i; raj ac-|s woodlawn · 2017. 12. 17. · philippines, resources and com ... in competition for...

REAL ESTATE , S A IN INVESTMENT , ( Iu Center Wanvood. house of sixteen rooms, lour iam-j ?lies, fine loeatioii. near ear stop. 86800 00'' HESSE & KIRCHNER CO, I; I v 25-Elevcncn Street. PHONE 471. ' "MEMBER WHEELING SEAL ESTATE BOARD1 c 5 WOODLAWN ! t : 7-room frame dwelling on Popular Avenue, bath re-j j eeption hall, nice porehcs. laundry and finished 1; attic. Best of location. Price .fPOvVv: ( CiriZENS^EOPLES TRUST C0.|; BANKING.REAL ESTATE.INSURANCE Cor. 18th and Market Streets Both Phones 498 1 / . FOR SALE | 50 acre farm, 6-room dwelling ham and out-buildings, plenty of fruit and walnut timber, situate IV2 miles from National Road, in ^ Ohio county. v . * L. A. ROLF, Agency ; Room 819 Schmnlbach Bldg. Members Wheeling Real Estate Board ^ ! WANTED A good rent producing property centrally located, and must be fheap. Wc have a cash purchaser for property of this kind ranging in . price from $2,500.00 to $5,000.00. , ' 1 J. P. ROTH REALTY CO. Members VrtiecXing' Seal Estate Board. 1 1138 CHapLlne St. Opposite Poet Office. < SMALL HOME.PRICE $1,500.00. Lot lCrtxMO feet. five-roomed cott age, small barn and well. Situated at Cresgsville. ( Fidelity Investment Association: W. G-. XUAITD, Manaffcr Seal Estate and Insurance Department. IC29 MAIN STREET. PHONE 1993. . f ^1 CENTER WAR WOOD.A nice 6-room modern residence on Main I' street ear line. Aiso garage. Price $4,800 i tickcr-Csorilla-Campbel! Co. | - MKMUET. ' WHEELING HEAL INSTATE BOARD -; ~ .*" rrm j i in city! OUT OF FLOODS ON CAR LINE 6-ROOM |. . REDUCED TO I S.iesbitt,Jr. | I!C-rii and Market Sta. * Both Fbonco Open Evenings. | - Near Twelflh I and Eoff ! DOUBLE 5-R00M FRAME HOUSE,'NICE YARD S4500 i Call SECURITY TRUST GO,, Agents 1143 Market Street. 5 AC U OF GiGUtD j A tiv-unv tr:*vl of urotinrt with wide, fr, ri'aut- un n>.i<!: water: was. l.ts- ,thr.n hundred yards from Kirn Grove .-or-: aeration. i Price, G2.500.C0. own-r would constd.-r the pur- liass ofi a town property. j Wheeling REif:F TUjltiI *'loor &c:unulLa.cii Bvig. FOR RENT 7 rooms on second floor and with sepn- ' rate entrance at No. on T'-ntn St S45 N'mvly finished throughout and in perfect JAMES L. KAWLEY a06SVi Mala Street. For Sale Nice residence, 58 Fif- , teenth St. Ten rooms and two baths. T atum & Caldwell Soon 4, City Ban* Bid*. 6©4 ^rational 664-X 4-ROOM HOUSE v WHh bath, has pas and furnace. Lot 40xtU0 fc?t. $1.000 00 to a quick buj <-r. Frank and Earrell Smith *BM QKOVE, 34-B. Besldcnce 337-M. FOE EXCHANGE Gccd income property for stock of shoe?. w*»ir-1»c:itcd. or .stock of gon'cral j mdrehand ise. i FOE SALE Bargain in six-room house, with ahout j four aor«.« of ground. near Shadysltlc. j 34.OCO.00. Good torms i'an be had on FOLMAR-ROMINE CO. i' 021-2 Wheeling1 Bank £S Trust Bldg.,! Whesllag, W. Va, LATEST MAGAZINES Hooks. Stationery, Postcards. Baseball Goods. Hammocks. Croquet. Subscrip¬ tions tilled at publishers lowest prlcea direct to you. C. H. QUIMBY Elcveath Street, near Englno House. crosil IN BABGAT3T. Might rooms and J baths, separate, laundry. Mi ne bus' ment. Mine lot. Room ehouel! f"r, .mother residence and one' of . he nicest locations in the city, on V.r.ih street between Market nnd Main., Terms eanlhe arranged. An especially fine location for a dor tor or business man. We h<>v. - 'a number of bargains In city and nearby properties. chas r. PAtrr. co. Real' Estate and Insurance. 601 Wheeling Bank and Tract Co/ Bldg. Piumbing, Heating and Fire SprinJder Systems R0BT. W. KYLE CO. Now at i«id Main 8tra«t. C.st On,* Priou Pafora ln*talUn% r CADIZ Mrs Sarah Moore is visiting her son' John McK.' Moore and Mrs. Moore in Carnegie. | Mr. and Mr-. M. X. Havcrficld left on Thursday for SB Petersburg,. Fla.. where they will pass the winter months mi tluur cottage. Rn fo ({ammeter went to Columbus] dnesdny! to spend Thanksgiving with John Sharp, who is a student at Ohio Stare university. I Mr. and Mrs. George Kinsoy ar.d fam- ,lv. ,.f Arcadia. Neb., are here visiting; tlx ,r mother. Mrs. Kr.lily I>inscy. ' "William fleeter is here from Charles-1 ton. ""A". Y;t". \isiting his family. Mr;-. Elmer Fleming, of Dover is tliej guest of friends here. I Bingham Green is visiting his son. Rev. John t). Green at Chesterhili. Miss Margaret Cooke, of Columbus. is the Thnnkgiving guest of lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will M. Cooke. Mrs. David Cunningham has gone to- i fopkinsville. Ky.. to visit h'-r daughter., Mrs. (le'.en.Rawnw. Mr. and; Mrs. William Sheets spent, Thanksgiving with their cm Charles and; Airs. Sheets at Carnegie. .T. I.yje ("'lurk and Miss Vernal Clark; 1 were railed; to Canton on aerotint of the ; death op Mr «'lark's brother. Dr. Che-v-. er Clark. *. i [-"red MeF.Tlden. of Reabody. aKns.. Is] here visiting his mother. Mrs. Margaret MeFadden. News of {he dealh of Miss Marie W.ll- I laee, ,.f Smdhport. Pa who died ft' Kast Aurora X. V.. of influenza, has Just b'-en received by." Cadiz friends. The Wallace. family wore former residents />f Cadiz. .BCT WAR SAVINGS STAMP?. .BL-V WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. ........ CHICHESTERSPIU^I W.iu- » anE DIAMOND BRAND, 0* J.ndlcsl A«!t yoqr D/ojt«fit t Cbltbcvk'tDliaoiil uruf/A\ AwLwiiWIi 1'IIU In Bed »ad Cold rettlllpylP/ be*3. sealed «Uh Blue Rltbeol-V# Ju EAS Take so ether. Bur efronp St Dragslet. A^lt ferClfl-Cmte-TElt'T !| DIAMOND CRAND PILLS, for (25 V,-y fS y;srskE;-ae?B3t,S»f;it,Al«iyiIt«tl3t!e f SOLS 81 CkUGGlSTS EVEKWIfSJ iOCIAL DEMOCRATS APPEAR UPPERMOST !l IN GERMAN STRUGGLE' Copyright. 1518, New York. r!buns.' Inc.) I-ONDON. Nov. 29..The struggle -** | wi-on the lwo dls:!n<*t Germans.thcij oclal Democrats, who ure alining at . he establishment of a republic. and the J par tatus group, which Is ready, under | he* leadershp of Llebknocht, to outle-1 j ino Lenlnc, has ended In a temporary * ietory of the former. j , Apparently there has come a sudden \ evulsion of feeling- against the latter, j a rhlch culminated on Sunday, when the j louneil of Workmen nnd Soldiers, rftprc-, t anting northwestern Germany, passed resolution In favor of a national as- j . embly. and Von Arnltn's Fourt army ollowed s-ult. I t Fortified by this, Ebcrt yesterday: . ivorcnmt) his indecision, and supported j -v he summoning of the national asscin-, t »!y. which previously he had feared, j r iwing to the opposition of the Licit- uiocht group. j ( The effect of this on Gi-rmnn'p nttt-j t ude at the pence conference is inesti-; t nable. I.iebkneeht's vlstory unques. j onably meant that the allies would r inve to meet divergent groups of Boi- s hevlkl. representing Berlin. Kiel and | t Tamburg. making negotiations impos- j 1 ible. I'ndcr Kbort and an assembly I t iermany will have some appearance or J inity. * The situation now largely depends on 1 he coming decision, regarding the lu- i ure of the kaiser, as well us of the oth- I .r old reglmltes. French nnd ttrltish 1 'Pinion is rapidly hardening in favor .' if his extradition, and thus the proven- J Ion of his working further mischief. I When the kaiser is out of the way iho 1 Jerman situation witl he ouickly clan-| 'ied. If the present agitation.for a pro-j 1 .isonnl presidency is sucessftil. there is I 1 iti 11 hope that Germany will be sutti- * .iontly united to negotiate pace, and ' vill yet meet- the allies at the peace con- Vrence. ' BABNESVILLE The annual thanks offering service .