i flat 1 totts pills hart healthf makernyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht727br9j/data/0703.pdf · namo given by...

J 1 1ru L i I r 1 LEood Health f hf e I eI1ildren 1 a rI Children especially are fond of dainties and the housekeeper must lookcarefully to their food As good cake can be made only with healthf ¬ t tul f as well as dainty must be raised with a powderRoyal in the preparation of the highest quality 4of food It imparts that peculiar light ¬ ness sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cake biscuit doughnuts crusts etc andwhat is more important renders the food wholesome and agreeable to young andold ROYAL DAKINQ POWDER CO NEW YORK r LOCAL UN 8 I For Dr Pendloy ring 410 HldH for tlio now llro station at I0th and Jones Htroflt t must be in by Saturday Mr KrnoHt Hill hu withdrawn lilt resignation an oxtra police ofllcor aim will remain on tliu forco Mil A n Wiufroo has received information of I tbo death cf hU aunt Mrs J B Stlllvrcll at her bomo in Unffftlo K Y A mooting of the oommltteo ap 110ln tciltQ t 1oUl1 houirAttarwot curing subscriptions for tbo proposal h ICulRhti of Pjtbln homo will bo belli this owning OAURIAGK PAINTING Sexton Sign Woikt makes n special- ty of csrrlaB painting the work bo t ing donu by tint class workmen only Bomb phonos 401 Sixteenth and Mad- ison Simon iiakor colored an cm plojo at tho cool yartlH at Second and Ohio itrcotNbad his right arm broken and won otherwise lujnrcd by being 9struck by tho steam shovel yesterday afternoon Mr Robert Jix who Will con ¬ nodded with Tlio Evening Lodger as circulation manner I is now employed In tho circulation dcpnrtmtnt of tho Sun Mr LAX wilt call on Lodger snbsciilrH to collect tho Kubtcription recounts anlll is Authorized to IMUO roo Ncofpts for tho lama Another church thief has bobbed up in Pnducab Mr M II Nub lost r 1 his fine overcoat at Grace church by lo ving it on n bench during service A itrangcr poked it np nod left n ragged ono in its place and tho police have teen nnublo to find n traco of 7 either the thief or the coat Expert Swimmers All Gormnn soldiers mint learn to swim Homo of thorn are BO expert that with tholr clothing on their heads nnd currying guns and nmmunl ¬ tion they can swim streams several a thundred yards wide f i A Pint Bottle of Household Amonia and a Sponge 1 1as Big for as 20c Your Head df- a Other house cleaning RtllllIlcb as moth balls bug polron furni ¬ ture polish household paints nod vanishes disinfectants etc t Dont Pass Up the Amonia t re and Sponge Bargain Telephone 175 e teMtNCOOT r I 1 DRUGGISTS fifth and Broadway i Theatrical Notes Tho Seward show had a good crowd and gave a ntllifaotory performance nt tho Kentucky last night and will be hero all tho week Tho advance sale indicates another large crowd this evening Jack Doyle who played ono of the villlani in Lost River hero recent ¬ ly narrowly escaped death at Louis ville Sunday night Thorn is used In tho play A horse which dashes out and I is stopped by a toll gate The horse dashed out as per program but swerved falllufc pattUll diet tHo footlights and scattering tho orches ¬ trans well as almost creating n Btnm pedo in the audience Although the anitunl fell on top of the actor the litter escaped lorirut Injury The Klght Bells company which was hero recently nas decided that the pig it carries is n hoodoo and tried to abandon it at Louisville Tbo pig is Ufod in the last act and ever slnco they got it business nas con ¬ tinned falling off so somo of tho supeisUtions members carried it away and l left it in tho street but a police man found it wandering around and took it back to tlio theater and at last accounts it was still with tho con parryDldi will bo received on window shades for Iho Carnegie Publio Li ¬ brary ni follows 17 shade 3 ft 1 in by 4 ft Gin 1 shade 3 ft 7 In by 4 ft Gin 0 shades 3 3 ft 11 in by 4ft 6 in II shades 3ft 11 in by 8 ft 3 slmdoi 3ft by 4 1 ft Samo to ba made of haul raado oil opaque ant mounted on Hartshorn rollers anti hung on windows Sample of cloth to bo submitted with bid All bids to bo In by Aptil ICtb MRS L 5t RIEKB MRS A R MEYERS GEO O WALLACE MRS A R MEYERS Sea NUTIOE Property owners along Third Fourth and Fifth streets and Broad ¬ way between Fifth and Sixth where tho now brick streets are to bo laid who dctiro connection with tbo steam heating plant will bo tumble to havo It unless tho icrvlco connection Is mado at onco Estimates on tho work can bo had on Application PADUCAII HBATING OO The Game of Love It always takes two to play the game of love she said Ob1 I dont know ho