i the do you open a maiim its i f i ll u...

r c i l 7W J > I f OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 1909 t I rw 8 r I a SANTA DO i CLAUS YOUR i I HEAD- QUARTERS ¬ F ii I I LL U SHOPPING t EARLY- L Ocalas Department StoreT- HE PLACE TO BUY Christmas Presents w Crockery Dry Goods Toy DepartmentDeFariment Department I I Vases Ties Tops Olocks IIRts Nuts I Betts Spoons Balls Tea Pots Shoes Dolls 4 Jardlnlerea Shirts Horns i Bern Sets Purset Banks I Water Sets Gloves Hrr > s Toilet Sets Comb Games Dinner Sets Altrotta Blocks Dread Trays Collars Rattles Crepe Paper Trunks Candies Cake Stands Cologne Marbles Fruit Stands Ribbons Watches Dresser Sets Napkins Tea Sets Carving Sets Btanketrc Checkers Pallor Lamps Hat Pins GoCarts Butter Dishes Comforts Toy Guns Powder Boxes Necklaces Air RiflEs Water Bottles Umbrellu omll1oos Shaving Mugs Stationery Doll Heeds Vinegar Cruets Suit Cases Toy Pistols Syrup Pitchers Supportels Tamborines Water Pitchers Holt Bands Falae Faces Irramed Mirrors Suspenders Doll Houses Framed Pictures Fascinators Tool Chests Umbrella Stands Baby Roods Fire Engines Shaving Brushes Fancy Vests Driving Reins Table Cloths Combs and Brushes Doll Carriages Cuff Buttons Cups and Saucers Table Covers Patrol wagons Knives and Forks Handkerchiefs Express Wagons Post Card Albums lIoltlroof Sox Manic Lanterns Bowls and Pitchers Holeproof Hose Mechanical Toys We have all kinds of Christmas tree decorations Come and see our display 11 Fis11el Son a From Arctic to Tropicsi- n Ten Minutes- No oil heater has a higher efficiency or greater heating power than the 11 4 n PERFECTION- Oil 1 Heater 1 j Equipped with Smokeless Device r With it you can go from the s cold of the Arctic to the warmth- of the Tropics in 10 minutes The new Automatic Smokeless Devicepr- events smoking There is no possible question about it This means greater heatpower a more rapid diffusion of heat and a sure conversion of all the heatenergy in the oil In a cold room light the heater and in 10 minutes youll have a glowing heat that carries full content Turn the wick up as high as it will gono smokeno odor In everything that appeals to the provident and the fastidious the Perfection Oil Heater with its new automatic smokeless device de ¬ cisively leads Finished in Nickel or Japan in various styles Every Dealer Everywhere If Not At Yours Write for Descriptive Circular- to the Nearest Agency of the STANDARD OIL COMPANY Incorporated r l 7tilt i7l t SJ- l > iri 11 Ii 1 r ntlNnPIIIlY11A11U11IiIINInA 111 r6 1i8lWIIU ilpgxm For Infants and Children The Kind You HavE l Always Bought A egefablcPicparationlor As- similating ¬ theToodandRc uta I ling ihStomadis andBowds of Bears the e Signatu- reof esUonC crru1- ne5smviRestConlainsnciUler i of Omm Morphine nor1fineral NOT NARCOTIC o rid31t W1lZZP1J- rlISJ I 2dg4 en Shcr- tllsrrd t I I n flit f inr Sad II e 1 Tartlr a Use II CCI for tionSourStotnachDialrtweaW- ormmConvutsionsFeverish nessandLosSOFSLEEe F Q r 0 ver 11 Tac Simile Signature of NEW o YORK Thirty Years J EXACT COPTOFWHAPPCB THCCMTAURCOMPANP KtwYOKnernr > t > J i i ll Jj Ji > i > < I The MaiiM From L i BrodneysB- y I GEOR6E BARR- MCUTGHEON Copyright 1908 by Dodd Med ft Co CHAPTER XIV TWO CALLS FROM THE EXEU- TEPPIXGHAM was up and about D quite early the next morning that Is quite early for him He had his rolls and coffee and strolled out in the shady park for- a smoke The princess whose sense of humiliation had not been lessened by the fitful sleep of the night before was walking In the shade oT the trees on the lower terrace beyond the foun ¬ tains and the artificial lake- I was thinking of you she said in greeting as he came up How nice you are he said But my dear is it wise in you to be think- ing ¬ of us handsome devils Its a most dangerous habitthInking of other menBut Deppy dear the prince isnt here she said falling into his hu- mor ¬ That makes quite a difference doesnt it Your logic Is splendid Pray resume your thoughts of meIf they were pleasant and agreeable Ill not blow on you to Karl By the way I have a compliment for you Browne says your hair Is more beautiful than Pongs Thats quite a compliment Titian never even dreamed of hair like Pongs You know Deppy she said with- a pout I am very unhappy about my hair It is quite red I dont see why I should have hair like that of a red cocker It seems so animallsh Rubbish Why should you com ¬ plain Look at my hair Its been likened more than once to that of a Jersey cow Oh how I adore Jersey cows Now- I wouldnt mind that a bit They were looking toward the lower gates while carrying on this frivolous conversation A man had just entered and was coming toward them Roth rec ¬ ognized the tall figure in gray flannels I trust I am not intruding Chase said as he came up His gaze was as much for Deppingham as for the prin ¬ cess his remark quite impersonal- Not at all not at all said Don plngham quickly his heart leaping to the conclusion that the way to the American bar was likely to be opened- at last Charmed to have you here Mr Chase Youve been most un- neighborly Have you been presented- to her highness the Oh to be sure Of course you have Stupid of me We met ages ago she said with- an ingenuous smile which would have disarmed Chase if he had been pre- pared ¬ for anything else As a