i s wmvm. mum bffiwtodf - library of congress · 2017-12-20 ·

< IIMI 11 III ***" t S&* 9 £ mrW " ftSs^3? ,t ju2»lw e m *SS*ui ISj r * ""SbSoSL Vtaoo to *? e«er at eery SS&Twmii «»d pr-ees It wSI mr r ßt ffrj? "!E&sa"£rtk 4»bi* the mo*|. Too |'4KS|SfC CUMC ha best far location welkin* jtatonrn ta< are aeß- (Mw Inside hrtck com«rs. ; |Sto*»to»» W»rm which can to bought ftrs-ciaas prop* f'H®*" TK>BfT*L * LEWIS. _ > ?? m ngaartiia Hatter block. &" * tatabiishe* Mi#. 4m MAIJt-ftmt six-room cot tap*. with PRfaaeiaad eriUr. Au*i with mo aad BloaMMr: was thoroughly Mlt taaH~ floor* tad douale aiding; 'B< rri ? Mvwn; fin* Mk toot tat fSdsdSwM* ?foot, with City w«ttr ud &M lltwp lot is tOTKrf to ddtMlk; SfcMOelewn ud numerous rose Within two Mocks of Midbm rS «ottac«- ta comfortably furnished. well selected piet una. via«o, S; itas Seat fUM upright plane: gas *\u25a0 S> oai Majteite coot raa|»; perfect BT Wffi e«U tor ».aso spot cash, no B tt car* Poat-liueUi- FOR SALE W?l Ud lot m Walla Wait* Ad- 'jMamri houae in North Seat- 'flLw at tbo tart lota for the price in flßrSaattl* j nF7 r* Mais. With aaedorn cottage. on fBIIMW Mil. naar oablo Una; good JUk-WaU located Mel block; paying M ggfi M*COT. Boom «. Booton btk. km rrrr f -~»- r - **-"«* "jMPMM sad East Union atreet; one block ;\u25a0 mm Malison car Hoe; will be computed affSSv troaw cottage; corner Eleventh north and East Thomas atreet. 'am-Mew 4-room cottage; cioee In; near "iMcar HUM: one-half caeh. < CHBO. W. DIL.UNO. m N«W York Block. cm. ftJi m. w YwK owe*. L*- FOB EXCHAHQR-We have eome fine property located in tke ctty of Monteaa- real estate In Seattle. eft New *OIBXCHASrOE-On» or two MraMi 3SST SFffik VtUtS JS?- ttdMap la traeta of » acrea or more. ?njss &t jssa® S ?£rr.^ 4 .Lt&. J B Kta «- creek; etooa to ackooi aad cktirch. WMI j£«c Sruvw JSS6j ~ WILJUAM Bailey BolUflng. IMsww htack. rich land; katf »Ue tram depot; M acraa cleared: balaaee aider ud etae mania brwdi; iowt, tan; M Per acre; wtt esckaage tor kaaaa aad wt la fWettl# "?*** uv ffßß fcriS^" 1- FOB aale or oxekango flret-claee central California farms, alao finely located city k»ta at Saata Crua: want koaee or other Seattle. Address tke FOR IALK-fte vera! ? ten tracts of joti lsnd. seven mile* eut of Seattle; JTper P*rt cah, Usance long time. D Tl« CM* Past-lntetagencer. 'QSiSVLZgL 1 IBSt*-* TIMBER lends in Black Hills ta tali* ul ?mall tract*. Alfred Thompson, Otym- pla, Wuh. FARMS for nit M for nai W. W. BOM lAUC-aCM TBAOm COKINO and itna coal property; M acree.wlthin six mil** of railroad. Ad- W UIA-IWM Ml iroiß ~ tracts of choice air and cedar timber land la good location far Herbert ft. Upper. U ficheuar- O. B. PEA VST?Timber lands bought Md _for sala. 801 New York blorh. r»ARCUU«O»T TO VOAI. Mm f-rf block on First avenue; *Snsys rantsd; pays 10 per cent. dPnne lot on tirst hilt, with four monthly rent. ITS; rare chance Hr goallncome property. 1 Wm flmf It house; large corner \u25a0 iSi\ room to build several more hous**; i- Jtoa garden; half cash r wiattle lota. to tlJßfi [ WM VOIUT. too New York blk. KHSALE-A store building and dwelling mtf six leu In fo>d location; also store HFur. with goods or without goods; firm farms, all No. 1 land; one term on fijgft land, cheap; town lots In Woollev, . . JHtosn. Seattle. Anacortoe. Fir and VMttt Varnsn; also work horses; I am Mr to mi da *»jwar at firm chance. Ar lofbrmatls* «NU to C. H. Mann. jjw. \u25a0moH '*mwtyTwa«h. j|| are a*w building m w; fest Ist a* Fourteenth aveaue. second pet Mttk *f iifn aa excellent T- uSl mSi wuifhiMar S,p Ilarpar Oator Horioaßaak ' MUVTIKUL horns to Worth Seattle; U- imm houss; eest MJto; corner lot. Its Kent BMh vtow unexcelled; we are fftortel to attar thl* viae* for urn *** ftmALTBT. Bailey Building. tHH-BOOM house and Am tot near tor Bat. Mk two good houses en Madi- jm toast, first hill. IUH; two tots near ptotsai, RH; 1% acres clo*rad and IMJIp to earn, 1MB; bargains la fmf V etty property and acreage. \u25a0»tft*H IDmoat, to Bettor Brtlding. W*.totoß-room house; find class to WWttolar: lot toxlM; on Four- ffff* \u25a0\u25a0'?to Mrtk of Madison; price Fine bustnemi corner, ?toiitom flJto-Cottage near Med- \u25a0tototoi RJto-Three cultivated acre* JJW ttOto -Choice lot. first hilt. frmtor. m Baaey building. *i Hr to far * tract of Ifi lots, near totto Iah»; good **II; ttolr stoarsd; totofitoiaron piece. LXVEKNOKE * MALTBT. _ H< Bailey Building. *&mTO* BALR IN ALLFART» Of SBjrwr ON MONTHI#T INBTAM- PPnt cm TO r.lo PAJIH. BAU%NCK twSr Ivkv K pkn ' I ' kr * ,u ,»,«*ice d<»ih!e v t »n Fourteenth ggm, north of street; prloo I.IVKRMOHK * MAIJTBT, _ r nt Itstlev Building. W|iAl.i; A new * r*xvm houee on first R P y*' half cash. If destred: large to a»d rare ahrabben lots of fruit tof town. Intend. Silencer ft Co., *nK iv»n«« *!" btir cttv propertv that p«ys Id Jg feet on _fo»>d h<>m»> nr\ Itent«»n hill. I ewwKLl YN * WAKD U< Marlon at C. tL THI'RftTON A CO.. The report* from Index mining district, daring tne past week nave surely rejoiced" the fortunate holders of shares in copper pcnpaitlas One stock that ire offered at 10c a week ago we paid 90c for today, and oar only regm I* that we could not obtain more, we could only secure a few thousand sharea. The Hew York Mall and Kxpraas. in a recent article relative to the fabulous for- tune* that hare been mad* to copper stock* dating the mm two yeers. sum* op by stating that Horse* Q rectory's advice to tha entsrprl? looking to th* rapid development at th* copper prop- erties i* now ta active ptatrw, and acme have already commenced rsgntor My* moot* of era to th* nmsttsr. JK there Is still a "doubting Thome#* who fall* to appreciate too *tupendou* Importance to fisaltls, and th* state gener- ally. of the conttouous discovery of taa- tnenee bodiea eg rich copper ore that I* dally coming to hart, and verified by ev- ery viaitor to th* nttalng sectkma. w* fear hi* eaat is hope'^w*. There