i luvz hacking challenges sites-do you yaniv miron hackfest2014

I luvz hacking challenges sites - do you? Yaniv Miron aka Lament CyberLord @lament1337 HackFest 2014 CANADA

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I Luvz Hacking Challenges Sites-do You Yaniv Miron HackFest2014


  • I luvz hacking

    challenges sites -

    do you?

    Yaniv Miron aka Lament



    HackFest 2014 CANADA

  • / About me

    Yaniv Miron aka Lament

    Security Researcher and Consultant

    Certified Locksmith & CISO Certified

    Found 0-days @ IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Apache, Facebook (F-U for not giving

    me credit & bounty) and more.

  • / Whats going on here?

    There are many CTF games and these hacking challenges are kind of online

    Capture The Flag.

    I would like to share my experience with demoing some examples of these online

    hacking challenges.

    Some of them are Stego, Logic and Reversing.

  • Hacking challenges sites?

    There are different sites that offer challenges, some of them actually grade

    and rank the users and some just let the

    users download challenges and try them


  • HackThisSite.Org

    One of the largest sites in this area

    Different cool challenges in there

  • Other sites




    Many more

  • The Ranks

    Different levels gives

    different ranks

  • The Different Challenges

  • Why the h311 are you giving


    Unfortunately most of them are somewhere online.

    Unfortunately people just copy the solutions from others and paste the


    Because its a small % out of the real challenges and you need to learn


  • Solutions

    There are different ways to solve different tasks, it could be that there are easier

    ways than what Im showing here but this is the path that I took.

    Im trying to show how to think rather than just show the quick way to get a solution.

    Sometimes it makes the solution more


  • DEMO Time !

  • Stego5.bmp #1

    Hack The Planet


  • Stego5.bmp #2

    First thing first, is it really a BMP file?

  • Stego5.bmp #3

    Looks like it:

  • Stego5.bmp #4

    So whats next? I think I saw something similar in the past Maybe as a user avatar? Lets save it


  • Stego5.bmp #5

    We have a problem You cant really compare BMP (The original) and JPG (the


    Or can we?

  • Stego5.bmp #6

    Lets just turn the JPG to BMP

  • Stego5.bmp #7

    Now lets try to compare them with some hex

  • Stego5.bmp #8

  • Stego5.bmp #9


    Its widely used in Stego

  • Stego5.bmp #10

    We will take the stego5.bmp hex, turn it into binary.

  • Stego5.bmp #11

    Lets write a python script cuz were kewl

  • Stego5.bmp #12

    And back to ascii

    Looks interesting

    maybe its


  • Logic.Binary #1


    Binary: 2011010013001000003011101113011010


  • Logic.Binary #2

    Binary are 1s and 0s isnt it?

    Clean the 2s and the 3s

    Binary: 0110100100100000011101110110100101


  • Logic.Binary #3

    Put it nicely

    Binary: 01101001 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101110

  • Logic.Binary #4

    Binary -> ASCII

    Answer is: i win

  • Logic.Riddle #1


    I call, but I never talk. I knock, but I never enter. I feel a bit insecure.

  • Logic.Riddle #2

    Port scanner knocks but never enter, calling the ports but never talks with them.


    A2: nmap

  • Logic.URL #1


    Sometimes when you are coding a web based program you make a mistake with

    URL's. Correct this link.

    The link we get is: http://yahoo.com/search?q=hobble%20stic


  • Logic.URL #2


    It looks like a Google link, as this is the format Google is using. Lets change it to:


  • Logic.URL #3

  • Logic.Num #1


  • Logic.Num #2

    1 of 2 = 12

    1 of 1 and 1 of 2 = 1112

    3 of 1 and 1 of 2 = 3112

    1 of 3, 2 of 1 and 1 of 2 = 132112

    1 of 1, 1 of 3, 1 of 2, 2 of 1 and 1 of 2 = 1113122112

    3 of 1, 1 of 3, 1 of 1, 2 of 2, 2 of 1 and 1 of 2 = 311311222112

    A4: 311311222112

  • Reversing.app7 #1

    We get a file called app7win.zip with 2 files inside:



    Lets try to run it

  • Reversing.app7 #2

    So it seems that we need to find a password here

    Lets try to remove the encrypted.enc file from the folder, maybe it will help:

  • Reversing.app7 #3

    Lets see whats inside this encrypted.enc file

    Doesnt look promising(at least at the moment)

  • Reversing.app7 #4

    Lets see it with OllyDbg

  • Reversing.app7 #5


    YEAH! We got junk

  • Reversing.app7 #6

    Oh wellIt didnt worked

    Off we go to IDA Pro

  • Reversing.app7 #7

    So we need to get 0DCAh

  • Reversing.app7 #8

    Oh no its not gonna be that easy dude

  • Reversing.app7 #9

    This is the

    interesting part

    which handles

    our buffer and

    the .enc file

  • Reversing.app7 #10

    The general thing that is happening in this block is that it runs 5 times and every time

    reads a character from the .enc file.