replied The brisk business which Is being lone In tho divorce courts seems to Indi ¬ cate that It Is common to havo three or four hands dealt around MEMBERS UUN OLUB NOTIOE Thorn will bo an Important meeting of the Paducah Gun olub nt my office Wednesday afternoon At 330 Import ¬ ant Please attend Respectfully W B KENNEDY Secretary Wanamakerc Insurance John Wonamalior of Philadelphia IB believed to carry moro Insurance than any btbcr man file policies amo vUng to more than J2GOO000 n I Social Notts and L About I People MARRIED IN TENNESSEE bliss Duena McOnllon of Wallers ville Tenn near Memphis and Mr John Doylo a conductor of the N 0 St L road woro married nt tho bridoH homo last Tuesday They will rcsidu in in Lexington Tone DELPHIO CLUB Tho Delphio club met this morning with Mrs John G Miller at her hcnio at Ninth and Clark streets Mr R S Bontty of Nashville is at the Palmer house Mr O W Smith of Saltlllo Tenn is at tho Palmer Attorney S II Orostdand of Mayf- ield is In tho Jlty today Mr Sam Solomon of Evansville I is in the city Mr N U Utloy of Lyon county is at the Palmer today Mr Percy Kolloy and wlfn left to ¬ lay for Pueblo Colorado to reside SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST A YOUNG MAN IN MAYFIELD Marihal Charles McNntt of Mayf- ield arrived at noon to act as A wit ness in tho Willis Mount murder ease Just before leaving Mavflold Marshal MoNutt received A telegram and war ¬ rant from Bardwoll instructing him to arrest Walter Kills of that city for grand larceny Tho young man had been working for Turk Oo in that city and was well connected and A prominent young man Ho had prominent rein ¬ tives in Mayflold and was attested af ¬ tor getting off the train tbero today at noon NIPPED IN BUD SENATE SITS DOWN ON A DEM ¬ OCRATIC CAMPAIGN SCHEME Washington April 12By n dis ¬ trlct party vote of 40 to 19 the senate today laid on tho table tho Gormnu nraoridraenttQ tlioyoAtotllciv appropri ¬ ation bill providing for n joint eon grcisional committee of eight mom ¬ hors to investigate tho postolflco do partmont Miss Hortouse Fortes of St Louis is viiiting Mr and Mrs Rabb Noble at Anncfleld ARMY TRIALS AN INFANTRYMANS LONG SIEGEI This soldier talc of food is inter ¬ eating Daring his term of service in the 17th Infantry in Cuba And Philip pines an Ohio soldier boy contracted a disease of the stomach and bowels which all army doctors who treated him ptouonuood incurable but which Grope Nuts food alone cured In October 1899 when my enlist ¬ ment expired I was discharged fromI the Army at Oalulue Philippines and returned to tho States on tho firstI avallbloltcamer that leftMiuiIn WhllnI 1 got homo I was a total wroct phjsl Billy and my doctors put mo to ball saying ho considered mo tho worst btoken down man of my ago ho overI taw dud after treating mo six months ho considered niy care beyond medical lid During tho fall emi winter of 1UOO and Cl 1 I was admitted to I ho Bar ¬ nes Hospital in Washington DO- for treatment for chronic inflamma llou of tho stomach and bowels but attar 5 mouths returned home us bad us over I continued taking medicine until February 1103 when rending a news ¬ paper ono day I road about Grape Nuts and was so impressed I sent out for a package tight away Tho result is quickly told for I have used Grape Nuts continually over since with tho boat rauclis my health is so I can do A fair days hard work stomach and bowels are in good condition have gained 40 pounds in weight nndl feel like a now man al ¬ together 1 owe my present good health to Grape Nuts beyond all tionbt for medical science was exhausted Namo given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich lied ho consulted any one of several thousand physicians wo know of they would havo prescribed Grape Nuts immediately Look in each package for tho famous little book Tho Road to Wellvillo I r A tACT ABOUT THE BLUES Bluesi9 Jog external conditions but in th c great majority of cascg oy a dIsorder- ed LIVER THIS IS A FACT- S which may be dcmonstra ted by trying a course 01I Totts Pills They control and regulate the LIVER They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind They bring health and elastic Ity to tho body TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE REPORTED DEAD RELATIVES OF MAOK GARRE- IIEAR BAD NEWS AND ARE INVESTIGATING Relatives in Paducah today heard had news in regard to Mr Mack Gar rett a well known painter who went to Texas EOIIIO time ago to work A painter from St Louis who arrived hero to work stated that ho was told tboro by n painter from Texas who was well acquainted with Mack