· i t r 81 i 1 lrj...

I t r 81 I 1 lrJ 4 T THE SUN MONDAY DCEMflft218O f r I I vi- I AFTER GOLD AND SILVER I y j nvxiirrn- OflE1 ACTiriTT TYATl TUR- ttumr J Mine Bale 2wDt7CLfl nid Lt UEGIOS > M Crtppla f Creek Tha Brcet Output nt Apea I t Fur Reported TherHI fader Old Idnho prTbe Ia rened Price of Copper Ulvea a New Impetni In Arlseaa 4 DKXYEH flea 18 At Cripple Creek old mines are shipping regularly and adding new ma¬ cblnel to oxpedlte operation new mine are coming to the front a shippers anti lessees nr f jl i producing value from properties covering a I wldo area Tho reports of now lease secured of option granted of bond given of com- panies ¬ l I j forming and of prospect showing fa- vorable ¬ Indications cannot alt b recordd In a i I 1 brief nrtce Tho Mary Yellow Jacket and Tri- umph ¬ t f on the northwest elope of Hattie Moun- tain ¬ I wore sold a few days ago for 100000 t Hunt of tho Mooio mine and others War Bprlngs payments to be distributed If over a period of nine months Tho Llttlo Mary t t belongs to the Creedo and Cripple Creek Com- pany ¬ and has been worked by lessees during the year The Yellow Jacket has a shaft i eighty feet deep showing twelve inches of ore t Incorporated companies with stock s lnl on I I the exchanges of tho State are disposing some I of their holdings by cash sale which must neces- sarily ¬ affect Hhe market value of such stocks Many companies of this kind have propertlosnn- der 1 11 lease and bonds and Investors In stockt ba Ins their purchase upon the holdings of tho com- panies ¬ I must understand that the property Is i liable to pal from tho hand of thee compa- nies ¬ I under sales at tho expiration of bonds and tea The Creeds and Cripple Creek Com- pany ¬ owns the Little Mary which has just been sold and another claim belonging t this com- pany ¬ I Is bonded for 830000 A Colorado Hprlngs prospector claims to have uncovered a vein four feet wide down on Wit Ion Creek eight miles below Crlpplo Creek which Is beyond tho known extent of the min- eral ¬ belt of this district A mill return of sev- eral ¬ hundred pounds of this ore went 28 t the ton Over one hundred miners and prospectors lire In that district looklnl for veins The Straub Tunnel bi begun operations In that district to open Btraub Mountain and I explore It a depth for veins TUB uoiaen nope company wiucago cor- poration ¬ I at a depth of thirtyseven feet In I It1 property the Gladstone came tipon a fourfoot I vein of pay ore In which an clghteenlnchstreak In the vein runs SCO to 8200 to the ton The Cripple Crook exploitation syndicate of London I lies secured an option on tho Lucky Cues ou Bull Hill for 8150000 by n payment of 3000- In I cash the remainder to be paid beforo Feb 24 1800 The syndicate has several other claims and mines under option Tho frallrolplrlnl 3 In the saddle between Ball tt moun- tains ¬ t has been sold for S1MOOOO property has been Idle lOllonl time owing to disagree- ment ¬ between owners C M MncNell nnd associates havo for 00000 secured 091 feet of the Colorado City one of the Wisconsin group In the saddle between unit nniHiattlo moun- tains ¬ I It Is probable that before ninny I f If some new strikes will bo recorded woek I f1 I north end of tho district beyond tho present producing area I The HumboldtConeolidatcd Unlng Company ho secured a number of properties I and machinery ha been purchased to open up tJ the claims 4 I There seems to be no lull in the interest In the t now camp in West Creek thirty miles north of Cripple At present the town lot speculation I E teems to he most important The character of the ore s far discovered eeems to be I Identical with that of Cripple Creek Some high assays i have been reported but none ho been wended 11 The few lodes that have been uncovered havo been cash veins In granite The values average V under 5 a ton though some ores hove assayed h u upto SIS a ton It will require time and depth to prove the value of the Creek district The r i l country Is now staked oft for dye miles In every direction and the population already numbers 4 nearly 1000 In Leadvllle the sale of the Fret Hose and I Valley claims to A M Levy and of Chi- cago ¬ Is reported The owners will operate tbolr > purchase through the Gold Eagle Mining and Milling Company There Is In sight at least Ii 0100000 worth of ore 150 to tho t ton Leadvllle men have averalul lease on the C It Humboldt and the north end of the Belgian I which lea wa Induced by a recent discovery l of or the main workings of the I Belgian Turbot recently uncovered a large streak of high grade lead ore and ship l menu will be made as soon oro can W I il l l blocked out The Mahala is shipping 50 b I dally new body of sulphide ore dis- covered ¬ h during i the summer by tbe aid of the diamond core drill Considerable Is being done in the Mosquito proapeetnl I I I ton company Is now negotiating for a lease on I the noted London mine In that district and If satisfactory a tunnel of 3000 feet will bo run I to connect with the present worKings materi- ally ¬ t I L reducing the cost of operations In Aspen the A J management have II r to sink their incline deeper and doclde I I lower workings of the Mullle Gibson A large I amount of high grade mineral Is being taken out 1bleln the lower level considerable ore Is i I out preparatory t shipment at the pleasure of the company It is reported that the management are trying to bear the I li lock on tblark tat theymayobtain outside pos- session ¬ The Mallle Gibson Is still sinking and drifting at a depth of 000 feet with satisfactory results I Tho ground from the fourth level up Is worked by lessees and some large and beloJ pockets have been found The company is now- wepaningtoopenthaaround between the seT ¬ enth and fourth levels lessees and surveyors I pro now engaged cutting up the territory into I lock which will be put on the market on the k onusltm within a tow days It was between I I te third levels that the first rich body was discovered which sent the stock from 40 cent a eh are to f 1250 and it is ex- pected ¬ new blokot leased ground will command a stiff I On the first of the month the P closed r the ground below the twelfth Del to lessees and In future the company will operate that I portion of the property Thoreaaon for this Is the recent valuable discoveries made In that huortionottbemlno Tbe deepshaft enterprise to drain the famous mines of Aspen at great depth 1 very likely be pushed rapidly early next The outputororel from Aspen at this l J time Is the greatest known in the history of tho f Aj camp Over in Ashcroft more than twentylive claims are being worked by prospectors L defY In Ore the great companies operatlugalong is 4t the vein bavo united in a tunnel en i terprlse by which they wl open this vein ton a q distance of 8000 feet great depth making the operations less expensive than at proient It will require two and onehalf years to co- mplot ¬ I the tunnel t i WYOMING LAIUUIE Do 18 Charles S Chrysler nnd i N N Smith representing the Rocky flange Gold Company have secured a bond upon a it group of mine In the Herman district near this the sum named Tha bo A deposit of hln averaging 10 a rae Tbeyareeasyofaccesswith plenty water and other requirements for mining The company will push de 1 work ana will put In a stamp mill at one nivr MEXICO DEIIIHO Ieo 18A month ago a raveIn oc C our red In the Mountain Key shaft In the 1inos j Altos dllrlet The shaft is belnl retlmbered f A 11 up this year successfully the ores from thu wasto dumps of this J property The Pacific mine Is being worked r steadily with a force of men and c the blr mill near Bllver City i Is kept going night and day Tho Uolden Want mine Is to be r worked on an extensive scale the work of re- opening ¬ I f i the property being steadily carried on The Pipes Altos district seems to be h The long Impending salo of prosperlnl 1 l 3l Carlisle district has finally been effected Tho t claim are the BnrprUe8ummltApexIllnckand l parlyingtothuenotthot Carlisle McDonaU I annpr Oold flog and Nugget east and the 1F Gold King and Imperial in what Is lb t known as the Jim Crow camp three tulles bo 1 low Carlisle Two side claims to the Summit I nd Apex north of Carlisle complete the Hit 1 r The price I Is placed at J1SSOOO unit the purchas- ers ¬ I fk are English capitalists I HANTA J flee 18 Many prosprtorllrln the hills the Cocbltl yearly aasessment wOk and very ni claims will b allowed to lapse year I rt Tu Beokmoo mill is working steadily on ij Little Casino ore with good results A recent f I rich strike on the No Name claim by a Ilueo 4 t has broughutthatproportyintoprominonce f1 I Washington Company has made contracts for L tunnels to br run on both the Hunny South and s1t North BUr claims J H Kagle Is working night bu1 and day shifts on the Iron Klnir which property Fi he operates under lease Mr Kazle made I trial shipment tn Pueblo recently with very favor rrnk S ablo results Ho bl nlo been the LJe llrrkmnn mill with quantity UllrlYlnl Cnl U IwthlAI of hoover who working the I u tube to capacity roiitiinplMes- thi 111 1 4 erection cit n >vc rU In unplna enter In trent the etriHiiiy output of t till rllcrt upon ai rcuriutiilcal a baiU a li I pos > I j7JA- t I IIUMII t I lii A hid ITr Drc in I I ItilNH- nlxccr I I mnltkh I mine WITH Uistut vrml 111lon 1 i flyer and Comas prairie in Idaho county and immediately a thrhlnl known as Florence sprung up rocker a very tedious and slow machine for washing auriferous gravel 1 many who were lucky enough to own ground In the ravines took out hundreds of do- llar ¬ per day The placer ground was on an al ¬ level mountain summit and did not cov- er ¬ a space nf otera mile or two In diameter The rich ground Wa all workedoverin 18UUi and the minors prospectors left In search ot other fields most ot them coming to Dab Basin 7 Many time during the ratten or fifteen years your reporter lois heard the old timers toil of tlio many seams of decomposed quarts running Bm1 the bed 1 rock and express tho bier that they were tho outcrops of ledges may become valuable properties with de- velopment ¬ Three years ago two men com- menced ¬ sinking on one of the seams and found it nt tho dpth of twenty feet to be two feet In width Early last spring malJ prlptor went Into that country lud seams with tho same It then became plain that the quartz being decomposed tho walls had gradually by pressure come together nt the surface A twostamp mi was secured and crushlngs made from the ledges Tho lowest yield In free gold was 820 and the highest t4u per ton These good results havo caused some excitement and Ineoa of a de- serted ¬ camp over 100 men will spnd the win- ter ¬ working their mines I Is intention to take in two or three mills next your when Florence will undoubtedly b the scene of a great quartz mlnlag boom In Boise county much progress hiss been made during the year The Willow Creek tunnel In the southwest corner of the county has attracted especial attention although a number of the mines wore located many Ilrl ago So work of consequence however- was done until this year when large bodies of very rich free gold ore wore discovered The discoveries created much excitement and two stamp mills and several nrastrns were erected Imo of tho ore crushed yielded from 9300 to per ton which I Is very large When the fact of the richness of tho ore became known many prospectors rushtlln and were not long in tracing tho INls Rock Creek and to- IIoreluiio Fayetto Ulver About 1000 locutions have been made and a large number of the new discoveries are yielding rich oreNortheast of Boise City new district Is now attracting much attention Tho Black Hornet located several years ago Is producing ml phuret ore that yields front 845 to STO per ton rind the total cost of mining transpor- tation ¬ anti smelting Is Sin The vein is front eight to ten feet In width with four let of high grade ore On the save vein Is the abut the santo width which Is said to pro ¬ even Kttcr ore Both of these mines are tinder bond and sales wi undoubtedly lw made There are very mnlY other promis- ing ¬ mines In tho district Six or eight miles north of Idaho City some rich freegold ledges have hen developed to WIno extent during the year The Summit on the of Deer Creek and La Graclosa Jupiter anti Newark on the head wIter of ol Creek have produced The owners of these mines are opening them up for extensive sloping by running tun- nels ¬ on the veins All of them wi hae out considerable ore by spring a wagon road will on constructed between the district and the Boulder thirtystamp mill on Elk Creek We have mor hope for the future of this Section rrm ale of the Mammoth mine- on Flat to a London company than front anything else that has taken place For many years Benjamin Wlllson and I If Whitney worked this mine reducing ore In nn eightstamp mill but when the ore na sloped out down to water level they found themselves unable to proceed further as a heavy outlay would bruie for hoisting works pumps and shaft Two years ago a Iondou company secured an op- tion ¬ on tho property placed tho necessary machinery on It anti commence1 sinking Work has been mini ever IlnC and n depth of nearly 400 feet ataine vein Is from twelve to width and the ore frurl wall to wall will mill from Si to per ton in freehold The successful working of the Mammoth- will causa mining