i. personal items of interest white shingles at a winter...

rnmmmm ri^OBFOUR THE LONG ISLAND TRAVBLBR • MATTITUCK WATCHMAN THURSDAY. I. *V «’ •*95 Sarprite her with « long wmf ing, beantjr raCainiag P«tvdK rug. Well hdp je« ehoMe the eMoetly rigM pattern faiMB oar wide range, ia a liae iM to fit jronr foom pecfae^. LOUIS JAEGE1( & SON D^Murtment Store W« Coffdiolly Invite You To Visit Our New Store 3 9 - 4 3 FRONT ST. GREENPORT }194t Remington Deluxe NoUeleas Portable] Personal Items of Interest M A T T I T U C K Th^ famous Remington Deluxe Noiseless Po^tdble is the finest portable writing machine money can buy, This lat- est model has new advantages and extra features which moke typing more pleasant, much easier. At home, while others are sleeping or even telephoning, the Deluxe Noiseless will give you typing perfection, silently. We carry a complete line of Remington Portable Type- ; wri#ers from ................. i,;,... $29.7S up Visit our office equipment display. Second Floor McCabe's Central Storel 12-14 Main S t, RIVERHEAD, N. Y. Mr. and Mirs. Frederick Orltfin of Center Moriches and Mrs. Ellen Howell of Rlverhead were Sunday vlslton ot Mrs. Raymond B. Terry on Bay Ave- nue. We are pleased to see John Klein has a position as second clerk in the Mattituck Post Office. Mr. and Mrs. George O. TuthiU and their son, David and daughter, Joyce and Mrs. Henrietta Baylis enjoyed a Thani^ving Dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George I. TuthiU. Mrs. Stanley Raynor is living with her mother, Mrs. Emma J. Penny. Miss Annie and Mrs. M. D. GUdtr- sleeve have received cards and letters from Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lind, for- merly of Mattituck who are spending six months in Tampa, Vlorida. Mra. Blitabeth Yetter of Itey Avenue had the family dinner on Thanksgiv- ing Day. Those present were her, par- ents, Mr. and liCrs. Charles Amennann of Rockville Center, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lott Amemann of Garden City with her dautSiter Pheobe Yetter of Nlek* eriMcker HMpltal, New York Oltr and sm , William. Her son Cfearles who Is with the United States Marines at Guantanamo, Cuba could not get home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto P. HaUock of Riv- erhead and Ernest Hamilton of Mat- titudE caUed on Mrs. Yetter on aiumksgtving Day. hb. and Mrs. Harry Martin of New Jersey left here last Monday morning accompanied by George H. GUder- sleeve after spending the week-end in Mattituck. Paul Bernard of New York City was a week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. John L. Wasson. Mrs. Harry Young Was the winner last week in the local dress club.' National Art W<eek is being observed locally with displays of paintings by North Fork artists in the Roessler, Du- Val and Roulston stores on Love Lane. There are about 30 pictures on exhib- ition and among the artists represent- ed are Miss Julia Wickham, Miss Clara M. Howard, Miss Caroline M. Bell and Mrs. Percy W. Hawkins. Mr. and Mia. John L. Moore and their two sons of Stony Brook were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Emma J. Poiny. Suffolk 4-H Leader M. J. Hencle met with members of the reorganized Boys’ 4-H Club and their leader, Stanley Cox, last Wednesday night and plans were made for a program of activities. The club will elect officers at another meeting at the school next Wednesday evening. Agroup of Laurel residents, headed by iSxa. James Jensen, are taking or- ders for hand-made iSlirlstmas wreaths fashioned from naura evcvgreens, to raise money for maintenance of the old Laurel Cemetery. Kenneth Brown was home from col- lege for the week-end. Preparatlois are under way for a community Christmas carol sing at the high school. mnclpal A. C. X^relle has an- nounced that school will close for the holiday on Dec. 20 and will reiqien January 2. Mrs. Irene Jackaon will .entertain members of the Lexicon Club at a one-dish supper at her h ^ e