ha* been another aiill hunt the pMt week for th* share* of a copper prop- erty that hav* been selling at a price bo- lew their real value, and all the chsap Mock was bought up. we have an option on some small lot* *f several of theae mocks, and we would earnestly advise those who desire to par- ticipate in the rapid rise that I* now mead- tar advancing th* pries of times sharm to sae us at once. Read the reports from "Index*' to yes- terday's Issue of thl* paper. They don't tell half the truth, hot they wfß quicks* your circulation. C. K. THUBBTON ft CO,l« Cherry fit Kstabllshed lAH. MONKY to lean at low rat* of interest on unproved city and farm property. Seat- tle property and farme to laatira and Weetern Washington (or *ale on ea*y SKT, tog, fieattla WE pay f per cent. Interest on call and t per cent, on time -lepoalts; Just the thing for wsge earners, absolutely safe. Equi- table FulMing-Loan and Inveetment As- sociation Bt Pike. MOBTOAOB loane of ».«» and uperxrd*: Eastern rates; no eeanmiaaiin Address Northwestern Mutual Life Ineur*itce Company's tonn agent. Abington build- ing. Portland. MONEY TO LOAN?Brokers, promoters, mortgage dealers wanting Investment money eh n»!d write for circular. In- vectors' DirKtary, New York. HOME N«9TF «? LO*" MI «*ty property; raaioMli* Ui*rni, mmy am>ucua I H Bt«>dd«r:l Woahlnftcm buUdta*. M Kirat >vmm; phona. Urn. in tti h«»y» a Un» tot on Thirteenth ""??i n»*r M N UVKRMI.HK* MALTBT. _ Sit ItatWy HuUdlnit MONKT to k*n tmpiwrad rtty t*v*+r*r at tow ml* <* twtaraat. Rttitdin* »«?>» a Kfchr**-Marvin Co . IVv Bffr bu!l<Hn( iAI-K- <>itjr and farm C' *~*v»»g. and i«rm« raay. Jantaa wan* »n>i !n«ur*n*'«, Bmim _*mm. T»i»phi>nr M»tn «tn sT-ieSMSrCES ______ Whrat farm tn Rtf P'M 22®*; )? pru» |2.co) or wd «*>r »«?*{!»? r*ai rsta'* Frad- _****? woon A M mra BKOKRH*. rr«mntar». wNM-t«a4» d»»lara wanting Eaarrr* ownry gfciMtUJ arrtsa tor circular tsv*a«ora" Dtroctary, Xaw T>rh *x!L****-Vh«-at> t-uiidm# tot». Oman zj: *S> in «-itsr, *at U*>. R»- ' lX*'''" v'lr *lf' l * <*«*** M Hoa- - - *2, lAIJt- Fowr wnatt nanr fcouaaa ?"f' feh \u25a0?*»« and monthly i»ay- gjha. Mfcry v\ l-un* a* Hurk- i o.M- PRJ\ ATK fundsta loap op cwy JJM« y, low rataa: no Jai*r. i«M«4 l»o*r«o«. !V*tar H>>rt<»n hank >'u:Wta« JAM- Oty and, farq toana. lr*»raJH*a anil aifttjr fconaa w lh«tM hWk Talrphnaa- ff", .t"< o>w»n Ukt. S *<Tw on car « WaiUncfwd. i* Hot**!! Mdt ro I.OAN Dm.j* ? m LJL»t *K22? <K»ad eorn*r. fc*i ,s<>«n- ZT". c<rn f. r c*»h. ?>;*«? ~ > sit n?at. <»<? pwtifrtt corner krta, m »nihl> it-. t*nta UMi atrxt M*rtla<*a and Hroad- tSrkhtT' t *T** *"? Create, m Naw Lto,r * u >«* * * v ?*+. \M M*rfcvn jjjj* «\u25a0» MONET h»an an «ood Urm J. W. «rt liailay t»«»id:a« UkKf> n*'* amy *3l aiii 1 m,l hthwwrt fc?wiMXi *'" w Kaar Tort feMk. etss: ?\u25a0 Eu« htuXi?. =s»»" » Hlncktey. - VAKRAXTS P PU TIM 4K OFC, * W* TORM U I L lullll UMU IOTICML S ' ; »feaaa«sflsfg w ja *^ g n'fe'tecfcie y C>ty R^ L »yTAT« >-«* Brewa. Week- LOXG-Tmß *Ma Tm^ MONET TO UOAM-9. JL Tmtm. CktaaS wtmmm w \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 H Ik, eimtkaHa,. if im n«aT £ ssau&narf W atockkoldera of the SeetUa Brewing and Malting C apany ta called to nM«t at tke genaval odoae of tke eoa»- &i£Ft2£r^ u 'iih2 Si 3? &"thT of'alwttM ween CT) trwauaa to aarvo for tke una ot one year, to \u25a0laiwlaiin wttk tke by. law. of tto eompaay. aad tor the purpaae SLTmiST By order of tke pntaliat. \u25a0wmtp laattle Browtog aad Maltlag JWyilM, im NOffibfc to tke «tarkka»data_ of tke Ooidaa a stsra^^asßtf-UKt tan. aaM hoada to bo ot tke Juaiilßtflaa at aet taao than Oaa Heatfred Dotlare ueh. aad to ho peyabli ftre yeara after data at tke OMta af tke TVwwiit at Kkt SKf-'arASsasvVfa ef Waahlngtaa la the City or Pew Tak la tke State of Hew Tort, at tke epnoa of the punka?, tke intereet to be paid aeag aarneFty or antoafiy at tke apttaa of tke koldar aad cridenced by Coqaw payable et the said Tpeaeurefe OAce or at tke Mid Ploral ageacy at tke aptkw at tke parchaow. Sealed MSa tor tke awikau of «M ban to we be reeetoaflw tka Cooaty Tteaeorer of King Cowrty, State of waah- ingt<H>. «p to 3 o'clock paw Thara- day. Aapnat Wth. IMP. at tke oSot of tfc 1 *3Sm »Jm annkiiß «y bMii. flril teii ""ySsißßSffiaiJSS su> tke atateof Waaktagtnw ore wmrtil to (Mr* btda. Ttaoearar No in a kgui wtil bo aßewad oa tke «rJESßanfafcV trtet ta BSJMM Tke aeaool IMdkp aad otkar pioperty betagkg to the dtahrlct are eahaad at .. MM Tke debt of too dtatrtet ta aa toUowe; Beada .. .. ..................MM Begietered warranto .. ........ MP tktol a. IMS P»**d Jy^f. CttABLMS P. WfUTTLBBBT, Aa Treoaarcr at Mag Cooaty. Weak tog Br*P. P. PADDCN. Deooty Ttaawuu. What Do Advertise your wants In the P.-I. Want columns. Quiok servioe and sure re- sults. If you need a servant ,or want a situation; II you wish to sell or buy, try one of these little ads. Thousands read thezn. Tbay coil 1 oent i wad meh In- sertion; no aa. tak«a for Ism than 26 oents. fV the ami such other bustnes* as may properly corns before the meeting. OEOROE T. OARPNER. Becretary. in in ACCOHTAm NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CHAB. B. GRANT, expert accountant, SQi Cherry. TO STEAMSHIP OWNER*-Municipality of the District ot North Vancouver, B. C?Tender* will be rteMnd by the un- deraigaed up to noon m the WhJ*y of July next at the Municipal Office, Room it tons of Court Building. Hamil- tea street, Vaaoaaver. B. C.. tor the per- formance of a ateam ferry oervlce be- tween Vancouver and North Vancouver far a period of thro* ar Sve yearn; tend- on to state the amount of eubaidy in- quired and the maalmum rate of freight aad paasage money which orOI be charged the *tearner to ha employed on the a*- The lowest or any tender not necemarfiy WILLIAM L KEENE. Clerk Municipal Council North Vancouver. Jane Tth. UM. art wood work. SEALED hid* will ba ra«rtv*d by the board of director* of Seattle school dis- trict No. 1, at their ofltee. Seventh and until n o'doch m. Monday. ASrSetV. I m. toe heating the addition to Rainier achool, plane and speelflca- ttona may be *** a at oStee of the board; also ottce of Jceenhaua * Allen. room 74 Hinckley Mask. Lyman Banks. Sec- retary ft of E. V. ft GOVERNMENT goad*; J»®thln* bet- ter for Alaska, timber country and hard work; cavalry .trouaem. double over SSw. » ££ sa.u?VsS£s saw tsr%Jksana .5 oaae. Seattle. V. ft Engineer OfSee, Portland. Or . July Vk tM-Sealed tor tmprovmg canal at Caecadee. ColumMa Wwr. Or, will be reeevsd here until » aoon. Sept. 1. MS and thea puNhrfy opened Infor- mation on application. William % . Hurt*. Captain Enatneere- NOTirK TO AfiCBITBTW. NUTICE TO ARCHITECTS.