i linens a silk i oyc ooc c lansbu bro s 420 7th 8th j r...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY APRIL 10 1910 t ti a > I r SALE OF n U LINENS 72Inch German Sliver Bleached Damask 1 qual ity Special yard 22Inch Bleached Scotch Napkins 100 quality cloion- 6S German Silver Bleached Napkins 180 value AH Linen Scalloped Huck Towels 3Bc each I 2 49 iP 1 50 fP en 29 C OYC ¬ >> 72inch Bleached Irish Damask was OOc Specinl Bleached Irish j Napkins 250 dozen special Alllinen Full Sel- vage Bleached Nap t kins 125 quality spe- cial doan Alllinen Hemmed Huck Towels SOc quality special each 79 C yards 2 00 00 rfP 25 C were S ¬ ¬ Business Hours Daily 8 A 6 Wt Saturday 8 A M to 9 P 17 to 425 8th 500 Silk Petticoats BLACK AND COLORS This announcement always meets the approval pf the ladies pf ington An excellent skirt and made of a good quality taffeta silk In alt colors and black several styles and all are cut full width through hips all lengths full foundation and dust ruffle actual value Is 5 Special for one day only M to 2 89 t- LANSBU BRO iI Wash 420 to 42 6 7th St St J AE 289 P M kH 4 IU r Ii ¬ Here Tomorrow in Our DepartmentTh- is sale will be one of Jhe trade sensatons of the year never before was there such valuegiving in spring suits possible so early in the season There are hundreds of style suits in as many different weaves and colors plain cloths and fancy mixtures and of a weight that is suitable for wear just at the present time While we have thousands of suits and every size in each style at present we would advise you to get here early so you can get just the suit you want for delays are dangerous and your size might not be here if you are tardy Remember every suit is mantailored throughout and every coat s beautifully lined with the very best materials Other Wonderful Values for Tomorrow r e xi m Ladies and Misses Suit fat Jt Hero Are Sensational Pr ces for Tomorrows Womens Cloth Coat Suits Worth 20 S88 Womens Cloth Coat Suits Worth 2250 S9m8S Cloth Coat Suits Worth 25 Wcnens oas Womens Cloth Coat 30 1188 Suits Worth Fifty pieces of this beautiful material worth 150 a yard will go on sale tomorrow at Every piece is skein dyed and absolutely thread pure silk The colors are the most beautiful we have ever displayed This material is very strong and wears excellently and one of the most perfectly finished materials in our stock Choose from the follow ing shades Tan brown smoke pink seal old rose violet lavender ivory cream and black and they are full 36 inches wide and worth 150 a yard Special fpr tomorrow jP JL UU TIlE MOST WANTED SILKS ARE REDUCED L5O 36nch Colored Messalline 15005 oo every 0 re- member ¬ 100 Black 35inch TAFFETA SILK 35inch Black Taffeta with a green selvage chiffon weight perfectly finished and an excellent black abso lutely guaranteed to wear actual 100 value d T Special tomorrow 65 U C I C ¬ 85c 19inch PEAU DE CYGNE iginch All Pure Silk Peau de Cygne in many different combinations of shades this silk is used very extensively this spring worth 850 a yard EO Special tomorrow i 59 C C The mqt spleucjid line of these Foulards we have ever shown and the patterns we have are positively confined to this store and are not to be had elsewhere They conie in all the new shades and 1 a- very latest styles 24 incheswide and priced at I O3C an 1 oIU Yard FOULARDS the u I I 1ENEYSS1OWERPROOF d 168 Infants Long Coajs Infants Long Coats mafe cotton bedford cord cape neat- ly trimmed with ribbon and braid 168 vafiie Special torrtorrov at 1 m 1191 19 a- I cf > = Travelers Association Elects Officers for Year DEMOCRATS TO MEET SOON Date Will Be Fixed for Primary Terms of Four Aldermen and Bight Councilmen Expire in Anfirust Fu- neral Services for William XI May to Be Held Tomorrow F Cktan Krtght SS Eiif street Akxaadria V Is authorized ageet cad carrier for Tie Waib- instoa Henid The Herald wilt be daily aDd to asy addx a Ia Alexandria for 50 emu a WASHINGTON HBRALD BUREAU B5 Kisg Street Alexandria Va April 9 Post F Trav- elers Protective Association at Its an- nual meeting tonight In the rooms of the chamber of commerce elected off- icers and chose fifteen delegates and an number of alternates to attend the annual State convention in Staunton on May 13 and 14 The officers are J Y WiUMuas presi- dent H K Plaid vice president R M Graham secretary and treasurer C C Carlin counsel Dr S B Moore past surgeon Rev J R Sevier chaplain C Leadbeater R S Jones W C Davis G D Hopkins F Harper and J T Johnson board of directors Chairmen of committees A D Brockett railroad J H Trimyer legislative O B lUrk press Raymond Hulfish hotel W A Smoot jr employment J William May membership and J Clinton Smoot good roads The delegates are J William May W G Rogers O H Kirk M L Price Jr Raymond Bullish William Leadbeater John T Johnson William Rsardon jr T A Sommers H K Field R S Jones Rapidly and Safely Re- quires No Exeroising and Al lows You to Eat What You This Out For the benefit of those who wish to reduce their flesh quickly and safely we will give the receipt and directions in full for a household remedy that can be obtained at trifling cost from any good drug store ounce Marmoia ounce Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic and 3J3 ounces Peppermint Water three are cheap and wholesome but you should take care to get an unbroken package so that you get Marmola and not a substitute When you get home mix the three together by shaking them aspoonful each meal and at bed time Follow these directions and you will have the bet fat reducer that money can buy It will take off the flesh at the veto of at least two pounds a with- out disarranging the stomach or causing wrinkles best of all no exercis- ing or dieting is required ttf help it out can get results and at the same time take things easy and eat what you Hke as much as you like srad whenever you like NEWSOF ALEXANDRIA T Tend month eq itl C S HOME FAT REDUCER- Works LikeCut together in a large bottle and one eok ti 9 take ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 150 Pure Silk Ladies Hose Ladijbs pure Silk Hose dou- ble sdlcy spliced heels all col- ors u larly ati5o Spe gf cial at V fl 1mOO lrf 000- ifi a I ¬ ¬ < = J H Trimyer H L Reed J A Hulfish- and Wallace Lindsay The alternates are Carl Schafer Edgar Warn d Jr W P Taylor A H Thom- son R B Miller W C Davis R M- Chicheeter M W Duanington R F Downham D N Hellish M K