i jphb etjilunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n5t3g053h/data/0487.pdf · s 1 1ao1uji jphb paduoah evening sun...

s 1 1AO1UJ I JPHB PADUOAH EVENING SUN aln 1 this MAlttiil III AN MASV WAY t To Kocp Will Ills easy to keep Welt It wo Would fowlslntpl0tttk l rho nil Important thing is to keep the stomach right and to do this It I U riot necessary t to diet or to follow n set rule or hill of fare Such pamper Ing BJmply makes n capricious ap petite and a feeling that certain fa vorlto articles of food must be avoided Irof Wlechold gives pretty good advice on this subject he snsiiI 1 nm C8 years old anti hMo neVor hal n Borlotis illness and at the same tlmo my life has been largely aim In door one but I early discovered that tho way to keep healthy was to keep a healthy stomach not by cats dug bran crackers or dieting of any sort on the contrary I always cat what my appetite craves but dally lfor tho past eight years I have made It a practice to take ono or two of Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets nftci each meal and I atrlbuto my robust health for a man of my ago to the regular dally use of Stuarts Tablets My physician first advised me to use them because he said they were perfectly harmless and ware not a cccrct patent medicine but cone tamed only tho natural digestives peptones and diastase and after us ¬ ing them a few weeks I have never ceased to t thank him for his advice I honestly believe tho habit of taking Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets af ter meals is tho real health habit because their use brings health to tho sick and ailing and preserves health to the well and strong- Men and women past fifty years of ago need a safe digestive after meals to Insure a perfect digestion and to ward oft disease and tho safe est best known and most widely used Is Stirarts Dyspepsia Tablets They are found In every well reg- ulated household from Maine to California and In Great Britain and Australia are rapidly pushing their l way Into popular favor All druggists sell Sluarts Dyspep ¬ BIn Tablets full sized packages at 50 cents and for a weak stomach a fifty cent package will often do fifty dollars worth of good w 1 4I I Notice On and alter February 27 1905 we will begin strictly a cash busl ¬ uses and ns no bundles will be left without the money we will issue for the convenience of our customers Coupon Books in denominations of ar oo 8200 300 and 500 at 5 per cent discount for cash which can be purchased at our office or from our livers Thanking the public for its liberal patronage we ore I STAR STEAM LAUNDRY NEW- TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBE- RSJ J of new subscribers added by the Bast Tennessee Telephone company today 42C rIowe Tuck Saloon 118 Washington 6491 Hutscll J Moo Residence I Tyler Ky 1Hi3MtW Sdlos Residence 101C N llth 18C4 Holland W R Residence 695 N8lxt- hllfl aDergdoll F J Residence 12th and Jones 18C2 Fisher John T Residence GpJ Kentucky Ave Remember we give free country service complete long distance con ¬ nections and a list of over 2100 sub ¬ scribers for tho tamo price our com ¬ petitors charge for loss than half thta local service t CORRECTED OMIT PADUCAtf UNDERTAKING COMPANY S V POOL Manager GUY NANCE Asst toy South Third Street Residence over store Moth Phones no r prices Reas- onableODLSchmlct I ARCHITECT AND- SUPERINTUNDRNT 0040 Prwtwrnlty Bldg If you want to se the real thing IN fjf jf J st1 SHance watch a crowd of W 4 t a 4atgafa leA i THE KITTY LEAGUE OPENS UP ON MAY 4 Lcnffuo Adopted a li2 Gamo- Schednlo nt Meeting Yestcnlny iiidcfMtu nntl llopklnsvllle lloth CIIIHO In With Iiinnmtro Money Thus Insuring Mix Clubs JMNMItAL TESTS OF Till MIAOUIJ Tho members of the iC I T base ball league held n meeting nt tho general offices of tho Paducah City Railway Co oft South Fourth street yesterday and completed tho member ¬ ship of tho league settled on a ached tile elected a board of dlrcc4ora and tho league Is now ready for business President Charles Brown of Padu ¬ cah presided and the representation was as follows Paducah Messrs Qua Thompson and John Keller In tho morning session and Mr Thomp son In tho afternoon Cairo Secre ¬ tary w P Orcaney and Mr Maurice J Farnbakor Vlncenncs C C Oos nell treasurer ot the league Prince- ton ¬ Floyd J Dlggsj Henderson Ja ¬ cob Zlmbro Jr and llopklnsvlllc W H Hancock Manager Harry Lloyd of Paducah team was also present at tho meeting Tho first thing taken up nt tho morning session was tho settlement of membership Hopklnsvlllo and Henderson both deposited tho 200 guarantee fund nnd a committee composed of Messrs Farnbaker Gus Thompson and C C Gosnoll was ape pointed to look over scheduled and recommended tho best to tho league After this tho committee went to work nnd