i the and i si pan! i...when the divine fragrance of the sausage and the pork chop float through the...

IMWIGBATIOV Winnipbo. Oct. 23. ?In an interview * with a member of the Dominion ernment regarding the season's immi- gration, he says the abtolote immigration this year will be more than it »w last f year, but I may tell yoa plainl* that it has not equaled oar expectation*. " Can you (rive any figures V " I am convinced that 100,000 miup in daring the year." , " What ratio did the different pro*- ( inoes secure?" . "I should say the maritime provim* 1 * got 5 per cent., Quebec per oent.,l hi ( tario f>o per oent., and the balance..«per cent., went to Manitoba and the Nsrtu west Territory.'' 1 "So that Ontario got mure than the , Northwest?" t , "There is no doabt that great bulk went to Ontario, but I'll tell yon how the Northwest made np. Io tb* end of last August the total nomlwr that entered Manitoba was forty tbos- aand goals." " Where did they come from?" " It is well Known that the Northwest to a very large extent has been settled by people who migrated from Ontario. The migration from the province h:is not been so large this year, bnt it has been very considerable from Quebec and the maritime province." " Why do the bnlk of immigrants go to Ontario?" " They oomroenced to go the .Nortn west early in the season, bnt received a severe check from a lot of immigrants who sent home word to their friends in Kngland of not lieing able Uj get work in the Noribwest. Immigration is verv sensitive, and anything of that kind ban a very injurious effect. Hut, to I* honest abont the matter, better wages were »*? ing paid in Ontario than in the North west. So great had been the migration from that province to the former that all this season there was a hungry de maud from all classes of laborers and merchants in Ontario with the resnlt above stated." " Has the experiment of sending ont Irish immigrants been successful'.'" " Well, yes. The committee sent ont a few thousand dnriug the year. Some of tbem went to the North wfst. All who were sent have, I behove, found employment; at all events, the depart- ment has none of them op/its hands. 'Phey will make verv-f(»{od citizens, and I believe thaMCEey take very well to work.'^^S^ _JWWhat do you think of George Nte """"wlHs's scheme to send fifty tbooaand Irish out to4he Northwest next nip mer?" , " A lot of oorr- ha* passed in repaid to the matter, and the Impe- rial Government has asked for th« en- dorsement by the Canadian Government of the scheme. The Canadian Govern- ment, feeling it would be unfair to give one class of immigrants whatever has been granted to another olass, will re- fuse to endorse the scheme. I donbt ~ J '' yerv much if the Imperial Government v ... will do anything on its own account." WOES OF AN IJIVKtTOarM WIFB. " It is all very well to talk abont work ing for the heathen," said one. as the ladiea pot op their sewing; " but I'd like to have some one tell me what I am to do with my husband." " What ia the matter with him ?" asked a sympathetic old lady. " William is a good man," continued the first, waving her glasses in au argu- mentative wav, "bat William wi<l ia vent. He goes around inventing from morning till night, and I have no peaoe or oomfort. I didn't object when he invented a fire-escape, bat I did remon strate when be wanted me to crawl out of the window one night last winter to see how it worked. Then he originated a look for the door that wouldn't o|ien from midnight antil morning, so as to keep bnrglars out. The first time he tried it he caught his coat tail in it, and I had to walk around him with a pan of hot ooals all night to keep him from freezing." " Why didn't he take his coat off?" asked a lady. " I wanted him t<>, bat he stood round till the thing opened itself, trying to invent Home way of uufastoning it. That's William's trouble. He will in- vent, A little while ago he got up h oabluet bedstead that would shut and open without handling. It went by efookwork. William got into it and np it went, litem your heart, he stayed in there from Haturday afternoon tillHuu day night, when it tlew open and dis- closed William with the plans and *|ieoi- fleations of a patent wash-bowl that wonld tip over just when it got so full. The result was that I lost all my rings and a breastpin down the waste-pipe. Then he got np a orntoh for a man that ooald be used as an opera glass. W hen - ever the man leaned on it Up it went, and when he put it to his eve to find William, it flew out into a crutch and almost broke the top of his bead off. The other day I saw him going up tbe street with the model of a grain elevator sticking oat of bis hip pooket. and he is Axing op an improved shot-tower in our liedroom." UMilVft Ol AITIWV. When the fashionable sample room dispenses soup to onatotners at noon. When the pique scarf is c ist rudely uide for oue made of satin, with a pat- rat leather finish. When it gets so oold that trout won't bite, and anglers are obliged to tell pick- erel lies for a nbange. When the turkey struts around and wonder* why in the world his food has been improved and multiplied. When members of tbe street tiauds give up the midsummer troubadour act and sink into oblivion for the winter. When the uampkin pie blossoms on the pantry shelf until the small boy oomss along and outs it down in its bloom. When the young lady looks np to speak to her brother in the apple tree, and has her buk hair broken down by a descending apple. When the forest is spoken of its being ablaxe and wrapt in haze, and the whole business is summed up in the term "melancholy days." When the divine fragrance of the sausage and the pork chop float through the house like an angel's dream and tolls the sad eyed poet that oold weather food it about due, and that shortly the roast duok and the ditto goose willbe in full bloom. And when the small boy howls beoauae' his father won't allow htm to go bare- footed any longer; but the small bov takes his shoes off after he gets out of sight and earries them under his anus, and Is as happy as a king to think that he saa ran over sharp stones and dance on ash heaps covered with broken tuedi oine bottles. Then we may know that autumn is here. A WW BBAMB. A tall, lame negro had been in tbe habit of sailing at a grocery and bog- ging a few potatoes, a bit of codfish, or ' anything else likely te be given hhn One day the groeer took a floor sack and made a mixture of sand, and when the negro dkme around he was almost pulverised to hear the grocer say : "Now,then, it yon won't oome here for three months, yon can shonl ** l ds^| fcwentolw^^^gtoE^rtSh 1 the isdW:" \u25a0 - . "tATr boiftl didn't mean to some bask',' only t want to ax a qfcashun," TOo ahead." ' "It's about the floor jm gin Lk ole Wbttfan an* we dean't lake de same view of it. 1 hold dat it am a new way of ggudin' ap wheat, an' she say it am a «ew prooees for usin' ap gravel Wsfca. 'dftabyalifrow sbjr light on de sabjiok ?" " It's a new brand of my own," re 1 CAn W,mt oooUi ?HE FIO« THE »r.41»- A Manilas ormr al a f««»ral The \u25a0 (?rptf l>Mr« l> IJfr With a !"?»»? rrhl Mirtrfc. Black Kiver Fall*, Winoaiin, is <ut«k over the return to life of a jwws lady 1 who teemed to have been dead three days. The yonng woni in. the daughter of a wealthy German. bad be*«n very sick for noine weeks. aod died. as was sopposed. and her tsidv wa* prepare d for hartal. Ihere were fears in the minds of mmm th*»t the appearance of the woman's face didn't indicate death, but the fourth day after the death the funeral was held. While the ceremony was in progress, Dr. J. H. liaxU-r. from Wellington. formerly surgeon of tKe Second Wisconsin Infantry, was thej*> with a friend, and seeing the face of the «nppov-d oorp**. a-ked that the cere monv mu.'ht be interrupted lon« enough for hint to attempt nnoHCiUtiun. The family insisted that she was dead, bnt a young man to whom she was engaged sided with the doctor, and the ceremony w<»s postponed, even after the friends and the minister had imt in an appear- ance at the house. None could discover any vitality, bat stilt there was nothing in the appearance of the body that in- dicated aecay. and on the fourth dav it was determined to go on with the last solemn offiees to the dead. Dr. FUxter went to the funeral and arrived when the minister was through |«art of the service. The undertaker bad the coffin lid in his hands ready to st'rew it on. j Dr. Baxter was given permission to ex amine the l*>dy. No pulse was appi rent. Jle had his ear on her chest and dntwcted a faint heart beat So certain was I then, "aays Dr. Hixter." that it was a case of catalefmy tliat I did not hesitate a moment to applv the proper remedies. Imagine if yon can the scene when the young lady uttered suddenly a piercing scream anil r"S«- up hi her coffin. It was the most awful note of agony that 1 bo|>e ever to hi >r. The room wis tilled with friends Is sides the famil" and domestics. Sever d ladies tainted ontriglit; some screamed and went into hysteric*, the servants ran out into the yard, and I cunfes- that though 1 was expecting to »»?