i he m a ton cm - library of congress...young st girl is mistreated in box car st louis mo dee...

Fair and warmer tonight and Monday M Sunday Evening EDITION KTHNEBEK 6199 SUNDAY EVENING DECEMBER 27 1908 PRICE ONE CENT I he a h n ton t- Cm 1 i WASHINGTON t Rev J Howard Wells Makes ScatHing Arraignment of Passing Year WORLD DRIFTING AWAY FROM GOD Sounds Plea for Revival and a Per- sonal Interpretation of the Bible tiie record for the year MS is worst Jn history in great crmtes new grafts and men in high and low have fallen to wreck and ruin It Isis not been equaled in any year in the j st It is evidence that the world is drifting away from God With this startling assertion the Rev J Howard Wells potnted out the lesions of the times to the congregation of the Mt Vernon Methodist Episcopal Churoh South this morning He called on his hearers to learn from II a part of history and shun them in the coming year The nation is rapidly drifting into an attitude of disbelief in the mercy of God and this is Uw greatest of course the preaoher seJd Men are busy he continued with ideas of Clod and the Bible which are not found in the holy writings at all but emanate from the mind of man He plead with his people to study the Elbls and draw their own conclusions as to what It means without accepting the interpretation given other men The Rev Wells in i art The merry days Christmas are now past and but few more dayt ol the old year remain The record of the old year will yoon be completed and it will be gone forever Ve cannot call It back change a single deed or straighten out a single line Every deed act and thought starts you in the face What is your record for the past year and what is your attitude for the new year to come The great today is faith fulness toward God There are too many people In the church already who do not amount to anything What we need is a revival to uplift churches themselves Men need the consciousness that Gc l exists Scteitre tnds to Imprest men that God is some faraway intangible being Most jt resent of the mvtt nre it gotten direct from the Bible Lut frfttti books and distorted personal views of there There would not be half so n my cranks and laths in to day if people would take the Bible and it Many people wish tear the v ii away and Into the future Dont go to spiritualists and mediums f r It is only a waste of time and Idle curiosity Dont bother about fortune toilers either It is only in vain and a waste of time Let the of the dead alone They are resting from their toils and tabors I die I want to rest In pease and not be bothered bv the curious God will reveal all in prop er and seasonable time The true and only path of the new year is the one that WEARS COSTLY GEMS STILL GOES TO JAIL Judge Refuses to Let Woman Pawn Diamonds to Pay Fine BOSTON Doc 27 Her lingers cov- ered with diamonds Mary Wilson of Baltimore was unable to pay her line in the city police court a she could not pawn her valuable jewels to raise the needed 7S imposed upon her by Judge Ely for alleged shoplifting The woman appealed to court officers to secure the money for her 1ut they told her her diamonds were worthless In court so far as paying tines was concerned I ownhearte Miss Wilson asked a young lawyer to go to a pawnshop and get enough money to pay the fine Judge Ely overheard tKo s con- s and would the lawyer to take the jewelry T After waiting several Miss Wilson was sent to MIDDTE IN DANGER OF LOSING SIGHTI- n grave danger of toeing his sight from what was said te be the faulty of nitrate o silver at the Annapolis Naval Academy sick quarters Midshipman Harry W Ste of the first class whose home- is Lincoln Neb is in Washington for special treatment- In advance of an official Investigation srtatemenU about the affair are guard but there i great indignation over the occurrence among the schoolmates- of the young man WEATHER REPORT Tilt weather conditions within the lim its of observation today are unimpor tant There has no market change it temperature in any section of the ciiiintry but frost occurred in northern central Florida and temperatures freedns in Moderate temperatures will prevail In all sections winds along the New Kugland and Viddle Atlantic coast will l fresh southwest to west TEMPKRATURBS TODAY- S a m S4 9 a m 1 17- lo a m ja 11 a m 36 FORECAST FOR THE DISTRICT Generally fair tonight and Monday Warmer tern j nature near freezing fresk to west SUN TABLE un rises 7tt Sun sets 4H TIDE TABLE Today High tide 11 m ami UrST m Low ir am and SrJl p m- Tonwrrew Iih dive 12 i a m tide f12 a m and 132 p ra ALL CRIME RECORDS ECLIPSED IN 1908 I1 I tie pIe i v no the past the that have by said o a curse the o n directs young aUOIt all henson all how he mlnllft S It p I I c I iv deeds be- came mans the read I not administration < s southwest winds 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < WATCHMAN FOUND BURNED TO CRISP Charred Body Is Discovered by Passerby This Morning OIL CAN tAPLODED CLOTHES SAI ORATED Signs of Desperate Fight Against Flames Appear in and Around Box Sitting in an attitude of repose on the of building S street Twentythird and Twentyfourth streets northwest where was em ployed as a watchman the lifeless body of Callahan with clothes still smoldering from the lire which caused his death discovered about 9 oclock this morning No one was present when he died but the appearance of the corpse with body charred and face acorcbed showed that he must have been a living torch as he struggled with the flames that were burning Into his vitals Finding ef Body Callahan had not teen dead long when he was discovered by William Payne of W7S Mintwood place who notified the Tenth precinct police His body about twenty fret the little box which he occupied- as watchman and where the beginning- of the tragedy took place For In that box the police found traces of blood and burning clothing and the pieces of a broken lantern It is supposed that Callahan had en- tered the box to replenish the lire he kept there Finding it low he evidently threw some kerosene on the coals and in the explosion which followed his clothes were sprinkled with the oil and immediately caught Are Maddened by the heat he threw Ida red lantern to the ground and seixed his burning clothes wrenching away great pieces of them and throwing them to the floor of the box But the flames were satins into his flesh and in his agony he thought to get out of the BOX into the open air Blind with agony lie dashed against the sides of the box bruising his face and tearing his hands Tears Earning CIete As he emerged from the box Calla- han evidently tor away more oC the burning clothes for ashes were found on lIe traveled snout twsnty feet to the steps evidently arid there overcome sat down to die In that position his the on he Charles WAil from I pattawarto the seat of deadL i steps be- tween