Gar rett that tho latter foil from a bridg- which ho was painting about three mouths ego at Beaumont Texas and was killed While relatives hero do not under- stand ¬ why they should not have been notified in case of such an ocourcnco they have not heard from him for some time nnd upon hearing tbo report to- day ¬ promptly telegraphed to Beau inont to get the facts but have not yet received an answer Mack Garrett it well known in Pa ducah lie is a nephew of Mrs Joo Petter wife of the jewoler and has a sister working at Mrs Glrardeys and is also related to Mr Alex Me Connoll tho artist and to many other people hero y 500 DAMAGES ASKED BY A KURAJ CARRIER ON AgCOUNlkOF AN Yw AUTOlUoiUtE I J John B Clark carrier of rural route No2 Cody filed a suit in cir ¬ suit court Against Dr Frank Boyd for 500 damages for injuries sus ¬ tained by being thrown out of his wagon on tho afternoon of March 12 Clark was driving out Broadway when Lr Boyd camo spinning down the road in his automobile Clarks borco became frightened and throw tbo driver out injuring him Ho asks for J500 damage claiming the noel ¬ dent was duo to the defendant failing to stop and take tho necessary precau ¬ tion to prevent a runaway TO BE LAUNCHED NO SAND DIGGER SECURED AND DELAY IS EXPEOTED Mr Tom Murray has a force of men at work launching the sand digger which was grounded on the Illinois horo opposite Padncah i a few days ago aud hopes to havo it in working order in a few days WAS HE A DOCTOR Goed Samaritan Wasp Helped His Un- fortunate Drother A story of how ono wasp carod for another that had been injured Is told II y a gentleman who while reading tho newspaper felt bothered by the buzzing of a wasp about his head and knocked it love It fell through the pen window and lay on the sill as If dead A tow seconds afterwords to lits great surprise a largo wasp flew 10 tho windowsill and after buzzing round his wounded brother for a tow minutes began to feel him all over The injured wasp seemed to revive ardor this treatment and his friend then dragged him gently to tho edge grasped him round tho body and flow away with him U was plain that the ctracgor finding a wounded comrade Gavo him aid as well as ho could and thou horn him away home Vk arles of Our Language Tho Into Dr Tanner when in par lament onco moved the houso of com mons to uproarious laughter by his uncertainty with regard to the word schcduo First ho mado the ch hard iu tho American manner and when that was received with a laugh bo paused and floundered over It like a startled schoolboy As ho plunged from ono pronunciation to another the house rhoutod with merriment AJJ a matter of fort t tho best English dlo Uonfirlfi slvo n hobo between sod ulc II Itodulo and shdulo Miss Hmo Morgan will leave Wrfi nesday for St Louts to visit her sis- ter ¬ Mrs R L Kconcyr a L I TIPS I WANTED Position experienced stenographer Address care Sun FOR BENT Two apartments Sans Souol Flat Apply W E Cochran 405 Broadway Whlttemoro Real Estate Free Price List Insurance Notary Pub lio Fraternity Buildings Phones 835 Ladies attention I want you to try dry cleaning process tho best method yet for cleaning clothes II M Dalton 208 Broadway Our Free Premium Coupon Plan will double your orders for anything yon aro selling agents merchants mail order houses send today stamp prepayT free premium outfit National Photo ¬ gravure Co 324 P L Dearborn street Chicago 111 VARIABLE ROUTES TO FLORIDA In addition to the numerous faoili tics provided for tho comfort and pleasure of Florida travelers the Southern Railway and Queen Ores ¬ cent Route havo this year added a now and unusually attractive feature in touristo ticket by means of which at a slight additional expense tbo going trip may- be mado via Chattanooga Atlanta and Macon and tho return trip via Savan ¬ nah Columbia Asheville Hot Springs and Knoxvillo or vico versa includ ¬ ing stop off if dosiroa at all of thee and other points so that a passenger may visit Lookout Mountain the beautiful Sapphire Country the Land of tho SkJanll thP principle commercial centers and tourist resorts en route Tho Chicago and Flpnaa Special a superb train composed of through Pullman Drawing Room sleepers composite car and dining car leaves Cincinnati overy evening except Sun day via the Queen Crescent Ronto A handsome observation sleeper leav ¬ ing Louisville t 725 p tn is attach ¬ ed to the Special at Lexington and this train then runs through solid via Southern railway from Chattanooga to Toktonvlllo and St Augustine are riving at 030 p m and 1035 p m respectively tho next evening making connection at