i ta i cu. - montana newspapersmontananewspapers.org/lccn/sn85053048/1905-11-25/ed-1/seq-2.pdf ·...

Zorxl, G. N. Mausfi»!' o( Columbi» Pall», Mot the m!í i -TIMBEE L A »», ACT JUNKS, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State» Land Offlo*. Xallsjtolh Mont^. Notice 1» hereby »Iren that In compílanos wlih the provisions of-the act of congress of Jane A twi, entitled “ An act fer-the»ale of tim ber lands in the »tale» of.California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," a» extend ed to all the ppbllc land states by act of Auguit NOTICE FOR FUBLICATIOHi L'h'irm S tatu I.ai* dOtncs.. K.LlsriLu Mont.. Nov. 15.J906. Mice 1» hereby riven that ti e followlnr- ted settler ha» filed notice of hi» Intention take Anal proof In support othjaclaim, and Lsald proof will bamade-beforeAhe Regiater Receiver U 8,- Land. Offloe at KRllspcll, itana. on Dec. 28th, ISO*, vl»: TIMBER ItAND, ACT JUNE ». 1878. -NOTICK FOB: PUBLICATION. Cl’S. Land Office. KWlhtpoll. Montana, November1». 190S. JOTIPE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN Tcompliance »Ith the provisionsof theact of Migres* of du no SJea.cutUlod. “ An act for e saie of timber Uad»lu thnstalesof C.lifor- a. Oregon. Nevada, aud-'tYashlngtrm Tcrrl- ry,” asextended to all the Ptthlloünd State» act of August1th, 18» FuiumbUFalls, county of Flathead. Staleof TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE», 1878, 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION*. U. B. Land Office, Kallspell. Montana. Oct. 17. IMS. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions,of the act of Congress of fune 8, 1878. entttled..uan act for the sale of Urn- sacis «s ax SE?:, KK>:_ aecilon 8. and lot 12 townsblp lUliorlh Stinge 19 west. He nnme» thè followlpg vrltnen hi» contlnuous residence neon and of tald land, vis: Harolil Whlteslonc. Barney TU Fltiputra ki Frank Oplaka, alt o! Fall». Notitene. AHD«gW W. B waxit. nr»t publfcatloa Nov.lA 198R. his cUlm to said lands tx-lore llio Rcgiste Receiver of thisoffice stKali*pe)l. Mums. Wednesday-the21th day of January 1906. He names as witness««: Charles B. CharleaGIlllsple. Joseph Zonk-. Unvidtl ,all of Columbia rails. Montana. Any and all iwvson* claiming'a.lvem-I; 'abovc-finvribefi landsare requested to file fClaimsIn thisoffice on or before said 211 ,of January, 1VOE Arose» W.Swaj -TIM HER LAND, ACTJUNBS, 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Notice I» I ï.l\ '"IE N. Aange No. 21 W. and «rill Oder proof to show that the land songht 1» more valuable for it» timber or »tone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish herelalm ts said land before the Register and Receiver of this ofBcc at Kallspell, Montana, on Tuesday the 9th day of January, 1 «» He names ns wltnesaca: James J. Flispatrlck. Owen Ford. Frank J. Fotter, Richard D. Keast, all of Columbia Falls. Montana. Any ana all person- claiming adversely any or all of the above descrflwd lands are request ed to file tbelr claimsin this office Onor before the said 9thday of, January. 1908. timber 'lands in the Slates of California. Ore gon. Nevada, and Washington.Territory," as extended to sIL the Public Land States by set of Augnd A. MW. the followingapplicants have thisdar filed In this office their swore slate-' ments lor the purchase af certain lands herein after described, and will offer proof to show that llu-lands sought arc more valuablefor the timberor atone thereon than for agricultural purpose*, and to establish their respective claims lo said land before the Register and Receiver of the U. 8. Land Oflloa. ufRaMspell, Mont., on Thursday the 2!st day of December, TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 187», —NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. C. 8. Land twice. Kallspell. 1 November s Is hereby given that In co he provisions of the act it June A 187». entitled ■ e talc of timber lands of California. Oregon, N'evi ^ Territory," as exii-uded States by act of August 4, MARY M. LoRKFLER, imbla Falls, county of Flathead na. baa this day (lied In this I Tli# cheating news come» from Bel lingham that tha proposed bonus of $1 - aOO.OOO, to aid in the construction of a line from that city to Spokane was Lpickly railed. A dtv that can do inch lh)ug%ate apt to command the reipect- ra) Mtenliqu .of railroad men. If Bel- lipghani'fistablUbe» her. right to be con- bothe favor -TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the as;:. BE!i Section No. 10 sivu of 8ec- tlon No. U,. E',4 NEJ-i Section No. 15. In Towu- •lilp No. ttLIiorifi Range No. 21, West M. M. and will n»er proof to ahow that the land sought Is .'more valuable lor It* timber ucrione than for agricultural purposes, and to astabllsh her claim to Midland before the Reglstor and Re ceiver at Kanspelf, Montana on Friday, the 28thday of January, 19«. She names a* witnesses: Andrew J. Trum bull, Gottlieb F. LoefBer, James M. Grist, John tv. Bpearin. all of Columbia Falls, Montana. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their clajins In ih^offlce on or before said 2Cthday ANDREW W. SWANKY, Register. firm pub Nov 18, _____ United States Land Office, Kallspell, 1, Mont., . K'. 1905. Is hereby given that In compliance provisions ol tha act of Congress o *75, entitled “ An act for the sale o bits In theBtatcsof Californta.Oregon, ud Washington Territory," asextend- he Fnblic land Sates byact ot Angnst c following named personi have this Inthisoffice tbelr sworn statement» for in»« of certain land* hereinafter dcs- nd will offer proof to »bow that llie -ought are more valuable for the tint- ne thereon tiiau for agricultural pnr- 101x7, ft will be 1 the Milwaukee building ite through le from ita Hastings & Dakota (crini ti through North Dakota, Northern o.Dtkna and Northern Washington to TIMBER LAND ACT, JONE 8. 1878 -NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. —TIMBER LAND, ACTJUNE 3. 1878- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office. Kalispell. Moni. November. 13th, 1905. Narice I* hereby glvcn that in rompllanea wlth tha previstone ol thè act ot Cougress of Juna A 1XW . culltled “ An act for tbcsalaof llmlwrlsud* in Ihe State*of Cnlllornla, Oregon. -N ’evada, and Washington Terrltorv,- a, exteud- il f,, all *1 .« 1 »,il.ll,. I Km,, tv ani ni tUSMII. Mont., Oct «Ih. litó, t In compliance the ae>l awJí, lot A See. 19, nc'l nmUami lot , Sec. 80, Twp. 81N., R. 19w. m. m. She nami : as her » lineases, U. Whltcstone. R. Houstoi . Eugene Dickerson and Rpy 8oule, all of Kail I Any and all persona claiming adversely th i above described lands are requested to file the claimsIn thisOffice on or beloni the said 19t day of December, 1905. ANDREW W SWANKY, Register. of Colombia Falls, comity of Flathead, state of Montana, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement so. 982, for the purchase of the tots A 6, 8.11 and » » ’ . neli of section No. 17In township No 81north, range No.-19west,and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable fos Its timber or stone than for sffis&inraiiitf&fiyKSfe reiver of this uffice atRallsppl), Mout., on Mon day. the 18thday of December, 190». She names as witnesses: R. W. Main, J. A. Robedeau. of Columbia Falla, Mont.. C. M. Itlcns, of Kallspell, Mont, and F. G. Pringle, ol Whlteflsh, MontT Any andall persons claiming adversely the sbovu-dcscrilwd lands Are requested to filetheir clAlmsIn this office on or before ssld 18th day —TIMBER LAND, ACTJUNES. 1878,- NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office Kallspell, Mont Oct. 4,1908. Notice 1« hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8,1878, entitled “ An eet for the sale el timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.’1 ss ex tended to»11 the Public Land stales by act of Augusts, 189A EDWARD R. OAT, is“irsifas.-tt sworn statement No. 98*. hr the purchase gg&'&SS&Sfc of Columbia Falls, county of Flatbc Montana, has this day filed In th aworaslatemant No. 1046.for tbs ppn ÂïaïMnaifiSBÎs sough, is more v,ln*td» lor fu limi» ■rÄErs^sSrapV Receiver »Uhls offire. at Kallspell on Wednesday, lbs 2lth»day of Jamn u- -- wl,..——, ; tools Grieve, J r TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 'United States Land Office Kallspell Montena, Oct. l«th. 1905. N^LWsawasisssss of June». 187A entitled-An act for the sale of timber landslu thestate* of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the public landstates by act of Angnst 4,1892. ffa m t Bit. lon; -TIMBER LAN I), ACT JUNE 3,1878- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .... r I ..... HI «11 III I'..lull,I of Colombi» Montans hs nthemalesnfCallfomte.C fashlngtonTerritory,” as « ubile land states by act of to said Undbefore the Regi» at Kallspell, Montana, on 7 th day of December. 1905. nemes es witnesses: John N ¡reve. Joe Zorsl, Steve Zon Fall», Moni. and all i>ersona clatmlni tore described lands an ihelr Claims In this office on th day of Dec., 1905. S i.i.M T X i.K V S S t“ * '“ ' claims In this officeon orbefore saidMU dev. December, 1905. Axdxiww. Swsxxv. First Pub, Oct. 7. 