little was done until after ¬ noon when the schedule was present ¬ ed and adopted ExSecretary Farnbaker had what he called a sliding schedule Ho had four schedules but presented on ¬ 1 ly three to tho committee Ono was for 123 games another 132 and tho third for 1G3 Tho 132 gamo slid- ing ¬ schedule Is so arranged that ads ditional games can bo tacked on in event tho league decides later to make tho schedule longer A sched- ule ¬ from John Ray of Princeton was presented and two from Mr Ray mond Loomis of Evansvllle Tho committee selected tho 132 schedule of Mr Farnbakor which opens tho league May 4th and closes September 12th Mr Farnbakora mileage ran from 1840 to 2600 miles while Hays ran from 3100 to 3COO bee ing too great mileage for tho small towns and Mr Farnbakers being shorter by 1000 miles was adopted On May 4th tho tongue will open under tho schedulo adopted with Princeton at Vlncennes Hopklnsvlllo at Paducah and Henderson at Cairo Tho remainder of tho schedule will not bo given out until printed in form by Secretary Qreunoy and sent each newspaper with a specified tlmo of release for printing Tho board of directors of tho loagu was elected as follows Wal ¬ lace Dyer Henderson W II Han ¬ cock Hopklnsvlllo and Floyd I J Hlggs Princeton lad Each gentle ¬ man lives In tho town ho represents and owns stock In tho local team Tho matter of uniforms was brought up and selections made Paducah Cairo Vlnccnnea anti Princeton will have two milts ono whlto mid ono blue but tho stock ¬ ings caps anti bolts must bo blue Ono suit will bo for tho road and tho other homo Hopklnsvlllo retained brown and Henderson cadet gra- In tho mattor of tho small towns paying BO much inllongo on the cir- cuit It was voted that time league pay 1 00 to this expense this being rant ¬ plimentary to the smaller towns Tho league also adopted n history of tho Kitty league which In being gotten out by Jacob Zlmhro Jr of Henderson It will contain a com ¬ photo history of the league managers of teams and all data df players who havo made good In bigger leagues along with the pictures of tho teams Thla book t U intended to help time loaguo and will be sold In every league town Mr Klmbro thinks ItI Will pay An attempt was made to Imvo the scorers file written rppprt of games at time telegraph offices for the hone IU of newspapers hull this being n i special meeting and Impossible to amend the constitution the matter was not acted on In regard to the matter of amend THE PADUCAH LINKING COMPANY Solicits depoijtl N they Fvcr lallaU Ing or clinhRliiR tho constitution It l Itt utttfcd tho league has ho lacuna then to take any steps In this dlrcc lion limo league will remain tho sauna as far ns tho constitution H concerned The meeting was harmonious and there was no wrangling Everybody wan pleated and Battened and nil are as eager to start tho playing an tho fans The league Is assured another successful season and tho towns will proparo nt onco for active work In organizing teams and practicing A IlUV IIUNTM Mr D I F McCarthy has consented to manago tho Cairo ball club this season Ho IB h prominent coal deal ¬ er of Cairo and tho fans nro pleased at bio selection Tho following nro dates for exhibi ¬ tion games to bo played hero this spring tho dates all being subject to changa Toledo American association At Paducah March 20 and April 2 Cincinnati Nationals nt Paducah April 3- 1lttsburg Nationals nt Paducah April 7 8 and 9 Memphis Southern League April 11 12 nnd 13 Woman Magazine team of St Louis Trolley league at Paducnh April 1C 17 and 18 Paducah at Kvansvlllo April 21 22 and 23- Dollcvlllc III Trolley leaguo champlojis at Paducah April 27 28 and 20 St Louis Stars at Paducah April 30 UOO has been received In part payment for Land who goes for n tryout to St Paul Ho and Pcttlt are two of tho catchers from tho Kit- ty ¬ league who may wear tho Saints uniform this season Mr M J farnbaker of Cairo yesterday signed Jack Kennedy to play right field Kennedy caught for Paducah three seasons ago and is an excellent catcher Ho played In a northern league last season and hit well Lewis Morgan one of Hendersons star twirlers has signed a contract with Henderson on condition that ho bo sold to Kvansvlllo or Into jipmo larger league If tho opportunity comesAI Hecht has signed with Hender ¬ son for first base Ho has played In tho Southern league and In Ohio In ¬ dependent leagues Henderson has not yet signed a third baseman but Arthur Long formerly with Paducah who has dos died to play with Henderson this season has recommended a good onoThere Is n move on foot among lo- cal fans and which is favored by some of tho local association mem bore to begin two games out ot every series at 4 p m during tho long sum ¬ mor days This will give many pea plo a chance to