i know i will be successful' - helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

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Find out how you can gain back your certainty of success, how you can create better results and have a better life. I promise that once you read this and use this you will have a better life.


Page 1: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

Page 2: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

WARNING: After finishing this e-book

and using the tools and knowledge

provided, your life might get better.

I am not saying that to be arrogant, I am just saying that 1. To get

maximum value, you should read the whole e-book and 2. This

knowledge and tools genially creates better results. However, I only

write about thinks that I have achieved, so I am not going to tell you

how to be a millionaire, as I am not a millionaire.

This e-book is about having no doubt, in becoming successful. And that

is something that I have achieved, therefore am sharing with you. This

e-book will help you get in a state of knowing that you will achieve

what you want to achieve. Eliminating the doubt, and helping you

create results. I am going to share what I do, and what you can do to

have this mind-set and therefore achieve it. In life, we achieve what

we believe we will achieve, that is why if we eliminate all doubt, the

results will come, it stops being a matter of,’ WHETHER,’ it will happen,

and starts to be a scenario of ,’ WHEN,’ will it happen. This is what the

aim of this e-book is.

Page 3: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

About the author:

Despite my young age of only 15 years old, I truly know I can help

you already. At the age of 11 I started my personal development

journey. A journey of many books, many videos, many audio-books,

many seminars, many trainings, and many achievements.

However, as a 15 year old, it’s difficult to get adults and other

teenager want to read and decide to listen to what you have to say.

This is a typical mind-set we have, that adults teach kids, and not the

other way round. However, only once you realise age is irrelevant,

you start to listen and learn from people of different experiences and

different things to offer. We can learn something from everyone. I

believe I can learn from you, and you can learn from me.

I educate myself on a daily basis, and gain and use knowledge to

create more and more success in my life. I know that I may not be

extremely successful, and rich and have the life everyone dreams of,

however I know it is just a matter of time. This is one of the things I

believe I can educate you on. Discipline, and constant improvement.

However, the topic of this e-book is how to have a certainty of

becoming successful and progress towards achieving it.

Page 4: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

1. Discipline

Page 5: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

Discipline is one of the steps to having no doubt that you will be

successful. If you are discipline and invest your time wisely to gain

more knowledge and take more action to success, you will come to a

point where you realise, if I continue to be so disciplined and take

the action I need to take to success, you will end up becoming

successful in whether you want to be successful in. This is where

daily discipline comes in. It is a commitment to yourself to do the

tasks you need to do daily, to move towards success. Many

successful people said that if you are not growing, you are getting

worse. This is why daily discipline is important. Below are a set of

tasks that you could commit to doing every day. The fact that you are

reading this, shows me you are committed to growth and success.

Daily disciplines:

Education (Mind-set exercise)

Workout (Physical exercise)

Social (Social exercise)

Spirituality/Contribution (Fulfilment exercise)

Acknowledgement/Gratitude (Rewarding exercise)

These are daily disciplines and types of exercises that once you start

to do on a daily basis, you will start to gain confidence, certainty and

eliminate doubt of achieving success in your life. I will go through

more detail of why these disciplines are important.


Page 6: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

If you want better results, you need to have better knowledge. We

are programmed that after we finish our studies we stop educating

ourselves and as I write above, we start to worsen, our skills aren’t as

sharp, and our results aren’t what we want them to be, however, we

don’t want to put in the time to gain further education, and improve

our results. I acknowledge you for reading this, because the fact that

you are reading this, shows me that you are educating yourself. I

educate myself daily, and that is one the reasons I have no doubt

that I will be successful. Types of education:

Reading books

Listening to audio-books

Educational videos

Blogs (I post about 2-3 types a week on my blog, and have received a

lot of comments telling me how helpful this information has been. I

post information that can support your growth, and can transform

your life. www.bogdanjuncewicz.com )

Seminars/Coaching programs


There are many ways to educate yourself, you can pick the one

which is right for you. I recommend you spend 30 minutes - 1 hour

on educating yourself. Topic relevant. If you want success in business

I recommend you read on business. Just to make it super clear of

exactly what works for me.

