i mentr ifor county attorney it i mrsupg...

V- I i L r TIE CENTI AL RECORD I FIFTEENTH TEAS LANCASTER KY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1904XUMBBB l I Pure Water I INSURES p r ill GoodHealth m E3- L To keep your cistern 13 free from leaves F3 IIbirds buys andFE 0 of all H trashI D1Iilfop n s E3 lf I HASBLDN D tJ Cash or- Installment 4 We have a large new line o- tFurniture Carpets Mattings Rugs JardinerresClocks which we will sell on easy payments to suit you Wall Paper at Cost as long as entire stock lasts come early and get a nice selection HaiItooDuoIap Successors to JA Beazley g Co RL DAVIDSONI Office over ooQQQo E L JENNINGS rNew Fall Goods- ARRIVING Dont buy your Fall and Winter supplies i until you have made us a visit and priced our goods 1 We feel sure we can make it worth your while t A New and Clean Stock To SEfcECT FROW 4 iUeniH PaMLici I A IFor County Attorney I Joe E Robinson the original of tilt above likeness was burn in Lincoln county ly i < the son of James and Sarah Robinson and 31 years of age Though born in Lincoln Mr Robinson has been identified with the interest and people of Garrard county since hisI early boyhood he is related to the Robinson family of Garrard county and also to many other Garrard coun- ty families through his mother who was a daughter of George McDonald a wellknown citizen of the Bryantsvil e sectionMr Robinson after receiving hi c primary education in the public schools in the vicinity of his fathers home entered school in Lancaster in what was known as the Old Brick School house near the depot he afterward entered Garrard College where he graduated in 1891 being then eighteen years of age After spending one year in Kentucky University t o put the finishing touches to his educa tine he began teaching school as prin cipal of the Bradfordsville Academy at Bradfordsville Ky where he taught in 18921893 going from there- to Maxville Washington county Ky where he was principal of the high school during the session of lSD3 94 During the session of 189495 Mr Robinson occupied toe chair of Math ematics in Daughters College liar rodsburp Ky He early in life conceived the idea of becoming a lawyer and pursued this course of teaching in order to earn the necessary funds to enable him to at tend a law school he entered Centre College law school where he gradu ated in 1896 He was admitted to the Lancaster Bar in August of that year and at once entered the active prac- tice of his chosen profession His splendid qualifications ready wit and affable manner were not long in win ning for him a goodly share of the le gal practice in this community this practice has grown steadily and he is now recognized as one of the leading attorneys possessed of one of the most lucrative practices at the Lancaster Bar Ills splendid knowledge of the law and sound judgment has brought him a vast amount of business in the way of the winding up of estates etc and he is and for a number of years has been Public Administrator for Garrard county Having been raised on a farm like the majority of farmer boys he still retains his love for farm life and he owns in connection with his brother and successfully operates one of the model small farms of this section of the state as a proof of his ability as a farmerhis hemp for the past two years has been pronounced by the dealers among the best brought to this mar- ket He is also a good judge of a horse and has bred and raised some of the best horses seen in the county Mr Robinson is married and occu- pies one of Lancasters prettiest resi dences and one of her most moral and substantial citizens He has long been active in the councils of the democrat- ic party and has ever been willing to contribute more substantial aid than advice and council always giving lib erally to the campaign fund and there Is not a school house or place of public gathering in the county but has heard his voice through more than one cam- paign I in the support and defense ol i the party with which he affiliates His countyI was and treasurer of the Campaign Com mittee and he was clairman of committee in 189899 and 1900 Ther- Is not a democrat in the county bu will bear witness to his faithful ser- vice during those years His many friends claim that he richly deserves s the office to which he aspires that county attorney that he has merite- it by his faithful service to his party for the past eight years they go fur- ther and predict that after the pri nary election on October 8tb he will be found to be his partys nominee by a handsome majority Mr Robinson has been making a very active compaign and being per son ally acquainted with nearly every voter in the county it is predicted d that the coming primary will witness- the polling of one of the heaviest democratic votes in the countys his tory as well as the finish of one of the most hotly contested primaries Mr Robinson while of a modest and retiring disposition is quick to form his opinions and does not hesitate to express them His ideas are verydem icratlc he is a believer in a popular form of government by the people t t is opposed to machine politics in any form whatsoever and an earnest ad- vocate of the primary election as the only just proper and fair manner In which a political party should choose their nominees Mr Robinson is a moral and upright citizen a polite and courteous gentle man a careful and prudent farm r and a concise conscientious clea headed and economical man of busi- ness If electee3 he will be no mean acquisition to the fiscal court of th e