tomorrow (m daj) evening. Maurice King is a patient in the Eastern Long island HOspttal, wboe he is recovering from an (^ration per- formed last Wednesday. George New- ell entered the hospital Monday to undergo an operation. Mrs. David Sleaight heads the oom* mittee in charge of the Presbyterian Guild’s annual turkey dinner, to be given next Tuesday evening in the chapel, l^ e public is urged to patron- ize this affair. The first serving will be a t 5:30. The Moriches Choral. Society’s fourth annual presentation of Handel’s “Mes- siah” will be given next Monday eve- ning at 8 o’clock in the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Edna Kaler Wilson will direct. Mrs. George P. Bergmann of this village is one of the soloists. Christmas Gifts Galore at The Knitting Shop. Mrs. A. F. Sargeant of Maryland, formwly of Mattltucl^ is spending the week visiting friends'h«e. Mrs. Laura Lahy of Brooklyn, was a week-end visitor, at the hone of her mother, Mrs. E. L. TUttUll. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weber of OaM> well, N. J., were week-end guests of Mrs. Weber’s motker, Mrs. 0«o H. Fischer. Mrs. Minnie K< Hazard is spending the week visiting her niece, Un. Clark CottreU, in Merridt. L. 1. nred W. Baas ot Brwftlyn, qient the Week-end at the home of his sister, Mrs. Jos. W. cooper. Miss Katherine ■nithttl of New York was home over the weA-end, visiting her mother, Mrs. Henrietta TuthiU. Kennetdh Bro«n,> a student a t Col- umbia, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown over the week-end. Friday night a party of Mattituck firemen gave Mr. and Afrs. Rodney Cox a real firemen’s serenade at their apartments in the LeVaUey home. “Amos” and Kathryn responded very hospitably by passi^ around refresh- ments, "Grampy” Coutts sang his “Pine Tiee” song, and a fine time was had by all. Trust the men of the Marratooka Club to have turkey in the turkey sea- > son. So the clubmen loosene'd their belts before sitting down to the Nov- ember dinner, held Saturday, and were aide to do Justice to the fine feast of turkey, vegetables, and loads of other good things served a committee of Tuthilltown Tuthllls and Mattituck TuthiUs. Following the feed presdlgl- tator Charlie Glover entertained with a clever e^U tion of legerdemain, startling a tiumb» of guests who were not aware we had a Houdini in our midst. I The Young Ladies Guild turkey din- ner, an annual ndtice that Christmas is nearly here, wiU be held in the Pres- b^rian dtoreh idlnlng rooms Tues- day evenin|(|k Decopq^ 10th. We oftoi wbndw ho«r. ^ ladles can sm e such a grand dim er for seventy-five cents (children fifty - cmts), but they al - ways do, and always, have a la^e pat- ronage. Don’t forget, this <me. Ed Jaaombek is the only ‘jstarting squad” member of last years champ- ionship basketball five of M. H. S. on hand for the coming season’s sched- ule, buit Coach “Bob” Muir luks a way of getting teamwork out of new mater- ial, so local fans are looking forwud to see how the new outfit is g c ^ to shape up. Itiey open the seasMi with a nm-league game at Westhamptm this Friday ni|^t;^and play the first home game on the M. H. S. floor next Friday, their opponents being East- hampton. Handel’s “Messiah,” a favorite ora- torio of many music lovers, will be sutig at the Mattituck Presbyterian Church on Monday evening, Decem- ber 9th, by the Moriches Choral So- ciety, directed by Edna Kahler Wilson. This gr6 up, a well trained organlzatkm of from 40 to 45 voices, has given "The Messiah” in other towns, but this is its first appearance in Mattituck, where they shouM be received by a large audience. Mattituck is particu- larly interested in the presentation, as a Mattituckian, Mrs. Dorothy Berg- mann, one of the conmunity’s favor- ite sopranos, wUl be heard in solos. Halsey Reeve of Sound Avenue, is a bass soloist of ther group. The perfor- mance begins at eight o’clock and aU are welcome. A silver coUection wUl be taken. Tires