-You ar* hereby notified that the Board of Direct- ors of School District. So. 1. City of Se- an I*. Washington, desire and call tor conru-Kltlve plana and doaenpttve *P*c«- fteatt->n* for a brick end mon* sutatan- tially fireproof High School building First - The buHdan* will be located on ? block of having a frontage of W feet end width of «? feet wtu be wraftfed to ecoommodate UM» pupila. will beapec- msnrnt end aubetantlal structure. of em deSJsn. and with conatructtaa conform- ing to the building aad aaaltary law* of ttje «Ity of Seattle. »<\u25a0<- tn i -Tbe plat* and 4eet*ne ahafl coa- aat of one pereoeeave, showing front and one aide drawn to a true Une with point of view if** foot from batldtag. on* elevation r>-«r view; oae longitudinal aacttoa. aad one oroae aeetlae All plana, el******* Ktik-m meat be prepared to a *eale of *?*- eighth **%» of one Inch to one foot, eleva- tion* eld be rendered In outline without shading AS plana to have walls draw* a India Tnh aad Marked to; perspective view* wtl! he uidiwl la ink only. Fourth-The Hatft of expenditure In the <?metrucdoa of bMMkg aat to aaaaatf #R- *fi??b--AU plane ahoald he addrasyd to School* Ssnttke. su.'sa s nsuustsu: £ ctpher contatatag the true name af the erch.iter*. The. ?**?* the edoptea of a phut SUth~Tke architect whooe deelga may be eele. tal by the Beard, wtllfce entitled te races ve the aa* af Three theoeend D<d- lare The ales* a* aetocted te beoeake the property m the Board- Rids win he raea*ead ap tola. Aa- (W 1M», and Wtu be opened at the af- -2U of feeard at ? e'eleefc p m. Sep- destrni ***"* be addr***- SSSt-Ji-ir f A £SL. W * en BOMB decoratlona tn wood; iptdtf *?? Hcm, mantels. »rtll work, etc.: tafMMUaa «leea- IMB Third. AUIK I'LTIBAL ITTLEIIKITS. BIOOEST assortment. lowest prices; ro«<l wucna, bH||in, rtrriun >nd surreys, also tine stock of I sundry and express wagons. etc Call on or address Poi- son-Wilton Hardware Comply. Noa. SOS-SOS Western ave«u«< Seattle, Wash. ARTtnciAt. urn. . TRUSSES fitted to your particular case. A. Lundbar* Artificial ttofc C 4, IS Sullivan building- ' asbestos goods. STEAMBOAT work, boiler and plpa cov- ering a specialty. De Solla-Densin* Co., Tesier wharf. Seattl*. Basse abd orrtca fixtvbbe BOHLFS * SCHODER. «»? First m. sooth?Bsnk. offica sad bar fisturaa; hardwood lumbar ana atsamboat work a specialty. ' BASKS. DEXTER HORTON * CO.. BAXKBBB null IIi S msl SeatUa. Incorporated IMI Oldest bank In Waabinston. Capital fully paid iSaSa Surplus ? TTT w M Ladd ?? ... ? ........-Praaldent. R. M linny V*a Pr^t. N. H WM*- u w. P««nM \u2666l'v; ?\u25a0£**??*?? C. E. Bunrssldo Asst. Cashier. Correspondents in all prfncJpal cities of T'nitrvl States. Europe. China. Japan. Ha- -582$ Island*. Alaska. Britteh £»*««**? and Northwest Territory, direct on Juneau, SkafWay. Attta, Ban- aatt and Dnnaoa CUy. Collections mada an all patnta an fas* sonaMa teraaa ?t KINO iWXTT ICHOOt. DWTRCT h#Ma far mi* S.>noa » hawhy "sj»- I> »" trtrt Nail li M Oram Ri*«r VaUw oJJrVnrf 3 ?£TS2^5 ? 2 far wttCW !\u25a0* « "»?" **o' Tiniitijfr . grSrr ."!!"! Vica PraaMent CoU lns Socood Vlca Pra*drat ?ttxss&vr-jhssr'- Transact* n aaatasa bank biislaaas an- CS r?D.T&» received froaa B ta lIMSS. {pSTeant Intaraat allonad oa anrtaga 32b" ssrtsrraffss.'s coUntarais antr TMB W»W BAMS capital pal* «P....«» -BSMSS », fffTl fnrCb Pres44a«» Iter KanfafcAar Vka PraatdaaS y y *stsa*anTl»aMJpa tt"* - BATIOWAJL BAKE py COMMBBCB. PnMhap aajjiinl ... j .. SUB.I a «aaacal hanktas Mtuaaa B C- B«"7 Pr«*lSaat £ »!\u25a0> KgJJ-J TMS Slßff UAUK OT Paid ap linn t*. H««a, |r President T <irr Turner ?''ssfiisr «? uw» Uruted States ajsd E^rvpa. iTHK BKATIXg FOgfiMTKLLIGENCtg. SUNDAY, AUOPCT «, 18M. wmvm. ioan ctcxj arppLT cqmpant. 1W JP llWt» ?LVI nunm BLOFROff oa.-. ROyjECILPRRS-O. ?; Wnm P. g 9. Aarraoarr, mm**, hint maw aad WNrt muni M(fe wnuteeww. SsMMI Mml, llfflMA JllMflCik fMfIHI i> » C I?Ha, PWMTWQ * BIND *ft£%2 a SX.%&5 < , 3S itwr. «m urti mt>t thb iumi numm co. e^hr^nEaa. s eunmAim A Mn. Oray, KkßtHe paMK, eees with «ks Wirrinc Meoracr Mt th* gypey, yw future uavtM: ww okMdn from your MlkVKjr by pelaflim them oat to you. a«cirl(«y foe mow and other etreet. MRS. WELCH. eUmamt. Dsimlst. psy- chometric mdtr of ilnwi; ladies Sc. fnU Me, for this weak only. l*mon» &£b2°°- m arson®, corner MICE. U VBI, elairveyaat trance medl. \u25a0»; tails past >WM> u4 future, eatla- tsethm naruM or M pay. Stxth sad Mifcn PRQT. AND Mm ANDSR9GX. palm- ists sad dairrsyanta' readings daily; mum Ttwiiy sad flwatay. Ci Pike attest. MA*;AM KRPCIUKZA, clairvoyant, Ufs reader; buelntee advice. Kennebec Mock, tt Tester way. Rosas L PEARL HARJUIOM, ai?egr and auc< astis hosier. Hotsl Kit*, UKH first avenue, room 11 KPIRITUALUttC. Mm. Ada ro ye. Maeonlo Temple. Room U. MtUacs dally from S to I 9k m. 18 MUM OjAMQMD Ma AWP COU) WOM \u25a0Sg^^.'Sr -\u25a0 fi^ysrg^gr^sr''- Aunu jtjoc co. mt* mumi rmm mjm Sill tmw win, ?KATTL* jrrWK CO-tron, bo£H. mM yard Mi RaUroaa tntw. TH. Black fltt A. f- MOTTOW, irtln HMj, y»KMt IMMW AMP mm - I ?l ?l| ?