Grease 1C W Odgan C T NiCholson T C Howard and Harry Hammond The terms of four and eight couycilmen will axpJro on August 3L It ia topected that within a short time nif tlng of the dity Demoorntie committee yH be called for the purpose of ob- taming candidates and for fixing upon a date for the primary The election 1 scheduled for the second Tuesday in June According to reports some of the city fathers will not b candidates again Several will have opposition Franklin T Evans the only Re publican momber of council whose t rm- also expires will not enter the primary of course following is a list of those whose terms expire Aldermen Jacob Brill First ward FF Marbury Second ward J R N Curtin Third ward C J Summers Fourth ward Snowden and Thom as Rishelll First ward Henry Baader and Louis Brill Second ward W B Hallmuth and J Fred Birrell Third ward Franklin T Evans and L B Uhlar Pourth ward Funeral services for William H May who died early this morning will be held at 3 oclock Monday afternoon from his home G16 Cameron street The services will be conducted by Rev Harry M Canter pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church South dId Rev O C pastor of thefDarRy Methodist Church Burial will be in Bethel Cemetery Mem- bers of R B Loe Camp Confederate Veterans and Oriental Lodge No 6 Knights of Pythias win attend the funeral in a body Mr May wits past commander of the Confederate veterans The pallbearers will be William A Smoot P F George W Keys- J Frank Myers S H Lunt and E W Anftaoost Mr May was oJghtyejght years old and besides his wife is survived by two children Mrs Samuel c Boush and John W May Ho was a member of tho firm of William H May Son dealers in agricultural supplies and fertilizer Jfje- served in the legislature and was a tice of the peace for years The Alexandria Froe Klndergaten will hold its annual meeting Monday night in the Young Peoples building of the Methodist Episcopal Church South One of the features of the meeting will be a lecture on gardening by Miss Sipeo of Washington kindergartens will make a short on work There will be vocal selections by several student from the Washington Normal Klndargar ten Training School Miss Eunice Barnum prominent and wellknown resident of Lincolnia Fair- fax County died at her home at 2 oclock this afternoon after a long illness was seventyfour years old The funaral will take place at 2 oclock Monday after noon from Cottage farm and the burial will be made at thaFplace Alderman J Marriott Hill has it Is re- ported sold to Frederick Schuler the store building on the north Side of King street alderman A The W CouncilmenHubert BeaU Gorman s Washington Miss dIrector ot She Council- man WatklrTh address nature I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 1 Embroidered Swiss Flouncing of syincjr dozens of vfefitttiful patterns to select from price 1 yard Special yard 59c lards Em- broider i s r 59 C just west of Pitt street known as W3 King street The property is regarded as on of the most valuable In King street Mr Schuler will shortly improve it A meeting of the eight census enumera- tors for this city was held at the post office building this afternoon They wore given Instructions by Albert Flotoher jr of Warreatoa Va supervisor for the Eighth Congressional district The work will be commenced April l The are 35 J Pfenning and D E Robary First ward Harris White and Joseph A Delaney Second ward Braxton B Smith and Callan Third ward and Car Un R Creighton and W French Fourth ward Opening services in tha naw Bradflock Heights Episcopal Church will be hold at 4 oclock tomorrow afternoon and will be conducted by Rev William J Morton rector of Christ Xpiscopal Church Sunday school services will be held at 3 oclock in the afternoon and will be in charge of Mr Thompson of Episcopal Thoological Seminary Arrangements have been mado for a meeting of the general committee ap pointed to make arrangements for the entertainment of visiting firemen at the State convention which meeting will be- held Monday night at 8 oclock in Colum- bia engine house All members of the committee are urged to be present J D Normoyle purchased at auction to- day four lots on tho south side of Wythe street The purchase price was 166 The lots were sold S H Lunt As a result of his right hand being caught in a crusher at tije Firth stool plant this morning William E Allen jr of this city had four fingers mashed His injuries were drossed at Providence Hospital Washington When the case of the six negroes ar rested yesterday for shooting craps was called in the Police Court this mowIng only three appeared The others forroited 6 collateral oath Those ap- pearing were acquitted Thor will be a meeting of Marley En- campment of Odd Fellows at Odd Fel- lows Hall Monday night The royal pur- ple degree will be upon a class of three candidates Policeman Young and Road at 3 oclock tilts morning picked up a stray horse found roaming the streot The animal is now at a livery stable and has not been called for MRS C J GQCKELER BURIED Mrs Christian J Gockeler who died Thursday was burled yesterday after- noon In Rock Creek Cemetery after funeral services at the family home 312 K street northwest Rev John T Hud- dle pastor of St Pauls Church offic- iated The honorary pallbearers were A F Fox Louis HartIg Wilbur Nash and Henry Trager J E Jenks William Haney Harvey Rogers J Louis WII Hge Robert Young and A Meviua acted as pallbearers Mrs Gockeler who was formorly Miss Lottie Mae Burkhart daughter of Her- man Burkhart is survived by Mrs Mar garet Trager Mrs Ernest Armstrong and William Burkhart enumer- ators Robert I i b t i James badly conform l ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Womens Cloth Coat Suits Worth 35 1288 VARSITY DEBATE ARRANGED Seniors and Juniors Meet April 15 Gaston HalL Subject of DIsunssIon Womens Po litionl Rifirhfn Representatives of Conjures Referees Tile second term public debate between representatives of the Senior and Junior Doomting societies of the Georgetown University Law School will take place at S oclock the evening of April 18 in Gaston Hall Georgetown University Building The winners of this debate are compete with those of a previous de bate heW during the first term for the faculty priM of IKK The prize debate will take place toward tho close of the collegiate year The debaters for next Friday night are Girard M Cohen and Daniel C