wee sta- tion his ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CHILD While HOWhi- le Seeking Protection Young St Girl Is Mistreated in Box Car ST LOUIS Mo Dee 27UnfoMH gr a story wit childish simplicity that made strong nren yield to tears Genevieve McXamava the twelveyearold daugh- ter of Thomas McNamara of East St Louis testified in the Kane county court at Geneva after seeking freedom from the State Home for Girls at Geneva ten days ago she felt into the hands of a man to whom she went for protection but who in turn mistreated her Davis a laborer of Geneva Is under arrest having been identified by as the one who wronged herLike the adventures of the heroines of fiction reads the tale that the little girl told of the escape from the home sobs she told of being home sick and longing for a home educing th Christmas holidays she planned to es cape and go to her parents in East over which she put the After attending mass she wert to her room slipped off her uniform and scaled the high wall that surrounds the place Out of th grounds she determined- to make good r escape but was met with a problem when she came to the Fox river which Stows by the institu tion jumping from one block of ice to another balancing between life and death the other side and sought shelter Seeing smoke coming from a box car she decided to apply there for protection Clad only in a light dress and bareheaded felt the effects of the cold A knock brought i roughlooking mam to the Much frightened by his appearance she begged his pardon was preparing to go on her way when he called to invit- ing her to come in She did so and spent the night there There was not Before leaving the next mornln G i bin into her hand and her to by threats of terrible punishment She boarded a northwestern train but not for East St Louis whether she decided to leave home entirely she did not but simply testified that she went to Chicago Her scant attire the attention of a policeman who in wonder questioned her She told the story She was returned to the institu- tion and there told of her wrongs on the night she escaped from the home Citizens Seek To Lynch Brute Tramp WHEELING W Va Dee mob of angry citteehs stormed the Mounds ville Jail this morning and attempted to do violence to a tramp who was arrest- ed near Broad Tree a small town on the main line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad tar attempted criminal assault n Miss May a tenyearold The little girl was returning home from school when he her on the roadway The girls scream brought Orville Brown a constable who nearby and after a running fight m which several shots were I tat the tramp HUMAN BRUTE Louis I Genevieve St Louis She put Oft her street and her a house a mile of the plaee evieve said the man pressed a i9 see 7A u rl atta capt red Be- tween hens uniform swore say Mc ffle lives ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CHARLES CALLAHAN body was found and it was not dis turbed until the patrol wagon from the Tenth precinct took it back to the sta- tion Callahan was a plasterer Ijy trade and received good wages w a at work Of late h has been employ jf as watchman His wife and three daughters at MB W and ha a slater resid- ing at 93 S street Call ban started proceedings for a divorce some time ago About last night Officer J 3 Sullivan of the Tenth precinct went to the box tn which Callahan was staying- to talk with him You will get heist up here with your cigarettes and kero- sene the officer remarked when Callahan smoking in the little box I havent been burst in forty years was the response Officer Hunt asseU the place of the tragedy this momhv shortly octock noticad the light In the He saw o Calla- han and it is apposed he was still box live at teat he 1131 he- w before rattle 1i i la- the are some- time i and rain ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Emperor Runs Behind Huge Clamor of Public and Cuts Expenditures BERLIN Dee 27 With an annual income of OO9W there has been a I deficit every year in the Kaisers budget according to figures gathered by the Weekly Montagswelt which It is soon to make public The total of these deficits which ex tend back to 1888 when the Kaiser as slimed throne has not been an- nounced but that will reach far Into the millions te not doubted Recent economies rrxcticed by the Emperor and other members of the royal family all of whom an supported out of the Kaisers purse indicate that the Emperor has at last determined to turn- over a new leaf and that 1908 may set- a new record Following the sale of five of his castles first announced in these Crown Prince William has abandoned the construction of a mag- nificent palace at Bao Jsberjr work n which te now well under way He will continue to live in the small pateee at Potsdam which Is Inconvenient and out of date A year ago the royal family would not have thought of such a but the events of the last few months has baowa the Kaiser that he must exercise all of his wits to win back the favor of the people and he is determined as one means to this end to live within his income KAISER SCRIMPING ON SIX MILLION PER SumHeeds I I the the I I I I I dis- patches I re- trenchment ¬ ¬ ¬ BY FOREST FIRES New Catholic Church at Ala- bama Port Destroyed Residents Fighting Flames MOBILE Ala Dec 27 The new Catholic Church St Timothys at Alabama Port near here wen de stroyed by today that started in woods Residents of that place are fighting the fire to save their homes which are threatened TOT DRINKS ACID CLEVELAND Ohio Dee 27 While playing with his sister over their Christmas toys fiveyearold Edward Riley of Akron Ohio found a bottle containing carbolic acid and swallow- ed a quantity Hard work sav- ed his life 4 IJnltltnorc and Itcturu Today via Baltimore Ohio R 11 TOWN THREATENED I fire Ute I 1 It t R ¬ ¬ ¬ THREAT Czar Told Oppression Must Cease as Blood Will Be Upon His Head AFLAME AS NEVER Further Injustice and Nothing Could Stop Insane Rage of Aroused People- ST PBTlinSBUHG Dee B Finland has thrown down the gage of battle to Russia In a dramatic conference between Ed- ward HJett v4c president of the ln nigh senate and the Czar the facts of which became public today Hjelt cd the Czar that the renewal of sian oppression In Finland would be followed by the most disastrous oonse nueneeg And if the conflict the Czar was told the blood f the slain will b upon your heed The Finns will rise to iurse you Hjelt that all that I needed to placate the rids is for Russia te recog- nize utionomou government oi the and not to sentient the en- croachment on the Finnish constitution The Czar Is reported as listening to Hjelt In meekms without making any promises The Funs are fearful that when the diet meets early next month the repres- sive meaaree that Russia ha adopted the point where the people can no I longer be held in restraint Believes