| - ?I \u25a0 ?IL ?I. -I BATTXJi cum BATHS - TMM \u25a0WI i> CotwrlS; *> iiiji ri: *"t«m I'm## urf OrMt Nortkm t«i*> ffiw. tada, nranri tM aaproos *»? Mala Mft \u25a0 11 1 " l nm A*D wmn, a It DAHU i Ntw Tark htawkf Mqj» u»4 irib «ood artatti pnpcrtlw FOR MIKES ww Yoho, New Tcrk batVttag; \u25a0ontrnm qp wtAPwtMfc WS CARRY ? Aim stock o< noHHMMUL headstones. markan: atoo (rubt* and ?arblo curtta*; spocial attention to out. «tde ordarsTltacoi Sound Marttft * OraattsCo.. MM Second araauo. Q¥«TMI WMl,m ' wgsasnrH^ PAUuinv. MRS. MAT. Palmist, room it Hotel Sa- voy. PATS HITS ARO BBAWONk RARNEB BROS.. H-* Starr-Boyd *m*» tel Superior sarvtco la ?!) branches of riCMUS, ROT «ATU MBATISa. SEATTUB H«A( and Plumbta* Oa. Whit* til. SPRLLMUUg, U Columbia. RAUTMAN PLPMBINO CO. TaL Bug m. M. ntow A SON. Trtophewa. Pthe C. 1. WUJVAM, MFirst Bog m riLI rRKIMTSM, KHPBCTION Pile Prmrvitu Ceapui, Teredo proof ptUnr Office, Flyer dock. Telephone Mala A raoTooßAm, PHOTOS-* par te mm*»% m Pike, raoToamruar scmiai. C. W. PARKER * CO.. fresh paper end plates: everything used in photography. Corner First avenue end Cherry street ANDERSON JBTpYI/t COMPANY. US Cherry afreet, SedlH AMP WAfmWQTOy WIM WOUIMIWrtI IAW mnricnuM. WAWimQTOW RAW WOtta \u25a0» ilwt qprroi eea e>hr il >£» no. ?\u25a0IP CHRAVMUMIY* MBA. DBLOCK, MMmm test nwdlua. re- VSnJtXtL *> l* onto* m FROr. and Mrs. Anderson, the greet oc- cult ecteatlsu. Readings dafly. & Pttte. MADAME FRANCISCO. MKDII'M. US Pine, torwr Second avenue- MR* K. SHUT KM tot Return In rtn weeks. RgADINOS Ma Swan. Iff Teeier, room CASH RKfiIITEU. RATIONAL CASH RROISTKR CO.. M Washington building: new end Mcond tend. Iron |tt.« us \u25a0" 1 \u25a0 11 i cAsraiTßM An Bvnsaas A. P. RAMPAU. A COU CM»I«tM» street DTBH9 ABM CUBABUMk DTB wo RJUk Ssnaia! ATLAB DTB WORK* W UskML M I. ML W. ANDERSON. VMU and June Bleak ».>tt OABCfIM AOAMMMT. ' BALLROOM and stane dancing taug%t~ private leeeooe daily,lte vents avenue ana Columbia etroet- ERGinm ABB OMTBACmS SKATTLB BBIXKHB COMPART, MMkn or bridgea, wSarvee, eeal >wkiri. eta., pile driving and foundations; i>eJare In pile*. to«s and spats. BARNES BROS.. TMB lUffM MM> ms. ixiim aai »mti>rti>i mr a*. chine ry. »sa3l KRGIIBU AW MTU ARCRITBCT. BARNES BROS.. 7*-7» Starr-Boyd build- in* , B 1* MALLASTER Mi-KH Pmw bid*. 1 BXFBSSS A*» BA««A«E " ?yssrs&X"* kMU « T* rrua *«- KAJRVKM ASW UMMLCRT, MBOftLET A MHfOMMQW, m Qom- rua rauau BftCHs Tatar wbart Tain. rAciJnc pish 00-wmmm; aaiy a*. ?goROR. a uw; \u25a0ma t.i^ lH, aovM An umm taiitbri. * SOB. aaTKm hJUkB pt "ST ATTuygw. «w«n m?/ WATRRHWIUE [ U*mM« * rismm. CALHOCK * CO.. iMwnt tti?rancn Otyssptc Stock. BKIXOOO A CO . twrii in?raaaa. m MaUtf. *%* wrjpjws SnZiMi aSSwMMS THE tBATTUB TRANSITS* CO . «t Flrat tna«« Brie* warotuooo; to* is. wirww. Titepbtw tt. IF yoi intend porcbaotnc a lipwrtwr ?i#«!m lb* bw, popular. hail-b#ort*{ Dmwbww. TIM Nmt Century, tho lotcot production, ml tho No 4 Tort; *Q makt* of rMatrod. roottod and tor 0010 ooeoad bond; »rtt# for catalogue. Brttll* Typewriter K*<h«n**. OeMtmt A|(!RU, rtm mm WHtOHMMMHMOW'WOHHWMnNVIHOMmMOMMOMMMMMMiMO ntitiM aim XLK Tarkteh Bathe; ojnmi dejr sad night. bMtnnl TURKISH and ?Joctre. 157 T«o»«e, room TBVCV AW~MAT LUMI. 90.; jSTSt«o. Mttowr, o<o. KAHaLKY TRUCK CO.?Moving ootoo ?ad kMvy fMtfit a HKilty. Tele. pboaaa. Moo SO. Mata ». nwitu ?rmi»i, PMBRCULAS?jjowofafturod. rroovertd aad fiftrrt. foaora* rraalrtae. ltd Oa> hMßtil> rtwot RoMooa Woo. ' VMM Mitrionuu * WE aianwiartur* aoar «a#o*a oi »U to acrtpOoao; ropairla*. oarrtoco patnttaf aad MmM; Harao? maktac; horoo «s^fc i i«srv'nrft freight d*po< Pactar Wagoa Compear- WMUUAU utcod Duuii BL R. R R W>aoo»rWo Roof* Rldor Rye If. A K. Qottotiia. aoto ifiH. KRF.IELSHKIMKR ZNa- aoado tidoi* a niri>H». *-»»?- ?EATTUC WOOLE* MUX* k»< » aw>»od f!j l^^^? <> TOflKiad St DDfInVfMHE BffiWTODf # i*mrZZw AJM»TRACT OOMpajhITS AmxTmm. act tluwm; JOHkaON 4bNEWTON. aV.-i. »aU«tefc i«TOMtn>ATWUIV. "* P. P. CAMtOLU lft»yor. pftteftt «U» MT, proctor in admiralty; rNWrwt tft Q HtMkky »r |Mt f nuß) H- fMIMW, twnwjL ttuMMtari pmior la iMnOH. n«<k lloor Mutual Lite bulldta* CHOHW ML JW«oa *»t®rn«y udc«» seta* at law. GVKRIN. PKRRT * OtWWK. O Pliwa luftim; 'phono. Mftla llt. ***£ r gi^Piy^ i >SS^Bis£' l S&<nsr fllwll> * *** WjMi TOK4 PIMM. limniit »w> inuKK a tKocMou* smkuo W ttonai Bank baflStes. RICH ARP QOWAK. Attorney. « N«t RALPH SIMON. IU SoftttU National BUS W. D LAMBUTH. SaatOs National Baa* bondia*. P. T. DAVIS~MS»III Waabtn«t«l RBMS P. DAHIWUS. Ml How tor* M?fc OKO. F. AUST. Ml Kw York buIKU?, MILO A> MOOT. »a Iteawoll huildlap. ' Ear ASK »***« ** w ALBIN ITuiiT^iiiiho^iw'a Palttvaa Haas. DR. BRAQDON. tewtk Sow Mutual Ute Klaolt 1 Mutual Ute IM» C. A. MOLM?L P. P. >\u25a0, OnfM mat? «?? DR. LKSSRT. Mi MftUiftl Ute bulMbf. BDVCATMRAI* PORTLAND Buatneaa CMtasa* PortUMk Or. RuiiMM Shorthand. pift'sh M> partmenta Wo teack hookfceoplnf fcy new method, superior to ftll otaara Makes bookkeeping <"**>\u25a0 ltvMtkttl« A! 1 p^AwwlsSiw LBO*S business cotlega. Saocpd and Untoa; ft progressiva school. brought up to Mft. \u25a0 a js&t^as^LtS^bjnse 8E Amh Bustneaa o^> »j»gjjjg 1 wiidfii. "" w gßKFltovH MBOTsMTC AWBJMW®» r wsgJiisßMMJ^Sßf^pSJi®Sr^^^ ; jll op. invMNjif. fiiw««wMs *»*.«**. BUM. e^?m, \u25a0wTflw* wm * PH. VAit of Waajmf °tJSi??tesaa sr^':.sK" PR. SARAH KENDAUL Hoiyohe Meek. TsWphone Preen jl. PR ARTHUR DB VOR. mi ftMS* e»oe> Telephone ~*/*? PR. itw»oy4 HoA"lW», PR. AHWIR RfWttX. - Htoehloy Mceß. M 32dis^ u,,,ALU *\u25a0**" * m WOMAITI MOM II di SEATTLE Matsri>Hy mm* Wjy>'. Wa» »«w tU a w*»fc op wmrd. tmSTsi MIMBKIH. ' iff ftfi 1 ini in TiirirtiWi TART* AMP TAIIFAUWNS?Tfce Af*| I ktttf at factory prteea. Seattle Teat aM AmMng CoMpMf. Ifrrtew aM Wnm wewo. Alee hydragSe eatalag Ima neurit TENT AMD AWMIMO CO., ??» atdr MNtattwM e? ererrthin® ea»> ess vis do; urate, eowe, hydrashe beaa Wrtto for catalogue and di«oniMMß RUM OS * KRt#AND, l«hr wharf, iilw. rttfwt *o< ahip rha/iil?. vfacturers of tsote, tarpdeMe* rMh INK eoavas of an widths. AXnASKA cunms. SEATTUB WOOL** MOCS& MS ITteW Rtctoree aSI

