i or fid teat - university of floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/02/82/98/01374/00165.pdfseed for...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JANTARY a B I i 241916 For Luncheon- or Teat A few small biscuits easily made with Royal Baking Powder Make them small round as a napkin ring Mix and bake just before the meal Serve hot Nothing better for a light dessert than these little hot biscuits with butter and honey marmalade or jam You must use Royal Baking Powder to get them right OVAL BAKINQ FOWOt CO WfW VONK Breakfast smallas Y a ri 0 y r o NEWS Of CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED Hftttm tf CriMnl lateNt Oath ertti by Oar Iqprten PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ITEMS WliM HM H B MtJanc1 What ta Being to Happon T U In Short Parser to H Htm May Read H In Tka Sun let baked Roods Keystone Bakery aft Sea olin D T English of Taeeaia was hero on btHiacss yesterday 0 H Bin of Waldo lilting his Bade H D Lewis of this city Jest received a barrel of pickled pork aid corned beef At The SOB ladsstrial Edition sent to ay address postage free for 10 teats W Percy Vas Nete of 81 Augustine a looking after his real estate interests HOB Henry S Chubb has returned from visit to his family nt Winter Park Rooms stay be had at the Barracks at reasonable rates Apply at Bar reeks A M J fiords of High Springs was transacting bosiaeia in this city yes- terday Dry hardwood and pine aUo 00 000 seed for sale J N Bone 10 J B Potter of Tioga was among those who came to Gainesville ea bail aess yesterday for rent corner Alachua avenue and Evans street Ap- ply to August W B Pfaifer has returned from Ab- bott where he has been looking after hi naval store W A I avi a trucker and M tant postmaster at Lake Simonton a to this cily yesterday John T Fleming one of the leading merchant of Archer wa transacting buinp in thi city yesterday j George Beck of Rocky Point one of I tho furretsful truckers of that section a a viitor to thi city yesterday A number of colored preachers left the city for St lftcrliirt where a church convention i being held It J Futon V M tiramlinc and j John F Iliidl fornud a trio of Springs people iuitifville ye terday Mr It II Arnold who lian been re- siding at ICt N hn removed to th Mantling place New Ciane ville The Womani Guild of Holy Trinity Churl win meet at the rectory At T1 oclork thi Hfiernoou and a full is dceireij- Kdwanl StinKrave a prominent citi- 7in of riainlkM who spend ing the winter nl Archer wa among the visitors to this city yeterdny Mr Seagraveii i well pleased with section and thinks Gainesville one of the prettiest little cities he has ever I i I j j i I TAN WIse latest I I Don a phone Wen I visitor J yesterday high I I nt U lido POt rtpt lit thus t f k x t LidieeelliRResrdla styles r here ease T t Eight roum house T interests was visiting at- tendance red i a ma- r A J ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > Froth Tennessee butter 30 cents a pound at Portejs Williams of Jacksonville i spending a tow days in this city on bus lae L J Knight of LaCrofie was among these who came to Gainesville trading yesterday For quick service try W K Thomas Transfer Service to all parts of the Phone 0 8 T White of Hagerttown Md representing the Antietam Paper Com- pany is ie the city R Chamberlain of Tacoma was amoBg those who same to Gainesville on baiincss yesterday Perry G Ramsey of Wacahoota was trading io the city yesterday He plenty of rain In hi section Turpentine for tale at this of- fice boa per dozen 3 per hundred Cash must accompany order dawtf stung the High Springs who visited Gainesville yesterday- were E K Anderson and A E Sum- mers The Industrial Edition of The Sun i on sale at Ann and Vidals Get a copy and send it to your frieiids Dr C B Wilmer rector of Si Luke Church Atlanta Ga is in the city the guest of relative Dr and Mrs N D Phillips Iniiit on having Blue Ribbon Vanilla Extract Absolutely pure and will go twice at far and gives desserts