Jackconvillo for interior Florida points Tho Florida Limited leaves Ole cinnoti every morning the year around via tbo Queen Orescent Route can ¬ eating at Lexlncton with the Southern railway trains from Louisville This train also runs through solid to Jack ¬ sonville and St Augustine via South orn Railway from Chattanooga carry ¬ leg sleeping cars observation and din ¬ lug car arriving at 045 a m and 1116 a m respectively Time Q O Special leaving Cincinnati every evening carries Pall man sleeper through to Jacksonville via Southern railway from Harriman Jot through Asheville the Laud of tho Sky and Savannah This train also connects at Lexington with train from Lonisrillo There is of course corresponding ¬ ly fine service via each of these routes on the return trip Either of the foll- owing booklets will ba sent on receipt of two cent stamp II Laud of the Sky Winter Homes containing hotel list Hunting and Fishing in the South containing game laws Cuba folder eto Complete information ns to rates schedules etc will be gladly fur ¬ nished on appHcavion to 0 H Hung orford D P A Southern railway 234 Fourth Avenue Louisville Ky Mrs A E Upper returned this morning from visiting In Memphis 2 If You Are- Suffering With catarrh of i the head stomach or bladder and desire an absolute aud peimaucnt cute Muceotone Will accomplish it If it fails the trial has not cost you one cent as McPhersons drug store will cheerfully refund your money u ITSNICE2BECLEAN I Dont It Hart Has the Stuff To Maker IIOUSE CLEANING EASY q Brooms Sweepers Dusters Window Cleaners Mops Mop Wringers Scrubi i Brushes Stove Polishing Brushes So lorial U S Metal Polish Barkeepers Friend Furniture Polish Liquid Veneer Stove Polish Grate Enamel Wood Pails Non Rust Tin Pails Granite Pails Nice Low Prices CEO1HART SONS CO 11 r 81 MAKES WOMEN BEAUTIFUL IN JO DAYS USE SATINOUrA SATIXOLA Is b new discovery that restores she beauty of youth to a faded wrinkled or sallow complexion Re ¬ moves the worst cases Freckles Liver spots Pimples Discolorations or Erup lions in 10 to 20 days motley refunded If it fails Thousands of grateful ladies testify to the merits Qf Saltnola Trice soc at all druggies or by Mrs Wilkersou writes mall WOODIJURN Kr lau 819 ot National Toilet CJ Palis Tenn Gentlemen I have tried almost every kind of cream for the complexion but have never found nuythiog that comes up to ATINOLA It is the finest preparation to clear the complexion I have ever seen and indeed does every- thing you clnlm I feel like now after using it that I cannot do without it anti cannot say enough iu its praise Very respectfullyMRS F M WIIKERSON NATIONAL TOILET CO ParisTena For sale by all leading dealers PLAIN GOOD JUDGMENTIs popu- larity ¬ and Ieadrship of f The Orient The Rambler The MonarchBicycles ALL BEAUTIES They arc the wheels that stand up Come in and see the new models they will interest you Easy payments Bicycles 1350up Full line of Tires Pumps Sun ¬ dries et- cWilliams Bicycle Co Cor Jefferson Bud N Fifth Sis One block jjorth of postofnce IPI Is Oriental the best c insecticide l = dhI I sure DuBois death PRICE to moths KOLB 30c a THEKENTUCKY KuipauUAS EEHOLI8H ONE SOLID WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY APR 11 TH- ESEWARD SHOW HEADED BY w FRED AND MINNIE SEWARD y Presenting All New Plays Specialties Between Acts 10 20 AND 30 CENTS OPENING PLAY Down in Illinois C MoollayPeCI3 1 30 cent ticket purchased before 5 p in Nonday yf Seats on Safe Saturday 10 am ASHEVILLE NIC Center of the Beauti ful LAND OF THE SKY A superb elevated plateau the lowest point of which is two thou- sand ¬ feet above the level of the sea Situated in the most favorable por ¬ tion of the temperate zone The official government records of the climate of Western North Carolina which are unimpeach ¬ able tvidcnce give the following averages Spring 5349 f Sum ¬ mer 7072 lf Autumn 5548 If Winter 38 87 F With a mean for the whole year ot 54 15 Fi andr a mean relative humidity of but 65 per cent A Natural Paradise where all human ills find quick relict Reached only by the SOUTH ERN RAILWAY For Laud ot the Sky booklet Summer Resort folder etc send two ct nt stamp to MR GKOt B ALLEN Assitant General Passenger Agent St Louis Mo C H HUNOKRFCRD District Passenger Agent Louis ¬ Aide Ky DR CHiLDRESS EYE EAP NOSE AND THROAT Office and Resiliencerbone I Columbia UlJy I 1041 ROIl BRINTON B DAVIS F A LA t ARCHITECT 32Office f Building Paducah Ky First Woman Photographed Miss Draper tbo first woman who over was photographed died recently- at Hastings Now York iu her ninety I I fifth year- n 3 l i