« her survive, my own nerves were so shaken by the hnddenness of the occurrence that it was with the greatest difficulty that I could stand. She th«yi got out of the coffin and down from the table wi»h very little assistance. I'.j Una time Mm tumult in Ui*> room bad to a measure raMded, and ahe then told ns what was th# foirt {ttarial#>*«< <M *o* Whole ex perienoe. that she had been entirely oonaeHna the entire time! She had beard ail that waa «id and knew all that wa* goinc on around her. She hud felt hanelf being shrouded and laid in ttMamHn.tlfid heard her friends weeping over her before the coffin lid should close over her forever, aud thought that she should sorely be buried alive. Mean while, though ahe tried her utmost, sh* WHS unable to move or utter a sound Her frietds looked upon her as given back to them from the grave, and. in deed, in the country around, it is report ed I really did raise her from the dead and after 1 left they told me that tlx country was Hocking to see me " Th» voting lady is now convalescent. . rtrtHlOX N«TK». Fanchon bonnets willremain in vo^ue fjeather I outlets are among milliner; novelties. Khrioh's opening di'/.zlod the west sidi recently. The Shaker poke is the Istest fane; in big l>oiinets. Epaulet trimmings are mti ?h worn by young girls. For theater wear the Fauch.tn is the favorite bonnet. Chenille appears iu various foriut in hats and bonnet*. White bonnets are restored to faver for evening wear. Shot silks and stripes of velvet and satin are worn by Parisians. Birds* wings, pompons, aigrettes and ostrich feathers are all fashionable. The high-looped, very full overskirt is the prevailing style or ordinary wear. There is ah much varietv in millinery ornaments as there is in shajies and ma- terials. Homo leading dressmakers are trying to introduce the straight uulooped. old- fashioned overakirt. Kid and alligator skins are used in the natural colors and in dark green and brown shades for twunets. All kinds of hats and bonnets, large, small and medium sizijs. and in every imaginable skajte, are iu fashion. The illinery and suits shown at run- ning's during the past week are among the riohestand handsomest ever brought to this oountry. Felt, cloth, velvet, ohenille.wool braid, leather, kid, cashuiere and worsted em- broidery bonnets are all worn or will lie worn this wluter. ?- - - That was a wise brwther who refused to look at his sister's remains at a eitv inquest recently as reported in Truth He said he preferred to remember her as he saw her last in life. The vast ma jorityof survivors do not enjoy this fe lieity, for they oannot forget the lasi look at the corpse of the lovi-d one. Happy the man who never looks on the f.toe ef a dead relative or friend, but remembers such as if he were still a<ive, journeying in a far country. MISCKI LANEOI'S. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. CJ \u25a0 ?4 rn. KMi. A tsrgs took of Oallforal* wid Raw Vork Ot£*m Jn«< ?sived, which ishmn in sell el print- «>i*i A-fr ran . petition. ToiiAt i;«» m. A fell Hh> rTr besees, Phm. <sr*»m'. t?' tu Cigar ?Hk ?all aa* see ear slasfe fcaftss S. BAXTER & CO. MIURD t HATFIELD, nrecmtuibi TO COVC A WILSON. Ferwihtiif I f«raniliMOß lerchtitt, ASO DULKHIi IN ALL KtWM OT Produce, Hey, Grain, PLOrB, PRKD. RKAXN. And Mil kinds of A|fiu for U*« powerf -»l steam t«gi MM Md Richard ..Holyokr. (Mk* and warehouse on Ytaler's wharf wjr*t# TO SHIPMASTERS HOTEL 4UK|% 41* * ftLOKOTOCf. 4 F Nooman. S F H D rcnipli'.Keutim A C Ward, Kenton E G Tilton, Victoria W A Sayen. Mich W E Adams. MicU Mrs Extern®, Xew TS Jamwfcjn.l'tGim West minuter O F Anderson & wf, 4 Atkinson. Newcsl Milton G Bra*kett, PtEdni E Blackman. Snoho '1 F Hitiiey. 8 F mrrr.s. bwsiwkk. 4 M Gotmu. N *<*sl ?' S <'nslert f. lientn lliw I' Oilman. " 4 S Minteruiote.N I T 'l'nntn. XwWxtm »' 4 Soraers. M T B Flaherty. W 4 Murphy, Kentn 4 Wren, Tawrk 4 A Tboinaon.PtGoi j L> Forrester. Holmes G Schaob«fg*r, S I W H Jonen, Kenton SEW DlOUXik W A McHenry, W E iinor.Msoola M 4 Hennelly. S F li Wyman, Frtld 4;il M>tall, C-edar K 4 F Walter. Frlld Ed Everett. I'rtld E F«-w.t, Ft I ownsd 4 F Doston,Gamble 4 T L«hr. Kenton ECbdlcnft, Kentn Mi-> ''ickerintf. Ktn j T Llewelly n.Cooa B \) E Ffaiieia. Blakly ! D Keener, Marys* fbarlen Simpson, old .Mejiben Gor ard's coloied valet. n>»w eitcbty-ttaret years old, has a pretty. \oaiiii octoroon bride that he will not -ujiiiort. Mu son, fifteen >enrs than bH wife, even t»oxes her ears. Ihe old u>an was ; compelled by a I'biladelpbia conrt to ' pay his letter fraction 4 '. a »'« t. ??mm TU SM I N> HI. %1 111. It is strange any one will sutler from derangements iin>it'hl on by impart- blood, when SeovulV HarsafArilla and Stillmgia, or BUH)I> and UVEK HYKt'l* will restore health to the phys- ical organization. It is t strengthening syrup, pleasant to t ikr, ..mi the best liMNII) PEKIFIEK ever discovered i curing Scrofula, Kypblilitic disorders, j Weakness of the Kidneys, Ervbiuelaa, I malaria: Nervous disorder. Debility, Bilious eoiuplaints auti U:v>.i»,en of the i Mood, Liver, Kidneya, Stomach, Skill, | etc. HIVE Oil "»M> THKM7 Tkoee elegant new ruigesjnst received t»y WaddellA Mile* direct from the man- riuinu factories ?the Superior t> tune and .Stove. H:ey are the linert, moat ?oooom- lUti, tud altogether demrabte range ud the Paaifia Coast. Call and mm UMM> even if you don't bay. Afcron, Uato, m»y "tti, 1880.?Some tii rrf yearn ago I had a borne beoome very tame (rant a Spavin. 1 treated Mi with Kendal» Spavin Cora with marked ' ?TfCwiHH. Since tti«) f nfrWwffft great many bottles. and have heard of cures resulting from its use. I am frank to »at I can cheerfully recommend it an an honest remedy. Yours trnly, A. M. ARMSTRONG. SHILOIi'S VITALIZEK is what you neel for consumption. lons of -ippetite, dizziness aud all symptoms of dyspep- sia. Price, 10 and 75 cents per bottle. V. B. Stewart. druggist. WIIJL YOU SUFFEK with Dvsjiepsia vnd Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vital- izer is guaranteed to cure it. A. B. Stewart, drux^ist. The BTUDEBAHEK is the sfcuidarc wapon of the world. For sale by Wnlo t OH«I obeli. For lame back, side or chest nse Shi- loh's Porous Plaster. Price, 25 cents. A. B. Stewart, druggist. The celebrated Crown Cylinder, Jour i*l and other lulirioatintr oils at * Campbell's. SHILOH'S COl'G I and Consmnp- tion Cure is sold by ns on a guarantee. A. B. Stewart, druggist. H. C. McLaughlin, Optician, Front \u25a0rtreet, Masonio building. A fit guar- anteed. Convex perescotao gi.is.ses for pres- hvopia, at Little Mac's. Concave glasses for myopia at Little Mao's. PROFESSIONAL. H. S. STKIVE. J. O. HAINKe. M. Ml .MICKKN STROVE. HAINES & MC MICKEN Attorney <-at-Law Will practice in all the courts of Wash- ington Territory. Rooms 5 and 6, second flat, Tri slrtr-Loary Building. Seattle. T. H. PtmPItKKY. KKKI>. K. SANDKK SANDER & PUMPHREY, Real Estate Brokers, A4TOI.KTAXT* AMI lOLI.MTOKM. Collections a spivialty, Office?Mill st.. Cot man's Block, Hnittli. j3l-tf C. E. BOWMAN. ATTOHNKT-tT-Ltn, Offii-e in room 1. over Ballard & Sox's hard ware store. Front st., Seattle, \V. T. inrrt tf WHITWORTH & THOMSON, CIVIL AND MINING KNCUNKKR9.IL H. Deputy Mineral Surveyors. Spetial it unit ion eivcn tolacat inK pre-empt ion and homestead claims. City and County Sur- veyor. Office, Squire's opera house. K. THIKIjK. M. D? GERMAN PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON. Mehlliorn block, 719 Front street. Office hours, H to 10 a.m., and 1 to 2 p. m. Free ronaiiltalUntand prescrip- tions, .i to 71 p. m. DR. H. B. FOX, HPKHALINT, (l*t« of San Francisco I Office, No. *22 Kront stret-t.Odd Fellows' building. Seattle, W. T. * Kapeclat attention glyxti to all rhronlr, Private nu>l wprclal m«- easva. je2 tf J. O. QRASSET DENTIST, Jffioe up st*irm, over Smith Jt Son's J»w- ilery store, in Sullivan's block. Front St. I.IQUID NITROUS OXIDS OAS ff 'll he administered by the Doctor for tW purpose of extracting teeth without pain. BOONE* MEEKER, irrhiteet* a»l Sa[»riolen<ifits, Office in Mock. FronAtreet W. It. WHIT*. CHAS. r. Mt'NDAV WHITE & MUNDAY, Attorneys »>t Lnwr. Office In White's Block, cor. Front ani Columbia st*. dS-tf , J. R. & H. H. LBWIS \TTOBNKYS AT LAW. OFFIC*- . V Butler's building, room I and i times Street Opposite Occidental Hotel. Seattle, W FSHEIMAN, LLEWIUYN & CO.. Real Estate Brokers. PROMPT ATTKtftION OIVKN TO OOKLB6TIOMB. " T-*» Seattle. 9 J AOam a E. Jam JACOBS & JENNER. ATTOHNKYB AND COUNSKLORB \u25a0* l»*. tMfoe in Boyd A PoaHb* 'wilding. frront <>'rv»t, uptUim. X. A. PALMER, Architect & Superintendent. in guUiv*n» block. Kront t, aaS4i TJ. HI'MKS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ? ««uUe. Ofl<« in Boyd A Poact»-« Gliding. Front t. «y|»tf PROFESSION Al~ THOMAS T. JIIXOK, JI B . PHYSICIAN ANO SURCEOM. OFFICE. STONE'S BUILDING. Front street, foot of Cherry. Office hoars. 18 to 11 in the morning. 1 to 3 in the afternoon, and 7 to 8 in the evening. ( i A. BALCOM. M. !».. M. C. F. AND * X . S. <Canada>: graduate of the l ni- I \ entity of New York. l!<7.">; graduate of the Bishop's I'nivrrsity, Montreal. : late *nrge'>ti int*.--< "olonial Bail way. New Brunswick. In addition to general atac- tic; I will give particular attention to i general surgery, deformities, diseases of ] fht -pine, lungs, and disease* o females. ('all and see my new treatment for j bronchitis ami consumption. Ofti-e. 701 Front stre-t, over Treen R i Raymond's boot and shoe store. Seattle, j w. ?. ocl4 tf 1 J. M. SNOW. ROBBKT MUNCH SNOW it MUNCH, CIV>L ENGINEERS INO SURVfYQRS. Office in Yesler-Leary block, third flat. Seattle. W. T. sc. _ URBAN B. MUMFORD. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Office over Clayton Bros. MiM'.-'-ry > -tore. Front street. _ au'it tf JOHN UNOERWO3O Attorney-at-Law. Abstracts and land claims a spe. iaity. Ottiee. wi'h John J. McOiHra. Ai'! CEO. VENABLE SMITH, 4 TTOKNKY-AT LAW, WILL PRAC- /\ tii*in all the CCourts of Washington Territory. Office, room No. 1. \esler l>ary building. " ' J. B. METCALFE. \ TTORNKY-AT-LAW. ROOMS ; i V and H, Yesler-Leary block, earner Commercial and Mill streets, will prac- tice in the Supreme Court of the United State* ami all the Courts of Washington Territory. JeTtf FRANK OWEN, 4 TTORNKY-AT-LAW, WlfcL PU\C- f\ tice in all the Courts. Yefler ljcary hnildiDK Seattle. W. T. .iy tf J. W. EDWARDS. DEALER IN REAL ESTATE Office, Front street, west aUUt. iwtwwn Cherry and Cobimbia. J. W. GEORGE. I N. BIHKMJW. CEORCE. BICELOW &CO Real Estate Dealers. f OANS NEGOTIATED, TAXES PAID 1 J for non-residents, correspondence solicited. Rooms I and 2. Front street, opposite the Yesler and ljeary block, P. O. box 658, Seattle, W. T. . mrl tf C. M. ANDKRSON. H. G. KKIJ.KY U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor. ANDERSON & KELLEY, Civil and Mining Engineers and Surveyor- P,ANS AND BILLS OF MATERIAL for railroad and county bridgfcs. anil *ll kinds of piling work, prepared accu- rately and with dispatch. Office, Yesler-lieary Block; P.O. Box 207 de'27 tf DRS. A. & H. B. BAGLEY. UOMfEPATHISTS. SEATTLE, W. T. I)r. H. B. Bagley, late Professor of principles and Practice of Surgery in the Michigan Central Medical College, will nake Operative Surgery and Surgical Diseases a specialty, ana will attend to jails in any part of the Sound. nvs DONOVAN & MEANEY, Architects and Superintendent*, Office, rooms 9 and lfl. Yesler Block, Kraut street. 