i heart you

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  • 7/29/2019 I Heart You



    Rachel Jenkins was all smiles.

    This was her first date with this handsome man she had met on the net. He had been

    charming, amusing, romantic and even generous with her and she had great hopes for the

    future. As they made their way down the alley behind the old Night Club, Rachel shivered

    with cold.

    Her date looked at her a smile lifting his handsome face. Would you like my coat, babe?

    he asked. Not wanting to sound needy on the first date, Rachel shook her head. You

    know, she said, I wasnt all that sure about this blind dating business but this has been a

    pleasure. He looked at her, his glasses reflecting the light of the lamp post. The pleasure

    has been all mine, Rachel.

    She sighed, reflecting happily on what could have been a horrible night. And my friend,

    Kayla, told me that you could be a serial killer or a rapist, she teased him. A wry smile

    twisted his face, and his eyes suddenly seemed sad. He bent towards her, and her heart

    picked up, hammering in her chest, as she thought he would kiss her; but instead, he

    whispered to her ears, I am sorry Rachel but I am. Rachel started laughing, what a joker he

    was. Out of the blue, her stomach began hurting, a soaring pain spreading all over her

    body. Rachel stumbled backwards, and pressed her hand to her stomach. Something

    dripped down her fingers and Rachel looked down as horror dawned on her, blood was

    gushing from a wound and her beautiful green dress was turning dark red as it ran down

    towards the ground.

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    She lifted her eyes, frantically, looking at her date; a man she had thought she could have a

    future with. He was looking at her, a knifes silvery blade glittering in the night tainted with

    her blood. He looked elated but sad at the same time, as if her murder was something that

    hurt him but HAD to be done. I am so so sorry, Rachel, he whispered. Rachels eyes

    started blurring tears of pain and anger mingled and slid down her cheeks. She staggered

    forward and he held her. Vaguely she heard him say, I have to make her know. I have to

    show her I care for her. Dont you see Rachel? Dont you?

    Then the world became black as Rachel Jenkins fell unconscious in the arms of her


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    Kayla Jones woke up with the sun shining through her open windows. She stretched on her

    fluffy bed and looked at the alarm radio next on her night table. Yawning as she got up, she

    checked her mobile phone for any message of her best friend Rachel but apparently Rachel

    had had a long night. Smiling to herself, she padded towards her bathroom to get ready for

    the day.

    Afterwards, she went to the kitchen for her breakfast, calling Rachel as she prepared her

    tea, the phone kept ringing but Rachel didnt seem to be ready to answer. After the tenth

    call directing to the voice mail, Kayla left a message, Hey Rach, where ARE you!!! How did it

    go?? Call me as soon as you can!!! OKAY!! Bye! She hung up and sat down to start


    The perks of being self-employed meant that Kayla could choose the hours she received her

    patients. Kayla was a psychoanalyst and her patients knew she was always there for them

    which could explain their tendencies to call at all hours of the day, within practicing hours

    and beyond. However, Kayla adored her job and even her patients with their troubled


    After breakfast, Kayla checked her day planner and found out that she had only a few

    appointments for the day. She sighed happily as she closed the door behind her, and

    jumped into her car.

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    Her office was in the city center and Kayla was always proud when she saw the plaque

    reading, Dr. Kayla Jones, PhD in Psychology. It was true that her practice had been open

    for a few years but still she had a loyal clientele. She opened the door and Josie, her

    secretary, was already there putting the office in order.

    The day went by quickly, Mrs. Barton with her nymphomania, young James with his

    kleptomania, the Gregory couple, always bickering and quarreling and always needing

    counseling. Kayla, meanwhile, was getting more and more anxious as her intermittent calls

    to Rachel seemed to automatically divert on voice mail. Finally, at four, she switched off her

    computer, where she usually noted all the transcripts of her sessions and started getting

    ready to leave; one ear on the phone and the other listening for Rachels voice in the

    waiting room.

    To most people, Rachels absence would have been considered normal but Kayla and Rachel

    had been friends since second grade. They had been friends all their lives and Rachel would

    have called Kayla as soon as she got home or even surprised her for lunch. They were close,

    as close as two sisters could be and Kayla couldnt stop having a hunch that Rachels

    unresponsiveness was due to that blind date she had gone to. Kayla hung up once again as

    she heard Rachels usual chirpy voicemail but she was now more than worried. Maybe she

    should get home and then head to Rachels apartment to check on her or maybe she should

    go to Rachels first and calm herself.

    Bidding goodbye to Josie, she walked quickly to her car and started driving towards The Bay

    Hill Apartmentblocks. The sun was still high up in the sky, heating the pavement on this

    warm summer day and Kayla could see children playing around. Rachels apartment was on

    the fifth floor and as Kayla parked her little Mini, she glanced up, expecting to see the

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    curtains drawn apart and the windows wide open to let the breeze come in. Instead, the

    apartment looked gloomy and dull; its blue velvety curtains unmoving behind the closed


    Still, nothing came from inaction. Kayla climbed out of the car, went to the apartments

    front door and pressed the doorbell to Rachels apartment; she heard the buzz and waited

    near the intercom to hear Rachels voice but still no response.

    Rachel was not home.

    All Kayla wanted to do was go to the police. She knew that something terrible had

    happened. It was there at the back of her mind, a sixth sense just like when she had known

    that her parents had had a car accident hours before the police had called to her place to

    inform her Granny Jane. However, Kayla was also logical, she knew how the wiring of the

    police worked; they would not listen to her until twenty-four hours had passed and it had

    only been a rough eighteen hours since she had last spoken to Rachel.

    Kayla inhaled deeply and returned to her car, all she had to do was wait and if she had no

    answer then she would alert the police. The drive home was for Kayla mixed with emotions,

    her fear overwhelming her anger; hope that Rachel was fine and just having fun mixed with

    anxiousness. She reached her home parking her car in the alley. She locked her car and got

    out, her shoulders heavy with weariness as she approached her front door, she noticed a

    white box on the front steps.

    Hope started building inside of her; maybe Rachel had dropped this gift for her. Rachel

    could be okay. Her heels clicked on the stone pave as she reached the box. On top of the

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    box was a card. It was a small card that contained only one word: Rachel. Am gonna kill

    her, Kayla muttered under her breath as she felt all her anxiousness of the day fade away.

    Lifting the box, in her hands, she dug her keys out of her handbag and opened the door.

    Kayla kicked off her shoes in the hall and went to her living room, she dropped her handbag

    on the settee and lowered herself on another sofa and opened the boxs lid. As she looked

    inside the box, her fingers numbed and the lid slid out of her hand. Kayla scrambled off the

    sofa as the box fell down with a thump.

    Inside the box staring straight at her was a heart.

    Kayla felt her throat closing up, as she started to panic. Then she calmed herself, this was

    someones sick idea of a joke. As she looked besides the heart, she saw a card lying next to

    it. Dexterously, she managed to take the card out of the box, without touching the fake

    heart. It was one of these cheesy love cards, you saw in the supermarket, with glittery

    hearts and I love you scattered all over them. She opened the card and inside she saw

    printed paper glued on. It read;

    This heart beats for you,

    This heart lingers for you.

    I have waited for so long for my heart to beat again

    I have waited for so long to breathe again

    Now I have found you, I will do everything to keep you

    I HEART you

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    Kayla frowned as she read the card and turned it over to see if there was another signature

    on it. She felt sure this couldnt be Rachel but could not figure why it bore her name. She

    took the lid from the floor, threw the card inside and covered the box. Putting her shoes

    back on she went to dump the box out in the garbage bin. She went inside once more,

    locking the door behind her and tried once more to call Rachel. Getting no answer, she left

    another hopeful message and went for a quick shower to relax her.

    As she finished her shower, she changed into comfortable clothes and wandered to her

    living room where she switched on her T.V still trying to call Rachel. The news flash intro

    appeared on the screen and while Kayla mumbled to her phone, her eyes widened with

    shock. She picked up the remote and increased the volume, a shot of Rachels face hovered

    on the screen.

    Except it was not really the Rachel Kayla knew. This face was white with huge dark shadows

    surrounding the eyes; the lips were tight as if in pain and a pale shade of purple. Kaylas

    eyes strained on the screen as the news person announced that this body had been

    retrieved from the Hudson River. All that could be said was that the body was naked and

    found floating on the river by a group of people who had been jogging by. The number of

    the local police station appeared for anyone who knew or recognized the victim to call.

    Kaylas breathing was labored. She was finding it hard to breathe. Slowly, she closed her

    eyes but Rachels face swept behind her lids superimposing images of the inanimate face

    she had seen with the vibrant cheerful face of the living Rachel.

