i-nexpensive scienceo iett colorimeter · 2005. 7. 16. · photoelectric colorimeter test tube...

fl I" | I-NEXPENSIVE "SCIENCEO BINDERS Keep your copies of SCIENCE always available for quick, easy reference in this attractive, prac- tical binder. Simply snap the magazine in or out in a few seconds-no punching or mutilating. It opens FLAT-for easy reference and read- ability. Sturdily constructed, this maroon buck- ram binder stamped in gold leaf will make a fine addition to your library. SCIENCE Binders hold one three-month volume of SCIENCE. They have a 31/4-inch back and 13 flat fasteners. $4.00 each. Four binders, $15.00. For orders outside the United States add 50¢ per binder. Imprint: name of owner, add 85¢ per binder; year of issues, for example, 1969-2, add 60¢ per binder. _1515 Massachusetts Ave., NW, I 1 t t *Washington, D.C. 20005 Try UNITRON'S new MICROSCOPE rhe Model MPS is a precision instru- ment designed to meet the esacting requirements of science, education and industry. Ideal for work in chemis- try, crystallography. biolcgy. as well as the technology of paper, glass, textiles and petroleum. * Eyepieces. 5X (micro.), IOX (cross.) * Objectives: 4X, lOX, 40X, achro- matic, strain-tree, centerable * Nosepiece: quick-change type * Substage condenser: tocusable, 3-lens. swing out top mount, iris diaphragm * Polaroid polarizer: rotatable 360 * Polaroid analyzer: in sliding mount * Bertrand lens: centerable Stage 115mm diameter, revolves 360 reads to 6' with vernier * 2 Compensators quarter-wave plate and first order red plate * Focusing both coarse and fine FREE TEN-DAY TRIAL Quantity prices on three or more Accessory mechanical stage $14.75 I Please rush UNITRON's Microscope Catalog A-4 I Nomc- _I I Company I I Address. - I Citr Stat Ca- Circle No. III on Readers' Service Card automate your high-volume pipetting procedures. The Automated Pipetting Station from Micromedic Systems is the first instru- ment that dilutes or dispenses submicro volumes repetitively, automatically, with finer accuracy and technique than man- ual pipetting. And processes 450 stand- ard test tubes per hour. Check these features: Continuously variable micrometer volume adjustment. Range of 2 to 1000 jul of sample, 2 to 5000 ,41 of diluent or reagent. Moving tube racks. Liquid delivery against tube wall, and automatic tip wiping between passes. Shock-free liquid movement through Tef- lon lines. Push-button controls. Plus the built-in accuracy and repeatability of our Automatic Pipette. Send for literature, or call (215) 592-2401 for a demonstration. ~' (ICROMEDIC SYsTEms. Ifl ROHM ANDl HIAA'-- BHUL_N;G INDEE NDENCE MALL WE '; ! PHILADIELPHIA PENNA ur SCIENCE, VOL 174 iett Summerson Photoelectric Colorimeter Test Tube Model KLETT COLONY MARKER and TALLY This instrument takes the dIrudgery and er- ror out of the count- ingv of hacterial colo- nies. MANUFACTURING C., INC.. 179 East 87th Street. New Yok, 28, N.Y Circle No. 90 on Readers' Service Card Circlt No. 70 on Readers' Service Card

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Page 1: I-NEXPENSIVE SCIENCEO iett Colorimeter · 2005. 7. 16. · Photoelectric Colorimeter Test Tube Model KLETT COLONY MARKERand TALLY This instrument takes the dIrudgery and er-ror out


Keep your copies of SCIENCE always availablefor quick, easy reference in this attractive, prac-

tical binder. Simply snap the magazine in or outin a few seconds-no punching or mutilating.It opens FLAT-for easy reference and read-ability. Sturdily constructed, this maroon buck-ram binder stamped in gold leaf will make a

fine addition to your library.

SCIENCE Binders hold one three-month volumeof SCIENCE. They have a 31/4-inch back and 13flat fasteners. $4.00 each. Four binders, $15.00.

For orders outside the United States add 50¢per binder. Imprint: name of owner, add 85¢per binder; year of issues, for example, 1969-2,add 60¢ per binder.

_1515 Massachusetts Ave., NW,

I 1tt *Washington, D.C. 20005



rhe Model MPS is a precision instru-ment designed to meet the esactingrequirements of science, educationand industry. Ideal for work in chemis-try, crystallography. biolcgy. as well asthe technology of paper, glass, textilesand petroleum.

* Eyepieces. 5X (micro.), IOX (cross.)* Objectives: 4X, lOX, 40X, achro-

matic, strain-tree, centerable* Nosepiece: quick-change type* Substage condenser: tocusable,

3-lens. swing out top mount, iris

diaphragm* Polaroid polarizer: rotatable 360* Polaroid analyzer: in sliding mount* Bertrand lens: centerable

Stage 115mm diameter, revolves360 reads to 6' with vernier

* 2 Compensators quarter-waveplate and first order red plate

* Focusing both coarse and fine

FREE TEN-DAY TRIALQuantity prices on three or more

Accessory mechanical stage $14.75

I Please rush UNITRON's Microscope Catalog A-4

I Nomc- _I

I Company II Address. - I

Citr Stat Ca-

Circle No. III on Readers' Service Card

automate your high-volumepipetting procedures.

The Automated Pipetting Station fromMicromedic Systems is the first instru-ment that dilutes or dispenses submicrovolumes repetitively, automatically, withfiner accuracy and technique than man-ual pipetting. And processes 450 stand-ard test tubes per hour.

Check these features: Continuouslyvariable micrometer volume adjustment.Range of 2 to 1000 jul of sample, 2 to 5000,41 of diluent or reagent. Moving tuberacks. Liquid delivery against tube wall,and automatic tip wiping between passes.

Shock-free liquid movement through Tef-lon lines. Push-button controls. Plus thebuilt-in accuracy and repeatability of ourAutomatic Pipette.

Send for literature, or call (215) 592-2401for a demonstration.



iett Summerson

Photoelectric Colorimeter

Test Tube



This instrument takes

the dIrudgery and er-

ror out of the count-

ingv of hacterial colo-



179 East 87th Street. New Yok, 28, N.Y

Circle No. 90 on Readers' Service Card

Circlt No. 70 on Readers' Service Card

Page 2: I-NEXPENSIVE SCIENCEO iett Colorimeter · 2005. 7. 16. · Photoelectric Colorimeter Test Tube Model KLETT COLONY MARKERand TALLY This instrument takes the dIrudgery and er-ror out


Index to Volume 174

October-December 1971

Editorial Board




Editorial StaffHANS NUSSBAUMBusiness Manager


EARL J. SCHERAGO, Advertising Director

Published by the

American Association for the Advancement of Science1515 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005

Printed in Washington, D.C., by McCal Printing Company, Mid-Atlantic Division

Copyright 1971 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Page 3: I-NEXPENSIVE SCIENCEO iett Colorimeter · 2005. 7. 16. · Photoelectric Colorimeter Test Tube Model KLETT COLONY MARKERand TALLY This instrument takes the dIrudgery and er-ror out






Date of Issue





The names of authors of books reviewed are printed in SMALL CAPITALS.


AAAS annual meeting, 79, 167, 319, 437,526, 617, 726, 847, 964, 1046

AAAS meeting in Mexico City (editorial),A. Spilhaus, 549

AAAS meeting-where the action is (edi-torial), P. H. Abelson, 777

Aaronson, S. A., et al.: Induction of mu-rine C-type viruses from clonal lines ofvirus-free BALB/3T3 cells, 157

Abelson, P. H. (editorials): AAAS meet-ing-where the action is, 777; Careerchoices, 1283; New initiatives in tech-nology, 895; The role of scientific instru-mentation, 1081; Training scientists fornew jobs, 651

Abrahamson, D. E.: The energy crisis:some implications and alternatives(AAAS), 857

Abramovitz, M.: Nobel prize for econom-ics: Kuznets and economic growth(News anid Comment), 481

Acceleration of heavy ions at the Bevatron,H. A. Grunder et al., 1128

Acceleration of nitrogen ions to 7.4 Gevin the Princeton Particle Accelerator, M.G. White et al., 1121

Acceptable mass transportation (letter), L.E. Walkup, 1184

Acridine orange potentiation of actinomy-cin D uptake and activity, E. F. Roth,Jr., and J. Kochen, 696

Activation of spontaneous murine leukemiavirus-related antigen by lymphocyticchoriomeningitis virus, M. B. A. Old-stone et al., 843

ADA, G. L. See NOSSAL, G. J. V.Adesnik, M. See Darnell, J. E., et al.Adult hemoglobin synthesis by reticulo-

cytes from the human fetus at midtrimes-ter, M. D. Hollenberg et al., 698

Agnew, H. W., Jr. See Webb, W. B.

Agricultural origins: centers and noncen-ters, J. R. Harlan, 468

Ainardi, V. R. See Pocker, Y., et al.Akil, H. See Mayer, D. J., et al.Albert, S. See Shelanski, M. L., et al.Alkyl isocyanates as active site-specific in-

hibitors of chymotrypsin and elastase,W. E. Brown and F. Wold, 608

Allen, H. L. See White, M. G., et al.

Allen, J. E., and H. Rasmussen: Humanred blood cells: prostaglandin E2, epi-nephrine, and isoproterenol alter deform-ability, 512

Allen, R. D., et al.: Direct test of the posi-tive pressure gradient theory of pseu-dopod extension and retraction in amoe-bae, 1237

Alleva, F. R. See Alleva, J. J., et alAlleva, J. J., et al.: Calcium carbonate con-

cretions: cyclic occurrence in the ham-ster vagina, 600

Alternative approaches to national deliveryof health care (AAAS), G. K. Chacko,168

AMA membership (letter), V. A. Joy,1184

Amino acid composition of proteins as aproduct of molecular evolution, T. Ohtaand M. Kimura, 150

Amonkar, S. V., and A. Banerji: Isolationand characterization of larvicidal prin-ciple of garlic, 1343

Amorn, C. S. See Guillery, R. W., et al.Analgesia from electrical stimulation in the

brainstem of the rat, D. J. Mayer et al.,1351

Analytical chemistry of nitrogen and itscompounds, The, C. A. STREULI and P. R.AVERELL (Eds.), book reviewv by W. T.Smith, Jr., 487

Andersen, D. K. See McMahon, E. M., etal.

Andrews, E. P. See Marchesi, V. T.

Andujar, J. J., and V. Goodhill: Patients'expectations (letters), 454

Anemia in sleep-deprived rats receivinganticoagulants, R. R. Drucker-Colin etal., 505

Anemic stress as a trigger of myelogenousleukemia in rats rendered leukemia-prone by x-ray, J. K. Gong, 833

Anomalous retinal pathways in the Siamesecat: an inadequate substrate for normalbinocular vision, R. E. Kalil et al., 302

Antigens, lymphoid cells, anad the immuneresponse, G. J. V. NOSSAL and G. L. ADA,book review by D. B. Wilson, 814

Aoki, T. See Oldstone, M. B. A., et al.

Applegate, S. P.: Spectacular jaw (letter),893

Application of science in the managementof national parks (AAAS), T. Sudia,437

Aptitude test bias (letter), K. Clark andL. Plotkin, 1278

Archer, M. C., et al.: Environmental ni-troso compounds: reaction of nitritewith creatine and creatinine, 1341

Arctic paleo-oceanography in Late Ceno-zoic time, K. Hunkins et al., 962

Arimura, A., et al.: Ovulation induced bysynthetic luteinizing hormone-releasinghormone in the hamster, 511

Arlow, J. A.: Role of aggression in humanadaptation (AAAS), 526

Armillas, P.: Gardens on swamps, 653Aron, W. I., and S. H. Smith: Shiip canals

and aquatic ecosystems, 13Arp, H.: Observational paradoxes in extra-

galactic astronomy, 1189Artificial microfossils: experimental studies

of permineralization of blue-green algaein silica, J. H. Oehler and J. W. Schopf,1229

Ascher, E. See Mills, R. E., et al.Ascorbic acid: A culture requirement for

Date of IssiueNumber






Page 4: I-NEXPENSIVE SCIENCEO iett Colorimeter · 2005. 7. 16. · Photoelectric Colorimeter Test Tube Model KLETT COLONY MARKERand TALLY This instrument takes the dIrudgery and er-ror out


colony formation by mouse plasmacy-toma cells, C. H. Park et al., 720

Ash, M. E., et al.: The system of planetarymasses, 551

L-Asparaginase induced immunosuppres-sion: inhibition of bone marrow derivedantibody precursor cells, H. Friedman,139

Astronomy from a space platform (AAAS),G. W. Morgenthaler, 324

Asymmetry, its importance to the actionand metabolism of abscisic acid, E.Sondheimer et al., 829

Atweh, S. F. See Jabbur, S. J., et al.Audesirk, G. See Paolino, A., et al.Aurelian, L., et al.: Herpesvirus type 2

isolated from cervical tumor cells grownin tissue culture, 704

Autoimmune murine thyroiditis relation tohistocompatibility (H-2) type, A. 0.Vladutiu and N. R. Rose, 1137

Automobile octane requirements (letter),E. J. Farkas, 545

Auxins in citrus: a reappraisal, E. E. Gold-schmidt et al., 1256

AVERELL, P. R. See STREULI, C. A.Axelrod, J. See Weinshilboum, R. M., et

al.Awramik, S. M.: Precambrian columnar

stromatolite diversity: reflection of meta-zoan appearance, 825


Baba, Y. See Arimura, A., et al.Baccarini-Melandri, A. See Melandri, B.

A., et al.Bach, D. R.: book review of Laser inter-

action and related plasma phenomena,1015

Back, K. W.: Encounter groups (AAAS),526

"Back-to-the-wall" effect? (letter), W. Si-mon, 774

Baker, C. G.: Cancer Conquest Program(letter), 980

Baker, H. J., Jr., et al.: Neuronal GM1gangliosidosis in a Siamese cat with 6-galactosidase deficiency, 838

Banerji, A. See Amonkar, S. V.Banna, N. R. See Jabbur, S. J., et al.Barbezat, G. O., and M. I. Grossman: In-

testinal secretion: stimulation by pep-tides, 422

Barbiturates: radioimmunoassay, S. Spec-tor and E. J. Flynn, 1036

Barchas, J. D., and H. K. H. Brodie:book review of The biochemical basisof neuropharmacology, Diagnosis anddrug treatment of psychiatric disorders,and Neuropsychopharmacology and theaffective disorders, 1317

Barlow, R. B., Jr., and E. Kaplan: Limuluslateral eye: properties of receptor unitsin the unexcised eye, 1027

Barstow, C. A. See Eidelberg, E.Bartels, E., and T. L. Rosenberry: Snake

neurotoxins: effects of disulfide reduc-tion on interaction with electroplax,1236

Bascom, W.: Deep-water archeology, 261Battan, L. J.: book review of The physics

of clouds, 1120Batzri, S., et al.: Potassium ion release andenzyme secretion: adrenergic regulationby a- and 8-receptors, 1029

Bayliss, F. T., and R. T. Vinopal: Selec-tion of ribosomal mutants by antibioticsuppression in yeast, 1339

Bazell, R. J. (News and Comment): coalminers and scientists meet, 134; humanenvironment conference, 390; lead poi-soning from the atmosphere, 574; nu-clear reactor at Columbia Universitydebated, 575; Office of Economic Op-portunity hedges on Kentucky program,


45; Roche Institute of Molecular Bi-ology, 275; science library to close, 133;urban health and environment, 1005

Be, A. W. H. See Hunkins, K., et al.Beiser, S. M. See Sawicki, D. L., et al.Bekierkunst, A., et al.: Suppression of ure-

than-induced lung adenomas in micetreated with trehalos-6,6-dimycolate(cord factor) and living bacillus Cal-mette Guerin, 1240

Bell, E.: Informational DNA synthesis dis-tinguished from that of nuclear DNAby inhibitors of DNA synthesis, 603

Bell, E. A.: Plant science research (letter),454

Bellamy, A. R. See Gillies, S., et al.BENSON, E. P. (Ed.), Dumbarton Oaks

conference on Chavin, book review of,1117

Bentley, D. R.: Genetic control of an in-sect neuronal network, 1 139

Ben-Zvi, Z., et al.: 6p-Hydroxy-A1-tetra-hydrocannabinol synthesis and biologicalactivity, 951

Bergner, L.: Research on narcotic anta-gonists (letter), 1079

Bergsagel, D. E. See Park, C. H., et al.Berl, W. G.: A brief prospectus of the

1971 AAAS annual meeting (AAAS),847

Berlin, B. See Raven, P. H., et al.Beroza, M. See Carlson, D. A., et al.Beug, W. M. See Pocker, Y., et al.Biddulph, O.: book review of Phloem

transport in plants, 685Bierl, B. A. See Carlson, D. A., et al.Bieser, F. S. See Heckman, H. H., et al.Binding of DDT to lecithin, I. J. Tinsley

et al., 145Binkley, S., et al.: Pineal function in spar-

rows: circadian rhythms and body tem-perature, 311

Biochemical basis of neuropharmacology,The, J. R. COOPER et al., book review byJ. D. Barchas and H. K. H. Brodie,1317

Biomedical engineer-the roles he canplay, J. D. Bronzino, 1001

Bipolarity on the campus (editorial), A. B.Grobman, 457

Birch, H. G. See Cravioto, J., et al.BIRD, A. F., The Structure of nematodes,

book review of, 685BIRKS, J. B., Photophysics of aromatic mol-

ecules, book review of, 580Bitensky, M. W. See Miller, W. H., et al.Bitman, J., et al.: Nonconversion of o,p'-DDT to p,p'-DDT in rats, sheep, chick-ens, and quail, 64

Blacks, medical schools, and society, J. L.CURTIS, book review by W. L. Godwin,1116

Bladen, H. A. See Glenner, G. G., et al.Bloom, F. E.: book review of Develop-

mental neurobiology, 684. See also God-fraind, J. M., et al.

