i u soda fountains elsewhere plea ex i get the for ... · the washington herald tuesday may 10 1910...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD TUESDAY MAY 10 1910 v 3 I EDWARDS AILMENT NOT A MYSTERY British Medical Journal Ex plains Causes of DeaMi HAD TENDENCY TO BRONCHITIS Heart Failure flue to Incrcnaliisr Difficulty the Pulmonary Cir- culation Rctnrn from Biarritz In Cold Sprint Weather Taxed Strength Mcdlcnl Mcnfo Fenra London 9 Tho British Medical Journal the loading medical organ in dealing with King Edwards illness from a medical point of view aCtor declaring that the cas was perfectly simple and that there was nothing mysterious about the causes of his majestys death makes tho following authoritative statement For yoars the King suffered from em- physema and a tendency more or less acute to bronchitis with the usual symp toms of a distressing ineffective cough and difficulty of breathing There was crepi tation at the bases of both lungs indi- cating a chronic impediment to the free passage ojf air in the smaller bronchial tubes He Xvas subject to attacks of laryngitis which produced slight spasms of tho vocal chords but except for some inflammatory thickening at tho hinder parts of the glottis and chronic catarrh of the throat there was we are in a position to state no trnco of disease in tho upper air passages The King in fhort had what is known as a smokers throat Difficult to Clear Cheat This and the congestion and thick- ening due to this cause combined with the loss of elasticity in the lungs made it Increasingly difficult for him to clear his chest The strain thrown upon the heart by the obstruction to the passage of blood through the lungs caused by the collection of secretion in the bron rhial tubes had its natural sequel in the dilation of the right ventricle the actual cause of death was heart failure due to increasing difficulty In the pul- monary circulation- In short It wax a case of a to be seen every day In thousands of elderly persons The cauw of das i in such rases is purely mechanical tie overlain heart heiDi stopped by the Increasing re- sistance in the lungs Could the King have been Induced to spare himself more probably he would have Und many years longer He had indeed suffered from glycosuria of a varying degree for a long- time but this did not so far as can be judged tend to shorten his life IVenlcneKK iu Abdominal AVall Another condition which must have caused discomfort at times was a cer- tain weakness in the abdominal wall at the site of tho operation for appendicitis which was performed in IMS Aftor referring to his majestys illness at Biarritz tho medical journal says he felt obliged to return home to play his part in the constitutional crisis He therefore returned without stopping It continues The hurried Journey would have taxed his strength even had be been In perfect health Suffering ss he was from the- n cts of a recent Illness the King might fairly have been excused from racing risk of returning from the south to the cloudy skies cold winds and showers of the treacherous English spring The result might almost have been foretold Though the end came with startling suddenness to his people it was dear to those about him that the end was Imminent before any whisper of alarm found its way outside the palace The first bulletin issued on Thursday re- vealed the real nature of the situation to those who could read between the lines OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF PLANS FOR FUNERAL London May I The following is tho text of the official announcement In re- gard to tho arrangements for King Ed wards funeral King Edwards remains will be taken to Westminster Hall tomorrow week Whit Tuesday and there will be lying in state for three days Tuesday Wed- nesday and Thursday Afterward the body will be removed to Windsor for burial on Friday May 20 While the body of the late sovereign is at Westminster Hall it will be guarded day and night by officers of various regi- ments King George and Queen Mary mot the King and Queen of Norway at the Vic- toria station this evening and accompa- nied them to the palace where they will stay Stock lixclmiipe Prices Ili c London May 2 During the day prices on the stock exchange advanced in prac- tically every department Partly owing- to a reaction ofter Fridays heavy falls console rose well closing at 81 Kin- dred government stocks moved upward- in sympathy Tho market for American stocks wa buoyant closing with a general advance Royal Oath Changed London May 1 John Redmond leader of the Irish Nationalists has sent a letter to Premier Asquith in regard to the removal from tho royal accession oath of tho words no popery which he says ro so very offensive to Roman Catho 1 Ho asks the prime minister to take fteps to relieve King George of using language at the commencement of his reign which must deeply wound the feel- ings and outrage the faith of Catholics throughout the empire and the world Kaiser to Attend Funeral Berlin May 9 It was announced this afternoon that the Kaiser had definitely decided to go to London to attend the funeral of his uncle the late King This decision was reached only after an intimation had been conveyed to the German ruler that tho English royal family would bo greatly pleased by his prepnco at the obsequies While In Lon- don he will be a guest at Buckingham whore the late King died Grape Juice A Dellolotm XonAlcoliollc Bcvernpc from the holt Cfttawba grapes It Is food for the convalos pnt Can also bo made into many summer drinks Dozen Wine Co 614 FOURTEENTH ST X AV Phone Main 90S I in 4 Ma and type th nnt WR Ed- ward rah White refreshing rtOe Per ri- OT Ills t r S Made a S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ KING PROCLAIMED- AS CANNON ROAR Continued from Page One ands snng it In the streets As the sing ers began a gun boomed out from a bat tory drawn up In St James Park and tho royal salute reached the ears of the new King who stood with his consort- in a window of Marlborough House watching the announcement and scent Near him stood the princes of the royal household with their chubby little hand at salute Tho troops stood at attention for a moment as the crowd turned their eyes toward the King who gazed for a moment and then quietly drew tho shade shutting binwolf from the outer worldJ Plcrpoiit Morgan Present By special invitation or new King tho members of the royal household wit nessed the ceremonies from a specially constructed balcony at Marlborough House These officiate wore Lord bory Lord Crowe and Lord Merley Others who looked on from the balcony of St James Palace were Ambassador Reid and members of the staff of tho American Embassy and J Plorpont who had been personally invited From Friary Court Sir Alfred Scott Gatty and the Duke ot Norfolk went to tho ambassadors court and from there- to Charing Cross and the City of Lon don proper whore tho proclamation was read again with the usual ceremonies Troops lined the way and at each stop- ping place groat throngs had gathered Diet lij Lord ainyor At Temple Bar which marks the boun- dary of the city tho heralds wore met by the lord mayor the sheriffs and alder- men and the olHcers of the city Horo a rod silk cord barred the way and the trumpeters sounded three loud notes upon their bugles This was to announce the approach of the oflker of arms At the third blast the city mar- shal rode forward with the challenging- cry Halt Vho goes there Instantly caIne the response The off- icer of arms who demands entrance to tho city to proclaim hte royal mnjostys accession Greatly to his surprise the lord mayor was informed of the pros once of tbo royal herald and at his command the latter stepped across the scarlet rope into the city Hero he handed the proclamation to the citys chief magistrate who read it to tho crowd Thero was another cere- mony Chancery lane and on the steps of the royal exchange after which the heralds proceeded to tho Mansion House where they were entertained by tho mayor A number of intimate friends of the late King Edward and prominent politi- cians a as all the members of King George Vs household were allowed a last look at the dead sovereign this morning Among those who availed themselves- of this opportunity were Lord Curzon