i tlie myih n imes iufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/08/66/14/00139/00467.pdf · many speeches and...

PALATKA FLORID FRI CEMBE 2 100 Roc AnnUm c ly er r t I- t J I I t r H- T t 1 t r liE I 0 i- I M ES t BR L l f I i v I J Ht I Yeir 1910 i i a- un r a L MYIh n v aw r y M ww MIMMVNf 1 M4M II Yr t ortyFi r3t r < = = + ± Fall and Then you will fled them all at v- v Popular Dry Goods and Shoe Store- I Where you will find displayed In the various departments each one a r good sized store In itselfas much or hlghclass merchandise than any store In this section In Dry Goode wo havo best in Heavy Dre Goods Silks etc Our Shoe Department Was never moro complete Womens Shot styles eizea and Houso and see ua for Mattings Raga Art squares Curtains Oomiortera etc Lowest prices and best quality arietyh 1 D rJc c I r t j t r H 4 I I i4 trlJt h e i er and se f f 1 J i f t I LEi S- I f I UMtRlr YlUrlru nits JdrtsWiJJt8 p1oo tsUodorwear eta the Jatostand s tl j I OI lw itS Qualityn L w in JACOEON- f Y 1 more t I Coat UaJ I I in ail leathers < < OKO E WELOH President JT H WILSON A 8 WILLARD Cathler CHAB BURT Assistant Oashlet PALATKA Capital 0o0O0 Surplus 9 0OOO Undivided Profits 17OOO We solicitthe accounts of the people throughout Putnam County sad tsad raUtheoqnrie ieiandBccomniodatJoas consbtcnt with 0ood Httklin vto PresIdent The Putnam National Bank- OF c l 11 Death of lire Dorr Lydia Evans Dorr or Federal olnt Via t died after a brief ovembrr 28ib 1010 while tliJtlnst fan vffie Doze was the daughter the D Even Va July 18th 1843 She married to Dort on Octo- ber 2 18T2 it nor fathers home In Brooklyn H Y and came to Florida to live at Federal Point for the The defeated lost her husband about two ago oDd survived by one brother Joteph D Evan of Des Molnen Ia who was with her at the time of her death and olio leaves a number ot nieces and nephews Dorr was a most and highly cultured Christian woman and will be greatly in the in abe tired for so many Her brother wbo survives her speaks feelingly of the loving self acnflce which her life constantly dis- played body by surviving relatives taken to Ann Arbor Mloh for Interment An Approaching Marriage Mr and Robert Brnoo Deweie Invite TOD be at the marrlaRe of their daughter 6th of December one thousand nine hundred and teuati venthlrtt oclock- T eU received will be read with Inter- est as Miss Deweie has a circle of friends In Palatka where she ylnlte- dhersister a R Lynn at the Presbyterian rnnnie for a seison She a young lady of per- sonality and admirers wherever she visits Pastor and Church Grateful Rev F W Wells and memben of the Mt Tabor Ohnrob gn be half of the recipients desire jk return thanks to those and friends who donated so generously clothing groceries bread oaken soap and some money to the needy on Thanks- giving Day Fully twenty families were Indeed we bless God tor those g n- eroos and Christlike merchants of out city WELLS On behalf ot the Ohnroh J A HAWKINS the Deacons CHRISTMAS NOTICE wish to say to the public at it will be to their advantage call in and inspect my iuiva a beautiful line at prices at will save yon money We also Late a desirable lot of TRIMMED HATS At will go for 1360 Come in d see them m un I I Ire I Un AIo X- i4Ja kaO YR f late and in wee I r ears ill Mrs communi- ty ers I Lorene to air Lloyd on tbe of the t b b t on ai large Ira lI I F W D On bhslf of JO k LEG Lem nr Ala j illness h Josepb was t P V t i y lire to nest Fharsday I Brien bes r r sit w n h a 1 D R4 lafDA before eptuo- hasear as- u J I LUCAS r s 4 ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > Womans Club Social The Woman Club held a d- ternoodwas devoted to business mat- ters at wftloh time mom interesting report waa read by Mrs Peter Gardner was the delegate to the Btate Fed erutlon of Woman held recent ly in Ooala Mra Mefrinm chairman of the social wimmltteo then took charge hour was In a drawing and tuesslng contest Mm 8 J lilt burp won tbe prize Tea and lanai cakea were served Mr Brown that every mem- ber of I he Olnb do her utmost in fpr- heriuR the tnocwi of the Baaaar that tbe Woman a flub Is m hold in the room next to the pottoQki during tbe entire week morning afternoon and Deo 6th 10th luilte There will