BLOOM, F. E. See COOPER, J. R., et al.Boekelheide, V.: book review of Chemis-

try of the heterocyclic N-oxides, 579Bogorad, L. See Mets, L. J.Bolt, R. H.: Use of scientific information

in policy-making (AAAS), 860Bonatti, E., and J. Honnorez: Nonspread-

ing crustal blocks at the Mid-AtlanticRidge, 1329

Booth, A. D. See Webb, S. J.Borkovec, A. B. See Horwitz, S. B., et al.Borzelleca, J. F. See Upholt, W. M., et al.Boulos, M. S., and 0. K. Manuel: Xenon

record of extinct radioactivities in theearth, 1334

BOYD, L. G. See JONES, B. Z.Brain as a parallel coherent detector, The,

A. Trehub, 722Brain serotonin content: increase follow-

ing ingestion of carbohydrate diet, J. D.Fernstrom and R. J. Wurtman, 1023

Breath test machines (letter), N. H. Spec-tor, 772

Breedlove, D. E. See Raven, P. H., et al.Brennan, T. See Rubin, J., et al.Brief prospectus of the 1971 AAAS an-

nual meeting, A (AAAS), W. G. Berl,847

Brieger, G. H.: book review of Modernmethods in the history of medicine, 577

Brinkmann, R. T.: Mars: has nitrogen es-caped?, 944

BROADBENT, D. E., Decision and stress, bookreview of, 683

Brodie, H. K. H. See Barchas, J. D.Bronzino, J. D.: The biomedical engineer-the roles he can play, 1001

Brooks, H.: Can science survive in themodern age?, 21

Brown, J. E., et al.: Reversal potential foran electrophysiological event generatedby conductance changes: mathematicalanalysis, 318

Brown, J. L.: book review of Man andbeast, 1013

BroWn, W. E., and F. Wold: Alkyl isocy-anates as active site-specific inhibitorsof chymotrypsin and elastase, 608

Brunner, H. R., et al.: Hypertension ofrenal origin: evidence for two differentmechanisms, 1344

Brussard, P. F.: book review of Conceptsof pest management, 397

Brussard, P. F., et al.: Redwoods: a popu-lation model debunked, 435

Buck, E. See Hanson, F. E., et al.Buck, J. See Hanson, F. E., et al.Budiansky, J. See Sperling, G., et al.BUDKER, P., The life of sharks, book review

of, 136Buffer combinations for mammalian cell

culture, H. Eagle, 500Bullivant, S. See Gillies, S., et al.Burgess, G. See Regan, J. D., et al.Burke, R. E., et al.: Mammalian motor

units: physiological-histochemical corre-lation in three types in cat gastrocne-mius, 709

Burnett, R.: DDT residues: distribution ofconcentrations in Emerita analoga(Stimpson) along coastal California, 606

BURNHAM, J. C. (Ed.), Science in America,book review of, 396

Burr, J. B.: Radiation chemistry (meet-ing report), 616

Burris, R. H. See Phillips, D. A., et al.Burroughs, R. H. See Heirtzler, J. R.BUSCH, H. and K. SMETANA, The nucleolus,

book review of, 813Bush, V.: Dictation to science by laymen

(editorial), 11


Cais, M. See Gamble, F. R., et al.Calam, D. H., et al.: Natural occurrence

of fatty acid ethyl esters, 78Calcium carbonate concretions: cyclic oc-

currence in the hamster vagina, J. J.Alleva et al., 600

Caloric theory of gases from Lavoisier toRegnault, The, R. Fox, book review byR. H. Kargon, 1016

Can science survive in the modem age?,H. Brooks, 21

Cancer Conquest Program (letter), C. G.Baker, 980

Cannon, M. D. See Paolino, A., et al.Cantor, M. B.: Signaled reinforcing brain

stimulation facilitates operant behaviorunder schedules of intermittent rein-forcement, 610

Carbon and atmospheric oxygen, B.Gregor and L. Van Valen, 316

Carbonic anhydrase interaction with DDT,DDE, and dieldrin, Y. Pocker et al.,1336

Page 5: I-NEXPENSIVE SCIENCEO iett Colorimeter · 2005. 7. 16. · Photoelectric Colorimeter Test Tube Model KLETT COLONY MARKERand TALLY This instrument takes the dIrudgery and er-ror out

Career choices (editorial), P. H. Abelson,1283

Caribbean Eocene volcanism and the ex-tent of horizon A, P. H. Mattson andE. A. Pessagno, Jr., 138

Carlson, B. M.: book review of Regenera-tion, 398

Carlson, D. A., et al.: Sex attractant phero-mone of the house fly: isolation, identi-fication, and synthesis, 76

Carr, W. E. See Gurin, S.Carter, E. A., et al.: Ethanol stimulates

triglyceride synthesis by the intestine,1245

Cartography of the ecstatic and meditativestates, A, R. Fischer, 897

Case, J. F. See Hanson, F. E., et al.Castellucci, V. See Kupfermann, I., et al.Cat conference (meeting report), R. L.

Eaton, 615Cation disorder in shocked orthopyroxene,

R. W. Dundon and S. S. Hafner, 581Cave development during a catastrophic

storm in the Great Valley of Virginia,D. 0. Doehring and R. C. Vierbuchen,1327

Cecil, H. C. See Bitman, J., et al.CENTORE, F. F., Robert Hooke's contribu-

tions to mechanics, book review of, 51Central and peripheral control of gillmovements in Aplysia, I. Kupfermannet al., 1252

Central North Atlantic plate motions, W.C. Pitman, III, et al., 845

Chacko, G. K.: Alternative approachesto national delivery of health care(AAAS), 168

Chang, S. C. See Horwitz, S. B., et al.Chang, Y. P. See Sondheimer, E., et al.Change and continuity in infancy, J.

KAGAN, book review by W. Emmerich,1116

Change in Argonne National Laboratory:a case study, A. Mozley, 30

Chase, J. (News anid Comment): sex dis-crimination at HEW, 270

Chatterjee, A. See Tobias, C. A., et al.Chemical dynamics, J. 0. HIRSCHFELDER

and D. HENDERSON (Eds.), book reviewby B. S. Rabinovitch, 815

Chemistry of pesticides, N. N. MELNIKOV,book review by R. D. O'Brien, 398

Chemistry of the heterocyclic N-oxides,A. R. KATRITZKY and J. M. LAGOWSKI,book review by V. Boekelheide, 579

Chemoreception in Nassarius obsoletius:the role of specific stimulatory proteins,S. Gurin and W. E. Carr, 293

Chemosterilant action of anthramycin: aproposed mechanism: S. B. Horwitz etal., 159

Chen, L. S. See Vaska, L., et al.Chervenick, P. A., et al.: Human leukemic

cells: in vitro growth of colonies con-taining the Philadelphia (Ph') chromo-some, 1134

Chessin, H. See Vonnegut, B.CHIURDOGLU, G. (Ed.), Conformation anal-

ysis, book review of, 1017Cholinergic synapse and the site of mem-

ory, The, J. A. Deutsch, 788Chondrules: first occurrence in an iron

meteorite, E. Olsen and E. Jarosewich,583

Christensen, J. J., et al.: Ion binding bysynthetic macrocylic compounds, 459

Christiansen, R. L. See Lipman, P. W., etal.

Circadian rhythm: population of interact-ing neurons, J. W. Jacklet and J. Geron-

_ imo, 299Clark, E.: book review of The life of

sharks, 136Clark, I. D., and J. F. Noxon: Particle

formation during water-vapor photoly-sis, 941

Clark, K., and L. Plotkin: Aptitude testbias (letter), 1278


CLARK, R. w., Einstein, book review of,1315

Clark, S. D. See Archer, M. C., et al.CLARKE, E. (Ed.), Modern methods in the

history of medicine, book review of, 577Class context and family relations, L. I.

PEARLIN, book review by H. K. Geiger,812

Clough, G. C., et al.: University organiza-tion (letters), 1279

Clynes, M.: Sentics, brain function, andsources of human values (AAAS), 726

Cobean, R. H., et al.: Obsidian trade atSan Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Mexico, 666

Coe, M. D. See Cobean, R. H., et al.Cohen, R. See Utlaut, W. F.Collart, D. S. See Cravioto, J., et al.Color- and edge-sensitive channels in thehuman visual system: tuning for orienta-tion, R. Held and S. R. Shattuck, 314

Comeau, A. See Roelofs, W., et al.Committee on chemotaxonomy (letter),W. F. Grant and T. Swain, 103

Commoner, B. See Kohl, D. H., et al.Communication by chemical signals, J. w.

JOHNSTON, JR., et al. (Eds.), book re-view by N. E. Gary, 1013

Comparative ability of hycanthone andmiracil D to interact with DNA, E.Hirschberg and I. B. Weinstein, 1147

Comparative immunology of the oral cav-ity (AAAS), H. W. Scherp, 167

Concepts of pest management, R. L. RABBand F. E. GUTHRIE (Eds.), book reviewby P. E. Brussard, 397

Conformational analysis, G. CHIURDOGLU(Ed.), book review by E. L. Eliel, 1017

Conklin, H. E.: Production of services(letter), 1 84

Cook, S. See Frisch, R. E., et al.COOPER, J. R., et al., The biochemical basis

of neuropharmacology, book review of,1317

Cooper, W. E.: Experimental manipula-tions of natural systems (AAAS), 80

Cortisone, E. C. KENDALL, book review byJ. C. Melby, 486

Covers: Adelie penguins (24 Dec.); aerialview of Pico de Orizaba ( 12 Nov.);cheetah in threatening posture (5 Nov.);ciliary tufts (22 Oct.); cumulus clouds(10 Dec.); etching by an acute schizo-phrenic (26 Nov.); fox squirrel (1 Oct.);giant amoeba (17 Dec.); jaws of thegiant fossil shark, Carchlarodon megalo-dont (8 Oct.); noodle dough (3 Dec.);pingo (19 Nov.); ring-array antenna ele-ment (15 Oct.); 2H-phase of tantalumdisulfide (29 Oct.)

CRAFTS, A. S., and C. E. CRISP, Phloemtransport in plants, book review of, 685

Craig, P. P. See Woodwell, G. H., et al.Craig-Holmes, A. P., and M. W. Shaw:

Polymorphism of human constitutiveheterochromatin, 702

Cravioto, J., et al.: Sex differences in I.Q.pattern of children with congenital heartdefects, 1042

Creation of "amyloid" fibrils from BenceJones proteins in vitro, G. G. Glenneret al., 712

Crises and knowledge (editorial), J.Schmandt, 231

CRISP, C. E. See CRAFTS, A. S.Critical phenomena (mneeting report), R.

E. Mills et al., 1260Crozier, R.: Regulation of mammalian re-

production (meeting report), 1157Cruickshank, A. M.: Gordon Research

Conferences: winter program, 1972(meeting report), 730

Crystal structure of a naturally occurringdinucleoside monophosphate: uridylyl(3',5') adenosine hemihydrate, J. Rubinet al., 1020

Curley, A.: Mercury in foods (letter), 979Current physics information, H. W. Koch,



CURTIS, J. L., Blacks, medical schools, andsociety, book review of, 1116

Cyclic adenosine monophosphate and nor-epinephrine effect on Purkinje cells inrat cerebellar cortex, J. M. Godfraindet al., 1257

Cyclic adenosine monophosphate: functionin photoreceptors, W. H. Miller et al.,295

Cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate dur-ing glucose repression in the rat liver,0. Sudilovsky et al., 142


DANIEL, J. C., JR. (Ed.), Methods inmammalian embryology, book reviewof, 399

DANIELS, G, H., Science in American society,book review of, 396

Darnell, J. E., et al.: Polyadenylic acid se-quence: role in conversion of nuclearRNA into messenger RNA, 507

DAVIS, J. M. See KLEIN, D. F.DDT in the biosphere: where does it go?,

G. M. Woodwell et al., 1 101DDT residues: distribution of concentra-

tions in Emerita analoga (Stimpson)along coastal California, R. Burnett, 606

DEACON, M., Scientists and the sea, 1650-1900, book review of, 11 18

Decision and stress, D. E. BROADBENT, bookreview by R. W. Pew, 683

Deep-water archeology, W. Bascom, 261Dekirmenjian, H. See Redmond, D. E., Jr.,

et al.DeLuca, H. F. See Omdahl, J. L.Dennison, E. W.: Electronic optical astron-omy: philosophy and practice, 240

Desiccation-tolerant flowering plants insouthern Africa, D. F. Gaff, 1033

DeSieno, R. P. See Horn, F. D.Detection of an antigen associated with

acute leukemia, D. L. Mann et al., 1136Deutsch, J. A.: The cholinergic synapse

and the site of memory, 788Developmental neurobiology, M. JACOB-

SON, book review by F. E. Bloom, 684DeVries, G. H. See Shelanski, M. L., et al.Diagnosis and drug treatment of psychi-

atric disorders, D. F. KLEIN and J. M.DAVIS, book review by J. D. Barchasand H. K. H. Brodie, 1317

Diaz, J.-L., and M. 0. Huttunen: Persist-ent increase in brain serotonin turnoverafter chronic administration of LSD inthe rat, 62

Dickens, C. H.: National Science Founda-tion: student-originated studies (AAAS),617

Dickinson, W. R.: Plate tectonics ingeologic history, 107

and W. C. Luth: A model for platetectonic evolution of mantle layers, 400

Dictation to science by laymen (editorial),V. Bush, 11

Dielectric siphons, T. B. Jones et al., 1232Diem, J. E. See Brussard, P. F., et al.Diethyl pyrocarbonate: formation of ure-

than in treated beverages, G. Lbfrothand T. Gejvall, 1248

Diethylamide of thujic acid: a potentrepellent of Aedes aegypti, V. Hach andE. C. McDonald, 144

Dietschy, J. M. See Wilson, F. A., et al.Differences in the distribution of cate-

cholamine varicosities in cat and ratreticular formation, J. R. Sladek, Jr.,410

Difficulty of evaluating the toxicity andteratogenicity of 2,4,5-T from existinganimal experiments, T. D. Sterling, 1358

DILLON, W. S. See EISENBERG, J. F.Direct test of the positive pressure gradient

theory of pseudopod extension and re-traction in amoebae, R. D. Allen et al.,1237

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viDiSalvo, F. J. See Gamble, F. R., et al.Disposition of morphine in man, S. Spec-

tor and E. S. Vesell, 421Dixon, F. J. See Oldstone, M. B. A., et al.DNA constancy in heteroploidy and the

stem line theory of tumors, P. SM.Kraemer et al., 714

Dodd, J. L. See McCracken, D. A.Doehring, D. O., and R. C. Vierbuchen:Cave development during a catastrophicstorm in the Great Valley of Virginia,1327

Dopamine: release from the brain in vivoby amantadine, P. F. Von Voigtlanderand K. E. Moore, 408

Dopamine-sensitive adenyl cyclase: pos-sible role in synaptic transmission, J.W. Kebabian and P. Greengard, 1346

Dorman, J. See Latham, G., et al.Douglas, A. E. (Research Topics): Nobel

prize for chemistry: Herzberg andmolecular spectroscopy, 672

Downs, G. S., et al.: Mars radar observa-tions: a preliminary report, 1324

Drill, V. A. See Upholt, W. M., et al.Drucker-Colin, R. R., et al.: Anemia in

sleep-deprived rats receiving anticoagu-lants, 505

Drummey, G. D. See Carter, E. A., et al.DuBois, K. P. See Upholt, W. M., et al.Duennebier, F. See Latham, G., et al.Dumbarton Oaks conference on Chavin,

E. P. BENSON (Ed.), book review by G.R. Willey, 1117

Dundon, R. W., and S. S. Hafner: Cationdisorder in shocked orthopyroxene, 581

DUNN, E. S., JR., Economic and social de-velopment, book review of, 485

Dunnebacke, T. H., and F. L. Schuster:Infectious agent from a free-living soilamoeba, Naegleria gruberi, 516

Duricrusts and deep-weathering profiles insouthwestern Wisconsin, G. H. Duryand J. C. Knox, 291

Dury, G. H., and J. C. Knox: Duricrustsand deep-weathering profiles in south-western Wisconsin, 291

Dwyer, M. J. See Lasaga, A. C., et al.