Russia Faces Its Greatest Crisis LONDON Dee a Owla r to tbe strictest censorship that been placed on Russian In years dish dip louuus art today fearful that a state of Internal dtaorder little suspected by the outside worM prevails in the Oars empire The extent of this censorship was never better illustrated thaa In the re- port of yesterday battle between soldier sad terrorists nv Moscow of wfete oair meet n ea er ua- sslH actNMntts have e taJKti It te relieved here that this lash wa far more Mrtou than reported and that It will mark the resumption of such repressive measures a have made Russias name a reprsAch The recurrence of nihill In the em- pire cholera plague the Finnish disorders and th opposition of a large part of the Rue an people to becoming involved in anotoer war a a result of the Balkan trouble are subject the true status of which UK government authorities are not informing the world out from news centers are ominous in tone and it would not surprise England- in the least to hear at any moment of a crisis being reached Nihilism Breaks Out Vigor GENEVA Dec 7Ancther reign of nihilfora ha been precipitated in Russia- as the result of yesterdays fatal dash between soldiers and revolutionists in a villa near Moscow From th highest nihilistic authority It te learned that word has gone out ft r the nihilist agents to scatter throughout Russia fomenting revolutions and assassinations The bloody era of nihilism WItS sue pfmted in Russia when the Czar pro claimed his reign of liberalism but yes terdays fight near Moscow the letters say proves that Nicholas is insincere and there is no longer any hope of re form under his rule For months the nlhlLsts have been preparing for just such a provocation- as the Moscow affair affords and they will be quick to take advantage of It All the powers of Pueefci cannot crush out nlhttteru as lorg as despotism lasts declared one of the leaders to day We expect soon to startle the world with what the authorities call Woody butcheries but it is only way to free Russia MORGAN AND ELIOT TO BE STAR GUESTS Reunion of Boston English High School January 14 Gala Event BOSTON Dee 27 Went Eliot of Harvard and J Pierpont Morgan wilt be guests of honor at the great reunion and dinner of the Boston English High School to be held at Boston Cfty riub on January 14 Members of the city and State gov ernment will be present besides other dtetingufched guests and it promises to be one of the most interesting events hi the eightyeight years of the of the school BURGLAR DESPERATE CINCINNATI Dec 7 A burglar who Tas trapped in the home of M Gross- man in the Walnut Hills section of the city early this morning made his es cape from the police by leaping from- a fourth floor window The thief en- tered the house through stcepd story window to which he had climbed with the aid o a Mrs Gross- man heard the i wltug about the house and Mbe ace to face with hue in the hallway on the second floor Tko man ran rtairs to the fourth floor REIGN OF TERROR OF COUNTRY BEFORE- i I i he for the last few wilt be puaited W I has the been m the The that arts leaking With Renewed our I I t I I a Qiladdet burglar I FINNS y Rue comes says Iependency years news and meager reports in- stigating his- tory carat > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ± ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DISTRICT IS INVOLVED IN BIG PAVING SCANDAL MAJOR TAY J MORROW MINIATURE THE ONLY CLUE Mangled Body of WellDressed Man Found on Trays Near Union Station With Beautiful in Coat Lapel P J BRENNAY GIRLS I Pict- ure only clue for the JentMleatksi of a man whose mantled body wa found that morning the tracks la the Union Station yards te the miniature photograph of a beautiful young woman ov a button which h wore m lapel of his The body Is that f HJst mam with dark hair sad faWy JMMp- robiblr about thirty years ate It are not recognizable This zninlator te of kind sold at every summer resort The face Is that of a young woman of about twentyflv years of age and te clearly defined How the unknown man met his death In the yards Is a mystery would ap pear from the position of tie body that he was struck by a trait on Track S The the cant badly crushed that the the t aim a eli ha sb features ¬ DISTRICT DIVORCES Almost Seven Per Cent of Marriages Here End in the Court Room Nearly 7 per cent of all couples mar ried in the District of Columbia m twen- ty years from January 1 1887 to Decem- ber a 196S later obtained divorces Del in about twothirds of the divorce eases children were affected Fifty thousand hundred and fortyfour couples were united in the bonds of matrimony during the period named and the marital ties were found irksome in 3J36 cases These figures on marriage and divorce In the District of Columbia have been compiled in the completed statistics OH marriage and divorce Just issued br Director North Divorce in the District of Columbia has been steadily increasing since ttp the increase gouts far above the ratio of increase In population and the in the number of marriages In Continued on Page Thirteen PROBE FOR W Beaudette twentyone years old and employed in the silk mills at Alexandria who was shot by Lawrence W Peters at the residence of William McGowan 7J2 South Lee street Alexandria in a lit of Jealousy was this morning removed to the Alexandria Hospital where the bullet which lodged over her left eye will b removed Peters pressed the revolver against her left temple while she was dazed by the blow which he had dealt with his Hat but Miss Beaudette saved by pushing the revolver to one side just as he pulled the trigger Peters then held the weapon to his right temple pulled the trigger and died almost instantly Peters body was removed after the tragedy to the undertaking establish- ment of William Domain King and Alfred streets Alexandria His par- ents who live at Prev4ence R I were notified Coroner Moore stated this morning that k did not think an in nt nnf asssry ease of sulelj GROWING RAPIOLY tO I BULLET- IN WOMANS HEADJ- ennie was a dear t in- crease her- self au it ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ time during the night and thrown over to Track 7 edock MIen tile body was discovered although It had probably been lying on the tracks moat oC tae night The ensjneei of an mcontfng tram on track S noticed the ahead skewed up and nd earned it te the staOen TIle faro sku crushed In both feet were eat e and otherwise the body was badly mangled At M and X streets where the body was picked up the yards are elevated and dMficult for a person not a rail- road man to Ne report was turned tn during the night of bitting a mart the yards According- ly It is Jurmi3ed that the man fell from some train and was then struck before he could get out of the yards ttaea me II eDgIn ea a S- It was term plclrei uilt Lady and were reach > Reference