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Page 1: I S wmvm. MUM BffiWTODf - Library of Congress · 2017-12-20 ·



tS&*9£ mrW "

ftSs^3? ,t ju2»lwe

m*SS*ui ISjr * ""SbSoSL Vtaoo to

*? e«er at eery

SS&Twmii «»d pr-ees It wSI mr

r ßtffrj?

"!E&sa"£rtk 4»bi* the mo*|. Too

|'4KS|SfC CUMC ha best far location

welkin* jtatonrn ta< are aeß-

(MwInside hrtck com«rs.;|Sto*»to»» W»rm which can to bought

ftrs-ciaas prop*

f'H®*" TK>BfT*L * LEWIS._

> ?? m ngaartiia Hatter block.&"* tatabiishe* Mi#.

4m MAIJt-ftmt six-room cot tap*. withPRfaaeiaad eriUr. Au*i with mo aad

BloaMMr: was thoroughly MlttaaH~ floor* tad douale aiding;

'B< rri? Mvwn; fin* Mk toot tat

fSdsdSwM* ?foot, with City w«ttr ud&M lltwp lot is tOTKrf to ddtMlk;SfcMOelewn ud numerous rose

Within two Mocks of MidbmrS «ottac«- ta comfortably furnished.

well selected pietuna. via«o,S; itas Seat fUM upright plane: gas

*\u25a0 S> oai Majteite coot raa|»; perfectBT Wffi e«U tor ».aso spot cash, no

B tt car* Poat-liueUi-

FOR SALEW?l Ud lot m Walla Wait* Ad-

'jMamri houae in North Seat-

'flLwat tbo tart lota for the price inflßrSaattl*jnF7 r* Mais. With aaedorn cottage. onfBIIMW Mil. naar oablo Una; good

JUk-WaU located Mel block; paying M

ggfi M*COT. Boom «. Booton btk.

km rrrr f -~»-r- **-"«*

"jMPMMsad East Union atreet; one block;\u25a0 mm Malison car Hoe; will be computed

affSSv troaw cottage; corner Eleventhnorth and East Thomas atreet.

'am-Mew 4-room cottage; cioee In; near"iMcar HUM: one-half caeh.< CHBO. W. DIL.UNO.

m N«W York Block.

cm. ftJi

m. w YwKowe*.


FOB EXCHAHQR-We have eome fineproperty located in tke ctty of Monteaa-

real estate In Seattle. eft New

*OIBXCHASrOE-On» or two MraMi

3SST SFffikVtUtSJS?-

ttdMap la traeta of » acrea or more.?njss &tjssa® S?£rr.^ 4.Lt&. J B Kta «-

creek; etooa to ackooi aad cktirch. WMIj£«c Sruvw JSS6j ~

WILJUAMU« Bailey BolUflng.

IMsww htack. rich land; katf »Ue tramdepot; M acraa cleared: balaaee aiderud etae mania brwdi; iowt, tan; MPer acre; wtt esckaage tor kaaaa aadwt la fWettl#


uvffßß fcriS^"1-

FOB aale or oxekango flret-claee centralCalifornia farms, alao finely locatedcity k»ta at Saata Crua: want koaee orother Seattle. Address tke

FOR IALK-fte vera! ? ten tracts of jotilsnd. seven mile* eut of Seattle; JTper

P*rt cah, Usance long time. DTl« CM* Past-lntetagencer.

'QSiSVLZgL 1 IBSt*-*TIMBER lends in Black Hills ta tali*ul

?mall tract*. Alfred Thompson, Otym-pla, Wuh.

FARMS for nit M for nai W. W.


COKINO and itna coal property; Macree.wlthin six mil** of railroad. Ad-

W UIA-IWMMliroiß


tracts of choice airand cedar timber land la good location far

Herbert ft. Upper. U ficheuar-

O. B. PEA VST?Timber lands bought Md_for sala. 801 New York blorh.

r»ARCUU«O»T TO VOAI.Mm f-rf block on First avenue;*Snsys rantsd; pays 10 per cent.dPnne lot on tirst hilt, with four

monthly rent. ITS; rare chanceHr goallncome property.

1 Wm flmf It house; large corner\u25a0 iSi\ room to build several more hous**;i- Jtoa garden; half cashr wiattle lota. R« to tlJßfi

[ WM VOIUT. too New York blk.

KHSALE-A store building and dwellingmtf six leu In fo>d location; also storeHFur. with goods or without goods;firm farms, all No. 1 land; one term onfijgft land, cheap; town lots In Woollev,

. . JHtosn. Seattle. Anacortoe. Fir andVMttt Varnsn; also work horses; I amMr to mi da *»jwar at firm chance.Ar lofbrmatls* «NU to C. H. Mann.jjw. \u25a0moH '*mwtyTwa«h.

j|| are a*w building m w;fest Ist a* Fourteenth aveaue. secondpet Mttk *f iifn aa excellent T-

uSl mSi wuifhiMarS,p Ilarpar Oator Horioaßaak'

MUVTIKUL horns to Worth Seattle; U-imm houss; eest MJto; corner lot. ItsKent BMh vtow unexcelled; we arefftortel to attar thl* viae* for urn***

ftmALTBT.n« Bailey Building.

tHH-BOOM house and Am tot neartor Bat. Mk two good houses en Madi-jmtoast, first hill. IUH; two tots nearptotsai, RH; 1% acres clo*rad andIMJIp to earn, 1MB; bargains lafmf V etty property and acreage.\u25a0»tft*H IDmoat, to Bettor Brtlding.

W*.totoß-room house; find class toWWttolar: lot toxlM; on Four-

ffff*\u25a0\u25a0'?to Mrtk of Madison; price

Fine bustnemi corner,?toiitom flJto-Cottage near Med-\u25a0tototoi RJto-Three cultivated acre*JJW ttOto -Choice lot. first hilt.frmtor. m Baaey building.

*iHr to far * tract of Ifi lots, neartotto Iah»; good **II; ttolr stoarsd;totofitoiaron piece.

LXVEKNOKE *MALTBT._ H< Bailey Building.


pkn' I 'kr * ,u

,»,«*ice d<»ih!e v t»n Fourteenthggm, north of street; prloo

I.IVKRMOHK * MAIJTBT,_r nt Itstlev Building.

W|iAl.i; A new * r*xvm houee on firstR P y*' half cash. If destred: largeto a»d rare ahrabben lots of fruittof town. Intend. Silencer ft Co.,*nK iv»n««

*!" btir cttv propertv that p«ys IdJg feet on

_fo»>d h<>m»> nr\ Itent«»n hill.I ewwKLl YN * WAKD U< Marlon at


The report* from Index mining district,daring tne past week nave surely rejoiced"the fortunate holders of shares in copperpcnpaitlas

One stock that ire offered at 10c a weekago we paid 90c for today, and oar onlyregm I* that we could not obtain more,we could only secure a few thousandsharea.

The Hew York Mall and Kxpraas. in arecent article relative to the fabulous for-tune* that hare been mad* to copper stock*dating the mm two yeers. sum* op by

stating that Horse* Qrectory's advice to tha

entsrprl? looking toth* rapid development at th* copper prop-erties i* now ta active ptatrw, and acmehave already commenced rsgntor My*moot* of era to th* nmsttsr.JK there Is still a "doubting Thome#*who fall* to appreciate too *tupendou*Importance to fisaltls, and th* state gener-ally. of the conttouous discovery of taa-tnenee bodiea eg rich copper ore that I*dally coming to hart, and verified by ev-ery viaitor to th* nttalng sectkma. w* fearhi* eaat is hope'^w*.