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Post on 16-Feb-2018




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Page 1: I Flat 1 Totts Pills Hart healthf Makernyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht727br9j/data/0703.pdf · Namo given by Postum Co Battle ... ted by trying a course 01I Totts Pills ... the road in his

J1 1ru L

i Ir

1 LEood Healthfhfe




rI Children especially are fond of daintiesand the housekeeper must lookcarefullyto their food

As good cake can be made only withhealthf ¬ttulf as well as dainty must be raised with

a powderRoyalin the preparation of the highest quality

4of food It imparts that peculiar light¬

ness sweetness and flavor noticed in thefinest cake biscuit doughnuts crusts etcandwhat is more important renders thefood wholesome and agreeable to youngandold



For Dr Pendloy ring 410

HldH for tlio now llro station atI0th and Jones Htrofltt must be in by

SaturdayMr KrnoHt Hill hu withdrawn

lilt resignation an oxtra police ofllcor

aim will remain on tliu forco

Mil A n Wiufroo has received

information of Itbo death cf hU auntMrs J B Stlllvrcll at her bomo inUnffftlo K Y

A mooting of the oommltteo ap

110ln tciltQ t 1oUl1 houirAttarwot

curing subscriptions for tbo proposal

h ICulRhti of Pjtbln homo will bo belli


Sexton Sign Woikt makes n special-ty of csrrlaB painting the work bo

t ing donu by tint class workmen onlyBomb phonos 401 Sixteenth and Mad-ison

Simon iiakor colored an cmplojo at tho cool yartlH at Second andOhio itrcotNbad his right arm brokenand won otherwise lujnrcd by being

9struck by tho steam shovel yesterdayafternoon

Mr Robert Jix who Will con ¬

nodded with Tlio Evening Lodger ascirculation manner Iis now employedIn tho circulation dcpnrtmtnt of thoSun Mr LAX wilt call on LodgersnbsciilrH to collect tho Kubtcriptionrecounts anlllis Authorized to IMUO roo

Ncofpts for tho lamaAnother church thief has bobbed

up in Pnducab Mr M II Nub lost

r 1 his fine overcoat at Grace church by

lo ving it on n bench during serviceA itrangcr poked it np nod left nragged ono in its place and tho policehave teen nnublo to find n traco of

7 either the thief or the coat

Expert SwimmersAll Gormnn soldiers mint learn to

swim Homo of thorn are BO expertthat with tholr clothing on theirheads nnd currying guns and nmmunl ¬

tion they can swim streams several

a thundred yards wide

fiA Pint Bottle of Household

Amonia and a Sponge

11as Big



Your Head



Other house cleaning RtllllIlcbas moth balls bug polron furni ¬

ture polish household paints nodvanishes disinfectants etct

Dont Pass Up the Amoniat re and Sponge Bargain

Telephone 175eteMtNCOOT

r I1 DRUGGISTS fifth and Broadway


Theatrical Notes

Tho Seward show had a good crowdand gave a ntllifaotory performancent tho Kentucky last night and willbe hero all tho week Tho advancesale indicates another large crowdthis evening

Jack Doyle who played ono of thevilllani in Lost River hero recent ¬

ly narrowly escaped death at Louisville Sunday night Thorn is used Intho play A horse which dashes outand Iis stopped by a toll gate Thehorse dashed out as per program butswerved falllufc pattUll diet tHofootlights and scattering tho orches ¬

trans well as almost creating n Btnmpedo in the audience Although theanitunl fell on top of the actor thelitter escaped lorirut Injury

The Klght Bells company whichwas hero recently nas decided thatthe pig it carries is n hoodoo andtried to abandon it at Louisville Tbopig is Ufod in the last act and everslnco they got it business nas con ¬

tinned falling off so somo of thosupeisUtions members carried it awayandl left it in tho street but a policeman found it wandering around andtook it back to tlio theater and at lastaccounts it was still with tho con


will bo received on windowshades for Iho Carnegie Publio Li ¬

brary ni follows17 shade 3 ft 1 in by 4 ft Gin1 shade 3 ft 7 In by 4 ft Gin0 shades 33 ft 11 in by 4ft 6 in