    This could not be true. Rachel could not be dead and the only way to find out was to call

    the police station. She picked up her mobile phone where it laid and started inserting the

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    number with trembling fingers. As she heard the phone ring, she blinked away tears. A

    woman answered, Bay Hill Police Station, how may I helpyou? Kayla started talking with

    a shaky voice but then cleared her throat. Hello, I am Kayla Jones calling concerning the

    body found at the, she gulped; she couldnt contain her pain and fear anymore and her

    voice cracked, Hudson River. Hold on a sec, I will direct your call to the person in charge,

    thank you, the woman told her, putting on hold. Kayla nervously tapped the cushion

    beside her on the sofa as she listened to the waiting tone on the phone.

    Hello Detective Kane, how may I help you? Kayla realized there was someone on the

    phone and she had been too lost in thoughts to reply. She quickly managed, Yes, I am

    Kayla Jones; I am calling concerning the body of Hudson River, I I believe it may be may

    be my friend Rachel. Tears were swimming in her eyes, as she realized that it was

    probably Rachel. The officer stayed silent for a few seconds, giving her the time to calm

    herself or maybe to think. She could hear his breath on the other side of the phone and

    then he talked, Well Miss Jones, I would like you to come to the police station to identify

    the corpse and give us a statement on why you think this could be your friend.

    Agreeing to reach the police station as quickly as possible, Rachel hung up and stood dizzy

    from the emotions that were bombarding her. A strange numbness overcame her. It was

    the same thing as coming home from school to see Granny Jane sitting on a stool near the

    kitchen counter crying as she announced the death of her only daughter. This was not her

    life, this was someone else living the most horrifying moment of their existence. She went

    hazily to her room, changed into casual jeans and a top, made her hair and face, slipped into

    flip-flops and grabbed her handbag and keys. As she locked the door of her house, she

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    glanced towards the garbage bin; she almost averted her eyes but remembered the card

    with Rachels name on it and the heart in it.

    As if an automaton, she went to retrieve the box and came back to calmly deposit it in front

    of her door. She then got into her car and started backing out. Driving to the police station

    was just the same as driving to work, Kayla felt calm in fact it seemed as if she wasnt feeling

    at all. Her mind was blank and even if thoughts fluttered by she pushed them away. This

    was not her life. This was happening to someone else, that was all that mattered to her,

    and she believed it until she reached the Bay Hill Police Station.

    Parking in front of the large brick building, she stepped out grabbing her handbag and

    putting her keys in her pocket. She closed the car door behind her and climbed up the

    stairs. Her heart started beating violently against her chest and she could feel all the panic

    she had locked away returning with a force. Yet, she continued as calmly as she could.

    Reaching the reception desk, she asked the woman, probably the same one she had talked

    to on the phone, she thought, if she could see Detective Kane. The officer probably

    recognizing the fear and anxiousness in her eyes, just showed her a chair and told her to

    wait. Kayla sat down, clenching her hands on her lap as she assessed her surroundings.

    Everything was better than thinking of the body in the morgue, the body that could be that

    of her best friend; her sister.

    She was so lost in her thoughts, she didnt hear the harrumphing and it was only when a

    hand touched her shoulder and she jumped that she realized that someone had been calling

    her name for the last few minutes. Miss Jones, I presume? she nodded I am Detective

    Marcus Kane; I believe we have talked on the phone? Once again Kayla nodded. She didnt

    feel ready to talk yet and the Detective seemed to understand this as he continued

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    speaking, You must understand that before we bring you to the morgue we must

    understand the reasons why you believe this may be your friend. Follow me to my office,

    please. He turned as Kayla got up and started following him inside the police station

    towards an office with glass panels and metallic blinds. He opened the door and let her go

    inside before him. Then he closed the door and shut the blinds facing the work area of the

    other officers.

    After she sat down on a chair, he seated himself in his big chair behind his desk and stared

    at her. So Miss Jones, what leads you to believe that the person we have found is Rachel

    Jenkins. Kayla remained silent for a few seconds and then words started flooding from her

    mouth. Well you see, Detective Kane, she said, my friend Rachel was on a date yesterday

    night and I have not been able to reach her since this morning. I called and called but it

    always reaches her voicemail and then I went to her apartment and the windows were

    closed and I know, I just know something has happened to her. She is my best friend and

    we always call each other at any time of the day and when we are busy, we text each other.

    I know that its her body you found. This This man mustmust have killed her. Oh my

    god!!! Why did I let her go on that date, I should have said it was a bad idea I should have

    insisted. This is all my fault Rachel is dead and I am I am the one to be blamed!!! Tears

    were streaming down her face, splattering on her top as she sniffled and rambled on.

    Detective Kane looked at her, his grey eyes intently focused on the tears sliding down her

    cheeks. He opened the drawer of his desk and took out a box of tissue paper to offer her.

    She grabbed one and started dabbing her face. He spoke only when she looked calm

    enough, I understand, Miss Jones that this may be hard on you, but I will have to a sk you

    questions to which I expect calm and direct answers. Only then will I be able to show you

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    the body. Do we understand each other? Kayla nodded and then Detective Kane started

    asking her questions from the date of birth of Rachel to her height and to her profession.

    He asked her once more to relate the events of the day until the broadcasting of the picture

    on the television.

    Once he seemed satisfied with her answer, he stood up and motioned to her to do the

    same. Now, I think you are ready to see the corpse. And Kayla realized that all those

    questions had been to calm her and help her focus on the task ahead. He opened the door

    and she got out gingerly past him. He stepped forward turned to his right, Kayla realized it

    was a corridor that would probably lead to the morgue. She started following him as they

    made their way deep inside the Bay Hill Police Station. At the end of the corridor, he turned

    towards stairs and started going down, once more she followed him in silence. They

    reached the last floor of the building; its white tiles gleamed under the harsh light of bright

    light bulbs. They reached a small office, where a wooden plaque simply mentioning

    Medical Examiner was tagged on the white door. The Detective Kane knocked and

    entered the office where a little mousy man was sitting.

    Tom, I need to access the morgue. We have a possible identification for the Jane Doe found

    this morning. The little mousy man got up quickly; his balding hair surrounded by a few

    blond hair glistened with the overhead lights. Yes, Detective Kane, he answered, if you

    would please sign the form and the lady too, I will let you in. Kaylas heart was frantic as

    her hand trembled; she signed the form and passed it to the Detective. Then Tom buzzed

    them in and a metallic door slid open next to his office. Both she and Det. Kane got out of

    the office but Tom preceded them as he pulled on a white overall coat.

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    Inside the temperature was cool enough to keep the corpses from decomposing. Kaylas

    steps faltered; she couldnt do this. She started to turn around but the Detective Kane

    pressed his hand to her back, urging her forward. She inhaled deeply and followed Tom the

    coroner as he moved inside the morgue. He finally reached the end of the room. The

    metallic drawers seemed to shine with excitement as she approached. Here, said Tom in a

    squeaky voice, we keep our fresh bods, here. She looked at him with disgust, the way he

    seemed to speak of those bodies horrifying her. Detective Kane went on the other side of

    the drawer and looked at her, are you ready, he wanted to know. She never would be

    ready, all her instincts were pressing her to turn around and run but she was twenty-eight,

    she had to act maturely. So she nodded.

    Tom began pulling the drawer towards him, a pair of feet appeared with a tag stating Jane

    Doe 10 on it. The feet seemed bluish and as he continued pulling, a white cover appeared.

    Arms that seemed bruised followed and then the drawer was open and Kayla looked at the


    It was her.

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    Rachel, Kayla whispered. Her hand started lifting towards the face of her best friend, but

    she retracted. She gulped painfully and looked at the Detective. It is her, my friend Rachel

    Jenkins. Kaylas world seemed upside down. How could this be possible? Rachel gone?

    Dead? Probably murdered?

    The detective nodded towards Tom and the latter started pushing the drawer. Wait!

    Kayla shouted. The coroner stopped, pulling the drawer open again. Kayla caressed

    Rachels cheek, it was cold to touch, she looked at her palm where the scar of their

    friendship oath was ever present, she pressed her own palm to it, without realizing it, she

    was blinking tears back. As she was turning to leave, she noted a neat incision on her torso.

    She froze. What is this? she asked horrified, Has an autopsy already been done? I

    thought they just found the body! She looked up and saw a silent exchange between Tom

    the Coroner and Marcus Kane, the police detective. Tom slammed the drawer shut and

    Detective Kane led her out of the morgue.

    Kayla didnt want to leave now, she wanted answers. But she knew that even if she

    demanded them now, she would get no answers. So she followed the detective once more

    as he made the way to his office. Once she was inside the office and he had shut the door

    behind them, she demanded, What the hell was this about? What are you hiding?

