i v government society news tilles sillta ghat of...

V I I THE WASHINGTON TillES SillTA APRIL 28 1907 1 I GOSSIP GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS t Bureau of Engraving and Printing Messrs Murphy and Schrack j Goto Chicago In July Jeremiah P ftlurphy and Edward L Schraok plate printers employed in the bureau will represent tile local Plato Printers Union as delegates to the con vontlon of the International Union which is to be held in Chicago the lat- ter part of July Mr Schrack has held many positions of trust in the local union having only recently retired from the position of financial secretary after- a long service The alternate delegates selected are Frank J MeKenna and James P MeNally Printers Interested In Exhibit at New York Show Plate printers are Interested in an ex- hibit that te to be made at the advertising show at Madison Square Garden in New York city by one of the largest banknote companies In this country The company makes many of the national bank notes up to the point when they are sent to the Government for final printing Paper money for foreign countries will also be a part of the exhibit but sightseers will be most interested in watching the engravers work on all the user points of national currency which make count erfeittng difficult Death of Richard D Walker Throws Gloom Over Bureau It w with that the many friends In the bureau learned of the death of Richard D Walker at the home of his parents in this city on Thursday April IS Mr Walker had been in poor health for several months being compelled on account of illness to give up Ida position in bureau about a year ago He was a plate prin ter and was employed In the printing division He was a son of Richard A and Sophia R Walker of this city Death was due to consumption The funeral was held from his residence 1101 P street northwest on Saturday afternoon last Superintendent Frederick Crocker Is Married In New York Frederick superintendent of the room who treated his many friends in the bureau to a pleas- ant surprise by going over to New York city and getting married several days ago returned to the bureau on Monday last He was not only showered with the customary congratulations but the ladles employed in his division pro sented him with fine cut glass water set Mr and Mrs Crocker are at home to their friends at 1211 K street north west Notes and Personals Charles B Cameron the new record ing secretary of Plato Printers Union local No 2 is again at work after hav ing spent In attendance on the annual meeting of the American Funeral Benefit Association of Baltimore which was held this year in Lynchburg Va Mr Cameron was the delegate from the local branch of the association Miss Gertrude Deach of section 8 of the printing division has resigned her position on account of til health and returned to her old home In Pennsyl- vania Miss Deach was very popular in the bureau and her many friends hope for her early return to good health Wallace Sauntjors of the vault has been confined to his home with a bad attack of the grip for the last week Miss Anna Deahl of the miscellane- ous division who has been 111 at her home In Alexandria for the last two weeks is reported to be slowly im proving Miss Trtwalla of the miscellaneous division has boon on vacation lor the last week r Miss Ella Offett of the miscellaneous division resigned her position on Mon day last and surprised her friends by announcing her approaching marriage to Ernest Follin Miss OMarla messenger In Foreman Szegedys division has been ill for three weeks but is reported to bo improving Theodore Helmerichfe and Ed Myers employee of the prtinting division have been selected to take charge of the specimens to be exhibited and printed during the Jamestown exposition un der the direction of the Treasury pirtment Messrs Helmerichs and Myers handled the bureau exhibit at the St Louis exposition and made a decided success ot the undertaking The committee selected by PJto Print- ers Union Local No 9 to present the resolutions recently adopted eulogistic of the life and character of Edward D Jordan to his composed o Yost Harbough Rooney and President Leiaeler KANSAS The wanderlust is raging among farmers of pontral Kansas to Judge by the large number of sales going on day after day The farmers do not sell they are poor but because as many of them express it they can sell their farms at a profit to warrant their moving Some auctions include also the personal property The farmers go to IMS developed parts of the country to fcegin over Some however are seeking a rest and retain their farms Auctioneers are prospering and many have ornd the title of col nt which ni ai ut they have vrifu over one1 hum 1 ais Many of tho who ar polling go to the Dakotas I yr the Texas Panhandle A few go to Louis PostDispatch j PLATE PRINTERS NAME DELEGATES Advertising forth- coming t the Crocker a C week I De widvwwas WANDERLUST QUITS be- cause 4 t F sadness p b a t Theodore ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > GQVf Dffi MISS VOSBURGH WEOS NEW YORKER MRS ULPIAN F VAN LINDEREN Bride of Prosperous Farmer Met Mr Van Linderen While Teaching School at Rens selaer N Y A quiet wedding was celebrated on Monday erenlne at the home of George a who for the last thirteen years has been connected with the ma- chine shop at 721 Third street north- west when his daughter Miss Jennie May Voeburgh was married to Ulpian Franklin Van Linderen the Rev Rob- ert A Davison of Falls Church Va officiating The wedding was quiet be- cause of the of the brides mother The bride was attired in a pongee silk traveling suit with hat to match After making a honeymoon trip to several points m New York Stats the happy couple will go to East Qreenbush N Y the home of the bridegroom to reside Mr Van Linderen is a prosperous tanner and Mrs Van Linderen for sev- eral years past has taught school at Renseetaer K Y spending her vaca- ttons with her parents in this city Skiddoo Day on Wednesday Instead of Twentythird The women employed In the sewing division of the bindery in the old build- ing claim that Wednesday was skid dee day tot them the occasion being the twentythird time that they have been furloughed during the present pe- riod of depression The furlough ia for six days The gathering stitohing and cutting machines and other material the plant that handles the Con grewrional Record after it leaves the presses is being moved from the cond to the first floor where it was located previous to last session of Goaf rws Job Division on the Move Second Time Within Decade For the second time within a decade the job division is on the On Wednesday morning a force work- men commenced operations against the formidable walls forming the indoeure- of Foreman Michael office and within- a few days when the removal of the printing paraphenaHa wilt begin in earnest It is expected that only the partition gashes will remain where the walls once stood The costly enameled and faco brick are taken out with as much care as possible to be used again in other parts of the building where waits are in course of erection While the work of demolition Is in progress the office force has secured temporary quarters Jn tIe main corridor of the eventh floor camping out as one of clerks expressed it It J not known definitely what disposition will be made of the space vacated but it is pre- sumed that part of the bindery depart- ment will use it At the western end of the seventh floor G street side the office room of the foreman of the foun- dry which was razed last week will probably serve as quarters for the ootyiMJ mold ers who are said to be bad- ly crowded in their present location The job division employee will probably be forced to break the Sabbath in or- der to facilitate removal as the division Is just now crowded with work that cannot be sidetracked while he removal is going on There are many tons of matter and many more of stand ing pickup stacks of chases frames racks etc all of which must be placed in trim order ready for the regular run of business so it will be seen that the removal of one of the large and important divi- sions of the big is a task some magnitude The new location on the second floor G street side will be shared it is thought by a number of ruling the bindery Nominations For Positions Brings Out a Good Array While ome of the races did not All as anticipated the nominations for of- ficial positions In Columbia Typograph- ical Union last Sunday brought out a good array of those who will make a good showing on the track f Contrary to custom President Parsons is not to have a second term without opposition The race for president will prove Interest- ing and will make up for the disappoint- ment caused by some of the previously announced candidates for minor posi- tions failing tQ quality at the last mo- ment Many Theologians Employed in the Prinf The resignation