matter- of fact he had approached her In the light of an adventurer who expects nothing and grasps at straws In the dark ages said he so rue ¬ fully that her smile grew He had come in truth to ascertain why her husband had not conic with her But not the forgotten variety I- fancy said Deppingham shrewdly It would be impossible for the prin- cess ¬ to forget the greatest of all fools said Chase He was no worse than other mor ¬ tals said she Thank you said Chase Then he turned to Lord Deppingham My visit requires some explanation Lord Deppingham You have said that I am unneighborly No doubt you ap- preciate ¬ my reasons One has to re ¬ spect appearances with a dry smile When one Is In doubt he must do as the Moslems do especially If the Mos ¬ lems dont want him to do as he wants- to do No doubt youre right but it sounds- a bit involved murmured Depping ham Lady Deppingham will be do lighted to see yon Are you ready to come in princess They started toward the chateau keeping well in the shade of the boxed trees the princess between the two menI say Chase do you mind relieving my fears a bit With all due respect- to your estimable clients it occurs to me that they are likely to break over the traces at any moment and raise the very old Harry at somebody elses expense Id like to know if my head- Is really safe- I came to see you in regard to that very thing Lord Deppingham I dont want to alarm you but 1 do not like the appearance of things They dont trust me and they hate you quite nat urally Im rather sorry that our Brit ¬ ish manofwar is out of reach Pray dont be alarmed princess It is most improbable that anything evil will happen And in any event we can hold out against them until relief comes We demanded Depplngham Certainly If it comes to an assault- of any kind upon the chateau I trust that I may be considered as one of you I wont serve assassins and ban ¬ ditsat least not after theyve got beyond my control Besides if the worst should come they wont discrim- inate ¬ In my favor Why do you stay here Mr Chase asked the princess You admit that they do not like you or trust you Why do you stay I came out here to escape certain consequences said he candidly Ill stay to enjoy the uncertain ones I I am not in the least alarmed on mj I own account The object of my visit Lord Deppingham is to ask you to be- en your guard up here After the next steamer arrives and they learn that Sir John will not withdraw uw iu nb mission to Iltmilns demand wirh this additi 11 rows that your soVitnr have filed injunction and have berun- a bitter contort that may tie up the estate for years then I gay we may have trouble It is best that you should know what to expect I am not a traitor to my cause in telliut i1tiJi r 7o you run it is no more tnan i would expect from you were the conditions reversed Its mighty decent in you Chase to put us on our guard Would you mind talking It over with Browne and me after luncheon Youll stay to lunch ¬ eon of course Thank yon It may be my death sentence bat Ill stay In the wide east gallery they saw Lady Deppingham and Bobby Browne deeply engrossed iu conversation Dep ¬ pingham started und involuntarily al ¬ lowed his hand to go to his temple as if to check the thought that flitted through his brain I Good Lord he said to himself is it possible that they are fiisiderlng that Saunders proposition Sure- ly ¬ they cant be thinking of that As he led the way across the green Brownes voice came to them distinct- ly ¬ He was saying earnestly- The mere fact that we have come out to this blessed isle is a point in favor of the islanders Chase wont overlook it and you may be sure Sir John Brodney is making the most of it Our coming is a guarantee that we consider the will valid It is an ad ¬ mission that we regard it as sound- If not why should we recognize its provisions even In the slightest de- tail ¬ Brltt is looking for hallucina- tions ¬ and all Sh came In a loud hiss from some ¬ I where near at hand and the two in the gallery looked down with startled eyes upon the distressed face of Lord Depplngham They started to their I feet at once astonishment and wonder- in their faces They could scarcely believe their eyes The enemy He was smiling broadly as he lifted his helmet smiling In spite of the dis- comfort ¬ I that showed so plainly In Dep plnghams manner Chase was warmly welcomed by the I two heirs Lady Agnes was especially cordial Her eyes gleamed joyously as she lifted them to meet his admiring- gaze She was amazingly pretty The conviction that Chase had mistaken her for Lady Agnes the evening be- fore ¬ took a fresh grasp upon the mind- of I the Princess Genevra A shameless- wave of relief surged through her heart Continued Tomorrow HOLIDAY BARGAINS- AT THE GLOBE- Be sure before you do your holiday shopping to call at the Globe and look I over our elegant line of Holiday Goods and our magnificent line of General l Dry Goods from which so many use ¬ ful Christmas presents can be found for all members of the family The Globe The Under Selling Store in Ocala can save you money Remem- ber ¬ I If it is a good thing we have it LAKE WEIR Mrs J T Carson of Nashville and her guest Miss Mary Hart arrived last week to spend the winter at their cottage on the lake I Mrs Henry Volkman and daughter- Miss Louise of Torrington