i orwnltel creeki good ews wear shoes jit · 2017-12-13 · iliukrd fie lunjr typo on the mountain...

i y u U ijh > > V < 1 r r or < t 1 < H t 4 n do j t The BreatHitt New J rt VISE HAG INS EIJITOH 1 j i CA8H SUBSCRIPTIONS SIAYE R lVtlllMhca Every lrlilny if t f i f Tomorrow is Decoration dnfiJ t h f r Cantaloupes on ico at Collln ithl8 w ekIi ii t orWnltel II Day returned Thur day from Hazard it steakd or I roa every J HqnAFvlJyrd of Winches list was lerodnrtn tho week rS f r A bljf stockof matting of tho nScstpnUerns at Kuslcr Isaacs ft eo h Clarence Madden made a bus p ness trip to Mt Sterling Thurs day lII AitornoyJolm Tester of Vol- lcounty t k I was attending court hero Uhiswcok tLJ Attorney iluglm Kiddoll of Ir Vine was hero during tho week courtA x + 4If you want a nice can of homo r rendered lard call on II Collins 11 the meat man- n Mrs S a THulboe of Tnulbce was visiting her sister Mrs Win Hoskins Tuesday t f W Johnson of Hazard ttGeor1ro the first of tho weekat f tendinjr court Kcv Alex Patterson of Beat held services at tho Prcs POtille church Wednesday night I am in tho meat business Blain andcan furnish you meat ofRlI iIIIvv kinds C HADDKN Judge Alex Strong of Lee county was visiting friends hero and talking politics tho first of theI week Mrs John W Langley under ¬ went an operation in a Washing hospital few days ago for a dis ¬ location of the spine Capt S H Smith of Campton way visiting his daughter Mrs T P Cole and other friends here the first of the week Mrs N J Moore is visiting relatives at Hepton in tho south- western ¬ part of li5Stato She willreturn home > 15 il8 den Stzcmoro returned Mon ¬ day from a two weeks visit to IliUkrd fie lunjr typo on the Mountain Evangelist while there B 11 Jouctt of Winchester was hero Thursday representing ry Koine Canadian parties who arc in terestcd in a land suit in this court Judo Win M Beckner has been appointed special judge to- try the case vs Roger Spicer charged with the murder of James Johnson lion > D Sublett of Salycrs vine has been appointed special judge of tho Morgan circuit court to try several cases in which the regular judgo is interested t c J L Jingles nnd K H Minnix have sold their mill which they have been operating for sometime near Wllhurst to S E Patton a who will move it here Easter Isaacs have just re 0ceied a big line of mens brown suits of tho latest styles 2500 suits for 1500 1800 suits for 1150 1200 suits for 850 Federal Court convened at i CntlettsburJ Monday butadjourn ed immediately on account of a r cnso of small pox breaking out in L the jail among tho Federal pris ¬ will be con ¬ 9 oners The session y tinned in August Judge Morris has written Com ¬ monwealths Attorney Knsh that it i fr 3i 5ha can not come hero to preside at tfio trials of W n Day and the Wad kins nt this term He was appointed in tho Day case and creed on in tho Wadkins case Judge Bcnton of Winchester fvas here Wednesday i accompany his brotherinlaw J Speed Smith of Richmond who was ex ¬ amined for license to practice law A 51 J 1C Bach and W W Me I or- T Quire were appointed to conduct r 1ri w the examination Js The Kentucky Shuttle Block Stave Company got their ma ¬ 4 chinery in order about ten days ago and arc now making shuttlo blocks out of dogwood sticks which have until recently been considered worthless except for hand spikes Thomas Sherk C Little and Dr II B Wright f entert rise r tt y s i I tt i r u t Y 1 Marriage Licenses The following marriage in81 have Been issued since our re- port > J W Clemons and Nannie Boy ling both of Jackson S M Brewer nnd Mrs C M CreekI Mrs America Summa both of Lnmbric 1 Sunday Sermons Kcv 7i J Edge of the State of Washington has been called to the pastorate of the Baptist church nnd will held services Sunday It 11 a m subject Help for the Helpers Evening at 730 oclock Subject A Pre onlineilt NumB A hearty welcome to all The regular minister will preach nt the Christian church next Sun- day ¬ morning Subject Heaven by Bible Stcndnrda At night the subject will bo Tho Most Dan ¬ serous Sin Tho people and especially visitors in the town are cordially invited to attend the services Successful Applicants- The following is tho result of the May examination for teachers First Class = Thomas Haddix N W Miller Hezekiah Combs Laura Rowland Emalyn Turner Sherman Turner Fred Cope Bor tha Byrd J IJMann Cleveland Williams Tom Williams William Turner Sam Turner Sarah Creech Elva Foster Mrs CB Manning Susan Cunningham Eda Wil ¬ liams Thomas J Turner Parish Patton Ella Moore Second Class James Gabbard Shiloh Noble Henry Dtincil An- derson Noble Florence Rowland bullcn Campbell Nancy