    Marcus Kane, a man with years of experience didnt want to answer her, it was confidential

    information but he also knew that by the same time tomorrow, the press would have

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    already learned what was being hidden. He had seen the pain in this womans eyes at the

    loss of her friend and he didnt want to add more pain to her, but he also knew she wouldnt

    leave him. Miss Jones, please sit, he asked politely. When she refused, he started to pace

    the room, I am going to tell you information that has not yet been released, he told her.

    He paused and saw that she was listening intently. The body that was found has two

    wounds, he saw her flinch but she continued to look at him. One was a brutal wound to

    the stomach, which is the cause of death because she lost blood in enormous quantity but

    the second was a clinical incision. He hesitated but she had wanted to know, Her heart is


    Kayla paled and started swaying; Detective Kane immediately brought her to a chair and sat

    her down. He was going to offer her a cup of water when the door opened and his partner,

    Jacob Felton came in, hey Marc, he said then stopped abruptly as he saw Kayla sitting on a

    chair looking livid. Am I interrupting something? he asked No, not all, Jacob. Please let

    me introduce you to Miss Kayla Jones. She is here concerning the Jane Doe. Jacob nodded

    and came to stand next to Marcus Kane. Kayla looked at him faintly, her mind was a mess.

    All she could think of was Her heart is missing. Her heart is missing and that thought was

    going around in a loop inside her head.

    Unexpectedly, the heart in the white box flashed through her mind. The heart, she

    murmured to herself. Detective Kane peered at her, What did you say Miss Jones. Kayla

    looked at him and blinked, she opened her mouth to speak again but suddenly she was

    gasping for breath as a panic attack hit her hard. Her breath coming in short spurts as she

    desperately tried to calm herself down. Her brain was freezing; it could not process

    anything except the cold numbness of her hands and feet as she found herself immobile and

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    out of breath. A paper bag was brought to her lips and she heard the voice of the Detective

    Kane speaking at her ear; Breathe slowly, focus on your breath. Gradually, she managed

    to stabilize her breath and move her hands, clasping them together. It had been a long time

    since she had suffered a panic attack but it still left her feeling shaky inside.

    She closed her eyes, pressed them shut. She exhaled deeply and without opening her eyes,

    she whispered, A heart a heart was hmm delivered to to my house She opened her

    eyes; both detectives were looking at her intently. I I believe It may be Rachels

    Rachels heart.

    Marcus Kane shook his head, and looked more closely at Kayla Jones. What exactly do you

    mean, Miss Jones? He asked Do you mean that all this time we were talking to each other

    while I was taking your statement, there is a heart sitting in your house?? Anger

    overwhelmed him, but she looked at him, her brown eyes flashing angrily, Do you think,

    DETECTIVE KANE, that I gave a damn I thought it was a sick joke I was worried about my

    friend The same friend, who, is at present lying dead in your morgue. She stood up

    shakily from the chair.

    Jacob came in, sensing that there a fight was in the making. I understand, Miss Jones that

    in the situation you were in that probably the heart was not at the top of your mind. I am

    Detective Jacob Felton; I am working with Detective Kane here concerning the case of your

    friend, as I understand. Now tell us, please about the heart. Exactly what do you mean by

    delivered? Did someone present it to you?

    Rachel glanced at both men, Detective Kane with his chocolate skin and intriguing grey eyes

    and Detective Felton, with the pale blond hair and the green eyes. Both men were looking

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    at her and she turned to Detective Felton, who seemed to be more understanding. I came

    home, she said, from Rachels apartment, and the box was lying on my steps leading to my

    front door with a small card bearing Rachels name on it. I brought it inside the house and

    when I opened it, I I saw the hmm heart in it. There was a card, with a poem in it, printed

    words glued to the cards blank page. I went to dump it in the garbage bin. Both men

    seemed to still and gasp with surprise, she continued, But when I saw saw the news, I

    called you, Detective Kane and when I was going out, I dont know why, I took the box and

    put it on my front steps again.

    Miss Jones, said Detective Kane, I apologize for my burst of anger but you understand

    surely that this took me by surprise. However, I would like you to drive us to your home with

    a team of our forensic laboratory. Kayla was rigid with anger; it surpassed her pain at the

    loss of Rachel. Someone had killed Rachel and sickly sent her heart at home, she would find

    him and make him pay.

    Detective Felton touched her hands, she looked at him surprised, Anger wont help here,

    Miss Jones, he told her, I know you want to make the murderer pay but you must

    understand that you have to let the police do their job. You cant solve this. Kayla listened

    but didnt really care, Rachel after all was dead. She opened the door and turned to the two

    detectives, If you would please follow me home, gentlemen, there is a heart waiting for


    The drive home was tense. Detective Felton sat besides Kayla in her car while Detective

    Kane followed in his car. Kayla was gripping the steering wheel so hard, that her knuckles

    whitened. Behind them, following, was a van from the forensic laboratory with scientific

    experts. As she reached, her home, Kayla parked her car in her alley and got out followed

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    by Detective Felton. Miss Jones, he told her, I think it may be best for you to stay here

    while they do their jobs. But Kayla was not listening; she was walking towards the white


    That white box that probably contained her best friends heart.

    Marcus Kane scowled as he saw Kayla approaching the evidence zone; he moved forward

    blocking her way. Miss Jones, he growled, I dont think that you should be here. Kayla

    looked at him coldly, I dont think, Detective Kane that you know where I should or should

    not be. This is my home and this heart probably belongs to my friend. I know that the

    scene in your office may have led you to believe that I am overly emotive but this is not the

    case. I have a Masters in Criminal Psychology as well as a Masters in Psychoanalysis. If there

    is someone who could help on this case, it should be me. Kayla assured him calmly.

    While they had been speaking, the forensic experts were doing a series of tests using UV

    lights and doing their best to gather evidence. Kayla went to stand a few feet from them

    and when the heart was lifted out of the box, she felt nauseous but stood her ground, as she

    felt the eyes of Detective Kane challenging her to be weak. She pressed her teeth in her

    lower lip as she listened to what was being said.

    Detectives, please, said the head of the forensic laboratory. Both Detectives approached

    and Kayla eased forward to hear more. As far as we can see, he was saying, there are no

    finger prints or a residue of skin but this does not mean that we cannot find evidence.

    Moreover, we have tested the heart for chemicals, and it has reacted positively to chlorine.

    Whoever, committed this crime, he winced, knows that chlorine can remove visible traces

    of fingerprints and any other trail we can get will take more time.

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    Kayla went past the forensic examiners and opened the door to her home. Marcus Kane

    followed her as she entered; she went to the living and sat on the couch. He stood by the

    corridor, feeling sad for this woman who annoyed him. A few minutes later, Jacob Felton

    came through the open door to stand by him. They exchanged a silent conversation, while

    Kayla sat there, her hands clenched on her knees.

    Detective Felton approached her and harrumphed, Miss Jones, we think that in the present

    situation, it may be dangerous for you to stay here. If the murderer knows where you live,

    and has already tried a direct approach to you, who knows what he can do to hurt you. We

    wish you to go and maybe spend a day or two at a relatives place or maybe a friend?

    Kayla shook her head, when she lifted her head to look at Detective Felton, her eyes were

    red from blinking back tears, No, Detective Felton, she whispered, am all alone. I have no

    family and I dont want to endanger my friends by living with them, even for a few days.

    She sighed. I think, I must be calling her family, theythey are on holidays at her brothers.

    Oh my God, what will I tell them, she started sobbing and the two men looked on

    uncomfortable. Jacob bent down and pressed her hand, Dont worry, Miss Jones, we will

    find the culprit. But since you dont want to leave your home, we will have surveillance on

    you during the evenings, is that okay with you?

    Kayla nodded feebly. She got up and glanced in Detective Kanes direction; he looked

    uncomfortable and was shifting from one foot to the other. Yes, she replied, its okay. And

    Detective Kane am sorry for being rude to you, she apologized. I may have gotten caught

    up. She smiled wryly. He nodded it off and turned towards the doorway, muttering

    goodbye under his breath. Then he was outside discussing with the forensic experts.

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    Detective Felton hovered over, looking at her worriedly. Kayla managed a little smile, Ill

    be alright, Detective, dont dont worry.

    He waved her goodbye and strode out of the home, closing the door behind him. Kayla

    went to the living rooms window, shifting the curtain a little to see what was going on

    outside. The men were already wrapping up the box, putting it in a cooler box and a police

    car was parked on the opposite of the street. Detective Kane looked up from his discussion

    with Detective Felton, his grey eyes sharp on her and she let the curtain drop back down.

    She went to her little bathroom on the first floor and washed her face with cold water;

    behind her closed eye lids, Rachels face appeared as she had been in the morgue: Cold and

    Pale. Kayla reached for the towel and wiped the cold droplets from her face. She was

    already planning what she was going to do; first, call Rachels family and then, she would

    find the murderer.