Eagle, H.: Buffer combinations for mam-malian cell cultures, 500

Eanes, E. D. See Alleva, J. J., et al.See also Glenner, G. G., et al.

Eaton, R. L.: Cat conference (meetingreport), 615

Ecology (letter), P. B. Sears, 360Economic and social development, E. S.

DUNN, JR., book review by A. Kuhn, 485Edery, H. See Ben-Zvi, Z., et al.Editorials: AAAS meeting in Mexico

City, 549; AAAS meeting-where theaction is, 777; Bipolarity on the campus,457; Career choices, 1283; Crises andknowledge, 231; Dictation to science bylaymen, 1 1; The evaluation of basicscience, 105; Mass transfer and urbanproblems, 365; New initiatives in tech-nology, 895; Politics and scholarship,1187; The role of scientific instrumenta-tion, 1081; Training scientists for newjobs, 651; Women, students, and tenure,983

Edmunds, L. N., Jr.: book review ofPhotobiology of microorganisms, 814

Education and science in North Vietnam,A. W. Galston and E. Signer, 379

Education, health and behaviour, M. RUT-TER et al., book review by M. E.Hertzig, 813

Eichelman, B. See R. B. WilliamsEidelberg, E., and C. A. Barstow: Mor-

phine tolerance and dependence inducedby intraventricular injection, 74

Eighmy, B. B. See Guillery, R. W., et al.Ein, D. See Glenner, G. G., et al.


Einstein, R. W. CLARK, book review byM. J. Klein, 1315

EISENBERG, J. F., and w. S. DILLON (Eds.),Man and beast, book review of, 1013

Eisenman, G. See Krasne, S., et al.Eisenmann, E. See Mayr, E., et al.Electrocortical localization of language

production, L. K. Morrell et al., 1359Electron microscopy and diffraction of

layered superconducting intercalationcomplexes, H. Fernandez-Moran et al.,498

Electronic optical astronomy: philosophyand practice, E. W. Dennison, 240

Elias, H.: Three-dimensional structureidentified from single sections, 993

Eliel, E. L.: book review of Conforma-tional analysis, 1017

Ellenby, C.: book review of Plant parasiticnematodes and The structure of nema-todes, 685

Elliott, W. B.: Teflon membrane (letter),775

Ellis, L. D. See Chervenick, P. A., et al.Elsmore, T. F. See Manning, F. J., et al.Elton, C. F., and S. A. Rodgers: Physics

department ratings: another evaluation,565

Emmerich, W.: book review of Changeand continuity in infancy, 1116

Encounter groups (AAAS), K. W. Back,526

Energy crisis: some implications and alter-natives (AAAS), D. E. Abrahamson,857

Energy production for nuclear fusion(AAAS), R. W. Gould, 324

Engel, W. K. See Burke, R. E., et al.Engelhardt, D. L. See Marcus, P. I., et al.Engelmann, F.: 20-Hydroxyecdysone, what

it can do, 1041Engelson, M., and G. Moeller: Limitations

of technology (letters), 226Engineers' role (letters), R. G. Maguire

and W. C. Orthwein, 645Environment, heredity, and intelligence,

book review by S. Scarr-Salapatek, 1223Environmental nitroso compounds: reac-

tion of nitrite with creatine and crea-tinine, M. C. Archer et al., 1341

Environmental sciences and internationaldevelopment (AAAS), M. T. Farvar,617

Epel, D.: book review of Experimentalembryology of marine and fresh-waterinvertebrates, 1 1 19

Equinoxial rites of the National ResearchCouncil, W. Goldschmidt, 474

Erlanger, B. F. See Sawicki, D. L., et al.Erratum: for W. T. Norton and S. E.

Podulso [167, 1144 (1970)], 1221Ervin-Tripp, S. M.: Women with Ph.D.'s

(letter), 1281Ethanol stimulates triglyceride synthesisby the intestine, E. A. Carter et al.,1245

Etzioni, A. See Singh, I. J., et al.Eutrophication of lake water microcosms:

phosphate versus nonphosphate deter-gents, D. Mitchell, 827

Evaluation of basic science, The (editorial),D. Stetten, Jr., 105

Evaporation retardation by monolayers:another mechanism, J. Wu, 283

Evolving subduction zones in the westernUnited States, as interpreted fromigneous rocks, P. W. Lipman et al., 821

Ewing, M. See Latham, G., et al.Experimental embryology of marine and

fresh-water invertebrates, G. REVERBERI(Ed.), book review by D. Epel, 1119

Experimental manipulations of naturalsystems (AAAS), W. E. Cooper, 80

Exposure to alkyl mercury (letter), G. F.Wright, 771

Extending symbiotic nitrogen fixation toincrease man's food supply (meetingreport), D. A. Phillips et al., 169

Extremely rapid visual search: the maxi-mum rate of scanning letters for thepresence of a numeral, G. Sperling etal., 307

EYSENCK, H. J., The IQ argument, bookreview of, 1223


Farkas, E. J.: Automobile octane require-ments (letter), 545

Farrell, D. F. See Baker, H. J., Jr., et al.Farrell, M. A.: Mineral elements in the

food chain (AAAS), 438Farvar, M. T.: Environmental sciences

and international development (AAAS),617

fd virus photo (letter), G. W. Stroke, 1078Fecal pellets: role in sedimentation of

pelagic diatoms, H.-J. Schrader, 55Feld, B. A.: The 21st Pugwash conference

on science and world affairs (meetingreport), 1150

Feldman, J. M. See McMahon, E. M., etal.

Fernandez-Moran, H., et al.: Electronmicroscopy and diffraction of layeredsuperconducting intercalation complexes,498

Fernstrom, J. D., and R. J. Wurtman:Brain serotonin content: increase follow-ing ingestion of carbohydrate diet, 1023

Ferris, S. H., and N. Pastore: Interocularapparent movement in depth: a motionpreference effect, 305

Fertilizer nitrogen: contribution to nitratein surface water in a corn belt water-shed, D. H. Kohl et al., 1331

Fetz, E. E., and D. V. Finocchio: Operantconditioning of specific patterns of neu-ral and muscular activity, 431

Fine, D. L., et al.: Simian tumor virusisolate: demonstration of cytopathic ef-fects in vitro, 420

Finley, K. H. See Cravioto, J., et al.Finocchio, D. V. See Fetz, E. E.Fischer, R.: A cartography of the ecstatic

and meditative states, 897FISHER, J. W. (Ed.), Kidney hormones,

book review of, 486Fixed combination drugs (letters), C. J.

Stetler et al., 227Flyger, V. See Levin, E. Y.Flynn, E. J. See Spector, S., and Flynn,

E. J.Ford, R. I.: Looting the past: an interna-

tional scandal (AAAS), 127Formaldehyde and ammonia as precursors

to prebiotic amino acids, H. R. Hulettet al., 1038

FORRESTER, j. w., World dynamics, bookreview of, 1014

Forsyth, D. W. See Pitman, W. C., III, etal.

Fossils and flies, E. N. SHOR, book reviewby J. H. Ostrom, 937

400th anniversary of Johannes Kepler'sbirth (AAAS), R. J. Seeger, 325

FOX, R., The caloric theory of gases fromLavoisier to Regnault, book review of,1016

Fox, S. W.: Living systems: synthesis, as-sembly, origins (AAAS), 858. See alsoHulett, H. R., et al.

Fragmentation of nitrogen-14 nuclei at2.1 Gev per nucleon, H. H. Heckmanetal., 1130

Francis, D. See Allen, R. D., et al.Francke, U. See Nesbitt, M.Frank, A. L., et al.: Shortage of physicians

(letters), 979Frawley, J. P. See Upholt, W. M., et al.Freeman, D. X. See Renault, P. F., et al.Freezing and melting of lipid bilayers and

the mode of action of nonactin, valino-mycin, and gramicidin, S. Krasne et al.,412

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Friedman, H.: L-Asparaginase induced im-

munosuppression: inhibition of bonemarrow derived antibody precursorcells, 139

Fries, G. F. See Bitman, J., et at.

Frisch, R. E. See Johnston, F. F., et at.

Fry, B. E., Jr. See Alleva, J. J., et at.


Gaff, D. F.: Dessication-tolerant floweringplants in southern Africa, 1033

Galactose toxicity in the chick: hyperos-molality, J. I. Malone et al., 952

Galbraith, M. A. See Johnston, F. E., et


Galston, A. W. See Satter, R. L.and E. Signer: Education and sci-

ence in North Vietnam, 379Galston, E. C. See Sondheimer, E., et al.Gamble, F. R., et al.: Intercalation com-

plexes of Lewis bases and layeredsulfides: a large class of new super-conductors, 493

Gardens on swamps, P. Armillas, 653Garfield, E.: The information-conscious

society (AAAS), 167Gary, N. E.: book review of Communica-

tion by chemical signals, 1013Geballe, T. H. See Gamble, F. R., et al.Geiger, H. K.: book review of Class con-

text and family relations, 812Gejvall, T. See Lofroth, G.Gelfand, H. M.: book review of A history

of poliomyelitis, 578Gentic control of an insect neuronal net-

work, D. R. Bentley, 1139Genetic polymorphisms in varied environ-

ments, J. R. Powell, 1035Geological implications of solid waste

landfill (AAAS), A. A. Socolow, 858Geronimo, J. See Jacklet, J. W.Gerstein, G. L.: book review of Sensory

processes at the neuronal and behaviorallevels, 13 18

GERSUNI, G. V. (Ed.), Sensory processes atthe neuronal and behavioral levels, bookreview of, 1318

Gest, H. See Melandri, B. A., et at.

Gillette, R. (News atnd Comtm;Z1etits): chem-ists pick Alan Nixon, 1308; DDT stillin use, 1198, French weather satel-lite, 477; Human Environment Confer-ence, 479; Joint Committee on the En-vironment, 930; lead in the air, 800;one China or two at Stockholm, 480;register of scientists discontinued, 42;Stanford Linear Accelerator, 1308

Gillies, S., et al.: Viral RNA polymerases:electron microscopy of reovirus reactioncores, 694

Gilman, A. G. See Seeds, N. W.Glenner, G. G., et al.: Creation of "amyl-

oid" fibrils from Bence Jones proteinsin vitro, 712

Glycoproteins: isolation from cell mem-branes with lithium diiodosalicylate, V.T. Marchesi and E. P. Andrews, 1247

Godfraind, J. M., et al: Cyclic adenosinemonophosphate and norepinephrine:effect on Purkinje cells in rat cerebellarcortex, 1257

Godwin, W. L.: book review of Blacks,medical schools, and society, 1116

Goldberg, E. D. See Weiss, H. V., et al.Goldberg, L. See Upholt, W. M., et al.Goldschmidt, E. E., et al.: Auxins in

citrus: a reappraisal, 1256Goldschmidt, W.: Equinoxial rites of the

National Research Council, 474Goldthwait, R. P.: book review of The

late Cenozoic glacial ages, 1016Gong, J. K.: Anemic stress as a trigger of

myelogenous leukemia in rats renderedleukemia-prone by x-ray, 833

Gonzalez, W. See Wilcox, J. M.


Goodhill, V. See Andujar, J. J.Gordon Research Conferences: winter

program, 1972 (mezeetinig report), A. NM.Cruickshank, 730

Goren, R. See Goldschmidt, E. E., et al.Gorman, R. E. See Miller, W. H., et al.Goss, R. J.: Regulation of organ and tis-

sue growth (AAAS), 726Gould, R. W.: Energy production for

nuclear fusion (AA AS), 324Graham, C. W. See Redmond, D. E., Jr.,

et al.Granger, P. See Kuchel, 0.Grant, W. F., and T. Swain: Committee

on chemotaxonomy (letter), 103GrauLel, L. See Zamenof, S., et al.Gravity measured at the Apollo 14 land-

ing site, R. L. Nance, 1022Green, D. G.: Light adaptation in the rat

retina: evidence for two receptor mech-anisms, 598

Green, R. R. See Downs, G. S., et at.Greengard, P. See Kebabian, J. W.Gregor, B., and L. Van Valen: Carbon

and atmospheric oxygen, 3 16Greiner, D. E. See Heckman, H. H., et al.Griffin, J. J., et at.: Hither the university

(letters), 7Grobman, A. B.: Bipolarity on the campuLs

(editorial), 457Grollman, A. P. See Horwitz, S. B., et al.Grossman, M. 1. See Barbezat, G. 0.Growth effects of vanadium in the rat,

K. Schwarz and D. B. Milne, 426Growth inhibition by mechanical stress,

R. Turgeon and J. A. Webb, 961Grunder, H. A., et al.: Acceleration of

heavy ions at the bevatron, 1128Guillery, R. W.. et at.: Mutants with ab-

normal visual pathways: an explana-tion of anomalous geniculate laminae.831

Gurin, S., and W. E. Carr: Chemorecep-tion in Nassariumn obsoletis: the role ofspecific stimulatory proteins, 293

GUTIIRIL, F. E. Seet RABB, R. 1.


Hach, V., and F. C. McDonald: Diethyl-amide of thujic acid: a potent repellentof Aedes aegvpti, 144

Hadeishi, T., and R. D. McLaughlin: Hy-perfine Zeeman effect atomic absorptionspectrometer for mercury, 404

Hafner, S. S. See Dundon, R. W.Halbach, K. See Brussard, P. F., et al.Hall, K. See Rappaport, M., et al.HALLDAL, P. (Ed.), Photobiology of micro-

organisms, book revliew of, 814Halterman, R. See Mann, D. L., et al.Hamilton, R. D., et al.: Margin of safety

(letters), 102Hammond, A. L. (News alndC Comment):AEC transmutation, 930; (ResearcliTopics): aspirin, 48; breeder reactors,807; global meteorology, 278, 393; im-age analysis, 1011; problems at Batavia,1222

Hammond, E. C. See Langer, A. M., et al.Hanley, P. K. See Jackson, R. W.Hanson, F. E., et al.: Synchrony and flash

entrainment in a New Guinea firefly,161

Haque, R. See Tinsley, I. J., et at.Hardin, G. See Paolino, A., et al.Harlan, J. R.: Agricultural origins: centers

Ga-and noncenDters. 468Hartley, J. W. See Lowy, D. R., et al.Hartsough, W. D. See Grunder, H. A.,

et al.Harvard College Observatory, The, B. Z.JONES and L. G. BOYD, book review byD. J. Warner, 1118

Harwerth, R. S., and H. G. Sperling: Pro-longed color blindness induced by in-


tense spectral lights in rhesus monkeys,520

Hathaway, D. E.: Uncertainties of sci-entific exchange (letter), 1182

Hawkes, N. (News atndl Comment): Bri-tain: nuclear power industry faces cri-tical choice on reactor, 681; Chileanscience and technology, 1217, 1311

Hayes, W. J., Jr. See Upholt, W. NM., et al.Heckman, H. H., et al.: Fragmentation of

nigrogen-14 nuclei at 2.1 Gev pernucleon, 1130

Hedgpeth, J. W.: book rev,iewv of Sci-entists and the sea, 1650-1900, 1118

Height, weight and age at menarche andthe "critical weight" hypothesis, F. E.Johnston et at., 1148

Heinrich, R. See Renatult, P. F., et at.Heirtzler, J. R., and R. H. BLirroughs:

Iladagascar's paleoposition: new datafrom the Nlozambique Channel, 488

Held, R., and S. R. Shattuck: Color- andedge-sensitive channels in the humanvisual system: tuning for orientation.314

Hemispheric asymmetry of electrocorticalresponses to speech stimuli, L. K. Mor-rell and J. G. Salamy, 164

IILNDLRSON, D. See HIRSCHEELD[R, J. 0.Heppenheimer, T. A.: The space shuttle

(letter). 646Herman, Y. See Hunkins, K., et al.Herpesvirus type 2 isolated from cervicaltumor cells grown in tissuLe cuLlture, L.Aurelian et at., 704

IHLRRNSTEIN, R., I.Q., book revtiew of, 1223Hertzig, NI. E.: hook rev'iew of Edtucation,

health and behaviour. 813Heterochromatin, satellite DNA, and cell

function, J. J. Yunis and W. G. Yas-mineh, 1200

HtLYWOOD, V. H. (Ed.), Scanning electronmicroscopy, hook revliewt of, 50

Hibino, A. See FernTndez-Mordn, H., et al.Highsmith, R. F., and D. L. Kline: Kid-

ney: primary Source of plasminogenafter acute depletion in the cat, 141

Hildebrand, J. H.: Nlotions of moleculesin liquids: viscosity and diffusiVity, 490

Hill, A. See Roelofs, W., et al.Hill, J. 0. See Christensen, J. J., et at.Hillman, D. E., and F. R. Lewis: Meorpho-

logical basis for a mechanical linkage inotolithic receptor transduction in thefrog, 416

Hinderaker, P. H. See Sudilovsky, O., et(at.