1906. ________ Register. —f IM BER LAND. ACT JUNES, 1878,- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. olumble^FallSj couutvofFl» ÄrfcyräK mansion, Lena Zors, Joseph ; Michels, all of Columbia Fa) rxAMK xtrsoLoa, •TIMBER LAND, ACTJUNE3, 1878- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Land Office. K»«spell. Mom. Notice is hereby given, that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno A 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In thestatua! Cxllfucnla,pregno, Nevadaand WashingtonTerritory,‘ Ime* tended toall thePtfblimlsuid Statesby aet oli August 4th, 18M . OectX ». JVMXI8S, of Columbia Falls,count» of Flathaad. state,«! Monuna, has thU day Bled In thlaolfis» his sworn statement No 1012for tbe purchase oCshc tots A 8and 4 of section SB in Twp 21 north. of Flathead.stale of a statement No. 1008, Colombia Falls, Montsna... Wàshington. h»> thli'dsy ÏUi sworn Statement No. 975, for 1 SVMS1 » thatSI» Iandsou gji* !■ more ässaawjsx the Kr 111ter r. 8. Land G Montana, on Monday, the ; more valuable for its stone or timber than for agricultural purpose», and to establlah his claim re aaid land before the Register and receiver ot thianglce at Kallspell, Montana, on Tuesday the 9th day of January. 1908. He names as witnesses: O. J. Hanes, C. ,C. MHer. Ed Boyer, of Columbia Falls, Mont, Ward 8kyle. of Whlteflsh, Mont. Any and all persons claiming adversely the iitove described l»nda are requested to file GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Ib's^MnmbU l Y, Nor. i ¿ISTb » Mid much to eaeooraBe the >1 the (tate in the hope thet we D the- eve of radical changes Id irtation matter», and that the of the state will not 'much d by exorbitant and dia- iight ratti. Tbte conclu- rranted by any thing »aid how a penitant aU U of ¡ember of tbe Hiiminflr, I by what hole reported t other road«, eepecial- 9 «, building to thi - the more eignlfieant feet.that 11family are^flllBg.buay in ' ~ When tbe-Hillx get bbey in •me aflabla- and. polite it tmlnmn, inUrviewi to n about railroad exWMione, it a to oua bet that they think I out of tbe ordinary will ec ig in tha ■tate. e Helena Independent of Nov. 18th I an intarview with Lew« ’ I, In which he ie quoted as saying: i Flathead county tbe Northern Paciftc in Mieeoula ly haa at yet progreeaed-no farther a aurvey. The route earuaye nible one and we mar have evaral attempt« before we a favorable or feaeible rt •T we have oSert iniormonnt- difBcultiee—it'»* like going down Ide of a mountain and.up anotha: a probable that Mr. Hill. eUp[ in thia statement ae il haa been dly given out in WbiteBili and I, by men who ara eeid to be in ition to know, that tbe route ha* selected and that construction begin. aliepall, ehool Note*. Slcere vieited the e< it week. He gave t one and epoka very highly work being done in the va l fourth r i pupil i t ara all. planning to nt- at I^alifipell Monday, r and Wadneeday of.next west, lay being a. holiday, there wilLbe 1 next week, All ecbool days ; be road# up later, and any 9 with,.regular.school,work isty.be.avoided^ H 90) to be- eotae. n f about the eyltam of grading t for the present month, i beginning of the month the 9« of tbe pnpile in the second, third i are placed where cb pupil then having • of 100. At the first grade I . going a« low aa- 90, the nd that pupil L pyiacipal. Tbe prineipal l popii that the teacher hae bean td to send that pupil liact the i • when hie grade shall have r< hat uniform punishment i tb all pupils sent tha ■his ayatem was adoDlod t t might seem hasty at I should have an individual Sotos adverse criticism hi I by a few who did not tho demand the eyatom. YVht leritood, we believe all will the system and its ajmlica- he present month have both No pupil baa. escaped pnn- t to the principal lb«. T, A*.Bcjcheji, Principal. with indigestioji. iach,‘ or,anr otlior *r’a. Rocky Moantain.Tea » you well and keep yon woll. , Tea or Tablet». Columbia 1 NOI STUFFED RR LAND, A< T J O U I 8, 1878 TICE I UR PUBLICATION. a. tonfi Ofilq» KolispelLMonlau». _ 18H¿R*BY-81VKN<rá8í&-,C§k, :c«i\h tbe provisions ef th« act ol of JuiiàA-lwA. «nUtlad "An — ’ ilahoAlanMluth« «iste« of i5*hc PuUlc tori ■i. SoQci Uhtng$ fo r Thanksgiving Daij A t the Main-Mercantile Go's Store, Tlkaft is the place where you-will'aTumyar find K Iin ilin illH IH IH iE r \ 8 «WBI tW l Carried In Stock bi| Robinson Forniture Co. 3«2 Main Street Kal^etl:. Fresh Meats at all times.. th Fish every Thursday. th Oysters on tap now. Premium Hams and, Bacon.. Premium Lard.. Also a pleasant smile fromi Steve the fiutcher.. Fresh Cranberries Sweet Potatoes... The Famous SOME BRAND" Canned Fruits and Bottled Goods. A: Full Line of the Standard Brand of Canned Fruit& and Vegetables,. mi £ suimn mi on the Dallar, ment. jf 3 'in s jCìm s of x Jtandy I Janee C This is the stage where you always gets i6ez to the pounds One Hundred Cents Pleasant and Courteous treat- i ta i Cu . he Columbian from ¡e io and sabecribe. The New Train, of Case« Cleqance and Cxcetence. Dtiit bilma SI, ful, Viuuiilii Stiftlt, fretti, fu tu re 111 ftciit Etui u i litinuitli foialt. VIA THE m mm ma “ The Comfortsbls- Way” sew caïPUim-UBï'iîf-oiîmïKï cm