of Albert E Ogg popular young compositor whose y a compris- Ing the mow r cab- inets hop moro illness r ate ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ recent assignment has been at tho Navy dlVlsloAi to engage in ministerial work servrs to recall tho fact that the Gov ernment Printing Office has a number of men who can and do preach on occa sions William L Post superintendent of the division of documents is a Chris tlan Science reader and Philip S Steele of division frequently fills the pulpits of local churches of the Chris tian denomination John R Bradley proofreader at the Library division is a graduate in theology and frequently preaches The number of men and women In the office who are holding positions on church boards and in organizations doing Christian work runs into the dozens One of the local missions recently conducted tile entire evenings program with talent from the Primary Bade Walter Wellman Goodly As He Started For Polar Trip R E King of the main proof room who returned a few days since Crom q weeks trip to New York whli thert said goodby at too wharf to Walter Wellman as the latter took his depart ure for Paris In order to Ipok after the construction of the airship that is to take him and his party in quest of the North Polo Mr King and Mr Wellman have long been warm personal friends Foreman Theodore Hodes Married to Miss Hattie Jewett Foreman Theodore Hodes of the fifth division and Miss Hattie M Jawott who for many years employed in the same division but who recently resigned were married on Tuesday the ceremony being performed by the Rev H R Nay lor Jr Hodes to from Hudson N Y and is nf Utree years of age The bride is train Lynn Mass Mr Hodes and Miss Jewett have been engaged for aev eral years and the wedding while not a surprise to their friends Will Hustle For Lexington For Next Printers Convention F C Learning of Lexington Ky times president of the Typograph- ical Union in that city and often dele- gate to the annual conventions of the International Typographical Union who has many friends among the oraft in this city is to represent his union again year as delegate to the Hot SprIng convention He will present a strong invitation to the convention on the part of the citizens of his city to hold the next convention there Notes and Personals Samuel Gompers jr compositor was recently tiy deferred from filth divi- sion to tor lodit division Raid assigned to clerical duties John A Phillips of the main proof room to again at tye desk after an III ness bf several days W V P WhIte of the proof room who has lost much tune from the offlce OR aocoont of several painful ao the past winter has been forced to undergo another operation sur- geons having found upon examination that the bones had failed to knit proper ly after setting Capt G W Manning of the main proof room became suddenly ill at the office the first of the week and was taken to his home where his trouble was pro- nounced a nervous breakdown He was able to resume his duties at the ofitee however on Thursday Maj John D Russell of the main proof room has been oonnnsd to his home for ten days with an atiek of rheumatism S D of main proof room has been from the office for the last ten days tile bedside of his wife whose protracted illness ie said to have reaohed a critical Mr Howelta- to a brother of the novelist Wltttan Dean Howelta Mrs Josephine Plumer of the sewing room of the bindery who recently suf- fered a stroke of paralysis as she was entering the office te still confined to Georgetown Hospital where she is re- ported as doing as well as coaHI be ex- pected J Nat Steed who a abort time since was transerred from the War division to the audit division at the main office has resigned his position in order to go to North Caroline where he will edit and manage newspaper S T Covert chief of the estimating division comes in one of the many promotions that have been passed around recently His salary is increased from ZOO to 2SO per annum Howard G Brown a clerk In th estimating division has been promoted in salary to 92030 per annum j Louis H Wilcox watchman at the main door of the old building has been confined to his home for several days by illness Miss Lucy H Van Kirk temporary clerk in the division of documents re sighed her position Thursday to take a permanent position In the forestry dl vision Department of Agriculture Mies Ora A Brady cashier in the di vision of documents has been to the audit division Fred Crom well been appointed acting cashier to succeed Miss Brady Miss Alberta N Rowzee temporary clerk In the division of documents has resigned her position In order to take a permanent one in the forestry division Department of Agriculture W J L Dlllman Is among the recent transfers from the first division to the Job room Mr Diilman an amateur photographer of the first rank some of his camera wo Jc particularly views of public buildings having attracted wide attention veteran typo who cruteofc with the famous Missouri pirates years ago is back to the old stand in the job room having transferred from the first division last week Work In the job division has been steadily increasing The force employed- is larger in numbers than ever before with constant additions to both the day and night shifts Last week a call went through the dflicc for men who could 4o Job work thp following compositors vcro hroirlv up Charles W Sower Charles II 1 1I thefirst im- portant was th i the main tIN Rowel the t stage S fo transfer- red has Lee Hartley bOon 11110nll wa quiet- s any is dents away Ia anT ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AND GHAT OF THE WEEK SOCIETY NEWS I tw in C Continued from Fifth Page rcnce Faacut Johnson McGuire Clar once and Wllber Robinson Louis Bar- ley George Cochran Gilbert Cox Rich- ard Green and Edward tempore The color scheme was pink and green each little girl being presented with a beau ui La France rose Emily Smith of BerryvJllo Is the lost of Miss Mary Watts Blackburn Mrs Louis C Barley entertained very handsomely Wednesday afternoon at a- bridge party at her home on Columbus street Her guests were Mrs T Mar shall Jones Mrs Carroll Ashby Mrs Thomas W Robinson Mrs Arthur Snowden Mrs John Lcadbeater Mrs William J Boothe Misses Lldd Phil and Nellie Walters Mrs Jessie Arm strong Mrs Henry F Robertson Mrs William WatWis Mrs Robert Puller Mrs James Reid Mrs William B Dangerlield Mrs George French Mrs Gibson Mrs David J Howoll Mrs Kirk Uhlor Mrs Samuel Gordon Brent Mrs Stuart Jamison Mrs George Uhler Miss Thompson Miss Kllon Herbert Miss Jean I3r mt Mrs Jamod D Gatewood of Washington Mrs Gardiner Bootbc and Mrs Clam ence Leadbeater Miss Cora S Latham was married Wednesday morning at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs W E Lath am to J B w Timberman The Rev R Servlor performed the ceremony The couple left for a short wedding trip after which thoy will reside at 309 Fairfax street An interesting feature of tho wedding was a silver service presented to Mr Timberman by young men of the town with whom he let r Great favorite Ernest Simpson a brother of the late Mayor George Simpson was In this city to attend the iuneral of his brother but as Mr Simpson was in Oklahoma ho was not able to net here in time to do so Mrs A D Brockett entertained Thursday evening in honor of Mrs of Washington and Mrs Heart of Philadelphia Invited to meet them were Miss Fanny Dixon Mrs Wll lIam Wattles Mrs David J Howell and Miss Rose McDonald Iting at the home of his motherinlaw Mm Kate Waller Barrett Miss Mary Pattleson of Baltimore who has been visiting Miss Mary Hooff on Seminary Hill returned on Friday Mtae Belle Dangerfieid te traveling with friends in China where she will oe joined shortly by her brother and sister with whom she will return to this ooun try In September Mr and Mrs Benjamin McK Aitche son have returned from their wedding Francis Walrus U S N spent the weekend with friends in this city The Thursday Club held Its weekly meeting at the home of Mrs Thomas W Robinson Those present were Mrs James Reid Mrs William J Boethe jr Mrs George Uhler Mrs Henry P Rob- ertson Mrs Louis S Scott Mrs Ar thur Snowden Mrs George French and Mrs T Marshall Jones Mrs W J Boothe won the prize Mrs William Bowls and her little daughter are visiting her mother Mrs Starr Wattles Virgil M Boyd a E Jones Leo Hartley H Van D Bogert W J L DHl an J Lv Fritz C L Williams B S Elliott and a C Hlpkins Robert W Summers assistant fore- man is in receipt of a promotion to Ute 2009 class Harry J McGowan h s made good in th position ofaqting cittef stockkeeper and received a permaaent appointment with a salary of 000 William Primer pressman who has been employed in the main pressroom has resigned his position in order to re to Cumberland Md where he takes a position with a commercial printing establishment with which he was formerly employed Leroy Strasberger who