i long c lansiuiih 7j bru c - library of congress50c cream mohair sicilian 39cf-or a day you can buy...

THE WASHINGTON STTIBAY JULY 10 1910 S l 2 i i TTTI hilT SUBSIDED Four Guards at Alexandria County Bastile STATEMENT BY THE JAILER Condition of Private Scott Injured In Race Melee Reported Much Im- proved anti Now Well Out of Danger Rigid Inquiry Started by Fort Myer Authorities Excitement that iwe been at a fever heat over the attempted lynching f the negro Robert Jackson at the Alaxan dria County jalL has subsided some- what r But roiif sn rosst od In BeCense of the Jail last night and Jailor Harry Crack said at a late hour that he an- ticipated no further trouble I have locked up five negro who were with Robinson when ho assaulted Private Scott declared the j ler last night in a telephone conversation with a Herald representative I have se- cured from one of the statement that he yelled when Scott was caught Come on Ive got him J Jailer Kept III Nerve T want to give a twrreet statement of my actions on occasion of the at tempted lynching ether night I want to say that I was perfectly cool and never lout my nerve though I realized that it was a serious proposition I was up against I said there wasnt- a man in the crowd I was afraid of I knew tho soldiers were armed with re volvers but I simply told them the truth that the prisoner was not in the jail and they were convinced of the statement We are guarded tonight but everything is quiet and I anticipate- no trouble The soldiers treated me with every consideration The condition of Private Scott accord- ing to report late last night from tile post hospital was to the effect that be is much improved and now Well out of danger A rigid investigation has been started At Fort Myer into the attempted assault upon the Jail Search for the participants will be thorough and the punishment that win be meted out to the soldiers will be on the following charge Leaving quar- ters at night going off post without leave tmd intent to violate civil law by lynch ing of a negro Robert Jackson for at tack upon one of their own number The details will be embodied in a re port to be made the coming week to Brig Gen Walter Howe at the head- quarters of the Department of the East in New York Capt Horns Statement Col Joseph Garrard commanding off- icer of the post has gone to the maneu- ver camp at Gettysburg Capt T N Horn of the Third Field Artillery re- maining in his place to direct the inves- tigation The only fortunate clrcumetajiQp said Capt Horn is that there was no attempt at violence by the men There- IS no doubt that they went to the Jail and asked the jailer to turn the negro over to them At livE I though that only a few soldiers congregated around the prison I have since learned how- ever that forty or fifty men lett their quarters slipped through the guard lines and demanded that Jaler Crack the negro over to them But there was no overt act no attempt at vtolencp no ef for to assault the jailer or to force the jail doors Awaiting the result of the injuries gus tained by Private Scott of Pert Slyer Judge J B T Thornton of the Circuit Court for Alexandria County decided yesterday not to adjourn court Jer sev- eral days COL T W SOPKINS NAMED Will Represent Dlnirfct at Gettys- burg Celebration in 1D1J Commissioner Rudolph yesterday ap pointed Col W HopJtin to the DJst ct at the celebration at Gettysburg OB July 1 to 4 t W- Omemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the battle The State gf Pennsylvania has Issued Invitations ip tll States ef the Ufcton and to the government of the United States at large to send TepreftntaUvec The representatives of the yntted tatas will be Senators Walden B Ifeybttrn and IsU dor Raynor and PenretentatrveB James A Tawney1 Dtniel P Lafean find John Lamb ELKS OFF FOR DETROIT Washington 10 Be Well Represented at Annual Convention About forty of the Washington Elks left last night In a special Ar for the convention at Detroit where best people on earth will revel in the great funfest that attracts the whole country Sixty more will leave today forming another party but all bent for the same happy gathering Washington will be well represented this year Past Exalted Ruler Robert M MeWade the father of them all wit hold the party ieav ng thQ Union Station at 10 oclock this morning Some will remain in the special car and go straight to Detroit and others wflt 50 to Buffalo and enjoy the trip by steamei over Lake Erie Atlantic City seems to be the favorite tlty for the next convention Hurt in Car Crash David Boyd colored twenty years old Irlver for Georo B Mtlllln a livery table keeper the Broad Broach road vas seriously Injured last night and his vagon demolished when struck by a Capl 21 Traction car in Connecticut avenue lorthwest near Tilden srteet He was aken to the Emergency Hospital where tIs condition is reported to be serious everal ribs were broken and he BUS ained Internal injuries Woman Atitol t Are Improving Report from the attending physicians f Mrs R Z Roberts and Mrs E S- eek of liB Newton street both of whom were severely injured Friday night then their automobile was struck by treet car at Seventeenth street and Con ectlcut are rapidly recovering drs Peck was the most seriously injured eck was the most seriously Injured avlng a severe cut on the head but last ight was resting easily and no compi- lations are expected Mix oranges bananas pinsippJea and strswbmtfs nd lent en lettuce with French dressing 1th Icoson Jture win at mayonnaise ma xiOt mustard and TtJuictcd nTh ripped cream JAIL I NOW