23 tf EG. CASE, DENTIST. ? flee, Office hours, 9 a. m. to .5 p. ni. Liquid nitrous oxide gas administered for the painless extraction of teeth. OR. J. M. FOX, DENTIST, I Ate of San Francisco. gmm ARTIFICIAL TEETH INSEItT- without plates Fine gold flll- ing-t made to restore the natural contour of the face, laughing gas administered. Teeth positively extracted without pain. All work warranted. Office, Re!nig's block, 822 Front street, Seattle. W. T. C. C. PIIINM&UO., Real Estate INSURANCE AGENTS. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 12 m. olt-tf Room No. 1, Pint Building. R.L.SMITK.M.I). Rurus Wit.i.AHB.M.D. DRH. SMITH & WILLAKO. Physicians and Surgeons Office in Coliaan's Block, up stairs. JFFICE HOURS?2 to I p. m. and 7t« 8 p. m. i. M. » AI.U EBKN SMITH Judge of Probate. Notary Public HALL * SMITH. ATTORNEYS ANI> COUNBELLOHS at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Admiralty, Seattle, W.T. Prac- tice in the Supreme, District and Justices' Courts of Washington Territory. Office on James street, opposite the Occidental Ho- tel. jlltf CHOICE RESIDENCE, BUSINESS ami farming property for sale by R. SCOTT & SON, Eeal Estate Dealers, OQ7 Front st. Q. A. WEED, M. D., OHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OF- I floe -Room No. t Yesler-Leary block. Front Street. Office hours from 11 to 12 a. m.. and from 8 to 4 and < to 7 p. ni. D. laeKAV, ARCHITECT AND SUPERIRTERDERT, Room No. 5 Post Building, Seattle. iy'-t/ VcNAUCNT, FERRY, M*RAUCMT 4 MITCHELL McNaugfct brick building. Commercial sC J. C. SUNDBERG, M. D. Office-Room t In Yeiler-Learyblock. Hours?l to 11 a-m, and Ito 6 p.m. Jsr&jsr&.«"*'- a T!ST WHAJS .TNE USE ODYING I,^*; « IJt BdliigbaM Bty or While rim idditioa* Wh. B you can buy LOTS right in the heart of the city from anl tf BLANOMARIi A CO. ON TAI & CO., Mill Street, ?KATTLK. r-IRNERAL DEALERS INTRA. RICE, a«j Uooda. all at the to^Trfcea^ HOf »B ktoiMfflmpdrtaL war JtVtCi °°W "** ?, KHi _ SEATTLE DAILY PUST-INTBLLUiKNCKK, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER (i, H»3. aTfcAMfcR Jc RAJLROAD TRAVEL THE PIOIVEER SHORT LINE TO THE EAST. The Cbicap, Mitwaotee and SI Pan! Railway, IX CONNECTION WITH THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY, IS THE SHORT LINE I lt»kom all points in THK PACI- : I rti- Northwest to CHICAGO, and all I points in the Kaotern ami Southern States. IT IS THE ONLY LINK running Pullman < PALACE SLOPING Cars between ST. PAI'I. ' a»dCni-AOo. via Milwaukee. It is the only line under one manage incut between St. Paul and Chicago, and ow its three separate and distinct lines be- twcen those points, thus giving passen- gers a choice of three routes, passim; through the most fertile, populous ami ou turesqlie sections of Minnesota. lowa. Wisconsin ami Illinois. It run.'- the linest dining cars in the world, and no effort is -oared to grcurethe comfort of its patrons. No change of cars of any class Is'tween St. Paul anil Chicago, and but one change from Portland, which is made in St. Paid in a grand Union llepot. occupied jO>ntl\ with the Northern Pacific Railroad. He sure your tickets read via Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail wax. and sc cure the advantages only offered by tins great TRANS-CONTIN ENTAL SHORT LIKTE Ko" through tirkets. time tables and lull intormation apply to A. L. Maxwki.l.. | Ti-ket Agent Oregon Kailway and Navi- gation Company. Portland, Oregon, or to any coupon ticket agent on this coast. Is. t». Mkhrji.u A. V. Hj CAKI'KNTKH. (ien'l Manager. 0e& I W. U. iiixow. Uen. N. W. Ajfr, St. VI", TRAT, JPWIKAGENU U »KHrtbW«oit*»B^er. C. & P. S R. R. ntoM SEATTLE TO RENTON AND NEWCASTU Passengers and freight cars of the Co- lumbia SL Puget Sound Railroad will leavt Seattle every day (Sundays excepted) at 7:30 a. m. ana 2p. m. Arrive at Kenton a! 8:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. Arrive at Newcastl« at 9:30 a. in. ana 4p,m. Returning, leave Newcastle at 10 a. n> and sp. m. Arrive at Renton at 11:45 a m. ana 5:45 p. m. . Arrive at Seattle at 1 a m. and 7 p. m. Depot, King Street, Foot of Second Stre- F. P. WEYMOUTH. Asst. Supt WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT TRANSPORTATION CO Carrying the U.S. Mail. THE COMPANY'S STEAMER stsSfiWASHINGTON CAPTAIN S. JACKSON. WILL LEAVE SEATTLE EVERY Sunday and Wednesday evening, al 9 o'clock, for WHATCOM Calling at Mukilteo, Tulalip, Coupeville. Oak Harbor, Utsalady, Laconner, t idalgo, Anaoortes, Guemes, Samish, Kairliaren. Bellinghum and Sehome. Returning, will leave Whatcom every Tuesday and Friday, at 9 o'clock in the morning for Seattle, calling at intermedi- ate points on the way. THE STEAMER CITY OF QUINCY. CAPT. BENSON. Willleave Seattle for Skagit rive rand way porta, every Monday and Thursday, re- turning Tuesdays and Fridays. THE STEAMEII W. K.MEBWIN, CAPTAIN MERWIN, Will leave Seattle for Snohomish, touch- ing at Mukilteo, Lowell, and other way landings, every Monday. Wednesday and Friday mornings, returning on Tuesday. Thureday and Saturday. For freight and passage apply at Com pany's office, on Yesler's wharf, oron Itoard the boats at the same wharf. mrSl-tf 8. W. HOVEY. Agent. STEAMER NELLIE Will I,eave for SNOHOMISH CITY KVERY Tuexday, Tliur*tia) and Saturday, KKTI'KNING ON Wednrsday, Friday aud Honday aftiv BOOBS For Freight or Passage apply on boar i vm-tt OREGON RAILWAY AND - NAVIGATION COMPANY. PUGET SOUND DIVISION STEAMER BCHEOULE: From Taooma toSeattleevery day at 4 p.m. From Tacoma to Victoria'and w%> ports every day (except Saturday and Sua day) at 7 p.m. From Seattle to Taooma every day (except Sunday) at3:3o a.ni. and S p.m.. From Seattle to Otympia and way ports every day (except Sunday) at S3O am. From Seattle to Victoria, B. C? and way ports everyday (except Sunday) at 3a.m From Victoria, B. C. t te Tacoma and way ports eTery day (except Sunday) at s a.m From Pott Townsend to Taooma wax ports every day (except Sunday) at 9 a.m. . .. C. K. CLANCEY, JW-w Agent. Pacific Coast Steanship Co . Victoria and Paget Sound Route. STEAMER* DAKOTA. GEO 1 vi. Elder and Mexico, carrying Her Britann'c Maicstr'i mails, will sail from Broadway Wharf. Ban Francisco, at 10 a. m? on the (its, l«th, litk, ttth. tSth as« SOUI sf every Msath, tor VICTORIA. R.C PORT TOWHBIND. SEATTtf. T ACQ HA ST£IU- COOM AMD OLYMPtA. Making aioan i nasiecttons with steam- etc.for tiftagil-river and Casaiar . mines, Nanaimo, New We«Uuin- ster. Yale. BiiJka, and all other ' * important points. Returning. Imve Seattle and Fort Town- Mad in the afternoon on the 84, tils. 19th, lTtfc* tU a»4 STtfc, and Victoria (Eeqaimalt) at 11 a. m. on the 34. Kh, ISOi. lllh,lM s«d»«t|, Of every month. JTm. DIPP, THk«t4|sal, STEAMER TRAVEL, ETJ. ISLAND ROUTE. TJ. S. MAIL. PORT TOWNSEND AND &EMIAHMOO » THE STEAMER EVANGEL. F. BEECHKK. Master l/tioi Seattle every Saturday at 7 p. m. and Port Tow.iwend every Monday at lt> a. in., for Whatcom. via the Islands. from Seattle every Wednesday at t> p. m? and I'ort Townsend every Thursday at 10 a. m.. for Semiahmoo. calliug witn freight and passengers at San Juan, l-opez. Frtuay Harbor. Orcas, East bound. tiueme», Anacortes, Samish, Whatcom. Beach s and Birch Bay. Returning leaves VV hat com at 12 ui. everv Tuesday, and Semiahmoo at 1 p. m. every Friday for Seattle, via the Islands. Far freight or information apply to GEO. H. FOSTER, Agent. Yesler's Wharf. or to the I'uraer. ORECON RAILWAY & NAVICATIOII (oupaxv. Puget Sound Division. o TllK FIRST CLASS STKAMKIt IDAHO. WILL I.KAVr «K.ATTI.K ON Sundays and Wednesdays A 6 o'clock p m.. roit SEHOME & INTERMEDIATE PORTS, KKTI KNINU ON Tuesdays and Fridays, / i \RRYINII PASSKNGRRS TO ALI« i ' ports lor rirty Out* and freight at l int 4'rlil« per tun. Regular fine and first class accommo- dations for lioth passengers and freight. C. a. ('JiANt MY, c. 11. Pkkscott. Ag't New Tacoma. Manager, Portland JOHN MliIK, Ueu. Frt & Pans. Ag't, Fkank T. Doikjk, Portland. Sup't Portland. 529-tf Ron Blakely and Seattfe. THK pabskngkh stkamkr CAPTAIN NUGKNT. Win leave Seattle for Port Blakely every Mlerwwist and return the next morning at ft*clock. For naniiT l apply on board. fe* tf It'Oß Tacoma, Steilacooi & Qlympi? The Staunch and Seaworthy Steamer ZEFHTE. Wm. K. Ballard, Master, WILL LKAVK SEATTLE EVERY Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 7 o'clock. The Zephyr arrives at Olympia on Mon- day at noon and on Saturdays does not leave until 11 o'clock, thus enahling par- ties to transact Land Office or other bus- iness and return the same trip. TtCOMH AND OLYMPIA. THE P. 8. T. CO.'S BTKAMKK MESSENGER CArr J. G. PAKKKR, WILL LKAVK BKATTI.F FV*RY rns»4f, thi Ksnti * kti kdai AT SEVEN O'CLOCK A M G. H. FOSTER, Agent. THE STEAMER Rip Van Winkle, CAPT. T. A. JHOhCN. WILL DO GENERAL TOWING AND » » jobbing about the Sound. Orders left with L. P. Smith & Son will be promptly attended to. HB-tf - THE STEAMER \u25a0ffrn-iM. qdegiv CITY, Captain Scoland, will dotowingany where on the Sound. orders at Stetson & Post mill, or on board. au24 tf MISCELLANEOUS. irRMoFBEIRHAIC Front Ik 0]ipo«lt« N. Unit«t A I n 'a. THE FINEST BEER HALL ON PUCET SOUND. PRKE LITXCH. PK)I, AND PIOEON-HO' K TABLE* in the Hall. The best of order kept, and a pleasant visit guaranteed to all who come. Suyder's and Slorah's Beers constantly on hand?Also Cigars. mh.