i- · ind: ..eille"t t 1f,h'~ar' e. mccall. gaynor ran as an i"'cpt"...

" picture {or the papers" 1 '2 G ""- 'Z~\ r)R'S CHIEF C T•• \1 I TO FCDLIC ATTE. ~TION was from the ~} f~'( t t hat police skuldutclcry iucrcar cd under his administration and also .-. 1''''- ~j1 . It that he was 11'( n!~1~·)1" wh» '1\":15 shot. .vrr c t of the assns sin (,l'OH) provided a splendid action picture for the papers. GJ} n )1', denied rc-iomination by Tammany, died ncar the end of his term. 14 DRA:\L\TIC CL'L'1T\JA- TION OF THE Y,\ST ~YS- 'fl.\l OF POLIC-r.: G R:\FT sane- t.on-vl at that tin: by T:lt'111121'Yhall YPS t'rc murder on .! uly 1" I"!.:', of Herman Rosent1· I, :t g"mh1cr, in the Hote1:1Ict[(\1)01e, ·fi,1 ;4"e t ncar Ilroa dwa y. Roselli ip 1. ac ~rdil1s to evidence later hrought .ut, had opener! a gaminr- huusc in pt r t ncr s hjp with Charles Decker, Feute',allt of police, The t\ 0 'lu2"rekd, T~"cker, it subscqucnt ly was revealed, feared Rosenthal would expose him and the whole program of police grafting. Four I-icklcss hoodlums, "Gyp the Dlood" Horowitz, "Lefty Louie" Rosenberg, "Dago Frank" Cirofici, and ""'h itey ' Lewis, \ 'ere electro- cuted on _\pril 14, 1914, for the mur- carried pointed opiieplis• del'. :\1ore than a year later Becker we nt to the death chair. Thousands flocked to his :1.:n,:,ral,and the fif) r 81 offor- in,; (example 'lhme) carried painted cpit apl.s, such ;15" S icr ifice d f· " j "l;'ies,'· Pried off Becker's eC'f;~'1by police was a silver plate lC"]tI:l1',: 'Cll"'tlcs Ilcr lc- cr :\Iurdered ]uly 30, 1"15, by Governor 'Yh't'lnn," Cha: lcs S. \\11:tn··\1\. :!~ Xew York distr ic: attorney, had prosecuted Bccl.cr, that achievement he:pin:; l i 10 g rcatly a:; a }~~cJlt'b!jcan candidate to capture the office of governor. PREcnW\G WHIT- 15 MAX AS GO'. ERXOR was an oruamcntal orator who liked to think' that he resembled cit her Abraham Lincoln or Henry Clay. Elected in 19i2 with the support of Tanunany hall, 'Yilliam Sulzer (right) went to Albany with h'~h hopes and JU exalted opinion of himself. ! tio mistake was that he refused t J t:1I corders Irov: lurl'hy,"o thereupon l.c ','as made to f('1'1 t li.. power n\ T;lP1t11al1Y. Cbarg('S \' rc brought up in the tate ~s- '1')1." the speaker of \\ hieh at t 1 , ~' time wa s a man destined 10 ,l )~11 la rrrc in p(,l:tics in lutc r .' '11'" Alfrc l Frn-nanuel Smith . ..;tlzcr \\", found guilty of omit- fni:' sums Ir orn his campaign ex- pcnsc account and removedfrom office. an orllamental orator (Photo copyri.':(ht Underwood & Undcrwood.) won on a Lusiou ticker 1 L AFTER THE SULZER :\FF.\IR Tammany () refu cd tostand for thc r cnominat ion of 1', .•had 111"Ie f"cole and futile attempts o (' . -i-I 'he police licut cnant, Becker, but g?YC its ind: .. eille"t t 1 F,h'~ar' E. McCall. Gaynor ran as an i "'cpt" "111, but died before (I: clcr tion, his Iolk-« .11': ' '11(~to Jdm T'urr oy \litchd (Ic it), who \'"0'1 011 1 Iu-.i 'I ticket of Republicans and ant> Tannnanv Democrats. Temporarily out of the city hall,L\11]"lany continued to contact big busir-css. havin; learner before t his that 1e;:;al boodlng in the form co:,t1y contracts was consi-lcrab ly more profitable than petty pre" ing onprostitutes or other kinel of minor graftin-r. Soon again, however, Tam- many swept back into the city li:J11 by supporting fur tnryor j ohu F. Hyla n, candidate of the ambi- t 0.. 1Icarst. (.\ ; cl: .'. ".) 1 (JI'B.