t them the the I I furs It Thomas 1 th Jon mete It I EXOiTEMET 11 ai r r F t LET r a rep- resent I F b r E avenue ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > < 1 48 Long KIMONOS Of good quality lawn In neat stripes and figures made In a number ot different stylos some with hub yokes hva bTt at waist alt cut length and width sfzrfs S6 to 44 Spe 95 C I 95 ard same ruII C cial White and Colored Wash Goods Fine f 20c Mercerized White Poplin ff 28 incites wide made of the finest combed yarn permanent firilsfe good weight the ideal fabricfor separate skirts coats and suits This lot Vfjl 1 SOc White Mercerized French Batiste We have just Deceived another shipment of this yery popular sheer fabric It has a bright luster and permanent finish 45 inches the desirable is Jie last to be had this season at half price T v- x15c Percale 36 inches wide Belfast linen finish juSt the material for tailored waists and skirts This lot Monday only at V 150 English Longcloth j 36 inches wide chhmois finish 12 yards to the piece manufactured for vomerrs and childrens wear This lot Monday a piece I r 21 C I 1 2 5 C material fine dresses and waists extra value at the This J nforrow at White 1 0 I C ti 1 19 IP J J for nice regular price J I F j > < > 1 Colored j Soft lustrous and perfectly finished All pure silk and skein dyed in shades of white ivory cream pink light blue mais Nile violet gray reseda navy cadet old rose gold mustard smoke and Wack A 130 value for OXC t 59c 24inch All Pure Silk Smooth shades of brown cardinal garnet tan Alice navy light blue white cream helio Nile pink mais gray and black Suitable for waists and linings 59c values for Clearance Sale Dress Goods 3 inch MESSALINE for 39 PONGEE for C 39 C S- In 50c Wool Crash Panama 29c All colors mixtures many check ef- fects 28 inches wide a good sturdy fabric for entire dresses or separate skirts 26 pieces to on r sale tomorrow SOc As long as they last V you can buy them at yard 50c Cream Mohair Sicilian 39cF- or a day you can buy 8Slnch Cream Mohair Sicilian good luster and reversible bnly live pieces prime wholesale coat tomorrow worth SOC At jlVI yard 3 Skirt Lengths 195 Four yards Extra Quality 50inch Pekin Mohair Sir eilian in navy blue only or four yards Eng- lish Mohair Sicilian in gray only regular 75o gif fabrics Four yards skirt length VJ for v some re 0 C S am are 1 ¬ ¬ MEYER ON THE LID Seoretary of Navy Relieves Hitch cook and Nagel Secretary of Navy Meyer ta enjoy- ing distinction of sitting on the lid for the next few Mr Meyer arrived in Washington Fri- day ntght from his nmnwr home In Ham- ilton Man to attend to everal impor- tant nvu matters which accumulated during his absence Almeat u soon M Mr Mey arrived Washington of Commerce a d Labor N gel and Postmaster General Hitchcock jump- ed irains for cooler slimates Prof Willis L Moore chief of the Weather Bureau is holding down the lid in the Department of Agriculture Secretary Wilson is on his annual va ration Mr Wilson made the announcement before he went away that he would de vote his time during his vacation to the study of the Northwest and the develop ment of the great which country possesses While he la gone Mr will look after own dopart There ar branch efllcw of The Wash- ington Herald scattered all over the city but if none Is conveniently located for your ad will be accepted over the Shone at the regular rate v the the In ret ry l Moore ork as win as that of the See rotary days Sect resources that hIs jnest ape 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 1 42in Imperial Washable Serge 75c For a day the Imported Cream Re- versible Serges are to be sold at 2S cent Irs than the prevailing price Quite a discount isnt It However Its our of things in order T to keep busy Bring samples of 1 goods for comparison and buy yours here at 69c Cream Storm Serge 5Sc One solid case of these scarce tine Allwool Cream Storm Serges go on sale tomorrow first qual r fi- ty immaculate no black spots or hairs worth Me For a day price Is per yard 6 Dress Lengths 298S- ix 6 Allwool 44Inch Tan Crepe de Chin or six yards Silkandwool 44inch Green Poplin 100 fabrics Six yards en JsAVQ tire dress length for Fine All OOI r lar e C C ards t JL COUNCIL IS FLOURISHING Potomac X Hears Grati- fying Reports Potomac Council No 208 of the Ka- ttemil Union held a regular mooting and Initiation at Pythian Templs lest night ExPrMHenta F E Ferguson and Charles T Headier who were elected senators to the supreme body of the oilier a short time ago were present and made abort addresses thanking members for their support The semiannual reports of the finan- cial secretary and tHe treasurer showed the council to be In a most flourishing condition A donation was made to tile Plonar Council No 1 Sons of Johnadab for their annual excursion It was announced hat the first which tills council won In the class held tune 9 will be given to the council In the future The prize Is H cash After W B Bowers T J nines J Kreen wore initiated the mem- bers held a smoker and social session Robbed of Gold Watch Harry S Bagler mof 1264 B street south wont reported to the police last night that his rosidonce had been entered during the day and a gold watch value at 160 and about 10 in cosh stolon Entrance to the dwelling had evidently beeji gained by a rear door fastened only by a latched screen o OS 1 the InitI- ation near anti- C some- tIme ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FIVE COST YOU 12 ELSEWHERE These covers are thoroughly bound with shrunk binding made of the nne t Belgian Linen Damask 