Roberts Darvcy Noble Mattio Lnndrum Mary Terry Seldon Back Luther eaten Emma Turner Nancy omits Samuel Fugato Thomas Herald Ashier Strong Ida Jett Cora Broshears Third ClnssHricoCundifl Cor ¬ nelius Holbrook Dora Short Clay Vatkins Louis Watts Frances Wise Catherine Vanclcro J N hugatc Number of applicants to enter the examination 55 failures 8 Ins one not satisfied with his or icr grade may have tho flame re ferred to tho State Board by call ug nndfxtyiwlke fees rwjulrec jy law HKNUV B XoiiLKSupt arnincrsSoro of in emanate Journal of magazine ¬ n of Monthly request at our store Prices W NEAR T has associated the practice of J J Sowell of Robbins were visiting family of O II of the wick Institute for this bo conducted I J of Lbuisvilla during beginning August 3d Virginia May of has visiting in Jackson was formerly of Institute has at- tending ¬ Caldwoll at 1 vUlewhere w e r 1 1 i I to j oJ i- r t > o 1iiiiii Circuit Court in Session Circuit court convened hern Monday witha good jn town The morning waS taken up in the organization of the juries and most of tho afternoon with tho speeches of various candi for Judge and Com- monwealths Attorney The following compose the ju C W I h Sam John Ilnddix Ed Carpenter Jeff HcnsloA + G W Houiwlicll Kob ert Oaks Wm U Combs Wm ClcmonH Sr son Gubbard and Sam Hollon C W I was appointed PETIT JUICY xo 1 Marion Lawson Johnson Anderson Pearl D D yClir Johnson and A L Higm s JUICY NOQft John Elliott Howartl John t Sfiuirrcl Craft Jl9 Flinchum A Bryant l Tharp Jett SL StidhSro Sam R B Landrum and Matt Spencer Monday Tuesday were tllk n- ip in tho the misdemeitnor ase3 The felony was keu up Wednesday but no cone ictions have had for a fcl ny to ditto The case against then Creech way yesterday ind tho Commonwealth announced but tho asked that ho case bo passed till when they probably announce early Strawberries and green beans at Haddons letting Ready for Federal Court Martin T returned Wed- nesday from Catlottsburg to had attending tho Federal Ho that Judge ochran and Clerk art rcparinjf to come to Jackson in September to here and- re looking forward witha great leal of pleasure as Judge Cochran is a great admirer of tho mountain p copse always has a pleasant to say to them Pleasant I hisses Sarah anuGfarrCahIaHan- f 1 wore visiting their cous ¬ ins Mr JlrsJ D Vcdnesdny and Thursday The Ladies Home Journal Patterns AND STYLE nOOKS WILL HEREAFTER BE SUPPLIED AT J WPREWITTS STORE features not embodied dress patterns any other make they are made by the most modern methods and tho highest authorities on the latest and most approved styles in Womens Dress The prestige of The Ladies in matters of dress has long been recognized by tho women America time itself tho patterns stand foremost are the helpful most popular and most satisfactory Ono of tho most important features is tho accompanying indi vidual Guide Chart patented simple that cyan a little girl can makoher own clothes There are no complicated construe tio guesswork The cutting and are as merit and tl very important one is the ciimlnltion of waste Qf material that alone triples the value ot the patterns Tho Ladies Homo Journal Style Hook free upon lOc and ISc J Rrewitt DEPOT Martin Kelly himself in law with C Bach Mr and Mrs Wra tho Pollard tho first The Teachers county wilj by Prof C Willis tho week Miss Day been friends this week Miss Day student Lees Colic giato and been College Ian she graduates tr cn crowd tho dates Circuit rirs- OUANDJUKY Pub Kngle Gillum Jamca Jack Pugh fore- man Jacob Henry Miller John RobertJohnsondrew Combs Noble JKTIT Turner Rev D Sim Back and trial of docket tar been called ready defense today would C Kelly whore been ourt reports Finnell hold court and cord Cunoo and Moore merit These possess from Home Like most ao fitting simple ABC point Athol the r I have on hand a few trimmed and pattern hats that Iwill from this date sell ut cost and below cost Como early and get your choice AuniK BAILEY Saturday night is the last night of the big contest nt tho rink S- well as the last night of the rink A big crowd is looked for on that night when tho names of the winners will be announced Mrs J W Prewitt entertained at lunch Sunday evening Among the guest were Mr and Mrs Fred V Brown Capt and Mrs A S Henry Misses Caroline and Alice Bartols and Ermine Peters of Cleveland 0 Messers Roy par ¬ Eels Walter Kempt and Martin T KeJI1 I rt r I e E W < I 11 1J g BLAKE y I 11 Good ews to Those Who Wear Shoes i For Ie next ten days I will sell any of my shoe stock besies the Star Brand for 1cas at 10 per cent less thanr t cost f UI < Cphip and sec and I will not i r onlyr