get there on time who cannot do it when tho gamo starts at 330- Yesterday afternoon several local ball players wont out to Wallace park ball grounds to practice Among them were Catchers Land and Petit Ge ¬ rard Qllllgan Plait and other play ¬ ers wintering herd Tho players were not tho only ones at time park many fans being out to son tho practice work Tho fans wero about 200 strong and shows what an interest WOMANS SWIlATIIV IN Proverbial Imlurnli Women No Except last How much wo OWl to tho sympa ¬ thetic silo of womankind When nuts ors suffer they chcorfUly l loud n holp Ing hand They toll you the means whlch brought roller to thorn that you may profit by their experience head tho testimony given horo by n Paducah woman Mrs M S Smith residing at 323 Jefferson street sasliJ I havo com ¬ plained of kidney complaint for a number of years It dates back to 1884 I suffered with very distress lag weakness of the kidneys which annoyed me day and night There was often a dull pain across my back POI time kidneys It was these com ¬ plaints which Induced mo to soL nouns Kidney ftlls at Dubois Kolb tiC Coa drug score After taking the treatment for a short time I noticed a great change In my condition an4 tliq Improvement continued steadily I feel bolter than I have felt for a- long tune loans Kidney Tills pre an excellent remedy and It I la a pleasure for me to recommend them For sale by all dealers PJlce 50 vents KwterrWUnirn Co Buffalo N V1 pole ascots for t the United States Ueroejnber J 411e pamerpoa s r HM aka M Mt I N taken In baseball In Paducah S Chief Lloyd stated yesterday that hI S would have his men hero tho late tor part of thin month ready for practice Ho expect to got several fuel men trout Mickey tlnn manager of tho Toledo 0 team Ilnn tins promised him what men do not ulako good In tho Toledo tenet Tho manager of tho 81 Paul team has also promised Lloyd to farm him tho best catchers ho has who do not mnko good Tho salary limit Wan brought up yesterday but quickly dropped It I U the desire of Paducah anti Cairo to have as good players ns they cnn pay for Cairo Is boasting over jJio pros poets of getting a crack second bnBo man ills pane Is not given but It Is said ho Is about landed It was understood a meeting of colored managers would bo hold In Cairo yesterday to organtzd n league of colored ball clubs with Paducah n niomber Nothing Is known of It here and lien Boyd the local color ¬ ed manager says that Paducah will bu In no leaguo because all the cities around hero nro too stow for Padu ¬ cab lien says no dull In the United States Is too fast for Paducah color ¬ ed players and that ho wouldnt be In a league whore ho could walk away with tho pennant Cairo Is beginning early Tho first ball gamo of tho season was played there yesterday between a two ama ¬ tour teams tho lllue iHbboiis and Drawers They played fourteen Ins lungs and tho Drowcrs won by a score of H to 12 im niciiMoNn Will Ho u CiitcNt of Viuliicnh Mcill oil Society Tho McCrackcn County Medical Society Is preparing for a big meet ¬ ing Wednesday night Dr lllchmond of Clinton first district counsellor of thd State Medical Society having ac- cepted ¬ nn Invitation to attend Dr Richmond Is one of tho most popular and efficient doctors In tho state and rarely over conies to Padu ¬ cab except to meetings of the state societies His visit hero will no doubt command a pig attendance of tho so¬ cietyAt the meeting Wednesday night Drs Ilcddick and Drooks will read papers Doth havo been prepared and Secretary J T Ilcddick is notifying all members ot tho society of tho vIsIt- or Dr Richmond and urging thorn to attendThe next meeting will bo held on the 20th nt the office of Dr Horace Rivers Drs Purcell and Rivers will read papers XKW CIKUK 1nuk ItoherlMHi Got on the Clyil6 mill luck Wlllls on Dirk Fowler Mr James Robertson popularly called Yank has resigned as soc ¬ and clork on tho Paducah and Cairo packet Dick Fowler after 12 years service Ho quit to accept the pool ¬ lion of second clerk on tho Paducah and TonnesHco river packet Clyde and leaves on his first trip Wed nos day night Mr Robertson goes on the Clydo to tako the place of John Heine who U second clerk on tho Uvansvlllo pack ¬ et Joo Fowler During low water when his boat laid up Jie wont on the Clydo nnd as his own boat Is now running again ho lies returned to her and Mr Robertson goes on tho Clydo to take the place ho vacated Mr Dick Willis of Metropolis loft today on the Dick Fowler as second clork In place of Mr Robertson Tim ColomI Homo of tho Frlcndlrvs- Wo tho onicors of the Colored Homo of tho Friendless association having paid for two lots In tho north side of tho city of Pudticah nnd have nocurcd deed for same we now como to tho good people of thin coning city white or colored