i these tj i i i runaboutsipricesi wagons siraw deep...

0 J i Jfc tj These are Carriage Buying Days Fine weather fine roads Fine Prices on anything we haVe B11ggiestSurriest Depot Wagons Runaboutsi wantt pricesI 1 ue eaa DO 5 RICHMOND PHONE 232 KYe 3 ttnns 1rO The Richmond Climax I i 1WEDNESDAY JULY 26 1905 i t jKentucky has 504 free rural routes Farmers have been busy in their t meadows and threshing wheat during 1the past week j The Grand Opera House is light j this week the attraction being the Ina Companyi A good organ for sale cheap at j Madison Institute j J W McGarvey Jr tTexinlton is at last to have a Union depot arrangements for such having been completed last week It will be built at once i Tile Blrdsell wagon lasts longer pulls lighter and is made of better ma trial than any other wagon made Jijulylm D B Shackelford i Co Parties desiring sleeping car space u the C S O excursion to Atlantic City on Aug 3 should make reserva ¬ tins now as sleepers are fast filling up Nicholasville wants to put a stop toI horses being hitched to trees posts etc end over and get Captain Allman and his crew and they will show you how it tan be done Something New Mr W S Oldham has something J niW to tell our readers Read his ad- vertisement ¬ elsewhere A Change In this issue appears a change inMr James Tribbles advertisement More good news read it carefully wed EarllerI In order to give the editor an oppor ¬ 1tUllily to attend the Press Association Orchard the Climax is issued Iat week on Monday evening instead ill s Wednesday morning as usual p Land Soleit As executor of Mrs Margaret White i Mr J A Sullivan sold publicly Thurs ¬ j day her farm of 391 acres on Silver rek Mr Milton Covington bought I We property paying for same SCS20 jr aero The sao was made by Long i- I Tniu Clicnault > tra vcdt J From my place on Jnly C five black shoats three males and two gilts weight about fifty pounds each and marked with straight slit in left ear Will pay liberal reward for return or information lending to recovery of samp JAS MARTIN iiyti2t Whites Station Ky Opec Lawn Tennis Tournament Daring the week of August 4 to 11 n first annual Estill Springs Open Iiwn Tennis Tournament for the tmpionnhip of Kentucky will beI Id at Estill Springs This will be ash r the management of the ShtJlbyI Mil Tennis Club and will attract large rowels to Estill Purchased a Rome Jailer J C Lackey has purchased the Pigg place near the bridge on West lam street paying 2700 for same This is a most desirable piece of prop crfy comprising as it does about four wrf S of land and all Improvements fro lackey and family will remove iiirp as soon as his present term as j n If r expires Terrific StormI mine of the most terrific hailstorms vr experienced in Central Kentucky passpil over Wood ford Scott and thEc western edge of Fayette counties FriI f lay Tobacco and fruit trees wern badt Iv damaged To this city the storm aunu tied to nothing morn than a veryI harl rain but from the above resulted quite a drop in the temperature andI great relief to all A Success The reception on last Wednesday night given by the congregation of the I first Christian church in honor of the new members received during the re- vival waR quite a success in every way The largo yard was brilliantly lighted with Japanese lanterns and was stud ed here and thorn with tables on which wore candles in silver and glass rn iit titira Time ni8 dplirions iris IIi nlca w < re Krve1 Besides tl- mCIzregnliou > a number from other 1 chnrrhes were ituittil and the occa iw VIS iniictlpleasant and ones that wi 1e remembered by all present A Plague of tiles Tim country is threatened with a plag13 of flies They are making En ¬ gland and Wales suffer and will doubt lf SB find their way across the ocean in a few days Place a fly on a desert is- land alone and he will he a grandfather in about five minutes They multiply with inconceivable rapidity and they wem to live to multiply and annoy bald Leaded men This town is team ¬ ing with them and they have a lot of breeding places that would not exist if the city had a system of sanitary sew- er ¬ The health ofliqerought to require a liberal use of lime In vaults and cess pools an much to keep down the fly nuisance as for other sanitary reasons I The first daily newspaper was aI manuscript letter written by salaried correspondents and forwarded by them every twentvfour hours from London to the provinces That was in the days of the early Stuarts During the Commonwealth these London letters were printed in type and circulated in large numbers Even so long ago as I860 the Jaw of libel was such as to characterized by Judge as ranking any newspaper publicatiin illegal and tending to provoke a breach of the peace Return Keys The election officers holding keys to ballot boxes are requested to return same at once to County Clerk Jests Cobb Ecb Buriettes rTuIosoFliT Remembermy son you have to work Whether you handle the pick or pen wheelbarrow or a set of books dig ging ditches or editing a newspaper ringing an auction bell or writing funny things you must work Dont be afraid of killing yourself by overworking on the sunny side of thirty Men die sometimes but it is because they quit at C p m and dont get home till 2 a Its the interval that kills my son The work gives you appetite for yo r meals it lends solidity to your slumbsi it gives you a perfect and grateful af preciation of a holiday There are young men who do not work but the country is not proud of them It does not know their names even it only speaks of them aa old so and sos boy Nobody likes them the great bustling world doesnt know that they are here So find out what you want be and do