Conn came in on the night train Saturday- to spend the winter Several friends from the same place will follow them- in a few days Colonel Burnham of Waco Texas is a guest of the Smith House Mrs J T Carson and Mrs K H Clements have made several ship- ments ¬ J or oranges and grapefruit from their groves the past week Quite a party of young folks went to Eastlake Saturday night to a dance- at Mr Frank Newports store Among I the number were the Misses Camp Miss Hart Mr J D Taylor Mrs Fred Smith and Mr Dell Moody Mrs Ernest Lytle and cousin Miss Nichols a charming young lady of I Nashville Tenn came over from I Eastlake Sunday in Air Lvtles trim little launch that he has put on the I lake recently They were calling on friends and attended church t A party of capitalists were here some days ago looking over the old I chautauqua grounds with a view of erecting a fine hotel which we predict would be filled to its utmost capacity- with I both winter and summer guests judging from inquiries made for ac ¬ commodations the past summer and fallr J W Westover is building Mr Charlie Valkman a twentyfoot boat which he will launch in a few weeks The many friends of Mrs J B Martin are delighted to know she is I recovering from her severe illness under the unremitting care of Dr H W Henry and a trained nurse from Ocala DELICIOUS FRESH CANDIES- Just received at the fruit store of S A Moses Bro a fresh shipment of the celebrated Lenox brank of choc ¬ olates and mixed candies fresh sweet and toothsome and at a price that will make you buy I I The next time one of the children catch cold give it something that will promptly and freely but gently move the bowels In that way the cold will at once be driven out of the system Kennedys Laxative Cough Syrup moves the bowels promptly and freely- yet gently and at the same time heals i irritation and stops the cough It is especially good for children Sold by all druggists THE WHITE STAR I TRANSFER COMPANY I Cheapest and best dray in the city We solicit your patronage Satisfac ¬ tion guaranteed Phone 296 I rniVe I I i HOrEY AND T AR I The- LAXATIVE Or fIH 1 1 I I 1 cough rera Ya I i I ror coughs colas throat and lung troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic 1 Good for everybody Sold everywhere Tho genuine FOLEYS HONEY and TAR is ia i Yellow package F efusesubstitutut- Prepared only by Fol3y ll Company Chloaga SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS r y c J- y Do You Open Your Mouth ft1 f A Y- c Like a young bird and gulp down whatever food or medicine may- be offered you Or do you want to know something of the com- position ¬ ti and character or which you take into your stomach r if whether as food or medicine l Most intelligent and sensible people nowadays insist on J knowing what they employ whether as food or as medicine- Dr t K- r Pierce believes they have a perfect right to INSIST upon such knowledge So he publishes broadcast and on each bottlewrapper whit his medicines sic made of and verifies It under oath This he feels he can well afford to do because the more the Ingredients of which his medicines are made are studied and understood the more will their superior curative virtues be appreciated r For the cure of womans peculiar weaknesses and derangements giving rise to frequent y headache backache draggingdown pain or distress and kindred symptoms of weakness Dr Pierces Favorite is a most efficient remedy It is equally effective in j giving strength to nursing mothers and in preparing the system of the expectant mother or coming thus rendering childbirth safe and comparatively painless The Fa- vorite ¬ Prescription IS a most potent strengthening tonic to the general system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular It is also a soothing and invigorating nerv ¬ ine and cures nervous exhaustion nervous prostation neuralgia hysteria spasms chorea- or St Vituss dance and other distressing nervous symptoms attendant upon functional- and organic diseases of the organs- A host of medical authorities of all the several schools of practice recommend each of the several ingredients of which Favorite Prescription is made for the cure of the diseases for which it is claimed to be a cure You may read what they or oursel by sending a postal card request for a free booklet of extracts from the leading Authorities- to Dr R V Pierce Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute Buffalo N YM and it will come to you by return post Its foolish and often dangerous to experiment with new or but slightly tested med ¬ icinessometimes urged upon the afflicted as U just as good or better than U Favorite Prescription The dishonest dealer sometimes insists that he knows what the proffered a substitute is made of but dont and it decidedly for your interest that you should know what you are taking into your stomach and system expecting it to act as a curative I i To him its <> a difference of profit Therefore insist on having Dr Pierces Fa- vorite ¬ Prescription- Send 31 onecent stamps to pay cost of mailing only on a free copy of Dr Pierce z Common Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages clothbound Address Dr Pierce as above ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY V- i 1 v t LORETTO Near Mandarin FLORIDA i t < Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Jose h Young I k > Y Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel- lectual ¬ 1 Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent Swimming r- a i Pool Complete Equipment In Schoorooms Dormitories Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms I h t Apply for Pi spectus to the SISTER SUPERIO- RSt Josephs Academy Loretto Florida i BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN 21 Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the Very Latest Methods We have just received one of the famous Ideal Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built ri for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which k lrNIj does the work perfectly If you will favor us with c your patronage we guarantee to give you back the Mower in better condition than the day you bought- it r s + It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than the old style way which is usually done by inexpe- rienced workman with a file or an emery wheel Next time your Mower needs sharpening L 4 bring it in or notify us and we will 4i make it cut so nicely it will surprise you MARION HARDWARE CO I r KENDRICK- Mr R M C Ward who has been living at Zuber for several month died at the Marion County Hospital- last Sunday afternoon of pneumonia- Mr Ward was born and raised near Tallahassee He was an unassuming- kind of a man but seemed to be up- right ¬ in all of his dealings He leaves to mour his death there sons by a former wife and a wife and five small 1 children He was about fifty years old Sympathy is extended to his family Rev J X AVeatherford preached his last sermon for the year here last Sunday moring He preached an ex- cellent ¬ sermon which was appreciated- by al who heard it Mr J W Fowler of Hawthorne spent several days the first of the week with his old friend A A Olin Mrs Hattie A Webb went up to Jacksonville a few days ago to have her eyes treated She was accom- panied ¬ by her daughter Miss Julia Mr Vernon Knoblock and bride and his moter of Martin attended prayer meeting here Sunday night The W O W will hold a regular meeting next Friday the 17th inst The goat will be ridden by Mr Reims of Zuber All soverigns are Invited especially visiting sovereigns We promise all a pleasamp evening HER HEART WAS BROKEN because her complexion was bad tad she could find nothing to clear It up Ladies a bad complexion Is caused- by an inactive liver An inactive liv- er will be put in perfect condition by taking Ballards Herblne The un quaJed liver regulator Sold by all druggists FARMERS UNION MEETING- All members of the Farmers Union in Marion county are requested to meet with the Ocala locate in Ocala Saturday Dec 18th at 130 p m for the purpose of devising plans for the establishing of a warehouse in Ocd for the benefit ef the farmers F B Turner Secy and Treas Old Man Santa Claus JUST ARRIVED Bring the Children to see Him AT THE BAZAAR STORE t FRESH MEATS Ar D VEOThBLESi I Western Beef Veal Florida Stall led Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork t Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions W FI WARDS Phone 108 City Mar- ketSurprising i r 1 What Kodol Will Do For you when you need it But the longer you neg ¬ lect Indigestion the more you will suffer before Kodol I i can restore Good Digestion And of course indigestion If neg ¬ lected long enough brings on seri ous diseases in which Kodol cannot benefit you Some of these there- Is no help for at all There are In fact very few ail- ments ¬ which cannot ie traced di- rectly ¬ to impure blood And im ¬ I pure blood Is always due to a dis ¬ ordered stomach Use Kodol and prevent Nervous Dyspepsia l Kodol will effectually assist Na ¬ ture to secure a complete restora ¬ tion of good digestion It does this by at once digesting all good In the stomach and keeping It di- gested ¬ I until the stomach la rested I and can resume Its own work Ko ¬ t dol removes the causeand the effect quickly removes Itself When it Is recalled that Apo ¬ plexy Heart Disease Cancerande- ven Consumptionare due to poor digestion and poisons thus transmitted to the blood and throughout the systemthe Impor ¬ tance of maintaining good diges- tion ¬ If At once realized f FOR SALE BY ALL FIA- t t We knew what Kodol would do before ever the first bottle was sold If we did not know just what- It will do we would not guarantee It the way we do It is easy for you to prove Kodol the next or the first time you have an attack of indigestion And you will certainly be surprised at the results It is perfectly harm lessThere can be no harm In trying something that may do you a great deal of goodwhen it costs you nothing ifit doesnt 11 Our Guarantee- Go to your druggist today and get a dol lar bottle Then after you have used the entire contents of the bottle If you can honestly nay that it has not done you any good return th < bottle to the druggist and he will refund your money without ques- tion ¬ or delay We will then pay the orue- elst nor the bottle Dont hesitate til i druggrUta know that oar guarantee Is good This offer applies to the large bottle only I and to but one in a family The large bot- tle ¬ contains 2yi times xy much as the tinT cent bottle Kodol la prepared at the labora- torIes of E C DeWItt k CoChlca o 1ST CLASS DRUG STORES j i t

