i japanese p lane;' chinese rileo b baieydreyfuss meobyoe/i'...

. '--^OI'TICI-AIJ^COUNTI'-NEW SPAPER'- INDIAN RANGE; EIDER'” FINDS B,UJNEp. CRAFT Air Liner Craahod. ,'yjtfi Tci-- , ‘rific For'cc ’^ ,Teha^*~ l.bS ANOl'kES/Calif.; JitBt n. wool: after ft-Ccntiin’-Pu- »lr lluor-crauhoil In tlt« l)llr.> Mnl»nwp|vt Tclinclmpl simuiitnlni*, •linillP.i ■..lit ilift’ elitlit vlrtlni:i, ri-UKlicirsMiJl dinrrfiil. Wcro-in li ' hrniiKlK ;>) iliilicrHrioIiI toilnV. ' «lx (liiyn of Aciircli w onted (li Lwlnlcil .nkolutOR o f ilic pts.Tio o a 2,00Q.fooi ]iillsl(To ' four - mllcn’ I^olicc.' Paul AppaUccn,. TtiOlan. lanRo riiler, fouml iho wrdckngo. illt «H>nt I'OTte - ''Tlio"plnno iJad^Htniclrivlth-lor- ' riric force. Pilot-J. V.. amrtMoin, wllh ft. rceoril.- of. H.00ft ,lu)urii-'ln ..(lie air, liiil - Jiail no tinio <o .jiwHcli otf(* <hfl, iRnlHoH. ' Cftscndinc ^^lollno *^rom wrcck fircil. InoLQorailtitr iho oIrM . ciccupantH' lii a- liriof • burst m /lame..' . . ‘ Snnilblom'fl lioily cruvhcd 'iinilcr I), iliiiilillc of tlio ttiroo trrpat mnlors. .six others wcrft mijmicil . nt llio plaao’n front. • Oiiiy ono. lltiil of Mm.' fV^ilCrjfloVoUcn^of aanililCRn, limf hocit tlirown clt. .. • V^'-Appadcca BlRhtdd Uio' wrcckn^o. lum od .'nna VmuBH'Dir^.tlifouiih "the * iitiow, Jowft'rd'F'ort T6Jm. "I ilMnH want <o SCO .the dead," 1»e Bald. Ho mot four - flnh' and gamo dcpiilicu and lod /ilicm lo 'iho .^’tvreck. . The plane' Tvng bn tlib rctrulnr, roiito nnhorRfleld ' an<r IvOA j\ngblCH. 11^ posltlan Indlcat' — ed-<he-pllol-;hadr--tlw|>atTctI—ol ronclilncc IiIh doKlnntlon In tlio rOBlnsr bllzsard;. and Siad li^riiod —-Imelt- tovjhcd 'DnkbrBflcld; riisllflKD Crnnhcd lo'rii *^otr**«n the- »ianc' sheared 'n Hlioi'i imih. IhroiiKh ' flcriib' .oftk. ■Tlni wlhs« were notv1)rDken. «1- •‘'tlioiigh U>Q. tuflllngo-'vnit: crushed.', .. Tlio'occupant# 1iad:»4io time to' iiiruBglo for freedom' nttcr the ' cd;—'Phinhlp^P* ;• John B. 'VborhiB, VGroaid Sa^! Mo- ;■ ......chino Diea-, ; , „ _ - '■Voorhlrf. fop 20 yean .the "grand nnehem'' Ct DOwerChl /Taniman}''«<>•' —r".clclrj died today.ln lilf 103rd yoat>, ‘Ho had Tooiidcd'out a fiill.llfo.l : • 3Ie iiftw-lho cllj: of 200.000 jrrow.in-| to tlio Rrcat metropolli'of loday,' and ho MmBeU'.Uecanlb tlio*ol^eio ' of. Oomocrnttc .]tolUlc«;i He died at . . ]ilH honio ,on GrcoiiwleU'-'stroQt vAero (Ar'-Tnoro fUiaii <00'-years he lina.rexlded. lii jh u llrao tho o«e« fnAhlonablo rM ldw ilardlatr^ Ind . .Iioeu convorted IntOk'the now Bo-. - liomlon Qrcenwfch Ylltase. . i alTTCQMdont o* Uio l)0ard. ot eloc- ,Jlon«flif^n 18,000 annual,pctnilon.' 'VoorlilH had felt.ho had>'almn»t .fluUlvod .l»t8 lime. Xnet July ^7 -.-‘•when reporwrs caJIed on hlm/o» 1 rjiiB nnnual.birthday lntcrvlow( ho •‘I iwldniio Iftit ono -would hoAho la st J hnvo'liad (00 ninny blrfh- r , Oa». iLot-tho othor»'Mmve\blfth^ I ..<laya,.l bava had.'.<inautb;.Il.Js1alM ‘In thoOtakerVhnndi;.womu»i*lei' VtuinffB*lalco,tl»elr-cout>o;V'', i.'tlv ' 't But Johft.Voorhl8;no»or n-4* an K ’ :Vol(r»iui.',Bnin''whott JflB mind turn' |.. 'r,;irom'.Tlrer ;lo«iO«rr. of tho'1i6r*o, -cmTiEna Ot the. 'Kreat namtfl'of .yciterj'oar ho always tild w liB.ao . inter,QHInK-Bton' m ior.jather than qn old roan dieting vltack into romtelwcncce; v '.-Ti'.- •^iward.and In 1871' turnoa rtntfj'^m- '■•''<,niany diirjBR th y T w e c ^ ^ f f W ^ B , - ails dlfforasco»;;wfllL.‘I & a i ^ y -20 yoaro. latorwero^fttfbodui^il'lio Aa/i .'aBcondod ^^-"-"Asifttic-FleetU Flagship Re^ches~y^Qr"Torn City I Japanese Plane;' fORC^iD.llPS.^Crashes' yniliiiK nl llic lipiid tUi’ I*. Jit>"v«0. t'liiusliiji i> wur-strkkfH l« nUl in pnilctttinij Au\v‘rli‘';Wi itu \\y ory_Tnytor iH iiiioKnl. Tlif Iloiistoii t-rtrrics "lit t>fCi.fm .ninrritli men*, wilji giiiiif cwlit-iiii'li trims, hvo' lri|ili'! tnr|t(r«l(i inlifs nnd^ruur iiiii-riiri. . • I'Ifi-i. Imt-iirri.vnl nr..\(linlnil nv<'.ini')i niiti-iijt'i'i'. Seven Destroyers Arrive To KeejK Eye OK Menncing ^ Foreign Situation INFANTRY TO ASSUME SETTLEMENT DUTIES i _ SHANGHAI (UP)—Aeri«niistory in'the fur oasl was made today when Chincsa battle planes shot.down a Japancsc-bomb......... er in the first aerial engagement rcwrdcd between .plane# of'__ _ two Orient:^ natiorjs, Tlic Chinese ptltfl was woilnded but he got} ■■his bomber. Tlie'thrilling, ,. ' ivc a Sinope- '' |T w a ^ ife y -0 fle 4 !h e P ^ ^ p t m k ? 5 - |i D r a i E L L o m i s CHINESE RilEO Transport Ohaitinont • Carries' Americans- To Trouble N'lW; YOUK, M!|»l — Tho Unit flithim: MOliiir.itci' Kloanor .\li-li' (iHiiui w;i!i iimik iitr lliilinix tii' (lay 'iirici-. II i-nlllrtlnn avIMi ilii .UcIrIiiii frcltiiXflr Jcmi .liidni, nn< J 2 l iiiirxoiiii nVo' iiiIkhIiii:. TJrflcJaliT irrnio • 'Uiijy'ii' u<iit^ ■Whito to in m ; Promi,c O S '‘|^l|» - oporation^itlk^nyad. lof iim,^jc!iii jmiot icIIImk of Ui6 _______ • ing-Porcos^^^^-^_____ .j»ccidcni. rtfimrtlnK.-1 «tHl mlHH^ \ _ ^it:'. 'niid of-iilx meinherH of the •' X ' ^'Ickeriioii'.n rr’uw lielnK roHcnuit. HARniN*. ^Iiinchiirin. urP) Cnpiiilii .1. ,M .. Luv!^•no of the Tinv''Jnp:\ucse coniplc:cd ilu> oo- Jc;in .Jtulot ndviHcd hlK crtlcc: citiKitlon. of l^nrldii lud:iy diirliii;! "ColUdo<l mid xiiiik ihlH morn-' I . final,-bluer bntltc* ■ In' w h ith i------------------------------------------------------ 'Ihliatio-troopii wore rouicrt,- .■ffho (iccupatlou vwaii (.■oinpletrjl li ISHO zi;- III. (la-]’). JupiiiioKft.,! I •roopH 'cnovod Inia both ibn otJ V-i. md 1I0H-. dtloK'of'. Hnrhin after niff ;linlll«-l:iiitini7 two huiirii,' •••Jaii.'fueso'trooiiii |nir«iiod‘**fIi\}!' fleelnK*Chln?;io forccn of frcncnit TIuk diow, nnd extended '< under'. Japiinefio" control, (III iiilKHini 'i.<jT'i’i—Thi' Ill' flri*l .\im -rliuu 2 -x|i<'ill' :«• ici C h in a i>1li?’i- 1li< hill, iirrlvi'd loiliiy fnim- ir^ b.'l;;hi of ii iuc<'ii^H>:iiU'!<il_a^^^Cli|. ,.IA1’,\N skmiim ; i lOKHl'. (I'l'J Irmiiis- jiri' tn'Iiiif V'NiKiiii-'hiil. It Atlls I'nc-liilly ti.ilii). AHMV- 4iiliiiiii-'5 shroudc^ieavy artillery bom* bafdmcjft.* The uightfollowed th»:apr pearancV of seven ,.... Ohincse fightinffViines at Hungjao hirl iiutlitd—dliuui -boa. !>ir< iI5oiil IfiO' jnll«i . ( If Ilnllfax. In llio .Alilci'ir.in' flnhliiK K Till' .M;i_nltiiy Hiidiu <«itniflny ::.nl 'till' Itoilhi'Murliiii ror|)6'ntil<iii biid hriC-f Nii'h'iui.'C-H Nyllliiu of ilio tIJ.i-!' ......., iHtpi-. . Ono ..icMtoi'i, i<;Ud iilcaincnr; 'WA.mn.Vr.rn.V, il'Pl TIi Jir, thp. vicinity .tWTl li.-<-n ..nlL-rcil .Si-ini^. |,„|„j' ,;„iifirim-d am'oln 'fniiifl.hy. •• inwii „f AMili'ow . \V. .M«'lhin j ' ^ ^ , ,iimli!H;iat|iii-' «i (irVil ISrlialn. Upper . Hoiiae .Acts Speedily r After'Hoover Present.'} His'Nomination 7ho 7,000 J.-jjMuieio rMidenln ... Harbin cheered iirrlvnl ot the!, forces from • homo, -.'riicy hiid' UvliiR/'^i lorror Avhlte the] Itionriry- forcen luarclied o; Iho city.-under Ooncral ll.mebc ^ChlnKso ItoiitPit iMLISTS illKiPNG m B post Ballpoh Released At Salt Lake City I";; •Found in Coloradoi"' WA.mii.No-m.v, tri>) — pn-si- '111 iloovvr- Kiil:iy »<.'iii tr> tin .iioiiiliuillon of Acidri'u ............ . Unlleil lycrM iirrivud earlU-i: In incniiMK AniiTic-aii ina- n iu ’ aiKi iiaviil /oi-('oii'c-<)Mci.-iilralcd iK’J-'biiiiiihol. . iTlto-iiiiiiiipon Clmiii'iioni itrrlvcil 'Jaio. ihlii. (I'Vidiiyi I'lVoiilnc. It wii« ovi-iMiiii. hiivliii; hi'on ex|u'cte<l ai :: p. ni. II a. III. I'i. S, T.). Tho iroojiHl- will Jx, liimicil lomorron- inornlnc. I -Till- Aniprlninti .wlll'dlKonibiirk at ’tlio, ci'iiiriil ciisitinm Jciiy on the I'l'li up Nniiklnft rifiul .l.M’AN T tk -i^ \T K VIKW.S W A S HI N (J TO \..{I'l*).,f-^ I s^linerlniu army a ^ iid <-tri<ui:. rfachril SbiinirhnI I'rldiij- ii-i irord ninii* out tif lli "^^"’^"iliiTi"'.liiimn' ibii ".S'l'w World" ........................... .............. -HTimir.... iiiKko a hluhly liii|i»Hiiiil nient on her, p<>«ill»n Imtiird Ihi- CbliicM- Otimtliiii. . At IP I......... Shanifhal .(Inio. (Ik'litlnir iii‘ .l»i't'U ('Ii[ni"-1> and .liipiinise ai .Sbuiv^ul died diittii* Irnip'irarlly. n7<< Jnpa* Pe«i> a n alllii); iiriiiy. ri-enCnrtrl-- niinlx Ill'll- ••liirllhi; iin<itlii-r <TH>hlnir atjark... On Uie illiiloniatlrrrniit.lhcre A«iyt Mill nnrorlaliily •ii'i to’ .liipnn's |ini|Mi>.i‘d conmo. mnv that .'.hi' hiid rejrelcil, In ihe- 'iiialii, ttii> piuuu prujKisnls <if Ihc I'nlli'd r^liitcK. jiri'D t l«r|- tnlu, Knince nnil llnly.'Thr COI.OUAnO Sl'llI.VtJS, --Colo.. (Ui*)—AI 10 1>. ni. r.;h, 3 allacliea ai llio Sail .U ko Ciiy, L'.iali. air-, wcHiher obncrva- I .inllcH 10 bill. ptet'o dliiR •brflcern /led lu c.oin- lUt;__ Oeiicral_T^iK Chow. ilSaK n f u r « h 'c r (inti>iCtrlii lendeni'CHCiipcd ' (0 ibo norUi. ■ChlricHU -• fort-cii • from Kirin Views In Statement On'^ lion linllfli AV:H,t a. ni'. i->b. 1, H, ftii'ih. a rnTichm- llvliiK j northonul <>;' hL*re. fouiu loon on bill ranuh. It luid trnvvllcd nomC liiii) nill'i' nil nil nlrllnn (roiii 'tho I'la olty -In.lL’ lioura.,an, nv(M',ii;o.r m ntt^iaii.-lu niileH (In hour. -Iwo-iinnoiinceit ivincc, lavjjrinK tiio'Japai minn Hl'ali^l BAiEYDREYFUSS MEOBYOE/i' : mil (Jiiiird .SctiroKionf, . ^ I .Tlifi ;Ust Infiiniry will idKc thclrl Iphieen liL the lluM'nlonK Iho Amerl- i<-an !tc!clor. <if ilio Iniornitllonal i« J.| illoinr-ni - (lefeni'O!!.' reenforclnK Ihof .'M)Il re;:lniiiiit. tinlli'il .Slrrtnn- I'tIiich III I Their I'jSlaloi 1 EAStERN'IDAHO "T- , YOUTH MISSING] Owner'-of- Pittsburgh'"Team Dies At New York Hos- pitnl Friday ........ v r .VT ■■.Bcamor from iLomhI comity, hnvlnRi itartcd-tho Il.-irhln flRhtlUK whlchj,!,],, week Issued ii stotemeniio lhf| IlKXmntO. Idaho, brouBht <ho JnpniiCHo lo •7>rotcct|V0lcrn. Mayor ilaiiicii P. Pope, llolao, conviction -«rew ho thclr nn<Ionntn." • . . iln uJso a conlondok* for llio T)o*lllou,'clic trcac]ieroU!i ilch iH now bold by John Th«Bnn.],iwi, mid HciJvy• .(itrop.t. llKhllnK. marked w hicl .... tlic full-of iho-laKi HlronKhotd <]f,Coudlng. SovJel ln_f1iicnco_. tn jiorth Man-! Tho* complcto text of_f\pnator| cliurlii..-«vlih ‘ilio. JaiuhiMo iiulhKiRlTniion'H, ununiial nniiounconiont armoured cars nnd iiiHka. • • 1 h ns follows: . ‘ .. . ritts'eomiiuind ' «'• <lm Jaimhrfo,'P>',^ry eloetl^^ , roi-cos under .%General .Jlasehe. Jlh atjompiing IO'<ionipoHo a per- tieail of Mho oxpcilltloii. a t <incoi’'”''r‘''<> rcmiojit to ■ ‘HoT"C'«lierrf of jimica INoiikui Rovorinncnu 'I'slr Pljiy Assured, lie pluc.trded tho cliy wlih.pmt* -•s ’rcnssurloff iho-populailon ot order .and'; fair play. "WhUc nu;i- BlannV neh( ii dvIcRallon to^uintc ;ho^5ntnncH0, nnd proiiilfied their :o-oporfttlnn;. ' Sov-lot ,RUBslnnK - reninlnod'- lu- iloot-u.r>'•.r'';. ■ Tho "W'hfio ItuAiiltfln'’. arc .ihoBO atlll loyal-.to. !he Ciarlflt rejtlmo and nro violcnily oppnxod to the Soviets.. . Adi-lltlonnr Japanese nlrptanen »nd troops wore dlspnlchcd to Ilarblu from-ClwneebunB,.'lo' the BouthV on’ the lino bcZu'cen souili nnd north. Manchnrla—eratwhlie division betwern Oio Japaneso und Hussion' sphere of influenco. General' Tamon's hinin . column tho.Do, I for the. , Ifflco of United .Stateii seiwtor, llnd.myHolf as confused os wris tho. young 'nuiiC 'wli* .wnslsoiit ,to this country I>y nn'Ciiellsh milling com- pany to ascorlalii tho'condltlon o(| tho wheat ninrket. Tlio firm catiled him for d' reporf, nnd ho replied foltowi .wimtcvof «Hi d o 'win jho. wrons. Act nl onctf;; ' • i;ists Attn^ •■•mu aa It'’ hiiH-al'ways' ihecn .wi Inrllnatlnn of pollllelnnK ^o:nihun-{ derauind; wbonoveyt 1^' •" to tbelr Inicreiit to do BOi.l.ivlll aloiKwor-' rylng alHiut the.iiroclBs wordluK of Irvin (iiiirrcled' with hlii t'iroth' er l'rfo Monday nnd n'nnof.iccd ht w-.ui KolpK lo. winii from liiti rrncli hone, fiortr ilertiet-;..”lo iJ^«^A-al- tey iimPHeveV return." V. Thnt-WHH Ibo in,it seen or.hciJril 'Of ilie youth^ ntui iio:iroh piirtlci' ’yoat.orday f.illecl to'flnd any tract ot him. . (Ui-) — Til > to<lay thill iililnnilon of . . . . jpio wonlhor, liild clnluK'd llio 11(0 of Irvin -1S_ 1V03IAN K»V:KZKS T(i })KATIf 1SA.V Dl':ilNUilH)INp--ei»Ht.-,lUP) -A womflii known/only ns Mrs. Ix!hmnn,’wnn found >frnsoii to dcaih her Hear T.alto c.ibln today. I)royfu.M.‘“ownor~of thoT’lttiitjiifKh hannh.ill club, died In Ml.,Slnal li jdlnl-today, llu bad undentbnn i oporntlonii ry^onily . for Kliindij (llaorOorK. ' i)«ni]i v.-is not’ unexpocfeil. .Mrs.' DrcyVnxs wan n-lih liur hilHbiifld the. Iiosplinl, wIicro.Hlic tmd hui <«n<<lnutly'l>y-hls4iHe-iilm'e-lils''lastj iipurnilon. when tlio onit e.iinic. DrcyfiiiiH was Jwrn'llu 'l-'rellmrff. Ooi-niany. in J.SO<. 'VS'Jien h o 'w a s l i. hlS'PA>entii4>rouKhl l^lhrto Aniurlciil iiid iieitled in I'ncfuciih. Ky., where! le later bcc.imo --omploycil aii »l lork In a dlsilllory. C I SiivHni: hlH wiik'O'', niiruoy tw>ilkhlj cifiilrol'of tho Loiilsvlllu cliih, cinoj cf thP-12 In ibo old Niuionat Icasuo .circuit; I)y 1K!)2 ho wn.s Ibo' 'solo, oivner of tlib 'frauchlHc. Iln n;r|itlr-l cd ,ihe PIltHhitrRh club lirlDOO. 'jk. on limy. _ 1 arrival hrlnKM tin* Unllptli mil forei-s up lo nonio 2t:in) I adillilon, Iho Amvrlcuiil I - concontnitod In the’ >o rivor ,otf .ShmiKbiit cau] oriil buiulr'ed hluvjaokois < m. Thursday B.'S. , t !-)‘ t h e , 'pilots were,jQHtcrcd to aid po; troi thity over w ar-torn' Cha* pei, and cngaee the Joipaneso - bombers- in combab if necesri* ary_, Tho Chinese piirsuit plane'ii - • «arricd .no-bcujibs. 'A Ohineao, p ilo t; 6n-> p a tro l'. :between Bungjao and <^hapei' CTico'UTiteifcd''a~Tiip'ancsc ]^ane. Ho attacked. A machine gun ■ iduel neac-Ohenju, an the ou^ jskirts of tho city, followed. ;f'- Tho Jopaneso Bomber erasi^'' ;ed in flames.-. Its bombs-'^eiXt Z ploded demolishing tbe-p^e.; The'Ctilnrso -pltoi rotufnod. ^in' lii'iUKjao. whore inspoetloa -re* veiileil » hiilloi had<ptusedihro’uKli ihn/e/)wllnK o£ hl» ship, ilo Jiad , a llosh •wound. ' ....... | . JIM*”®*-KnifWAf'-..'' * ~rT ho Chln'oi'O J Bl’r ' forces Ineluda .............................. ...................... four pursuit-nnd thrco bombiuR MonuVvd sialomenl. «l: Japnn ■,pi,,,,®«rJ>»icdT?<ni«kejiif<nwn«Smr'" ■Hn^i enm'rly nnnltni. In the jm provnnt wlioltattlc deiRriiclJoii >nrii>n^ fiir»‘icn^.iflln-s th<*«Bh ,,j. „ Japanese botiiblnn'.'iiluekvni ; ‘'“'S .n'L^n.MT'Ste'; 1''™ *'”. .Oitlr : “((W.l n.ilinrnllmi l» '"'o «r.jl «rmj..in.n.por‘; ; ( » ' , Jaiuin arrived iliis ,tirier.noon' nnd boCTn InniUuR ■joihi* aoKU' o f-th e .', Moiik'nient. Tho Arrival- fnarked - ilui rii-Ht Invaston oC rcKular Jopa-^ noMe .iroopR - to ' reinforce .‘-"tlio iiarlneii, liltjieilo. oiirryinif*on tho Pre8ident''Shoup 3^e€&~ In d ic a tio n s "Z Ot- -lietter Times • s.w rm.v.vntsco, • ordorii for mipplli-H a will he iihu'cd - nl . (l'l‘)—liiiKti d.niotorlulH 'iico hy ihu JAi'AX (Jirr.'i WISHKS . , <.'i:.\KVA, <Ul*)—Tho Moilil arni-^ niiiftri-nci’ ronrriiod In -plonary m-<- sIhu' imliiy nn.d eteeti-il .Tsnneo .Ualsudalrii. of Ja p a n . oUi> of llio vl«-e-pr«>J- 1 , doniM, MiioolhlMir over ii il/di- ' (-ato'Klluallnn lu «hli-h threnls of J»[nine»o irllhdriinni from , Ihom nfon'uro had horn )nndo milos>{ .Mntmuhilru «on* rlecl- li.iiile. liiR IIS Hlinro In ge:iln».' Imuk u> , piaKporliy road." I’ronhlcnt J’inil r.Slioiip iinoomrniir^liiTa iil'alt-iucrir l*t'h>y.^ ■•'Ordors w lir. bo iilnccti this week f<ir tojis .of steel for itullvery liiter lu thu year/' Shoup Malrl; ■•■We lU-o • also . (solfiB ItHo I Me niarkot, for ties In a suh- stiinilnl way." ' ' . ilcccnt duvdopment:! In. (ho couutry'n oi-onoii\lc sltuitllon, as viewed hy .Shoin> (in an oaslern (rip. • Indleatod "coiitldcnco iii lic- ln;y reKored," hu said. - t REPORMYEOR GUnfi^ Has Ruined Native __ Sectioii>of Shafighai Ad- ' miral Announces ni}''tnvltntion. . . "If.tbercortlflcale.fo'r <>!io noml-, imllot'i nnd {Auction to tho &filcn of .United stntcKtiicnator should, lu\|>-: V;ast Numbora of Animals Aro .Oa’uffht Oh Desert Near ___ ' T', ;.;,-■Roberts'' - , ahd< rcsc'iio prospecto iro'Virlually Dll- uhless.the Ida- iio^OQtoiio: hiRhwa)-. l^etwooD-Ida- So'TWlsvAhd. Ito'borls.Ib dp'enbdi rho unoy/.ls , M -, deep;' th a t • tho^ iboep ^nni^'reach the scant for-: nffo. _lJoi\teith.‘«_Tbo.;jnmo:-- factors nrovents niovomenf ^f tanentejjcy' rtDsi^'^ppllcs;. lb ’ theBlorvi.oB pon io jho mine, and it ho accom- panied >J>y- AIsjldln'H- lamp., this Is wbrii I.propose (o do: , "Tbo first niorninK I. am on tiio* iob, ^w ill rub tho-lamp vlRoroiiHly,-' laud ihon I'w ill toar down every 'plank of our. tariff wall that ' heeii erected for protoctlon. would.lcavo a fcn-'npllDiors -for : lenuo pnrpoHOB, blit It would ' linlenlion to' hring;>'ab'b'ut\ . . , .For-Uomc.,lliilb “ Tho second ■mornin'K I n'ould rn!>_tlio fiood;.olUl!.lninR„aud Ihen repeal tho .'Klslitoenth omebdmcnt and tiie 'Volsieadioci. It tho Jamp wero-not- tip t<) .ihot occasion, I Iwould oxert my best offorls for tbo liiomb iuio plan, wtileh-,wlirstr<rttii SHANGHAlgPI .r~; WASni.NOTON, .M. M. T.iylor. c Naval forceii at ShanKbal'adviseii Navy depiirlmeni. 4o<tny that iho'Chapcr district of. ShanRhal "Is now a total wreck"-tif a re- sult of, liKivy Kiinflrc bKweon Ja|in)icsu nnd Chlnciiu forcc).; Taylor, who .from bis flaKshIp, crn^or lloustnu, ____ ______ _— ,ttop:«endlPK.Vol)-: serV'^B'Vto'tho'thtematioant iiokerj KaniM undor InBTnHtlens Yo sntb.l t)iit'-not'^lo'-i)1ay; a'liand,'. <In-otii«r' vrords..!-; would rMn^l'oi'ir-ffovonJ-i meat to'-abandon tha'aOlttido'cf thoi fond mammo:.-irhti,^n>8'hcr LIttlol l<ord ..Faunt!o'royr.-«k)to.-^'''D6ii'l ttbl dowa;.to -jhat-iniernaUonal • cornbr. « r - lh6Rfl-t6UBh- fofolCnr H»y«-^wtil :i«k(»,your;-Trettr>.f<a»isppl»-ayayJ r.->rgyjyff u'sir hondquartcra' oanoune—- ' eii Ilio hulk of^tho arm y‘forces-., could noi.-' arrlvo-.lieforo -Sunday ■ ' from Uii|mn. ...... . 'A'J'.m II. jn., tiio. heavy'bom -;. wliii the |iotili.lons>^ Uio jopim**' Inn. forpos. TolBllvoly iincbani^.l: TM.. JapancKO rolfnquiibcir'iomp of. ilielf-«oins,-niid returned-'./to thi'lr dcfcaslvo'.lilies, appariutly- ui iiwaii.<ho arrival.cif ihd array ' Japan^'su ...... r - a p i m u n t l y ’.IiRd nlmndoawl or ..postpunid, thooc-::j,-, ., ^ Japanoso «ijoi*>pt.ed-W*rtTiato- > throuKh tho sottlomoni 'n'twr'-tfcii >• .North statU>rii'fi,rt'x1>ra : i « M ® divuriod t)y, Boltlcment ;Vt)(WtMr .?•' KUiirdH. • parcaily IJ.'.tlo ., . ____ IJapaneso had Isnnbardc'd pi Intcrnntloiml, suliloiu(vt^>)iouDdar>'.' Wocsung forts," ho sdld.' “aii- pareiltly rtro wrockwl by ntr nnd hoin1iBrdm>!Ui. hut there'- is Idence - tho Jiitianeso ,lmvo occupleil-liie.'n.'' i-'lrt'H .Itreak jOnt, j l ’Idt-SctHtuflii ler the mindro mid bombln I., n , S. Jiooker, cbnunandlDe Amerlcsa marines dl Slianshsl, p ? a n e ^ iV bi)Ott|^brouilt',’do^wn?by| ailneso iintl-alrcraft. guns alout machine gunj-flre.- Tli*^Jat«t»M>v,ij*,ffl ran biimt jn lo flaaies. sTaWtviM tie : flw t; *«rlalfj battle> of-iUje vC‘ prcscat'confHet.'.'i ’ ■ . 'iwecnVrlTar;ye«ow. annlu; - • 'thlrlr-fitit;.T- ------- JV«^aCrBrt.».- haoctiat Jib :5d«lBt.:.la .i, lA raerfcaallW fc'-It.W ^ I that tho B0k|l8:«.*n)uU^^ Nonnnrroir.’ '( ^ .L-»^ ’.-- - half, mllo from- the. northwest cim ar of Iho International sotUe- tneat rbo * ., ‘Ja'paneso .pUaei' . bnpged bomblnB Chlnosq lluei, Xlylntf over And alanmldo tho tedso .'of ' ................... JlflOki ................... . Tiio.'ChtqoSo Jemtlon* reoolTodl ,a«'dl*pat'ch.^.>tfm. *hb;>'->ainktne yor6lRn;;yfl«o,wy]ttc\HhBi:' ;ihl)ltai-Kflt<Acks'. on th6;'««jOB\iri« •foriB. imd ■!oit: Ch*j«I. l»a:' ---------- ltho-,'Uhfco?'''«t •Slmaplaulji.,--------- - I cIalto.<Uiar Gtio«ae;^flrMv ThoVmesaanft.'worted iriefly'da! > oth.-alleiRed; a l U c M » d ’Bkid:: ' -*Tho-cdinmBador.;or^fi*.'j Wt 'Btras -.TotUnttported.^ttiiiVi.^,.^ Jjiparteiio'iniAbtiaU^iUlMoUjVi.^o^