take off your coat and make dust in the world The busier you are the lets harm you are apt to get intothe sweettr will be your sleep the brighter ano happier your holiday and the better satisfied the world will be with you Life at Estill Sprints The tamest time of the year is at hand and man should tune himself ti nature and rejoice with her In our rejoicing let us not forget to place our- selves ¬ in close touch with her Estill Springs the grand old summer resort of eastern Kentucky is now in the heighth of her season There to live- s real pleasure There one has but to step outside and breathe in the pure fresh mountain air hear the songs of he myriads of birds inhale the scent of flowers and his whole being is re- newed How refreshed and prepared one is for his labor after a sojourn at Estill Springs A lover of the beauti- ful ¬ need go no further than there to find nature in the most beautiful of her moods The hospitality at Estill Spring is famed The congenial Man ¬ ager Mr W R Thomas together with his charming wife making it their pleasusn to see to the comfort of their uests When it comes to satisfying the inner man this grand old place can be surpassed The table service is the lest the mineral waters are the finest Estill Springs is an ideal place to rest and enjoy life For rates etc ad- dress ¬ W R THOMAS Estill Springs Irvine Ky Ma G F Bun Will Probably Decline Re ¬ election and Merritt H Williams is Tipped as Successor The subjoined article appeared in Fridays Lexington Leader as a special j from this city In the event that Hon Curtis F Barnaul is not a candidate to succeed himself in the State Senate Irom this district It is believed by local politi- cians that Merritt II Williams of this county will be nominated by the Re ¬ publicans for that office It is not thought here that Mr Burnam will gain accept the nomination as he is now serving his second term and will be eightyseven years old at its expi ¬ ration In an interview with a cor- respondent ¬ of the Leader Mr Williams said he would be a candidate for State Senator should Mr Burnam decline to make time race Time district is com posed of tho counties of Madison Powell Estill and Lee The normal Republican majority is about GOO and the nomination is equivalent to an election I Four years ago Mr Williams made the race for representative from this beinglereatad trimarv Alter said Jams atllliated with the Republican and now hjlds a revenue posi- tion ¬ under the Republican admistra tion Smoking in a Powder Maga ¬ zine buts surel limn Curemy will cure a lays and its continued use will cure the obsinate eases It has cured many people of Brights disease and diabetes who wero thougnfcto be incurable If rou have kidney or bladder trouble commence taking Foleys Kidney Cure today before it is too late 21junlra Attention farmers I have received two carloads of the celebrated Page fencing the best thats made Before contracting for fencing of any description it will prove to your advantage to get my prices- tf J T COY Kirksville Ky IF YOU CAN DISCOVER t BETTER COAL THAN OUR f JELLICO Jf LUMP JJ50 per 100 bushels This < shaker screens and is absolutely clean These goodprices while this advertisement appears PhDn 142 Li her vm Phnne 14 J I M L nL Ci t Jr l r r I J 4l r t I r t- I I I I i i t1 Siraw Hats- I HALF PRICE H Here ts yodr chance for a Straw Hat Every straw in the house except the cheap Buckeyes and Mexicans has been cut to half price Big loss to us big gain to you We cant afford to carry them over you cant afford to do without one with thee months of hot 0weather before you Throw away the old faded lidand get under a bright clean one Be first for best choice 350 for 175 I i ter 300H 150 e e I 250 i 125 i y i 200 100 t f J 150 p + ter > fir- i 75 I 4c 1 > JIJ 100U k 50 < t 50H 25j > ftI COVINGTON MATPIMONIALICootsTATisMiss Mr S W Cook of Madison county were married ej the court house Wed- nesday ¬ by Judge Evans Vinchestcr Democrat lliciiAUDSoxHendrix Mr Alex Richardson and Miss Nannie B Ilen drix were united in Marriage on last Thursday by Squire Dykes The happy couple are residents of Cal east ROOEUSSMITII MM Annie Smith who used to be Miss Annie Hysingtr md Mr George Roersa widower ann well to do farmer of near Wallaceton Madison county were married yester ¬ day afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs J W Parsons Rev J C Carmi cal officiating They left on the 124 train for their new home Met in Lexington The members of the old Richmond Turnpike Company among whom are Messrs S R Parks Waller Bennett George Phelps and W S Moberley of this city met in Lexington last week to discuss the advisability of selling the bridge at Clavs Ferry because of the franchises that have been granted for the construction of the electric line between lure and Lexington The price asked for the bridge was SoOOO When the turnpikes were sold years ago to this and Fayette county the company retained the bridge and since that time a leo ol 25 cents Las been charged for crossing It is not known yet whether the electric line will be built along the Lexington and Rich- mond pike or the Tates Creek pike rime bridge is not considered suitable by the traction company for heavy trac ¬ tion cars to pass over since it is very low only a little above high water mark so claimed by the latter company Should the line come by Clays Ferry another point besides the old bridge willbe selected for crossing the river PERSONA Mrs James Boggs has been visiting in Lancaster Mr Dick Bush of Lexington spent Sunday here Mr and Mrs W E Luxon were u anville last week s Miss Sue Scrivner has begun her school at White Hall Mr Dyke Hazelrigg of Frankfort was hero