men to invest In other mines In the dUtrlt now owned by men Io nblo to erect the necessary machinery for their successful working The owners of the Luck Boy and Illinois In lambrinus district worked consider- able ¬ oro this year that has patti them well A long tunnel Is notV running t rut the for- mer ¬ nt a depth of over 300 When this work Is completed tho mill wi 1 lie kept run- ning ¬ forty rh1 along wide ns the vein I front thirty to ARIZONA TUCSON Dee 1Tho mining Industry of this Territory Is tn the front Tho low price nf copper nndslher precluded tho Idea of orking our mines at a protlt to for the past four or live years there have beets only two copper properties und three or tour gold- mine operated Now that copper has reached a figure which leaves u small profit the pros- pector ¬ and buyer are oil a still hunt after mines- or urnspects and the con e iuence Is that the woods are full of men and manr Inquiries are being received dally for gold or copper prop- erties ¬ The Copper Queen people of Blsbea have taken the Thomas litigious mine near Tucson and havo IUU men doing developing work antI extracting or They ship to their smelters at Blsbeo there reduce It The mine hiss long been considered a good proposition but 1 It was difficult to Ret capital Interested owing to the low price offered for the produce but now nil Is changed As the Copper queen owner are miners tber call be no question think the good one E Grupo anti EI Cnmpanla owned by SurveyorGeneral Man- ning ¬ are developing Into great prurte They are near Altar Sonora propositions A new mill has been placed at ono of the mines The Montana mines owned by Mr W J Cheney of 1hlladelphla In the Anivaca dis- trict ¬ are looking finely The new mill erected last summer Is nlllDC to 1U full capacity and the ore Is perfection- The Mammoth lit Oracle which has been shut down for over a year has beets reorganized with 1 of S173UOO The will erect a worklufallal ice the property on a solid footing nt 11 has n run of fifty stamps an I from the tun nei anti the cost of hauling the ore that far has used up a large percentage oC the profits They now believe that 1 It will be cheaper to put the mill up there and pump the water t it rather titan to haul the tire so far The Tucson smelter hoot been running regu- larly ¬ for some months and If the ore clUnuo to come in as it has for tho few It will continue to turn out bullion This plant is OWIe and operated by an English company Santa Rita Mountains timers linn been dLcovr a most llntterlrg prospect for coal The geological formation Is nounced by experts tl be almost prlet pr prospect sbat is now down sLt small good lined coal Southern 1aclflo Hallrood coal expert pronounced all In- dications ¬ first class With coal at the present price 81080 per ton nothing can lw done with tho many lowcrodo IINlprtes The enormous quantities of In this vicinity ould Uecii several large plants ruiiulnu con- tinuously ¬ There I Is In the southern part of thl Terri- tory ¬ n mining community cnmpouil of Salva- tion ¬ Army people nliu niu woikinu their mine on the mutual plan each contributing his labor anti receiving Ills share of tOo profit Titers lure about lUi people In tIme rump Thehoiifiea are well built und comfortable There Is a large quantity of ore They work the mine well and are dm eloping slowly being In no hurry to take out itrent quantities of ore Timer have to pack oro on burros fifty miles and then ship- to Tucson for treatment The ore runs over f 103 pot toil M uniformly that Air Wore who buys all the output pays as soon as he receives the shipping receipt giving tho number of pounds Tio Pierce strike near Tombstone Is de ¬ wlolllni Into n good property Another now reported by rank Johnson who his been working a clams near time Bonanza big Pierce ledge bus been struck antI work I with vigor to ascertain Its dimen ¬ plcelnl claims are adjoining the Pierce group and mrs very valuable properties The mines In tbu Tombbtouo district are n a rule lying Idle The Contention Is sti Wing worked and Is paying nicely ono of the oldest claims In tho district- Mr John UonUolfo of Yuma was hero a tow days ego laklnl arrangements to 101101 his mines In PIntn near t of California t These mines are said to bo very rich nnd there Is plenty of water with which to work the ore Flue Congress mines juno proving to be ono of the greatest properties in Arizona Diamond Joe Reynolds of Chicago- befurohl death staked his all on these milieu started a railroad from tho fantn Fe system to bring In supplies and take out bullion hut did Riot live to set hula treat enterprise mature Mr Leach antI Jaae or Tjirabstono took i barge after Mr IfeynoldRs death and now this rail- road runt within threo miles of time mlll all bullion shipments tire regularly e employ ISO men In the mines and there are nearly as many more employed by the puny In und around time mill and offices ron mile was bonded to English capitalists hue booth ran out lust full the nmount being JfIOUOo 0 and the owners have declined to renew It Time Antelope mfnl owned by Royal A Johnson and i to be opened up The Antelop wax located by lien Johnson some nl he lisa expended a large nmount of money It and hiss proven It to bo good gold propositIon It Is about fourteen miles from Tucson A tVllllamtbnrab Fator Ootm to Worcester Thus flew Alexander l Lewis for nearly five year the pastor of the New England Congrega- tional ¬ Church South Ninth street Wllllhms burgh preached his farewell sermon yesterday morning At tho evening service he took Irare of life congregation Ho has accepted a call to the Pilgrim Church at Worcester Mass When Mr Lewis took charge nf the New Englnnd Cimigrsgatioral Churrh Us membership had dninillnl to alxnu 1 lOt Poring his pimtnrnle more tlmn10 have added Vi time roll and thu inembvikhlp nf the uiiday school has In cruised 1 lo UI A > ear nko Mr LewlndeUlind- n call I tn I fiiau CuuKiiiuilunul f t hunch at Ikurly Mats < W flP HEADS OF WHEELMEN A rajiExoioaisT XELIS irorr im MAY Kiruir rtixar To Tilt a Reorchcr Note the Width cad- HIOpS of Ills IIendr enll r Crlun of Proid Cyclists Theia Altrnr In Wb ton the Kind Who Lack Nerve and tha- CrmkBWh t Conitllatei Nn taped Trick BterelUtB hard to nUtlnctllsh but the Happiest Use of Alt r Un nlitaknbte Way to Gain Flesh How often we hear remarked particularly by young woman Ill never ride a bicycle as long a I live If Im going to ts sell doubled up sos haT a face that will scare crow like a share of the cyclists wo see nowaday t knew that I could ride at all gracefully and not touch along the road like Miss Plgcontoes or Mr Handcoff Id hat a wheel tomorrow t I 1 THE TIMID WnEELUAX 2 TUB HaUTKR It II commonly said of such and such a cyclist that ho l Is only trying to apo some one else to make folks think hues an old rider that It Is unnatural for him to sit like a dyspeptic monkey- and to scorch along like ma And this theory teems to be accepted by majority Hut there are persons who believe that custom antI the de- sire ¬ to Imitate are far from being altogether re- sponsible ¬ for the various positions and tenden- cies ¬ of cyclists and that t each riders mental and physical makeup may be traced his or her style and disposition on the wheel An old wheelman anti phrenologist who to demon- strate ¬ this belief has critically observed hun- dreds ¬ his of blcrcllt gives some of the results of J S- J t 1 THE 2 TiE v SEIVIS I Is every wheel- man ¬ to b For much the same Is apt to b awk ¬ war and pulpit many per- sons ¬ fal In time attempt to b lithe and graceful on a bicycle I ones heath wide at the ears In proportion t Its height mind diameter from the centre of the ear forward showing In other things more force and execution than polish and propriety he will never give a thought to how he should sit his saddle propel his wheel his one aim Is to get there This head on a dell rate body often forms a disastrous combination for cycling for tbe wheelmans ambition I Is like ¬ ly to run away with his phrsicalblt and he will persist In riding are ex ¬ hausted musce To tel an habitual scorcher Us only neces- sary ¬ to up his head nnd hotly A head of the broad sort just described that slopes ab- ruptly ¬ at about where the hat touches above the oars Is pretty certain to belong to scorcher and If In addition the person Is dark complex loned and In good physical form the evidence is conclusive He will scorch regardless of everything and a fall that would snake the av- erage ¬ person discard the wheel altogether will apparently give him new Impetus Tho mentioned Indicates an absence of caution slop the recklessness nf the wheelman depends largely on the size of that organ If it slopes gradually the disposition to scorch may still bo active but he will avoid In dangerous corhlnl places The heads of rule seem to the bter Shied out at cautiousness than those of 1 TiE HABITUAL SC nCRFn 2 Tile EXPERT IACEI To toll a wheelman who always thinks him self strictly correct In riding and faultless on his wheel observe the back of his too head At this point the lured will par upward and back- ward from tIme ear showing selfesteem When this part Is prominent you mar bo sure Its owner will not cek advlco from anybody He will have his own ideals on the way to dress and the way to ride and what suits him will Imvo to bn tolerated brothers He will mount his wheel with an air of being the only bicyclist on earth and ho might a well be so far as hula ever de- riving any benefIt from the method and experi- ences ¬ of other wheelmen Among the people generally In this country selfesteem Is found to ito lioorly developed notnhly among women A cyrllst who will wheel on n hot summer flay nnd wear a derby hit mil starched shirt with high collar and Is a victim if large nelfehtecm anti the woman whoopposes comfortable blcvclu dress and clings to a lonl walking skirt Is apt to be of the mme Such a person usually avoids bicycle clubs and has few companions- when riding ALWAYS IN BTVtE ii When I man or a woman save Oh I like to ride a whet because soandso does be- cause ¬ you Its just the thing alt may depend on finding tbat persons lint wider bf hind than In front There will be a nntlcrublo breadth to the upper and nark part of the html where Is located epprobatlvonets faculty that strives to nlcano everybody unlleral cir- cumstances ¬ It Is easily found Is usually not lard to determine Is bicyclist who burdens hula wheel with every now attach- ment ¬ the minute It conies out Ilslts on having thus latest thlngln dress smut Cite Imewost tnamIminu on the market la Influenced by aplrblthenesl He 11 spend its much timne alll I his bicycle ns In rlllne It and great delight wiil be to keep thoroughly roitrd on the very best bicycle etiquette To sit erect or to sit at a right anglo Is nil thosamn to huitIkif It I Is In good form bicycle face hi cycle feet are mutters nf itcerMtv to him If ha Is told they mark the genuine thcciman The heads of seamen In show larger appro ballveness than the Fends of men j but I In wh pl this organ will tempered by wen 1jlmal b sense of selfe to m- Appropatlveneis leads tome cyclists to attempt century runs for the mere take or anti when very large and not raralne by nlgber Im nh811 sure to work wheelmen who tay they fee no pleasure at all In riding top speed preferring- to go along moderately Snob ones ar ulf timid by Icoroher and sometimes properly apple More often however their conduct I Is denned by the word cautious In tho case of reckless daredevil rider the top bed Is Plnphc and narrow ears careful and lowgolng wheel- man Is wide and mil at that pint signIfying goodsited cautiousness lie location Is wher the head begins tn round off to form this top I perpendicular line with the back of tho and Its site can usually bo estimated with little trouble Cyclists with largo caution should generally do avoid crowded thoroughfares for their own f abe A title of only three or four mills say on lower Uroadway or any of our busy avenues tnlaht so tax the nerves of such n person through constant fear of accident as to fatigue his whole body while he would unruly feel a spin of Jlfleen miles on a clear road For this reaol any one who has cautiousness very Ja may expect lulls com- fort ¬ on tho wheel New York Moreover unless he be an exception to the rule he will spend the best part of his time looting utter Juts own condition and that of his machine- It has been said that when A wheelman ap- plies ¬ for admission to a club the first thing to regard I the diameter of nls heat just above time ea and also Its diameter about an Inch and a half behind this point Here are found destructiveness and corbaUlenes If tho head Is wide I In shows only moderate caution anti a scanty frontal develop ¬ ment look out ton a fighting and quarrelsome disposition Wheelmen of mistype are never satisfied with their machines and are always contending for time Impossible They favor the tOlal abolition of street sprinklers the an nlhllatlngof every dog In town and always con- sider ¬ time rights of other subordinate to their own No motion club Is valid unless theyre present to second It Such characters will argue for hours on time merits and demerits of two wheels that are In every way Identical In the hope of stirring tip a row To persons with these characteristics can be traced the cause of much