\LL oro XE'V YORK POUTle::; shce the day that a n,ulc 7 r l' orst was uri\ en up l'oufth aven'le h-s 1 ce'l the city's transportation '1. Thirty-thrce.ye":·~ ;1!;~ John E. \rc·'o'J.~1d, a Ta'111''''r'y r1al1, v.as ,,' I the co 1tract for tl c fllst subway. It y, • bt':lt \V't'l .\11'~llSt Belmont's l' v a:1Cl ,"'37,1,""'.1)0 1 ) CO:lt 1 ··hntcd hy t1', c' S',( l 1011 t l -. ci'y ha~ 1''?e' in I:'"''') Ill' ;1'(' ,its most rece It ,'ct' . c 1tl' lon of a ~'f11,- fl1~j '! the' lcngl ' I"' l1e1 ~ftcr its cnpl 1 )fc- [linC' lY it11 at" t 1 "1.'\ r. f ';;.000 a day, its 'u't"a- cllfn cars :l.bc\'e) n:~ti"g- il tl'" r 1 'lel the H2.rlell 'lip canal. ( fap111'2.1.lY·S sure...;t ,"ot rs 1 -Cl t i r .... , Cl1e ' f 4- Qui- p '~is T1C" in t11" ell " Cu····l~ 1')('0 f "'ork hen e Jeen tal en in on thi~, l' tI'ey pay Oi" five ccnh for a rid ,.. 19 J () ITEr-. \T rD 1 S THE D \ ,,·X nr \ XEW D·\ Y Fn"R T \' r}.J 'I', Y. the <: \·["'j"n o i j"'::5 1'1" ; ,I '1'" il11YW',~ ,I ['1' 1 J;'ll)~~ .T, '',",'ikcr (rirr;,~). cz.- t il" sc nator. YT; r ~ 11:1 l f 1 1 ;11 b .lla.d. a nd populvr 11al1- lV~J1t-1.0\vn, fr i-rl f[ , joe cvs, anrl rl1:;-:i:.c't". IiC' rude. into ofiicc, likc hi:; 'He ((" '~.:cr. ]T~ L..111. who finally \' .. a:-; disowned b~ Tnmrnn nv. on th i" l) '''lrity of the five-cent fare. lIP became the joJ1~ g'.,'~ h 1]([. r of Tnmmany , the premier pla~ hoy of the whole 1''':: "I' ely to speak glibly 011 any provor at ion. .Llc was re-elect d four years later, and his popular ity did not start to W2J1Cuntil thc Hofsto dtcr committee cf the ler:;islature beg-Ail.in 193t 10 dig in!o his accept ances of bonds and stocks as "personal gifts" from a'!mir'ng friends . ... 9 UV:\C[L FOR THE 1'-' ESTIG""-TIXG COIIMIT- Ti·.E. ]u·!gl' Samuel ,o;IIJll,' (Ie It), 'Tent a It cr he st, 'L,h J j'n"ly and his rcal b sscs ill Tamma ny hail with h.unmcr an« tn;}(:". Far and wide were t1H' Tallj1l1Cl,Il}" gr;l ft ramifications laici b rc by Sc·I1Jur). J tlri'~ (;cor.~Ye \I'. Olvn nv, ex-boss of iannnany, and J 0)111 F, Curry, pr cscnt boss, were involved in the inquiry, and "'<1ker himself 'spent two days (11] tIl" \,i,n" .s stand vainly trying to defend his acceptance's of " per-opal c:ift;;," Franklin D. Roosevelt, then gOHrncJ' of Xcw .York, l"C1l10 ,,<I Sheriff Thomas 111, Farley Irom office 011 "suspicion .and infer- ence." Walker beat the gun on the next move, walking out before being removed, and later departed for Europe, continues to p!ilY Lndian," (Associa ted Press photo.) 20 DESPITE SCAKDALS AXD ATTACKS, the Society of Saint Tammany con- tinues to play Indian. Sachems and sagamores st ill parade in regalia aud pose for ;Jlctures (fairly recent example above; left to right, ] ames A. Foley, ex- :\1a)'or ,,-alker; Grand Sacl-cm tile late aged]ohn Voorhis; Alfred E. Smith; ]ohn F. Curry). a tremendous power STRAIGHTFORWARD A. 'D FE A R- LESS, A MA~ OF ACT lOX AND STIWXG CONVICTIONS, Alfred E. Smith (above) nevertheless bears the trihal m rl~ of T:11ll- many. .\s everyone knows, he ha, wi: ldccl ;' t.' ~ mendous power wit hin T~d11111allY b'lll. thi)U..-r·1 fl~j-C have been times when he has waved th , 1111',wk in open rebellion againstit-just waved the hatch- et, thatisall. In the present campaign friends from within Tammany and from without attemnted to <1"aft him as a candidate for mayor, 'Jut the " I'appy warrior of 1°'::8" doubrics , feltthat after t: 'j '!J~ of g-re;'fcl' glories hI' ncv er could consent to i !,YllC a mere c i ndidatc for a cit,' office, Smith -rvcd four t orms as governor of ":\ cw YOI k l'lrough the support of Tammany 112'1,his earlier elections having been brought about by Mur phy. the boss who died on April 25, 1924, leavingan estate of two million dollars. 