make you a satisfied UfMrrr cgs nrer bu ve you VIle I- xonr 4 i I o ftd on t off Yo i d ricerit j I t I csyou nothing rIy goods a 1owdasthe Y7 0 1r S I Wtl Sr I l < 1 1 I i TIEI A 1 n O i l r I ELECTRICLIBilTS COSt IS VERY LITTLE andj convenience very great The company expects to make only a reasonable profit and to give firstclass I service 0 A Hagins or J S Pember ton will iake your subscription We do I wiring at co- stFLAT RATE- i 1 Ia 6c p per month 75 2 lampss4 4each 65 3 to 5 lamas 16c p each 55 6 to 10 lamps 50 11 to 25 lamps 40 26 or moreII 30 < Jackson Elcco j 11 J Ulntt 111 > n wdtt fDeath 1Ratrick j S7l t Miss Anehfb after a lingering uess at the deuce of her sister Mrs C J I Little in this city on Monday May 25th 1908 surrounded by her relatives MJgs Patrick was descended from of the pioneer families of Kentucky and was the i daughter of Prudence Hunt and Alex B Patrick tho latter playing an important part in tho affairs of I this county in his day Miss Pat- rick ¬ had been a consistent mem ¬ ber of the Presbyterian church for the past years and her modest and unasslIrn ng life won for her tho ndmira10n > 1 ind love of all who knev icrnK V is sur ¬ I so t vived b y f sister v- ollllttslllspaHs5ng o- Olltl nml e tmd the comtnJnKulu3t loved < rowero very much endl Limy r success in the yjl I rioSr M I i reptile lon as a othpfIi ih Neace I at her homo > rLost creek 1Io1r Eliza lIt She leaves nr t t11 veral children Iholne ft us conducted by J 1 ussot jearsJEnfir 1111 me iinir1 k 1psCSatur day night Ori aoob nt of the hot weather for three months after a successful season We have heard of no bad results by the operation of the rink Young people must have some amusement andwe think this is innocent amusement All cities have some place of amusement It i91 help to any town to have some place like a theater or a skating rink when it is run as tho rink here has been conducted We know the town is nOworse than when it started and I on the other hand itis said that there hat not becH near so many misdemeanors an crimes as many young men of th ommunity have boen in attendant at the rinktI a oJ I HAMILONL Jo j 1mtc11 George Fraxiert who killed John Hamilton and Richard Spicer on Ross creek attempted suicide in the hit at Bcattyvillo last Sunday night by soaking a box of matches in a quart of water and drinking the mixture If each of our subscribers who are in arrears would pay us ns muchas 1 during court it would help usa whole lot Tho daily paper bargain is open to them as well as to others CUTGLASSand WEDDING SILVER Articles of beauty and usefulness combined l- V t 75c to5 and upward tjJij j L jKKLULuTIffQDAirrLY v tf + Hj R xj- i if LOW PKICES fieiritz 7 JEWELER Main St opp Phoenix LEXINGTON K- YKILLTH000CH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr1 Kings New Discovery IIFOR ONSUMPTION OUGHT awl OLDS Pries ion astDD Frei Trial N and Quickest ours for all Ts LT tad LUNG XROUB UO IAOL r it This is the Question Whether it is better to keep your money in a drawer or safe < and dole it out in payments of accounts earl bills otto batikjtc j v a and pay by check 1 There can be but one answer to tfus7 e bank it and < checkitoutr fi OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US w i JIt bring you into contact with the best people of tho community > 1 Three Per Cent Interest Paid on Time and y Savings Deposits fl JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK rr d JACKSON KENTUCKY a 7 7 EEEg I MIXED 1 tI ff W I W S PAINTS I f- as i Just received a full line W which we guarantee W tj- W W- II 1l1e I Ill Will coyer more space last longer and look better than l Calll i 11 111and ti 11ricesz l fJacIdolnDtu9C Ju J 0 I i You Will Get All Thats I 1- a t C 0omen i J t 0 a 0- i THERE IS NO FAKERY g t 4HIn 0 you pay us you get one hundred cents value in 41 c return 0 9 We Believe in Square Treatment g 0 YoUr mono worth all time time We might m w gthen J irF COME TO OUR STORE 0 SBo v 0 0 s 0 0 s i Crawford cf Co w r 1 0 ill ° a 0 JACKSON KENTUCKY g = 0 0 i c- f a1sl FirilF1i1191F 1 11II Julin1IfIIHnnlHnilmlluuluununnits i MAHTIN T KELTY = ATTORNEY AT LAW = OFFICE IN 1IUUST HUG JACKSON KY titlHtl11itulu111onpmilum11iiIIIiiIiUhiDin PHYSICIAN AND SUKOKON 4 JACKSON Ky or Ju C H HURST PHYSICIAN AND Sunn EON O coin Postoflicor Building Phono 54 Kyyd 1 tS t t t c q1- a REMOYAPHI near Campton Junction where I rG will continuo my businessof mol j ing onumy s- AND TOMBSTONESti Any ono wanting anythinjj in v rr m ymo at I McCormic lr I will melee + monthly visits to Jackson analr hope all my friends will save their e orders for moA c ri < v f KM SHEL m4 t K 7