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Page 1: I Japanese P lane;' CHINESE RilEO B BAiEYDREYFUSS MEOBYOE/i' …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · lina.rexlded. lii jh u llrao tho o«e«

. ' - - ^ O I 'T I C I - A I J ^ C O U N T I ' - N E W S P A P E R ' -


A ir L in e r Craahod. , 'y jtfi Tci-- , ‘ r if ic For'cc ’^ , T e h a ^ * ~

l .b S A N O l'kE S /C alif .;JitBt n. wool: a f te r ft-C cn tiin ’-Pu-

» lr lluor-crauhoil In tlt« l)llr.> Mnl»nwp|vt Tclinclmpl simuiitnlni*, •linillP.i ■..lit ilift’ elitlit vlrtlni:i, ri-UKlicirsMiJl d inrrfiil. W cro-in li

' hrniiKlK ;>) iliilicrHrioIiI toilnV.' « lx (liiyn o f Aciircli w o n te d (li Lwlnlcil .nkolutOR o f ilic pts.Tio o a 2,00Q.fooi ]iillsl(To ' four - mllcn’

I^olicc.' P a u l AppaUccn,. TtiOlan. lanRo riile r, foum l iho wrdckngo.

i l l t «H>nt I'OTte - ' 'T lio " p ln n o iJad^H tn ic lriv lth -lo r- ' rir ic force. P i lo t- J . V .. amrtMoin,

w llh ft. rceoril.- of. H.00ft ,lu)urii-'ln ..(lie a ir , lii i l - Jiail no tinio <o .jiwHcli otf(* <hfl, iRnlHoH.

' Cftscndinc ^^lo llno *^rom w rcck fircil. InoLQorailtitr iho oIrM

. ciccupantH' lii a - liriof • b u rs t m /lam e..' . ’

. ‘ Snnilblom'fl lioily cruvhcd 'iin ilcr I), iliiiilillc o f tlio ttiroo trrpat m nlors. . s ix o th e rs wcrft mijmicil

. n t llio p la ao ’n fron t. • Oiiiy ono. lltiil of M m.' fV^ilCrjfloVoUcn^of aanililCR n, limf hocit tlirow n c lt. ..

• V^'-Appadcca BlRhtdd Uio' wrcckn^o. lum od .'nna VmuBH'Dir^.tlifouiih "the

* iitiow, Jow ft'rd'F 'ort T 6Jm . " I ilMnH w an t <o SCO .th e dead," 1»e Bald.

Ho m o t four - f ln h ' and gamo dcpiilicu a n d lod /il ic m lo 'ih o

.^’tvreck. . ‘T he p la n e ' Tvng bn tlib rctrulnr,

roiito nnhorRfleld ' an<rIvOA j\ngblCH. 11^ posltlan Indlcat'

— e d -< he-p llo l-;had r--tlw |> atT c tI—ol ronclilncc IiIh doK lnntlon In tlio rOBlnsr b llz sa rd ;. and Siad li^riiod

—-Imelt- tovjhcd 'DnkbrBflcld;riisllflKD Crnnhcd

lo 'rii *^otr**«n the- » ia n c ' sheared 'n Hlioi'i im ih. IhroiiKh ' flcriib' .oftk. ■Tlni w lhs« w ere notv1)rDken. «1-

•‘'t lio iig h U>Q. tuflllngo-'vnit: crushed.', . . T lio 'o cc u p an t# 1iad:»4io tim e to'

iiiruBglo fo r freedom ' n ttc r th e ■' cd;— 'P h in h lp ^ P *

;• Jo h n B . 'VborhiB, VGroaid Sa^! ■ Mo- ;■

‘ ......chino Diea-, ; , „ _

- '■Voorhlrf. fop 20 y e a n .th e "grand nnehem '' Ct DOwerChl /Taniman}''«<>•'

—r" .c lc lr j d ied to d a y .ln lil f 103rd yoat>, ‘H o had T oo iidcd 'ou t a fiill.llfo .l

: • 3Ie iiftw-lho c llj: o f 200.000 jrrow .in-| to tlio R rcat m e tro p o lli 'o f loday,' a n d ho MmBeU'.Uecanlb tlio*ol^eio

' o f. Oomocrnttc .]tolUlc«;i H e died a t . . ]ilH honio ,on GrcoiiwleU'-'stroQt

vA ero (Ar'-Tnoro fUiaii <00'-years he lina .rex lded . l i i j h u llrao th o o«e« fnAhlonablo r M l d w i l a r d l a t r ^ Ind

. . I i o e u convorted IntOk'the now Bo-. - liom lon Q rcenw fch Ylltase. . i

alTTCQMdont o* Uio l)0ard. o t e loc- ,J lo n « f lif^ n 18,000 annual,pctnilon.'

'VoorlilH had f e l t .h o had>'almn»t .fluUlvod .l»t8 lim e. X n e t Ju ly ^ 7

- . - ‘ •when rep o rw rs caJIed on h lm /o »1 rjiiB n n n u a l.b ir th d a y lntcrvlow ( ho

•‘I iw ldn iio Iftit ono -would hoAho • l a s t J h n v o 'l iad (00 ninny blrfh-

r , O a » . iL ot-tho o thor» 'M m ve\blfth^ I ..< la y a ,.l b a v a had.'.<inautb;.Il.Js1alM

‘In th o O ta k e rV h n n d i;.w o m u » i* le i ' V tuinffB*lalco,tl»elr-cout>o;V'', i . ' t l v ' ' t B u t Johft.V oorh l8 ;no»o r n-4* an

K ’ :V o l(r» iu i.',B n in ''w ho tt JflB mind tu rn '

| . . 'r ,;iro m '.T lrer ;lo«iO«rr. o f tho '1i6r*o, -c m T iE n a Ot th e . 'Kreat n a m tfl'o f .y c ite r j 'o a r ho a lw ays tild w liB.ao . inter,QHInK-Bton' m io r . ja th e r than qn o ld roan d ie tin g v ltack into

■ rom telw cncce; v '.-T i'.-

•^ iw a rd .a n d In 1871' tu rnoa rtn tfj'^ m - '■•''<,niany diirjBR th y T w e c ^ ^ f f W ^ B ,

- a i ls dlfforasco»;;wfllL.‘I & a i ^ y -20 yoaro. la to r w e r o ^ f t t f b o d u i^ i l 'l i o Aa/i .'aBcondod

^^-"-"Asifttic-FleetU F lagship Re^ches~y^Qr"Torn City I J a p a n e s e P l a n e ; 'fO R C ^iD .llP S .^C rash es '

y n ili iiK n l llic lipiid tUi’ I*. Jit>"v«0. t'liiusliiji i>w u r - s t r k k f H l« nUl in p n i lc t t t in i j Au\v‘r l i ‘';Wi itu \ \yo ry _ T n y to r iH iiiioK nl. T l i f I lo iis to ii t-r trr ic s "lit t>fCi.fm .n in r r i t l i m en*, w ilji g iii iif cw lit- iiii 'li tr im s , hvo ' lri|ili'! tnr|t(r«l(i i n l i f s n n d ^ ru u r iii ii- r i ir i. .

• I'Ifi-i. Im t- iir r i .v n l nr..\( lin ln il nv<'.ini')i niiti-iijt'i'i'.

Seven D estroyers A rrive To KeejK Eye OK M enncing

^ Foreign Situation


_ SH ANGHAI (U P )— A eri« n iis to ry in 'th e fu r oasl w as madetoday w hen Chincsa battle planes sh o t.d o w n a Japancsc-bom b.........e r in the f irs t aeria l engagem ent rc w rd c d betw een .plane# of'__ _two O rient:^ natiorjs, Tlic Chinese ptltfl w as w oilnded b u t he got}

■■his bom ber. T lie 'th r il l in g , , .' ivc a Sinope-

' '

| T w a ^ i f e y - 0 f l e 4 ! h e P ^ ^

p t m k ? 5 - | i D r a i E L L o m i s


T ransport Ohaitinont • Carries' Americans- To Trouble

N'lW; YOUK, M!|»l — Tho Unit flithim: MOliiir.itci' Kloanor .\li-li' (iHiiui w;i!i iimik iitr lliilinix tii' (lay 'i ir ic i- . II i-nlllrtlnn avIMi ilii

.U cIrIiiii frcltiiXflr Jcm i .liidni, nn< J 2 l iiiirxoiiii nVo' iiiIkhIiii:.

TJrflcJaliT i r r n io • 'Uiijy'ii' u< iit^ ■Whito t o i n m ; P rom i,c O S f « ' ‘| ^ l | » -

o p o r a t i o n ^ i t l k ^ n y a d . lo f iim ,^jc!iii jm io t icIIImk of Ui6_______ • ing-Porcos^^^^-^_____ .j»ccidcn i. rtfim rtlnK .-1 «tHl mlHH^

\ _ ■ ^ i t : '. 'niid o f-iilx meinherH of the“ •' X ' ^'Ickeriioii'.n rr’uw lielnK roHcnuit.HARniN*. ^Iiinchiirin. u rP ) — Cnpiiilii .1. ,M .. Luv!^•no of the

T inv ''Jnp:\ucse coniplc:cd ilu> oo- Jc;in .J tu lo t ndviHcd hlK crtlcc: citiKitlon. of l^nrldii lud:iy diirliii;! "ColUdo<l mid xiiiik ihlH morn-'I . f in a l ,-b lu e r bntltc* ■ In' w h i th i ------------------------------------------------------'Ihliatio -troopii w ore rouicrt,- .■ffho (iccupatlou vwaii (.■oinpletrjl l i ISHO zi;- III. ( la - ] ’). JupiiiioK ft.,! I •roopH 'cnovod In ia both ib n o tJ V -i . m d 1I0H-. d tloK 'o f'. H nrhin a fte r n if f ;linlll«-l:iiitini7 two huiirii,'•••Jaii.'fueso'trooiiii |nir«iiod‘**fIi\}!' fleelnK*Chln?;io forccn of frcncn it T Iuk d io w , nnd extended '<

unde r'. Japiinefio" control,

(III iiilKHini

'i .< jT 'i’i —Thi' Ill' flri*l .\im -rliuu 2 -x|i<'ill' :«• ici China i>1li?’i- 1li< hill, iirrlvi'd loiliiy fnim- ir^ b.'l;;hi of ii


• ,.IA1’,\N s k m i i m ;i lOKHl'. (I'l'J

Irmiiis- jiri' tn'Iiiif V'NiKiiii-'hiil. It Atlls

I'nc-liilly ti.ilii).


s h r o u d c ^ ie a v y a r ti l le ry bom* bafdm cjft.*

The u ig h tfo l lo w e d th » :a p r p earancV of seven ,.... Ohincse f ig h tin ffV iin es a t H ung jao hirl

iiutlitd— dliuui -b o a .!>ir<

iI5oiil IfiO' jn ll« i . (If Ilnllfax. In llio

.Alilci'ir.in' flnhliiK KTill' .M;i_nltiiy Hiidiu <«itniflny ::.nl

'till' Itoilhi'M urliiii ror|)6'ntil<iii biidhriC-f Nii'h'iui.'C-H Nyllliiu of ilio tIJ.i-!' ■ .......,iHtpi-. . Ono ..icMtoi'i, i<;Ud iilcaincnr; 'WA.mn.Vr.rn.V, i l 'P l — TIi

J ir , thp. vicinity .tWTl li.-<-n ..nlL-rcil .Si-ini^. |,„ |„ j' ,;„iifirim-d am 'oln 'fniiifl.hy. • • inwii „f AMili'ow . \V. .M«'lhin j

' , ,iimli!H;iat|iii-' « i (irV il ISrlialn.

Upper . Hoiiae .Acts Speedily r A f te r 'H o o v e r Present.'}

H is 'N om ination

7 h o 7,000 J.-jjMuieio rM idenln ... H arb in cheered iirrlvn l o t the!, fo rces from • homo, -.'riicy hiid '

U vliiR /'^i lo rror Avhlte the] Itionriry- forcen luarclied o;

Iho c ity .-u n d e r Ooncral ll.mebc ^ChlnKso ItoiitPit

iM L I S T S i l l K i P N G

m B post

B allpoh R eleased A t S a lt L ake C ity I";; •Found in Coloradoi"'

WA.mii.No-m.v, tr i> ) — pn-si- '111 iloovvr- Kiil:iy »<.'iii tr> tin

.iioiiiliuillon of Acidri'u

............ . UnlleillycrM iirrivud earlU-i: In incniiMK AniiTic-aii ina-

n iu ’ aiKi iiaviil /oi-('oii'c-<)Mci.-iilralcd iK’J-'biiiiiihol. .

iT lto -iiiiiiiipon Clmiii'iioni itrrlvcil 'Jaio. ihlii. (I'Vidiiyi I'lVoiilnc. It wii« ovi-iMiiii. hiivliii; hi'on ex|u'cte<l ai :: p. ni. II a . III. I'i. S, T .) . Tho iroojiH l- will Jx, liimicil lomorron- inornlnc.

I -Till- Aniprlninti .wlll'dlKonibiirk a t ’tlio , ci'iiiriil ciisitinm Jciiy on the

I'l'li up Nniiklnft rifiul

.l.M ’AN T tk - i^ \T K VIKW.S W A S H I N (J T O \. .{ I ' l* ) . , f - ^

I s^linerlniu arm y a^ i i d <-tri<ui:. rfachril SbiinirhnI I'rldiij- ii-i irord ninii* out tif lli

"^^"’ "iliiTi"'.liiimn'

ibii ".S'l'w W orld"

........................... .............. -HTimir....iiiKko a hluhly liii|i»Hiiiil n ien t on h e r , p<>«ill»n Imtiird Ihi- CbliicM- Otimtliiii.. At IP I......... Shanifhal .(Inio.(Ik'litlnir iii‘.l»i't'U ('Ii[ni"-1> and .liipiinise a i .Sbuiv^ul died diittii* Irn ip 'irarlly . n7<< Jnpa* Pe«i> a nalllii); iiriiiy. ri-enCnrtrl-- n iin lx I l l ' l l - ••liirllhi; iin<itlii-r <TH>hlnir a tja rk ...

On Uie illiilon iatlrrrn iit.lhcre A«iyt Mill nnrorlaliily •ii'i to ’ .liipnn's |ini|Mi>.i‘d conmo. mnv tha t .'.hi' hiid rejre lcil, In ihe-

'iiialii, ttii> piuuu prujKisnls <if Ihc I 'n lli'd r^liitcK. jir i 'D t l« r |- tnlu, Knince nnil lln ly .'T hr

COI.OUAnO Sl'llI.VtJS, --C olo.. (Ui*)—AI 10 1>. ni. r.;h, 3 allacliea ai llio S a il .U k o Ciiy, L'.iali. air-,

wcHiher obncrva-

I .inllcH 10 bill.

ptet'odliiR •brflcern /led lu c.oin-lUt;__ O eiicral_T^iK Chow.ilSaK n f u r« h 'c r (inti>iCtrlii

lendeni'CHCiipcd ' (0 ibo norUi. ■ChlricHU -• fort-cii • from K irin

View s In S ta tem en t On'^

lion linllfli AV:H,t a . ni'. i->b. 1, H,

ftii'ih. a rnTichm- llvliiK j northonul <>;' hL*re. fouiu

loon on bill ranuh.I t luid trnvvllcd nomC liiii) nill'i'

nil nil nlrllnn (roiii 'tho I'la olty -In .lL ’ lio u ra .,an , nv(M',ii;o.r m n tt ^ ia i i .- lu niileH (In hour.

-Iw o-iinno iince it

ivincc, lavjjrinK t i i o 'J a p a im inn Hl'ali^l


: mil (Jiiiird .SctiroKionf, . I .T lifi ;Ust Infiiniry will idKc th c lr l Iphieen liL the lluM 'nlonK Iho A m erl- i<-an !tc!clor. <if ilio Iniornitllonal i« J . | illoinr-ni - (lefeni'O!!.' reenforclnK Ihof

.'M)Il re;:lniiiiit. tinlli'il .Slrrtnn- I 'tIiich III I T heir

I'jS laloi 1


O w n e r '-o f- P ittsb u rg h '" T e a m Dies A t New Y ork Hos-

pitn l F rid ay

........ v r .VT ■■.Bcamor from iLomhI com ity, hnvlnRiita r tcd - th o Il.-irhln flRhtlUK w hlchj,!,],, week Issued ii s to te m e n iio l h f | IlK X m ntO . Idaho, brouB ht <ho JnpniiCHo lo •7>rotcct|V0lcrn. M ayor ilaiiicii P. Pope, llolao, conviction -«rew ho th c lr nn<Ionntn." • . . iln uJso a conlondok* for llio T)o*lllou,'clic trcac]ieroU!i

ilch iH now bold by John Th«B nn.],iw i, midH ciJv y • .(itrop.t. llKhllnK. m arked w h ic l.... tlic f u ll-o f iho-laKi HlronKhotd <]f,Coudlng.SovJel ln_f1iicnco_. tn jio rth Man-! Tho* com plcto te x t o f_ f\p n a to r | cliurlii..-«vlih ‘ilio. JaiuhiM o iiulhKiRlTniion'H, ununiial nniiounconiont arm oured c ars nnd iiiHka. • • 1h ns follow s: . ‘ .. .

ritts 'eom iiu ind ' « '• <lm Ja im h rfo ,'P > ',^ ry eloetl^^ ,roi-cos under .% G eneral .J la s e h e . J lh a tjom piing IO'<ionipoHo a per- tieail o f Mho oxpcilltloii. a t <incoi’' ” ' ' r ‘''<> rcmiojit to ■‘HoT"C'«lierrf of jimica


Rovorinncnu'I 's l r Pljiy A ssured,

lie pluc.trded tho c liy w lih .pm t* - • s ’rcn ssurlo ff ih o -p o p u la ilo n o t o rd e r .and'; f a ir play. "W hU c nu;i- BlannV neh( ii dvIcRallon to ^ u in tc ;ho^5ntnncH0, nnd proiiilfied th e ir :o-oporfttlnn;.' Sov-lot ,RUBslnnK - reninlnod'- lu- iloot-u.r> '• .r'';. ■

T ho "W'hfio ItuAiiltfln'’. a rc .ihoBO a tlll loyal-.to . !he C iarlflt rejtlmo and n ro violcnily oppnxod to the Soviets.. .

Adi-lltlonnr Japanese nlrptanen »nd troops wore dlspnlchcd to I la rb lu from -C lw neebunB ,.'lo ' the BouthV on’ the lino bcZu'cen souili nnd n o r th . M anchnrla—e ratw hlie division betw ern Oio Japaneso und H u ssio n ' sphe re o f influenco.