last weekc Mrs Parker of Maysville is visit In Mrs Dan H Breck Miss Mabel Letton of Versailles is visiting Miss Sallie Wagers Miss Kate England of BarbourvilK is visiting Miss Callie Adams Mrs Henry Perry returned Thurs day from a visit to Cynthlana Read This Louisville Ky June 13 1901 Dr E R Hall St Louis MoDear Sir 1 have Iull rid three years from kidney and bladder troubles and one half bottle of the Texas Wonder Halls Discovery Was cured me and I can cheerfully recommend it Yours re specif ully < JN ROBERTS M I 1819 Maple street A Texas Wonder One small bottle of the Texas Won ¬ der Halls Great Discovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles removes care diabetes seminal emisi lions tweak and lame backs rheuma tism and ali irregnlarities of the kid in men and troubleswrunen nu- ebildren If not by your will be sell1 by man on receipt o f 1 One famuli bottle is two months treat ¬ ment and Reidom fail IIOn perfect R care Dr Etn Hall sole manu facturerP Pbbxfi fat Louis Mo SeIl 1Or t uld by drtigRWH 3rsiaytf t FOR THE- Walters BOYS School i 4 Select a school for your son where you are satisfied that he will receive careful personal attention and make thoroughadvance ¬ mint Consult the patrons of this school and have a talk with the Prin ¬ cipal Jas T Barrett Richmond Ky Mr Jeff Stone is spending the at Witt Springs Estillcounty Mrs Elizabeth Miller is Mrs James Winn in Winchester Miss Ilattle Letcher visited Louise JIauffman in Lancaster week J Mr and Mrs A P Allis of are guests of Mr M E Luxon town Miss Allcno Watts of has been visiting her sister Mrs Blanton Miss Sallie Adams of L visited her sister Miss Callie last week Iightful Mrs Maria McKinney and chester Curtis McKinney are visiting in Editor George A Lewis of Frankfort FridayMrs Roundabout was here Lyman Parrish is visiting daughter Somerset Mrs Gilbert Grinstead Squire W T Cbcnanlt has from ShelhNews a visit to relatives at Mr and Mrs J D Moore of tonbnrg have returned from a ro Clark county Judge J C Chenault and find Mr and Mrs D M Chenault returned from Conway MM L J Frazce and HeiVio Martin of Lexington boon visiting friends here Mr and Mrs Thos H Pickels attendmz the Press Crab Orchard Springs this week Mrs B F Hawes nee Fannie man of Oakfield N Y is the of her brother Mr David Miss Blanche Hamilton has from Richmond where she friends tor a week Jessamine Mis Margaret Hanna week lroni a months visit in mond Herald and Mt Sterling Miss Jane U Stockton with a dance at Temple on last Thursdayevening honor of her guest MIss Mary don pf Georgetown- Mr4 H E L BlKgersttff lttlr l ° frbte Hollywood Willie I idhis wife had a M0 I it II L visit of ten days I G P Simmons principal of Institute Richmond will fill of pulpit the last Sunday j month Interior Journal I Mrs T M Morrow and Edwards passed through I 11 last Wednesdayenroute to to spend several days I 1 Willie Mae Jarman tins re from a pleasant visit to Chilli and Lexington She was home by Miss Margaret J of the former city N McClure and family of Dr H C Jasper and family and Mrs Schaefer ofB are guests this week of P Mitchell Jessamine W Riddell who holds an position with the Amen M Co passed through Wednesday enroute to Ir S visit his parents Judge and Riddell night a jolly crowd of people formed a horse back W Lake Reba in honor of Miss of Barboursville the guest 4 Callie Adams j Miss Adams B with a beautiful partyon night j G Mrs James Lucas DcLong son of Kansas City who visiting Mr DeLongs Mrs Edmond DeLong have Richmond to spend a few days and Mrs Andre Scanlan Herald Harrietto Parish and Lucile of Richmond and Ruch Scott will be the guests of Pendleton the coming week A party at the Court View will be given in their honor eveningWinchester Sun Neff representing J H Richmond Kyone of the extensive poultry dealers was city Monday with a car of and eggs Mr Ncff says the of turkeys last sprung was but it is too early in the scasonI an estimate of the crop for Pittsburg News numerous friends of Miss Flor who claims this county as and where she Is well knownI delighted to learn of the disI attainments she achieved in the examination for a certificate which qualifies her l1Py as teacher any position in schools in any cityor in tbe State Miss Gibson oil the honors of the class withI average of 96 23 Louise KaufTman who is visi ¬ mother in this city is being congratulated upon receiving lI position she now has in She is a teacher in Dozier tho best in the city and is a handsome salary The schools are among the best United States and one must be teacher to rEceive employment Lancaster Record William Woodward Tacke and Robert Maban of visited the families of Taylor and W II Kanatzar week Monday the foregoing and the following people from Mr and Mrs Beverley and W H Kanatzar and of Whitlock were entertained couatiT kcpeof Mn and Mrs Taylor Moaday Valley Areeaty I p j r i T I n aii ti t t c DEEP curs Ifi- J > > o GiV i rj f tf Low 1f Shv s9yd Its against our policy to carry Low Shoes from one r season to another Shere goes rushout prices on every pair in stock The famous ton Walk = Over Bostonian r and Beacon Brands in the finest patent kid patent calfvici kid and Russia tans 500 for 375 400lJ 295 t 350 ll 265 300 H 235 to- H 250 185 150H 120 Jf Ifyouve never worn low cuts try a pair and see how cool and comfortable t Kentucky Editors At Crab OrchiH The literary program for the meeting the Kentucky Press Association at Crab Orchard Springs this week is as lullowst TCK3DAY JULY 25 of welcome lion R WI Itnesponge Presidents annual address Louis W Landrum Lancaster Record The Successful Country Weekly R Lemon Mayfield Messenger Advertising From Three Stand- points