county to whom the county attorney- is supposed to be an adviser and no matter of how able a body of men that court is composed the services and ad- vice of an able attorney and prudent economical man of business will never same nmlss- i= 0f Local Interest Pat up your stoye Pay for The Record Big crowd in town Monday Dont fail to register next Tuesday ISpare ribs and sausage will soon be ripe I The persimmon crop is almost a failure Plenty of booze on tap in town Monday The Democratic primary is draw- ing nigh Whats become of that steam bon dry project This office appreciates your order for job printing The music at the Christian church is especially fine The turkey crop will be about an average this fall The ice dealer receives a cool recep- tion these frosty mornings Large congregations attend the serI vices at the Christian church Want to vote Then register if you live in the town precincts This office is printing the ballots forj the primary Saturday the 8th The L and N will run another L50 excursion to Cincinnati Sunday The City Council meets lIondayt night Go tell em your troublest The price of coal is unusually low for this time of year Lay it in now Lots of people wont enjoy heaven because there will be nothing to kick about Some people have a lot of good in them but the trouble is they dont let it out d- Rain is badly needed all over theII county In some parts the dust ist knee deeps Get ready to cuss the moth for get- ting into those old last winters duds youll soon get out Farmers have their work well up in fact in better shape than for several years so we are tolds The Graded School is working nlce ly and never started out under more favorable conditions i Capt Phil Price of the day trains is again stepping like a dog in high rye Its a girl and was born Sunday night his A farmer toid us Monday that in section near McCreary a genu- Ine old fashioned rain had not fallen for eight or ten months J M Rothwell and Frank McMillen caught some pretty bass out of the Ward pond on Lexington street and placed them in Lake Placid Lewis Leavell the colored attorney arrested at Lexington on a charge of forgery was dismissed the grand jury falling to find an indictment Rev C M Chumbley is assisting Rev E E Weaver in a meeting at the Rich mood Presbyterian church He will return to fill his pulpit Sunday mornJ ingDave Ross says business at the jail is exceedingly dull and he will scarce- ly make his salt this year Fact ofI the matter is very few if any of the county offices pay much now worky on at frome got Our regular monthly Conference wIll be held at the Baptist church in Lancaster next Sunday We want a Sundayd Black birds have become such a nu- isance in the lawn at Mi H C Jenning thatt shot guns are being used to ex terminate them They keep the lawn vile and are a nuisance In many ways Notice Protracted meeting will begin at Buckeye Tuesday evening Oct 4th Rev Sam H Burgess will be with us in the meeting Come ready to do work for the Lord Pastor Try Home Merchants The man who stands on the curb stones and talks about building up his town now has an opportunity to assist in that enterprise by making his fall and winter purthases with his home merchants 4 KI f At a meeting of the county court Monday Mr Fred P Friable was ap- pointed coroner td fill the unexpln d term of Uncle Moss Collier Ac meeting of thfe Democratic Coun- ty Committee Monday Henry Simp- son was nominate as candidate for coroner the place jon the ticket held Mr r a ver youi man and worthvio every way Lancaster has thS best electric light plant in the state It burns with more regularity and gJves better satisfa Lion than any we have seen Unless you have seen others dont make ad- verse comment on this plant Haselden Robinson have purchase an entire outfit fiir tin plumb lug etc and wlllirontinue the bus ness at same stand occupied by J Haselden Theyrill employ compe- tent tinners and plumbers and run th business on uptodteprinclples he Boss Corn Mr David E Henry brought to The Record office some of the best corn of the season He has fifteen acres and picked twelve ears which weigh over twenty pounds They are perfectly formed and pronounced by good judg- es to be the best of the season Republican Nominee Hon N D Miles republican for congress in this district addresse- a goodsize crowd at the court hous e Monday those who heard him compli- menting his remarks very much M r Miles is a prominent citizen of Jessa mine and a gentleman in every way He is an uncle of Judge J C Hempbil of this city whose guest he was whil in Lancaster Do You Want to Vote If you live In either of the three Lancaster precincts and want to vote at any of the approaching elections you must go to your accustomed vo- ting places next Tuesday the 4th register and get a certificate This Is undera new law recently enactedand requires every voter to register before he can vote The certificate given next Tuesday must be taken with ou when you ask for a ballot to vote it next election also at the primary to be held the 8th Court Day An unusually large crowd was in own Monday trading being above he average though the warm weath- er hindered sale of winter goods to a great extent There were many mule colts on the market but dealers claim- ed sellers wanted too much money for them and few were sold The long eared youngsters are as high as a cats back A few cattle were soldwhile the old plug horse held his own The candidates were very much in evi ence and the glad hand was as busy 3 a scrub bulls tall is fly time While was some