G e n e ra l ' Tam on 's hinin . colum n

tho.Do, I for the., Ifflco o f United .Stateii se iw tor, llnd.myHolf a s confused o s wris tho. young 'nuiiC 'w li* .w nslso iit ,to th is coun try I>y nn 'C iie llsh m illing com­pany to ascorla lii th o 'co n d ltlo n o ( | tho w heat ninrket. T lio f irm catiled him fo r d ' reporf, nnd ho replied


.w im tcvof «Hi d o 'win jho. wrons.Act n l onctf;; • ' •

i;ists Attn^ ‘•■•mu a a It'’ hiiH-al'ways' ihecn .w i

Inrllnatlnn of pollllelnnK ^ o :n ihun-{ derauind; wbonoveyt 1 ' •" to tb e lrInicreiit to do BOi.l.ivlll a loiK w or-' rylng alHiut the.iiroclBs wordluK of

Irv in (iiiirrc led ' with hlii t'iroth' e r l 'rfo Monday nnd n'nnof.ic c d ht w-.ui KolpK lo. winii from liiti rrncli h one , fiortr ile rtie t-; ..” lo iJ^«^A-al- tey iimPHeveV re tu rn ." V .

Thnt-WHH Ibo in,it seen or.hciJril 'Of ilie youth^ ntui iio:iroh piirtlci' ’yoat.orday f.illecl to 'f ln d a n y trac t o t him. ‘ .

(Ui-) — Til > to<lay thill iililnnilon of

. . . . jp io wonlhor, liild clnluK'd llio 11(0 of Irvin

-1 S _

1V03IAN K»V:KZKS T(i })KATIf 1SA.V Dl':ilNUilH)INp--ei»Ht.-,lUP) -A womflii k n o w n /o n ly ns Mrs.

Ix!hm nn,’wnn found >frnsoii to dcaih he r H ear T.alto c.ibln today.

I)royfu.M.‘“ ow nor~of th o T ’lttiitjiifKh hannh.ill club, died In M l.,Slnal li jd ln l-today , llu bad undentbnn i oporntlonii ry^onily . for Kliindij (llaorOorK. '

i)«ni]i v.-is n o t’ unexpocfeil. .M rs.' DrcyVnxs wan n-lih liur hilHbiifld the . Iiosplinl, wIicro.Hlic tmd hui <«n<<lnutly'l>y-hls4iHe-iilm'e-lils''lastj iipurnilon. when tlio onit e.iinic.

DrcyfiiiiH w as Jw rn 'llu 'l-'rellmrff. Ooi-niany. in J.SO<. 'VS'Jien h o 'w a s l i. hlS'PA>entii4>rouKhl l^ lhrto Aniurlciil iiid iieitled in I'ncfuciih. Ky., where! le la te r bcc.imo --omploycil aii »l lork In a d lsilllory. C ISiivHni: hlH wiik'O'', n iiruoy tw>ilkhlj

cifiilrol'of tho Loiilsvlllu cliih, cinoj cf thP-12 In ibo old N iuionat Icasuo .circuit; I)y 1K!)2 ho wn.s Ibo' 'solo, oivner o f tlib 'frauchlHc. I ln n;r|itlr-l cd ,ihe PIltHhitrRh club lirlDOO.

'jk. on limy. _ 1arriva l hrlnKM tin* Unllptlimil forei-s up lo nonio 2t:in)I adillilon, Iho A mvrlcuiil I - concontnitod In th e ’ >o rivor ,otf .ShmiKbiit cau] oriil buiulr'ed hluvjaokois <

m . T h u r s d a y B . 'S . , t !-)‘ th e ,'p i lo ts w ere ,jQ H tc rcd to a id p o ; t r o i th i t y o v e r w a r - t o r n ' Cha* p e i , a n d c n g a e e th e Jo ip a n eso - bo m b e rs - in c o m b ab i f necesri* ary_, T h o C h in e se p i i r s u i t plane'ii - • « a r r i c d .n o -b c u jib s .

'A Ohineao, p i l o t ; 6n-> p a t r o l '.: betw een B u n g jao a n d <^hapei' CTico'U Titeifcd''a~Tiip'ancsc ]^ a n e . • Ho a ttack ed . A m achine gun ■

iduel neac-O hen ju , a n the o u ^ jsk irts o f tho city , followed. ;f'-

Tho Jopaneso Bomber erasi^'' ;ed in flames.-. I ts bombs-'^eiXt Z p loded dem olishing tb e - p ^ e . ;

T h e 'C ti ln rs o -pltoi ro tu fn o d . ^in' lii'iUKjao. w hore inspoetloa -re* veiileil » hiilloi had<ptusedihro’uKli ihn/e/)w llnK o£ hl» sh ip , ilo J iad , a llosh •wound. ' • ....... | .

JIM*” ® *-KnifW Af'-..'' * ~ rT h o Chln'oi'O J Bl’r ' fo rces Ineluda

.................................................... four p u r s u i t- n n d th rco bombiuRMonuVvd s ia lom en l. «l : J a p n n ■ ,pi,,,,® «rJ>»icdT ?<ni«kejiif<nw n«Sm r'" ■Hn i enm 'rly nnn ltn i. In th e j m provnnt w lioltattlc deiRriiclJoii >nrii>n^ fiir»‘icn ^ .iflln -s th<*«Bh ,,j. „ Jap an ese botiib lnn '.'iiluekvni ;

‘'“'S .n'L^n.MT'Ste'; 1 ''™ * '” . .Oitlr :“((W.l n.ilinrnllmi l» '" 'o « r.jl «rm j..in .n .po r‘; ; ( » ' ,

Ja iuin a rriv e d iliis ,tirier.noon' nnd boCTn InniUuR ■joihi* aoKU ' o f - t h e . ', Moiik'nient. Tho A rrival- fnarked - ilui rii-Ht Invaston oC rcK ular Jopa-^ noMe .iroopR - to ' rein force .‘-"tlio iiarlneii, lil t j ie ilo . o iirryinif*on tho

Pre8ident''Shoup 3 e€&~ Indications

"Z Ot- -lie tte r T im es

• s.w rm.v.vntsco, •ordorii for mipplli-H a will he iihu'cd - n l .

( l 'l ‘)— liiiKtid.niotorlulH 'iico hy ihu

JA i'AX (Jirr.'i WISHKS ., <.'i:.\KVA, <Ul*)—Tho Moilil arni-^ n iiiftri-nci’ ronrriiod In

-p lo n a ry m-<-sIhu ' imliiy n n .d eteeti-il .Tsnneo .Ualsudalrii. of Ja p an . oUi> of llio vl«-e-pr«>J- 1

, doniM, MiioolhlMir over ii il/di- ' (-ato'K lluallnn lu «hli-h threnls of J»[nine»o irllhdriinni from

, Ih o m n f o n 'u r o had horn )nndo milos>{ .Mntmuhilru «on* rlec l-


liiR IIS Hlinro In ge:iln».' Imuk u>, piaKporliy road." I’ronhlcnt J’inil r.Slioiip iinoom rniir^liiT a iil'alt-iucrir l*t'h>y.^

■•'Ordors w lir . bo iilnccti th is week f<ir to jis .o f steel foritullvery liiter lu thu y e a r / ' Shoup Malrl; ■ •■We lU-o • a lso . (solfiB ItHo I Me niarkot, for tie s In a suh- stiinilnl way." ' ' .

ilcccn t duvdopm ent:! In . (ho couutry'n oi-onoii\lc sltuitllon, as viewed hy .Shoin> (in an oaslern (rip . • Indleatod "coiitldcnco iii lic- ln ;y reK ored," hu said.

-tREPORMYEORG U nfi^ H as R uined N ative__ Sectioii>of Shafighai Ad- '

m ira l Announces

ni} ''tnvltntion. . ." If .tb e rc o rt lf lc a le .fo 'r <>!io nom l-,

imllot'i nnd {Auction to tho &filcn of .United s tn tcK tiicnator should, lu\|>-:

V;ast Numbora of A nim als Aro.Oa’uffht Oh D esert N ear___' T ', ;.;,-■Roberts'' •

- , ahd< rcsc'iio p rospecto iro 'V ir lu a lly Dll- u h le s s .th e Ida- iio^OQtoiio: hiRhwa)-. l^etwooD-Ida- So 'T W lsvA hd. Ito 'borls. Ib dp'enbdi rh o u n o y / . l s , M - , deep;' th a t • tho^ iboep ^ n n i^ 'r e a c h the s c an t for-: nffo. _lJoi\teith.‘«_T bo.;jnm o:-- factors n rovents niovom enf ^ f tanentejjcy ' r tD si^ '^p p llcs ;. lb ’ th e B lo rv i .o B

pon io jho m ine, a n d it ho accom­panied >J>y- AIsjldln'H- lam p., th is Is wbrii I.p ropose (o do :

, "Tbo f ir s t niorninK I. am on tiio* iob, ^ w i ll ru b tho-lam p vlRoroiiHly,-'

laud ihon I 'w i l l to a r down every 'p lan k of o u r . ta ri ff w all th a t ' heeii e rec ted for protoctlon. w ould.lcavo a fcn-'npllDiors -for :

lenuo pnrpoHOB, b lit I t would ' lin len lion to ' hring;>'ab'b'ut\

. . , .For-U om c.,lliilb “ Tho second ■mornin'K I n'ould

rn!>_tlio fiood;.olUl!.lninR„aud Ihen repeal th o .'K lslitoenth om ebdm cnt and tiie 'V olsieadioci. I t th o Jamp w ero -n o t- tip t<) . ih o t occasion, I

Iwould o x e rt my b e s t offorls fo r tbo liiomb iu io plan , wtileh-,wlirstr<rttii


. r ~ ;

WASni.NOTON,.M. M. T.iylor. c N aval forceii a t S hanK bal'adv iseii

N avy depiirlmeni. 4o<tny th a t ih o 'C h a p c r d is tric t of. ShanRhal "Is now a to ta l w re ck " - tif a re­su lt o f, liKivy Kiinflrc bKweon Ja |in)icsu nnd Chlnciiu forcc).;

T ay lor, who .from b is flaKshIp, c rn ^ o r lloustnu ,

____ ______ _— ,ttop:«endlPK.Vol)-:serV '^B 'V to 'tho 'th tem atioan t iiokerj KaniM u n d o r InBTnHtlens Yo sntb.l t)iit'-not'^lo'-i)1ay; a 'l ia n d ,'. <In-otii«r' vrords..!-; w ould rM n^l'o i'ir-ffovonJ-i m eat to'-abandon th a 'a O lttid o 'c f thoi fond m a m m o :.-irh ti,^ n > 8 'h c r LIttlol l<ord ..Faunt!o'royr.-«k)to.-^'''D6ii'l ttbl dow a;.to - jha t-in iernaU ona l • cornbr. « r - lh6Rfl-t6UBh- fofolCnr H»y«-^wtil :i«k(» ,your;-Trettr> .f<a»isppl»-ayayJ


u'sir hondquartcra ' oanoune—- ' eii Ilio hu lk o f^ th o a r m y ‘forces-., could noi.-' a rrlv o -.lie fo ro -Sunday ■ 'from Uii|mn. .......

'A 'J '.m II. j n . , t i io . h e a v y 'b o m - ; .

wliii th e |iotili.lons>^ Uio jopim **' Inn . fo rpos. TolBllvoly i in c b a n i ^ . l : TM.. JapancKO ro lfn q u iib c ir 'io m p • o f. i l i e lf -« o in s ,-n i id returned-'./toth i 'lr d c fc as lv o '.lil ie s , a p p a r iu tly - ui iiw aii.<ho a rr iv a l.c if ihd a rray '

■ Japan^'su...... r - a p im u n t ly ’.IiRdnlm ndoaw l o r ..po stpun id , th o o c - : : j ,- , ., ^

J a panoso « ijo i*> p t.ed -W *rtT ia to - > throuK h tho so ttlom on i 'n'twr'-tfcii > • .North statU>rii'fi,rt'x1>ra : i « M ® divuriod t)y, Boltlcm ent ;V t)(W tM r .?•' KUiirdH. •

pa rc a ily IJ.'.tlo ., . ____IJapaneso had Isnnbardc'd pi Intcrnntloim l, suliloiu(vt^>)iouDdar>'.'

W ocsung forts," ho sd ld .' “aii- pare iltly rtro wrockwl b y n tr nnd

hoin1iBrdm>!Ui. hu t there'- is Idence - tho Jiitianeso ,lmvo

occuple il-liie .'n .'' •i-'lrt'H .Itreak jOnt,

j l ’Idt-SctHtufliile r th e m indro mid bombln

I., n , S. Jiooker, cbnunandlDe A m erlcsa m arines d l S lianshsl,

p ? a n e ^ iV bi)Ott|^brouilt',’do^wn?by| a iln e s o iin t l-a lrc ra ft. guns a lo u t

m achine gun j-flre .- T li*^Jat«t»M >v,ij* ,ffl r a n b iim t j n l o flaa ies. sTaW tviM tie : f lw t; *«rlalfj b a t t le > of-iUje v C ‘.»

p rc sc a t 'c o n fH e t .'. 'i ’ ■.

'iw ecnV rlT ar;ye«ow . a n n lu ;- • 'th lr l r - f i t i t ; .T --------J V « ^ a C r B r t . » . -haoctia t J ib :5d«lB t.:.la .i ,

l A r a e r f c a a l lW f c '- I t .W ^I th a t th o B0k|l8:«.*n)uU ^^N onnnrro ir.’'( ^ .L-» ’.--

- half, m llo from- the . northw est c im a r of Iho International sotUe- tn e a t rb o *., ‘Ja 'paneso .p U a e i ' . b n p g e d

bomblnB Chlnosq llu e i, Xlylntf over And a lanm ldo th o te d so . 'o f '

................... JlflOki ...................

. T iio .'C htqoSo J e m tlo n * reoolTodl ,a« 'd l*pat'ch .^.> tfm . *hb;>'->ainktne yor6 lR n ;;y fl«o ,w y]ttc \H hB i:'

;ihl)ltai-Kflt<Acks'. on th 6;'««jOB\iri«•foriB. im d ■ !oit: C h* j« I. l» a : ' ----------

ltho-,'Uhfco?'' '« t •S lm aplau lji.,--------- -I cIalto.<Uiar Gtio«ae;^flrM v

T hoV m esaan ft.'w o rted ir ie fly 'da! > o th .- alleiRed; a l U c M » d ’Bkid:: ' ■ -*T ho-cd inm B ador.;o r^fi* .'j W t

'B tras - .T o tU n ttp o r te d .^ tti iiV i.^ , .^ Jjiparteiio 'iniA btiaU^iU lM oU jV i.^o^

Page 2: I Japanese P lane;' CHINESE RilEO B BAiEYDREYFUSS MEOBYOE/i' …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · lina.rexlded. lii jh u llrao tho o«e«


m l i i iS i o A : C i i i S Eo lt-S p 4 o d -B o a t -P Jlo l -Av.

.'o ro ffes VfoTc Than ' 111 Milos A n H our '


f g c o i ^ s s

rm inir; W illiam Ciiniuia. riftli;. Jtphn r . i r r f l l . I ’lilt- I'll S tale ;!,.n isili. Tliiio

' S.OiiO aiictiir:' — IrvluK ^ 'Jn frco . •L'nUt'.L SInto.i, flrtit; KiMIc .Mur- li!l>V U ii^n l S^Uilcx. K yw i.l: Wll- llnni Iy«i:nii, C'utnula, llilrd:

llinri .Taylor. l.'iilU'ii Siaion. fo iiriti:. T lio vctcm ii n o tro k -sp o f t l iH 'ni, I « i r lUII:in;rrue|. Nurway, tifd i;

^plIoL } ie ^ iln t« I th a Ind lnn '-crvck 1)«rni UvMMvti, •VoVvrny.. xlxtb.Tlim-- -


.f th w rr n i ^ c i r . r in . . . .( tT ) — / j i ^ O n r Wob<l., <Ir]vlnc itip niiM’ilhooJ

v IM Irh, Aiiiurlca IX |k‘1 n. nnw ."iVfarhVB recoril to<lny,

• , , ............. I SiKlli-r. RDprrsori. (IniUh----------- , '.ijdvi-Jia,: . iH . iu r tuM -cudcrHj:iu-i!ioJ ic n i t L viniaui,. llirpp

ninilRlil KiuiiOH'lo Iho I.Ink'fl liiinl- iiiviii'CoIIl' uo. <iuliiici III a iiiatcli |i]iiyc(i TliurKdny iilcUt. MdUoluTiH o t llio lo;iliit;. lonin Jiiitl n:iL imlriiK M r lil«li iii(ll»vl^inl^»rnr(..

S iiillrr, i! |ip i‘r!ioti, (intM i;ii ......................ir.T j<s ifir. • 4S0

■iJolKTls------------ X41 lOll ■

■FUiVffli- hwoih'!:-----A irx n n ili 'rH u rd .*

CniLnilii. tlilrtl; KriviilL Miark. (■.•nii-ftil'a.* n-iiiiT... » .....

ru n s In apppnUo 'illrocitonn.iH s ^ lie c iI l io t tc m l’“ by ■ r

Ih aw 't t m ilo iin . h o u r O io record o t 110.223 mllCB p e r Jm ur io i l.y

“ ' K ayo Don o f ^EiiRlniid lit Itnly .ycftr.

, , ll! ' Wooil lidd o r t f t 'n o w Aniftflc-wi ~ ■ * :V cco r(ro f:'lll} .7S w I1»b Jm r 'l io u r

iWiOTo a few «lny!i flfin. im i tlio I^ inarlt wan n o t rcoosa liod ns n

; .^.yu rld rcc o ril' liccaimo i i dW -Jiot , , . I f lu n ia a irT T ir 'T n n tT n rji'i ii iiiarciu

J' XJoaV reconJ.* ■ U c dnlil <lion ]i<> WflH fini!«fluil L hU nilMH A iiicricn IX wuii i:oi>d •I to f-ft, inllo o r iVi'o wi liou r ln 't i tr

apccd. c a d —w ould—com lnua lrli|ls [ iinlll Ifu itoL U oiiL uf liur.' Wothl'H rm i loiliiy, nouili'

Catw d.i (luioiiK'il H uilc t .'Jii.iev 2. to V -frtvcrsU iif).

(j<Tflialiy ili'foalrtl Pohjad »— - ■ —l*f>lnt Sl«n;(ltiir -

(A111)tiiii,'l> tlicrii lit .1111 . (if .JicojO:i‘(;'i> r tCani:

{iitlmvin;; iitiiii<llnt:»:; rnllei|*>Sin'’.i';>Ciiiiudir ..........Norwiiy . . . _

...tISn1 -'roliilii ,

r s i : s ro i l tjik k sn i r r r io iT . (Ui>) — Ynlo ircei

- . . K ;w<‘to n oM lirow n-lirn lh 'yn lio re 'tliu---------- ^ ';>liiy :irie r Clirjiitihns, InntciiO ..tliryI.AKSKN COAL'tuivi’ bot'ji 'imi (ii ibrno nu ijo r imcH.

................................ I’ovc'riy-alrlcltt'ii fiiiiilllwi iiro iiiirii-iiiK ilii'iiLfoj fue l: iiKilntm mifforcrM' liiivr « irIi.lS .I 'ili.. MM-dna to liihnl««

N rp /nm ine c«iniH nn<];ilni Hnmmtlc odo r .Tml lioriiiGwlvcii...... .............. mi JiiiMi fit;l fu r liiivi" HliiffL-il wonllitld tn lipop llintlijil.iicnlt'd In J . I'rriiii'j- M urk. jiiw.iy,

cit.iia.Kfj ............... ........COMIMNV, I’lioiio -irio, Ciixilo Cnte 1 ConL—Ail».

l>r.’ I-fl-


....... I&r, Ml t;!i -H7..........:ir.n u.i) i s a i:.o.......... 1C0.J5U If,I) iKd

......... s:.(; 735 71*7 21 (8 r!MnhN'

..... ;..lOMfill ir.fl r.to .m ifii; m , i

..........ifi:i ifiii i c « ' 4S8 iI!ir-I7«-20J -5«4

.... SI."! 1-JC 174 r.22 i

Kl)6 SS8-if 4 I.iiiiir iiiiiii. Ati

iho niicjiijiR of til t-■ Iiccotid linlf.) lmu'j!vcr;"Hn) ’ vlsrtorH_ sw ept tn(o: a lliri’c'-imli:.'. load. ' liiil><lrh]ij)(.-d ' liiitiiiKl ai;:iiri. , '

Jiidi‘v l:ic .' K rlcnill^' Flvi* ccnicr, lilKli iiolni nnun. loiipliiK In.lilBli iiolni

il«‘ II jHiiil or 2L' 01 Tl l: linouiiiii

StaiiTlclcl;; 'rxviiV I-’a1Lw--si

_Cau8fi_D eath o f B oxer

INDIANAI’OMH, In J ., (UI>) — InJiirIcA Hiiircrutl Ih u l»mTucMdiiy iiIkIii jirovwl -Ja lu l l/i Jolm nlo FnKK. 2 i . ‘ woIterwCiKl>t ■findlcr. 7>IU'ijlclun:i_ imid todiiy. FJiKjr full from llio r in p ' a fte r tnkliiR a wllH: (iwLnt; n i liln op-' portfini.. A1 IJfiitpn, Wrtrci'Hlor.

A i'ciiiai'Kalil<) iiU'im.' or liio in iu rn iio tiHl jniii|> u l Miko I’liicKl. .v. V..yonkliii; iii'iv 'rfcordii. Is idiown nliovn.,, T lir l«iUo-«ft In iil lUo left, n in l n _____

'«liitiil|i. w ith il^o-b!cni-Jipr,i In (lift liackgronnd.. Tlio Jumper linro 1h J . It'olHtaiicr.'i

O'riKiuiH im tii u iiniioi»i u TTlnolvwilnloHpaco.

liemDrrIiaS:u indiiccil I>y ilTc Tall.

Capa<;ity C row d Expected T o See

B o u t-in Chtceigo

c i i i a \ c o . { m M -h n o iiayi. «.i. .vnm-o »cnl itiilo Tor llio Jnck Ucmimo'-Kliij: l^jvlnsluiy V roiinil lH)iiL ni. ilio- Chlraico iitailltim ln ‘ (llRilcd liKliiy lliiil 11 (’.•iparltv crowd will iii>;(*nd ilx t l'Vi>. ik Rliow ._lt.cvcry-H w ii.lii- hoUI -ot • | l Ii)' )(i tliii iiltojiduncu t will 2UOO mid lliu j:ro;»i Tcc<i!iil.'<nlHiiiL 38r>,<ii)0. ' . .

S epara to r T estin g - C am paign P lan n ed

r iT E O ie S H E R F PAfillGIPAIE


Couirt D.ecides InF av o r - of - Lawyer.

• siipsnoN 'K . (.‘?i.>eirti'),-_/V,coiiy.of .lilt" doelsloii n t ihc mipremo <-oiirt W.1H n^colvcd at [liu offlco of iliii c lo rk of llio dIalrUit ctjiiri TiiPudiiy I’l lliu nitK* of Itoiiii IJ. naddtfC lf V/i. lOfnciu K Jficknoii. «'i a ll TIiIh wall n unit liislillit«d In ilii‘ !ir«ljKle iiaiirt llireo •yciirii a-:n Hir iin a ttorni-y foe. and rt'fiiiicil In a JiidwincMi for plalniirf fo r llii' anm ani HHlted.

Tliu dorcml?iiii iii>|hiu1 H 'lo llio .■dlHlrltii ccnin, hut illalcitlff tiiovnl• Id illamliis tlio aiiiH'iil iiif *liiivli)»:

. Ijiix'ji Drcmntiii-iily talicu. Tliln nui-Iti*) — lltiiiUy 'I '" ' 'vn'« uvurrult'd, and tlio r .....

Jni;lN<ll<;llon. iih llN).,ai(erntiivil aiiltcar from ilio -iirobalo to iirl waul •preniauircly lul.l'n . T lie dei:l»lori ordeM -l^alnilJfJL nm ilon to i]lii-l tnlim llfii iipiu'lil from lliu |ir.-hiiiu' c iiu rl to. bo HiiMtiilnod, and .tli<' ii|i*| pi'al frfini Ibat coiirl to |)u d!HmlMn*j ■:d. wliloli luavo.H ilic o r ls ln a l JiiilB-j n ie iil'ln Mvnr (if :|ila liitlfr In force.:

George Stoncbrakor Takes His Team To 01a.sRic Via

Airplane _ •

flfinios-. I 'la li, (Itl*), — 'I I ......, , , ................................. ................<Un-s. Wlili tonKiu-H loniii;: out. » n . | i " '‘>' irlod l.y u Jury luHiilUiKr In (ulbi Vlijoroiinly wacKliW: i.iioeiled " vurdUn for llu-defenilanl. wlioru-nvor a fan!-snojiv cDViired couriK 'lo-, iilaln tiff iijnienlcd in tliit hii«diiy In tii(‘lr*lhial work-oni fo r'tliu j 4i|.mll.* \Va>iali'Ii d(.)T dcrliy S iiln r-' day and ijinnlay. . . i

UCIkIiI U'amii. wrrn* on ItiUid and morfi ucri) cxni-cH'd loilay.