be everything Imaginable on Coffee re freihments will be served every even tog The patronage of the pnbllo It most earnestly lion Nat Bryan to Speak The dute and IIAIV for holding Alkaheit Quartet Concert been changed tl n N V Bryan candidate for Ho United States Senate will deliver un addicts at tbe Court Route lomorrow Satnr Mr Bryan Is a young gentleman ot ability end of pleating personality and an eloquent and convincing speaker He la making n personal cauvass of the State as many speeches and meeting as many voters as the time will allow This week he has on the Coast and has been accorded cordial receptions on every hand Rue speech tomorrow night will be tbe oue be will deliver In Putnam county this round at least so be sure to neat him A Die Realty DIAl The most Important deal In local real estate this season was made Tuesday when Dr Ueo JS Welch the Ellwood home In the North End tbe consideration not made public Tbe property la regarded u one of the In the entire city Tbe house Is Bubttantlal and tbe gtoundt no ex- tensive as to allow subdividing Into several building a or an Investment viewpoint Lyceum Course Begins Wednesday night Dee 7 tbe first number of the Lyceum Course for the benefit of the High School will be presented The Alkahest Ladles Quartette occupy the stage and notices the entertain saent will disappoint no one Deo9 Friday fling ham Laugh Artist will the at Palatkans be Is no stranger and all win enjoy mOlt Friday afternoon No- yt b he e a Aver ImpORTER having ni at 8 xW 11v r r Init f delivering been down Eat op JJlhllJm- f e tf 0 laa 8 j 1trJg ii1Jii be tloo tit i I llghtfcl social tat t eatf asked sale PRESS the day ttt o lock4 apdIt la- d s a q l resi- dential the place la e1L wdrtb o po ra aa gfdtoporiy sIIT ¬ LOST- An opportunity if you do come to the P W O Bmar to held In1 store tbe week beginning Wednesday Decem bet Each article displayed being spa dally sent by to ad vertiso his house Is uptodate It Is impossible to describe the various novelties that will be offered for sale Oome Iud see not care to Invest In more than i fragrant coffee you will Christmas Is near You will find glfia suitable for all whether you favor the fancy goods stall or soy 01 the followlngi dry goods clothing groceries hardware turn tbre or candy stalls f- Oomo and ee rilgbman Orchestra Monday Dec Hours 10 a m till 10 p m The will aloes with a dance on Friday 9th at 8p m All Invited A Pleasant Social Affair- A pleasant social event of tho week was the Informal reception given evening by the Misses LeBaro compliment to Mr and Mrs List Mr and Mrs Miss and Mr Raymond Unbbard A large number of the young people of the vary Were Invited so from 11 the LeBaion home in the North End presented a scene of un- wonted charm and enjoyment After an hour of converse the icon were cleared and the old but ever popular Virginia Reel was danced fol came round dancing and vocal and Instrumental music At a seasonable hour dainty refreshments- were served in the dining room and then tbe guests took leave of their Prom U S A The Harry Scott Company will present the new musical spectacular The Girl from U 8 A flje Howell Theatre on tomorrow Saturday night They claim It Is play up to the minute In de tall beautifully and elaborately staged and warranted to wear from beginning to end While the pro- duction borders sensationally near melodrama In US the atmosphere of the play Is entirely dIUerent being of Intense dramatic Interest with a merry whirl of come- dy that keeps the notion o the per- formance lively and snappy through three big vivacious acts Pleasant Social Occasions Miss Lnla Reed entertained a nom of tbe society Tuesday evening at her in West End Games of various kind were played and refreshments served The was informal thoroughly enjoyed by the man young people present Tile Thanksgiving dance given ftft the men of th in tho improvised hill on was and the season meal atalshed syiaeed ot their retpeotlve homes wE- dsfonsons New Store J E Edmonson has moved his bar and wagon store down the Tilgbmaa block lower Lemon street His stock is about the complete In its line ever t sad includes almost every tbinfflntheway ot haraesi standard and deserves w receive the liberal tcadtoi pabjio