the Blue Ribbon Flavor Among the prominent visitors to city yesterday was lion S H- GaiUkill of the mutt widely known residents of Marion county Captain A K Wade of Lochlooa was in town yesterday and made The Sun an agreeable call This was hi tits visit to Gainesville for many moon and his numerous friends were glad to him Charlie gin and a party of friends from Unioiitown Pa through t ine ville last night en route to Gulf Hammock where they will enjoy tht lulling and hunting of that farnun- Hetlon Mr Agin i S particular frieial of Commodore Bead who annually visits itinesville READ THIS I Yinnt no rags June I Hl E XV Loui M Sir One bntttv of your Tetn Von ler HallN Great Dicovery Im cured me of ktdney trouble and Intne buck and I fan cheerfully recommend it Ytiiir truly J M K M A TEXAS WONDER One small bottle of the Texas Won- der Halls Great Diffoiery cures all kidney and bladder troubles remover gravel cures diabetes seminal emit sion weak and lame hack rheums ism and nil irregularities nt the kid neys and bladder in both men and women regulate bladder troubles in children If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of 1 One small bottle is two months and seldom fails to perfect a ctre Dr Ernest XV manu- facturer P O box tJifP jjt Louts Mo for teitimoniaU Sold by J W McCollum Co W T oft leases I Melntosh of see passed Its hail St lIal1 colt re- ports business- men news- stands this one Ira rt 11erti ant treat- ment Send t s r ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ + + Nicholas Bures left yesterday Jack4iuvili where he will rrmniii a couple of days on business Mr Hares s cttritemtdftting the opeuintt of a oit- roi m in Daytona or Miami Division Superintendent A Kcrl of tie Atlantic Con t e paniei by hi nmrraphr K J I fid lave gone t pyi i iUiX- X A A van extra train d pttsher in th employ nf the Atlantic Cat Ltie has secured a leave of abenc- ani will rest fur a few day He left yesterday fur Micanopy and other point Tho L Holgnnnr Xilli ton pent yesterday in city a a guest Hlive Hi report nutters quet- afouud XXIIliston just now but tilt farmer are all bushy en agfd with their crops While rabbit near thi city yeterdy Julius Hitn a i ored tin yf cf Th Sun prej killed an immense ruttlonske Hi wa six fe f fli inche in ench and KLtixtor ten rattle and the cn t button S H Hyatt of Starke wa in the cy Mr Hy tt who is study toe for the Kiisco al ministry pos- se tine rrcHl talent and rash Min day the people of hi town are treated to a roal solo He is arranging n con- cert to given at High 2prinR on Friday evening of the present week Lo t In vicinity Dutton Fla one Rood heavy pony horse solid bay left eye out tail clipped in Rood condition Was last seen Satur- day night Jan 13th and had Rood saddle on at time lost Any informa- tion as to whereabouts of horse will be liberally rewarded Address all communications to C T HsRley Hut ton Fla Deputy Sheriff E Story of Wind- sor was in the city yesterday He brought three prisoners Sheldon Smith William Black and T Deboise who were arrested upon a chance of gambling The defendants were ar- raigned in Judge Masons court but the cue was postponed until Monday and they were released upon their own recognizance Gel S and Spenser LGrande XXi- lmiiiRton X C Mr and Mr I K- Lovett Valdosta Ga and W HJe Grande Collin Ga who were sum- moned here on account of the death of their relative S XV LvGrande have returned to their respective hurries The latter wa accompanied home by his brother Paul LeGrande r this city who will remain in Collins indefinitely n 111 nan SPECIAL SALE- ON LADIES HATS Monday and Tuesday Every Iili lIt in our tore will be sacrificed fur two days at- ONETHIRD LKss THAN WHAT COST ISX- V will not t rry over a singb Ia dir Trimmed Ha and are olTerinc our entire line which cnirprirf the latent up tOdHti Inipf and tyle ir- ladie Triinniid and HeintytoWeHr at Hbovt pr f A HAT that cost us SO you can buy for 400 A HAT that cost us you can buy for 300 A HAT that cost as 3 you