20 yards Larger Suites In equal proportion Best workmanship Estimates cheerfully furnished Write call or phone and our representative will call with samples The Upholstery Co Room 210 Jenifer Building N W Cor 7th and D Sts Phone Main 5277 u SLIP COVERS I PIECES l f MAD TO ORDER 5 98 t II 1 Star I g rpr a RL 1 = I Daily 8 A M o5 P M Sturday8 AM to P M LANSIUIIH 420426 8tST Store Hours 6 BRU 7j 417425 WASHINGTON MAN ACCUSES GOVERNOR Says Maryland Executive Has Acted Illegally Baltimore July 9 Charles Benedict Calvert a Washington attorney has sent a second to Gov Crothers accus- ing the chief executive of Maryland of acting In an Illegal and arbitrary man- ner In remitting the fines of automobH- ists who were arrested a short time ago at Berwyn Md for speeding Mr Cal vort declares that tho governor was ex- tremely discourteous and that he had no right to remit the fines Declaring that he had called the attaji tlon of the governor to the fact that by remitting the fines he was committing a violation of the duty of an executive officer Mr Calvert adds that the gov ernor paid no attention to his suggestion but instructed the secretary of State to enforce his order remitting said fines and forfeiture Among other things Mr Calvert writes It occurs to me as a remarkable that the highest executive officer of the Stato would seem by hfs action to condone the violation of law made for the public protection and remit the fines imposed upon those who have violated the law without any notice whatsoever to the lodal authorities so that they might acquaint you with the facts of the caseThe constitutional provision giving you the power to remit finjs was Intended to relieve Injustice arid to be used as a vindication of the guilty and the following In the spirit of the con- stitution can never exercise the power without giving the local authorities an opportunity to preterit the fact to him Struck by Pnasihs Car While leaning out of the wlndo of a southbound car yesterday morning W B- Ryan twentysix years old of 2311 FIt teenth street northwest struck on the the handle of a northbound car at Fifteenth street and Now York avenue The injury was a one Jt Woman Falls from Car Annie McKeever fortyfour years old oc 215 B street northwest was thrown to the ground while alighting from a car at Pennsylvania avenue And Third street northwest yesterday afternoon and was on the arm and leg She was able to go rforqe unassisted letter propo- sition not gov- ernor v arm mUd injured it i ins by ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < 1 5c Claremont Printed Batiste Dimities 250 pieces in all white grounds with dpts figures stripes and floral ef- fects in all colors and black This while it lasts at yard v N A Linen Trio5- 0c 36inctT Natural Mixed Dress Crash t 40c 36inch Natural Blouse Linen 40c 36inch White Dress Linen These are the kinds used for epar je skirts coat arid suits and childrens wear 25c 32 inch English Madras i specially for womens waists house dresses mens shirts childrens wear V1 1 J 20c Mercerized Batiste V 3000 yards 30 inches wide fast dyed in black white and a gopH line of colors ideal for dresses and waists c This Jot only at yard > 1 1 0 C J 25 t C to 15 Beautiful quality white ground with aU colored stripes dot j C f 1121 lots figures good and T > > < < > Now stheTimetoBuyMatting- Rugs Summer Draperies and Upholsteries9- x12 Deltox Grass Rugs Worth 900 at 9x12 Deltox Prairie Grass green green with striped border blue and red absolutely sanitary and easily cleansed 9 values For Monda each Smaller sizes to match Deltox Prairie Grass Hall Runners at the following special prices 21 inches wide 32o 27 inches wide 35c 36 I incheswide49c F 6 11 Rugplain czt6 50 t i 75 pairs of Snowflake Curtains allover dot effect that is most attractive qrossstripes in light and dark red tIm blue and pink neatly fringed 189 yalueThe g II Q 1 White Ruffled Swiss Curtains new style narrow hemstitched fluted ruffle five tucks side and bottom 3yards long a very desirable sum- mer window drapery easily tubbed The J pair 2 Belgium Linen Couch Covers narrow wide and medium stripes also plain linen 50 inches wide heavy fringe all ground Spe TQ cial for Monday J c fill ow pair ¬ 84 Fine Printed Linoleum six new patterns green tile blue tile inlaid wood design green geometric and red and green combina- tions soft pliable and durable Square yard Eight pieces Cathedral red yellow and green designs fast colors make the most exquisite and uptodate draperies for doors or windows The yard Fullsize Hammocks made of closely woven materials wide valance on sides fringed pillow- at top combinations of red green yellow and white P i IO Others for 198 250 275 up to 500 SSe of25c Scrimblue 19 c I I = ¬ 20 Discount on AH Adjustable Wood Screens SUES HER DENTIST Woman Wants 5000 Damages for Breaking Molar Tooth Damages In the sum of are asked by Frances Bargtow tn the bill of a suit she has med in the DlstrKjt Supreme Court against J Roland Walton a den flat of 702 Tenth street northwest The plaintiff allegos that In January she employed the defendant to tft tend her as a dentist and to her of a diseased tooth and that he treated her until May Then she alleges he acted Inan unskillful ignorant and neg- ligent manner with the result that he broke off In her molar tooth a steel and that the tooth had to be removed by another dentist Hitler hurt Wheel Demolished While riding a bicycle In Fourteenth street Thomas Circle last night Louis Steeble tweleve years old was slightly Injured by a collision with a wagon driven by a