Vulcanized— Hot Tire Vul- canizing Equipment Installed. Ray- nor Tire Shop. Greenport. The Junior Choir of the Presbyterian Church, augmented the senior, choir Sunday morning in rendering a pretty anthem. Bfottituck Grange entertained Pomo- na Orange at Mechanics HaU M<mday night of this week. A turkey sapper preceeded the meeting. MTS. Athur Downs had the misfor- tune to have her Mg toe crudied by a faUing log and is recuperating at her ,home. Hie Pomona Grange met at Mattt- tuck on Monday afternoon and eve- ning. There was a very good attend ance. Especially for the Turkey Sup- per and evening session, which was very interesting. Johnson Bros. ROYAL SCARLET STORES Fancy Groceries Meats A Vegetables Mattituck, L. L, N. Y. DEUVERY SERVICE-Phone 8267 SPAGHETTI 4 - WITH CHEESE 16-oz. cans 25c GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 can 10c WHOLE SEGMENTS Good Honest Brond Stondord TOMATOES (Good — Firm— Red R ip e) ......... ........... 3 No. 2 cons . ..17c TETLEY TEA (Oronfo Pekoe) </ 4 'lb. pkf. 19c. .Va-lb. pkg. 37c Royol Scorlel SALT (Free Running) CRISCO...................... 1 lb. con 17c MATTITUCK COUNCIL No. 34, Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets in Mechanics Hall Every Tuesdoy Night Good news for this week is the card and game party party to be held in the coimcil rooms this Friday evening, De- cember 6 , at 8:00 p. m. These affairs have always been bright spots on the social calendar and a large crowd is expected. Refreshments will be served and novel prizes awarded. The admis- sion is thirty-five cents and the pub- lic is welc«nne. Another event which members have been looking forward to with ,keen an- ticipation is ne]^ Tuesday night’s (De- cember 10) monster class initiation. Eleven candidates of Mattituck Odun- cU, ^ o from ^ tp o rt vid one from Eastpoiit and . 4 ^ froin Rlverhead wiU have the initiatory work conferred up- on them. The guard, with s e v ^ new members, is working hard and promises its usual fine performance. Mattituck’s famous goat WiU hold the spot Ught as usual and they do say that “Old Bill” has devetoped greatly both in mean- ness and sagacity. Come out and see for yourselves! The usual feed and en- tertainment WiU foUow the degree work and the cmnmittee is planning on a record turnout. This week’s meeting was featured by a large attendance which was treated to a grand pc^ormance of prestidig- itaidon by none other than CharUe Glover, master magician. CharUe’s au- dience howled with glee over his Clev- er tricks and aU were forced to admit that indeed the hand is quidcer thnn the eye. George Brown, Red Fleish- man.and Dode Penny were aUe stooges ) with the latter being reUeved of both shirt and necktie before he had timft to object, and quite without his per- mission. It was announced that Mattituck CouncU had been awarded a forty dol- lar cash prize for idiowing a larger net gain in mendiership for the past year than any other in the state. Immedi- ately the brothers thought of this in terms of paint on the waUs and it was placed in the fund to be used for that purpose. Our CounciUor has been awarded a years dues as a reward for proposing the most candidates for membership in the same period. Brother Terry W. TuthUl was high with fourteen but re- fused the priae. Look for the com- plete list next week. The list of MatWuck candidates to be initiated next mesday evening' is as foUows: Fred H. BoutCher, Jr. Ed- mund Sandstrom, C. EUdrldge Reeve, O. Halsey Corwin, Lloyd Corwin, Char- les Staska, Harry G. Case, Reginald James, Fred L. Moore, Albert Harker and Ralph Cox. W . V . Dnryee N MATTITUCK , LI. Stcarling Super Food Market Greenport, L. L SPECIAL^For This W eek-end; Swift's end Wilson's FANCY Roll Butter lb. 37c WHITE SHINGLES at a WINTER CLUB offers for your comfortable residence for weekend or longer stay severol attractive suites vyith private baths. The Culinary Dsportment v»^ill be operated in a unique man- ner, both dining room and