to South in SpeeJi Subject of Meeting By JAXES HAY Jr AUGUSTA G Dee 27 Frank H Hitchcock will arrive m Augusta Tues- day morning according to a letter Presidentelect Taft received from bin this morning Mr Taft win consult with Hitchcock on certain proposed passages affecting the South in his inaugural address and first message to Congress Hitchcock te thoroughly familiar with affairs In the South having gained this knowledge while be was In the Postoffice Depart- Dent and while be was managing the Taft preconvention campaign- At the dinner to the President elect last night by Henry C Maxwell there were fifteen guests including ten of the most prominent Republicans in Georgia and five well known Democrats Although it had ben said that ne speeches would be made everyone of the guests including the Democrats took occasion to talk Alt of them dwelt on the progress Mr Taft Is making to spread Republicanism in the South Emery Wlnahip one of the lending Domocrate of Macon Ga was es- pecially emphatic in his commendation of the work Mr Taft has done to the South a power in national politics by so strengthening the Republican part in this section as to deprive the Dew crats of having things all their own way He characterised pres- ent era as a crt In the South which the Presidentelect has created and which only he can carry to successful issue In replying to all the speeches Mr Taft said he appreciated the in rhioh his efforts had been received He explained that ft Is hard for a Prealdentelect to the proper per- spective of such things bemuse alt persons as a resnU of their loyalty to their government and the temporary head of It are apt to be compli- mentary and thus charitably forbear from eiticism Mr Taft has begun work on his inau- gural address The actual writing of the document has not yet been started asseiVjiing data be It well mapped out It to interesting to know that h inaugural address will te all probablutv have a strorg passage on the necessity for the expedition of the administration of the law in all the courts of the land so as to give prompt decisions In all civil suits He will also recommend it te the iKht prompter Administration of criminal law so as to prevent excessive ptricds of imprisonment preceding trial The spent a quiet Be dM not cjo to church morn leg but spent the forenoon resting in his cottage Tomorrow he receive a delegation from Atlanta will ask to that city TAFT WILL CONFER WITH HITCHCOCKj Inau- gural nll make he but cowuJatJoa with others and In I has Pre who bins set rr dB get Sun- day to a deNldo datae y1Mt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Changed System of Measur- ing Asphalt Held Responsi- ble for Public Loss MORROWS TRANSFER REVEALS INQUIRY Former Commissiooer Had Bc n Investigating foc Months Get- ting Full Data J The government of the Dls of Columbia in the light of ments to this hour faces one oi biggest sensations in its bistr r- Involved is the Brennan Company holders f contract for asphalt paving ni i sum of nearly have been overpaid this cmpJ through a peculiar system of osrjl which the recoisa the District Commissioner j claimed show never hui t sanction of that body HUGE SCANDAL LIIELY So sensational is every ikM t the transaction now being hveS gated by the Bpard of ComniiI ers that its ramifications re Jt eventually in the exposure t scandal that will shake the four J tions of practically every branch t- ttie District government and trr win startle the city as a whole cvi more than did the investigations a year ago in which the Brernrtu company charged the improve letting of asphalt contracts Tha the affair which Is the ject of 1ivBstliaHou by ttoa Cum due to t recent dep cf frs- xhtftfoaec Morrow has hal taet doa te charge for five m The a a body hav j takes up work and the rtsut f that probe has been plated hi the Lands of the Corporation Counsel for acts It te known that this investigation h shown measuring asphalt has been that kru as measured cart at the plant 1 District paying for the asphalt by Ih cubic foot That in lint Brssaan objected to t plea of measurement on tb ground th the newly disturbed asphalt at the p measured more than it should and ti a he should have an extra allowance the shrinkage by the Om k racael n street That thrcugh A W Dow then m pe tor of asphalts aa order was Issued t the plant inspectors directing that t hrmkage Ofilchds of the District ersanent are reticent as to the cxa Recently Off at which time the started It U further stated that there i ers of the DIstrict of a y action author biD this h er sd paraent to Brennan company An official who has had posse lo of the papers hi the case estimates th overpayment to the Brendan company at from J3B I to te also known that the CV mm Masters after completing the work gun by Major Morrow as Commissioner held a isjfrttem on Fr day last and agreed to refer the entir matter to the Corporation Counsel and CoountesioBters were agreed that sufficient grenade had been OM MeAMHcMotts Rusted as the Bresjnaa gypsy underbid by large figure all oth r competitor loc street repair work It i now problematical says an official whether the company as a financii proposition can consistently contini to carry its contract with th city The alleged overpayment te sail t and not m surface work proper new aseasoremesit system said t a half before the expiration of the M Beeman contract which ended in July 067 It was suddenly terminated the tavestlgsitkMi hetBUt following discovery or an overpay ment to the Braanasi camps ay courts 0 t f Case Major Jay J Morrow former Engineer Commtasfoaer who ha been conduct- ing the Investigation for the past iv months emphatically declined to today on the naB text of the in T tbjatiea on the ground that he had turned over the papers to hte that it would fer htm to liter HBJI or Aa tomttta sfcfaffaht t the entire tter is the sensational htvestijaiion tru ion may c T now at this tin ton who Corn 1IeftI That tor twenty years the In allow Brennan a oertais per or tt per hut k Is said to lOf r sad Z tel cent Allowance Cat It understood tint the Rrr Baa has received this an JUICe until within tile t few month investigation record in the office or the CommJlSinn t that the fonT begin the Ntn- pany That tile to ton the Brenaaa cow an y- om retain to the old methed at the plans and without also becoMe mwI- n t elk a out have booeD OR street repair work have been pat Into effect 7 Is at the of effective about a 11 when unexplainable r two dial Y dev too 000 all mea urement r wdBef re Csmssioeers siotresd becemea 1 t the system > ant cent have been tweea is now esaipany x was e iiS S- It p Engineer proceedings against Casadrefsners have also re- solved of measure- ment allow- ance has only The Dow claimed suggestion Itrcn- naL becaute year com- ment success aiot in- delicate ae the mina ¬ < > > <> ¬ + > > <