ill feeling by nnnwheoimen toward the cycling fraternity In detecting this type the structure of tho front head Is of vital Importance for destructlvenrss and combative- ness properly balanced and restrained are found In tho most popular and expert wheelmen The cranial structure of Zimmerman tho worlds champion rldor reveals both of the abovementioned organs prominently bat his forehead Is full and well shaped and holds the reins so to say of his marked energy and reso- lution ¬ Another feature of Iramermana hOld which I Is peculiar to all expert bicyclists height above destructiveness This organ I Is the key to lila pcr cverancr and is known as firm- ness ¬ It gives one the tenacity of purpose nec- essary ¬ to accomplish difficult tasks Few crack wheelmen ran boost of a front head so wel suited to proficiency In directing their can Zimmerman In selecting a man for the work of expert bicycle riding good general health and n high degree of physical dOTelop ment are of course Indispensable qualities without an equally welladapted brain are not sufficient His head must bo wide In the middle and posterior section and must be cor¬ respondingly high from that point These characteristics Insure force and stability The forehead also should be of fair height as with this additional equipment ono will be able to discover various means and methods commonly overlooked by others and to use them advan- tageously ¬ Ha will kuow enough moreover- not to transgress tho law of health A freak amonit bicyclists Is the trickster and very close scrutiny Is required to single him out He lifts all the organs of the expert racing man but they appear In a modified form Cautiousness i Is only medium and among the organs of the back head combativeness rules This faculty makes him cool and courageous Then to regulate his equilibrium In difficult performances he possesses the organ of situated just above the two eyes and welFht distance from the root of the nose weight I Is largo tht eyebrow Is pressed by It Weight Is one of four organs found just above the etc and of tImers second from tIme nose This faculty te trick bicyclist must have It makes him fund of thb sport and Rives him skill and Trace In balancing and mamriivrtng his wheel In a person who I In able for instance to ride his machine twenty or thirty yards on a fourInch surface tIme locality and sire of weight might to bo apparent to any one It I Is weight that gives command over the muscles In performing any feat requiring an application of the laws of gravity and one In whom It Is large Is sitld to have a steady head Heres how to distinguish tho mast enviable- of nil the knights of the wbrolthlY who get tIme most real benefit out head wilt appear to have no special development what- ever ¬ and to bo smooth and symmetrical In width It will he proportionate tn Its length and height ant although the Identical traltoI the other classes are present they me- dium ¬ strcneth and are of no more Importance- In such a head than perhaps n dozen other or ¬ gans here Is not en ouch cautiousness to cause timidity and too little selfesteem and firmness for conventionality Tho forehead Is likely to rise gradually and the top back lured will form- a natural curve downar Wheelmen of this class have what harmonious head the power of no one organ being sufficiently large to excltl disturbance among the other nytlng thn contour or the should not forget to consider the body as well While n person physically wellbuilt antI welch ¬ log 170 pounds may bo naturally fretful and easily upset u reduction in weight of thirty or forty pounds wilt greatly exaggerate his condi- tion ¬ It Is not unusual for both wheelmen smut whoclwomen In America to have more brains than body The best remedy for this state of things l Is to make flesh by rldlnl no faster and comfort no further and than I conHlltontwllones personal KNABEXtj- tv Artistw AO7os- tn flare ftoiwy Woods Also fine amiortuttnt or llalitlr used liNAlin Orundi ririghis unit Hqnarm fully wiirrnnlril u liberal rrdnrllon Irons original prIce and urcaadhuBii mtco or other makes nt sill prim for rash or on Monthly ln lnllfnrn < 148 Fifth Avenue J I a 1 ClintSTUAS IltFSENTU- CIIKAI Before moving will dispose of itwi of Cnur and Ihnio- rntterUli forntll farmtr prices Uhf 8COVIIL ft A I AMS CO ot K Y ggp froonic St N Y I T SLEEP AND REST- For Skin Tortur- edBABIES And Tire- dMOTHERS In One Application ol uticuraDrti- nr Cum TflTATMSWWATDI bath with CtmctraA SoAr gentle applIcations of CUTlcmt ointment Mul mIM doirs of Ctticuiu llcioLT- XKT the tow blood purifier M4 Ihmnthnl lk remIt sod Mprelitly by Eatllih n4 AiDTlrin hmblln1 ho iirlntlfwl cllln Illltlilt fluxiti F Ntiriiir I Etnrt + t I London Purees C a Cum Cole Sole Stamen U A lp s t j For Gnuiiio Itrs L is t I abLe Stycs lit Lowest Po t vn I for Re mb o Gd Is W i elm i SHAYNe Manufait nti I 124 1 4Ji Steet I TAFFY rnox zr The Illcli rblnrie Slateimani Talk to HUhop neiidrlx About MUiloniirle- Fiom the art cue Timrt Bishop E II Hendrix who hiss been making on extended trip through China Japan and Cora arrived in Kansas City yesterday Bishop Hendrlx was the bearer of an auto- graph ¬ letter from President Cleveland to the Ministers and Consuls of thin United States abroad requesting them to ntTord him every oDortunlty of investigating the present status of missions In tho Orient anti he was thus afforded possibilities of Insight which could have been obtained In no other manner I have had live mouth abroad sail tho Bishop and have brought back many me- mentoes ¬ of my trip 1erhaps tho utmost val- uable one I N n large photograph of LI luna hang with his autograph In Chlncto tens together 11 n list of lila titles and a dedication to LI Hunl Chang with whom I hAd thus honor personal audi- ence ¬ Is most heartily In sympathy with Amer¬ leans especially missionaries nnd ho re- peated ¬ again and again time great obligations under which China rested to them Ho also requested that I give the fnllnulng mesunjro as coming from hll direct tn the American churches nnd nnd which ho sell rx- IIpo11 his loc IUI purtlcutmly regarding time ml <1onnries- Siv to time American penplo for me tend over more inett nnd women for t hI arhnolannd hospital I and I hot to be In a l position both t aid and to 11 them rise grout viceroy Is especially Interested In our rnllrondsrontiriuel time speaker amid I Is miming all piiDslhle to Induce the Chinese lo build railroads thrmiRhunt the empire Ono of time chief reasons why China was so badly beaten by Japan was time Inability of the former tn nines how troops China Known this and sho hue learned a good lefson by time iscuert chastising chic received I look t set many loads built thero rvfon11 far t Pekln Is l JsleeloI bj ontrRrors anxious construction principal obstacle to their Iuldlnl I Is found Souring tho lathe labor- ers ¬ hlulnl In done by and the curlers Infringement upon their prerogatives In ut err nglv manner threatening to Shirt n rehrlolit a moments notice and uIlrtrol The different depart ¬ lents tho Internal government of time em ¬ notoriously Official Inadequate pre- ferment ¬ I Is purchased prices as to I lead I to un rrlullUS mien of this brief tenure of ofuro In or reimbursement For ex ¬ IIII tho lieu honk of Chlnl makes the af the Tnotl who < Chlnn worth snmo MOOO lucid Iii tael I Is ono ant onethird dolianti hut his actual lucumo Is hetneeu- Iiooooo nnd JUIOOIIh I His I olllcc scat him nn outlay of IUO talil befurohe could enter hits ofllelnl gunmen and doubtless i It will rust him 1 InrKB sum imnimlly until It In put up- HKuIn to time highest bidder No onder then that tho mandarin Is the great Ion of Chinn timid n lettered bureaucracy the tourro of her greatest nvakneiH- Tho reeent immarrc of missionaries In limit trims leallv i it very exceptional affair < inc thinK unmet be retmiemimisucil f In China tutu fmelim merchant nearly nil itslde nn ur near limo ten coast In the open mine rite mLslnn- nrles however lmwi penetrated 1HOO miles Inland rnrrylna the betel of unit nearly In t the horsIer of Thibet Tho lillllliK of time mlfMonarli referred to happened however quilts neiir I time 4m ir3nst lint seven or tho lead em of the murderers have been caught tried timid beheaded The feeling ncalnBt them WM very hitter Fake It nil In mill however I real Iv think thrt timings lire Mtttlni dnnn over tlirro that Chlnn will enr 1IIIcIH rll her recent experience Ire8t and Its bulldlim will ho cruised at ni wnl history by time great rullioad line It must mine ali II llunir IIII thl urrntenl illplo- mut of day rca i of Chum Is heartily In sympathy with time inncirc Khot nod Killed 1IU I Ilrolhcrtolnw Tans Dec Slames Vaughn shot and aU met Instantly killed his brotherinlaw WU lam Watson at an early h hour this morning la Inters saloon la Harutogn street Cohunes WnUon It I H said Iliad unhappily with his wife Iho wits Vnughn uliiier anti I there was an unplrusatniitMi existing between tV men II contniuunir Vaiiulin It l he alleged entered raloon IsIs 10rnlnl mat after u iiiinrrH drew n revolver 111 once Thu bcillst WaUun skull the linac ami ho ltrol tern arl VniiKhn antu 1tbut pro Illmnl Iiste ignorance uf tlu ALONGf J OF WILLIE DUNN rlUUIBNDOUl roTtttiR oven visa QVKEJt GOLF JtULEK Either SItu er the Other Way Is lb AI Proper Way wad the Oolf World liars nbont is Interested U the Mutter Willie Dunn has Ion and done it lie ha been time cause of a great deal of ovrblate argument and Indirectly lisa mldo I ertll amount of money change pocket All too lihpponcd on the Sunday when Mr Dann ha the recklessness t Rive his views- on Iot which differ Cf materially from mot of time athorltle on tIm game 1 PDTT1KO VIU INTO IT Of course at the golf clubs the the subject of Ilo deal of discussion are a few near Now York athletically Inclined do not run tho arrest If they appear on Sunday In knlcker bookers and a sweater Instead of a white choker collar and a black coat At ono of laese rea war ralC oionousiy as soon a me man who had newspaper hod cae to read InTlils eloquent and nasal the lews of Willie Dunn about the proper post ton for the drlvnl 1nl a golf ball most successfully- over ire anACircr One of the men who used to collect stamps when ho was a schoolboy and later coected actresses photographs ha turned his mania Into a new field and now bat that ho ha all tho golf literature that appeared In this country since the real Inception of the game abut two years ago He was wol arme for argument and cited book bk oppo- sition ¬ to Mr DIII Of course man who lied read article In Tnt fitly and in his opinion han performed his k with rath- er ¬ unusual spirit and address was ready to up¬ hold the wisdom of this now view on the green- at odds of two to one A awiNd or HIS OWN INVENTION The putter hud long since disappeared aud the awkward rquad of tho club consisting of I certlll Judi and 1 gentleman who nlwnf when time cut hlmsl shalnlll wa deep In y of time principles laid down by Mr Dunn < Ther wu a bright sun and the Judge had his blue glasses and waa reading tho ulrertloiiH tn the man of the plastered cheek who enraged himself to dn battle with the hall according to time commandments of Willie 4 4 IIONT MVISO HIST CHOP So the qunrrrltnmn mrmlx formed thin most approved Miinlrlrtlo nUmt the experimenter ansi awaited the flirt trial Ilnck the ruth In a wavering I lurIlowl It rnin with A 10lt alI I a whlmln mid rack went tho stcl an inch or two nlxm thu m rk of time Thn awkward Bfjimd humid hilly demon atratrd to their invii dlufcatlRfartlon the OUl fit tility of tho theories and advice printed In Tun HUN by ono Dunn This was the signal for other experiments A caddy was sent oil to the village for a supply of Sunday SUNK Under the vigorous hand- ling of the collected debaters time original copy wise slowly atMimlnpthanpwarancoof n white vest that had ben slept In for a week It was wrinkled and and hud ben pinned to aether by the awkward squad that I did not read straight rho unfortunate hm pricked his finger while peformlng this deed of kindness and hind sworn ns only tho habltu ally clumsy CURS can swear He had han picked up his broken driver and departed- over the I links with the judge for amino after his own Imperfect but comparatively latlsfoo- Thnn sorT methods the beathlcss caddy appeared with a of Stilts on his heal the seekers after made for him Bud scattered his pile pf literature to them wlndsnl except time of Mr Dunn Tos distributed partiality collector of golf and the original mcvmngor of the gospel fell to on their match with 850 on and 833 on Spalding Undmlnton and rest o THE PROPER POSE One man perceptibly taller when ho suddenly mao jew discovery that ho had been playing just as Dunn advised Another man who at first had boon rabid for the Ha minIon method anti took an especial them prolonged and graceful swing and coucho- couche waggle before addressing time ball be ¬ came an Insane partisan of Mr Dunns as ho beheld hU golf ball whlzrlng In along low powerful fight to 200 yards from the tee An- other ¬ man who la heavy and not very apt at chanting what he has once learned strained his loft ankle by resting his weight too rigor- ously ¬ on it The match was pursued under the auspices of several spectators The most rigid obser- vance ¬ of tIme rules laid down by Dunn and Bad- minton ¬ was demanded of each champion