not be manufl Ii do nap of forgot M 1 Jl Diem I B lIar o 1j01 hostesses The tUrf at a her end was one the most of I m WM CIa 4i flees Is now and for moss tarmlnR His rare his goods doubtless patronage or id t y oEre you bee Wed- nesday pop- ular oot the day oily Second street of enjoyable social and Owe bodsncibg pruge d bosh a- In alan e right site t l ¬ ¬ ¬ + = edTttdn bfttet the State Ining out aaH ill men anjex lent opportunity to to The appti holiday season e in tW big rbe published o comber loth and which C8m nt- 4tftrr1 d e- i with helr ea- cltIy an t with inter st reading matter and ezifki e ctrc- uttjdgiscjon of almost ttafo ksbefOre it will safl laika Pb4sineas make atino ceunenta in time Catch thlij da ladat and fait fag sho peg y chin gives ever r miso of being the grc est in the history rwr the pro atlotiagp t > + every home in esbytensn Church la this Ohnroh for the county Babbajb School at B48 a m H M- a superintendent with sermon by th the hmlrr of HIs the theme of tbe even tug dWoone will be Life from life of Midweek pravfr service U held ever at p n These meet InMrestlng and helpful Ilk were there t Oii the third Sabbath of at hue hour we will make Toe Colored to be equally the QnJ lame new u olumns liter LAit babbath Vthe morning J Walter lit Hard was ordained end Installed a Ruling Elder ovArthls congregation At the toonr Mr A T Anderpon who was wider iq kit former home church was over thin cop uregailoa brethren are heartily BS in the re swoaiibllllles and sharing the a z of our Tasl installa- ttow oflhe fteaoCh el80t will take afce later time to be announced msTBAPTisr CHURCH P Cj OABOK Pastor Pre lebtflg very Sunday at 11 a m j Mk meeting very Wed petdaar evening 780 Friday a hajlaV School eaab Sunday morning N Vanlandlngbam- fljjjj B Y p each Sun ling at 080 T P U meets each Sun- day at 8 p m James H DOTILL Pastor next Sunday as follows Q4S a m This MMKbayBnnday tho last offering welcomes men otyv Communion at the ocloqk ow A tail attendance Tap service the pastor will AM with subject of amuse Church is comfortable and every At the Christian Tabernacle There will be at Christ Doc at I1 Coleman pastor the Ocala Oharoh u a speaker rare ability and Intelligent nxpouu- fler of the AU aw cordially invited to attend St Marks Church 11 am- t m The Picture entertainment wasiwell patronized and a Tflry neat Jos- eph wish to thank the and all making It a success The name 6f the lucky will appear in the next lease the papery O tomorrow a meeting will be held in store aft Peniel with reference to a ocaaectiOB of the t altl aad Jrranck Putnam I fURCU D D Minister r1f week f Un memo of the sermon Jehovah Evening t 80 Did I d lop month our log ElI elutiou liD Home Iud School see ed ben no ce will In hoar Mr same an In S ta1l0 eJcomlll deities bl t rob land ilk t lq G a rD 5 Ray BobOOI is Fri 11 J of ei l c 1o- tall m and 180 p m Rey W H Christian of maa la of those In lilT to- wards tieet1n C Ba la tupd to be t- 1l will 1igv1T Blows t More lessons Wed ie that who mlo this m s di- p n y- Oom U i tip c hailer solemnly rheas I1 h p m- Ind 7 prayer evening Pt papa tip meets M- ew Church Pt ices t D r mem At she menu the Tabernacle a by lit Borl g k tor- r Card lit 1bEkb ladies who eontrtbnted good Roads Ail a road hard surface roads t < I Crullers All Cakes Biscuits Hot Breads Tasty Economical Absolutely Healthy J BAKING POWDER L- if R e r i 4 i Plc rhtW 3 + CALL FOR MEETING Of County Executive committee Thursday December 8th Thi re will be a of the Demo oratlo County Executive Committee o- Chunday December 8th at the Court Home at 11 a m to for holding of a Primary to nominate candidate for United States Senator the Committee F J Chairman Death of MM C A Flnley- TaMday rilght news was receive here of the death of Mrs Charles A Plnley at her home In Tallahassee tlifjrji short Illness The bony was iTasVJa estimable woman tur a deplored b- frlefcds biro ihe new drama The Girl U 8 A which I Joe at the Howell Theatre on to morrow 6fitnf day night currlfSthi auditor neatlf round the world s- its scenes Bie jld In France Turin and Shiva It lore tory a catchy type of cbraeriy delightful musical leave no place for ennui all through its thru Bola A capable of singers and