colored man The boy was thrown to the pavement and out about the face and head but refused to go to a hospital The bicycle was de- molished Car Collides Tvltlu Sprinkler Passengers on Capital Traction car No 159 were shaken up last night when the car collided with a city street sprinkler at Fourteenth and iionroe streets north west The sprinkler was put out of com- mission but no one was Injured Christian Xeoiders STOCK RYE years old 150 quart One of the Family Quality House OAO Mal1 No otis branch CHURCH NOTICES UNITARIAN ALT SOULS CHURCH corner Fourteenth and L Ul ses G 15 Pierce D D minister 11 a TB nsomfae timice rp n rgr Dr Pierce There Is also Jdnderjarten during the hour f- maraipff v ship 730 p tt Peoples Religious Union The public inritcd to all very lees FUNERAL DIRECTORS GEORGE P ZUSHORSTtSO- l Ea t Capitol Street ij ViLLIASl LEE Funeral Director n4 Erobalmer tivery connection Commodiou- Chapel Modem Crematorium pricefc- 5K PcBD ylTani tTt nw Tclepbbae Main U2 tOO isle cute near UUtmumuuuuum nmnummu D if OLD ii a H whiskIes In H stock U B- H 7th St Photo 1 U iiu umu sta Young 301 i l jt i i in- strument urn a aid iodeet ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Mens 25c Half Hose Choice tomorrow of balance of our stock of plain color half hose for men The best of silk lisle and gauze lisle values are In the lot including colors of lavender gobelin blue navy oxbloOd green hello t and purple all sizes In the lot not all colors In all sizes 25c value While they last In C J J C > DIED AMISSOn Friday July S 1910 at 1030 a m GERTRUDE E AMISS of 1 OS Monroe street northwest beloved wife of William H Amiss and daugh- ter of the late J H and Sarah Richards Funeral Monday 11 at 10 a m Friends and relatives invited Inter- s went private BOSTON On Friday July S 1910 at 615 p m at Ms residence 1126 Fourth street southeast JOSEPH RAY- MOND son of the late Charles H and Mary C Boston nee Crimmins in his nineteenth year Funeral Monday morning July 11 from the above residence oclock thence to St Peters Church where requiem mass will be said at 930 a m on Friday July 8 1U at 380 p m WILLIAM HER- BERT beloved and only son of Charles E and Alice R Collins nee Jett aged eighteen years and one month Funeral from his late residence 622 Pickford place northeast on Monday July 11 at 8iO a m thence to St Josephs Church where mass will be said for the repose of his soul Friends and relatives respectfully in vited Interment at Mount Olivet NOUD On Saturday 9 1910 ER MINA J NOUD widow of James Noud aged seventy Funeral at Oak Hill Chapel Monday July 11 at 4 oclock McDONOTJGHOn Friday July 8 1910 Providence Hospital PATRICK J McDONOUGH husband of Annie M McDonough nee Dorsey- in the year of his age Funeral from his late residence 2428 I street northwest Monday July 11 at 9 a mt thence to St Stephens Church where requiem mass will be said for the repose of his soul MILLEROn Friday July 8 1910 at Walter Reed General Hospital ED- WARD S MILLER masters Department U S A Funeral services will be held at Lees chapel 332 Pennsylvania avenue northwest Monday 11 at 3 p m Relatives and friends invited Inter- ment in Cemetery SCOTT On Friday July 8 1910 at 515 m at her residence 439 Rhode Island avenue northwest CATH- ERINE V SCOTT widow of William Scott aged seventyeight years Funeral H at 930 a m from the Immaculate Conception Church Eighth and N streets north- west WILMARTHOfl Friday 8 1910 at Fairfax CAROLINE AU GTJSTA COBURN l widow of James Wllmarth Funeral at Oak Hill Chapel Monday July II at 10 a m FUNERAL DESIGNS GEO C SHAFFER Beautiful floral designs rery reasonable in price SIS Maiij 14th Eye sta nw FUNERAL FLOWERS Of Ewry DexripttonMpdentely Pric- idGTJDE Funeral Designs Funeral Designs largest Mbrning Circulation i COLLINSSuddenly JUl belovea Jul 1- i c f a July I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF LAW THREEYEAR DAY COURSE leading to degree of Bachelor of Laws THREEYEAU AFTERNOON COURSE I v lures between 450 and 630 p m A new to the degree of Bachelor of GRADUATE COURSES leading to dgre s of Matter of and Master of Patent Law Oldest Law School In Washington Only Love School In the District of Columbia which In a member of the As- sociation of American Law Schools Only Law School In the District of Columbia registered with the New York State Education Department as of sufficient standing to the of the Court of Appeals relating- to admlswlon to the bar Next ceston opens September 23 For catalogue and further infonaatloa call or write The Secretary of the Department of Law 1420 H Street X W Washington D C MT ST COLLEGE Irvington Station D Baltimore Md commercial courses full tJ exteniiws grounds Athletics GJM track field summing pool training for men Oat Writs Brother Director SPECIAL NOTICES Confectioners and Druggists Advantageous to us rapply nicm with FBEEZIXQ SALT find FLAVORING EXTRACTS Prices absolutely THE LOWEST for goodJ of dependable quality C7N6 consumers supplied BB Earnshaw Bro WHOLESALE GROCERS 11th and M ito M- AJiD REPAIRING OUR BUSINESS 29 YEARS NOXE ANY PRICE Inn 714 9th Street a Phase M7so- I NEVER DISAPPOINT Our Letters through the mails will bring you larger re turns than any other medium Call and see samples- We BYRON S ADA3HS Printer thin 512 llth street While you think of it telephone your Want Ad to The Washington Herald and bill will be sent you at 1 ft word The George Washington I University Ute e use Lam the Laws JOSEPHS conferred ConTenient h tb buildings 5 Find It hATe ROOr EQUAlAT GRAFTON SON Typewriter j use P cat uler iocatkn flas I ¬ ¬