has been em- ployed in the oQIce for the last six years resigned his position in the pack ing and delivery division few days since in order td enter into business at Frederick Md Michael Featherston of the hydraulic prces division who has been a well known employe of the office for the last thirteen years has resigned his position In order to return to his old homo in Wilkesbarre Pa whore he has a as special policeman with a min- Ing company Mike formerly engaged and he says he is looking for- ward to his amployment on his old stamping grounds with a great deal of pleasure John Martin compositor and Lanston operator has been granted leave for an extended period without pay and will go to Morgantown N C William L Post superintendent of the division of has been in Chicago for several days on official business S P ODonnell of the pamphlet of the bindery is making a trip to Baltimore Philadelphia Now York and Boston and will return by sea to where he will spend ten days sightseeing The employes of the printing division of the afllco have oxtonded condolences to President T C Parsons of Columbia Typographical Union in the dean of his mother which occurred at Union Springs Ala on Wedaa day Mr has been at her bedside for several weeks past N LAST OF THE CONVICT SHIPS Renders of The Convict Ship will be Interested to know that until recently one of these craft was In existence The I ship It few years ago was moored and exhibited In the Thames between Black friars and Westminster bridges Jt had taken to Australia in its time 337000 poor wretches exiled from England for various offenses The sank in Sydney harbor but was later raised to England It had two cells a black hole and a chapel The ship began Its voyages to Australia in 17FT and sailed eightyone years in which time It carried to imprisonment and exile 116813 men and 20313 women I MIss the nero tord Rathbone W Smith ot Canada is vl trip a posi- tion I 1 the OCQupatlon or digging black monds documents Sec- tion James- town Par- sons I nd seven I c t G t char1 ore urn di a t1 ¬ ¬ ¬ a to l William C Butler of London land Is the guest of his sisterinlaw Mrs EF Andrews Mr and Mrs Alfed Ubler left Thurs Jamestown Lewis Machen also attended the opening A D Brockott has as her guest Mrs Branchford Adams Alexander Stratton has returned from short visit to his father in Lynchburg Miss Rose McDonald entertained at a sevenhand euchre party on Friday night to which she Invited Mrs William Wattles Mrs Cabroll Ashby Miss Ros- alie Stuart Mrs C C GambiA Miss Majr Green Miss Henderson and Mrs George Uhler who won the prize Mrs Williamson of St Louis spent the week end with Mrs Albert Brockett Mrs Charles Warren Lippot is visiting Mrs Howell Mrs Charles Eylott Caboll has gone Borryvillo for the summer Mrs Samuel Monroe entertained Thurs day night in honor of her sister Miss Snow Invited to meet Mien Snow were Mrs Carroll Ashby Mrs Stewart Mrs Alexander Sands Miss Carrie Stribbllng Miss Rosalie Stuart Miss Oault Norton and Miss Helen Cum mines Miss RosalIe McCormick spent a short time in this city with fnonds on her way to Berryvllla Mrs K W Barrett and Miss Kitty Barrett left Wednesday for Cape Henry where Mrs Barrett will open her Mrs Barrett attended the opening of the exposition R D Rodgers has moved to Cumber land where he will make his future home C C Carlin and J F Ryan were In Upparvllle during the week Miss Wittte Williams who has beer visiting Miss Mary Glenn Uhlor has gone to Washington Miss Louise Payne who has also been visiting Miss Uhler has returned to her home in Wytheville Mr and Mrs Charles ShepardBon en Thursday evening the ones ton being the first anniversarr of their wedding A reception was gives Tuesday even- ing in honor of the Rev W W Van Aradale the recently appointed minister to Trinity Church Addresses were made- y the Rev F S Stokeley Walter Pier pont end Oscar Baggett Hunter Johnson te visiting his brother Jehn M Johnson Mr and Mrs Adolfo de Nesti and Mrs de Nash the latter Miss Agnes Arm ietead of tile city wilt salt Italy May 2 where they will take a cottage near Vallambroee for the summer J E Kidweil who is connected with the Panama Canal ta in this city for a visit He expects soon to be assigned to duty In Washington W D expects to remove his family from Hampton where they now reside to this city Mr and Mrs KHenburg spent a few days with Mr and Mrs B Well Mr and Mrs Khenburg were on their wed- ding tour ATLANTIC CITY April 27 If the weather man has been tempting to demonstrate the various kinds and of weather possible to make lit a given time certainly he bus been suc easeful so far as the weather in At City has been concerned There IULS been everything summer to Arctic samples But withall there has been a large number of visitors at the hotels and unlike visitors in former years they did not pack up and leave with the first signs of unpleasant at- mospheric conditions It needs but a glance at the boardwalk on fair tf ternoon to e that the crowd is much larger than ever before at this season of the year Preparations ao t completed for the aniiual spring golf tourmmant of the Atlantic City Country Club which will be held on the links of NorthAeld Thursday Friday and Saturday of ntxt week May 2 t and 4 Qualification play to consist of thirtysix holes medal vtttl take place on Thursday Among the April visitors here is Gon A D Strauss consul general of Nica xagua a member of the Diplomatic 3brps of Washington General Strauss is not in the best of health and the trip to the shore was made in the hope and belief that lie would be greatly benefited by the change Mrs Strauss and Miss Strauss accompany the gen eral A delightful progressive veuohre was evening by a number of the guests of the house There were ten tables and the game was In progress until 11 oclock At Its conclusion refreshments were served by the management The prizes were captured by Mrs T W Dalton of Washington D C Miss Simon of Win Canada T W Dalton of Wash mgton Peter OBIonls of Paterson and the consolation by the latters daughter MIse OBlenis Mr andMrs George W Knight of Newark are spending their honeymoon nt Hotel Raleigh Mr Mrs George of Elmhurst L I are their honeymoon at the Hotel Chotwoode Mrs David W West of Baltimore and Mr and among the bridal couples spending some time at the Hotel New Lieut Commander D L Wilson re tired of the United Is spending a month here for the benefit of health known society people of Philadelphia are spending ten at senator Ernest Tustln or Phlla Traymore Mrs F C wite of wife of Captain Coloman one of from Fort Seward Alaska to spend tho snring at the shore They are staying at the New Belmont Mrs L H French wife of French of the United States Army ac at or Eng Mrs Jami- son cot- tage i for Y1 ken A Clfl NOW THE r ECGA de- grees lay are given at the Hotel Shoreham the other peg Mrs H R Fulton ot ire Mr and Mrs A S dolphin is among the weeks visitors Hot l Coleman Coleman and Mrs F C Coleman jr the best known shots In the came down of day fee i for tined antic from pin Drexel B1dci cvi all MaJar Ma ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > J I Deserts New York For Jamestown Exposition Return Soon to the Resorts I Sod ty A J I any poaching Parties Planned for Earfy Spring NW YORK April 27Jameetewns celebration ha taken a large number of people from New York down to Vlr and society is extensively ropre at the festivities organized te connection with the origin of that par tloular English colony now an Amen cnn State which is indebted for its name to Elizabeth popularly known as the Virgin Queen Many of the visitors from abroad including the Juke of the Abruzzf and Prince 1 void of SaxeCoburg will afterward come on to New York from Jamostown and Washington and prep rations arc already being made here for their entertainment What with a couple of coaching in town the annual and gyrahana at Lakewood on Friday and the steeplechase meeting for gentle men riders at Hempetead organized by the Meadow Brook Club for Saturday next it may be fairly stated that horses wJH occupy a considerable share of the attention of our smart set this week As for the annual parade of the Ladles FovrlnHand Club on Thursday next it te certain to prove a picturesque spectacle providing the weather is in any degree clement and one of its win be the debut of Mrs Charles B daughter Harriett a fourinhand whip said as a member of the dub The others who expected Borden Harriman Mrs Arthur Iselin lies Mary Harriman Miss Gladys and Miss Dorothea Cromwell Mrs William Goadby Lowe Miss Louise Gwlilver and last but sot least the president Mrs Thomas Hastings All there will be about eight coaches in line and they will follow their customary route through Central Park the review taking place on the Mil near XBth street Miee Jean Reid and Miss Angelica Gerry who were to have figured in the affair will both be For Miss Reid called