to aid us In building u common plain house on tho 83IUO for tho purpose of taking care of tho needy and helpless of our taco Officers Cora Htirton pros don LIzzlo Alexander vicepros donti F Fully Hawldns secretary Km ma Ieach assistant secretary Jas Owens treasurer Carefully submitted to you for your charitable help CHA8 G DANNRR Sepy Hoard of Trustees Clerks mid Hrrlcra Announcement was today received I4 1 1 the local pqptoWce of a clerk and carriers examination to bq lieN hero on April 1 All appllcallpm 1 tauat bq flied pat l later than tiered 27 Thera I lIlIlbl1I a new list nut his I wtcur 4 frpn wtyoi tq appplnt clerks and orders ill ag flf fumilpni to th f fWT- adtatki1Oigatftton etc DRAUGHONS I PRACTICAL BUSINESS I CATALOGUE FRBQ Add J P DRAUOMON f rest I i Ilnh or you pay J i j r I board L IHOMBL refunded umy Itnttf r IIoUle I Btudjr by mall you arc not satisfied Write for prices L j and Hot Phone 133 tN xr or- TM i RIVE a Time gauge today reads 29 feet a- rise of two feet since yesterday The river Is still coming up rapidly herci but is falling nt points above nUll only five orsIx moro feet aro now ex ¬ pected unless there is more rain The weather Is clear and cool Pilot Hay IJroadfoot ot time Dick Fowler Is 111 and unable to be on du- ly ¬ Capt Dob Crldor of the stormier was at tho wheel today when tho boat left for Cairo and Commodore OlvenII Fowler was on tho roof It first time In a long while since the commodore acted as captain but hq does It like nn old hand Tho Charleston camo out of Ten ¬ nessee river anti Is itt Joppa un ¬ loading Tho J H Richardson leaves today for Clarksvlllo Tho Darrott which tins been laid up hero for zcrra weeks loaves In a day or two Jar tho upper Ohio Tho Joo Fowler arrived last night and left at 10 today for I Kvansvlllo Tho Charles Turner anti I I N Hook arrived out of tho Cumberland river yesterday with ties Tho Wllford left for Cumberland nvor Tho Russell Lord and Margaret arrived yesterday from Tennessee river Tho Dick FoVlor left at 8n m for Cairo with u good trip e The John 8 Hopkins arrived yes bruit from J Kvausvillo anti loft on her return In the forenoon Time HolcotnbLocb Tie company which has n branch tiers has just sold to tho Chicago Ilurllngton and Quincy rullrond 100000 tlos moat of which will coino out of tho Cum ¬ berland and TcnnoHHca rivers Tho Peters fee left Memphis Rat ¬ urday for Cincinnati The Roes Leo loft Cincinnati for Memphis and these will bo tho first boats In this trado for six mouth Nearly nil tho big Eagle Packet company boats which had boon In limo leo hnrbor above Paducah have roe turned to St Louis ami resumed their rcHpoctlvo trades The Wlnoim has icon lot oft the ways after extensive repairs Tho City ot Havnnnali pasnod nut of Tennessee river for Bt Louis late Saturday night The Tennessee IH duo out of Tennessee river mind time Clyde will take limo run Wednesday The City of Memphis In charge of Captain Cndp Stewart passed limbo Tonnosaeq river Saturday night limo HMD BtflrlH publication Today of tlae first litMtnlliUtiit of yiijH pC tho Morning ono lit lime mast tvrltlilit mid trot NtorK I Unit linn nuiw out the peat your The prow until critics In gent- rim liavu r niiniciidiHl jt lilgln J ly Hi j Ptlrtl tP tail l1mo lllt t Installment Monday For Chapped iinat Hand Hint I w4 Prn4w f JlMMs < 9 J J3tNltJ J 1 4 f BT f l i FT WORTH mcJ 1 HiltI etjIlu I ChestHDMt OUR OWN MAKESit it it- We offer our own make of Pianos at low prices and on easy terms for 30 cloysVV T Miller t 82O I3ro8d try iNmWWVIIdNNmNJ J COlLSON i Plumbing Steam Water Heatingrr 529Oroadwtsyr NNlWMWNNMwmtHMMWNAam 1 pQO0Q000Q00000000Shctbg Henry Mammen Jr ReaoTcd tt Third dad Kentucky took Binding Hank Work Legal and Library Work a specialty DR LeD SANDERS PCCIALICT ON DISEASES Of EYE EAR NOSE AND THROAT EYES TESTED GLASSES FITTED Office our 609 Uromlwny 8 nni to 4 pm Iaducub Ky ABRAM L WRIT CO CAMPBELL BLOCK Telephone Office 369 Residence 736d INSURANCE R H Reed J T Gilbert REED S GILBERT Osteopathic Physicians + i PhcJtiu 196 monk Hill Dld > Iourth and Broadway S C C GRASSHAM1o- rmerly I of Smlthtand LAWYER ROOM 4 TRUEHEART BUILDING OLD PHONEOOTA t NEW STATE h HOTEL D A Balk Propq METROPOLIS ILL L Newest and best hotel in time cityt Rates 200 Two large sample rooms Bath rooms ItIectrfcI I lights The only centrally located hotel in the Commercial l II r KDWA1 cftyf 1 f t I Rent I IISTATU ACIUNvY r1KK11tt ill riMNIL + IcfrKK3 OLD roRi0I = t NWYflHrwH4HWrq = 5 M Wp y rlW wAY t t ADtcAn IT Ii Ji SI I Lopis pad Tennessee j4 I River Packet Company I f FOX TENNESSEE RIVERi STRIKER CLYDjS- P 1 I fiaVM aucah for Ttaamei River Every Wdgeeday at 4 p i TIIQJA fltMIJUlTlOffO tats i- xUa > tlF k0Y1x1IONIVlk + I Ttie > owepaay ii s f z layoipM fiery r NMwM b ia- lwkif 1ha bPAt