Henry M aldwell Louis ¬ ville Tunes Politics asa side Line E Barry Democrat Round TableAre We Easy L Gaines engineer All join in the happy chorus- wEDNrDAYJULY26 Cash Subscriptions a Success D Duncan Brandenburg Messanger A Crack at Creation and Creatures W Linebaueh Russellville News IISwift United We Ought to Stand GeO Albrecht Middlesboro Newse tlF The Associate Editor Mrs Bettie SlOfficial S rlRound Henry R Lawrence conductor Each mothers son may growl a THURSDAY JULY 27 Random Shots at Practical Points AT F Conley Louisa NewsH Prevalent and ¬ ter E A Jonas Henderson Journal The Tri WeeklyA Conclusions W Menefee Danville Advocater The Sublimity l D Miller Richmond Climax Something More Than Humdrum Mrs Stevia Cardwell Harrodsburg HeraldRound TableThe Good of the Or- der John W Gales superintendent- A la4t chance for all to butt in The Round Table will afford an op- portunity ¬ for every member to seek or give information on any subject he pleases and it is expected to prove the most valuable as well as the most in jterR 4 unanimous and hearty approval ol the plans this year as an improvement over the customary junket The indi ¬ canons are that the attendance will be made up almost wholly of new matt nut and the oldtimers will add I their full share The Committee on Entertainment I composed of W Yernon Richardson Clarence E Woods and Louis Land I dram has formulated the hollowing Social and Athletic Program Hand ¬ some Prizes will be awarded in all of the athletic events as well as the other i onteste and the euchre Allof these I events will be limited to the members of the Press Association and their In- vited ¬ guests MONDAY EVEMXO Reception and Opening Bal TUESDAY AFTERNOON Shooting Contest Fat Mans Race Pie Eating Contest Tub Race on the Lake Swimming Race in the Lake Progressive Euchre lor Ladies TUESDAY EVENING Banquet for the Press and Guests after which a Merman will be given which with bo led by Mr Vernon Rich ¬ ardson of Danville and Miss Alleae Wilsonol Louisville WlmnsDAYAFTERNOON Box Bail Contest Gae siBKCenteet Literary Feature Matiiwe Muwtrel aH YawfeYJile Sham i u r Sack Race Blind Fold Race Potato Race Rolling Race Best Looking Woman Handsomest Ugliest Man nest Story TellerGentlemen Biggest LiarGentlemen- Irettigst Girl WEDNESDAY EVENING Dance THURSDAY AFTERNOoN Guessing Contest Literary Feature Barrel Race for Ladies Barrel Race for Gentlemen Watermellon Eating Contest for waiters and porters Jumping Contest ThreeLegged Race Hop Skip and Jump Contest Music will be furnished by Saxtons Orchestra DEATHS MUIUNS The remains of Mr Jason Walker Mullins were brought here on Thursday from New Orleans Deceased was reared in this county and n as grandson of Mr Jason Walk ¬ for whom he was named He was thirtyfour years of age and was a type of manhood His death was clue to typhoid fever His funeral were conducted on Friday from the vault in which the were placed upon arrival here A movement ism n foot to organize Farmers Institute in Boyle county BANKSE The Religious Baseball Editor An Oklahoma paper says it was a baseball editor with religious convic ¬ tions who originated the following The devil was the first coacher he coached Eve when she stole first Adam stole second When Isaac met Rebecca at the well she was walking with a pitcher Sampson struck out a good many times when he heat the Ph ill istin es Moses made the first run when he slew the Egyptians Cane made a base hit whets he slew Abel The prodigal son made a home run David was a long distance throwerancl Moses shut out the Egyptians at tho Red Sea The same was called when the flood came on account of wet grounds Splitting Headache- can be often relieved by a nerve seda ¬ tive but the scientific way of treating a headache is to go right down to the realcause or root of the trouble and cure it with Dr Caldwells Syrup Pep ¬ sin It is the only perfect cure for headache dizziness constipation and is free from the dangerous aftereffects which so frequently follow the use ol byPerrg back if it fails im NOTICE Your city tax bills for the year 1905 are now due and in my hands for col- lection On all those not paid on or before November 1 1905 the penally prescribed by ordinance will be at ¬ CollectorOffice Piercing Kidney Pains Faulty kidney work brings on that large family of human miseries of which Rheumatism Lnmhaeo Goat Neuralgia and Sciatica are well kitowii members DeBells Kidney Piils wilt cure you lhev have never felled There can lie no doubt no uncertainty about the result of using DeBelte Kill ney Pills They cure all kidney di eases assnrelyan pnllinic a d eaye I prbox Why buy just as good when yon can get the genuine Birdsell Waron nt D B Shackelford Coa Wjulylm Fcul BreathCatarrh Use that which cieanate soothes mood heals the diseased membrane ThIn sens Catarrh Cure is such a retnw > r Cures catarrh easily and permanently injurlasdrug instant relief Bunsens Catarrh Cure is the only catarrh remedy sold on a payPrice A Surprise Party A pleasant surprise party may 1m given to your stomach and liver lu ta ¬ king a medicino which will re eve their pain and discomfort viz Dr Kings rev Life Pills They are a most wonderful remedy nilordiiiK a sure relief and cure for headache diz ¬ ziness anti constipation 25c at R u Stocttons drug store Ira Dealers will tell you their wagon iR just as good Vhnot buy the genii ¬ ine lilrdfioll at tho same uianny of n B Shackelford Co KJjulvln w f f4j OFF > I on all STRAW GOODS 250 Straw Hats for 185 200 i H 150 J50A ° H 115 < J JOO i H 75 35r j All new styles this seasons goods d Come i early and get your choice e- TQ IEANO ARNOLD THE ONE PRICE HOUSE 0 Main Street Richmond Ky I w c JE 1