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Page 1: I orWnltel CreekI Good ews Wear Shoes JIt · 2017-12-13 · IliUkrd fie lunjr typo on the Mountain Evangelist while there B 11 Jouctt of Winchester was hero Thursday representing

i yu

U ijh> >V < 1r ror < t 1< H t 4 n do




lVtlllMhca Every lrlilnyif t fi f

Tomorrow is Decoration dnfiJt

h f r Cantaloupes on ico at Colllnithl8 w ekIiii

t orWnltel II Day returned Thurday from Hazard itsteakd or I

roa every

J HqnAFvlJyrd of Wincheslist was lerodnrtn tho week

rS fr A bljfstockof matting of tho

nScstpnUerns at Kuslcr Isaacsft eo

h Clarence Madden made a busp ness trip to Mt Sterling Thurs

daylII AitornoyJolm Tester of Vol-lcounty


kI was attending court heroUhiswcok

tLJAttorney iluglm Kiddoll of IrVine was hero during tho week

courtAx+ 4If you want a nice can of homo

r rendered lard call on II Collins11 the meat man-

nMrs S a THulboe of Tnulbce

was visiting her sister Mrs WinHoskins Tuesday

t fW Johnson of HazardttGeor1ro the first of tho weekat

f tendinjr court

Kcv Alex Patterson of Beatheld services at tho PrcsPOtille church Wednesday night

I am in tho meat business Blainandcan furnish you meat ofRlI

iIIIvv kinds C HADDKN

Judge Alex Strong of Leecounty was visiting friends heroand talking politics tho first of theIweek

