i  · web viewsign in & check in with the sacristan . ... eucharist – a word taken from...


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The altar servers of Saint Gabriel parish are a very special group of young people in our parish who have answered God’s call to ministry. It is difficult to have a large Mass without attentive servers to assist. As a Saint Gabriel Parish Altar Server, you are one of the liturgical ministers of our parish. Serving at the altar of God is a privilege; in promising to fulfill this ministry you are a liturgical minister and so you gain certain rights and responsibilities as a minister.

Liturgical ministers have special tasks to perform during liturgies, especially during the celebration of the Eucharist (the Mass). The Altar Server is very important in helping God’s people worship in the best possible way.

As an Altar Server your main job,the number one responsibility,

will be to lead the people in prayer.

Please use this outline as a review of the Altar Server Training you have attended. Perhaps keep it in the car to look over on your way to Mass. .

Before the Mass

Sacristy Servers should come to Mass appropriately dressed: pants

(or skirt) and shoes. Please no shorts, sandals or high heels (we don’t want anyone to trip and fall!)

Show up 15 minutes before Mass starts. Sign in & check in with the Sacristan Pick an alb to wear, it should cover as much of your legs as

possible without dragging the floor Make sure the Roman Missal is at your pew (ask Father if it

is ready) and light the candles We do not process in or out with the Missal

Be ready out in the Narthex by the Saint Gabriel Statue Father will most likely lead the servers in prayer

During the Mass

If you keep your eyes on the priest/deacon, listen to their instructions, and breathe, you will do fine! The people are not looking for you to mess-up and the deacon and priest want you to do well. Remain calm and confident.

Order of Procession: Cross Bearer, Other Servers, Deacon (Lector), Priests The Cross is held high with Jesus facing straight ahead.

The cross never bows – the server only bows the head. The deacon or priest will let you know when to begin the

procession. It is always after the singing begins. Cross Bearer gets to the steps, pauses, makes a small bow

of the head, climbs the steps, and goes behind the Altar to place the Cross in the stand.

The other servers wait at the steps, leaving space in the center for the priest.

The deacon will bow his head and walk directly to the Altar with the Book of Gospels.

Together with the priest you bow. The servers take their seats as the priest and deacon

reverence the Altar.

Opening Prayer “Let us pray…” Hold the Missal carefully with two hands so it will not slide

or fall to the floor. Return to your seat. Listen attentively to the readings, singing the responsorial

psalm and the alleluia, listen attentively to the homily, and respond to the petitions. As a minister, you are an example for others. Please

sing and respond appropriately.

After Petitions and during the Offertory Roman Missal to deacon (or priest) From the credence table bring the chalices, purificators and

water to deacon (or priest).

Do not place any items directly onto the altar unless specifically asked to do so.

Return to seat; remember to bow to the altar When the priest stands, two servers go to receive the gifts,

bow with the priest after gifts are received. Bread and wine to deacon (or priest) From credence table bring the lavabo bowl and towel Deacon (or priest) will hand water to server. Priest will turn

to you for hand washing. Pour a little water over the priest’s hands into the center of

the bowl. Take bowl, towel, and water back to the credence table,

return to seats after bowing to the altar

Remember, every time you walk past the Altar, you should bow towards the Altar. Servers should sit, stand or kneel at the same time as the assembly. The people should not have to look to the deacon; they should look to you to know what to do.

Sign of Peace Share the sign of peace with Priest and then Deacon. Bring the patens, from the credence table, to the altar.

Post Communion Prayer “Let us pray…” Hold the Missal for Priest. After the prayer the priest may ask you to stand to the side

for a moment, bring the Missal back when asked. This is only for important Church days.

Recessional Watch for priest to be ready to leave

Leave the Roman Missal in the pew The cross bearer retrieves the cross and comes down the

steps without crossing the Altar The other servers go around the priest to stand Everyone bows facing the Altar Servers are first down the aisle, followed by the deacon and

then the priest.

After the Mass

Final Duties and Leaving Well The sign of a good liturgical minister is not just that they do

their job, but that they finish the job and leave without rushing out.

After the singing has concluded , not before, and while maintaining reverence, return to the altar and blow out the candles.

Hang your albs up neatly and check with the sacristan to see if everything is in order

Other Information

I. Dress Code:Girls: Long pants or modest dresses/skirts. Closed-toe shoes - Please avoid high heels! Boys: Long pants. Closed-toe shoes with socks.