; Tlio Cieorco Sioncliraker ic n n i'o f , lr^li> Ki^ttoiK and U 'w cljann—<liu iianio team Ibat won Tftlioi*,. Cal.,

AHlitoa. Id»)ii>, rncoB ibrec

lirenii! <: 1. wlilt^i. In u',1 (IcrlKliiii,!—Iwill- ^ 5 . 0 0 -

Fifiir OM MuttVcNN !«’ IT bilb tUM) on n X cn S n rln s Filled n ( .

M O O N 'S .'. Hnnl—Wlillo • You- S lM tf '- - .

(jri-KN .No/'ri) sM.i. .ii;wKi,S| • KONTAl.S-lCm.KAU. Fi'lilii'C.d’I*)

- -( tiu i ira ry . n> r iim n r .- tlio f/irmur Qnccn o f Siialii 'liaH <n*t enlored Into nciK^lailoiiii for llio (ial<> luT iirlviiU- .Ji'wclH. '( locorilla);. 10 Miiri'tui'.si^ ilii Tiirii.'4 ilo .McndozU, lirlvaU ' no rrc ia ry to A inmso X III; l lo r r iillrc llon Ik valued til about J2l).'iiiit. • •

t l m k s 'T v a .n t a d s g i ^ ' niJ-

K R E N G E L ’SvHARDWA^fi^^^^HOP ■, Kli ulrluiil SiipjilicH _l‘i|K> & Pi|ii! FiltiiiK-s.

- FiiifliriiiI{s-Mbp,s-t; H fH il. ';

PH O N E 1202 •

■ "W tem fJG UP ON SPORT

f ioKfr’-MecK'i*n m KAL I ' ' >><-

L a u t e r '

~’RiJJruJoi;v5'’6o / • > , ' ;-T o .A i^ LEN6Tri ; - :

' h R A I. . ,pAu^

■ ',1 /^

I t fP E I lT (Speirlnl) — T lie Mini- CnsNld D alryinen'n iiKHOclatInn,. til'd crcnni ntailonxj and County AK'^m .1],' '.K... K ubnu. a rc coopvratliij;. .in rondiictliiB a croam ae iia ra to r lent-

be ronducu^l during ibo -w eek o fi" '‘> ; '" '«Feljfim ry S in . l . l IncluHlv.vvJSnm-l TJiey a rr lv n l from IIoIbo , by ■|,lf»-lwHh'!i m ar-b i; W nr«.,Afmm-li>»n<?‘ 'SH)iielira,iifir j>;ii:d. IbiU lia lcaL any -o f Uio croam Ktatlon.i „ r >fvni.«'‘‘"*«P'’' ' " '“ '" ' In o rder to .m e ore.im inTck o p c ra io r .. '■>HnmplcH^ahHiiId bo tiik.-n i l i i r l n ^ " ' ' . " , ‘‘ ,me mlildle of ilie' nopara tlnc »l>er-‘. J

..m in t,.'h ,.r.. IAslitoo; DolUort (iroain. i)io hcIiooI-. .m I . . >-v nuiHluT fr«un 'W cliy / M ubo ;/

M IoRaH ith U alom onH »*‘M'i:laJ H„y s to v e r, M.'CiilI: Kennelli 1-nill- tlon and It tlio t c ^ bIiowh lliat llio cr, A nblou; Jack Oliver niid l.:»volrmuchInc* lu . n o t, opcrailuK lUO jicr Alton of Jluninvllle, lllali; Ted cent liclii will bo Klvon In locnilni; ije n t. Jackson, Wyo.: S’ed V nn,l

........... .. - - .-ycle.- Ilockford. I.Iofto; F re J ,i»rlnir. I'ociliiml, nnd Jack lU ipp.

llie iroiil/lc.

Sw eat liiitliH nnd Imflf mnsnatfi).. n itl rn l lc n j j b u t rlietiRiailxm iiulaN. Jfen' nnd U om fn - olleudanlK. Al Dr.. FuNtryn office- ]<urnted In J.

P e n n e r M "rk.-p .

, - : r - T H I S C U R IO U S W O R L D .

POISON'GAS* '^Asoseoirfv;«RK 4Re B y 7 k e ’.WD/4NS,

fiS£ASil>/AS TH5 •

euTAioBoD/ UJOOU).

tr a in in g ru los. Old C rovor Afbxandor, s t a r p itch e r o f / th o U y r d in a |o , h a d tho h a b it o f / . iirgh tly m oandoring a n d Rhom ‘nlw.ayo k M t him co m p an y :' A lix ovidoiitly-could stapdC

r-^- "• tip u n d e r m ore p re is u ro th a n F l in t—and w hen F lin t c a m e to tho p a rk in no condition to ■ ipH cb, l ia sa id .h o ,h ad k o p t tem p ta tio n from -Aiex. by c o n su m in g i t all him aolf. An oven

> rV '* a s affo rd ed by F lin t, w hen shortly_bofo t'o th o 19.30 w orld se ries , it w asI'reportod ho h a d boon kidnaped b y m yste ripus s t r a n g e r s a n d fo rced , a t tht; po in t o f a.' •irovolvjr, t o Imbibe t h a t whicfv-do5tN |r nobio a th le te n o good'. T ho C ard ina ls Wcra in tho >

k;;.;..; r tro tcH d r iv e 'fo e th d ponnairt a n d it g o e u W a n a g e r C ab b y S tr e e t ro s tlo ss hours. It .co st Jw ^ j j c h In a w o r ld .scrjoo g a m ^ ' ‘ _ > . ' ']

l!i:ill P i in l Ko|-<Irir S i-dn iir • f til l .v f iiian iiU c i'd

' m n n F .n - .i ' 'INiiulwti’r ........... ............

F e b r i i a r y C l e a r ^ c «■ l!i;)(l‘For<r>>i;(»(lar.l C(.ui){‘ A A

Now JliililuT, Krooiirli^inni'it . . ^ ^ / 9 « U U

.13275.00J325.00..$22 .0S-

jiil'::"!':..,,:....:..L: ,.$325.00 ■y o u M AY H A V E H E A R D O W


$365.0flf►0 4

J -


IfKM F n r< l- ] )b l iix e Ronii.stcr X « i r ly n e w ..i.................:......

lf):n F o rd T h id : Ooifiplet: $550.00. .ISLAND O F Y ^ - '

S»M 50FW H <R W B I6lt N onrly iiow. $450.00

EX'!1028 P o rd Rbada’toc,*1 1920 P oi-d’Spt. 0oupo-;$160

: J f l ^ O l u i T C O l c t - C o a o b ^ W e ,1029 F o rd S td . C oupe:$ i60 1028 H udson C o a c h -^ ^ O O

',1027 Pontiac • Coi>pe-?lBp,00

T r t f f H I L L S ’ 'ANO VALLEYS* ZfTtiECCSitA C Q .

■ ■;-'- Your DealerT w i i i , . F a l l s

Page 3: I Japanese P lane;' CHINESE RilEO B BAiEYDREYFUSS MEOBYOE/i' …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · lina.rexlded. lii jh u llrao tho o«e«

fiVEKfffG ■ TiSfi: S.- TWIN FAi,i;s; i f iA iia P i j j e ' T K r a a i


11 WI1.1 iiur]ui|>s AHnlllln' lir lt iin rH 'la si ilny In ii IiIkIi' Kovurniuiiiit vvlii:ii ililii |il<'iiii'i> wii:< tiilti'ii of Ilii< raiiioiiK rri'U.!li.HtulfRliiiin (leM l a :‘ Jill .rullutjnlsMfil iliu prmi «r TD.a'lKn Mlnlmor U> I 'n iih lcr I’|i‘ri'o-I.avii! (rlKlihi I'K 'iiiliir J.iival touli oti ilic iiililllloiiiil

• ilutlort « r I'orclKii hillowlni,'' tlio rv 'y K I'tDBunlKilioii of lilii; Diibliift.

rnifi';i;tnr. .'Jt, il. o fMlfiMDUrl <V)|imiiIiIu.

'M h. I ii 'i l i i ' iinfr. iiliown licru w liu II lull' jilctiiVu <iC ilii! rornii-r

.. Im iiiiys. "Tliort? Ik iit>r<\lln'xII;:hM’t<l iloiilil iibiMiI

___ ilif rc-ii) 'n il(irlln ’ iliiil xIui'Iy Itlio SVorlil W ur. Tlie>- :«(iiiiil arnilKiicxl IjVforu tlio trllm im l uC.lilHtoVy invnltlii« licr T lii '\V»rlil <TIkIii’ i Iik AllUrri iiio iilxo « u f fu r li\'ri'oiii, It* tin? ii^iTOinioiu I’rovlik-iiL-o lu iiiecHUiK <ml lo. Iliem fur.U m li M'lmrif III I'liit ji l Voraiinicii III IIH.S!" Tlio lu tler wiin oiio comiiu-iiil' il ls ’V rorusmi' Coclirjm on IiIji' tjook. ••Gcrni;iiiy Not G uilty In tico tlin t ilit>-cx*k»iiicr Hiiplls i t '•iiiciiilnj: oiii" uiiil Him tin n iirtiiniiiiA -lie licvurt Ilii’ VcrKalllcii coiifi'i'ciico wini lictcl in 191S. Iiislniil of

'I’lioto I'liovvH ii'liarrlciufe mid entniijjtcincnl timiined by tlio Amorlcmi rnfiintry of Slmii);harR V olunteer licfciiR o CdPiw. u n illlia ry m ill tomprliiiiiK forccH from n il ilio imllonallilPH In llio In tcm ution itl SetUoiiicnt. > IMiotij tiiUfii OnrlHK ilio :!i:^ tronMc. Uclow. tlio iinm ircil c a r innclilno s im iiccUon oC tlio .vo lun tuc r'to rce . '

KiK lil.ycar-oM .Sol K ftplnn, linn a ilB lit .to .ljo p r o u d ,.fo r lio .‘,la Uio younsoMt. flo lob t chosooi to a j k ■ t* ]»our , w ith Uio P h lladclpW a O r- clicHlra Uilm/j'cnr. C onduc to r L < ^T>old stoUowAkl vo ii fio luiprouoO .

J 'o r -'llio .filfUiiir, jifotm 'Unn of ■ AimdvIiniii c iilxnin" In liL-loiKniureil ifliiincliul, tlio A rm y T rm w iidrt (’liiiuminit (jilc iiim l-« iliin 'e)

cd liy J'rc»ldcnl'H <)«vor lo iiroccod I I .Mnnllii w llli lumi rt-Knliir I;urm y ir tm p . o f ilio n i i f iufiim o- HcKlm.-ni and a., nd.iuu.ui.l Jo ra . o t ciajd

...<OO Jiiorltip«.-.Tliu reliifoMemi'niK w ore dli«i>nti;licd 'ai ilio oC. U I" l>‘iVo la rM cud td thom solvos alonR tlio ■waterfront.S. Consul .'Cuniilnttlimii.of'SliiiiiKUdl. ‘

•■ SAILORS-LANDED IN PASTCRISIS_ ENRCiUTE t o DISARMAMENT PARLEY' Sccno of tilltc r wflxfnro .between invnillhs. Japnucso and defondfuR

. Slinuglinl l« Mii)wb, ftbovo la on a»rl<il vlonv Tlib p ibiitn) Klvca— .....* -

4 5-WTS.r.

" * V ' ‘ . •

S H p j i M T

: CWncBo lo rceo . th o CIuumsI s m Uor o t Joe ■?««

len t, r e s l i lo n c ® ^ iOOO A m c t j w i . : ' ' ■

■YANKEE R EG U lJV R !^;O FFfbR :cH !’ [ ‘ ::-

trlcVlN aircctly ocruiiK'fioucliow crecU from . Uio IntornntJonal vottlomont, rosldonco ^ iOOO A m c tio u t . . ' • t e a t ibsll o f f

'O iitlirchk o f nctuftr»trlfi>: tlc tv ^ a -Ja tia i ic i(0 -.nnil Cli)neii6 to rcw In* , • ' i f : .~n ..m ie llaV 'cnuw (J'tj;« .'m iirlb (rA tuT nur;a 'fo rteiit© .b9Q rdbrfld ln lD B «lo ii- -■ ^ n ro m o r t in B I a ,th « ‘U .'& ‘<li. . . .

j> ro ic rf;4 l»o 'dty:« .}niorfiai»oiml- »cUI«m<n»t; .-wlicra A m e rlc a w CoafeMu^^^^ lok lu rw ljrfltli .1-nrUUih M d c rtlicr.ro ro lhw r« ''U V erJ*flro .nro •m»m%r*. of,n.:.MueJackot tlila. Joftr.aii<JrA llc<inii4hw nrrtve(l n liP arlii. Pnvl* l» jandlnA -foreo>U )lcU W iiU laAoa:rj>»t‘tT S tt> > > f t \f a -S y » ig lM £ ^ r ,t^ j^ :^ t^ q |:y w « r{ ^

. . . . IjaiiVaiiue D laUrmament io lc lur« ljrfltli.h li» .d ftughiore.:cyn- ------- ----------- ^ foiTOor.S«t!o*Aiy' ■ >T l> o -co ib r;:^ c liiL «hd .a ,b iliiilo iL o td---- --ligfeji-----— »

Page 4: I Japanese P lane;' CHINESE RilEO B BAiEYDREYFUSS MEOBYOE/i' …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · lina.rexlded. lii jh u llrao tho o«e«

. /■ H O OV ER ON H O ARDING pR E S ID E N .T HO O V ER, appealing to the na tio n 's |

p v ^ -% o ard e i's ' to p u t their money, back-in to legitim ate iise /tpolc a b o ld a n d com m endable step w hen he s a id :

“ __ 1‘T here is n ow a patrio tic dpiVoit^^ foV our■, w tizeris im ited ly t o jo in ini th is.cam pajgn a g a in s t^

'r .depression .,G iven sqch patrio tic ijooperation jytr ;;_:^<;an'8 ec^^e^-a-definite up w ard m ovem ent a n d a n r . =^^^-^rease-in-employmentr--T-hatHsei'viceris-tOrsecure- : "thfe re tn m o f hoarded money b ack in to the chan-

iiels. o f industry . Dm-ing the past y e a r ’and w ith I;, v - an 'aceeleraited ra te du ring th e last-few -m onths a r . '" . t o t a l b i over a billion three hundred m illions of

m oney h as been ,hoarded . I am convinced th a t . ‘c itizena h oard ing currency o r . money , do not ^ re a liz e its ie i ib u s effect. I t dim inishes tlie cred it •

. fac ilitie s b y 'm iriy Ijillions.■ ■‘‘Every d o lla r hoarded m eans a destruction of—

from five to ten •^lollartf of credit. C redit is the ■ • -blppd s tream .o f our economic life. R estrietion of

-i.destmction o f c red it c ripp les t h e revival;arid ex-

: ' ^ em ^oym ent^E iS *y-dolla?retu^^^ hoard- ■^ng to c ircu la tion ineinis.putting tnen to work. I t

P E H « S »

©M £ 6 W 6 FeEUlNGi OF P ^ M (j6R . PROfAnS W? TO«TO? SHOimN& FO R VJK-SH P^MO FRAEOA..;


QUECR caGAKO*AW!) 6 a o ^ N S ■ $ i 5 5 ^ t i W . y ^ s im sT E t^ Feev-NJo rrv\Kv Hi&DEN.Eves ARE WKrCWlN6 MlfA AOS)S " » ,W S DISCOMFOW) .AND

-| O iliD ^-of-G reoaw ood~Strcct:In....... ShoahbhV 'B ro u g h t ' T o ' ' '

. ^ S tftto’a A tto n tira -

s i io 's i ib N R 'M s lIJ c i iT r" ’— : a i10 -i roRitlor' iiiceilnK,'.- ot;!’ tlic

Ijonnl o f tniKlecH ot- ilii*;, viHi\Ku Tiic«<luy.'.ovcnhis, tlio nucuMun cC i)|iL<iiliiK 'Or 'cnwooil Slfc<>( uvrons .'4lic .0 . H. U rnllroad coiiipiitiy'D trucUs, wnH uKuIn up for uoimti]- orailon. Tliln croBHlDK wiu<i aboul iwo yoiira, nt!o. alMho rcquMt ot till) rallrcml cnmimny. . clOB.m) by oriitiiuncu or (lio in 'rc;turirTor"wlilth ilio cofiipuny to coiintnttt iho now tloiiot, iinil liiuKO - curtuin ' cliVtiKvs ' lii ' ' IlM nWlicbliiK y.lriJfl wllJiln tlio' vll. Ikku> whfvh ImptOYuhuiulii. iniil dmnBrs wore In Uuo courto miiae.

SInco thoji; tbo board oC triiN(uch . ot tlio vllliiBC.'.'by, 1‘cnolulloii', linn, TTTtNjcd over to. ilu)'"nTiilo lilKliwiiy:

dtpnrtinvnl.. iIib' upkbisp unO ;iiulti-' tonnncc of Groctiwood Hirwt n'ith* In llio.vllluKo Miiiltu.'.im Jt h.a jior (Ion o( Nortli iiml SoiKli hlRliwiiy No.' 93. It.am* Doon plnrn'ioU- io| oil tbiH sircut nil n portion of tlie •lilRliwny. Ihl#'. «prlnif. Tlic OIIIhk praKriiiii,’ liowuvcr;,-Ih noW'linin:. liclil—iip-on-,tblj;K»fpun(l,xllmt ,0 io crufinlii): iiiilnV;tlriiti"bb .opunuai.bu-

■for«- Uiu lilgllwiiy'VwUrjiu' olloil. •AVIililii tlic.Jaat-^vcck: rcprcpfntii- liv.bit ;'rronvrcoii|i0 <>i!tbl‘ oltil>n ol lWlior,‘to\yii8.\iitt«tcav<Ji'croljy, ,niul 'With tho'vliaiQbor' Of uaiiinorco of Slio»juiii«i.| ;in''.'nit' rtrurt lu Ituvc

protininC Ko-.ll»rounli

that— .. . :

llofirfrir .Mcit'H iiiul-Didc — — |

liccii (ill lli(!Orphuinn vuttdcvillu ' fiir-

<'iih. fo r till! pasl.’ 10 '.vciics.

T liry liiivu; i)hiyrtl th e Itit;

yiiiuli’villu •In tlm

: opp.—-M r!*.--;Cnnifr(>iir^t he

I'liotliiir o f D ^l{, still. liyijs

in Twill F u lls . ; ' ,

piiuinMH?,j.''H.-- I iioii wiiH I-H w rnH v-iflm rnvcn'uan v- i

■ r te a n s h e lp to agincultuii* and to 'business. Every­one h o ard in g currency in ju res n o t only his outi p rospects and those o f hiS 'fam ily, bu t is acting

SIDE GLANCES _ - - B , G«»rg. C I«k ......................... . ........ ......y«iM liuy from J . I'.. JtolicrlH, I 'h u l |j(v luifcn i» open ilils nircct.- Sonio InKumnco JInii.—A iir. - i lm o ’nKo, ii jjroposltlou-wna-m Bile

co n tra ry to ,th e common good. I t is to' th eir own ' T^hterest th a t they should retu rn i t to circulation,

= ..^A w ll-as-a-patrio .tio-ser-vice-t<K the-country-a3 - a - "whole. 'A prim e need today is’ the extension and

_ ._ ;^beralization o f ,c red it facilities to -fa rm ers an d '”sinaU.:business men. The c red it institu tions are ig rd a tly ^ rip p rd d in fuiTjishing these needed cred-

■-itsi-unless the hoarded’ m oney is retu rned . There- . ifore'j.I u rg e all-tliose pei'soh^jto j)ut th e ir dollais- ;to w ork— e ith e r by conservative investnxen^, o r . b y d eposit in aoiind inkitu tip .ns.in o rd er th a t it

.... m ay th u s re tu rn into the channels of economic---------------........................................................... -

" D u rin g 'th e g rea t \yar our peojile gtc/e th e ir ■ -"•undiv ided energ;ie8 ^o"the national purpose.<.To-_. „ d a y w e a re en g ag ed ln a w ar against depression.” ' ”

A n d ^ e m i g h t h a v e a d d e d , , w e c a n o n l y w i n ' t h a t _ S v a r ' b y i n v o k i n g w a r m e a s u r e s .

STR A TE G Y — V /ISE O R O TH ER W ISE ,,; O T R A T E G Y m eans g e n e ra lsW . Somurtines the gen-|

^ ;.eral sh ips his plails in th ^ w o n g -d ire c t io n ; but the >vord;m eans best m anagem ent o t mattei-s. The Ja p a- •jiese have, a iW h o d of doing, th ings with a long eye to Uie fu tu re. T h ey are bern chess-playej-s. N ations

— are-mert to benioved-at>-theii‘*eonnnandr .. . - In history they have so m anaged affa ire th a t to date

no fo re ig n .in v a d er has placed a sub juga ting foo t on N ipponese soil. Ghengis K ahn w’ho ravaged Europe •sm d.A sia from (now ) L en ingrad to 't l ie w est shores

:— -of-Japair:iatterapted 'thB -taslrD f-fo llo \v in jn i]rh i5^ h 'i? . ,nese; cam paign in sim ilar m anner. H e failed , and the ‘— jn ikados AvJio Irave^had jin .u ffb r^ e n dynasty from

Jiinm u-Tennu,<son o f-th e sun goddess; Ameterasu,• believe they arc.-invincible, being divindinThe Japa-

ntee 'bbjected to\ohe request and suggestion'f-of the, . League o f N ations th a t num agem ont of w orld infeor-

tes ts should ;bejcafned on by the will b l ’tho jreople. y VNo,” sa id th e in a n from Nihon, “ the-people do not

ru le in J a p a n ; the m ikado is-suljreme, and .\^e do his ^vill.” ,• -• ;See ia ^ n ^ j le o f tiiejpractical strategy o f tlie brown ^ m an o f the F a r E ast; H e w anted Korea for.econom y’s

sa k e ; he took it and< l< eepsjt^esp ite the treaty, the 'U n ited S ta tes had w itfftlT a tH erm itjia tion g uaran tee­in g p ro tec tion against a llco m ers . She w anted F or­m o sa ; she took i t from the Cliinese-yeai's ago. .Slic w a n ts tlie Philippines. W lia t? '... - L ik e ,th e hold-up on th e highw ays slie w ants things

. a ^ d tak e s them . M anchuria lay in the path o fliT r pror g r e ^ ; w th -h e r jBvei'sharp slieii^i she.sn ipped o ff th a t

^ k a o l i ^ ^ f i e l d s . O ur people a re hjm gry.” A wrKer has r(2cently s a ia ; '“R ice is'bVead fo r the Japanese ;’ i t 'i s cake-Yor. tHe-Koreaiis arid a dessert d e licacy 'fo r the M anchurians; w here except-on-pro tected localities it .cannot be raised .” But iron, coal and-o ther necessities

'• n o tfo u n d in the *.T]oweVv L and” nrp Ivinglar^rAly >m:; -"^touchedrin-great-abundance^in-M anchuria,-a territo ry

e ( ju a l in g th a f 6 f Texas an d N ew M tx ico a Im o st._ ■See h e r s tra teg y now ; haying cowed the.-Manchur- — ------------- ----------------------------- I c n s t m r s n i l c c s :

[ .^k ep ^ ig ian tn u t^ rac )< e r she p lac e s .o n e on - ,..^ e h 'u r ia ,:th e 'o th e r on Shanghai and w ith .h e r.d e - s th ic tiv e .tongue o f fire licks up the w ea lth o f tlie

,, Y a ^ - t s e yjiUeyt H e r m otto is “Deatory the moijale of 'jia --i)eo p Iean d they, will su rren d er.’.’ •-^.ff ..W «^■ ^^v ;^h -th ■ ep ro ceed in g sro ^ the • League ofi

pclltluiiii, uildrCiiHCd to Guv. Ko'js bitv* beun clrcii.Inled,' and *lii been u’liloly HlcncU by cltlzona SIiMHlinno. niqiicKtInf; lliul. ncllnn

by tlio tioanl- oC tniHtcort to tlio lilK)>wiiy dupiirtm oni to clonu

. (.-r iitrcci. wliluU croimc:) ilic riilltoiid triiclis ubciit ■•oiic-1bilf' m ile wi>:il o f tliu dcpnt, Im con* itltloii U iut'd i'C cnw ood s li 'o u i.b o ro-opunud.. . :[' ■

w\t tlic iiicclliiK’Tiii-Hilny iitcUt'. illfr.i (ro iu ’ rtio. ntuto .lilKliyi'iiy di**

im rliiieiil'.V’n'I.-rciid, litatliiK Ojiil lhlK.'|iro|)i)!iItlbii'Hcoriil'd tu ' lii; fnir to nil," lin'd ilmt tlic hlBljwny‘'dc- lutriiiK-nt. would t»kv t li e m n t lo ; tip w itli HiQ n iilrond . Xo, fu rth e r iiu- tion wiiH (iilcen by in6 ''tfiiiitciii 6l

Sncnt fitid ljuiljr, tuonsiir lllru lIoT o-rau r riionnuitiHinpi___.Uon nnit Women a lleudnnU . ’ At D r.. I'o.Hler'fi ufticc. liucnlud In 3, C .-l‘ounoy-i)lock.— I----------- i ; . . '

: A ito r-"^Damaglngfiorics^of

• Tromora

— SANTTAOO - D B '.C U D A p tm ‘) " - . - — TrciilblUiK. <cftri;,Tippc[l re#Wop^'» . or. tlilH Q uako-shakon c lly ctunu Im c^ 'T rom ijiolr, shellera In ilio opoiij'4jpacO!i-todiiy: O der a .«I<:tp- . leiiH nl^hL M urtiai 'lavr ru led tlio UlsCrica-. nm l -roUcf wo# erEaiiU cJ , lo r Ihundrods ■■ Iniucod ■ ond Oio lhouipind« '.!ofl liomoloss ^»y W ed- •nen lay 'a ’-cnrlli i i U o c k « . _____

„ ,••.?rirroo-'''flnRia'‘ tro ^ ^L in te il htiU i'S • iiiu l- in JSiir* • today « t 5:18, and ffM5-a. ni. Tliey ' ■ ■

. rm iwM' ho ’ilnuiaKC.’ b u t 'f r lK litoucd^ _ ■’ Tho ncrvouH -popiilnco. rccoristruc-

MeiJlwOrlc wfta'proRroBBiDK atead l. ■ • t f , 'a nd . m any o t <lio In jured w ore - • UlBcftnrRCd'^from <l»e hOBpltaJ. ' . . ■ .i;i!o o rflc ln l,d e a th U)]f rem ained . a i ‘ 12 ' nnd ->sa« n o t. cx|>ccled lb exc.ced •20.'’- , . , ' '.