II shades 3ft 11 in by 8 ft3 slmdoi 3ft by 41 ftSamo to ba made of haul raado oil

opaque ant mounted on Hartshornrollers anti hung on windows Sampleof cloth to bo submitted with bid Allbids to bo In by Aptil ICtb




Property owners along ThirdFourth and Fifth streets and Broad ¬

way between Fifth and Sixth wheretho now brick streets are to bo laidwho dctiro connection with tbo steamheating plant will bo tumble to havo Itunless tho icrvlco connection Is madoat onco Estimates on tho work can bo

had on ApplicationPADUCAII HBATING OO

The Game of LoveIt always takes two to play the

game of love she saidOb1I dont know ho replied The

brisk business which Is being loneIn tho divorce courts seems to Indi ¬

cate that It Is common to havo threeor four hands dealt around


Thorn will bo an Important meeting

of the Paducah Gun olub nt my office

Wednesday afternoon At 330 Import ¬

ant Please attend RespectfullyW B KENNEDY Secretary

Wanamakerc InsuranceJohn Wonamalior of Philadelphia

IB believed to carry moro Insurancethan any btbcr man file policiesamo vUng to more than J2GOO000


I Social Notts andL About



MARRIED IN TENNESSEEbliss Duena McOnllon of Wallers

ville Tenn near Memphis and MrJohn Doylo a conductor of the N0 St L road woro married nttho bridoH homo last Tuesday Theywill rcsidu in in Lexington Tone


Tho Delphio club met this morningwith Mrs John G Miller at herhcnio at Ninth and Clark streets

Mr R S Bontty of Nashville isat the Palmer house

Mr O W Smith of SaltllloTenn is at tho Palmer

Attorney S II Orostdand of Mayf-

ield is In tho Jlty today

Mr Sam Solomon of Evansville Iisin the city

Mr N U Utloy of Lyon countyis at the Palmer today

Mr Percy Kolloy and wlfn left to ¬

lay for Pueblo Colorado to reside



Marihal Charles McNntt of Mayf-

ield arrived at noon to act as A witness in tho Willis Mount murder easeJust before leaving Mavflold MarshalMoNutt received A telegram and war ¬

rant from Bardwoll instructing him toarrest Walter Kills of that city forgrand larceny

Tho young man had been workingfor Turk Oo in that city and waswell connected and A prominentyoung man Ho had prominent rein ¬

tives in Mayflold and was attested af¬

tor getting off the train tbero today atnoon




Washington April 12By n dis¬

trlct party vote of 40 to 19 the senatetoday laid on tho table tho GormnunraoridraenttQ tlioyoAtotllciv appropri ¬

ation bill providing for n joint eongrcisional committee of eight mom ¬

hors to investigate tho postolflco do


Miss Hortouse Fortes of St Louisis viiiting Mr and Mrs Rabb Nobleat Anncfleld



SIEGEIThis soldier talc of food is inter ¬

eatingDaring his term of service in the

17th Infantry in Cuba And Philippines an Ohio soldier boy contracteda disease of the stomach and bowelswhich all army doctors who treatedhim ptouonuood incurable but whichGrope Nuts food alone cured

In October 1899 when my enlist ¬

ment expired I was discharged fromIthe Army at Oalulue Philippines andreturned to tho States on tho firstIavallbloltcamer that leftMiuiIn WhllnI1 got homo I was a total wroct phjslBilly and my doctors put mo to ball

saying ho considered mo tho worstbtoken down man of my ago ho overItaw dud after treating mo six monthsho considered niy care beyond medical

lidDuring tho fall emi winter of 1UOO

and Cl1 I was admitted to Iho Bar¬

nes Hospital in Washington DO-for treatment for chronic inflammallou of tho stomach and bowels butattar 5 mouths returned home us bad

us overI continued taking medicine until

February 1103 when rending a news ¬

paper ono day I road about GrapeNuts and was so impressed I sent outfor a package tight away

Tho result is quickly told for I

have used Grape Nuts continuallyover since with tho boat rauclis my

health is so I can do A fair days hard

work stomach and bowels are in good

condition have gained 40 pounds inweight nndl feel like a now man al ¬

together1 owe my present good health to

Grape Nuts beyond all tionbt formedical science was exhausted

Namo given by Postum Co BattleCreek Mich

lied ho consulted any one of severalthousand physicians wo know of theywould havo prescribed Grape Nutsimmediately

Look in each package for tho famouslittle book Tho Road to Wellvillo I



Bluesi9Jog external conditions but in th cgreat majority of cascg oy a dIsorder-ed LIVER