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Page 1: I The Do You Open A MaiiM Its I F I LL U Fromufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03349/00181.pdf · 2009. 5. 15. · Perfection Oil Heater with its new automatic smokeless device

rc i l 7W J >

I f











Ocalas Department StoreT-HE PLACE TO BUY

Christmas Presentsw

Crockery Dry Goods ToyDepartmentDeFariment Department



Vases Ties TopsOlocks IIRts Nuts I

BettsSpoons BallsTea Pots Shoes Dolls

4 Jardlnlerea Shirts Hornsi Bern Sets Purset Banks I

Water Sets Gloves Hrr >sToilet Sets Comb GamesDinner Sets Altrotta BlocksDread Trays Collars RattlesCrepe Paper Trunks CandiesCake Stands Cologne MarblesFruit Stands Ribbons WatchesDresser Sets Napkins Tea SetsCarving Sets Btanketrc CheckersPallor Lamps Hat Pins GoCartsButter Dishes Comforts Toy GunsPowder Boxes Necklaces Air RiflEsWater Bottles Umbrellu omll1oosShaving Mugs Stationery Doll HeedsVinegar Cruets Suit Cases Toy PistolsSyrup Pitchers Supportels TamborinesWater Pitchers Holt Bands Falae FacesIrramed Mirrors Suspenders Doll HousesFramed Pictures Fascinators Tool ChestsUmbrella Stands Baby Roods Fire EnginesShaving Brushes Fancy Vests Driving Reins

Table ClothsCombs and Brushes Doll CarriagesCuff ButtonsCups and Saucers Table Covers Patrol wagonsKnives and Forks Handkerchiefs Express WagonsPost Card Albums lIoltlroof Sox Manic LanternsBowls and Pitchers Holeproof Hose Mechanical Toys

We have all kinds of Christmas tree decorationsCome and see our display

11 Fis11el Son a

From Arctic to Tropicsi-n Ten Minutes-

No oil heater has a higherefficiency or greater heatingpower than the




j Equipped with Smokeless Devicer

With it you can go from thes cold of the Arctic to the warmth-

of the Tropics in 10 minutes

The new

Automatic Smokeless Devicepr-

events smoking There is no possible question about itThis means greater heatpower a more rapid diffusion of heat

and a sure conversion of all the heatenergy in the oilIn a cold room light the heater and in 10 minutes youll have a

glowing heat that carries full contentTurn the wick up as high as it will gono smokeno odorIn everything that appeals to the provident and the fastidious the

Perfection Oil Heater with its new automatic smokeless device de¬

cisively leads Finished in Nickel or Japan in various stylesEvery Dealer Everywhere If Not At Yours Write for Descriptive Circular-

to the Nearest Agency of the


r l 7tilt i7l t SJ-

l> iri

11 Ii 1 r

ntlNnPIIIlY11A11U11IiIINInA 111 r6 1i8lWIIU ilpgxm

For Infants and Children

The Kind You HavE

l Always BoughtA egefablcPicparationlor As-


theToodandRc utaI

ling ihStomadis andBowds of Bears the

e Signatu-reof esUonC crru1-


ofOmm Morphine nor1fineralNOT NARCOTIC


rid31t W1lZZP1J-rlISJ




I I nflit f

inr SadII

e1 Tartlr

a UseII CCI for

tionSourStotnachDialrtweaW-ormmConvutsionsFeverishnessandLosSOFSLEEe F Q r 0 ver

11 Tac Simile Signature of

NEWoYORK Thirty Years




> t >

J i i ll Jj Ji > i > <


The MaiiMFrom







Copyright 1908 by Dodd Med ft Co


TEPPIXGHAM was up and about

D quite early the next morningthat Is quite early for himHe had his rolls and coffee

and strolled out in the shady park for-

a smoke The princess whose sense ofhumiliation had not been lessened bythe fitful sleep of the night beforewas walking In the shade oT the treeson the lower terrace beyond the foun ¬

tains and the artificial lake-I was thinking of you she said in

greeting as he came upHow nice you are he said But

my dear is it wise in you to be think-ing


of us handsome devils Its a mostdangerous habitthInking of other

menBut Deppy dear the prince isnthere she said falling into his hu-


That makes quite a differencedoesnt it

Your logic Is splendid Pray resumeyour thoughts of meIf they werepleasant and agreeable Ill not blowon you to Karl By the way I have acompliment for you Browne saysyour hair Is more beautiful thanPongs Thats quite a complimentTitian never even dreamed of hair likePongs

You know Deppy she said with-a pout I am very unhappy about myhair It is quite red I dont see why Ishould have hair like that of a redcocker It seems so animallsh