Behind each trudged his bottlo holder In the person of a man who carried with him the dogmas of the side to be upheld The Dunn moan hind a lathe antI measured with much pre- cision ¬ the attitude of his principal and the pro i THE couciiEEcoucriEr WACO IE- ier position of liii feet Time Badminton Eccond kept an eye more particularly on tho general form of his man and encouragid a swIng which threatened to twist him oil at the waist fur the Badminton apostle Is a sylph and can sit in a chair with hln feet on tho mantel place mind still bo comfortable The result of tim match was unsatisfactory This might have been prophesied front tho be- ginning ¬ but would not havo prevented tIme godless match for gold which occurred last Sunday It cannot bo denied that time hind nlnton man won and that ha has 50 In hU pocket atrl has been smoking some very good cigars this week On the other hand It maw be denied but to deny It is dangerous that lImo Wllllo Dunn disciples had time eternal excuse of tho defeated golf plover beastly bud luck It Is nlso certain that stnco ho has pail 50 for a belief imm Mr Dunns method he linn become only the nnn Irmly convinced of the merit of those nethods and ho has been prmuttsimig according to them for a week with nn Idea of taking his revenge and establishing an nn undisputed law on how to play golf them opinion of Wlilto Jimn LOADING DZCF An Industry that Ooee Flhiirlihed In Per f> cllon In a Tenne ee Town Yarn I he Knunlll Journal A reporter noticed In a shop window n pair of lice They were Innocentlooking little white bones mind he hail quite forgotten them when henrpprletor remarked Thems loaded Whats loaded F Why the dice Oh the reporter ejaculated Time proprl lor picked up time dire soil throwing them on the counter said Come seven and sure enough seven came Sortie rome else pitched them antI five turned up limit lieforo he could make another five to pain his pnlm tiiat fatal mitten showed Its mice actiln and no It nent time five nod tin two ninkluz time buen three out of ii to hotK Thorn nre only two own In time city who cnn or will jdiul dim Dm proprietor explained Before Joneit turned loo e on the kambris one t a i ild tret ii 1 nml SOi fur Imidlngn I pair of I lee and i If fI lie job wnsdlllleult I I t you rnuld get veil mure ilmn that jut now i Is n very goal brice and there U less to do thin tlieioomu was at tiny price Iluce wore Inailid for n regular cnmhllntt house and creek slit will nnur recognize time I rim iiidn the Job right requires u uood deal 5Sf Hltlll ammO pain You born tutu f > c nnd flour iii yniirineieiiry or l haiti In > our lend If you mme mercury It must Iwln th foini of nuickill ver Mercury Is probably I lie lit l I thouirli u hIm > lend lnit i ill aii > wer lit piiriioienf tin ir Innry tilts I qu lieu tnke u lilt it Ivory and lii ttlng t i U In tho plug olin trt lnk time euu I H titus louder immiitriismmmh l his Iniolneix tint Is nn iii ufesitiiimmi o him in delect thu ru mimi Not i In make tilt wclttlit xutpldnu ou cnn tiny and leave liolliiw that ldo nf time site fur which It Is jostled ojiiet lines there I Is Wu money In t the hmmii ness About a i sit r HU ° when dice were time nan with gentlemen of 1 t Iho rieen i loth n imrlv ut local giiuililers remit nil IlnHnyln Colnrnili for an es tint tn I coin e uul dn t the r I llttln trick lie mine und In rue nlnht hit ami Its rmiusii tilt lime mgsummr fur ftmouu The next dnrheid iiriirilto th lltmkllil That iniin tutu simm 0 linteil cnmbler I In I Ilincity i I Jt us ns ii unit t thin u t time hut Chief Ailklni nfler I hi > lisp hulls a rail mi HIIIIP iifitnriiiiis suit placed mOm ttbmIiji Ion n pair nriiwlhd sib o sill him Imlie ieakimsg sit ti iii ileeof illee 11 or in Is let unit thrill nir lluln In some title Inhere time lieu are Inuled In n prnfrkilnnnl is ny nut tn order hut fur nuulnr mile illia that ulthoiii I lielmdnronnrtli about mi rents t with i t lend willI ttai > ou 1 1H Hut nflir sill Clint lnt iuc aLluil for thus in urn she Imuillrs thtm rlghl l is TO DRAW PAIIISII LINKS rITItftn jircttKAnri CATT TO nt j- ro zIitrIYO K- nerettfler the Lathnlle In lila flatiss Ink I Mtint Atlenil thin rsrishs tlinrrh ITlliry rixpnet to Keeelve time Hiiernmrnts fnun J Its lrlests t nnrt fin Ilnelril Iran it In his calendar for the month which wasds- trlbttted lo Ills rnncresnllon yesterday the ler- Dr Charles McCrendy rector of llcily cr Roman rnthollr1 Clilmli on West IVirtysprnid street between Hlphtli nnd Ninth ntemics- tonchcs Btroncly upon tho que tlon of pirnrh11 right which has lately agitated tniinj of tin Calholto churches In this city nnd whli h rilled forth an expression of opinion from ArhhMmp Corrlxnsi nt lImo recent triennial xjnoil of iu diocese when tIme Archbishop rrnfnrincd tin html rule governing parochial relations Tin ruin had within baLd years fallen Into almost romplole disuse and loud therefore thorntighlr- ilcmorallred parochial limits In ninny quarter so that In porno cases rectors scarcely knew to what pnrlsh their hearers belonged while la others they found that persons front their nna pnrtsu were in too niwt nr attending n churrh In another parish although still demanding the Administration of the sacraments ant hiirll- frbtn time pastor they had In reality deserted The Holy Cross parish suffered from the Iran heal desertion of members who were neon tamed to attend divine worship nt St Ilnpliaclt Church on West fortieth street between Tf ntlj and Eleventh avenues n little more than twO blocks distant In liii calendar the Hev Mr MoCreadvsnys i It will be In the memory of tho people Holy Cross parish that the rector baa had occasion ta complain from time to time of the number of i people who whllo Btlll living within the well defined boundaries of the parish had gone ta other churches thereby withholding from thelit own church the support that they wore expected to give to It Tha rector did not so much hiatus the people who believe rightly or wrongly that In hearing mass on Sundays In any church they satisfied all their obligations But ho did think that li wa hardly fair to place a new church that was originally intended to take in the out lying and adjoining portions of two parishes equally within two blocks of Holy Orou Church but at a safe distance of eight blocks from them church of the other parish is This abnormal proceeding wa onforta safely aggravated about the same time by tho ecclesiastical superiors alvlnc a now Internre alien to an old law which had been on tha statutes of the diocese from tho very beginning and which seemed In the past to work admir- ably ¬ This regarded the conditions under which people living outside of tnoparlsn might be come practically members of time church of that parish and receive tho sacraments on the sama footing ns member living within the boundar les of that parish The old Interpretation said In order to enjoy these privileges it la abac lutely necessary that the persons have n bona tide seat or pew In the said church On tha other hand the new reading of the law was con- strued < to mean that it was only necessary ta attend and pay for a seat on Sundays In this church outside one own parish or to bo an at V tendent for three months In order to partake of i all the privileges of a regular member of that church Though the rectors of this city were not n a body consulted regarding the innovation yet with all that respect for authority for which they are welt known they wore willing to give tho change In them interpretation the benefit of o trial A good deal depended upon how the rec- tor ¬ of neighboring parishes would look upon anti act upon the change Time unfortunate position of Holy Cross In relation to one of time churches just on Its borders SU Raphaels already alluded to and the nd vantages which the prlesta of thnt neigh ¬ boring church took of the change with an eagerness and zeal far from commend ¬ able proved to ns at once how disastrously the new Interpretation would work against us Time methods so employed are well known to the poe pIe of this parish The result was that In a short time from three to four thousand of the people of Holy Cross had become regular at- tendants ¬ of the other church The pcopln thus drawn away front their allegiance to their own parish church did not perhaps reflect that i ihey were guilty of injustice to their own par sh For this reason in obedience boOm to the decrees of the Council of Baltimore arid to his p own ordinary our Archbishop tbo rector of Holy Cross about this time undertook to build t school for the accommodation of all the chll V dren of the parish He did build it and > Incurred a debt of over 80000 Ho had calcu- ated 1 on the active cooperation of all hIs ptyv pie that they would help bear thin burden each taking his part But the withdrawal of these K three or four thousand people left their share to r be borne by the other members of the parish Which considering that we had relied on their npport equally with the others was hardly juss either to the rector or the parishioners who had remained faithful to their obligations The nec- tar as often as the occasion offered remonstrn- td respectfully but unsuccessfully with his su- perior ¬ until finally other rectors mado objec- tion and there wa an almost unanimous de- mand ¬ for a return to the gout old interpretation of the law Each for himself hail seen how un- fairly the change had operated and our most reverend Archbishop at lost generously acceded to the wishes of tho rectors as expressed through his council In brief then unless they rent or pay for a pew or seat in a neighboring church people cat no longer be flattered by the premises and soc- ial ¬ attentions of the priests of that church They can no longer have their sick calls attended by priests from outside they cannot have Itchy children baptised married outside of their own parish This will put an end once for all to the evil results arising from a divided allegiance and the unsettling of consciences unseemly in- vasion of the rights of another parish the frlc tion arising front the presence sometimes of two priests from different parishes at the chamber of death and tho spirit of faction generated among the laity by misrepresenting the motive of those who wish to do their duly conscien- tiously among tho people Intrusted to them A rOUXO DESPERADOS SZRTF No Tnek of ABiiullltr Toward the Ocntl men Who Had Come to Slang Him from the Omaha World Herald J K Chambers Union Depot ticket agent when In a reminiscent mood cnn toll many in- teresting stories of tho West In early days He was in the service of time Government at Sydney when that town was thin toughest place In No irnska If not In the West and from whence persons hound for tIme Black Hills etirted A few days ago 3Ir Chambers was sitting In time Milwaukee city ofllco antI time conversation turned to early days in time trmisMIsourl coun- try nnd bravery Time man of Iron nerve I saw In Sydney In 77 Bald Mr Chambers was n beardless man scarcely more than a boy anti I thould ridge had not reached hU majority Ho win ii tough man even In Sydney nnd hln lupuln thin was sustained for lie always cnrrloiln rtm olvcr nnd ho would shoot nt I tho drop oft- Ime hat His name was Done Heed It Was sail around town that hn would never dlo n natural death That t turned nut t me as lie was lynched by n mnli nno incrn- ng nnd thus Is where huillnplnyed hIs neiw Time lynchcr took t Ito keys and ii ii mm kid he doors anti went Into tIme cell wheie Itcid- ras Ho was pranking n clinic when the mon come In anti when hit saw them ho looked im- pas cool as you plentc- tlood i evening gentlemen I f upnn n vii are going to limit me out ansi hnnir mimi hi MU I am luiinhnlently ns though ho wiisn Kltiirtl I tint- to taken drink Ho wits told thai ho HIISC- Irect In his mipposltlon lit got up as unconcernedly ns son nleii- nd IUtllruc i on his coat Jie itimirhel I thnt I usa nil renilv If lie rest mu iri I 1U w I irouuli tutu jaIl and oit Into time inonnl still fiinokliiir his clcir nnd tven mnklnu iiiKit of xmnhi lio tlmplv clniufil Imp i tit iiiicin anil tiirnlnu tn one nf Ihu men n 1 Urn whore hu wns KOHK lo he vim nir n- in I t tluit It vns if id ii < i rIIln n mnu n 5- tim MI nut Into hut rountiv- Hi S I smuts mulched up I tint street to ft I tin rniill IMihi that Mood III tlio icrj limit I n I n own lly thl < flume half tlin tutu iteptill In round A rile hail IHCII hroiiulit ulniik I it wns hllphcd cuer bin lieiil and iii i ts a h MI d- I cnnt climb that pnlii nnd full ml I unlit tn hive a liiddfr si ns I cnn tet IIP aid nml niiinllnuly I u ladder win lirnmht t ii I ilniCl turning time piie In vas ulrl It hut I iSis tithmmg to say iud I iiiirulcd tl i idnl nnd If lie lind he vuiuldnl Win n- in liter tutu pi iced iialllit Iho liile tam nl i immimm nlai tid mmii lo tic one end of tic role n I lio imlii- Vnu neednt ilo Hint I In mid fur I sshl i nmvlml HICIV lords nUmt m > ult slim I it lime rords ero liinMiun nnd I In II i mlii thu iinlo D fir ns th hi li i u ii ienel I thii ris i aninil i Il i i U mil ilnnn I ifs lie list II i n in over I the I Hind nir iry qi letl > tlni smith i iii d i ibiiiit itii Iiaut lii Jill ind itflie ii Met in a few iiilnilli iii UMis I ii Iti I hem Ill mini nevr I n A I in mini tlll mi Ii I nil i ui a I lii u- UHll L tim 11 hit HU I ifil I ll I ili I mint