can buy for HAT that cost us 150 yon con buy for Si 00 V will uii i y HI iti it i r yn ir uttit stil e c r ttfjid i nJ fcvt PHIFER BROS Phifers Ojrner Gainesville Kla I I I 11 Iin I Sot tn hulnf I I hunt in l I mar I b oft I I I FOR Tin 5150 5200- A II I tl h fort Fontla ufiicisl this of- F pit room snlr hip r yesterday I this Hats y a ear j tar > > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > + ± + + + + + + + T Beamtify Your THE UNEQUALED BEAUTIFIER ATINO- LArAnrOTA li purarfJ and moray Kturd J if it ail to remove Iwdtles- I II Iirfv4t flllr- at ditfietmnff erup CM in twenty days Leaves the kn clear soft healthy geld rrtore the cautv of youth Endorsed by tnouwni Price 50 cob and iGO al ill Uain or by mail Pnrjarea by Nation Trtct rn Paris Voo4l formerly of this city hi t frr the past ten yeirs the efficient c nt or the Atlantic Coast Line railroad M High Springs was in the city for a few hour He was en route to Jacksonville where he ha been sum- moned on business Friend of O C Octree who has been quite ill for the pat two week will be gratified to learn that hit con ditinn greatly improved and the probability it that he will b enabled to sesame nil position at the tore the Gainesville Furniture Company in a few days J B Gerald general salesman for tee New Home Sewing Machine Com- pany wholesale department left yes- terday for Brooksville and other points in South Florida Mr Gerald reports a fiat trade and till peopie uf the country as a whole are in bettor con- dition than four years 3Ir and Mrs T E Black and son Lakeland who hut been in this city for the pest few days left last night j for Lake City from whence i y will go to the Suwancee Jf V ing and fishing trip acnnn pooled hy Mr mother Mrs L W Carter The lilies e p cislly will enjoy the novelty of the trip- A C Common representing thf N K Fairbanks Company and J 1- 5Coar ey the efficient traveling nnn fur LeRoy Mjer A Co Savan- nah are at the Brown Howe Thee gentlemen have traveled to much to gMher and are to in parable that they have been dubbed ty their tirade the Manhattan One of the handsomest winlow dn of the kind sire in this city is the display of Home w- ing machines at the of the Gainesville Furniture Cu who are tie exclusive agents for machine in Gainesville It consists of various styles of the machine together with samples of fancy embroidery stitching etc which were performed by James Van Allen who i in charge of this department The arrangement j of the display also mud by Mr j Van Ulan which reflects upon taste and ability as a window reiser limit llUtT ITKMS Coalexioa I n N r to1 a I ton Ten I P of S of I err I plays seen I I credit I I JVO- Olt I I 2 oo I t- rDIN0LA h rr rr w1 ad fat ti I- mt J- d 4 I uNL sans Mteir suds etc rrR stares yesterday is river Neck sales twine the New store this hem was his i F I ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ > + T F THOM1S UNDERTAKING CO FLLL LINE OF NEW GOOD5- MOMMKM lOMIIS and IKON FfcM ES Gainesville Florida tr Vhri voi int 1 IAliK IVU fniii or ili l- In rtt ti 1 rtfil i M nr tn l a a tlti jr ti i o r unlrr to JAMES P 5MITMM- Viter n KINK fUiMr rrniti l xUit in Ijr e I lortrdt in l n o Mo- rtinm Tin Dilis l it n i t it tC Studio IMalilMiid in THE S J THOMAS CO SPRIAI nAil 5 For One Week Only SI20 EtC wk make a rllll nn Cha rs to make roam fir Furniture Writ tit The S J Thomas Co LS1 It 11111 t UtI m Jnd ltoluld attended hi DONTIII- H TUr uallr In rlItllr I c r TIC Ire Itt I e Iont MItr l ilI- i SALt tTTh6- I nc p4 Far line 1erk Daly This wr wit special alrinr ctid- Fuli lint of Sty sri i It ES t t9rc rtnl- Iern t- tls i tilai trrr I oleo toted ore a ht t t A e r0 fepratnr t r t uL LJGa t 111 iTJ tilt 1l d old or I 1A > < > > > = 1 rW S J 1 i 1 JI r J J I f 1 t t V I 1 j I 1i I 1 Jit I k t I- t i 1 l I 1 I it 1 u I 4 n J 1t J i f t tf Jftt u f r THE CAFE rnr I ro trIO IIIOU br t Itr UXttIIld Late ti 1 4 J art I fi e ye 7- I L COJTINENTAL r t eL luntlurnlII Drip lufrte 11rlrru ttlul rice Ujen Larly aid > +