drunkenness yet no srious trouble resulted Woodcock Many Lancaster friends regret to learn of the death of Wm P Wood cock which occurred at Colorado Springs Col Sunday Mr Woodcock was born and reared in Garrard county spending several years in Lancaster After death of his father which oc- curred in this city Will moved withI his mother to Danville He has been r failing health for some time andI went to Colorado in hope of recuper ting The remains were taken to Somerset and interred beside those ofI Is father Entries For Democratic Primary Saturday was the last day for dig- ging up the dough to enter the demo- cratic primary to be held Oct 8 and the following will go on the ticket For county clerk J A Doty and Tom rherritt for county attorney Joe E Robinson Robt L Davidson for magistrate in Lancaster district J E Bourne and Squire Sam Johnson This office is now printing the ballots and everything is about in readiness Each candidate says he is sanguine of suc- cess and all are working bard Another Good citizen to Leave Business men that is those who are hustling for the town will regret ex- ceedingly to learn that Mr J Raymond Haselden has decided to accept a flat- tering propostion to move to Rich- mond and will leave for that city In a- few days He has been in business bereslnce his teens and by hard work has managed to get in good shape for one of his years Mr Basel den is one of the best plumbers tinsmiths in Kentucky and alway- has all the work he can do He re- cently invented a water filter which is bringing him a neat income while he has several offers for it that would place him on the shady side of easy street The Record regrets exceed- Ingly to see a hustler move away from town especially one who is always ready to work for and contribute to improvementsDr ShutOutI Dr Murray the has made several to and by the way was getting about all- the work he could do was threatened with arrest in this city Friday the officers stating that complaint had- been made that he was practicing medicine without license Dr Murray stated to the Record and his adver- tisements in this paper also saidtbat- his remedy was nature and h- claims e that be uses no medicines what- ever However be folded his ten- and t returned to Danville berebet- elIa us he will aglit the twit to tb bitter and < 1i Use Some Jud mentr It is only a matter of a very short I time until some one is going to be se riously injured by the reckless driving on the streets Some people beat and thrash old plugs down the streets and never think that other vehicles may come out from cross streets thus en dangering the lives of good people supg not stopped serious injury will result It is jao uncommon occurrence for some gourdhead to tear across the Public Square at break neck speed whipping and lashing an old switch tall horse and taking no pains what- ever to keep out of the way of pedes ¬ muchI driver and if the latter have no re ¬ streetsR IInterest ng Meeting The meeting in progress at the Christian church is being attended by large congregations and are that great good will indicationsI pushed Services are held ing at 730 also at 230 p days Wednesdays and Fridays The sermons by Eld McLelland are splen ¬ did and his eloquence goes home to his hearers Arthur T Brooks who conducts the music sings a solo at enjoyedI singing is exceptionally fine All the people are invited to these services and The Record urges you to go as they are full of Interest and you will be greatly benefitted Eld Brooks who was to have conducted the serv- iices ¬ was forced to cancel the appoint ¬ ment on account of illness of his wife who is dangerously ill It was then that an effort was made to get Elder McLelland who arrived Monday and took charge of the services BroTi der is present at each service and is lending valuable assistance Mr Mc¬ Lelland is pastor of the Christian church at Richmond He is a man of fine education splendid address and deep thought His splendid knowledge of history makes his sermons all the more interesting the illustrations and references bringing out his points so clearly that a child may understand them Mr McLelland is a member of Richmond Commandery Knights Templar and very prominent in Masonic circles Millinery Opening Saturday October 1st we will make- a special display of Imported and Eas- tern Patternsalso a large assort- ment of our own creations We cor tOjcome I Coming In We are now receiving a nice assortment of fall andwinter goods including the new and upto date things i- nWool Dress Goods plain and fancy MOHAIRS plain and fancy SILKS General line of Staple Dry Goods Notions = an- dKILLINEBY = I which we will sell at a small percent of profit Most of the goods we carried over from last Fall and Winter will be sold for cost and in many in ¬ stances for less than Cost As we have said be ¬ fore it is our purpose to close out our business here and we will work to that end This is a great opportunity for you to secure goods De ¬ pendable merchandise at low prices Come early and get first choice I Millinery Opening I Saturday October 8I THE ICOMPANY J I I i = = nn 1NI I = OUR I Ladies Misses and t ChildrensI SLIPPERS IIII r i MUST OO In order to make room for Fall and Win- ter ¬ goods We are selling them for less t than manufacturers costI NowandUpToDa- tOFftLL GOODSI I DaiIa When our entire stock is in we will be able to show you the greatest line of Clothing Shoes Hats and Furnishing Goods ev ¬ er displayed in this or or any other Central Kentucky town i Terms Strictly CashI a tI it T LOGAN ww w J t