players and a bevy o pretty chorus girls In ravishing cos fumes who have been receiving flattering press In other places visited give the Its performance here musical numbers are especially mentioned affording keen Interest At the Orpheus Theatre Large crowds have been in attend anoe at the Orpheum Theatre during the week and the rendered has met with the approval of the attending amassment lovers Ed Kerkla block taco monolo gimlet and worldfamoas whistler Ii aa agreeable an entertainer as Ii his belt minstrel days and made with jokes original stunts With the reels of moving pictures the entertainment being given nightly at Kalbleld house Ii o a nigh class and well deserves liberal patronage of our people NOTICE I Jobs taken by contract or day concrete or wood work Reasonable charges Satisfaction guaranteed- Call on or addrei W B Kmo P 0 Box 421 or call at 112 N Bereutl Street Palatka 3- n Oyster r kJtonlcafl Catholic ppcr on The Church For the ttyMM and embroidery Mrs E E Dooas Lemon itrSet Notice to Tax Payers- The OILY Tax Books are now open ftb my office In tbe City Hair Bookg- clow BlBt All taxpayers the a I Ibere will be a full meeting of f II I aen me I 1 wal tbe- wUtI t Oh A Flnley leore tar aod aD- 1r J Rh She toll tlm h le J the t te It Si A F OlD 4 tb company has and the for JI IO TRIAY I OOUOWl- c 1t i r 1 C a bnpd 4n q of the Flnr a seyate wa- th sleerofMr a urn of this city otl death gnout TheUlz Prosy Jndoai and vie Supper I Tpee- a a latest l pet ere An will tjhset rAT r < OllKSOEHT CITY Correspondence TlmesIferald l Many of our citizens were grieved- on last Saturday when tbe news reach- ed here that Rev R N Gate the for mer pastor of the Baptist Ub nroh here pled away at In Jefferson on Friday night after several months ot illness Ret Mr Cate was sent hero by the Mission Board to build the Church and preach while building It which was work After completing this battling be went to built two churches there t from there he wont to Apopka and built a Church afterwards he Will called as pastor ot the Oreeoent City Church I j J arced him to resign Plain Bible doc I de P the talents hit I 6 mmltted to bis care Aud ao kaew him beat truly via heard the welcome of his I W1 done thou faithful ser vant Into fne prepared for tho JOT Lord A children widowed mother brolbrtP4slsters with cost friends he to mourn their loss went several days here this week greet li 4 A Brown of the steamer Ores oeot has moved his family from Jack f 0 Urlmoler has sold his house and of toe block on Main street to a family from Kentucky Miss Wells of Georgia is the guest of Mrs K Bprson Mayor Borgon and wife with a party of young people went to D their car on Thanksctlvinx W H Campbel of PlalnflJd N J their winter home Robert Smash ot Long Islnnd t again in hU old quarters at Mr a student from St fc son preached in the Baptist again next Sunday morning and even lugMr and Mn M H Read after a pleasant visit to friends in Jaolcson ville for hotne on last Saturday George and Abbljtan are home from school in Tennessee tor the hem days J 0 McDonald ani wife of Pater- son N J are guests at Grove HulL He has not been here for six years out used to spend several winters here be fore time Mrs M A Trail of N Y is expected this week and will spend tbe at Hall Paint for all Dodges Mrs of Boston Mas laobnietts arrived Tuesday andWlll spend the winter with Mr E E Dodge W B King for the past two head foreman under Contractor George Tlllman has out now ready bulldlnKla- conwetp or by Ua skilled workman Chap BtoaaM la Palatlou Carload of Bananas on track near Water Street station GO 60 75 cents extra large bunch 1 Your wife would be If you would her a Range or a new Stove for Xmas find them It Wn Tnrnagee Hardware Store Also a nice line of Glue Ware and Japanese Wood Owl Hcateip q I done hY and to the bt J t wa j y efICbtntttrtr E clam tr use ad real a I 4 t d u Beech of Savannah ld aoAvme here J J J ij family arrived Week I hail Char j M I Miller I MV D hereon II and 1 f or If t K 8Q84lerylc U08 i 1 JJ 65 and j f I LuI o Ware utd i I tail T r ta F V awuttUi9 Lord uovn b- elieve epd sea I t r- and last anu open- ed t a1 proaoh nicest J i 4 to contract days t- JHe ea t leer Wd entlr idA t PJ r ¬ ¬ < > > > > ¬