kitchen being under the aus- pices of the Good Cooks of Orient. Special weekend rote for 2 sharing a rcjom for 2 days. American Plan (f<jod ond lodging) $15.00, Longer pericxls 20% lower than summer schedule. Call Orient 180 up to 11 A. M. os reservations ore necessory. G. H. Riley Auetioneen J, M. Grattan WiU Sell A t Public Auction for A. H» Cosden at His Estate Sound Vieii; Road, Southold, L, I, (IVz MUes North of the Village of Southold) Thursday^ December 12, at 10 A. M. FARM IMPLEMENTS 2 Ghierniey Cows, 35 Hens, 4 Small Chicken Coops, Chie- !:sn Feeders and Fountains, 1 Mowing Machine, 1 Hay Ted- der, 1 Hay Rake, 2 Plows, 1 Disk Harrow, 1 Drag Harrow, 2 Cultivators, 1 Land Roller, Planet Jr. Seed Drill, 1 Scoop, One* Horse Wagon, 1 Team Wagon, Dump Cart, Neckyokes and Whiffletrees, Mole Traps, Poultry Wire, PuUeys, Screens, 1 Cider Mill, 1 Beet Cutter, Grass Seeders, Single and Double Harness, Barrel Sprayer, Hedge Clippers, Bone Grinder, Hand Roller, Cold Frames, Tobacco Dust, Fertilizer, Cords of Wood, 120 Locust Posts, Five Section Lawn Mower, 3 Hand Mowers, Power Green Mower, Lawn Edgers, Grass Shears, Block and Fall, Quantity of Lumber, Ladders, Lawn Sprink- lers, Bench Tools, Milk Buckets, Horse Brushes, Hay Rack, Push Cart, Grindstone, Tractor, Dump Trailer, Saws (all kinds). Tree Trimmers, 2 Bird Baths, 2.Wheel Barrows, Post Hole Digger, Garden Hose, Golf Markers, Quantity of Hay,- Scythes, Mattocks, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Rakes, Crowbars, and other things too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOU) FURNITURE 2 Dining Room Chairs, 1 Pedestal, 2 Bed Screens, 5 Beds, 2 Couches, Fishing Tackle — Rods — Reels, Pictures and Frames, Several Pairs of Curtains (lig^t and heavy). Kitchen Utensils, Kitchen Table, 2 Ironing Boards, SmOldng Stands, 2 Trunks, Awnings, 1 Cream Separator, Dininjg Room Table and Chairs, Book Cases, Several Easy Chairs, Table Lamps, Small Tables, 2 S^ep Ladder Chairs, Throw Rugs, Victrola, 2 School Desks, Typewriter and Chair, 2 Cabinets, Child’s Play Pen, 4 Dressers, Several Rocking Chairs, £^erU Standing Chairs, v/Hall Catttet (green), -2 Baduroom Stools, 2 Wash Stands, Towel Rack, Congoleum Rug, 1 Dtok, Quantity of Rubber Mattings Console Table, Hat Rack and Stand, 2 Sets of Wicker Furniture, 2 Hanging Book Cases, 2 Davenports, Rugs (7x10, 12x17, 7x11, 13x15, 8x9, (2) 9x12, 12x15, lOx 11, 14x18, (2) 13x17,) Round Stand, Umbrdla Rack, 1 G. E. Refrigerator, 3 Firei^ace Sets, Wood Basket, 6 High-Back Chwrs, 3 Card Tables, Piano and Bench, Stair Carpet (3 ft. wide), Miscellaneous Books.. TERMS CASH If Stormy Sale Will Be Held Next Fair Day PRIME RIB ROAST lb. 29c SMOKED HAM lb. 19c WHOLE or EITHER HALF Skinless Franks lb. 25c KRASPALE COFFEE............................... 1 lb. vacuum con 23e HANDY DOG FOOD ............................................... « eons 25c IDEAU-RED HEART— Dr. OLDING DOG FOOD. .. 3 cons 2Sc Durkee's MARGARINE........................................................... 10c SAMP (bulk)....................... .................................... 2H»t. 15c TOILET SOAP (tridol Bouquet) ............... ......... 3 cokes 10c Pilltburys Harvest Time FANCAKE FLOUR........ 3 lb bog 17c WAX PAFER.................... 4 0 ff». r o ll ............................ 2 for 9c WAX FAPER .................... 125 ft. roll .................... 2 for 25c KRASDALE TOMATO SOUP........................................ 3 for 17c MACARONI— Spoghetti, Elbow Mocoronl (bulk) ...... 3 lbs. 25 CROSSE & BLACKWELLS SOUPS........................... 2 cons 25c EMers ORANGE PEKOE T E A ........................... H-lb pkg. 25c EVAP. MILK (Libby's-Sheffield) ........................... 4 cons 25c We Carry a Full Line of FROZEN FRUITS ,& VEGETABLES A Variety to Suit Every Menu L&L food market L&L AL LUTZ BILL LONG l^ttitudc, N. Y. PRIME MEATS GROCERIES # VEGETABLES COURTEOUS 8ERVICI SELF SERVICE FOR THOSE INCLINED MAi^tKTcK M41 • free delivery