Workout (Physical exercise)

Page 7: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

We work better when we have health bodies. Plus, when you

become successful and have a lot of money for example, you want to

use that money, not have to lay down ill and always feel like you are

old. The other side of this is being healthy, and having a body that

supports you, and allows you to truly be happy. When I recommend

physical exercise, preferably something that isn’t a chore to do.

There are many, many sports out there to do, that can not only

improve your health, but can make you happy to.


Typical workout




Anything that can help you improve your health. And preferably

make you happy too. A health body not only makes you more happy,

but more confident and energetic too.


People are created to be around people. That is why, ‘Socializing,’ is

a human need. We need to socialize with friends, family and people

around us. This is why I recommend that socializing with people on a

daily basis. This is a very easy discipline to do, however in life we

tend not to socialize with people other than our family, or closest

friends, this is one of the reasons why I socialize with people that I

know, but not that well on Facebook often.

1. To build relationships

Page 8: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

2. To get to know people

3. To improve my social skills, and be able to effectively

communicate with people other than my family, when I need

to. (There are different ways to communicate with different

people) Talking with family members is a totally different

discussion that with friends, etc.

In the world we are in today, everything we want to achieve,

requires some type of communication and socializing. That is why I

train connecting and communicating with people on a daily basis.

Spend 30 minutes plus communicating and socializing with people

Spirituality/Contribution (Fulfilment)

Once again, contribution is one of our need as a human being. These

are our 6 human needs:

1. Certainty

2. Uncertainty/Variety

3. Significance

4. Love/Connection

5. Growth

6. Contribution

This is what the daily disciplines are based on. Plus, the difference

between you and me, is just the proportion of the need of these 6

needs. I might have a bigger need for significance, you might have a

bigger need for certainty then, for example. The last 2 are what

Page 9: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

creates fulfilment. This is what these disciplines are based around as


Need for growth:

Gained through disciplines 1, 2 and 3

Need for Contribution:

Gained through disciplines 4 and 5

This disciplines are designed to make you feel good and achieve what

you want. The need for contribution fulfils us. If you live our life

without helping others, I guarantee you will not be truly happy and

fulfilled. This is why disciplines 4 and 5 are here. How can we be

spiritual and contribute to others?


You don’t have to be religious to be spiritual. I believe spirituality is

having a purpose and mission to help others and living that purpose.

This leads on to contribution. If you haven’t got your purpose yet,

check out my video, listen to it and use it to create your purpose.

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHB8RTYv7Zs

And after you do this exercise, you contribute to the lives of others,

by fulfilling our purpose, especially your global purpose.

Acknowledgement/Gratitude (Rewarding)

Page 10: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

Many successful people say, ‘You attract what you think about, ‘and

if you are grateful for things in your life, you attract more of that. If

you are grateful for a great family, you attract more love and

connection to and from your family. Acknowledge yourself for things

that have happened in your life, and what you have achieved, no

matter how small. This works on the same principal, you attract what

you think about. Spend 10 minutes a day being grateful for things in

your life, and acknowledge yourself for what you have already


Page 11: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

2. Understanding

Page 12: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

What do I mean by understanding? Understanding that in life,

everything happens for a reason. Understanding that many times

things will not work out the way you want them to. However, many

times things that you did not expect, will happen to you. Surprises in

your life! Once you understand these three things, your life will


1. ‘Everything in your life happens for a reason, and can either

help you or not.’ In life things will happen,’ Events,’ in your life

which are there to help you, but at the same time test you. Test

if you are ready for success. As many times in life, your answers

to challenges in your life, destines whether or you will be


2. ‘Understand that in life, your mind-set and actions create the

results you have, and to change your results you have to

change your mind-set and actions’

3. ‘Understand that there is always room for improvement.’

Perfection is what we should all strive for however we should

know that perfection doesn’t exist. We should aim for

everything to go perfect and everyone to love what we do,

however know that the best we can achieve is excellence. Aim

for the best and keep going to reach it, and in the meantime,

without realising you will be the best in the world at what you

do. We can always improve and I will talk about this more later


Page 13: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

3. Why?

Page 14: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

I talk about this a lot, and it is what drives us to keep going when we

have challenges. The reason why we do what we do and that we

need to establish a reason that is so strong that when challenges

come up, we are persistent to reach it.