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Page 1: · I t r 81 I 1 lrJ 4 T THE SUN MONDAY DCEMflft218O f r I I vi-I y AFTER GOLD AND SILVER j nvxiirrn-OflE1

I tr


I 1 lrJ 4 T THE SUN MONDAY DCEMflft218Of


I vi-







Mine Bale



> M Crtpplaf Creek Tha Brcet Output nt ApeaI

t Fur Reported TherHI fader OldIdnho prTbe Ia rened Price ofCopper Ulvea a New Impetni In Arlseaa

4 DKXYEH flea 18 At Cripple Creek old minesare shipping regularly and adding new ma¬

cblnel to oxpedlte operation new mine arecoming to the front ashippers anti lessees nrf jl


producing value from properties covering a

I wldo area Tho reports of now lease securedof option granted of bond given of com-panies


lI j forming and of prospect showing fa-


Indications cannot alt brecordd In aiI1 brief nrtceTho Mary Yellow Jacket and Tri-


tf on the northwest elope of Hattie Moun-


I wore sold a few days ago for 100000 tHunt of tho Mooio mine and othersWar Bprlngs payments to be distributedIf over a period of nine months Tho Llttlo Mary

tt belongs to the Creedo and Cripple Creek Com-pany


and has been worked by lessees duringthe year The Yellow Jacket has a shaft

i eighty feet deep showing twelve inches of oret Incorporated companies with stock s lnlon

I I the exchanges of tho State are disposing someI of their holdings by cash sale which must neces-


affect Hhe market value of such stocksMany companies of this kind have propertlosnn-der111 lease and bonds and Investors In stockt baIns their purchase upon the holdings of tho com-panies


I must understand that the property Isi liable to pal from tho hand of thee compa-


I under sales at tho expiration of bonds andtea The Creeds and Cripple Creek Com-pany


owns the Little Mary which has just beensold and another claim belonging t this com-pany


I Is bonded for 830000A Colorado Hprlngs prospector claims to have

uncovered a vein four feet wide down on WitIon Creek eight miles below Crlpplo Creekwhich Is beyond tho known extent of the min-eral


belt of this district A mill return of sev-eral


hundred pounds of this ore went 28 ttheton Over one hundred miners and prospectorslire In that district looklnl for veins TheStraub Tunnel bi begun operationsIn that district to open Btraub Mountain and

I explore It adepth for veinsTUB uoiaen nope company wiucago cor-


I at a depth of thirtyseven feet In IIt1property the Gladstone came tipon a fourfoot

I vein of pay ore In which an clghteenlnchstreakIn the vein runs SCO to 8200 to the ton TheCripple Crook exploitation syndicate of London

I lies secured an option on tho Lucky Cues ouBull Hill for 8150000 by n payment of 3000-InI cash the remainder to be paid beforo Feb 241800 The syndicate has several other claimsand mines under option Tho frallrolplrlnl

3 In the saddle between Ball tt moun-tains


t has been sold for S1MOOOO propertyhas been Idle lOllonl time owing to disagree-ment


between owners C M MncNell nndassociates havo for 00000 secured 091 feet ofthe Colorado City one of the Wisconsin groupIn the saddle between unit nniHiattlo moun-tains


I It Is probable that before ninnyI f If some new strikes will bo recorded woek


north end of tho district beyond tho presentproducing area

I The HumboldtConeolidatcd UnlngCompanyho secured a number of properties

I and machinery habeen purchased to open uptJ the claims4 I There seems to be no lull in the interest In thet now camp in West Creek thirty miles north

of Cripple At present the town lot speculationIE teems to he most important The character of

the ore sfar discovered eeems to be IIdenticalwith that of Cripple Creek Some high assays

i have been reported but none ho been wended11 The few lodes that have been uncovered havo

been cash veins In granite The values averageV under 5 a ton though some ores hove assayed

hu upto SIS a ton It will require time and depth toprove the value of the Creek district Ther il country Is now staked oft for dye miles In everydirection and the population already numbers

4 nearly 1000In Leadvllle the sale of the Fret Hose and

I Valley claims to A M Levy and of Chi-cago

¬Is reported The owners will operate tbolr> purchase through the Gold Eagle Mining andMilling Company There Is In sight at leastIi 0100000 worth of ore 150 to tho

tton Leadvllle men haveaveralul lease on the

C It Humboldt and the north end of the BelgianI which leawaInduced by a recent discovery

l of or the main workings of theI Belgian Turbot recently uncovered alarge streak of high grade lead ore and shipl menu will be made as soon oro canWI il l l blocked out The Mahala is shipping 50 bI dally new body of sulphide ore dis-


h duringi the summer by tbe aid of thediamond core drill ConsiderableIs being done in the Mosquito proapeetnl

I II ton company Is now negotiating for a lease onI the noted London mine In that district and Ifsatisfactory a tunnel of 3000 feet will bo runI to connect with the present worKings materi-ally

¬tI L reducing the cost of operations

In Aspen the A J management haveI I r to sink their incline deeper and docldeI

I lower workings of the Mullle Gibson A largeI amount of high grade mineral Is being taken

out1bleln the lower level considerable ore Isi I out preparatory t shipment at

the pleasure of the company It is reportedthat the management are trying to bear theI

lilock on tblark tat theymayobtain



The Mallle Gibson Is still sinking and driftingat a depth of 000 feet with satisfactory resultsI Tho ground from the fourth level up Is

worked by lessees and some large and beloJpockets have been found The company is now-wepaningtoopenthaaround between the seT¬

enth and fourth levels lessees and surveyorsI pro now engaged cutting up the territory intoI lockwhich will be put on the market on thek onusltm within a tow days It was betweenII te third levels that the first richbody was discovered which sent the stockfrom 40 centa eh are to f1250 and it is ex-


new blokot leased ground willcommand a stiffI On the first of the month the P closed

r the ground below the twelfth Delto lesseesand In future the company will operate thatI portion of the property Thoreaaon for this Isthe recent valuable discoveries made In thathuortionottbemlno Tbe deepshaft enterpriseto drain the famous mines of Aspen at greatdepth 1 very likely be pushed rapidly earlynext The outputororel from Aspen at this

l J time Is the greatest known in the history of thof Aj camp Over in Ashcroft more than twentyliveclaims are being worked by prospectorsL defY In Ore the great companies operatlugalongis 4t the vein bavo united in a tunnel en

i terprlse by which they wl open this vein ton aq distance of 8000 feet great depth makingthe operations less expensive than at proientIt will require two and onehalf years to co-mplot

¬I the tunnel

t i WYOMINGLAIUUIE Do 18 Charles S Chrysler nnd

i N N Smith representing the Rocky flangeGold Company have secured a bond upon a

it group of mine In the Herman districtnear thisthe sum named Thabo A deposit of hln averaging 10 arae Tbeyareeasyofaccesswith plentywater and other requirements formining The company will push de

1 work ana will put In a stamp mill atonenivr MEXICO

DEIIIHO Ieo 18A month ago a raveIn ocC our red In the Mountain Key shaft In the 1inosj Altos dllrlet The shaft is belnl retlmberedf A 11 up this year successfully

the ores from thu wasto dumps of thisJ property The Pacific mine Is being workedr steadily with a force of men andc the blr mill near Bllver City iIs kept going nightand day Tho Uolden Want mine Is to ber worked on an extensive scale the work of re-opening


I f i the property being steadily carried onThe Pipes Altos district seems to beh The long Impending salo of prosperlnl


l 3l Carlisle district has finally been effected Thot claim are the BnrprUe8ummltApexIllnckandl parlyingtothuenotthot Carlisle McDonaUI annpr Oold flog and Nugget east and the1F Gold King and Imperial in what Is

lb t known as the Jim Crow camp three tulles bo1 low Carlisle Two side claims to the Summit

I nd Apex north of Carlisle complete the Hit1 r The price IIs placed at J1SSOOO unit the purchas-


I fk are English capitalistsI HANTA J flee 18 Many prosprtorllrlnthe hills the Cocbltl

yearly aasessment wOk and very niclaimswill ballowed to lapse year

I rt Tu Beokmoo mill is working steadily onij Little Casino ore with good results A recentf I rich strike on the No Name claim by a Ilueo4 t has broughutthatproportyintoprominonce

f1 I Washington Company has made contracts forL tunnels to br run on both the Hunny South ands1t North BUr claims J H Kagle Is working night

bu1 and day shifts on the Iron Klnir which propertyFi he operates under lease Mr Kazle made I trialshipment tn Pueblo recently with very favorrrnk S ablo results Ho bl nlo been theLJe llrrkmnn mill with quantityUllrlYlnlCnlU IwthlAI of hoover who working theI u tube to capacity roiitiinplMes-

thi 1111 4 erection cit n > vc rU Inunplnaenter In trent the etriHiiiy output oft till rllcrt upon ai rcuriutiilcal a baiU ali I pos > I


IIIUMIIt I lii A hid ITr Drc inI IItilNH-

nlxccrI I mnltkh

I mine WITH Uistut vrml 111lon1


flyer and Comas prairie in Idaho county andimmediately a thrhlnl known as Florencesprung up rocker a very tediousand slow machine for washing auriferousgravel1 many who were lucky enough to ownground In the ravines took out hundreds of do-llar


per day The placer ground was on an al ¬

level mountain summit and did not cov-er


a space nf otera mile or two In diameterThe rich ground Waall workedoverin 18UUiand the minors prospectors left In searchot other fields most ot them coming to DabBasin 7

Many time during the ratten or fifteenyears your reporter lois heard the old timers toilof tlio many seams of decomposed quartsrunning Bm1the bed1 rock and express thobier that they were tho outcrops of ledges

may become valuable properties with de-velopment


Three years ago two men com-menced


sinking on one of the seams and foundit nt tho dpth of twenty feet to be two feet Inwidth Early last spring malJ prlptorwent Into that country ludseams with tho same It then becameplain that the quartz being decomposed thowalls had gradually by pressure come togethernt the surface A twostamp miwas securedand crushlngs made from the ledgesTho lowest yield In free gold was 820 and thehighest t4u per ton These good results havocaused some excitement and Ineoaof a de-


camp over 100 men will spnd the win-ter


working their mines I Is intentionto take in two or three mills nextyour when Florence will undoubtedly bthescene of a great quartz mlnlag boom

In Boise county much progress hiss beenmade during the year The Willow Creektunnel In the southwest corner of the countyhas attracted especial attention although a

number of the mines wore located manyIlrl ago So work of consequence however-was done until this year when large bodies ofvery rich free gold ore wore discovered Thediscoveries created much excitement and twostamp mills and several nrastrns were erectedImo of tho ore crushed yielded from 9300 to

per ton which IIs very large When thefact of the richness of tho ore became knownmany prospectors rushtlln and were not longin tracing tho INls Rock Creek and to-

IIoreluiio Fayetto Ulver About1000 locutions have been made and a largenumber of the new discoveries are yielding richoreNortheast of Boise City new district Is nowattracting much attention Tho Black Hornetlocated several years ago Is producing mlphuret ore that yields front 845 to STO perton rind the total cost of mining transpor-tation


anti smelting Is Sin The vein is fronteight to ten feet In width with four let ofhigh grade ore On the save vein Is theabut the santo width which Is said to pro ¬

even Kttcr ore Both of these minesare tinder bond and sales wi undoubtedlylw made There are very mnlY other promis-ing


mines In tho districtSix or eight miles north of Idaho City some

rich freegold ledges have hen developed toWIno extent during the year The Summiton the of Deer Creek and La GraclosaJupiter anti Newark on the head wIter of

ol Creek have producedThe owners of these mines are opening

them up for extensive sloping by running tun-nels


on the veins All of them wi hae outconsiderable ore by spring a wagonroad will on constructed between the districtand the Boulder thirtystamp mill on ElkCreek

We have mor hope for the future of thisSection rrm ale of the Mammoth mine-on Flat to a London company thanfront anything else that has taken place Formany years Benjamin Wlllson and I IfWhitney worked this mine reducing oreIn nn eightstamp mill but when the ore nasloped out down to water level they foundthemselves unable to proceed further as aheavy outlay would bruie for hoistingworks pumps and shaft Twoyears ago a Iondou company secured an op-tion


on tho property placed tho necessarymachinery on It anti commence1 sinkingWork has been mini everIlnC and n depth of nearly 400 feet atainevein Is from twelve towidth and the ore frurl wall to wall willmill from Si to per ton in freeholdThe successful working of the Mammoth-will causa mining men to invest In othermines In the dUtrlt now owned by menIonblo to erect the necessary machinery for theirsuccessful working