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Page 1: I mentr IFor County Attorney It I Mrsupg Comingchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069201/1904-09... · Joe E Robinson the original of tilt above likeness was burn in Lincoln county






I Pure Water IINSURES pr


GoodHealth m


L To keep your cistern

13 free from leaves

F3 IIbirdsbuys andFE

0of all


D1Iilfop n

s E3



Cash or-


We have a large newline o-

tFurniture CarpetsMattings Rugs


which we will sell on easypayments to suit you

Wall Paperat Cost as long as entirestock lasts come early andget a nice selection

HaiItooDuoIapSuccessors to JA Beazley g Co


Office over



rNew Fall Goods-ARRIVING

Dont buy your Falland Winter supplies

i until you have madeus a visit and priced

our goods1

We feel sure we canmake it worth your


t A New andClean Stock


4 iUeniH PaMLici



IFor County Attorney


Joe E Robinson the original of tiltabove likeness was burn in Lincolncounty ly i < the son of James andSarah Robinson and 31 years of ageThough born in Lincoln Mr Robinsonhas been identified with the interestand people of Garrard county since hisIearly boyhood he is related to theRobinson family of Garrard countyand also to many other Garrard coun-ty families through his mother whowas a daughter of George McDonald awellknown citizen of the Bryantsvil e

sectionMrRobinson after receiving hi c

primary education in the publicschools in the vicinity of his fathershome entered school in Lancaster inwhat was known as the Old BrickSchool house near the depot heafterward entered Garrard Collegewhere he graduated in 1891 being theneighteen years of age After spendingone year in Kentucky University toput the finishing touches to his educatine he began teaching school as principal of the Bradfordsville Academyat Bradfordsville Ky where hetaught in 18921893 going from there-to Maxville Washington countyKy where he was principal of thehigh school during the session of lSD394 During the session of 189495 Mr

Robinson occupied toe chair of Mathematics in Daughters College liarrodsburp Ky

He early in life conceived the ideaof becoming a lawyer and pursued thiscourse of teaching in order to earn thenecessary funds to enable him to attend a law school he entered CentreCollege law school where he graduated in 1896 He was admitted to theLancaster Bar in August of that yearand at once entered the active prac-tice of his chosen profession Hissplendid qualifications ready wit andaffable manner were not long in winning for him a goodly share of the legal practice in this community thispractice has grown steadily and he isnow recognized as one of the leadingattorneys possessed of one of the mostlucrative practices at the LancasterBar Ills splendid knowledge of the

law and sound judgment has broughthim a vast amount of business in theway of the winding up of estates etcand he is and for a number of yearshas been Public Administrator forGarrard county