<Uf *i. KIKIA.V Puget Sound National Bank of Seattle. WE BEli LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE that we are prepared to do a general Hanking Himntux in this city. Solicit current accounts with Individuals, tlrnis, companies. batiks and bankers; buy com- mercial paper, county and city warrau's, make collection*, deal iu foreign and do mastic exchange, issue letters of credit, receive deposits of money and issue pass hooks or certificates therefor. We arc temporarily located in the Yesler-ljeary block, with Messrs. Scott & Chilherg. I.'pou completion of the Occidental Hotel we will remove to a more commodious office in that building. J. FURTH. Cashier. DIRECTORS. BAII.KYGATZKHT, President. E. P. FKHKT. Vice President. J. FI KTH, Cashier. J AH. MCNAI QUT. H. L Y KHI.KK. OORHMPONDENTS. San Francinco. the Bank of (California. I'ortland, the First National Bank. New York, sgency Bank of California London. N. M. Rothschild fc Sons. Paris, De Rothschild Freres. Frankfort, A. M. L. Von Steiger & Co. Dr. SPINNEY No. 11 Kearny Street Treats all Cbraate aad Special Mw«a«i VMJNe MEN WHO MAY BK SUFFERING FROM the effect* of youthful follies or in- discretion will do well to avail them- selves of this, the greatest beon ever ?t the altar of suffering humanity. DR BPINNKY will guaranty io forfait tsoo for every case of seminal weakness? private disease of any kind or oharactei which he undertakes and fails to cure, MMUt-ACU MM. There an many at the age of thirty tc sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the bladder, often accom panicd hy a slight smarting or hurnina sensation and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be round, and sometimes small particle of albumen will appear, or the color will he of a thin milk hoe. again changiiiK to a dark and 4 appeal anoe. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of thr cause, which is .the second stage of sem- loaj weakness Dr. 8. will guarantee a per tacteunsin all snch case.. and a health restoration of tbi genito-urinary organs Office hours- lOto 4 ando tog. bandar fromlO to II a. m. Consultation free*. Thorough axamlnatioa and advlor. CiU or Aadrm ?w No. u. KtSb VSft&ZL. tax Notice. N "TICK W HEREBY GIVJCN THAT the duplicate assessment roil of Kini* county for the fear ixsj u now In ny noe- \u25a0nmisfi for the collection of the taxes therein levied. Said taxes will he delink quant on the Slat day of December, IMB. Mooclock p, n., and unless paid prior thereto ten per <*nt, will be added to ii»« ir>« K.M * S ' 5 TO THE UNFORTUNATE. Seminal weakness. Impotency. night by dreams. pimples. on the face and loet Manhood can positively " / 'IT. ,T ? sick and afflicted should not fan ro rail on him. The 1 Kx-torhiv traveled tMensivelj in Knrope and inspected thorough!} th« various hospitals there, obtaining a uva deal of valuable information, which le if competent to impart to those in need of his services. l>r. Gibbon w ill make nc charge unless he effects a cure. Persom at a distant e may be cured at home. Al. communications strictly .-onndeiiUal. lot- see no one but the Doctor, Persons writ inn to the Doctor will tilei- - <fnte the nam» of the paper they seeifci mi«eit tsenientto. Charges reasonable. Call or write. Ad dress Dr. K. GIBBON. P. O 'h>s MS7. Sar Prancisca tued>c'ne. -«twtf THK MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY evei discovered, as it Is certain in its effects »U'i does uut bits er Also eicellent for h imai flesh. HEAD VKOOF BELOW EENOALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Fremont, Ohio, Jsn iS, Issl ?Dr. H. .) Kendall <fc Co.-Oe»it8:-I think tt my dut\ 'to render you my thanks for benefits nn.i pr> tits wbioh I tiavtt derived from your invaim hie and far fanted spavin t uri . My oiisii and I had a valuable stallion, v jitli itnon, which had a very bad spiv.n, ami was pro- nounced by four emiuent v< ti rina y sur geons beyond any enre, ami Ilia- the horse was done for ever. As a List resort 1 advised my cousin to fry a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure. It had a magical effect The third bottle cured it and the horse is at wellasever. Dr. Dick, of Edinburgh, the eminent veter- inary surgeon, wan au uncle of mine, ami I take great interest in assisting his poles sion. Yours truly, J as. A. Wilso*, Civil Engineer. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Wkst Enobbcboh Vt., Feb. 15, 1881 Dr. B. 1 Kendall & Co.? Gents : fevoral months ago I injured my knet j dnt wnich caused ar enlargement to g'ow tho siss oi a larg. wal nut, and caused me very severe paiu ell the time fjr f< ur or five weeks, when I begin to use Kendall's Spavin Cure witti tue mo*t sat- isfactory results Ii has completely removed the enlargement ami stopped the lameness and pain. I bave long knoA-u it to be excel- lent for horses, but now I know it to lie the best liniment for human flesh tnat I am ar- tiuainted with. Yours truly, T. P. Lawkfsck. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUR£ Is sure in its efftcts, mill In tts acti n, asit does not Mister, yel it Is p< in 'rating an't powerful to reach every deep sea'ed pain or to remove any bony g owth or other enlarge ments, such as spavins, splints, curbs, cal- lous, sprains, swellings, and any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man. and for any purpose for which a liniment is uted for man or beast. It is now known to be the best lini ? merit for man ever used, acting mi!d and yet certain in its effects Send address for Ulu taatt d Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtue*. No remedy has ever met with such unqiial '- fled snccess to our knowledge, for b> ast a> we'las man. Price #1 ?er bottle, or « bottles for *5. Al druggists have it cr can get it for >ou, er it will be sent to any address on receipt "t prl<-e by the proprietors, Db. B.J Kknuall As Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. KOLD KV ALL DKl'idilS TN. CHRONIC DISEASES ?< © CONSULT o ! Dr. C. L. MILLER, Sr., a 3 t u SKA II I.K, W. T., « ? Clierry al, bolmv S«M-OII<I 3 ® P. O. HoxM. ° S a 8 w Consultations & KXHMI naiiouu 3 KKKK. H O _ ? SPERM ATOHRHtKA, IMPOTENCE, KT Cared ON the Instalment I'IHII I Si'in in a I utmUnrim. Manhood KrMorrd. tileef, HlrirlurM, Kyphllla in \u25a0II Ma IUSI'OHNII lorma. C itron «? nutl apei-lal 0 Tile i hr«|ir«i irralmrnl In Hie l iilit-tl states. Heeause rv«rr patient pa) a ibe Doctor hi- obligation before It la dll«, tk>> heat alitnof aattafaellait. No rati bpeiiuy tioatrnm a..1,1 f«2d*mf ! U ?T* r "' h " Lo,w of M"""ry UMO. tude, Nocturnal JTiut»Hiai<M, Aversion M,, ciety. Dimness af Vision, Volaes In ilea* ? the vital frnld passing nnnbsaived tn the urine, and many other diseases that a ? 'o insanity ami death. DB Ml VI IK will agree to forfait FIVE |( rM . oa*D DOIXAB* for a rasa af tin. kind th« MIfOKATIVI (under hla special advice and trestment) will not enre, oTt?r or Virions found In It. OR MIS TIE tresU all PriYate Dia*e««tH sue oeaafnlly without mercury. CONSULTATION Thorough examination aa<l advice, Incladlng analyala of urine. 16. Price of VITAL butrroitanvE 13 a botlle, or f .ur tlmee the quantity. $lO ; aent w> any uddr??s upon receipt « f price, «.r 0. O. !>., secure f.oiu ..n- --servstioa, and in private name, If desired b-. A. K. MIN I 18, M. D.,' 11 Kaarny street, San Francisco, Oal. SAMPLE BOTTLK KBEK Sent on application by latter statu, g Bymp torna se* «id Age. Comwanleatlooa a, J, coiinltiiilu. ? ' ?££.£U miS " 9 *»"** RtMEDY. NtPH. KFTi "T 1 1411 klDd * of Kidney and bladder Complaints, Oonorrhoa. Gleet Len. eorrhma. For aale by all drugglsta; tl oer bottle, six bottles for V na. mi.n riK.n dandelion PILLS are the berf awl cheapest DYSPEPSIA an.l BIU IUU« cor* ill the market For sale bv all drapgiai*. All orders lor medicine <C. O. D.) moat he arecmpsniMl with f 1 as a guarantee of good taltl), which will be deducted wtien the uack age is shipped. Jal2 dw ly Treasurer's Notice. THK TR K ABUHIK OK KINO county. W. T.? will pay on presenta- tion all outstanding warrant* drawn on the oounty fund or .Haul conu'j, t earinv UtvrHLbAUD KEn'i aUKa^Ts HOTEL BRUNSWICK, Commercial Street, NK A.TTKR. w. T A. E. ALDEN, soi.K ntnpßiirroK. '|-«H!S NKW AMi COMMODIOUSHn I tel. situated immediately ad lai.r,. . ?!ie O. li. and N. Cos new wharves at!a i the v;ulroad depot. has bet ii elegantly f utshrd throughout. with to the comfort and convenience of gii«n The rooms we light ami . apa. command a tine > lew of tlit- liay, ' It* sample rooms are unetjiittiefl on tk. coast, and itsctiisjne ri. tly rlrst claaf noChinamtn being employed. Hath rooms on each floor, 'ree login® AH rooms lighted with gas. Five carriage to and from ail steanuu« Term*. s'.sl*to s:< >ierday. feistf SEVTTLB ISS SrU RANT. Mill street, Seattle. rnms rkst.m k.\m i- kkptnii. I and clean, and its gucs are ai»kvl made welcome. ' Ihe tables ih t lie lut tin-. n< in tin. will be supplied with the BEST THE MAHKcT AFFORDS Thaukiutf the pulili* fir the pairuoM» j Ix'sjowt'd in tbi* i impn tiully solicit II nut in mince oi the saiiii* in tlm fntiwv wics. rn iiFEK, . A* lf eroprtiir. THE ARLINGTON IULIUS W. SMIIH. / Proprietor) CONVERSE P. FARHAH, * Seafflt.W'.T. Is New Caen for Business. FIKVI CL.*MN IN KVKHV KKWPKCT. Bath Rooms Free to Guests IVRML' T1L.50, H. ML HIKIS.'I !:«|>.<'lHl mI.L to tto.'irilrn dltf . j MISCKIJ-.VN EOUtt THE SUNDAY POST - INTU \MMI A. double-,sheet 64-col- umn paper, will be sent by mail to my address in the United > tates or Can- ada, one year, JL* * O JTL. 55 £3 0 Being the lowest priced Paper, \u25a0 considering its size, in Washington Ter- ritory. The SUNDAY POST - IVIMUIM Will be clubbed with the WRBItLY POST - WMIIM At the rate of $4 per an- nam. Subscribers to both papers will thus get the benefit of a Semi-Weekly Newspaper of the largest sizo at the lowest price. To residents of Island, Whatcom, San Juan and Snohomish counties, this offer should prove espe- cially attractive, as also to the people of our own county reached only by two mails a week. Send orders to THK POSMNTBLLIBKICBK. ' # Seattle, W, T. 10. SCHILLZSTAD, UNDERTAKER. DKAI.KM IN Burial Cases and Gaskets, lUO UNDERTAKERS' GOODS IN K VICKY 9TYI.E At the Mont RfHMMblf PrM- I* Orders by tclempb prowP® ittf.nded to. Cherry »t. uenr Irani, H«Wl* ?MMKraaHHHIIBiBMBMMIMSt HALL & PAULSON FURNITURE CQMPIMT M-»Ni<rACTUK]UM air and uk aim*!* FURNIT U llf 8 or ALL KINDS, . * Uphohtwry, Bsddlaf, . lIAVINOTHK LAROKBT AMOjgS ** complete Kurnilurw factory Uk InsrtQii Territory, we defy pninucutM*^ Mardwoud Chamber »mIU from upwards. . . Salesroom* ou (Commercial strew, flT* factory foot of Commercial »U, p s. it. K.. aaattto BERSCH & Hflil. Felsen Beer De# 8^(911