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    Calling Rachels family was the hardest thing Kayla ever did. Kaylas hand was trembling so

    much that she wrongly dialed the number three times. On the fourth try, Mrs. Jenkins

    answered cheerfully as she recognized Kaylas number. Kayla, however, could not find the

    words to announce that Rachel was dead. She tattered and stammered but finally she

    found the courage to say the words, she knew would change the Jenkins family forever.

    Rachel is dead.

    The world seemed to still, Mrs. Jenkins stuttered on the phone but when she heard Kaylas

    sob on the other side of the line, she emitted a piercing cry, Kayla heard between her sobs,

    the phone thump on the ground and heard more voices and footsteps approaching quickly

    towards Mrs. Jenkins, her hand was grabbing the phone strongly because she knew that if

    she weakened her hold, it would slip.

    Rachel heard Mrs. Jenkins sobbing, she heard Mr. Jenkins voice in the distance, and

    suddenly someone was speaking to her. She recognized Ryan Jenkins voice. He was

    demanding, his voice hoarse, to know if this was their idea of a prank and what had

    happened but Kayla was unable to reply, she started crying harder and his voice broke while

    he told her that they would be coming as soon as they could book a flight. He hung up and

    Kayla continued holding the phone in her hand, crying.

    That night, Kayla went to bed on an empty stomach, her insides felt twisted in knots and she

    felt cold. She slid underneath her covers, staring at the darkened ceiling; memories

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    surfaced from her times with Rachel. Their first meeting, their first fight, their blood oath

    on the full moon, their first double date and all the events both happy and sad they had

    been through, when Kaylas parents had died, when Rachels dog had to be euthanized and

    even Granny Janes illness and death; Rachel had always been there and now she was truly


    Kayla fell asleep without realizing it, her breathing slowed down and her hands unclenched

    on the covers. She turned on her side and started dreaming.

    In her dream, she was twelve again, the same age she had been when her parents had died.

    She was wearing her birthday dress and sitting on the grass. Ants were climbing over the

    birthday cake on the picnic table, but she didnt mind, she had no one to share her cake

    with. Her mom and dad were gone. Kayla heard the grass rustling but sat there motionless,

    her gaze fixed in front of her. Someone sat next to her; she turned her head and saw an

    adult Rachel looking at her.

    She looked just the way she had when Kayla had seen her, the day before, her hair curly

    blond, her hazel eyes crinkled with a smile and that beautiful baby pink dress, she had

    twirled in. They sat together, side by side, for a long time, the twelve year old girl and the

    twenty-eight year old woman. Kayla looked at her, her heart aching, her throat closing up,

    swelling with emotions. I am sorry, she murmured. Her voice sounded childish to her, she

    frowned, I really am sorry, Rach.

    Rachels face contorted, it became white, her lips purple and her teeth already decaying,

    YOU YOU KILLED ME and she lunged at Kayla with rage. Kayla screamed and suddenly

    she was awake, panting and gasping for air.

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    Her heart beating frantically against her chest, and blood pounding to her ears, Kayla tried

    to calm down. Still panting, she glanced at her radio clock, it was already six in the morning

    but she still felt tired. She got out of bed, put on her robe and wandered down the stairs.

    Rachels face haunted her. She kept seeing it as it had been in her dream, pale and angry. It

    was all clear to her: Rachel had died because of her. She should have been more persuasive

    and should have tried harder to stop her from going to that blind date. She had seen the

    dangers of blind dating and internet dating.

    It was all her fault.

    She went to the living room, drawing the curtain a little back and there was the police car on

    the other side of the road. She let the curtain fall back and returned to her room where she

    chose clothes for the day ahead before her shower. Kayla entered her bathroom and

    started to shower, under the hot steamy water, she managed to arrange her thoughts, calm

    herself and prepare her plan of attack. She would check Rachels apartment and log onto

    the website where Rachel met that mysterious man, PHOENIX01; she would find him and

    confront him.

    She got out of the shower, feeling calmer and more focused. She dressed up and went in

    her room to call Josie. She asked her to reschedule the appointments for the whole week

    and then take the week off. She went downstairs and made some coffee and some toasts

    for breakfast. As she was finishing her toast, there was a knock on her door. She stopped

    eating, putting the leftover piece of toast on her plate and pushing her feet in her slippers.

    She peered through the looking hole and saw a police officer scowling at her. She prudently

    opened the door, and then she saw Ryan Jenkins standing next to him.

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    Ryan Jenkins was an older version of Rachel; he had the same curly blond hair, the same

    hazel eyes, and always a ready smile for everyone. Kayla had had a crush on him when they

    were teenagers and Rachel had loved to tease her about it. But now, Ryan seemed to have

    aged of twenty years. His face looked withdrawn and haggard, his eyes wild and bloodshot

    at the same time. Ryan, Kayla whispered. The police officer let go of his arm and nodded

    to her while turning back and going to his car.

    Kayla opened the door widely and stepped aside to let Ryan come in, he seemed unsure and

    remained in front of the door. Kayla, his voice hoarse and broken, what what happened

    toto Rachel? Kayla shut her eyes to find the words; nothing seemed to be able to ease

    the pain away. So, she motioned him inside once more, this time he followed her; his

    clothes seemed rumpled and creased, probably from the flight. Mom and dad, they they

    are at home, he said. Kayla only nodded, she showed him to the living room but he stood

    there, Please Please Kayla, dont dont make this dont prolong this anymore... Tell me

    what happened to my sister!

    Kayla stood still, fixing him with her brown eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Seeing that

    she was not replying to him, he shouted at her, DAMMIT KAYLA WHAT THE FUCK!!! Kayla

    flinched, her eyes widening, he immediately started excusing himself, but Kayla lifted her

    hand to stop him, taking a deep breath, she told him the simple facts, about Rachel being

    murdered, about her being found in the Hudson River and the fact that her heart was

    dropped by her place. With every word she said, Ryan became paler and paler until he was

    green, he dropped on the couch, his hands tightening into fists. That sick bastard, I will kill

    him!!! I will FIND HIM AND KILL HIM!!! He screamed. Then he started crying, loud sobs

    breaking Kaylas already broken heart.

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    Who, he asked, who can do that to a sweet girl like Rachel? What sick bastard can kill a

    woman like that? Kayla shook her head, she had no answer either. Once Ryan calmed

    down, Kayla offered him a cup of coffee, and sat down to drink another one herself. I need

    to speak to those detectives you told me about, Ryan said, his voice gruff, I want to find

    that man who did this myself and then Kayla stopped him, she argued wit h him telling

    him that he had a family to think about and that he should not do anything irrational that

    would bring more pain to his family and finally Ryan agreed.

    They set off for the Bay Hill Police Station, in their cars; Ryan would be finalizing the funeral

    arrangements while Kayla wanted to drop by Rachels apartment. Ryan strode into the

    police station and demanded to meet Detectives Kane and Felton. Only Detective Felton

    came to meet them, he informed them that the Detective Kane was out on business and

    that he would deal with their issues. Ryan Jenkins wanted information, he wanted to know

    what was going on and if they had any trails. He was so loud in his demands that the Police

    Chief came out of his own office to check what was happening. Kayla chose that precise

    moment to ask him directly if she could be part of the investigation.

    She spoke so calmly and logically that the Chief Kervrat told her that he would think about

    it. Meanwhile, Ryan had already signed papers so that the body should be released to him

    and his family for the funeral, once the autopsy was done. They were still discussing when

    Detective Marcus Kane arrived striding angry through the police station followed by a team

    of forensic experts. He stopped short when he saw Kayla and Ryan, Miss Jones, he said

    angrily, would you mind telling me if you have been to Miss Jenkins place yesterday? Kayla

    gasped in shock, I would never, she replied to him.

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    He passed his fingers through his frizzy hair, scowling at them, someone has been to Miss

    Jenkins place, and her laptop was rebooted, cleaning it blank. It has to be someone who

    had the key to her place. We only asked for the key yesterday night, damnit!

    Kayla was shocked; the murderer knew where Rachel lived!

    Werent there fingerprints or anything, she asked softly. Detective Kane looked at her

    angrily, Miss Jones, you may think we are incompetent but we do know our jobs. Kayla

    shrugged and turned to look at Ryan, he looked shell-shocked. Kayla understood how he

    felt but still felt angry at being accused of tampering with proofs. Detective Felton

    intervened, we will do everything to find the culprit, Mr. Jenkins. He will be behind bars

    soon. Trust us. Ryan Jenkins sighed angrily but as he could not do anything except believe

    them, he nodded and held Kaylas arm, while they made their way out of the police station.

    Marcus Kane noticed a slight tension in Jacobs shoulders but it went away so quickly that

    Marcus wondered if he had not been dreaming.