>r iho W.'H. M. S. will be hold Sunday morning at the First M. K. church. Mrs. kVedly of the Holloway Deaconess Homo u Rrklgcport will give the address. Everybody is welcome to this service. \nd It is requester! that all members or the society bring their thanks offering j envelopes. ; Death of Infant. : The deatli of Clara May. 14 months' aid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer J Bundy.. occurred at the home on Grand- vow avenue Friday morning, death fol¬ lowing a short illness. Funeral scr- j vices will be held this afternoon, and in-ji torment will be made in the Catholic cemetery. I Will Meet. i The Eliza Thoburn Mills Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Walter Pick- isnn Monday evening at 7 o'elo. Mrs. Earl Watt wll be the program lender. All members are requested to be present. Bamesrllle Briefs. Miss Virginia Moore of this place vis¬ ited over Thanksgiving with Cambridge friends. * I Morley Goodnight of W. & J. college. Washngton. IT... spent Thursday at his | home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewp of Quaker City were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J Frank F.ailcy of Grandvlew avenue on Thursday. j i Capt. J. T. McCartney of Camp Sher- man .spent Thursday at his home here. J Miss Margaret Shepherd of St. Clnlrs- j) villi visited Mrs. Will Moore of North i Chestnut street Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norvoll of tam-1 eron, \\". Va.. spent Thursday with Mr. j and Mrs George Fowler of North Tiroad- way. Mr. Norvojl returned to Cam- | en n Thursday even itxg, but Mrs. Nor- j veil remained for a **>ok's vsit with her. parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whltllnger and ' bahy .Tulia Of Trenton, Fa., visited \vlth j relatives here Thanksgiving. Mr. end Mrs. Ross Fowler and chll-> drert of St. Clairsvillo spent Thursday with relatives here. I C. C. Hostettler of TV>st Church street loft Thursday for Straslntrg to attend the funeral of his brother. Will Ilnste:- tler. whose death occurred Wednesday, of influenza. I Club Mooting. Tlie following program was given Frt- day afternoon at a meeting of the Tour¬ ist club, which was held at the home of Mrs. H, H. Scott of North Chestnut street: poll Call."Tributes to America." ."Ph.- Philippines, Resources and Com¬ merce" Mrs. Kyle Miller "Cuba" O. N'orr.'s Reading Mrs. Murphy Conversation."Our Diplomats Abroad" j Francis Hibhard of the ordnance do- j partment. stationed at Cleveland, is J spending a few days with his mother. ] Mrs. Kate Hibbard, of South Rroadwny. William Emerson. Jr.. of this city was i a vistor in Wheeling Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. George R. Smith or Rellniro spent Thanksgiving with Mr. I and Mrs. J. W. Kirk of West Church 1 street. Robert HMles end wife and little son of St. Clairsville visited with relatives i of fh«i place Thursday. Mrs. Emma TTnirdesty of rttffburgh has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Thornberry, of East Main street. Mrs. Fred Mnntz of West Main street spent Thanksgiving with her daughter. Miss Marguerite Korontz. who is attend¬ ing Oh'o Wesleyan college Delaware. SHEWS t Big- Agricultural Event. Monday, Dec. 9 will be a big day at Sherrnrd. A county show for the agri¬ cultural clubs nnd a community fair win be held in the building and on the grounds of the Consolidated school. Th" boys' and girls' clubs of the county, including the corn, potato, pig and chicken clubs, will make their exhihlts in competition for the county prtr.es. This is an annual event formerly staged at Moundsville. hut Sherrard is favored with the privilege of having it brought here this year. In connection with this the commun¬ ity fair will be open to everybody and local exhibits of all kinds, including canning, sewing r.nd baking exhibits are solicited. It will be. a general visiting day at the school building. The arrangements rommiftoe are; Principal F. A Bradley, Mr. C. W. Me. Combs. Mrs. E. C, Klage.s and Miss Reka Behrens. Entertained at Dinner. Miss Mar yWayrnan delightfully en¬ tertained n number of her friends with r Thanksgiving dinner at her home near Bethlehem. Thursday. The most* in¬ cluded members of *uo J. T. B. C. club and Mrs. A. R. Miss Ulswle Carvln, Miss Elizabeth Tloovr.n and Rev. C. E.. Carvln. SliCrrard Briefs. Edwtrd McComhs of the Marine Bar¬ racks. Qunnt'co. Vn . spending a fur¬ lough at his home here. Mrs. Sarah Hu«s. t>» Bogg's Run. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huss of Mr. Olivet. Charles Tnlhcrt is i»l. The condition of Rev. M. I,. l"»arien. who has heen 111 for several werxs. continues ahout the same. Mrs. "William Jones and children. of ffnnd TTfl. arc visit in "the former's pnrents. Mr. and Mr*. William P.entk". Miss Anna Mlentd. o* "Wheeling, was fbe gpest of strs *r Montgomery, of Mi. Olivet, on Thursday. Mrs, Em'l Kelkreuth, of Morart, is fter'ouelv 111 of nneumontfl. Mr. and Mrs. \V. F. MUlcr. of Wheel¬ ing, art visiting at the home of J. f. Klger. Wllhrrt Becker of Wheeling. Js 111 at the William Bch'ons home. $ SALE 0? GERMANY'S FLEET TO SMALLEP NATIONS SUGGESTED CoprlRhi. 1 u J s. New York 'i nounc. Inc.) LONDON.. N*U\. :n..'Thu I nlt-d States cannot in honor accept even mo mullest destroyer as r ana re of thu ¦'.rman fleet after thu declaration of VIl.njn that America would accept no .cqulaltions arising out of the war. And t would be hardly fair for other tut* lone to argument their navius by ad- lltiona from the foe's fleet to the pos- Jblo detriment of the United Stolen. This explanation in offered here tor ho decision to dismantle the German ihlpn after peace Is signed arid the.: vorld made secure for another gencra- k-n. at leant, and then sink them In the' nlddle of the ocean. I There linve been many claims Tor the! lerntan vessels. Britain. Franco and | he other allies desire the German unity J o replace their losses in the war. Canada also aspires to own the Ger¬ man fleet as the nucleus of a navy, lie-' lides the other clp.inis to the warships he world's smaller n.atlurwalties would ike the opportunity to purchase the new mits. The division of the German fleet Huong the belligerents in such a way is to make all parlies contented would >e a virtual Impossibility. Britain, hav- ng borne the greatest burden of na- j .Til warfare, could claim most of the' .polls, but she.