22 . threatened to move • •-EW YORI,,'S TOT,\L DEBT is more thai' 1~ l) <1:'<1 a 1,., If 1 '1- ,0;1 dollars. '''itIl ,'1"1",,1 ' "":":5,1\' ']1 above a half billion. baik -rs h:lg~;ling over siort-terrn loans to pay 148,0''') city \ .•~()rl ers, and taxe , confiscatory, th-: city rcccr l,' proposed an added tax ('11 st vck tra nsf crs ana broker age housereceipts. J hs move shocked the Stock Exchange ( 'PI"('), and it threatened'to move to vark, ut onSept. 27 Mayor (j",;rien announced that he had vetoed the two hills thal would hav- imposed the new taxes; the Stock Exchange stayed on. 23 , • gained public confidence . ,..,S STRAW \-OTES (""" G.\ 'r HER ED BY 'J ,L ;-";[\\' YORK XEWS a n I other publicat ionsshow .10,.;cph V. McKee (left, indi- c"V'd by arrow). the inde- pendent, running ahe;~d of his opponcnts, tho'l;;h h" en- terCt l the race late. McKce, w;1>I,acting as mayor' after \";tIl'er's resignation, g:lined l'ilJiic confidence b'y ? sincere effort toward municipal lCOil- om}' ill1da refusal to be lJo<:;crl, "T'll cli;l1i'la.te un- nece5s2ry r x1"'cn"e and Ullnec~ essary jobs," is one of his p1 n dgl's. 2 6 ON SEPT, 16 THE .•• nET 1'1 X G ODDS \\'FlU~ 2 TO 1 th'lt O'Brien \";0111ddcfc~1 linrello P. La Guar<lia (ri;jllt), the fusion C"'ldida,te. By Oct. 2b the odds were S to 5 th~ t :\IcKee would beat O'Brien, ''''ith c\'en money offered that hc would poll 150,000 more Yotes tban the Tammany candidate,' I- I I I I I r~ I ",, ,proud of its new home 21 TAMMAKY OF TODAY is proudof its new home (above) at Union Square East and l~th street. On Jan. 8, 19.:'9, the cornerstone of this newest" Wigwam." was laid, while \\'alker, Smith,and the feeble old Grand Sachem Voorhis made speeches and the braves and warriors of the tribes of Tammanywhooped approval. corps photo f rotu ":\C·l1C.) • ill opcti revolt against Tammany 2 >1 THE l'm II YORK 1'11.\T GOES TO THE POLLSNOV. 7, itsfivespreading 'T boroughs (above) in openrevolt against Tammany, apparently ison the verge of .. twist mg the tiger's tail" again. These five borourrhs, Manhattan (1), the Bronx (2), Brooklyn (3), Ql!'"~J1S (4), and Richmond (5), were combinedin l Q 98 to Iorm Greater KeIV York. 'I <1 mruanys strength in eariie'p (hy~ lay in Manhattan. hut wlv-n Ilrooklyn wasadmitted its center of power shifted ['I that boroirh. How fo" t licso sections "ill go iri supporting O'Brien can be onlyspeculation today. MrKcc,the independent, is expected to draw heavily from Manhattan, Brc-vl.Iyp, and the Bronx. La Guardia' derives his principal strcngthfrom Manhattan and possibly from Queens. 27 :\IE.\XWHILE THE WRATH OF RE' or:p '-G rOPUL\CE Selms to be centering again't, :lIo} or ](11111,P2'tri ,1 O'Brien (:'''ht), \1"110liJ~es to be called" the Sur,ro: V1 te," ,fcE> \''', referred t,., O'Brien as "well-intentione,d but i'l1potent.:' poil1)ti' " Ii. ,,:':'lia- 'ions with Tammany hall. 5eOlhu"". the nelre~j, (;f '-,"I·e", COI't;lll'ci; str,,:" d efforts to tr:' 0 makc tIle \"'')tC'r~thin': tl'!' olily .\. ,. to '"lye thc city is "y electing his candidatc, tile nimole-tol'~ued La Gu f''ia. ", . lIke;, to lYecalled ' th~ sz;:' 'r l