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Page 1: I These tj i I i RunaboutsipricesI Wagons Siraw DEEP Hats-nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7q2b8vc01k/data/0439.pdf · horses being hitched to trees posts etc end over and get Captain Allman and

0 J iJfctjThese are Carriage Buying DaysFine weather fine roads Fine Prices on

anything we haVe

B11ggiestSurriest Depot Wagons



PHONE 232KYe 3 ttnns 1rO

The Richmond Climax I




jKentucky has 504 free rural routes

Farmers have been busy in theirt meadows and threshing wheat during

1the past week

j The Grand Opera House is lightj this week the attraction being the InaCompanyi

A good organ for sale cheap atj Madison Institutej J W McGarvey Jr

tTexinlton is at last to have a Uniondepot arrangements for such havingbeen completed last week It will bebuilt at once

i Tile Blrdsell wagon lasts longerpulls lighter and is made of better matrial than any other wagon made

Jijulylm D B Shackelford i Co

Parties desiring sleeping car spaceu the C S O excursion to Atlantic

City on Aug 3 should make reserva ¬

tins now as sleepers are fast filling up

Nicholasville wants to put a stop toIhorses being hitched to trees posts etcend over and get Captain Allman and

his crew and they will show you how ittan be done

Something New

Mr W S Oldham has somethingJ

niW to tell our readers Read his ad-



A Change

In this issue appears a change inMrJames Tribbles advertisement Moregood news read it carefully

wed EarllerIIn order to give the editor an oppor ¬

1tUllily to attend the Press AssociationOrchard the Climax is issuedIat week on Monday evening instead

ills Wednesday morning as usual

p Land SoleitAs executor of Mrs Margaret Whitei Mr J A Sullivan sold publicly Thurs ¬

j day her farm of 391 acres on Silverrek Mr Milton Covington bought

I We property paying for same SCS20

jr aero The sao was made by Long i-


Tniu Clicnault

> travcdtJ

From my place on Jnly C five blackshoats three males and two giltsweight about fifty pounds each andmarked with straight slit in left earWill pay liberal reward for return orinformation lending to recovery ofsamp JAS MARTIN

iiyti2t Whites Station Ky

Opec Lawn Tennis Tournament

Daring the week of August 4 to 11

n first annual Estill Springs OpenIiwn Tennis Tournament for the

tmpionnhip of Kentucky will beIId at Estill Springs This will be

ash r the management of the ShtJlbyIMil Tennis Club and will attract largerowels to Estill

Purchased a Rome

Jailer J C Lackey has purchasedthe Pigg place near the bridge on Westlam street paying 2700 for same

This is a most desirable piece of propcrfy comprising as it does about fourwrf S of land and all Improvementsfro lackey and family will remove

iiirp as soon as his present term asj n If r expires

Terrific StormImine of the most terrific hailstormsvr experienced in Central Kentucky

passpil over Wood ford Scott and thEcwestern edge of Fayette counties FriIf lay Tobacco and fruit trees wern badtIv damaged To this city the stormaunu tied to nothing morn than a veryIharl rain but from the above resultedquite a drop in the temperature andIgreat relief to all

A Success

The reception on last Wednesdaynight given by the congregation of theI first Christian church in honor of thenew members received during the re-

vival waR quite a success in every way

The largo yard was brilliantly lightedwith Japanese lanterns and was studed here and thorn with tables onwhich wore candles in silver and glassrn iit titira Time ni8 dplirions irisIIi nlca w< re Krve1 Besides tl-mCIzregnliou


a number from other1 chnrrhes were ituittil and the occa

iw VIS iniictlpleasant and ones thatwi 1e remembered by all present

A Plague of tiles

Tim country is threatened with aplag13 of flies They are making En ¬

gland and Wales suffer and will doubtlfSB find their way across the ocean in afew days Place a fly on a desert is-

land alone and he will he a grandfatherin about five minutes They multiplywith inconceivable rapidity and theywem to live to multiply and annoybald Leaded men This town is team¬

ing with them and they have a lot of

breeding places that would not exist if

the city had a system of sanitary sew-



The health ofliqerought to requirea liberal use of lime In vaults and cess

pools an much to keep down the fly

nuisance as for other sanitary reasons


The first daily newspaper was aImanuscript letter written by salariedcorrespondents and forwarded by themevery twentvfour hours from Londonto the provinces That was in thedays of the early Stuarts During theCommonwealth these London letterswere printed in type and circulated inlarge numbers Even so long ago asI860 the Jaw of libel was such as tocharacterized by Judge as rankingany newspaper publicatiin illegal andtending to provoke a breach of thepeace

Return Keys

The election officers holding keys toballot boxes are requested to returnsame at once to County Clerk JestsCobb

Ecb Buriettes rTuIosoFliT

Remembermy son you have to workWhether you handle the pick or pen

wheelbarrow or a set of books digging ditches or editing a newspaperringing an auction bell or writing funnythings you must work Dont be afraidof killing yourself by overworking onthe sunny side of thirty Men diesometimes but it is because they quitat C p m and dont get home till 2 a

Its the interval that kills my sonThe work gives you appetite for yo rmeals it lends solidity to your slumbsiit gives you a perfect and grateful afpreciation of a holiday There areyoung men who do not work but thecountry is not proud of them It doesnot know their names even it onlyspeaks of them aa old so and sos boyNobody likes them the great bustlingworld doesnt know that they are hereSo find out what you want be and dotake off your coat and make dust in theworld The busier you are the letsharm you are apt to get intothe sweettrwill be your sleep the brighter anohappier your holiday and the bettersatisfied the world will be with you