Hirose, K. See Goldschmidt, E. F., et al.Hirschberg, E., and 1. B. Weinstein: Com-

parative ability of hycanthone andmiracil D to interact with DNA, 1147

HIRSCH-FLLDER, j. o., and D. HENDLRSON(Eds.), Chemical dynanmics, book re-'iew' of, 815

History of poliomyelitis, A, J. R. PAUL,book review by H. M. Gelfand, 578

Hither the tiniversity (letters), J. J. Grif-fin et at., 7

Hoard, J. L.: Stereochemistry of hemesand other metalloporphyrins, 1295

Hobson, J. A. See NIcCarley, R. W.Hoffer, B. J. See Godfraind, J. NM., et al.Holden, C. (News and Comnmnent): com-munity mental health centers, 1110,1219; environmental legislation, 1007;French experiment in urbanism, 39;germ war lab salvaged, 387; Kennedyand MIcElroy differ, 573; Soviet-Ameri-can conference on search for otherworlds, 130

Holland, H. D. See Iasaga, A. C.. et al.Hollenberg, M. D., et al.: Adult hemo-

globin synthesis by reticulocytes fromthe human fetus at midtrimester, 698

Holtrop, M. E. See Sutfin, L. V., et al.Holtzman, E.: book review of Origin and

continuity of cell organelles, 938

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Honnorez, J. See Bonatti, E.Honzik, M. P. See Cravioto, J., et al.Hopkins, H. K. See Rappaport, M., et al.Hopps, H. E. See Petricciani, J. C., et al.HORA, H. See SCHWARZ, H. J.Horn, F. D., and R. P. DeSieno: Science

and the humanities (AAAS), 1048Horowitz, I. L. See Singh, I. J., et al.Horwitz, S. B., et al.: Chemosterilant ac-

tion of anthramycin: a proposed mech-anism, 159

Hough, C. See Fernandez-Moran, H., et al.Howard, J. See Tobias, C. A., et al.Howell, R. R. See Regan, J. D., et al.Hulett, H. R., et al.: Formaldehyde andammonia as precursors to prebioticamino acids, 1038

Hull, A. P., and D. W. Moeller: Radia-tion protection (letters), 1280

Human leukemic cells: in vitro growthof colonies containing the Philadelphia(Phi) chromosome, P. A. Chervenicket al., 1134

Human red blood cells: prostaglandin E2,epinephrine, and isoproterenol alter de-formability, J. E. Allen and H. Rasmus-sen, 512

Humor and science (AAAS), J. V. Mc-Connell, 1049

Hunkins, K., et al.: Arctic paleo-oceanog-raphy in Late Cenozoic time, 962

Hunt, J. M. See Marcus, P. I., et al.Huntington, D. A. See Morrell, L. K.,

et al.Hurley, L. S. See Hamilton, R. D., et al.Hutton, D. R., et al.: Paramagnetic ions

in zoisite, 1259Huttunen, M. 0. See Diaz, J.-L.6,p-Hydroxy-,i-tetrahydrocannabinol syn-

thesis and biological activity, Z. Ben-Zviet al., 951

20-Hydroxyecdysone, what it can do, F.Engelmann, 1041

Hyperfine Zeeman effect atomic absorptionspectrometer for mercury, T. Hadeishiand R. D. McLaughlin, 404

Hypertension of renal origin: evidence fortwo different mechanisms, H. R. Brun-ner et al., 1344


Ibanez, J. See Hulett, H. R., et at.Ice nucleation by coprecipitated silver io-

dide and silver bromide, B. Vonnegutand H. Chessin, 945

Immunochemical detection of minor basesin nucleic acids, D. L. Sawicki et at., 70

Immunotherapy of cancer: immunospecificrejection of tumors in recipients of neu-raminidase-treated tumor cells plusBCG, R. L. Simmons and A. Rios, 591

Indicators of environmental quality(AAAS), W. A. Thomas, 437

Indigenous cultures (letter), L. Krader,1184

Induction of murine C-type viruses fromclonal lines of virus-free BALB/3T3cells, S. A. Aaronson et al., 157

Infectious agent from a free-living soilamoeba, Naegleria gruberi, T. H. Dunne-backe, and F. L. Schuster, 516

Information-conscious society, The (AA AS),E. Garfield, 167

Informational DNA synthesis distinguishedfrom that of nuclear DNA by inhibitorsof DNA synthesis, E. Bell, 603

Inhibition of normal growth by chronicadministration of A-9-tetrahydrocanna-binol, F. J. Manning et al., 424

vInorganic particles in cigars and cigarsmoke, A. M. Langer et al., 585

Insect societies, The, E. 0. WILSON, bookreview by 0. W. Richards, 811

Interaction of 3.9-Gev nitrogen ions withmatter, W. Schimmerling et al., 1123

Intercalation complexes of Lewis bases


and layered sulfides: a large class ofnew superconductors, F. R. Gambleet al., 493

Interchangeability of phosphorylation cou-pling factors in photosynthetic and res-piratory energy conversion, B. A. Me-landri et al., 514

Interferon action: inhibition of vesicularstomatitis virus RNA synthesis inducedby virion-bound polymerase, P. I. Mar-cus et al., 593

Interocular apparent movement in depth:a motion preference effect, S. H. Ferrisand N. Pastore, 305

Interstellar molecules and dense clouds,D. M. Rank et al., 1083

Intestinal secretion: stimulation by pep-tides, G. 0. Barbezat and M. I. Gross-man, 422

Intrarenal formation of angiotensin I, H.D. Itskovitz and C. Odya, 58

Ion binding by synthetic macrocycliccompounds, J. J. Christensen et al., 459

I.Q., R. HERRNSTEIN, book review by S.Scarr-Salapatek, 1223

IQ argument, The, H. J. EYSENCK, bookreview by S. Scarr-Salapatek, 1223

Iron- and riboflavin-dependent metabolismof a monoamine in the rat in vivo, A. L.Symes et al., 153

Isaila, M. See White, M. G., et al.Isolation and characterization of larvicidal

principle of garlic, S. V. Amonkar andA. Banerji, 1343

Isolation of filaments from brain, M. L.Shelanski et al., 1242

Isselbacher, K. J. See Carter, E. A., et al.Itskovitz, H. D., and C. Odya: Intrarenal

formation of angiotensin I, 58Izatt, R. M. See Christensen, J. J., et al.


Jabbur, S. J., et at.: Visual and auditoryinputs into the cuneate nucleus, 1146

Jacklet, J. W., and J. Geronimo: Circadianrhythm: population of interacting neu-rons, 299

Jackson, R. W., and P. K. Hanley: Useof energy (letters), 360

JACOBSON, M., Developmental neurobiol-ogy, book review of, 684

Jaffe, F. S.: Toward the reduction of un-wanted pregnancy, 119

Jaffee, R. I. See Mills, R. E., et al.Jahn, R. G.: book review of Reactions

under plasma conditions, 1318James, J. D. See Carlson, D. A., et al.Jaques, L. B. See Drucker-Colin, R. R.,

et al.Jarosewich, E. See Olsen, E.Jarvik, M.: book review of Uses of mari-

juana, 935Jhaveri, S. R. See Kalil, R. E., et al.Johnson, D. G. See Weinshilboum, R. M.,

et al.Johnson, H. A..See Woodwell, G. M., et

al.Johnson, L. A. See Aurelian, L., et al.Johnson, M. C. See Sperling, G., et al.Johnson, R. G., and J. D. Sheridan: Junc-

tions between cancer cells in culture:ultrastructure and permeability, 717

Johnston, F. E., et al.: Height, weight andage at menarche and the "criticalweight" hypothesis, 1148

JOHNSTON, J. W., JR., et al. (Eds.), Com-munication by chemical signals, bookreview of, 1013

JONES, B. Z., and L. G. BOYD, The HarvardCollege Observatory, book review of,1118

Jones, L. W.: Liquid hydrogen as a fuelfor the future, 367

Jones, T. B., et al.: Dielectric siphons,1232

Jordan, E. P. See Frank, A. L., et al.

Joy, V. A.: AMA membership (letter),1184

Junctions between cancer cells in culture:ultrastructure and permeability, R. G.Johnson and J. D. Sheridan, 717

Jupiter: an unidentified feature in the 5-micron spectrum of the North Equator-ial Belt, G. Munch and G. Neugebauer,940

Juvenile hormone induces vitellogeninsynthesis in the monarch butterfly, M.L. Pan and G. R. Wyatt, 503


Kaback, M. M. See Hollenberg, M. D.,et al. See also Regan, J. D., et al.

KAGAN, J., Change and continuity in in-fancy, book review of, 1116

Kajiura, T. See Tsuboi, M., et al.Kalckar, H. M.: The periplasmic galac-

tose binding protein of Esclhericlhia coli,557

Kalil, R. E., et at.: Anomalous retinalpathways in the Siamese cat: an inade-quate substrate for normal binocularvision, 302

Kandel, E. R. See Kupfermann, I., et al.Kaplan, E. See Barlow, R. B., Jr.Kaplan, J. G. See Griffin, J. J., et al.Kargon, R. H.: book review of The caloric

theory of gases from Lavoisier to Reg-nault, 1016

Kass, L. R.: The new biology: what pricerelieving man's estate?, 779

KATRITZKY, A. R., and J. M. LAGOWSKI,Chemistry of the heterocylic N-oxides,book review of, 579

Kazazian, H. H., Jr. See Hollenberg, M.D., et al.

Kebabian, J. W., and P. Greengard: Do-pamine-sensitive adenyl cyclase: possiblerole in synaptic transmission, 1346

Keller, R. A.: book review of Modernpractice of liquid chromatography, 487

KELLEY, J. C. See RILEY, C. L., et al.KENDALL, E. C., Cortisone, book review of,

486Kharkar, D. P. See Cobean, R. H., et al.Kidney hormones, J. W. FISHER (Ed.),

book review by 0. Kuchel and P. Gran-ger, 486

Kidney: primary source of plasminogenafter acute depletion in the cat, R. F.Highsmith and D. L. Kline, 141

Kim, S. See Paik, W. K.Kimura, M. See Ohta, T.Kinetic path of genes undergoing selec-

tion, H. N. Kirkman, 68KIRKLAND, J. J. (Ed.), Modern practice

of liquid chromatography, book reviewof, 487

Kirkman, H. N.: Kinetic path of genesundergoing selection, 68

Kirshmann, J. D. See Brunner, H. R., etal.

KLEIN, D. F., and J. M. DAVIS, Diagnosis anddrug treatment of psychiatric disorders,book review of, 1317

Klein, E. See Regan, J. D., et al.Klein, M. J.: book review of Einstein,

1315Kline, D. L. See Highsmith, R. F.Kling, A. See Redmond, D. E., Jr., et al.Klingebiel, U. I. See Plimmer, J. R.Kluth, E. See Binkley, S., et al.Knox, J. C. See Dury, G. H.Koch, H. W.: Current physics informa-

tion, 918Kochen, J. See Roth, E. F.Kock, W. E. (Research Topics): Nobel

prize for physics: Gabor and holog-raphy, 674

Kohl, D. H., et al.: Fertilizer nitrogen:contribution to nitrate in surface waterin a corn belt watershed, 1331

Koide, M. See Weiss, H. V., et al.

Page 9: I-NEXPENSIVE SCIENCEO iett Colorimeter · 2005. 7. 16. · Photoelectric Colorimeter Test Tube Model KLETT COLONY MARKERand TALLY This instrument takes the dIrudgery and er-ror out

Kok, B. See Radmer, R.Konrad, K. See Wolff, K.Kopin, I. J. See Weinshilboum, R. M., et

al.Krader, L.: Indigenous cultures (letter),

1184Kraemer, P. M., et al.: DNA constancy in

heteroploidy and the stem line theoryof tumors, 714

Krasne, S., et al.: Freezing and melting oflipid bilayers and the mode of actionof nonactin, valinomycin, and grami-cidin, 412

Krishnaswami, S., et al.: Olivines: revela-tion of tracks of charged particles, 287

Kubicek, M. T. See Fine, D. L., et al.Kuchel, O., and P. Granger: book reviewv

of Kidney hormones, 486Kuhn, A.: book review of Economic and

social development, 485Kuhn, P. M., et al.: Water vapor: strato-

spheric injection by thunderstorms, 1319KUMMER, H., Primate societies, book re-

view of, 49Kunin, C. M. See Stetler, C. J., et al.Kupfermann, I., et al.: Central and peri-

pheral control of gill movements inAplysia, 1252


Lal, D. See Krishnaswami, S., et al.Lammlein, D. See Latham, G., et al.Landon, J. C. See Fine, D. L., et al.Langer, A. M., et al.: Inorganic particles

in cigars and cigar smoke, 585Langer, E. (News and Comment): After

the Pentagon Papers: talk with Kistia-kowsky and Wiesner, 923

Laragh, J. H. See Brunner, H. R., et al.Lasaga, A. C., et al.: Primordial oil slick,

53Lasagna, L. See Stetler, C. J., et al.Laser interaction and related plasma

phenomena, H. J. SCHWARZ and H. HORA(Eds.), book review by D. R. Bach,1015

Laseter, J. L. See Calam, D. H., et al.Late Cenozoic glacial ages, The, K. K.

TUREKIAN (Ed.), book review by R. P.Goldthwait, 1016

Latham, G., et al.: Moonquakes, 687Law, S. L.: Methyl mercury and inorganic

mercury collection by a selective chelat-ing resin, 285

Lawson, A. L. See Chervenick, P. A., etal.

LAYTON, E. T., JR., The revolt of the engi-neers, book review of, 280

Leblond, C. P.: book review of Thenucleolus, 813

Lederer, E. See Bekierkunst, A., et al.Leech-repellent property of eastern red-

spotted newts, Notophtlialmus viride-scens, F. H. Pough, 1144

Lemon, E., et al.: The sun's work in acornfield, 371

LeStourgeon, W. M., and H. P. Rusch:Nuclear acidic protein changes duringdifferentiation in Physarunm polycepha-lum, 1233

Leukemia, radiation, and hyperthyroidism(letter), E. B. Lewis, 454

Leventhal, B. See Mann, D. L., et al.Levij, I. S. See Bekierkunst, A., et al.Levin, E. Y., and V. Flyger: Uroporphy-

rinogen III cosynthetase activity in thefox squirrel (Sciurus niger), 59

Levin, S. A. See Brussard, P. F., et al.Levine, D. N. See Burke, R. E., et al.Lewin, A. Y.: Women in academia

(AAAS), 859Lewis, E. B.: Leukemia, radiation, and

hyperthyroidism (letter), 454Lewis, E. R. See Hillman, D. E.Lewis, W. H. See Parnell, D. R.