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Zorxl, G. N. Mausfi»!' o( Columbi» Pall», Mot

■ the m!í i


United State» Land Offlo*. Xallsjtolh Mont .Notice 1» hereby »Iren that In compílanos

wlih the provisions of-the act of congress of Jane A twi, entitled “An act fer-the »ale of tim­ber lands in the »tale» of.California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory," a» extend­ed to all the ppbllc land states by act of Auguit

NOTICE FOR FUBLICATIOHiL'h'irm Statu I.ai*d Otncs..

K.LlsriLu Mont.. Nov. 15. J906. Mice 1» hereby riven that ti e followlnr- ted settler ha» filed notice of hi» Intention take Anal proof In support othjaclaim, and Lsald proof will bamade-beforeAhe Regia ter Receiver U 8,- Land. Offloe at KRllspcll,

itana. on Dec. 28th, ISO*, vl»:


Cl’S. Land Office. KWlhtpoll. Montana, November 1». 190S.

JOTIPE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN T compliance »Ith the provisions of the act of Migres* of du no SJea.cutUlod. “An act for e saie of timber Uad»lu thnstalesof C.lifor- a. Oregon. Nevada, aud-'tYashlngtrm Tcrrl- ry,” as extended to all the Ptthlloünd State» act of August 1th, 18»

FuiumbU Falls, county of Flathead. Stale of


U. B. Land Office, Kallspell. Montana.Oct. 17. IMS.Notice Is hereby given that In compliance

with the pro visions,of the act of Congress of fune 8, 1878. entttled..uan act for the sale of Urn-sacis « s a x

SE?:, KK>:_ aecilon 8. and lot 12 townsblp lUliorlh Stinge 19 west.

He nnme» thè followlpg vrltnen hi» contlnuous residence neon and of tald land, vis:

Harolil Whlteslonc. Barney TU Fltiput ra ki Frank Oplaka, alt o! Fall». Notitene.