Life at Estill Sprints

The tamest time of the year is athand and man should tune himself tinature and rejoice with her In ourrejoicing let us not forget to place our-


in close touch with her EstillSprings the grand old summer resortof eastern Kentucky is now in theheighth of her season There to live-

s real pleasure There one has but tostep outside and breathe in the purefresh mountain air hear the songs ofhe myriads of birds inhale the scent

of flowers and his whole being is re-newed How refreshed and preparedone is for his labor after a sojourn atEstill Springs A lover of the beauti-ful


need go no further than there tofind nature in the most beautiful of hermoods The hospitality at EstillSpring is famed The congenial Man ¬

ager Mr W R Thomas together withhis charming wife making it theirpleasusn to see to the comfort of theiruests When it comes to satisfying

the inner man this grand old place canbe surpassed The table service is the

lest the mineral waters are the finestEstill Springs is an ideal place to

rest and enjoy life For rates etc ad-



Estill SpringsIrvine Ky

Ma G F Bun Will Probably Decline Re¬

election and Merritt H Williams is

Tipped as Successor

The subjoined article appeared inFridays Lexington Leader as a special j

from this cityIn the event that Hon Curtis F

Barnaul is not a candidate to succeedhimself in the State Senate Irom thisdistrict It is believed by local politi-

cians that Merritt II Williams of thiscounty will be nominated by the Re¬

publicans for that office It is notthought here that Mr Burnam willgain accept the nomination as he is

now serving his second term and will

be eightyseven years old at its expi ¬

ration In an interview with a cor-


of the Leader Mr Williamssaid he would be a candidate for StateSenator should Mr Burnam decline to

make time race Time district is composed of tho counties of MadisonPowell Estill and Lee The normalRepublican majority is about GOO and

the nomination is equivalent to anelection I

Four years ago Mr Williams made

the race for representative from this

beinglereatadtrimarv Alter saidJams atllliated with the Republican

and now hjlds a revenue posi-


under the Republican admistration

Smoking in a Powder Maga ¬

zinebutssurel limnCuremywill cure alays and its continued use will curethe obsinate eases It has cured manypeople of Brights disease and diabeteswho wero thougnfcto be incurable Ifrou have kidney or bladder troublecommence taking Foleys Kidney Curetoday before it is too late 21junlra

Attention farmers

I have received two carloads of thecelebrated Page fencing the best thatsmade Before contracting for fencing

of any description it will prove to your

advantage to get my prices-tf J T COY Kirksville Ky



f JELLICOJfLUMP JJ50 per 100 bushels

This < shaker screens and is absolutely clean

These goodpriceswhile this advertisement appears

PhDn 142 Li her vm Phnne 14 JI


L nL

Ci t Jr l r rI J 4l r t I

r t-I




i i

t1Siraw Hats-


Here ts yodr chance for a Straw Hat Every straw in the house

except the cheap Buckeyes and Mexicans has been cut to half price

Big loss to us big gain to you We cant afford to carry them

over you cant afford to do without one with thee months of hot

0weather before you Throw away the old faded lidand get under

a bright clean one Be first for best choice

350 for 175I i ter

300H 150e eI 250


i y i200 100t f

J 150 p+ter > fir-

i 75 I 4c

1 >JIJ100U k 50<t

50H 25j>



Mr S W Cook of Madison countywere married ej the court house Wed-



by Judge Evans VinchestcrDemocrat

lliciiAUDSoxHendrix Mr AlexRichardson and Miss Nannie B Ilendrix were united in Marriage on lastThursday by Squire Dykes Thehappy couple are residents of Caleast

ROOEUSSMITII MM Annie Smithwho used to be Miss Annie Hysingtrmd Mr George Roersa widower annwell to do farmer of near WallacetonMadison county were married yester ¬

day afternoon at the home of Mr andMrs J W Parsons Rev J C Carmical officiating They left on the 124train for their new home

Met in Lexington

The members of the old RichmondTurnpike Company among whom areMessrs S R Parks Waller BennettGeorge Phelps and W S Moberley of

this city met in Lexington last weekto discuss the advisability of sellingthe bridge at Clavs Ferry because of

the franchises that have been grantedfor the construction of the electric linebetween lure and Lexington Theprice asked for the bridge was SoOOO

When the turnpikes were sold yearsago to this and Fayette county thecompany retained the bridge andsince that time a leo ol 25 cents Las

been charged for crossing It is not

known yet whether the electric line willbe built along the Lexington and Rich-

mond pike or the Tates Creek pikerime bridge is not considered suitable

by the traction company for heavy trac¬

tion cars to pass over since it is very

low only a little above high water

mark so claimed by the latter companyShould the line come by Clays Ferry

another point besides the old bridge

willbe selected for crossing the river

PERSONAMrs James Boggs has been visiting

in LancasterMr Dick Bush of Lexington spent

Sunday hereMr and Mrs W E Luxon were

u anville last week sMiss Sue Scrivner has begun her

school at White Hall

Mr Dyke Hazelrigg of Frankfort

was hero last weekcMrs Parker of Maysville is visit

In Mrs Dan H Breck

Miss Mabel Letton of Versailles isvisiting Miss Sallie Wagers

Miss Kate England of BarbourvilKis visiting Miss Callie Adams

Mrs Henry Perry returned Thursday from a visit to Cynthlana

Read ThisLouisville Ky June 13 1901

Dr E R Hall St Louis MoDearSir 1 have Iull rid three years from

kidney and bladder troubles and one

half bottle of the Texas Wonder HallsDiscovery Was cured me and I can

cheerfully recommend it Yours re

specif ully< JN ROBERTS

M I 1819 Maple street

ATexas WonderOne small bottle of the Texas Won ¬

der Halls Great Discovery cures allkidney and bladder troubles removes

care diabetes seminal emisilions tweak and lame backs rheumatism and ali irregnlarities of the kid

in men and

troubleswrunen nu-

ebildren If not by yourwill be sell1 by man on receipt of 1One famuli bottle is two months treat ¬

ment and Reidom fail IIOn perfect R

care Dr Etn Hall sole manufacturerP Pbbxfi fat Louis MoSeIl1Or t uld bydrtigRWH 3rsiaytf