    After leaving Ryan to his car, Kayla got into hers and started driving towards Rachels

    apartment. Rachel had given her a double of her key in case she lost hers and now it

    seemed to weigh in the pocket of her jeans, where she had put it that morning. She seemed

    to reach the apartment quickly and soon enough she was parking in front of the building.

    The caretaker was sweeping the front steps, and when she saw Kayla coming up, she smiled

    sadly and shook her head, what a horrible thing, Miss Kayla, my heart is wrenched, she

    said. Kayla gave her a sad smile of her own and informed her that she would be going


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    Kayla climbed the few staircases leading to Rachels apartment, her heart was thumping

    rapidly. She stared at the door, half expecting Rachel to open it and laugh at her but the

    door remained close. She inserted the key and turned the handle. The door opened with a

    small creak and Kayla stepped inside.

    Rachels apartment felt empty. The air was thick and as Kaylas gaze wandered around, she

    could see things that had been moved and touched. Too late she realized that the police

    had probably taken the laptop with them to try and connect to the backup system. Yet, she

    walked in, her eyes fell on a photo frame of her and Rachel on their graduation. She had

    gone to become a psychologist and Rachel a Head Manager of a company. Memories

    whirled inside her head, sucking the very breath out of her.

    Steadying herself, she walked towards the bedroom, her fingers touching the counter table

    of the kitchenette, her eyes looking at the still curtains. Rachels bed was unmade, one

    maddening habit she had. Kayla wandered back in the living room, and sat on the couch

    doing nothing, for hours she just sat. Tears were running down her cheeks, sobs coming

    from her lips. Her heart ached, her life felt empty just like that apartment. The life had

    been taken away from it. She was alone just as it was.

    Finally, unable to endure it anymore, she stood up. Glancing one last time at the place, she

    went out the door and closed it behind her. She ran to her car, not looking back and started

    to drive. She didnt know where she was going; all that mattered was escaping from there.

    All was lost. All was gone now.


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    One week later

    One week later, Rachels body was released from the morgue. Her parents and Ryan went

    to retrieve it. The news of her death had made front page:



    Having seen the headlines, Kayla threw it away, enraged that the death of someone could

    be used to make profit.

    Rachels funeral was on a Sunday. The sun shone and rain drizzled, creating a rainbow just

    above her casket. All her family was present; her friends, her colleagues, all those who had

    met and known the cheerful Rachel Jenkins. There were also by-standers, curious to see the

    body of the Hudson River and also the journalists. Kayla stood next to Mrs. Jenkins, holding

    her arm, supporting her. Her brown hair shone in the sun and was glistening with raindrops.

    Mrs. Jenkins shook, her grief overcoming the need to say a last goodbye. Her baby was

    being buried before her and her husband. Right now, all she wanted was to take Rachels

    place. She looked at Kayla standing rigid besides her, gripping her arm and hated her. She

    wanted her dead instead of her daughter and then shocked by those thoughts she started

    crying again, harsh sobs making her shudder. She still saw her baby girl; as she had been

    made up, her curly hair brushed and make-up applied to her, it had seemed as if she was

    only sleeping. Her soft white lace dress made her look like a porcelain doll and Mrs. Jenkins

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    remembered how she had been when she was a baby, all curly hair and hazel eyes. And

    now, now she was dead.

    Rachels casket was closed now. In the funeral home, they had been able to hide the smell

    of decomposition for a while but now, they had had to seal the coffin. The priest was saying

    the final words of the prayer and the casket was slowly being put to the ground. Mrs.

    Jenkins started twitching, her baby!!! They were taking her baby away from her. She started

    forward, loosening Kaylas hand around her arm, only to be pulled backwards and colliding

    with the chest of her husband. She started to scream, Leave me, Robert!!! Leave me!!! My

    baby, my little doll ROBERT!!! But he did not let go, his grip tightened, she felt his heart

    beating rapidly, and she sagged in his arms, crying with him, crying for him. He still held her,

    when they went to the coffin and threw roses for her.

    Kayla stood there, blinking back the tears, feeling them tumble down anyway. She felt cold.

    The rain was freezing her, it felt good. She was numb to pain. Her heart ached for Mr. and

    Mrs. Jenkins, they had lost their only daughter and she knew what it felt to lose a relative.

    No matter how hard you tried, you could never be the same again. You may laugh, you may

    act as if everything was okay but it wasnt; nothing was okay, nothing would ever be okay.

    Kayla went to the Jenkins home only because it was necessary but as soon as she felt that

    she had paid her dues, she went back to her place. All through the week, she had been

    plagued by nightmares. In all of them, Rachel was accusing her of being a murderer and she

    woke up weeping every day. Today had been worse; she should have been in Rachels

    place. No one would have cried her maybe Rachel but Rachel still had people who cared for


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    Kayla opened the door to her home and dropped her little handbag on the coffee table. She

    went to the living room, leaving the whole room dark and sat on the couch. Her eyelids

    started feeling heavy and she was leaning back towards the couchs back when the door

    knocked making her jump. Hand on her chest, Kayla let out a hysterical laugh before getting

    up on the second knock.

    Making her way through the dark room, she looked in the front doors peeping ho le;

    Detective Jacob Felton was standing there. She hesitated for a second, and then lit up the

    wall lamp, its harsh brightness hurt her eyes as she opened the door. Detective Felton, she

    said, what brings you here? The Detective looked embarrassed, he smiled wryly at her,

    Miss Jones, well I know that hmm today was your friends funeral I wanted to see if

    you would like some company?

    Kayla was surprised, well Detective I really wanted to be alone as a fact But how

    how did you know I was here? At home, I mean?She asked. Detective Felton blushed

    lightly, I went to the Jenkins to pay my respects and when I didnt see you there, I figured

    you would be at your place because, I know that you you would want to be alone to, you

    know, cope with the loss. Realizing that she was rude, she let him enter. He stepped

    inside, and stood by the front door looking hesitant. Would you like a cup of coffee or tea,

    she asked him, I am grateful that you thought of me. He nodded and asked for coffee.

    Leading him to the living room, she asked him to sit down while she went to the kitchen and

    busied herself preparing the coffee. A short while later; she laid down a tray with steaming

    hot coffee on the coffee table. She sat on the opposite couch, unsure how to talk to him

    and he seemed just as anxious. Detective Felton, I really am thankful for your

    thoughtfulness. He smiled at her, his green eyes lighting up, Please Miss Jones, call me

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    Jacob, I am off-duty right now, he told her. Then, Jacob, thank you again and please do

    call me Kayla.

    Jacob straightened from the couch and picked up a cup of coffee. I I know how you feel,

    Kayla, he told her while adding sugar to his coffee. Kaylas eyebrow arched in surprise,

    yes, he continued, sipping the burning liquid, his eyes shot close and he inhaled, my wife

    and unborn child were they were...murdered, back when when I was a cop in Grey Edge

    city. Kayla gasped at him, sympathy and pain twisted her heart. She edged forward to

    press his hand but stopped midway. He opened his eyes and they seemed darker, filled

    with emotions. I am so sorry, she whispered to him. He shrugged, it doesnt matter

    now, but I know how you feel. Also, am sorry, that Chief Kervrat didnt make you part of the

    team but its for the best.

    Kayla nodded sadly, she wouldnt be able to help find Rachels murderer but she hoped the

    police would be able to. Its time to move on, isnt it? She asked. Am a bit of a mess,

    detec sorry Jacob. He put down his cup of coffee, and moved forward, catching hold of

    her hand, Dont be, Kayla. It takes time to overcome grief but you can you have to its

    the only way to survive in this world. She smiled wobbly, fighting back the tears, she had

    to be strong now. She had to move on.

    Kayla and Jacob spent some time talking to each other about nothing much, just keeping

    each other company. Then Jacob got up and told her that he had to leave. But, dont

    worry, he smiled at her, am sure youre gonna be okay now. And truly, she did feel better,

    the pain was still here as was the grief but it felt lighter somehow. She said goodbye, closing

    the door behind her and locking it. She went to her room, showered and dressed in her

    night clothes and went to sleep and for the first time in two weeks, she didnt dream.

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    Paola Sanchez was walking the streets of the Garden Avenue. She was a prostitute but it

    was not the career, she had dreamt of. When she was little, Paola had wanted to be an

    actress but having immigrated illegally in a country where she knew no one; she had met

    the wrong people and had started working to be able to survive.

    Tonight was a cold night; she was shivering in her used sequin mini-dress. Her hands were

    not warm enough but rubbing them on her arms was all she could do. She was thinking

    about going back to the filthy room she rented but Kenzo, the one who bullied her, wanted

    more money, and she winced as she remembered how angry he could be when he was not


    A man approached her, his shoes gleamed under the lamplights, his head was covered with

    a hat and he wore a raincoat. He stopped a few meters from her, but Paola knew; it was her

    he was waiting for. Her insides clenched and repulsed at what she was about to do; still,

    Paola shrugged and dropped her arms to her sides, the man stayed where he was immobile,

    staring in front of him. As she walked, her heels clicked on the pavement while she rolled

    her hips towards the man.