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Page 1: I. Personal Items of Interest WHITE SHINGLES at a WINTER CLUBnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031433/1940-12-05/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · terms of paint on the waUs and it was placed in

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*V «’

•* 9 5

Sarprite her with « long w m f ing, beantjr raCainiag P«tvdK rug. Well hdp je« ehoMe the eMoetly rigM pattern faiMB oar wide range, ia a liae iM to fit jronr foom pecfae^.

LOUIS JAEGE1( & SON D^Murtment StoreW« Coffdiolly Invite You To

Visit Our New Store 3 9 -4 3 FRONT ST. GREENPORT

}194t Remington Deluxe NoUeleas Portable]

Personal Items of InterestM A T T I T U C K

Th^ famous Remington Deluxe Noiseless Po^tdble is th e finest portable writing machine money can buy, This lat­est model has new advantages and extra features w hich moke typing more pleasant, much easier. A t home, while others are sleeping or even telephoning, the Deluxe Noiseless will give you typing perfection, silently.

We carry a complete line of Remington Portable Type- ; wri#ers from ................. i , ; , . . . $29.7S up

Visit our office equipment display. Second Floor

McCabe's Central Storel12-14 Main St,


Mr. and Mirs. Frederick O rltfin of Center Moriches and Mrs. Ellen Howell of Rlverhead were Sunday vlslton ot Mrs. Raymond B. Terry on Bay Ave­nue.

We are pleased to see John Klein has a position as second clerk in the Mattituck Post Office.

Mr. and Mrs. George O. TuthiU and their son, David and daughter, Joyce and Mrs. Henrietta Baylis enjoyed a T h a n i^ v in g Dinner a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. George I. TuthiU.

Mrs. Stanley Raynor is living with her mother, Mrs. Emma J. Penny.

Miss Annie and Mrs. M. D. GUdtr- sleeve have received cards and letters from Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lind, for­merly of M attituck who are spending six months in Tampa, Vlorida.

Mra. Blitabeth Yetter of Itey Avenue had the family dinner on Thanksgiv­ing Day. Those present were her, par­ents, Mr. and liCrs. Charles Amennann of Rockville Center, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lott A m em ann of Garden City with her dautSiter Pheobe Yetter of Nlek* eriMcker HMpltal, New York Oltr and sm , William. Her son Cfearles who Is with the United States Marines a t Guantanamo, Cuba could not get home.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto P. HaUock of Riv- erhead and Ernest Hamilton of M at- titudE caUed on Mrs. Yetter on aiumksgtving Day.

hb . and Mrs. Harry M artin of New Jersey left here last Monday morning accompanied by George H. GUder- sleeve after spending the week-end in Mattituck.

Paul Bernard of New York City was a week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. John L. Wasson.

Mrs. Harry Young Was the winner last week in the local dress club.'

National Art W<eek is being observed locally with displays of paintings by North Fork artists in the Roessler, Du- Val and Roulston stores on Love Lane. There are about 30 pictures on exhib­ition and among the artists represent­ed are Miss Julia Wickham, Miss Clara M. Howard, Miss Caroline M. Bell and Mrs. Percy W. Hawkins.

Mr. and Mia. John L. Moore and their two sons of Stony Brook were Sunday visitors a t the home of Mrs. Emma J. Poiny.

Suffolk 4-H Leader M. J. Hencle met with members of the reorganized Boys’ 4-H Club and their leader, Stanley Cox, last Wednesday night and plans were made for a program of activities. The club will elect officers a t another meeting a t the school next Wednesday evening.

Agroup of Laurel residents, headed by iSxa. James Jensen, are taking or­ders for hand-m ade iSlirlstmas wreaths fashioned from naura evcvgreens, to raise money for maintenance of the old Laurel Cemetery.

Kenneth Brown was home from col­lege for the week-end.

Preparatlois are under way for a community Christmas carol sing a t the high school.

m n clpal A. C. X^relle has an ­nounced th a t school will close for the holiday on Dec. 20 and will reiqien January 2.

Mrs. Irene Jackaon will .entertain members of the Lexicon Club a t a one-dish supper a t her h ^ e tomorrow (m d a j) evening.