The owners of the LuckBoy and Illinois Inlambrinus district worked consider-


oro this year that has patti them well Along tunnel Is notV running t rut the for-mer


nt a depth of over 300 When thiswork Is completed tho mill wi 1lie kept run-ning


forty rh1 alongwide

ns the vein I front thirty to

ARIZONATUCSON Dee 1Tho mining Industry of

this Territory Is tn the frontTho low price nf copper nndslher precludedtho Idea of orking our mines at a protlt to forthe past four or live years there have beets onlytwo copper properties und three or tour gold-mine operated Now that copper has reacheda figure which leaves u small profit the pros-pector


and buyer are oil a still hunt after mines-or urnspects and the con e iuence Is that thewoods are full of men and manr Inquiries arebeing received dally for gold or copper prop-erties


The Copper Queen people of Blsbea havetaken the Thomas litigious mine near Tucsonand havo IUU men doing developing work antIextracting or They ship to their smeltersat Blsbeo there reduce It The mine hisslong been considered a good proposition but 1Itwas difficult to Ret capital Interested owing tothe low price offered for the produce but nownil Is changed As the Copper queen ownerare miners tber call be no questionthink the good one E Grupo anti EICnmpanla owned by SurveyorGeneral Man-ning


are developing Into great prurteThey are near Altar Sonorapropositions A new mill has been placed atono of the mines

The Montana mines owned by Mr W JCheney of 1hlladelphla In the Anivaca dis-trict


are looking finely The new mill erectedlast summer Is nlllDC to 1U full capacityand the ore Is perfection-

The Mammoth lit Oracle which has beenshut down for over a year has beets reorganizedwith 1 of S173UOO The willerect a worklufallal ice the property on a solidfooting nt 11 has n run offifty stamps an I from the tunnei anti the cost of hauling the ore that farhas used up a large percentage oC the profitsThey now believe that 1It will be cheaper to putthe mill up there and pump the water t itrather titan to haul the tire so far

The Tucson smelter hoot been running regu-larly


for some months and If the ore clUnuoto come in as it has for tho fewIt will continue to turn out bullion This plantis OWIe and operated by an English company

Santa Rita Mountains timers linn beendLcovr a most llntterlrg prospect for coal

The geological formation Isnounced by experts tl be almost prlet prprospect sbat is now down sLtsmall good lined coal Southern1aclflo Hallrood coal expert pronounced all In-dications


first class With coal at the presentprice 81080 per ton nothing can lw done withtho many lowcrodo IINlprtes The enormousquantities of In this vicinityould Uecii several large plants ruiiulnu con-


There IIs In the southern part of thl Terri-tory


nmining community cnmpouil of Salva-tion


Army people nliu niu woikinu their mineon the mutual plan each contributing his laboranti receiving Ills share of tOo profit Titerslure about lUi people In tIme rump Thehoiifieaare well built und comfortable There Is alarge quantity of ore They work the mine welland are dm eloping slowly being In no hurryto take out itrent quantities of ore Timer haveto pack oro on burros fifty miles and then ship-to Tucson for treatment The ore runs overf 103 pot toil M uniformly that Air Worewho buys all the output pays as soon as hereceives the shipping receipt giving tho numberof pounds

Tio Pierce strike near Tombstone Is de¬

wlolllni Into n good property Anothernow reported by rank Johnson who

his been working a clams near time Bonanzabig Pierce ledge bus been struck antI work

I with vigor to ascertain Its dimen ¬plcelnl claims are adjoining the Piercegroup and mrs very valuable propertiesThe mines In tbu Tombbtouo district are na rule lying Idle The Contention Is stiWing worked and Is paying nicely

ono of the oldest claims In tho district-Mr John UonUolfo of Yuma was hero a tow

days ego laklnl arrangements to 101101 hismines In PIntn near t ofCalifornia t These mines are said to bo veryrich nnd there Is plenty of water with whichto work the ore Flue Congress mines junoproving to be ono of the greatest properties inArizona Diamond Joe Reynolds of Chicago-befurohl death staked his all on these milieustarted a railroad from tho fantn Fe systemto bring In supplies and take out bullion hutdid Riot live to set hula treat enterprise matureMr Leach antI Jaae or Tjirabstono took i bargeafter Mr IfeynoldRs death and now this rail-road runt within threo miles of time mlll allbullion shipments tire regularly eemploy ISO men In the mines and there arenearly as many more employed by thepuny In und around time mill and offices ronmile was bonded to English capitalists hue

booth ran out lust full the nmount beingJfIOUOo 0 and the owners have declined torenew It

Time Antelope mfnl owned by Royal AJohnson and i to be opened up TheAntelop wax located by lien Johnson some

nl he lisa expended a large nmountof money It and hiss proven It to bo goodgold propositIon It Is about fourteen milesfrom Tucson

A tVllllamtbnrab Fator Ootm to WorcesterThus flew Alexanderl Lewis for nearly five

year the pastor of the New England Congrega-tional


Church South Ninth street Wllllhmsburgh preached his farewell sermon yesterdaymorning At tho evening service he took Irareof life congregation Ho has accepted a call tothe Pilgrim Church at Worcester Mass WhenMr Lewis took charge nf the New EnglnndCimigrsgatioral Churrh Us membership haddninillnl to alxnu 1lOt Poring his pimtnrnlemore tlmn10 have added Vi time roll andthu inembvikhlp nf the uiiday school has Incruised1 lo UI A > ear nko Mr LewlndeUlind-n call Itn I fiiau CuuKiiiuilunulf t hunch atIkurly Mats

< W flP


A rajiExoioaisT XELIS irorr imMAY Kiruir rtixar

To Tilt a Reorchcr Note the Width cad-HIOpS of Ills IIendr enll r Crlun ofProid Cyclists Theia Altrnr In Wbton the Kind Who Lack Nerve and tha-CrmkBWh t Conitllatei Nn tapedTrick BterelUtB hard to nUtlnctllshbut the Happiest Use of Alt rUn

nlitaknbte Way to Gain FleshHow often we hear remarked particularly by

young woman Ill never ride a bicycle as long

aI live If Im going to ts sell doubled up soshaTa face that will scare crow like ashare of the cyclists wo see nowaday tknew that I could ride at all gracefully and nottouch along the road like Miss Plgcontoes orMr Handcoff Id hata wheel tomorrow

t I

1 THE TIMID WnEELUAX 2 TUB HaUTKRIt II commonly said of such and such a cyclist

that ho lIs only trying to apo some one else tomake folks think hues an old rider that It Isunnatural for him to sit like a dyspeptic monkey-and to scorch along like ma And this theoryteems to be accepted by majority Hut thereare persons who believe that custom antI the de-


to Imitate are far from being altogether re-


for the various positions and tenden-cies


of cyclists and that teach riders mentaland physical makeup may be traced his or herstyle and disposition on the wheel An oldwheelman anti phrenologist who to demon-strate


this belief has critically observed hun-dreds


hisof blcrcllt gives some of the results of




IIs every wheel-man


to b For much thesame Is apt to bawk ¬

warand pulpit many per-sons


fal In time attempt to blithe and gracefulon a bicycle Iones heath wide at the earsIn proportion tIts height mind diameter fromthe centre of the ear forward showing In otherthings more force and execution than polishand propriety he will never give a thought tohow he should sit his saddle propel his wheelhis one aim Is to get there This head on a dellrate body often forms a disastrous combinationfor cycling for tbe wheelmans ambition IIs like ¬

ly to run away with his phrsicalblt and hewill persist In riding are ex ¬

hausted musceTo telan habitual scorcher Us only neces-


to up his head nnd hotly A head ofthe broad sort just described that slopes ab-ruptly


at about where the hat touches abovethe oars Is pretty certain to belong to scorcherand If In addition the person Is dark complexloned and In good physical form the evidenceis conclusive He will scorch regardless ofeverything and a fall that would snake the av-erage

¬person discard the wheel altogether will

apparently give him new Impetus Thomentioned Indicates an absence of cautionslopthe recklessness nf the wheelman dependslargely on the size of that organ If it slopesgradually the disposition to scorch may still boactive but he will avoid In dangerouscorhlnlplaces The heads of rule seem to

thebter Shied out at cautiousness than those of


To toll a wheelman who always thinks himself strictly correct In riding and faultless on hiswheel observe the back of his too head Atthis point the lured willpar upward and back-ward from tIme ear showing selfesteem Whenthis part Is prominent you mar bo sure Itsowner will not cek advlco from anybody Hewill have his own ideals on the way to dress andthe way to ride and what suits him will Imvo tobn tolerated brothers He will mount his wheelwith an air of being the only bicyclist on earthand ho might a well be so far as hula ever de-riving any benefIt from the method and experi-ences


of other wheelmen Among the peoplegenerally In this country selfesteem Is found toito lioorly developed notnhly among women Acyrllst who will wheel on n hot summer flay nndwear a derby hit mil starched shirt with highcollar and Is a victim if large nelfehtecmanti the woman whoopposes comfortable blcvcludress and clings to a lonl walking skirt Is apt tobe of the mme Such a person usuallyavoids bicycle clubs and has few companions-when riding

ALWAYS IN BTVtEii When Iman or a woman save Oh I like to

ride a whet because soandso does be-cause


you Its just the thing altmaydepend on finding tbat persons lint wider bfhind than In front There will be a nntlcrublobreadth to the upper and nark part of the htmlwhere Is located epprobatlvonets facultythat strives to nlcano everybody unlleral cir-cumstances


It Is easily foundIs usually not lard to determine Is bicyclistwho burdens hula wheel with every now attach-ment


the minute It conies out Ilslts on havingthus latest thlngln dress smut Cite Imewost tnamIminuon the market la Influenced by aplrbltheneslHe 11 spend its much timne alll I

his bicycle ns In rlllne It and greatdelight wiil be to keep thoroughly roitrd on thevery best bicycle etiquette To sit erect or tosit at a right anglo Is nil thosamn to huitIkif It IIsIn good form bicycle face hicycle feet are mutters nf itcerMtv to him If haIs told they mark the genuine thcciman Theheads of seamen In show larger approballveness than the Fends of men j but IIn wh pl

this organ will tempered bywen 1jlmalbsense of selfe to m-

Appropatlveneis leads tome cyclists to attemptcentury runs for the mere take or antiwhen very large and not raralneby nlgberIm nh811 sure to work

wheelmen who tay they fee nopleasure at all In riding top speed preferring-to go along moderately Snob ones arulftimid by Icoroher and sometimesproperly apple More often however theirconduct IIs denned by the word cautiousIn tho case of reckless daredevil riderthe topbed Is Plnphc and narrow ears

careful and lowgolng wheel-man Is wide and mil at that pint signIfyinggoodsited cautiousness lie location Iswherthe head begins tn round off to form thistop Iperpendicular line with the back of tho

and Its site can usually bo estimated withlittle trouble Cyclists with largo cautionshould generally do avoid crowdedthoroughfares for their own f abe A title ofonly three or four mills say on lower Uroadwayor any of our busy avenues tnlaht so tax thenerves of such n person through constant fearof accident as to fatigue his whole body whilehe would unruly feel a spin of Jlfleen miles on aclear road For this reaol any one who hascautiousness very Ja may expect lulls com-fort


on tho wheel New York Moreoverunless he be an exception to the rule he willspend the best part of his time looting utter Jutsown condition and that of his machine-

It has been said that when A wheelman ap-plies


for admission to a club the first thing toregard I the diameter of nls heat just abovetime ea and also Its diameter about an Inchand a half behind this point Here are founddestructiveness and corbaUlenes If thohead Is wideI In shows onlymoderate caution anti a scanty frontal develop ¬

ment look out ton a fighting and quarrelsomedisposition Wheelmen of mistype are neversatisfied with their machines and are alwayscontending for time Impossible They favor thetOlal abolition of street sprinklers the annlhllatlngof every dog In town and always con-sider


time rights of other subordinate to theirown No motion club Is valid unlesstheyre present to second It Such characterswill argue for hours on time merits and demeritsof two wheels that are In every way IdenticalIn the hope of stirring tip a row To personswith these characteristics can be traced thecause of much ill feeling by nnnwheoimentoward the cycling fraternity In detecting thistype the structure of tho front head Is of vitalImportance for destructlvenrss and combative-ness properly balanced and restrained arefound In tho most popular and expert wheelmen

The cranial structure of Zimmerman thoworlds champion rldor reveals both of theabovementioned organs prominently bat hisforehead Is full and well shaped and holds thereins so to say of his marked energy and reso-lution


Another feature of Iramermana hOldwhich IIs peculiar to all expert bicyclistsheight above destructiveness This organ IIs thekey to lila pcr cverancr and is known as firm-ness


It gives one the tenacity of purpose nec-essary


to accomplish difficult tasks Few crackwheelmen ran boost of a front head so welsuited to proficiency In directing theircan Zimmerman In selecting a man for thework of expert bicycle riding good generalhealth and n high degree of physical dOTelopment are of course Indispensablequalities without an equally welladapted brainare not sufficient His head must bo wide In themiddle and posterior section and must be cor¬

respondingly high from that point Thesecharacteristics Insure force and stability Theforehead also should be of fair height as withthis additional equipment ono will be able todiscover various means and methods commonlyoverlooked by others and to use them advan-tageously