- is unlikely to enforce J iueh claims. i The project of sinking Is contingent jpon the certainty that there 1s no new war looming on the horizon. If the world's equilibrium, despite nil efforts, teems likely to continue unstable, the; German fleet may survive as n naval police force of the League or Nations. . to be thrown in on the side of the pnw- j »rs fighting against an aggressor nation, j Meanwhile Britain is guarding and | Meaning the disputed vessels pending the decision of the peace congress, tn whose hands lies the final decision. No[ doubt Is entertained thai I he congress will decide not to return the fleet to Germany. SANDY RIDGE, 0, Mr. arid Mrs. t'nlob Hobbs and family! md Mr. and Mrs. lliram Lewis and fam- ly spr/nl Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Webster llohbs. of I.tiirnesville. Morrlniu.it Dodd, c>f the navy, made a diort visit at his home hero, last week, j Bodd is now on the Huron, formerly a l»ig German passenger boat, that was In- terneil at the start of" thu war, mid is now being used us a transport. He has lust returned to American sh res. froin .1 voyage across, that being his eighth trip singe entering the transport service, j A pleasant family reunion was held it the home of Rebecca W. Hall, of Mi Holly, last Sunday. Those present were I Rimer and Margaret Bundy. daughter! Mildred and son, Cecil, of Krid, Okla.; Wilford Hall and family, of Taeoina; A!-j bert and Blanche Bond na ami two1 daughters. Wanotn and France?, of! Bridgeportt. O Kvorott and Klizabeih Hal! ulid baby Thomas. of Toledo, O.; Elsie H. Halll. of. Pittsburgh, l'a.; Guy . _ ( and Kva Hall Woodward, of Buffalo. I Now Y««rk. Loo .Moore lost u good horse one day last week. Miss Crawford spent Thanksgiving at V her homo near Fairvlew. i | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carpenter spent! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George _ Hit tvh field.j - W. I"». "Clark spent Sunday wltlh his j parents ut Hetulrysburij, 0. Mrs. Robert Boyd and daughter. Mlssj Bezel, iintl son. Thompson, of Tiltons- | ville. spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd. i ] Mrs. Bert Bailey was the guest of j Mrs. Henry Chancy, of Barriesvllle, 0.. j Wednesday. Bert Bailey returned home Tuesday] from a trip to fipringvllln, Iowa. Miss Vera Brooks of Barnesvllle. spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks. THE "A. P." AT PARIS. NKW YORK, Nov. 29..The staff of! the Associated Press at the peace con-j fer'-neo will be made up as follows: Melville K. Stone, general manager; Klmer Roberts. chief of the Paris bu- reau; Robert M. Collins, chief of theiT Tjondon bureau: Chprles T. Thompson.] Charles Klohror: Salvador Cortez. chief of the Rome bureau: L. S. l'robert. ex- chief of the Washington hurenu: S. U. Conger. former chief of the Berlin bit-| reau: Rdwin M. Hood. Robert Berry. F. ,, B. Grundy. J.. A. Bouman. Purge McFall. j' James H. Howe.Philip M. Powers. Stuart Marony. S. F. Wader and T. T, Topping, j 1 if Yon ^lood MoiiBV ^ a^SfiWjr plain fully our terms El ^ and methods of making small loans. If they are satisfactory to ||| gg you, as they have been to thousands of others, we will see to lt|fj 5g that you get the amount you need, promptly, without red tape |$| $j and without anyone knowing of the transaction. You do not ||g jgjS need recommendations or endorsers. If you own furniture yolir|j|i || credit will he good. We will arrange the length of time nnd|g |] size of payments to suit you. In case of siekness or loss Raj P of employment, wc allow extensions without extra charges. ||8 f| In getting a small loan from us you borrow on your SB sg own resoureea and pay a reasonable charge for the ac-|S j| commodation. You are not under obligations to anyone |B S and your personal bnsi- as ¦¦ o a I xj not knowm ° National Loan Co. «wli301 WTioollng- B*ni & Tract Blig., Cor. 12th and SOarfcct Sts. Phone.2224 VThg. FOR SALE rOR SAI>£.Florida; why freeze; fruit hauls; liunK-llov sites: small farms:, low prices. fCasy terms. Healthy nil, year. S-nd 3c stamp for mat) and 1 pamphlet to BoarU of Trade. Lonrtwuod. I "-3U'g * rOR S A T.E.Ferrets. New lot; also sacks aird muzzk-a. W. ._>. Soldan. 4 6-17t>i Si. n-29-1 PARKER& . | HAIR BALSAM A toilet prepexauon of nrrlt. II .!p» to rrullmt daftSrud. F«r !'.eatoris| Color and _ 'oa-jty to Grny or Faded M«ir. >V. >Q'I Sl.oo «'. Prr.t'ti. i ¦I llllll Truck owners it will pay you to see that your \ truck is equipped with good Tires before Winter ; sets in. j j WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE 1 GOODRICH j; OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST AND OUR PRICES CAN NOT BE BEAT. ] American lire Repair Works j 16th AND CHAPLINE ST. I amgBgBgggOBBB3gg5aag^gaEgagEB2ISI^m^IggaEaiB3BS5Eg5ag3SSiagBEH?; .-imT-.-r.Mii^TTy".. : ; WANTED Vlen and Girls Apply C. W. McGINNIS, Superintendent-, VHEELING STAMPING CO." WANTED I Boys and Girls Over 16 Years, Also 20 LABORERS Apply W. H. DOUGHERTY, Employment Manager, * WHEELING CAN CO. ¦ ~.. C. L. RILEY. All kinds of electric work, arm- iture winding a specialty. CALL BELL 228-J 709 MAIN ST. Wffllsburgr, w. va. 111 " ' ¦ RiDEMPTPN 6F BENDS Notice of Redemption of Bonds by the Kazcl-Atl.-vs Glass Co. Whcellnpr. W. Va., November 9th, 1918. Notice 15 hereby jriven that toe following Bonds of issue of June 1st. 1913. and hearing the follow¬ ing numbers to wit: From 51 t<> 100 inclusive will lie redcrfned December 1st, 19IS. at The D-iltar Savings «v Trust Do.'. Wheeling. W. Va. J All the nlmvc llendr. will erase to hear interest December 1st. IjIX. HAZEL-ATI.AC C-LASS CO. A. E. Pn-ton, Socretary. n-9-lf'-'.'3 3it ' rho Plttshr.rffh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company. NOTICE. PITTSIll'lBUI. I'a.. Nov. 3«. tf-l«. j Sm'-rc is h.-r.-hy jjiven iii the St..ok-' holders of The I'iltshtirKh, Cmc'iir-ii i. "hienSo & St Louis Baslrond Company luit a '-peelnl mectinc of sa'd storkh.-bi- r-rs wll he held at Boom 9 IS. I 'ennsyI va¬ il ia Station, I'ittshtirsh. i'etuisyl vania, it 11 :'H' ». rry., t.n MONDAY. BUCK:. IB KB 30.X 01«. fc.r eonsi.lcraiion of and action upon a' 'ertain ;ipr-i-ii:--ni with the Director- I'..