formerly viceroy of India Field Mar- shal Lord Roberts and Right Hon A J Balfour former prime minister and loader of tho opposition in the House of Com RECREATIONS OF PUBLIC TO BE LITTLE CURTAILED London May 8 One of the first offi- cial acts of the new sovereign shows him to be possessed of the same kindly thoughtfulness for his subjects that char acterized his distinguished father In hits desire to mitigate ac far as possible the disastrous effects of sudden mourning upon the public King George has caused messages to be issued ex- pressing the wish that public recreations shall not be more than can be avoided Theaters will open and the Ascot races will be COL ROOSEVELT REACHES BERLIN THIS MORNING Berlin May Roosevelt will ar rive in Berlin at 908 oclock tomorrow and will be met at the railroad station by the full staff of the American Em- bassy The only German official who will be present will be Lieut Col von Koer ncr former military attache at Wash- ington who Is an old friend of Col Roosevelt It was for that reason that the Kaiser designated hhn a special aid to Col Roosevelt during tho latters stay in the Gorman capital Cot Roosevelt accompanied by Mrs Roosevelt and Miss Ethel will go by special train to Potadam tomorrow aft- ernoon arifl be entertained at a private luncheon by the Emperor and Empress Their train will leave Berlin at 1215 p m SENATE ADJOURNS EARLY IN RESPECT TO EDWARD- The Senate adjourned early yesterday out of respect the memory of the late King Edward At a special meeting of the Foreign Relations Committee yesterday morning the first day that the Senate has been In session since the announcement of the Kings death a resolution was framed expressing the sorrow of the Senato and extending condolence to tho people of Groat Britain and its depen- dencies Tho resolution was submitted In the Senate by Senator Cullom SEARCH FOR DENTAL THIEVES Detectives Unable to Obtain Clew to Clever PoiinyTcciglitora Detectives were engaged yesterday In trying to obtain a clew to thieves who raided the offices of ten Sunday afternoon and In obtaining 500 worth of gold and platinum destroyed work valued at several thousand dollars Pennyweightcrs have not been active In this city since A Schlesinger was ar rested about three years ago charged with robbing the offices of dentists Those whoso offices were robbed are Dr Emmett M Carter Dr Bruce L Taylor Dr F B Brlghtwoll and Dr L B Eslln Wostory Building Dr James- B Elzey 534 Tenth street northwest Dr C C Galloway 002 Eleventh street north- west Dr W C Kelllnger 602 Eleventh street northwest Dr Joseph Is Myers 410 Seventh street northwest Dr Thomas- J Rice 72S Thirteenth street northwest and Dr Allen S Wolf 728 Thirteenth street northwest Dr Gnldntonc Fails to Appear New York May 9 Tho man calling himself Dr Archibald Goldstone of 121 Gibbs street Rochester X Y who was arrested on Sunday as a disorderly per- son for acting suspiciously In Pullman sleeping cars on a Pennsylvania Rail road train did not appear for examina tion today In the Second Criminal Court Jersey City Unless he shows up in court Wednesday his ball consisting of twenty 50 blUs will be declared forfeited I th Ros apPArent at moms our tailed I 9Col will or Mor- gan a well given dentists ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ At Soda Fountains or Elsewhere Get the Original Genuine MALTED MILK FoodDrink for All Ages Rich milk in powder form More healthful than tea or coffee For infants invalids and growing children Agrees with the weakest digestion Pure nutritionupbuilding the Keep it on your sideboard at home Invigorates nursing mothers and the aged A quick lunch prepared in a minute Sample sent free Address HORLICKS Racine Wit Take no substitute Ask for HORLICKS I and HORLICKS The m whole body 4fdae hnda4i grain sl6tit State Department to Prepare Memorial Service The State Department in the next few days will begin preparations for a me- morial service In honor of King Edward President Secrotary of State Knox and members of the Cabinet and diplo- matic corps probably will attend The services will be held probably on 3C simuluaeouety with King Edwards funeral The department has not been oatdaDy advised of the date of the funeral It is expected however that as soon as this Information is received President Taft will take up tbe question of ap- pointing a special representative to at- tend the funeral The selection of May 21 for the funeral has Increased the prob- ability of the appointment of Gel Roose- velt He wIlt arrive in London on May IS No official action has been taken however toward selecting the American representative Secretary of State Knox yesterday re- ceived this cablegram from Sir Edward Grey secretary of state for foreign af- fairs I ant very grateful to you for your kind message of sympathy in the Irro parable loss which my country has sus- tained MEET FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE The Xow Hampshire State Association of the District held its last meeting of tho season at 522 Sixth street northwest last night A paper on the early history of Amherst N H was read by Cot W B Rotch of Milford X H A bass solo was rendered by Mr Henry M Forker and a quartet of students from Howard University gave a number of selections The following officers were elected for the ensufiffc year Mr Henry M Baker president Mr John F pevare lint vice president Miss Lydia Marshall second vice president Mr James H Hamill secretary and Mr George L Whltford treasurer Refreshments were served ROOSEVELT HATLESS IN RAIN Braves Elements to Acknowledge Greetings of Throng Malmo Sweden May I When the spe- cial train bearing the Roosevelt party on its way to Berlin arrived hero there wa a crowd at the station to choer the former President It had been so all the way from Stockholm to the frontier There was a series of wildly enthusiastic receptions at the wayside stops The pelting rain which fell continuously failed completely to dampen the ardor of tho country folk who hud turned out in holiday garb to welcome the colonel and cheer him on his way The distinguished traveler WAS too hoarse to do more than say Thank you and Goodby but regardless of the wind and driving rain he went hat- less and coatless to the car platform to acknowledge the greetings of the people At one station a man clad In a multi colored costume ran to welcome Col Roosevelt He wa a member of a Wild West show which Is traveling in Sweden and the natives evidently thought he was tho proper person to do the honors Roosevelt laughed goodnaturedly and shook hands with the showman jk- AMElaCAlT MATADOR GORED City of Mexico May 9 Harper B Lee an American matador was gored by the bull during a bull fight at Guadalajara last evening He is not expected to live A special from Guadalajara says that Lee terribly wounded killed the bull and then quietly walked to the stand where he received medical aid The nerve displayed by the American matador is the solo topic of talk in Gua dalajara He IS now at the home of his uncle in this city TWENTYFIVE CENTS TO STOP THAT ITCH Eczema sufferers who have never tried the oil of wintergreen compound known- as D D D Prescription are now en- abled to get a trial bottle of this recog- nized remedy at only 25 cents This is a special offer this compound having sold for over ten years in JlOO bottles The oil of wintergreen as compounded with thymol and other Ingredi- ents In D D D Prescription is now rec- ognized by America and Europe It takes away the Itch the verv moment it Is washed Into the skin and the cures all seem to be permanent At is allayed INSTANTLY We know this and VOUCH for It Hence we specially urge a trial now while the can get a bottle at only S cents Be sure to ask for the oil as properly Henry Evans 1006 F street northwest Drug Store Seventh street and Tassachusetts avenue northwest I WILL HONORED WARD Taft lao I rate we ASSURE you the Itch compounded under the name of U D D crlptlon any s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MERRY Housewarming Festivities to Occupy Whole Veek A celebration of the opening of the new home of the Ancient and Accepted Scot- tish RUe Masonry of the Valley of Southern Jurisdiction which was recently purchased by the local lodges from the Grand Council Is in