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Page 1: I The and i SI Pan! i...When the divine fragrance of the sausage and the pork chop float through the house like an angel's dream and tollsthe sad eyed poet that oold weather food itabout


Winnipbo. Oct. 23.?In an interview *

with a member of the Dominionernment regarding the season's immi-

gration, he says the abtolote immigrationthis year will be more than it »w last fyear, but I may tell yoa plainl* that it

has not equaled oar expectation*."Can you (rive any figures V" I am convinced that 100,000 miup in

daring the year." ," What ratio did the different pro*- (

inoes secure?" ."Ishould say the maritime provim* 1*

got 5 per cent., Quebec l« per oent.,l hi (tariof>o per oent., and the balance..«percent., went to Manitoba and the Nsrtuwest Territory.'' 1

"So that Ontario got mure than the ,

Northwest?" t ,

"There is no doabt that great

bulk went to Ontario, but I'll tell yon

how the Northwest made np. Io tb*

end of last August the total nomlwrthat entered Manitoba was forty tbos-aand goals."

" Where did they come from?"" It is well Known that the Northwest

to a very large extent has been settledby people who migrated from Ontario.The migration from the province h:is notbeen so large this year, bnt it has beenvery considerable from Quebec and the

maritime province."" Why do the bnlk of immigrants go

toOntario?""They oomroenced to go the .Nortn

west early in the season, bnt received a

severe check from a lot of immigrants

who sent home word to their friends in

Kngland of not lieing able Uj get workin the Noribwest. Immigration is vervsensitive, and anything of that kind ban

a very injurious effect. Hut, to I*honestabont the matter, better wages were »*?

ing paid in Ontario than in the Northwest. So great had been the migrationfrom that province to the former thatall this season there was a hungry de

maud from all classes of laborers andmerchants in Ontario with the resnltabove stated."

" Has the experiment of sending ontIrish immigrants been successful'.'"

" Well, yes. The committee sent onta few thousand dnriug the year. Some

of tbem went to the North wfst. Allwho were sent have, I behove, foundemployment; at all events, the depart-

ment has none of them op/its hands.'Phey will make verv-f(»{od citizens,and I believe thaMCEey take very wellto work.'^^S^

_JWWhat do you think of George Nte""""wlHs's scheme to send fifty tbooaand

Irish out to4he Northwest next nip


" Alotof oorr- ha* passedin repaid to the matter, and the Impe-rial Government has asked for th« en-dorsement by the Canadian Governmentof the scheme. The Canadian Govern-ment, feeling itwould be unfair to giveone class of immigrants whatever hasbeen granted to another olass, will re-fuse to endorse the scheme. I donbt


yerv much if the Imperial Governmentv ... will do anything on its own account."


" It is all very well to talk abont working for the heathen," said one. as theladiea pot op their sewing; " but I'd liketo have some one tell me what I am todo with my husband."

" What ia the matter with him ?" askeda sympathetic old lady.

" William is a good man," continuedthe first, waving her glasses in au argu-mentative wav, "bat William wi<l iavent. He goes around inventing frommorning till night, and I have no peaoeor oomfort. I didn't object when heinvented a fire-escape, bat I did remonstrate when be wanted me to crawl out

of the window one night last winter tosee how it worked. Then he originateda look for the door that wouldn't o|ien

from midnight antil morning, so as tokeep bnrglars out. The first time hetried it he caught his coat tail in it, andI had to walk around him with a pan ofhot ooals all night to keep him fromfreezing."

" Why didn't he take his coat off?"asked a lady.

" I wanted him t<>, bat he stood roundtill the thing opened itself, trying toinvent Home way of uufastoning it.That's William's trouble. He will in-vent, A little while ago he got up hoabluet bedstead that would shut andopen without handling. It went byefookwork. William got into it and npit went, litem your heart, he stayed inthere from Haturday afternoon tillHuuday night, when it tlew open and dis-closed William with the plans and *|ieoi-fleations of a patent wash-bowl thatwonld tip over just when it got so full.The result was that I lost all my ringsand a breastpin down the waste-pipe.Then he got np a orntoh for a man thatooald be used as an opera glass. W hen -

ever the man leaned on it Up it went,and when he put it to his eve to findWilliam, it flew out into a crutch andalmost broke the top of his bead off.The other day I saw him going up tbestreet with the model of a grain elevatorsticking oat of bis hip pooket. and he isAxing op an improved shot-tower in ourliedroom."


When the fashionable sample roomdispenses soup to onatotners at noon.

When the pique scarf is c ist rudelyuide for oue made of satin, with a pat-rat leather finish.

When it gets so oold that trout won'tbite, and anglers are obliged to tell pick-erel lies for a nbange.

When the turkey struts around andwonder* why in the world his food hasbeen improved and multiplied.

When members of tbe street tiaudsgive up the midsummer troubadour actand sink into oblivion for the winter.

When the uampkin pie blossoms onthe pantry shelf until the small boyoomss along and outs it down in itsbloom.

When the young lady looks np tospeak to her brother in the apple tree,and has her buk hair broken down bya descending apple.

When the forest is spoken of its beingablaxe and wrapt in haze, and the wholebusiness is summed up in the term"melancholy days."

When the divine fragrance of thesausage and the pork chop float throughthe house like an angel's dream andtolls the sad eyed poet that oold weatherfood it about due, and that shortly theroast duok and the ditto goose willbe infull bloom.

And when the small boy howls beoauae'his father won't allow htm to go bare-footed any longer; but the small bovtakes his shoes off after he gets out ofsight and earries them under his anus,and Is as happy as a king to think thathe saa ran over sharp stones and danceon ash heaps covered with broken tuedioine bottles.

Then we may know that autumn ishere.


A tall, lame negro had been in tbehabit of sailing at a grocery and bog-ging a few potatoes, a bit of codfish, or

' anything else likely te be given hhnOne day the groeer took a floor sackand made a mixture of sand, and whenthe negro dkme around he was almostpulverised to hear the grocer say :

"Now,then, it yon won't oome herefor three months, yon can shonl

**l ds^| fcwentolw^^^gtoE^rtSh1 the isdW:" \u25a0



"tATrboiftl didn't mean to somebask',' only twant to ax a qfcashun,"

TOo ahead." '

"It's about the floor jm gin Lkole Wbttfan an* we dean't lake de sameview of it. 1 hold dat it am a new wayof ggudin' ap wheat, an' she say it ama «ew prooees for usin' ap gravel Wsfca.

'dftabyalifrow sbjr light on de sabjiok ?"" It's a new brand of my own," re

1 CAnW,mt


?HE FIO« THE »r.41»-

A Manilas ormr al a f««»ral The \u25a0(?rptf l>Mr« l> IJfr With a !"?»»?

rrhl Mirtrfc.

Black Kiver Fall*, Winoaiin, is <ut«kover the return to life of a jwws lady 1who teemed to have been dead threedays. The yonng woni in. the daughter

of a wealthy German. bad be*«n very

sick for noine weeks. aod died. as wassopposed. and her tsidv wa* prepare dfor hartal. Ihere were fears in theminds of mmm th*»t the appearance ofthe woman's face didn't indicate death,but the fourth day after the death thefuneral was held. While the ceremonywas in progress, Dr. J. H. liaxU-r. fromWellington. formerly surgeon of tKeSecond Wisconsin Infantry, was thej*>

with a friend, and seeing the face of the«nppov-d oorp**. a-ked that the ceremonv mu.'ht be interrupted lon« enough

for hint to attempt nnoHCiUtiun. Thefamily insisted that she was dead, bnt

a young man to whom she was engagedsided with the doctor, and the ceremonyw<»s postponed, even after the friendsand the minister had imt in an appear-ance at the house. None could discoverany vitality, bat stilt there was nothingin the appearance of the body that in-dicated aecay. and on the fourth dav itwas determined to go on with the lastsolemn offiees to the dead. Dr. FUxterwent to the funeral and arrived when

the minister was through |«art of theservice. The undertaker bad the coffinlid in his hands ready to st'rew it on. jDr. Baxter was given permission to examine the l*>dy. No pulse was appi

rent. Jle had his ear on her chestand dntwcted a faint heart beat Socertain was I then, "aays Dr. Hixter."that it was a case of catalefmy tliat Idid not hesitate a moment to applv theproper remedies. Imagine if yon can

the scene when the young lady utteredsuddenly a piercing scream anil r"S«- up

hi her coffin. It was the most awfulnote of agony that 1 bo|>e ever to hi >r.

The room wis tilled with friends Issides the famil" and domestics. Sever dladies tainted ontriglit; some screamed

and went into hysteric*, the servantsran out into the yard, and I cunfes-that though 1 was expecting to »»?« hersurvive, my own nerves were so shakenby the hnddenness of the occurrencethat it was with the greatest difficulty

that I could stand. She th«yi got out ofthe coffin and down from the table wi»hvery littleassistance. I'.j Una time Mmtumult in Ui*> room bad to a measureraMded, and ahe then told ns what wasth# foirt {ttarial#>*«< <M *o* Whole experienoe. that she had been entirelyoonaeHna the entire time! She hadbeard ail that waa «id and knew allthat wa* goinc on around her. She hudfelt hanelf being shrouded and laid in

ttMamHn.tlfid heard her friends weepingover her before the coffin lid shouldclose over her forever, aud thought thatshe should sorely be buried alive. Meanwhile, though ahe tried her utmost, sh*WHS unable to move or utter a soundHer frietds looked upon her as given

back to them from the grave, and. indeed, in the country around, it is reported I really did raise her from the deadand after 1 left they told me that tlxcountry was Hocking to see me

" Th»voting lady is now convalescent.


rtrtHlOX N«TK».