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Page 1: I Long C LANSIUIIH 7j BRU C - Library of Congress50c Cream Mohair Sicilian 39cF-or a day you can buy 8Slnch Cream Mohair Sicilian good luster and reversible bnly live pieces prime




2 ii TTTI hilT


Four Guards at AlexandriaCounty Bastile


Condition of Private Scott InjuredIn Race Melee Reported Much Im-

proved anti Now Well Out ofDanger Rigid Inquiry Started byFort Myer Authorities

Excitement that iwe been at a feverheat over the attempted lynching f thenegro Robert Jackson at the Alaxandria County jalL has subsided some-

what rBut roiif sn rosst od In BeCense of

the Jail last night and Jailor HarryCrack said at a late hour that he an-

ticipated no further troubleI have locked up five negro who

were with Robinson when ho assaultedPrivate Scott declared the j ler lastnight in a telephone conversation witha Herald representative I have se-

cured from one of the statementthat he yelled when Scott was caughtCome on Ive got him J

Jailer Kept III NerveT want to give a twrreet statement

of my actions on occasion of the attempted lynching ether night Iwant to say that I was perfectly cooland never lout my nerve though Irealized that it was a serious propositionI was up against I said there wasnt-a man in the crowd I was afraid ofI knew tho soldiers were armed with revolvers but I simply told them thetruth that the prisoner was not in thejail and they were convinced of thestatement We are guarded tonightbut everything is quiet and I anticipate-no trouble The soldiers treated me withevery consideration

The condition of Private Scott accord-ing to report late last night from tilepost hospital was to the effect that beis much improved and now Well out ofdanger

A rigid investigation has been startedAt Fort Myer into the attempted assaultupon the Jail Search for the participantswill be thorough and the punishment thatwin be meted out to the soldiers will beon the following charge Leaving quar-ters at night going off post without leavetmd intent to violate civil law by lynching of a negro Robert Jackson for attack upon one of their own number

The details will be embodied in a report to be made the coming week toBrig Gen Walter Howe at the head-quarters of the Department of the Eastin New York

Capt Horns StatementCol Joseph Garrard commanding off-

icer of the post has gone to the maneu-ver camp at Gettysburg Capt T NHorn of the Third Field Artillery re-

maining in his place to direct the inves-tigation

The only fortunate clrcumetajiQpsaid Capt Horn is that there was noattempt at violence by the men There-IS no doubt that they went to the Jailand asked the jailer to turn the negroover to them At livE I though thatonly a few soldiers congregated aroundthe prison I have since learned how-ever that forty or fifty men lett theirquarters slipped through the guard linesand demanded that Jaler Crack thenegro over to them But there was noovert act no attempt at vtolencp no effor to assault the jailer or to force thejail doors

Awaiting the result of the injuries gustained by Private Scott of Pert SlyerJudge J B T Thornton of the CircuitCourt for Alexandria County decidedyesterday not to adjourn court Jer sev-eral days


Will Represent Dlnirfct at Gettys-burg Celebration in 1D1J

Commissioner Rudolph yesterday appointed Col W HopJtin to

the DJst ct at the celebration atGettysburg OB July 1 to 4 t W-Omemorate the fiftieth anniversary of thebattle

The State gf Pennsylvania has IssuedInvitations ip tll States ef the Ufcton andto the government of the United Statesat large to send TepreftntaUvec Therepresentatives of the yntted tatas willbe Senators Walden B Ifeybttrn and IsUdor Raynor and PenretentatrveB JamesA Tawney1 Dtniel P Lafean find JohnLamb


Washington 10 Be Well Representedat Annual Convention

About forty of the Washington Elksleft last night In a special Ar for theconvention at Detroit where bestpeople on earth will revel in the greatfunfest that attracts the whole country

Sixty more will leave today forminganother party but all bent for the samehappy gathering Washington will bewell represented this year Past ExaltedRuler Robert M MeWade the fatherof them all wit hold the party ieavng thQ Union Station at 10 oclock thismorning

Some will remain in the special car andgo straight to Detroit and others wflt50 to Buffalo and enjoy the trip bysteamei over Lake Erie

Atlantic City seems to be the favoritetlty for the next convention

Hurt in Car CrashDavid Boyd colored twenty years old

Irlver for Georo B Mtlllln a liverytable keeper the Broad Broach roadvas seriously Injured last night and hisvagon demolished when struck by a Capl21 Traction car in Connecticut avenuelorthwest near Tilden srteet He wasaken to the Emergency Hospital wheretIs condition is reported to be seriouseveral ribs were broken and he BUS

ained Internal injuries

Woman Atitol t Are ImprovingReport from the attending physiciansf Mrs R Z Roberts and Mrs E S-

eek of liB Newton street both ofwhom were severely injured Friday nightthen their automobile was struck bytreet car at Seventeenth street and Conectlcut are rapidly recoveringdrs Peck was the most seriously injuredeck was the most seriously Injuredavlng a severe cut on the head but lastight was resting easily and no compi-lations are expected