    He turned towards her and smiled. She smiled back, Not bad, she thought, different from

    other clients I have. She stopped in front of him, Hi mi amor, she said huskily in her broken

    English, looking for someone? He nodded, why I know just the person for you, darling,

    she told him. She skimmed her hands over her body and looked at him, Like what you see,

    honey? He took a step forward and she felt his heat warming her up to the core. His gloved

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    hand lifted to her face, it traced her face, and curved around her neck, pulling her towards

    him, he bent to her ear. But I already know what I want, honey, he murmured to her.

    Paolos eyes closed of their own volition, he would kiss her, she was sure. Suddenly, she felt

    pressure on her throat, unable to breathe; her eyes opened, widening as she started to gasp

    for air, her hands trying to beat off the man. The hands of the stranger were around her

    throat, pressuring it so that her eyes rolled backwards and Paola stopped to fight against it,

    instead she welcomed it.

    Death would be a release. She would finally be free.

    Kayla OH Kayla, she heard the stranger sigh distantly, everything was fading and her

    brain was freezing. Kayla, I love you, she heard him say. Before the darkness fell on her,

    Paola Sanchez thought of her mother, her poor dead mother.

    Maybe, just maybe, she would be meeting her again.


    Birds were chirping outside Kaylas window as she rolled on her bed. Yawning widely as she

    woke up, she turned to switch off her alarm clock. She got out of bed, sliding her feet in her

    slippers. She smiled as she remembered her dream, she and Rachel had been running

    around while splashing colors on the wall just as they had done when they had been seven.

    It had already been three weeks since Rachels funeral; Kayla was learning to live with it, as

    much as it hurt her. Jacob Felton had been of great help to her and she was amazed at how

    quickly a friendship had emerged between them. He had shared stories on his wife and the

    pranks he used to do to annoy her, and she told him stories about Rachel and herself.

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    However, nothing new had been found on the murderer and she desperately wanted them

    to find him and make him pay. On the other side, no other murder had been committed

    and the police had decided to withdraw the security in front of her home.

    Kayla got ready, gobbled her breakfast, grabbed her bag and keys and opened the door. She

    was about to step outside when she saw the box lying on her front step. Her heart in her

    throat, she approached the box. No no no, she babbled, this cant be happening

    no no. Steeling herself, she grabbed the lid and opened it.

    This time, another box was inside the box. On top of its lid was another card, sparkling stars

    covering it, Kaylas hand trembled, but she took the card in her hand. Straightening up, she

    opened the card, inhaling deeply and started to read:

    I smell your perfume, the smell of vanilla in the sun

    I see your hair, dark brown like ebony;

    I see your eyes, the chocolate that melt my heart

    I breathe you, I live you;

    No love has ever been stronger,

    This is my proof

    This heart beats for no one else but you,

    Those lungs breathe no air except yours,

    I HEART you

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    Almost cruelly, she lifted the lid of the smaller box, but when she saw what was inside she

    started screaming. She screamed and screamed, until her neighbors ran out of their homes

    to see what was happening. Her next door neighbor, Mr. Colleton, rushed to her but

    stopped abruptly as he saw what was in the box. He blanched and nearly lost his balance.

    There, lying inside the box was a heart and a pair of lungs.

    Kayla continued screaming until her voice broke. The neighbors surrounded her, half staring

    at the box and half staring at her in horror. Someone called the police and a short while

    after, the police siren could be heard. Three police patrol cars came to a halt in front of

    Kaylas home. Detectives Felton and Kane came out of the first car and forensic experts

    emerged of the other two.

    Jacob, instinctively, started towards Kayla, only to falter abruptly. He turned to Marcus

    Kane who looked angered and was frowning at him. Since, he did not make any comments

    or movements, Jacob ran to Kaylas side and put an arm around her shoulder. She was

    trembling convulsively and turned to face him, Why? Jacob, why? Why is he doing this to

    me? I I didnt do anything Anything Her voice sounded hoarse even to her but she

    could not repress her fear or her anger.

    Kayla averted her eyes from the box; she had been staring at it almost obsessively.

    Someone else had died and it was all her fault. Now she had two deaths on her soul,

    gripping at her heart. Oh my god, she stood up but swayed, she barely saw Detective Kane

    running towards her before she slumped and was caught in strong arms before she hit the


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    She woke up in a white room; a hospital, she thought; distantly she heard the sound of

    voices talking. Sleepy, she was so sleepy. All she wanted to do was close her eyes and drift

    away into sleep. She started to move but the door to her room opened and Detective Kane

    walked in. They looked at each other; their eyes battling each other. What do you want,

    detective, Kayla asked in a blurry voice. Marcus Kane continued looking at her, frowning;

    he only smiled and said, Nothing, Miss Jones. Just wanted to see if you were alright.

    Kayla shifted in the hospital bed, Well as you can see, I am perfectly fine. He shook his

    head. No, Miss Jones, you are not alright, you never willbe. He lifted his arm and Kayla

    saw a gleaming scalpel as he approached her. She screamed.


    Miss Jones, Miss Jones? someone was shaking her up, wake up Miss Jones, Kayla

    frowned, she opened her eyes and she stared straight into piercing grey eyes. She muffled a

    scream. Marcus Kane was holding her by the arms while Jacob Felton was hovering around

    looking anxious.

    Kaylas head turned and she realized that she had been brought to her house. Am okay, she

    said croakily. She struggled to get up, twisting in the arms of Detective Kane. He let her go

    and she sat straighter on the couch. You need something, Kayla? Jacob asked her. She

    shook her head, meeting Marcus Kanes gaze.

    Kayla? he asked Jacob, still looking at her. Yes, Jacob said, we we are friends. Kaylas

    chin jutted out, pride stiffening her spine, Is it wrong, Detective Kan e, to be friends with

    someone in the Police Force? she asked wanting to annoy him. No, he said grimly, but it

    is wrong to become involved with them. Preferring to ignore that comment, she asked

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    what was really on her mind, do you know already, who it was? His face lost the frown,

    and he replied, No, unfortunately, nothing yet.

    Dont worry, Kay well find him, said Jacob. What do you mean youll find him!!! she

    exploded, It has been one month since Rachel died, one fucking month and nothing

    nothing was found!! Now theres a woman or man, whatever, whos been killed all because

    of that son of a bitch!!!

    Marcus Kane wanted to shake her, this was not the time for the woman to be hysterical,

    Miss Jones, I think that you are overreacting. He told her angrily. She sprung from the

    couch, her eyes glaring at him, OVERREACTING!!! I AM OVERREACTING I mean wow how

    would you feel if you had two peoples death on your conscience??? I am responsible!!! I

    am the reason why this son of a bitch is killing people not you DETECTIVE!!!Overreacting, my

    foot!!! she ranted on. Jacob went to hold her by the shoulders and she sagged weakly

    against him.

    Guilt weighed heavily on her shoulders. She was the one responsible for their deaths. How

    could she deal with this? First Rachel and now this; she was not going to be strong enough.


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    Shortly afterwards, the body of a woman was found in a dumpster. It was a scavenger who

    had found her. Her arm was dangling out from the top of a pile of garbage. The police was

    mandated on the premises but the press had already heard of the find.

    When Marcus Kane arrived, journalists were already, on the scene, taking photographs. He

    walked towards the place where the body was found. A handkerchief covering his nose and

    mouth, the smell of decay was horrible and flies were already buzzing around. The woman

    was clearly there since more than a week. The forensic experts were rushing here and

    there; trying to gather evidence but he already knew that it would be too late to gather the

    time of death. All they could do was estimate.

    He could have kicked someone. Two murders in nearly a month, it was two murders more

    than Bay Hills needed. He had left behind the big cities to find a little peace and here he had

    to solve gruesome murders where the key was an infuriating woman. He had her on

    surveillance again. According to the profiler, the murderer was a man between any ages of

    25 to 40, of any race. There was no way of finding out that was right for the moment. The

    only thing they had was Kayla Jones. She was the key to the murderer; he was in love with

    her and according to the profiler, he had done these murders only in a way to draw

    attention to him.

    She was already on surveillance; cameras had been installed in her house, in front and at

    the back. They had also deemed good to put cameras in her office. If the murderer was to

    contact her again they would find him.

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    Finally the woman's naked body was pulled out and sealed. Jacob came to stand next to

    him, I called the Station, probably an illegal one, he said nodding towards the sealed

    container. Marcus sighed, illegal immigration was something that he understood even if his

    job wanted him to condone it; but he understood the need to escape, find somewhere new

    and start everything back.