Mullow- ny of the Senior Society stud Donald B Creecy and Kell V Fits of the Junior Society The question to bo discussed affirms That women should have an right with men subject to the same conditions and limitations to vote on all public or political questions whether na tional State or municipal The Senior Society will contend for the affirmative The judges for the debate are Represent atives John J Fitzgerald and Michael B Driecoll both of New York and James M Graham of Illinois Daniel C Mullowny of the senior so- ciety is a resident of Portland Me and graduated from Georgetown ISaw School In the class of 1996 with the decree of bachelor of laws He is at present postgraduate work Mr Mullowny is a member of the Intercollegiate com- mittee on debates and has represented Georgetown debating societies in public debates on several occasions in the past Girard M Cohen is a native of Bruns wick Ga He Is a graduate of Southern Business University of Atlanta and sev- eral years ago was admitted to practice law before the courts of his native State He entered Georgetown University in 1907 and Is at present vice president of the senior society Mr Cohen is promi nent in the Improved Order of Red Men fraternity and a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Kell V Kite one of the representatives of the Junior Society Is an Alabaman anti graduate of the Sixth district Agricultural High School at his home- town Hamilton While a member of the school he won renown as a debater of no moan ability and was chosen orator for the Agatherldan Literary Society of the school at its anniversary celebration In 1902 Mr Fite is a member of the Ala- bama bar Donald B Creecy Is a Washington boy and is the product of the Georgetown Preparatory School and the university except for a year spent at Princeton where h prepared himself for a law course at the local university He is a student In the second year class of the Georgetown Law School Mfc Creecy has appeared in public debate In the past both in Princeton and in this city Ins present homo Is In Howard County Md largest Morning Circulation in te pal pur- suing a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Womens slack Lawn Waists 9Sc 198 Onepiece Percale House Dresses House Dresses in light and dark percale some made with high collar Dutch ncK and some with round nocks good skirt with deep hem sizes to 44 Slla special t48 DARKEST AFRICA ON SCREEN Roosevelt Expedition to Be Shown at Arcnac Theater Roosevelt in Africa is tiie subject of set of films that should rival the most interesting and instructive ever shown those who avail themselves of an op- portunity to visit the handsome theater of the Arcade Building Fourteenth street and Park road northwest the Monday April The scenes include the government buildings in Mombasa Roosevelt planting a tree in front of the Bombs Trading Companys office native amuse- ments in Mombasa railway trip from Kin to Naquro Zulu women at spring dance of the rainmaker natives draw Ing water from a well in the kraal specimens of kingfisher feeding the young Jacksons dancing bird vultures and marabou storks feeding woodpecker feeding its young making and breaking camp at Bondonl Zulu war dance and ceremonies in honor of Cot Roosevelts visit by the natives reviewing i the ma neuvers Zulu belles Col Roosevelt ex- amining gun before being presented to Chief Akawahkl starting on the trail the home of the lizard young Serval giraffes on their native heath the deadly African spider giant land turtle flash- light of a manoatlpg lion irt the jungle party crossing a stream chameleon at play rhinoceros mother and baby rhi- noceros killed by the former president hartbeest roaming over the veldt visit- ing delegation of gnus and zebras hippo- potami at play in the Tans River croco- dile taking his morning plunge picture- of young deer and Col Roosevelt return- ing from his final hunting expedition The Arcade theater with its original Coroma screen is probably as well fitted to furnish the exhibition as any house of amusement of the kind in this section of the county DAMAGES APPRAISED Commission Report on the Grade Changes Due to Union Station Appraisements of damages to property- in the Southwest section as a result of grade changes made in the abolition of the crossings on the line of the Philadel- phia Baltimore and Washington Rail road have been filed with the District Supreme Court by the special commission The commission will next consider the cases of property owners In Maryland avenue southwest between Tenth and Eleventh streets A hearing will be held at the City Hall at1030 oclock Tuesday morning when the realty owners will appear before the commission In support- of their claims The commission consists of Charles A Baker George W Nose and George Spransy Largest Morning Circulation Christian Xanders Family Quality House of foreign and domestic 5 select stock in America 325 t beverages 9fl9 7th Si 2SSS i to week ji Jot cat Umi m u- n u t- iI wines and found ed in 1865 and most t- I tU Uti III I m 11 tun II U Ult II U II U I II I U tUff a be- ginning IL ff- I dItillates Largest 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = Womens Black AllWool AllSatin and Worth 1350 Tomorrow Broadcloth Coats ined 690 Serge That Will Wholly and Brilliantly Excel All Others Ambition knows no rest The Dress Goods Section is constantly doing week provided of course that the lot holds can buy Dress Goods that are conspicuous for high quality at an extremely low price About 10000 yards in this lot A New York jobber sacrificed his entire surplus stock to us at a big discount from regular prices We are going to offer the entire lot on the same lowprice basis Hence we anticipate large and enthusiastic crowds g You can buy 69c 75c 89c and 100 Firstquality Dress Goods in all col- ors including plenty of reserved the entire 10000 yards to go on your unrestricted choice at yd Choose from Fine Cream Storm Serge 54inch Cream Mohair Cream Allwool Panama Cream French Voile Ex- tra Quality Imported Allwool Empress Allwool Gray All Pure Wool Gunclub plaids Colored French Voile Storm Serge Cream Diagonals Cream and Black Stripes 44inch Black and White Shepherd Checks Silky Cream and Black English Mohair Black 50inch Mohair Sicilian 44inch Bla k Brilliantine Black Allwool Storm Serge Black Im- perial Serge Black Henrietta and Nuns Veiling Batistes Voiles and