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Page 1: I JPHB etjIlunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n5t3g053h/data/0487.pdf · s 1 1AO1UJI JPHB PADUOAH EVENING SUN aln 1 this MAlttiil III t AN MASV WAY To Kocp Will fowlslntpl0tttkIlls easy to keep





t To Kocp WillIlls easy to keep Welt It wo Would


rho nil Important thing is to keepthe stomach right and to do this ItIU riot necessary tto diet or to follow nset rule or hill of fare Such pamperIng BJmply makes n capricious appetite and a feeling that certain favorlto articles of food must beavoided

Irof Wlechold gives pretty goodadvice on this subject he snsiiI1

nm C8 years old anti hMo neVor haln Borlotis illness and at the sametlmo my life has been largely aim Indoor one but I early discovered thattho way to keep healthy was tokeep a healthy stomach not by catsdug bran crackers or dieting of anysort on the contrary I always catwhat my appetite craves but dally

lfor tho past eight years I have madeIt a practice to take ono or two ofStuarts Dyspepsia Tablets nftci eachmeal and I atrlbuto my robusthealth for a man of my ago to theregular dally use of Stuarts Tablets

My physician first advised me touse them because he said they wereperfectly harmless and ware not acccrct patent medicine but conetamed only tho natural digestivespeptones and diastase and after us ¬

ing them a few weeks I have neverceased to tthank him for his advice

I honestly believe tho habit oftaking Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets after meals is tho real health habitbecause their use brings health totho sick and ailing and preserveshealth to the well and strong-

Men and women past fifty yearsof ago need a safe digestive aftermeals to Insure a perfect digestionand to ward oft disease and tho safeest best known and most widelyused Is Stirarts Dyspepsia Tablets

They are found In every well reg-ulated household from Maine toCalifornia and In Great Britain andAustralia are rapidly pushing their

l way Into popular favorAll druggists sell Sluarts Dyspep ¬

BIn Tablets full sized packages at50 cents and for a weak stomach afifty cent package will often do fiftydollars worth of goodw1

4II NoticeOn and alter February 27 1905

we will begin strictly a cash busl ¬

uses and ns no bundles will be leftwithout the money we will issuefor the convenience of our customersCoupon Books in denominations ofar oo 8200 300 and 500 at 5 percent discount for cash which canbe purchased at our office or fromour livers Thanking the publicfor its liberal patronage we ore






of new subscribers added bythe Bast Tennessee Telephonecompany today

42C rIowe Tuck Saloon 118Washington

6491 Hutscll J Moo ResidenceI

Tyler Ky1Hi3MtW Sdlos Residence

101C N llth18C4 Holland W R Residence

695 N8lxt-hllfl aDergdoll F J Residence

12th and Jones18C2 Fisher John T Residence

GpJKentucky Ave

Remember we give free countryservice complete long distance con¬

nections and a list of over 2100 sub ¬

scribers for tho tamo price our com ¬

petitors charge for loss than half thtalocal service




toy South Third StreetResidence over store

Moth Phones no r prices Reas-onableODLSchmlct




0040 Prwtwrnlty Bldg

If you want to se the real thingIN fjf jfJst1 SHance watch a crowd ofW 4 t a 4atgafa leA




Lcnffuo Adopted a li2 Gamo-

Schednlo nt Meeting


iiidcfMtu nntl llopklnsvllle llothCIIIHO In With Iiinnmtro Money

Thus Insuring Mix Clubs


Tho members of the iC I T baseball league held n meeting nt thogeneral offices of tho Paducah CityRailway Co oft South Fourth streetyesterday and completed tho member ¬

ship of tho league settled on a achedtile elected a board of dlrcc4ora andtho league Is now ready for business

President Charles Brown of Padu ¬

cah presided and the representationwas as follows Paducah MessrsQua Thompson and John Keller Intho morning session and Mr Thompson In tho afternoon Cairo Secre ¬

tary w P Orcaney and Mr MauriceJ Farnbakor Vlncenncs C C Oosnell treasurer ot the league Prince-ton


Floyd J Dlggsj Henderson Ja¬

cob Zlmbro Jr and llopklnsvlllcW H Hancock Manager HarryLloyd of Paducah team was alsopresent at tho meeting