Having been raised on a farm likethe majority of farmer boys he stillretains his love for farm life and heowns in connection with his brotherand successfully operates one of themodel small farms of this section ofthe state as a proof of his ability as afarmerhis hemp for the past two yearshas been pronounced by the dealersamong the best brought to this mar-

ket He is also a good judge of a

horse and has bred and raised some ofthe best horses seen in the county

Mr Robinson is married and occu-pies one of Lancasters prettiest residences and one of her most moral andsubstantial citizens He has long beenactive in the councils of the democrat-ic party and has ever been willing tocontribute more substantial aid thanadvice and council always giving liberally to the campaign fund and thereIs not a school house or place of publicgathering in the county but has heard

his voice through more than one cam-


in the support and defense oli the party with which he affiliates HiscountyIwasand treasurer of the Campaign Committee and he was clairman ofcommittee in 189899 and 1900 Ther-Is not a democrat in the county buwill bear witness to his faithful ser-

vice during those years His manyfriends claim that he richly deservessthe office to which he aspires thatcounty attorney that he has merite-it by his faithful service to his partyfor the past eight years they go fur-

ther and predict that after the prinary election on October 8tb he willbe found to be his partys nominee bya handsome majority

Mr Robinson has been making avery active compaign and being person ally acquainted with nearly everyvoter in the county it is predicted dthat the coming primary will witness-the polling of one of the heaviestdemocratic votes in the countys history as well as the finish of one of themost hotly contested primaries

Mr Robinson while of a modest andretiring disposition is quick to formhis opinions and does not hesitate toexpress them His ideas are verydemicratlc he is a believer in a popularform of government by the people t


is opposed to machine politics in any

form whatsoever and an earnest ad-vocate of the primary election as theonly just proper and fair manner Inwhich a political party should choosetheir nominees

Mr Robinson is a moral and uprightcitizen a polite and courteous gentleman a careful and prudent farm rand a concise conscientious cleaheaded and economical man of busi-

ness If electee3 he will be no meanacquisition to the fiscal court of th e

county to whom the county attorney-is supposed to be an adviser and nomatter of how able a body of men thatcourt is composed the services and ad-

vice of an able attorney and prudenteconomical man of business will neversame nmlss-

i =0f Local InterestPat up your stoye

Pay for The Record

Big crowd in town Monday

Dont fail to register next Tuesday

ISpare ribs and sausage will soon beripe

I The persimmon crop is almost afailure

Plenty of booze on tap in townMonday

The Democratic primary is draw-ing nigh

Whats become of that steam bondry project

This office appreciates your orderfor job printing

The music at the Christian churchis especially fine

The turkey crop will be about anaverage this fall

The ice dealer receives a cool recep-tion these frosty mornings

Large congregations attend the serIvices at the Christian church

Want to vote Then register ifyou live in the town precincts

This office is printing the ballots forjthe primary Saturday the 8th

The L and N will run another L50excursion to Cincinnati Sunday

The City Council meets lIondaytnight Go tell em your troublest

The price of coal is unusually lowfor this time of year Lay it in now

Lots of people wont enjoy heavenbecause there will be nothing to kickabout

Some people have a lot of good inthem but the trouble is they dont letit out d-

Rain is badly needed all over theIIcounty In some parts the dust istkneedeepsGet ready to cuss the moth for get-

ting into those old last winters dudsyoull soon get out

Farmers have their work well up infact in better shape than for severalyears so we are toldsThe Graded School is working nlcely and never started out under morefavorable conditions

iCapt Phil Price of the day trains is

again stepping like a dog in high ryeIts a girl and was born Sunday night

hisA farmer toid us Monday that in

section near McCreary a genu-

Ine old fashioned rain had not fallenfor eight or ten months

J M Rothwell and Frank McMillencaught some pretty bass out of theWard pond on Lexington street andplaced them in Lake Placid