Select a school foryour son whereyou are satisfiedthat he will receivecareful personalattention and makethoroughadvance ¬


Consult the patronsof this school and havea talk with the Prin ¬


Jas T BarrettRichmond Ky

Mr Jeff Stone is spending theat Witt Springs Estillcounty

Mrs Elizabeth Miller is

Mrs James Winn in Winchester

Miss Ilattle Letcher visitedLouise JIauffman in Lancasterweek J

Mr and Mrs A P Allis of

are guests of Mr M E Luxon


Miss Allcno Watts of

has been visiting her sister Mrs


Miss Sallie Adams of L

visited her sister Miss Callie

last week IightfulMrs Maria McKinney and

chesterCurtis McKinney are visiting in

Editor George A Lewis of



Roundabout was here

Lyman Parrish is visitingdaughterSomerset

Mrs Gilbert Grinstead

Squire W T Cbcnanlt hasfrom

ShelhNewsa visit to relatives at

Mr and Mrs J D Moore of

tonbnrg have returned from a

ro Clark county

Judge J C Chenault and

find Mr and Mrs D M Chenaultreturned from Conway

MM L J Frazce andHeiVio Martin of Lexingtonboon visiting friends here

Mr and Mrs Thos H Pickels

attendmz the PressCrab Orchard Springs this week

Mrs B F Hawes nee Fannieman of Oakfield N Y is the

of her brother Mr David

Miss Blanche Hamilton hasfrom Richmond where shefriends tor a week Jessamine

Mis Margaret Hannaweek lroni a months visit in


and Mt Sterling

Miss Jane U Stocktonwith a dance atTemple on last Thursdayevening

honor of her guest MIss Mary

don pf Georgetown-

Mr4 H E L BlKgersttff

lttlr l °frbte Hollywood


idhis wife had a M0



visit of ten days I

G P Simmons principal of

Institute Richmond will fill of

pulpit the last Sunday j

month Interior JournalI

Mrs T M Morrow andEdwards passed through I

11last Wednesdayenroute to

to spend several days I1

Willie Mae Jarman tins refrom a pleasant visit to Chilli

and Lexington She washome by Miss Margaret J

of the former cityN McClure and family of

Dr H C Jasper and familyand Mrs Schaefer ofBare guests this week of

P Mitchell Jessamine W

Riddell who holds an

position with the AmenM

Co passed throughWednesday enroute to Ir S

visit his parents Judge andRiddell

night a jolly crowd of

people formed a horse back W

Lake Reba in honor of Miss

of Barboursville the guest4

Callie Adams j Miss AdamsB

with a beautiful partyonnight j G

Mrs James Lucas DcLong

son of Kansas City who

visiting Mr DeLongsMrs Edmond DeLong haveRichmond to spend a few days

and Mrs Andre ScanlanHerald

Harrietto Parish and Lucile

of Richmond and Ruch Scottwill be the guests of

Pendleton the coming weekA

party at the Court View

will be given in their honoreveningWinchester Sun

Neff representing J H

Richmond Kyone of theextensive poultry dealers was

city Monday with a car of

and eggs Mr Ncff says theof turkeys last sprung was

but it is too early in the scasonIan estimate of the crop for

Pittsburg News

numerous friends of Miss Florwho claims this county as

and where she Is well knownIdelighted to learn of the disI

attainments she achieved

in the examination for acertificate which qualifies her

l1Py as teacher any position in

schools in any cityorin tbe State Miss Gibson

oil the honors of the class withIaverage of 96 23

Louise KaufTman who is visi ¬

mother in this city is being

congratulated upon receiving

lI position she now has in

She is a teacher in Dozier

tho best in the city and is

a handsome salary Theschools are among the best

United States and one must be

teacher to rEceive employmentLancaster Record

William Woodward

Tacke and Robert Maban of

visited the families of

Taylor and W II Kanatzarweek Monday the foregoing

and the following people from

Mr and Mrs Beverleyand W H Kanatzar and

of Whitlock were entertainedcouatiT kcpeof Mn and Mrs

Taylor Moaday ValleyAreeatyI


j r

i T I


aii ti ttc DEEP cursIfi-

J >> o GiVi rj f



Shv s9yd

Its against our policy to carry Low Shoes from one rseason to another Shere goes rushout prices onevery pair in stock The famous

ton Walk=Over Bostonian rand Beacon Brands

in the finest patent kid patent calfvici kid andRussia tans

500 for 375

400lJ 295 t350 ll 265300 H 235


H250 185

150H 120 Jf

Ifyouve never worn low cuts try a pair and see how cool andcomfortable t

Kentucky Editors At Crab OrchiH

The literary program for the meetingthe Kentucky Press Association at

Crab Orchard Springs this week is aslullowstTCK3DAY JULY 25

of welcome lion R WI

ItnespongePresidents annual address Louis W

Landrum Lancaster RecordThe Successful Country Weekly

R Lemon Mayfield MessengerAdvertising From Three Stand-

points Henry M aldwell Louis ¬

ville TunesPolitics asa side Line E Barry

DemocratRound TableAre We Easy L

Gaines engineerAll join in the happy chorus-

wEDNrDAYJULY26Cash Subscriptions a Success DDuncan Brandenburg Messanger

A Crack at Creation and CreaturesW Linebaueh Russellville News

IISwiftUnited We Ought to Stand GeOAlbrecht Middlesboro NewsetlFThe Associate Editor Mrs Bettie