Mix oranges bananas pinsippJea and strswbmtfsnd lent en lettuce with French dressing1th Icoson Jture win at mayonnaise ma xiOt

mustard and TtJuictcd nTh ripped cream




















































> >


1 48 LongKIMONOS

Of good quality lawn In neat stripes and figuresmade In a number ot different stylos some with hub

yokes hva bTt at waist alt cutlength and width sfzrfs S6 to 44 Spe


95ard sameruII Ccial

White and Colored Wash GoodsFinef

20c Mercerized White Poplin ff28 incites wide made of the finest combed yarn permanent firilsfe good

weight the ideal fabricfor separate skirts coats and suits This lot Vfjl1

SOc White Mercerized French BatisteWe have just Deceived another shipment of this yery popular sheer fabric

It has a bright luster and permanent finish 45 inches the desirable

is Jie last to be had this season at half price T v-

x15c Percale36 inches wide Belfast linen finish juSt the material for tailored waists and

skirts This lot Monday only at V

150 English Longclothj 36 inches wide chhmois finish 12 yards to the piece manufactured for

vomerrs and childrens wear This lot Monday a piece




1 25Cmaterial fine dresses and waists extra value at the This Jnforrow at

White1 0



1 19IPJ


for nice regular price


IF j


< >

1 Colored j

Soft lustrous and perfectly finished All pure silk and skein dyed in shades of white ivorycream pink light blue mais Nile violet gray reseda navy cadet old rose gold mustardsmoke and Wack A 130 value for OXC


59c 24inch All Pure SilkSmooth

shades of brown cardinal garnet tan Alice navy light blue white cream helioNile pink mais gray and black Suitable for waists and linings 59c values for

Clearance Sale Dress Goods

3 inchMESSALINE for

39PONGEE for C39




50c Wool Crash Panama 29cAll colors mixtures many check ef-

fects 28 inches wide a good sturdy fabric for entiredresses or separate skirts 26 pieces to on rsale tomorrow SOc As long as they last Vyou can buy them at yard

50c Cream Mohair Sicilian 39cF-

or a day you can buy 8Slnch Cream Mohair Siciliangood luster and reversible bnly live piecesprime wholesale coat tomorrow worth SOC At jlVIyard

3 Skirt Lengths 195Four yards Extra Quality 50inch Pekin Mohair Sir

eilian in navy blue only or four yards Eng-lish Mohair Sicilian in gray only regular 75o giffabrics Four yards skirt length VJfor


some re









Seoretary of Navy Relieves Hitch

cook and NagelSecretary of Navy Meyer ta enjoy-

ing distinction of sitting on the lidfor the next few

Mr Meyer arrived in Washington Fri-

day ntght from his nmnwr home In Ham-

ilton Man to attend to everal impor-

tant nvu matters which accumulatedduring his absence Almeat u soon MMr Mey arrived Washington

of Commerce a d Labor N geland Postmaster General Hitchcock jump-

ed irains for cooler slimatesProf Willis L Moore chief of the

Weather Bureau is holding down thelid in the Department of AgricultureSecretary Wilson is on his annual va

rationMr Wilson made the announcement

before he went away that he would devote his time during his vacation to thestudy of the Northwest and the development of the great whichcountry possesses While he la gone Mr

will look after own dopart

There ar branch efllcw of The Wash-ington Herald scattered all over the citybut if none Is conveniently located for

your ad will be accepted over theShone at the regular rate v



ret ryl

Mooreork as win as that of the See




resources that











1 42in Imperial Washable Serge 75cFor a day the Imported Cream Re-

versible Serges are to be sold at 2S cent Irs thanthe prevailing price Quite a discount isnt ItHowever Its our of things in order Tto keep busy Bring samples of 1 goods forcomparison and buy yours here at

69c Cream Storm Serge 5ScOne solid case of these scarce tine Allwool Cream

Storm Serges go on sale tomorrow first qual r fi-ty immaculate no black spots or hairs worthMe For a day price Is per yard

6 Dress Lengths 298S-

ix 6 Allwool 44Inch Tan Crepe de Chinor six yards Silkandwool 44inch GreenPoplin 100 fabrics Six yards en JsAVQtire dress length for

Fine All OOIr

lar e







Potomac X Hears Grati-fying Reports

Potomac Council No 208 of the Ka-

ttemil Union held a regular mooting andInitiation at Pythian Templs lest nightExPrMHenta F E Ferguson andCharles T Headier who were electedsenators to the supreme body of theoilier a short time ago were presentand made abort addresses thankingmembers for their support

The semiannual reports of the finan-

cial secretary and tHe treasurer showedthe council to be In a most flourishingcondition A donation was made to tilePlonar Council No 1 Sons of Johnadabfor their annual excursion

It was announced hat the firstwhich tills council won In the class

held tune 9 will be given to thecouncil In the future The prize Is

H cashAfter W B Bowers T J nines

J Kreen wore initiated the mem-

bers held a smoker and social session

Robbed of Gold WatchHarry S Bagler mof 1264 B street south

wont reported to the police last nightthat his rosidonce had been entered

during the day and a gold watchvalue at 160 and about 10 in cosh stolonEntrance to the dwelling had evidentlybeeji gained by a rear door fastened onlyby a latched screen

o OS 1












COST YOU 12 ELSEWHEREThese covers are thoroughly bound with shrunk binding made of

the nne t Belgian Linen Damask 20 yards Larger Suites Inequal proportion Best workmanship Estimates cheerfullyfurnished Write call or phone and our representative will call withsamples