In jiirvd w ere eHtlinatcd uC AboutBOO.

TftcVfow number oT icaiijxalUou wc»' roniaricoblo' la- vle\v or tlic dcAruccfve nature ot liie quako, >rtilcli', i|cut.To)’cd . many 4>ulldlng« And. diininced nlmoat cvcry atrue*

' In .iSanthiKO.-'I 'ropurty diini. _wis oslim ntcd Ut inllllODH.

L S u b u r B a r i ‘ C h u r c h e s * ! ;----- -V ; ’ ;-i ■

. . iiasroKltr.v;7CETOTms'r;':-;;-y •;

'in - Sunday tfebooU.... in;' •.MornluB woVBhlp

...... “Tho CliallcnBO ot I-lfo/'■y:30' p.Vni.'cVcftlng VorBhlp.’'’;'-

. . , 0:30 i>.’ ni» KpWortU.'LcagiJc.' .Otdciul boarti ■ mceiliib' WednuH-

day-tYfinlhg...;.....;_____ •

"'culiVii Ro. '' Novc-r licfuro liud iiliu ei^vUuitECd ,ji word wUli tie r employer. In. lior ;>ilx yuariC uf ocrrlco nlA] Iiod

lliii/i luiK li dosuii lliiiM. Slevcn llarcliiy upuul oijly .two iir tlirvo nioiilbti a year lu tho 'jitnro wlilcli 1) o tlicr tiionlliu.liu'wauilerod rcs’lli ly.iiliDiiL Kiiropu nddlnR (o tiln col* Iccitou oY^Juiti's; Itu l Klluu had uslJ •anmcil, iio bur worlElnir-niates aMumci]. tliiit ho ^vaa ruspoui r« r llie ulrlcliiciis'of (lio more. ('iiuiitli'»M..(rcUliis ruled, tlia rlRld dlfulpMiiu.' SUu liail yuiithtully

1 Jinlcd lilni fur tli;*'1 liupu." lie t)cgan almont niiolo*

j «clU'iilly, •■llnil yoii won’t lliinlc. Tn iiilorri-rlni; In «omcUilnB_:u.-lilcli

} ,»Joc> .not cuiicerii . . . . .lursc. -Uut |)orliiipa yoit‘11 rorKlvo u tvlicii l.tuU you tliul 1 vun not

I hi'or In iico nit uiuptoyo—lo acc m Ml youni; ny you nro—In

miclulroulilo witliuul uUonitiHin: tc tctirn Jf llicro lu nomctlilug I.'dir. ‘JS io.Vny. liiat 1 .’cnii.halp."-. ---JOIlcit-liail-bfcnprcPHfciiTnrrdlii- «iilni;!il. Slir wiiu'-not. ureiiarod' tor vynitiatliy. Kornniomom revulsion or fvidhiR tnado lior ncluiilly fllzzy. 'Her licarl was Biiriocnliut; her nnd

H i l l » b o f o r c e d h c r a o l t l o a n a w e rliltn. y ’".

" I f a — l l - 'o n o l l i l n i c . I n i p o r t a n l , B b o n i p n a s t d n t . l e i i R l l i .

“i ' wiia atrnid you'd-nay tha t.

. O b v l o u n t y I f a - n o t t l i n l t o y o n . * U u t 1 d o t b i n k l i ' a n o i l t i n c ( H a t c n u ' i 1)0 » t . l v e d . W o n ' t y o u t e l l D i e :

rill/ oilier tinio Ullen-nnnld- •iMicn of Iho {losnltcr prldo.. JuntlitK need for aympalliy. aucli __ ovcnrhelmlus need for tho advleo bl iifti cone older, someond rospoa- alble. tbut tlip wbolo atory^wua-oui boforo dlio eputd clieek tho nioh of words. Myrflian'd Sort: lifr molhef nnd.lior disnjiiroua shoppint; loursT, alike. dellRhtrul Imbyt Mlko.' •lioiild.lioTo UlB chanco; tbo'Brook- tyn apartment nnd tbo eounttcoa,

Mlne-»orrlc8 tlmt-besoflwo t^iDRto balan B on UicUsllm

i t w ltljia clnnc! of ohy

' m om onl;.

obe.oorfi m c r r i^

Tli’o'-1ni*-X aco_clcnrod_^and wLen lio

u n llo d 80 m any yeara droppVd'away " ' ifrom iilm ^ tb a t E llo n - te le .b o ^ u a t loolc-Blm'oBt n a 'lio had^ tocXcd to . blsl^ouDc T T lto .'-S ho jliadnhouctt liUnj.haDdsoma. nnd 't l l a t l u s u l s b o d . .. befora bu t adparatod f ro tn '.bo r 'by . . .. m lles ' o t DpIrUiioI dlalaace, acpa.

;ed from h e r by m any year# a n d - ‘i^ e a t veo ltb . F o r tbo flrst t\mo

.p a V U f m 'n o f n a ih e r amoloynr >

'Well, IclyoiTw on’t. you 'iron ’t a ;be Bald'doclolvoly. " I t may be th a t - • you(is.Klrla abo'u ld'bo‘suaplclou« o t _ ' older, m e n boarlnE slflii—l don't know ..»But I ’ro .th o u sh t o t a com- proniUe. .. S u ro ly 'you can 't r'orua'o. tp borrow a dreaa,’.’ “ _ i •

■ B orrow .adressr . " 1 ' “C ertainly.' . n o a ‘t-'.fo~ok-ac

Sh'e1(neio’she h a jjo t in d :h tr d fe u ., ,____ ___ .I f f iS - l'm aurc~w(nf)olu” 'w6iir(l 'o j 'c tiia cd II. Wo woro proud.

. I uudorstnnd—proud'na you afe proud. I Eolns to bccomo.' rich man—eolaE to buy. lior.dbzeaa

■ doj£ii8>of-drc8acB.'' .'Ifo.’liejl- nnd added almost,rouEhly. was dead—dead With 'my

younc aon' bctoro'aho-ovur.'had :a| pink drc63,"

Ellen CBvo a distreBsed Utllo Cry. ••Wo had fun too." ho to ld bor.,

'Much (ho* sumo; uort o t> fua you I nnd your brother, Mike, .a n d your I siBlcr, Myr.i, arc hav ln s now., But it w b'd 'oiily been Icnti atlir-oeckcd,, less afl-nld o t Iho jn o llv ca .o t'o lb e r | people, h o w ‘Jnucli easls r. it- ^ o u ld liavo been.".

" A f r a ld r

a ll tlist’ nnd nioraplio poured tortb., Sho fltbppod 'A ' ioat lu contlerna*

H on. Wli'nt had sift) Bald, furcd by ililn ninn'a Inlent lu lcreat? > ^ b a t ■had sosioBSod licr? - • ' • '

‘So you Bco Il'B really iiothlne.". Blio concludcd Btlftly. "Only tlib lack ot an evening ilreag. -I'm afraid rv o dra>s^ a dreadful pic ture.' It'a no t a fn lr.o r tru tb tu l one. Wo IiaTd loU ot fun; Wo love', each otlior. Anyuuo w duld'say th a t a n cvealnc dross vraan't'jniporlauL" . . . . >>"1 w asn’t Rolns’lo say tha t." -

'No, Irw aan't 'B otng to say. that,*' lio ropnilcd. “1 waa Rolng to tell you.Hometblos.about in>'ne1f..Bonic- thlni; th a t lalslit help yoii. or I bopo •ltVJII.-Aro-you-lM)redJ'’----- - -

.-illlncly.-!.hlB. Q iilct'-B poll.'f^t: Ills lack of condeseeiiBloni h is almpio luuumptiuu tha t they wcro.cijualB and, OB c'iiiaLi. could lolvo linrcprol>- Icni. B u t liowr W hat possible help could nlio.acecpt tro'm him?’

Don't lliink o t DIO ns a rich iBnnV‘'lio-WB3 saying:— "Tlifiilc-of niD aa I waa a t y o u r lc e . tt7 ln e to niiliiiort a younc ''vlfo hn'd a ybunc baby on ?15 n week In tho daya^

*^nen-3t.f a , wcuK niu^nt"U3ore‘tnaz^ lt~dbc»“ noW-b1il7n'ot"eiioagl»'tuorer My wlfo,;3vnnted a^dreaa'too. Sho w'unled ti pink' d ress .wltU rlbbona. S1|A. looked a llttlo l^ko you, bad

lienilr— nd-Oicy-wero>woarln({pink- nn < ribbons, w hen‘bUb irantcd the

•pL L E N -forsot Jenny E lkbis In .baaemont. Sho-b 'ldrpot known

th a t Barclay had'.bepa poor. I t was hard to lraa5lDo‘thi(t dlatlneiilaliod, RraylnR m an who^wora clothes so carefully : cut. aoj-'lDdlcalKo ' of w ea lth ,.In V'ch a A lb it B u t ahb could viB uolU o-clearly-the youna wife who had wanted a p ink drees w ith p ink VlljbonB.

.oircre«)l:to b| to .th a t

..^Tho L'cuvy.Jlosaiier.browa ro twiu-poaku. - - • •y o u n s pcoplo. liaven 't'; chaneod! inuc irin .upllo o l-n ll tUo:ohoutlDS,*'| Uarclny observed obliquely.’tTboy'ro s till a tra ld . aren’t'they ,' lo accopt a favor to dt> a srea tor'faror?-,T bey’ro

toundQd.-. -VV« seldom soil tb s Kowns UiBtUhD.models'Wear. You'll-bor> row one .bt them and re tu rn It when

ryour on jascm en t la over."

b e r conaont^for eranted. p * - h i l l i r n c d a tb n c o to rin g a boll.

BIloa bad oo itbor tho heart nor tbo 'tflsb ito^'dom'ur.; Indeed, oho fe lt b s r ‘— -■'-'-’{s ine...U y.ao simple an a c t

Ing a bell. Stovon-B arclay

88l(or>i:entTms’lacom Q from .' - ^ (dp.ot/a.'borro 'ffed droaai

ilio” <3)*>^ fitfo' •ipife 'ifalW V ri^'yiPartitiBDt n to raow nor 's ta c t and h la [wlsdpm.-rBarcla7’a.w flrno lorloualy . - . p bolhed Ot go*dlp.-;.Tho:UnIosl Jn- • • d d e d f th a t laTolTM-BteVoa B arclay ■ -

n lm y a o t AbnoraniM ntereat to ’ ' • ibraploybea. ■■'TortunBtelr'.tUo- •••’•

. ff'Olfahft-SThoTJrooght(ho gowua - ■■ ■ '^ a a p ltc ld ir in c u r io u s . ':V - . •

T lio n e x t IB .minutes'-wero.sbeei^ ’ h c aT »a;^o r;E llen .;- .abo ,had n e re r J w n e d . i a o ro n ln s.go w n ; o ren lngT ., Eow n»>pIns.ono.'O f.-.lboJtonis. In . ■ yarifW y a ls s ln g from A ont M yra’s • • Boxta :i8l}o.b«d no t known I t would . .bo suoh fu n .to Bolcet a gown only.___ •Ijocauso I t m ado b e r beautiful.ij Sho stood . befpsoj«;;16nc'.inirror , ^ 1.ondiheld upJjofororberself, ono by one, gowtiB that'aho 'w aa'conTlD ced ' * e ro tho lo re liest In tho world. Jt-J a sp u ro b llss to soo tha t, a lthough"

D otand' co lo r.a ee m e d : alm bat t b ' ' '^ ChanW .JjerlD ersonnniy ea they did .chajjgo Bjr.appoaVanco; no t ovoa tlio ' ‘ " T , ^ I n s Iftlrnt-ortiiigtf, o r . t b o :d e e p - - —

tubla-.co^li^ dow p.the tr lu rapban t ; la h .o l be r.'c lba r. s k ln .o r de#doa

_ ir W g lit h a i r . - , . . : r , ' •• •th’o Kown~of^

tibrial and every biC.as p roud.'-You. I ’m auro. would n«ver nllow 'm o (o' RivoO'QU a lift.' You w ouldn 't at-; lowjDc, would you.'.to Rlvo ypu onb' drcuB from ii, Btoro; .which hoa hud>

your -tfbiiblea' to 'yonrsolf.

Jjux jd .her, drofls. I t .d id n o t mako^ er•.8a-lngonuo .~ U ‘ f l I d ^ c ^ ^ a K • ~ a e r /a .d u o h e s s .; i t . d i d no t mako ' h e r myBterioua; -It only madb h e r ’ . Ellen R oialto r. o .g i t l o t SB,.clear- .

youraoU sleV^ w ould'a 'f y o u 7 7 > 'o i^ ' r a th e r bo. aelflah.". ‘'I 'm a trafd I would,” -E llen nd-' Ttnt gj r ------------------------------------------

niado ono.moro a tto m n t •

,pr-lj y«»a.*od-olMr<klnn<>dr«

ou hnow p^c courso,_}Uat you. aro depriving mo o t a "great pleasv lire. A ro you su re yo\i havo th a t f l R b t r — / - - - - - - - - - - - - r i - - - - - - - - -

|sleo;dor-:?hanas" and - b lender ' foett .. tc a n tifo lrT iu t-n io ro - tlir a - that;-* '. ■ . g irl who *aB geaiUno and se cu m 'tii '' ' hcr:o.wnp% raojiallty;’.- '

W h i t o f a l l i n g i n t hn flonr. •'

E llen feU-confUBCiJ. W as iLJiot* th a t she tnw^ooCstltt-neckodf

aa ho bad accusdu lreir«{ being, too. conventional; t09.,j;nretul enUrelyt'

[Then aha. decided,'bo quickly th a t there-w aa alm oat-nq pauao betorb Bho answered, th a t o>on I t aha wera It'.n as too la to to cfaaneo.

, /T m a u r o t b a rf i.tb a t'c lsh t. ’ sh*.

K rte ,^ 5»u tu rftr ''w ho called h la 'c r«atlo ir.''J« ino Plllc.".' - - ' ; r-B itrclajf.^otum «a o f le r 'S lla n ' h'adV se .an ithoo"

saw w ltb a t i tU o ^ o e ^ ’l i i |ra I .< e

Page 5: I Japanese P lane;' CHINESE RilEO B BAiEYDREYFUSS MEOBYOE/i' …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · lina.rexlded. lii jh u llrao tho o«e«

IlvHlgnullon .of J a n iu '.W . P o rte r , nH -OopuLy , iiroaocuUntt . ttU onicy

oC T w in F aIIh -couDly, .a - txMldon lie Oius hold br.'appolntioC D t' io r

' tlio cpikst year; l» nnnouiicctl today*■>Jr. P o rt ~ •

ills rcelsiK cxiiIaliitiT?;imHlifCBa. proycntH .liliii .r IvIobI .Uio

— tiino~ to 'tiro r^ nu8 tiiil,T T m inber~ o r . lup il D ioblom #. p f - couply Xlnanc-

cs nnd oUier'-.muUcfK :i|ow ^bclDe |)rcii«DtcU t t r , tlio'.uroBocutor'H ot-

■ tICO.’!Lh 'accuiiliiiK Uib. Icndcrcu. re*

' ;ili;nalion w h ic h 'is o f rc d lv o ' ^un< iliiy,* A ir.. W llbnm ,w rote:- ‘''riiiK dcimrUuonl cau . lllv itfo rd to ' t'oad y o u r ' fAlthCut- a d d ..valuable, nerv*Jccs. I t -Iff w lfliTogTct, M r. O»ort-

, itiirt - 1 -oocT O i-your wilsftn-Tlio rcslKriaUan, Svliich waff nd-

ilrvsKcd to ’Wlth'tnn, , AiKl tu - th (Iw ard ' 'o f cbunty*' cbmml8»16uor«. w»» tiled* w ith-'tliQ c lo rk 't t f - . t l io board. Jb ic ry C. ' l ’nnionB F riday .JL ewjraj’ . ' T " .

“ Uy ..Tcaiigni^.umbbr:. o f . . . lo s n l iirpHiumn 'o t

culor’B 'oKlcUiiii»robtomtt' roqulrh'iB . h ,,;,,,,. i „- Loentn •

iErrorliTliuvS"b'(;6if iim c . . . —.

• «.%w I * . . . v t I - i - w ^ liurii. *u. b*i. iivinJi iviio. xvuiiKabvi* ^ ,,,**■lu lflli tl io 'd u tie s of d e p u ty prtiao- OMo, winter o t ' l-'rojik IfthOc. 10. 'Il«l-li DnnkeubrlUK prculdliii;ciitlug a tto rh o " . • ' re s id en t o t 'T tv In rn llf l'fo p n ^ iu iu . blackboard,

. “ I th e re fo re ; • xoMpccttully »tub- ,bcr of ycnrs,-w ho wnn found deiid___m il . m y_J«)a lB nallon___nir, d o ^ ty . niJiiH _cub!n h e re -\ycdnO!lda>Vauc.■ .vroBCcuiliiK a lton io i-o t. Tw ltt-i'''all9kum bInK <o tb e «ffoclu o t tube rcu -

couivty, Idnho. offccllve a t ,tlio Jo « l8 . m arly F riday o ttc riiooH . no- .................................. . - -wonl liod been rccolved from Mru,

U eiidrlcka. ' • • •.

:Ii m nii\Vcllii’i>liu:r 'rnc;i<Uiy iifiurniuiii w»'m iliH' i>(avrlv<' 111 'rw ln I'a lln I 'r l- (Iny iificrti'iiiii, iiiiil iif.i’r llio t row i;!tx ail olutil'b ijiir rtvit llic> Itn ln

cxiiwUnl lo U avjs iliirliit: ,ilu t jQvenlUK I’ll il!i (l:>ll,v ri'liiin

i l B E I t r l S 5 S S t « l

F irs t ' Triiin Since Titcsduy Is •D»o-To-A rr ivciH erc—

Today '

“ I’l i r r i 't Oi.llMil cmi'ii'iiiiT:

iiVii',’‘w lir inoVi- Miinday liilo Jl'b lllh linx . I l l Mlllli nTviiili-iiJid will lio rcaily lo <:«»•

IlH«liii iidcl;i Hull •’.ticy r liavi'

iKk for llu- [liiPl

III •icrvlri? IjiiK .ro-will IX!

'(layn. Ill no liiii'rrii|iil<'.n In tioi Kiillecl. UxuiiiliialioiiH''Illillvil tliruur.lioiK KatilrUiiy la Uiy iilfitti 'vli|i;li llii- r in ii Ii;in u i- i;iil>1"cl„at l^:i .Main uvi'iiiii' vii.it. ami on ' Mciiulay >lic lu.'vv olflii-ii will l«‘ I'lK'ii lu lliu iiulitif fi>r ih f firm iliiK’.

ItunuKUdlnx of Ibo '«ic-»' udIOiH k'tvii, iH-t'ii oil :>ir more tbim

III honrs nfu- llini! <if ilei>ariiiri‘ wl li'li In oVIin^k, • ■ '' Snnw on iir6'Ciiiiiiir|.\Voll« nee- iiml a' laTKf amount of

lor of Ilic. T'vin riK- tim .(ji|iii|iiiii;ia_wlll. .lie . lie"'.iD.r..i:ff_jif til” UrcKOii abort lln.i lall- |-,irri»li maicM. Iiii'idi! riraioili'Hiii;

-way-waH'-imt. L-lL'arcd. until r liilc j „f biiiUlliiK-lia:i bcun-unaeti. .TJinrmlay ni UI.' iicnnllllii;} ilio w„v f.u- t.rvin'al dii)'‘. . HM't Ioi

i-liaiii:t’ i clliiuillc


U. ,C. ito r jc iti w an ordcrcil bound .over .-by Judj;o Hiiy L . Klu;ioy to nnjtwur .ill d is t i lc t c o u rt on .n felony cluirge la olvincr a clicck. ’!fo'Ai>iicarcd w ltb i l l <.'Ounael, nnd -WO.H .TCleuHcd on . l;oiid" 'Jn ilio um ount o f iloou .

will ll,-cijiirlKiona luil'Uill. rro ii fln it oiivn.'.l x.ftic- <li.> M rlhiiinrll . UnlbHni;

III Ur. O rriaKnltiT lia^ a')ioirl:it<’i| u d ii Mm iiml ba-> lii'Cli InOolitirii'il »'ltli (lie linn!<iL-:tii wiinilnnouMly ,»tni-f -ilmt iCinc,. fxvi.'|itliii: for :i ix-vI.hI lr inlllta'i'.v Horvlcc ilu rln« tli<; Wm'lil w ar Hfiil far* i"i‘vcral y«MV:i Ini* iiicillaloly followliij: il»- wiir, Wllluli In: MX-lh'.' ill lliir 'l .o;! .\li-

O'lli-Ko of O liloairtry . Jiow .1 ilNi'iriiiifiii ■ o'f till! L’lilvcriliy of Honiliura (.'a llfornla.

'llio l 'a rr/i[ t O litlcal • viiliiiiaiiy

f o r r r ^P A R E N M A i S

C I M f A U lSuit SccKs $10,000 .• Damage's— P or.-D ca th -o f-3 rV oar^Itl-------

• Local C hild ' .


moM'ini.iii of Tm-Mlnj'............bduiid iriilii wlifcli ivait sialllul III)' Inii'k II luili-.i lidl'lll.of «liifi>'riic-Kiliiy afli-raoiui. li a 'rrlvnl 'In Ilic N'ovaila JuniMlon ■ Unvu a t •t-.)Vloi;k l'*rliliiy;.iiiMitilai!.

Suvnn loaiiiiai'lvcs tiiid' (\vi> i]ilo\vii wlili ilu' -aiiHl'c iv.v of. iiiniR- Till m

hivolvvil !ii ,iIk' 'u 'o rk ■ ( cluitl'ln;: the iia;i;;:nrr on .llir !>tiiii-. mil irrrD nry lii'iwi'cn. Coniiici umi \V>-1Im. . •

,Oni' ]>liiw ivilli I'liiiiiur Nan' 1’ci‘it ciaiitoyvil iliuro uoniiniion-ily to r ibo'jiiiHi na days. TutJilay It wim uiiublo lo. u lcar ilii' riiailuay furtliv ri'cn lar Hontli-bnaad ir a l i i f . .......................whic-li iiiii n i l i-ii"!iii.r' n il i h u i " - '” It'* ■ 'o iiijilcio j:rinillim

............................. ....i- c IllliK . \v.l!boiit tli-hiy.

il:iiiiai;<! Hull f l lc l . In -d lu lrlc l ( o u r t • li.'j'o Tbnrn'cliiy jiflcrtiocrj by ^Ir. • , mill .Mru. U M. Hccidrlx. j-'‘ ''ci1''.h of Itiiliili Monroe- \llo n d rlx , 0. j ■ wlio wiiii drow.ntvl In Iho KlRblh a'vi'niiu la iera l laiif A npia t- •• , _ T b u ■fuuiplaliiC^i/riu;!. . l l ia t. tliu ‘ ... d lltb In •Iini tovcr»aJ.-.aiid . (;lla ):L•l^,Um.citi--.ivWi-nei;llci:ui;t: Jii.fjilur".-........J!» inaliilalir a fi-rice' iilonK ILii l"i,i>Ii'< atiil III alto\vI.:it; buiilu of Ih f <llH'bj_o vaM -.ili..,

.\. R JaiiicH, (iuoillMK. iit- lonivy for ibo iiluliilirrx.