    Detective Kane, Detective Kane, said a journalist. He shrugged and looked towards the

    person calling him. Yes, he growled, not really wanting to be interrogated. What can

    you tell us about this crime, asked the journalist, is it the same murderer from the Hudson

    River? Marcus stiffened his spine, I dont know and I wouldnt tell you if I knew, he

    replied, turning away from the man. He walked towards his car and started off towards the

    Police Station; thinking about Kayla Jones. He wondered how she was doing and on a

    sudden urge, he decided to go visit her.


    Kayla was lying dejectedly on her couch. It had been rough days for her, what with the

    police overcoming her home, installing surveillance cameras on the front and back. She had

    little time alone, and she didnt really want time alone. She had thrown herself in her work,

    pilling clients on clients; working late, taking on new clients; all so she could not come home

    early and see the box lying in front of her house again.

    Her T.V was on and she was zapping through channels, too depressed to focus on only one

    channel. The news flash interrupted her thoughts, the newscaster appeared on screen,

    Woman found in the Recycle Center Facility in one of the dumpsters. She announced,

    The woman was in a high level of decomposition and was found naked. Up to now, the

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    police was on the premises collecting evidence; and our journalist for BHTV was on the

    scene to gain fresh information for you.

    Kayla looked as they showed the dumpster, and a body being lifted out of it, she saw

    Marcus Kanes profile, looking stern and grim. She watched as a journalist tried to interview

    him only to be turned down. She clicked on the remote control to switch off the T.V. She

    was reckless. Today was supposed to be a day off from work but now knowing that the body

    was found, she needed to know who it was.

    As she was getting up, her front doorbell rang. Barefooted, she walked towards her front

    door; looking through the peeping hole, she was surprised to see Detective Kane. She

    opened the door and looked at him nervously. Detective Kane, she said, whats wrong?

    He shook his head, and stared at her. Kayla felt her heart thumping in her chest, she did not

    like this man and somehow he made her feel safe. Do you want to come in, she asked

    him nervously. He came in, still silent so she didnt know how to act.

    Finally, after she had closed the door, and turned to him, he spoke. Miss Jones, we found a

    body today. She nodded in grim agreement, Yes Yes Detective I saw. Was it Is it the

    body of the person he killed? His silence gave her the answer she was expecting. Kayla

    drew in a harsh breath, She died because of me then, her eyes were prickling with tears,

    all the guilt coming back to her.

    No, Marcus growled, she died because someone out there is mentally sick. You are not

    guilty, you understand, Miss Jones? When she didnt reply, he approached her, his hands

    reaching for her naked arms in her tank top. Kayla shivered; he was too close; much too

    close for her own good. She didnt even like him, so why was she trembling this time. He

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    rubbed her shoulders, and warmth flushed through her body curling her toes. She lifted her

    eyes towards him. His face was harsh but his eyes glittered, molten grey nearly silver.

    She really didnt like him but she needed oblivion, absolution from her own dark thoughts.

    Without thinking, she lifted her mouth and pressed it at the corner of his mouth. Fire

    immediately started burning between them, suddenly he was lifting her, and she was

    holding onto him, her ankles crossed at his back and her arms around his neck. They were

    kissing, lips on lips, fighting with their tongues instead of words. His hands were roaming on

    her back, drawing circles and caressing her. She wanted more, he seemed to understand

    her need but just as he was about to lift her top up, his pager beeped.

    They stopped, breathing raggedly as they stared at each other shell-shocked at what they

    had just done. He slid her down and she could feel his heart beating violently, as hers,

    against his chest. They were still staring at each other, unsure of the way they should act,

    when his phone rang. Closing his eyes and inhaling deeply, he turned away from her,

    grumbling, Kane on the phone as he answered it.

    Kayla stood there, goose bumps covering her arms, her body still trembling from the

    aftermath. She heard him talk to someone, she guessed was Jacob, and then he was looking

    at her again; his grey eyes stormy, I I have to leave he said. She nodded. Please do,

    she told him, am sorry Detective I should He interrupted her, Miss Jones Lets forget

    about it. It was just just a mishap She went to open her door and after he had gone

    out, she closed it behind him.

    Later that day, Kayla decided she needed to rest; she had been suffering from insomnia

    those past few days and had asked a friend of hers to prescribe sleeping pills so she could

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    sleep without waking up at every hour. She drank two pills with some water and slid into

    bed. She thought once more of the kiss. It kept creeping up in her mind every few minutes

    and she still did not understand what had possessed her to act like that. Slowly, the

    sleeping pills started to affect her and after a few minutes of restless turning on her bed,

    she fell asleep.

    Kayla woke up to the sound of noise. It was still dark outside; she could see it from her

    open window. She listened and once more she heard a faint noise. Slowly, she got up and

    crept out of her room.

    Downstairs, she saw a flash of light. Her mind started panicking at the thought of a thief,

    But how it possible, she thought, there is a police car right outside my door. Feeling

    braver now she remembered help was nearby, she started down the staircase, one step at a

    time, leaning down the rail to see if the intruder had seen her.

    The noise continued; it seemed he was shuffling in her kitchen. Kayla reached the bottom

    steps without encountering anyone. She went to the front door and tried to open it with

    the spare key inside her porcelain vase.

    The door wouldnt budge. Kayla grabbed the knob and tried turning it. Again and again, she

    tried. She listened to hear noise but everything was silent. Giving the door knob one last

    turn, she was frustrated. She remembered, suddenly, her mobile phone and could have

    kicked herself for not calling the police immediately. She turned and came face to face with

    a masked man.

    Kayla could not scream. She was paralyzed by fear and shock. In the dark, she could not

    really make him out. He was holding a torch in his gloved hand and tut-ting. Kayla, he

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    said and his voice was vaguely familiar. His hand reached for her face and she turned it

    away. I love you Kayla, he continued, So much; so much love and here is my proof.

    Kayla turned her face back towards him, wondering what to expect when suddenly, he

    reached for her chest and pulled her heart out. She stared immobile as her heart pumped

    wildly for blood, bloody and beating in his hand. See Kayla, he said, SEE how much I HEART

    YOU. And he started laughing as Kayla started falling, a gaping hole in the middle of her


    Kayla woke up, her eyes blinking in the dark. Her hand automatically went to her chest, and

    she sighed with relief when she heard her heart beating frantically against her chest. Her

    body was drenched in sweat. She got up as she recalled the nightmare she just had. Having

    studied psychology, she knew that dreams were only interpretations of the unconscious

    mind but it did not help her calm down.

    She did a quick run of the house, checking bolts and locks as she made her way once more

    upstairs. She went in her bathroom and went for a quick shower to wash away the sweat.

    She was dressing up in clean PJs when she heard her doorbell ring. She jumped, the sound

    surprising her. She hesitated between staying in her room and going downstairs but finally

    she crept down the stairs as the doorbell rang again.

    Looking in her peeping hole, she saw Jacob and Detective Kane standing outside. Kayla

    opened the door and glanced questioningly at them. Miss Jones, Marcus said, their eyes

    met and held as he continued, Forgive us for this intrusion but we received a call from your

    neighbor, stating that you were screaming. We were just checking on you, while Officer

    Marshall went on a break.

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    Kayla blushed at that, Why didnt Officer Marshall come check on me himself, she wanted

    to know. Jacob started stammering but Marcus went heads on, He was sleeping, Miss

    Jones, he didnt realize that it would be a crime. Kayla felt angry at him for deliberately

    annoying her, NO, Detective Kane;am not a baby, I dont expect to be watched over night

    and day. He looked at her, his eyes blazing silver, No youre not, Miss Jones. Kayla was

    transfixed, she wanted to move towards him but she stopped herself.

    This was not a good idea.

    Would you like some coffee? she asked. They both shook their heads. No, Kay, it was

    just to check on you, said Jacob, we have to leave now. We have new info about a

    probable suspect. She waved them goodbye and closed the door. Feeling too excited to

    go to sleep again she wandered to her laptop to check her mails and surf a little bit.

    Kayla decided then that she needed to learn how to defend herself. The nightmare she had

    had was still vivid in her mind, and she did not want to face a situation like this.

    She would not let some unknown jackass destroy her life, like he had done Rachels and that

    other woman.


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    Time goes quickly when you have so much to do.

    Between finding the criminal that had been nicknamed The Heart Killerby the public and

    press and trying to protect Kayla Jones, Marcus and Jacob did not see two months go by.

    They were still on a dead end; it seemed the killer had disappeared into thin air. They had

    gone to the restaurant Miss Jenkins went on a date to but between the number of clients

    they had each day it was difficult for them to remember anything about the man she was


    Yet there were no more murders, no more letters. Once more, the surveillance car was

    taken off from in front of Kayla Jones house.