Rubbish Why should you com ¬

plain Look at my hair Its beenlikened more than once to that of aJersey cow

Oh how I adore Jersey cows Now-I wouldnt mind that a bit

They were looking toward the lowergates while carrying on this frivolousconversation A man had just enteredand was coming toward them Roth rec ¬

ognized the tall figure in gray flannelsI trust I am not intruding Chase

said as he came up His gaze was asmuch for Deppingham as for the prin ¬

cess his remark quite impersonal-Not at all not at all said Don

plngham quickly his heart leaping tothe conclusion that the way to theAmerican bar was likely to be opened-at last Charmed to have you hereMr Chase Youve been most un-

neighborly Have you been presented-to her highness the Oh to be sureOf course you have Stupid of me

We met ages ago she said with-an ingenuous smile which would havedisarmed Chase if he had been pre-


for anything else As a matter-of fact he had approached her In thelight of an adventurer who expectsnothing and grasps at straws

In the dark ages said he so rue ¬

fully that her smile grew He hadcome in truth to ascertain why herhusband had not conic with her

But not the forgotten variety I-

fancy said Deppingham shrewdlyIt would be impossible for the prin-


to forget the greatest of all foolssaid Chase

He was no worse than other mor ¬

tals said sheThank you said Chase Then he

turned to Lord Deppingham Myvisit requires some explanation LordDeppingham You have said that Iam unneighborly No doubt you ap-


my reasons One has to re ¬

spect appearances with a dry smileWhen one Is In doubt he must do as

the Moslems do especially If the Mos ¬

lems dont want him to do as he wants-to do

No doubt youre right but it sounds-a bit involved murmured Deppingham Lady Deppingham will be dolighted to see yon Are you ready tocome in princess

They started toward the chateaukeeping well in the shade of the boxedtrees the princess between the two

menI say Chase do you mind relievingmy fears a bit With all due respect-to your estimable clients it occurs tome that they are likely to break overthe traces at any moment and raisethe very old Harry at somebody elsesexpense Id like to know if my head-Is really safe-

I came to see you in regard to thatvery thing Lord Deppingham I dontwant to alarm you but 1 do not likethe appearance of things They donttrust me and they hate you quite naturally Im rather sorry that our Brit ¬

ish manofwar is out of reach Praydont be alarmed princess It is mostimprobable that anything evil willhappen And in any event we canhold out against them until reliefcomes

We demanded DepplnghamCertainly If it comes to an assault-

of any kind upon the chateau I trustthat I may be considered as one ofyou I wont serve assassins and ban ¬

ditsat least not after theyve gotbeyond my control Besides if theworst should come they wont discrim-inate


In my favorWhy do you stay here Mr Chase

asked the princess You admit thatthey do not like you or trust youWhy do you stay

I came out here to escape certainconsequences said he candidly Illstay to enjoy the uncertain ones I

I am not in the least alarmed on mjI own account The object of my visit

Lord Deppingham is to ask you to be-

en your guard up here After the nextsteamer arrives and they learn thatSir John will not withdraw uw iu nbmission to Iltmilns demand wirh this

additi 11 rows that your soVitnrhave filed injunction and have berun-a bitter contort that may tie up theestate for years then I gay we mayhave trouble It is best that youshould know what to expect I amnot a traitor to my cause in telliut

i1tiJi r 7o

you run it is no more tnan i wouldexpect from you were the conditionsreversedIts mighty decent in you Chase to

put us on our guard Would you mindtalking It over with Browne and meafter luncheon Youll stay to lunch ¬

eon of courseThank yon It may be my death

sentence bat Ill stayIn the wide east gallery they saw

Lady Deppingham and Bobby Brownedeeply engrossed iu conversation Dep ¬

pingham started und involuntarily al ¬

lowed his hand to go to his temple asif to check the thought that flittedthrough his brain I

Good Lord he said to himself isit possible that they are fiisiderlngthat Saunders proposition Sure-ly


they cant be thinking of thatAs he led the way across the green

Brownes voice came to them distinct-ly


He was saying earnestly-The mere fact that we have come

out to this blessed isle is a point infavor of the islanders Chase wontoverlook it and you may be sure SirJohn Brodney is making the most ofit Our coming is a guarantee that weconsider the will valid It is an ad ¬

mission that we regard it as sound-If not why should we recognize itsprovisions even In the slightest de-


Brltt is looking for hallucina-tions


and allSh came In a loud hiss from some ¬


where near at hand and the two inthe gallery looked down with startledeyes upon the distressed face of LordDepplngham They started to their

I feet at once astonishment and wonder-in their faces They could scarcelybelieve their eyes The enemy