There are 3 types of why. And when set, they can motivate you,

keep you driven and help you achieve what you want, and

contribute largely to others. You want to get maximum value,

from this e-book, don’t you? If so, I recommend you to create

your personal whys, reasons that will help you.

1. Personal why

Your personal why is, what do I want to personally achieve in my

life. What lifestyle do you want to create for yourself? I

recommend you write this down, and even better, picture it on

your walls, dream boards, etc. What house do you want to have?

What life-style? What car? What else do you want to have? I

recommend you pause reading this book, and for 5 minutes

minimum write these things down.

Many times in life, those people who achieve the most personally,

can contribute to the lives of others.

2. Social why? We all have a need to contribution, and usually the

people we contribute to first is our family, closest friends, etc.

This is what your social why is about, asking yourself, how do I

want to contribute to the closest people in my life. This is

between a low to medium amount of contribution. I

recommend you again pause reading this, and write down your

social why.

Page 15: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

3. Global why.

Your global why is a large amount of contribution? This is about

following your purpose and helping as many people as you can.

When you right down your global why, start with the words,’ I want

to support as many people as I can to…’ and then the ways you want

to help people. This is where you start to create a legacy, those

people that you help will always be happy that they met you, and

you will have a deep satisfaction of contribution.

These 3 whys will keep you driven. If they don’t then, either you

keep forgetting about them, or do not resonate with you. You need

to fall in love with the person you will become and the lifestyle you

want. So, if you get lazy, straight away you remind yourself what you

want to achieve.

Page 16: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.



Page 17: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

Would you like to have a mind-set that always you to continuously

improve and get to an elite level of performance in a shorter period

of time? This is what this blog post is about. People think that

improvement is just realising what is done wrong and improving it,

and it is, but not only that. There are 2 steps.

1. The first step is realising what you have done well, so that you

can keep doing that and get the same great results. Why is this

important? Many times I have seen someone do something so

well once and then forget what he did well the next time and

get worse from the time before. If only these people knew

about this step. The step of recognising what you did well.

How? Firstly, ask yourself,’ What felt right, what felt better

than last time?’ and sometimes you might get the answer you

are looking for. Secondly, in the 21st century we have cameras,

so use this and film what you want to get better at. We will see

afterwards what was good and what not so good. Lastly, have

people around you tell you what was good. They know because

they were focused on watching and observing. Many times

when people do something they focus on what they have to do

and aren’t able to filter for that they did well. So, ask yourself

about,’ what felt right?’ film it, and get people to tell you more.

2. The second step is,’ what wasn’t so good?’ This is the only step

people think of when it comes to improvement, and this step is

important. However, I would like to share, about a mind-set

that goes with this. Many people avoid the facts, that they did

something that wasn’t very good. This is the mind-set of the

successful, to have a mind-set of being able to accept the fact

that we do things wrong, and instead of being sad about it,

they ask themselves,’ How can I improve next time?’ This is

Page 18: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

important to see how to improve, however first you need to

accept the fact that no matter what,’ There is always ways to

improve and we will do thinks that can always be better.’

Everyone can accept the fact that they do thinks right, however

we need to accept the fact that there is improvement to be

made. So, 3 simple steps to do, in the right order.

1. What do I do right? How can I repeat these, ‘good things?’

2. Accept the fact that there will always be improvement. And

there are always ways we can improve.

3. After you accept the fact that you can always improve, get

feedback of how you can improve. (Don’t wait for feedback,

ask for it. Film yourself, and use this to improve.)

Use these ways to improve and improve fast. See the results! Think

about it, what you have got to lose. Use the 3 steps to success.

This is the sort of mind-set that once you have it, it helps you know

that you will be successful. Think about it, if you are always

improving, will you be successful in the area/areas you are improving

in. Yes. Yes you will.

Page 19: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.