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Post on 12-Jun-2018




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Page 1: I TliE MYIh n IMES Iufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00139/00467.pdf · many speeches and meeting as many ... Tuesday when Dr Ueo JS Welch ... Prom U S A The Harry Scott Company


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Yeir 1910

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Fall andThen you will fled them all at v-


Popular Dry Goods and Shoe Store-

I Where you will find displayed In the various departments each one ar good sized store In itselfas much or hlghclass merchandise

than any store In this section

In Dry Goode wo havo best in Heavy DreGoods Silks etc Our Shoe Department Was never moro complete WomensShot styles eizea and Houso and see ua for MattingsRaga Art squares Curtains Oomiortera etc Lowest prices and best quality


DrJccIr t


H 4 II


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UMtRlr YlUrlru nitsJdrtsWiJJt8 p1oo tsUodorwear eta the Jatostand

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1 more


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I Iin ail leathers




A 8 WILLARD CathlerCHAB BURT Assistant Oashlet

PALATKACapital 0o0O0Surplus 90OOOUndividedProfits 17OOO

We solicitthe accounts of the people throughout Putnam County sadtsad raUtheoqnrie ieiandBccomniodatJoas consbtcnt with 0ood Httklin

vto PresIdent

The Putnam National Bank-




11Death of lire Dorr

Lydia Evans Dorr or Federalolnt Via t died after a briefovembrr 28ib 1010 while tliJtlnst fan

vffieDoze was the daughter the

D EvenVa July 18th 1843 She

married to Dort on Octo-

ber 2 18T2 it nor fathers home InBrooklyn H Y and came to Floridato live at Federal Point forthe

The defeated lost her husband abouttwo ago oDd survived by onebrother Joteph D Evan of DesMolnen Ia who was with her at thetime of her death and olio leaves a

number ot nieces and nephewsDorr was a most and

highly cultured Christian woman andwill be greatly in the

in abe tired for so manyHer brother wbo survives her

speaks feelingly of the loving selfacnflce which her life constantly dis-

playedbody by surviving

relatives taken to Ann ArborMloh for Interment

An Approaching Marriage

Mr and Robert Brnoo DeweieInvite TOD be at the marrlaReof their daughter

6th of December one thousand ninehundred and teuati venthlrtt oclock-

T eU received will be read with Inter-

est as Miss Deweie has a circleof friends In Palatka where she ylnlte-dhersister a R Lynn at thePresbyterian rnnnie for a seison She

a young lady of per-

sonality and admirers wherevershe visits

Pastor and Church GratefulRev F W Wells and memben of

the Mt Tabor Ohnrob gn behalf of the recipients desire jk returnthanks to those and friendswho donated so generously clothinggroceries bread oaken soap andsome money to the needy on Thanks-giving Day Fully twenty familieswere

Indeed we bless God tor those g n-

eroos and Christlike merchants of outcity WELLS

On behalf ot the OhnrohJ A HAWKINS

the Deacons

CHRISTMAS NOTICEwish to say to the public

at it will be to their advantagecall in and inspect my

iuiva a beautiful line at pricesat will save yon money

We also Late a desirable lot ofTRIMMED HATS

At will go for 1360 Come in

d see them

m un


I IreI

Un AIo X-

i4Ja kaO


flate and in




ears ill




Lorene to airLloyd on tbe of the

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Josepb was





iy lire



I Brien bes

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R4 lafDA beforeeptuo-hasear as-