Fanchon bonnets willremain in vo^uefjeather I outlets are among milliner;

novelties.Khrioh's opening di'/.zlod the west sidi

recently.The Shaker poke is the Istest fane;

in big l>oiinets.Epaulet trimmings are mti ?h worn by

young girls.For theater wear the Fauch.tn is the

favorite bonnet.Chenille appears iu various foriut in

hats and bonnet*.White bonnets are restored to faver

for evening wear.Shot silks and stripes of velvet and

satin are worn by Parisians.Birds* wings, pompons, aigrettes and

ostrich feathers are all fashionable.The high-looped, very full overskirt

is the prevailing style or ordinary wear.There is ah much varietv in millinery

ornaments as there is in shajies and ma-terials.

Homo leading dressmakers are tryingto introduce the straight uulooped. old-fashioned overakirt.

Kid and alligator skins are used inthe natural colors and in dark green andbrown shades for twunets.

Allkinds of hats and bonnets, large,small and medium sizijs. and in everyimaginable skajte, are iu fashion.

The illineryand suits shown at run-ning's during the past week are amongthe riohestand handsomest ever broughtto this oountry.

Felt, cloth, velvet,ohenille.wool braid,leather, kid, cashuiere and worsted em-broidery bonnets are all worn or will lieworn this wluter.

?- --

That was a wise brwther who refusedto look at his sister's remains at a eitvinquest recently as reported in TruthHe said he preferred to remember heras he saw her last in life. The vast majorityof survivors do not enjoy this felieity, for they oannot forget the lasilook at the corpse of the lovi-d one.Happy the man who never looks on thef.toe ef a dead relative or friend, butremembers such as if he were still a<ive,journeying in a far country.




CJ \u25a0 ?4 rn. KMi.A tsrgs took of Oallforal*

wid Raw Vork Ot£*m Jn«< r»?sived, which ishmn insell el print- «>i*i A-fr ran .


ToiiAt i;«» m.A fell Hh> rTr besees,

Phm. <sr*»m'. t?' tu Cigar?Hk

?all aa* see ear slasfe fcaftss


MIURD t HATFIELD,nrecmtuibi TO

COVC A WILSON.Ferwihtiif I f«raniliMOß lerchtitt,


Produce, Hey, Grain,PLOrB, PRKD. RKAXN.

And Mil kinds of

A|fiufor U*« powerf -»l steam t«gi T»MMMd Richard ..Holyokr.

(Mk*and warehouse on Ytaler's wharfwjr*t#


HOTEL 4UK|% 41*


4 F Nooman. S F H D rcnipli'.KeutimA C Ward, Kenton E G Tilton, VictoriaW A Sayen. Mich W E Adams. MicUMrs Extern®, Xew TS Jamwfcjn.l'tGim

West minuter O F Anderson & wf,4 Atkinson. Newcsl MiltonG Bra*kett, PtEdni E Blackman. Snoho'1 F Hitiiey. 8 F

mrrr.s. bwsiwkk.

4 M Gotmu. N *<*sl ?' S <'nslert f. lientnlliwI' Oilman. " 4 S Minteruiote.N IT 'l'nntn. XwWxtm »' 4 Soraers. M TB Flaherty. W 4 Murphy, Kentn4 Wren, Tawrk 4 A Tboinaon.PtGoi

j L> Forrester. Holmes G Schaob«fg*r, S IW H Jonen, Kenton


W A McHenry, W E iinor.MsoolaM 4 Hennelly. S F li Wyman, Frtld4;il M>tall, C-edar K 4 F Walter. FrlldEd Everett. I'rtld E F«-w.t, Ft I ownsd4 F Doston,Gamble 4 T L«hr. KentonECbdlcnft, Kentn Mi-> ''ickerintf. Ktn

j T Llewelly n.Cooa B \) E Ffaiieia. Blakly! D Keener, Marys*

fbarlen Simpson, old .Mejiben Gorard's coloied valet. n>»w eitcbty-ttaretyears old, has a pretty. \oaiiii octoroonbride that he will not -ujiiiort. Muson, fifteen >enrs than bH wife,even t»oxes her ears. Ihe old u>an was

; compelled by a I'biladelpbia conrt to'

pay his letter fraction 4 '. a »'« t.

??mm TU SM I N> HI. %1 111.

It is strange any one will sutler fromderangements iin>it'hl on by impart-blood, when SeovulV HarsafArilla andStillmgia, or BUH)I> and UVEKHYKt'l*will restore health to the phys-ical organization. It is t strengthening

syrup, pleasant to t ikr, ..mi the bestliMNII) PEKIFIEK ever discovered

i curing Scrofula, Kypblilitic disorders,j Weakness of the Kidneys, Ervbiuelaa,

I malaria: Nervous disorder. Debility,Bilious eoiuplaints auti U:v>.i»,en of the

i Mood, Liver, Kidneya, Stomach, Skill,| etc.


Tkoee elegant new ruigesjnst receivedt»y WaddellA Mile* direct from the man-riuinu factories ?the Superior t> tune and.Stove. H:ey are the linert, moat ?oooom-lUti, tud altogether demrabte range ud

the Paaifia Coast. Call and mm UMM>even ifyou don't bay.

Afcron, Uato, m»y "tti, 1880.?Sometiirrf yearn ago I had a borne beoomevery tame (rant a Spavin. 1 treated MiwithKendal» Spavin Cora with marked

' ?TfCwiHH. Since tti«) f nfrWwffft greatmany bottles. and have heard of curesresulting from its use. I am frank to»at I can cheerfully recommend it an anhonest remedy. Yours trnly,



neel for consumption. lons of -ippetite,dizziness aud all symptoms of dyspep-sia. Price, 10 and 75 cents per bottle.V. B. Stewart. druggist.

WIIJL YOU SUFFEK with Dvsjiepsiavnd Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vital-izer is guaranteed to cure it. A. B.Stewart, drux^ist.

The BTUDEBAHEK is the sfcuidarcwapon of the world. For sale by Wnlot OH«I obeli.

For lame back, side or chest nse Shi-loh's Porous Plaster. Price, 25 cents.A. B. Stewart, druggist.

The celebrated Crown Cylinder, Jouri*land other lulirioatintr oils at* Campbell's.

SHILOH'S COl'G I and Consmnp-tion Cure is sold by ns on a guarantee.

A. B. Stewart, druggist.

H. C. McLaughlin, Optician, Front\u25a0rtreet, Masonio building. A fit guar-


Convex perescotao gi.is.ses for pres-hvopia, at Little Mac's.

Concave glasses for myopia at LittleMao's.



Will practice in all the courts of Wash-ington Territory. Rooms 5 and 6, secondflat, Tri slrtr-Loary Building. Seattle.


SANDER & PUMPHREY,Real Estate Brokers,


Collections a spivialty, Office?Mill st..Cotman's Block, Hnittli. j3l-tf


Offii-e in room 1. over Ballard & Sox'shard ware store. Front st., Seattle, \V. T.

inrrt tf


CIVILAND MINING KNCUNKKR9.ILH. Deputy Mineral Surveyors. Spetial

itunit ion eivcn tolacat inKpre-empt ion andhomestead claims. City and County Sur-veyor. Office, Squire's opera house.


Mehlliorn block, 719 Front street.

Office hours, H to 10 a.m., and 1 to 2 p. m.

Free ronaiiltalUntand prescrip-tions, .i to 71 p. m.


(l*t« of San Francisco I

Office, No. *22 Kront stret-t.Odd Fellows'building. Seattle, W. T. *

Kapeclat attention glyxti to allrhronlr, Private nu>l wprclal m«-easva. je2 tf


Jffioe up st*irm, over Smith Jt Son's J»w-ilery store, in Sullivan's block. Front St.

I.IQUID NITROUS OXIDS OASff'll he administered by the Doctor fortW purpose of extracting teeth withoutpain.

BOONE* MEEKER,irrhiteet* a»l Sa[»riolen<ifits,

Office in Mock. FronAtreetW. It. WHIT*. CHAS. r. Mt'NDAV

WHITE & MUNDAY,Attorneys »>t Lnwr.

Office In White's Block, cor. Front aniColumbia st*. dS-tf ,


. V Butler's building, room I and itimes Street Opposite Occidental Hotel.Seattle, W


OOKLB6TIOMB."T-*» Seattle.9 J AOam a E. Jam


ATTOHNKYB AND COUNSKLORB\u25a0* l»*. tMfoe in Boyd A PoaHb*

'wilding. frront <>'rv»t, uptUim.

X. A. PALMER,Architect & Superintendent.

in guUiv*n» block. Kront t, aaS4i

TJ. HI'MKS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW? ««uUe. Ofl<« in Boyd A Poact»-«

Gliding. Front t. «y|»tf




OFFICE. STONE'S BUILDING.Front street, foot of Cherry. Office

hoars. 18 to 11 in the morning. 1 to 3 in theafternoon, and 7 to 8 in the evening.

( i A. BALCOM. M. !».. M. C. F. AND*

X . S. <Canada>: graduate of the l ni-

I \ entity of New York. l!<7.">; graduate ofthe Bishop's I'nivrrsity, Montreal. :

late *nrge'>ti int*.--< "olonial Bail way. NewBrunswick. In addition to general atac-tic; I will give particular attention to

i general surgery, deformities, diseases of] fht -pine, lungs, and disease* o females.

('all and see my new treatment forj bronchitis ami consumption.

Ofti-e. 701 Front stre-t, over Treen R

i Raymond's boot and shoe store. Seattle,j w. ?. ocl4 tf



Office in Yesler-Leary block, third flat.Seattle. W. T. sc.


URBAN B. MUMFORD.Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.Office over Clayton Bros. MiM'.-'-ry

> -tore. Front street. _ au'it tf

JOHN UNOERWO3OAttorney-at-Law.

Abstracts and land claims a spe. iaity.Ottiee. wi'h John J. McOiHra. Ai'!

CEO. VENABLE SMITH,4 TTOKNKY-ATLAW, WILL PRAC-/\ tii*in all the CCourts of WashingtonTerritory. Office, room No. 1. \eslerl>ary building. "



i V and H, Yesler-Leary block, earnerCommercial and Mill streets, will prac-tice in the Supreme Court of the UnitedState* ami all the Courts of WashingtonTerritory. JeTtf

FRANK OWEN,4 TTORNKY-AT-LAW, WlfcL PU\C-f\ tice in all the Courts. Yefler ljcaryhnildiDK Seattle. W. T. .iyt» tf


Office, Front street, west aUUt. iwtwwnCherry and Cobimbia. W»



Real Estate Dealers.

f OANS NEGOTIATED, TAXES PAID1 J for non-residents, correspondence

solicited.Rooms I and 2. Front street, opposite

the Yesler and ljeary block, P. O. box658, Seattle, W. T. . mrl tf


U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor.

ANDERSON & KELLEY,Civil and Mining Engineers and Surveyor-

P,ANS AND BILLS OF MATERIALfor railroad and county bridgfcs. anil

*llkinds of piling work, prepared accu-rately and with dispatch.