Maurice King is a patient in the Eastern Long island HOspttal, w boe he is recovering from an (^ ra tio n per­formed last Wednesday. George New­

ell entered the hospital Monday to undergo an operation.

Mrs. David Sleaight heads the oom* mittee in charge of the Presbyterian Guild’s annual turkey dinner, to be given next Tuesday evening in the chapel, l^ e public is urged to patron­ize this affair. The first serving will be a t 5:30.

The Moriches Choral. Society’s fourth annual presentation of Handel’s “Mes­siah” will be given next Monday eve­ning a t 8 o’clock in the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Edna Kaler Wilson will direct. Mrs. George P. Bergmann of this village is one of the soloists.

Christmas Gifts Galore a t The K nitting Shop.

Mrs. A. F. Sargeant of Maryland, formwly of Mattltucl^ is spending the week visiting friends'h«e.

Mrs. Laura Lahy of Brooklyn, was a week-end visitor, a t the hone of her mother, Mrs. E. L. TUttUll.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weber of OaM> well, N. J., were week-end guests of Mrs. Weber’s motker, Mrs. 0«o H. Fischer.

Mrs. Minnie K< Hazard is spending the week visiting her niece, U n . Clark CottreU, in M erridt. L. 1.

nred W. Baas o t Brwftlyn, q ient the Week-end a t the home of his sister, Mrs. Jos. W. cooper.

Miss Katherine ■nith ttl of New York was home over the weA-end, visiting her mother, Mrs. Henrietta TuthiU.

Kennetdh Bro«n,> a student a t Col­umbia, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown over the week-end.

Friday night a party of M attituck firemen gave Mr. and Afrs. Rodney Cox a real firemen’s serenade a t their apartm ents in the LeVaUey home. “Amos” and Kathryn responded very hospitably by p a ss i^ around refresh­ments, "Grampy” Coutts sang his “Pine Tiee” song, and a fine time was had by all.

Trust the men of the Marratooka Club to have turkey in the turkey sea- > son. So the clubmen loosene'd their belts before sitting down to the Nov­ember dinner, held Saturday, and were aide to do Justice to the fine feast of turkey, vegetables, and loads of other good things served a committee of Tuthilltown Tuthllls and M attituck TuthiUs. Following the feed presdlgl- tator Charlie Glover entertained with a clever e ^ U tio n of legerdemain, startling a tium b» of guests who were not aware we had a Houdini in our midst. I

The Young Ladies Guild turkey din­ner, an annual ndtice th a t Christmas is nearly here, wiU be held in the Pres- b ^ r ia n d to reh idlnlng rooms Tues­day evenin|(|k D ecopq^ 10th. We o fto i wbndw ho«r. ^ ladles can s m e such a grand d im er for seventy-five cents (children fifty - cm ts), but they al­ways do, and always, have a la ^ e pat­ronage. Don’t forget, this <me.

Ed Jaaombek is the only ‘jstarting squad” member of last years champ­ionship basketball five of M. H. S. on hand for the coming season’s sched­ule, buit Coach “Bob” Muir luks a way of getting teamwork out of new m ater­ial, so local fans are looking forw ud to see how the new outfit is g c ^ to shape up. Itiey open the seasMi with a nm -league game a t W esthamptm this Friday n i|^ t;^ an d play the first home game on the M. H. S. floor next Friday, their opponents being East- hampton.

Handel’s “Messiah,” a favorite ora­

torio of many music lovers, will be sutig a t the M attituck Presbyterian Church on Monday evening, Decem­ber 9th, by the Moriches Choral So­ciety, directed by Edna Kahler Wilson. This gr6up, a well trained organlzatkm of from 40 to 45 voices, has given "The Messiah” in other towns, but this is its first appearance in Mattituck, where they shouM be received by a large audience. M attituck is particu­larly interested in the presentation, as a M attituckian, Mrs. Dorothy Berg­mann, one of the conm unity’s favor­ite sopranos, wUl be heard in solos. Halsey Reeve of Sound Avenue, is a bass soloist of ther group. The perfor­mance begins a t eight o’clock and aU are welcome. A silver coUection wUl be taken.

T ires Vulcanized— Hot T ire Vul­canizing Equipm ent Installed. Ray­nor T ire Shop. Greenport.