ten days ago while Miss Angelica Gerry goes abroad with her sister her mother axed the gallant old commodore on Wednesday next Despite the popular prejudice against marrying in prejudice due to foolish superstition quite a number of young couples have decided to brave rate and Miss Jane HeWs marriage to Reginald Robbins in Grace Church on May 17 will be preceded by the wedding of Miss Lefferts to Henry Rawle in St Bartholomews on Tuesday May 14 Miss Lefferts who win have a very picturesque bevy of bridesmaids of Miss Dorothy Edwards Mies Emily Grugaa Miss Aleld Schenck and Miss Mary Amory Is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Marshall C Lotteries of of Colonel Letterts who commended the Seventh war Henry Rawle the bridegroom was formerly in the navy serving on board the battleship West Virginia is son Frauds Rawle the Philadelphia lawyer and the nephew of Henry Rawle the great ironmaster of Erie Pa The first Francis Rawle in tala country founded the settlement kaown The have among his uebese A J Drexel Paul Marshall C K Lefferts Jr and Raymond Neitson who WIle a fellowen sign of his on board the West Virginia and who some Urn age married Mtea Mary S Park com panted by her sons Cedric Del George has Joined a party of friends from New at Reddest Hell Major Gresham of the regular army accompanied by Mrs Gresnam Gresham Washington and Wheeler of New are guests of Mrs William F Zeigler at her cot tage 501 avenue E W W Griffin of Washington As sessor for the District Columbia ac eompanied Mrs is spending a fortnight at the shore are at the Hotel Mrs A C Jackson of 1411 V street Washington has her daughter Jackson at the Hotel New stay in the resort Miss Jackson is a well known vocalist in the National Capi tal Mrs Charles T of Baltimore is spending a couple of weeks with at W R a merchant of Washington is enjoying a fortnights at resort He his Atlantic City headquarters at the Ho tel F W Dalton a Government official and Mrs are Washingtonians spending a few days in resort Clarence L CuRes a newspaper man of Washington ie a few days Atlantic He is a visitor at Atlantic HoteL Dr W H a dfetia guished of Washington by Mrs is a ten days visit at the Hotel Brighton He is at the shore seeking a rest from his professional Mrs Jetties E a society ma tron of the National her attractive daughter Miss i Florence is sojourning at the Hotel Brighton The E a promi neat divine of Baltimore is a fortnights stay at the shore Mr Edwin B Bruce a society leader and Miss Bruce Js spending a fortnight here She and ter are at the Hotel Brighton of are the end of April at the Hotel Chalfonte Mr and Mrs F H and Mrs L S Bacon of Washington are at the Hotel a fort- nights stay In the resort Mrs Richard C Adams and Miss Maude Meigs of Washington are cn Joying a at the shore are registered at the Hotel St Charles P McCall Mercer a Washingtonian is visiting at the at HalL W C Keegan a Washington business- man is at more for a two weeks stay in the re sort Mrs A G H Snow and Mrs Goodell wellknown society matrons of Wasn Inglon registered at the Hotel Brighton for an extended J Rid nour a leading business- man of Washington a 111 tie vacation He is at the shore for a week and la making his head I distin- guished roe pa- rades horse show fea- tures Ale 4ers as ar tq take part In the meet will be Mrs T told Mat com- pOSed Ban Slxtylirth street and a grandeLighta Regiment when it Wt Sew York In ISSI to take part In the oIvfl a o Plymouth FrMnde wut hen 0 Is IU Clt acc- ompanIed accor I of Baltimore aeompanled Bruce Mr and S and dau Si tor Tra sta ft give s i ntd missing Maya f a The ana northwest weblinen r linen In is I g Mrs W r- and vnellkrcgrc ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ M d n Among the weddings for the present week is that of Miss Rachel Kennedy daughter of Mr and Mrs Van Rensse Kennedy and granddaughter of Mrs George A Robbins to Frank Porter tomorrow afternoon at the home of the brides parents in West Fiftysecond street It will only be a szaalt affair and the Invitations restricted to relatives and a few tatimte friends Hebert Porter wilt be his eottslas beat man an l the ushers will consist or James F Good win Mark White Charles Lawrence and BeaU HalHstor Bishop David H Green will officiate at the wedding of Miss Gwendolyn to Albert J Akin which takes ra e en Tuesday art rn jn in St Georges Church on Stuyvesant Square The bride who only made her a year ago is the daughter of Mr and Mrs George W Wickersaoia 2he will have Miss AHce Koboe as her maid of hone s 4 Miss Elsie NicoU Miss Clara Wright Barclay Ruth Hutbel Miss Florence Burton and Miss Martha PKkia all extremely pretty girls ae her bridewnaid who is a son of Mr and Mrs Albro Akin has selected Duncan Holmes as his best man and Alfred Wagataff Jr Cornelius J Clinton Work George Hedsee Arthur and Stewart Sloeson as his ushers The ceremony will be lol lowed by a reception at the Wicker sham home in East Sixtyfirst street LMner weddings for the same data that is to ay for the last day in April are those of MIsS Winifred Ives to Thomas L Clark in St Agnes Chapel Craig F Drake at St Thomas that of Miss Anne Sooner to Sterling T Foote in the Madison Square Presby terian Church besides many others TIM are again Jn mourning in tact may compensate her in a fash Jon for continual restriction since her marriage to the garments woe time death family is that of Clarence Mack of Mrs John W and of Countess demise of the venerable lady whom Clan ence Mackay seen but at the most two or times In her life will some what mar her for the summer and will likewise prevent all enter whieh John Mackay bad planned to take place at mansion on terrace in honor of her son and on the occasion of their visit this summer to where Clarence due as one of the three American directors of the Horse Show at the Olympia in London Others who have recently been uraintr are P Belmont Mr and Mrs W K the Duchess of Marlborough through the death of a little over a week ago after an operation for appendicitis Smith a daugh late MurraySmith and a sis ter of Mrs O P Belmont the late Countess de and Mrs M V F She was greatly interested in charities of one another and established at a working girls which has been In successful operation tor about five It decided to discontinue the Thursday evening dances organ six by Mrs de Peyster and J Montgomery Strong dances have among most enjoyable tad most attended of of the subscription And their cause much dis appointment and regret among that ele of society m this entertainment The dancing was preceded a ner each of the patronesses having a table of her own to which her friends The reason for the discontinuance of the dinner dances is on account of Mrs de Peyster having Men In mourning for the past years and Strong is out greater time and no one else seems willing to accept the ity end the time needed for their arrangement quarters at the Hotel Shelburne He 1 accompanied by his wife Henry C Adams of Washington is among the visitors at the Hotel Dennis will be here for another week be fore returning to the National Capital to up the reins of busi- ness career Mise Bosse a pretty Washington belle te quartsred at the during a stay at tbe shore Mrs Richard S Hill of Bal timore wh are staying at the Hotel Morton an entertaining Mrs W S Myers and of Wash Ington Mrs A C and daughter of Washington are making home at Hotel during a protracted vtelt to the resort H F Brandeberg of Washington Is x visitor at Hotel following residents of Washing ton at these Atlantic City hotels during the week American and Mrs H B Thomas Hotel Brevoort J A MacDonald Cornell Inn Robert Ar cher Mary Elliott Craig Mrs G A Chcteea T H Holt T H Scott and daughter Hotel M Mr aad Mrs L S Bacon and daughter Mrs Arthur Ramsey Miss Mr and Mrs F Edmunds Mrs Henry S HapTiscn Hotel Dennis W F Borcher Portor Allen Henry C Adams The and Mrs W Brown Haddon L 11 P McCall Mercer Hotel Holmhurst Mr and Mrs W R HH1 Mr arid Mrs J G R Henderson E C Henderson E W Henderson Hotel Miss Borne Hotel Morton Mrs J Moshar Miss Detwiler Hotel MoMtlceHe R A Phillips Mr and Mrs S W Griffin New England J B Wilson Mrs A C Jackson Hotel Penahurst Miss Graham Phillips House Mr aria Mrs Henry Kaufman Hotel Rudolf Mr and Mrs J HUt maul Mtes W Rout Mr and Mrs J Ran L Abrams Hotel Runhymede Mrs W T Hotel Shoreham Miss A Elliott Seaside House Mrsv LR Smith Mrs Olive E Bernham Gas Stoves 98c Worth Sl O Just the also for summer utility HUDSONS- F and loth Sts Brt Miss the bride- groom eraham Header se that or Mary do La Vergne to they never seem to or It perhaPS the edge that black is especially becoming to tlw peculiar Mrs at aTs old Yrs Hungerford the mother In H 1ar o 13 Joe the The tf red I Belt r FredonlaMr W lee bee deb M i t te T a t r have- n near ckesham pt WIc Mas Yet ntles a rest ny ant a e p I t = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬

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Post on 08-May-2018




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and Printing

Messrs Murphy and Schrack j

Goto ChicagoIn July

Jeremiah P ftlurphy and Edward LSchraok plate printers employed in thebureau will represent tile local PlatoPrinters Union as delegates to the convontlon of the International Unionwhich is to be held in Chicago the lat-ter part of July Mr Schrack has heldmany positions of trust in the localunion having only recently retired fromthe position of financial secretary after-a long service The alternate delegatesselected are Frank J MeKenna andJames P MeNally

Printers Interested In Exhibit

at New York Show

Plate printers are Interested in an ex-

hibit that te to be made at theadvertising show at Madison

Square Garden in New York city byone of the largest banknote companiesIn this country The company makesmany of the national bank notes up tothe point when they are sent to theGovernment for final printing Papermoney for foreign countries will alsobe a part of the exhibit but sightseerswill be most interested in watching theengravers work on all the user pointsof national currency which make counterfeittng difficult

Death of Richard D WalkerThrows Gloom Over Bureau

It w with that the manyfriends In the bureau learned of thedeath of Richard D Walker at thehome of his parents in this city onThursday April IS Mr Walker hadbeen in poor health for several monthsbeing compelled on account of illnessto give up Ida position in bureauabout a year ago He was a plate printer and was employed In the printingdivision He was a son of Richard Aand Sophia R Walker of this cityDeath was due to consumption Thefuneral was held from his residence1101 P street northwest on Saturdayafternoon lastSuperintendent Frederick Crocker

Is Married In New York

Frederick superintendent ofthe room who treated hismany friends in the bureau to a pleas-ant surprise by going over to New Yorkcity and getting married several daysago returned to the bureau on Mondaylast He was not only showered withthe customary congratulations but theladles employed in his division prosented him with fine cut glass waterset Mr and Mrs Crocker are at hometo their friends at 1211 K street northwest

Notes and PersonalsCharles B Cameron the new record

ing secretary of Plato Printers Unionlocal No 2 is again at work after having spent In attendance on theannual meeting of the American FuneralBenefit Association of Baltimore whichwas held this year in Lynchburg VaMr Cameron was the delegate from thelocal branch of the association

Miss Gertrude Deach of section 8 ofthe printing division has resigned herposition on account of til health andreturned to her old home In Pennsyl-vania Miss Deach was very popularin the bureau and her many friends hopefor her early return to good health

Wallace Sauntjors of the vault hasbeen confined to his home with a badattack of the grip for the last week

Miss Anna Deahl of the miscellane-ous division who has been 111 at herhome In Alexandria for the last twoweeks is reported to be slowly improving

Miss Trtwalla of the miscellaneousdivision has boon on vacation lor thelast week r

Miss Ella Offett of the miscellaneousdivision resigned her position on Monday last and surprised her friends byannouncing her approaching marriageto Ernest Follin

Miss OMarla messenger In ForemanSzegedys division has been ill for threeweeks but is reported to bo improving

Theodore Helmerichfe and Ed Myersemployee of the prtinting division havebeen selected to take charge of thespecimens to be exhibited and printedduring the Jamestown exposition under the direction of the Treasurypirtment Messrs Helmerichs andMyers handled the bureau exhibit atthe St Louis exposition and made adecided success ot the undertaking

The committee selected by PJto Print-ers Union Local No 9 to present theresolutions recently adopted eulogistic ofthe life and character of Edward DJordan to his composed oYost Harbough Rooney andPresident Leiaeler

KANSASThe wanderlust is raging among

farmers of pontral Kansas to Judge bythe large number of sales going on dayafter day The farmers do not sell

they are poor but because asmany of them express it they can selltheir farms at a profit to warrant theirmoving Some auctions include also thepersonal property The farmers go toIMS developed parts of the country tofcegin over Some however are seekinga rest and retain their farms

Auctioneers are prospering and manyhave ornd the title of col nt whichni ai ut they have vrifu over one1hum 1 ais Many of tho who arpolling go to the Dakotas I

yr the Texas Panhandle A few go toLouis PostDispatch










C week




























GQVf Dffi



MRS ULPIAN F VAN LINDERENBride of Prosperous Farmer

Met Mr Van Linderen WhileTeaching School at Rens

selaer N Y

A quiet wedding was celebrated onMonday erenlne at the home of Georgea who for the last thirteenyears has been connected with the ma-chine shop at 721 Third street north-west when his daughter Miss JennieMay Voeburgh was married to UlpianFranklin Van Linderen the Rev Rob-ert A Davison of Falls Church Vaofficiating The wedding was quiet be-cause of the of the bridesmother

The bride was attired in a pongee silktraveling suit with hat to match Aftermaking a honeymoon trip to severalpoints m New York Stats the happycouple will go to East Qreenbush N Ythe home of the bridegroom to reside

Mr Van Linderen is a prosperoustanner and Mrs Van Linderen for sev-eral years past has taught school atRenseetaer K Y spending her vaca-ttons with her parents in this city

Skiddoo Day on WednesdayInstead of Twentythird

The women employed In the sewingdivision of the bindery in the old build-ing claim that Wednesday was skiddee day tot them the occasion beingthe twentythird time that they havebeen furloughed during the present pe-

riod of depression The furlough ia forsix days

The gathering stitohing and cuttingmachines and other material

the plant that handles the Congrewrional Record after it leaves thepresses is being moved from the condto the first floor where it was locatedprevious to last session of Goaf rws

Job Division on the Move

Second Time Within Decade

For the second time within a decadethe job division is on the OnWednesday morning a force work-men commenced operations against theformidable walls forming the indoeure-of Foreman Michael office and within-a few days when the removal of theprinting paraphenaHa wilt begin inearnest It is expected that only thepartition gashes will remain where thewalls once stood The costly enameledand faco brick are taken out with asmuch care as possible to be used againin other parts of the building wherewaits are in course of erection Whilethe work of demolition Is in progressthe office force has secured temporaryquarters Jn tIe main corridor of theeventh floor camping out as one ofclerks expressed it It J not knowndefinitely what disposition will be madeof the space vacated but it is pre-sumed that part of the bindery depart-ment will use it At the western endof the seventh floor G street side theoffice room of the foreman of the foun-dry which was razed last week willprobably serve as quarters for theootyiMJ mold ers who are said to be bad-ly crowded in their present locationThe job division employee will probablybe forced to break the Sabbath in or-der to facilitate removal as the divisionIs just now crowded with work thatcannot be sidetracked while he removalis going on There are many tons of

matter and many more of standing pickup stacks of chases

frames racks etc allof which must be placed in trim orderready for the regular run of businessso it will be seen that the removal ofone of the large and important divi-sions of the big is a task somemagnitude The new location on thesecond floor G street side will beshared it is thought by a number ofruling the bindery

Nominations For PositionsBrings Out a Good Array

While ome of the races did not Allas anticipated the nominations for of-

ficial positions In Columbia Typograph-ical Union last Sunday brought out agood array of those who will make agood showing on the track f Contrary tocustom President Parsons is not to havea second term without opposition Therace for president will prove Interest-ing and will make up for the disappoint-ment caused by some of the previouslyannounced candidates for minor posi-tions failing tQ quality at the last mo-ment

Many Theologians

Employed in the PrinfThe resignation of Albert E Ogg

popular young compositor whose



























recent assignment has been at tho NavydlVlsloAi to engage in ministerial workservrs to recall tho fact that the Government Printing Office has a number ofmen who can and do preach on occasions William L Post superintendentof the division of documents is a Christlan Science reader and Philip S Steeleof division frequently fills thepulpits of local churches of the Christian denomination John R Bradleyproofreader at the Library division isa graduate in theology and frequentlypreaches The number of men andwomen In the office who are holding

positions on church boards andin organizations doing Christian workruns into the dozens One of the localmissions recently conducted tile entireevenings program with talent from thePrimary