Tho first thing taken up nt thomorning session was tho settlementof membership Hopklnsvlllo andHenderson both deposited tho 200guarantee fund nnd a committeecomposed of Messrs Farnbaker GusThompson and C C Gosnoll was apepointed to look over scheduled andrecommended tho best to tho leagueAfter this tho committee went towork nnd little was done until after ¬

noon when the schedule was present ¬

ed and adoptedExSecretary Farnbaker had what

he called a sliding schedule Hohad four schedules but presented on¬

1ly three to tho committee Ono wasfor 123 games another 132 and thothird for 1G3 Tho 132 gamo slid-


schedule Is so arranged that adsditional games can bo tacked on inevent tho league decides later tomake tho schedule longer A sched-ule


from John Ray of Princeton waspresented and two from Mr Raymond Loomis of Evansvllle Thocommittee selected tho 132 scheduleof Mr Farnbakor which opens tholeague May 4th and closes September12th Mr Farnbakora mileage ranfrom 1840 to 2600 miles whileHays ran from 3100 to 3COO beeing too great mileage for tho smalltowns and Mr Farnbakers beingshorter by 1000 miles was adopted

On May 4th tho tongue will openunder tho schedulo adopted withPrinceton at Vlncennes Hopklnsvllloat Paducah and Henderson at CairoTho remainder of tho schedule willnot bo given out until printed inform by Secretary Qreunoy and senteach newspaper with a specified tlmoof release for printing

Tho board of directors of tholoagu was elected as follows Wal ¬

lace Dyer Henderson W II Han ¬

cock Hopklnsvlllo and FloydI JHlggs Princeton lad Each gentle¬

man lives In tho town ho representsand owns stock In tho local team

Tho matter of uniforms wasbrought up and selections madePaducah Cairo Vlnccnnea antiPrinceton will have two milts onowhlto mid ono blue but tho stock ¬

ings caps anti bolts must bo blueOno suit will bo for tho road and thoother homo Hopklnsvlllo retainedbrown and Henderson cadet gra-

In tho mattor of tho small townspaying BO much inllongo on the cir-cuit It was voted that time league pay1 00 to this expense this being rant ¬

plimentary to the smaller towns

Tho league also adopted n historyof tho Kitty league which In beinggotten out by Jacob Zlmhro Jr ofHenderson It will contain a com ¬

photo history of the league managersof teams and all data df players whohavo made good In bigger leaguesalong with the pictures of tho teamsThla book tU intended to help time

loaguo and will be sold In everyleague town Mr Klmbro thinks ItIWill pay

An attempt was made to Imvo thescorers file written rppprt of gamesat time telegraph offices for the honeIU of newspapers hull this being n i

special meeting and Impossible toamend the constitution the matterwas not acted on

In regard to the matter of amend


Solicits depoijtl N theyFvcr lallaU

Ing or clinhRliiR tho constitution ItlItt utttfcd tho league has ho lacunathen to take any steps In this dlrcclion limo league will remain thosauna as far ns tho constitution Hconcerned

The meeting was harmonious andthere was no wrangling Everybodywan pleated and Battened and nil areas eager to start tho playing an thofans The league Is assured anothersuccessful season and tho towns willproparo nt onco for active work Inorganizing teams and practicing


Mr D IF McCarthy has consentedto manago tho Cairo ball club thisseason Ho IB h prominent coal deal ¬

er of Cairo and tho fans nro pleasedat bio selection

Tho following nro dates for exhibi ¬

tion games to bo played hero thisspring tho dates all being subject tochanga

Toledo American association At

Paducah March 20 and April 2

Cincinnati Nationals nt PaducahApril 3-

1lttsburg Nationals nt PaducahApril 7 8 and 9

Memphis Southern League April11 12 nnd 13

Woman Magazine team of StLouis Trolley league at PaducnhApril 1C 17 and 18

Paducah at Kvansvlllo April 2122 and 23-

Dollcvlllc III Trolley leaguochamplojis at Paducah April 27 28

and 20St Louis Stars at Paducah April


UOO has been received In partpayment for Land who goes for ntryout to St Paul Ho and Pcttltare two of tho catchers from tho Kit-


league who may wear tho Saintsuniform this season

Mr M J farnbaker of Cairoyesterday signed Jack Kennedy toplay right field Kennedy caught forPaducah three seasons ago and is anexcellent catcher Ho played In anorthern league last season and hitwell

Lewis Morgan one of Hendersonsstar twirlers has signed a contractwith Henderson on condition thatho bo sold to Kvansvlllo or Into jipmolarger league If tho opportunity


Hecht has signed with Hender ¬

son for first base Ho has played In

tho Southern league and In Ohio In ¬

dependent leagues

Henderson has not yet signed athird baseman but Arthur Longformerly with Paducah who has dos

died to play with Henderson thisseason has recommended a good

onoThereIs n move on foot among lo-

cal fans and which is favored bysome of tho local association membore to begin two games out ot everyseries at 4 p m during tho long sum ¬

mor days This will give many peaplo a chance to get there on timewho cannot do it when tho gamostarts at 330-