-ra tal (if Bail roads. n-Miitir on ltehiilf; <r the 1'nited .States .ami the President,j relating to operation. e. mpens.-ilif:. ntal other matters connected with or gr.nvtn/r out of the t.-ikiiu over l.y the j'ee.<id--nl of the Failed Stales tin- t'umpaiiy'M railroad an.l system transportation: also for consi'lerat :.e* of and net ion upon the matter of issuance My tin Company nf J3ri.iMlfi.0tiO ;:o Drhenture 15 .>111 Bonds,. and the I'.rqni-' moid le. pureh *se of the Indianapolis and Frttki-.rl Unload, ftv order of"tlie Board of Directors. S. ,11. '.IffB'BI. n-»0-<I-2-3-lG-33 Secretary. - j Freeze-Proof I Prevents Frozen Radiators | I HTHE only way you can be positively sure that your radiator i j| won't freeze up is to use a non-evaporating anti-freeze preparation. You I S can never be sure of Alcohol or any other product which evaporates with water, g n' ^ f/1141 T-irt10 CO fl I Does not Evaporate or dream Johnson's Freeze-Proof does not evapo¬ rate with the water. One application ' is sufficient for the whole winter unless the solution is weakened by leakage of the radia¬ tor or hose connections.through the overflow pipe.or by boiling over. Economical and Easy Johnson's Freeze-Proof is the most economical anti-freeze compound on the market. It is very easy to use.simply dissolve in water and pour into the radiator. One package is sufficient to protect a Ford to below zero; for large cars use two packages to protect to 5°below zero, and three pack¬ ages to protect to 25° below zero. Johnson's Frceze-Proof does not injure I rubber, cloth, packing or metal of any j kind. It does not rust or corrode metal. | There is less rust with Johnsons' Freeze-Proof I than there is with water alone or with a com- J bination of water and alcohol. s Raises the Boiling Point of Water B The boiling point of water is 212°. The B boiling point ot alcohol is 131°. The boiling point of Johnson's Freeze-Proof and water is from 225° to 250° depending upon the amount of Freeze-Proof used. I, W. H. CHAPMAN & SON CO. I 1218 5 mm w fETEElTEME^j WANTED.Male WANTED.Earn $25 weekly, spare time. writing for newspapers, magazines. . Exp. unnec.; details free. Press Syndi- tale. 354. St. Louis, Mo. n-30-g . WANTED.Salesmen. Mystifying new invention going like wildfire every . where; fortunes being made; sells on sight; . 4 00% profit. Send 50c for $2 sample. Investors Mfg. Co., 389-lth St.. San Francisco. ___ n-30-g WANTED.Two boys to learn good trade, night work. Apply between 5 and 8 p. m. to Peter Boyd. Intelligencer office. 1505 Market St. n-19-tf wanted.Men learn barbcring. Earn while learning. Jobs waiting. Good pay. Write Moler Barber College, 331 W. Eth St.. Cinclnanti. Ohio. n-ll-lmo wanted.thbee good 'linotype operators; most be sober. apply fobeman intelligencer- WANTED.Female wanted.Woman wants position as cleaning offices. Call 756-R. n-30-i , WANTED.Largo knitting mill desires woman to work In own town. Easy ¦ business. Permanent. Salary or com¬ mission. all or part time. International Mills. Xorristojvn, Pn. n-30-g WANTED.Karn 5~25 weekly.'spare time. writing for newspapers, magazines. Exn. unnec.; details free. Press Syndi¬ cate, 153. St. Louis. Mo. ^n-30-_g_ waixted.cTri~fnr general housework. No washing. Apply Mrs. Charles J Seliuck._Echo Point. , n-29-1 WANTED.Agents WANTED.Most wonderful pictorial history on the. Worlds' War. Com¬ plete. authentic. About 600 pages: 100 striking illustrations. Retails S2. High¬ est commission. Free sample to wor.t- vrs. Quick deliveries. Act now. John A. Ilertel Co.. Publishers, Dept. 129. Chi¬ cago. n-30-g WANTED.Three gooo agents to sol household necessities on the install¬ ment plan. Best of goods and beat ..r commissions. We pay week.y. C. Adams Co.. 1140-1142 Main St mr-12--7 WANTED.Male or Female Help. WANTED.Young men and women learn crayon, pastel and water e portrait drawing by correspond" Wonderful opportunities. No t:< ne.<|ed. Write for particulars. A maud Art Studios, Flat Iron Bhlg. V"£k._ . ._> ill"'0 WANTED.Government needs til.'! . sands men and women for govern;., departments, railway mail, por.'t: customs, internal revenue. Sl.ioo-Jlt " Kxsuninationa soon. My.pertenco uti1, essary. For free particulars regard *.;. examinations write J. ' - Leonard. '. no-r civil service exfctnincrj. SO? L- v Building. Washington. n-J5-r;i LOST AND FOUND. LOST.small hand porketbook. between ii.ittk building and lied Star Grocery lt.-nwood. Wi-'liiesday. containing $13 and small change. Finder please call <6.1 Wlig. or leave at Intelligencer n-30-1 LOST OB STOLEN.Bench ieg h. e' « fIuC name Toy.colors.white, black. .Mid tan.on Short Creek. W. Va. Re¬ wire! of $5.00 for Information of scire- r r return to Thos. H. Mozlngo. -Shot t Greek. W. Va. ¦ n-3K-l "" redemption ofbonds. bedeicption of bonds. The following number of Ohio County Bonds of the 5-30 4>i% loan have been drawn and will' be redeemed by the Wheeling Bank & Trust Co. in the City r.f Wheeling, on the 1st day of Decem¬ ber. 191S. , Seven bonds of $500.00 each numbered 117-7-137-15-157-29-64. Interest on the above, bonds will cease . ori December 1st. 1918. THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF COUNTY OF OHIO. By OHAS. O. EPHLIN. President. Attest: II. C. UNDERWOOD. Clerk. n 1S 2 3-25-30 "miscellaneous WANTED.To purchase or rent a com¬ bination billiard table 4Vix9. Must be in fine fundi; inn. J. B. n-28-i WANTED^.Teacher to give lessons i.i French, two evenings a week. J. B. n-2S-i DRESSwell and save money. a large assoktment of slight¬ ly used fine overcoats and suits AT great babgainj3. gas- sell. 1020 market st. also but second hand clotjung. o-10-tf PATEIYTS^Et - t «-ntlertinrk BtlgbL^ja. Booklet fPHt H. E. DtTHLAF, Mkt Lawyer. Nations! Exchange Bank UulldlAc Wheeling. W. Va iriB ¦ . ¦ .< FOR RENT fob bent.Fttrnshed rooms, per week ; $2.00 up. Also furnished housekeep¬ ing rooms. Range, bath and phone. 10.< Chnpline street. n-28-i_ EOR RENT.Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. One large front n-om and roon'i adjoining. Call 1983-M, Wpg. n-26-m I'or rent.Storeroom and dwelling. 607 North Main street. Inquire 606 Mam. n-20-p i united states railroad admin is tbation K W. G. McAdoo, Director General j of Railroads | BALTIMORE & OHIO j RAILROAD V/ANTED I Maclunists s Boilermakers Electric Welders ; a Firemen Brakemen B Experience not necessary for I £ Firemen and Itrakemen. Good U » living aiid working conditions and Bs jl pnV while learning, | Apply Employment Supervisor's ¦ Office, Room No. 152, T4. & O. I |B Building, Wheeling. W. Va. | IpHWnBHM