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" picture {or the papers"

1'2 G ""-'Z~\r)R'S CHIEF C T •• \1 I TO FCDLIC ATTE. ~TION was from the~} f~'( t t hat police skuldutclcry iucrcar cd under his administration and also

.-. 1''''- ~j1 . It that he was 11'( n!~1~·)1"wh» '1\":15 shot. .vrr c t of the assns sin(,l'OH) provided a splendid action picture for the papers. GJ} n )1', deniedrc-iomination by Tammany, died ncar the end of his term.


'fl.\l OF POLIC-r.: GR:\FT sane-t.on-vl at that tin: by T:lt'111121'YhallYPS t'rc murder on .! uly 1" I"!.:', ofHerman Rosent1· I, :t g"mh1cr, in theHote1:1Ict[(\1)01e, ·fi,1 ;4"e t ncarIlroa dwa y. Roselli ip 1. ac ~rdil1s toevidence later hrought .ut, hadopener! a ga minr- huusc in pt r t ncr shjpwith Charles Decker, Feute',allt ofpolice, The t\ 0 'lu2"rekd, T~"cker,it subscqucnt ly was revealed, fearedRosenthal would expose him and thewhole program of police grafting.Four I-icklcss hoodlums, "Gyp the

Dlood" Horowitz, "Lefty Louie"Rosenberg, "Dago Frank" Cirofici,and ""'h itey ' Lewis, \ 'ere electro-cuted on _\pril 14, 1914, for the mur-

carried pointed opiieplis • del'. :\1ore than a year later Beckerwe nt to the death chair. Thousands flocked to his :1.:n,:,ral, and the fif)r81 offor-in,; (example 'lhme) carried painted cpit apl.s, such ;15" S icr ifice d f· " j "l;'ies,'·Pried off Becker's eC'f;~'1by police was a silver plate lC"]tI:l1',: 'Cll"'tlcs Ilcr lc-cr :\Iurdered ]uly 30, 1"15, by Governor 'Yh't'lnn," Cha: lcs S. \\11:tn··\1\. :!~

Xew York distr ic: attorney, had prosecuted Bccl.cr, that achievement he:pin:;l i 10 g rcatly a:; a }~~cJlt'b!jcan candidate to capture the office of governor.