Yesterday afternoon several localball players wont out to Wallace parkball grounds to practice Among themwere Catchers Land and Petit Ge ¬

rard Qllllgan Plait and other play ¬

ers wintering herd Tho players werenot tho only ones at time park manyfans being out to son tho practicework Tho fans wero about 200strong and shows what an interest


IN Proverbial Imlurnli Women NoExcept last

How much wo OWl to tho sympa ¬

thetic silo of womankind When nutsors suffer they chcorfUlyl loud n holpIng hand They toll you the meanswhlch brought roller to thorn thatyou may profit by their experiencehead tho testimony given horo by n

Paducah womanMrs M S Smith residing at 323

Jefferson street sasliJI havo com ¬

plained of kidney complaint for anumber of years It dates back to1884 I suffered with very distresslag weakness of the kidneys whichannoyed me day and night Therewas often a dull pain across my backPOI time kidneys It was these com ¬

plaints which Induced mo to soLnouns Kidney ftlls at Dubois KolbtiC Coa drug score After taking thetreatment for a short time I noticed agreat change In my condition an4tliq Improvement continued steadilyI feel bolter than I have felt for a-

long tune loans Kidney Tills prean excellent remedy and It Ila apleasure for me to recommendthem

For sale by all dealers PJlce 50vents KwterrWUnirn Co Buffalo NV1 pole ascots for tthe United States

Ueroejnber J411e pamerpoa s rHM aka M Mt

IN taken In baseball In PaducahS

Chief Lloyd stated yesterday thathIS would have his men hero tho latetor part of thin month ready forpractice Ho expect to got severalfuel men trout Mickey tlnn managerof tho Toledo 0 team Ilnn tinspromised him what men do notulako good In tho Toledo tenetTho manager of tho 81 Paul teamhas also promised Lloyd to farmhim tho best catchers ho has who donot mnko good

Tho salary limit Wan brought upyesterday but quickly dropped It IU

the desire of Paducah anti Cairo tohave as good players ns they cnn payfor

Cairo Is boasting over jJio prospoets of getting a crack second bnBoman ills pane Is not given but It Issaid ho Is about landed

It was understood a meeting ofcolored managers would bo hold InCairo yesterday to organtzd n leagueof colored ball clubs with Paducah n

niomber Nothing Is known of Ithere and lien Boyd the local color ¬

ed manager says that Paducah willbu In no leaguo because all the citiesaround hero nro too stow for Padu ¬

cab lien says no dull In the UnitedStates Is too fast for Paducah color ¬

ed players and that ho wouldnt beIn a league whore ho could walkaway with tho pennant

Cairo Is beginning early Tho firstball gamo of tho season was playedthere yesterday between a two ama ¬

tour teams tho lllue iHbboiis andDrawers They played fourteen Inslungs and tho Drowcrs won by ascore of H to 12

im niciiMoNn

Will Ho u CiitcNt of Viuliicnh Mcilloil Society

Tho McCrackcn County MedicalSociety Is preparing for a big meet ¬

ing Wednesday night Dr lllchmondof Clinton first district counsellor ofthd State Medical Society having ac-


nn Invitation to attendDr Richmond Is one of tho most

popular and efficient doctors In thostate and rarely over conies to Padu ¬

cab except to meetings of the statesocieties His visit hero will no doubtcommand a pig attendance of tho so¬

cietyAtthe meeting Wednesday night

Drs Ilcddick and Drooks will readpapers Doth havo been prepared andSecretary J T Ilcddick is notifyingall members ot tho society of tho vIsIt-or Dr Richmond and urging thorn to

attendThenext meeting will bo held on

the 20th nt the office of Dr HoraceRivers Drs Purcell and Rivers willread papers


1nuk ItoherlMHi Got on the Clyil6mill luck Wlllls on Dirk Fowler

Mr James Robertson popularlycalled Yank has resigned as soc ¬

and clork on tho Paducah and Cairopacket Dick Fowler after 12 yearsservice Ho quit to accept the pool ¬

lion of second clerk on tho Paducahand TonnesHco river packet Clydeand leaves on his first trip Wednosday night

Mr Robertson goes on the Clydo totako the place of John Heine who Usecond clerk on tho Uvansvlllo pack ¬

et Joo Fowler During low waterwhen his boat laid up Jie wont on theClydo nnd as his own boat Is nowrunning again ho lies returned toher and Mr Robertson goes on thoClydo to take the place ho vacated

Mr Dick Willis of Metropolis lofttoday on the Dick Fowler as secondclork In place of Mr Robertson

Tim ColomI Homo of tho Frlcndlrvs-Wo tho onicors of the Colored

Homo of tho Friendless associationhaving paid for two lots In tho northside of tho city of Pudticah nnd havenocurcd deed for same we now comoto tho good people of thin coningcity white or colored to aid us Inbuilding u common plain house ontho 83IUO for tho purpose of takingcare of tho needy and helpless of ourtaco Officers Cora Htirton prosdon LIzzlo Alexander viceprosdonti F Fully Hawldns secretary Kmma Ieach assistant secretary JasOwens treasurer