THIS IS A FACT-S which may be dcmonstra

ted by trying a course 01I

Totts PillsThey control and regulate the LIVERThey bring hope and bouyancy to themind They bring health and elasticIty to tho body





Relatives in Paducah today heardhad news in regard to Mr Mack Garrett a well known painter who wentto Texas EOIIIO time ago to work Apainter from St Louis who arrivedhero to work stated that ho was toldtboro by n painter from Texas whowas well acquainted with Mack Garrett that tho latter foil from a bridg-which ho was painting about threemouths ego at Beaumont Texas andwas killed

While relatives hero do not under-stand


why they should not have beennotified in case of such an ocourcncothey have not heard from him for sometime nnd upon hearing tbo report to-


promptly telegraphed to Beauinont to get the facts but have not yetreceived an answer

Mack Garrett it well known in Paducah lie is a nephew of Mrs JooPetter wife of the jewoler and has asister working at Mrs Glrardeysand is also related to Mr Alex MeConnoll tho artist and to many otherpeople hero y




I JJohn B Clark carrier of rural

route No2 Cody filed a suit in cir ¬

suit court Against Dr Frank Boydfor 500 damages for injuries sus ¬

tained by being thrown out of hiswagon on tho afternoon of March 12

Clark was driving out Broadwaywhen Lr Boyd camo spinning downthe road in his automobile Clarksborco became frightened and throwtbo driver out injuring him Ho asksfor J500 damage claiming the noel ¬

dent was duo to the defendant failingto stop and take tho necessary precau ¬

tion to prevent a runaway



Mr Tom Murray has a force of menat work launching the sand diggerwhich was grounded on the Illinoishoro opposite Padncah ia few daysago aud hopes to havo it in workingorder in a few days


Goed Samaritan Wasp Helped His Un-fortunate Drother

A story of how ono wasp carod foranother that had been injured Is toldIIy a gentleman who while readingtho newspaper felt bothered by thebuzzing of a wasp about his head andknocked it love It fell through thepen window and lay on the sill as If

dead A tow seconds afterwords to

lits great surprise a largo wasp flew10 tho windowsill and after buzzinground his wounded brother for a towminutes began to feel him all overThe injured wasp seemed to reviveardor this treatment and his friendthen dragged him gently to tho edgegrasped him round tho body and flowaway with him U was plain that thectracgor finding a wounded comradeGavo him aid as well as ho could andthou horn him away home

Vk arles of Our LanguageTho Into Dr Tanner when in par

lament onco moved the houso of commons to uproarious laughter by hisuncertainty with regard to the wordschcduo First ho mado the ch

hard iu tho American manner andwhen that was received with a laughbo paused and floundered over It likea startled schoolboy As ho plungedfrom ono pronunciation to another thehouse rhoutod with merriment AJJ amatter of fortt tho best English dloUonfirlfi slvo n hobo between sodulc II Itodulo and shdulo

Miss Hmo Morgan will leave Wrfi

nesday for St Louts to visit her sis-


Mrs R L Kconcyr



WANTED Position experiencedstenographer Address care Sun

FOR BENT Two apartments SansSouol Flat Apply W E Cochran405 Broadway

Whlttemoro Real Estate FreePrice List Insurance Notary Publio Fraternity Buildings Phones835

Ladies attention I want youto try dry cleaning process tho bestmethod yet for cleaning clothes IIM Dalton 208 Broadway

Our Free Premium Coupon Planwill double your orders for anythingyon aro selling agents merchantsmail order houses send today stampprepayTfree premium outfit National Photo ¬

gravure Co 324 P L Dearbornstreet Chicago 111


In addition to the numerous faoilitics provided for tho comfort andpleasure of Florida travelers theSouthern Railway and Queen Ores ¬

cent Route havo this year added a nowand unusually attractive feature intouristoticket by means of which at a slightadditional expense tbo going trip may-

be mado via Chattanooga Atlanta andMacon and tho return trip via Savan ¬

nah Columbia Asheville Hot Springsand Knoxvillo or vico versa includ ¬

ing stop off if dosiroa at all of theeand other points so that a passengermay visit Lookout Mountain thebeautiful Sapphire Country the

Land of tho SkJanll thP principlecommercial centers and tourist resortsen route

Tho Chicago and Flpnaa Speciala superb train composed of throughPullman Drawing Room sleeperscomposite car and dining car leavesCincinnati overy evening except Sunday via the Queen Crescent RontoA handsome observation sleeper leav ¬

ing Louisville t 725 p tn is attach ¬

ed to the Special at Lexington andthis train then runs through solid viaSouthern railway from Chattanooga toToktonvlllo and St Augustine are

riving at 030 p m and 1035 p m

respectively tho next evening makingconnection at Jackconvillo for interiorFlorida points