progress this week at the home of tbe temple at Third and S streets northwest under the auspices of th Mithras Lodge of Perfection Evangelist Chapter of Rose Crete Robert de Bruce Council of Ka dosh sad Albert Pike Consistory The exercises opened yesterday after- noon with the conferring of degrees by Mithras Lodge of Perfection followed by an evening session when twenty can- didates for degrees In the Evangelistic Chapter of Rose Croix were dedicated Iroicrnniiiie for Thursday The exorcises proper will take place Thursday night The programme will open with an organ solo by Harry G Kimball thirtysecond degree followed by a vocal solo by J Walter Humphrey thirtysecond degree Then will come the invocation by Rev R P Williams rector of Trinity Episcopal Church James D Richardson thirtythird de- gree grand commander of the Southern district will make the introductory The dedicatory rites will be per formed by the grand lodge of the Dis- trict composed of George C Oner J Claude Keiper Ben W Murcb Charles- E Baldwin A W Johnston James A Sample Thomas H Young Joseph Daw- son T John Newton Alexander Grant William W Jcrmane James W Witten Lem Towhee jr J H Mltans J Harvey Cunningham and Warren C Blekford Grand Inspector to Spunk An address will be given by Charles E Roeenbaum thirtythird degree sovereign grand Inspector general of the District Rev William Taylor Siy er will pro- nounce the benediction The celebration will come to a close Saturday night with a banquet in honor or Sovereign Grand Commander Rich- ardson and Sovereign Grand Inspector General Roeenbaum OLDTIMER PASSES AWAY William F Eckstein Was Barkeeper and Hotel Man Here- By the death of William F Eckstein at one time one of the best known bar- keepers and hotelkeopers of this city which occurred at his home at Fred erick Md last Friday Washington has lost one of Its most unique and familiar characters For more than twelve years he had been the victim of locomotor AtaxIa which resulted in death Ever since his first connection with the old Union Hotel In Georgetown thirty years ago when kept the hotel bar Mr Eckstein was known to men in every walk of life by first name and from across the bar he hobnobbed and passed the hours with ninny of the fore- most men of the time The old Georgetown hotel a popu- lar rendezvous among the politicians of the Capital and after the sessions of Congress it was not uncommon to see Eckstein wrapped in political argument with statesmen After several years at the Vnion Hotel he was in charge of the Hotel Johnson bar whore he remained for about six years He became known as tho peo- ples friend and no one ever apoalod to him in vain for assistance or a kindly word of advice His knocking about town led him to enter the employ of George W Harvey whom he had known In the palmy days of Harveys establishment His connection with Mr Harvey lasted for about twelve years and he was one of the mainstays of the establishment Eckstein left Washington about six years ago to return to his former home in Frederick Md where he was born In 1366 His health at that time was failing him and he was stricken In Frederick he lived vlth his brother the wellknown Judge Christian Eckstein His health Impossible to enter Into active business during his residence at Fred- erick Bureau Watchman Stricken Shortly before midnight George Yew ton a watchman ift the Bureau of En- graving and Printing became uncon scious before a physician could be sum- moned He was hurried to the Emer- gency Hospital whero it was found that he was Buffering from cerebral hemor rhage His family at 1218 B street south- west were notified and a daughter hur- ried to tho hospital Mr Newton Is seventytwo years old Ocean Steamships New York May 9 Arrived Minnewaska from Louden April 30 La Gauwgnc from Harre April 30 Columbia at Glasgow f Soiled from forclcn jrorw Blucher from South wnptoc v MASONS MAKE he made lt Arrhcd ott Kronprthz at Cherbourg Wash- Ington re- marks was Wilhelm ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Final Plea to Be Made for Negro Slayers F Clinton Knight 25 King Street Al ndrta- Va is authorized agent and carrie for The Wash Inston JIcrakL Tho Herald will be dellTered dally and Sunday to any address in Alexandria 50 cents mecth WASHINGTON IIEUALD BUREAU 5 Street Alexandria Va May final plea to save the lives of Calvin Johnson Eugene Dorsey Pines and Henry Smith negroes convicted of the murder of Wal- ter F Schultz and sentenced to be elec trocuted Friday is to be made before Gov Mann Attorney Lewis H Machen represent ing Johnson will leave Wednesday car- rying with him three petitions to Gov Mann signed by prominent business peo- ple in behalf of the first three men One of these petitions asks that Johnson Pines and Dorsey be respited to life im- prisonment and another asks that John son be pardoned while the third asks that if executive clemency Is not extended that the governor postpone the executions of tho first three until Smith is executed Smith is the man who turned States evidence and on whose testimony the others were convicted Since his convic- tion he repudiated his wholo story which resulted In the conviction of the three others Smith still maintains that his first story was fabrication and that his second in which he denied knowing any- thing of the Schultz murder was correct In a statement which will be presented- to Gov Mann he gays I will take a solemn oath before the most high God as I am waiting to die that I have never seen the man and know nothing about the murder of this man Innocent will be my lest word before the breath leaves my body Attorney Machen was out tonight with the throe petitions and he reports secur- ing many signatures In addition to this he will forward by man to the governor tomorrow a complete review of the ease and It conclusions together with the final statement of Smith The case of McMeniunln against the Southern Railway Company given to tb jury in the Circuit Court late this afternoon It failed to agree and was discharged until U oclock tomor row morning The suit is to recover XJ6M for damages to the home of plain tiff by smoke and soot front the engines the company NEW MEN IN BRIBERY TRIAL Representative Wheelan Says He Is Unable to Aid Search Chicago May 8 States Attorney Sway man and tho special grand jury today began another line of Investigation in the legislative bribery scandal He said he believed as three members have confessed to selling their votes there must have been others in the The first of Ute new witnesses to appear were William Murphy ot the Fourth district Charles N AYIor of the Fifth and James OToole of the Elev enth all Democrats and Chicago men They voted for Stringer In the Senatorial election at Springfield Representative Henry L Wheelan of Ro k Island was a witness late this afternoon When he came out he de- clared that he had been unable to assist la the search for evidence Wheelan voted for Lorlmer and in answer to questions by reporters said that he had not been on friendly terms with the men who confessed to having accepted bribes Whoelan when discharged at 430 oclock said that he was asked to return tomorrow Although It is impossible to secure any expression of opinion from Senators for publication on the bribery Investigation now going en in Illinois growing out of charges that votes ip the legislature were purchased for William Larimer for United States Senator it is manifest that the Senators look upon the situa- tion as serious and developments may occur at any time Senator Lorim r Is not expected to ask for an investigation So far as can be learned he has not communicated with anybody in authority In the Senate nor to any other person In Washington any Information as to his attitude in the future in regard to the investigation- A Seuthern Democratic Senator of prominence spoke yesterday with much feeling in regard to the situation He said that unless the authorities in Illinois took prompt steps to sift the charges- to tho bottom and fix the responsibility that he would introduce a resolution call- ing for an investigation by the Senate FAINTS AT SONS ARREST Roy Is ChnrKcd WIth Breaking Open Watch Box to Shelter Girl Louis Lehman a boy was locked up at the Fifth precinct station yes- terday on a charge