Two Service'.CIubs ( Jo in in D inner Meet*

close o t tlie flscdl. .month*, cud* InB F o b .. 7, 1J32.''

i r a i a s E T ^i i i i i f f l i

' Sou tho in Id ah o ; D u tr ic t • G etsM lldor • T cm peraturir;.........

-------M ore S now -F aU s' '

^ D 1

llniillst l\iHl«r ticis .Vi>|)ulnlmi-Iit .

Uov.-T I iuiiiiih I t , Horimi:^. m .'IIiii: luiHtor o t tli(t-l‘'Irn l.ltiii)il» l elx.vcli. T w in 1-"u11h, ban been uiniolnted by (lui, Nortlic-ni llii|)llniu -cuiivcni.!i

UH dlredoi* rtie c em rn l lilali diHtrlci. TJiIk w ork h tfi rnlxe money to tiuiTnvh IJjUitiKt-cliurcbcii

A t .M ortlu IU14-S.r a i l s '.Masunlo . lodBO w ill

o rricla te a t fuiiorul ncrvlcesi Snt-, u rdny fo r , J u n e s JI.'. M artin » t ■tliB'rcunuBi or llio Edun lodRC. u ry w ork. Ten clmrclim d .H o to b u d . 'r o a d 'condltloiju , u t l ci„oed 111'llhit Uliitrld.

Lodgu . nicuajc:ru a re r c : j

____ .jiiiph ,w iir i io - i ic ic r - f l i - tJ io - '‘i‘w in -y ttii .i M ortuary n l ' 2 . o 'c lock.', Mr. M ar­tin . reiildent o f Twin I'nllK coiui- ty for » i-num ber 'o f y c u rn ,-d ie d

.WctlncBilny.flVoijhiK'- « t hla farm

.M rs l-X ina .-O artc rT —M ifG-

MO.NTA > A w,\ X K1:1) V1 (T l .« . „ OF rOlSUM.NU. ASSK»'i'KI» ' “5||

O U StlO W , .Mont.. Tlioiitra-ii;i!'dcalb ot . .IvHUe ;\ritoi<| foraiei' tiliiHKow ban ker.' will be iHnciiHtVeil MoniliiV II>- u' conTeVcrii'tc wli1i:U will ht'llicl.' l-lii; »li:-lc‘a at- loi'ney Kt'Moml.

•I Aniiifii vvlri; Ivaii an-.Mlud iltlol' o r-ilh i! banker'll ikv ilb ' ulu-ii It wati

----IIV ' ..II.T?;-??. .-----

(riiciiry I'alloiui wuro n in l .... h(' airh -a l on tliv n 'cn.. T ijiirs-'

till- ln'ljicr li'alii ilcli Irfi be lt' Wciliirsclay iiIkUi

13:1111 \vlib four aiori' riiKli)tv<. illicr riiliiiy plov,-, a .woiU triiiii lijK mill r.ii men licailrd 'iv

il illvlitloii^iiKlneor of_llie

Stunt jFlier Is K illed!

{■'Ol'M) i \ hC lll* VVKl.l.'I’l'csO N . ArlJ:.. ( l;l* i~ U o rd :n

II. Saw v;i'. i'.oiilli(\/'n ArUiilla baiiU oKlcial, who wan tildnapcil btKl iiIkIii aK In: ivan aboiil lo uiilor bl i liDiin'. wiiH fonml toilay uiiliijnrod n f i l ic b n tiom 'o f a-«L‘r p w c l 1.‘ at n varan i liuniie two nillva norlhea! of .•I'ui-iKin.

■ join t'iiio illiiK *'f tb .'- l lo ta ry • uiul iJ.iwanlii clubs of Twill riilhi, ’l'.iinv!‘<lay i-v.uiliii:', a t ibu ' t ’iirlr hull'! waK iiilum kd 1)V nwirty uni; luindrinl I'crviro lOiib mcmbiTM. ' '

ll; irry .lli-noli^iRolury club i>rcM* .k-iit, iirtMilr<l.,,ln-wclfohil|(K; tnik lii'ini; Kl\'Cii*'by-'Mviiu'CHjif.'T l<l- wanlH-iTeHhlnil. T lic lir /.jo -a^itn f.■lucb'd .'Inb MiiiKluW A. C'bai.lir.- vocal HOln'j; liy.' JiIiiUJf, U(‘yiio ld .i,; iiol‘oniwi)le*Vi •

H\*tlrnn - J a c k-y'n:' u,-tftt«~off-tin sv .lm m lci^Jlfm l .p ro ltc t; allir 'flti lniiirovlKc‘il raillo dia log 111. w hlclt....... .. ....... .. ......... . ............ -It Ala.ilvldiiai. iirnillKTii ; I Icilh o rca ili ; Iziilloiiii eaiiio lu fo .\ cooil-natiinjl ■ * "DUiiiiliiK" .from iiiiHceii lii ica ltm . wli» rcvcaird liilliiiaie fnm lllurl^ '

'wUli I h t l r v,!CUhli"c1mr.'rtU-VUtli-rt.


—0 iv6 rce 8 -^On-Fn-dayli,

•Supcrin tcnflon ti.D ies In Boise ' .

■ 'Olii.'liII hi-arC a l l ‘ 'Jk

lufiln l^ 'lK iiidn-' v u re '^cvu rw l 1

jnenibor - o f 't h e ' Car^lut: church .'T w la Fkillo •wcnUi'er , T h u r« lay jilKbt u n d T r ld a y -was coniiidenUjly Icmi trlRld; Uuia'dUTlnp' thetipreced-Ins '" ■ ■ ■■ ■ ..........

in e conducteil In Uoisi c. ^ lo Is o n u 'o t tlio -----

llEi!"'vSB” 2i''doK cc»'aiovfri'ieroV Vtcw eordlH B lo official recoedH o f tlio.B’nalora .1^1' .veutlier obs^erver a t .tb e b u rea u ,o I W w o c l t ^tnlom oioEy.

fotir________________ ____ . . . . . . . coujJlcrt w o rc '^ cv o red In dl.itvlclhoiiib'.'- l le 'w u s ufflltntod w k h th e c o u rt hero Friday , w liu ir Judi;u ii<lon ila iion lc lodge u iiu l ' w«s 'a V . . y\. IJabcoclt Krianti'd, d lvorte

decrcc.-* ■ to Hiinncl A»liUy from Bnieron V. A«liby: ti»-^St«liii-CiiU liniv' from A lbe rt t'ollViH; to' /I 'f- rie.' tJchoimiivcr . t i 'o m , lia rrltl iJuli’ouiioVcr; .an il.In '{..iiri'iiii'IiE'::»- tel(/ from . \V- j \ . lIon>tfulil, ••O . C. H iili-aiiiicarcd nM u-:ti>riiuy

fo r tbo iiluliUlffrt-111 Jbu flrn t two coKcii, ITiirold L. Vounuim nUorJiuy for tlio iihilntltf • In lU'u th ird IniiUinee: «ind >' Tliun. J. JoncH wmr u tlo racy lii '< lie fourth

UCL’i '^ lT ' tSneitlaU —M rs. Xliia (•avUT. Ti:!, wlfiN i)f II. M. t ”i"- ';''.[(;on |,_A d !iiir>crlnti-ndent u t iluiiei'L.nuliDo'n, died tv iriy Friday iii'oriiln;; a l 'H i.I^ulio'a lioii|iilaI In ,Ho1»e. M ni.,t:ar-

t c r - l i a d * b « : n - t l l - f - i r - t n ' v 3i r » l - u > « c ; i i i ^follow'liitf un o i.erailon

D'u'.iib vcnulied from

IIOI.LVWOOIJ.’ Cat. ( l ' l ’)-'l.i'c i .NonilM, oau of 'llollywiiod’ir moii;. 'liro'niliK'iit nidvlit iitinil fllcri*. w "'' Idlli'd In a craHli today dnrliii: IU» fIfmliiK •; f lU'eiii'K In a iilcturc c a ll­ed "Sl;y IJrlilciii"

I bui

,cffoctlve lea'aora 6 t< b o :ch u rch nndla -rw o lU know u -llirouK hou t - L h .

' cou tlnucd -F rtiiay ; As tho n>crcurT: craw4ca ^ p above Uio'' •froo3iBSri‘« » ? 'o » _ .. <«n,'l '« :Cltallt ta lk on

■ point (Friilav ' iroomliiir. .Tjowever, ------ ----------" i u tib 'w iau ionfti S a w m'm n tttF '

cd lo tli6.-whilo b loaket-a lready.,fjn < h e .c ro u u d .'.. J ..,'-.'. ;• . ,,„.i ^

TIio <)ftlcIol w oallior ,;;prcdlcUoti. fo r Id iiho 'waa,^"Uti8oUlod._ -w llh ,HHOw- m io 'ito n lB h t o r Satiirday,;

■ • ' 'tvTwrUon.” ' '

' F A t i l i i l,r:a' £.>* '

.. "S:Ooorgo DoynU)u{:C7i^tlink'&l JHit *

resltlonco, 635 Qocon*! aW "W '''I* '*« t 8tnO ’ o ’clockWr. Dftj'niotiv/Ua«J'been -luttcirlnB from a . rClirwUe. Jiourl..affifv:Mu»

' fo r 8omo> tftiiol' H o 'WBB ■hor;»yDo• combor•;2r,.1866.- ;•

■ • H o Iflrsutflvod ' by 'lilsi-w lfc.'T w iu ‘ Folio, n n d onV douj;hler'W ho-ifT<!li

in 'Lo«:-A 'tlgfcloa; •artn-«(Li3«f'V8)n''| '. lives. ru n e ru l, ttVran6cmcDt»rawftl(' ,

w ord front'U iem .'' r T lie bbd r-rM la tlio 'I 'w ln^Fiills

- a io r tu a r / i •

Guernsey. B r ^ d e r s

ijoulii’ Conirol .1 J u io . ^nreodo rs' oii'sociatlo'u. w ill n io o l-a t

»---tbo.Twln.KBlltf:counli:.':c()url.hQli80 -7- in-.tlio ''couffly .-B golilvt;D ftlco.nt. y

'6 'cIbcirsa lu tyhy .?T iJV r.un i-yclJi;4oelec t'o ttlccra- a n d .d i^ c c tc ra .; . ;

. -'D . x,v,l\itirt£ ''W ill B lv o .o n .lio ro - .. dbicopo' dcinopntraUon., w lilbb ';wJll

t Hhow lueU iedauot- t r r - -

............... taken lo litilio Tliiira-day ntlcriinon by h e r husltand aiidj uttcmlliiK ]>liyi<lcian,. In bopcii tiiat th e low er nltiludu w-ilild Impruve'h i'r oiii'c liilon-.'' ■ .................* ,

J ir. nnd-.M r;i. Carlci- taiiio- lo KilliiTl III AuKUiit. IWU, ffoni.V.YI. m.r, w licro.J ie wa/HU Tjcrintcuiluiil of Kclioolii fo r -HOTun >;carii. Thoy- liud lived In liWHu fo 'r acvural ycnr.i p r io r t y llia l tliiio. ,

■Mni. g a r t e r In narv ivcd 'by Inir 1iiih1i»ikI. lii;r lu jih e i', Mm. Mary Miitlicwd, MlnncapollH. Minn.. i>iiil

nlMtorii, one .in Mlnneni>Dlin and

1 ^ 1 3 3 -. Y O U M AY :NOT k n o wu -fn i lr io nco llic 'p le l i i r r 'n i llic lloxy Tnnll liiM«litK I'lir tlii>'lit<>l lltik-s ill iiiid II |i.

y o u I l m i s s -t h e f i n e s t p i c t u r e T H E “ G RAND P R IZ E W INNER” T H E - PIC T U R E T H A T T O P PE D ’EM ALL!


T a x ^ o n ^

B U t p l ^^ OBX i ^ l C H I N G

R A ^ i T E l R t ?

lUUIl l«

■ PLU S — Some good' •comedies a n d “ N ew s”I f s ' a L ong Show .— Como E ttriy 'F o r Scats


t h r i l l p i c t u r e s ' ; Xa n d a b a rre l o f novelties


l u b u y . ' Y o u f s t a t e l e v i e s i l t i T ^) Y ou pay a ta x on e v « y gallon o f gaioli MX to pay, f o r b u i ld in g ;g o ^ b a d s .

*' O ut-your sta te is n o t gcding. a ll th e m o n e y p a id as a 'g a s o l in e tax .. I^C lO T E E R 'S .'A R E -T A K IN G 'A S a;A L A W ilIN G ‘A M O UN T O P lT i -

'• • '- T h ^ 'a r e se m n g 'iib o tlc K 'd -g M o lin e .o n .w h ich thc y .p ay tlie s ta te no ' tax—b u t t h e y 'm o t c r i s u - p ‘ay a ll-or'a part o f the ta x .T ic rad tc R c t

■ ■ . kecps th to .tax 'n iQngy him ieJfl

2 B i g F i e a i i w ^ i

T O D A Y A ND S A T U R D A Y ;auuibllnK Willi l l fo jfo r - lo v o ’ .

T I M 'M k O Y

' U '.is-iuiport& nt Uiat annncm borR , l j o ' p r o i « a t , - a l , - . t h l » • . p i e p U n e t i . o c * . cordUtff to -iA -.L i."l»arker. rl3»irl?y.

- e s c f in a r y 0l> Uio aasoctation.

Page 6: I Japanese P lane;' CHINESE RilEO B BAiEYDREYFUSS MEOBYOE/i' …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · lina.rexlded. lii jh u llrao tho o«e«

D C T f e E V E m G ' T I M E S r T O ^

sjociety' and Glub News-| litoiiMi 111 'olaulal I

iicil liy itm I'rriiby

w ill' iihbIhI. iiccomiHiiilcil'j)}-!of J Mrm J.C H tnr I’owull. Mm.KillllZiltloiM, ................ ...., ................... —. ..... ......... .................• liiiiii-iAh':*. u , !•:. ijc-khm, . lii iiilOllioiir*” !--ic t 'l a ii ' 7::iilliv:‘’:ii>'r.|)liiiiii niinibvrx. MIm I 'ryor w ilt' |i:oKniiii ,im ’‘\Vi[;iliiiiKt&ii, • tim

e a s u r e s o f P a s t _

B e n e r a t i o i i s - S l i M r a i -

? : A t M i ' E A i c l J W c c t

S t a g e S u t F o r

3 G i i E a i i ^ s n ; “ : ; * s s 2 ;

^if Mra;' O,. , ........ ...........Ji'iialiluiin Ilf ltiim 'iiuir..ivUlllic.iiiuilul.ia...’..mimii>'lliK-7’ ’■ iiillniii’!' «'i1l 111- iliiii'h y i-.l. iiiiilj _ ♦

ir<i;:niiii " " ' ............ .............

Jl^VoHliliiKiDii’M l.lriji.lay. wlilcli

Jn n tn l-r iin n tritn r-m a k i ilciiliiily ill

m onl.li.for ri'iotlcr-tl'Uis of■ ^••Kono ilnyM, Bnil.ilic.lii;'tokcn« mill tTV-n-.iiri h i» I V iB t K C M o n i l l n i i ; ! . A n l i mplliy, »'iilk-r-:.,'i,l Ijy Mil-.OlvlHlqii o r lll.^ . McUiihll. Aid mii'k'iy. coRfl tl.ni.'.! inroHl lo - 'iho Tliiiriitl.iy jiioflliiK of llii! «i>:’lfiy

........... ............'■.......

i l n l . - i i l i i K l i i r n i l ' l l . , M ' i r r . I l i r i i n - m m i - m i i i ’TTTT— i i n t t r x n i i T n i c r a n i n r n 'h u iluV iin/iiv. .;-iii'> I,r - ..............l;':ill'. mill .if 111" . hl.ilii'

................ '; lilli anim al


a ; ; : : : ;" S i

l^n^ iih l iiioro-'ijiaii ::ilti yvai.- a

> v wnn tlio olilr.Hi (iiiili|iii> <>u ilKiil: \ ^ i o i i K th'o sllvor [tliii'ii wiri-

o f l.»vii^tii''l fiiilix.

Ill/' i:>'i:liiliilii K. K. l.i'U lili

.......... .. iitflcTi-' OiJit-I.o:-ll..:i Kli'Ml. IJn ii.'iia iil .1. Iniovril •iC.ll-.. :iil<l SjtoiiiI I.fi'iilnlMI .Ullli. .ll^ .'.to».•-,, Kliilu.ial.. Dlatii. W, |Mi-K‘-,<-v<'Ui. w.lili'li I- <.l»'ii;1<* >

l.,.,l'.V ;li->v.'-1iM.il hiaJv hy i l n - . . DiiKli lii-r '' ■' i>mi>li‘'i'.‘>' i:afl.TiiciDiJ''*'"'!"*’IxiiiH'rli!ii-!l’. IliilKi'll. aii.l

l „ . Hoii=l4i. T u lii 1‘aM- .,'<i;nii’’ii'>>' r.' »r III'' liH'iiJ iKTlmlli' ('ulclllll l'‘. i : i i l i . < ' , r i ' K l i i i i ' i i i I I M ill 11 k v

Km rivlllaii): iiiicriifrici’ri:•IS . r ('(iiiii.auy 1C, Ml-.n

i-i>, In i Im' I'a'li'hiMll'in.


x'HlMlcil III eiirvlr.t: Uy M rs. T . M. •n a R rn n ir -ir ia i—jtTHT-x<5'

.lay III lioiiiir I .r t li i ' Hixtli W riIjduyitiniiiST I.V N :>n».SIOXAltV

i i u i i u . I l l W i p t i f i T i R i u n hK<). l>tmimin,-.\VnHlr.. h c r-u u iits .l

1.1 ItkiIii - C a h f o K i w k , G i r l


M I ' n r - l l c t i t n l i - W a j - r f M - l i o » l C T » ' l « i Iki >I. mill M. itrlilKO vlnt> TUiirn- uiiy uvoiilii^ lit, 1<iT liiiiiiQ oil T liln l ■A v iji i u « • north . Mlns I'loruiico 'Scluill/. u’lm H Jic jiH io fo r IiIkIi


s i K i : i i i i . \ V f t n d n | “ C < i> o i i o v o t i o m i i i i . . " ’i i i u t n i - . ' T Q i j o g g a n A c c i d c n t, W l i l c i i i ' r n i u l »••>" • ' I f ' ' ’- I ' ‘' ' v o r . , r o a . I i m i . L - i v : .< If-.. t t V* ' ’ I .

,i.-*H, l i i - ' |- |I ( S 'l ' A^M V i;i!.s.\IIV •I n .“ n .'-ri;i,i ;n if.V T i:i*•Major-.I.;


—3(. Moorp (ur .Kri><:r;iilo'.i:‘. Iv'ciiiilx. i . tT i ii-« N s i i n i ; T n ; s l a m : rM i:r i i -A i.M ;i r

... .................................... -iriin;! 'I'liv l.iillii;i'aii V-iiin;; I’rt.Mllvcr MiM.:rt"lv 'H ilii- liiiiiiioiual IlllW iuril: <1 iiplniiliiK «hi'(.l l.,:iii<'<l iim iili '. T«lii Kiill:., «!ll i by Mm. O. J . JicM-iili,*; Norui.Kiaii, n„.»nll(|ii<'K.c<uilrll)iitinl by Mim. O. K j i ,<I

, Strobcck, w ere luiioiis ilu ..........iL’rcHlliiK iirtklcN hliowii. riil»l<'y'i-viuiiav HliawlH, olii Itlblu:!. Ji-u’c lry aiicl]|„ oiliuh iintlqiii-H-«.'i''ri-.nlni> (lli‘[ilavoil.l,.,|(,|;. n

-nn wnK iin oUl in ii^ r Imx. ilii< i>rni>*■erly of Mr«.-'\V. AT I’..i‘, .Mv». o, .....ohiuiki. Mm . I-, i;. M’liiiiiiHii. •"I".; jvii, r ii

v' '‘•"t IiVhiIiiv

I'la rn 111 |||( . W orlil'ii r i i r ls - Aiilii> W liluiicr, Hint Mm. (IcorKO ■■I'-Illaii W.iil!.-'. Kcri'iMliiii.nil.i ,\vci.! T aylor nliU .Irlllllc

'■•'r^ MTVi’il !i'y .McmImiii'k 0 . ^V.,W illiam. IJvIiikhIuii, W arrei. ......................... .iV 'T .i .l i . 's , C.iullii;:. •it, C. Wnrl!. K. A. .lamcii ’n iy lo r . ' ‘ iM rn. Cili'U' lliilto ii. u . .

Ki‘iiit<-<l\’ aiiil'liiiMM. .Mi>. S n iii mill •(• + 4>’ .^'IVrry niiU Mr». Ilrunu. iiruiiviiK:'I lls .Mr,., lirui'lU'ii infi.lil.'.l a n i i i ' rillviT I.VTIlKJtAN I.AIMKS Hrlct mi:iilient i;.nd Mrp, q ru y ’n «1iMK' s.-rvI.M-ii. I.II.UilC CtJ.'IKOHTlvIt Ivliiloii-'Mcrvial -ifefiiliniciilis. ^

' ■ ■ • ' U(‘>v ,M. ,H. ZaBt'l li«cimiUbi:ly( + + + _. iiiiilliicil ilio iiilMskiriiii'y, iinii;r:i.m; VAl.LN'TINK. .MOTIK

, . . • :r .,r tl.o y .iir ii. a nir.M,,,! ...f tli«'KAV<»JtKI> «V 0 ,U » " - ........................ ................................. ............• In .......................... . iliv tlm l ivi'il-, l.ti ilicniii I.UIIch' Alit m iclctyi I-oy«l NdsliborH iiici a t llio ],)„,[ tili n hIoii hIkii. Iii/iir-‘ rllMK aiiiilvi'i(,.ai-y'>ir lli i 'lr iiinrrliiKi-. iTIiur.uliiy afloiviODii iil tlic d iu r r li . | ‘» " "u . MoJ’O Uyim .l i i « l , |„ . ,],„ r ivyb lB li Kclinol

n ,r ii.- l .............. ........... . ' . l i l t . ; r , 1, ™ 'l'"- su n .lm rj’, l r m ~ l •

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.'ilili.'i an .l.'nouI'nl'ii-i’iiV Mi-, !iVnl‘‘M r-'''A l'hon’' KrKM.V<; - ' •

I .•nl.T liilii Vaii Ki'Hm, Mr. and Mrs, .tnliii ^•ay•,•‘’ ^•^f'l<>^ . ■li.- (,'liiv.T. liiv. .Mr. aiiil .Mm. I'a iil W avbi-ic.l AhitiihIoii WUi-«ii:il nu lld

■•liar.l M l-t Itiiby (-iiniiliiKKiii and ih iro lil m e t .T liiim dnr ovciiInK lit tlio-homc

! ) io u i:isT iJ u . { s r t s i i i r — A iiSVlrKlnlu MuiclKHiuef. 8aii J I'-rniii irfjtfo 'fo riiio riy o t > lldlUm or, 'w m ih tt- in s i i l rA llo n -k '- i - a r - t l ln n c r^ n a brrOsu iiiiriy iil dia lioiiio-^.of M r anil Aim. J . 11. '/o liltiitu i ({iio «vu- iiliiuVlHNt 'tt'ncl«;.. Mr. and Mrii.1). U . 1‘iinincr. yTwkt- FutU, woro

TnHDrmitrrfzr.'7)wrirKiic»lii,— O lliijr isiicf.# ivoro of llo llI« tqr. • T - .

'I'lm I fat'i>>ly . o f (tiu llo llla tc r -•>1llaoUt-^vu>l-«nt«c(ulll04U4lU<lln(uu■. liint w td c .n i Ilio U. 1'. MurclioilHo' liciUQ |u T w ill l‘'allti. Ttio (lln/ior

ItiulnK :u huiiiir o f MIsh Morcliowvc, . . . I who Im I vlAlllii;; liur im rcnta.., .

M 'i':.V I)i:U y'iS |ifdul)*-JacU Olf. Uiirti i i Siii^l.h,'•wo<orinniitor/on ! fni'il, Durlrt Coljb mid .lohii-S tiun- iln; S"Jiikvi iU vcr ' Iirajcul^ j' tiiid !<cr ai'o roi'ovurliiK frtim liijnrli'it Mnii iilili, und itniicluvr, AI:ir' l»u fti'rt il III u lob(»;:::uir iic i^ ld u iil______ !_ ___

In*';' . .‘wook. *. ■

, MrK>'M nii«-CoIflirVnd*dB>i»;hlor'-t-~

.ford M UlSr,: ■'molorcil ' lo r JIoIbo ,' -InHt - w ock -u iid -4d~»pQ n(l-Jv -Xcw. . . ^

c ilA K M il^ r . L A n « B 5 - 'C ()A l OOJlPASy, r iiono i Z \ (5a#Uo,Q^i- UobL—Ad f . ' • -

r r r r r - ( 7A i n n i > F ? T l f A 7i K S T : : ; 7 l e > F rWt! wiBh' to jjitprciis o u r isVjti<rp;

lliiliilu for- Iho nm ny doodH of

frlondH diirliiK '.ho • a lcluitM «nd «tbutli o ( w lfo nod (iDiiEhK^r; olnu ' fo r th e w o rd i o f cotnfori ii|iokcn by llov . K cndnll.