Womans Club SocialThe Woman Club held a d-

ternoodwas devoted to business mat-ters at wftloh time mom interestingreport waa read by Mrs Peter Gardner

was the delegate to the Btate Federutlon of Woman held recently in Ooala

Mra Mefrinm chairman of the socialwimmltteo then took charge

hour was In a drawingand tuesslng contest Mm 8 J liltburp won tbe prize Tea and lanaicakea were served

Mr Brown that every mem-ber of I he Olnb do her utmost in fpr-heriuR the tnocwi of the Baaaar that

tbe Woman a flub Is m hold in theroom next to the pottoQki during tbeentire week morning afternoon and

Deo 6th 10th luilteThere will be everything Imaginableon Coffee refreihments will be served every eventog The patronage of the pnbllo Itmost earnestly

lion Nat Bryan to SpeakThe dute and IIAIV for holding

Alkaheit Quartet Concertbeen changed tl n N V Bryancandidate for Ho United StatesSenate will deliver un addicts attbe Court Route lomorrow Satnr

Mr Bryan Is a young gentlemanot ability end of pleating personalityand an eloquent and convincingspeaker He la making n personalcauvass of the State asmany speeches and meeting as manyvoters as the time will allowThis week he has on the

Coast and has been accordedcordial receptions on every hand

Rue speech tomorrow night willbe tbe oue be will deliver InPutnam county this round atleast so be sure to neat him

A Die Realty DIAlThe most Important deal In local

real estate this season was madeTuesday when Dr Ueo JS Welch

the Ellwood home In theNorth End tbe consideration not

made public Tbe property laregarded u one of theIn the entire city Tbe house IsBubttantlal and tbe gtoundt no ex-

tensive as to allow subdividing Intoseveral building a

or an Investment viewpoint

Lyceum Course BeginsWednesday night Dee 7 tbe first

number of the Lyceum Course forthe benefit of the High School willbe presented The Alkahest LadlesQuartette occupy the stage and

notices the entertainsaent will disappoint no one

Deo9 Friday flingham Laugh Artist will the at

Palatkans be Is nostranger and all win enjoy

mOltFriday afternoon No-

yt b he e





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llghtfcl social

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day ttt o lock4 apdIt la-

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resi-dentialthe place la e1L wdrtb


pora aa gfdtoporiy



LOST-An opportunity if you do

come to the P W O Bmar toheld In1 store tbeweek beginning Wednesday Decembet

Each article displayed being spadally sent by to advertiso his house Is uptodate

It Is impossible to describe thevarious novelties that will be offeredfor sale Oome Iud seenot care to Invest In more than i

fragrant coffee you will

Christmas Is near You will findglfia suitable for all whether youfavor the fancy goods stall or soy 01

the followlngi dry goodsclothing groceries hardware turntbre or candy stalls f-

Oomo and ee

rilgbman Orchestra Monday Dec

Hours 10 a m till 10 p mThe will aloes with a dance

on Friday 9th at 8 p m All Invited

A Pleasant Social Affair-

A pleasant social event of tho weekwas the Informal reception given

evening by the Misses LeBarocompliment to Mr and Mrs ListMr and Mrs Missand Mr Raymond Unbbard A largenumber of the young people of the varyWere Invited so from 11

the LeBaion home in theNorth End presented a scene of un-

wonted charm and enjoymentAfter an hour of converse the

icon were cleared and the old but everpopular Virginia Reel was danced fol

came round dancing andvocal and Instrumental music At aseasonable hour dainty refreshments-were served in the dining room andthen tbe guests took leave of their

Prom U S A

The Harry Scott Company willpresent the new musical spectacular

The Girl from U 8 Aflje Howell Theatre on tomorrowSaturday night They claim It Is

play up to the minute In detall beautifully and elaboratelystaged and warranted to wear frombeginning to end While the pro-duction borders sensationally nearmelodrama In US theatmosphere of the play Is entirelydIUerent being of Intense dramaticInterest with a merry whirl of come-dy that keeps the notion o the per-formance lively and snappy throughthree big vivacious acts