PREcnW\G WHIT-15 MAX AS GO'. ERXORwas an oruamcntal orator wholiked to think' that he resembledcit her Abraham Lincoln orHenry Clay. Elected in 19i2with the support of Tanunanyhall, 'Yilliam Sulzer (right) wentto Albany with h'~h hopes andJU exalted opinion of himself.! tio mistake was that he refusedt J t:1I c orders Irov: lurl'hy,"othereupon l.c ','as made to f('1'1t li.. power n\ T;lP1t11al1Y. Cbarg('S\' rc brought up in the tate ~s-

'1')1." the speaker of \\ hieh att1, ~' time wa s a man destined 10

,l )~11 la rrrc in p(,l:tics in lutc r.' '11'" Alfrc l Frn-nanuel Smith ...; tlzcr \\", found guilty of omit-fni:' sums Ir orn his campaign ex-pcnsc account and removed fromoffice. • an orllamental orator

(Photo copyri.':(htUnderwood & Undcrwood.)

• won on a Lusiouticker

1L AFTER THE SULZER :\FF.\IR Tammany() refu cd to stand for thc r cnominat ion of

1', .•h» had 111"Ie f"cole and futile attemptso (' . -i-I 'he police licut cnant, Becker, but g?YC itsind: .. eille"t t 1 F,h'~ar' E. McCall. Gaynor ran asan i "'cpt" "111, but died before (I: clcr tion, hisIolk-« .11': ' '11(~to Jdm T'urr oy \litchd (Ic it), who\'"0'1 011 1 Iu-.i 'I ticket of Republicans and ant>Tannnanv Democrats. Temporarily out of the cityhall,L\11]"lany continued to contact big busir-css.havin; learner before this that 1e;:;al boodlng in theform 0· co:,t1y contracts was consi-lcrab ly moreprofitable than petty pre" ing on prostitutes or otherkinel of minor graftin-r. Soon again, however, Tam-many swept back into the city li:J11 by supportingfur tnryor j ohu F. Hyla n, candidate of the ambi-t 0.. 1Icarst.

(.\ ; cl: .'. ".)

1 (JI'B.\LL oro XE'V YORK POUTle::; shce the day that a n,ulc7 r l' orst was uri\ en up l'oufth aven'le h-s 1 ce'l the city's transportation'1. Thirty-thrce.ye":·~ ;1!;~ John E. \rc·'o'J.~1d, a Ta'111''''r'y r1al1, v.as

,,' I the co 1tract for tl c fllst subway. It y, • bt':lt \V't'l .\11'~llSt Belmont'sl' v a:1Cl ,"'37,1,""'.1)01

) CO:lt1··hntcd hy t1', c' S',( l 1011 tl -. ci'y ha~ 1 ''?e' inI:'" ''') Ill' ;1'(' ,its most rece It ,'ct' . c 1 tl' lon of a ~'f11,-

fl1~j '! the' lcngl' I"' l1e1 ~ftcr its cnpl1)fc-[linC' lY it11 at" t1 "1.'\ r. f ';;.000 a day, its 'u't"a-

cllfn cars :l.bc\'e) n:~ti"g- il tl'" r1'lel the H2.rlell 'lip canal.( 1£ fap111'2.1.lY·S sure...;t ,"ot rs 1 -Cl t i r ...., Cl1e ' f 4- Qui-

p '~is T1C" in t11" ell " Cu····l~ 1')('0 f "'ork

hen e Jeen tal en in on thi~, l'tI'ey pay Oi" five ccnh for a rid

,.. 19 J

() ITEr-. \ T rD 1 S THE D \ ,,·X nr \ XEW D·\ Y Fn"RT \' r}.J 'I', Y. the <: \·["'j"n o i j"'::5 1'1" ;,I '1'" il11YW',~