There ha* been another aiill hunt thepMt week for th* share* of a copper prop-erty that hav* been selling at a price bo-lew their real value, and all the chsapMock was bought up.

we have an option on some small lot**f several of theae mocks, and we wouldearnestly advise those who desire to par-ticipate in the rapid rise that I* now mead-tar advancing th* pries of times sharm tosae us at once.

Read the reports from "Index*' to yes-terday's Issue of thl* paper. They don'ttell half the truth, hot they wfß quicks*your circulation.

C. K. THUBBTON ft CO,l« Cherry fitKstabllshed lAH.

MONKY to lean at low rat* of interest onunproved city and farm property. Seat-tle property and farme to laatira andWeetern Washington (or *ale on ea*y

SKT,tog, fieattla

WE pay f per cent. Interest on call and tper cent, on time -lepoalts; Just the thingfor wsge earners, absolutely safe. Equi-table FulMing-Loan and Inveetment As-sociation Bt Pike.

MOBTOAOB loane of ».«» and uperxrd*:Eastern rates; no eeanmiaaiin AddressNorthwestern Mutual Life Ineur*itceCompany's tonn agent. Abington build-ing. Portland.

MONEY TO LOAN?Brokers, promoters,mortgage dealers wanting Investmentmoney eh n»!d write for circular. In-vectors' DirKtary, New York.

HOME N«9TF «? LO*" MI «*ty property;raaioMli* Ui*rni, mmy am>ucua IH Bt«>dd«r:l Woahlnftcm buUdta*. MKirat >vmm; phona. Urn.in ttih«»y» a Un» tot on Thirteenth

""??i n»*r M NUVKRMI.HK* MALTBT.

_ Sit ItatWy HuUdlnit MONKT to k*n o« tmpiwrad rtty t*v*+r*rat tow ml* <* twtaraat. Rttitdin* »«?>» a

Kfchr**-Marvin Co . M» IVvBffr bu!l<Hn(iAI-K- <>itjr and farm

C' *~*v»»g. and i«rm« raay. Jantaawan* »n>i !n«ur*n*'«, Bmim

_*mm. T»i»phi>nr M»tn «tn sT-ieSMSrCES______Whrat farm tn Rtf P'M22®*; )? pru» |2.co) or wd

«*>r »«?*{!»? r*ai rsta'* Frad-_****? woon A M mra BKOKRH*. rr«mntar». wNM-t«a4» d»»lara

wanting Eaarrr* ownry gfciMtUJ arrtsa torcircular tsv*a«ora" Dtroctary, Xaw T>rh*x!L****-Vh«-at> t-uiidm# tot». Oman

zj: *S> in «-itsr, *at U*>. R»-' lX*'''" v'lr*lf'l* <*«*** M Hoa-

- -

*2, lAIJt-Fowr wnatt nanr fcouaaa?"f' feh \u25a0?*»« and monthly i»ay-

gjha. Mfcry v\ l-un* a* Hurk- i o.M-

PRJ\ ATK fundsta loap op cwy JJM« y,low rataa: no Jai*r. i«M«4 l»o*r«o«.!V*tar H>>rt<»n hank >'u:Wta«

JAMr» - Oty and, farqtoana. lr*»raJH*a anil aifttjr fconaa wlh«tM hWk Talrphnaa-

ff", .t"< o>w»n Ukt. S *<Tw on car« WaiUncfwd. i* Hot**!! Mdt

ro I.OAN Dm.j*?mLJL»t*K22?

<K»ad eorn*r. fc*i ,s<>«n-ZT". c<rn f. r c*»h. I» ?>;*«?~ > Q» sit n?at.

<»<? pwtifrtt corner krta,m »nihl> it-. t*nta UMi i»


M*rtla<*a and Hroad-tSrkhtT' t *T** *"? Create, m Naw

Lto,r*u >«* * *v?*+. \M M*rfcvn


MONET t« h»an an «oodUrm J. W.«rt liailay t»«»id:a«

UkKf> n*'* amy *3laiii1 m,l hthwwrt fc?wiMXi *'"wKaar Tort feMk.

etss: ?\u25a0

Eu« htuXi?.

=s»»" »






';»feaaa«sflsfg wja*^g

n'fe'tecfcie yC>ty

R^L »yTAT« >-«* Brewa. u» Week-

LOXG-Tmß *Ma Tm^MONET TO UOAM-9. JL Tmtm. CktaaS

wtmmm v» w\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

H Ik, eimtkaHa,. if im n«aT£ ssau&narf

W atockkoldera of the SeetUaBrewing and Malting C apany ta calledto nM«t at tke genaval odoae of tke eoa»-

&i£Ft2£r^u'iih2Si 3? &"thT of'alwttMween CT) trwauaa to aarvo for tke unaot one year, to \u25a0laiwlaiin wttk tke by.law. of tto eompaay. aad tor the purpaae

SLTmiSTBy order of tke pntaliat.

\u25a0wmtp laattle Browtog aad MaltlagJWyilM, im

NOffibfc to tke «tarkka»data_ of tke Ooidaa


tan. aaM hoada to bo ot tke Juaiilßtflaaat aet taao than Oaa Heatfred Dotlare ueh.aad to ho peyabli ftre yeara after dataat tke OMta af tke TVwwiit at Kkt

SKf-'arASsasvVfaef Waahlngtaa la the City or Pew Takla tke State of Hew Tort, at tke epnoaof the punka?, tke intereet to be paidaeag aarneFty or antoafiy at tke apttaaof tke koldar aad cridenced by Coqawpayable et the said Tpeaeurefe OAce orat tke Mid Ploral ageacy at tke aptkw attke parchaow.

Sealed MSa tor tke awikau of «Mban to we be reeetoaflw tka CooatyTteaeorer of King Cowrty, State of waah-ingt<H>. «p to 3 o'clock paw Thara-day. Aapnat Wth. IMP. at tke oSot of

tfc1 *3Sm

»Jm annkiiß «y bMii. flril teii

""ySsißßSffiaiJSS su>tke atateof Waaktagtnw ore wmrtil to


No in a kgui wtil bo aßewad oa tke

«rJESßanfafcVtrtet ta BSJMM

Tke aeaool IMdkp aad otkarpioperty betagkg to the dtahrlctare eahaad at .. MMTke debt of too dtatrtet ta aa

toUowe;Beada .. .. ..................MMBegietered warranto .. ........ MP

tktol a. IMSP»**d Jy^f.CttABLMS P. WfUTTLBBBT,

Aa Treoaarcr at Mag Cooaty. Weak tog

Br*P. P. PADDCN. Deooty Ttaawuu.

What Do

Advertise your wants Inthe P.-I. Want columns.

Quiok servioe and sure re-sults. If you need a servant,or want a situation; II you

wish to sell or buy, try oneof these littleads. Thousandsread thezn.

Tbay coil 1 oent iwad meh In-sertion; no aa. tak«a for Ism than26 oents.

fV the amisuch other bustnes* as may properlycorns before the meeting.



NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CHAB. B. GRANT, expert accountant,SQi Cherry.

TO STEAMSHIP OWNER*-Municipalityof the District ot North Vancouver, B.C?Tender* will be rteMnd by the un-deraigaed up to noon m the WhJ*yof July next at the Municipal Office,Room it tons of Court Building. Hamil-tea street, Vaaoaaver. B. C.. tor the per-formance of a ateam ferry oervlce be-tween Vancouver and North Vancouverfar a period of thro* ar Sve yearn; tend-on to state the amount of eubaidy in-quired and the maalmum rate of freightaad paasage money which orOI be charged

the *tearner to ha employed on the a*-

The lowest or any tender not necemarfiy

WILLIAML KEENE.Clerk Municipal Council

North Vancouver. Jane Tth. UM.

art wood work.

SEALED hid* will ba ra«rtv*d by theboard of director* of Seattle school dis-trict No. 1, at their ofltee. Seventh and

until n o'doch m. Monday.