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Page 1: I he M a ton Cm - Library of Congress...Young St Girl Is Mistreated in Box Car ST LOUIS Mo Dee 27UnfoMH gr a story wit childish simplicity that made strong nren yield to tears Genevieve

Fair and warmer tonightand Monday

M Sunday EveningEDITION



he a h n ton t-Cm1i



Rev J Howard Wells MakesScatHing Arraignment of

Passing Year


Sounds Plea for Revival and a Per-

sonal Interpretation of

the Bible

tiie record for the year M S isworst Jn history in great crmtes newgrafts and men in high and low

have fallen to wreck and ruin ItIsis not been equaled in any year in thej st It is evidence that the world isdrifting away from God

With this startling assertion the RevJ Howard Wells potnted out the lesionsof the times to the congregation of theMt Vernon Methodist Episcopal ChurohSouth this morning

He called on his hearers to learn fromII

a part of history and shun them inthe coming year

The nation is rapidly drifting into anattitude of disbelief in the mercy ofGod and this is Uw greatest of coursethe preaoher seJd Men are busy hecontinued with ideas of Clod and theBible which are not found in the holywritings at all but emanate from themind of man

He plead with his people to study theElbls and draw their own conclusionsas to what It means without acceptingthe interpretation given other men

The Rev Wells in i artThe merry days Christmas are

now past and but few more dayt olthe old year remain The record of theold year will yoon be completed and itwill be gone forever Ve cannot callIt back change a single deed orstraighten out a single line Everydeed act and thought starts you in theface What is your record for the pastyear and what is your attitude for thenew year to come

The great today is faithfulness toward God There are toomany people In the church already whodo not amount to anything

What we need is a revival to upliftchurches themselves Men need theconsciousness that Gc l exists Scteitretnds to Imprest men that God is somefaraway intangible being Most jtresent of the mvtt nreit gotten direct from the Bible Lutfrfttti books and distorted personal viewsof there There would not be half son my cranks and laths in today if people would take the Bible andit Many people wish tear thev ii away and Into the futureDont go to spiritualists and mediumsf r It is only a waste of time and Idlecuriosity Dont bother about fortunetoilers either It is only in vain anda waste of time Let the of thedead alone They are resting from theirtoils and tabors I die I wantto rest In pease and not be bothered bvthe curious God will reveal all in proper and seasonable time The true andonly path of the new year is the onethat


Judge Refuses to Let Woman PawnDiamonds to Pay

FineBOSTON Doc 27 Her lingers cov-

ered with diamonds Mary Wilson ofBaltimore was unable to pay her linein the city police court a she couldnot pawn her valuable jewels to raisethe needed 7S imposed upon her byJudge Ely for alleged shoplifting

The woman appealed to courtofficers to secure the money for her1ut they told her her diamonds wereworthless In court so far as payingtines was concerned

I ownhearte Miss Wilson asked ayoung lawyer to go to a pawnshopand get enough money to pay thefine Judge Ely overheard tKos

con-s and would thelawyer to take the jewelry T Afterwaiting several Miss Wilsonwas sent to


n grave danger of toeing his sightfrom what was said te be the faulty

of nitrate o silver atthe Annapolis Naval Academy sickquarters Midshipman Harry W Ste

of the first class whose home-is Lincoln Neb is in Washington forspecial treatment-

In advance of an official InvestigationsrtatemenU about the affair are guard

but there i great indignation overthe occurrence among the schoolmates-of the young man

WEATHER REPORTTilt weather conditions within the lim

its of observation today are unimportant There has no market changeit temperature in any section of theciiiintry but frost occurred in northern

central Florida and temperaturesfreedns in

Moderate temperatures will prevail Inall sections winds along the NewKugland and Viddle Atlantic coast willl fresh southwest to west

TEMPKRATURBS TODAY-S a m S49 a m 1 17-

lo a m ja11 a m 36

FORECAST FOR THE DISTRICTGenerally fair tonight and Monday

Warmer ternj nature near freezing freskto west

SUN TABLEun rises 7tt


Today High tide 11 m ami UrSTm Low ir a m and SrJl p m-

Tonwrrew Iih dive 12 i a mtide f12 a m and 132 p ra





tiepIe i

v no

the past the that have









aUOIt all











iv deeds be-



















Charred Body Is Discoveredby Passerby This



Signs of Desperate Fight Against

Flames Appear in and

Around Box

Sitting in an attitude of repose on theof building S streetTwentythird and Twentyfourth

streets northwest where was employed as a watchman the lifeless bodyof Callahan with clothes stillsmoldering from the lire which causedhis death discovered about 9 oclockthis morning

No one was present when he diedbut the appearance of the corpse withbody charred and face acorcbed showedthat he must have been a living torchas he struggled with the flames thatwere burning Into his vitals

Finding ef BodyCallahan had not teen dead long

when he was discovered by WilliamPayne of W7S Mintwood place whonotified the Tenth precinct police

His body about twenty fretthe little box which he occupied-

as watchman and where the beginning-of the tragedy took place For In thatbox the police found traces of bloodand burning clothing and the pieces ofa broken lantern

It is supposed that Callahan had en-

tered the box to replenish the lire hekept there Finding it low he evidentlythrew some kerosene on the coals andin the explosion which followed hisclothes were sprinkled with the oil andimmediately caught Are

Maddened by the heat he threw Idared lantern to the ground and seixedhis burning clothes wrenching awaygreat pieces of them and throwing themto the floor of the box But the flameswere satins into his flesh and in hisagony he thought to get out of the BOXinto the open air Blind with agony liedashed against the sides of the boxbruising his face and tearing his hands