,I ['1' 1 J;'ll)~~ .T, '',",'ikcr (rirr;,~). cz.- t il" sc nator. YT; r~ 11:1 l f 11;11 b .lla.d. a nd populvr 11al1- lV~J1t-1.0\vn, fr i-rl f [

, joe cvs, anrl rl1:;-:i:.c't". IiC' rude. into ofiicc, lik c hi:;'He ((" '~.:cr. ]T~ L..111.who finally \' ..a:-; disowned b~ Tnmrnn nv. onth i" l) '''lrity of the five-cent fare. lIP became the joJ1~ g'.,'~

h 1]([.r of Tnmmany , the premier pla~ hoy of the whole 1'''::"I' ely to speak glibly 011 any provor at ion. .Ll c was re-elect dfour years later, and his popular ity did not start to W2J1Cuntilthc Hofsto dtcr committee cf the ler:;islature beg-Ail. in 193t 10dig in!o his accept ances of bonds and stocks as "personal gifts"from a'!mir'ng friends .

...9 UV:\C[L FOR THE 1'-' ESTIG""-TIXG COIIMIT-Ti·.E. ]u·!gl' Samuel ,o;IIJll,' (Ie It ), 'Tent a It cr he

st, 'L,h J j'n"ly and his rcal b sscs ill Tamma ny hail with h.unmcran« tn;}(:". Far and wide were t1H' Tallj1l1Cl,Il}" gr;l ft ramificationslaici b r c by Sc·I1Jur). J tlri'~ (;cor.~Ye \I'. Olvn nv, ex-boss of

iannnany, and J 0)111F, Curry, pr cscnt boss, were involved in theinquiry, and "'<1ker himself 'spent two days (11] tIl" \,i,n" .sstand vainly trying to defend his acceptance's of " per-opal c:ift;;,"Franklin D. Roosevelt, then gOHrncJ' of X cw .York, l"C1l10,,<ISheriff Thomas 111, Farley Irom office 011 "suspicion .and infer-ence." Walker beat the gun on the next move, walking outbefore being removed, and later departed for Europe,

continues to p!ilY Lndian," (Associa ted Press photo.)

20 DESPITE SCAKDALS AXD ATTACKS, the Society of Saint Tammany con-tinues to play Indian. Sachems and sagamores st ill parade in regalia aud pose for

;Jlctures (fairly recent example above; left to right, ] ames A. F oley, ex- :\1a)'or ,,- alker ;Grand Sacl-cm tile late aged] ohn Voorhis; Alfred E. Smith; ] ohn F. Curry).

• a tremendous power


STIWXG CONVICTIONS, Alfred E. Smith(above) nevertheless bears the trihal m rl~ of T:11ll-many. .\s everyone knows, he ha, wi: ldccl ;' t.' ~mendous power wit hin T~d11111allY b'lll. thi)U..-r·1 fl~j-C

have been times when he has waved th , 1111',wkin open rebellion against it-just waved the hatch-et, that is all. In the present campaign friendsfrom within Tammany and from without attemntedto <1"aft him as a candidate for mayor, 'Jut the" I'appy warrior of 1°'::8" doubrics , felt that aftert: 'j '!J~ of g-re;'fcl' glories hI' ncv er could consent toi !,YllC a mere c i ndidatc for a cit,' office, Smith-rvcd four t orms as governor of ":\cw YOIk

l'lrough the support of Tammany 112'1, his earlierelections having been brought about by Mur phy.the boss who died on April 25, 1924, leaving anestate of two million dollars.