ASrSetV. Im. toe heating the additionto Rainier achool, plane and speelflca-ttona may be ***a at oStee of the board;also ottce of Jceenhaua * Allen. room74 Hinckley Mask. Lyman Banks. Sec-retary ft of E.

V. ft GOVERNMENT goad*; J»®thln* bet-ter for Alaska, timber country and hardwork; cavalry .trouaem. double over

SSw. » ££sa.u?VsS£ssaw tsr%Jksana .5oaae. Seattle.

V. ft Engineer OfSee, Portland. Or .July

Vk tM-Sealed tor tmprovmgcanal at Caecadee. ColumMa Wwr. Or,will be reeevsd here until » aoon. Sept.1. MS and thea puNhrfy opened Infor-mation on application. William % . Hurt*.Captain Enatneere-



hereby notified that the Board of Direct-ors of School District. So. 1. City of Se-an I*. Washington, desire and call torconru-Kltlve plana and doaenpttve *P*c«-fteatt->n* for a brick end mon* sutatan-tially fireproof High School buildingFirst - The buHdan* will be located on ?

block of having a frontage of Wfeet end width of «? feet wtu be wraftfedto ecoommodate UM» pupila. will beapec-msnrnt end aubetantlal structure. ofem deSJsn. and with conatructtaa conform-ing to the building aad aaaltary law* ofttje «Ity of Seattle.

»<\u25a0<- tn i -Tbe plat* and 4eet*ne ahafl coa-aat of one pereoeeave, showing front andone aide drawn to a true Une with point ofview if** foot from batldtag. on* elevationr>-«r view; oae longitudinal aacttoa. aadone oroae aeetlae All plana, el*******Ktik-m meat be prepared to a *eale of *?*-

eighth **%» of one Inch to one foot, eleva-tion* eld be rendered In outline withoutshading AS plana to have walls draw* aIndia Tnh aad Marked to; perspective

view* wtl! he uidiwl la ink only.Fourth-The Hatft of expenditure In the

<?metrucdoa of bMMkg aat to aaaaatf #R-

*fi??b--AU plane ahoald he addrasyd to

School* Ssnttke.

su.'sa s nsuustsu: £ctpher contatatag the true name af theerch.iter*. The. ?**?*

the edoptea of a phutSUth~Tke architect whooe deelga may

be eele. tal by the Beard, wtllfce entitled te

races ve the aa* af Three theoeend D<d-lare The ales* a* aetocted te beoeake theproperty m the Board-

Rids win he raea*ead ap tola. Aa-(W *« 1M», and Wtu be opened at the af--2U of feeard at ? e'eleefc p m. Sep-

destrni ***"*be addr***-

SSSt-Ji-ir fA£SL.W *en

BOMB decoratlona tn wood; iptdtf *??

Hcm, mantels. »rtll work, etc.: tafMMUaa«leea- IMB Third.


BIOOEST assortment. lowest prices; ro«<lwucna, bH||in, rtrriun >nd surreys,also tine stock of Isundry and expresswagons. etc Call on or address Poi-son-Wilton Hardware Comply. Noa.SOS-SOS Western ave«u«< Seattle, Wash.

ARTtnciAt. urn. .

TRUSSES fitted to your particular case.A. Lundbar* Artificial ttofc C4, ISSullivan building-

' asbestos goods.

STEAMBOAT work, boiler and plpa cov-ering a specialty. De Solla-Densin* Co.,Tesier wharf. Seattl*.

Basse abd orrtca fixtvbbe

BOHLFS * SCHODER. «»? First m.sooth?Bsnk. offica sad bar fisturaa;hardwood lumbar ana atsamboat work aspecialty.



null IIiS msl SeatUa. Incorporated IMI

Oldest bank In Waabinston.

Capital fully paid iSaSaSurplus ? TTT

w M Ladd ?? ... ? ........-Praaldent.R. M linny V*a Pr^t.N. H WM*-u w. P««nM \u2666l'v; ?\u25a0£**??*??C. E. Bunrssldo Asst. Cashier.

Correspondents in all prfncJpal cities ofT'nitrvl States. Europe. China. Japan. Ha--582$ Island*. Alaska. Britteh £»*««**?and Northwest Territory,direct on Juneau, SkafWay. Attta, Ban-

aatt and Dnnaoa CUy.

Collections mada an all patnta an fas*

sonaMa teraaa ?t

KINO iWXTT ICHOOt. DWTRCTh#Ma far mi*S.>noa » hawhy "sj»- I>»"

trtrt Nail li M Oram Ri*«r VaUwoJJrVnrf 3?£TS2^5 ? 2far wttCW !\u25a0* « "»?" ?»


grSrr ."!!"!Vica PraaMentCoU lns Socood Vlca Pra*drat

?ttxss&vr-jhssr'-Transact* n aaatasa bank biislaaas an-

CSr?D.T&» received froaa B ta lIMSS.{pSTeant Intaraat allonad oa anrtaga

32b" ssrtsrraffss.'scoUntarais antr


capital pal* «P....«» -BSMSS», fffTl fnrCb Pres44a«»Iter KanfafcAar Vka PraatdaaSy y

*stsa*anTl»aMJpa tt"*



PnMhap aajjiinl ...


.. SUB.Ia «aaacal hanktas Mtuaaa

B C- B«"7 Pr«*lSaat£ »!\u25a0> KgJJ-J

TMS Slßff UAUK OTPaid ap

linn t*. H««a, |r PresidentT <irr Turner ?''ssfiisr

«? uw» Uruted States ajsd E^rvpa.



ioan ctcxj arppLT cqmpant.1W JP llWt»

?LVI nunm

BLOFROff oa.-.

ROyjECILPRRS-O. ?; Wnm P. g

9. Aarraoarr, mm**, hint mawaad WNrt muni M(fe wnuteeww.SsMMI Mml, llfflMAJllMflCik fMfIHIi> » C I?Ha,


*ft£%2 aSX.%&5 <

2« ,3Sitwr. «m urti mt>t

thb iumi numm co. m»

e^hr^nEaa. seunmAim

A Mn. Oray, KkßtHe paMK, eees with«ks Wirrinc Meoracr Mt th* gypey, ywfuture uavtM: ww okMdn fromyour MlkVKjrby pelaflim them oat toyou. a«cirl(«y foe mow and other


MRS. WELCH. eUmamt. Dsimlst. psy-chometric mdtr of ilnwi; ladies Sc.fnU Me, for this weak only. l*mon»

&£b2°°- m arson®, corner

MICE. U VBI, elairveyaat trance medl.\u25a0»; tails past >WM> u4 future, eatla-tsethm naruM or M pay. Stxthsad Mifcn

PRQT. AND Mm ANDSR9GX. palm-ists sad dairrsyanta' readings daily;mum Ttwiiy sad flwatay. Ci Pikeattest.

MA*;AMKRPCIUKZA, clairvoyant, Ufsreader; buelntee advice. Kennebec Mock,tt Tester way. Rosas L

PEARL HARJUIOM, ai?egr and auc<astis hosier. Hotsl Kit*, UKH firstavenue, room 11

KPIRITUALUttC. Mm. Ada roye. MaeonloTemple. Room U. MtUacs dally fromS to I 9k m.


\u25a0Sg^^.'Sr -\u25a0


Aunu jtjocco. mt* mumi rmmmjm Sill tmw win,

?KATTL* jrrWK CO-tron, bo£H. mMyard Mi RaUroaa tntw. TH. Blackfltt

A. f- MOTTOW, irtln HMj, y»KMt

IMMW AMP mm-I ?l ?l| ?|

- ?I \u25a0 ?IL ?I. -I

BATTXJi cum BATHS - TMM\u25a0WI i> CotwrlS;

*> iiijiri:*"t«m I'm## urf OrMt Nortkm t«i*>ffiw. tada, nranri tM aaproos *»?

Mala Mft

\u25a0 11 1 " lnm A*D wmn,

a It DAHU iNtw Tark htawkf Mqj»u»4 irib «ood artatti pnpcrtlw

FOR MIKES ww Yoho, New Tcrk batVttag;

\u25a0ontrnm qp wtAPwtMfc

WS CARRY ? Aim stock o< noHHMMULheadstones. markan: atoo (rubt* and?arblo curtta*; spocial attention to out.«tde ordarsTltacoi Sound Marttft *OraattsCo.. MM Second araauo.