Pleasant Social Occasions

Miss Lnla Reed entertained a nomof tbe society

Tuesday evening at her inWest End Games of various kindwere played and refreshments servedThe was informal

thoroughly enjoyed by the manyoung people present

Tile Thanksgiving dance given ftftthe men of th

in tho improvised hill onwas and

the season mealatalshed syiaeed

ot their retpeotlve homes wE-

dsfonsons New Store

J E Edmonson has moved his barand wagon store down

the Tilgbmaa block lower Lemonstreet His stock is about thecomplete In its line ever t

sad includes almost everytbinfflntheway ot haraesi

standard and deserves wreceive the liberal

tcadtoi pabjio



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forgotM 1 Jl

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one the mostof



fleesIs now and for


tarmlnRHis rare his goods

doubtless patronageor

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dayoily Secondstreet

of enjoyable social

andOwe bodsncibg pruge


bosh a-In



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edTttdn bfttet

the State Ining out aaH ill

men anjex lent opportunity toto

The appti holiday season

e in tW bigrbe published o

comber loth and which

C8m nt-


d e-

i with helrea-

cltIy ant

with interst reading matter

and ezifki e ctrc-uttjdgiscjon of

almost ttafo ksbefOre

it will safl laika Pb4sineas

make atino ceunenta in time

Catch thlij da ladat and fait

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chingives ever r miso of being the

grc est in the history

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every home in

esbytensn Church

la this Ohnroh for the


Babbajb School at B48 a m H M-

a superintendentwith sermon by th

the hmlrr of HIsthe theme of tbe even

tug dWoone will be Lifefrom life of

Midweek pravfr service U held everat p n These meet

InMrestlng and helpful Ilkwere there t

Oii the third Sabbath ofat hue hour we will make

Toe Colored

to be equally

the QnJlame new

uolumns liter

LAit babbath Vthe morningJ Walter lit Hard was

ordained end Installed a Ruling ElderovArthls congregation At thetoonr Mr A T Anderpon who waswider iq kit former home church

was over thin copuregailoa brethren are heartily

BS in the reswoaiibllllles and sharing thea z of our

Tasl installa-ttow oflhe fteaoCh el80t will take

afce later time to be announced


P Cj OABOK PastorPre lebtflg very Sunday at 11 a

mj Mk meeting very Wed

petdaar evening 780Friday a

hajlaV School eaab Sunday morningN Vanlandlngbam-

fljjjjB Y p each Sun

ling at 080T P U meets each Sun-

day at 8 p m

JamesH DOTILL Pastor

next Sunday as followsQ4S a m This

MMKbayBnnday tho last offering

welcomes menotyv Communion at the

ocloqk ow A tail attendance

Tap service the pastor willAM with subject of amuse

Church is comfortable and every

At the Christian TabernacleThere will be at Christ

Doc at I1

Coleman pastor the OcalaOharoh u a speakerrare ability and Intelligent nxpouu-fler of the

AU aw cordially invited to attend

St Marks Church

11 am-t m

The Picture entertainmentwasiwell patronized and a Tflry neat

Jos-eph wish to thank the and all

making It a success The name6f the lucky will appear in thenext lease the papery

O tomorrow a meetingwill be held in store aftPeniel with reference to aocaaectiOB of the t altl aad Jrranck



fURCU D D Ministerr1f week



memo of the sermon JehovahEvening

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ladieswho eontrtbnted

good RoadsAil a road

hard surface





CrullersAll Cakes

Biscuits Hot BreadsTasty Economical

Absolutely Healthy J




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Of County Executive committeeThursday December 8th