Tears Earning CIeteAs he emerged from the box Calla-

han evidently tor away more oC theburning clothes for ashes were foundonlIe traveled snout twsnty feet to thesteps evidently arid there overcomesat down to die In that position his

the on





pattawarto the seat of deadL


steps be-














Seeking ProtectionYoung St Girl Is

Mistreated in Box Car

ST LOUIS Mo Dee 27UnfoMH gr astory wit childish simplicity that madestrong nren yield to tears GenevieveMcXamava the twelveyearold daugh-ter of Thomas McNamara of East StLouis testified in the Kane countycourt at Geneva after seeking freedomfrom the State Home for Girls atGeneva ten days ago she felt into thehands of a man to whom she went forprotection but who in turn mistreatedher Davis a laborer of GenevaIs under arrest having been identifiedby as the one who wrongedherLike the adventures of the heroines offiction reads the tale that the little girltold of the escape from the home

sobs she told of being home sickand longing for a home educing thChristmas holidays she planned to escape and go to her parents in Eastover which she put theAfter attending mass she wert to herroom slipped off her uniform and scaledthe high wall that surrounds the place

Out of th grounds she determined-to make good r escape but was metwith a problem when she came to theFox river which Stows by the institution jumping from one block of ice toanother balancing between life anddeath the other side andsought shelter Seeing smoke comingfrom a box car she decided to applythere for protection Clad only in alight dress and bareheaded feltthe effects of the cold A knock broughti roughlooking mam to the Muchfrightened by his appearance she beggedhis pardon was preparing to go onher way when he called to invit-ing her to come in She did so andspent the night there There was not

Before leaving the next mornln G ibin

into her hand and her toby threats of terrible punishment Sheboarded a northwestern train but notfor East St Louis whether she decidedto leave home entirely she did notbut simply testified that she went toChicago Her scant attirethe attention of a policeman who inwonder questioned her She told thestory She was returned to the institu-tion and there told of her wrongs onthe night she escaped from the home

Citizens SeekTo Lynch Brute Tramp

WHEELING W Va Dee mobof angry citteehs stormed the Moundsville Jail this morning and attempted todo violence to a tramp who was arrest-ed near Broad Tree a small town onthe main line of the Baltimore and Ohiorailroad tar attempted criminal assault

n Miss May a tenyearoldThe little girl was returning home

from school when he her onthe roadway The girls screambrought Orville Brown a constable who

nearby and after a running fightm which several shots were I tat

the tramp





StLouis She put Oft her street


a house a mile of the plaee

evieve said the man pressed a i9see







hens uniform



Mc ffle










body was found and it was not disturbed until the patrol wagon from theTenth precinct took it back to the sta-tion

Callahan was a plasterer Ijy trade andreceived good wages w a at work Oflate h has been employ jf as watchmanHis wife and three daughters atMB W and ha a slater resid-ing at 93 S street Call banstarted proceedings for a divorce sometime ago

About last night Officer J 3Sullivan of the Tenth precinct went tothe box tn which Callahan was staying-to talk with him

You will get heist up herewith your cigarettes and kero-

sene the officer remarked whenCallahan smoking in the little box

I havent been burst in forty yearswas the response

Officer Hunt asseU the place of thetragedy this momhv shortlyoctock noticad the light Inthe He saw o Calla-han and it is apposed he was still


liveat teat he




rattle 1iila-




iand rain





Emperor Runs Behind HugeClamor of

Public and CutsExpenditures

BERLIN Dee 27 With an annualincome of OO9W there has been a I

deficit every year in the Kaisersbudget according to figures gatheredby the Weekly Montagswelt which Itis soon to make public

The total of these deficits which extend back to 1888 when the Kaiser asslimed throne has not been an-nounced but that will reach farInto the millions te not doubted

Recent economies rrxcticed by theEmperor and other members of the royalfamily all of whom an supported outof the Kaisers purse indicate that theEmperor has at last determined to turn-over a new leaf and that 1908 may set-a new record

Following the sale of five of hiscastles first announced in these

Crown Prince William hasabandoned the construction of a mag-nificent palace at Bao Jsberjr work nwhich te now well under way He willcontinue to live in the small pateee atPotsdam which Is Inconvenient and outof date A year ago the royal familywould not have thought of such a

but the events of the lastfew months has baowa the Kaiser thathe must exercise all of his wits to winback the favor of the people and he isdetermined as one means to this end tolive within his income


















New Catholic Church at Ala-

bama Port DestroyedResidents Fighting


MOBILE Ala Dec 27 The newCatholic Church St Timothys atAlabama Port near here wen destroyed by today that started inwoods Residents of that place arefighting the fire to save their homeswhich are threatened


playing with his sister over theirChristmas toys fiveyearold EdwardRiley of Akron Ohio found a bottlecontaining carbolic acid and swallow-ed a quantity Hard work sav-ed his life

4 IJnltltnorc and ItcturuToday via Baltimore Ohio R 11



fire Ute









Czar Told Oppression MustCease as Blood Will Be

Upon His Head


Further Injustice and Nothing

Could Stop Insane Rage of

Aroused People-

ST PBTlinSBUHG Dee B Finlandhas thrown down the gage of battleto Russia

In a dramatic conference between Ed-

ward HJett v4c president of the lnnigh senate and the Czar the facts ofwhich became public today Hjeltcd the Czar that the renewal ofsian oppression In Finland would befollowed by the most disastrous oonsenueneeg

And if the conflict the Czarwas told the blood f the slain willb upon your heed The Finns will riseto iurse you