22. threatened to move •

• -EW YORI,,'S TOT,\L DEBTis more thai' 1~ l) <1:'<1a 1,., If 1 '1-

,0;1 dollars. '''itIl ,'1"1",,1 ' "":":5,1\' ']1

above a half billion. baik -r s h:lg~;lingover s iort-terrn loans to pay 148,0''') city\.•~()rlers, and taxe , confiscatory, th-: cityrcccr l,' proposed an added tax ('11 st vcktra nsf crs ana broker age house receipts.J hs move shocked the Stock Exchange( 'PI"('), and it threatened'to move to

vark, u t on Sept. 27 Mayor(j",;rien announced that he had vetoedthe two hills thal would hav- imposedthe new taxes; the Stock Exchangestayed on.


, • gained public confidence .

,..,S STRAW \-OTES(""" G.\ 'r HER ED BY'J ,L ;-";[\\' YORK XEWSa n I other publicat ions show.10,.;cph V. McKee (left, indi-c"V'd by arrow). the inde-pendent, running ahe;~d ofhis opponcnts, tho'l;;h h" en-terCtl the race late. McKce,w;1>I, acting as mayor' after\";tIl'er's resignation, g:linedl'ilJiic confidence b'y ? sincereeffort toward municipal lCOil-om}' ill1d a refusal to belJo<:;crl, "T'll cli;l1i'la.te un-nece5s2ry r x1"'cn"e and Ullnec~essary jobs," is one of hisp1ndgl's.

2 6 ON SEPT, 16 THE.•• nET 1'1 X G ODDS\\'FlU~ 2 TO 1 th'lt O'Brien\";0111ddcfc~1 linrello P. LaGuar<lia (ri;jllt), the fusionC"'ldida,te. By Oct. 2b theodds were S to 5 th~ t :\IcKeewould beat O'Brien, ''''ith c\'enmoney offered that hc wouldpoll 150,000 more Yotes tbanthe Tammany candidate,'



", , , proud of its new home

21 TAMMAKY OF TODAY is proud of its new home (above) at Union Square Eastand l~th street. On Jan. 8, 19.:'9, the cornerstone of this newest" Wigwam." was

laid, while \\'alker, Smith, and the feeble old Grand Sachem Voorhis made speeches andthe braves and warriors of the tribes of Tammany whooped approval.

corps photo f rotu ":\C·l1C.)

• ill opcti revolt against Tammany •

2>1 THE l'm II YORK 1'11.\ T GOES TO THE POLLS NOV. 7, its five spreading'T boroughs (above) in open revolt against Tammany, apparently is on the verge

of .. twist mg the tiger's tail" again. These five borourrhs, Manhattan (1), the Bronx(2), Brooklyn (3), Ql!'"~J1S (4), and Richmond (5), were combined in lQ98 to IormGreater K eIV York. 'I <1mruanys strength in eariie'p (hy~ lay in Manhattan. hut wlv-nIlrooklyn was admitted its center of power shifted ['I that boroirh. How fo" t licsosections "ill go iri supporting O'Brien can be only speculation today. MrKcc, theindependent, is expected to draw heavily from Manhattan, Brc-vl.Iyp, and the Bronx.La Guardia' derives his principal strcngt h from Manhattan and possibly from Queens.

27 :\IE.\XWHILE THE WRATH OF RE' or:p '-G rOPUL\CESelms to be centering again't, :lIo} or ](11111,P2'tri ,1 O'Brien

(:'''ht), \1"110liJ~es to be called" the Sur,ro:V1te," ,fcE> \''', referredt,., O'Brien as "well-intentione,d but i'l1potent.:' poil1)ti' " Ii. ,,:':'lia-'ions with Tammany hall. 5eOlhu"". the nelre~j, (;f '-,"I·e", COI't;lll'ci;str,,:" d efforts to tr:' 0 makc tIle \"'')tC'r~thin': tl'!' olily .\. ,. to '"lye thccity is "y electing his candidatc, tile nimole-tol'~ued La Gu f''ia. " , . lIke;, to lYecalled ' th~ sz;:' 'r