Tho Florida Limited leaves Olecinnoti every morning the year aroundvia tbo Queen Orescent Route can ¬

eating at Lexlncton with the Southernrailway trains from Louisville Thistrain also runs through solid to Jack ¬

sonville and St Augustine via Southorn Railway from Chattanooga carry ¬

leg sleeping cars observation and din ¬

lug car arriving at 045 a m and1116 a m respectively

Time Q O Special leavingCincinnati every evening carries Pallman sleeper through to Jacksonvillevia Southern railway from HarrimanJot through Asheville the Laud oftho Sky and Savannah This trainalso connects at Lexington with trainfrom Lonisrillo

There is of course corresponding ¬

ly fine service via each of these routeson the return trip Either of the foll-

owing booklets will ba sent on receiptof two cent stamp II Laud of the Sky

Winter Homes containing hotel listHunting and Fishing in the South

containing game laws Cuba foldereto

Complete information ns to ratesschedules etc will be gladly fur ¬

nished on appHcavion to 0 H Hungorford D P A Southern railway234 Fourth Avenue Louisville Ky

Mrs A E Upper returned thismorning from visiting In Memphis 2

If You Are-

SufferingWith catarrh of i the headstomach or bladder and desirean absolute aud peimaucnt cute


Will accomplish it If it failsthe trial has not cost you onecent as McPhersons drug storewill cheerfully refund yourmoney



I Dont It

Hart Has the StuffTo Maker


Brooms Sweepers Dusters WindowCleaners Mops Mop Wringers Scrubii

Brushes Stove Polishing Brushes So

lorial U S Metal Polish BarkeepersFriend Furniture Polish Liquid VeneerStove Polish Grate Enamel Wood PailsNon Rust Tin Pails Granite Pails

Nice Low Prices


11 r 81




SATIXOLA Is b new discovery thatrestores she beauty of youth to a fadedwrinkled or sallow complexion Re ¬

moves the worst cases Freckles Liverspots Pimples Discolorations or Eruplions in 10 to 20 days motley refundedIf it fails Thousands of grateful ladiestestify to the merits Qf Saltnola Tricesoc at all druggies or by

Mrs Wilkersou writes mallWOODIJURN Kr lau 819 ot

National Toilet CJ Palis TennGentlemen I have tried almost every

kind of cream for the complexion buthave never found nuythiog that comesup to ATINOLA It is the finestpreparation to clear the complexion Ihave ever seen and indeed does every-thing you clnlm I feel like now afterusing it that I cannot do without itanti cannot say enough iu its praiseVery respectfullyMRS


NATIONAL TOILET CO ParisTenaFor sale by all leading dealers




and Ieadrship off

The OrientThe Rambler



They arc the wheels that standup Come in and see the newmodels they will interest youEasy payments

Bicycles 1350upFull line of Tires Pumps Sun ¬

dries et-

cWilliams Bicycle Co

Cor Jefferson Bud N Fifth Sis

One block jjorth of postofnce

IPI IsOriental

the best


l =




to moths







FRED AND MINNIE SEWARD yPresenting All New Plays

Specialties Between Acts


Down in IllinoisCMoollayPeCI31

30 cent ticket purchased before 5 p inNonday yf

Seats on Safe Saturday 10 am


Center of the Beautiful

LAND OF THE SKYA superb elevated plateau the

lowest point of which is two thou-sand


feet above the level of the seaSituated in the most favorable por ¬

tion of the temperate zoneThe official government records

of the climate of Western NorthCarolina which are unimpeach ¬

able tvidcnce give the followingaverages Spring 5349 f Sum ¬

mer 7072 lf Autumn 5548 IfWinter 38 87 F With a meanfor the whole year ot 54 15 Fi andra mean relative humidity of but 65per cent

A Natural Paradise where allhuman ills find quick relict

Reached only by the SOUTHERN RAILWAY

For Laud ot the Sky bookletSummer Resort folder etc send

two ct nt stamp toMR GKOt B ALLEN

Assitant General Passenger AgentSt Louis Mo

C H HUNOKRFCRDDistrict Passenger Agent Louis ¬

Aide Ky


Office and ResiliencerboneI

Columbia UlJy I1041 ROIl


32Officef Building Paducah Ky

First Woman PhotographedMiss Draper tbo first woman who

over was photographed died recently-at Hastings Now York iu her ninety

II fifth year-

n3 li