Hjelt that all that I needed toplacate the rids is for Russia te recog-

nize utionomou government oi theand not to sentient the en-

croachment on the Finnish constitutionThe Czar Is reported as listening to

Hjelt In meekms without making anypromises

The Funs are fearful that when thediet meets early next month the repres-sive meaaree that Russia ha adopted

the point where the people can no I

longer be held in restraint

Believes Russia FacesIts Greatest Crisis

LONDON Dee a Owla r to tbestrictest censorship that been placedon Russian In years dish diplouuus art today fearful that a state ofInternal dtaorder little suspectedby the outside worM prevails in theOars empire

The extent of this censorship wasnever better illustrated thaa In the re-

port of yesterday battle betweensoldier sad terrorists nv Moscow ofwfete oair meet n ea er ua-sslH actNMntts have etaJKti

It te relieved here that this lash wafar more Mrtou than reported and thatIt will mark the resumption of suchrepressive measures a have madeRussias name a reprsAch

The recurrence of nihill In the em-pire cholera plague the Finnishdisorders and th opposition of a largepart of the Rue an people to becominginvolved in anotoer war a a result ofthe Balkan trouble are subject thetrue status of which UK governmentauthorities are not informing the world

out from news centers are ominous intone and it would not surprise England-in the least to hear at any moment ofa crisis being reached

Nihilism Breaks OutVigor

GENEVA Dec 7Ancther reign ofnihilfora ha been precipitated in Russia-as the result of yesterdays fatal dashbetween soldiers and revolutionists ina villa near Moscow

From th highest nihilistic authorityIt te learned that word has gone out ft rthe nihilist agents to scatter throughoutRussia fomenting revolutions and

assassinationsThe bloody era of nihilism WItS sue

pfmted in Russia when the Czar proclaimed his reign of liberalism but yesterdays fight near Moscow the letterssay proves that Nicholas is insincereand there is no longer any hope of reform under his rule

For months the nlhlLsts have beenpreparing for just such a provocation-as the Moscow affair affords and theywill be quick to take advantage of It

All the powers of Pueefci cannotcrush out nlhttteru as lorg as despotismlasts declared one of the leaders today We expect soon to startle theworld with what the authorities callWoody butcheries but it is only

way to free Russia


Reunion of Boston English HighSchool January 14 Gala

EventBOSTON Dee 27 Went Eliot of

Harvard and J Pierpont Morgan wiltbe guests of honor at the great reunionand dinner of the Boston English HighSchool to be held at Boston Cftyriub on January 14

Members of the city and State government will be present besides otherdtetingufched guests and it promises tobe one of the most interesting eventshi the eightyeight years of the

of the school


Tas trapped in the home of M Gross-man in the Walnut Hills section of thecity early this morning made his escape from the police by leaping from-a fourth floor window The thief en-tered the house through stcepd storywindow to which he had climbed withthe aid o a Mrs Gross-man heard the i wltug aboutthe house and Mbe ace to facewith hue in the hallway on the secondfloor Tko man ran rtairs to thefourth floor








for the last few wilt be puaited W




The that arts leaking

With Renewed


















meager reports






















Mangled Body of WellDressed Man Found on TraysNear Union Station With Beautiful

in Coat Lapel






only clue for the JentMleatksi ofa man whose mantled body wa foundthat morning the tracks la theUnion Station yards te the miniaturephotograph of a beautiful youngwoman ov a button which h wore m

lapel of hisThe body Is that f HJst mam with

dark hair sad faWy JMMp-robiblr about thirty years ate It

are not recognizableThis zninlator te of kind sold at

every summer resort The face Is thatof a young woman of about twentyflvyears of age and te clearly defined

How the unknown man met his deathIn the yards Is a mystery would appear from the position of tie body thathe was struck by a trait on Track S


the cant

badly crushed that the





ha sb features



Almost Seven Per Cent ofMarriages Here End in

the Court Room

Nearly 7 per cent of all couples married in the District of Columbia m twen-ty years from January 1 1887 to Decem-ber a 196S later obtained divorces Delin about twothirds of the divorce easeschildren were affected Fifty thousand

hundred and fortyfour coupleswere united in the bonds of matrimonyduring the period named and the maritalties were found irksome in 3J36 cases

These figures on marriage and divorceIn the District of Columbia have beencompiled in the completed statistics OH

marriage and divorce Just issued brDirector North

Divorce in the District of Columbiahas been steadily increasing since ttpthe increase gouts far above the ratioof increase In population and the

in the number of marriages InContinued on Page Thirteen


W Beaudette twentyoneyears old and employed in the silkmills at Alexandria who was shot byLawrence W Peters at the residence ofWilliam McGowan 7J2 South Leestreet Alexandria in a lit of Jealousywas this morning removed to theAlexandria Hospital where the bulletwhich lodged over her left eye willb removed

Peters pressed the revolver againsther left temple while she was dazedby the blow which he had dealt withhis Hat but Miss Beaudette saved

by pushing the revolver to oneside just as he pulled the triggerPeters then held the weapon to hisright temple pulled the trigger anddied almost instantly

Peters body was removed after thetragedy to the undertaking establish-ment of William Domain King andAlfred streets Alexandria His par-ents who live at Prev4ence R Iwere notified Coroner Moore statedthis morning that k did not thinkan in nt nnf asssryease of sulelj







was a dear




au it








time during the night and thrownover to Track

7 edock MIen tile body wasdiscovered although It had probablybeen lying on the tracks moat oC taenight The ensjneei of an mcontfngtram on track S noticed the aheadskewed up and

nd earned it te the staOen TIle farosku crushed In both feet

were eat e and otherwise the bodywas badly mangled

At M and X streets where the bodywas picked up the yards are elevatedand dMficult for a person not a rail-road man to Ne report wasturned tn during the night ofbitting a mart the yards According-ly It is Jurmi3ed that the man fellfrom some train and was then struckbefore he could get out of the yards

ttaea me

II eDgIn

ea aS-

It was

termplclrei uilt Lady

and were



Reference to South inSpeeJi Subject of



Hitchcock will arrive m Augusta Tues-day morning according to a letterPresidentelect Taft received from binthis morning