Panamas and a host of other weaves Now this sale will present an opportunity to save on your spring and early fall dress It is an event to enthuse over for no such values as are here were ever known before in the history of Washington retailing Dress Goods worth up to 1 for 49C I T startling things most attractively Tomorrow and for the remainder of the omorrow outyou 4 9 C I creamnone saletake Su ting I I Another Great Dress Goods Sae for ¬ 1 Spread for One Day at 1 14 Fulisize White Crochet Sprcsitf neat designs closely easily washed med ready for use i value reduced to ff JL 71c woven C Jw H 7 ¬ 40c Irish Dress Linen Per Yard M yards of 36inch superior of Irish Dress Idol material for dresses also used for coat this grade is a for tunate purchase made our buyer and he therefore wishes to give the Washington shoppers a chance at a real linen a small quantity 40c grade For Monday only yard 25c suits 25 C ¬ TOTS DELIGHT AUDIENCE Ladies Auxiliary Confederate Vet- erans Give Entertainment Little tots delighted a throng last night at an entertainment given by the Ladles Auxiliary of the Stonewall Jackson Tent Confederate Veterans at Carroll Insti tute Hall The exercises were opened with a Jana nose love song by little girls dressed in oriental costumes Love and Whist a play in one act won favorable comment Henry Y Yaeger played the role of Court- ney Fairfax a cosmopolitan and her majestys guard was acted by Le Roy Birch Miss Sue Taggert was an Amer- ican grand dame and Miss Etta Taggert played the part of her daughter Max Kahn entertained the audience with several character sketches while dialect stories were given by Miss Car roll Miss Shorler gave a soprano solo which was followed by Southern airs by Mrs Armand Gumprecht After the en tertainment the hall was cleared for dancing DISORDERLY PASSENGER HURT Brooltlnml Thrown Off and Face Cut Arthur Rector negro who lives in Bunker Hill road Brookland D C came to town last night and being unable to distinguish between that which is per- missible for a city man and that which his country cousin will be permitted to do conducted himself In a manner that landed him in Garfleld Hospital with several deep lacerations of the face and head which were more painful than dengereus While a passenger on northbound car No 386 of the North Capitol street line he became disorderly and refused to listen to Conductor Edward German until that official pitched him bodily into the street The action of the conductor was com- mended by the passengers who have been much annoyed by many disturb ances on the suburban lines LOOK HERE BROKERS I have a Commission Proposition for your Life Health and all branches of liability business that will interest you Phone Main 3169 or call on BEN M RAWLiNGS Manager 306 Wcstory Building Washington D C Phoenix Mutual Life Ins Co and Frankfort Marine Accident and P G Ins Co FUNERAL DIRECTORS J WILLIAM Funeral Director Chapel nd Modem Crematorium Mo4 t prittsJ- 32 Pennsylvania are uw Telephone Main 13S5 GEORGE P ZURHORST 301 East Capitol Street FUNERAL DESIGNS FUNERAL FLOWERS Of Erny Description Moderately Priced GTTDE Funeral Designs Fbnera Dfte v GEO 0 SHAFER Beautiful Coral djetei very maontbla In prten boa 31S Utir Srt tte as egro LEEr sad Embalmer 1n connection Commodioul I Ii Street- Car MaSs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 501 MendelsMake Man Tailored Waists Laundered collars antI cuffs Worth 21 at 77c 23c Mercerized French Batiste 40 indies wide linen thread finish fine sheer quality in white ecru light blue lavender This lot only at yard u pink and 15c S I DIED DVNNINGTONOn Friday April 8 191 at 920 p m ELLA D beloved wife of William E DunningtoD and mother of Thomas II Kindle and Mrs Arthur H Boyce Notice of funeral hereafter HERBERTOn Saturday April 9 19W at S 0 a m at his residence 4tS G Street southwest H HER BERT beloved of Ella Her bert aged fortynine years HORGANOn Frldty April S lEO at his home In Fairfax Va EDMUND HORGAX beloved husband of Mary E Korean nee Cunningham Notice of funeral hereafter HUGHESOn Saturday morning April 9 1910 at 530 oclock at Hos pital VERDA TUJrSLTY wife of John A Hughes aged thirtyeight years Notice of funeral hereafter Friday S lilt at 3 a m at Providence Hospital MARY A JUDGE beloved daughter of Cath- arine and the late Judge In her nineteenth year Funeral will taka place from her late residence 61S H street pn Monday 11 at 830 a m thence to St Patricks Church Interment at Rock Creek Cemetery ROBESON On April S 1910 at her residence 17 N street MARY I widow of George 2 Robe son Saturday 9 1S10 at 226 p m at his residence 6 Massa- chusetts northeast HENRY S STOTLER beloved husband of Sal Jie R Stotler in his seventyfirst year of Notice of funeral hereafter WALSHOn Friday S 181 at his residence 2fleo Massachusetts avenue northwest THOMAS F WALSH Funeral private on Sunday April 10 Please omit flowers Retirement of Norfolk and Wash- ington D c Steambont Cornprmya or before tfce first day rf June O the r folk and Washington D C Stauabeat Cewpuiy win retire all of its outstaattat barti The nme will be paid for at per and interest to the flnt day of June 1910 upon preeaoutte at Uw A wn can Security and Trust Co at soy has on or before that date Any bonds not presented for redtapUoR f 1 will not be entitled to interest Uxsrwfu ion priTiUsa of redtiaptioa b so ctitA ia the mart gc- BccuriDg said bonds and also Muted vm their face WOODBCKY rrasWent ODELL S SMITH- S c and Tress a Every DescrIption Including Auto mobile and Liability Insurance Get Our Rates Commercial Bank 708716 14th Phone Blnin 2019 I NEVER DISAPPOINT THERES A DIFFERENCE in Prfattoff M tfese IB in carpets dry goods or shoes We cant glee you the silt at the calico rsiee but if you want the e Ha ends we ran furnish you the best that ft calico BYRON S A0A3IS PRJOTBB 330 5M U- tPHURCH NOTICES UNITARIAN ALL SOULS CHURCH ear a d L rta Uijww G B D D oJnbtar 9 5 HJ Sunday school Class for tae Gonparatne Sta ir of Iteligiorf and Unity Study Otaw Jl a m morning errje errmoa by be minister Then is also kiodergarten the hour o morciaz Dales Tfc pibaa united to husband JUDGEOn northw t STOTLEROn I NOTICES DonJ- On u LEVI J lOt INSURANCE- Of c RALPH W LEE STREET N W viii Main at 11th Pierce during wership 733 p El Yoon Peoples an ama 1 9 SPECIAL June Building grade iricv buy i > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ >

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Page 1: I LINENS A Silk I OYC OOc C LANSBU BRO S 420 7th 8th J r ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1910-04-10/ed-1/seq-2.pdf THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY APRIL 10 1910 ti t a >



ti a




LINENS72Inch German Sliver

Bleached Damask 1 quality Special yard

22Inch BleachedScotch Napkins 100quality cloion-

6S German SilverBleached Napkins 180value

AH Linen Scalloped HuckTowels 3Bceach

I2 49iP

1 50fPen




72inch Bleached IrishDamask was OOc Specinl

Bleached Irish jNapkins 250dozen special

Alllinen Full Sel-vage Bleached Nap tkins 125 quality spe-cial doan

Alllinen Hemmed HuckTowels SOc quality specialeach


2 00


25 C




Business Hours Daily 8 A 6 Wt Saturday 8 A M to 9 P

17 to 425 8th

500 SilkPetticoats

BLACK AND COLORSThis announcement always meets the approval pf the ladies pf

ington An excellent skirt and made of a good quality taffeta silk Inalt colors and black several styles and all are cut fullwidth through hips all lengths full foundation and dustruffle actual value Is 5 Special for one day only

M to 2 89t-



420 to 426 7th St St JAE




r Ii


Here Tomorrow in Our DepartmentTh-is sale will be one of Jhe trade sensatons of the year never before was there such valuegiving in spring suits possible so early in the season There are hundreds of style

suits in as many different weaves and colors plain cloths and fancy mixtures and of a weight that is suitable for wear just at the present time While we have thousands of suits andevery size in each style at present we would advise you to get here early so you can get just the suit you want for delays are dangerous and your size might not be here if you are tardy

Remember every suit is mantailored throughout and every coat s beautifully lined with the very best materials

Other Wonderful Values for Tomorrow

re xi m Ladies and Misses Suitfat

Jt Hero Are Sensational Pr ces for TomorrowsWomens Cloth

Coat SuitsWorth 20


Womens Cloth

Coat SuitsWorth 2250



Coat SuitsWorth 25



Womens Cloth




Fifty pieces of this beautiful material worth 150 a yard will go on sale tomorrow at Every piece is skeindyed and absolutely thread pure silk The colors are the most beautiful we have ever displayed This material isvery strong and wears excellently and one of the most perfectly finished materials in our stock Choose from the following shades Tan brown smoke pink seal old rose violet lavender ivory cream and black and

they are full 36 inches wide and worth 150 a yard Special fpr tomorrow jP JL UU

TIlE MOST WANTED SILKS ARE REDUCEDL5O 36nch Colored Messalline 15005






100 Black 35inchTAFFETA SILK

35inch Black Taffeta with a green selvage chiffonweight perfectly finished and an excellent black absolutely guaranteed to wear actual 100 value d T

Special tomorrow





85c 19inchPEAU DE CYGNE

iginch All Pure Silk Peau de Cygne inmany different combinations of shades this silk is usedvery extensively this spring worth 850 a yard EOSpecial tomorrow i



The mqt spleucjid line of these Foulards we have ever shown and the patterns we have are positively confined tothis store and are not to be had elsewhere They conie in all the new shades and 1 a-

very latest styles 24 incheswide and priced at I O3C an 1 oIU Yard


uI I



168 Infants Long Coajs

Infants Long Coats mafecotton bedford cord cape neat-ly trimmed with ribbon andbraid 168 vafiieSpecial torrtorrovat 1 m







Travelers Association ElectsOfficers for Year


Date Will Be Fixed for PrimaryTerms of Four Aldermen and BightCouncilmen Expire in Anfirust Fu-

neral Services for William XI Mayto Be Held Tomorrow

F Cktan Krtght SS Eiif street AkxaadriaV Is authorized ageet cad carrier for Tie Waib-instoa Henid The Herald wilt be dailyaDd to asy addx a Ia Alexandria for 50

emu a


Alexandria Va April 9 Post F Trav-

elers Protective Association at Its an-

nual meeting tonight In the rooms ofthe chamber of commerce elected off-

icers and chose fifteen delegates and annumber of alternates to attend the

annual State convention in Staunton onMay 13 and 14

The officers are J Y WiUMuas presi-dent H K Plaid vice president R MGraham secretary and treasurer C CCarlin counsel Dr S B Moore pastsurgeon Rev J R Sevier chaplainC Leadbeater R S Jones W C DavisG D Hopkins F Harper and J TJohnson board of directors Chairmenof committees A D Brockett railroadJ H Trimyer legislative O B lUrkpress Raymond Hulfish hotel W ASmoot jr employment J WilliamMay membership and J Clinton Smootgood roads

The delegates are J William May WG Rogers O H Kirk M L Price JrRaymond Bullish William LeadbeaterJohn T Johnson William Rsardon jrT A Sommers H K Field R S Jones

Rapidly and Safely Re-

quires No Exeroising and Allows You to Eat What You

This OutFor the benefit of those who wish to

reduce their flesh quickly and safely wewill give the receipt and directions infull for a household remedy thatcan be obtained at trifling cost from anygood drug store ounce Marmoiaounce Fluid Extract Cascara Aromaticand 3J3 ounces Peppermint Waterthree are cheap and wholesome but youshould take care to get an unbrokenpackage so that you get Marmola andnot a substitute When you get homemix the three together by shaking themaspoonful each meal and at bedtime

Follow these directions and you willhave the bet fat reducer that moneycan buy It will take off the flesh at theveto of at least two pounds a with-out disarranging the stomach or causingwrinkles best of all no exercis-ing or dieting is required ttf help it out

can get results and at the sametime take things easy and eat what youHke as much as you like srad wheneveryou like





eq itl






together in a large bottle and one














150 Pure Silk Ladies Hose

Ladijbs pure Silk Hose dou-ble sdlcy spliced heels all col-

ors ularly ati5o Spe gf

cial at V fl










J H Trimyer H L Reed J A Hulfish-and Wallace Lindsay

The alternates are Carl Schafer EdgarWarn d Jr W P Taylor A H Thom-son R B Miller W C Davis R M-