of breaking open a watch box on the Pennsylvania avenue bridge Sunday to shelter girls from the rainHis mother fainted when her appeal for his release was not compiled with She Is Mrs Elizabeth Lehman of 1337 E street southeast FIRE IN ART STORE Early Morning Damage to Schaefer Stock About lr 0 Fire broke out in the art store and picture molding establishment of Fred E Schaefer 481 Ninth street northwest at 1230 oclock this morning the damage- to the building and stock caused by the flames and water amounting to a little more than 1300 Flames were discovered by James Cochran the night watchman who turned In an alarm They originated in tho paint room Four engines and two trucks responded to the call Asks Search for husband Mrs Agnes Cross of 1117 Seventh street southeast has asked the police to find her husband who was a patient at Providence Hospital but has been miss Ing since April 25 The missing man is thirtyfour years old five feet ten Inches In height dark complexion and when last seen wore a light cap and dark suit Negro nt In a fight In the vicinity of the circus grounds about 430 oclock last evening Percy a negro was slashed in the left cheek by another negro who NEWSOF ALEXANDRIA I 4 for a Kin 9A mhard a ot mar- ket Slashed Circus es- caped O was ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ t i J 1 r- CASTDRIA U For Infants and Children aoJSml I t In AustSttiI- bt1mnint lb lfimStl Use tton Sour StomachDlani1 F 0 Or Vaf I2SS andLoss OF SLEEP f or Thirty Years I NEW YORK CASTO II A Exact Copy of Wrapper THE CENTAU call rANT NEW OIUt crn- y ftJ wC s io 7 r a t 1STOLi The Kind You Have Always Bought ALCO1IOI 3 PElt CENT slmiIatthFo Dears bilOc- q lingtltc SOCbsaiiIFjJ 4 signature PromoesDigesionieetd- t O OpiwuMorphthe norNiura- 1NOTNARCOTIC 0q Q I1rfcziTIf I bldei74rVilt I pJ I 0 D WormsConvuIsionsewrlsh 0b Vas TacSinile Signature e + ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS HOTEL STANLEY iVSKff modeled Stfim rjt Ni fur it xfeUnf tabie Writ for tenm and booklet M T TRRAN HOTEL JACKSON Adicining Boardwalk and Stet Pier Kletator Beautiful new cafe J H UORM- LCYCHELTENHAMREVERE Park Place and Ocaa Rebuilt and refurnished de rater to heM of ktiMt pritate laths homelike as excelled table B W RICHARDS Hay da it art health and pteasure- cirinfi Tif sir li K fr and balm puking outdoor life delimit Tlt g f lirk and tvutitry Club ar at their l t Excels in jooati rTji ensi and serric- VALTKB J BlBY HOTEL RUDOLF ATLANTIC CITY X J AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PHN3 Early Spring Rates How Prsail Located directly OB Beach and Boardwalk 93- oecaiNTiew rooms single or ea wtta or with- out prirate baths aod water all twtbt- Hera for WaahiDgtaniaD In Atlantic City Writs to Rudolf tor further information er pbooe lUrr M 3C83 JOEL UILLMAN Freakiest A S EDKEYSEU Mgr HILL HOTEL AND SANITARIUM X1O- wlns to our Tooie cJ Cuntir Baths nor elf pDt comfort aDd exceptional Ubie sad swiss are always busy F L YOrXO Cnt Manage nation Mr Foster orpoutc Willards Hotel HOTEL TBAYMORE ATLANTIC CITY A J Open Throughout the Ycnra- nxwj u the hotel with fiery modem con renkflca and all comforts ot TBAYMORE HOTEL CO Chas O Mimwttf Msr 1 S Pm HOTEL ARLINGTON MICHIGAN AVK NEAR HKA H Renamed tbromrhuut nrw canvtv furniture re- tttpend open oiiiroiiudins make TY attractlre- HK n elerat 1 mte ri o C up dfl Up rb SE ft wx- Hotel Bothwell Stwl Pier highest standard in cuisine and senSes J k X R BOTHWKLU THE WESTMONT Splendidly arointed mudmt mperior and service water cunnre and bnnkl t W H MOORE M r NEW CLARION lror tr 3 bocMrt S K BONIFACE 113 THE PHILUPS HOUSE Ocean rml of MaefiachawHs Ocean dew steam heat fkntor Mr P P PHILLIPS sd Maf are tn LtLHRUC0Mnct d f Boardwalk rooms en unite with pmal lths 12 up weekly 250 up lilly JACOB B HAWK PONCE DE LEO- Na are and B ch American Flan W jr day JWOO weekly p European plan 100 day up ALFKED B JKJNDROD MARYLAND RESORTS LOCH LYNN HOTEL Mountain Lake Park Md Orn June 15 Modern convenience Casino with swimming pod bowline and pool rooms Golf tennis booting music ET Foc booklet c address L B C LIST Proprieior NEW HAMPSHIRE RESORTS INTKRVALK IDLEVUiLU WHITE MTS N H- Omm July 1 to Oct 1 its ou HMBacnueat LOUSE 15 CltAIG Cft st Brookline Maw HOTELS WASHINGTON D C Onenrmccl Man Arrested William Mann the onearmed proprie tor of a shooting gallery at 122 Pennsyl- vania avenue northwest was locked up yesterday by Detectives Evans and ODea on a warrant sworn out by J Johnson of 633 M street northwest He i charged with taking jewelry which he declare he from a tickets he had purchased l R I I t thOff liOTEL DENNIS rPIntn nf Sea fresh GALEN WI I I lbs home kIte bathe special Tale 10 R J t lU 11 htU8l frnn booklet SamtlmllL set I Kflituck It from I I ocean to MS heat ace THE lip Ex lInt terms under to 45 St JameS9European I obtalnbd pawnhop on c tulle 1 Hnlel and table ace houso sirrator street view alleys l it > > ¬ ¬ MAINE RESORTS Maine Coast Peaks island House tyent in June AToranJiwiatioci for 109 15 mitrutrV Mill fra Portland M- All sir1 tri miy r rtjed- Bnatin hing ar l l hirR ALWAYS COOL For h let adirew U E ROWE Peaks Island Me KITTERY POINT ME TIII2 CHAMPEUXO1VXE- Koxn en iitf with jrirate baths Booklet HOWARD MITCHELL Prop Marshall House Opm June 25 OTrrl injr Atlartir IKran K s MAUSHAU Me OPEX JULY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 25 A hotel noted for cuisine and sorties Elevator rritat baths Telepfewea in all modern im rroTemnns M L KAUH Prop 5 Wiaefaeiter t Jtnwhline Mate until 1 or TOWN A COUN- TRY X Fifth ate X Y MASSACHUSETTS RESORTS IS5HESPERSJ Mass OX TUB RENOWNED NORTH SHORE frvm IresifVrt Tafts stunner bnmf Delightful oimbtnatioc of Seatbm agd Country A hotel with modern naprovMBtaKT All outdoor Symphony OrdMtr Addttai Has C G FRANCIS Tbe AMwtsford M CoanaoawakUb Boston Inn I HOCKPORT MASS Open May 28w Pirerfly on at the ertrema end of ace Arm turv an ocean Alwijs Suite Kith petals t th Ice raze sod particulars aodm E S WILKINSON Irop THE BELLEVUE Br Open L tndrr nunajsrawni of Mrs ANNIE 31 hevinit Borton foi Mtij ot- I Kratwrn Inn Hull Mast EXCURSIONS Retnm New York 875 15 Boston 1500 25 IiuIiiiIInp Stateroom and Meals from Norfolk NORFOLK WASHiHSTOH STEAMBOAT COMPANY Moflcm rtv l p la jt tmni daily 645 p fT Nrf vlk and TcMnt- I CITY TICKET OFFICE 720 34th nt Bad Bulling 14th sad KI Ate Fm 1529 Kensington Railway Cars from 15th st and Yew York aye every quarter hour pass Rock Creek Bridge Mniu Entrance Park C bevy Chase Connect- at Luke with Kensington Line STEAMBOATS Steel Steamships YALE and HARVARDS- ervice to resnmcd for Season May THE 3IETRO1OL1TV STEAMSHIP COMPANY ii rleaed to annwnce the if srrrioe by iu dirrct AlltbeWajrbv Water Houte between York and Boston oo Monday May ZVi 1910 THE YALE AND HARVARD bjpfamlnc this season will bum Oil FoiL They are out with Wireless Telepathy Submarine S rricr Searchlight erery koowa Uwirt and Coiiwnwace SUl rooms with or without Math I rrk I intoz ROOM to- r An Lnbrokrn Nicfafs Rest from City to City Art the tang lamnatinc Water Route m World TlIROrOIl TIErs ria the Metropolitan UM at all Railroad and OkM throughout the MM Sound Frr advanca rHrvat- iona address R neral Afcot Pier North tit New SCHEDVLIS Week and Sundays bight nine May td Will w York Pier I N li- near fnot of Rector St 4 P M Saow dftUr tcfacdute from India Wharf Boston Dee either Clljr S odork the following nomine STEAMSHIPS ALL MODERN SAFETY DEVICES Wireless t London Paris Hamburg HennMiianui May II Dent chland Mar 3 Ural ee31ay IS ton Lincoln June 1 Vic May a Z ittwxfaer May 9 tAaarrita Jane 4 a la Carte Haatbnre direct New HAHBlilCUAMKKlCAN LINK Z F S SONS CO 13th and Q n WasMBgton D U i 1I tORK ra nir Pm 111l11 fmni ftat r Ietrc c- anw lrr THE lOUISBURG BAR HARBOR sod Cotuces I MAGNOLIA i Straits mouth I t frs I f I I i BY SEA I TO m- I Mal and AU The Way By Water Uirect Dctntcn anti BOSTON be t Sid Oft tile IS- m l Lines Passenger t York daIS Pay HAM SU RGAM Ell I CAN I I tt ana UUtz HARBOR Mains hot an4 eaor aclnt jbt- Al 3igtits mites June Ju25 Nine mile sassy sparta sea Sew root Bluff June lt st One waS l Zoologi- cal New York Express Turbine 2 psaaen New with flied Safety Salt the Pam va > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ <

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Page 1: I U Soda Fountains Elsewhere Plea Ex I Get the For ... · THE WASHINGTON HERALD TUESDAY MAY 10 1910 v 3 I EDWARDS AILMENT NOT A MYSTERY British Medical Journal Ex plains Causes of






British Medical Journal Ex

plains Causes of DeaMi


Heart Failure flue to IncrcnaliisrDifficulty the Pulmonary Cir-

culation Rctnrn from Biarritz InCold Sprint Weather TaxedStrength Mcdlcnl Mcnfo Fenra

London 9 Tho British MedicalJournal the loading medical organ indealing with King Edwards illness froma medical point of view aCtor declaringthat the cas was perfectly simple andthat there was nothing mysterious aboutthe causes of his majestys death makestho following authoritative statement

For yoars the King suffered from em-

physema and a tendency more or lessacute to bronchitis with the usual symptoms of a distressing ineffective cough anddifficulty of breathing There was crepitation at the bases of both lungs indi-cating a chronic impediment to the freepassage ojf air in the smaller bronchialtubes He Xvas subject to attacks oflaryngitis which produced slight spasmsof tho vocal chords but except for someinflammatory thickening at tho hinderparts of the glottis and chronic catarrhof the throat there was we are in aposition to state no trnco of disease intho upper air passages The King infhort had what is known as a smokersthroat

Difficult to Clear CheatThis and the congestion and thick-

ening due to this cause combined withthe loss of elasticity in the lungs madeit Increasingly difficult for him to clearhis chest The strain thrown upon theheart by the obstruction to the passageof blood through the lungs caused bythe collection of secretion in the bronrhial tubes had its natural sequel inthe dilation of the right ventricle theactual cause of death was heart failuredue to increasing difficulty In the pul-

monary circulation-In short It wax a case of a to

be seen every day In thousands of elderlypersons The cauw of das i in suchrases is purely mechanical tie overlainheart heiDi stopped by the Increasing re-

sistance in the lungs Could the Kinghave been Induced to spare himself moreprobably he would have Und many yearslonger He had indeed suffered fromglycosuria of a varying degree for a long-

time but this did not so far as canbe judged tend to shorten his life

IVenlcneKK iu Abdominal AVallAnother condition which must have

caused discomfort at times was a cer-

tain weakness in the abdominal wall atthe site of tho operation for appendicitiswhich was performed in IMS

Aftor referring to his majestys illnessat Biarritz tho medical journal says hefelt obliged to return home to play hispart in the constitutional crisis Hetherefore returned without stopping Itcontinues

The hurried Journey would have taxedhis strength even had be been In perfecthealth Suffering ss he was from the-

n cts of a recent Illness the King mightfairly have been excused from racing

risk of returning from the south tothe cloudy skies cold winds and showersof the treacherous English spring

The result might almost have beenforetold Though the end came withstartling suddenness to his people it wasdear to those about him that the endwas Imminent before any whisper ofalarm found its way outside the palaceThe first bulletin issued on Thursday re-

vealed the real nature of the situation tothose who could read between the lines



London May I The following is thotext of the official announcement In re-

gard to tho arrangements for King Edwards funeral

King Edwards remains will be takento Westminster Hall tomorrow weekWhit Tuesday and there will be lyingin state for three days Tuesday Wed-nesday and Thursday Afterward thebody will be removed to Windsor forburial on Friday May 20

While the body of the late sovereignis at Westminster Hall it will be guardedday and night by officers of various regi-ments

King George and Queen Mary mot theKing and Queen of Norway at the Vic-

toria station this evening and accompa-nied them to the palace where they willstay

Stock lixclmiipe Prices Ili cLondon May 2 During the day prices

on the stock exchange advanced in prac-tically every department Partly owing-to a reaction ofter Fridays heavy fallsconsole rose well closing at 81 Kin-dred government stocks moved upward-in sympathy Tho market for Americanstocks wa buoyant closing with ageneral advance

Royal Oath ChangedLondon May 1 John Redmond leader

of the Irish Nationalists has sent aletter to Premier Asquith in regard tothe removal from tho royal accession oathof tho words no popery which he saysro so very offensive to Roman Catho

1 Ho asks the prime minister to takefteps to relieve King George of usinglanguage at the commencement of hisreign which must deeply wound the feel-ings and outrage the faith of Catholicsthroughout the empire and the world

Kaiser to Attend FuneralBerlin May 9 It was announced this

afternoon that the Kaiser had definitelydecided to go to London to attend thefuneral of his uncle the late King

This decision was reached onlyafter an intimation had been conveyed tothe German ruler that tho English royalfamily would bo greatly pleased by hisprepnco at the obsequies While In Lon-

don he will be a guest at Buckinghamwhore the late King died

Grape JuiceA Dellolotm XonAlcoliollc Bcvernpc

from the holt Cfttawbagrapes It Is food for the convalospnt Can also bo made into many

summer drinksDozen


Phone Main 90S














refreshingrtOe Per ri-































Continued from Page One

ands snng it In the streets As the singers began a gun boomed out from a battory drawn up In St James Park andtho royal salute reached the ears of thenew King who stood with his consort-in a window of Marlborough Housewatching the announcement and scent