Mrs John W Langley under ¬

went an operation in a Washinghospital few days ago for a dis ¬

location of the spine

Capt S H Smith of Camptonway visiting his daughter Mrs

T P Cole and other friends herethe first of the week

Mrs N J Moore is visitingrelatives at Hepton in tho south-



part of li5Stato Shewillreturn home > 15

il8 den Stzcmoro returned Mon ¬

day from a two weeks visit toIliUkrd fie lunjr typo on theMountain Evangelist while there

B 11 Jouctt of Winchesterwas hero Thursday representing

ry Koine Canadian parties who arc in

terestcd in a land suit in this

courtJudo Win M Beckner has

been appointed special judge to-

try the case vs Roger Spicercharged with the murder of JamesJohnson

lion > D Sublett of Salycrsvine has been appointed special

judge of tho Morgan circuit court

to try several cases in which theregular judgo is interested

tc J L Jingles nnd K H Minnix

have sold their mill which they

have been operating for sometimenear Wllhurst to S E Patton

a who will move it here

Easter Isaacs have just re

0ceied a big line of mens brown

suits of tho latest styles 2500

suits for 1500 1800 suits for

1150 1200 suits for 850

Federal Court convened at

i CntlettsburJ Monday butadjourn

ed immediately on account of a

r cnso of small pox breaking out inL the jail among tho Federal pris ¬

will be con ¬9 oners The sessiony tinned in August

Judge Morris has written Com ¬

monwealths Attorney Knsh thatit ifr3i 5ha can not come hero to preside

at tfio trials of W n Day and

the Wad kins nt this term He

was appointed in tho Day case

and creed on in tho Wadkinscase

Judge Bcnton of Winchester

fvas here Wednesday i accompany

his brotherinlaw J Speed

Smith of Richmond who was ex ¬

amined for license to practice law


J 1C Bach and W W MeI



Quire were appointed to conductr1ri w the examination

Js The Kentucky Shuttle Block

Stave Company got their ma ¬

4 chinery in order about ten days

ago and arc now making shuttloblocks out of dogwood stickswhich have until recently been

considered worthless except forhand spikes Thomas Sherk C

Little and Dr II B Wrightf entertrise

r tty

s i

I tt i r

u t Y

1Marriage LicensesThe following marriage in81

have Been issued since our re-

port >

J W Clemons and Nannie Boyling both of Jackson

S M Brewer nnd Mrs C M

CreekI MrsAmerica Summa both of Lnmbric1

Sunday SermonsKcv 7i J Edge of the State of

Washington has been called tothe pastorate of the Baptist churchnnd will held services Sunday It11 a m subject Help for theHelpers Evening at 730 oclockSubject A Pre onlineilt NumBA hearty welcome to all

The regular minister will preachnt the Christian church next Sun-day


morning Subject Heavenby Bible Stcndnrda At night thesubject will bo Tho Most Dan ¬

serous Sin Tho people andespecially visitors in the town arecordially invited to attend theservices

Successful Applicants-The following is tho result of

the May examination for teachersFirst Class = Thomas Haddix

N W Miller Hezekiah CombsLaura Rowland Emalyn TurnerSherman Turner Fred Cope Bortha Byrd J IJMann ClevelandWilliams Tom Williams WilliamTurner Sam Turner Sarah CreechElva Foster Mrs C B ManningSusan Cunningham Eda Wil ¬

liams Thomas J Turner ParishPatton Ella Moore

Second Class James GabbardShiloh Noble Henry Dtincil An-

derson Noble Florence Rowlandbullcn Campbell Nancy RobertsDarvcy Noble Mattio LnndrumMary Terry Seldon Back Luther

eaten Emma Turner Nancyomits Samuel Fugato Thomas

Herald Ashier Strong Ida JettCora Broshears

Third ClnssHricoCundifl Cor ¬

nelius Holbrook Dora Short ClayVatkins Louis Watts Frances

Wise Catherine Vanclcro J N

hugatcNumber of applicants to enter

the examination 55 failures 8

Ins one not satisfied with his oricr grade may have tho flame referred to tho State Board by callug nndfxtyiwlke fees rwjulrecjy law