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Post on 04-Feb-2021




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    ForLuncheon-or Teat

    A few small biscuits easily made withRoyal Baking Powder Make them

    small round as a napkin ringMix and bake just before the mealServe hot

    Nothing better for a light dessertthan these little hot biscuits with butterand honey marmalade or jam

    You must use Royal Baking Powderto get them right













    Hftttm tf CriMnl lateNt Oathertti by Oar Iqprten


    WliM HM H BMtJanc1 What ta Beingto Happon T U In Short Parserto H Htm May ReadH In Tka Sun

    let baked Roods Keystone Bakeryaft Sea olin

    D T English of Taeeaia was hero onbtHiacss yesterday

    0 H Bin of Waldo lilting hisBade H D Lewis of this city

    Jest received a barrel of pickledpork aid corned beef At

    The SOB ladsstrial Edition sent toay address postage free for 10 teatsW Percy Vas Nete of 81 Augustine

    a looking after his real estate interests

    HOB Henry S Chubb has returnedfrom visit to his family nt WinterPark

    Rooms stay be had at the Barracksat reasonable rates Apply at Barreeks

    A M J fiords of High Springs wastransacting bosiaeia in this city yes-terday

    Dry hardwood and pine aUo 00 000seed for sale J N Bone


    J B Potter of Tioga was amongthose who came to Gainesville ea bailaess yesterday

    for rent cornerAlachua avenue and Evans street Ap-ply to August

    W B Pfaifer has returned from Ab-bott where he has been looking afterhi naval store

    W A I avi a trucker and M tantpostmaster at Lake Simonton a

    to this cily yesterdayJohn T Fleming one of the leading

    merchant of Archer wa transactingbuinp in thi city yesterday j

    George Beck of Rocky Point one of Itho furretsful truckers of that section

    a a viitor to thi city yesterdayA number of colored preachers left

    the city for St lftcrliirtwhere a church convention i beingheld

    It J Futon V M tiramlinc and jJohn F Iliidl fornud a trio ofSprings people iuitifville yeterday

    Mr It II Arnold who lian been re-siding at ICt N hnremoved to th Mantling place NewCiane ville

    The Womani Guild of Holy TrinityChurl win meet at the rectory At T1oclork thi Hfiernoou and a full

    is dceireij-

    Kdwanl StinKrave a prominent citi-7in of riainlkM who spending the winter nl Archer wa amongthe visitors to this city yeterdny MrSeagraveii i well pleased withsection and thinks Gainesville one ofthe prettiest little cities he has ever








    TAN WIse














    nt U lido POt rtpt








    LidieeelliRResrdla styles





    Eight roum house










    r A J







    Froth Tennessee butter 30 cents apound at Portejs

    Williams of Jacksonville ispending a tow days in this city on buslae

    L J Knight of LaCrofie was amongthese who came to Gainesville tradingyesterday

    For quick service try W K ThomasTransfer Service to all parts of the

    Phone 08 T White of Hagerttown Md

    representing the Antietam Paper Com-pany is ie the city

    R Chamberlain of Tacoma wasamoBg those who same to Gainesvilleon baiincss yesterday

    Perry G Ramsey of Wacahoota wastrading io the city yesterday He

    plenty of rain In hi sectionTurpentine for tale at this of-

    fice boa per dozen 3 per hundredCash must accompany order dawtf

    stung the High Springswho visited Gainesville yesterday-

    were E K Anderson and A E Sum-mers

    The Industrial Edition of The Suni on sale at Ann and Vidals

    Get a copy and send it toyour frieiids

    Dr C B Wilmer rector of SiLuke Church Atlanta Ga is in thecity the guest of relative Dr andMrs N D Phillips

    Iniiit on having Blue Ribbon VanillaExtract Absolutely pure and will gotwice at far and gives desserts the

    Blue Ribbon FlavorAmong the prominent visitors to

    city yesterday was lion S H-GaiUkill of the muttwidely known residents of Marioncounty

    Captain A K Wade of Lochlooawas in town yesterday and made TheSun an agreeable call This was hitits visit to Gainesville for manymoon and his numerous friends wereglad to him