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Page 1: I; Raj ac-|S WOODLAWN · 2017. 12. 17. · Philippines, Resources and Com ... in competition for the county prtr.es. This is an annual event formerly staged at Moundsville. hut Sherrard



(Iu Center Wanvood. house of sixteen rooms, lour iam-j

?lies, fine loeatioii. near ear stop. 86800 00''HESSE & KIRCHNER CO, I;

I v

25-Elevcncn Street.PHONE 471. '



: 7-room frame dwelling on Popular Avenue, bath re-j jeeption hall, nice porehcs. laundry and finished 1;

attic. Best of location. Price .fPOvVv: (


Cor. 18th and Market Streets Both Phones 498 1

/ .

FOR SALE |50 acre farm, 6-room dwelling ham and out-buildings, plenty of

fruit and walnut timber, situate IV2 miles from National Road, in ^Ohio county. v


L. A. ROLF, Agency ;Room 819 Schmnlbach Bldg. Members Wheeling Real Estate Board

^ !

WANTEDA good rent producing property centrally located, and must be

fheap. Wc have a cash purchaser for property of this kind ranging in. price from $2,500.00 to $5,000.00. ,

' 1

J. P. ROTH REALTY CO.Members VrtiecXing' Seal Estate Board. 1

1138 CHapLlne St. Opposite Poet Office. <

SMALL HOME.PRICE $1,500.00.Lot lCrtxMO feet. five-roomed cott age, small barn and well. Situated at

Cresgsville. (

FidelityInvestment Association:W. G-. XUAITD, Manaffcr Seal Estate and Insurance Department.



f ^1CENTER WARWOOD.A nice 6-room modern residence on Main I'

street ear line. Aiso garage. Price $4,800

i tickcr-Csorilla-Campbel! Co. |- MKMUET. ' WHEELING HEAL INSTATE BOARD -;

~ .*" rrm j



I S.iesbitt,Jr. |I!C-rii and Market Sta.* Both Fbonco

Open Evenings. |

- Near Twelflh Iand Eoff !


S4500 iCall

SECURITY TRUST GO,, Agents1143 Market Street.

5 AC U OF GiGUtD jA tiv-unv tr:*vl of urotinrt with wide,

fr, ri'aut- un n>.i<!: water: was. l.ts- ,thr.nhundred yards from Kirn Grove .-or-:

aeration. iPrice, G2.500.C0.

own-r would constd.-r the pur- liass ofia town property. j

Wheeling REif:FTUjltiI *'loor &c:unulLa.cii Bvig.

FOR RENT7 rooms on second floor and with sepn-'

rate entrance at No. on T'-ntn StS45

N'mvly finished throughout and in perfect

JAMES L. KAWLEYa06SVi Mala Street.

For SaleNice residence, 58 Fif-

, teenth St. Ten rooms andtwo baths.

Tatum & CaldwellSoon 4, City Ban* Bid*.

6©4 ^rational 664-X

4-ROOM HOUSEvWHh bath, has pas and furnace.

Lot 40xtU0 fc?t. $1.000 00 to a quickbuj <-r.

Frank and Earrell Smith*BM QKOVE,

34-B. Besldcnce 337-M.

FOE EXCHANGEGccd income property for stock of

shoe?. w*»ir-1»c:itcd. or .stock of gon'cral jmdrehand ise. i

FOE SALEBargain in six-room house, with ahout j

four aor«.« of ground. near Shadysltlc. j34.OCO.00. Good torms i'an be had on

FOLMAR-ROMINE CO. i'021-2 Wheeling1 Bank £S Trust Bldg.,!

Whesllag, W. Va,

LATEST MAGAZINESHooks. Stationery, Postcards. Baseball

Goods. Hammocks. Croquet. Subscrip¬tions tilled at publishers lowest prlceadirect to you.

C. H. QUIMBYElcveath Street, near Englno House.

crosil IN BABGAT3T.Might rooms and J baths, separate,

laundry. Mi ne bus' ment. Mine lot. Roomehouel! f"r, .mother residence and one'of . he nicest locations in the city, onV.r.ih street between Market nnd Main.,Terms eanlhe arranged. An especiallyfine location for a dortor or business man.We h<>v. - 'a number of bargains In city

and nearby properties.chas r. PAtrr. co.

Real' Estate and Insurance.601 Wheeling Bank and Tract Co/ Bldg.

Piumbing, Heating and FireSprinJder Systems

R0BT. W. KYLE CO.Now at i«id Main 8tra«t.

C.st On,* Priou Pafora ln*talUn%

r CADIZMrs Sarah Moore is visiting her son'

John McK.' Moore and Mrs. Moore inCarnegie. |

Mr. and Mr-. M. X. Havcrficld left on

Thursday for SB Petersburg,. Fla.. wherethey will pass the winter months mitluur cottage.Rn fo ({ammeter went to Columbus]

W« dnesdny! to spend Thanksgiving withJohn Sharp, who is a student at OhioStare university. I

Mr. and Mrs. George Kinsoy ar.d fam-,lv. ,.f Arcadia. Neb., are here visiting;tlx ,r mother. Mrs. Kr.lily I>inscy.

' "William fleeter is here from Charles-1ton. ""A". Y;t". \isiting his family.

Mr;-. Elmer Fleming, of Dover is tliejguest of friends here. IBingham Green is visiting his son.

Rev. John t). Green at Chesterhili.Miss Margaret Cooke, of Columbus. is

the Thnnkgiving guest of lier parents.Mr. and Mrs. Will M. Cooke.

Mrs. David Cunningham has gone to-i fopkinsville. Ky.. to visit h'-r daughter.,Mrs. (le'.en.Rawnw.

Mr. and; Mrs. William Sheets spent,Thanksgiving with their cm Charles and;Airs. Sheets at Carnegie.

.T. I.yje ("'lurk and Miss Vernal Clark;1 were railed; to Canton on aerotint of the; death op Mr «'lark's brother. Dr. Che-v-.er Clark. *. i

[-"red MeF.Tlden. of Reabody. aKns.. Is]here visiting his mother. Mrs. MargaretMeFadden.News of {he dealh of Miss Marie W.ll-

I laee, ,.f Smdhport. Pa who died ft' KastAurora X. V.. of influenza, has Just b'-enreceived by." Cadiz friends. The Wallace.family wore former residents />f Cadiz.



CHICHESTERSPIU^IW.iu- » anE DIAMOND BRAND, 0*J.ndlcsl A«!t yoqr D/ojt«fitt Cbltbcvk'tDliaoiil uruf/A\AwLwiiWIi 1'IIU In Bed »ad Cold rettlllpylP/be*3. sealed «Uh Blue Rltbeol-V#Ju EAS Take so ether. Bur efronp StDragslet. A^lt ferClfl-Cmte-TElt'T!| DIAMOND CRAND PILLS, for (25

V,-y fS y;srskE;-ae?B3t,S»f;it,Al«iyiIt«tl3t!ef SOLS 81 CkUGGlSTS EVEKWIfSJ


Copyright. 1518, New York. r!buns.'Inc.)

