cattle to enhance by t1 ¥,"'",",- '''--=-C

i':~~=~;~~:e~~: may ariae from ~e state retary relating to currency and banking i!l- of men of straw and of hOJ'8e{I~~ers; ,> non-European countnee, be· stitutiODS are assented to j the banks Will the same article several

army 8tands ready formed and receive jl.ud payout the United States notes, ment, and the enormous abu(!Iej! l and sustain their credit; the Secretary will ler system.

rl!'IWll"tJ!d thliot Russia, at the com- issne demand notes for a!\ amount not ex· On the Istof January Fort lfcl"lteDIS' r~~f~:~f:~~~~! difficulty between tbe ceeding .50,000,000, but Congress is desired ed fire upon a rebel ste~er .. tI<lU,,,,' \\ employed all her iriflnence to extend the provisious of the existing Navy Yard The h .. I;tP.ri~'re!,pOlllde:d,

'tifliacel,: and has recently taken loan aett so as to enable him to issue in ex- the firing' w'as continued ~=~~~~~~~~~~:;~~~J The Russian Cabi- change lor demand nutes, or in payment to one of our lIIett WIlS woundedJ:'J:~~~:!::

~~~~~~i::~~? the Great Powers creditors, one·year n()tes at 8 65.100 per Pickens made a breach iii F Il\r~'nM,o\o;j from her representa- cent. interest, and convertible into 1 30:100 At ev.eniDg' Warrington W".,,·,,·it:


~i.a,.E~gmiM.". writing under date II the situa-

three·years' bonds, or to b!lrro,!, $250,000,· burned all night. or ~300,OOO,OO~. I~ 1B e~pected that Many of the foreign ·mi·ni~I~pj.,,·-·h,.ve actIon and te!P81ation WIll render un· of Mr. Sumner's speecli upon

the maklDg or demand notes a of Messrs. Slidell and hh ,mt"" in the of

!It~cl~ thtllr

• I

Page 4: i8,~~ti~:hl~~~~~~~~~~~:~3Vol+18... · 2017-07-12 · .bl~l re8\ie1'll Spi~it will lie misled as to what the the end of whICh war no man living can mothers, sisters, brothers, and

" The high repntation wbich ~~M~Y~h~~a~Vejt~i:~~I~ Ibelr fine bnlbant tone, pW&aallUouch gi~qn tbem Uze pr!\l:erence, Qvtr uf~ctnreB, i,n t.be Pll,blic ~hoolB of over one hundreil are now In dally Of fifteen of "blcl! are ill departDient8

Rh .... !fbld the pleaaure of teaching, an::Pi ":-oi.-liuiiNri tiIil!o;'wful them for tile IlIl!t live years. 11 \i