Office, Yesler-lieary Block; P.O. Box 207de'27 tf


UOMfEPATHISTS. SEATTLE, W. T.I)r. H. B. Bagley, late Professor of

principles and Practice of Surgery in theMichigan Central Medical College, willnake Operative Surgery and SurgicalDiseases a specialty, ana will attend tojails in any part of the Sound. nvs

DONOVAN & MEANEY,Architects and Superintendent*,

Office, rooms 9 and lfl. Yesler Block,Kraut street. 23 tf


Office hours, 9 a. m. to .5 p. ni. Liquidnitrous oxide gas administered for thepainless extraction of teeth.


I Ate of San Francisco.gmm ARTIFICIAL TEETH INSEItT-

without plates Fine gold flll-ing-t made to restore the natural contourof the face, laughing gas administered.Teeth positively extracted without pain.All work warranted.

Office, Re!nig's block, 822 Front street,Seattle. W. T.



Office hours from 9 a.m. to 12 m.olt-tf Room No. 1, Pint Building.

R.L.SMITK.M.I). Rurus Wit.i.AHB.M.D.

DRH. SMITH & WILLAKO.Physicians and Surgeons

Office in Coliaan's Block, up stairs.

JFFICE HOURS?2 to I p. m. and 7t«8 p. m.i. M. » AI.U EBKN SMITHJudge of Probate. Notary Public


ATTORNEYS ANI> COUNBELLOHSat Law, Solicitors in Chancery and

Proctors in Admiralty, Seattle, W.T. Prac-tice in the Supreme, District and Justices'Courts of Washington Territory. Office onJames street, opposite the Occidental Ho-tel. jlltf

CHOICE RESIDENCE, BUSINESSami farming property for sale by

R. SCOTT & SON,Eeal Estate Dealers,

OQ7 Front st.Q. A. WEED, M. D.,

OHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OF-I floe -Room No. t Yesler-Leary block.Front Street. Office hours from 11 to 12a. m.. and from 8 to 4 and < to 7 p. ni.


Room No. 5 Post Building, Seattle.iy'-t/


McNaugfct brick building. Commercial sC

J. C. SUNDBERG, M. D.Office-Room t In Yeiler-Learyblock.

Hours?l to 11 a-m, and Ito 6 p.m.Jsr&jsr&.«"*'- a T!ST


« IJt

BdliigbaM Bty or While rim idditioa*Wh. B you can buy LOTS right in theheart of the city from


ON TAI & CO.,Mill Street,


a«j Uooda. all at the to^Trfcea^HOf »B ktoiMfflmpdrtaL

war JtVtCi°°W "**

?, KHi _





The Cbicap, Mitwaotee andSI Pan! Railway,



SHORT LINEI lt»kom all points in THK PACI-: I rti- Northwest to CHICAGO, and allI points in the Kaotern ami Southern States.

IT IS THE ONLY LINK running Pullman< PALACE SLOPING Cars between ST. PAI'I.' a»dCni-AOo. via Milwaukee.

It is the only line under one manageincut between St. Paul and Chicago, andow its three separate and distinct lines be-twcen those points, thus giving passen-gers a choice of three routes, passim;through the most fertile, populous amiou turesqlie sections of Minnesota. lowa.Wisconsin ami Illinois. It run.'- the linestdining cars in the world, and no effort is-oared to grcurethe comfort of its patrons.

No change of cars of any class Is'tween

St. Paul anil Chicago, and but one changefrom Portland, which is made in St. Paidin a grand Union llepot. occupied jO>ntl\with the Northern Pacific Railroad.

He sure your tickets read via ChicagoMilwaukee and St. Paul Rail wax. and sc

cure the advantages only offered by tins



SHORT LIKTEKo" through tirkets. time tables and lull

intormation apply to A. L. Maxwki.l.. |Ti-ket Agent Oregon Kailway and Navi-

gation Company. Portland, Oregon, or toany coupon ticket agent on this coast.

Is. t». Mkhrji.u A. V. Hj CAKI'KNTKH.(ien'l Manager. 0e& I

W. U. iiixow. Uen. N. W. Ajfr, St.


C. & P. S R. R.ntoM


RENTON AND NEWCASTUPassengers and freight cars of the Co-

lumbia SL Puget Sound Railroad will leavtSeattle every day (Sundays excepted) at

7:30 a. m. ana 2p. m. Arrive at Kenton a!

8:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. Arrive at Newcastl«at 9:30 a. in. ana 4p,m.

Returning, leave Newcastle at 10 a. n>and sp. m. Arrive at Renton at 11:45 am. ana 5:45 p. m. . Arrive at Seattle at 1 am. and 7 p. m.Depot, King Street, Foot of Second Stre-

F. P. WEYMOUTH. Asst. Supt


Carrying the U.S. Mail.



WILL LEAVE SEATTLE EVERYSunday and Wednesday evening, al

9 o'clock, forWHATCOM

Calling at Mukilteo, Tulalip, Coupeville.Oak Harbor, Utsalady, Laconner, t idalgo,Anaoortes, Guemes, Samish, Kairliaren.Bellinghum and Sehome.

Returning, will leave Whatcom everyTuesday and Friday, at 9 o'clock in themorning for Seattle, calling at intermedi-ate points on the way.



Willleave Seattle forSkagit rive rand wayporta, every Monday and Thursday, re-turning Tuesdays and Fridays.


CAPTAIN MERWIN,Will leave Seattle for Snohomish, touch-ing at Mukilteo, Lowell, and other waylandings, every Monday. Wednesday andFriday mornings, returning on Tuesday.Thureday and Saturday.

For freight and passage apply at Company's office, on Yesler's wharf, oron Itoardthe boats at the same wharf.

mrSl-tf 8. W. HOVEY. Agent.


NELLIEWill I,eave for


Tuexday, Tliur*tia) and Saturday,KKTI'KNING ON

Wednrsday, Friday aud Honday aftivBOOBS

For Freight or Passage apply on boarivm-tt




STEAMER BCHEOULE:From Taooma toSeattleevery day at 4 p.m.From Tacoma to Victoria'and w%> ports

every day (except Saturday and Suaday) at 7 p.m.

From Seattle to Taooma every day (exceptSunday) at3:3o a.ni. and S p.m..

From Seattle to Otympia and way portsevery day (except Sunday) at S3O am.

From Seattle to Victoria, B. C? and wayports everyday (except Sunday) at 3a.m

From Victoria, B. C.t te Tacoma and wayports eTery day (except Sunday) at sa.m

From Pott Townsend to Taoomawax ports every day (except Sunday)at 9 a.m.. .. C. K. CLANCEY,JW-w Agent.

Pacific Coast Steanship Co .

Victoria and Paget SoundRoute.

STEAMER* DAKOTA. GEO1 vi. Elder and Mexico, carrying HerBritann'c Maicstr'i mails, will sail fromBroadway Wharf. Ban Francisco, at 10a. m? on the(its, l«th, litk, ttth. tSth as«

SOUI sf every Msath, tor


COOM AMD OLYMPtA.Making aioan i nasiecttons with steam-

etc.for tiftagil-river and Casaiar. mines, Nanaimo, New We«Uuin-

ster. Yale. BiiJka, and all other' *

important points.Returning. Imve Seattle and Fort Town-Mad in the afternoon on the84, tils. 19th, lTtfc* tU a»4 STtfc,and Victoria (Eeqaimalt) at 11 a. m. on the34. Kh, ISOi. lllh,lMs«d»«t|,

Of every month.

JTm. DIPP,THk«t4|sal,





F. BEECHKK. Masterl/tioiSeattle every Saturday at 7 p. m.and Port Tow.iwend every Monday at lt>

a. in., for Whatcom. via the Islands.from Seattle every Wednesday at t> p.

m? and I'ort Townsend every Thursdayat 10 a. m.. for Semiahmoo. calliug witnfreight and passengers at San Juan, l-opez.Frtuay Harbor. Orcas, East bound.tiueme», Anacortes, Samish, Whatcom.Beach s and Birch Bay.

Returning leaves VV hat com at 12 ui.

everv Tuesday, and Semiahmoo at 1 p. m.

every Friday for Seattle, via the Islands.Far freight or information apply to

GEO. H. FOSTER,Agent. Yesler's Wharf. or to the I'uraer.


Puget Sound Division.o



Sundays and WednesdaysA 6 o'clock p m..



Tuesdays and Fridays,/ i \RRYINII PASSKNGRRS TO ALI«i ' ports lor rirty Out* and freight at

l int 4'rlil« per tun.Regular fine and first class accommo-

dations for lioth passengers and freight.C. a. ('JiANt MY,

c. 11. Pkkscott. Ag't New Tacoma.Manager, Portland

JOHN MliIK,Ueu. Frt & Pans. Ag't,Fkank T. Doikjk, Portland.

Sup't Portland. 529-tf

Ron Blakely and Seattfe.THK pabskngkh stkamkr

CAPTAIN NUGKNT.Win leave Seattle for Port Blakely every

Mlerwwist and return the nextmorning at ft*clock.

For naniiT l apply on board. fe* tf


Tacoma, Steilacooi & Qlympi?The Staunch and Seaworthy Steamer

ZEFHTE.Wm. K. Ballard, Master,

WILL LKAVK SEATTLE EVERYMonday, Wednesday and Friday

morning at 7 o'clock.The Zephyr arrives at Olympia on Mon-

day at noon and on Saturdays does notleave until 11 o'clock, thus enahling par-ties to transact Land Office or other bus-iness and return the same trip.




rns»4f, thi Ksnti * kti kdai



Rip Van Winkle,CAPT. T. A. JHOhCN.

WILL DO GENERAL TOWING AND» » jobbing about the Sound.Orders left with L. P. Smith & Son will

be promptly attended to. HB-tf

- THE STEAMER\u25a0ffrn-iM. qdegiv CITY,Captain Scoland, will dotowingany whereon the Sound. orders at Stetson &

Post mill, or on board. au24 tf


irRMoFBEIRHAICFront Ik 0]ipo«lt« N. Unit«t A In 'a.



PK)I, AND PIOEON-HO' K TABLE*in the Hall. The best of order kept,

and a pleasant visit guaranteed to all whocome.Suyder's and Slorah's Beers constantly

on hand?Also Cigars.mh.<Uf *i. KIKIA.V

Puget Sound National Bank ofSeattle.

WE BEli LEAVE TO ANNOUNCEthat we are prepared to do a general

Hanking Himntux in this city. Solicitcurrent accounts with Individuals, tlrnis,companies. batiks and bankers; buy com-mercial paper, county and city warrau's,make collection*, deal iu foreign and domastic exchange, issue letters of credit,receive deposits of money and issue passhooks or certificates therefor. We arctemporarily located in the Yesler-ljearyblock, with Messrs. Scott & Chilherg.I.'pou completion of the Occidental Hotelwe will remove to a more commodiousoffice in that building.


BAII.KYGATZKHT, President.E. P. FKHKT. Vice President.J. FI KTH, Cashier.J AH. MCNAI QUT.H. L YKHI.KK.