The Junior Choir of the Presbyterian Church, augmented the senior, choir Sunday morning in rendering a pretty anthem.

Bfottituck Grange entertained Pomo­na Orange a t Mechanics HaU M<mday night of this week. A turkey sapper preceeded the meeting.

MTS. Athur Downs had the misfor­tune to have her Mg toe crudied by a faUing log and is recuperating a t her ,home.

H ie Pomona Grange m et a t M attt- tuck on Monday afternoon and eve­ning. There was a very good attend ance. Especially for the Turkey Sup­per and evening session, which was very interesting.


Fancy Groceries — Meats A Vegetables Mattituck, L. L, N. Y.



16-oz. cans 25c


Good Honest Brond Stondord TOMATOES (Good

— Firm— Red Ripe)......... ........... 3 No. 2 cons . . .17c

TETLEY TEA (Oronfo Pekoe) </4 'lb. pkf. 19c. .Va-lb. pkg. 37c

Royol Scorlel SALT (Free Running)

CRISCO...................... 1 lb. con 17c


Meets in

Mechanics Hall

Every Tuesdoy Night

Good news for this week is the card and game party party to be held in the coimcil rooms this Friday evening, De­cember 6, a t 8:00 p. m. These affairs have always been bright spots on the social calendar and a large crowd is expected. Refreshments will be served and novel prizes awarded. The admis­sion is thirty-five cents and the pub­lic is welc«nne.

Another event which members have been looking forward to with ,keen an­ticipation is ne]^ Tuesday night’s (De­cember 10) monster class initiation. Eleven candidates of M attituck Odun- cU, ^ o from ^ t p o r t v id one from Eastpoiit and .4 froin Rlverhead wiU have the initiatory work conferred up­on them. The guard, with s e v ^ new members, is working hard and promises its usual fine performance. M attituck’s famous goat WiU hold the spot Ught as usual and they do say th a t “Old Bill” has devetoped greatly both in mean­ness and sagacity. Come out and see for yourselves! T h e usual feed and en­tertainm ent WiU foUow the degree work and the cmnmittee is planning on a record turnout.

This week’s meeting was featured by a large attendance which was treated to a grand pc^ormance of prestidig- itaidon by none other than CharUe Glover, master magician. CharUe’s au­dience howled with glee over his Clev­er tricks and aU were forced to adm it th a t indeed the hand is quidcer thnn the eye. George Brown, Red Fleish­m an.and Dode Penny were aUe stooges

) with the latter being reUeved of both shirt and necktie before he had timft to object, and quite without his per­mission.

I t was announced th a t M attituck CouncU had been awarded a forty dol­lar cash prize for idiowing a larger net gain in mendiership for the past year than any other in the state. Immedi­ately the brothers thought of this in terms of paint on the waUs and it was placed in the fund to be used for th a t purpose.

Our CounciUor has been awarded a years dues as a reward for proposing the most candidates for membership in the same period. Brother Terry W. TuthUl was high with fourteen but re ­fused the priae. Look for the com­plete list next week.

The list of MatWuck candidates to be initiated next m esday evening' is as foUows: Fred H. BoutCher, Jr. Ed­mund Sandstrom, C. EUdrldge Reeve, O. Halsey Corwin, Lloyd Corwin, Char­les Staska, Harry G. Case, Reginald James, Fred L. Moore, Albert Harker and Ralph Cox.

W. V. DnryeeN


Stcarling Super Food Market

Greenport, L. L

SPECIAL^For This W eek-end;

Swift's end Wilson's


Roll Butter lb. 37c


for your comfortable residence for weekend or longer stay severol attractive suites vyith private baths. The Culinary Dsportment v» ill be operated in a unique man­ner, both dining room and kitchen being under the aus­pices of the Good Cooks of Orient. Special weekend rote for 2 sharing a rcjom for 2 days. American Plan (f<jod ond lodging) $15.00, Longer pericxls 20% lower than summer schedule. Call Orient 180 up to 11 A. M. os reservations ore necessory.

G. H. Riley Auetioneen J, M. Grattan WiU Sell A t

Public Auctionfor A. H» Cosden at His Estate

Sound Vieii; Road, Southold, L, I, (IVz MUes North of the Village of Southold)

Thursday December 12, at 10 A. M.