I-ONDON. Nov. 29..The struggle -** |wi-on the lwo dls:!n<*t Germans.thcijoclal Democrats, who ure alining at .

he establishment of a republic. and the Jpartatus group, which Is ready, under |he* leadershp of Llebknocht, to outle-1 jino Lenlnc, has ended In a temporary


ietory of the former. j ,

Apparently there has come a sudden \evulsion of feeling- against the latter, j a

rhlch culminated on Sunday, when the jlouneil of Workmen nnd Soldiers, rftprc-, t

anting northwestern Germany, passedresolution In favor of a national as- j .

embly. and Von Arnltn's Fourt armyollowed s-ult. I tFortified by this, Ebcrt yesterday: .

ivorcnmt) his indecision, and supported j -v

he summoning of the national asscin-, t

»!y. which previously he had feared, j r

iwing to the opposition of the Licit-uiocht group. j (

The effect of this on Gi-rmnn'p nttt-j t

ude at the pence conference is inesti-; t

nable. I.iebkneeht's vlstory unques. jonably meant that the allies would r

inve to meet divergent groups of Boi- s

hevlkl. representing Berlin. Kiel and | t

Tamburg. making negotiations impos- j 1

ible. I'ndcr Kbort and an assembly I t

iermany will have some appearance or Jinity.


The situation now largely depends on 1

he coming decision, regarding the lu- i

ure of the kaiser, as well us of the oth- I

.r old reglmltes. French nnd ttrltish 1

'Pinion is rapidly hardening in favor .'

if his extradition, and thus the proven- J

Ion of his working further mischief. IWhen the kaiser is out of the way iho 1

Jerman situation witl he ouickly clan-|'ied. If the present agitation.for a pro-j 1

.isonnl presidency is sucessftil. there is I 1

iti 11 hope that Germany will be sutti- *

.iontly united to negotiate pace, and '

vill yet meet- the allies at the peace con-


BABNESVILLEThe annual thanks offering service

.>r iho W.'H. M. S. will be hold Sundaymorning at the First M. K. church. Mrs.kVedly of the Holloway Deaconess Homou Rrklgcport will give the address.

Everybody is welcome to this service.

\nd It is requester! that all members or

the society bring their thanks offering jenvelopes. ;

Death of Infant. :

The deatli of Clara May. 14 months'aid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer JBundy.. occurred at the home on Grand-vow avenue Friday morning, death fol¬

lowing a short illness. Funeral scr- jvices will be held this afternoon, and in-jitorment will be made in the Catholiccemetery. I

Will Meet. iThe Eliza Thoburn Mills Circle will

meet at the home of Mrs. Walter Pick-isnn Monday evening at 7 o'elo. Mrs.

Earl Watt wll be the program lender.

All members are requested to be present.

Bamesrllle Briefs.Miss Virginia Moore of this place vis¬

ited over Thanksgiving with Cambridgefriends.

* I

Morley Goodnight of W. & J. college.Washngton. IT... spent Thursday at his |home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewp of QuakerCity were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. JFrank F.ailcy of Grandvlew avenue on

Thursday. j iCapt. J. T. McCartney of Camp Sher-

man .spent Thursday at his home here. JMiss Margaret Shepherd of St. Clnlrs- j)

villi visited Mrs. Will Moore of North i

Chestnut street Thursday.Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norvoll of tam-1

eron, \\". Va.. spent Thursday with Mr. jand Mrs George Fowler of North Tiroad-way. Mr. Norvojl returned to Cam- |en n Thursday even itxg, but Mrs. Nor- jveil remained for a **>ok's vsit with her.


Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whltllnger and'

bahy .Tulia Of Trenton, Fa., visited \vlth jrelatives here Thanksgiving.Mr. end Mrs. Ross Fowler and chll->

drert of St. Clairsvillo spent Thursdaywith relatives here. I

C. C. Hostettler of TV>st Church streetloft Thursday for Straslntrg to attend

the funeral of his brother. Will Ilnste:-tler. whose death occurred Wednesday,of influenza. I

Club Mooting.Tlie following program was given Frt-

day afternoon at a meeting of the Tour¬ist club, which was held at the home of

Mrs. H, H. Scott of North Chestnutstreet:poll Call."Tributes to America."."Ph.- Philippines, Resources and Com¬merce" Mrs. Kyle Miller

"Cuba" O. N'orr.'sReading Mrs. MurphyConversation."Our Diplomats Abroad" j

Francis Hibhard of the ordnance do- jpartment. stationed at Cleveland, is Jspending a few days with his mother. ]Mrs. Kate Hibbard, of South Rroadwny.William Emerson. Jr.. of this city was i

a vistor in Wheeling Thursday.Rev. and Mrs. George R. Smith or

Rellniro spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Iand Mrs. J. W. Kirk of West Church 1street.

Robert HMles end wife and little son

of St. Clairsville visited with relatives iof fh«i place Thursday.

Mrs. Emma TTnirdesty of rttffburghhas been visiting her daughter, Mrs.Wilbur Thornberry, of East Main street.

Mrs. Fred Mnntz of West Main street

spent Thanksgiving with her daughter.Miss Marguerite Korontz. who is attend¬ing Oh'o Wesleyan college Delaware.


Big- Agricultural Event.Monday, Dec. 9 will be a big day at

Sherrnrd. A county show for the agri¬cultural clubs nnd a community fairwin be held in the building and on thegrounds of the Consolidated school. Th"boys' and girls' clubs of the county,including the corn, potato, pig andchicken clubs, will make their exhihltsin competition for the county prtr.es.This is an annual event formerly stagedat Moundsville. hut Sherrard is favoredwith the privilege of having it broughthere this year.

In connection with this the commun¬

ity fair will be open to everybody andlocal exhibits of all kinds, includingcanning, sewing r.nd baking exhibits aresolicited.

It will be. a general visiting day atthe school building.The arrangements rommiftoe are;

Principal F. A Bradley, Mr. C. W. Me.Combs. Mrs. E. C, Klage.s and MissReka Behrens.

Entertained at Dinner.Miss Mar yWayrnan delightfully en¬

tertained n number of her friends withr Thanksgiving dinner at her home near

Bethlehem. Thursday. The most* in¬cluded members of *uo J. T. B. C.club and Mrs. A. R. Miss UlswleCarvln, Miss Elizabeth Tloovr.n and Rev.C. E.. Carvln.

SliCrrard Briefs.Edwtrd McComhs of the Marine Bar¬

racks. Qunnt'co. Vn . spending a fur¬lough at his home here.Mrs. Sarah Hu«s. t>» Bogg's Run. is

visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huss of Mr.Olivet.

Charles Tnlhcrt is i»l.The condition of Rev. M. I,. l"»arien.

who has heen 111 for several werxs.continues ahout the same.Mrs. "William Jones and children. of

ffnnd TTfl. arc visit in "the former'spnrents. Mr. and Mr*. William P.entk".Miss Anna Mlentd. o* "Wheeling, was

fbe gpest of strs *r Montgomery, ofMi. Olivet, on Thursday.

Mrs, Em'l Kelkreuth, of Morart, isfter'ouelv 111 of nneumontfl.

Mr. and Mrs. \V. F. MUlcr. of Wheel¬ing, art visiting at the home of J. f.Klger.Wllhrrt Becker of Wheeling. Js 111 at

the William Bch'ons home.$


CoprlRhi. 1 u J s. New York 'i nounc.Inc.)