Q¥«TMI WMl,m 'wgsasnrH^


MRS. MAT. Palmist, room it Hotel Sa-voy.


RARNEB BROS.. H-* Starr-Boyd *m*»tel Superior sarvtco la ?!) branches of

riCMUS, ROT «ATU MBATISa.SEATTUB H«A( and Plumbta* Oa. Whit*


SPRLLMUUg, U Columbia.

RAUTMAN PLPMBINO CO. TaL Bug m.M. ntow A SON. Trtophewa. PtheC. 1. WUJVAM, M0» First Bog m


KHPBCTION Pile Prmrvitu Ceapui,Teredo proof ptUnr Office, Flyer dock.Telephone Mala A


PHOTOS-* par te mm*»% mPike,

raoToamruar scmiai.C. W. PARKER * CO.. fresh paper end

plates: everything used in photography.Corner First avenue end Cherry street




IAW mnricnuM.

WAWimQTOW RAW WOtta \u25a0» ilwt

qprroi eea e>hr il >£»

no.?\u25a0IP CHRAVMUMIY*

MBA. DBLOCK, MMmm test nwdlua. re-

VSnJtXtL *> l* onto* m

FROr. and Mrs. Anderson, the greet oc-cult ecteatlsu. Readings dafly. & Pttte.

MADAME FRANCISCO. MKDII'M. USPine, torwr Second avenue-

MR* K. SHUT KM tot Return Inrtn weeks.

RgADINOS Ma Swan. Iff Teeier, room


RATIONAL CASH RROISTKR CO.. MWashington building: new end Mcondtend. Iron |tt.« us

\u25a0" 1 \u25a0 11 icAsraiTßM An Bvnsaas






W. ANDERSON. VMU and June Bleak».>tt


BALLROOM and stane dancing taug%t~private leeeooe daily,lte vents avenue anaColumbia etroet-


SKATTLB BBIXKHB COMPART, MMknor bridgea, wSarvee, eeal >wkiri. eta.,pile driving and foundations; i>eJare Inpile*. to«s and spats.

BARNES BROS.. TMB lUffMMM>ms. ixiimaai »mti>rti>i mr a*.chine ry.



BARNES BROS.. 7*-7» Starr-Boyd build-in*


B 1* MALLASTER Mi-KH Pmw bid*.1


?yssrs&X"* kMU « T*rrua *«-



rua rauauBftCHs Tatar wbart Tain.

rAciJnc pish 00-wmmm; aaiy a*.

?goROR. a uw; \u25a0ma t.i l̂H,

aovM An umm taiitbri.* SOB. aaTKm

hJUkB pt


ATTuygw. «w«n m?/



* rismm.

CALHOCK * CO.. iMwnt tti?rancnOtyssptc Stock.

BKIXOOO A CO . twrii in?raaaa. mMaUtf.

*%* wrjpjwsSnZiMi aSSwMMS

THE tBATTUB TRANSITS* CO . «tFlrat tna«« Brie* warotuooo; to* is.wirww. Titepbtw tt.

IF yoi intend porcbaotnc a lipwrtwr?i#«!m lb* bw, popular. hail-b#ort*{Dmwbww. TIM Nmt Century, tho lotcotproduction, ml tho No 4 Tort; *Q makt*of rMatrod. roottod and tor0010 ooeoad bond; »rtt# for catalogue.Brttll* Typewriter K*<h«n**. OeMtmtA|(!RU, t» rtm mm


XLK Tarkteh Bathe; ojnmi dejr sad night.


TURKISH and ?Joctre. 157 T«o»«e, room


90.;jSTSt«o. Mttowr, o<o.

KAHaLKY TRUCK CO.?Moving ootoo?ad kMvy fMtfit a HKilty. Tele.pboaaa. Moo SO. Mata ».

nwitu ?rmi»i,

PMBRCULAS?jjowofafturod. rroovertdaad fiftrrt.foaora* rraalrtae. ltd Oa>hMßtil> rtwot RoMooa Woo.


VMM Mitrionuu*

WE aianwiartur* aoar «a#o*a oi »U toacrtpOoao; ropairla*. oarrtoco patnttafaad MmM; Harao? maktac; horoo

«s^fc ii«srv'nrftfreight d*po< Pactar Wagoa Compear-

WMUUAU utcod DuuiiBL R. R R

W>aoo»rWo Roof* Rldor RyeIf. A K. Qottotiia. aoto ifiH.

KRF.IELSHKIMKR ZNa-aoado tidoi* a niri>H».



aw>»od f!j l^^^?<>TOflKiad



# i*mrZZw


AmxTmm. act tluwm;

JOHkaON 4bNEWTON. aV.-i. »aU«tefci«TOMtn>ATWUIV.


P. P. CAMtOLU lft»yor. pftteftt «U»MT, proctor in admiralty; rNWrwt tftQ HtMkky »r |Mtf

nuß) H- fMIMW, twnwjL ?«ttuMMtari pmior la iMnOH. n«<klloor Mutual Lite bulldta*

CHOHW ML JW«oa *»t®rn«y udc«»seta* at law.

GVKRIN. PKRRT *OtWWK.O Pliwa luftim; 'phono. Mftla llt.

***£r gi^Piy^i>SS^Bis£' lS&<nsr fllwll> * ***

WjMi TOK4 PIMM. limniit»w>

inuKK a tKocMou* smkuo Wttonai Bank baflStes.

RICH ARP QOWAK. Attorney. « N«t


W. D LAMBUTH. SaatOs National Baa*bondia*.

P. T. DAVIS~MS»III Waabtn«t«l

RBMS P. DAHIWUS. Ml How tor* M?fc

OKO. F. AUST. Ml Kw York buIKU?,

MILO A> MOOT. »a Iteawoll huildlap.'

Ear ASK »***« **w

ALBIN ITuiiT^iiiiho^iw'aPalttvaa Haas.

DR. BRAQDON. tewtk Sow Mutual UteKlaolt

1 Mutual Ute IM»

C. A. MOLM?L P. P. >\u25a0, OnfM mat?«??

DR. LKSSRT. Mi MftUiftl Ute bulMbf.BDVCATMRAI*

PORTLAND Buatneaa CMtasa* PortUMkOr. RuiiMM Shorthand. pift'sh M>partmenta Wo teack hookfceoplnf fcynew method, superior to ftll otaaraMakes bookkeeping <"**>\u25a0 ltvMtkttl«A!1p^AwwlsSiw

LBO*S business cotlega. Saocpd and Untoa;ft progressiva school. brought upto Mft. \u25a0

a js&t^as^LtS^bjnse8E

Amh Bustneaa o^>

»j»gjjjg 1



r wsgJiisßMMJ^Sßf^pSJi®Sr^^^ ; jllop. invMNjif. ?«

fiiw««wMs*»*.«**. BUM.


\u25a0wTflw* wm *

PH. VAit of Waajmf

°tJSi??tesaa sr^':.sK"PR. SARAH KENDAUL Hoiyohe Meek.

TsWphone Preen jl.

PR ARTHUR DB VOR. mi ftMS*S»e»oe> Telephone ~*/*?

PR. itw»oy4 HoA"lW»,

PR. AHWIR RfWttX. - Htoehloy Mceß.

M32dis^ u,,,ALU *\u25a0**" * m


SEATTLE Matsri>Hy mm* Wjy>'. Wa»

»«w tU a w*»fc op wmrd. tmSTsi


iffftfi1 ini in TiirirtiWiTART* AMP TAIIFAUWNS?Tfce Af*| I

ktttf at factory prteea. Seattle Teat aMAmMng CoMpMf. Ifrrtew aM Wnmwewo. Alee hydragSe eatalag Ima

neurit TENT AMD AWMIMO CO., ??»

atdr MNtattwM e? ererrthin® ea»>ess vis do; urate, eowe, hydrashe beaaWrtto for catalogue and di«oniMMß

RUM OS * KRt#AND, l«hr wharf,iilw. rttfwt *o< ahip rha/iil?. ?»

vfacturers of tsote, tarpdeMe* rMhINKeoavas of an widths.


Rtctoree aSI