Liebeskind, J. C. See Mayer, D. J., et al.Life history and ecology of the gray whale

(Esclhrichtus robustus), The, D. W. RICEand A. A. WOLMAN, book review by G.C. Ray, 577

Life of sharks, The, P. BUDKER, book re-view by E. Clark, 136

Light adaptation in the rat retina: evidencefor two receptor mechanisms, D. G.Green, 598

Lightning (AAAS), R. E. Orville, 1050Limitations of technology (letters), M.

Engelson and G. Moeller, 226Limtulus lateral eye: properties of receptor

units in the unexcised eye, R. B. Barlow,Jr., and E. Kaplan, 1027

Lindoro, M. See Cravioto, J., et al.Lindsay's record (letter), G. Piel, 547Lindsey, J. R. See Baker, H. J., Jr., et al.Lindstrom, P. J. See Heckman, H. H., et

al.Linear algebra problem (letter), M. Tai-

bleson, 363Linkage groups II and XII of the mouse:

cytological localization by fluorochromestaining, M. Nesbitt and U. Francke, 60

Lipman, P. W., et al.: Evolving subductionzones in the western United States, asinterpreted from igneous rocks, 821

Liquid hydrogen as a fuel for the future,L. W. Jones, 367

Living systems: synthesis, assembly, ori-gins (AAAS), S. W. Fox, 858

Lofgren, E. J. See Grunder, H. A., et al.Lofroth, G., and T. Gejvall: Diethyl

pyrocarbonate: formation of urethan intreated beverages, 1248

Lojko, M. S., See Kuhn, P. M., et al.Looting the past: an international scandal(AAAS), R. I. Ford, 727

Lorenz, D. E. See Petricciani, J. C., et al.Lowy, D. R., et al.: Murine leukemia

virus: high-frequency activation in vitroby 5-iododeoxyuridine and 5-bromode-oxyuridine, 155

Loy, J.: book review of Primate societies,49

Luhrmann, G. W.: Managed creativity(letter), 1281

Luth, W. C. See Dickinson, W. R.Luyendyk, B. P. See Pitman, W. C., III,

et al.Lyman, J. T. See Tobias, C. A., et al.


Ma, A. S. See Pincock, R. E., et al.Maas, J .W. See Redmond, D. E., Jr., et al.Maccabee, H. D. See Tobias, C. A., et al.Mackler, A. D. See Langer, A. M., et al.Macnab, R. F. See Shearer, J. M., et al.Madagascar's paleoposition: new data from

the Mozambique Channel, J. R. Heirtz-ler and R. H. Burroughs, 488

Madden, W.: book review of The uses oftalent, 1015

Magnetism and local molecular field, L.Neel, 985

Maguire, R. G., and W. C. Orthwein: En-gineers' role (letters), 645

MAI, W. F. See ZUCKERMAN, B. M., et al.Malina, R. M. See Johnston, F. E., et al.Malone, J. I., et al.: Galactose toxicity in

the chick: hyperosmolality, 952Mammalian motor units: physiological-

histochemical correlation in three typesin cat gastrocnemius, R. E. Burke et al.,709

Man across the sea, C. L. RILEY et al.(Eds.), book review by W. Smith, 484

Man and beast, J. F. EISENBERG and w.

S. DILLON (Eds.), book review by J. L.Brown, 1013

Managed creativity (letter), G. W. Luhr-mann, 1281


Mann, D. L., et al: Detection of an antigenassociated with acute leukemia, 1136

Manning, F. J., et al.: Inhibition of normalgrowth by chronic administration ofA-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, 424

Manuel, 0. K. See Boulos, M. S.Marchesi, V. T., and E. P. Andrews: Gly-

coproteins: isolation from cell mem-branes with lithium diiodosalicylate,1247

Marcus, P. I., et al.: Interferon action:inhibition of vesicular stomatitis virusRNA synthesis induced by virion-boundpolymerase, 593

Margin of safety (letters), R. D. Hamiltonet al., 102

Marihuana: standardized smoke adminis-tration and dose effect curves on heartrate in humans, P. E. Renault et al.,589

Mark, L. C.: Research grant evaluation atNIH (letter), 892

Mars: has nitrogen escaped?, R. T. Brink-mann, 944

Mars radar observations: a preliminary re-port, G. S. Downs et al., 1324

Marshall, J. F., et al.: Sensory neglect pro-duced by lateral hypothalamic damage,523

Martian craters and a scarp as seen byradar, G. H. Pettengill et al., 1321

MASON, B. j., The physics of clouds, bookreview of, 1120

Mass transfer and urban problems (edi-torial), E. S. Savas, 365

Matsuo, H. See Arimura, A., et al.Mattson, P. H., and E. A. Pessagno, Jr.:

Caribbean Eocene volcanism and the ex-tent of horizon A, 138

Mayer, D. J., et al.: Analgesia from elec-trical stimulation in the brainstem of therat, 1351

Mayer, M. S. See Carlson, D. A., et al.Mayr, E., et al.: Stability in zoological no-

menclature, 1041McAdam, D. W. See Morrell, L. K.,

et al.McCarley, R. W., and J. A. Hobson:

Single neuron activity in cat gigantocell-ular tegmental field: selectivity of dis-charge in desynchronized sleep, 1250

McCollister, D. D. See Upholt, W. M., etal.

McConnell, J. R.: Humor and science(AAAS), 1049

McCracken, D. A., and J. L. Dodd: Mo-lecular structure of starch-type polysac-charides from Hericium ramosum andHericiu,n coralloides, 419

McCulloch, E. A. See Park, C. H., et al.McDonald, E. C. See Hach, V.McDonough, J. H., Jr. See Manning, F. J.,

et al.McGregor, J. L. See Brussard, P. F., et al.McKhann, G. M. See Baker, H. J., Jr., et

al.McLaughlin, R. D. See Hadeishi, T.McMahon, E. M., et al.: Methampheta-

mine-induced insulin release, 66McNall, S. G. See Griffin, J. J., et al.Mechoulam, R. See Ben-Zvi, Z., et al.Medvedev papers, The, Z. A. MEDVEDEV,

book review by R. Pipes, 937MEDVEDEV, Z. A., The Medvedev papers,

book review of, 937Meetinlg Reports: Cat conference, 615;

Critical phenomena, 1260; Extendingsymbiotic nitrogen fixation to increaseman's food supply, 169; Gordon Re-search Conferences: winter program,1972, 730; Radiation chemistry, 616;Regulation of mammalian reproduction,1157; 21st Pugwash conference on sci-ence and world affairs, 1150

Melandri, B. A., et al.: Interchangeabilityof phosphorylation coupling factors in

Page 10: I-NEXPENSIVE SCIENCEO iett Colorimeter · 2005. 7. 16. · Photoelectric Colorimeter Test Tube Model KLETT COLONY MARKERand TALLY This instrument takes the dIrudgery and er-ror out

photosynthetic and respiratory energyconversion, 514

Melanin pigmentation: an in vivo modelfor studies of melanosome kineticswithin keratinocytes, K. Wolff and K.Konrad, 1034

Melby, J. C.: book review of Cortisone,486

Melcher, J. R. See Jones, T. B., et al.Melendez, L. V. See Aurelian, L., et al.MELNIKOV, N. N., Chemistry of pesticides,

book review of 398Menaker, M. See Binkley, S., et al.Mendelian and uniparental alterations in

erythromycin binding by plastid ribo-somes, L. J. Mets and L. Bogorad, 707

Mercury in a Greenland ice sheet: evi-dence of recent input by man, H. V.Weiss et al., 692

Mercury in foods (letter), A. Curley, 979Methamphetamine-induced insulin release,

E. M. McMahon et al., 66Methods in mammalian embryology, J. C.

DANIEL, JR., (Ed.), book review by W.A. Reynolds, 399

Methyl mercury and inorganic mercurycollection by a selective chelating resin,S. L. Law, 285

Mets, L. J., and L. Bogorad: Mendelianand uniparental alterations in erythro-mycin binding by plastid ribosomes, 707

Metz, W. D. (Research Topics): highenergy astronomy, 1314

Microanalysis of individual mitochondrialgranules with diameters less than 1000angstroms, L. V. Sutfin et al., 947

Microwave absorption by normal and tu-mor cells, S. J. Webb and A. D. Booth,72

Milicevic, G. See Roelofs, W., et al.Miller, H. S.: book revieit of Science inAmerica and Science in American so-ciety, 396

Miller, L. N. See Brussard, P. F., et al.Miller, S. E. See Weiner, D.Miller, S. L. See Hulett, H. R., et al.Miller, W. H., et al.: Cyclic adenosinemonophosphate: function in photorecep-tors, 295

Mills, R. E., et al.: Critical phenomena(meetinlg report), 1260

Milne, D. B. See Schwarz, K.Minckler, L. S., et al.: Understanding

man's behavior (letters), 890Mineral elements in the food chain(AAAS), M. A. Farrell, 438

Minimal brain dysfunction in children,P. H. WENDER, book review by T. E.Twitchell, 135

Missala, K. See Symes, A. L., et al.Mitchell, D.: Eutrophication of lake water

microcosms: phosphate versus nonphos-phate detergents, 827

Model for plate tectonic evolution ofmantle layers, A, W. R. Dickinson andW. C. Luth, 400

Modern methods in the history of medi-cine, E. CLARKE (Ed.), book reviews, byG. H. Brieger, 577

Modern practice of liquid chromatog-raphy, J. J. KIRKLAND (Ed.), book re-view by R. A. Keller, 487

Modifying the ionosphere with intenseradio waves, W. F. Utlaut and R. Co-hen, 245

Moeller, D. W. See Hull, A. P.Moeller, G. See Engelson, M.Molecular structure of starch-type poly-

saccharides from Hericium ramosumand Hericium coralloitdes, D. A. Mc-Cracken and J. L. Dodd, 419

Monselise, S. P. See Goldschmidt, E. E.,et al.

Moog, F. (editorial): Women, students,and tenure, 983

Moonquakes, G. Latham et al., 687Moore, K. E. See Von Voigtlander, P. F.Morgenthaler, G. W.: Astronomy from a

space platform (AAAS), 324

.L~L~J~I~£so J %.JLI.jIVVl 1 1

Morphine tolerance and dependence in-duced by intraventricular injection, E.Eidelberg and C. A. Barstow, 74

Morphological basis for a mechanicallinkage in otolithic receptor transduc-tion in the frog, D. E. Hillman andE. R. Lewis, 416

Morrell, L. K., et al.: Electrocortical local-ization of language production, 1359

Morrell, L. K., and J. G. Salamy: Hemi-spheric asymmetry of electrocortical re-sponses to speech stimuli, 164

Morris, G. A. See Downs, G. S., et al.Motions of molecules in liquids: viscosityand diffusivity, J. H. Hildebrand, 490

MOULTON, D. G. See JOHNSTON, J. W., JR.Mozley, A.: Change in Argonne National

Laboratory: a case study, 30Muller, K. J. See Brown, J. E., et al.Multiple genotypes in individuals of Clay-

toniia virginiica, D. R. Parnell and W. H.Lewis, 1044

Munch, G., and G. Neugebauer: Jupiter:an unidentified feature in the 5-micronspectrum of the North Equatorial Belt,940

Muraishi, S. See Tsuboi, M., et al.Murine leukemia virus: high-frequency ac-

tivation in vitro by 5-iododeoxyuridineand 5-bromodeoxyuridine, D. R. Lowyet al., 155

Murphy, L. See Oliver, J.Murray, G. See Brown, J. E., et al.Mutants with abnormal visual pathways:

an explanation of anomalous geniculatelaminae, R. W. Guillery et al., 831


Nakamura, Y. See Latham, G., et al.Nance, R. L.: Gravity measured at the

Apollo 14 landing site, 1022Nation's rivers, The, M. G. Wolman, 905National Science Foundation: student-

originated studies, (AAAS), C. H.Dickens, 617

Natural occurrence of fatty acid ethylesters, D. H. Calam et al., 78

Need for graduate education (letter), W.Trager, 771

Neel, L.: Magnetism and local molecular-field, 985

Nelson, B. (News and Comment): tuber-culosis x-ray units, 1114

Nesbitt, M., and U. Francke: Linkagegroups II and XII of the mouse: cyto-logical localization by fluorochromestaining, 60

Neugebauer, G. See Munch, G.Neurath, H. See Clough, G. C., et al.Neuronal GMI gangliosidosis in a Siamese

cat with /8-galactosidase deficiency, H. J.Baker, Jr., et al., 838

Neuropsychopharmacology and the affec-tive disorders, J. J. SCHILDKRAUT, bookreview by J. D. Barchas and H. K. H.Brodie, 1317

Nevin, J. A. See Minckler, L. S., et al.New biology: what price relieving man's

estate?, L. R. Kass, 779New initiatives in technology (editorial),

P. H. Abelson, 895News and comment: AEC to referee, not

promote, industry, 478; AEC transmuta-tion, 930; after the Pentagon Papers:talk with Kistiakowsky, and Wiesner,923; antiballistic missile system debate,276; basic research in industry, 1214;black lung, 132; Britain and the Euro-pean Economic Community, 476; Britishscience policy, 572; cancer legislation,127, 388, 680; Carnegie Commission onHigher Education, 1215; chemists pickAlan Nixon, 1308; Chilean scienceand technology, 1217; 131 1; coal minersand scientists meet, 134; communitymental health centers, I110, 1219; DDTstill in use, 1108; environmental legisla-

tion, 1007; Food and Drug Administra-tion temporizes on hexachlorophene,805; French experiment in urbanism, 39;French weather satellite, 477; germ warlaboratory salvaged, 387; gypsy moth,41; health manpower training, 1003;HEW advisory jobs to go to women,271; Human Environment Conference,390, 479; Institute of Medicine, 929;Joint Committee on the Environment,930; Kansas State University, 803; Ken-nedy and McElroy differ, 573; lead poi-soning from the atmosphere, 574; lead inthe air, 800; Magruder in White House,386; MacNichol and summer, 128;Nixon on science, 477; Nobel prize foreconomics, 481; Nobel prize for phys-iology or medicine, 392; nuclear phys-ics: does competition breed a monstrousgame?, 932; nuclear power industry inBritain faces critical choice on reactor,681; nuclear reactor at Columbia Uni-versity debated, 575; Office of EconomicOpportunity hedges on Kentucky pro-gram, 45; one China or two at Stock-holm, 480; Open University in Britain,675; Pauling pickets, 482; register ofscientists discontinued, 42; Roche Insti-tute of Molecular Biology, 275; RockyFlats, 569; 1312; Ruckelshaus on ac-countability, 43; Science censored, 273;science library to close, 133; scientistsand the press, 679; second NAS memberresigns, 931; sex discrimination at HEW,270; Soviet-American conference onsearch for other worlds, 130; specialvirus cancer program, 1306; StanfordLinear Accelerator, 1308; Stever to NSF,804; thumbs down on think tanks, 1008;tuberculosis x-ray units, 1114; urbanhealth and environment, 1005; Vermontand nuclear power plant, 44; virus findawakens hope for sufferers, 1112

Nishimura, S. See Tsuboi, M., et al.Nobel prize for chemistry: Herzberg and

molecular spectroscopy (Research Top-ics), A. E. Douglas, 672

Nobel prize for economics: Kuznets andeconomic growth (News and Comment),M. Abramovitz, 481

Nobel prize for physics: Gabor and holog-raphy (Research Topics), W. E. Kock,674

Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine(News and Commentt), I. H. Pastan,392

Nonconversion of o,p'-DDT to p,p'-DDTin rats, sheep, chickens, and quail, J.Bitman et al., 64

Nonspreading crustal blocks at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, E. Bonatti and J. Hon-norez, 1329

Norepinephrine stimulated increase ofcyclic AMP levels in developing mousebrain cell cultures, N. W. Seeds andA. G. Gilman, 292

Norton, W. T. See Shelanski, M. L., et al.NOSSAL, G. J. V., and G. L. ADA, Antigens,lymphoid cells, and the immune re-sponse, book review of, 814

Nowacki, W.: Space groups not alwaysderivable by parallelohedra and sub-division into stereohedra, 52