OORHMPONDENTS.San Francinco. the Bank of (California.I'ortland, the First National Bank.New York, sgency Bank of CaliforniaLondon. N. M. Rothschild fc Sons.Paris, De Rothschild Freres.Frankfort, A. M. L. Von Steiger & Co.

Dr. SPINNEYNo. 11 Kearny Street

Treats allCbraate aad Special Mw«a«i


WHO MAY BK SUFFERING FROMthe effect* of youthful follies or in-discretion will do well to avail them-selves of this, the greatest beon ever?t the altar of suffering humanity. DRBPINNKY will guaranty io forfait tsoofor every case of seminal weakness?private disease of any kind oroharacteiwhich he undertakes and fails to cure,

MMUt-ACU MM.There an many at the age of thirty tcsixty who are troubled with too frequent

evacuation of the bladder, often accompanicd hy a slight smarting or hurninasensation and a weakening of the systemin a manner the patient cannot accountfor. On examining the urinary deposits aropy sediment willoften be round, andsometimes small particle of albumen willappear, or the color will he ofa thin milkW» hoe. again changiiiK to a dark and

4 appeal anoe. There are many menwho die of this difficulty, ignorant of thrcause, which is .the second stage of sem-loaj weakness Dr. 8. willguarantee a pertacteunsin all snch case.. and a healthrestoration of tbi genito-urinary organs

Office hours- lOto 4 ando tog. bandarfromlO to II a. m. Consultation free*.Thorough axamlnatioa and advlor.CiU or Aadrm

?w No. u. KtSb VSft&ZL.tax Notice.

N"TICK W HEREBY GIVJCN THATthe duplicate assessment roil of Kini*county for the fear ixsju now In ny noe-\u25a0nmisfi for the collection of the taxestherein levied. Said taxes will he delinkquant on the Slat day of December, IMB.Mooclock p, n., and unless paid priorthereto ten per <*nt, will be added to ii»«

v« ir>« K.M * S ' 5


Seminal weakness. Impotency. nightby dreams. pimples. on the face and loet

Manhood can positively "

/ 'IT. ,T?

sick and afflicted should not fan ro rail on

him. The 1Kx-torhiv traveled tMensivelj

in Knrope and inspected thorough!} th«

various hospitals there, obtaining a uvadeal of valuable information, which le if

competent to impart to those in need ofhis services. l>r. Gibbon w ill make nc

charge unless he effects a cure. Persomat a distant e may be cured at home. Al.communications strictly .-onndeiiUal. lot-

see no one but the Doctor, Persons writ

inn to the Doctor will tilei- - <fnte the nam»of the paper they seeifci mi«eit tsenientto.Charges reasonable. Call or write. Address Dr. K. GIBBON. P. O 'h>s MS7. SarPranciscatued>c'ne. -«twtf


discovered, as it Is certain in its effects »U'i

does uut bits er Also eicellent for h imai


EENOALL'S SPAVIN CURE.Fremont, Ohio, Jsn iS, Issl ?Dr. H. .)

Kendall <fc Co.-Oe»it8:-I think tt my dut\'to render you my thanks for benefits nn.i pr>tits wbioh I tiavtt derived from your invaimhie and far fanted spavin t uri . My oiisii

and I had a valuable stallion, v jitli itnon,which had a very bad spiv.n, ami was pro-nounced by four emiuent v< ti rina y surgeons beyond any enre, ami Ilia- the horsewas done for ever. As a List resort 1 advisedmy cousin to fry a bottle of Kendall's SpavinCure. It had a magical effect The thirdbottle cured it and the horse is at wellasever.Dr. Dick, of Edinburgh, the eminent veter-inary surgeon, wan au uncle of mine, ami Itake great interest in assisting his polession. Yours truly, J as. A. Wilso*,

Civil Engineer.

Kendall's Spavin Cure.Wkst Enobbcboh Vt., Feb. 15, 1881 Dr.

B. 1 Kendall & Co.? Gents : fevoral monthsago I injured my knet j dnt wnich caused arenlargement to g'ow tho siss oi a larg. walnut, and caused me very severe paiu ell thetime fjr f< ur or five weeks, when I begin touse Kendall's Spavin Cure witti tue mo*t sat-isfactory results Ii has completely removedthe enlargement ami stopped the lamenessand pain. I bave long knoA-u it to be excel-lent for horses, but now I know it to lie thebest liniment for human flesh tnat I am ar-tiuainted with. Yours truly,

T. P. Lawkfsck.

KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUR£Is sure in its efftcts, mill In tts acti n, asitdoes not Mister, yel it Is p< in 'rating an'tpowerful to reach every deep sea'ed pain orto remove any bony g owth or other enlargements, such as spavins, splints, curbs, cal-lous, sprains, swellings, and any lameness andall enlargements of the joints or limbs, orfor rheumatism in man. and for any purposefor which a liniment is uted for man orbeast. It is now known to be the best lini

? merit for man ever used, acting mi!d and yetcertain in its effects

Send address for Ulu taatt d Circular whichwe think gives positive proof of its virtue*.No remedy has ever met with such unqiial '-

fled snccess to our knowledge, for b> ast a>we'las man.

Price #1 ?er bottle, or « bottles for *5. Aldruggists have it cr can get it for >ou, er itwill be sent to any address on receipt "t prl<-eby the proprietors, Db. B.J Kknuall As Co.,Enosburgh Falls, Vt.





! Dr. C. L. MILLER, Sr., a3 tu SKA I I I.K, W. T., «

? Clierry al, bolmv S«M-OII<I 3® P. O. HoxM.


S a8w Consultations & KXHMI naiiouu3 KKKK. HO


Cared ON the Instalment I'IHIII

Si'in in a I utmUnrim.Manhood KrMorrd.tileef, HlrirlurM, Kyphllla in

\u25a0II Ma IUSI'OHNII lorma.C itron «? nutl apei-lal 0Tile i hr«|ir«i irralmrnl In Hie

l iilit-tl states.

Heeause rv«rr patient pa) a ibe

Doctor hi- obligation before It ladll«, tk>> heat alitnof aattafaellait.

No rati bpeiiuy tioatrnm a..1,1f«2d*mf

!U?T*r"' h " Lo,w of M"""ry UMO.tude, Nocturnal JTiut»Hiai<M, Aversion t« M,,ciety. Dimness af Vision, Volaes In ilea* ?the vital frnld passing nnnbsaived tn theurine, and many other diseases that a ? 'oinsanity ami death.

DB MlVIIKwill agree to forfaitFIVE |( rM .

oa*D DOIXAB* for a rasa af tin. kind th«MIfOKATIVI (under hla special

advice and trestment) will not enre, oTt?ror Virions found In It.OR MIS TIE tresU all PriYate Dia*e««tH sueoeaafnlly without mercury. CONSULTATIONThorough examination aa<l advice,Incladlng analyala of urine. 16. Price ofVITALbutrroitanvE 13 a botlle, or f .ur tlmeethe quantity. $lO ; aent w> any uddr??s uponreceipt « f price, «.r 0. O. !>., secure f.oiu ..n---servstioa, and in private name, If desired b-.

A. K. MIN I 18, M. D.,'11 Kaarny street, San Francisco, Oal.SAMPLE BOTTLK KBEK

Sent on application by latter statu, g Bymptorna se* «id Age. Comwanleatlooa a, J,coiinltiiilu. ?


?££.£U miS "9 *»"**RtMEDY. NtPH.KFTi "T1 1411 klDd* of Kidney andbladder Complaints, Oonorrhoa. Gleet Len.eorrhma. For aale by all drugglsta; tl oerbottle, six bottles forVna. mi.n riK.n dandelion PILLS arethe berf awl cheapest DYSPEPSIA an.l BIUIUU« cor* ill the market For sale bv alldrapgiai*.

All orders lor medicine <C. O. D.) moat hearecmpsniMl with f 1 as a guarantee of goodtaltl), which will be deducted wtien the uackage is shipped. Jal2 dw ly

Treasurer's Notice.THK TR K ABUHIK OK KINOcounty. W. T.? willpay on presenta-tion all outstanding warrant* drawn onthe oounty fund or .Haul conu'j, t earinv

UtvrHLbAUD KEn'i aUKa^Ts

HOTEL BRUNSWICK,Commercial Street,


A. E. ALDEN,soi.K ntnpßiirroK.

'|-«H!S NKW AMi COMMODIOUSHnI tel. situated immediately ad lai.r,. .

?!ie O. li. and N. Cos new wharves at!ai the v;ulroad depot. has bet ii elegantly futshrd throughout. withto the comfort and convenience of gii«nThe rooms we light ami . apa.command a tine > lew of tlit- liay,


It*sample rooms are unetjiittiefl on tk.coast, and itsctiisjne i» ri. tly rlrst claafnoChinamtn being employed.

Hath rooms on each floor, 'ree login®AH rooms lighted with gas.

Five carriage to and from ail steanuu«Term*. s'.sl*to s:< >ierday. feistf

SEVTTLB ISS SrU RANT.Mill street, Seattle.

rnms rkst.m k.\m i- kkptnii.I and clean, and its gucs are ai»kvl

made welcome. '

Ihe tables ih t lie lut tin-. n< in tin.will be supplied with the

BEST THE MAHKcT AFFORDSThaukiutf the pulili* firthe pairuoM»

jIx'sjowt'd in tbi* i impn tiully solicitIInut in mince oi the saiiii* in tlm fntiwvwics. rn iiFEK,

. A* lf eroprtiir.

THE ARLINGTONIULIUS W. SMIIH. / Proprietor)CONVERSE P. FARHAH, * Seafflt.W'.T.Is New Caen for Business.


Bath Rooms Free to GuestsIVRML' T1L.50, H. ML HIKIS.'I

!:«|>.<'lHl mI.L to tto.'irilrndltf . j



POST - INTU \MMIA. double-,sheet 64-col-umn paper, will be sentby mail to my address inthe United > tates or Can-ada, one year,

JL* * O JTL. 55 £3 0

Being the lowest pricedPaper, \u25a0 considering itssize, in Washington Ter-ritory. The


POST - IVIMUIMWill be clubbed with the


POST - WMIIMAt the rate of $4 per an-nam. Subscribers to bothpapers will thus get thebenefit of a Semi-WeeklyNewspaper of the largestsizo at the lowest price.To residents of Island,Whatcom, San Juan andSnohomish counties, thisoffer should prove espe-cially attractive, as alsoto the people of our owncounty reached only bytwo mails a week.

Send orders to


Seattle, W, T.



Burial Cases and Gaskets,lUO


At the Mont RfHMMblf PrM-I*Orders by tclempb prowP®

ittf.nded to.Cherry »t. uenr Irani, H«Wl*





Uphohtwry, Bsddlaf,.

lIAVINOTHK LAROKBT AMOjgS**complete Kurnilurw factory UkInsrtQii Territory, we defy pninucutM*^

Mardwoud Chamber »mIUfrom upwards. . .

Salesroom* ou (Commercial strew, flT*factory foot of Commercial »U,p s. it. K.. aaattto

BERSCH & Hflil.Felsen Beer De#