Chicheeter M W Duanington R FDownham D N Hellish M K Grease1C W Odgan C T NiCholson T CHoward and Harry Hammond

The terms of four and eightcouycilmen will axpJro on August 3L Itia topected that within a short timenif tlng of the dity Demoorntie committeeyH be called for the purpose of ob-

taming candidates and for fixing upon adate for the primary The election 1

scheduled for the second Tuesday in JuneAccording to reports some of the city

fathers will not b candidates againSeveral will have opposition

Franklin T Evans the only Republican momber of council whose t rm-also expires will not enter the primaryof course

following is a list of those whoseterms expire Aldermen Jacob BrillFirst ward F F Marbury Second wardJ R N Curtin Third ward C JSummers Fourth ward

Snowden and Thomas Rishelll First ward Henry Baaderand Louis Brill Second ward W BHallmuth and J Fred Birrell Third wardFranklin T Evans and L B UhlarPourth ward

Funeral services for William H Maywho died early this morning will be heldat 3 oclock Monday afternoon from hishome G16 Cameron street The serviceswill be conducted by Rev Harry MCanter pastor of the Methodist EpiscopalChurch South dId Rev O Cpastor of thefDarRy Methodist ChurchBurial will be in Bethel Cemetery Mem-bers of R B Loe Camp ConfederateVeterans and Oriental Lodge No 6

Knights of Pythias win attend thefuneral in a body Mr May wits pastcommander of the Confederate veteransThe pallbearers will be William ASmoot P F George W Keys-J Frank Myers S H Lunt and E WAnftaoost

Mr May was oJghtyejght years oldand besides his wife is survived by twochildren Mrs Samuel c Boush and JohnW May Ho was a member of tho firmof William H May Son dealers inagricultural supplies and fertilizer Jfje-served in the legislature and was atice of the peace for years

The Alexandria Froe Klndergaten willhold its annual meeting Monday nightin the Young Peoples building of theMethodist Episcopal Church South Oneof the features of the meeting will bea lecture on gardening by Miss Sipeo of

Washington kindergartens will make ashort on work There willbe vocal selections by several studentfrom the Washington Normal Klndargarten Training School

Miss Eunice Barnum prominent andwellknown resident of Lincolnia Fair-fax County died at her home at 2 oclockthis afternoon after a long illnesswas seventyfour years old The funaralwill take place at 2 oclock Monday afternoon from Cottage farm and the burialwill be made at thaFplace

Alderman J Marriott Hill has it Is re-ported sold to Frederick Schuler the storebuilding on the north Side of King street









Washington Miss dIrector ot




address nature








1 Embroidered Swiss Flouncing

of syincjr

dozens of vfefitttiful patterns toselect fromprice 1 yard Specialyard

59clards Em-

broider i s



just west of Pitt street known as W3King street The property is regarded ason of the most valuable In King streetMr Schuler will shortly improve it

A meeting of the eight census enumera-tors for this city was held at the postoffice building this afternoon They woregiven Instructions by Albert Flotoher jrof Warreatoa Va supervisor for theEighth Congressional district The workwill be commenced April l The

are 35 J Pfenning and D E RobaryFirst ward Harris White and Joseph ADelaney Second ward Braxton B Smithand Callan Third ward and CarUn R Creighton and W FrenchFourth ward

Opening services in tha naw BradflockHeights Episcopal Church will be holdat 4 oclock tomorrow afternoon andwill be conducted by Rev William JMorton rector of Christ XpiscopalChurch Sunday school services will beheld at 3 oclock in the afternoon andwill be in charge of Mr Thompson ofEpiscopal Thoological Seminary

Arrangements have been mado for ameeting of the general committee appointed to make arrangements for theentertainment of visiting firemen at theState convention which meeting will be-held Monday night at 8 oclock in Colum-bia engine house All members of thecommittee are urged to be present

J D Normoyle purchased at auction to-day four lots on tho south side of Wythestreet The purchase price was 166 Thelots were sold S H Lunt

As a result of his right hand beingcaught in a crusher at tije Firth stoolplant this morning William E Allen jrof this city had four fingersmashed His injuries were drossed atProvidence Hospital Washington

When the case of the six negroes arrested yesterday for shooting crapswas called in the Police Court thismowIng only three appeared The othersforroited 6 collateral oath Those ap-pearing were acquitted

Thor will be a meeting of Marley En-campment of Odd Fellows at Odd Fel-lows Hall Monday night The royal pur-ple degree will be upon a classof three candidates

Policeman Young and Road at 3 oclocktilts morning picked up a stray horsefound roaming the streot The animal isnow at a livery stable and has not beencalled for


Mrs Christian J Gockeler who diedThursday was burled yesterday after-noon In Rock Creek Cemetery afterfuneral services at the family home 312K street northwest Rev John T Hud-dle pastor of St Pauls Church offic-iated

The honorary pallbearers were A FFox Louis HartIg Wilbur Nash andHenry Trager J E Jenks WilliamHaney Harvey Rogers J Louis WIIHge Robert Young and A Meviua actedas pallbearers

Mrs Gockeler who was formorly MissLottie Mae Burkhart daughter of Her-man Burkhart is survived by Mrs Margaret Trager Mrs Ernest Armstrongand William Burkhart









conform l













Womens Cloth

Coat SuitsWorth 35



Seniors and Juniors Meet April 15

Gaston HalL

Subject of DIsunssIon Womens Politionl Rifirhfn Representatives

of Conjures Referees

Tile second term public debate betweenrepresentatives of the Senior and JuniorDoomting societies of the GeorgetownUniversity Law School will take placeat S oclock the evening of April 18 inGaston Hall Georgetown UniversityBuilding The winners of this debate are

compete with those of a previous debate heW during the first term for thefaculty priM of IKK The prize debatewill take place toward tho close of thecollegiate year