Carefully submitted to you foryour charitable help

CHA8 G DANNRR SepyHoard of Trustees

Clerks mid HrrlcraAnnouncement was today received

I41 1 the local pqptoWce of a clerk andcarriers examination to bq lieN heroon April 1 All appllcallpm 1tauat bqflied pat llater than tiered 27 TheraIlIlIlbl1Ia new list nut his Iwtcur 4 frpnwtyoi tq appplnt clerks and ordersill ag flf fumilpni to th ffWT-adtatki1Oigatftton etc



I iIlnh

or you pay Ji j r




refunded umyItnttf

r IIoUleI Btudjr by mall you arc not satisfied Write for prices


and Hot

Phone 133


xr or-TMi RIVE a

Time gauge today reads 29 feet a-

rise of two feet since yesterday Theriver Is still coming up rapidly hercibut is falling nt points above nUllonly five orsIx moro feet aro now ex¬

pected unless there is more rain Theweather Is clear and cool

Pilot Hay IJroadfoot ot time DickFowler Is 111 and unable to be on du-


Capt Dob Crldor of the stormierwas at tho wheel today when tho boatleft for Cairo and Commodore OlvenIIFowler was on tho roof Itfirst time In a long while since thecommodore acted as captain but hqdoes It like nn old hand

Tho Charleston camo out of Ten ¬

nessee river anti Is itt Joppa un ¬

loadingTho J H Richardson leaves today

for ClarksvllloTho Darrott which tins been laid

up hero for zcrra weeks loaves Ina day or two Jar tho upper Ohio

Tho Joo Fowler arrived last nightand left at 10 today for IKvansvlllo

Tho Charles Turner anti II NHook arrived out of tho Cumberlandriver yesterday with ties

Tho Wllford left for Cumberlandnvor

Tho Russell Lord and Margaretarrived yesterday from Tennesseeriver

Tho Dick FoVlor left at 8 n m forCairo with u good trip e

The John 8 Hopkins arrived yesbruit from JKvausvillo anti loft onher return In the forenoon

Time HolcotnbLocb Tie companywhich has n branch tiers has justsold to tho Chicago Ilurllngton andQuincy rullrond 100000 tlos moatof which will coino out of tho Cum ¬

berland and TcnnoHHca riversTho Peters fee left Memphis Rat ¬

urday for CincinnatiThe Roes Leo loft Cincinnati for

Memphis and these will bo tho firstboats In this trado for six mouth

Nearly nil tho big Eagle Packetcompany boats which had boon In limo

leo hnrbor above Paducah have roeturned to St Louis ami resumedtheir rcHpoctlvo trades

The Wlnoim has icon lot oft theways after extensive repairs

Tho City ot Havnnnali pasnod nutof Tennessee river for Bt Louis lateSaturday night The Tennessee IH

duo out of Tennessee river mind time

Clyde will take limo run WednesdayThe City of Memphis In charge of

Captain Cndp Stewart passed limbo

Tonnosaeq river Saturday night

limo HMD BtflrlH publicationToday of tlae first litMtnlliUtiitof yiijH pC tho Morning onolit lime mast tvrltlilit mid trotNtorKI Unit linn nuiw out thepeat your

The prow until critics In gent-

rim liavu rniiniciidiHl jt lilglnJly Hi jPtlrtl tP tail l1mo lllttInstallment Monday

For ChappediinatHand

HintI w4 Prn4w f JlMMs < 9J

J3tNltJJ14 f

BT f l iFT WORTH mcJ 1HiltIetjIluIChestHDMt


We offer our ownmake of Pianos atlow prices and oneasy terms for 30

cloysVV T Millert

82O I3ro8d try



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Henry Mammen JrReaoTcd tt Third dad Kentucky

took Binding Hank Work Legaland Library Work a specialty




8 nni to 4 pm Iaducub Ky


CAMPBELL BLOCKTelephone Office 369 Residence 736dINSURANCER H Reed J T Gilbert

REED S GILBERTOsteopathic Physicians

+ iPhcJtiu 196monk Hill Dld > Iourth and Broadway S

C C GRASSHAM1o-rmerly I

of Smlthtand





Newest and best hotel in time citytRates 200 Two large samplerooms Bath rooms ItIectrfcI I

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ft I

RentI IISTATU ACIUNvYr1KK11tt illriMNIL+ IcfrKK3

OLD roRi0I= t NWYflHrwH4HWrq = 5MWp yrlW wAY t t ADtcAn IT Ii Ji

SII Lopis pad Tennesseej4


River Packet Company If





fiaVM aucah for Ttaamei RiverEvery Wdgeeday at 4 p i

TIIQJA fltMIJUlTlOffO tats i-

xUa >tlF k0Y1x1IONIVlk + I

Ttie> owepaay ii s f zlayoipM fiery r NMwM b ia-

lwkif 1ha bPAt