Near him stood the princes of the royalhousehold with their chubby little handat salute Tho troops stood at attentionfor a moment as the crowd turned theireyes toward the King who gazed for amoment and then quietly drew thoshade shutting binwolf from the outer

worldJ Plcrpoiit Morgan PresentBy special invitation or new King

tho members of the royal household witnessed the ceremonies from a speciallyconstructed balcony at MarlboroughHouse These officiate wore Lordbory Lord Crowe and Lord MerleyOthers who looked on from the balconyof St James Palace were AmbassadorReid and members of the staff of thoAmerican Embassy and J Plorpont

who had been personally invitedFrom Friary Court Sir Alfred Scott

Gatty and the Duke ot Norfolk went totho ambassadors court and from there-to Charing Cross and the City of London proper whore tho proclamation wasread again with the usual ceremoniesTroops lined the way and at each stop-ping place groat throngs had gathered

Diet lij Lord ainyorAt Temple Bar which marks the boun-

dary of the city tho heralds wore met bythe lord mayor the sheriffs and alder-men and the olHcers of the city

Horo a rod silk cord barred the wayand the trumpeters sounded three loudnotes upon their bugles This was toannounce the approach of the oflker ofarms At the third blast the city mar-

shal rode forward with the challenging-cry Halt Vho goes there

Instantly caIne the response The off-

icer of arms who demands entrance totho city to proclaim hte royal mnjostysaccession

Greatly to his surprise thelord mayor was informed of the prosonce of tbo royal herald and at hiscommand the latter stepped across thescarlet rope into the city

Hero he handed the proclamation tothe citys chief magistrate who read itto tho crowd Thero was another cere-mony Chancery lane and on the stepsof the royal exchange after which theheralds proceeded to tho Mansion Housewhere they were entertained by thomayor

A number of intimate friends of thelate King Edward and prominent politi-

cians a as all the members ofKing George Vs household were alloweda last look at the dead sovereign thismorning

Among those who availed themselves-of this opportunity were Lord Curzonformerly viceroy of India Field Mar-shal Lord Roberts and Right Hon A JBalfour former prime minister and loaderof tho opposition in the House of Com



London May 8 One of the first offi-

cial acts of the new sovereign shows himto be possessed of the same kindlythoughtfulness for his subjects that characterized his distinguished father

In hits desire to mitigate ac far aspossible the disastrous effects of suddenmourning upon the public King Georgehas caused messages to be issued ex-

pressing the wish that public recreationsshall not be more than can beavoided

Theaters will open and the Ascot raceswill be



Berlin May Roosevelt will arrive in Berlin at 908 oclock tomorrowand will be met at the railroad stationby the full staff of the American Em-bassy The only German official who willbe present will be Lieut Col von Koerncr former military attache at Wash-ington who Is an old friend of ColRoosevelt It was for that reason thatthe Kaiser designated hhn a specialaid to Col Roosevelt during tho lattersstay in the Gorman capital

Cot Roosevelt accompanied by MrsRoosevelt and Miss Ethel will go byspecial train to Potadam tomorrow aft-ernoon arifl be entertained at aprivate luncheon by the Emperor andEmpress Their train will leave Berlin at1215 p m



The Senate adjourned early yesterdayout of respect the memory of thelate King Edward

At a special meeting of the ForeignRelations Committee yesterday morningthe first day that the Senate has beenIn session since the announcement ofthe Kings death a resolution wasframed expressing the sorrow of theSenato and extending condolence to thopeople of Groat Britain and its depen-dencies

Tho resolution was submitted In theSenate by Senator Cullom


Detectives Unable to Obtain Clew toClever PoiinyTcciglitora

Detectives were engaged yesterday Intrying to obtain a clew to thieves whoraided the offices of ten Sundayafternoon and In obtaining 500 worth ofgold and platinum destroyed work valuedat several thousand dollars

Pennyweightcrs have not been activeIn this city since A Schlesinger was arrested about three years ago chargedwith robbing the offices of dentists

Those whoso offices were robbed areDr Emmett M Carter Dr Bruce LTaylor Dr F B Brlghtwoll and DrL B Eslln Wostory Building Dr James-B Elzey 534 Tenth street northwest DrC C Galloway 002 Eleventh street north-west Dr W C Kelllnger 602 Eleventhstreet northwest Dr Joseph Is Myers410 Seventh street northwest Dr Thomas-J Rice 72S Thirteenth street northwestand Dr Allen S Wolf 728 Thirteenthstreet northwest

Dr Gnldntonc Fails to AppearNew York May 9 Tho man calling

himself Dr Archibald Goldstone of 121Gibbs street Rochester X Y who wasarrested on Sunday as a disorderly per-son for acting suspiciously In Pullmansleeping cars on a Pennsylvania Railroad train did not appear for examination today In the Second Criminal CourtJersey City Unless he shows up in courtWednesday his ball consisting of twenty50 blUs will be declared forfeited







our tailed

































At Soda Fountains or ElsewhereGet the

Original Genuine

MALTED MILKFoodDrink for All Ages

Rich milk in powder form More healthful than tea or coffee

For infants invalids and growing children Agrees with the weakest digestion

Pure nutritionupbuilding the Keep it on your sideboard at home

Invigorates nursing mothers and the aged A quick lunch prepared in a minute

Sample sent free Address HORLICKS Racine WitTake no substitute Ask for HORLICKS






4fdae hnda4igrain


State Department to PrepareMemorial Service

The State Department in the next fewdays will begin preparations for a me-

morial service In honor of King EdwardPresident Secrotary of State Knox

and members of the Cabinet and diplo-

matic corps probably will attend Theservices will be held probably on3C simuluaeouety with King Edwardsfuneral

The department has not been oatdaDyadvised of the date of the funeral

It is expected however that as soonas this Information is received PresidentTaft will take up tbe question of ap-

pointing a special representative to at-

tend the funeral The selection of May21 for the funeral has Increased the prob-ability of the appointment of Gel Roose-velt He wIlt arrive in London on MayIS No official action has been takenhowever toward selecting the Americanrepresentative

Secretary of State Knox yesterday re-

ceived this cablegram from Sir EdwardGrey secretary of state for foreign af-

fairsI ant very grateful to you for your

kind message of sympathy in the Irroparable loss which my country has sus-tained


The Xow Hampshire State Associationof the District held its last meeting oftho season at 522 Sixth street northwestlast night A paper on the early historyof Amherst N H was read by CotW B Rotch of Milford X H A basssolo was rendered by Mr Henry MForker and a quartet of students fromHoward University gave a number ofselections

The following officers were elected forthe ensufiffc year Mr Henry M Bakerpresident Mr John F pevare lint vicepresident Miss Lydia Marshall secondvice president Mr James H Hamillsecretary and Mr George L Whltfordtreasurer Refreshments were served


Braves Elements to AcknowledgeGreetings of Throng

Malmo Sweden May I When the spe-

cial train bearing the Roosevelt party onits way to Berlin arrived hero there waa crowd at the station to choer theformer President It had been so all theway from Stockholm to the frontierThere was a series of wildly enthusiasticreceptions at the wayside stops

The pelting rain which fell continuouslyfailed completely to dampen the ardor oftho country folk who hud turned out inholiday garb to welcome the colonel andcheer him on his way

The distinguished traveler WAS toohoarse to do more than say Thankyou and Goodby but regardless ofthe wind and driving rain he went hat-less and coatless to the car platform toacknowledge the greetings of the people

At one station a man clad In a multicolored costume ran to welcome ColRoosevelt He wa a member of a WildWest show which Is traveling in Swedenand the natives evidently thought he wastho proper person to do the honorsRoosevelt laughed goodnaturedly andshook hands with the showman