AHD«gW W. Bwaxit.nr»t publfcatloa Nov.lA 198R.

his cUlm to said lands tx-lore llio Rcgiste Receiver of this office stKali*pe)l. Mums. Wednesday-the 21th day of January 1906.

He names as witness««: Charles B. CharleaGIlllsple. Joseph Zonk-. Unvidtl ,all of Columbia rails. Montana.

Any and all iwvson* claiming'a.lvem-I; 'abovc-finvribefi lands are requested to file fClaims In this office on or before said 211 ,of January, 1VOE Arose» W.Swaj


Notice I» Iï.l\ '" IE N. Aange No. 21 W. and «rill Oder proof to show

that the land songht 1» more valuable for it» timber or »tone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish herelalm ts said land before the Register and Receiver of this ofBcc at Kallspell, Montana, on Tuesday the 9th day of January, 1 «»

He names ns wltnesaca: James J. Flispatrlck. Owen Ford. Frank J. Fotter, Richard D. Keast, all of Columbia Falls. Montana.

Any ana all person- claiming adversely any or all of the above descrflwd lands are request­ed to file tbelr claims in this office On or before the said 9th day of, January. 1908.

timber 'lands in the Slates of California. Ore­gon. Nevada, and Washington. Territory," as extended to sIL the Public Land States by set of Augnd A. MW. the following applicants have thisdar filed In this office their swore slate-' ments lor the purchase af certain lands herein­after described, and will offer proof to show that llu-lands sought arc more valuable for the timber or atone thereon than for agricultural purpose*, and to establish their respective claims lo said land before the Register and Receiver of the U. 8. Land Oflloa. ufRaMspell, Mont., on Thursday the 2!st day of December,


C. 8. Land twice. Kallspell. 1 November

s Is hereby given that In co he provisions of the act it June A 187». entitled ■e talc of timber lands of California. Oregon, N'evi

^ Territory," as exii-uded States by act of August 4, MARY M. LoRKFLER,

imbla Falls, county of Flathead na. baa this day (lied In this

I Tli# cheating news come» from Bel­lingham that tha proposed bonus of $1- aOO.OOO, to aid in the construction of a line from that city to Spokane was Lpickly railed. A dtv that can do inch lh)ug%ate apt to command the reipect- ra) Mtenliqu .of railroad men. If Bel- lipghani'fistablUbe» her. right to be con-

‘ bo the favor


the as;:. BE!i Section No. 10 sivu of 8ec- tlon No. U,. E',4 NEJ-i Section No. 15. In Towu- •lilp No. ttLIiorifi Range No. 21, West M. M. and will n»er proof to ahow that the land sought Is .'more valuable lor It* timber ucrione than for agricultural purposes, and to astabllsh her claim to Midland before the Reglstor and Re­ceiver at Kanspelf, Montana on Friday, the 28th day of January, 19«.

She names a* witnesses: Andrew J. Trum­bull, Gottlieb F. LoefBer, James M. Grist, John tv. Bpearin. all of Columbia Falls, Montana.

Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their clajins In ih^offlce on or before said 2Cth day

ANDREW W. SWANKY, Register. firm pub Nov 18, _____

United States Land Office, Kallspell,1, Mont.,. K'. 1905.

Is hereby given that In compliance provisions ol tha act of Congress o *75, entitled “An act for the sale o bits In theBtatcsof Californta.Oregon, ud Washington Territory," asextend- he Fnblic land Sates by act ot Angnst c following named personi have this In this office tbelr sworn statement» for in»« of certain land* hereinafter dcs- nd will offer proof to »bow that llie -ought are more valuable for the tint- ne thereon tiiau for agricultural pnr-

101x7, ft will be 1 the Milwaukee building ite through le from ita Hastings & Dakota (crini­ti through North Dakota, Northern o.Dtkna and Northern Washington to



U. 8. Land Office. Kalispell. Moni.November. 13th, 1905.

Narice I* hereby glvcn that in rompllanea wlth tha previstone ol thè act ot Cougress of Juna A 1XW. culltled “An act for tbcsalaof llmlwrlsud* in Ihe State*of Cnlllornla, Oregon. -N’evada, and Washington Terrltorv,- a, exteud-—il f,, all *1.« 1»,il.ll,. I Km,, tv ani ni

tUSMII. Mont., Oct «Ih. litó,

t In compliance

the ae>l awJí, lot A See. 19, nc'l nmU ami lot , Sec. 80, Twp. 81 N., R. 19 w. m. m. She nami : as her » lineases, U. Whltcstone. R. Houstoi . Eugene Dickerson and Rpy 8oule, all of Kail