The Upholstery CoRoom 210 Jenifer Building

N W Cor 7th and D Sts Phone Main 5277




5 98t




g rpr






Daily 8 A M o5 P M Sturday8 AM to P M


Store Hours 6

BRU7j 417425



Says Maryland Executive Has

Acted Illegally

Baltimore July 9 Charles BenedictCalvert a Washington attorney has senta second to Gov Crothers accus-ing the chief executive of Maryland ofacting In an Illegal and arbitrary man-

ner In remitting the fines of automobH-

ists who were arrested a short time agoat Berwyn Md for speeding Mr Calvort declares that tho governor was ex-

tremely discourteous and that he had noright to remit the fines

Declaring that he had called the attajitlon of the governor to the fact that byremitting the fines he was committing aviolation of the duty of an executiveofficer Mr Calvert adds that the governor paid no attention to his suggestionbut instructed the secretary of State toenforce his order remitting said finesand forfeiture Among other thingsMr Calvert writes

It occurs to me as a remarkablethat the highest executive officer of

the Stato would seem by hfs action tocondone the violation of law made forthe public protection and remit the finesimposed upon those who have violatedthe law without any notice whatsoeverto the lodal authorities so that theymight acquaint you with the facts of the

caseThe constitutional provision giving youthe power to remit finjs was Intended torelieve Injustice arid to be used as avindication of the guilty and the

following In the spirit of the con-

stitution can never exercise the powerwithout giving the local authorities anopportunity to preterit the fact to him

Struck by Pnasihs CarWhile leaning out of the wlndo of a

southbound car yesterday morning W B-

Ryan twentysix years old of 2311 FItteenth street northwest struck onthe the handle of a northboundcar at Fifteenth street and Now Yorkavenue The injury was a one

Jt Woman Falls from CarAnnie McKeever fortyfour years old

oc 215 B street northwest was thrown tothe ground while alighting from a car atPennsylvania avenue And Third streetnorthwest yesterday afternoon and was

on the arm and leg She wasable to go rforqe unassisted










it i










> <

1 5c Claremont Printed Batiste Dimities250 pieces in all white grounds with dpts figures stripes and floral ef-

fects in all colors and black This while it lasts at yardv N

A Linen Trio5-0c 36inctT Natural Mixed Dress Crash t

40c 36inch Natural Blouse Linen40c 36inch White Dress Linen

These are the kinds used for epar je skirts coat arid suits and childrenswear

25c 32 inch English Madras i

specially for womens waists house dresses mens shirts childrenswear V1 1 J

20c Mercerized Batiste V

3000 yards 30 inches wide fast dyed in black white and a gopH line of

colors ideal for dresses and waists c This Jot only at yard



1 0CJ

25t Cto

15Beautiful quality white ground with aU colored stripes dot j Cf



figuresgood and


> >



Now stheTimetoBuyMatting-

Rugs Summer Draperies

and Upholsteries9-

x12 Deltox GrassRugs Worth 900 at

9x12 Deltox Prairie Grass green green with striped border blue and red

absolutely sanitary and easily cleansed 9 values For Monda each

Smaller sizes to match

Deltox Prairie Grass Hall Runners at the following special prices

21 inches wide 32o 27 inches wide 35c 36




611Rugplain czt6 50



75 pairs of Snowflake Curtains allover doteffect that is most attractive qrossstripes in lightand dark red tIm blue andpink neatly fringed 189 yalueThe g II Q

1 White Ruffled Swiss Curtains new stylenarrow hemstitched fluted ruffle five tucks side

and bottom 3yards long a very desirable sum-

mer window drapery easily tubbed The J


2 Belgium Linen Couch Covers narrow wideand medium stripes also plain linen 50 incheswide heavy fringe all ground Spe TQcial for Monday






84 Fine Printed Linoleum six new patternsgreen tile blue tile inlaid wood design greengeometric and red and green combina-tions soft pliable and durable Squareyard

Eight pieces Cathedral redyellow and green designs fast colors make themost exquisite and uptodate draperiesfor doors or windows The yard

Fullsize Hammocks made of closely wovenmaterials wide valance on sides fringed pillow-

at top combinations of red greenyellow and white P i IO

Others for 198 250 275 up to 500

SSeof25c Scrimblue





20 Discount on AH Adjustable Wood Screens


Woman Wants 5000 Damages for

Breaking Molar ToothDamages In the sum of are asked

by Frances Bargtow tn the bill of a suitshe has med in the DlstrKjt SupremeCourt against J Roland Walton a denflat of 702 Tenth street northwest

The plaintiff allegos that In Januaryshe employed the defendant to tft

tend her as a dentist and to herof a diseased tooth and that he treatedher until May Then she alleges heacted Inan unskillful ignorant and neg-ligent manner with the result that hebroke off In her molar tooth a steel

and that the tooth had to beremoved by another dentist

Hitler hurt Wheel DemolishedWhile riding a bicycle In Fourteenth

street Thomas Circle last nightLouis Steeble tweleve years old wasslightly Injured by a collision with awagon driven by a colored man The boywas thrown to the pavement and outabout the face and head but refused togo to a hospital The bicycle was de-