Monthlyrequest at our



T has associated

the practice of

J JSowell of

Robbins were visiting family

of O II of the


Institute for thisbo conducted I

J of Lbuisvilla duringbeginning August 3d

Virginia May of

has visiting in

Jackson was

formerly ofInstitute has at-



Caldwoll at1 vUlewherew

e r 1 1 iI

toj oJ






Circuit Court in SessionCircuit court convened hern

Monday witha good jntown The morning waS taken upin the organization of the juriesand most of tho afternoon withtho speeches of various candi

for Judge and Com-

monwealths AttorneyThe following compose the ju

C W I h SamJohn Ilnddix Ed Carpenter JeffHcnsloA + G W Houiwlicll Kobert Oaks Wm U

Combs Wm ClcmonH Srson Gubbard and Sam Hollon CW I was appointed


Marion Lawson JohnsonAnderson

Pearl D D yClirJohnson and A L Higm s

JUICY NOQftJohn Elliott Howartl Johnt

Sfiuirrcl Craft Jl9Flinchum A Bryant lTharp Jett SL StidhSroSam R B Landrum andMatt Spencer

Monday Tuesday were tllkn-

ip in tho the misdemeitnorase3 The felony was

keu up Wednesday but no cone

ictions have had for a fclny to ditto The case against

then Creech way yesterdayind tho Commonwealth announced

but tho asked thatho case bo passed till when

they probably announceearly

Strawberries and green beansat Haddons

letting Ready forFederal Court

Martin T returned Wed-

nesday from Catlottsburgto had attending tho Federal

Ho that Judgeochran and Clerk art

rcparinjf to come to Jackson in

September to here and-

re looking forward witha greatleal of pleasure as Judge Cochranis a great admirer of tho mountainpcopse always has a pleasant

to say to them

Pleasant Ihisses Sarah anuGfarrCahIaHan-

f1 wore visiting their cous ¬

ins Mr JlrsJ DVcdnesdny and Thursday

The Ladies Home

Journal PatternsAND STYLE nOOKS


AT J WPREWITTS STOREfeatures not embodied

dress patternsany other make they are made by the most modern methods

and tho highest authorities on the latest and most

approved styles in Womens DressThe prestige of The Ladies in matters of

dress has long been recognized by tho women America

time itself tho patterns stand foremost are the

helpful most popular and most satisfactory

Ono of tho most important features is tho accompanying indi

vidual Guide Chart patented simple that cyan a little girl

can makoher own clothes There are no complicated construe

tio guesswork The cutting and are as

merit and tl very important one is the

ciimlnltion of waste Qf material that alone triples the value otthe patterns

Tho Ladies Homo JournalStyle Hook free upon

lOc and ISc

J RrewittDEPOT

Martin Kellyhimself in law with

C Bach

Mr and Mrs Wratho

Pollard tho first

The Teacherscounty wilj by Prof

C Willistho week

Miss Daybeen friends

this week Miss Day

student Lees Colic

giato and beenCollege Ian

she graduatestr



thodates Circuit


Pub Kngle

Gillum JamcaJack

Pugh fore-


JacobHenry Miller John

RobertJohnsondrewCombs Noble


Turner RevD


andtrial of

docket tar



ready defensetoday




beenourt reports


hold court


Cunooand Moore

meritThese possess




fitting simple ABCpoint




I have on hand a few trimmedand pattern hats that Iwill fromthis date sell ut cost and belowcost Como early and get yourchoice AuniK BAILEY

Saturday night is the last nightof the big contest nt tho rink S-well as the last night of the rinkA big crowd is looked for on thatnight when tho names of thewinners will be announced

Mrs J W Prewitt entertainedat lunch Sunday evening Amongthe guest were Mr and Mrs FredV Brown Capt and Mrs A SHenry Misses Caroline and AliceBartols and Ermine Peters ofCleveland 0 Messers Roy par¬

Eels Walter Kempt and Martin TKeJI1 I

rt r

I e E W <


111J g BLAKEy I


Good ews to Those WhoWear Shoes


For Ie next ten days I will

sell any of my shoe stockbesies the Star Brand for

1cas at 10 per cent less thanrt costf


< Cphip and sec and I will not i

r onlyr make you a satisfiedUfMrrr cgs nrer bu ve you

VIle I-

xonr4iI o ftd on t

off Yo i d ricerit j

I t I

csyou nothingrIy goods a 1owdastheY7

01rS I

Wtl Sr Il

< 11 I i TIEIA 1





COSt IS VERY LITTLEandj convenience very great

The company expects to make only areasonable profit and to give firstclass

I service 0 A Hagins or J S Pemberton will iake your subscription We do

I wiring at co-stFLAT RATE-

i1 Ia 6c p per month 752 lampss4 4each 653 to 5 lamas 16c p each 556 to 10 lamps 50