Bade Walter Wellman GoodlyAs He Started For Polar Trip

R E King of the main proof roomwho returned a few days since Crom qweeks trip to New York whli thertsaid goodby at too wharf to WalterWellman as the latter took his departure for Paris In order to Ipok after theconstruction of the airship that is totake him and his party in quest of theNorth Polo Mr King and Mr Wellmanhave long been warm personal friends

Foreman Theodore Hodes

Married to Miss Hattie Jewett

Foreman Theodore Hodes of the fifthdivision and Miss Hattie M Jawott whofor many years employed in thesame division but who recently resignedwere married on Tuesday the ceremonybeing performed by the Rev H R NaylorJr Hodes to from Hudson N Y and

is nf Utree years of age The brideis train Lynn Mass Mr Hodes andMiss Jewett have been engaged for aeveral years and the wedding while

not a surprise to their friends

Will Hustle For LexingtonFor Next Printers Convention

F C Learning of Lexington Kytimes president of the Typograph-

ical Union in that city and often dele-gate to the annual conventions of theInternational Typographical Union whohas many friends among the oraft inthis city is to represent his union again

year as delegate to the Hot SprIngconvention He will present a stronginvitation to the convention on the partof the citizens of his city to hold thenext convention there

Notes and PersonalsSamuel Gompers jr compositor was

recently tiy deferred from filth divi-sion to tor lodit division Raid assignedto clerical duties

John A Phillips of the main proofroom to again at tye desk after an IIIness bf several days

W V P WhIte of the proofroom who has lost much tune from theofflce OR aocoont of several painful ao

the past winter has been forcedto undergo another operation sur-geons having found upon examinationthat the bones had failed to knit properly after setting

Capt G W Manning of the mainproof room became suddenly ill at theoffice the first of the week and was takento his home where his trouble was pro-nounced a nervous breakdown He wasable to resume his duties at the ofiteehowever on Thursday

Maj John D Russell of the mainproof room has been oonnnsd to hishome for ten days with an atiek ofrheumatism

S D of main proof roomhas been from the office for thelast ten days tile bedside of his wifewhose protracted illness ie said to havereaohed a critical Mr Howelta-to a brother of the novelist Wltttan DeanHowelta

Mrs Josephine Plumer of the sewingroom of the bindery who recently suf-fered a stroke of paralysis as she wasentering the office te still confined toGeorgetown Hospital where she is re-ported as doing as well as coaHI be ex-pected

J Nat Steed who a abort time sincewas transerred from the War divisionto the audit division at the main officehas resigned his position in order to goto North Caroline where he will editand manage newspaper

S T Covert chief of the estimatingdivision comes in one of the manypromotions that have been passed aroundrecently His salary is increased fromZOO to 2SO per annum

Howard G Brown a clerk In thestimating division has been promotedin salary to 92030 per annum j

Louis H Wilcox watchman at themain door of the old building has beenconfined to his home for several daysby illness

Miss Lucy H Van Kirk temporaryclerk in the division of documents resighed her position Thursday to take apermanent position In the forestry dlvision Department of Agriculture

Mies Ora A Brady cashier in the division of documents has been

to the audit division Fred Cromwell been appointed acting cashierto succeed Miss Brady

Miss Alberta N Rowzee temporaryclerk In the division of documents hasresigned her position In order to take apermanent one in the forestry divisionDepartment of Agriculture

W J L Dlllman Is among the recenttransfers from the first division to theJob room Mr Diilman an amateurphotographer of the first rank some ofhis camera wo Jc particularly views ofpublic buildings having attracted wideattention

veteran typo who cruteofcwith the famous Missouri pirates yearsago is back to the old stand in the jobroom having transferred from thefirst division last week

Work In the job division has beensteadily increasing The force employed-is larger in numbers than ever beforewith constant additions to both the dayand night shifts Last week a call wentthrough the dflicc for men who could 4oJob work thp following compositorsvcro hroirlv up

Charles W Sower Charles II










Rowel the







Lee Hartley























Continued from Fifth Pagercnce Faacut Johnson McGuire Claronce and Wllber Robinson Louis Bar-ley George Cochran Gilbert Cox Rich-ard Green and Edward tempore Thecolor scheme was pink and green eachlittle girl being presented with a beau

ui La France rose

Emily Smith of BerryvJllo Is thelost of Miss Mary Watts BlackburnMrs Louis C Barley entertained very

handsomely Wednesday afternoon at a-

bridge party at her home on Columbusstreet Her guests were Mrs T Marshall Jones Mrs Carroll Ashby MrsThomas W Robinson Mrs ArthurSnowden Mrs John Lcadbeater MrsWilliam J Boothe Misses Lldd Philand Nellie Walters Mrs Jessie Armstrong Mrs Henry F Robertson MrsWilliam WatWis Mrs Robert PullerMrs James Reid Mrs William BDangerlield Mrs George French Mrs

Gibson Mrs David J HowollMrs Kirk Uhlor Mrs Samuel GordonBrent Mrs Stuart Jamison MrsGeorge Uhler Miss Thompson MissKllon Herbert Miss Jean I3r mt MrsJamod D Gatewood of WashingtonMrs Gardiner Bootbc and Mrs Clamence Leadbeater

Miss Cora S Latham was marriedWednesday morning at the home ofher parents Mr and Mrs W E Latham to J B w Timberman The Rev

R Servlor performed the ceremonyThe couple left for a short weddingtrip after which thoy will reside at 309Fairfax street An interesting featureof tho wedding was a silver servicepresented to Mr Timberman byyoung men of the town with whom helet r Great favorite

Ernest Simpson a brother of the lateMayor George Simpson was In this cityto attend the iuneral of his brotherbut as Mr Simpson was in Oklahomaho was not able to net here in time todo so

Mrs A D Brockett entertainedThursday evening in honor of Mrsof Washington and Mrs

Heart of Philadelphia Invited to meetthem were Miss Fanny Dixon Mrs WlllIam Wattles Mrs David J Howell andMiss Rose McDonald

Iting at the home of his motherinlawMm Kate Waller BarrettMiss Mary Pattleson of Baltimore whohas been visiting Miss Mary Hooff on

Seminary Hill returned on FridayMtae Belle Dangerfieid te traveling withfriends in China where she will oejoined shortly by her brother and sisterwith whom she will return to this oountry In September

Mr and Mrs Benjamin McK Aitcheson have returned from their wedding

Francis Walrus U S N spent theweekend with friends in this cityThe Thursday Club held Its weekly

meeting at the home of Mrs ThomasW Robinson Those present were MrsJames Reid Mrs William J Boethe jrMrs George Uhler Mrs Henry P Rob-ertson Mrs Louis S Scott Mrs Arthur Snowden Mrs George French andMrs T Marshall Jones Mrs W JBoothe won the prize

Mrs William Bowls and her littledaughter are visiting her mother MrsStarr Wattles

Virgil M Boyd a E Jones LeoHartley H Van D Bogert W J LDHl an J Lv Fritz C L Williams BS Elliott and a C Hlpkins

Robert W Summers assistant fore-man is in receipt of a promotion to Ute2009 class

Harry J McGowan h s made good inth position ofaqting cittef stockkeeperand received a permaaent appointmentwith a salary of 000

William Primer pressman who hasbeen employed in the main pressroomhas resigned his position in order to re

to Cumberland Md where hetakes a position with a commercialprinting establishment with which hewas formerly employed

Leroy Strasberger who has been em-ployed in the oQIce for the last sixyears resigned his position in the packing and delivery division few dayssince in order td enter into business atFrederick Md

Michael Featherston of the hydraulicprces division who has been a wellknown employe of the office for the lastthirteen years has resigned his positionIn order to return to his old homo inWilkesbarre Pa whore he has a

as special policeman with a min-Ing company Mike formerly engaged

and he says he is looking for-ward to his amployment on his oldstamping grounds with a great deal ofpleasure

John Martin compositor and Lanstonoperator has been granted leave for anextended period without pay and willgo to Morgantown N C

William L Post superintendent ofthe division of has been inChicago for several days on officialbusiness