I Any and all persona claiming adversely th i above described lands are requested to file the

claims In this Office on or beloni the said 19t day of December, 1905.


of Colombia Falls, comity of Flathead, state of Montana, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement so. 982, for the purchase of the tots A 6, 8.11 and » » ’. neli of section No. 17 In township No 81 north, range No.-19 west,and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable fos Its timber or stone than forsffis&inraiiitf&fiyKSfereiver of this uffice atRallsppl), Mout., on Mon­day. the 18th day of December, 190».

She names as witnesses: R. W. Main, J. A. Robedeau. of Columbia Falla, Mont.. C. M. Itlcns, of Kallspell, Mont, and F. G. Pringle, ol Whlteflsh, MontT

Any and all persons claiming adversely the sbovu-dcscrilwd lands Are requested to file their clAlmsIn this office on or before ssld 18th day


United States Land Office Kallspell, MontOct. 4,1908.

Notice 1« hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8,1878, entitled “An eet for the sale el timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.’1 ss ex­tended to »11 the Public Land stales by act of Augusts, 189A


is“irsifas.-ttsworn statement No. 98*. hr the purchasegg& '& SS& Sfc

of Columbia Falls, county of Flatbc Montana, has this day filed In th aworaslatemant No. 1046.for tbs ppnÂïaïMnaifiSBÎssough, is more v,ln*td» lor fu limi»

■rÄErs^sSrapVReceiver »Uhls offire. at Kallspell on Wednesday, lbs 2lth»day of Jamn u- -- wl,..——, ; tools

Grieve, Jr


'United States Land Office Kallspell Montena,Oct. l«th. 1905.N^LW sawasisssssof June». 187A entitled -An act for the sale of timber lands lu the state* of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend­ed to all the public land states by act of Angnst 4,1892.

f fa m t Bit. lon ;


of Colombi» Montans hs

n the males nfCallfomte.C fashlngton Territory,” as « ubile land states by act of to said Undbefore the Regi»

at Kallspell, Montana, on 7 th day of December. 1905. nemes es witnesses: John N ¡reve. Joe Zorsl, Steve Zon Fall», Moni.and all i>ersona clatmlni

tore described lands an ihelr Claims In this office on th day of Dec., 1905.

S i.i.M TX i.K VSSt“ * '“ 'claims In this office on or before said MU dev. December, 1905. Axdxiw w. Swsxxv.

First Pub, Oct. 7. 1906.________ Register.—f IM BER LAND. ACT JUNES, 1878,-


olumble FallSj couutvofFl»

Ä r f c y r ä Kmansion, Lena Zors, Joseph ; Michels, all of Columbia Fa)

rxAMK xtrsoLoa,


United Stales Land Office. K»«spell. Mom. Notice is hereby given, that In compliance

with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno A 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the statua! Cxllfucnla,pregno, Nevada and Washington Territory,‘Ime* tended to all t he Ptfblimlsuid States by aet oli August 4th, 18M. OectX ». JVMXI8S,of Columbia Falls,count» of Flathaad. state,«! Monuna, has thU day Bled In thlaolfis» his sworn statement No 1012 for tbe purchase oCshc tots A 8 and 4 of section SB in Twp 21 north.

of Flathead.stale of a statement No. 1008,

Colombia Falls, Montsna...

Wàshington. h»> thli'dsy ÏUi sworn Statement No. 975, for 1S V M S 1»that SI» I and sou gji* !■ moreässaawjsxthe Kr 111 ter r. 8. Land G Montana, on Monday, the ;

more valuable for its stone or timber than for agricultural purpose», and to establlah his claim re aaid land before the Register and receiver ot thianglce at Kallspell, Montana, on Tuesday the 9th day of January. 1908.

He names as witnesses: O. J. Hanes, C. ,C. M Her. Ed Boyer, of Columbia Falls, Mont, Ward 8kyle. of Whlteflsh, Mont.