Noxon, J. F., See Clark, I. D.Nuclear acidic protein changes during dif-

ferentiation in Phtysaruin polycephalum,W. M. LeStourgeon and H. P. Rusch,1233

Nucleolus, The, H. BUSCH and K. SMETANA,book review by C. P. Leblond, 813


O'Brien, R. D.: book review of Chemistryof pesticides, 398

Observational paradoxes in extra-galacticastronomy, H. Arp, 1189

Obsidian trade at San Lorenzo Tenochtit-

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Ian, Mexico, R. H. Cobean et al., 666Ocean symposium (AAAS), H. B. Stewart,

Jr., 964Odya, C. See Itskovitz, H. D.Oehler, J. H., and J. W. Schopf: Artificial

microfossils: experimental studies ofpermineralization of blue-green algae insilica, 1229

Ogilvie, R. E. See Sutfin, L. V., et al.Ohnishi, E. See Sonobe, H.Ohstuki, M. See Fernaindez-Moran, H.,

et al.Ohta, T., and M. Kimura: Amino acid

composition of proteins as a product ofmolecular evolution, 150

Oldstone, M. B. A., et al.: Activation ofspontaneous murine leukemia virus-related antigen by lymphocytic chorio-meningitis virus, 843

Oliver, J., and L. Murphy: WWNSS: seis-mology's global network of observingstations, 254

Olivines: revelation of tracks of chargedparticles, S. Krishnaswami et al., 287

Olsen, E., and E. Jarosewich: Chondrules:first occurrence in an iron meteorite,583

Omdahl, J. L., and H. F. DeLuca: Stron-tium induced rickets: metabolic basis,949

Opdyke, N. See Hunkins, K., et al.Operant conditioning of specific patterns

of neural and muscular activity, E. E.Fetz and D. V. Finocchio, 431

Optical communications, D. Weiner andS. E. Miller, 1045

Origin and continuity of cell organelles,J. REINERT and H. URSPRUNG (Eds.),book review by E. Holtzman, 938

Origins of taxonomy, The, P. H. Ravenet al., 12 10

Oro, J. See Hulett, H. R., et al.Orthwein, W. C. See Maguire, R. G.Orville, R. E.: Lightning (AAAS), 1050Osiecki, J. H. See Gamble, F. R., et al.Ostrom, J. H.: book review of Fossils and

flies, 937Ovulation induced by synthetic luteinizing

hormone-releasing hormone in the ham-ster, A. Arimura et a!., 511

Oxygen-carrying iridium complexes: kinet-ics, mechanism, and themodynamics,L. Vaska et al., 587


Page, D. L. See Glenner, G. G. et al.Paik, W. K., and S. Kim: Protein methyl-

ation, 1 14Pake, G. E. See Griffin, J. J., et al.Pan, M. L., and G. R. Wyatt: Juvenilehormone induces vitellogenin synthesisin the monarch butterfly, 503

Pan, S. F. See Chervenick, P. A., et al.Paolino, A., et a!.: Trustees of civilization

(letters), 1077Paramagnetic ions in zoisite, D. R. Hutton

et al., 1259Park, C. H., et al.: Ascorbic acid: a cul-

ture requirement for colony formationby mouse plasmacytoma cells, 720

Parnell, D. R., and W. H. Lewis: Multiplegenotypes in individuals of Claytoniavirginzica, 1044

Particle formation during water-vaporphotolysis, I. D. Clark and J. F. Noxon,941

Pastan, I. H. (News and Comment): 1971Nobel prize for physiology or medicine,392

Pastore, N. See Ferris, S. H.Patients' expectation (letters), J. J. Andu-

jar and V. Goodhill, 454PAUL, J. R., A history of poliomyelitis,

book review of, 578PEARLIN, L. I., Class context and family

relations, book review of, 812Pelletier, B. R. See Shearer, J. M., et al.


PENNINGTON, C. W. See RILEY, C. L., et al.Periplasmic galactose binding protein of

Eschericliia coli, The, H. M. Kalckar,557

Perkins, R. R. See Pincock, R. E., et al.Perry, E. A., Jr. See Cobean, R. H., et al.Perry, M. P. See Jones, T. B., et al.Persistent cultural systems, E. H. Spicer,

795Persistent increase in brain serotonin turn-

over after chronic administration ofLSD in the rat, J.-L. Diaz and M. 0.

Huttunen, 62Pessagno, E. A., Jr. See Mattson, P. H.Pestana, A. See Sudilovsky, O., et al.Petersen, D. F. See Kraemer, P. M., et al.Petersen, E. V. See Kuhn, P. M., et al.Petricciani, J. C., et a!.: Subhuman primate

diploid cells: possible substrates forproduction of virus vaccines, 1025

Pettengill, G. H., et al.: Martian cratersand a scarp as seen by radar, 1321

Pew, R. W.: book review of Decision andstress, 683

Pfeiffer, E. W. See Upholt, W. M., et al.Phenothiazine effects on auditory signal

detection in paranoid and nonparanoidschizophrenics, M. Rappaport et al., 723

Philipson, L. See Darnell, J. E., et al.Phillips, D. A., et a!.: Extending symbiotic

nitrogen fixation to increase man's foodsupply (meeting report), 169

Phillips, J. D. See Pitman, W. C., III, et al.Phloem transport in plants, A. S. CRAFTSand C. E. CRISP, book review by 0. Bid-dulph, 685

Photobiology of microorganisms, P. HALL-DAL (Ed.), book review by L. N. Ed-munds, Jr., 814

Photophysics of aromatic molecules, J. B.BIRKS, book review by D. Valentine, Jr.,580

Photic responses in hyperkinesis of child-hood, T. Shetty, 1356

Physics department ratings: another eval-uation, C. F. Elton and S. A. Rodgers,565

Physics of clouds, The, B. J. MASON, bookreview by L. J. Battan, 1120

Pichirallo, J. (News and Comment): blacklung, 132

Piel, G.: Lindsay's record (letter), 547Pincock, R. E., et a!.: Probabiiity distribu-

tion of enantiomorphous forms in spon-taneous generation of optically activesubstances, 1018

Pineal function in sparrows: circadianrhythms and body temperature, S. Bink-ley et al., 311

Pinsker, H. See Kupfermann, I., et al.Pipes, R.: book review of the Medvedev

papers, 937Pisharody, R. See Gamble, F. R., et al.Pitman, W. C., III, et al.: Central North

Atlantic plate motions, 845Pitot, H. C. See Sudilovsky, O., et al.Pivot of the four quarters, The, P. WHEAT-

LEY, book review by D. Pong, 281Plant parasitic nematodes, B. M. ZUCKER-MAN et al., book review by C. Ellenby,685

Plant science research (letter), E. A. Bell,454

Plate tectonics in geologic history, W. R.Dickinson, 107

Plimmer, J. R., and U. I. Klingebiel: Ribo-flavin photosensitized oxidation of 2,4-dichlorophenol: assessment of possiblechlorinated dioxin formation, 407

Plotkin, L. See Clark, K.Pocker, Y., et a!.: Carbonic anydrase inter-

action with DDT, DDE, and dieldrin,1336

Poinit of View: AEC to referee, not pro-mote, industry, 478; David on neutralityof NAS and PSAC, 1109; Ruckelshauson accountability, 43

Polar deserts (AAAS), T. L. Smiley andJ. H. Zumberge, 79


Politics and scholarship (editorial), 1 187Polyadenylic acid sequences: role in con-

version of nuclear RNA into messengerRNA, J. E. Darnell et al., 507

Polymorphism of human constitutive bet-erochromatin, A. P. Craig-Holmes andM. W. Shaw, 702

Pong, D.: book review of The pivot ofthe four quarters, 281

Porath, G. See Ben-Zvi, Z., et al.PORTER, H. D. See QUAM, L. 0.Potassium flux: a common feature of Al-

bizzia leaflet movement controlled byphytochrome or endogenous rhythm, R.L. Satter and A. W. Galston, 518

Potassium ion release and enzyme secre-tion: adrenergic regulation by a- andpl-receptors, S. Batzri et a!., 1029

Pough, F. H.: Leech-repellent property ofeastern red-spotted newts, Notophthal-mius viridescens, 1144

Powell, J. R.: Genetic polymorphisms invaried environments, 1035

Prabhu, N. See Krishnaswami, S., et al.Precambrian columnar stromatolite diver-

sity: reflection of metazoan appearance,S. M. Awramik, 825

Precipitation scavenging (1970), book re-view by J. Rosinski, 137

Prediction of the spatial distribution ofcell survival in heavy ion beams, K. G.Vosburgh, 1125

Preer, J. R. See Singh, I. J., et al.Prelec, K. See White, M. G., et al.Prenatal cerebral development: effect of

restricted diet, reversal by growth hor-mone, S. Zamenof et al., 954

Press, F. See Latham, G., et al.Primate societies, H. KUMMER, book review

by J. Loy, 49Primordial oil slick, A. C. Lasaga et al.,

53Probability distribution of enantiomor-

phous forms in spontaneous generationof optically active substances, R. E.Pincock et al., 1018

Procita, L.: Treatment of laboratory ani-mals (letter), 647

Production of services (letter), H. E.Conklin, 1184

Projected changes in medical school cur-riculum, D. Stetten, Jr., 1303

Prolonged color blindness induced by in-tense spectral lights in rhesus monkeys,R. S. Harwerth and H. G. Sperling,520.

Proportional release of norepinephrine anddopamine-f8-hydroxylase from sympa-thetic nerves, R. M. Weinshilboum et al.,1349

Prostka, H. J. See Lipman, P. W., et al.Protein methylation, W. K. Paik and S.

Kim, 114Pumain, R. See Godfraind, J. M., et al.

QQUAM, L. o., and H. D. PORTER (Eds.), Re-

search in the Antarctic, book review of,1316


RABB, R. L., and F. E. GUTHRIE (Eds.),Concepts of pest management, book re-view of, 397

Rabinovitch, B. S.: book review of Chem-ical dynamics, 815

Rabovsky, D. (Research Topics): molecu-lar biology: gene insertion into mam-malian cells, 933

Race and academic hiring (letters), I. J.Singh et al., 101

Race, social class, and IQ, S. Scarr-Salapatek, 1285

Radiation chemistry (meeting report), J.G. Burr, 616

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Radiation protection (letters), A. P. Hulland D. W. Moeller, 1280

Radiological physics characteristics of theextracted heavy ion beams of the beva-tron, C. A. Tobias et al., 1131

Radmer, R., and B. Kok: A unified pro-cedure for the detection of life on Mars,233

Raju, M. R. See Tobias, C. A., et al.Raman spectrum of a transfer RNA, M.

Tsuboi et al., 1142RANDS, R. L. See RILEY, C. L., et al.Rank, D. M., et al.: Interstellar molecules

and,dense clouds, 1083Rappaport, M., et al.: Phenothiazine effects

on auditory signal detection in paranoidand nonparanoid schizophrenics, 723

Rasmussen, H. See Allen, J. E.Raven, P. H., et al.: I-he origins of taxon-omy, 1210

Ray, G. D.: book review of The life his-tory and ecology of the gray whale(Eschriclhtus robustus), 577

Reactions under plasma conditions, M.VENUGOPALAN (Ed.), book review byR. G. Jahn, 1318

Redmond, D. E., Jr., et al.: Social behav-ior of monkeys selectively depleted ofmonoamines, 428

Redwoods: a population model debunked,P. F. Brussard et al., 435

Regan, J. D., et at.: Xeroderma pigmen-tosum: a rapid sensitive method for pre-natal diagnosis, 147

Regeneration, s. M. ROSE, book review byB. M. Carlson, 398

Regulation of mammalian reproduction(meeting report), R. Crozier, 1157

Regulation of organ and tissue growth(AAAS), R. J. Goss, 726

REINERT, J. and H. URSPRUNG (Eds.), Ori-gin and continuity of cell organelles,book review of, 938

Renault, P. F., et al.: Marihuana: stan-dardized smoke administration and doseeffect curves on heart rate in humans,589

Research grant evaluation at NIH (letter),L. C. Mark, 892

Research in the Antarctic, L. 0. QUAM andH. D. PORTER (Eds.), book review byG. de Q. Robin, 1316

Research on narcotic antagonists (letter),L. Bergner, 1079

Research Topics: aspirin, 48; breeder re-actors, 807; global meteorology, 278,393; high energy astronomy, 1314; imageanalysis, 1011; molecular biology: geneinsertion into mammalian cells, 933;Nobel prize for chemistry: Herzbergand molecular spectroscopy, 672; -Nobelprize for physics: Gabor and holography,674; problems at Batavia, 1222

Revelle, R. See Frisch, R. E., et al.REVERBERI, G. (Ed.), Experimental em-

bryology of marine and fresh-water in-vertebrates, book review of, 1119

Reversal potential for an electrophysiolog-ical event generated by conductancechanges: mathematical analysis, J. E.Brown et al., 318

Revolt of the engineers, The, E. T. LAY-TON, JR., book review by C. Rosenberg,280

Reynolds, W. A.: book review of Methodsin mammalian embryology, 399

Riboflavin photosensitized oxidation of2,4-dichlorophenol: assessment of pos-sible chlorinated dioxin formation, J. R.Plimmer and U. I. Klingebiel, 407

RICE, D. W., and A. A. WOLMAN, The lifehistory and ecology of the gray whale(Eschlrichtus robustus), book review of,577

Richards, 0. W.: book review of The in-sect societies, 811

Richards, W. See Kalil, R. E., et al.


RILEY, C. L., et at. (Eds.): Man across thesea, book review of, 484

Rios, A. See Simmons, R. L.Robert Hooke's contributions to mechan-

iCS, F. F. CENTORE, book review by R. S.Westfall, 51

Robertson, M. G. See Frank, A. L. et al.Robin, G. de Q.: book review of Research

in the Antarctic, 1316Robinson, S. J. See Cravioto, J., et al.Rock, V. P.: Value and knowledge re-

quirements for peace (AAAS), 526Rodgers, S. A. See Elton, C. F.Roelofs, W., et al.: Sex attractant of the

codling moth: characterization withelectroantennogram technique, 297

Rogentine, G. N. See Mann, D. L., et al.Rogers, A. E. E. See Pettengill, G. H.,

et al.ROHDE, R. A. See ZUCKERMAN, B. M., et al.Role of aggression in human adaptation(AAAS), J. A. Arlow, 526

Role of mathematics in the developmentof science, The (AAAS), R. J. Seeger,617

Role of scientific instrumentation, The(editorial), P. H. Abelson, 1081

Rose, N. R. See Vladutiu, A. 0.ROSE, S. M., Regeneration, book review of,

398Rosenberg, C.: book review of The revolt

of the engineers, 280Rosenberry, T. L. See Bartels, E.Rosinski, J.: book review of Precipitation

scavenging ( 1970), 137Rotating solar magnetic "dipole" observedfrom 1926 to 1968, J. M. Wilcox andW. Gonzalez, 820

Roth, E. F., Jr., and J. Kochen: Acridineorange potentiation of actinomycin Duptake and activity, 696

ROTH, R. H. See COOPER, J. R., et al.Roudabush, R. L. See Upholt, W. M., et al.Rowe, W. P. See Lowy, D. R., et al.Rubin, I. See Langer, A. M., et al.Rubin, J., et al.: Crystal structure of a

naturally occurring dinucleoside mono-phosphate: uridylyl (3',5') adenosinehemihydrate, 1020

Rusch, H. P. See LeStourgeon, W. M.RUTTER, M., et al., Education, health and

behaviour, book review of, 813


Saito, T. See Hunkins, K., et al.Salamy, J. G. See Morrell, L. K.Sallee, V. L. See Wilson, F. A., et al.Saller, C. See Manning, F. J., et al.Sanity in research and evaluation of envi-

ronmental health, H. E. Stokinger, 662San Pietro, A. See Melandri, B. A., et al.Satter, R. L., and A. W. Galston: Potas-

sium flux: a common feature of Albizzialeaflet movement controlled by phyto-chrome or endogenous rhythm, 519

Savas, E. S.: Mass transfer and urbanproblems (editorial), 365

Sawicki, D. L., et al.: Immurochemicaldetection of minor bases in nucleicacids, 70

Sax, K. See Paolino, A., et al.Scala, R. A. See Upholt, W. M., et al.Scanning electron microscopy, v. H. HEY-WOOD (Ed.), book review by T. J. M.Schopf, 50

Scarr-Salapatek, S.: Race, social class, andIQ, 1285; book reviewv of Environment,heredity, and intelligence, I.Q., and TheIQ argument, 1223