S P ODonnell of the pamphletof the bindery is making a trip to

Baltimore Philadelphia Now York andBoston and will return by sea to

where he will spend ten dayssightseeing

The employes of the printing divisionof the afllco have oxtonded condolencesto President T C Parsons of ColumbiaTypographical Union in the dean of hismother which occurred at UnionSprings Ala on Wedaa day Mr

has been at her bedside for severalweeks past


LAST OF THE CONVICT SHIPSRenders of The Convict Ship will be

Interested to know that until recentlyone of these craft was In existence The I

ship It few years ago was moored andexhibited In the Thames between Blackfriars and Westminster bridges Jt hadtaken to Australia in its time 337000poor wretches exiled from England forvarious offenses The sank inSydney harbor but was later raised

to England It hadtwo cells a black hole and a chapel Theship began Its voyages to Australia in17FT and sailed eightyone years inwhich time It carried to imprisonmentand exile 116813 men and 20313 women




nero tord

Rathbone W Smith ot Canada is vl




I1 the OCQupatlon or digging blackmonds





Ind seven

















William C Butler of Londonland Is the guest of his sisterinlawMrs E F Andrews

Mr and Mrs Alfed Ubler left ThursJamestown Lewis Machen also

attended the opening

A D Brockott has as her guestMrs Branchford Adams

Alexander Stratton has returned fromshort visit to his father in Lynchburg

Miss Rose McDonald entertained at asevenhand euchre party on Fridaynight to which she Invited Mrs WilliamWattles Mrs Cabroll Ashby Miss Ros-alie Stuart Mrs C C GambiA Miss MajrGreen Miss Henderson and Mrs GeorgeUhler who won the prize

Mrs Williamson of St Louis spentthe week end with Mrs Albert Brockett

Mrs Charles Warren Lippot is visitingMrs Howell

Mrs Charles Eylott Caboll has goneBorryvillo for the summer

Mrs Samuel Monroe entertained Thursday night in honor of her sister MissSnow Invited to meet Mien Snow wereMrs Carroll Ashby Mrs Stewart

Mrs Alexander Sands Miss CarrieStribbllng Miss Rosalie Stuart MissOault Norton and Miss Helen Cummines

Miss RosalIe McCormick spent a shorttime in this city with fnonds on herway to Berryvllla

Mrs K W Barrett and Miss KittyBarrett left Wednesday for Cape Henrywhere Mrs Barrett will open her

Mrs Barrett attended the openingof the exposition

R D Rodgers has moved to Cumberland where he will make his futurehome

C C Carlin and J F Ryan were InUpparvllle during the week

Miss Wittte Williams who has beervisiting Miss Mary Glenn Uhlor hasgone to Washington Miss LouisePayne who has also been visiting MissUhler has returned to her home inWytheville

Mr and Mrs Charles ShepardBon enThursday evening the ones

ton being the first anniversarr of theirwedding

A reception was gives Tuesday even-ing in honor of the Rev W W VanAradale the recently appointed ministerto Trinity Church Addresses were made-y the Rev F S Stokeley Walter Pier

pont end Oscar Baggett

Hunter Johnson te visiting his brotherJehn M Johnson

Mr and Mrs Adolfo de Nesti and Mrsde Nash the latter Miss Agnes Armietead of tile city wilt salt ItalyMay 2 where they will take a cottagenear Vallambroee for the summer

J E Kidweil who is connected withthe Panama Canal ta in this city for avisit He expects soon to be assigned toduty In Washington

W D expects to remove hisfamily from Hampton where they nowreside to this city

Mr and Mrs KHenburg spent a fewdays with Mr and Mrs B Well Mrand Mrs Khenburg were on their wed-ding tour

ATLANTIC CITY April 27 If theweather man has been tempting todemonstrate the various kinds and

of weather possible to make lita given time certainly he bus been suceaseful so far as the weather in At

City has been concerned ThereIULS been everything summer toArctic samples But withall there hasbeen a large number of visitors at thehotels and unlike visitors in formeryears they did not pack up and leavewith the first signs of unpleasant at-mospheric conditions It needs but aglance at the boardwalk on fair tfternoon to e that the crowd is muchlarger than ever before at this seasonof the year

Preparations ao t completed forthe aniiual spring golf tourmmant ofthe Atlantic City Country Club whichwill be held on the links of NorthAeldThursday Friday and Saturday of ntxtweek May 2 t and 4 Qualification playto consist of thirtysix holes medalvtttl take place on Thursday

Among the April visitors here is GonA D Strauss consul general of Nicaxagua a member of the Diplomatic3brps of Washington General Straussis not in the best of health and thetrip to the shore was made in the hopeand belief that lie would be greatlybenefited by the change Mrs Straussand Miss Strauss accompany the general

A delightful progressive veuohre was

evening by a number of the guests ofthe house There were ten tables andthe game was In progress until 11 oclockAt Its conclusion refreshments wereserved by the management The prizeswere captured by Mrs T W Dalton ofWashington D C Miss Simon of Win

Canada T W Dalton of Washmgton Peter OBIonls of Paterson andthe consolation by the latters daughterMIse OBlenis

Mr andMrs George W Knight ofNewark are spending their honeymoonnt Hotel Raleigh Mr MrsGeorge of Elmhurst L Iare their honeymoon at theHotel Chotwoode Mrs DavidW West of Baltimore and Mr andamong the bridal couples spending sometime at the Hotel New

Lieut Commander D L Wilson retired of the United Isspending a month here for the benefit ofhealthknown society people of Philadelphiaare spending ten atsenator Ernest Tustln or Phlla

TraymoreMrs F C wite of

wife of Captain Coloman one offrom Fort Seward Alaska to spend thosnring at the shore They are stayingat the New Belmont

Mrs L H French wife ofFrench of the United States Army ac









Y1 ken

A Clfl





given at the Hotel Shoreham the other


Mrs H R Fulton ot ire

Mr and Mrs A S

dolphin is among the weeks visitorsHot lColeman

Coleman and Mrs F C Coleman jrthe bestknown shots In the came down









Drexel B1dci cvi












Deserts New YorkFor Jamestown Exposition

Return Soon to the Resorts


Sod ty




any poaching PartiesPlanned for Earfy


NW YORK April 27Jameetewnscelebration ha taken a large number ofpeople from New York down to Vlr

and society is extensively ropreat the festivities organized te

connection with the origin of that partloular English colony now an Amencnn State which is indebted for itsname to Elizabeth popularly known asthe Virgin Queen Many of the

visitors from abroad includingthe Juke of the Abruzzf andPrince 1 void of SaxeCoburg willafterward come on to New York fromJamostown and Washington and preprations arc already being made here fortheir entertainment

What with a couple of coachingin town the annual

and gyrahana at Lakewood on Fridayand the steeplechase meeting for gentlemen riders at Hempetead organized bythe Meadow Brook Club for Saturdaynext it may be fairly stated that horseswJH occupy a considerable share of theattention of our smart set this week

As for the annual parade of the LadlesFovrlnHand Club on Thursday nextit te certain to prove a picturesquespectacle providing the weather is inany degree clement and one of its

win be the debut of Mrs CharlesB daughter Harriett afourinhand whip said as a member ofthe dub The others who expected

Borden Harriman Mrs Arthur Iselinlies Mary Harriman Miss Gladys andMiss Dorothea Cromwell Mrs WilliamGoadby Lowe Miss Louise Gwlilver andlast but sot least the president MrsThomas Hastings All there will beabout eight coaches in line and theywill follow their customary routethrough Central Park the review takingplace on the Mil near XBth street MieeJean Reid and Miss Angelica Gerrywho were to have figured in the affairwill both be For Miss Reidcalled ten days ago while Miss AngelicaGerry goes abroad with her sister hermother axed the gallant old commodoreon Wednesday next