Ha will kuow enough moreover-not to transgress tho law of health

A freak amonit bicyclists Is the tricksterand very close scrutiny Is required to single himout He lifts all the organs of the expert racingman but they appear In a modified formCautiousness iIs only medium and among theorgans of the back head combativeness rulesThis faculty makes him cool and courageousThen to regulate his equilibrium In difficultperformances he possesses the organ ofsituated just above the two eyes andwelFhtdistance from the root of the noseweight IIs largo tht eyebrow Ispressed by It Weight Is one of four organsfound just above the etc and of tImers secondfrom tIme nose This faculty te trick bicyclistmust have It makes him fund of thb sport andRives him skill and Trace In balancing andmamriivrtng his wheel In a person who IIn ablefor instance to ride his machine twenty orthirty yards on a fourInch surface tIme localityand sire of weight might to bo apparent to anyone It IIs weight that gives command over themuscles In performing any feat requiring anapplication of the laws of gravity and one Inwhom It Is large Is sitld to have a steady head

Heres how to distinguish tho mast enviable-of nil the knights of the wbrolthlY who gettIme most real benefit out head wiltappear to have no special development what-ever


and to bo smooth and symmetrical Inwidth It will he proportionate tn Its length andheight ant although the Identical traltoI theother classes are present they me-dium


strcneth and are of no more Importance-In such a head than perhaps n dozen other or ¬gans here Is not en ouch cautiousness to causetimidity and too little selfesteem and firmnessfor conventionality Tho forehead Is likely torise gradually and the top back lured will form-a natural curve downar Wheelmen of thisclass have what harmonious headthe power of no one organ being sufficientlylarge to excltl disturbance among the othernytlng thn contour or theshould not forget to consider the body as wellWhile n person physically wellbuilt antI welch ¬

log 170 pounds may bo naturally fretful andeasily upset u reduction in weight of thirty orforty pounds wilt greatly exaggerate his condi-tion


It Is not unusual for both wheelmen smutwhoclwomen In America to have more brainsthan body The best remedy for this state ofthings lIs to make flesh by rldlnl no faster andcomfortno further

andthan IconHlltontwllones personal

KNABEXtj-tv Artistw AO7os-

tn flare ftoiwy WoodsAlso fine amiortuttnt or llalitlr usedliNAlin Orundi ririghis unit Hqnarmfully wiirrnnlril u liberal rrdnrllon Ironsoriginal prIce and urcaadhuBii mtco orother makes nt sill prim for rash or onMonthly ln lnllfnrn <

148 Fifth Avenue

J Ia 1


Before moving will disposeof itwi of Cnur and Ihnio-

rntterUli forntll farmtr pricesUhf 8COVIIL ft A I A MS CO ot K Y

ggp froonic St N YI


SLEEP AND REST-For Skin Tortur-

edBABIESAnd Tire-

dMOTHERSIn One Application ol

uticuraDrti-nr Cum TflTATMSWWATDI bath with

CtmctraA SoAr gentle applIcations of CUTlcmtointment Mul mIM doirs of Ctticuiu llcioLT-

XKT the tow blood purifierM4 Ihmnthnl lk remIt sod Mprelitly by Eatllih n4

AiDTlrin hmblln1 ho iirlntlfwl cllln Illltlilt fluxiti FNtiriiir I Etnrt + t ILondon Purees C

a Cum Cole Sole Stamen U Alp s t

jFor Gnuiiio Itrs L is t I

abLe Stycs lit Lowest Po tv n I

for Re mb o GdIs W i elmi

SHAYNe Manufait nti I124 1 4JiSteet


TAFFY rnox zrThe Illcli rblnrie Slateimani Talk to

HUhop neiidrlx About MUiloniirle-Fiom the artcue Timrt

Bishop E II Hendrix who hiss been makingon extended trip through China Japan andCora arrived in Kansas City yesterdayBishop Hendrlx was the bearer of an auto-graph


letter from President Cleveland to theMinisters and Consuls of thin United Statesabroad requesting them to ntTord him everyoDortunlty of investigating the presentstatus of missions In tho Orient anti he wasthus afforded possibilities of Insight whichcould have been obtained In no other manner

I have had live mouth abroad sail thoBishop and have brought back many me-mentoes


of my trip 1erhaps tho utmost val-uable

1 ¬

one IN n large photograph of LI lunahang with his autograph In Chlnctotens together 11 n list of lila titles and adedication to LI Hunl Chang withwhom I hAd thus honor personal audi-ence


Is most heartily In sympathy with Amer¬

leans especially missionaries nnd ho re-peated

¬again and again time great obligations

under which China rested to them Ho alsorequested that I give the fnllnulng mesunjroas coming from hll direct tn the Americanchurches nnd nnd which ho sell rx-IIpo11 his loc IUI purtlcutmly regarding timeml <1onnries-

Siv to time American penplo for me tendover more inett nnd women for t hI arhnolanndhospitalI and I hot to be In a lposition botht aid and to 11 them

rise grout viceroy Is especially Interested Inour rnllrondsrontiriuel time speaker amid IIsmiming all piiDslhle to Induce the Chinese lo buildrailroads thrmiRhunt the empire Ono of timechief reasons why China was so badly beaten byJapan was time Inability of the former tn nineshow troops China Known this and sho huelearned a good lefson by time iscuert chastisingchic received I look t set many loads builtthero rvfon11 far t Pekln Is lJsleeloIbj ontrRrors anxiousconstruction principal obstacle totheir Iuldlnl IIs found Souring tho lathe labor-ers


hlulnl In done by andthe curlers Infringement upon theirprerogatives In ut err nglv manner threateningto Shirt n rehrlolit a moments notice anduIlrtrol The different depart ¬

lents tho Internal government of time em ¬

notoriously OfficialInadequate pre-ferment


IIs purchased prices as toIleadI to un rrlullUS mien of this brief tenure ofofuro In or reimbursement For ex ¬

IIII tho lieu honk of Chlnl makes the afthe Tnotl who < Chlnn worth

snmo MOOO lucid Iii tael IIs ono ant onethirddolianti hut his actual lucumo Is hetneeu-Iiooooo nnd JUIOOIIh IHisI olllcc scat himnn outlay of IUO talil befurohe could enterhits ofllelnl gunmen and doubtless iIt will rusthim 1 InrKB sum imnimlly until It In put up-HKuIn to time highest bidder No onder thenthat tho mandarin Is the great Ion of Chinntimid n lettered bureaucracy the tourro of hergreatest nvakneiH-

Tho reeent immarrc of missionaries Inlimit trims leallv iit very exceptional affair< inc thinK unmet be retmiemimisucil fIn China tutufmelim merchant nearly nil itslde nn ur nearlimo ten coast In the open mine rite mLslnn-nrles however lmwi penetrated 1HOO milesInland rnrrylna the betel of unit nearlyIn tthe horsIer of Thibet Tho lillllliK of timemlfMonarli referred to happened howeverquilts neiir Itime 4mir3nst lint seven or tho leadem of the murderers have been caught triedtimid beheaded The feeling ncalnBt them WMvery hitter Fake It nil In mill however I realIv think thrt timings lire Mtttlni dnnn overtlirro that Chlnn will enr1IIIcIH rllher recent experience Ire8tand Its bulldlim will ho cruised at ni wnlhistory by time great rullioad line It mustmine ali II llunir IIII thl urrntenl illplo-mut of day rcai of Chum Is heartilyIn sympathy with time inncirc

Khot nod Killed 1IUI IlrolhcrtolnwTans Dec Slames Vaughn shot and aU

met Instantly killed his brotherinlaw WU

lam Watson at an early hhour this morning laInters saloon la Harutogn street Cohunes

WnUon It IH said Iliad unhappily with hiswife Iho wits Vnughn uliiier antiI there wasan unplrusatniitMi existing between tV men IIcontniuunir Vaiiulin It lhe alleged enteredraloon IsIs 10rnlnl mat after u iiiinrrH drew nrevolver 111 once Thu bcillstWaUun skull the linac ami ho ltroltern arl VniiKhn antu 1tbut proIllmnlIiste ignorance uf tlu


rlUUIBNDOUl roTtttiR oven visaQVKEJt GOLF JtULEK

Either SItu er the Other Way Is lbAIProper Way wad the Oolf World liarsnbont is Interested U the Mutter

Willie Dunn has Ion and done it lie habeen time cause of a great deal of ovrblateargument and Indirectly lisa mldo I ertllamount of money change pocket Alltoo lihpponcd on the Sunday when MrDann hathe recklessness t Rive his views-

on Iot which differ Cf materially frommot of time athorltle on tIm



Of course at the golf clubs thethe subject of Ilodeal of discussionare a few near Now Yorkathletically Inclined do not run thoarrest If they appear on Sunday In knlckerbookers and a sweater Instead of a whitechoker collar and a black coat At ono oflaese rea war ralC oionousiy as soon ameman who had newspaper hod cae toread InTlils eloquent and nasal the

lews of Willie Dunn about the proper post

ton forthe drlvnl

1nla golf ball most successfully-


ire anACircrOne of the men who used to collect stamps

when ho was a schoolboy and later coectedactresses photographs ha turned his maniaInto a new field and now batthat ho ha alltho golf literature that appeared In thiscountry since the real Inception of the gameabut two years ago He was wol arme forargument and cited book bk oppo-sition


to Mr DIII Of course man wholied read article In Tnt fitly and inhis opinion han performed his k with rath-er


unusual spirit and address was ready to up¬

hold the wisdom of this now view on the green-at odds of two to one


The putter hud long since disappeared audthe awkward rquad of tho club consisting of

I certlll Judi and 1 gentleman who nlwnfwhen timecut hlmsl shalnlll wadeep In y of time principleslaid down by Mr Dunn <

Ther wu a bright sun and the Judge hadhis blue glasses and waa reading tho

ulrertloiiH tn the man of the plastered cheekwho enraged himself to dn battle with the hallaccording to time commandments of Willie

4 4

IIONT MVISO HIST CHOPSo the qunrrrltnmn mrmlx formed thin mostapproved Miinlrlrtlo nUmt the experimenter

ansi awaited the flirt trial Ilnck the ruthIn a wavering IlurIlowl It rnin with A 10ltalI I a whlmln mid rack went thostcl an inch or two nlxm thu m rk of time

Thn awkward Bfjimd humid hilly demonatratrd to their invii dlufcatlRfartlon the OUl fit

tility of tho theories and advice printed In TunHUN by ono Dunn

This was the signal for other experimentsA caddy was sent oil to the village for a supplyof Sunday SUNK Under the vigorous hand-ling of the collected debaters time original copywise slowly atMimlnpthanpwarancoof n whitevest that had ben slept In for a week It waswrinkled and and hud ben pinned toaether by the awkward squad that I didnot read straight rho unfortunate hmpricked his finger while peformlng this deedof kindness and hind sworn ns only tho habltually clumsy CURS can swear He had hanpicked up his broken driver and departed-over the Ilinks with the judge for amino afterhis own Imperfect but comparatively latlsfoo-

ThnnsorT methods

the beathlcss caddy appeared with aof Stilts on his heal the seekers after

made for him Bud scattered his pile pfliterature to them wlndsnl except timeof Mr Dunn Tos distributedpartiality collector of golf

and the original mcvmngor of thegospel fell to on their match with 850 on

and 833 on Spalding Undmlnton andrest


One man perceptibly taller when hosuddenly maojew discovery that ho had beenplaying just as Dunn advised Anotherman who at first had boon rabid for the HaminIon method anti took an especialthem prolonged and graceful swing and coucho-couche waggle before addressing time ball be¬

came an Insane partisan of Mr Dunns as hobeheld hU golf ball whlzrlng In along lowpowerful fight to 200 yards from the tee An-other


man who la heavy and not very apt atchanting what he has once learned strainedhis loft ankle by resting his weight too rigor-ously

¬on it

The match was pursued under the auspicesof several spectators The most rigid obser-vance


of tIme rules laid down by Dunn and Bad-minton


was demanded of each championBehind each trudged his bottlo holder In the

person of a man who carried with him thedogmas of the side to be upheld The Dunnmoan hind a lathe antI measured with much pre-cision


the attitude of his principal and the pro

iTHE couciiEEcoucriEr WACO IE-

ier position of liii feet Time Badminton Eccondkept an eye more particularly on tho generalform of his man and encouragid a swIngwhich threatened to twist him oil at the waistfur the Badminton apostle Is a sylph and cansit in a chair with hln feet on tho mantel placemind still bo comfortable

