i need a chihuahua! by: avery muller 2-7-12 responsibility if i get a chihuahua, it will teach me...

Download I NEED A CHIHUAHUA! By: Avery Muller 2-7-12 RESPONSIBILITY If I get a chihuahua, it will teach me how to be responsible now and later in life! These

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  • I NEED A CHIHUAHUA! By: Avery Muller 2-7-12
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  • RESPONSIBILITY If I get a chihuahua, it will teach me how to be responsible now and later in life! These are the jobs Ill do to take care of the dog: feed, walk, wash, play, clean, and give it water everyday! Dogs will eventually go to the restroom in the house, when that happens, I will clean it up. When the dog does go to the restroom, I will not complain when I have to clean it up!
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  • FOOD! The good thing about getting a Chihuahua is, it can share the caned food with Buttercup, my other dog! As you know, we only give her of the can a day. So it would be convenient to give the dog the same amount or LESS!
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  • WALKS! Everyday, I PROMISE to give the chihuahua a walk for its daily exercise! This is very important for a Chihuahua's health. When my mom walks Buttercup, this is the time when I can come.
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  • BATH TIME! To keep the chihuahua clean, I will wash the dog weekly. We can use the soap that we use on Buttercup! While I wash the Chihuahua, I could also wash Buttercup while Im at it.
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  • LETS PLAY! Every day after school I can take both dogs outside to play in the backyard. This is a fun time for the dogs and I to bond. We could play ball, tag, and/or any other game the dogs come up with.
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  • BED TIME! I know for a FACT that the dog will sleep with me in my bed! Since Buttercup sleeps in mom and dads bed, I would want a dog in my bed too!
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  • POTTY TRAINING! Potty training is one of the hardest parts of having a dog. I will research how to potty train a dog so I can get an idea of what I need to do. Like I said in earlier slides, I promise I will clean up whatever the dog does on the carpet!
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  • MY PROMISES! I promise to play, feed, wash, care, and walk the dog everyday! I will love the dog and take full responsibility for this Chihuahua! I PROMISE!!
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  • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b8/Degaen.jpg/454 px-Degaen.jpg http://pubpages.unh.edu/~srt52/project/canneddog.jpg http://www.thedogfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/dog-bone.jpg http://www.google.com/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.smalldo gclothing.com/images/LC60B.jpg&sa=X&ei=oddoT5LbHMHgsQL_86GjCQ&v ed=0CAwQ8wc4Ew&usg=AFQjCNHexd-3gL_IsvnBpT1r0rdREhkWQA
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  • MORE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS http://dogtime.com/system/gallery_pictures/300/large/dog-picture-photo- chihuahua-puppy-bath.jpg?1237569411 http://www.the-puppy-dog-place.com/images/wanna-play-21229901.jpg http://qpups.net/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2008/11/3043416655_9f7dbaf78e.jpg http://www.besttoilet.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/toilet-top-flush.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/- X3T588otlMU/TophoocLMQI/AAAAAAAAAl8/1DA- L2LpRUY/s1600/sammy_chi28.jpg_w450.jpg
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  • THANK YOU!!! Thank you for watching and listening to my power point!