Schally, A. V. See Arimura, A., et al.Schanberg, S. M. See McMahon, E. M.,

et al.Scherp, H. W.: Comparative immunology

of the oral cavity (AAAS), 167SCHILDKRAUT, J. J. Neuropsychopharma-

cology and the affective disorders, bookreview of,'1317

Schimmerling, W. See Todd, P., et al.Schimmerling, W., et al.: Interaction of

3.9-Gev nitrogen ions with matter, 1123Schlom, J., and S. Spiegelman: Simultane-

ous detection of reverse transcriptaseand high molecular weight RNA uniqueto oncogenic RNA viruses, 840

Schmandt, J.: Crises and knowledge (edi-torial), 231

Schmedding, D. See Tinsley, I. J., et al.Schopf, J. W. See Oehler, J. H.Schopf, T. J. M.: book review of Scanning

electron microscopy, 50Schrader, H.-J.: Fecal pellets: role in sedi-

mentation of pelagic diatoms, 55Schramm, M. See Batzri, S., et al.Schroy, C. B. See Todd, P., et al.Schuster, C. R. See Renault, P. F., et al.Schuster, F. L. See Dunnebacke, T. H.SCHWARZ, H. j., and H. HORA (Eds.), Laser

interaction and related plasma phenom-ena, book review of, 1015

Schwarz, K., and D, B. Milne: Growtheffects of vanadium in the rat, 426

Science and the humanities (AAAS), F. D.Horn and R. P. DeSieno, 1404, 1048

Science in America, J. C. BURNHAM (Ed.),book review by H. S. Miller, 396

Science in American society, G. H. DANIELS,book review by H. S. Miller, 396

Science in the management of nationalparks (AAAS), T. Sudia, 43

Scientists and the sea, 1650-1900, M.DEACON, book review by J. W. Hedg-.peth, 1118

Scolnick, E. M. See Aaronson, S. A., et al.Sealey, J. E. See Brunner, H. R., et al.Sears, P. B.: Ecology (letter), 360Seeds, N. W., and A. G. Gilman: Nor-

epinephrine stimulated increase of cyclicAMP levels in developing mouse braincell cultures, 292

Seeger, R. J.: 400th anniversary of Jo-hannes Kepler's birth (AAAS), 325;The role of mathematics in the develop-ment of science, 617. (AAAS), 617;Sound and music (AAAS), 1407

Segal, S. See Malone, J. I., et al.Sekellick, M. J. See Marcus, P. I., et al.Selection of ribosomal mutants by anti-

biotic suppression in yeast, F. T. Baylissand R. T. Vinopal, 1339

Selikoff, I. J. See Langer, A. M., et al.Selinger, Z. See Batzri, S., et al.Semb, G. See Minckler, L. S., et al.Senoff, C. V. See Vaska, L., et al.Sensory neglect produced by lateral hypo-

thalamic damage, J. F. Marshall et al.,523

Sensory processes at the neuronal and be-havioral levels, G. V. GERSUNI (Ed.),book review by G. L. Gerstein, 1318

Sentics, brain function, and sources ofhuman values (AAAS), M. Clynes, 726

Setlow, R. B. See Regan, J. D., et al.Sex attractant of the codling moth: char-

acterization with electroantennogramtechnique, W. Roelofs et al., 297

Sex attractant pheromone of the house fly:isolation, identification, and synthesis,D. A. Carlson et al., 76

Sex difference in I.Q. pattern of childrenwith congenital heart defects, J. Cravi-oto et at., 1042

Shapiro, I. I. See Ash, M. E., et al.Shapiro, I. I. See also Pettengill, G. H.,

et al.Shapley, D. (News and Comment): basic

research in industry, 1214;,HEW ad-visory jobs go to women, 271; KansasState University, 803; Magruder inWhite House, 386; Pauling pickets, 482;Rocky Flats, 569, 1312; Science cen-sored, 273; Stever to NSF, 804

Shattuck, S. R. See Held, R.

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Shaw, M. W. See Craig-Holmes, A. P.

Shawcroft, R. W. See Lemon, E., et a!.

Shearer, G. B. See Kohl, D. H., et a!.

Shearer, J. M., et al.: Submarine pingos inthe Beaufort Sea, 816

Shelanski, M. L., et al.: Isolation of fila-ments from brain, 1242

Sheridan, J. D. See Johnson, R. G.Shetty, T.: Photic responses in hyperkinesis

of childhood, 1356Ship canals and aquatic ecosystems, W. I.

Aron and S. H. Smith, 13SHOR, E. N., Fossils and flies, book review

of, 937Shortage of physicians (letters), A. L.Frank et al., 979

Shubik, M.: book review of World dynam-ics, 1014

Siggins, G. R. See Godfraind, J. M., et al.Signaled reinforcing brain stimulation fa-

cilitates operant behavior under sched-ules of intermittent reinforcement, M. B.Cantor, 610

Signer, E. See Galston, A. W.Silhacek, D. L. See Carlson, D. A., et al.Silkworm Bombyx mori L.: nature of dia-

pause factor, H. Sonobe and E. Ohni-shi, 835

Silverman, J. See Rappaport, M., et al.Simian tumor virus isolate: demonstration

of cytopathic effects in vitro, D. L. Fineet al., 420

Simmons, R. L., and A. Rios: Immuno-therapy of cancer: immunospecific re-jection of tumors in recipients of neur-aminidase-treated tumor cells plus BCG,591

Simon, W.: "Back-to-the-wall" effect?(letter), 774

Simpson, G. G. See Mayr, E., et al.Simultaneous detection of reverse tran-

scriptase and high molecular weightRNA unique to oncogenic RNA viruses,J. Schlom and S. Spiegelman, 840

Sinaiko, H. W.: Translation by computer(letter), 1182

Singh, I. J., et al.: Race and academichiring (letters), 101

Single neuron activity in cat gigantocellu-lar tegmental field: selectivity of dis-charge in desynchronized sleep, R. W.McCarley and J. A. Hobson, 1250

Sladek, J. R., Jr.: Differences in the dis-tribution of catecholamine varicosities incat and rat reticular formation, 410


Smiley, T. L., and J. H. Zumberge: Polardeserts (AAAS), 79

Smith, A. R. See Tobias, C. A., et al.Smith, S. H. See Aron, W. I.

Smith, T. B. See Shearer, J. M., et al.Smith, W.: book review of Man across

the sea, 484Smith, W. B. See Ash, M. E., et al.Smith, W. T., Jr.: book review of The

analytical chemistry of nitrogen and itscompounds, 487

Snake neurotoxins: effects of disulfide re-duction on interaction with electroplax,E. Bartels and T. L. Rosenberry, 1236

SNYDER, S. H., Uses of marijuana, book re-view of, 935

Social behavior of monkeys selectively de-pleted of monoamines, D. E. Redmond,Jr., et al., 428

Social setting: influence on the physiologi-cal response to electric shock in the rat,R. B. Williams and B. Eichelman, 613

Socolow, A. A.: Geological implications ofsolid waste landfill (AAAS), 858

Sodetz, F. J. See Manning, F. J., et al.Somlyo, A. P. See Somlyo, A. V.Somlyo, A. V., and A. P. Somlyo: Stron-

tium accumulation by sarcoplasmic retic-ulum and mitochondria in vascularsmooth muscle, 955


Sondheimer, E., et al.: Asymmetry, its im-portance to the action and metabolismof abscisic acid, 829

Sonobe, H., and E. Ohnishi: SilkwormBombyx mori L.: nature of diapausefactor, 835

Sound and music (AAAS), R. J. Seeger,1047

Sourkes, T. L. See Symes, A. L., et al.Space groups not always derivable by

parallelohedra and subdivision into stere-ohedra, W. Nowacki, 52

Space shuttle, The (letter), T. A. Heppen-heimer, 646

Spatial distribution of biological effect ina 3.9-Gev nitrogen ion beam, P. Toddetal., 1127

Spectacular jaw (letter), S. P. Applegate,893

Spector, N. H.: Breath test machines (let-ter), 772

Spector, S., and E. J. Flynn: Barbiturates:radioimmunoassay, 1036

Spector, S., and E. S. Vesell: disposition ofmorphine in man, 421

Speigelman, S. See Schlom, J.Sperinde, J. M. See Tobias, C. A., et al.Sperling, G., et al.: Extremely rapid visual

search: the maximum rate of scanningletters for the presence of a numeral, 307

Sperling, H. G. See Harwerth, R. S.Spicer, E. H.: Persistent cultural systems,

795Spilhaus, A.: AAAS meeting in Mexico

City (editorial), 549Spivak, J. G. See Sperling, G., et al.Stability in zoological nomenclature, E.Mayr et al., 1041

Stage 4 sleep: influence of time coursevariables, W. B. Webb and H. W. Ag-new, Jr., 1354

Stamler, P. J. See Paolino, A., et al.Stein, B. R. See Clough, G. C., et al.Stereochemistry of hemes and other metal-

loporphyrins, J. L. Hoard, 1295Stereoscopic depth movement: two eyes

less sensitive than one, C. W. Tyler, 958Sterling, T. D.: Difficulty of evaluating the

toxicity and teratogenicity of 2,4,5-Tfrom existing animal experiments, 1358

Stetler, C. J., et al.: Fixed combinationdrugs (letters), 227

Stetten, D., Jr.: Evaluation of basic science(editorial), 105; Projected changes inmedical school curriculum, 1303

Stewart, D. W. See Lemon, E., et al.Stewart, G. A. See Hutton, D. R., et al.Stewart, H. B., Jr.: Ocean symposium(AAAS), 964

Stokinger, H. E.: Sanity in research andevaluation of environmental health, 662

Strandberg, J. D. See Aurelian, L., et al.STREULI, C. A., and P. R. AVERELL (Eds.),The analytical chemistry of nitrogen andits compounds, book review of, 487

Stroke, G. W.: fd virus photo (letter),1078

Strontium accumulation by sarcoplasmicreticulum and mitochondria in vascularsmooth muscle, A. V. Somlyo and A.P. Somlyo, 955

Strontium induced rickets: metabolic basis,J. L. Omdahl and H. F. DeLuca, 949

Structure of nematodes, The, A. F. BIRD,book review by C. Ellenby, 685

Subhuman primate diploid cells: possiblesubstrates for production of virus vac-cines, J. C. Petricciani et al., 1025

Submarine pingos in the Beaufort Sea, J.M. Shearer et al., 816

Sudia, T.: Application of science in themanagement of national parks (AAAS),437

Sudilovsky, O., et al.: Cyclic adenosine3',5'-monophosphate during glucose re-pression in the rat liver, 142


Sun's work in a cornfield, The, E. Lemonetal., 371

Sundaralingam, M. See Rubin, J., et al.Suppression of urethan-induced lung aden-omas in mice treated with trehalose-6,-6-dimycolate (cord factor) and livingbacillus C:almette Guerin, A. Bekierkunstet al., 1240

Sutfin, L. V., et al.: Microanalysis of in-dividual mitochondrial granules with di-ameters less than 1000 angstroms, 947

Sutherland, N. S.: book review of Visualperception of form, 50

Sutton, G. See Latham, G., et al.Swain, T. See Grant, W. F.Swenerton, H. See Hamilton, R. D., et al.Symes, A. L., et al.: Iron- and riboflavin-

dependent metabolism of a monoaminein the rat in vivo, 153

Synchrony and flash entrainment in a NewGuinea firefly, F. E. Hanson et al., 161

System of planetary masses, The, M. E.Ash et al., 551

Szabo, G. See Krasne, S., et al.


Taibleson, M.: Linear algebra problem(letter), 363

Takahashi, N. See Goldschmidt, E. E., etal.

Takahashi, S. See Tsuboi, M., et al.Talwani, M. See Pitman, W. C., III, et al.Tamhane, A. S. See Krishnaswami, S., et

al.Tannenbaum, S. R. See Archer, M. C., et al.Teflon membrane (letter), W. B. Elliott,

775Teich, N. See Lowy, D. R., et al.Teitelbaum, P. See Marshall, J. F., et al.Terry, W. See Glenner, G. G., et al.Thilly, J. E. See Archer, M. C., et al.Thoa, N. B. See Weinshilboum, R. M., et

al.Thomas, W. A.: Indicators of environ-

mental quality (AAAS), 437Three-dimensional structure identified from

single sections, H. Elias, 993Tinsley, I. J., et al.: Binding of DDT to

lecithin, 145TIZARD, J. See RUTTER, M., et al.Tobias, C. A., et al.: Radiological physics

characteristics of the extracted heavy ionbeams of the Bevatron, 1131

Todaro, G. J. See Aaronson, S. A., et al.Todd, P. W. See Schimmerling, W., et al.Todd, P., et al.: Spatial distribution of bio-

logical effect in a 3.9-Gev nitrogen ionbeam, 1127

Toksoz, N. See Latham, G., et al.To'mey, G. F. See Jabbur, S. J., et al.Torrey, J. G. See Phillips, D. A., et al.Toward the reduction of unwanted preg-

nancy, F. S. Jaffe, 119Townes, C. H. See Rank, D. M., et al.Trager, W.: Need for graduate education

(letter), 771Training scientists for new jobs (editorial),

P. H. Abelson, 651Translation by computer (letter), H. W.

Sinaiko, 1182Treatment of laboratory animals (letter),

L. Procita, 647Trehub, A.: The brain as a parallel co-

herent detector, 722Troup, G. J. See Hutton, D. R., et al.Trustees of civilization (letters), A. Pao-

lino et al., 1077Tsairis, P. See Burke, R. E., et al.Tsuboi, M., et al.: Raman spectrum of a

transfer RNA, 1142Tumen, H. J. See Stetler, C. J., et al.Turekian, K. K. See Cobean, R. H., et al.TUREKIAN, K. K., The late Cenozoic glacial

ages, book review of, 1016

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Turgeon, R., and J. A. Webb: Growth in-hibition by mechanical stress, 961

TURK, A. See JOHNSTON, J. W., JR.Turner, B. H. See Marshall, J. F., et al.21st Pugwash conference on science and

world affairs (mneeting report), B. T.Feld, 1150

Twitchell, T. E.: book review of Minimalbrain dysfunction in children, 135

Two kinds of perpetual motion (letter),D. L. Wilson, 1079

Tyler, C. W.: Stereoscopic depth move-ment: two eyes less sensitive than one, 958


Uncertainties of scientific exchange (letter),D. E. Hathaway, 1182

Understanding man's behavior (letters),L. S. Minckler et al., 890

Unified procedure for the detection of lifeon Mars, A. R. Radmer and B. Kok, 233

University organization (letters), G. C.Clough et al., 1279

Unstirred water layers in intestine: rate de-terminant of fatty acid absorption frommicellar solutions, F. A. Wilson et al.,1031

Upholt, W. M., et al.: Use of 2,4,5-T(letters), 545

Uranium distributions in archeologic cer-amics: dating of radioactive inclusions,D. W. Zimmerman, 818

Uroporphyrinogen III cosynthetase activityin the fox squirrel (Sciiurus niger), E. Y.Levin and V. Flyger, 59

URSPRUNG, H. See REINERT,-J.Use of energy (letters), R. W. Jackson and

P. K. Hanley, 360Use of scientific information in policy-making (AAAS), R. H. Bolt, 860

Use of 2,4,5-T (letters), W. M. Upholt etal., 545

Uses of marijuana, s. H. SNYDER, book re-view by M. Jarvik, 935

Uses of talent, The, D. WOLFLE, book re-view by W. Madden, 1015

Utlaut, W. F., and R. Cohen: Modifyingthe ionosphere with intense radio waves,245


Valentine, D., Jr.: book reviewv of Photo-physics of aromatic molecules, 580

Value and knowledge requirements forpeace, (AAAS), V. P. Rock, 526

Van Dilla, M. A. See Kraemer, P. M., etal.

van Marthens, E. See Zamenof, S., et al.Van Valen, L. See Gregor, B.Vaska, L., et al.: Oxygen-carrying iridium

complexes: kinetics, mechanism, andthermodynamics, 587

VENUGOPALAN, M. (Ed.), Reactions underplasma conditions, book review of, 1318

Vesell, E. S. See Spector, S., and E. S.Vesell

Vilkas, E. See Bekierkunst, A., et al.Vinopal, R. T. See Bayliss, F. T.Viral RNA polymerases: electron micro-

scopy of reovirus reaction cores, S. Gil-lies et al., 694

Visual and auditory inputs into the cuneatenucleus, S. J. Jabbur et al., 1146

Visual perception of form, L. ZUSNE, bookreview by N. S. Sutherland, 50

Vladutiu, A. 0., and N. R. Rose: Autoim-mune murine thyroiditis relation to his-tocompatibility (H-2) type, 1137

Vonnegut, B., and H. Chessin: Ice nuclea-tion by silver iodide and silver bromide,945


Von Voigtlander, P. F. and K. E. Moore:Dopamine: release from the brain invivo by amantadine, 408

Vosburgh, K. G.: Prediction of the spatialdistribution of cell survival in heavy ionbeams, 1125. See Schimmerling, W.,et al. See also Todd, P., et al.