    Charlie gin and a party of friendsfrom Unioiitown Pa throught ine ville last night en route to Gulf

    Hammock where they will enjoy thtlulling and hunting of that farnun-Hetlon Mr Agin i S particular frieialof Commodore Bead who annuallyvisits itinesville

    READ THISI Yinnt no rags June I Hl

    E XV Loui MSir One bntttv of your Tetn Vonler HallN Great Dicovery Im curedme of ktdney trouble and Intne buckand I fan cheerfully recommend it

    Ytiiir trulyJ M K M

    A TEXAS WONDEROne small bottle of the Texas Won-

    der Halls Great Diffoiery cures allkidney and bladder troubles removergravel cures diabetes seminal emitsion weak and lame hack rheumsism and nil irregularities nt the kidneys and bladder in both men andwomen regulate bladder troubles inchildren If not sold by your druggistwill be sent by mail on receipt of 1One small bottle is two months

    and seldom fails to perfect actre Dr Ernest XV manu-facturer P O box tJifP jjt Louts Mo

    for teitimoniaU Sold by J WMcCollum Co

    W T




    Melntosh of



    Its hail St

    lIal1 colt







    rt 11erti ant













    Nicholas Bures left yesterdayJack4iuvili where he will rrmniii acouple of days on business Mr Haress cttritemtdftting the opeuintt of a oit-

    roi m in Daytona or MiamiDivision Superintendent A Kcrl

    of tie Atlantic Con t epaniei by hi nmrraphr K J Ifid lave gone t pyi i iUiX-

    X A A van extra train d pttsherin th employ nf the Atlantic CatLtie has secured a leave of abenc-ani will rest fur a few day He leftyesterday fur Micanopy and otherpoint

    Tho L Holgnnnr Xilli ton pentyesterday in city a a guest

    Hlive Hi report nutters quet-afouud XXIIliston just now but tiltfarmer are all bushy en agfd withtheir crops

    While rabbit near thi cityyeterdy Julius Hitn a i ored tin

    yf cf Th Sun prej killed animmense ruttlonske Hiwa six fe f fli inche in ench andKLtixtor ten rattle and the cn

    t buttonS H Hyatt of Starke wa in the cy

    Mr Hy tt who is studytoe for the Kiisco al ministry pos-se tine rrcHl talent and rash Minday the people of hi town are treatedto a roal solo He is arranging n con-cert to given at High 2prinR onFriday evening of the present week

    Lo t In vicinity Dutton Flaone Rood heavy pony horse solidbay left eye out tail clipped inRood condition Was last seen Satur-day night Jan 13th and had Roodsaddle on at time lost Any informa-tion as to whereabouts of horse willbe liberally rewarded Address allcommunications to C T HsRley Hutton Fla

    Deputy Sheriff E Story of Wind-sor was in the city yesterday Hebrought three prisoners SheldonSmith William Black and T Deboisewho were arrested upon a chance ofgambling The defendants were ar-raigned in Judge Masons court butthe cue was postponed until Mondayand they were released upon their ownrecognizance

    Gel S and Spenser LGrande XXi-lmiiiRton X C Mr and Mr I K-Lovett Valdosta Ga and W HJeGrande Collin Ga who were sum-moned here on account of the deathof their relative S XV LvGrandehave returned to their respectivehurries The latter wa accompaniedhome by his brother Paul LeGrande rthis city who will remain in Collinsindefinitely

    n 111 nanSPECIAL SALE-



    Monday and Tuesday

    Every Iili lIt in our tore willbe sacrificed fur two days at-ONETHIRD LKss THAN WHAT