Any and all persons claiming adversely the iitove described l»nda are requested to file



lY, Nor. i


» Mid much to eaeooraBe the >1 the (tate in the hope thet we

D the- eve of radical changes Id irtation matter», and that the

of the state will not 'much d by exorbitant and dia- iight ratti. Tbte conclu- rranted by any thing »aid how a penitant aUU of ¡ember of tbe Hiiminflr, I by what hole reported

t other road«, eepecial-9«, building to thi

- the more eignlfieant feet.that 11 family are^flllBg.buay in ' ~ When tbe-Hillx get bbey in

•me aflabla- and. polite it tmlnmn, inUrviewi to n about railroad exWMione, it

a to oua bet that they think I out of tbe ordinary will ec ig in tha ■ tate.

e Helena Independent of Nov. 18th I an intarview with Lew« ’

I, In which he ie quoted as saying:

i Flathead county tbe Northern Paciftc in Mieeoula ly haa at yet progreeaed-no farther a aurvey. The route earuaye

nible one and we mar have evaral attempt« before we a favorable or feaeible rt •T we have oSert iniormonnt-

difBcultiee—it'»* like going down Ide of a mountain and.up anotha: a probable that Mr. Hill. eUp[ in thia statement ae il haa been dly given out in WbiteBili and

I, by men who ara eeid to be in ition to know, that tbe route ha* selected and that construction



ehool Note*.

Slcere vieited the e< it week. He gave t one and epoka very highly

work being done in the va

l fourth r

i pupil i

t ara all. planning to nt- at I alifipell Monday,

r and Wadneeday of.next west, lay being a. holiday, there wilLbe

1 next week, All ecbool days ; be road# up later, and any

9 with,.regular.school,work isty.be .a voided

H90) to be- eotae. n f about the eyltam of grading

t for the present month, i beginning of the month the

9« of tbe pnpile in the second, third i are placed where cb pupil then having

• of 100. At the first grade I . going a« low aa- 90, the

nd that pupilL pyiacipal. Tbe prineipal

l popii that the teacher hae bean td to send that pupil liact the i • when hie grade shall have r<

hat uniform punishment i tb all pupils sent tha ■his ayatem was adoDlod t

t might seem hasty at I should have an individual Sotos adverse criticism hi

I by a few who did not tho demand the eyatom. YVht leritood, we believe all will the system and its ajmlica- he present month have both No pupil baa. escaped pnn-

t to the principal lb«.

T, A*.Bcjcheji, Principal.

with indigestioji. iach,‘ or,anr otlior

*r’a. Rocky Moantain.Tea » you well and keep yon woll., Tea or Tablet». Columbia



a. tonfi Ofilq» KolispelLMonlau»._ 18 H¿R*BY-81VKN<rá8í&-,C§k,:c«i\h tbe provisions ef th« act olof JuiiàA-lwA. «nUtlad "An —’ ilahoAlanM lu th« «iste« of

i5*hc PuUlc tori


SoQci Uhtng$ fo rThanksgiving Daij

A t the Main-Mercantile Go's Store, Tlkaft is the place where you-will'aTumyar find

K I i n i l i n i l l H I H I H i E r \ 8 « W B I t W l

Carried In Stock bi|

Robinson Forniture Co.3«2 Main Street Kal^etl:.

Fresh Meats at a ll times.. th Fish every Thursday. th Oysters on tap now.

Prem ium Hams and, Bacon.. Prem ium Lard..

Also a pleasant smile fromi Steve the fiutcher..

Fresh Cranberries Sweet Potatoes...The Famous S O M E B R A N D "

Canned Fru its and Bottled Goods.

A : F u ll Line o f the Standard Brand o f Canned Fruit& and Vegetables,.

mi £ suimn mi

on the Dallar, ment.

j f 3 'in s jCìm s o f

x Jtandy I

Janee C

This is the stage where you always gets i6ez to the pounds One Hundred Cents

Pleasant and Courteous treat-

i t a i Cu.

he Columbian from ¡e io and sabecribe.

The New Train, ofCase« Cleqance and Cxcetence.

Dtiit b ilm a SI, fu l, V iu u iilii Stiftlt, fretti, fu tu r e 111 ftciit Etui u i litin u itli foialt.


m m m ma“ The Comfortsbls- Way”

sew caïPUim-UBï'iîf-oiîmïKï cm