Car Collides Tvltlu SprinklerPassengers on Capital Traction car No

159 were shaken up last night when thecar collided with a city street sprinklerat Fourteenth and iionroe streets northwest The sprinkler was put out of com-

mission but no one was Injured

Christian XeoidersSTOCK RYE

years old 150quart One of the

Family Quality HouseOAO Mal1

No otisbranch



Ul ses G 15 Pierce D D minister 11

a TB nsomfae timice rp n rgr Dr PierceThere Is also Jdnderjarten during the hour f-

maraipff v ship 730 p tt PeoplesReligious Union The public inritcd to all very




l Ea t Capitol Streetij ViLLIASl LEE Funeral Director

n4 Erobalmer tivery connection Commodiou-Chapel Modem Crematorium pricefc-

5K PcBD ylTani tTt nw Tclepbbae Main U2




UUtmumuuuuum nmnummuD


OLD iiaH whiskIes In H

stock UB-

H 7th St Photo 1 Uiiu






l jt i i





aid iodeet









Mens 25cHalf Hose

Choice tomorrow of balance of our stock of plaincolor half hose for men The best of silk lisle and gauzelisle values are In the lot including colors of lavendergobelin blue navy oxbloOd green hello tand purple all sizes In the lot not all colorsIn all sizes 25c value While they last




DIEDAMISSOn Friday July S 1910 at 1030

a m GERTRUDE E AMISS of1 OS Monroe street northwest belovedwife of William H Amiss and daugh-ter of the late J H and SarahRichards

Funeral Monday 11 at 10 a mFriends and relatives invited Inter-

s went privateBOSTON On Friday July S 1910 at 615

p m at Ms residence 1126 Fourthstreet southeast JOSEPH RAY-MOND son of the late Charles Hand Mary C Boston nee Crimminsin his nineteenth year

Funeral Monday morning July 11 fromthe above residence oclockthence to St Peters Church whererequiem mass will be said at 930 a m

on Friday July 81U at 380 p m WILLIAM HER-BERT beloved and only son ofCharles E and Alice R Collins neeJett aged eighteen years and onemonth

Funeral from his late residence 622Pickford place northeast on MondayJuly 11 at 8iO a m thence to StJosephs Church where mass will besaid for the repose of his soulFriends and relatives respectfully invited Interment at Mount Olivet

NOUD On Saturday 9 1910 ERMINA J NOUD widow of JamesNoud aged seventy

Funeral at Oak Hill Chapel MondayJuly 11 at 4 oclock

McDONOTJGHOn Friday July 8 1910Providence Hospital PATRICK J

McDONOUGH husband ofAnnie M McDonough nee Dorsey-in the year of his age

Funeral from his late residence 2428 Istreet northwest Monday July 11 at9 a mt thence to St StephensChurch where requiem mass will besaid for the repose of his soul

MILLEROn Friday July 8 1910 atWalter Reed General Hospital ED-WARD S MILLERmasters Department U S A

Funeral services will be held at Leeschapel 332 Pennsylvania avenuenorthwest Monday 11 at 3 p mRelatives and friends invited Inter-ment in Cemetery

SCOTT On Friday July 8 1910 at 515m at her residence 439 Rhode

Island avenue northwest CATH-ERINE V SCOTT widow of WilliamScott aged seventyeight years

Funeral H at 930 a mfrom the Immaculate ConceptionChurch Eighth and N streets north-west

WILMARTHOfl Friday 8 1910at Fairfax CAROLINE AUGTJSTA COBURN l widow of James

WllmarthFuneral at Oak Hill Chapel Monday

July II at 10 a m


GEO C SHAFFERBeautiful floral designs rery reasonable in price

SIS Maiij 14th Eye sta nw

FUNERAL FLOWERSOf Ewry DexripttonMpdentely Pric-

idGTJDEFuneral Designs Funeral Designs

largest Mbrning Circulation







ic f
















THREEYEAR DAY COURSE leading todegree of Bachelor of Laws

THREEYEAU AFTERNOON COURSE I vlures between 450 and 630 p m A new

to the degree of Bachelor ofGRADUATE COURSES leading to dgre s

of Matter of and Master of Patent LawOldest Law School In Washington

Only Love School In the District ofColumbia which In a member of the As-sociation of American Law Schools

Only Law School In the District ofColumbia registered with the NewYork State Education Department as ofsufficient standing to the

of the Court of Appeals relating-to admlswlon to the bar

Next ceston opens September 23For catalogue and further infonaatloa call or


The Secretary of the Department of Law

1420 H Street X WWashington D C

MT ST COLLEGEIrvington Station D Baltimore Md

commercial courses full tJ

exteniiws grounds Athletics GJMtrack field summing pool

training for men OatWrits Brother Director

SPECIAL NOTICESConfectioners and Druggists

Advantageousto us rapply nicm with FBEEZIXQ

SALT find FLAVORING EXTRACTSPrices absolutely THE LOWEST for goodJ

of dependable qualityC7N6 consumers supplied

BB Earnshaw BroWHOLESALE GROCERS 11th and M ito M-


ANY PRICEInn 714 9th Streeta Phase M7so-


Our Letters throughthe mails will bring you larger returns than any other medium Call

and see samples-We BYRON S ADA3HS Printerthin 512 llth street

While you think of it telephone yourWant Ad to The Washington Herald andbill will be sent you at 1 ft word

The George WashingtonI



e useLam



conferred ConTenient h tbbuildings


Find IthATe







iocatkn flas