The debaters for next Friday night areGirard M Cohen and Daniel C Mullow-ny of the Senior Society stud Donald BCreecy and Kell V Fits of the JuniorSociety The question to bo discussedaffirms That women should have an

right with men subject to the sameconditions and limitations to vote on allpublic or political questions whether national State or municipal The SeniorSociety will contend for the affirmativeThe judges for the debate are Representatives John J Fitzgerald and Michael BDriecoll both of New York and JamesM Graham of Illinois

Daniel C Mullowny of the senior so-

ciety is a resident of Portland Me andgraduated from Georgetown ISaw SchoolIn the class of 1996 with the decree ofbachelor of laws He is at present

postgraduate work Mr Mullownyis a member of the Intercollegiate com-

mittee on debates and has representedGeorgetown debating societies in publicdebates on several occasions in the past

Girard M Cohen is a native of Brunswick Ga He Is a graduate of SouthernBusiness University of Atlanta and sev-eral years ago was admitted to practicelaw before the courts of his native StateHe entered Georgetown University in1907 and Is at present vice president ofthe senior society Mr Cohen is prominent in the Improved Order of Red Menfraternity and a member of the Sons ofConfederate Veterans

Kell V Kite one of the representativesof the Junior Society Is an Alabamananti graduate of the Sixth districtAgricultural High School at his home-town Hamilton While a member of theschool he won renown as a debater of nomoan ability and was chosen orator forthe Agatherldan Literary Society of theschool at its anniversary celebration In1902 Mr Fite is a member of the Ala-

bama barDonald B Creecy Is a Washington boy

and is the product of the GeorgetownPreparatory School and the universityexcept for a year spent at Princetonwhere h prepared himself for a lawcourse at the local university He is astudent In the second year class of theGeorgetown Law School Mfc Creecy hasappeared in public debate In the pastboth in Princeton and in this city Inspresent homo Is In Howard County Md

largest Morning Circulation















Womens slack

Lawn Waists


198 Onepiece Percale House


House Dresses in lightand dark percale some made withhigh collar Dutch ncK andsome with round nocks good skirtwith deep hemsizes to 44 Sllaspecial



Roosevelt Expedition to Be Shownat Arcnac Theater

Roosevelt in Africa is tiie subject ofset of films that should rival the most

interesting and instructive ever shownthose who avail themselves of an op-

portunity to visit the handsome theaterof the Arcade Building Fourteenth streetand Park road northwest the

Monday AprilThe scenes include the government

buildings in Mombasa Rooseveltplanting a tree in front of the BombsTrading Companys office native amuse-ments in Mombasa railway trip fromKin to Naquro Zulu women at springdance of the rainmaker natives drawIng water from a well in the kraalspecimens of kingfisher feeding theyoung Jacksons dancing bird vulturesand marabou storks feeding woodpeckerfeeding its young making and breakingcamp at Bondonl Zulu war dance andceremonies in honor of Cot Rooseveltsvisit by the natives reviewing i the maneuvers Zulu belles Col Roosevelt ex-

amining gun before being presented toChief Akawahkl starting on the trail thehome of the lizard young Servalgiraffes on their native heath the deadlyAfrican spider giant land turtle flash-light of a manoatlpg lion irt the jungleparty crossing a stream chameleon atplay rhinoceros mother and baby rhi-noceros killed by the former presidenthartbeest roaming over the veldt visit-ing delegation of gnus and zebras hippo-potami at play in the Tans River croco-dile taking his morning plunge picture-of young deer and Col Roosevelt return-ing from his final hunting expedition

The Arcade theater with its originalCoroma screen is probably as well

fitted to furnish the exhibition as anyhouse of amusement of the kind in thissection of the county


Commission Report on the GradeChanges Due to Union Station

Appraisements of damages to property-in the Southwest section as a result ofgrade changes made in the abolition ofthe crossings on the line of the Philadel-phia Baltimore and Washington Railroad have been filed with the DistrictSupreme Court by the special commission

The commission will next consider thecases of property owners In Marylandavenue southwest between Tenth andEleventh streets A hearing will be heldat the City Hall at1030 oclock Tuesdaymorning when the realty owners willappear before the commission In support-of their claims

The commission consists of Charles ABaker George W Nose and GeorgeSpransy

Largest Morning Circulation

Christian XandersFamily Quality House

of foreign and domestic 5

select stock in America 325 tbeverages

9fl9 7th Si 2SSS i






Umi m u-n u


iI wines and founded in 1865 and most t-

ItU Uti III I m 11 tun II U Ult II U II U I II I U tUff



ginning IL
















= =

Womens Black AllWool

AllSatin and

Worth 1350 Tomorrow

Broadcloth Coats




That Will Wholly and Brilliantly Excel All OthersAmbition knows no rest The Dress Goods Section is constantly doing

week provided of course that the lot holds can buy Dress Goodsthat are conspicuous for high quality at an extremely low price About 10000yards in this lot A New York jobber sacrificed his entire surplus stock to us ata big discount from regular prices We are going to offer the entire lot on thesame lowprice basis Hence we anticipate large and enthusiastic crowdsg You can buy 69c 75c 89c and 100 Firstquality Dress Goods in all col-

ors including plenty of reserved the entire 10000 yards to go onyour unrestricted choice at yd

Choose from Fine Cream Storm Serge 54inch Cream Mohair Cream Allwool Panama Cream French Voile Ex-

tra Quality Imported Allwool Empress Allwool Gray All Pure Wool Gunclub plaids Colored French VoileStorm Serge Cream Diagonals Cream and Black Stripes 44inch Black and White Shepherd Checks Silky Cream andBlack English Mohair Black 50inch Mohair Sicilian 44inch Bla k Brilliantine Black Allwool Storm Serge Black Im-

perial Serge Black Henrietta and Nuns Veiling Batistes Voiles and Panamas and a host of other weaves Now this salewill present an opportunity to save on your spring and early fall dress It is an event to enthuse over for no such values asare here were ever known before in the history of Washington retailing Dress Goods worth up to 1 for 49C