LONDON.. N*U\. :n..'Thu I nlt-dStates cannot in honor accept even mo

mullest destroyer as r anare of thu¦'.rman fleet after thu declaration ofVIl.njn that America would accept no

.cqulaltions arising out of the war. Andt would be hardly fair for other tut*

lone to argument their navius by ad-

lltiona from the foe's fleet to the pos-Jblo detriment of the United Stolen.This explanation in offered here tor

ho decision to dismantle the Germanihlpn after peace Is signed arid the.:vorld made secure for another gencra-k-n. at leant, and then sink them In the'nlddle of the ocean. IThere linve been many claims Tor the!

lerntan vessels. Britain. Franco and |he other allies desire the German unity Jo replace their losses in the war.Canada also aspires to own the Ger¬

man fleet as the nucleus of a navy, lie-'

lides the other clp.inis to the warshipshe world's smaller n.atlurwalties wouldike the opportunity to purchase the new

mits.The division of the German fleet

Huong the belligerents in such a wayis to make all parlies contented would>e a virtual Impossibility. Britain, hav-ng borne the greatest burden of na- j.Til warfare, could claim most of the'

.polls, but she.- is unlikely to enforce Jiueh claims. iThe project of sinking Is contingent

jpon the certainty that there 1s no newwar looming on the horizon. If theworld's equilibrium, despite nil efforts,teems likely to continue unstable, the;

German fleet may survive as n navalpolice force of the League or Nations. .

to be thrown in on the side of the pnw- j»rs fighting against an aggressor nation, jMeanwhile Britain is guarding and |

Meaning the disputed vessels pendingthe decision of the peace congress, tn

whose hands lies the final decision. No[doubt Is entertained thai I he congresswill decide not to return the fleet to


SANDY RIDGE, 0,Mr. arid Mrs. t'nlob Hobbs and family!

md Mr. and Mrs. lliram Lewis and fam-ly spr/nl Thanksgiving with Mr. andMrs. Webster llohbs. of I.tiirnesville.

Morrlniu.it Dodd, c>f the navy, made a

diort visit at his home hero, last week, jBodd is now on the Huron, formerly a

l»ig German passenger boat, that was In-terneil at the start of" thu war, mid isnow being used us a transport. He haslust returned to American sh res. froin.1 voyage across, that being his eighthtrip singe entering the transport service, jA pleasant family reunion was held

it the home of Rebecca W. Hall, of MiHolly, last Sunday. Those present were IRimer and Margaret Bundy. daughter!Mildred and son, Cecil, of Krid, Okla.;Wilford Hall and family, of Taeoina; A!-jbert and Blanche Bond na ami two1daughters. Wanotn and France?, of!Bridgeportt. O Kvorott and KlizabeihHal! ulid baby Thomas. of Toledo, O.;Elsie H. Halll. of. Pittsburgh, l'a.; Guy

._ (

and Kva Hall Woodward, of Buffalo. INow Y««rk.

Loo .Moore lost u good horse one daylast week.

Miss Crawford spent Thanksgiving at Vher homo near Fairvlew. i |

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carpenter spent!Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George _

Hit tvh field.j -

W. I"». "Clark spent Sunday wltlh his jparents ut Hetulrysburij, 0.Mrs. Robert Boyd and daughter. MlssjBezel, iintl son. Thompson, of Tiltons- |ville. spent Thanksgiving with Mr. andMrs. William Boyd. i ]

Mrs. Bert Bailey was the guest of jMrs. Henry Chancy, of Barriesvllle, 0.. jWednesday.Bert Bailey returned home Tuesday]

from a trip to fipringvllln, Iowa.Miss Vera Brooks of Barnesvllle. spent

the week end with her parents. Mr. andMrs. John Brooks.


NKW YORK, Nov. 29..The staff of!the Associated Press at the peace con-jfer'-neo will be made up as follows:

Melville K. Stone, general manager;Klmer Roberts. chief of the Paris bu-reau; Robert M. Collins, chief of theiTTjondon bureau: Chprles T. Thompson.]Charles Klohror: Salvador Cortez. chiefof the Rome bureau: L. S. l'robert. ex-

chief of the Washington hurenu: S. U.Conger. former chief of the Berlin bit-|reau: Rdwin M. Hood. Robert Berry. F. ,,

B. Grundy. J.. A. Bouman. Purge McFall. j'James H. Howe.Philip M. Powers. StuartMarony. S. F. Wader and T. T, Topping, j


if Yon ^lood MoiiBV^a^SfiWjr plain fully our terms El

^ and methods of making small loans. If they are satisfactory to |||gg you, as they have been to thousands of others, we will see to lt|fj5g that you get the amount you need, promptly, without red tape |$|$j and without anyone knowing of the transaction. You do not ||gjgjS need recommendations or endorsers. If you own furniture yolir|j|i|| credit will he good. We will arrange the length of time nnd|g|] size of payments to suit you. In case of siekness or loss RajP of employment, wc allow extensions without extra charges. ||8f| In getting a small loan from us you borrow on your SBsg own resoureea and pay a reasonable charge for the ac-|Sj| commodation. You are not under obligations to anyone |BS and your personal bnsi- as ¦¦ o a

I xj not knowm ° National Loan Co.«wli301 WTioollng- B*ni & Tract Blig., Cor.

12th and SOarfcct Sts. Phone.2224 VThg.

FOR SALErOR SAI>£.Florida; why freeze; fruit

hauls; liunK-llov sites: small farms:,low prices. fCasy terms. Healthy nil,year. S-nd 3c stamp for mat) and 1pamphlet to BoarU of Trade. Lonrtwuod. I

"-3U'g *

rOR S A T.E.Ferrets. New lot; also sacksaird muzzk-a. W. ._>. Soldan. 4 6-17t>i

Si. n-29-1


A toilet prepexauon of nrrlt.II .!p» to rrullmt daftSrud.F«r !'.eatoris| Color and


'oa-jty to Grny or Faded M«ir.>V. >Q'I Sl.oo «'. Prr.t'ti.


¦I llllll

Truck owners it will pay you to see that your \truck is equipped with good Tires before Winter ;sets in. j j




American lire Repair Works j16th AND CHAPLINE ST. I

amgBgBgggOBBB3gg5aag^gaEgagEB2ISI^m^IggaEaiB3BS5Eg5ag3SSiagBEH?;.-imT-.-r.Mii^TTy".. : ;

WANTEDVlen and Girls

ApplyC. W. McGINNIS,Superintendent-,


Boys and GirlsOver 16 Years,

Also 20 LABORERSApply

W. H. DOUGHERTY,Employment Manager,

* WHEELING CAN CO.-¦ ¦ '¦ ~..

C. L. RILEY.All kinds of electric work, arm-

iture winding a specialty.CALL BELL 228-J

709 MAIN ST. Wffllsburgr, w. va.

111 " ' ¦

RiDEMPTPN 6F BENDSNotice of Redemption of Bonds

by the Kazcl-Atl.-vs Glass Co.Whcellnpr. W. Va., November9th, 1918.Notice 15 hereby jriven that toe

following Bonds of issue of June1st. 1913. and hearing the follow¬ing numbers to wit:

From 51 t<> 100 inclusivewill lie redcrfned December 1st,19IS. at The D-iltar Savings «v

Trust Do.'. Wheeling. W. Va. JAll the nlmvc llendr. will erase to

hear interest December 1st. IjIX.HAZEL-ATI.AC C-LASS CO.

A. E. Pn-ton, Socretary.n-9-lf'-'.'3 3it


rho Plttshr.rffh, Cincinnati, Chicago &St. Louis Railroad Company.