    V will not t rry over a singb Iadir Trimmed Ha and are olTerincour entire line which cnirprirf thelatent up tOdHti Inipf and tyle ir-ladie Triinniid and HeintytoWeHr

    at Hbovt pr fA HAT that cost us SO you

    can buy for 400A HAT that cost us

    you can buy for 300A HAT that cost as 3 you

    can buy for

    HAT that cost us 150yon con buy for Si 00

    V will uii i y HI iti it ir yn ir uttit stil e c rttfjid i nJ fcvt

    PHIFER BROSPhifers Ojrner Gainesville Kla





    Iin ISot

    tn hulnfI


    hunt in l






    I I






    II I



    Fontla ufiicisl

    this of-F

    pit roomsnlr hip






    ya ear j tar



    > >














    + +




    T Beamtify Your



    LArAnrOTA li purarfJ and morayKturd J if it ail to remove Iwdtles-

    I II Iirfv4t flllr-at ditfietmnff erup

    CM in twenty days Leaves the

    kn clear soft healthy geld rrtore thecautv of youth Endorsed by tnouwni

    Price 50 cob and iGO al ill Uainor by mail Pnrjarea by

    Nation Trtct rn Paris

    Voo4l formerly of this city hi tfrr the past ten yeirs the efficient c ntor the Atlantic Coast Line railroad MHigh Springs was in the city for a fewhour He was en route toJacksonville where he ha been sum-moned on business

    Friend of O C Octree who hasbeen quite ill for the pat two weekwill be gratified to learn that hit conditinn greatly improved and theprobability it that he will b enabledto sesame nil position at the torethe Gainesville Furniture Company ina few days

    J B Gerald general salesman fortee New Home Sewing Machine Com-pany wholesale department left yes-terday for Brooksville and other pointsin South Florida Mr Gerald reportsa fiat trade and till peopie uf thecountry as a whole are in bettor con-dition than four years

    3Ir and Mrs T E Black and sonLakeland who hut been in this cityfor the pest few days left last night jfor Lake City from whence i y willgo to the Suwancee Jf V ingand fishing trip acnnnpooled hy Mr mother MrsL W Carter The lilies e p cisllywill enjoy the novelty of the trip-

    A C Common representing thf NK Fairbanks Company and J 1-5Coar ey the efficient travelingnnn fur LeRoy Mjer A Co Savan-nah are at the Brown Howe Theegentlemen have traveled to much togMher and are to in parable thatthey have been dubbed t y theirtirade the Manhattan

    One of the handsomest winlow dnof the kind sire in this city

    is the display of Home w-ing machines at the of theGainesville Furniture Cu who are tieexclusive agents for machine inGainesville It consists of variousstyles of the machine together withsamples of fancy embroiderystitching etc which were performedby James Van Allen who i in chargeof this department The arrangement jof the display also mud by Mr jVan Ulan which reflects upon

    taste and ability as a windowreiser

    limit llUtT ITKMS

    CoalexioaI n

    Nr to1 a I



    I P



    of I



    plays seen







    I 2ooI


    h rr rr w1 ad fat ti I-

    mt J-

    d 4 IuNL

    sans Mteir sudsetc

    rrR stares







    the Newstore





    i F










    T F THOM1S




    and IKON FfcM ES

    Gainesville Florida

    tr Vhri voi int 1 IAliK IVUfniii or ili l-In rtt ti 1 rtfil i Mnr tn l a a tlti jr ti io r unlrr to

    JAMES P 5MITMM-Viter n KINK fUiMr

    rrniti l xUit in Ijr eI lortrdt in l n o Mo-

    rtinm Tin Dilis l it n i t it tC

    Studio IMalilMiid in



    SPRIAI nAil

    5For One Week Only

    SI20 EtC

    wk make arllll nn Cha rs to make

    roam firFurniture

    Writ tit

    The S J Thomas Co


    It 11111 t UtIm Jnd

    ltoluld attended hi

    DONTIII-H TUr uallrIn rlItllr

    I c r

    TIC Ire IttI


    Iont MItr l ilI-i




    Far line 1erk Daly

    This wr witspecial

    alrinr ctid-Fuli lint of Sty sri i


    t t9rc rtnl-Iern t-

    tls i tilai trrr I oleo

    toted orea ht t t A e r0

    fepratnr t r t uL LJGat


    iTJtilt 1ld

    old or I



    < >



    1rWS J


    i 1 JI rJ J


    f 1 tt VI1 j


    1iI1 JitI k tI-t i 1 l


    Iit1 u I4 n

    J1tJ i ft tf


    rTHE CAFErnr I ro


    IIIOU br t ItrUXttIIld Late


    1 4 J artI fi eye


    I L


    luntlurnlIIDrip lufrte 11rlrru ttlulrice

    Ujen Larly aid