Thi re will be a of the Demooratlo County Executive Committee o-

Chunday December 8th at the CourtHome at 11 a m to forholding of a Primary to nominatecandidate for United States Senator

the Committee F JChairman

Death of MM C A Flnley-

TaMday rilght news was receivehere of the death of Mrs Charles APlnley at her home In Tallahasseetlifjrji short Illness The bony was

iTasVJa estimable womantur a deplored b-

frlefcds biro

ihe new dramaThe Girl U 8 A which I

Joe at the Howell Theatre on tomorrow 6fitnf day night currlfSthiauditor neatlf round the world s-

its scenes Bie jld In France Turinand Shiva It loretory a catchy type of cbraeriydelightful musicalleave no place for ennui all throughits thru Bola A capableof singers and players and a bevy opretty chorus girls In ravishing cosfumes who have been receivingflattering press In otherplaces visited give the Itsperformance here musicalnumbers are especially mentionedaffording keen Interest

At the Orpheus Theatre

Large crowds have been in attendanoe at the Orpheum Theatre duringthe week and the renderedhas met with the approval of theattending amassment lovers EdKerkla block taco monologimlet and worldfamoas whistlerIi aa agreeable an entertainer as Ii

his belt minstrel days andmade with jokesoriginal stunts

With the reels of moving picturesthe entertainment being givennightly at Kalbleld house Ii o

a nigh class and well deservesliberal patronage of our people


Jobs taken by contract or dayconcrete or wood work Reasonablecharges Satisfaction guaranteed-Call on or addrei W B Kmo P 0Box 421 or call at 112 N BereutlStreet Palatka 3-

n Oysterr kJtonlcafl Catholic

ppcr onThe


For the ttyMMand embroideryMrs E E Dooas Lemon itrSet

Notice to Tax Payers-

The OILY Tax Books are now openftb my office In tbe City Hair Bookg-

clow BlBt All taxpayers


I Ibere will be a full meeting of


II I aenme I 1 wal tbe-

wUtI t Oh A Flnley leoretar aod


1r J Rh Shetoll

tlm h le

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It Si A
















a bnpd

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th sleerofMra urn of this cityotl


TheUlz Prosy





Tpee-a a

latest lpet ere An

will tjhset





Correspondence TlmesIferald lMany of our citizens were grieved-

on last Saturday when tbe news reach-ed here that Rev R N Gate the former pastor of the Baptist Ub nroh herepled away at In Jefferson

on Friday night afterseveral months ot illness RetMr Cate was sent hero by the MissionBoard to build the Church andpreach while building It which was

work After completing this battlingbe went to built twochurches there t from there he wont toApopka and built a Church

afterwards he Will called aspastor ot the Oreeoent City Church

I j Jarced him to resign

Plain Bible docI de P the talents hitI 6 mmltted to bis care Aud

ao kaew him beat trulyvia heard the welcome of his

I W1 done thou faithful servant Into fne prepared fortho JOT Lord A

children widowed motherbrolbrtP4slsters with cost friendshe to mourn their loss

went several days here this week greetli 4

A Brown of the steamer Oresoeot has moved his family from Jack f

0 Urlmoler has sold his house andof toe block on Main street to a

family from KentuckyMiss Wells of Georgia is the guest

of Mrs K BprsonMayor Borgon and wife with a party

of young people went to Dtheir car on Thanksctlvinx

W H Campbel of PlalnflJd N J

their winter homeRobert Smash ot Long Islnnd t

again in hU old quarters atMr a student from St fc

son preached in the Baptist

again next Sunday morning and even

lugMrand Mn M H Read after a

pleasant visit to friends in Jaolcsonville for hotneon last Saturday

George and Abbljtan are homefrom school in Tennessee tor the hemdays

J 0 McDonald ani wife of Pater-son N J are guests at Grove HulLHe has not been here for six years outused to spend several winters here before time

Mrs M A Trail of NY is expected this week and will spendtbe at Hall

Paint for all Dodges

Mrs of Boston Maslaobnietts arrived Tuesday andWlllspend the winter with MrE E Dodge

W B King for the past twohead foreman under Contractor GeorgeTlllman has out

now ready bulldlnKla-conwetp or by

U a skilled workman

Chap BtoaaM la Palatlou

Carload of Bananas on track nearWater Street station GO 6075 cents extra large bunch 1

Your wife would be If youwould her a Range or a newStove for Xmas find themIt Wn Tnrnagee Hardware StoreAlso a nice line of GlueWare and JapaneseWood Owl Hcateip



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family arrived Week I











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