II. Scheduling: Altar Server Schedules for the parish weekend Masses are prepared monthly. Once permission slips are in you should receive an invitation for Signup Genius. If not, contact the parish office. At least two servers are scheduled per weekend. If you are unable to keep your commitment to serve, please find a substitute.

Altar Server’s Prayer

Lord Jesus, thank you for the opportunity to serve You during the Holy Mass. In Your Sacred Presence, my heart is filled with joy and peace. May Your Spirit always guide me so I may grow in Your love by the grace of the Heavenly Father.Amen

What do you call that thing?

Eucharist – a word taken from Greek, meaning Thanksgiving – it is truly the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ

Processional Cross – a Crucifix, on a pole, used to lead a procession---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Roman Missal – the red book that the priest prays from

Lectionary – the book that the lector (reader) uses at the ambo

Book of the Gospels – the gold covered book carried by the deacon which contains the four Gospels.

Gospel – a word meaning “Good News”

Homily – the “talk” that Father or Deacon prepares and delivers after the Gospel

Prayers of the Faithful – the petitions, when we pray for those in need. To these we respond “Lord hear our prayer”---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Ambo – where the readings, psalm, and Gospel are proclaimed, and where the homily may be given

Altar – the large “table” where the Eucharist is celebrated

Presiders Chair – where the priest sits during Mass

Credence Table – the small table, behind the ambo, where the chalices, purificators, water cruet and bowl are kept

Items on Credence Table:

Purificator – white cloth used to wipe or wash the chalice

Cruet – the small container that the water is in

Lavabo bowl & towel – from the Latin word to wash. It is a small bowl and towel used to wash the priest’s hands

Chalice – Latin for cup. It is blessed, sacred, and holds the wine that becomes the Blood of Christ

Paten – Latin for plate. It also is blessed and sacred and it holds the hosts that become the Body of Christ

Burse – white cloth square that goes on top of the chalice to keep bugs and dust out. These normally do not come to the Altar. It should be taken off before carrying the chalice---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Alb – the white robe that represents baptism. It is worn by the servers, but also deacons and priests under their vestments.

Cincture – long cord/rope used as a belt for an alb

Stole – the “scarf” that goes over the alb but under the priest’s Chasuble or the deacon’s dalmatic. A priest’s stole is vertical, the deacons stole is diagonal.

Chasuble – the vestment that the priest wears during mass; the colors change according to the liturgical season.

Dalmatic - the vestment that the deacon wears during mass; the colors change according to the liturgical season.

Cope – a heavy “cape” worn at some liturgical events

Cassock – long black robe, usually buttons run from the collar to the floor (sometimes worn by priests and servers)

Surplice – a white garment worn over the cassock---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other Interesting Liturgical Items:

Ciborium –a mix between a chalice and a paten, it has a lid on it and is used to hold the consecrated hosts in the Tabernacle

Tabernacle – the metal “box” where the Eucharist is reserved so that priests, deacons, and lay ministers can bring Jesus to the sick and the dying. Also makes the church more prayerful.

Monstrance – a large ornate vessel used to hold the Blessed Sacrament for adoration or for processions

Pyx – a small container used to carry the Blessed Sacrament to the sick, the dying, and the imprisoned.

Corporal – white cloth that is on the Altar

Thurible – metal ball on a chain, coals and incense are burned in it and the smoke that rises to heaven represents our prayers.

Boat – small metal container that holds the incense

Aspergillum – the holy water sprinkler

Holy Water Bucket – the bucket used to carry holy water

Pall – white cloth that is placed over the casket at a funeral. It symbolizes the baptismal white garment.

Saint Gabriel’s Liturgical Items:

Cross Bearer in Alb – the alb is a good fit and he’s holding the cross nice and high, and has a smile on his face!

Credence Table with vessels

Items on Credence table from left to rightTop: water cruet, lavabo bowl, lavabo towel

Bottom: chalice, paten, purificators

A Chalice with a Burse on top. Take the Burse off, and put it to the side before bringing the chalice to the Altar.

The Book of the Gospels on the Altar

The Roman Missal, on the server’s pew

The Presider’s Chairs

The Altar

The Ambo with Credence table behindRevised September, 2015