NOTICE.PITTSIll'lBUI. I'a.. Nov. 3«. tf-l«. j

Sm'-rc is h.-r.-hy jjiven iii the St..ok-'holders of The I'iltshtirKh, Cmc'iir-ii i."hienSo & St Louis Baslrond Companyluit a '-peelnl mectinc of sa'd storkh.-bi-

r-rs wll he held at Boom 9 IS. I 'ennsy I va¬il ia Station, I'ittshtirsh. i'etuisyl vania,it 11 :'H' ». rry., t.n

MONDAY. BUCK:.IBKB 30.X 01«.fc.r eonsi.lcraiion of and action upon a''ertain ;ipr-i-ii:--ni with the Director-I'..-ra tal (if Bail roads. n-Miitir on ltehiilf;<r the 1'nited .States .ami the President,jrelating to operation. e. mpens.-ilif:. ntalother matters connected with or gr.nvtn/rout of the t.-ikiiu over l.y the j'ee.<id--nlof the Failed Stales tin- t'umpaiiy'Mrailroad an.l system transportation:also for consi'lerat :.e* of and net ion uponthe matter of issuance My tin Companynf J3ri.iMlfi.0tiO ;:o Drhenture 15 .>111 Bonds,.and the I'.rqni-' moid le. pureh *se of theIndianapolis and Frttki-.rl Unload,

ftv order of"tlie Board of Directors.S. ,11. '.IffB'BI.

n-»0-<I-2-3-lG-33 Secretary. - j

Freeze-ProofI Prevents Frozen Radiators |I HTHE only way you can be positively sure that your radiator ij| won't freeze up is to use a non-evaporating anti-freeze preparation. You I

S can never be sure of Alcohol or any other product which evaporates with water, gn'^ f/1141 T-irt10 COfl

I Does not Evaporate or dream

Johnson's Freeze-Proof does not evapo¬rate with the water. One application '

is sufficient for the whole winter unless thesolution is weakened by leakage of the radia¬tor or hose connections.through the overflowpipe.or by boiling over.

Economical and EasyJohnson's Freeze-Proof is the mosteconomical anti-freeze compound on

the market. It is very easy to use.simplydissolve in water and pour into the radiator.One package is sufficient to protect a Ford to

5° below zero; for large cars use two packagesto protect to 5°below zero, and three pack¬ages to protect to 25° below zero.

Johnson's Frceze-Proof does not injure Irubber, cloth, packing or metal of any jkind. It does not rust or corrode metal. |There is less rust with Johnsons' Freeze-Proof Ithan there is with water alone or with a com- Jbination of water and alcohol. s

Raises the Boiling Point of Water BThe boiling point of water is 212°. The Bboiling point ot alcoholis 131°. The boilingpoint of Johnson'sFreeze-Proof and wateris from 225° to 250°depending upon theamount of Freeze-Proofused.

I, W. H. CHAPMAN & SON CO. I1218 5


WANTED.MaleWANTED.Earn $25 weekly, spare time.writing for newspapers, magazines. .

Exp. unnec.; details free. Press Syndi-tale. 354. St. Louis, Mo. n-30-g .

WANTED.Salesmen. Mystifying newinvention going like wildfire every .

where; fortunes being made; sells on

sight; . 400% profit. Send 50c for $2sample. Investors Mfg. Co., 389-lth St..San Francisco.


WANTED.Two boys to learn goodtrade, night work. Apply between 5

and 8 p. m. to Peter Boyd. Intelligenceroffice. 1505 Market St. n-19-tfwanted.Men learn barbcring. Earn

while learning. Jobs waiting. Goodpay. Write Moler Barber College, 331W. Eth St.. Cinclnanti. Ohio.

n-ll-lmowanted.thbee good 'linotypeoperators; most be sober.

apply fobeman intelligencer-

WANTED.Femalewanted.Woman wants position as

cleaning offices. Call 756-R. n-30-i ,

WANTED.Largo knitting mill desireswoman to work In own town. Easy ¦

business. Permanent. Salary or com¬mission. all or part time. InternationalMills. Xorristojvn, Pn. n-30-gWANTED.Karn 5~25 weekly.'spare time.

writing for newspapers, magazines.Exn. unnec.; details free. Press Syndi¬cate, 153. St. Louis. Mo. ^n-30-_g_waixted.cTri~fnr general housework.No washing. Apply Mrs. Charles J

Seliuck._Echo Point.,


WANTED.AgentsWANTED.Most wonderful pictorial

history on the. Worlds' War. Com¬plete. authentic. About 600 pages: 100striking illustrations. Retails S2. High¬est commission. Free sample to wor.t-

vrs. Quick deliveries. Act now. JohnA. Ilertel Co.. Publishers, Dept. 129. Chi¬cago. n-30-gWANTED.Three gooo agents to solhousehold necessities on the install¬

ment plan. Best of goods and beat ..r

commissions. We pay week.y. C.Adams Co.. 1140-1142 Main St mr-12--7

WANTED.Male or Female Help.WANTED.Young men and women

learn crayon, pastel and water e

portrait drawing by correspond"Wonderful opportunities. No t:<

ne.<|ed. Write for particulars. Amaud Art Studios, Flat Iron Bhlg.V"£k._ . ._> ill"'0WANTED.Government needs til.'! .

sands men and women for govern;.,departments, railway mail, por.'t:customs, internal revenue. Sl.ioo-Jlt "

Kxsuninationa soon. My.pertenco uti1,

essary. For free particulars regard *.;.

examinations write J. ' - Leonard. '.

no-r civil service exfctnincrj. SO? L- v

Building. Washington. n-J5-r;i

LOST AND FOUND.LOST.small hand porketbook. between

ii.ittk building and lied Star Grocerylt.-nwood. Wi-'liiesday. containing $13 andsmall change. Finder please call <6.1Wlig. or leave at Intelligencer

n-30-1LOST OB STOLEN.Bench ieg h. e' «

fIuC name Toy.colors.white, black..Mid tan.on Short Creek. W. Va. Re¬wire! of $5.00 for Information of scire-

r r return to Thos. H. Mozlngo. -Shot t

Greek. W. Va. ¦ n-3K-l""

redemption ofbonds.bedeicption of bonds.

The following number of Ohio CountyBonds of the 5-30 4>i% loan have beendrawn and will' be redeemed by theWheeling Bank & Trust Co. in the Cityr.f Wheeling, on the 1st day of Decem¬ber. 191S. ,

Seven bonds of $500.00 each numbered117-7-137-15-157-29-64.

Interest on the above, bonds will cease .

ori December 1st. 1918.THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF



II. C. UNDERWOOD.Clerk. n1S 23-25-30

"miscellaneousWANTED.To purchase or rent a com¬bination billiard table 4Vix9. Must be

in fine fundi; inn. J. B. n-28-iWANTED^.Teacher to give lessons i.i

French, two evenings a week. J. B.n-2S-i

DRESSwell and save money.a large assoktment of slight¬ly used fine overcoats andsuits AT great babgainj3. gas-sell. 1020 market st. also butsecond hand clotjung. o-10-tf


t «-ntlertinrk BtlgbL^ja. Booklet fPHtH. E. DtTHLAF, Mkt Lawyer.

Nations! Exchange Bank UulldlAcWheeling. W. Va

iriB ¦ . ¦ .<

FOR RENTfob bent.Fttrnshed rooms, per week

; $2.00 up. Also furnished housekeep¬ing rooms. Range, bath and phone. 10.<Chnpline street. n-28-i_EOR RENT.Two furnished rooms for

light housekeeping. One large frontn-om and roon'i adjoining. Call 1983-M,Wpg. n-26-mI'or rent.Storeroom and dwelling.

607 North Main street. Inquire 606Mam. n-20-p

i united statesrailroadadministbation

K W. G. McAdoo, Director General jof Railroads


V/ANTED IMaclunists sBoilermakersElectric Welders

; a FiremenBrakemen

B Experience not necessary for I£ Firemen and Itrakemen. Good U» living aiid working conditions and Bs

jl pnV while learning,| Apply Employment Supervisor's ¦

Office, Room No. 152, T4. & O. I|B Building, Wheeling. W. Va. |IpHWnBHM