    The characters that were read (in hex) are "31,4D,39,35,33" or in ascii "1M953". This

    is not the password but it will help us get

    the password (this is the key from the .enc


  • Reversing.app7 #11

  • Reversing.app7 #12

    Next, the app takes the user input + [ENTER=A]

    So if our input is A it will be 41+A=4B, if its AA it will be 41+41+A=8C

    Then place it in var_1C and xor it with each of the 5 chars.

  • Reversing.app7 #13

  • Reversing.app7 #14

    Adds all of them and place the result in var_18 which needs to be cmp with

    "0DCAh" (3530).

    So 31xor8C+4Dxor8C+39xor8C+35xor8C+33



    Is it true??? Nop

  • Reversing.app7 #15

  • Reversing.app7 #16

    So to solve this problem we need to have:



    So what is X ???

  • Reversing.app7 #17

    To solve it we can just brute force it. So we will try first "A" as input, then "AA" then

    "AAA" until we will get the right result.

    At the end the result was that as long as our input equal 753 (2F1) it would solve

    the problem. Therefore it doesn't really

    matter what is the input as long as it's 753


  • Reversing.app7 #18

    I have used: ccccccc2

    We need to remember that at the end of our input there is "enter" which is 10 so our

    total should be actually 743.

    c(99)+ c(99)+ c(99)+ c(99)+ c(99)+ c(99)+ c(99)+ 2(50)+ENTER(10)=753.

    So: 31xor2F1+4Dxor2F1+39xor2F1+35xor2F1


  • Reversing.app7 #19

  • Reversing.app7 #20

    Game over!

  • Reversing.app13 #1


    run it

  • Reversing.app13 #2

  • Reversing.app13 #3

    So lets skip IDA & Olly and check the hints

  • Reversing.app13 #4

    We can monitor the time that takes the app to check every number that we enter

    Python script that gets 1-999 and monitor how much time takes the app to check it

    Slowest number is the right one (?)

    Close even explorer.exe because it takes CPU power and could change our results

  • Reversing.app13 #5

    So lets do a quick & dirty BF to this app

  • Reversing.app13 #6

    And run it

  • Reversing.app13 #7

  • Reversing.app13 #8

    Lets just to it 3 more times, every time adding the last value instead of the

    dummy one that we had

  • Reversing.app13 #9

    Our monitoring worked!

  • Forensics.1 #1

    We get this:

    And a file: image.tar.gz

  • Forensics.1 #2

  • Forensics.1 #3

    So we need to find a password

    First thing first, extract the file. We get a dd file - image.dd

    Lets check whats in there real quick

  • Forensics.1 #4

    Looks like we got an NTFS windows system

  • Forensics.1 #5

  • Forensics.1 #6 So its mounted

  • Forensics.1 #7

    3 empty folders

  • Forensics.1 #8

    Well its a forensics challenge So probably we need to recover some deleted


    Lets try to see what kind of deleted files are there.

  • Forensics.1 #9

  • Forensics.1 #10 Weve got 17 files, different types.

  • Forensics.1 #11

    Oh boywell lets check the other files

    Weve got a media file: Voicemail 1.wav

    When played we can hear the Tech Support guy telling stacy that the

    password is her phone number. And what

    is her phone number?

  • Forensics.1 #12

    Lets dig some more, we can see that there is a file called Termination - Allen Smith.docx

  • Forensics.1 #13

    Using the phone number 5195554783 we can extract the content of Your new password is.rar

    Inside there is a file called Your new password is.docx

    Inside we got our password

  • Forensics.1 #14

    Weve saved the world again!

  • To Wrap It Up

    Hacking challenges sites are KEWL

    It helps you practice your skills & prepare for CTF games

    You have a community to support you while trying

  • # E [0] F #

    Q? (meet @ the lounge now or)


    lament [AT] ilhack [DOT] org


    Join me @lament1337

    In god we trust, all others we monitor.