Despite the popular prejudice againstmarrying in prejudice due tofoolish superstition quite a number ofyoung couples have decided to braverate and Miss Jane HeWs marriage toReginald Robbins in Grace Church onMay 17 will be preceded by the weddingof Miss Lefferts to Henry Rawlein St Bartholomews on Tuesday May14 Miss Lefferts who win have a verypicturesque bevy of bridesmaids

of Miss Dorothy Edwards MiesEmily Grugaa Miss Aleld Schenck andMiss Mary Amory Is a daughter of Mrand Mrs Marshall C Lotteries of

of Colonel Letterts who commended theSeventh

war Henry Rawle the bridegroom wasformerly in the navy serving on boardthe battleship West Virginia is son

Frauds Rawle the Philadelphialawyer and the nephew of Henry Rawlethe great ironmaster of Erie Pa Thefirst Francis Rawle in tala countryfounded the settlement kaown The

have among his uebese A J DrexelPaul Marshall C K Lefferts Jr andRaymond Neitson who WIle a fellowensign of his on board the West Virginiaand who some Urn age married MteaMary S Park

com panted by her sons Cedric DelGeorge has Joined a party of friendsfrom New at Reddest Hell

Major Gresham of the regular armyaccompanied by Mrs Gresnam

Gresham Washington andWheeler of New are guests ofMrs William F Zeigler at her cottage 501 avenueE W W Griffin of Washington Assessor for the District Columbia aceompanied Mrs is spendinga fortnight at the shore areat the HotelMrs A C Jackson of 1411 V streetWashington has herdaughter Jackson at theHotel New stay inthe resort Miss Jackson is a wellknown vocalist in the National CapitalMrs Charles T of Baltimoreis spending a couple of weeks withatW R a merchantof Washington is enjoying a fortnightsat resort He hisAtlantic City headquarters at the HotelF W Dalton a Government officialand Mrs are

Washingtonians spending a few days inresortClarence L CuRes anewspaper man of Washington iea few days AtlanticHe is a visitor at AtlanticHoteLDr W H a dfetiaguished of Washington

by Mrs isa ten days visit at the HotelBrighton He is at the shore seekinga rest from his professionalMrs Jetties E a society matron of the National

her attractive daughter Miss iFlorence is sojourning at theHotel BrightonThe E a promineat divine of Baltimore isa fortnights stay at the shoreMr Edwin B Bruce a society leader

and Miss Bruce Js spendinga fortnight here She andter are at the Hotel Brighton

of are theend of April at the Hotel ChalfonteMr and Mrs F H andMrs L S Bacon of Washingtonare at the Hotel a fort-nights stay In the resortMrs Richard C Adams and MissMaude Meigs of Washington are cn

Joying a at the shoreare registered at the Hotel StCharlesP McCall Mercer a

Washingtonian is visiting at theat HalLW C Keegan a Washington business-

man is atmore for a two weeks stay in the resort

Mrs A G H Snow and Mrs Goodellwellknown society matrons of WasnInglon registered at the HotelBrighton for an extended

J Rid nour a leading business-man of Washington a 111tie vacation He is at the shorefor a week and la making his head




pa-rades horse show


Ale4ers as

artq take part In the meet will be Mrs T




BanSlxtylirth street and a grandeLightaRegiment when it Wt Sew

York In ISSI to take part In the oIvfl


Plymouth FrMnde wut








of Baltimore aeompanled Bruce

Mr and S and dau Sitor














weblinen r

linen In




Mrs W










Among the weddings for the presentweek is that of Miss Rachel Kennedydaughter of Mr and Mrs Van Rensse

Kennedy and granddaughter ofMrs George A Robbins to Frank

Porter tomorrow afternoon atthe home of the brides parents in WestFiftysecond street It will only be aszaalt affair and the Invitations

restricted to relatives and afew tatimte friends Hebert Porterwilt be his eottslas beat man an l theushers will consist or James F Goodwin Mark White Charles Lawrenceand BeaU HalHstor

Bishop David H Green will officiateat the wedding of Miss Gwendolynto Albert J Akin which

takes ra e en Tuesday art rn jn inSt Georges Church on StuyvesantSquare The bride who only made hera year ago is the daughter ofMr and Mrs George W Wickersaoia2he will have Miss AHce Koboe as hermaid of hone s 4 Miss Elsie NicoUMiss Clara Wright Barclay RuthHutbel Miss Florence Burton and MissMartha PKkia all extremely prettygirls ae her bridewnaid

who is a son of Mr and MrsAlbro Akin has selected DuncanHolmes as his best man and AlfredWagataff Jr Cornelius JClinton Work George Hedsee Arthur

and Stewart Sloeson ashis ushers The ceremony will be lollowed by a reception at the Wickersham home in East Sixtyfirst streetLMner weddings for the same datathat is to ay for the last day in Aprilare those of MIsS Winifred Ives toThomas L Clark in St Agnes Chapel

Craig F Drake at St Thomas thatof Miss Anne Sooner to Sterling TFoote in the Madison Square Presbyterian Church besides many othersTIM are again Jnmourning in tact

may compensate her in a fashJon for continual restrictionsince her marriage to thegarments woe time deathfamily is that of Clarence Mackof Mrs John Wand of Countess demiseof the venerable lady whom Clanence Mackay seen but at the mosttwo or times In her life will somewhat mar her for the summerand will likewise prevent all enterwhieh John Mackay badplanned to take place at mansion onterrace in honor of her son andon the occasion of theirvisit this summer to whereClarence due as one of the threeAmerican directors of the

Horse Show at the Olympiain LondonOthers who have recently beenuraintr are P BelmontMr and Mrs W K theDuchess of Marlborough through thedeath of a littleover a week ago after an operation forappendicitis Smith a daughlate MurraySmith and a sister of Mrs O P Belmont the lateCountess de and Mrs M VF She was greatly interestedin charities of one anotherand established at a workinggirls which has been In successfuloperation tor about fiveIt decided to discontinue theThursday evening dances organ

six by Mrsde Peyster and J Montgomery Strongdances have among mostenjoyable tad most attended ofof the subscription Andtheir cause much disappointment and regret among that eleof societym this entertainment Thedancing was preceded aner each of the patronesses having atable of her own to whichher friends The reason forthe discontinuance of the dinner dancesis on account of Mrs de Peyster havingMen In mourning for the past yearsand Strong is outgreater time and no one elseseems willing to accept theity end the time needed for theirarrangement

quarters at the Hotel Shelburne He 1

accompanied by his wifeHenry C Adams of Washington is

among the visitors at the Hotel Denniswill be here for another week before returning to the National Capitalto up the reins of busi-ness career

Mise Bosse a pretty Washingtonbelle te quartsred at theduring a stay at tbe shore

Mrs Richard S Hill of Baltimore wh are staying at the HotelMorton an entertaining Mrs W SMyers and of WashIngton

Mrs A C and daughter ofWashington are making home atHotel during a protracted

vtelt to the resortH F Brandeberg of Washington Isx visitor at Hotel

following residents of Washington at these AtlanticCity hotels during the week

American and Mrs H BThomas

Hotel Brevoort J A MacDonaldCornell Inn Robert Archer Mary ElliottCraig Mrs G A

Chcteea T H Holt T HScott and daughterHotel M Mr

aad Mrs L S Bacon and daughterMrs Arthur Ramsey Miss Mrand Mrs F Edmunds Mrs HenryS HapTiscn

Hotel Dennis W F Borcher PortorAllen Henry C Adams

The and Mrs WBrown

Haddon L 11 P McCall MercerHotel Holmhurst Mr and Mrs W R

HH1 Mr arid Mrs J G RHenderson E C Henderson E WHenderson

Hotel Miss BorneHotel Morton Mrs J Moshar Miss

DetwilerHotel MoMtlceHe R A Phillips Mr

and Mrs S W GriffinNew England J B Wilson Mrs A

C JacksonHotel Penahurst Miss GrahamPhillips House Mr aria Mrs Henry

KaufmanHotel Rudolf Mr and Mrs J HUt

maul Mtes W Rout Mr and Mrs JRan L AbramsHotel Runhymede Mrs W THotel Shoreham Miss A ElliottSeaside House Mrsv L R Smith Mrs

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