11 to 25 lamps 4026 or moreII 30


Jackson Elcco j 11 JUlntt111 > n wdtt

fDeath1Ratrick jS7l tMiss Anehfb

after a lingeringuess at thedeuce of her sister Mrs C J I

Little in this city on MondayMay 25th 1908 surrounded byher relatives MJgs Patrick wasdescended from of the pioneerfamilies of Kentucky and was the i

daughter of Prudence Hunt andAlex B Patrick tho latter playingan important part in tho affairs of


this county in his day Miss Pat-



had been a consistent mem ¬

ber of the Presbyterian church

for the past years and hermodest and unasslIrn ng life won

for her tho ndmira10n >1 ind love ofall who knev icrnK V is sur ¬

I so tvived by fsister v- ollllttslllspaHs5ng

o- Olltl nml e tmd the

comtnJnKulu3t loved

<rowero very much endl Limy r

success in the yjl IrioSr M

I i reptile

lon as aothpfIiih NeaceI at her homo >

rLost creek 1Io1r ElizalIt She leaves nr t t11veral children Iholne ftus conducted by J

1 ussot jearsJEnfir1111

me iinir1 k 1psCSaturday night Ori aoob nt of the hotweather for three months after asuccessful season We have heardof no bad results by the operation

of the rink Young people musthave some amusement andwethink this is innocent amusementAll cities have some place ofamusement It i91 help to anytown to have some place like atheater or a skating rink when itis run as tho rink here has beenconducted We know the town is

nOworse than when it started and I

on the other hand itis said thatthere hat not becH near so manymisdemeanors an crimes as manyyoung men of th ommunity haveboen in attendant at the rinktI


Jo j

1mtc11George Fraxiert who killed John

Hamilton and Richard Spicer onRoss creek attempted suicide in

the hit at Bcattyvillo last Sundaynight by soaking a box of matchesin a quart of water and drinkingthe mixture

If each of our subscribers whoare in arrears would pay us ns

muchas 1 during court it wouldhelp usa whole lot Tho daily

paper bargain is open to them aswell as to others



Articles of beauty and usefulnesscombined l-

V t75c to5 and upward

tjJij j



tf + Hj R xj-



JEWELERMain St opp Phoenix



WITH Dr1 KingsNew Discovery


Priesion astDDFrei Trial

N and Quickest ours for allTs LT tad LUNG XROUBUO IAOL


This is the QuestionWhether it is better to keep your money in a drawer or safe <

and dole it out in payments of accounts earl bills otto batikjtc j v a

and pay by check 1 There can be but one answer to tfus7 e

bank it and <checkitoutrfiOPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US w iJItbring you into contact with the best people of tho community > 1

Three Per Cent Interest Paid on Time and y





7 7EEEg


ff WI W



i Just received a full lineW which we guarantee W tj-

W W-II1l1e I

Ill Will coyer more space lastlonger and look better than

lCalll i11 111andti 11ricesz l

fJacIdolnDtu9C Ju

J 0 I

i You Will Get All Thats I 1-

atC0omeni J t0 a



t 4HIn0 you pay us you get one hundred cents value in 41c return 09

We Believe in Square Treatment g0

YoUr mono worth all time time We might

mw gthen JirF COME TO OUR STORE0 SBo v

0 0s

0 0 s

i Crawford cf Co w r 1

0 ill°



0 0 ic-

fa1slFirilF1i1191F 1 11II











O coin Postoflicor Building

Phono 54 Kyyd1 tS t


c q1-



near Campton Junction where I rGwill continuo my businessof mol jing

onumy s-

AND TOMBSTONEStiAny ono wanting anythinjj in v rrmymo at

IMcCormic lr I will melee +

monthly visits to Jackson analrhope all my friends will save theire

orders for moA c ri

< v f