City of Mexico May 9 Harper B Leean American matador was gored by thebull during a bull fight at Guadalajaralast evening He is not expected to live

A special from Guadalajara says thatLee terribly wounded killed the bulland then quietly walked to the standwhere he received medical aid

The nerve displayed by the Americanmatador is the solo topic of talk in Guadalajara He IS now at the home of hisuncle in this city


TO STOP THAT ITCHEczema sufferers who have never tried

the oil of wintergreen compound known-as D D D Prescription are now en-abled to get a trial bottle of this recog-nized remedy at only 25 cents This is aspecial offer this compound having soldfor over ten years in JlOO bottles

The oil of wintergreen as compoundedwith thymol and other Ingredi-ents In D D D Prescription is now rec-ognized by America andEurope It takes away the Itch the vervmoment it Is washed Into the skin andthe cures all seem to be permanent Atis allayed INSTANTLY We know thisand VOUCH for It Hence we speciallyurge a trial now while the canget a bottle at only S cents Be sure toask for the oil as properly

Henry Evans 1006 F street northwestDrug Store Seventh street andTassachusetts avenue northwest






rate we ASSURE you the Itch

compoundedunder the name of U D D crlptlon

















Housewarming Festivities to

Occupy Whole Veek

A celebration of the opening of the newhome of the Ancient and Accepted Scot-tish RUe Masonry of the Valley of

Southern Jurisdiction which wasrecently purchased by the local lodgesfrom the Grand Council Is in progressthis week at the home of tbe temple atThird and S streets northwest underthe auspices of th Mithras Lodge ofPerfection Evangelist Chapter of RoseCrete Robert de Bruce Council of Kadosh sad Albert Pike Consistory

The exercises opened yesterday after-noon with the conferring of degrees byMithras Lodge of Perfection followedby an evening session when twenty can-

didates for degrees In the EvangelisticChapter of Rose Croix were dedicated

Iroicrnniiiie for ThursdayThe exorcises proper will take place

Thursday night The programme willopen with an organ solo by Harry G

Kimball thirtysecond degree followedby a vocal solo by J Walter Humphreythirtysecond degree Then will comethe invocation by Rev R P Williamsrector of Trinity Episcopal ChurchJames D Richardson thirtythird de-

gree grand commander of the Southerndistrict will make the introductory

The dedicatory rites will be performed by the grand lodge of the Dis-trict composed of George C Oner JClaude Keiper Ben W Murcb Charles-E Baldwin A W Johnston James ASample Thomas H Young Joseph Daw-son T John Newton Alexander GrantWilliam W Jcrmane James W WittenLem Towhee jr J H Mltans J HarveyCunningham and Warren C Blekford

Grand Inspector to SpunkAn address will be given by Charles E

Roeenbaum thirtythird degree sovereigngrand Inspector general of the DistrictRev William Taylor Siy er will pro-nounce the benediction

The celebration will come to a closeSaturday night with a banquet in honoror Sovereign Grand Commander Rich-ardson and Sovereign Grand InspectorGeneral Roeenbaum


William F Eckstein Was Barkeeperand Hotel Man Here-

By the death of William F Ecksteinat one time one of the best known bar-

keepers and hotelkeopers of this citywhich occurred at his home at Frederick Md last Friday Washington haslost one of Its most unique and familiarcharacters

For more than twelve years he hadbeen the victim of locomotor AtaxIawhich resulted in death

Ever since his first connection withthe old Union Hotel In Georgetownthirty years ago when kept the hotelbar Mr Eckstein was known to men inevery walk of life by first name andfrom across the bar he hobnobbed andpassed the hours with ninny of the fore-most men of the time

The old Georgetown hotel a popu-lar rendezvous among the politicians ofthe Capital and after the sessions ofCongress it was not uncommon to seeEckstein wrapped in political argumentwith statesmen

After several years at the Vnion Hotelhe was in charge of the Hotel Johnsonbar whore he remained for about sixyears He became known as tho peo-

ples friend and no one ever apoalod tohim in vain for assistance or a kindlyword of advice His knocking about townled him to enter the employ of GeorgeW Harvey whom he had known In thepalmy days of Harveys establishmentHis connection with Mr Harvey lasted forabout twelve years and he was one ofthe mainstays of the establishment

Eckstein left Washington about sixyears ago to return to his former homein Frederick Md where he was born In1366 His health at that time was failinghim and he was stricken In Frederickhe lived vlth his brother the wellknownJudge Christian Eckstein His health

Impossible to enter Into activebusiness during his residence at Fred-erick

Bureau Watchman StrickenShortly before midnight George Yew

ton a watchman ift the Bureau of En-graving and Printing became unconscious before a physician could be sum-moned He was hurried to the Emer-gency Hospital whero it was found thathe was Buffering from cerebral hemorrhage His family at 1218 B street south-west were notified and a daughter hur-ried to tho hospital Mr Newton Isseventytwo years old

Ocean SteamshipsNew York May 9 Arrived Minnewaska from

Louden April 30 La Gauwgnc from Harre April 30

Columbia at Glasgow fSoiled from forclcn jrorw Blucher from Southwnptoc v



made lt

Arrhcd ott Kronprthz at Cherbourg




























Final Plea to Be Made forNegro Slayers

F Clinton Knight 25 King Street Al ndrta-Va is authorized agent and carrie for The WashInston JIcrakL Tho Herald will be dellTered dallyand Sunday to any address in Alexandria 50cents mecth


Alexandria Va May final plea tosave the lives of Calvin Johnson EugeneDorsey Pines and Henry Smithnegroes convicted of the murder of Wal-ter F Schultz and sentenced to be electrocuted Friday is to be made beforeGov Mann

Attorney Lewis H Machen representing Johnson will leave Wednesday car-rying with him three petitions to GovMann signed by prominent business peo-

ple in behalf of the first three men Oneof these petitions asks that JohnsonPines and Dorsey be respited to life im-prisonment and another asks that Johnson be pardoned while the third asks thatif executive clemency Is not extended thatthe governor postpone the executions oftho first three until Smith is executed

Smith is the man who turned Statesevidence and on whose testimony theothers were convicted Since his convic-tion he repudiated his wholo story whichresulted In the conviction of the threeothers Smith still maintains that hisfirst story was fabrication and that hissecond in which he denied knowing any-thing of the Schultz murder was correct

In a statement which will be presented-to Gov Mann he gays I will take asolemn oath before the most high God asI am waiting to die that I have neverseen the man and know nothing aboutthe murder of this man Innocent willbe my lest word before the breath leavesmy body

Attorney Machen was out tonight withthe throe petitions and he reports secur-ing many signatures In addition to thishe will forward by man to the governortomorrow a complete review of the easeand It conclusions together with thefinal statement of Smith

The case of McMeniunln against theSouthern Railway Company givento tb jury in the Circuit Court latethis afternoon It failed to agree andwas discharged until U oclock tomorrow morning The suit is to recoverXJ6M for damages to the home of plaintiff by smoke and soot front the engines

the company


Representative Wheelan Says He IsUnable to Aid Search

Chicago May 8 States Attorney Swayman and tho special grand jury todaybegan another line of Investigation in thelegislative bribery scandal

He said he believed as three membershave confessed to selling their votesthere must have been others in the

The first of Ute new witnesses toappear were William Murphy ot theFourth district Charles N AYIor of theFifth and James OToole of the Eleventh all Democrats and Chicago menThey voted for Stringer In the Senatorialelection at Springfield