Page 20: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

Passion is one of the decisive factors to having a better life, as your

work takes up about 2/3rds of your day. Therefore, how much

happier would your life be, if you were happy at work and had a job

that you where passionate for. This is the power of passion. We need

to find what we are passionate for, then start to build income around

that. I am passionate for help others, create a better life. This is why I

build around that. Plus, because I am passionate for that,

1. I am always happy, because I do what I love

2. This passion motivates you, to do what you need to do, to be

successful in that field

There is a famous quote that says:

‘Find a job that you love, and you will never work again’

I don’t recommend you find a job, I recommend you build an income,

and a business, where you leverage, but build something around

your passions. Why not a job? I’ll talk about that later.

Passion will bring you that extra mile. I talk about how to have a

better life, and this is one of the fundamentals. The more time you

spend doing stuff that you love, and stuff that you are passionate

about, the better life you will have. It’s that simple. And income, that

can be based on passion too. There are a few steps:

1. Find out the stuff that make you passionate about

2. Workout how this can bring you an income.

3. Outsource the parts that you don’t have skill or passion for, if

you have the funding

4. Live your passion

A few examples:

1. If you are passionate for helping elderly people. You could

design a product that makes their lives easier, or a

Page 21: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

community of elderly people so they can help each-other. Or

a seminar company, to help elderly people, etc. Let’s say

that you choose the seminar idea, outsource the organising

of the event, to an event company. Then, outsource the

financing and some of the marketing. So, you can only talk to

the elderly people, and teach the elderly people. Passion is


Use this, see the results and check out other posts that can help you

with build a better life, and help you live your passions. More about

why a business, not a job, also available at my website.

Page 22: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.


Page 23: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

Stress and how to reduce it – If only you knew their perspective and

other possibilities

Firstly stress is not bad. Stress is good, it’s just too much stress that is

bad for your mind, and health and other areas of your life. Firstly,

how is a good amount of stress good?

Imagine a life where everyone is just stress free. There are no

worries about money, innovation or problems. Everyone is just on

the beach, relaxing. And how is that bad? It may not seem bad, but

this lack of productivity and innovation. Without this fear of

competitor and worries about money. There probably wouldn’t be

computers, technology improvements every few months. Look how

many new phones and laptops come out every year. This is the good

side of stress, it increases productivity. However too much stress is a

big problem and how can you avoid it?

Too much stress isn’t good, if you don’t know that yet you should get

to know that, however lots of people have problems with stress. I am

going to talk about one main situation of stress and how to avoid it,

just through a change of thinking.

Disappointment. Disappointment is a big reason for stress. Your

friends disappoint you, your workers are lazy. And so on, these is

normal and happens to most of us, including me. So, how can you

deal with this? Shifting your mind-set. Use this process.

Page 24: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

1. Think about the problem and disappointment that a person is

bringing to you.

2. Think about all of their perspectives, for example, if you are

driving a car and another car just cuts you off, and almost

caused a crash. You could get stressed and disappointed in

her/him and the situations, or you could imagine that he/she

had a baby in the car, that was choking and was going to

suffocate and he/she needed to get too hospital urgently or

his/her child was going to die.

3. Would you still be annoyed at him/her if you knew that


4. Imagine situations like this when you get disappointed and

stressed about someone and something, the stress will go or

get reduces a lot. Even if it’s not true.

This can be a powerful process. So test it and use processes like

these to shift your mind-set. I focus on the mind-set and how people

can turn right situations with a little mind-set shift, so use this and

see result.

Page 25: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.


If you continue to use these tools, skills and disciplines in this book,

YOU WILL come to a point of success.

Page 26: I know I will be successful' - Helping you create total certainty of your success!

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.

Using these tools + Action =

‘I know I will be successful mind-set + Success

I have a mind-set where nothing will stop me, and know that if I am

constituent and take action I will be successful. That is why I am

sharing this with you. You can choose to use this, or not. It’s up to

you. I congratulate you on reaching this far, and hope you use these

skills. I don’t believe I need to explain, ‘consistency,’ it’s very straight

forward. If you continue to take action and have tools to back it up,

you will be successful.

Thank you for reading.

See you at the top!

Bogdan Juncewicz

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‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz

‘I know I will be successful’ by Bogdan Juncewicz ©2014 Bogdan Juncewicz All rights reserved.