He was smiling broadly as he liftedhis helmet smiling In spite of the dis-

comfort¬ I

that showed so plainly In Depplnghams manner

Chase was warmly welcomed by the I

two heirs Lady Agnes was especiallycordial Her eyes gleamed joyously asshe lifted them to meet his admiring-gaze She was amazingly pretty Theconviction that Chase had mistakenher for Lady Agnes the evening be-


took a fresh grasp upon the mind-of


the Princess Genevra A shameless-wave of relief surged through herheart

Continued Tomorrow


Be sure before you do your holidayshopping to call at the Globe and look I

over our elegant line of Holiday Goodsand our magnificent line of General l

Dry Goods from which so many use ¬

ful Christmas presents can be foundfor all members of the family TheGlobe The Under Selling Store inOcala can save you money Remem-ber

¬ I

If it is a good thing we have it


Mrs J T Carson of Nashville andher guest Miss Mary Hart arrivedlast week to spend the winter at theircottage on the lake

I Mrs Henry Volkman and daughter-Miss Louise of Torrington Conncame in on the night train Saturday-to spend the winter Several friendsfrom the same place will follow them-in a few days

Colonel Burnham of Waco Texas isa guest of the Smith House

Mrs J T Carson and Mrs K HClements have made several ship-ments


or oranges and grapefruit fromtheir groves the past week

Quite a party of young folks wentto Eastlake Saturday night to a dance-at Mr Frank Newports store Among I

the number were the Misses CampMiss Hart Mr J D Taylor MrsFred Smith and Mr Dell Moody

Mrs Ernest Lytle and cousin MissNichols a charming young lady of

I Nashville Tenn came over from I

Eastlake Sunday in Air Lvtles trimlittle launch that he has put on the I

lake recently They were calling onfriends and attended church t

A party of capitalists were heresome days ago looking over the old I

chautauqua grounds with a view oferecting a fine hotel which we predictwould be filled to its utmost capacity-with


both winter and summer guestsjudging from inquiries made for ac ¬

commodations the past summer andfallr J W Westover is building MrCharlie Valkman a twentyfoot boatwhich he will launch in a few weeks

The many friends of Mrs J BMartin are delighted to know she is I

recovering from her severe illnessunder the unremitting care of Dr HW Henry and a trained nurse fromOcala


Just received at the fruit store ofS A Moses Bro a fresh shipmentof the celebrated Lenox brank of choc ¬

olates and mixed candies fresh sweetand toothsome and at a price thatwill make you buy



The next time one of the childrencatch cold give it something that willpromptly and freely but gently movethe bowels In that way the cold willat once be driven out of the systemKennedys Laxative Cough Syrupmoves the bowels promptly and freely-yet gently and at the same time heals i

irritation and stops the cough It isespecially good for children Sold byall druggists



Cheapest and best dray in the cityWe solicit your patronage Satisfac ¬

tion guaranteed Phone 296

I rniVe I






Or fIH1





cough rera YaI


I ror coughs colas throat and lungtroubles No opiates Nonalcoholic

1 Good for everybody Sold everywhereTho genuine

FOLEYS HONEY and TAR is iaiYellow package F efusesubstitutut-

Prepared only byFol3y ll Company Chloaga





Do You Open Your Mouth ft1 f AY-

c Like a young bird and gulp down whatever food or medicine may-

be offered you Or do you want to know something of the com-position


and character or which you take into your stomach r ifwhether as food or medicine l

Most intelligent and sensible people nowadays insist on Jknowing what they employ whether as food or as medicine-




Pierce believes they have a perfect right to INSISTupon such knowledge So he publishes broadcast andon each bottlewrapper whit his medicines sic madeof and verifies It under oath This he feels he can wellafford to do because the more the Ingredients of whichhis medicines are made are studied and understood themore will their superior curative virtues be appreciated r

For the cure of womans peculiar weaknesses and derangements giving rise to frequenty

headache backache draggingdown pain or distress and kindred symptoms of weaknessDr Pierces Favorite is a most efficient remedy It is equally effective in jgiving strength to nursing mothers and in preparing the system of the expectant motheror coming thus rendering childbirth safe and comparatively painless The Fa-


Prescription IS a most potent strengthening tonic to the general system and tothe organs distinctly feminine in particular It is also a soothing and invigorating nerv ¬

ine and cures nervous exhaustion nervous prostation neuralgia hysteria spasms chorea-or St Vituss dance and other distressing nervous symptoms attendant upon functional-and organic diseases of the organs-

A host of medical authorities of all the several schools of practice recommend eachof the several ingredients of which Favorite Prescription is made for the cure of thediseases for which it is claimed to be a cure You may read what they or oursel bysending a postal card request for a free booklet of extracts from the leading Authorities-to Dr R V Pierce Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute Buffalo N YM and it willcome to you by return post

Its foolish and often dangerous to experiment with new or but slightly tested med ¬

icinessometimes urged upon the afflicted as U just as good or better than U FavoritePrescription The dishonest dealer sometimes insists that he knows what the proffered a

substitute is made of but dont and it decidedly for your interest that you shouldknow what you are taking into your stomach and system expecting it to act as a curative I

iTo him its < > a difference of profit Therefore insist on having Dr Pierces Fa-


Prescription-Send 31 onecent stamps to pay cost of mailing only on a free copy of Dr Pierce z