Wade, N. (News and Comment): antibal-listic missile system debate, 276; cancerlegislation, 127, 388, 680; Food andDrug Administration temporizes on hex-achlorophene, 805; gypsy moth, 41;Nixon on science, 477; nuclear physics:does competition breed a monstrousgame?, 932; scientists and the press, 679;second NAS member resigns, 931;special virus cancer program, 1306;thumbs down on think tanks, 1008; virusfind awakens hope for sufferers, 1112

Wald, G.: Workers and the environment(AAAS), 860

Walkup, L. E.: Acceptable mass transpor-tation (letter), 1184

Wall, R. See Darnell, J. E., et al.Walsh, J. (News and Comment): Britain

and the European Economic Commu-nity, 476; British science policy, 572;health manpower training, 1003; Car-negie Commission on Higher Education,1215; Institute of Medicine, 929; Mac-Nichol and summer, 128; Open Univer-sity in Britain, 675; Vermont and nu-clear power plant, 44

Walton, D. C. See Sondheimer, D., et al.Warner, D. J.: book reviewv of The Har-

vard College Observatory, 1118Water vapor: stratospheric injection by

thunderstorms, P. M. Kuhn et al., 1319Webb, S. J., and A. D. Booth: Microwave

absorption by normal and tumor cells,72

Webb, W. B., and H. W. Agnew, Jr.: Stage4 sleep: influence of time course varia-bles, 1354

Weete, J. D. See Calam, D. H., et al.Weinberg, A. M. See Upholt, W. M., et al.Weiner, D., and S. E. Miller: optical com-

munications, 1045Weinshilboum, R. M., et al.: Proportional

release of norepinephrine and dopamine-f3-hydroxylase from sympathetic nerves,1349

Weinstein, I. B. See Hirschberg, E.Weiss, H. V., et al.: Mercury in a Green-

land ice sheet: evidence of recent inputby man, 692

Welch, G. P. See Tobias, C. A., et al.Welch, W. J. See Rank, D. M., et al.Wells, H. J. See Malone, J. I., et al.WENDER, P. H., Minimal brain dysfunction

in children, book review of, 135Westfall, R. S.: book review of Robert

Hooke's contributions to mechanics, 51Westing, A. H. See Upholt, W. M., et al.WHEATLEY, P. The pivot of the four quart-

ers, book review of, 281Whitaker, H. A. See Morrell, L. K., et al.White, M. G., et al.: Acceleration of ni-

trogen ions to 7.4 Gev in the PrincetonParticle Accelerator, 1121

WHITMORE, K. See RUTTER, M., et al.Whittaker, R. H. See Brussard, P. F., et al.Wilcox, J. M., and W. Gonzalez: A rotat-

ing solar magnetic "dipole" observedfrom 1926 to 1968, 820

Willey, G. R.: book review of DumbartonOaks conference on Chavin, 1117

Williams, R. B., and B. Eichelman: Socialsetting: influence on the physiologicalresponse to electric shock in the rat, 613

Wilson, D. B.: book review of Antigens,

lymphoid cells, and the immune re-sponse, 814

Wilson, D. L.: Two kinds of perpetual mo-tion (letter), 1079

WILSON, E. o., The insect societies, book re-viewv of, 811

Wilson, F. A., et al.: Unstirred water lay-ers in intestine: rate determinant of fattyacid absorption from micellar solutions,1031

Wilson, K. R. See Pincock, R. E., et al.Windsor, C. R. See Hulett, H. R., et al.Winocur, G. See Drucker-Colin, R. R.,

et al.WNSS: seismology's global network of ob-

serving stations, J. Oliver and L. Mur-phy, 254

Wold, F. See Brown, W. E.Wolff, K., and K. Konrad: Melanin pig-

mentation: an in vivo model for studiesof melanosome kinetics within keratino-cytes, 1034

WOLFLE, D., The uses of talent, book re-vieis' of, 1015

Wolfle, T. L. See Mayer, D. J., et al.WOLMAN, A. A. See RICE, D. W.Wolman, M. G.: The nation's rivers, 905Wolman, Y. See Hulett, H. R., et al.Women in academia (AAAS), A. Y.

Lewin, 859Women with Ph.D.'s (letter), S. M. Ervin-

Tripp, 1281Women, students, and tenure (editorial),

F. Moog, 983Woodwell, G. M., et al.: DDT in the bio-

sphere: where does it go?, 1 101Workers and the environment (AAAS), G.

Wald, 860World dynamics, J. W. FORRESTER, book

review by M. Shubik, 1014Wright, G. F.: Exposure to alkyl mercury

(letter), 771Wu, J.: Evaporation retardation by mono-

layers: another mechanism, 283Wurtman, R. J. See Fernstrom, J. D.Wyatt, G. R. See Pan, M. L.


Xenon record of extinct radioactivities inthe earth, M. S. Boulos and 0. K. Man-uel, 1334

Xeroderma pigmentosum: a rapid sensitivemethod for prenatal diagnosis, J. D. Re-gan et al., 147


Yamaguchi, I. See Goldschmidt, E. E., etal.

Yarkoni, E. See Bekierkunst, A., et al.Yasmineh, W. G. See Yunis, J. J.Yunis, J. J., and W. G. Yasmineh: Hetero-

chromatin, satellite DNA, and cell func-tion, 1200


Zajac, F. E., III. See Burke, R. E., et al.Zamenof, S., et al.: Prenatal cerebral de-

velopment: effect of restricted diet, re-versal by growth hormone, 954

Zeh, R. See Allen, R. D., et al.Zierler, K. L. See Clough, G. C., et al.Zimmerman, D. W.: Uranium distributions

active inclusions, 818in archeologic ceramics: dating of radio-

ZUCKERMAN, B. M., et al., Plant parasiticnematodes, book review of, 685

Zumberge, J. H. See Smiley, T. L.ZUSNE, L., Visual perception of form, booA

review of, 50

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drawings and photographs in one illus-tration. Do not incorporate the legendin the figure itself. Use India ink anfdheavy white paper or blue-lined co-ordinate paper for line drawings andgraphs. Use heavier lines for curvesthan you use for axes. Place labelsparallel to the axes, using capital andlower-case letters; put units of measure-ment in parentheses after the label-for example, Length (m). Plan yourfigures for the smallest possible printedsize consistent with clarity.

Photographs should have a glossyfinish, with sharp contrast betweenblack and white areas. Indicate magni-fication with a scale line on the photo-graph.

Tables. Type each table on a sepa-rate sheet, number it with an Arabicnumeral, give it a title, and cite it inthe text. Double space throughout.Give each column a heading. Indicateunits of measure in parentheses in theheading for each column. Do notchange the unit of measure within acolumn. Do not use vertical rules. Donot use horizontal rules other thanthose in the heading and at the bottom.A column containing data readily cal-culated from data given in other col-umns can usually be omitted; if sucha column provides essential data, thecolumns containing the other data canusually be omitted.

Plan your table for small size. Aone-column table may be up to 42characters wide. Count characters bycounting the widest entry in each tablecolumn (whether in the body or theheading) and allow three characters forspaces between table columns. A two-column table may be 90 characterswide.

Equations and formulas. Use quad-ruple spacing around all equations andformulas that are to be set off fromthe text. Most should be set off. Startthem at the left margin. Use thesolidus for simple fractions, adding thenecessary parentheses. But if bracesand brackets are required, use built-upfractions. Identify handwritten sym-bols in the margin, and give the mean-ing of all symbols and variables inthe text immediately after the equa-tion.


Articles, both solicited and unsolic-ited, may range in length from 2000to 5000 words (up to 20 manuscriptpages). Write them clearly in reason-


ably nontechnical language. Provide atitle of one or two lines of up to 26characters per line and a subtitle con-sisting of a complete sentence in twolines with a character count between95 and 105 for the sentence (spacesbetween words count as one charactereach). Do not break words at the endsof lines. Write a brief author note,giving your position and address. Donot include acknowledgments. Placetitle, subtitle, and author note on page1. Begin the text on page 2.

Insert subheads at appropriate placesin the text to mark your main ideas.The set of subheads should show thatyour ideas are presented in a logicalorder. Keep subheads short-up to 35characters and spaces.

Provide a summary at the end.Do not submit more than one illus-

tration (table or figure) for each fourmanuscript pages unless you haveplanned carefully for grouping. Withsuch planning many illustrations canbe accommodated in the article. Con-sult the editorial office for help inplanning.


Short reports of new research re-sults may vary in length from one tosix double-spaced manuscript pages oftext. Short papers receive preferredtreatment. Limit illustrative material(both tables and figures) to one itemfor each three manuscript pages. Twoitems, occupying a total area of up tohalf of a published page (30 squareinches), is the maximum. A researchreport should have news value forthe scientific community or be of un-usual interest tio the specialist or ofbroad interest because of its inter-disciplinary nature. It should containsolid research results or reliable theo-retical calculations. Speculation shouldbe limited and is permissible only whenaccompanied by solid work.

Title. Begin the title with an im-portant word (preferably a noun) thatidentifies your subject. The title maybe a conventional one (composed pri-marily of nouns and adjectives), asentence (containing a verb), or astructure with a colon (Jupiter: ItsCaptured Satellites). Limit it to twolines of complete words of no morethan 55 characters per line (spacesbetween words count as one char-acter each). Do not use abbreviations.Type the title in the middle of page 1.

Abstract. Provide an abstract of 45

to 55 words on page 2. The abstractshould amplify the title but shouldnot repeat it or phrases in it. Quali-fying words for terms used in the titlemay be used. Tell the results of thework, but not in terms such as"(I

- was found," "is described,"or "is presented."

Text. Begin the text on page 3. Putthe news first. Do not refer to un-

published work or discuss your plansfor further work. If your paper is ashort report of work covered in a

longer paper to be published in a spe-cialty journal, you may refer to thispaper if it has been accepted. Namethe journal. If the manuscript has notbeen accepted, refer to it as "in prepa-ration." Omit references to privatecommunications. Do not use subheads.

Signature. List the authors on thelast page of the text and give a simplemailing address.

Received dates. Each report will bedated the day an acceptable version isreceived in the editorial office.


The Letters section provides a for-um for discussion of matters of gen-eral interest to scientists. Letters arejudged only on clarity of expressionand interest. Keep them short and tothe point; the preferred length is 250words. The editors frequently shortenletters.

Technical Comments

Letters concerning technical papersin Science are published as TechnicalComments at the end of the Reportssection. They may add information orpoint out deficiencies. Reviews are ob-tained before acceptance.

Book Reviews

The selection of books to be reviewedis made by the editors with the helpof advisers in the various specialties;arrangements are then made with re-viewers. A sheet of instructions accom-panies each book when it is sent to thereviewer.

Cover Photographs

Particularly good photographs suit-able for use on the cover are desired.


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Instructions for ContributorsThe Editors of Science

Manuscripts submitted to Sciencefor consideration for publication canbe handled expeditiously if they are

prepared in the form described in theseinstructions.

Submit an original and two dupli-cates of each manuscript. With themanuscript send a letter of transmittalgiving (i) the name(s) of the author(s);(ii) the title of the paper and a one- or

two-sentence statement of its main

point; (iii) the name, address, and fieldof interest of four to six persons inNorth America but outside your insti-tution who you think are qualified toact as referees for your paper; (iv) thenames of colleagues who have reviewedyour paper for you; (v) the field(s) ofinterest of readers who you anticipatewill wish to read your paper.

Editorial Policies

All papers submitted are consideredfor publication. The author's member-ship or lack of membership in theAAAS is not a factor in selection.Papers are accepted with the under-standing that they have not been pub-lished, submitted, or accepted for pub-lication elsewhere. Authors will usuallybe notified of acceptance, rejection, or

need for revision in 4 to 6 weeks (Re-ports) or 6 to 10 weeks (Articles).

Types of papers. Five types of signedpapers are published: Articles, Reports,Letters, Technical Comments, andBook Reviews. Familiarize yourselfwith the general form of the typeof paper you wish to submit bylooking over a recent issue of the jour-nal, and then follow the instructions forthat type of paper.

Reviews. Almost all Articles, Re-ports, and Technical Comments, wheth-er solicited or not, are sent to two or

more outside referees for evaluation oftheir significance and soundness. Formsshowing some of the criteria reviewersare expected to consider are availableon request.

Editing. Papers are edited to improvethe effectiveness of communication be-tween the author and his readers. Themost important goal is to eliminateambiguities. In addition, improvement24 DECEMBER 1971

of sentence structure often permitsreaders to absorb salient ideas quickly.When editing is extensive, with conse-quent danger of altered meanings, pa-pers are returned to the author for cor-

rection and approval before type is set.Authors are free to make additionalchanges at this stage.

Proofs. One set of galley proofs or an

equivalent is provided for each paper.Keep alterations to a minimum, andmark them only on the galley, not on

the manuscript. Extensive alterationsmay delay publication by 2 to 4weeks.

Reprints. An order blank for reprintsaccompanies proofs.

Writing Papers

Organize your material carefully,putting the news of your finding or a

statement of the problem first, sup-porting details and arguments second.Make sure that the significance ofyour work will be apparent to readersoutside your field, even if you feelyou are explaining too much to your

colleagues. Present each step in termsof the purpose it serves in supportingyour finding or solving the problem.Avoid chronological steps, for the pur-pose of the steps may not be clear tothe reader until he finishes reading thepaper.

Provide enough details of methodand equipment so that another workercan repeat your work, but omit minuteand comprehensive details which are

generally known or which can be cov-

ered by citation of another paper. Usemetric units of measure. If measure-

ments were made in English units, givemetric equivalents.

Avoid specialized laboratory jargonand abbreviations, but use technicalterms as necessary, defining those like-ly to be known only in your field.Readers will skip a paper they do notunderstand. They should not be ex-

pected to consult a technical dictionary.Choose the active voice more often

than you choose the passive, for thepassive voice usually requires more

words and often obscures the agent ofaction. Use first person, not third; do

not use first person plural when singu-lar is appropriate. Use a good generalstyle manual, not a specialty stylemanual. The University of Chicagostyle manual, the style manual ofthe American Institute of Physics, andthe Style Manual for Biological Jour-nals, among others, are appropriate.


Prepare your manuscript in the formused by Science. Use bond paperfor the first copy. Submit two dupli-cates. Double-space title, abstracts, text,signature, address, references (includ-ing the lines of a single reference),figure legends, and tables (includingtitles, columns, headings, body, andfootnotes). Do not use single spacinganywhere. Put the name of the firstauthor and the page number in theupper right-hand corner of every page.

Paging. Use a separate page for thetitle; number it page 1. Begin eachmajor section-text, references andnotes, and figure legends-on a newsheet. Put each table on a separatesheet. Place figure legends and tablesafter the references.

Title. Begin the title with a worduseful in indexing and information re-trieval (not "Effect" or "New").

References and Notes. Number allreferences to the literature, footnotes,and acknowledgments in a single se-quence in the order in which they arecited in the text. Gather all acknowl-edgments into a single citation, andkeep them short ("I thank," not "Iwish to thank"). Cite all referencesand notes but do not cite them intitles or abstracts. Cite several underone number when feasible. Use Access-Key to the Source Literature of theChemical Sciences with the few sug-gested revisions in International List ofPeriodical Title Word Abbreviationsfor abbreviations of journal names.If the journal is not listed there, pro-vide the full name. Use the followingforms:

Jouirnal: H Smith, Amer. J. Physiol. 98, 279(1931).

Book: F. Dachille and R. Roy, Modem VeryHigh Pressutre Techniques (Butter-worth, London, 1961), pp. 163-180.

Chapter: F. Dachille and R. Roy, in Reactivityof Solids, J. H. De Boer, Ed. (Else-vier, Amsterdam, 1960), p. 502.

Illustrations. Submit three copies ofeach diagram, graph, map, or photo-graph. Cite all illustrations in the textand provide a brief legend, to be setin type, for each. Do not combine line