Lewis Leavell the colored attorneyarrested at Lexington on a charge offorgery was dismissed the grand juryfalling to find an indictment

Rev C M Chumbley is assisting RevE E Weaver in a meeting at the Richmood Presbyterian church He willreturn to fill his pulpit Sunday mornJingDave

Ross says business at the jailis exceedingly dull and he will scarce-ly make his salt this year Fact ofIthe matter is very few if any of thecounty offices pay much nowworkyonatfromegotOur regular monthly ConferencewIll be held at the Baptist church inLancaster next Sunday We want aSundayd

Black birds have become such a nu-

isance in the lawn at Mi H C Jenningthatt shot guns are being used to exterminate them They keep the lawnvile and are a nuisance In manyways

NoticeProtracted meeting will begin at

Buckeye Tuesday evening Oct 4thRev Sam H Burgess will be with us

in the meeting Come ready to dowork for the Lord Pastor

Try Home Merchants

The man who stands on the curbstones and talks about building uphis town now has an opportunity toassist in that enterprise by makinghis fall and winter purthases with hishome merchants




At a meeting of the county courtMonday Mr Fred P Friable was ap-pointed coroner td fill the unexpln dterm of Uncle Moss Collier

Ac meeting of thfe Democratic Coun-ty Committee Monday Henry Simp-son was nominate as candidate forcoroner the place jon the ticket heldMr r

a ver youiman and worthvio every way

Lancaster has thS best electric lightplant in the state It burns with moreregularity and gJves better satisfaLion than any we have seen Unlessyou have seen others dont make ad-verse comment on this plant

Haselden Robinson have purchasean entire outfit fiir tin plumblug etc and wlllirontinue the busness at same stand occupied by JHaselden Theyrill employ compe-

tent tinners and plumbers and run thbusiness on uptodteprinclples

he Boss CornMr David E Henry brought to The

Record office some of the best corn ofthe season He has fifteen acres andpicked twelve ears which weigh overtwenty pounds They are perfectlyformed and pronounced by good judg-es to be the best of the season

Republican NomineeHon N D Miles republican

for congress in this district addresse-a goodsize crowd at the court hous eMonday those who heard him compli-menting his remarks very much M rMiles is a prominent citizen of Jessamine and a gentleman in every wayHe is an uncle of Judge J C Hempbilof this city whose guest he was whilin Lancaster

Do You Want to VoteIf you live In either of the three

Lancaster precincts and want to voteat any of the approaching electionsyou must go to your accustomed vo-

ting places next Tuesday the 4thregister and get a certificate This Isundera new law recently enactedandrequires every voter to register beforehe can vote The certificate givennext Tuesday must be taken withou when you ask for a ballot to voteit next election also at the primary

to be held the 8thCourt Day

An unusually large crowd was inown Monday trading being abovehe average though the warm weath-

er hindered sale of winter goods to agreat extent There were many mulecolts on the market but dealers claim-ed sellers wanted too much money forthem and few were sold The longeared youngsters are as high as a catsback A few cattle were soldwhilethe old plug horse held his own Thecandidates were very much in evience and the glad hand was as busy3 a scrub bulls tall is fly time While

was some drunkenness yet nosrious trouble resulted

WoodcockMany Lancaster friends regret to

learn of the death of Wm P Woodcock which occurred at ColoradoSprings Col Sunday Mr Woodcockwas born and reared in Garrard countyspending several years in LancasterAfter death of his father which oc-

curred in this city Will moved withIhis mother to Danville He has been

r failing health for some time andIwent to Colorado in hope of recuperting The remains were taken toSomerset and interred beside those ofI