FARM IMPLEMENTS2 Ghierniey Cows, 35 Hens, 4 Small Chicken Coops, Chie-

!:sn Feeders and Fountains, 1 Mowing Machine, 1 Hay Ted­der, 1 Hay Rake, 2 Plows, 1 Disk Harrow, 1 Drag Harrow, 2 Cultivators, 1 Land Roller, Planet Jr. Seed Drill, 1 Scoop, One* Horse Wagon, 1 Team Wagon, Dump Cart, Neckyokes and W hiffletrees, Mole Traps, Poultry W ire, PuUeys, Screens, 1 Cider Mill, 1 Beet Cutter, Grass Seeders, Single and Double Harness, Barrel Sprayer, Hedge Clippers, Bone Grinder, Hand Roller, Cold Frames, Tobacco Dust, Fertilizer, Cords of Wood, 120 Locust Posts, Five Section Lawn Mower, 3 Hand Mowers, Power Green Mower, Lawn Edgers, Grass Shears, Block and Fall, Q uantity of Lumber, Ladders, Lawn Sprink­lers, Bench Tools, Milk Buckets, Horse Brushes, Hay Rack, Push Cart, Grindstone, Tractor, Dump Trailer, Saws (all kinds). Tree Trimmers, 2 Bird Baths, 2.Wheel Barrows, Post Hole Digger, Garden Hose, Golf Markers, Quantity of Hay,- Scythes, M attocks, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Rakes, Crowbars, and other things too numerous to mention.

HOUSEHOU) FURNITURE2 Dining Room Chairs, 1 Pedestal, 2 Bed Screens, 5 Beds,

2 Couches, Fishing Tackle — Rods — Reels, Pictures and Frames, Several Pairs of Curtains (lig^t and heavy). Kitchen Utensils, Kitchen Table, 2 Ironing Boards, SmOldng Stands,2 Trunks, Awnings, 1 Cream Separator, Dininjg Room Table and Chairs, Book Cases, Several Easy Chairs, Table Lamps, Small Tables, 2 S^ep Ladder Chairs, Throw Rugs, Victrola, 2 School Desks, Typewriter and Chair, 2 Cabinets, Child’s Play Pen, 4 Dressers, Several Rocking Chairs, £ ^ e rU Standing Chairs, v/Hall C atttet (green), -2 Baduroom Stools, 2 W ash Stands, Towel Rack, Congoleum Rug, 1 Dtok, Quantity of Rubber Mattings Console Table, H at Rack and Stand, 2 Sets of W icker Furniture, 2 Hanging Book Cases, 2 Davenports, Rugs (7x10, 12x17, 7x11, 13x15, 8x9, (2) 9x12, 12x15, lOx11, 14x18, (2) 13x17,) Round Stand, U m brdla Rack, 1 G. E. Refrigerator, 3 Firei^ace Sets, W ood Basket, 6 High-Back Chwrs, 3 Card Tables, Piano and Bench, Stair Carpet (3 ft. wide), Miscellaneous Books..

TERMS CASH If Stormy Sale Will Be Held Next Fair Day



Skinless Franks lb. 25cKRASPALE COFFEE............................... 1 lb. vacuum con 23eHANDY DOG FOOD ............................................... « eons 25cIDEAU-RED HEART— Dr. OLDING DOG FOOD. .. 3 cons 2ScDurkee's MARGARINE........................................................... 10cS A M P (bulk)....................... .................................... 2H»t. 15cTOILET SOAP (tridol Bouquet) ............... ......... 3 cokes 10cPilltburys Harvest Time FANCAKE FLOUR........ 3 lb bog 17cWAX PAFER....................40 ff». ro ll............................ 2 for 9cWAX FAPER .................... 125 ft. r o ll.................... 2 for 25cKRASDALE TOMATO SOUP........................................3 for 17cMACARONI— Spoghetti, Elbow Mocoronl (bulk)......3 lbs. 25CROSSE & BLACKWELLS SOUPS...........................2 cons 25cEMers ORANGE PEKOE TEA ........................... H-lb pkg. 25cEVAP. MILK (Libby's-Sheffield) ........................... 4 cons 25c

We Carry a Full Line of FROZEN FRUITS ,& VEGETABLES A Variety to Suit Every Menu




8 E R V I C I



MAi tKTcK M41 • f r e e d e l i v e r y