Otoo (!allro uitd Chltdrun.• M«i O lid.M rs. J . !•'. Ooodwin.. Mr. -'nad Mrs. II. M. Crillco.

.■iiln' o n lliii’,

Tlll•^Oay i-v* nrW.

o f M m . I ) .

3 IIS 8 McCOy I'I.KIKiKU TO ‘ -f IXK AHTH HOfrfKTV . -----^

M lis Kiithm'liiu .McCoy. Twin Kalin, hiiti hcoii alcili;fil . to (tio UilXPdotiilijnu t;ociciy, iiiiltiiiiiil liaii*

^ r A H ^ M a s i - ^ w a r v ' l i l i . i N w - - r ' T T ^ r X t >

J i n . lO cfii i'rhc 'htT ,’ 1- l K . i i c 13(2

O O N T B A O T - B B I D a E .I’riif. i:. A. Ihiiilfiiiu, a sK u d a io 'ln x tru c lu r i>f th e Culbcclnuii Slu* dloK uf Yurk, n i l l c o n d u c t 'cLunkcn ii t tiie t ’lirk llotvWdU tlie

i T ™ i r . i , r r ; r a r » r i o r : i i , ' i . T ; ' i 7, n o , - B - r . - ) i rifllOll fu r iho G'LcjiMin Cuunte

Tlu> jiiilOIc Is 'lnv ljod to ii t te i id ;u ,» inlflry jp ittijju Sqiirfny,,u»i-iiIiitr,'fV hrunrr 7. 8 I '. IfC’ CttH I 'llrk i ro fc ir fo r fu rj lic r Jtifor. ’

^iiiitlloii. I'Iny f o iitru c l llrldffc uiid r tn y I t I tls li t ' ' " ‘

H U i I w r d . M m . C . \V - I ' a r k - i , a m l j M l » J i - . M a r K n r « ' l l l . d i M i r m w o r < ' <.I<1- . ( n n h l » ; i c i l C D R tn n iC ':< . o i i . O i , l u i v l n u a n | i n l o r c . H ( l i i R h i m o r y . ;

T i t o i i r O K O i m 111 c ^ l i a n c u o f .M i ' f . -y. r : ic«iioKi;.'.ui.!i.iiifd'TTro'<->i».-l

.|'<‘ ininV’ I . • a l . v j i r r M . ri’Kli'il III I

■ t

■ f . S I . h M w i i r c l '« C a l l i n l l i : I t r l l t r i l a i r o f . ' i ' i i l V L ' l i r o - 11' i i i i ' V l I n K O f , I l u - • C i i l l i o - ’h I . i s i m n : T l i u r m l n y i i f t - i l i r I n n i i ' . i f . M r s , ( ) \ t i T I i

M a r y . M c v i t s » i i i i n t w o

p ? n l c d \ b y ( i n y l r j n l O J p m j i i i d n . ‘i n l n i l C l d i i n r o b y , O l i v i a (,’ l m i i n t a i i . ; U i l K , 8 l o v c B a . - . \ i i i i I V a v r - y t i i u l I c / ‘S u i l ( h , n c c o m i ' i i n l o i l b y M n ' . ' ? i i

( • l i l l l i l i . M c K H v a l a

Kink- <>lili-rli>!i. Vlo--

W lm ti Tho t'enlhi-nV^Iuht Kiml j n { i :S l iy 'l 'i : i l lA .\ AJI>A rdi, Sm nntrl i i l n d » l»,> j l ’r.A>5«<< OI.<>.N>AI. TI:A

H r . K o i i t n r • f n t ' ■«)*<■. J . n m t o i l I n J . i W b i i i V j ) I V i i n r j r l i l o i h . ' [ o f ^ u

. . a r yH i n ' l i i i i i . i n . .M arN -* K l l / a l x ' t l i

< ' i > i i i : l | l l i i a n d , l n a i i - . l l i . n n l t K a v i - a ii>{> i l i i n n . , . M r s . \ V a l K - r H a n l o n < ' n i i i l u i l e d I l i o b i n l i i i ' i ^ h k i > : i ) ( i i i a n d M r f < , • t l i i c l i a i i a i i i i r i v . c d i r - r i o s l i - m c ' i i i ^ . a j . i d i t H ' d b y .M r » . S .* ,1, ' ,1'l‘ H * ;tC’n l i l ;> .

I l i a c . r i i i , - ! h r . ' i ' i i i i ; u i . v i t t i A i t r i . t i i

_ i:i(- lli)n i . r .if«c’.T:. In (be Ivlin ’'i-rl> l:oad i-liil. l.h>U iil.in- l.i lli> li"inr~-r.f .Ml'-, r i- ln -r W i'ilnr-day :>f.rrruitiii, .Mi-., 11,m P u 'c l l «a ;. fircli-d |irr~lili-iil; ,Mi'... O. I'*. S iio - bi'ili. vicr l.n -.ld .'lil; .\lrii, l l i in y

■tinr :-iitl 111-iu.irnj;.I- l.iii;;

iiai“ iT T irm i7 i i , 7 : u F r....., ...................I friill Im iI.ir-.! I,, tlir .Mcniir-tfy ..M.'iiim-

'I lliai Kill i|iilli;i. and

cfy tainlil.'n . Ih'fi-.-sbnii-ll!.' i r i ' i 'd by Ilu- bosl^Mt,

( 'a i. i : m »a i! UK < -i.n iA.Ml MHiIJi; i :v j ..v i,v V

..liilni Ain<Tl<MnWlt(in I'oiii.;n illlrn Mill jiivi-l Siiliiriliiy n f li'r- ' ■Ifton a t : ..'i;l..VU •Mm, Juliii K, lla.v<-!i

'biHH of .I'ilC III Tlaili jil lla- a

T l i o M i i K K a r i I . l l i i r a r y M o c i t i l / h y . - i b o o n | K ) i i t i > o i n . 'd , ■ l i l i t l l I ' r l i J a ^ I ' V l i

; v n a r y i ; i , i i l ' w h f i r l l i l n i i . I t w j ) T 111 I I I ! ' l l i s K u n M < 'b i io l l i < n i ! > ( ' . , A v im m I i i r o u v a n i I - * ' b o l n ; ; ' lU ’o i m r t - d

T H E W f l i P

is in your hand-

W h e n d t n - g r a n d m o t l i e r s w e n t s h o p p i n g t h e y w e r e p r e p a r e d

& m a t c h t h e i r w i t s a g a i n s t t h e s h o p k e e ^ ’ ' s , f i i s . w a s i t l i e

w h i p h a n d , P r i o e s _ w e r e a n y t h i n g t h e d e a l e r h a d t o p a y , p l u s

a . p v n f i t . A n d

I V I I . I . r i t i : s i T > T ~j \ iii :c iT A i, ,

. M r . . U . K , U f - ^ a l i l u i « i i l i n o i i n r c d t i n i « b . ' ' v i l l i . r « - i - n i M l s r i . M l n i i b - • M 'ly l ' r > . r , d : . i i t : l i l u r . i f M r . ' a n i l

■ l l i . I

o p p o r t u n i t y ,

;> r 111 .1 i . l a n . i r i - i l b . ' l o r n i r a i H o

O u r g r a n d m o t h e r s h a d i / v e r y i i n e k n o w l e d g e . . o f w o ' o i e n s , ~ "

. Peeks' G»‘a^ula£ed Soap ■ Large Package 2$'$. '

5 Oz. CanO Y S T E R S - :


'9lb.~Sack 2 S 0


-Fi>esli-©i?ape-^Ei*uiil6 -Sm all SMe 2 5 0

M i M ^ R K E ^ E i C I A^ p r i c e s . m n t e bis savings

j ; o t t Q n s . - s i l k s . , - T h e y . , u s e d . t h c . i r e y e s a n d ' - f i n g e r s ' i n ' . b u y i n g .

T h e y t a s t e d a n d s n i f f e d a t f o o d s t u f f s . O i i r g r a n d f a t h e r s ' k n e w .

a n i n t i m a t e l o f a b o u t w o o d , s , v e n e e r s , s t a i n s . ' T h e y k n e w

l e a t h e r s a n d m a c h i n e r y a n d c u t l e r y , T h e y . h a d t o , . ■

i T o d a y y o u c a n s h o p w i t h a s S u r a n e e ^ b y d e s i g n a t i n g t h i s ' '

b r a n d o f t h i s a n d t h a t b r a n d o f t h a t , ' a n d h a r d l y b o t h e r i t o

c h e c k t h e p r i c e o n t h e b p l w h e n i t c o m e s . . Y o n , . c a n , s e n d : a

, t w e l v e ^ y e a r - q l d t o t o A r k e t w i t h a n p t e a , M

o f k i n d , q u a l i t y o r p r i c e — i f y o u _ b n y - a i i w r t i s e d ' i g O ' 0 d s ; - ‘ ■

A d v e r t i s i n g h a s e s t a b l i s h e d s t a n d a r d s , e s t a b l i s h e d v a h i e s ' '

. a n d h o n e s t m e r c h a n d i s e , I t p u t ’ s ' t h e w h i p i n y o u r h a n d ,

— ^Do-yon-reiid-tkc-advertiscniiunts?— ----- .. .' ~7 f e u

I ' : A . \ \

Page 7: I Japanese P lane;' CHINESE RilEO B BAiEYDREYFUSS MEOBYOE/i' …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · lina.rexlded. lii jh u llrao tho o«e«

T O d a # ^ r u W S ; : ! l ’93'2* IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN PALLS,'IDAHO '

lu jtciL ott-cur

; W LW Hora- 58 L E g A L ,._ A I)V £ S T 1 8 E M E M !r a

TI(EASUIIY I>Kl*AnTMKXT Offiro -o t ■ tlio 'C om ptro lIflP 'o f lJ n

.oiit>rnsatiaii-tu. mvncil il»>- ilicm :

II. W lpJfmlor

O...W*.UlKHnii .......... ..Mfh. ttcKliin AlliNoti M rs. V. Sa.wycr« . . .

.. 10.00 ■‘■fT.OlT .. 10.00

IlllIlKUIlL _____ ____ 1-.liluli’i' Pow.T' r<>tii|iiiiiy,' T53ay’s Markets and-Jblnanciai ^ ^ I ^

l E W ( l E C U i S ! N . : Y , ■ s t o c k s i W f t L l O T E K '

TWH8-1TANT-AD8-A.Nn........ ............ ................................. _vft__.CLAJjaiKlEll-UjtTB8- -i-Curj:oac¥;-\V'a»UJHKU>n,-DC,rD<K^ ........ , cuinliop 31. 1931.

JUiich iD iertlon . | i ( r IIqo. . . ^ 06 n(h,- CTery latnio.tiacb

___ 04_ Jj3n!qglLC.?°n«c»‘;'i-gv<>cr-,--------oauh lusortlou, p*r /

Tw eJro n m i r t h a ' coniracty*

' m v per lino------------- ,*_>02No ad>i laktto (or Icdb than

linos.'M lD lm ino ctmruq,..

- - ............. - ^lock. A..J1.-(.MouMlriln TImo). otNotlco In 'lic re b y s lv fn to ull ppr-yn.hl ,liiy. :it iho frnnl doo r of.V,

lOiiB wlio inny Ikjvq clulnm asW iiHtithu Coiiri ll.m sft „ f 'I'wiri r j i l l « . r / , . i , ■TUo KlMl NuiloiKil Jiank of T w in , Coiiniy. htiilid. I will

• ’ r o a nK N T — Smnll iw o. rurnlnlieil tioiiKo.v Ooorl loeiiili 0 . Sm Jth .Itou liy Co. I’hono'a03.

• F O R SALT.— MisccllancouflItSBD rU U N IT y n r : — 'K itchen

w liliiot, ntoviw, tublo#i chatra.TiiKfl tn d dnvGnportM pricad to null.Monn’a Pn ln t nnd y u r io tu p o S»uro.

i- 'u r iN iT u n n - - a ii iciiiitii..ncw u iit iiHL-d. KoiikIi I. NOlil. :m<l c

, ctiuHKcd. Phono J2!in IJorl - — Bwooi.- ................. ~ . ;

' " d tS T O M irA TCllIN G . '2a per ci III! Kftb. I.S. U t u r AVc Biiarii icii {57'." lia lch. UlKRori'H Qiinllly

luhcry. i’liono OJ51J2. ;. EX -C K I^CIS COSMCTICS lirovo sk ill icx liiro In loi> dnyii.

■ Krco »Iom«ni«riiiloti In yon r lionii I»hono AllHH »'K Slwp, 17flW. .

-------- rTTTT-S;VLi:~ — • m R h - l t« ln lw T rw > f-^ ia^ tt» M 4 ^o ^' t r o n t nt- « ll IlincH, from cold e« 'llc tl-C o iirt . In, llio i

^ouih rn rlc. tJJiy. V

Ilu h erl C. IHIl!i( nlao Unown l ii; C- n illa ) nnil Cnrrlu M.

inilH. IinRlinnd iiml 'v lfo: iihd JeiiHlo !•’. 'W alro ti (form erly JCKSIO II. FiillInK),’ .

nefpnilnnifl Umlnr iinil by virtue

K o n - a,VMO — T w o niickciyc l>r<K)dor8, ciml ImriilnK. Kimburly NiirHcrlcH, Kltnljcrry.

."jHQIl Ib a S b . ^ A t SiilcL.QtniitlllJ'. - Sn turdhy. 1 cxlra.K O od pliuio

an n ic .aa lil IR iU 'duy^of ary . 1!)32.. nnlil docrco ' liclns dcd In JiiilKniuiit lloolc >1C of

mild U lstr lc i Court, I »ni romnmnd- cd to jic ll n ir Llwl co rla ln rea l crtyKlliiato.1 itrUfu-CrfiiWiy^ftf Trfln' KiillN.-SIttto o f Id:iJii>, und tnofti 'ly..ilcacj:lL(;il_a8_Ifmw!i,

' W AN TIjn — I Kood' tOiinif llor*c«. IROff lo-'JHOfi Ills. ;3 , tw m u nf/m uICH .'IJfln to 15fllt llm. C. A. M Atnotcrfl. ;



(iasl.Q uarlor- n'- T w o '(2).

ill> T e n (10) so iiili.j T h lrtco n M..

...... ..in la ln h ik ' n o - 'u c r . i i • of1.11UI. ToKoilKsr'wlititiL fnll lirl- niiiry w n to r rlclU fo r tlio'flbm 'o , dw crllii'il l l ’i» ncPCT of land, ii-tilor c on ilnc tw m tho Snake 'lllvor tlirouK li th e -T w in I-^i Ih Ciinnt. «m l 120 sltarca o t llio

e L A S S I F I E D

! Responsible Busiifies# Firms and Professional Office* of Twin FbUs .Alphabetically Arranged

fo r Quick Referentd ‘


, n B L U .X A W p R . FIRST N nt‘1 Dan1{ P Idg . Phono 8<-W.

A PT O T O ^ - B Q g g n y g S K B ;' FO R . SALE—W IN D SH IELD

-doo^r-A N A W E U -S D R IL L E D ." A llY ,' SIZED

holOR.. D o m p stc r-p n m p n .r M '

p g N T I BTS.v:

Tw7n ^1t<i,-.ldaho;


■ IKK f6r*Iiiftfm.vAVo p b r* 'o n ' Ilia ; ; MRUrlty. and nS nn ty .tlio funds.

A f i t i i i r ' ^ (79. piinni* nni.

‘ y jP T b M E T B I S T ■;

. m t ' - WM. U BJBYNOLDS, 330 , a


no.Mra PLUMDIN0 & i iB A T i..-Co. Show room s ond -abops, 136 Third Avo. i:n»u P hone 2M .


oaas 113..

B E A L 'E S T A T E

W niT E TEJJNEY e s t a t e ; GOOD'

>i:t>so,SH O E B E P A IR IN a

. r iN B W ORK. aOLR? •tliuh«il on.* Com fort and b lll ty . ,T w |Q 'rn l ln Khon ltcpal^In*., la s R»,n»hnn» W Phnfi* — '

SO H O pLS A N D C (^L tEQ ES\ym O l5 a O O D IN O ^ .C O L L E Q E .

Woaliiynn, - Idaho; (o d ar. t ' aow . jaarfc O tU , . - . _ • .

,ITnlf of lho..S*orlhc!ml O nar-le r W eal - llu i: ' ‘' ' ' ‘I A uto; Cwup'.-tW it)—o t-lho-SoiitliP rtsr"Q ir;rrfT -r‘~ 'V c * d - - r * “ ISU’i ) o f Soctlon Sc'Vfntcon: (17)' i»rlicpi. 11. .V.Township-JOlovcn (11) S onlli 'o f Slicrlff .......Iliinso Sixteen ,(1C) K;i»L noli-c HcllvlHo n i« ly ! .\IiTl<ll;in, and lliai tlil.t ' q li|irso G ann.Sbcrllf ,

tiindc nuulniit. o th -C In rk . Anilltor.o\liiiidH bulnnKlUK l(> 6» .S. Ihit Till. • iiforovnl.l a in o n tirh a i i nc llcoaim ld. .. . *■

Hank and T ru s t Conipany

Tlilii m n ti ,. ...... ..llontd and nftcl* ciirpfnl connldern'

)ld-nKo-Ttcn'itoriR. tho followlnh' appllcatloni vero*rcJ tc(l j".8 . C. T um or.Emmiv.MuniMin.' — r

. I ra Crondall. * , /

X T.-'JO>in ..Mni, Addin Monnro.W. OJ Ilcck. • ,-X''\\1-flollntly......... ..— “Mr*. En*M)eth A nna'SnU lran ..Joan Slmtwon.Ooo. X. Larcnilnr.J. W. Ciirrln'Rlon. '• .

;C. W .-Artlmr. ' • • ; •' IVnnInns AlItHTPd


. . .. fViUy^ndvl«wl In t'ho 'cnn ll! ,, ..............................nm llcr tho Hoard ordered ib 'a t 'i t io l ' 'n ro ro a ja 1„, i ' ' ' VV;i.nil ft like omoiint ,he chn rccd onIho Ins ro lls fo r tho y e a r A llow anro. .....niwlnst thu N orlhweiit Q nartori^ -"^ '(NWl'i) of tho .N ortlnvent Q nnrlorL * ^ '(NW'll) .of Sre tl^n T w onty-nlno,^’"''(iUl Tow nship ;Rlovon ( I I ) Sonili Ai o f UnnKo KIchtDcn (IS) l iu i t CoIho Chw Itool M crldliiju.and, lliui> tho_nnm nnt of IIiM.1 ho flinrRctl asalnnt flio WokI ITnlf .o r -thu SonihcaRL -Unitrlcr (\V'i4 .SIC>/,) of Scctlon Tw nnty (20)Toxyiship IJiQVon , ( n j '.S o i i t l i . .o f HaiiKo J:iKh(cen, (IN) Rant- IIoIno : tprlillan,r ix ix ( s M A x n rrM d e p o .s i t ix

• l»Kl«OSJT«KYlla v in s been odvljuid by tho

County T rea n iircr 'o f Iho iicccsHlty for a lilKlier niM lmnnv ,for iloposltn ■ him wiw fixed by tlin o rdor_of tjin I)o.1i;d 1iy nito ln tlon pluco o f record

•, ST. JO.SKJMI .s i i i : i : i ‘ST . JO S E fH . Mo„ ]->b. r. ( i;P )

-^Shcpp irsoo: l>Uld)nk* fulIy niondy. :on(?wlly jihlflnK if. lo line hlsb.-r me loud. WMtcrnii ta.7R; lilfady

bcxl hcbl 17 and uIkivq: lop n:iilvrri bulk |i : tn 4n,r.ii:;rho1i-i> kinds

-• I’OKTI.AXD l,IVKST<irjC J 'OUTi.ANn. Oro.. i> b . T. (ITI!)—

Uork: I-:»(lm'iitcd -ISO, IncluiliuK :m» h illtd d ire r i o r ibrouK h; no tb lnc iiold e a r ly : Tliiinidiiy'tt m iirket closed s tra d y w ith a jr>.IO top,' CatlI(>:'Kvllmiil<-d >'.n. m lve.t 10

iludlni; a n .i ittlo

tna rke ibilled•Ivod ' early ;Heady. ” • • ..Shonp: ■EH||mnlod-Srii)|. 1 piy a02 Imnjsht lo a rr iv e ; !

a rrived early . Sf:irk(?r .ly>

['xlc-an, No. 1 .cxlcan. .\o . 2 ,.................11.25

S tc tt .'.is Crlnim A lfalfa p a r ■

.......................... .......... .....JIC.OOn Alf.iltn, p e r c w L ___110.00over, per cwi. -------jio .oo

>. No. 1

11 ,vy.m /rnN (Siioe iu o -c o n H ta tlowlntf ’ .and d rlftlnK '.p revcjiK xi , n v f l In and o iii o f lla s ts l lin .

• and WedncRda'y. n ll iio r^ h '• iiJi hlKhwiiys hdnB oniirely..

ill nehool c lilid r j^ - . . ii( r».-iU(ysrr

(--.wji TuM dny niK bt..’ — •• E.' n .;„J«n«ald i


bIvi's tbo.follow lnK nicni.% • frdin .Septem ber 1 ' ft, ru a ry I, l!i:!2: lleuns 122 cara . •pii-'v'- . . taH.iK ;I2I c jira: livestock • 12J.V- ■ w bcai 1. ■ - ''- i r , .

The. , yonnff' dauKhtcr-' o f ' j . ' n . ' . ' ' m co I s .lll M tU ^m cnm onla.


Mvrsi . . .CboIcQ llRbt buichora. ICO to

210 noundorH '.....................,:Ov«rwoli';b( hulcbora. Slu to. -230 ponnilers ........

,n.iOvorwolKbt bu tchers, 25n to.100 ponlM crs _____

UndrrwclKbl butc}u;M „U 6 i'ino ]PacklnK sow s. Rood 250 •

, poundors. up ...............Sheers ,111 — .......f lo lfo rs ____________

of ihi onn t n f d e p o s it. _

llio T w in Piilli

ONr,UL\. ______ . .ne rc lp ts IK.floo: m a rk e t 10 biRh top $:i.80: Tnillc 170 to 2!t0 'poiindcr«

!!c^tn6S'cdp(»^0Q;_jmiti(cL-^liKfu lly Bleadyr hulk <ed m ecrs am i] , S c h o o I S t a n d a r a S ycarllnBs 41.50 to SG.7C: l.nlk belf- c > i . a i i u a r u B

10 ic.nn.

Urges Support Of

Former Resident .. ‘ O f Buhl iSuccumi^s,/'n iil JL fSDPclal) — W ord . h i f t ..

Iienn rceelvud t l i a t - T , ‘J . : W orley .-f a- form er r'esldenl • of .-U tilil,'hua^ ;; • cnm bed' a t b is liom o ln " 0 k iah6itiaxVv J a n u a ry :I0 follnw lnK -scvoro i-iM ir-.-/, n ly tlc utrolto.H. • ’. l lo .u a ji .lh o .fa th e r-o t.H ..U n V o iC ,„ : .ley mid Mrs. C. E . C arlo, ’ UoiM;i; 'rcsldonis of H u!................................ .. 'abo ill .nix .years -------------homo in Oklabomn. A V ito .ood^^A tbr<<e Hons •alnn. In .n y d ro .. OklB..**-<- n lso-surv lv? .'^-;-* -- :-" ';

lo' ?ollow IiTj'" joniloi« w « o • i l * | In s a n d ; I ’ubUcallim

Potatoes_ ^ { i l I I O . l ( S « - DOT.VTOKS- 'C illC A R O . Kcb. r " ( U l ') —

M arvin ^ ‘onlo, proshlcnt o f tbo_UnlvcrAl 10 7n an, axliiroHH h i tin ibip .w eek session's.

Bright S p o ts^ In Busmess

yesterday !»>■ Dr _ _ofiy'_«LjInlv«rAl;r.oUrtii;

- • >• Leader.


eoilcRo pxecutlvorodm llttfd^ Iia t Uio s tre ss ' o f , c o n lv n p o ra ir Jm es-necc»s9ttn?c<r^cebuom lci~3h' •chooi artm lnl«ira\|om Me Jield, how ever, . U iat.’ e r tn —sliijlnp .|be

I'-QlmfiiLJ- <»’«««■•^li'ln1i'o' nii«"e«H“ |1 .4 0 ' lo » ! .« ! N -Sirasku'Trlnmi>»iR.-?r.20 to J J J i . ' ' .