Tstartling things most attractively Tomorrow and for the remainder of the omorrowoutyou

49CI creamnonesaletake

Su ting


Another Great Dress Goods Saefor


1 Spread for One Day at

1 14 Fulisize White CrochetSprcsitf neat designs closely

easily washedmed ready for use ivalue reduced to ff JL





40c Irish Dress Linen Per Yard

M yards of 36inch superiorof Irish Dress

Idol material for dresses also usedfor coat this grade is a fortunate purchase made ourbuyer and he therefore wishes togive the Washington shoppers achance at a real linena small quantity 40c gradeFor Monday onlyyard


25 C



Ladies Auxiliary Confederate Vet-

erans Give EntertainmentLittle tots delighted a throng last night

at an entertainment given by the LadlesAuxiliary of the Stonewall Jackson TentConfederate Veterans at Carroll Institute Hall

The exercises were opened with a Jananose love song by little girls dressed inoriental costumes Love and Whist aplay in one act won favorable commentHenry Y Yaeger played the role of Court-ney Fairfax a cosmopolitan and hermajestys guard was acted by Le RoyBirch Miss Sue Taggert was an Amer-ican grand dame and Miss Etta Taggertplayed the part of her daughter

Max Kahn entertained the audiencewith several character sketches whiledialect stories were given by Miss Carroll Miss Shorler gave a soprano solowhich was followed by Southern airs byMrs Armand Gumprecht After the entertainment the hall was cleared fordancing


Brooltlnml Thrown Off

and Face CutArthur Rector negro who lives in

Bunker Hill road Brookland D C cameto town last night and being unable todistinguish between that which is per-missible for a city man and that whichhis country cousin will be permitted todo conducted himself In a manner thatlanded him in Garfleld Hospital withseveral deep lacerations of the face andhead which were more painful thandengereus

While a passenger on northbound carNo 386 of the North Capitol street linehe became disorderly and refused tolisten to Conductor Edward German untilthat official pitched him bodily into thestreet

The action of the conductor was com-mended by the passengers who havebeen much annoyed by many disturbances on the suburban lines


I have a Commission Propositionfor your Life Health andall branches of liability businessthat will interest you Phone

Main 3169 or call onBEN M RAWLiNGS Manager

306 Wcstory BuildingWashington D C

Phoenix Mutual Life Ins Coand

Frankfort Marine Accident andP G Ins Co


J WILLIAM Funeral DirectorChapel nd Modem Crematorium Mo4 t prittsJ-32 Pennsylvania are uw Telephone Main 13S5

GEORGE P ZURHORST301 East Capitol Street


FUNERAL FLOWERSOf Erny Description Moderately Priced

GTTDEFuneral Designs Fbnera Dfte v

GEO 0 SHAFERBeautiful Coral djetei very maontbla In prten

boa 31S Utir Srt tte as


LEErsad Embalmer 1n connection Commodioul

I Ii












501 MendelsMake Man

Tailored WaistsLaundered collars antI cuffs

Worth 21 at


23c Mercerized French Batiste

40 indies wide linen threadfinish fine sheer quality inwhite ecru light bluelavender This lot onlyat yard u

pink and

15c S


DIEDDVNNINGTONOn Friday April 8 191

at 920 p m ELLA D beloved wifeof William E DunningtoD and motherof Thomas II Kindle and Mrs ArthurH Boyce

Notice of funeral hereafterHERBERTOn Saturday April 9 19W

at S 0 a m at his residence 4tS GStreet southwest H HERBERT beloved of Ella Herbert aged fortynine years

HORGANOn Frldty April S lEO at hishome In Fairfax Va EDMUNDHORGAX beloved husband of MaryE Korean nee Cunningham

Notice of funeral hereafterHUGHESOn Saturday morning April 9

1910 at 530 oclock at Hospital VERDA TUJrSLTY wife ofJohn A Hughes aged thirtyeightyears

Notice of funeral hereafterFriday S lilt at 3

a m at Providence Hospital MARYA JUDGE beloved daughter of Cath-arine and the late Judge In hernineteenth year

Funeral will taka place from her lateresidence 61S H street pnMonday 11 at 830 a m thenceto St Patricks Church Interment atRock Creek Cemetery

ROBESON On April S1910 at her residence 17 N streetMARY I widow of George 2 Robeson

Saturday 9 1S10 at226 p m at his residence 6 Massa-chusetts northeast HENRYS STOTLER beloved husband of SalJie R Stotler in his seventyfirst yearof

Notice of funeral hereafterWALSHOn Friday S 181 at his

residence 2fleo Massachusetts avenuenorthwest THOMAS F WALSH

Funeral private on Sunday April 10Please omit flowers

Retirement of Norfolk and Wash-ington D c Steambont

Cornprmyaor before tfce first day rf June O the r

folk and Washington D C Stauabeat Cewpuiywin retire all of its outstaattat barti The nmewill be paid for at per and interest to the flntday of June 1910 upon preeaoutte at Uw A wncan Security and Trust Co at soy has on orbefore that date

Any bonds not presented for redtapUoR f1 will not be entitled to interest Uxsrwfu ionpriTiUsa of redtiaptioa b so ctitA ia the mart gc-BccuriDg said bonds and also Muted vm their face


S c and Tress a

Every DescrIption Including Automobile and Liability Insurance

Get Our Rates

Commercial Bank708716 14th


THERES A DIFFERENCEin Prfattoff M tfese IB in carpets dry goods

or shoes We cant glee you the silt atthe calico rsiee but if you want the e Haends we ran furnish you the best that ft calico



ALL SOULS CHURCH ear a d L rtaUijww G B D D oJnbtar 9 5 HJSunday school Class for tae Gonparatne Sta irof Iteligiorf and Unity Study Otaw Jl a mmorning errje errmoa by be minister Thenis also kiodergarten the hour o morciaz

Dales Tfc pibaa united to



northw t







J lOt





Main at


duringwership 733 p El Yoon Peoples

an ama







iricv buy