Common Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages clothbound Address Dr Pierce as above





LORETTO Near Mandarin FLORIDA it


Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Jose h Young I k > Y

Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel-lectual

¬ 1

Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent Swimming r-

a i

Pool Complete Equipment In Schoorooms Dormitories Dining Hall andRecreation Rooms I h t

Apply for Pi spectus to the SISTER SUPERIO-

RSt Josephs Academy Loretto Floridai


Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the VeryLatest Methods

We have just received one of the famous IdealLawn Mower Grinders a machine especially builtri for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which

klrNIj does the work perfectly If you will favor us with

c your patronage we guarantee to give you back theMower in better condition than the day you bought-it

r s+ It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than the

old style way which is usually done by inexpe-rienced workman with a file or an emery wheel

Next time your Mower needs sharpeningL 4 bring it in or notify us and we will4i make it cut so nicely it will surprise you



Mr R M C Ward who has beenliving at Zuber for several monthdied at the Marion County Hospital-last Sunday afternoon of pneumonia-Mr Ward was born and raised nearTallahassee He was an unassuming-kind of a man but seemed to be up-


in all of his dealings He leavesto mour his death there sons by aformer wife and a wife and five small 1

children He was about fifty yearsold Sympathy is extended to hisfamily

Rev J X AVeatherford preached hislast sermon for the year here lastSunday moring He preached an ex-


sermon which was appreciated-by al who heard it

Mr J W Fowler of Hawthornespent several days the first of theweek with his old friend A A Olin

Mrs Hattie A Webb went up toJacksonville a few days ago to haveher eyes treated She was accom-panied


by her daughter Miss JuliaMr Vernon Knoblock and bride and

his moter of Martin attended prayermeeting here Sunday night

The W O W will hold a regularmeeting next Friday the 17th inst Thegoat will be ridden by Mr Reims ofZuber All soverigns are Invitedespecially visiting sovereigns Wepromise all a pleasamp evening

HER HEART WAS BROKENbecause her complexion was bad tadshe could find nothing to clear It upLadies a bad complexion Is caused-by an inactive liver An inactive liv-er will be put in perfect condition bytaking Ballards Herblne The un

quaJed liver regulator Sold by alldruggists

FARMERS UNION MEETING-All members of the Farmers Union

in Marion county are requested tomeet with the Ocala locate in OcalaSaturday Dec 18th at 130 p m forthe purpose of devising plans for theestablishing of a warehouse in Ocdfor the benefit ef the farmers

F B Turner Secy and Treas

Old Man Santa ClausJUST ARRIVED

Bring the Children to see HimAT THE BAZAAR STORE



Western Beef Veal Florida Stall led BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork tSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

W FI WARDSPhone 108 City Mar-

ketSurprising ir


What Kodol Will DoFor you when you need it But the longer you neg¬

lect Indigestion the more you will suffer before KodolI

i can restore Good DigestionAnd of course indigestion If neg ¬

lected long enough brings on serious diseases in which Kodol cannotbenefit you Some of these there-Is no help for at all

There are In fact very few ail-ments


which cannot ie traced di-


to impure blood And im ¬

I pure blood Is always due to a dis ¬

ordered stomachUse Kodol and prevent Nervous

Dyspepsia lKodol will effectually assist Na ¬

ture to secure a complete restora ¬

tion of good digestion It doesthis by at once digesting all goodIn the stomach and keeping It di-


I until the stomach la restedI and can resume Its own work Ko¬

t dol removes the causeand theeffect quickly removes Itself

When it Is recalled that Apo ¬

plexy Heart Disease Cancerande-ven Consumptionare due topoor digestion and poisons thustransmitted to the blood andthroughout the systemthe Impor ¬

tance of maintaining good diges-tion


If At once realized fFOR SALE BY ALL FIA-


We knew what Kodol would dobefore ever the first bottle wassold If we did not know just what-It will do we would not guaranteeIt the way we do

It is easy for you to prove Kodolthe next or the first time you

have an attack of indigestion Andyou will certainly be surprised atthe results It is perfectly harmlessThere can be no harm In tryingsomething that may do you a greatdeal of goodwhen it costs younothing ifit doesnt

11 Our Guarantee-Go to your druggist today and get a dol

lar bottle Then after you have used theentire contents of the bottle If you canhonestly nay that it has not done you anygood return th < bottle to the druggist andhe will refund your money without ques-tion


or delay We will then pay the orue-elst nor the bottle Dont hesitate til

i druggrUta know that oar guarantee Is goodThis offer applies to the large bottle only

I and to but one in a family The large bot-tle


contains 2yi times xy much as the tinTcent bottleKodol la prepared at the labora-

torIes of E C DeWItt kCoChlca o