Mr Taft win consult with Hitchcockon certain proposed passages affectingthe South in his inaugural address andfirst message to Congress Hitchcockte thoroughly familiar with affairs Inthe South having gained this knowledgewhile be was In the Postoffice Depart-Dent and while be was managing theTaft preconvention campaign-

At the dinner to the Presidentelect last night by Henry C Maxwellthere were fifteen guests including tenof the most prominent Republicans inGeorgia and five well known DemocratsAlthough it had ben said that nespeeches would be made everyone of theguests including the Democrats tookoccasion to talk Alt of them dwelt onthe progress Mr Taft Is making tospread Republicanism in the South

Emery Wlnahip one of the lendingDomocrate of Macon Ga was es-pecially emphatic in his commendationof the work Mr Taft has done tothe South a power in national politicsby so strengthening the Republicanpart in this section as to deprive theDew crats of having things all theirown way He characterised pres-ent era as a crt In the South whichthe Presidentelect has created andwhich only he can carry to successfulissue

In replying to all the speeches MrTaft said he appreciated the inrhioh his efforts had been receivedHe explained that ft Is hard for aPrealdentelect to the proper per-spective of such things bemuse altpersons as a resnU of their loyalty totheir government and the temporaryhead of It are apt to be compli-mentary and thus charitably forbearfrom eiticism

Mr Taft has begun work on his inau-gural address The actual writing ofthe document has not yet been startedasseiVjiing data be It well mappedout It to interesting to know that hinaugural address will te all probablutvhave a strorg passage on the necessityfor the expedition of the administrationof the law in all the courts of the landso as to give prompt decisions In allcivil suits He will also recommend itte the iKht prompter Administration ofcriminal law so as to prevent excessiveptricds of imprisonment preceding trial

The spent a quietBe dM not cjo to church mornleg but spent the forenoon resting in

his cottage Tomorrow he receivea delegation from Atlanta will askto that city








but cowuJatJoa with others and InIhas


bins set rr dB



to a deNldo datae y1Mt







Changed System of Measur-ing Asphalt Held Responsi-

ble for Public Loss


Former Commissiooer Had Bc nInvestigating foc Months Get-

ting Full Data J

The government of the Dlsof Columbia in the light ofments to this hour faces one oibiggest sensations in its bistr r-

Involved is the BrennanCompany holders f

contract for asphalt paving ni isum of nearlyhave been overpaid this cmpJthrough a peculiar system of osrjl

which the recoisathe District Commissioner j

claimed show never hui tsanction of that body

HUGE SCANDAL LIIELYSo sensational is every ikM t

the transaction now being hveSgated by the Bpard of ComniiIers that its ramifications re Jteventually in the exposure tscandal that will shake the four Jtions of practically every branch t-

ttie District government and trrwin startle the city as a whole cvimore than did the investigations ayear ago in which the Brernrtucompany charged the improveletting of asphalt contracts

Tha the affair which Is theject of 1ivBstliaHou by ttoa Cum

due to t recent dep cf frs-

xhtftfoaec Morrow has haltaet doa te charge for five mThe a a body hav j

takes up work and the rtsut fthat probe has been plated hi the Landsof the Corporation Counsel for acts

It te known that this investigation hshown

measuring asphalt has been that kruas measured cart at the plant 1

District paying for the asphalt by Ihcubic foot

That in lint Brssaan objected to tplea of measurement on tb ground ththe newly disturbed asphalt at the pmeasured more than it should and ti ahe should have an extra allowancethe shrinkage by the Om k racael nstreet

That thrcugh A W Dow then m petor of asphalts aa order was Issued tthe plant inspectors directing that thrmkage Ofilchds of the Districtersanent are reticent as to the cxa

Recently Off

at which time thestarted

It U further stated that there i

ers of the DIstrict of a y action authorbiD this h er sd paraent toBrennan companyAn official who has had posse lo

of the papers hi the case estimates thoverpayment to the Brendan companyat from J3B I to

te also known that the CV mmMasters after completing the workgun by Major Morrow asCommissioner held a isjfrttem on Frday last and agreed to refer the entirmatter to the Corporation Counsel and

CoountesioBters were agreedthat sufficient grenade had been

OM MeAMHcMotts Rusted

as the Bresjnaa gypsyunderbid by large figure all oth rcompetitor loc street repair work It i

now problematical says an officialwhether the company as a financiiproposition can consistently continito carry its contract with th city

The alleged overpayment te sail t

and not m surface work propernew aseasoremesit system said t

a half before the expiration of the MBeeman contract which ended in July067 It was suddenly terminatedthe tavestlgsitkMi hetBUt followingdiscovery or an overpayment to the Braanasi camps ay

courts 0 t f CaseMajor Jay J Morrow former Engineer

Commtasfoaer who ha been conduct-ing the Investigation for the past ivmonths emphatically declined to

today on the naB text of the inT tbjatiea on the ground that he hadturned over the papers to hte

that it wouldfer htm to liter HBJI or

Aa tomttta sfcfaffaht t the entiretter is the sensational htvestijaiion

tru ion




at this tinton


Corn 1IeftI

That tor twenty years the


allow Brennan a oertais per or tt

per hut k Is said to lOfr sad Z tel centAllowance Cat

It understood tint the RrrBaa has received this anJUICe until within tilet few month


record in the office or the CommJlSinn


that thefonT

begin the Ntn-pany

That tileto ton the Brenaaa cow an y-

om retain to the old methedat the plans and without

also becoMe mwI-n t elk



have booeD OR street repair work

have been pat Into effect 7Is at the ofeffective about a 11







too 000 all

mea urement


wdBef re Csmssioeers

siotresd becemea 1






cent have beentweea

is nowesaipany x



iiS S-



proceedings against

Casadrefsners have also re-solved

of measure-ment allow-ance has



claimed suggestion Itrcn-naL becaute year


successaiot in-

delicate aethe mina





< >