The result of tim match was unsatisfactoryThis might have been prophesied front tho be-ginning


but would not havo prevented tImegodless match for gold which occurred lastSunday It cannot bo denied that time hindnlnton man won and that ha has 50 In hUpocket atrl has been smoking some very goodcigars this week

On the other hand It maw be denied but todeny It is dangerous that lImo Wllllo Dunndisciples had time eternal excuse of tho defeatedgolf plover beastly bud luck It Is nlsocertain that stnco ho has pail 50 for a beliefimm Mr Dunns method he linn become only thennn Irmly convinced of the merit of thosenethods and ho has been prmuttsimig accordingto them for a week with nn Idea of taking hisrevenge and establishing an nn undisputedlaw on how to play golf them opinion of WliltoJimn


An Industry that Ooee Flhiirlihed In Perf> cllon In a Tenne ee Town

Yarn Ihe Knunlll JournalA reporter noticed In a shop window n pair oflice They were Innocentlooking little whitebones mind he hail quite forgotten them when

henrpprletor remarked Thems loadedWhats loaded FWhy the diceOh the reporter ejaculated Time proprllor picked up time dire soil throwing them onthe counter said Come seven and sureenough seven came Sortie rome else pitched

them antI five turned up limit lieforo he couldmake another five to pain his pnlm tiiat fatalmitten showed Its mice actiln and no It nent timefive nod tin two ninkluz time buen three out ofii to hotK

Thorn nre only two own In time city who cnnor will jdiul dim Dm proprietor explainedBefore Joneit turned loo e on the kambrisone t a iild tret ii1 nml SOi fur ImidlngnI pair ofI lee and iIff I lie job wnsdlllleultI I t you rnuld get

veil mure ilmn that jut now i Is n very goalbrice and there U less to do thin tlieioomu wasat tiny price

Iluce wore Inailid for n regular cnmhllntthouse and creek slit will nnur recognize timeI rim iiidn the Job right requires u uood deal5Sf Hltlll ammO pain You born tutu f > c nnd flouriii yniirineieiiry or lhaiti In > our lend If youmme mercury It must Iwln th foini of nuickillver Mercury Is probably I lie lit l Ithouirli uhIm > lend lnit i ill aii > wer lit piiriioienf tin irInnry tilts I qu lieu tnke u lilt it Ivory andliittlngt iU In tho plug olin trtlnk time euu IHtitus louder immiitriismmmhl his Iniolneix tint Is nniii ufesitiiimmi o him in delect thu ru mimi Not iInmake tilt wclttlit xutpldnu ou cnn tiny andleave liolliiw that ldo nf time site fur which It Isjostled

ojiiet lines there IIs Wu money In tthe hmmiiness About a i sit r HU° when dice were timenan with gentlemen of1 tIho rieen i loth n imrlvut local giiuililers remit nil IlnHnyln Colnrnilifor an es tint tnI coine uul dn tthe r Illttln tricklie mine und In rue nlnht hit ami Its rmiusiitilt lime mgsummr fur ftmouu The next dnrheidiiriirilto th lltmkllil That iniin tutu simm0 linteil cnmbler IIn IIlincityi IJt us ns ii unit t thin


t time hut Chief Ailklni nflerI hi > lisp hulls arail mi HIIIIP iifitnriiiiis suit placed mOm ttbmIijiIon n pair nriiwlhd sib o sill him Imlieieakimsg sit ti iiiileeof illee 11 or in Is letunit thrill nir lluln In some title Inhere timelieu are Inuled In n prnfrkilnnnl is ny nut tnorder hut fur nuulnr mile illia that ulthoiiiI lielmdnronnrtli about mi rentst withi t lend willIttai > ou 11H Hut nflir sill Clint lnt iucaLluilfor thus

inurn she Imuillrs thtm rlghl lis


rITItftn jircttKAnri CATT TO nt j-rozIitrIYO K-

nerettfler the Lathnlle In lila flatiss Ink IMtint Atlenil thin rsrishs tlinrrh ITlliryrixpnet to Keeelve time Hiiernmrnts fnun J

Its lrlestst nnrt fin Ilnelril Iran itIn his calendar for the month which wasds-

trlbttted lo Ills rnncresnllon yesterday the ler-Dr Charles McCrendy rector of llcily crRoman rnthollr1 Clilmli on West IVirtysprnidstreet between Hlphtli nnd Ninth ntemics-tonchcs Btroncly upon tho que tlon of pirnrh11right which has lately agitated tniinj of tinCalholto churches In this city nnd whli h rilledforth an expression of opinion from ArhhMmpCorrlxnsi nt lImo recent triennial xjnoil of iudiocese when tIme Archbishop rrnfnrincd tinhtml rule governing parochial relations Tinruin had within baLd years fallen Into almostromplole disuse and loud therefore thorntighlr-ilcmorallred parochial limits In ninny quarterso that In porno cases rectors scarcely knew towhat pnrlsh their hearers belonged while laothers they found that persons front their nnapnrtsu were in too niwt nr attending n churrhIn another parish although still demanding theAdministration of the sacraments ant hiirll-frbtn time pastor they had In reality deserted

The Holy Cross parish suffered from the Iranheal desertion of members who were neontamed to attend divine worship nt St IlnpliacltChurch on West fortieth street between Tfntljand Eleventh avenues n little more than twOblocks distant In liii calendar the Hev MrMoCreadvsnys

i It will be In the memory of tho people HolyCross parish that the rector baa had occasion tacomplain from time to time of the number of i

people who whllo Btlll living within the welldefined boundaries of the parish had gone taother churches thereby withholding from thelitown church the support that they wore expectedto give to It Tha rector did not so much hiatusthe people who believe rightly or wrongly thatIn hearing mass on Sundays In any church theysatisfied all their obligations But ho did thinkthat li wa hardly fair to place a new churchthat was originally intended to take in the outlying and adjoining portions of two parishesequally within two blocks of Holy OrouChurch but at a safe distance of eight blocksfrom them church of the other parish

is This abnormal proceeding wa onfortasafely aggravated about the same time by thoecclesiastical superiors alvlnc a now Internrealien to an old law which had been on thastatutes of the diocese from tho very beginningand which seemed In the past to work admir-ably

¬This regarded the conditions under which

people living outside of tnoparlsn might become practically members of time church of thatparish and receive tho sacraments on the samafooting ns member living within the boundarles of that parish The old Interpretation saidIn order to enjoy these privileges it la abac

lutely necessary that the persons have n bonatide seat or pew In the said church On thaother hand the new reading of the law was con-strued


to mean that it was only necessary taattend and pay for a seat on Sundays In thischurch outside one own parish or to bo an at V

tendent for three months In order to partake of i

all the privileges of a regular member of thatchurch

Though the rectors of this city were not na body consulted regarding the innovation yetwith all that respect for authority for whichthey are welt known they wore willing to givetho change In them interpretation the benefit of otrial A good deal depended upon how the rec-tor


of neighboring parishes would look uponanti act upon the change Time unfortunateposition of Holy Cross In relation to oneof time churches just on Its borders SURaphaels already alluded to and the ndvantages which the prlesta of thnt neigh ¬boring church took of the change withan eagerness and zeal far from commend ¬

able proved to ns at once how disastrously thenew Interpretation would work against us Timemethods so employed are well known to the poepIe of this parish The result was that In ashort time from three to four thousand of thepeople of Holy Cross had become regular at-tendants

¬of the other church The pcopln

thus drawn away front their allegiance to theirown parish church did not perhaps reflect that i

ihey were guilty of injustice to their own parsh For this reason in obedience boOm to thedecrees of the Council of Baltimore arid to his pown ordinary our Archbishop tbo rector ofHoly Cross about this time undertook to build tschool for the accommodation of all the chll Vdren of the parish He did build it and >

Incurred a debt of over 80000 Ho had calcu-ated


on the active cooperation of all hIs ptyvpie that they would help bear thin burden eachtaking his part But the withdrawal of these K

three or four thousand people left their share to rbe borne by the other members of the parishWhich considering that we had relied on theirnpport equally with the others was hardly juss

either to the rector or the parishioners who hadremained faithful to their obligations The nec-tar as often as the occasion offered remonstrn-td respectfully but unsuccessfully with his su-perior


until finally other rectors mado objec-tion and there wa an almost unanimous de-mand

¬for a return to the gout old interpretation

of the law Each for himself hail seen how un-fairly the change had operated and our mostreverend Archbishop at lost generously accededto the wishes of tho rectors as expressedthrough his council

In brief then unless they rent or pay for apew or seat in a neighboring church people catno longer be flattered by the premises and soc-


attentions of the priests of that churchThey can no longer have their sick calls attendedby priests from outside they cannot have Itchychildren baptised married outside of their ownparish This will put an end once for all to theevil results arising from a divided allegianceand the unsettling of consciences unseemly in-vasion of the rights of another parish the frlction arising front the presence sometimes of twopriests from different parishes at the chamberof death and tho spirit of faction generatedamong the laity by misrepresenting the motiveof those who wish to do their duly conscien-tiously among tho people Intrusted to them

A rOUXO DESPERADOS SZRTFNo Tnek of ABiiullltr Toward the Ocntl

men Who Had Come to Slang Himfrom the Omaha World Herald

J K Chambers Union Depot ticket agentwhen In a reminiscent mood cnn toll many in-

teresting stories of tho West In early days Hewas in the service of time Government at Sydneywhen that town was thin toughest place In Noirnska If not In the West and from whencepersons hound for tIme Black Hills etirted Afew days ago 3Ir Chambers was sitting In time

Milwaukee city ofllco antI time conversationturned to early days in time trmisMIsourl coun-try nnd bravery

Time man of Iron nerve I saw In Sydney In77 Bald Mr Chambers was n beardless

man scarcely more than a boy anti I thouldridge had not reached hU majority Ho winii tough man even In Sydney nnd hln lupulnthin was sustained for lie always cnrrloiln rtm

olvcr nnd ho would shoot nt Itho drop oft-

Ime hat His name was Done HeedIt Was sail around town that hn would

never dlo n natural death That tturned nutt me as lie was lynched by n mnli nno incrn-ng nnd thus Is where huillnplnyed hIs neiw

Time lynchcr took t Ito keys and ii ii mm kidhe doors anti went Into tIme cell wheie Itcid-ras Ho was pranking n clinic when the mon

come In anti when hit saw them ho looked im-pas cool as you plentc-

tloodi evening gentlemen I f upnn n viiare going to limit me out ansi hnnir mimi hi MU I

am luiinhnlently ns though ho wiisn KltiirtlI tint-to taken drink Ho wits told thai ho HIISC-Irect In his mipposltlon

lit got up as unconcernedly ns son nleii-nd IUtllruci on his coat Jie itimirhel IthntI

usa nil renilv If lie rest mu iri I1U w I

irouuli tutu jaIl and oit Into time inonnlstill fiinokliiir his clcir nnd tven mnklnuiiiKit of xmnhi lio tlmplv clniufil Impi titiiiicin anil tiirnlnu tn one nf Ihu men n 1

Urn whore hu wns KOHK lo he vim nir n-

inI ttluit It vns if id ii < i rIIln n mnu n 5-

tim MI nut Into hut rountiv-Hi

SI smuts mulched up Itint street to ft Itinrniill IMihi that Mood III tlio icrj limitI n I n

own lly thl < flume half tlin tutu iteptillInround A rile hail IHCII hroiiulit ulniik I

it wns hllphcd cuer bin lieiil and iiii ts a h MI d-

II cnnt climb that pnlii nnd full ml I

unlit tn hive a liiddfr si ns I cnn tet IIPaid nml niiinllnulyI u ladder win lirnmhtt ii I

ilniCl turning time piie In vas ulrl Ithut I iSis tithmmg to say iud Iiiiirulcd tl i

idnl nnd If lie lind he vuiuldnl Win n-

in liter tutu pi iced iialllit Iho liile tam nl iimmimm nlai tid mmii lo tic one end of tic role n Ilio imlii-

Vnu neednt ilo Hint IIn mid fur I


nmvlml HICIV lords nUmt m > ultslimI

itlime rords ero liinMiun nnd IIn II i

mlii thu iinlo D fir ns th hi li i uii ienel Ithii ris i aninili I l i i U

mil ilnnn Iifs lie list II i n in over Ithe I

Hind nir iry qi letl > tlni smith i iii diibiiiit

itii Iiaut lii Jill ind itflie ii Met ina few iiilnilli iii UMis I iiItiIIhem Ill mini nevr I n A I inmini tlll mi IiI nil iui a Ilii u-


tim 11 hit HU IifilI ll I ili Imint