Is fatherEntries For Democratic Primary

Saturday was the last day for dig-

ging up the dough to enter the demo-

cratic primary to be held Oct 8 andthe following will go on the ticketFor county clerk J A Doty and Tomrherritt for county attorney Joe ERobinson Robt L Davidson formagistrate in Lancaster district J EBourne and Squire Sam Johnson Thisoffice is now printing the ballots andeverything is about in readiness Eachcandidate says he is sanguine of suc-

cess and all are working bard

Another Good citizen to LeaveBusiness men that is those who are

hustling for the town will regret ex-

ceedingly to learn that Mr J RaymondHaselden has decided to accept a flat-

tering propostion to move to Rich-mond and will leave for that city In a-

few days He has been in businessbereslnce his teens and by hardwork has managed to get in goodshape for one of his years Mr Baselden is one of the best plumberstinsmiths in Kentucky and alway-has all the work he can do He re-

cently invented a water filter whichis bringing him a neat income whilehe has several offers for it that wouldplace him on the shady side of easystreet The Record regrets exceed-Ingly to see a hustler move away fromtown especially one who is alwaysready to work for and contribute to


ShutOutIDr Murray thehas made several toand by the way was getting about all-

the work he could do was threatenedwith arrest in this city Friday theofficers stating that complaint had-

been made that he was practicingmedicine without license Dr Murraystated to the Record and his adver-tisements in this paper also saidtbat-his remedy was nature and h-


that be uses no medicines what-ever However be folded his ten-


returned to Danville berebet-elIa us he will aglit the twit to tbbitter and


Use Some Jud mentrIt is only a matter of a very short I

time until some one is going to be seriously injured by the reckless drivingon the streets Some people beat andthrash old plugs down the streets andnever think that other vehicles maycome out from cross streets thus endangering the lives of good peoplesupgnot stopped serious injury will resultIt is jao uncommon occurrence forsome gourdhead to tear across thePublic Square at break neck speedwhipping and lashing an old switchtall horse and taking no pains what-ever to keep out of the way of pedes ¬muchIdriver and if the latter have no re¬streetsR

IInterest ng MeetingThe meeting in progress at the

Christian church is being attended bylarge congregations andare that great good will indicationsIpushed Services are helding at 730 also at 230 pdays Wednesdays and Fridays Thesermons by Eld McLelland are splen ¬

did and his eloquence goes home tohis hearers Arthur T Brooks whoconducts the music sings a solo atenjoyedIsinging is exceptionally fine All thepeople are invited to these servicesand The Record urges you to go asthey are full of Interest and you willbe greatly benefitted Eld Brookswho was to have conducted the serv-


was forced to cancel the appoint ¬

ment on account of illness of his wifewho is dangerously ill It was thenthat an effort was made to get ElderMcLelland who arrived Monday andtook charge of the services BroTider is present at each service and islending valuable assistance Mr Mc¬

Lelland is pastor of the Christianchurch at Richmond He is a man offine education splendid address anddeep thought His splendid knowledgeof history makes his sermons all themore interesting the illustrations andreferences bringing out his points soclearly that a child may understandthem Mr McLelland is a member ofRichmond Commandery KnightsTemplar and very prominent inMasonic circles

Millinery OpeningSaturday October 1st we will make-

a special display of Imported and Eas-tern Patternsalso a large assort-ment of our own creations We cor

tOjcome I

Coming InWe are now receiving a nice assortment of fall

andwinter goods including the new and uptodate things i-

nWool Dress Goodsplain and fancy MOHAIRS plain and fancySILKS General line of Staple

Dry Goods Notions= an-


Iwhich we will sell at a small percent of profit

Most of the goods we carried over from last Falland Winter will be sold for cost and in many in ¬

stances for less than Cost As we have said be ¬

fore it is our purpose to close out our businesshere and we will work to that end This is agreat opportunity for you to secure goods De ¬

pendable merchandise at low pricesCome early and get first choice

I Millinery Opening

ISaturday October 8I



I I i

== nn1NII =


Ladies Misses and t ChildrensI



MUST OOIn order to make room for Fall and Win-


goods We are selling them for less tthan manufacturers costINowandUpToDa-

tOFftLL GOODSIIDaiIaWhen our entire stock is in

we will be able to show you the

greatest line of Clothing Shoes

Hats and Furnishing Goods ev¬

er displayed in this or or any

other Central Kentucky town


Terms Strictly CashI a