Representative Henry L Wheelan ofRo k Island was a witness late thisafternoon When he came out he de-clared that he had been unable to assistla the search for evidence Wheelanvoted for Lorlmer and in answer toquestions by reporters said that he hadnot been on friendly terms with themen who confessed to having acceptedbribes Whoelan when discharged at430 oclock said that he was asked toreturn tomorrow

Although It is impossible to secure anyexpression of opinion from Senators forpublication on the bribery Investigationnow going en in Illinois growing out ofcharges that votes ip the legislaturewere purchased for William Larimer forUnited States Senator it is manifestthat the Senators look upon the situa-tion as serious and developments mayoccur at any time

Senator Lorim r Is not expected to askfor an investigation So far as can belearned he has not communicated withanybody in authority In the Senate nor toany other person In Washington anyInformation as to his attitude in thefuture in regard to the investigation-

A Seuthern Democratic Senator ofprominence spoke yesterday with muchfeeling in regard to the situation Hesaid that unless the authorities in Illinoistook prompt steps to sift the charges-to tho bottom and fix the responsibilitythat he would introduce a resolution call-ing for an investigation by the Senate


Roy Is ChnrKcd WIth BreakingOpen Watch Box to Shelter GirlLouis Lehman a boy was locked

up at the Fifth precinct station yes-

terday on a charge of breaking open awatch box on the Pennsylvania avenuebridge Sunday to shelter girls from the

rainHismother fainted when her appeal for

his release was not compiled with SheIs Mrs Elizabeth Lehman of 1337 Estreet southeast


Early Morning Damage to SchaeferStock About lr 0

Fire broke out in the art store andpicture molding establishment of FredE Schaefer 481 Ninth street northwestat 1230 oclock this morning the damage-to the building and stock caused by theflames and water amounting to a littlemore than 1300

Flames were discovered by JamesCochran the night watchman whoturned In an alarm They originated intho paint room Four engines and twotrucks responded to the call

Asks Search for husbandMrs Agnes Cross of 1117 Seventh

street southeast has asked the police tofind her husband who was a patient atProvidence Hospital but has been missIng since April 25 The missing man isthirtyfour years old five feet ten InchesIn height dark complexion and whenlast seen wore a light cap and dark suit

Negro ntIn a fight In the vicinity of the circus

grounds about 430 oclock last eveningPercy a negro was slashed inthe left cheek by another negro who










Slashed Circus




















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Beautiful new cafe J H UORM-LCYCHELTENHAMREVEREPark Place and Ocaa Rebuilt and refurnished derater to heM of ktiMt pritate laths homelike asexcelled table B W RICHARDS

Hay da it art health and pteasure-

cirinfi Tif sir li K fr and balm puking outdoorlife delimit Tlt g f lirk and tvutitry Club arat their l t

Excels in jooati rTji ensi and serric-



AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PHN3Early Spring Rates How Prsail

Located directly OB Beach and Boardwalk 93-

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nxwj u the hotel with fiery modem con

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tttpend open oiiiroiiudins make TY attractlre-HK n elerat 1 mte ri o

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Hotel BothwellStwl Pier highest standard in cuisine and senSes


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THE PHILUPS HOUSEOcean rml of MaefiachawHs Ocean dew

steam heat fkntor Mr P P PHILLIPS

sd Maf are tnLtLHRUC0Mnct d f Boardwalk

rooms en unite with pmal lths 12 up weekly250 up lilly JACOB B HAWK

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Mountain Lake Park Md

Orn June 15 Modern convenience Casino with

swimming pod bowline and pool rooms

Golf tennis booting musicET Foc booklet c address

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Omm July 1 to Oct 1 its ou HMBacnueatLOUSE 15 CltAIG Cft st

Brookline Maw



Onenrmccl Man ArrestedWilliam Mann the onearmed proprie

tor of a shooting gallery at 122 Pennsyl-vania avenue northwest was locked upyesterday by Detectives Evans and ODeaon a warrant sworn out by J Johnsonof 633 M street northwest He i chargedwith taking jewelry which he declare he

from a tickets hehad purchased

lR I


t thOff


Sea fresh





lbs home


bathe specialTale 10


tlU11 htU8l frnn




I Kflituck It from


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Maine CoastPeaks island House

tyent in June AToranJiwiatioci for 10915 mitrutrV Mill fr a Portland M-

All sir1 tri miy r rtjed-

Bnatin hing ar l l hirR ALWAYS COOLFor h let adirew U E ROWE Peaks Island Me

KITTERY POINT METIII2 CHAMPEUXO1VXE-Koxn en iitf with jrirate baths


Marshall HouseOpm June 25 OTrrl injr Atlartir IKran



A hotel noted for cuisine and sorties Elevatorrritat baths Telepfewea in all modern imrroTemnns M L KAUH Prop 5 Wiaefaeiter tJtnwhline Mate until 1 or TOWN A COUN-TRY X Fifth ate X Y



OX TUB RENOWNED NORTH SHOREfrvm IresifVrt Tafts stunner bnmf

Delightful oimbtnatioc of Seatbm agd Country Ahotel with modern naprovMBtaKT All outdoor

Symphony OrdMtr Addttai Has C GFRANCIS Tbe AMwtsford M CoanaoawakUbBoston


Open May 28w Pirerfly on at the ertremaend of ace Arm turv an oceanAlwijs Suite Kith petals t th Ice razesod particulars aodm


THE BELLEVUE BrOpen L tndrr nunajsrawni of Mrs ANNIE

31 hevinit Borton foi Mtij ot-I Kratwrn Inn Hull Mast


RetnmNew York 875 15Boston 1500 25

IiuIiiiIInp Stateroom and Mealsfrom Norfolk


STEAMBOAT COMPANYMoflcm rtv l p la jt tmni daily 645 p

fT Nrf vlk and TcMnt-

I CITY TICKET OFFICE 720 34th ntBad Bulling 14th sad KI Ate Fm 1529

Kensington RailwayCars from 15th st and Yew York

aye every quarter hour pass RockCreek Bridge Mniu Entrance

Park C bevy Chase Connect-at Luke with Kensington Line


Steel Steamships


ervice to resnmcd for SeasonMay

THE 3IETRO1OL1TV STEAMSHIPCOMPANY ii rleaed to annwnce theif srrrioe by iu dirrct AlltbeWajrbvWater Houte between York and Boston ooMonday May ZVi 1910

THE YALE AND HARVARD bjpfamlncthis season will bum Oil FoiL They are out

with Wireless Telepathy SubmarineS rricr Searchlight erery koowaUwirt and Coiiwnwace SUl roomswith or without Math I rrk I intoz ROOM to-

r An Lnbrokrn Nicfafs Rest from City to CityArt the tang lamnatinc Water Route mWorld

TlIROrOIl TIErs ria the MetropolitanUM at all Railroad andOkM throughout the MM

Sound Frr advanca rHrvat-iona address R neral Afcot PierNorth tit New

SCHEDVLIS Week and Sundays bightnine May td Will w York Pier I N li-near fnot of Rector St 4 P M Saow dftUr tcfacdutefrom India Wharf Boston Dee either Clljr S odorkthe following nomine


ALL MODERN SAFETY DEVICES Wireless tLondon Paris Hamburg

HennMiianui May II Dent chland Mar 3Ural ee31ay IS ton Lincoln June 1

Vic May a Zittwxfaer May 9 tAaarrita Jane 4

a la CarteHaatbnre direct New


WasMBgton D U i



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