-.-r- W0«7.-------- -- ,, .noaTOS*. Keb.vR. U5l»)— M cfaR« ,nn,d Hbort fomliltuc K s and finer w estern srow n w ools inovo.stoad-

'U y .-n llboucb .tn rjiom ow bn l smollfli fvolnmo'ir»aj».Ja*t* tfceV.-' I’rlecs urc

J s j« ^ - , l » ; - ^ l r n ^ - ^ n v l h e M -

tnai!y..ubo..vj»iio»i«(l-.c*pi c<Iucy\iJon‘n l ■ -fB Cllltles.-- Thhi- oji. position, bo saJil,' is traceW o Ic UioM ■ w>K> —«o«k—-d im ln n tlo n '-^ l Ksliools- ^n; oril«r l5 iobialu,.ro«luc. tioQ, coritora t^R -lA xm .

; : A o fl S E t a i tR c o i tn .STOKE W0UXTAl.V.:.Va^, (U P )-;;

A ,M iftn a -a an ik W > rifli< n « ^B . A V ood-y e lxb ra v7n« iDouadi

^ lo .^} aA .^ ,v^lh '.:;^n^o LlK bl.& .PoK oriC

- - uaJatftl-

. . tB - M s ;^ d ' 00». nndifiC sM crrito ry n n d ; w a*,'po. faC ■wools m o ro T itr rt ih eV ' f i r m ' jjr ic o a .iio o .'to r BcyflnUi,^ la Uie r a a s o t aUDtcd i m vcehu <

Page 8: I Japanese P lane;' CHINESE RilEO B BAiEYDREYFUSS MEOBYOE/i' …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · lina.rexlded. lii jh u llrao tho o«e«


w m m 'OUT'OTJRAVAY -■fiy-WilHam'g- (l||-

^ ^ u d ie n c o EnU m siastic. Ovci ‘ • C om edy; M usic


_ |.a m i)-o f- ii-m o n i ■ aUoiiilniit c o n n Ititi'lsi S.llonii .K llttorlii^ wfili UiiiiK '.'coHtumlni; oC iir lli'try 'u n it :c3n»p’lrc(l If) limKo llio lli rr .- iic ii

,'cdm '-(ly . Q ihtm ’h 'Huf.liuiKl.",I*'*! ■•■"'Ill I

?; rclioo l WciliK'Hilar ovonliiK. » i f cnlorinitiini'iK . An ull-i.c-liuol cmai.i

Ijy 'SIrn.’ llJm il('^M iic.Sliiii'- i..non. wiiii crffc tlvo iitiil ciHiNlliii-iiii

tn n il r(*!i|tccln. , [■ -Jmilor. ■T’owoll. • . llllly WIlkM.!

■G niu t Snw ycr, aiiil K oniiaii Diiicit, Kftvp.il aiwclftl ilaiioo niiiiil)fr. Ill--:

,com]iniilo<l liy .Mloii ICinlly ■ tliiioH,; -nm l-O io lileli HcliDol rrc lii 'n tn i, ili-: Tcciod !)y P ro fu i'K o r 'J . T.'' brldgo, HCVonil npIocHoiiu nx lio-, tw nfii-nct fcaiiircH. r ' I• P rlnc lpn ld tii the oaiit w eroX -'m i A lw nrlli, Aoltno K odili-r. M'i,Miio. UndionUnM Priiiicls H. (icorKc. ,M- v-l lAiHl.Snve.rlii. [ill] \Vrli:lii. .loliiij HrrrltenrM K o. 'Wftlliicu \V!iiti> mull

'A llc if X.tin);{>ii>vnlicr. Minor • w oro taUcii wliU PQimi ny|n o iiy MorolHmfo; Vli-uinhi s:iniiii| niiil.M arli! U.-in^cIi. ■ |

‘"^T ho nrndiiciiciii hiiirt D trvclor.. Mth, .lliitiiilo ,.V:k‘ fidn:. ItiiHlncHM, U odncy!. llollniiiy,' IVullnco Cooimr: ailvfirtlitltii:, .Ifjiy Ivopcz ;. propf>rMcfi; •Daroiliy IJont,; Kruncoji WhUo. , Ilnli linilliirtii;'!:!,

, HlOKO, Kr'npf!!. Allim iii; Vic.;y- ■ (or . C c c r tm i . .c im rhm • JoiiiiiKin:

mnkoiip. D nro lli? C ull: tirnniuior I

—GO. h\.L_._N;.Q.u;au- ^ 6 • o 6 ( j & c?k i& -

WOo'Re,' AuV-O?.


\Vl'!NI>Ki:i. (Hlii'cllil) «- T!ir M. I. A. irt llu' tlliy' Si.IntHiMiilvr llib illriM'ilciii <i( Mn>. i'-rT;rvilcni-(jiiinnrrnKHt[!tc(trii}'r;ilnnr:l3r |ll. rr<'Ki'i)i(,.lK iiri'imrltiK lo Hinuo . ii inlrnt )ilay'lij tlie 0<lcim- I'Viiiay. Kpliriinry K. Tl;r vnoi lii'

' h-.-i KuniR-tli WiK'Kiir.<'i'i-nii; Ilu.-i.iiitin O'rlnoi’. M:mr im». Clni Corl TlM'luia Wl Wllli



A— IZomsulL_y-liiLrailm-._ l-Vliriinrv

—TliO'.—M ta w ‘nli--.clul> - -tircclltiR wlilch wiifl pcliediilihl lo lalic pl.itc n f llio linmp • of .Mrn.: John Krah\ti

|in.il))uiK'iI oil acriiiiiM of- Itii* imHBlUti'-riiadi;—— :— -----------

.Fiiddy;;Fei)Wiy:orl93ajt^T tflii FnllH. lust- ^ f u i a y .;nlKJit; f lco r* ' who ’ nrreafcrt tli<* tr lo Batil- - WnrrlnKion Tv-iin onl(>rc<l-tn ft pork lokcii • .frn in . tlio pnok'.if: *50. ncrv lnsiho Jail >!i(mtciico. *

WIJIU ..«m i:. .n o l> c ru - - .c n t« r« il----------- . ......... ....................pli!ii«-'of Kiilll'y sn charspH »o r i io rc aro nl)i>iit • -(ft, cllfiorciil-•'

a iud i_Juc£C U Y ._itiU le^\\h iL tiii£ :lG nM i:U £i-JiL J2aniU L nO r"iX ad»-B ± . Iil(;;iil0(l Kiilliy Mo liiiraliiry. O f-Iqiik ii;» rli'o f tlio • .

xftmol—Id—jirnriiiK -.tiorm nl—- a f i c . . tiuttitirt-ir-nf-^stiitlotuir IjoIok ii1)himu|_I'll JR-riiiill-'. <lf IllO


Mrn. I'rc-il C;iHci 111 \vllli liiniloii-/jL lu llr iin n i. . •

.Miiiiy \ j r ilic no

Tl.i- Wi'tiiU'U lowti f.in from tlio Cooilli

;||K| 1]|> nili i it«l Ji-rotiio tow n loiii

rill! ^Vfiiiloll Hirhonl I:iMhk iIii-- illiil.lliorla

III Uiiil noiiitil ■k-toly .Irlficii;lA 'nlMKint liii<:

JI ’nrlNli. Salt I.;ilic .<’liy .'

C hapei W reckedR eports' Taylori;;;;;;;;''

■ , • iii.w< ‘ •rl’itII Pnt;« piiol

Elks Lodge_Enjoys D ance N um bers and

' P ro g ram o f Boxing

, |irni;r:i ;iirliu; f 111 -t.(-li(x

Saturday Sgeciala'c h o i c e ;

...:M E A T S- :

(CoTillniiird r n

........ loilfcnT(ircf V.-ii.i>-. •Iiiilliii: luiiiill Kliiii,

TH£.>yvjQQp;v wAP?r.

Ja p a n e se E n te rC ity o f H arb in

. tCoBtliiUca r ro m Pago Ono)

f ’ .cnJorod H nrb in a t ■« r>, in Cl :i. m 1 ~3T > . to tlio Ayllil clmoM or tlic '

W R E C K E D , P tA N E ” '"" ' A N D 8 V IC T IM S O F i::”,' S,'"!, c R 'A s H , F 0 -u N D p ”?,',

(Conllm icd Krom Paim piii‘1 '

: jt » ill only, I.I- thiu

m a u L jconqiicrlni:

QUcn.'Kati.at ami n e arly cxhaii.ii*. a f te r «ln'o iiav n ' ' n t flKliiln'c

fro jo ii I'ln ltis, lii iiiiz-1 KlyliiK I'lliiil,I— '- I - '— ....... ............- —I------ , liy ilic •iiuinn. I'l

l a d le d ' )ii.ii ili

lilBlicr i l uo iiiti liavo <; rim of Joliiirr.-i' fiiiiyoii, li;ri)ly ruiiinii'il uufoly i

Iticlil. t<i*41,i).c KniiK.0 IH'i-.iml TlllUK lt inovl'icj: l^•■.torMtlmi l.< till iiH-n n|jd_JVO*

- ■ fllvliic- rii;lil K.

)■■«< J>cU)\v xori^ieiiipcruli ■, •^ tioy .ifliiffo rcd m any CHBuallleii., :'0onora1 SiiziiUI'i* iroolm 'from

.- T « l tR t Im r r W 't t io - iv M t r - } m T p - T io t - ~ '^ : - ■ , ,.•a rrlvod . T lioy.iiiny rc ii ir i i .» . .TmI- j td lh a r a t <mco.- hIiico tlic lr a id In -» * -fo'-i ’I'

. cnpturluK Iliirlilii wuii no: ac.^c;i- n a ry .. Jnpaii ionic TiiiiHlliar, on 1

lloii *11 n o u n 1 " ' ■]lrrl!.!k.y, « . II. Smlili

I or IliniiiK-lvon ill I xVtiy, Ami II wiU.-i

Mi-t'il «;f. flr.ii iryiiij: «




I H ansen CouncilE n terta in s For ’ |

K im berly Group

I'oliniiivy n :..- ii i i iH lT i« C"od |jr-i. Rfcn.i. ;in.l llia l' ll In exiii'i’ l .d i:

i.r n io ro tluui fid will li. iiiltiiiii'il ai iln“ I^ 'l'ru iiry ::r. n iw i'

Mrs. 0>rdcn. H ead o f Idulio P.'-' ■ T. A .; W ill A ddress Mcot^

ings Tiicflday ,_•

KSiK-ciair—'I'iio of Iho. \V,.nu,-rs

m rll \viin Iicid :


|K inih.T ly l^iiilOH'

'T;i'iim. iit;d<.'t' l1i<

•‘“ '•U’ly j n,vl::hi -Ir 10 |i io - [ w illlii. lit. Hiid Sam IliJi-i-’rt. 15 nf ^tr:i. tu 'o ro noiiionced Friday liy l‘roli;it

ini« liiiil .f.M- Hii llii’ino I .|ii,|i;o (iiiv I.. Khiiipy l<i iiiM'v'o ( •y Wr.rlt III liiillii." aii'l I iiiiy? i„ jaijr cai:li...rai'..llic£l of

. . w . riuiinlli.v o f :iali -iiDrlt rnini lh<! ' ............. I''i <lio X ,onanii."in ' .Innlcit nai-liliiK *pli‘Ml w o.-/•<

•'Tho lliinl pliiiil

ri-.ll. n.iiiili. And If

Stli.ii . .Mri.Illioillllj .-I

NUM ....IK ... ...I- a ..I- .. • Croiik, :iMi-.-i. Kay l-'rahiii,' ..cuiniiililci'ri In cluiTKo Hrownti :iii<l liiiii l li ir -jB

0 •'crii'vnitl<)n..i(> 111) IiL-ld "''II- Itxinaiiii- l.rtnviis, .MIsii'iillii. anil III 111.- cvMiliiK Waltoinvhi:.

II CO..... . l'.\r<-nt- VVnTol-. ,Mli>r. Afmi.lo l.ayronk. Ili-n-jsiinclnHnii iiirciliji;. ! '‘li- Vtiriu'y. and .May Kllni

(II.S enate Confjfrms

. A n d rew M ellon A s A m bassado r

(Conllm icd l-'ronj^Paci: Ono)

h-. Jl..1. ri'>itKiii:<lhl11t>-

.o f . ............................. . nil;:!it ni« r I’liiiiona. Ciilir.

I.ni| i.;ralr... A iid‘„,.,J lu> Hlilullclll <lf I *1*1...

iJl'ldMvlilo ■lonai-cil liti>r. .Mr'

. -Mn< Ariliii

; tvill

.\11:m Ora-.Mnddiv .t:ro iik .

_ l.rcliloni r.r 'jM atriy lu „ ,|,|[ |„ r|„ i„

K'lllllloll.' I

tra& rdlnnry. an;l ..........to CJrcat n f l ta ln . '

.T lia.noniln .T iIrn 'vas_-dl«ii.Tt V ■ from tlio W lillo .lloimn \vl

u roiip of iilllCT' iiomlnoi-;!'■—^U nited- S talc rt-a tton ioya -tiiul :


l in d ' ' rofclvoil ItC7ul.|lcaii F’liHir l.cmlor WuIhi

•. o f .llio Scualo iliat llm nomlnatic w ould bb cr.-iflrmud. .

» rtoon nil J lc llo ii’.i iionilna’.U

Pow ers W ins In •• Suit F o r W ages .i .i(‘'lhai’

— . ; pi IlK'tlllCilio j'nK ii!'fiw- hli: :iK.-n

illi'y iV ^lii';! t;

illoKCd 'liac'l;-wuKi'K. ^vnu liin Mill,lio Ju ry riMiiriiliis v cn llii In la- . j c u i ^ u e o n o w C ^ l l

...... ■" ......... W ins F ir s t P r iz e '^ '^ '"jv ,er-

nO O niN G (S p fc la ll—n. K. ni-j. .-lalni; llio MilU.'rm:>n '


iilil llki- 10 iiiailiiK, ii, iiiiiuflnii to tin II1..I0 iliMi’ iiy Mi-.i. OkiIoii. .1 |.ro> ’ci.

ih s t rt1toii-,„i„p (.|,ii,|b ,i,„ |." will i-Mii rofri'sli ,,vnii>i|.It why I,.., „v,,i,!„ic

1- Ixiriirl.tif IliaiiaKOrii sr;^

old drciis;icIino! Cioiil:. Al ilio otc»ie lor a-i. liiK rffrc^linicntM »vei piirtli-- .MOHilaiiiox M. I>. lCcii\iil<lri'ss Wlilkor* Viii;(-e Nav|. A 'I 'r . • Drowim and Cui-ry.

f thr


I Iiy|

• infl».;li'llL-ld

;ritij. ’11. I- , . Uiiyiiioiid| Til (• nex t I

■II win 1)0 i llii' lionio nf MfK. llurvoyi

FOR SALSA i: f o i>0(»K r a . . i s s . . u i s i i sim:i;us & yi.NDow, (a,.vss.

.NO c iiA JH ii '. i u u s i ; r r iN ( i

MOON’S ? ,Paint & Furniture Store

.Slioiiliioi' l.’iinHiji

:t ll.s ..ftU (:fd '

4 4 c

. I Q c

2 8 c

Vllnl(• ftliniOilPr’ IS. I’oric. III. .

S lio iildc l- S l I ’ni-it. II llis .J

~N\*li'i.rp-'oi'~iini.rKai-.Ciii't-il liirms. lb.

. 32.Cm


I ’l ire '■’S iiiisneo .

8 c



3 6 C


;j His . liiim li O O # * - JS tcu - '...... ........... .........

S ta tu e O f Snow

'l l. S n fu i-lietoiv—.1iiOk<’

......... ...................................

|C lia|.liiati. and .1. II. l‘<>:i''V-’.;i-'," iT w In Fall.:, an.l. 1I10 .|.-tt-:nl..ui ' ‘,'1 .7,

, ’i com pany of i


Is cniitlrm cd,

oC OKdcii u '^ l i u - lo 1.L- 111: to s so r In lUe. in-aM iry po;-'..

—pi'oci5ciifTi>nirrTrFw»mrrjnir H coiillm ionii Kcrvico .if n m t a r y o f ttio trcasn ry . Mellon

• n o t offldaTly fcllncmlidi IiIm . i ont p 5.1i ntv.ir toaflvniathm ^

:• -roiHplblieil. —

llii ii^ral ■.(•.•fully.

on ., in. of stiloni'il U rroa tn ti- u id i. iir |liilry tliat

priM’ III -a. .:lly^wldo • 'y ; ' nniM l (-oiidiicK'd li>, " » 1 it for J)oO,-i I,ml KirlH. ^‘anai cr.npi•K'll, ih o flKiiio looli-l.f]'' Fri.lny wlili'N ,

C ase-Progresses

(Ul>)-'• Twill F a lls ipittiy iiKalliMt

Inm l 1

V. ninii

»4M IL T O N '’S." A Home O w ned Store th a t A pprec ia tes yowr PatronaBc*"

The follow ing money sav ing food prices will be in effect S a tu rd ay a n d M onday

oil hy, Allornf-> ............. ................................................... . !s;tliilini^vi |tvlH<v—w»ii'i-ij£iitK(L-Lalt_uii-LJiL_\vilniui.i_^i]i>lr> .\l;tn:ar. I .Sltiim?.. . :!:iO .SVtond | .TIu- w i.u '.ln lir in s irli:d llofoio v fiin -i‘norili. f.ir ii i-lovoV srmw i Jiiilso’ I'oi- o f ilio I'cili-ral court

. ^ n V '1 -K 'T m rT ia f iir rr7 in im rT f i“ ;m r;i- i-« o i» 1 l\-r r iiii iIw i^ -T ^ A i r r i R ' T n S p p l r i n c r , ' ' >"' iuil' .— - Mom .jvlin ar.o la io ro tiod 'in. ilioA i m s , i n s e e k i n g l ....... . ■'^m m ino.aro prrnont . f . r i.H

• • S e n £ L t o r i a l P o s t ;il>lc. anoHior ..now liiU (,o*c;o i.!rstl''l'» '‘' ;______ • iw ill V iiiin'uiK'Cd sunn, occordlntfi Tlio ro ttrl rnoin 'In one w.iy

’ ’ Ono >iiiidllloii wlilcli iH.ir;* ro.Hcinldalii'o to a •cooKriipliy .

S tra tto n -b is ts •


- F L G U R tcu-lc ( ’l i i o P ’ miiloil TM Tr'sr-Tniiinr-imriT''


Idaho F a rm e r ,1

K ills H im self

(ron tln iie rt From Olio) -Mni«t _l<i''yon.' I wiiuld >'lia’m •.iliii I lllU II oliis

Ilio •Talio , On liih ,1

' N'AMPA. cnlllirc- ruvol' nnil lylii);ll lylii); ,on liln rl»;lit mMo. w ith ; “ HiisIihNs nn 0

Inilltt lioU" iliroiiK lr lilr. rlK till ‘-S’ow. I am rn lr ir nplo. .J.. C. .iVu'lH. S l-yoa r-o ld lyo ,,. ,,r . ilio •nntoi

ynn r apiilo down ninjins ili olun roiiKli-nnoUti, and not only Miro you lir iiu li-Maclf. Imi fot w ltli It a 111): i-liiinli of wlialut hoy’vo 'koI.‘

— ......................... Jlr.rils".11 up

dc cnilro ly of(dlaifiainii.

ii:;! ■


Dr. Iiral:u dl.’ioovorcd ilini J o h n 'o f ilic

• lini'S a n d otlior <i]i r»r .thu lui^pocil..'

'l a i 228 Ulxhtli !wai. wnriliy oi iad n lt offort.

W1iat!_ 'I'lio FonlhentciB lit Kant nlo ll)

in J.

■plamiifound dead In liHrWa.iliod.

room ii'- 'ilto l.cnnox Uoiol in i Ii Ih.I notnoorailo d t y T hu rsday n e a r noon. ‘liavo It.

• -------------------- ------------- , - I ' l r s t . i l provldcii i!ml . ..T)r. f u s t r r I i roinniin ir.i-onis niiil In o u r i<odd>' Iiu cdtnVolk-rl i<

....callnusvs fn iu i.liu lli fiH.'l fo r Sl.lll). .fiuslin;«:i. npn ii. liln. iiivrit:i. In co locnlcU lu •!. I'ciiuoy lilork . ,cotillon ^\'ltli iIio 'wurM , iLo sai

; , - A V V = W A W . “A W A W A V

F L P U R“ Cldlili'ii S iii’r i n r ’ ii fjood

........ 7 9 c' .> SU G A R - “

riiio liin lio lioot K O f . I ll i.o im d I t n g ' .........

C H EESE ,Id iili ti ( ’roHiu

JE L L O•« i-i'f-'s. . > w 1 Q c•I iJiiilil.-i I'n 'ii . . . C r r J L f t f ' '


.Mill lio r p o u n d

imolciiKo^ 3 3 c

.Twin Fnlla, Idnh'6 - D epartm en t StoreP E A N U T BU TTER

- J o b b e r 's sam ple lino o f 40 new L. & H . E lectric Ranges' -Je8»-U ja!>-w bolcfiftle-prioear-G <m ipare-th<^now -^iEkca.

. m t b t t o o ld p rices:

;RcgTilar_prlco $120.00; N ew % c e _ „ ;^ .

^ B o s liW -F ric o . 5125.00 kNcw_ P rico ' .......... $ 6 S ;0 0

' R e g u la r P rice $100.00; N ew P rice •................... . $ 7 5 . 0 0

'■r- f-R oguIur-P rice $2B3.00;- N ew P rice . . .$ 1 2 5 . 0 0

'..w o 'tiav o a w n ito uoipD iuation i:<Icctnc Kangc, l U ^ i a r ^ p rico w a s §25^0q; now price 5 7 ^ ^ I f y o u 'a re in n tc d of

a n 'E le d tr ic R ange, Phone 6 fo r appoin tm ent. j .


............................................... .-O H PnBD fl!rO RE»

y a rd 11 .III o lir i]ls[iliiy

|. ,A t:U io .O R P ^ U M Tfeeaday Evening,'Feb, 9 th F A L K ’S I A.CCORpiON .Or,UB .will entoriiiiTi in a d d itio n to thO "-i i' rogu ia r p rogram . N o-advance in.adm ission.

. 3 3 cfliii-liu n 'li i 's -2 ]ni

PR U N ES:....:......23c


.B R E A D■While i.v AVIiolo J ( ) C

B U T T E RFi-csh ( 'r o i i i i iH y ’ 24c

O R A N G E S■ . ^ i T i ■.iiiir.v - 3 9 e

S w ee t iP.otatoes

■'^_:..UEM C'NS________’■ T ^ii-K oS iz i- Q Q P

i-i-nToxi.-iT,\::r:i::rr ;AO^. G rap e ,F ru it

-H O N E -y^

SO A PI5f.l) W lilii. I.aiiM(lry 9 Q p I .10 lm r« ...............■

^ ^ L A R D ^r i i i f SiuiV W liilc •

i'lomids I.;,....y..

A K«ii)d crVlli'c

I 1 9 C

6 5 5

C O F F E Eiiioiii r m ii iito irK ( jo iiitiii Cui> '

( Im 'ii'jln tc iv l (iiiiilii.v O O p , | , , i „ n d , . . , , , v ' • •

.................................... ...................................


Independent Meat Market. W o D eliver .......

128 M ain A venue N orth ' iPhone 162-163

P la y Your__

t r u m p s '

This k in d of w ea th e r o ne should take e v e ry prccAu- tion to p lay safe, ‘y ou r tires if they a re constructed cor­rectly. should p la y -a respon- siblo p a r t in ca re fu l driving.

There’s More Safety m t h e ; G 0 0 r ^ i^

Diamond Tread!1 fo r itsGoodyear has solccted tiio <

added , advan tag e i n sa fe ty an d traction . E ven

to g iv o - th e . m o s t . am o u n t of, tra c tio n oven in '

— ru t ty - ro a d s rP la y - s a fc and-Boleot Goodyears. •'

C an Y ou A ffo rd T o-L et Ybi RadiatdrTre 'eze '*

M ost of us cannot. A nd th e <yl^cst.of us aro 'lmv* iiiff o u r ra d ia to rs te s te d at*Lind!B.-Menthan'ol w ill oaVo th e d ay a t Vpc por gallon.

L i n c J A u t o m o b U e J E q .' Tho llnext a n d .B e it Eiin2rj>«4-,^roi;e I8 th4 iT e s t ' ‘

orridal llosch Jrajrncli) , • Timken, Kew Depattaro Saleii nni]'Serfjcs Hlitlon. Q earlnrm iiH lta tbrt''