    Life in Bay Hills seemed to be back to normal.

    Marcus, though, was frustrated. He wanted to find the murderer and something was

    nagging him at the back of his mind. Something he should realize but it kept evading him.

    He couldnt stop thinking of Kayla Jones. She haunted him, her brown eyes and her lips. It

    was all he could stop himself from calling her and asking her on a date.

    But they avoided each other. She never seemed to stay with him alone when they went to

    check on her and he would never go there on his own. Kayla had started taking self-defense

    classes, it made her feel more secure and more confident that she could protect herself, in

    case of an attack.

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    She was still grieving Rachel and the woman who was killed, Paola Sanchez. She still felt

    responsible for their deaths but she also understood that someone with a twisted mind was

    the culprit. Her unease however was still present. It did not help that till this date the

    murderer had not been caught and she found herself walking cautiously everywhere she

    went, turning and glancing around each time she was out.

    Marcus Kane was another thorn in her mind. She kept re-thinking about their one kiss and

    it burned her like fire. Each time, she saw him she wanted to do a re-match of it but it was

    not a good idea. She was bad luck to all those she met and she did not want to affect him

    that way, as much she disliked him.

    Those days, she alternated between her self-defense classes and going out with Jacob. He

    was fast becoming her good friend. She was, however, afraid that somehow the killer

    would try to get to him, but she needed his company. He was like an anchor to her.

    One day, they were out by the lake, sitting on a bench and watching the leaves fall down.

    She asked him how his wife was killed. He blanched and then he smiled sadly at her,

    shaking his head. Kayla pressed his arm, Tell me, Jake, its bad to keep it inside you told me


    He took a deep breath; his eyes seemed dazed as he began speaking, My wife, Jessica, was

    my sunshine. She was my sweetheart since high school and we were always together, never

    broke up in all those years; never had more than the light fights. I was on police patrol

    those days, driving through Grey Edge City with my colleague, Timothy. Jessica wasnt

    happy about this, she complained that it was too dangerous and it was.

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    Every day, there was crime in Grey Edge; rapes, thefts, murders and assaults, but I

    lovedloved my city. It was where I was born and I really really thought that I could change

    something there. That, you see, I could make it safer for other kids to hang out and not

    worry about dying in a gang war. Jessica wanted to move, she was getting more anxious

    each day, and I should have listened to her. We learned on our fifth wedding anniversary

    that she was pregnant with our first child. I was ecstatic; I was going to be a papa nothing

    could have made me drop from the cloud I was floating on. We started shopping for baby

    furniture, we bought a beautiful wood made cradle and I started buying toys for him or her,

    I really didnt care for the sex as long as my baby was born.

    Then it all changed, Kayla. I was on patrol with Timothy, we were rounding the city, looking

    for a gang; the most vicious gang of Grey Edge, the KenTa. It was a gang that was led by Ken

    Tanga, the most horrifying man Id ever heard of. He was a drug dealer and one hell of a

    son of a bitch. He could kill anyone, women, men, and children. He had no heart. We saw

    him with one of his side-kicks; they were cutting up a boy looking no more than sixteen. It

    was horrible Kayla, horrible Blood Blood everywhere. Tim didnt hesitate one minute;

    he jumped out of the car and ran towards them They They shot him He shuddered.

    Kayla wanted to stop him, she realized that the death of his wife was only one of the

    burdens he carried but he was caught back in the memories, he was reliving his past.

    I was getting out of the car myself, having called backup, when I heard the shot. Tim

    tumbled to the ground; his hand was on his chest. I ran towards him But they shot one

    more time; I only had the reflex to cower on the ground before they could attain a vital

    part But they hit my shoulder Tim Tim was groaning. He was in so much pain so

    much pain Ken came towards us He was laughing so so cruelly He kicked Tim in

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    stomach and howled with laughter when he heard him yelp in pain He took Tims gun and

    was about to shoot me when they heard the police sirens. They turned and fled Leaving

    me, Tim and the boy to die When our colleagues arrived, it was too late for the boy, he

    had bled to death. I I saw my best friend die I saw him lying in that ambulance

    bleeding to death Everything changed then.

    I changed I wanted revenge I wanted Ken Tangas head on a plate I looked for him in

    the most dangerous locations Jessica didnt understand me anymore The baby was not

    that important I still loved them Dont get me wrong But I needed to kill him We

    started to fight, Jessica and me Tantrums and fights Pain and anger all mingled as one.

    Until two months later, I was on break and came back to the station to see all my friends

    running out A break-in and a shooting I wanted to come with them. He stopped talking,

    inhaling deeply. They wouldnt let me, Kayla, when I demanded to know why, they told me

    that the break-in had been at my place.

    I went mad I ran to my car, I didnt listen to my friends I just hit the gas and rushed

    home Some of the police crew was already there They tried to stop me They held me

    back but I hit them Finally Finally they let me go in. You dont imagine You cant

    imagine what its like BLOOD!!! BLOOD EVERYWHERE IN THE NURSERY!!! My wife was

    sprawled on the floor in our nursery She had been shot five times Five Fucking times

    Twice in the stomach Thrice in the chest It was an act of revenge

    Kayla bit back tears, Am so sorry, Jake. She patted his shoulder. But you know whats

    worse? He turned towards her, his eyes were wet with tears, The forensic report came, he

    said, the bullets shot were those of Tim. I knew then it was Ken Tanga But he had

    disappearedKay He killed my family My family He started sobbing and Kayla hugged

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    him, wishing she could take the pain away. It was nearly ten months ago Ten long long

    lonely months They transferred me here Said it would be a change of air But the pain is

    still the same

    They sat there for a long time, Kayla holding Jacob while he shivered in her embrace.

    Sometimes, she knew words couldnt help. It was only a gesture that showed you cared.

    Their friendship strengthened then. Jacob was her protector and close friend but she was

    still worried the killer would hurt him somehow.


    Brittany Cooper was walking in an underground parking when she heard noise behind her.

    At first, she was unaware of it, her heels clicking on the ground made enough noise as it


    It was only as she slowed down that she heard loud footsteps behind her. She turned,

    whirling with her briefcase in hand like a protection but she saw no one. Not used to being

    scared, she continued towards an open space.

    The more she walked towards it, the more the sound of footsteps increased and quickened.

    She was about to reach the open area when she heard running behind her and before she

    could turn around and see, she was hurled to the ground, her head thudding against the

    solid surface. She groaned in pain and was about to try and get up when she was hit by a

    hard object.

    She blinked once and then was unconscious.

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    Brittany woke up in an unknown room. Her eyes blinked opened but she winced when her

    left eye tried to blink. She lifted her hand to her face and touched near her eye. It felt

    tender. She heard movement and tried to get up, only to notice that her ankle was tied to a

    chain that was itself tied to a radiator. Her black skirt was smeared with dust and her blouse

    was disheveled.

    All of a sudden the door opened, she winced a little because of her swollen face and tried to

    get a good look at her captivator. He was humming to himself, putting down a tray he had in

    his hands on a table, it was as she looked at the table that Brittany started getting


    It was one of those operating tables.

    Brittany, immediately, started thinking about organ trafficking. She had to stop the man,

    she thought to herself. She couldnt die. She was far too young to die. Sir, she said, her

    voice sounding hoarse to her, Sir? Why are you doing this?

    The man stiffened a bit but then continued humming. Sir, she tried again, If If you want

    money If you need money Am sure... Sure my family will help you He turned towards

    her. Shock and recognition coursed through her Its Its you she gasped. He smiled,

    his eyes lighting up, Yes Yes, its me But It wont stop me from killing you

    He started towards her, and she tried to fight back, lashing her feet towards him, trying to

    scream but he reached her, evading the kicks and smiling at her screams. It was then she

    realized he was holding a cloth in his hand, she smelled the chloroform before she knew she

    was unconscious again.

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    Brittany Cooper was killed smothered by a pillow, unaware of when her breath left her

    body. Her hands twitched a little at the end but then they laid there limp and cold.

    The man who killed her, hummed to himself while he put her on the operating table he kept

    in his basement. He thought of Kayla and laughed with glee at her pleasure when she

    received the gift.

    Surely then, she knew the depth of his love. He could see her; brown eyes shining at him,

    her beautiful lips curving into a smile as they embraced. Yes, he could see her; naked in his

    arms, beneath him, over him as they fucked like animals.

    Kayla would be his. He was sure of it.


    In the newspaper, two days later:


    The Cooper family, eminent members of Bay Hills High Society, has reported the

    disappearance of one of Bay Hills best lawyers, Miss Brittany Cooper. The thirty-six year old

    woman was last seen at the COMRY & COMRY firm this Monday.