SlOfficialSrlRoundHenry R Lawrence conductorEach mothers son may growl a


Random Shots at Practical PointsAT F Conley Louisa NewsHPrevalent and ¬

ter E A Jonas Henderson JournalThe Tri WeeklyA Conclusions

W Menefee Danville AdvocaterThe Sublimity lD Miller Richmond ClimaxSomething More Than Humdrum

Mrs Stevia Cardwell HarrodsburgHeraldRound

TableThe Good of the Or-

der John W Gales superintendent-A la4t chance for all to butt in

The Round Table will afford an op-


for every member to seek orgive information on any subject hepleases and it is expected to prove themost valuable as well as the most injterR4 unanimous and hearty approval olthe plans this year as an improvementover the customary junket The indi ¬

canons are that the attendance will bemade up almost wholly of new mattnut and the oldtimers will add I

their full shareThe Committee on Entertainment I

composed of W Yernon RichardsonClarence E Woods and Louis Land I

dram has formulated the hollowingSocial and Athletic Program Hand ¬

some Prizes will be awarded in all ofthe athletic events as well as the otheri onteste and the euchre Allof these I

events will be limited to the membersof the Press Association and their In-




Reception and Opening BalTUESDAY AFTERNOON

Shooting ContestFat Mans RacePie Eating ContestTub Race on the LakeSwimming Race in the LakeProgressive Euchre lor Ladies


Banquet for the Press and Guestsafter which a Merman will be given

which with bo led by Mr Vernon Rich ¬

ardson of Danville and Miss AlleaeWilsonol Louisville


Box Bail ContestGae siBKCenteet Literary FeatureMatiiwe Muwtrel aH YawfeYJile





Sack RaceBlind Fold RacePotato RaceRolling RaceBest Looking Woman Handsomest

Ugliest Mannest Story TellerGentlemenBiggest LiarGentlemen-Irettigst Girl




Guessing Contest Literary FeatureBarrel Race for LadiesBarrel Race for GentlemenWatermellon Eating Contest for

waiters and portersJumping ContestThreeLegged RaceHop Skip and Jump ContestMusic will be furnished by Saxtons


DEATHSMUIUNS The remains of Mr Jason

Walker Mullins were brought here onThursday from New Orleans

Deceased was reared in this countyand n as grandson of Mr Jason Walk ¬

for whom he was named He wasthirtyfour years of age and was a

type of manhood His deathwas clue to typhoid fever His funeral

were conducted on Fridayfrom the vault in which the

were placed upon arrival here

A movement ism n foot to organizeFarmers Institute in Boyle county

BANKSEThe Religious Baseball Editor

An Oklahoma paper says it was abaseball editor with religious convic ¬

tions who originated the followingThe devil was the first coacher he

coached Eve when she stole firstAdam stole second When Isaac metRebecca at the well she was walkingwith a pitcher Sampson struck out agood many times when he heat thePh ill istin es Moses made the first runwhen he slew the Egyptians Canemade a base hit whets he slew AbelThe prodigal son made a home runDavid was a long distance throweranclMoses shut out the Egyptians at thoRed Sea The same was called whenthe flood came on account of wetgrounds

Splitting Headache-can be often relieved by a nerve seda ¬

tive but the scientific way of treating aheadache is to go right down to therealcause or root of the trouble andcure it with Dr Caldwells Syrup Pep ¬

sin It is the only perfect cure forheadache dizziness constipation andis free from the dangerous aftereffectswhich so frequently follow the use olbyPerrgback if it fails im


Your city tax bills for the year 1905are now due and in my hands for col-

lection On all those not paid on orbefore November 1 1905 the penallyprescribed by ordinance will be at¬


Piercing Kidney PainsFaulty kidney work brings on that

large family of human miseries ofwhich Rheumatism Lnmhaeo GoatNeuralgia and Sciatica are well kitowiimembers DeBells Kidney Piils wiltcure you lhev have never felledThere can lie no doubt no uncertaintyabout the result of using DeBelte Killney Pills They cure all kidney dieases assnrelyan pnllinic a d eaye IprboxWhy buy just as good when yoncan get the genuine Birdsell Waron ntD B Shackelford Coa Wjulylm

Fcul BreathCatarrhUse that which cieanate soothes mood

heals the diseased membrane ThInsens Catarrh Cure is such a retnw > rCures catarrh easily and permanentlyinjurlasdruginstant relief Bunsens Catarrh Cureis the only catarrh remedy sold on apayPrice

A Surprise PartyA pleasant surprise party may 1m

given to your stomach and liver lu ta ¬

king a medicino which will re evetheir pain and discomfort viz DrKings rev Life Pills They are amost wonderful remedy nilordiiiK asure relief and cure for headache diz ¬

ziness anti constipation 25c at R uStocttons drug store Ira

Dealers will tell you their wagon iR

just as good Vhnot buy the genii ¬

ine lilrdfioll at tho same uianny of nB Shackelford Co KJjulvln

w f

f4j OFF >

I on all

STRAW GOODS250 Straw Hats for 185200 i H 150J50A °

H 115< J

JOO i H 7535rj All new styles this seasons goods d Comeiearly and get your choicee-




Main Street Richmond Ky

I wc

JE 1